#my two feet can’t find a way【 musings 】
atlabeth · 9 months
bleedin' me dry | luke castellan
runaway with luke ending here!!
summary: luke has a proposal. it doesn't go over well.
a/n: so um. obviously im a huge percy jackson stan ive got annabeth in my name and ive literally wanted to be her since i read the books in second grade and by virtue of being an annabeth stan i hate luke but i also think he is so interesting and so good for angst and i also love the pjo resurgence we’ve got going on here from the show!! so here you go. here's some angst
title from vampire by olivia rodrigo
wc: 2.8k
warning(s): fem!child of demeter reader. luke is his own warning lmao. pushy and manipulative behavior, not the healthiest relationship! and no happy ending
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“You know I love the forest,” you mused, “but you have to have a reason for bringing me out here.”
He gave you a wry smile as he squeezed your hand. “Do I have to have a reason? You said you love it—that’s gotta be reason enough.”
“I love it, but there are monsters here.” You twisted your free hand and flowers sprouted up a few feet away. “It does give me a chance to show off, though.”
You were in your cabin helping Katie clean up everything—it was the last day of summer and most of the Demeter kids had already left—when Luke knocked on the door and asked you to accompany him on “a little adventure”. Despite the teasing of your siblings, you bashfully accepted.
It wasn’t the smartest thing, admittedly, to find yourself in the forest with your boyfriend with a couple hours ‘til curfew when you still weren’t even sure if you were leaving or not, but you had your dagger. Luke didn’t have his sword, but you had been practicing.
It wasn’t like it really mattered, anyways—he probably just wanted to make out with you. It was far from the first time, and for all he knew you were leaving for the school year in a few hours.
He chuckled but didn’t say anything. You looked up at him, a slight frown creasing your brows, and nudged him with your shoulder.
“Is everything okay, Luke?” you asked. “You’ve been… oddly quiet.”
Again, it took him a moment to respond before he just shrugged. “I’ve been thinking, I guess.”
“About what?”
“Life,” he said. “Our lives.”
“Very philosophical for the hour,” you said dryly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” Luke nodded, “yeah, I’m fine. I just wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask away.”
“Have you ever thought about leaving?”
“I’m still deciding whether I want to go back home for school or not, but—”
“Not after the summer,” Luke interrupted. “Leaving camp. For good.”
You frowned, a chill running down your spine. “Of course not. Camp Halfblood saved my life, Luke. I could never leave.”
“Says who?” Luke stopped and your intertwined hands pulled you back, stopping you as well.
“Says all the monsters that tried to kill me last time I went home,” you said slowly. “Don’t tell me you forgot the dracaena that nearly got me on that field trip.”
“‘Course I didn’t forget,” he said, inclining his head. “I just think you’re good enough now to make it without this place.”
“Luke,” you said with a strained laugh, “you— you can’t be serious.”
He shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because if we leave, we’ll die,” you said slowly. “I barely made it on my own out there.”
“You’re more powerful now. And you won’t be on your own,” he said, tugging you closer. Despite it all, warmth bloomed in your chest. “I can protect you.”
“Luke…” You trailed off as he cupped your cheek with his other hand, bringing your gaze back to his.
“What’s the point of staying here?” Luke murmured, an unmistakable softness in his eyes. “Just so we can sit around at summer camp for the rest of our lives? I mean, it’s not like that’s gonna be much longer, the way Chiron tells it.”
“I ha— we have friends here,” you said, huffing another laugh as you took a step back from him. It was easier to think when he wasn’t touching you, when you were still able to sever the string connecting the two of you. “We have a life here. A safe life, Luke, where we don’t have to look over our shoulders constantly.”
“Not me.” Luke shook his head as he moved a step forward in tandem, and he took your hand again, his grip tighter this time. “You’re the only thing I’ve got keeping me here.”
“Please,” you said in disbelief. “You’ve got a whole cabin of siblings that adore you. You’re the best swordfighter here. I’m pretty sure even Mr. D has a soft spot for you.”
“Please,” he mocked, “you can’t seriously believe that.”
You shrugged. “All I know is that when you finally asked me out, I gained a whole lot of enemies.”
“Like that means anything,” Luke said.
“The kids love you too!” you exclaimed. “Their eyes light up with stars whenever you help them with their sparring. You’re a beacon of light to this place— where is all of this coming from?”
“I’m tired,” Luke said roughly. “Tired of the gods ignoring us when all they’ve caused is pain.”
You frowned, but he continued on.
“You’re telling me you haven’t noticed it?” he asked. “When’s the last time you ever saw my dad give me any kind of attention besides some fun-colored smoke? He ruined my mother’s life— he ruined my life! And our cabin is damn near overflowing with unclaimed kids. Where are their parents?
He shook his head as he forged on. “And you can’t say that Demeter is any good either. I bet she makes your cereal tastes real good in the morning, but she’s abandoned you for your whole life.”
“Luke, where is this coming from?” you asked, your frown deepening further and further as you let go of his hand and took a step back. “You— you know I’m not a fan of them, but you can’t just go around saying things like this. The last thing I need is for my mother to— to smite me, or strangle me with vines or something because I’m not appreciating her enough.”
Luke huffed a laugh. “That would be the most attention she’s paid to you since she claimed you.”
“She’s a goddess,” you said. “She’s got more important things to do than send me emails asking how my day is going.”
“Really?” Luke asked, his eyebrows rising.
“Yes, really,” you enunciated. “I expect it. I consider myself lucky she claimed me at all.”
“Do you even hear yourself?” he marveled as he said your name. “Your mother has never been there for you, and you think you’re lucky?”
“Luke—” you started, but you couldn’t even finish as he continued on.
“Demeter wasn’t there for the year you spent feeling like the scum of the Earth because you hadn’t been claimed yet. Demeter wasn’t there for the childhood she gifted to you then abandoned you for.” He pushed forward still. “Demeter wasn’t there for all those sleepless nights you spent in the Hermes cabin wondering if you were ever going to know who got you into this mess.”
“Luke, stop,” you finally managed to get out, moving back in turn.
“You know who was?” He continued to forge on, capturing your wrist when you tried to take another step back, eliciting a shaky exhale as you flinched. “Me.”
You ripped your arm away from him, fire in your eyes and blazing in your blood. “Don’t ever touch me like that again.”
“I’ve been here for you since the moment you stepped foot into Cabin Eleven!” Luke’s voice rose, and you’d never been more aware of the dagger hanging off your belt. “Through every tear, every tirade, every godsdamned rant about the gods—”
You stumbled back, and your heart stuttered in your chest as your back hit a tree. Your jaw was clenched, attempting to stop your tremors trying to wrack your body.
“And you’re telling me,” his voice suddenly lowered until it was scarily soft, little more than a whisper as he leaned over you, noses nearly touching, “that you would still choose them over me?”
“If you do not get away from me right now,” you said, quiet and even, “what we have, and anything we could have, will be over.”
Luke didn’t move. “Answer me.”
For a moment, it was just that—you and Luke staring at each other. His chest rising and falling just so from the effort of yelling, his beautiful eyes devoid of any previous softness. You thought your teeth might crack with the pressure in your jaw.
“No,” you said. “I wouldn’t choose them over you.”
And for an even shorter moment, his eyes do soften.
“But I won’t leave my family,” you whispered. “Not for whatever cause you think you’re fighting for.”
And just like that, the armor went up again.
“So that’s the way this ends,” Luke said evenly, and when he moved a few steps back, you felt like you could finally breathe again.
“You know who I am,” you argued, though you couldn’t make yourself move. “My siblings are my family— my friends are my family. I’d never leave them.”
“Oh, I should have expected it,” he said offhandedly. His laughter was a cruel thing. “I always knew you were a coward.”
“Don’t you dare turn this on me,” you spat. “Why do you even want to leave in the first place?”
“Because I’m sick and tired of all the bullshit that goes on here!” Luke yelled. “We’ve been here for years, and what the hell do we have to show for it? A couple scars? A lot of near death experiences? Some deadbeat parents that ruined our damned lives?”
“I have a family that I never could’ve dreamed of!” you exclaimed. “I have sisters and brothers that love me, friends that understand me, and—”
Your voice broke for a moment and you swallowed the lump in your throat, forcing the tears back. Some of the fire burning through your veins had been extinguished as you continued.
“And I thought I had a boyfriend that was there for me.”
It was there again—his eyes softening ever so slightly when he looked at you. But then he clenched his jaw. “And I thought I had a girlfriend that was there for me.”
“I won’t leave,” you enunciated. “I’m not going to help you with whatever crusade you think you’re meant to lead against the gods!”
“You don’t understand,” he insisted.
“You don’t understand!” you exclaimed. “You’re ready to leave all of this behind, and for what?”
“I don’t want to leave it all behind,” he said. “I want you by my side. We could be something truly great together— can’t you see?”
Luke took your hand again and pulled you away from the tree, gesturing with his hand around you. “You can control all of this. The whole world is your domain—we’d be untouchable.”
“Luke, you sound crazy,” you said roughly. “Where is all of this coming from, seriously?”
“I just know that we can live a better life,” he said. “Together, without the gods.”
“Witho—” You couldn’t even manage to finish the word, shaking your head at the pure absurdity of it. You hardly recognized your boyfriend purely because of the insanity he was spouting. “Luke, we don’t need to leave! We don’t need to stand against the gods, or— or whatever this is!”
This time, you took his hand as you tried to smile. “We can make this work, Luke, and we can make it work here,” you begged. “I promise.”
“Things need to change,” he said, voice steely, pulling his hand away. “And they’re clearly not going to change here.”
“Yes, they can,” you insisted, your hands clenching into fists at your side. “I want things to change too, believe me! But going off on your own isn’t going to do anything for it. We can start it here—together.”
His eyes were colder than ever as he looked down on you, and you truly didn’t recognize him. The glint in his eye and edges you would cut yourself on and the insanity he was spouting for no damn reason. You didn’t know what in Hades’ name had gotten into him.
“All we do is sit around and wait for that hag in the attic to spout prophecies, and then Chiron sends some kids off to die, and then we sit around and wait to do it again,” Luke said. “The gods keep making kids and the kids keep dying because they leave them in the world alone— we’re practically grandparents here because we’re lucky to make it past sixteen! The gods don’t do a damn thing about it, and neither does Chiron.”
He shook his head as he stared right into your eyes. “You’re not as smart as I thought if you think you can change anything here.”
“So— so what?” you asked brazenly. “You’re just gonna leave?”
Luke shrugged. “I was always gonna leave. It just depended whether you were with me or not.”
He turned around and started walking, and for a moment you were fully dumbstruck, unable to move. Then something snapped inside of you, and you moved your hands straight up through the air. Vines sprouted from the ground and tangled around Luke’s legs, stopping him and nearly causing him to fall.
“You don’t just get to walk away from me after spouting this bullshit,” you fumed as you ran to catch up with him. “What in Demeter’s name has gotten into you, Luke? Gods— this isn’t you!”
“See?” Luke smiled, ignoring your question. “You are powerful.”
“Answer me,” you seethed.
He shrugged, that small smile still on his lips. “It’s always been me. Maybe you’ve just been too stupid to realize.”
“Where are you going to go?” you asked, ignoring his jab. “Not home, clearly.”
It was a deep cut, something you never would have said under normal circumstances, but his expression didn’t change.
“I’ve got plans,” he said, ignoring your jab, and he huffed a laugh. “And I guess they don’t involve you anymore.”
All you could do was stand there, stunned as you stared at him. It was cliche, but it really wasn’t him, because you loved Luke and he loved you.
He’d always been a bit spitfire, always a little sharp around the edges, but you loved that about him—and he softened those edges for you. He was strong-willed and caring and passionate about everything, and you didn’t want to lose him. Not like this.
