#my typo rate goes up 1000% in tags
i’m so tempted to make a second blog for writing/arting because this blog is primarily fandom stuff (and i guess also some rambles). the only thing is that i’m not sure i could keep up a blog like that so i don’t really know if i want to make one. i have blog names in mind but i also don’t want potentially professional stuff to be linked to my cringe 8 year old tumblr lol
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1) Fanfiction, fanart, and podfics are all welcome in this exchange!
To complete an assignment, you can submit either:
A finished fic or podfic with 1000 words minimum (no upper limit)
A finished illustration of at least 600 x 400 pixels (no upper limit)
Again, these are the minimums; feel free to create a multi-chapter fic or a comic, if you want! Just make sure that it's completed by the due date.
2) Please be sensitive to the requests of your giftee in terms of rating and NSFW content. Please be especially careful of what's listed in their dislikes, doubly so for anything potentially triggering.
3) You may choose up to five possible pairings, including poly ships. Rare pairs can be trickier to match, so please give us as many options as you can so we can find the best person to fulfill your prompt. Gen fics are also encouraged.
4) No real people/actor content, please.
5) No crossovers.
6) This is an anonymous challenge, so don’t make your work public until it has been revealed on AO3!
7) Requests may be assigned to either an artist or a writer, so please make requests that can be easily filled by either fics or art. (You are not allowed to request one or the other specifically.) Also, please make sure requests are clear and concise enough be filled by a single image or story; not everyone has the ability to create long comics or multi-chapter fics.
8) No ship bashing. Harassing the moderators or other participants because of their ship(s) will result in immediate removal, and you will be banned from participating in future events. Because this is an open fandom exchange, all Hobbit characters and pairings have equal standing.
9) If you need to drop out for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible. Our goal is to make sure that everyone receives something, so the more time we have to find an alternate, the better chance we have of making everyone happy (and keeping our collective blood pressure down.)
10) To contact us about anything related to this event, feel free to leave an ask on the Have A Happy Hobbit Holiday Tumblr, or email us at [email protected] (Yup, we know it says 17. That's not a typo!)
"What do I write under "Fandom" on the sign-up form?"
Please put "The Hobbit - All Media Types
"How long does a fanfic have to be?"
The minimum requirement for a finished fanfic is 1000 words, but you can write something longer, if you want!
"If I want a general fic about the entire company, do I have to list every character?"
Nope! Just put "Thorin's Company" in the character field. If you want emphasis on specific characters, list them individually.
"Is it okay if I add characters from other Tolkien works, like Lord of the Rings?"
Though this is a primarily a Hobbit exchange, characters from The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarilion may also be included!
"I can't seem to get the characters to tag correctly. What's going on???"
Make sure spelling and diacritical marks are correct for character names. For example: Fíli, Kíli, Dís, Dáin, Óin, Glóin, Thráin, Thrór. Some might also have parentheses after. For example: Nori (Tolkien)
"I'm really not into sexual content. How can I make sure I don't get it as a gift?"
Please note in the Like/Dislike section whether you're okay with receiving NSFW content. In a similar vein, please note in the Offer section whether or not you're okay with creating it. (If you are under 18, you may not request or fill NSFW requests.)
"I'm a little confused about what to put in the Request section. Do I have to write a story prompt?"
Not at all! The Like/Dislike section is just a place where you can provide some inspiration for the person filling your request. Remember, it could be a fic or a drawing. You'll want to be clear about what you like and what you don't like, because this is your gift! In our experience, lists separated by commas work best for matching.
Some examples of things you could add to your Likes: quest, modern au, fairy tales, office au, trans characters, fem characters, friends to lovers, bed sharing, clothes sharing, single parent au, weddings, holiday celebrations, cultural differences, everyone lives nobody dies, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, etc.
Some things you could add to your Dislikes, if applicable: abuse, incest, canon deaths, violence, ships you don't like, etc
These are only examples to help get your mind working. Every person will have different things they love and loathe!