You knew what he’d been through. You knew what happened to his mother, what happened to Thalia, everyone he’d lost and every reason for every scar. But you never thought—
Gods. You never thought he’d actually do… this.
“Let me go, will ya?” Luke asked, tilting his head. “Or else what we have will be over— or whatever it was you said back there.”
The vines receded against your will, like his words just connected to your subconscious. You stayed rooted in place as he continued walking away.
But then he stopped. Turned around, looked right at you.
And for a moment you were fourteen again, feeling alone and forgotten going into your third month in the Hermes cabin. Grumbling your way through sword practice because the excited camp counselor who just happened to be your age refused to let you sulk for another day.
It was days after your fifteenth birthday, and the golden sickle with sheaths of wheat had finally appeared over your head at lunch. Luke had lunged at you, wrapping you in the tightest hug possible, and looked at you with all the stars in your eyes as he congratulated you. He helped you move your meager belongings into the Demeter cabin the very next day.
It was the first time you decided to go home since arriving at camp, and Luke was sidled outside your door, making wry comments every so often as he kept you company while you packed.
It was him kissing you right before you went over the hill because he said he couldn’t keep his feelings in any longer. It was you kissing him right back wondering why he waited so damn long.
It was three years of the best thing you’d ever experienced, of the most steadfast companion you could’ve had by your side—three years of Luke Castellan’s love.
Then you blinked, and you were back in the woods. Luke’s expression had softened, but the brimming tears in your eyes blurred your vision.
“I really did love you, y’know,” Luke finally murmured. “But you should know that love isn’t ever enough.”
He was out of your view before you could even muster the strength to move again, and then you were running through the forest faster than ever before.
But when you reached Cabin Eleven, there was no sign of him. And when you checked the pavilion and the forge and the amphitheater and the training arena and every other godsdamned place, you were just as disappointed.
But by the time you got to Chiron and found out the chaos that had spouted in his wake, that he had wanted you to be a part of, it was much, much too late.
Percy Jackson was fighting for his life. Camp had been left in complete disarray. Luke was working for Kronos.
And the man you loved was truly gone.
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hoshigray · 5 months
hmmmm, chosuki both "marking their territory" after one of reader's friends gets a little too touchy?
Love your work <3333333
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: when i tell you i was grinning once i saw this in my inbox, lol, finally chosuki yessss!! ty for loving my stuff ☆
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Choso + Yuki x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - threesome - oral (m! + f! receiving) - fingering (f! receiving) - anal (f! receiving) - anal fingering (f! receiving) - cowgirl 69 + missionary positions - breast fondling + nipple play + sucking - biting/marking - unprotected sex (psa: wrap it up or get tf up) - pet names (baby, cutie, honey, sweetie, sweet pea) - mild possessive behavior.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
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“Damn, Y/n, you’re so lucky to have such eye-catchers fawning over you!”
“Pfffthaha, oh, stop it! You’re drunk; stop swinging around!”
There’s one thing in this world that both Yuki and Choso don’t play about — you.
You are the sweetest and most prized treasure they cherish with their very hands. Being in a poly relationship tends to be a hard thing to manage for Yuki and Choso. The two lovers were never in luck to find the right person who didn’t match their vibe or wanted to change the dynamic they were going for. But with every dark tunnel, there’s a light on the other side. And thanks to the blonde and dark brunette’s stars, you were their saving grace.
God, they adored you very much — the best partner they could ever have. The way you’d wake up to them and give them a kiss with a soft ‘good morning,’ how you make lunch for Choso before he goes on his way to work, or texting sweet messages to Yuki to check how she’s doing or telling her about this new place that opened around the area for all three of you to explore. Blind by your smile and caring charm, Yuki and Choso live in eternal bliss and happiness, knowing you have blessed them with your presence to return home to.
Their love for you is mutual and genuine, authentic in that they wish to spend their days — no, their entire lives! — being with you. They see you as their muse, as theirs. So, it’s predictable that they’d be secretly jealous when they’d have to share their piece of heaven with others.
Especially now when all three of you had been dragged by some of your old college buddies for a night out at the pub. Figuring this would be a perfect opportunity to introduce your friends to your lovers, Yuki and Choso were invited over to enjoy the merits of this occasion. What the two partners hadn’t expected was how close you all were — albeit a little too close for their liking. 
You all sat at one big round booth table, Yuki and Choso being separated from you as your friends wanted to have you by them for just the night. Again, it made the two lovers feel uneasy. Even when a girl friend grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers with hers enthusiastically, the blonde can’t fight the twitch of her ruby eyes. The friend goes on to say, “Nah, are you kidding? I think those two are the ones who are lucky to have Y/n! They’re such an angel; anyone would feel like they’ve won a million dollars if they got with someone like them.”
Then, a guy who was visibly buzzed joined the praise fest. “You’re so right! I’d do backflips every day if I scored someone so gracious and sweet as Y/n,” the drunk man brings a hand on your shoulder and nestles his cheek to your shoulder. Choso attempts to keep a neutral expression, but caramel eyes carry a tiny hostile aura. “I’d make sure to love on them every single day, kiss their feet when they walk, wash their hair when they ask—“
“Okay, lover boy,” you stop him before your drunken friend digs his foolish grave even further, and it’s hard to hide your giggles. “I think that’s enough Crowne and tequila for one night.”
You and your friends laugh and continue to strike up a conversation to catch up on material. However, you’re so engrossed in the others’ talk that you can’t sense the tension that’s brewing from the other side where your lovers sit. The two survey the scene with silent eyes, with Choso hitting his leg to stop the bounce of his knee and Yuki tapping her fingernails on the table surface.
All they could do was watch you, their treasured partner, share your attention with those who cherish you. Although, internally, they wanted you all to themselves. Yes, it was selfish; however, you can’t blame your lovers for being a little protective of you. Specifically when it seems your friends don’t appear to respect your boundaries when in their company.
So for that, it’s no surprise they instantly pull you into the bedroom once you three return home. Hungry kisses are exchanged between three pairs of lips, lustful hands stripping you of your clothes and throwing you onto the bed, where they meet in seconds to feast upon you.
“Hahhh, fuck…Hmmm, yeah, lick right there, honey.”
“Mmmm…Mmahh!! Choso, your tongue—Ohh! Feels so good…”
The brunette man is lying down on his back with you straddling above him, his face and mouth buried into our folds, licking around your labia and sucking your essence that seeps out from the pleasurable motions. His hands knead the flesh of your inner thighs as you hum along to the touch. Simultaneously, you use your tongue and mouth to give pleasure to Yuki’s slit, the blonde releasing shaky moans as she rides on Choso’s length with her ass.
The tall woman peers down to watch you orally please her. She strokes your head with a pleasant hand and sends praises. “There you go, cutie,” she bites her lip. “Lick it real good.”
Her commands egg you on to keep going, using the motion of her hips to your advantage to predict how far in you can keep lapping her chasm. Your hands crawl to her waist to massage, using the leverage to keep your lips on her at all times. And to your effort, she is sighing happily at the gratification you give her. It has her rock her hips ever harder, taking in Choso’s long shaft with hunger.
The man below you grunts at the motion, stuffing his face more into your cunt to suck harshly. And you can’t help but jolt, muffled squeals vibrating to Yuki’s core — and she relishes the feeling.
“Look at you, baby,” Choso slowly licks your chasm, sending shivers up to your shoulders. “You’re all wet and ready for us, huh? So good for us,” He kisses your clit and places lazy licks, and you fight to lose your balance.
“Hmmm, yeah, so good for us…Although—mmahh,” Yuki throws her head back at Choso’s dick scraping her insides at the right places. “Can’t say you were good when we were…Hohhh..at the pub.” You bat your eyes towards her in confusion, yet your tongue and lips remain busy. “Letting those people touch you in front of us; what were you thinking?”
You remove your mouth from Yuki to explain, her slick connected to your bottom lip. But before you could utter a word, your body jerked to the sharp instance of pain on your inner thigh. Choso had bit you, licking the place his teeth sank in before throwing in another nibble. You shriek, turning to plead to the man to be easy; however, the woman grabs your head and brings it back to where it’s supposed to be. “Don’t forget about me, sweet pea,” she chuckles at your feverish laps on her wet folds. “Give me my attention…”
She moans to your work, satisfying her with the flick of your tongue on her delicate clit. She rocks her hips even faster, prompting Choso to groan and buck his pelvis to her puckered hole, and his mouth remains glued to your chasm. He then sneaks a finger to toy around your asshole, and a sharp gasp erupts from your figure when he inserts the digit inside. 
“—Khhaaa, oooohmy fuckin’—Gaaahh!” Flicks to your clitoris tag along with the push of his finger inside your ass, playing with the texture by scraping the walls. And when his tongue goes inside your vagina, you clamp onto him with vigor. Fuck, I’m so close…! “Yukiiii, pleaseee, can I cumm?”
“Aww, why should I let you,” her sweet tone distracted you from the sneaking bit of the man’s teeth on your thigh once more. “Do you deserve to cum? After letting other people touch you like you forgot you had your lovers present?” 
“Hahhhnn, I’m sorry; I—shit… didn’t mean to upset you both…Ooof!” Choso switches his finger with his thumb, pushing it to and fro inside your tight entrance. Your eyes screw shut, “Please forgive me, you two are the only ones I love…”
“You swear on that, honey?” A glint shines in her magenta orbs. 
You nod hurriedly before placing kisses on Yuki’s thighs and trailing them back to her vagina, “Yessss, I love you both so much, no one knows how to love me as you do…” Your hips sway involuntarily — not a problem for Choso, who sticks to you no matter what. “Mmmm, only you two know my mind and body, and I wouldn’t want it any other way…”
Blonde brows eyebrows screw together; fuck, you knew what to say to make Yuki fall for you all over again. Her cunt clenching on nothing but the love your words carry. Jesus, you were too much. Without a word, she gently withdraws your body from her body so she can lift her body off of Choso. She then flips you over; now you’re the one lying on your back, with the tall woman stationed behind to snake her hands to your breasts.
Choso’s pigtails have long been drawn down for his hair to fall to his nape, and strands of his walnut-colored hair stick to his forehead. Maneuvering to his knees, he examines your anticipated expression, shaky wails coming out your puffy lips as Yuki places soft kisses on your neck. She also places bites wherever her mouth can reach, her hands busy cupping your mounds, groping the mounds, and tweezing your nipples. With how hard she was sucking your skin, you’re sure there’d be hickeys when you wake up in the morning. The man strokes his dick at the sight before him, inching closer to be between your legs.
“Choso…” The way you said his name made him feel warm; the mark across his nose exuded streaks of his blood that threatened to fall. His ears and shoulders get pinker, and your breath hitches when he slaps the tip onto your saliva-coated slit. 
“Who do you belong to, Y/n?” He says it low to your ear, and you chew on your lip when he licks your lobe. His mouth travels down, leaving harsh sucks on your neck and clavicle along with Yuki. Two mouths on your body have you whimpering like a fool, so sensitive to their touch that you could wither away. “Hmm? Who loves you most, sweetie?” He comes down to your chest that’s occupied by Yuki’s worshipping hands, popping a nipple into his mouth to suck with care.
“Hahhh, you, Choso, my darling…” you sigh into the sense of his mouth licking diligently around your bud. Your face turns in Yuki’s direction, smiling at the golden-haired woman before claiming her lips. “And Yuki, my love…”
The two of you kiss slowly yet maintain the same passion you have for each other, noses brushing against each other and tongues swirling before smacking lips together. The brunette lifts his head from your chest, straightening his posture to insert his cockhead inside your vagina. You mewl into Yuki at the insertion, and it doesn’t stop as the woman slithers a hand to your clit to swipe. You break the kiss in a huff, making the blonde snicker. 
“Mmmph…Jesus Christ,” Choso trembles at the warm snug of your cunt as it accepts his length, pushing in for every inch of him to be swallowed in. When his base meets your southern lips, you hiss at how full you feel from his size. “You know how much we love you, right, baby?”
You nod to him, Yuki placing another hickey-worth kiss on your shoulder. “Your love makes me full, honey…Ohooo…!”
“And don’t forget that…” Choso snaps his hips, drilling his long dick into you and making precise hits to the walls of your chasm. You squeak beneath him, the tip of his cock poking your sweet spots with ease, and you’re gripping the sheets to keep you steady along with Yuki’s hold on you.
The blonde woman flickers her ruby eyes to Choso and beams, “You know you’re hot as hell when you’re all possessive, right?”
“Shut up,” he shushes her with a kiss, humming to her lips that reciprocate his feelings as lovers. The only noise that fills the room is your whines and wails from the hands fondling your body and the shaft plunging so far inside you that you can’t contain the ecstatic screams originating from your inner being. Good God, this felt so fucking good; being wanted and loved by these two is a sensation incomparable to anything. You want to drown in it, be immersed within it, have your senses be robbed of their very being until you fall deep into sleep in their embrace. This feels so worth it, so satisfying…
…Until you look at yourself in the mirror and find so many fucking hickeys all over your body, all the way from your neck to the grave of your thighs. This was not a sight to see after waking up, especially on the morning your friends from last night invited you over for brunch. 
Needless to say, you pulled your lovers aside and gave them an earful. The two nodded to your words, saying “Sorry…” throughout your rant as you tried to find an adequate outfit to conceal their markings, feeling a little bad that they got carried away with you last night.
All is good, in any case. Because now they know that you are theirs both in mind and body.
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ☆ header edit done by me + dividers by @/benkeibear.
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"back off" with Jaason?
TW: patronizing man
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Scary dog privileges. That’s what Artemis called it once when she saw him in action.
Even if you were simply stopping by the corner store for some more bananas and yogurt, he was there. Anytime the sun set on Gotham and the criminals began to crawl out of the shadows, you couldn’t go anywhere without your guard dog.
At first it rubbed you the wrong way. Did he not trust you?
But then you learned quickly that it wasn’t you he didn’t trust. It was the leering monsters of Gotham who preyed on young women like you. You found solace in his presence, even if he insisted on following you the ten feet it took you from your work to your front door.
But this was the first time that Jason Todd had to go into scary dog mode during the day.
He had left the table the two of you were occupying so he could go help a woman outside who appeared to be struggling to juggle her grocery bags and her cane. You loved your kindhearted man and savored the sight of the way the corner of his eyes crinkled with his laughter. He took her bags in one of his big, strong hands and offered her his arm which she gladly took. Jason glanced at you through the window and jerked his head towards the left before holding up four fingers. 
He wouldn’t be gone long so you could hold down the fort for a bit.
The humid Gotham air caused condensation to gather on the surface of your travel mug and you absentmindedly drew your finger through the droplets as you thumbed through some paperwork that Bruce asked you to take a look at. For Wayne Enterprises, that is. Not the night job.
The Bowery wasn’t just Jason’s territory. You pulled the marionette strings for the daytime practices. As he cleaned up the mob, you focused on filling in the power vacuums left behind by various murders and arrests. Job training programs, continuing education, supporting schools, that was your thing. So when Bruce approached Jason about building a new library in the Bowery, your boyfriend directed his father to you.
You were so engrossed in the details of the building plan that you didn’t look up when the chair across from you pulled away. You assumed it was Jason, of course.
“Did you know your dad wants the entire first floor to be for children and teens while also supplying a social worker program on the second floor for the unhoused?” you mused. When your question went unanswered, you raised your head to find a man who was decidedly not your boyfriend leering at you.
“Can I help you?” you sighed.
“Hi. I’m Mark. I was working over in the corner and noticed that you were really focused. Can I ask what you’re working on?”
“No, but you can fuck off,” you said as politely as your sharp words would allow. “If you saw me sitting here, then you saw my boyfriend seated here too.”
He raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, I was just looking to make polite conversation but you’re over here jumping to conclusions. Can’t a guy just come say hello?”
You clasped your hands in front of you on the table and leaned forward. “Alright, Mark. What were your intentions when you came over here? Especially since you waited until my boyfriend was gone. That doesn’t seem to be polite conversation but predatory behavior.”
You flashed him a fake smile and batted your lashes. His lips screwed up tightly and he scoffed. “All of you females are the same. I mean, you really thought that I would want to hit on you? How arrogant can you be? Here’s a tip: learn to respect men an-”
He was cut off by a hand curling around the collar of his shirt. Jason yanked Mark up and out of the chair and pulled him in close, his lips peeling back in a sneer.
“Here’s a tip: you see any girl, but especially my girl, and you learn to back off before I break your arm off and shove it down your fucking throat,” Jason growled. You blinked up at the two men and then grinned, leaning your head on your hand and watching as your guard dog went into attack mode.
“Hey man, I was just trying to be friendly,” Mark gasped out. There was no way he could take on the over six foot tall tank that was Jason Todd. Your boyfriend’s jaw clenched and a vein throbbed under his skin, which you really shouldn’t find so hot. 
“Yeah? I wasn’t. You should be glad I’m feeling charitable today. Now, you’re gonna pack your shit up and get out of my fucking sight.”
He let go of the weasel and stepped back so his thigh brushed against your shoulder. Jason crossed his arms over his chest, accentuating his already massive form with the bulge of his biceps. Mark raised his hands as he scooched around the mountainous man and darted back to his table.
“Sorry, Mallory,” Jason called to the owner of your favorite cafe. She merely waved him off and shot you a wink. You leaned your head against Jason and raised your hand to settle on his waist but he didn’t relax until Mark was out of the store, the bell ringing behind him as the door slammed shut on his ass.
“He didn’t touch you, right?” Jason asked. His voice still held that sharp edge to it but it softened when he turned to face you. One of his hands came up to cup your cheek and you smiled at his touch.
“No, baby. I wouldn’t let him touch me even if he tried.”
“Good.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before he rounded the table and settled back in his seat. One of his hands remained clasped over yours as he gazed at you from across the table.
“Guess what your dad wants to do on the first floor?” you asked as you waved the building plans in front of his face.
“Tell me,” he hummed. Jason Todd might be your guard dog, but you never saw his fangs directed at you. Despite his size and stature, he was just a little puppy when it came to you.
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suguru-getos · 11 months
୨・┈﹕✦﹕ Kinktober Day 16﹕✦﹕┈・୧
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loki x f!reader -> çnç
event masterlist
warnings: çnc themes, slight choking, bondage, cunnilingus, loki being a menace but both the reader & loki break character in the end. mentions of aftercare and sweet fluff‼️
“running will land you in worse situations than this one, pet.” the echoing voice of loki reverberated through the shell of your ear, louder than your panting, your gasping as you tried to clutch onto your failing lungs for air. “how adoring of you to think you can outrun, the god, your god.” loki’s low, mocking chuckle followed soon after.
you were aimlessly running in the asgardian castle corridors, trying with all your heart and soul to escape the ruthlessness of your captor. getting almost dizzy when you forced your feet to take another step, almost falling down if it wasn’t for those metallic ornamented wrists laced with fine asgardian leather grabbing you by the neck. “oh, found you.” he grimly chuckles.
“please— your highness, i will never run again.” you clutched onto his wrist, scratching it up while loki lifted you up forcefully, your legs leaving the ground but you didn’t feel choked. of course— him and his theatrics. “i know you won’t run, little pet. because i will render those legs useless when i’d be done with you.” loki gritted his teeth, baring the green light in his eyes as you got tied up, teleporting to his bedroom and against his mattress. green silk bands tied your wrists and ankles apart, like a starfish.
you tried your best to struggle away, but the tug only got tighter until a painful whimper escaped your parted lips. “submission might aid. i might add.” loki’s words were like a silent warning & also a hint. you may comply and he might be merciful. “please your highness, i beg off you to let me go.” you crooned, glossy eyed.
“oh, darling,” loki feigns pity, and the next moment you find yourself naked in front of his feasting eyes. nipples hardening at the tender touch of colder air and cunt clamping around nothing now that you felt so drastically exposed. your eyed squeezed shut, heat radiating through your cheeks as you turned your head to the side. “you should pray to your god, no? pray to him to be merciful.” loki muses, leaning in and kissing your throbbing clit.
the touch alone sent jolts down your spine and core, pupils widening at his skilled tongue twirling around your needy clit. “you taste sinful.” he smirked, eyes glancing at your furrowed brows. “let me go.” you tried once more, meek whimpers erupting from your pouted lips.
“hmm?” loki contemplated, acting as if he might actually let you go. “alright.” he leaned back, glinting mischievously with a smirk. “if you don’t want me having my way with you, then you don’t cum. after all. it is all but torment to you is it not?” loki emphasises, knowing full well you’d lose yourself and cream the moment he goes hard on your cunt.
you pouted, while that was answer enough, loki still wanted to show you the control he has over you. spreading your cunt lips, he leaned in, taking a shameless sniff of your arousal. “how cute.” he smirked, leaning in and lapping at your juices. fuck— you were feeling so hot and bothered, every single vein in your body feeling the heat of his administrations. you reflexively rutted your hips against him, eager to please yourself over his tongue, eager to cum.
“your highness- AH loki- please- please i’m so close.” it was not before long your body had betrayed you & you were reduced to a mumbling, panting, begging mess. even so, you knew better than to cum without loki’s permission. “go on, little pet.” loki’s thumb ran languid circles onto your clit. “have at it.”
your orgasm tore through your body as you screamed out his name, rabid breathing echoing through the walls of your shared bedroom. “fuck- fuck- can’t can’t.” your moans reduced to pleas again, when loki didn’t want to stop at just one orgasm. “please loki- need a break.” you gasped out, normally you could give him two orgasms without break, but the situation you were in made you a little more sensitive than normal.
“need a break? or want a break, pet?” loki asked once more, a silent nudge for your surity if you wanted him to break his character.
“need a break, loki.” you whimpered back, struggling against the restraints. the use of his first name was signal enough. “alright darling.” he smiled, the restraints gone as he leaned in, kissing you passionately.
“oh what a man you make me to be.” he rolled his eyes when you hug him back, inhaling the comfort of his scent. “it was fun! don’t lie.” you pouted, smiling back when he nuzzled his nose against you.
“you do know that i would never do anything against your will, right princess?” loki reminded you again, while you nodded in approval. “yes, i do.”
“lifting me off the ground was a bit much.”
“come on, little one, i am known for my theatrics.”
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Someone New 8
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You've had a crush on your best friend for years, but you're slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: nice to see ya again!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Thor makes himself as permanent as the layers of sediment. Whether you’re in the dirt or looking over the charts and maps, making notes or sorting through your findings, he appears. Knowing he’ll be there keeps you coming yourself. Despite the short nights and long drives, thinking of him finding an empty site deters you from a day off, even against Sam’s pleas. 
The night before was filled with similar chiding from your friend. Sam is as persistent as ever. He always has a new account of his antics with Bucky and never forgets to tell you to take a break. You can’t stop though. You know if you do, you’ll have to think about everything you’re denying. 
The time away has given you time to breathe but it’s suffocated you in new ways. Along with that weight on your chest that has a name, there’s another you can’t quite understand. The one that sees you spending your spare hours alone and your working hours longing for anything but. You’re desperate to get out but terrified of the very same. 