"I don't really want to give or receive anything that changes a character's gender or sex."
The Dislike section is not just for triggering content. It's fine to put "trans characters" or "fem characters" or "gender swap" into the Dislike section. We're not here to judge you. We want to make sure everyone is happy and receives a gift they love.
The same thing goes for the Offer section. If you're not comfortable writing or drawing something, please make that clear.
"The fanworks have been revealed, but my gifter added a triggering element that I specifically mentioned in my Dislikes. What should I do?"
While we want everyone to be happy, and have the Like/Dislike section for that exact reason, gifters sometimes choose to go in a different direction. Just remember that you are not obligated to read, look at, or comment on something that makes you uncomfortable. Please let the moderators know right away if someone's gift for you is something you truly cannot handle, and we will do what we can to make it right.
Tumblr media
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hydrus · 4 years
Version 412
I had a great week catching up on smaller jobs, improving search speeds, and adding a 'lite' 407->408 update mode for HDD users who sync with the PTR. There are also a couple of new applications for the Client API.
Update this week will take a few seconds to a few minutes as new database indices are created.
sibling and search speeds
Thanks to feedback from some PTR-syncing HDD users, the new siblings update code, most importantly in step 407->408, takes way too long for them - perhaps more than 24 hours. I have written a little yes/no dialog popup into the update step that talks about this and optionally activates a 'lite' mode that does not apply siblings. This still requires some basic cache copying work, but it is significantly less. If you are still on 407 or before and have been waiting to update, please give this a go and let me know how it works for you.
The 'manage where tag siblings apply' dialog now has some red text to warn about the high CPU/HDD of applying many siblings to a large number of tags. I am still not happy with the 'monolithic' way this db work goes, so when I get stuck into the parents cache, I will write an asynchronous system that does this work in the background, pause/resumable, without interrupting browsing and so on, much like I did with repository processing.
Some things were working slow since siblings (e.g. in a search, mixing wildcard tags with regular tags), but I went through every instance of my new optimisation code, fixing bugs, testing it at large scale, and smoothing spikes out further. Tag, namespace, wildcard, tag presence/count, known url, and file note searches should all be more reasonable. A neat new tag search pre-optimisation routine that checks autocomplete counts for expected result size before deciding how to search now works for more sorts of tags and also kicks in for namespace and wildcard searches, which now break their work into smaller and simpler pieces. I also added and reshaped some database indices, which will ensure that more unusual search types and general operations can still run efficiently. The update will take a few seconds to a few minutes as tag indices are regenerated.
I have learned a bunch about speeding up multi-predicate searches recently - how to get it wrong and how to get it right. I have a plan to speed up rating and known url results, which are still generally not able to speed up with multiple predicates on large clients.
new client api applications
A user has been working hard at making a web browser for the client via the Client API, called Hydrus Web. It is now ready at https://github.com/floogulinc/hydrus-web ! If you have a bit of networking experience, please check it out - it allows you to browse your client on your phone!
Also Anime Boxes, a booru-browsing application, is adding Hydrus as an experimental browseable 'server' this week, also through the Client API. Check it out at https://www.animebox.es/ !
I also updated the Client API help to talk more about HTTPS and connections across the internet, here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/client_api.html
full list
client api:
added Hydrus Web, https://github.com/floogulinc/hydrus-web, to the Client API page. It allows you to access your client from any web browser
added Anime Boxes, https://www.animebox.es/, to the Client API page. This booru-browsing application can now browse hydrus!
the /add_urls/add_url command's 'service_names_to_tags' parameter now correctly acts like 'additional' tags, and is no longer filtered by any tag import options that may apply. that old name still works, but the more specific synonym 'service_names_to_additional_tags' is now supported and recommended (issue #456)
the /add_urls/add_url command now takes a 'filterable_tags' parameter, which will be merged with any parsed tags and will be filtered in the same per-service way according to the current tag import options.