When he arrives that day, you’re ready to give up. The tension in the air is giving you a headache and the dampness makes your skin feel sticky. You just feel gross. 
“Ah, I didn’t think you’d brave the weather today,” he muses as Thunder hops around his feet. You don’t look up, in a mood as grim as the sky. “You’d do well to stay in tomorrow. Trust me.” 
He’s always right about the weather. It must be the familiarity and yet it’s almost eerie how accurate he is. You might take his advice. You don’t like being wet and you’re starting to go cross-eyed from the hours and hours of concentration. 
Thunder yipes as you use your gloves to brush away clumps of dirt. Thor’s footsteps mulch patches of grass that sparsely carpet the dirt. He hums as his shadows looms in your peripheral. 
“Yes, my darling, I believe you’ve found the perfect spot,” he praises. 
You look over curiously. What is he talking about? You only notice then that he has more than the tiny dog with him. He has a basket on his elbow and a blanket under his arm. You sit up and watch him place down the former and shake out the latter.  
He spreads the blanket over the dirt and Thunder jumps onto it, rolling around on the fabric, digging her nose into the patched quilt as she wiggles across it. You clap off your hands and watch him as he gets down to his knees and flips open one side of the basket. He lays out several containers and two thermos’; one is the very same he brought you tea in.  
“I thought you could use a nice lunch before the weather turns,” he stands and nears the fence, “summer doesn’t last long here. You may as well enjoy it.” 
“Lunch?” You utter. 
“Brunch?” He suggest coyly. “Surely you can take a break. You are only human, you need to eat.” 
“You...” you lean to see around him, “you brought me lunch?” 
“I know it isn’t the most elaborate picnic but I thought it might be a pleasant surprise. I must confess I’ve been rather bored these days,” he admits, “so?” 
“Thor, that’s so... sweet,” you frown, “but...” 
“Work, work, work. Surely they can’t expect you to work yourself to the bone, pardon the pun,” he insists, “it will only be a bit.” 
“Yes, but...” you leave the sentence to hang. You don’t have a good excuse. You don’t know. It just makes you nervous. It’s a whole lot of effort for just you.  
“Oh, I don’t mind if you would rather stay over there. Only mean more for, eh, Thunder?” He asks the canine tramping around the blanket. “More than happy to sit here and enjoy my jelly cookies and hot coffee. 
“Coffee?” Your brows raise. 
“Freshly brewed. Promise, There’s nothing pickled. Though I don’t mind a nice herring,” he grins. 
Thunder bounces over and barks at you. She stands on her hind legs as she paws at the barrier between you. Now, how can you deny her? 
You stand and shed your gloves. You carry them over to the table beneath the tent and grab a wet wipe from the back. You come back under the open sky as you wipe your hands. 
“Sorry about all the dirt,” you scoff as you cross the dirt. 
“I don’t mind,” he assures you. He pulls apart the panels of the fence to let you through. It isn’t something you could ever forget but you can’t help but be stricken again by his sheer size. 
You bend to pet Thunder as she gets between your feet. She licks your fingers and you giggle. She’s cute. 
“Go on, pick her up,” Thor goads, “she loves it.” 
You scoop up the dog and stand. She squirms as she wags her tail incessantly. She swipes your chin with her tongue and you scrunch up your face. You carry her to the blanket and look over the spread. A leafy salad, pasta salad, sandwiches, cookies... There’s so much. Your protein bars and peanut butter and jelly can’t compare. 
“Oh gosh, this... a lot.” 
“Is it? Isn’t too much. We’re friends, yes?” 
“Friends?” You face him as you pet Thunder’s soft head. 
“Perhaps it is rather one-sided. You are obligated to be here, I just sort of haunt this place,” he chuckles. 
“No, no, friends,” you smile, “that sounds about right.” 
You turn away and lower yourself onto the blanket, sure to keep your boots off of it, as you hide your face. There’s a tinge of disappointment. You hear a far off echo in your head. How many times did Steve say the same; we’re friends, just friends, you’re such a good friend. Well, that’s all this is. No need to be so sensitive. 
“Do you ever take time off?” He asks as he gets to his knees. 
You look at him as you put Thunder down. He barely keeps her from chomping down on a rye crust. He lifts her easily and she kicks her legs. 
“Eh, you beast,” he points a finger at her snout, “be good.” 
He sets her back on her paws and she obeys. He tells her to sit and she does so. Her eyes continue to hungrily rove over the food. How can he resist them? 
“Like you said, the weather won’t last. Should get done what I can before the ground gets cold.” 
“Ah, yes, that is a concern,” he tuts, “how would you deal with that?” 
“Heat lamps, tiger torch... jackhammer if I really need but I’d have to put in a request for that...” you hadn’t thought too much into the inevitability of winter.  
“Ah, that’s...” he smirks, “I’m sorry but the idea of you with a jackhammer,” he snorts. 
“Hey,” you pout. 
“It isn’t to be mean but... you’re so gentle. When you dig, you’re so delicate about it.” 
“Am I?” You wonder. 
“Mm, is it a bit weird to say so?” He wonders aloud. “Yes, you are very precise, very cautious.” He takes out a set of plates and offers you one, “please, help yourself.” 
“It must be boring watching. Really, I’m the one digging and it gets dull,” you accept and pluck out one of the sandwiches. Salmon, you think. 
“You make it interesting,” he muses. “You talk to the bones.” 
“I talk to the bones?” You repeat, “what?” 
“Yes, I suppose you’re not aware of it. But your lips move when you’re focused. As if you’re chatting up the dirt,” he chuckles, “sometimes a few words do slip out.” 
“They do?” You blanch before you can help yourself to the salad. 
“You don’t say much. Usually something about the dishes, I’m not too sure.” 
“You never mentioned,” you look away shyly. 
“It’s... cute,” he shrugs. 
“You mean crazy,” you shake your head. 
“I say what I mean,” he counters. “No use in not. We can’t be happy if we’re not honest, not least of all with ourselves.” 
You’re quiet as you turn your attention to your plate. His words feel sharp despite his placid tone. You know it’s only because they’re true, especially for you. If you’d just accepted everything sooner, if you hadn’t been so dumb, if you hadn’t been so emotional, it would never have gotten so bad. No, if you’d just been honest. 
“I hope... I hope that didn’t come off wrong,” he says. 
“No, no, I’m... this all looks so good and I’m starving,” you assure him as you sit back with your plate. “Thank you again. This is... great.” 
“Well, I was thinking, you must miss your friends. I might be a paltry substitute but I thought i might fill that gap, even just for an hour.” 
“It’s really...” your eyes tingle but you push away the tinge of sadness, “it’s really nice.” 
“So tell me,” he scoops up salad onto his plate, “tell me about home.” 
“I...” you begin, surprised by the prompt. “It’s just home. New York. It’s busy and loud. Not like here.” 
“No, not that. Your friends. I want to know all about them. If I’m ever going to come up standards, I’ve got to know the competition.” 
You laugh. He speaks as if he needs to impress you. It’s nice to be somewhere where no one knows you’re not that special. You take a bite of the sandwich and chew, thinking out your question.  
You swallow, “well, my friend Sam, he calls every night to bitch at me. He’s great. Supportive but pushy. He likes to terrorise Bucky. He’s the strong and silent type, you know? Grumpy to boot but they’re... they’re awesome.” You smile without thinking, “before I left, they took me to this cocktail bar...” you blow out between your lips and roll your eyes, “real girly stuff.” 
“Ooh, cocktails. I’ve been known to indulge. I love finding new recipes.” 
“Oh, yes, I love the sweet ones. I’ve only just perfected my blueberry basil concoction. I’m afraid I can’t share the secret ingredient unfortunately.” 
“Blueberry?” You ponder the flavour, “sounds yummy.” 
“Perhaps one day you can try it,” he suggest. 
“Maybe,” you say evasively. “Anyway, yeah, Sam and Bucky are... characters.” 
“They sound like it. How’d you meet?” 
“Oh, it’s boring. What about you?” 
“It’s not my turn,” he deflects, “tell me.” 
You don’t know why he cares. It’s as confounding as everything else about him. You still don’t get why he’s here watching you sit in the dirt. It sounds as grueling as watching a golfing tournament, in your opinion. Yet here he is, a man who looks like that, staring at you in your mud-stained khakis. 
“College. We met through a mutual friend,” you explain vaguely. 
“Ah, so you’ve been friends for some time. Yes, I see, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do,” he hums thoughtfully as he toys with the braid that hangs loose by his face, the rest of his hair twisted back as always. 
“Steve,” you say without thinking, your eyes drifting off into the distance, “he was my best friend. We met in art history. We spent almost every day together. Studying, whatever. He was more of a partier than me but... fifteen years, more than, and we saw each other...” You choke on your words and scoff darkly, “sorry, that’s... I’m homesick, I think.” 
You bat away the glaze in your eyes and focus on your food. You take a few bites as he sits quietly. Thunder stands up cautiously and crosses the blanket. She settles against your leg, leaning her head on your thigh. It’s comforting. 
“Yes, I think I would be very homesick as well. I lived in the city for a while but mother and father, they need me. And I love this mountain. It’s home. There was nothing in Oslo for me. I can work from here.” 
“Work? What exactly do you do?” You ask, happy to divert from your own painful past. “Oo, are you like a farmer? Or a shepherd. There must be sheep up here or something.” 
He laughs, “there are some sheep, yes, but those are protected by the government. We’ve not much of a choice where they settle. No, I’m not so savvy as all that.” 
“Hm, you... oh, what could do you here?” You look around, “on a mountain... oh, tours? Do you give tours?” 
He laughs, “it’s not a bad idea, but no. I’m a business owner.” 
“A business. You must sell fitness or something.” 
“Must I?” He narrows his eyes, “and what else do you assume about me?” 
“Oh, it’s only you’re so...” you cringe as you eke out the word, “big?” 
“Genetics,” he affirms, “not that but close, in a matter of looking at it. You recall that tea I brought you, with the cloudberry?” 
“Uh, yeah, it was sweet. Yummy.” 
“I’m happy you enjoyed it,” he smiles proudly, “I make superblends. All Nordic ingredients. There is a demand for wellness and organic products. I found the right niche and I’ve not done too badly.” 
“Must not if you can live all the way up here,” you remark. 
“Yes, but... it’s a reason I moved back. Business is a lonely venture. Now I’ve got it all figured out, I have my managers and my business plan, I break even, I realise how much I put to the side,” he mulls his sandwich and takes a glum bite. It’s the first time you’ve seen him anything but bright and beaming, “I feel like I’ve fallen behind. Like I’m playing catch up.” 
His words sink in and storm inside of you. You crunch on the crisp lettuce and gulp. You wipe your mouth with a napkin and clear your throat. 
“I know exactly what you mean,” you say breathily. 
“Do you? You’re out here, on an adventure all you’re own, how brave,” his voice is wistful and his gray blue eyes reminds you of the clouds above. 
“Yes, I know,” you say, “better than you. Trust me.” 
You smile, a bittersweet tug in your cheeks, and he stares back at you. Your eyes cling to each other and you feel as if the world is moving around you. He smiles and a glimmer of something unfurls in your chest. You make yourself look away. 
“Well,” you push the salad around your plate, “what about you? You must have friends, aside from the girl in the dirt.” 
He hums and scrapes up a bite of the pasta salad. He takes his time chewing before he answers. You scratch Thunder’s nose as she sniffs at your plate. 
“Yes, if you ever come to sample my cocktails, you might meet a few,” he coaxes, “I think you’d get along. Hogan and Vol, and Fandy. All good company. Sif’s not around so often when my brother’s around but he’s as fleeting as the sun.” He tuts, “I would call Loki a friend as well but he does scowl at the very thought.” 