the client api help is updated to talk about this, and the client api version is now 14
updated client api help to talk about http/https
the rest:
the 407->408 update step now opens a yes/no dialog before it happens to talk about the big amount of CPU and HDD work coming up. it offers the previous 'full' version that takes all the work, and a 'lite' version that applies no siblings and is much cheaper. if you have been waiting on a PTR-syncing HDD client, this should let you update in significantly less time. there is still some copy work in lite mode, but it should not be such a killer
the 'manage where tag siblings apply' dialog now has big red warning text talking about the current large CPU/HDD involved in very big changes
a bunch of file-location loading and searching across the program has the opportunity to run very slightly faster, particularly on large systems. update will take a few seconds to make these new indices
namespace and subtag tag searches and other cross-references now have the opportunity to run faster. update will take another couple of minutes to drop and remake new indices
gave tag and wildcard search a complete pass, fixing and bettering my recent optimisations, and compressing the core tag search optimisation code to one location. thank you for the feedback everyone, and sorry for the recent trouble as we have migrated to the new sibling and optimisation systems
gave untagged/has_tags/has_count searches a similar pass, mostly fixing up namespace filtering
gave the new siblings code a similar pass, ensuring a couple of fetches always run the fast way
gave url search and fetch code a similar pass, accounting better for domain cross-referencing and file cross-referencing
fixed a typo bug when approving/denying repository file and mapping petitions
fixed a bug when right-clicking a selection of multiple tags that shares a single subtag (e.g. 'samus aran' and 'character:samus aran')
thanks to some nice examples of unusual videos that were reported as 1,000fps, I improved my fallback ffmpeg metadata parsing to deal with weird situations more cleverly. some ~1,000fps files now reparse correctly to sensible values, but some either really produce 1000 updates a second due to malformation or bad creation, or are just handled that way due to a bug in ffmpeg that we will have to wait for a fix for
the hydrus jpeg mime type is now the correct image/jpeg, not image/jpg, thanks to users for noticing this (issue #646)
searching for similar files now requires up to 10,000x less sqlite query initiation overhead for large queries. the replacement system has overhead of its own, but it should be faster overall
improved error handling when a database cannot connect due to file system issues
the edit subscription(s) panels should be better about disabling the ui while heavy jobs, like large subscription resets, are running
the edit subscription(s) panels now do not allow an 'apply' if a big job is currently disabling the ui
cancelling a manage subscriptions call when missing query logs were detected no longer causes a little error
if a long-running asynchronous subscription job lasts beyond its parent's life, it now handles errors better
boring details:
improved a pre-optimisation decision tool for tag search that consults the autocomplete cache for expected end counts in order to make a better decision. it now handles subtag searches and multiple namespace/subtag searches such as for wildcards
wrote fast tag lookup tools for subtag and multiple namespace/subtag
fixed some bad simple tag search optimisation code, which was doing things in the wrong order!
optimised simple tag search optimisations when doing subtag searches
polished simple tag search code a bit more
added brief comments to all the new cross joins to reinforce their intention
greatly simplified the multiple namespace/subtag search used by wildcards
fixed and extended tag unit tests for blacklist, filterable, additional, service application, overwrite deleted filterable, and overwrite deleted additional
added a unit test for tag whitelist
extended the whole 'external tags' pipeline to discriminate between filterable and additional external tags, and cleaned up several parts of the related code
moved the edit subscription panel asynchronous info fetch code to my new async job object
cleaned up one last ugly 'fetch query log containers' async call in edit subscriptions panel
moved the edit subscription(s) panels asynchronous log container code to my new async job object
misc code cleanup
next week
More small jobs and other bug fixes. Nothing too huge, so I can have a 'clean' release before I go for the big parents cache in 414. I am starting to feel a bit ill, so there's a chance it will be a light week.
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