“My brother of course,” he explains with , “yes, he is quite the dour one. He might get along with that Bucky.” 
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imagine-darksiders · 2 months
Transformers Prime: Optimus + Reader. Chapter 1.
So, I read @lovinglonerhybrid 's post here. And it absolutely had me in a chokehold, so this is based off that premise. I'm in the UK so please excuse my ignorance of American states lmao.
So, there is a part 2 to this, but I'm going away for 4 days and wanted to get some of it posted before then.
You've broken down fifteen miles short of Jasper's city limits in the dead of night. Deciding to hike in to town, you feel the earth rumble beneath you, and over the horizon, something enormous approaches...
Chapter 1: 9352 words.
It’s a rare and covetous thing, to find even a single moment of peace in the midst of an intergalactic war.
The gap from one of those precious moments to the next seems to grow wider and wider every time, until their frequency is so negligible, it becomes hard to recognise them for what they are anymore.
For everything Earth could have offered Optimus Prime, he hadn’t been expecting it to relinquish the gift of peace so willingly. But he’s glad – more than glad – to accept them when they come, even if he’s only stealing glimpses of tranquillity on the sand-swept road leading out of Jasper.
Low-beam headlights lazily trace over the faded tarmac ahead of Optimus’s tyres as he trundles along Highway 49, one of only two roads that surround the small, sleepy city of Jasper. It’s a very routine patrol, one he obligingly excused Bumblebee from taking after his poor scout all but begged Optimus to give it to someone else, beeping out promises that he’ll take double shift tomorrow night, if need be.
All this on the back of Miko announcing another of her ‘slumber parties’ at the base, much to Ratchet’s noisy chagrin and Optimus’s private amusement. And, of course, when Bumblebee found out that Rafael would be staying the night too… Well…
‘You’re too indulging,’ their old medic had admonished from his workstation, the broad expanse of his back turned to the Prime, ‘He ought to learn he can’t always have his way.’
But it was a harmless indulgence, and Prime was more than happy to take over the patrol in this instance.
Besides, he had an arguably selfish reason for doing so.
If he’d admitted as much out loud, Ratchet would have scoffed and sent a pulse of chiding dismissal crashing into Optimus’s EM field. ‘You don’t have a selfish component in your body,’ he might say.
But this… Optimus muses, gazing skyward as he trundles down the highway in vehicle mode, letting the crisp, night air slide through his grill and cool his powerful engine… This is the appeal of a solo patrol.
Every now and then, there are times when the Decepticon activity goes quiet, Fowler has nothing to report, and Optimus can almost pretend that he’s just another Cybertronian enjoying a long, quiet drive through the Mojave wilderness. And while he remains ever vigilant, keeping every sensor poised outwardly in a constant surveillance of his surroundings, the old bot still permits at least one sense to wander.
Somehow, it’s always his sight.
Oftentimes he catches himself doing it. Other times, on nights that are quiet and still and clear like this one, there’s a wire-deep longing that overrides his logic gates, and the Prime won’t notice that he isn’t keeping his processor and his optics on the dusty road ahead of him. He’s too busy stealing long, pensive looks at the stars above him, scattered like a-hundred-billion souls sprawling across a curtain of crushed velvet.
It’s out there… somewhere… riding a lonely orbit on the furthest reaches of the galaxy’s Centaurus arm.
Their first home, he amends gently, depressing his accelerator to speed up when he realises he’s starting to crawl. Earth is as much their home now as Cybertron ever was.
Sagging on his suspension with a low hiss, Optimus drags his hidden optics back to the road ahead, and all at once, he nearly lurches to a halt, his exhaust pipes sputtering out a hollow sound to betray his surprise.
There, parked several feet from the road a few hundred yards ahead of him, is a vehicle.
Prime’s senses sharpen to a startling focus.
Pumping his brakes, he slows down again, and the roar of his engine fades to a fluctuating hum.
A Decepticon…?
He doesn’t feel anything trying to breach his EM field, nor does he pick up on any resistance when his scanners hone in on the vehicle – ‘Ford. F250. A Pickup truck.’ Year….? Optimus’s focus narrows to a pinprick… ‘Eighty-seven.’
It’s red - a faded, dusky red like some of the sun-baked sandstone at Red Rock Canyon. As Prime’s massive form rumbles on through the night, looming closer and closer to the mysterious truck, his lights reflect off something situated above its rear bumper, the presence of which quells his flaring codes and eases his rigid frame.
A number plate.
Thick, black numbers and letters stand out against the white rectangle, though it isn’t the sequence that alleviates Optimus’s suspicion, it’s their mere presence.
No Decepticon he knows would ever suffer the ‘indignity’ of having a human number plate stapled to their bumpers.
Primus, even the Autobots have foregone the accessory after Fowler gave up trying to keep Bumblebee from losing his, Ratchet from ‘misplacing’ his, and Bulkhead from bending his irreparably whenever he transformed. Optimus had given it a go, for a time… mainly because he was growing worried that their overworked liaison would quite simply combust if he had to intercept one more phone call from ‘concerned civilians’ who were reporting a semi-truck driving through Jasper without its registration.
The Prime’s number plate came to its own crumpled end when he sat down on his berth one evening without removing it first.
One genuine, slightly sheepish apology to a very fed-up liaison later, and Optimus was informed that he and his team no longer needed to wear the plates.
So, the presence of one on this truck is a good sign. It’s less likely to transform and cause an incident.
That does, however, open up an entirely new avenue for concern to creep in.
A crash, perhaps?
Several dark skid marks indicate that it must have veered off the road after a hard, panicked brake.
He can’t pick up any biological signatures either. Even when he casts a wider net, all his sensors catch are the heat signatures of a few tiny, Earthen mammals scurrying about over the sand before they dart into various rock formations when he rolls by. But just because he isn’t picking up the presence of a living human, it doesn’t negate the possibility of a human being inside…
Frame suddenly taut, Optimus trundles to a cautious halt on the road alongside the truck, his engine idling like some great, murmuring beast in the quiet of the desert.
A throaty hum seems to escape his smokestacks as he peers down at the smaller truck, contemplative… considering… Then finally, relieved. There doesn’t appear to be anyone inside, judging by what his headlights illuminate through the cab windows.
What is it doing out here?
It definitely wasn’t here yesterday when he made the drive into Jasper. It isn’t a vehicle he recognises either, and he’s been doubly vigilant of late regarding all the civilian cars, bikes, trucks, vans, and even agricultural vehicles in and around the town.
Privately, he’s been compiling a catalogue of them all, for his own reference.
If there’s a threat to his human charges lurking about in their hometown, Optimus needs to know about it. A Decepticon disguised as a civilian vehicle would be an effective method of infiltration.
Casting one more, cursory ping out into the night to check that he’s definitely alone, he at last begins to unfurl himself into his bipedal mode. Metal plating slides away from his grill, pulling back and rolling along the body of the semi as he rises onto newly revealed pedes. The mechanical whines, whirrs and buzzes are terribly loud and alien amongst the desert’s natural ambiance, but soon enough, the air falls still once again, and a monolithic Cybertronian stands in the place where a Peterbilt used to be.
Soft, cerulean light spills over the abandoned truck as Optimus settles his optics upon it, easing his enormous frame down into a crouch and draping one arm across his knee with a ‘clunk.’
At first glance, he hadn’t noticed anything especially odd about the truck save for its unexpected presence. Leaning sideways, he casts an optic over the front bumper and finds nothing out of place, no damage to indicate a crash, no broken headlights or crushed bonnet.
It’s the same story with the truck’s bed. Only when Optimus hauls himself upright and treads carefully around it to inspect the other side does he notices the glaring problem.
The whole vehicle is canting onto its offside front tyre, a tyre that sports a rather sizeable puncture, considering how flat it is. And from the looks of it, this one was only ever meant to be used as a temporary spare. A quick glance into the truck’s bed reveals what he assumes must be the original tyre, flat as well, with the silver head of a nail jutting from the centre tread block.
Optimus clicks his glossa softly for the owner’s run of bad luck.
Right away, he sends a ping to his team, advising them to be wary of stray nails along this stretch…
He receives several pings in return. Immediately comes Bumblebee’s frustration, buzzed over the airwaves like a sulking sparkling who’s been told his toy was broken. Given the Scout’s inclination to race at top speed all over these roads, Optimus doesn’t doubt he’s just vexed at the shuddersome notion of having to slow down.
Arcee and Bulkhead respond in kind as their leader absently moves his attention to something strange obscuring part of driver’s window, letting their concern wash over his field.
‘Popped a tyre, Boss?’ Bulkhead’s message hits his comm, informal and probing, but with the warmth of care behind it.
Optimus is quick to send a pulse of reassurance back through their shared channel. He’s fine. If one little nail was all it took to take a Prime out of commission, they’d all be in serious, serious trouble.
The channels go quiet after Arcee and Ratchet send their short, concise responses, and once again, Optimus is alone on the road, peering down at a small sheet of paper that’s been taped to the inside of the truck’s front window.
Gradually, he furrows his optical ridges until they almost click together into one, solid line, the apertures inside each optic whirring and shrinking as he reads the words scribbled on the paper.
He recalls the first time he encountered the languages of Earth as they were written. The looping letters, graceful and elegant, chasing one another across the front of the letter Agent Fowler gave him as part of an unofficial welcome to the United States.
Optimus had held the paper so delicately between two of his digits, blinking down at the dark ink soaked into repurposed cellulose fibre. It was beautiful.
When he remarked as such, Fowler made a noncommittal comment that you could tell a lot about humans from their handwriting.
Optimus would sometimes find himself glancing over the children’s homework when they left their books out unattended on the table in their recreational area.
Jack’s neat and sensible cursive. Miko’s chaotic, glittery script that rose and fell and ventured outside the lines because she was usually paying more attention to her music than the words she wrote in her textbook. And Rafael, of course, with his quick, almost frantic stokes of the pen as he tried to scribble his thoughts down as fast as his brain could make them, only to end up losing his confidence halfway through a sentence, doubled back, drew a single line through the words, and started again on a fresh page.
This handwriting though… written in blue, splotchy ink and stuck with a piece of scotch tape to the truck’s window, makes Fowler’s words ring true in Optimus’s processor.
He can tell a lot about the human who wrote it.
‘Please don’t steal/break into my truck,’ it reads. The word ‘please’ has been underlined several times. ‘Not worth much, it’s all I’ve got. Tyre is flat, spare tyre too, so can’t get far anyway. Walking to town to find help bcos phone died and I don’t have a charger. Be back soon. Thanks.’
The ink has run in several places and rendered some of the letters illegible, as if water has been dropped on them from above.
Optimus isn’t naïve. He’s seen the children cry, more times than he can bear.
Then underneath all that, in much smaller writing stuffed underneath the first message like an afterthought they forgot to leave enough space for…
‘P.s, if the truck is still here in 3 days, assume I’m dead.’
With a sudden groan of his metal frame, Optimus braces a servo on his knee and hurriedly pushes himself to his pedes once again, helm swivelling sideways to stare down the length of the road.
The truck’s nose is pointed in the direction of Jasper, but the town itself is still about a fifteen-mile drive…
Surely they wouldn’t make the journey on foot…
But if the note is any indication, then…
His processor flashes again to the children; Miko in particular, and the alarming disregard she has for her own safety. The boys are guilty of that as well, though to a lesser degree.
Suddenly, there’s a very high likelihood that there might be a human wondering through the vast Mojave, alone. Worse still, Bumblebee had reported just last week that there’s been an increase in Decepticon patrols in the area around Jasper. No doubt Megatron has been ramping up his efforts to locate the Autobot base. Their growing presence in the vicinity of town makes these roads particularly treacherous…
Optimus ex-vents roughly, more troubled than frustrated.
Blue optics narrow at the road ahead, and once again, the peace of the desert night is filled by the sounds of living metal collapsing back in on itself.
A powerful engine roars to life. Somewhere nearby, a startled jackrabbit darts beneath the safety of a sagebrush, hiding herself amongst its silvery leaves.
Unblinking, her wild eyes stare after the great, thrumming beast as it moves on down the road.
You’ve had a lot of ideas in your life.
Some good. Some bad. Some that have paid off, but most that have gone nowhere at all.
Perhaps you were growing tired of going nowhere…
What else would have possessed you to up and move all the way to the middle of Nevada state on the back of a job offer that came from a man your uncle purported to know?
‘Oh yeah, Terry? Did a job with him a few years back for some cattle baron out in the sticks. ‘Course, Terry always wanted his own dairy… Want me to tell him you’re lookin’ for work?’
Turns out, Terry did end up getting that dairy he always wanted. And as it happened, he was looking for a farm hand.
Does it count as nepotism if you’re fairly sure your uncle had only met your future employer once?
Beyond a certain point, you simply couldn’t care less.
A job is a job, even if it is out here in the desert near a town you’d never heard of a month ago.
Dust-caked trainers trudge to a weary halt in front of a large, green road sign.
The moon, thankfully, hangs fat and luminous in the cloudless sky. So at least you don’t need a torch to see, not now that your eyes have had time to adjust the darkness cloaked over the desert.
With your run of bad luck, you half assumed the heavens would have opened by now and given the Mojave a nice, little dose of rain.
“Well,” you mutter aloud to yourself, peering up at the green sign with a grimace, “Could be worse…”
‘Jasper – 10 miles,’ reads like a slap to the face.
Still… It’s better than the fifteen miles.
You must have walked at least five already, dragging your legs behind you like extra baggage that doesn’t want to cooperate.
It has to be beyond midnight now. Well beyond, you suppose.
You’ve been walking for the better part of two hours, slow and sluggish and exhausted. The journey getting to Nevada had been tiring enough, then as soon as you crossed state lines, your tyre caught a puncture going over a particularly nasty pothole that had snuck up on you.
After an hour spent in the blazing sun jacking up the truck and changing to the spare, you set off again for another several hours of travel. Then, twenty miles out of Jasper, just as you dared to celebrate being home-free, the unthinkable had happened.
Who hits a pothole and drives over a nail in the same, damn day? Apparently, the same person who forgot to buy a charger adaptor for the truck.
No charger? No phone.
No phone…? No calling for help…
Your chest expands and deflates with a bone-tired sigh, turning your gaze back onto the long, dark road ahead of you. Tears sting at the inside of your eyelids, and for a moment, you consider letting them fall, if only to ease some of the pressure building up behind your temples. But crying hysterically about the unfairness of the world hadn’t un-punctured your spare tyre, so why would it help the situation now.
“Come on,” you coax yourself, hauling one leg out in front of the other. Rinse. Repeat. “Not far now.”
Just a few more hours…
The going is slow, tough, draining. Even the dark shapes of rocks start to look enticing as you pass them, letting your eyes slide over to them as you wonder just how safe it would be to fall asleep in the desert by the side of a road.
Ever since you broke down a few hours ago, you haven’t seen one, single vehicle out here.
‘Which,’ you hum, pursing your lips and tipping your head back to peer up at the bleary sky far above you, ‘Isn’t so bad…’
The stars are numerous, and startlingly clear out in the wilderness. The moon as well seems brighter here, unobscured by clouds. She makes for a quiet companion on your journey towards Jasper, her starry brethren endlessly stretching out to each corner of the horizon.
Suddenly, you feel very small. A hopeless traveller trying to find port in a sea of sand and rock.
Swallowing roughly, you hike your tattered rucksack high onto your shoulder and tear your gaze from the stars.
It’s quiet out here, save for the rustle of sage bushes disturbed by the warm breeze, and the skittering of rocks as night-time animals go about their hunts.
Perhaps that natural silence is why the sudden introduction of an entirely new sound unnerves you so much.
You jerk to a halt, ears straining to hear something approaching from the distance. Underneath the thin, worn soles of your shoes, you start to feel it; the road thrumming with gentle vibrations, growing stronger every second.
Lighting quick, you whirl around to face the way you’d come, hands flying up to grip anxiously at the straps of your rucksack.
You’d have thought you’d be excited to see those headlights rise up above the horizon line. At last! A stroke of luck! A potential ride! Potential help.
Instead, it’s as though the sudden appearance of two, dazzling lights blooming into view as they crest over the hill finally jar some sense back into your dizzy head.
The haze of fatigue lifts slightly, pushed away by little bursts of adrenaline as your brain fights to wake you up to an unconscious threat.
You’re alone out here. Defenceless, phoneless. You don’t know the area. Nobody knows you’ve broken down… You try so hard to think the best of people, but now that you’ve had one doubt, a hundred others start to scurry around in your brain, demanding attention.
You can see the vehicle, or their lights at least, but you doubt they can see you yet, this far down the road. You wonder what it is. Car? Truck?
… Alien spacecraft? Despite yourself, you let out a snort at that. Isn’t that infamous military base supposed to be in Nevada? The one hiding alien activity?
Right. Sure.
Despite your scepticism however, a thrill of fear rushes down the length of your spine as if to say, ‘Oh? But are you sure sure?’
 Gulping audibly, you take a few steps sideways off the road, stealing a glance at a cluster of large rocks that sit conveniently just several yards to your rear.
You have a decision to make.
Maybe you’ve been alone on the road for too long, and isolation has bred a paranoia in you that’s so deeply rooted, you can’t shift it at a moment’s notice. If the sun was out, perhaps you’d be less apprehensive, but the night, no matter where you are, makes everything seem so much more… treacherous. It hides things. People, motivations, monsters.
And though it pains you to do so, you swiftly decide to err on the side of personal safety.
The vehicle is closer now, and your blood trembles as the roar of a loud, formidable engine thunders over the tarmac. Yet you’re still certain it isn’t close enough to have caught you in its high-beams.
On sluggish legs, you haul yourself about and make a clumsy dash for the rocks, clenching a fist around one strap of the rucksack and using your other hand to grab the closest rock and swing yourself behind it. Dropping to your backside, you flatten your spine against the cool, solid surface, eyes wide, heart beating hard against the cage of ribs keeping it from leaping up into your throat.
‘Coward,’ a voice in the back of your head scoffs, sounding suspiciously like your father. You shake it loose. Now is not the time to be bothered by old ghosts.
The thundering engine draws nearer, rumbling in your chest as it seems to creep towards your hiding spot at a pace even a glacier would be impressed by.
Around the corner of the rock, you can finally see the glow of its headlights smoothing over the tarmac, illuminating the sand and brush all around you. Hurriedly, you tuck your toes right into the shadow cast by your rock, keeping a breath held hostage behind clenched teeth.
“Come on… Come on,” you urge it frustratedly, aware that every second you spend not moving is another second towards sunrise. If you’re not on the dairy ready for work by then…
The vehicle rolls to a stop.
It stops.
The temptation to let out a frustrated scream is only held in check by your tongue getting stuck to the roof of bone-dry mouth.
They saw you. They must have seen you. There’s no way they could have known you were here otherwise.
Wasting time on the decision has only taken it right out of your hands in the end.
A bead of sweat escapes your hairline and rolls down the side of your face, following the curve of your cheek. Should you run? Keep hiding? Did they stop by coincidence? If they meant no harm, they’d have seen you hide and kept on driving, wouldn’t they? Stopping is suspicious. It conveys a desire to engage.
And then something really strange happens.
“Excuse me?”
And… Well, you’re… not entirely proud of the choked gasp that jumps out of you, nor the way you flinch as if you’d been struck.
When did they – He? It’s a low voice, deeper than anything you’ve heard in a long while, full of bass but soft like distant brontide.
When did he get out of the vehicle? You didn’t hear a door open, nor close.
You nearly jump out of your skin when he speaks again.
“I’ve frightened you…” Despite how gentle the timbre is, his voice is loud, like he’s speaking all around you, not just behind you. “I apologise,” the stranger continues, “That is the last thing I meant to do.”
What the Hell is he talking about?
There’s a long, unpleasant stretch of time until he speaks again.
“Was that your… Ford?” he asks, like he’s testing the word on his tongue, “Up the road?”
Shit. You’re starting to regret leaving that note. He must have read it and knew someone would be walking into town, alone and vulnerable.
The vehicle's powerful engine is still idling, strong and steady, buzzing along the ground and up through the soles of your feet.
It goes against your nature to ignore someone when they’re talking to you, but there’s still a part of you clinging to the hope that he’ll just give up and move on if you don’t respond or show yourself. Perhaps he’ll think you were just a figment of an overtired imagination…
Of course, instead, he persists. “Please.”
Jesus, he almost squeezes the word out, oozing dejection.
“You have nothing to fear from me… I’m a friend.”
A friend indeed. You huff quietly to yourself. You don’t even know him. He doesn’t know you. He’s trying to coax you out of hiding after watching you flee from his vehicle. Hardly the foundation for a good friendship. Still, you have to wonder why he doesn’t just come around the rock to stand over you if he’s so keen.
After another few seconds of stubborn silence on your part, the voice speaks again.
“Will you at least step back from the rock?”
“There are scorpions on it, and I fear you’ll get-“
You don’t think you’ve moved so fast in quite some time. One moment you’re pressing yourself to the rock, and the next, you’re scrabbling to your feet with gusto, lurching away from your prior hiding space and spinning around, skin already crawling.
Sure enough, a pair of giant scorpions are scuttling around on the flat top, their tails held aloft, proud and large in the moonlight.
“-Hurt,” the stranger finishes.
Snatching your head up, you find yourself staring right into the vehicle’s headlights, and you instantly grunt with discomfort, raising a hand to shield your eyes from the light.
“Oh.” There’s a pause, the vehicle’s engine skips, and the lights suddenly dim, plunging you into almost darkness save for the dim glow of residual light. “Forgive me. Is that better?”
“Much. Thanks,” you respond automatically, only to turn rigid once you realise you’ve spoken aloud.
Well. He’s already seen you. No point pretending you can’t talk either…
Again, the stranger’s vehicle makes an odd noise, it’s engine hums gently, and as you lower your arm to seek out the man you’ve just opened a line of conversation with, you finally see what you’d been hiding from.
A monstrous Peterbilt sits squarely across the width of the road, entirely alien in the barren, rocky landscape. Smokestacks on either side of its cab reach towards the sky, glinting silver in the moonlight. It looks red under the meagre glow, with lighter panelling on the main body and dark, blue accents on the wheel trims and storage compartment. The grill is, in a word, massive, standing taller than you are, sporting a logo you don’t recognise on the front.
All in all, it’s a hell of a truck. Powerful, you imagine. Expensive too.
You try not to let your mouth hang ajar.
“Where-” Your voice cracks, still dry. “Ahem…! Where are you?”
Glancing around, your hackles start to rise. You can’t see the speaker anywhere. Which is why you let out an embarrassingly shrill yelp when his voice rumbles directly from the semi.
“I’m right here,” he assures you, polite enough not to show his amusement whilst you flap your mouth open and closed.
No, you shake your head. No, that is too weird. “What, are there like… speakers on the outside of your truck or something?”
There’s the tiniest of pauses, followed by a simple, concise, “There are.”
Oh. Well, then. That answers that burning question.
“Okay? So, um… Can I… help you?” you ask awkwardly, screwing one side of your face up.
The man seems to hesitate, allowing a pregnant pause to hang in the air between you before he replies, “I was going to ask you the same thing.”
Somehow, your expression twists even further south, and you begin casting your eyes over the semi, squinting through its dark windshield to try and catch a glimpse of what’s on the other side.
“I saw your truck on the side of the road,” the unseen man continues, “I feared you might have been hurt in a crash, so, I stopped to check that you weren’t still inside the vehicle. Then I found your note.”
He falls silent, and the air is dominated once again by the purring of his semi’s engine.
“Okay?” you prompt, still unsure of his motivations.
“It said you need help.”
He trails off, waiting. You’re promptly struck by the idea that he’s trying to guide you to some conclusion he hasn’t yet revealed. Finally, just as you start to grow restless, he forges ahead, “These roads can be hazardous for a lone hu-“
Suddenly, the truck’s engine revs, drowning out his voice for a second and sending you leaping backwards, startled.
“- A lone traveller…” he clears his throat just after the roar of its exhaust cuts out. Then, “Ah, If I may be so bold...”
All of a sudden, the passenger side door unlatches and swings open, and you’re presented with a clear invitation into the darkened cab. “May I offer you a ride into town?”
You wonder if he can see you turn stiff at his suggestion. Your body all but pleads on hands and knees for you to accept. What’s the worst that could happen, after all?
Well. You’ve watched several documentaries and movies that give you a pretty good indication of what ‘the Worst’ entails, thank you very much. You don’t like that he’s inviting you into his truck without showing his face to you yet. You’d like to gauge the person you’re speaking to. Get a bead on him. Is he big? Strong? Tall? Could you overpower him if it came down to it? Does he look like he’s hiding a weapon on him?
All these questions only serve to dry the moisture in your throat.
“I… That’s… very kind of you,” you admit, wringing your hands together as you take a small step away from the semi, “But I’m sure it’ll be okay, it isn’t that far.”
“At an average speed of three miles per hour, you will reach the outskirts of town in just under three and a half hours.”
You blink, caught off guard. ‘And they said we’d never need to use equations after we graduated.’
“Maths guy, huh?” you cock a hip, laying a hand across it and shooting the truck’s windshield a tentative smile, “Maybe I walk at four miles an hour.”
“Two and a half then,” he quips back just as smoothly, the door to his semi still hanging open. When he continues, you can’t help but notice that the cadence of his baritone voice rumbling through the speakers has turned to something a little more sombre, quieter, like he’s trying to impress upon you the gravity of a situation you don’t yet know about. “But time and distance aside, I do not wish to leave you to walk into Jasper by yourself, particularly at this time of night.”
He speaks like he’s been to elocution lessons. Every word seems to be carefully selected, every vowel and consonant articulate and refined.
It’s disarming. He’s disarming. But you’re still not convinced.
“Listen… Thank you, again. But…” It feels rude, like you’re committing some kind of faux pas in turning your back on the semi, yet you can’t shake the nagging voice at the back of your head, telling you that there’s something not quite right about the man in the truck. Not bad, just… off.
“It’s a kind offer,” you tell him again lamely, turning on your heel. And so, you recommence your weary march for Jasper, tossing one last sentiment over your shoulder, “But I’m sure I can make it on my own. Take care, okay?”
You almost expect him to argue, but all you can hear is the now familiar drone of the semi’s almighty engine. For several paces, you can feel a pair of eyes watching you, scrutinising and pensive, if a little baffled by your short yet polite dismissal.
When you make it another ten feet, heaving your tired legs after you over the tarmac, your ears perk up to the sound of an engine revving.
Smokestacks chugging, the massive truck pulls out of its standstill, unseen behind you.
Chewing on the inside of your lip, you keep your gaze fixed to the ground ahead and raise a hand, flapping it about in an apologetic farewell as you meander further off the road and onto the sand, giving him plenty of space to get past.
You start to frown when you make it twenty paces without being overtaken by the truck.
That frown only grows deeper when the engine keeps churring away behind you, rubber tyres crunching tiny particles of sand under their treads as it crawls along in your wake.
Is he…?
Tearing your eyes off the toes of your shoes, you send a fleeting glance over your shoulder, surprised – but not much – to find the nose of the Peterbilt creeping slowly along in your peripheral vision, keeping pace with you.
Your frown eases back, and you quirk a brow at him instead, calmly asking, “What are you doing?”
And just as easily, the voice returns, “If you will not allow me to drive you, I will happily escort you to your destination.”
You can’t help yourself.
“Ha! ‘Escort.’” The snicker jumps out of you faster than you can raise your hands to press your fingertips against an unbidden grin. “Sorry,” you immediately try to amend, “You just sounded so serious.”
“… I… am serious?”
Letting your hand flop back to your side, you give your head a shake, still grinning. You really do meet all sorts on the road.
“Regardless, I’m sure you have far better things to be doing with your time.”
How the truck matches your walking speed without his engine faltering or sputtering, you’ll never know.
A strange noise gurgles from its exhaust, almost perfectly reminiscent of a troubled hum.
“On the contrary,” the driver responds, pulling forwards a little until only the grill overtakes you, and for a moment, you worry he’s about to drive across your path, “There is nothing at the moment that concerns me more than getting you safely where you need to go.”
Huh. Of all the genuine, stubborn…
“Look.” Your shoes scuff up a cloud of sand as you draw to an abrupt and decisive halt, turning bodily towards the truck. Hands splayed on your hips, you glare at the windscreen, aiming approximately for the driver. A second later, he must have hit the brakes because the semi lurches to a stop as well, hissing noisily.
Still, he doesn’t step out.
“You seem like a nice guy,” you start, trying to keep your chin raised and your tone stern. You fail, of course. Your voice cracks nervously, but at least you try. Taking a deep, steadying breath, you finally elect to stop beating around the bush and just address the elephant in the room – or desert, as it were.
“But I don’t make it a habit to get into random trucks with strangers.” You make it a point not to directly accuse him of having ulterior motives, but you hope you’ve at least driven home your main concern. At best, he’ll grow offended that you’d think him capable of such a thing and – hopefully – move on. At worst… Well. You brace yourself for that, teeth grit so tightly, your jaw starts to ache as you flick your eyes over towards the truck’s driver-side door, waiting.
The truck in question does something odd then. It… sinks? At least you think it does, lowering on its axles by a few inches like the wheels have just deflated. It’s difficult to tell in the dim moonlight though, and it’s over so quickly, you can’t be sure you saw anything at all that wasn’t just a trick of the desert.
How long have you been awake?
You’re busy calculating the hours you were driving when the stranger’s voice is kicked out over the speakers again.
“You assume I mean you harm…” he utters.
And just like that, the stern, rigid scowl is instantly wiped off your face.
He sounds…
Not offended. Not angered by your thinly-veiled implication.
Just sad. Dispirited, even. As if it’s only just occurred to him that you might have perceived him as a threat.
It’s almost painful when the pair of you dissolve into an uncomfortable silence that lasts for several beats of your rapid-fire heart.
Biting down on the inside of your cheek, your brows drift apart whilst you try to think of something to say. Trouble is, you’re afraid that speaking again will only make things worse.
You have no idea what’s going through his head. What if his dejected tone is followed by something worse?
“I’m sorry,” you backtrack, pressing your lips together and chiding yourself for faltering, “It’s nothing personal, just… I-I should probably get going before I fall asleep standing up.” You give a stilted laugh, but it soon turns into an awkward sound made at the back of your throat, lips pulled over your teeth in a grimace.
Dipping your head, you swallow thickly and grip the straps of your rucksack again. But just as you make to turn away, the semi’s wheels abruptly twist towards you. It’s ever so slight, just enough that the truck rolls a few paces in your direction before it stops again, its grill pointed straight at you.
With an audible gulp, you go to take another step back, staring at the metal in anticipation. Your retreat is soon halted by the mellow rumble of his voice.
“I understand your hesitation. And I know that the word of a stranger may not hold much weight,” he begins slowly. The Peterbilt inches forwards again. “But I can assure you, you have nothing to fear from me…”
Shifting on your feet, you let go of your bag and clutch instead at your elbows, brows tipped up indecisively. He’s persistent, you’ll give him that. He also speaks with a candour you’ve never encountered outside of a film or a storybook. Frank and forthright in a way you’ve never been privy to. Is that why you’re hesitating? Is that why he seems ‘off?’ Because his level of sincerity doesn’t have a place in your world?
Perhaps you’ve been spending so much time by yourself, it’s turned you distrustful. Maybe you’re just getting cynical. Looking back on your journey here, you realise that only other person who you’ve spoken to was a disinterested server who took your order at a drive-thru… That was four days ago. How long before that did you listen to someone who wasn’t the people on your truck’s radio?
Why is it so suspicious that this trucker wants to help? Hell, you’d be concerned as well if you saw some poor bastard hiking alone through the desert at night without a friend in the world.
Christ, you need some perspective.
The driver must see the conflict painted like a brand across your expression.
“Would it reassure you to know that this vehicle is operated entirely remotely?” he pipes up.
You blink once. Then again to wake yourself up a little more, pulled from your inner turmoil. “What?”
“This vehicle,” he tells you, “It is an unmanned vehicle.”
Curiosity overtakes suspicion faster than you can uncross your arms and stare at the grill dumbly, face opening up in surprise. “Wait. You mean it’s one of those self-driving things?”
“In a sense.” The semi’s engine rumbles softly, and the not-driver adds, “I am what you might call… the safety driver.”
Now that is curious.
You don’t even realise you’ve taken a step closer. “Really? But I thought that sort of tech was still in testing?”
“It is,” he replies, “We are, however, attempting to advance to field-tests, to see if these vehicles can autonomously haul freight in areas with sparser populations, to minimise the risk of collision.”
“Hence why you’re driving it out here in the middle of the night,” you realise aloud, raising an inquisitive brow at the windscreen, “So you’re really not in there? You’re driving it from somewhere else?”
“Would you care to see for yourself?” he asks kindly.
Your wide eyes flit to the passenger door when it eases open once again, though this time, it seems far less foreboding than before.
Tugging a loose piece of skin between your teeth, you give the silver steps leading to the door a scrutinising glance.
That does reassure you…
Slowly, still at least a little wary, you coax your legs to move, and they begrudgingly carry you onto the road. You approach the semi-truck with all the caution of a doe crossing an open meadow.
As you venture closer, its engine kicks up a notch, emitting a steady, gentle purr as if the vehicle itself is pleased with your acquiescence.
Suddenly, as you move along to the open door, you’re dazzled by a light flickering on inside the cab, bathing what you can see from this angle in a calm, golden hue.
From down here, it looks… just like an ordinary interior.
And lo and behold, as you stand on your tiptoes to see in, you find the driver’s seat is eerily devoid of its occupant.
You let out a breath that emerges shakier than you would have liked it to.
“Wow,” you laugh, impressed.
Maybe just a quick peek…
A vast chunk of apprehension breaks away from your chest and vanishes into the ether as you shuffle towards the steps, raising an arm and stretching your fingers across the space to the grab handle that sits invitingly just beside the open door.
This side of the truck is bathed in silver moonlight, and it’s only now that you’re this close that you happen to notice something you hadn’t before.
You almost wince when you spot them.
Although shiny and speckled with only the lightest dusting of desert sand, the metal panelling on the semi is covered in signs of wear and tear.
Enough to give you pause, at least.
For a moment, you’re taken aback, turning bodily away from the open door and cocking your head at the myriad of scratches that criss-cross their way up towards the semi’s roof.
All the paint in the world couldn’t hide some of those shallow nicks and lines that have been scraped out of the metal. In any case, something big must have scuffed it. Perhaps another driver in their own Peterbilt? Or perhaps it’s all damage sustained in testing the vehicle’s automated capabilities.
Clicking your tongue, you absently raise a hand to stroke your fingertips gingerly along the length of a particularly prominent scratch by the door.
“Oh dear,” you tut softly at the side of the truck, “You’ve been in the wars, haven’t you?”
Without warning, the engine that had been buzzing so gently suddenly ramps up and starts to vibrate firmly beneath your fingers, so strong you can even feel it judder the ground through the soles of your feet.
Recoiling like you’ve been zapped, you whip your head around to peer through the open door, half expecting the driver to admonish you for touching his vehicle.
As swiftly as it started however, the thrumming engine dies down, and the truck returns to its soft, benign idling. “My apologies,” comes that gentle voice again through the speakers, “Just an overactive combustion chamber.”
“Is it... safe to ride in?” you retort, giving the back of the truck a sidelong glance.
“You will find very few vehicles safer than this one,” he tells you patiently, “I will not allow any harm to befall you, as I would not allow it to befall any of my passengers.”
Your shoulders jump with a silent laugh. “Befall,” you parrot, fighting a smile, “I love the way you talk.”
“… You do?” His speakers buzz with a pleasant hum.
Fingers flexing anxiously, you reach out once again and slide them around the grab handle beside the door, finding that it’s unexpectedly warm under your palm.
“So, I just… get in?” you ask, only to cringe immediately, realising you probably sound like a fool who’s forgotten how to get into a truck.
Before you can rebuke yourself harshly though, the absent stranger offers his response. “Do you require assistance?”
“No, no,” you rush out, placing one foot on the first, silver step and hoisting yourself up off the ground, bringing yourself level with the cab’s seats.
Your eyes grow wide with wonder as you take in the interior.
“Oh, wow,” you breathe, suddenly hesitant to pull yourself up those last few feet.
“Is there something wrong?”
“It’s just… It’s so clean!”
Laid out before you is a perfectly ordinary truck cabin. Soft, grey leather covers the seats, with the same dark colouration on the roof, doors and most of the glovebox, interspersed by a rich, black steering wheel. The soft light, you discover, is emitted by multiple strips of blue neon LEDs that the driver must have fitted underneath the radio dials and dashboard, casting the truck’s interior in a cool, soothing glow.
But most astonishingly, for as much as you search, you can’t spot a single thing out of place. It’s absolutely immaculate. There isn’t one receipt stuffed in the door pockets, no traces of sand or gravel dirtying the footwells, no loose change tossed into the centre console…
Dumbfounded, you glance into the back, but all you find it a dark, grey panel and a shelf set back into the semi’s rear wall, meant for use as a bed, you surmise. It’s empty, unsurprisingly. Not a blanket or a pillow in sight.
Finally, your suspicions are put to rest. This truck doesn’t look lived in at all. He really is operating it remotely.
“God, it looks brand new in here,” you marvel aloud, suddenly hyper-conscious of the abysmal state of your old pickup. The scratches on this semi’s exterior play briefly on your mind but you brush your musings aside, too fatigued to consider the contradictions of a worn exterior but an immaculate interior.
Instead, you feel a frown crease the skin between your brows.
It really is immaculate in here…
Glancing down, you scowl disdainfully at your filthy shoes, the tank-top that’s stained irreparably by dropped food and greasy finger-smears, and trousers that are tattered and worn at their hems.
“Is everything all right?” the ‘driver’ asks again. His voice must emerge from the speakers on each door, low and warm, filling up the cabin.
“My shoes are dirty,” you admit out loud, your grip on the handle turning slack until you sink a few inches back to the first step, “I’m dirty. I-I don’t want to get sand and crap all over your truck.”
“I don’t mind.”
Spoken with more consideration than you’ve heard in a long, long time.
You pause at once, brows tipping up in the centre of your forehead.
A deep inhale through your nose brings with it the unobtrusive scent of leather, with the faintest undertone of adhesive sealers, giving the interior that ‘new truck smell’ that so many drivers try to replicate artificially.
Comparatively, it’s been several days since you passed a rest stop that had showering facilities. Those that did asked for a hefty charge. You’d glanced down at the handful of coppers in your centre console and decided you could go without. Now, you’re starting to regret that decision. Every now and then, whenever you raised your arms to stretch or flip the visor down in your pickup, you’d catch an unpleasant whiff of yourself wafting out from under your light, cotton shirt.
Embarrassed as you are to confess that you’ve been severely neglecting your personal hygiene, you swallow past a lump in your throat and croak, “I… haven’t exactly washed for a couple of days… I wouldn’t want to make your truck smell…”
And in a tone so kind it threatens to brings a tear to your eye, the stranger answers consolingly, “I think your scent is perfectly fine.”
It’s so damnably genuine, you can’t even find it in yourself to point out that he isn’t here to smell you, so his point is moot.
“I…” One more cop-out strikes you. “I don’t have any money,” you murmur truthfully, ashamed, “I can’t pay you for the fuel, or-“
“-I ask for nothing in return but your company,” is all he says, cutting you off as gently as his profound voice will allow.
And just like that, you’re out of viable excuses. Or perhaps your body has noticed the comfortable seats right in front of it and you don’t have enough fight left in you to deny it a sit down. Besides, any reasons you come up with to dip are likely to be met with a counterpoint.
Even so, you can’t help but hesitate for one more question, hand clasping and unclasping around the grab handle. “Are you sure it’s okay? I’m not going to get you in trouble or anything am I?”
The next sound that hums through his speakers is so soft and rich, you think it’s the truck’s engine playing up again, at least until the stranger cuts the noise off by saying, “You do not look like trouble to me.”
If he only knew.
The sound prior, you realise, was a chuckle, the first one you’ve heard out of him yet. Something in the measure of it settles the last of your nerves, only slightly, just long enough to have you throwing caution to the wind. With a final heave, you pull yourself the rest of the way inside, sliding gingerly into the comfortable passenger seat. You never notice how the metal below your foot shifts microscopically, lifting you closer to the cab.
It takes a lot of restraint not to let your eyes drift closed, nor to slump backwards into the wondrously giving material on your spine.
Instead, you sit stiffly with your rucksack keeping you upright, legs pressed together, hands folded neatly in your lap. If you make any kind of mess in here, you’ll be mortified.
After a moment, you remember to close the door, but just as you turn and peel a hand off your thigh, you jolt, staring agog at the door as it swings slowly shut with a dull ‘click.’ All of its own accord.
“Full remote access,” the voice pipes up as the engine below you roars to life, and then you’re moving, and all you can do is stare through the window at the desert drifting by whilst trying to ignore the uninvited ache in your chest.
His gentle prompt spurs you to reach over and grab the fabric near your shoulder, tugging it across your body and fumbling a little to slot it into place. Suddenly, you feel an invisible pull on the belt, and the metal buckle finds its way into the socket on your next pass.
‘Must be magnetic,’ you muse distractedly.
“Are you comfortable?”
Blinking back the moisture in your eyes, you turn to glance at the empty driver’s seat. It’s bizarre, and more than a little unsettling to see the steering wheel turn itself around as the truck pulls back onto the road, driven by unseen hands.
When you don’t immediately respond to his query, the man continues just as patiently as before. “If it is too cold, I can turn up the heater. Or… perhaps you are too warm…” He hums to himself, thoughtful. “You have been exerting yourself.”
You instantly become aware of the light sheen of sweat that hasn’t quite dried on your forehead. Puckering your face up into a solemn smile, you shake your head and at last respond. “Not to worry. It’s very comfortable in here.”
What follows is a poignant moment of hesitation before the voice speaks again. “Forgive me if I’m overstepping, but… You do not seem comfortable…”
The open-ended statement fades into silence, and you’re left casting nervous glances around the cabin again. “How do you-?” you start, tugging your shirt further down your arms, “Can you see me? Like… in here?”
Again, there’s a pause, barely longer than a second, yet long enough for you to notice it.
“Cameras,” comes his measured response, “Both external and internal. They’re how I spotted you on the road.”
“Oh, I hadn’t even considered that… Of course.”
Suddenly self-conscious, you reach up and begin to paw uselessly at your dishevelled hair, humming though a thin-lipped smile. “I must look a sight,” you half joke.
“You look tired…” he replies diplomatically, and there’s nothing in it for you to be offended by.
Rubbing a thumb over the wrinkle slowly carving a home between your brows, you heave a dreary sigh. “It’s been a long journey.”
“I can only imagine… And… Where does it culminate, if I may?”
“Terry’s Dairy?” you offer, “Uh, it’s this little farm just on the outskirts of Jasper.”
The truck beneath you gives a reverberating thrum. “I know the pastures, but I’m afraid you will find they lay beyond the ‘outskirts’ of the city.”
Letting out a groan, you knock your head back against the seat behind you, staring bleakly up at the ceiling. “Of course… How far?”
“Only a few miles, to the East of Jasper. We’re coming in from the Northwest highway. I can get you there in twenty-five minutes.”
“Twenty- Oh, no, no. You really don’t have to do that,” you protest, shifting in the seat to frown at the empty driver’s seat in lieu of anywhere else to look, “Just drop me off in town and I’ll walk the rest. You’re already going out of your way for a stranger.”
“I am dropping you off at your destination and not a mile before,” he tells you steadily.
His uncompromising tone brooks no argument.
You stare at the spot a person should be for several, long moments, debating how much you could push an argument. He’s already coaxed you into his truck, his powers of persuasion are rather good. What chance do you have, sleep-deprived as you are?
Conceding sullenly, yet appreciatively, you let your back touch the seat, settling into it a little less hesitantly. “You won’t be taking no for an answer, I assume?”
He only lapses into a stubborn silence, an answer in and of itself.
That quiet is broken, however, when you suddenly let out all the air from your lungs, a smile growing across the width of your face as the breath escapes your nostrils in a sigh. “Thank you for this… Really. You’re saving me a lot of grief.”
The blue neons on his dashboard seem to flare a bit brighter for all of a second before they dim again. “I am glad to be of service,” he replies warmly.
“Oh my god,” you blurt without warning, leaning forwards in the seat and staring through the windscreen with wide eyes, “I’m so sorry, you’re being so nice and I’m so rude – I never asked your name.”
“Nor did I yours,” he points out, “You may call me Op-“
Suddenly, a burst of static buzzes through the radio. You shoot it a funny look.
“Optimus,” the stranger admits over the static with a hesitance you pick up on right away, drawing your gaze from the dash, “My name is Optimus.”
“Optimus?” you repeat incredulously, a small smile quirking at the edges of your mouth, “Wow… You must have had creative parents.”
“I appreciate that it might seem… an unusual name…”
“It is,” you agree pleasantly, “I like it. Makes you sound cool. Unique. My parents just stuck me with Y/n.”
At once, Optimus echoes your name, and you’re jarred by the sound of it coming from someone else’s lips, reverberating around the truck. It’s been a while since anyone used it.
“Y/n,” he says again in his velvety timbre, “It’s a fine name. I like yours too.”
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lovebugism · 9 months
How about "89. I’m drunk and fall asleep in a snow bank and you’re the kind stranger yanking me to my feet and lecturing me on how dangerous that is" with Steve?
ty for requesting!! — steve harrington rescues you, his worst enemy, after finding you all alone on a snowy bench on main street (enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, tw for toxic relationships, 2.4k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
On his way home from the Wheeler holiday party, Steve thinks he sees a dead body in the snow.
He slows at a stoplight and knows he sees a dead body in the snow.
With nothing but sheer stupidity and a savior complex, the boy rushes out of his warm car and into the vacant road on Main Street. The piling snow crunches under his sneakers and dampens them instantly. Crystalline flakes fall from the pitch-black sky at a merciless rate, sticking to his lashes and his fuzzy Christmas sweater. 
The snow glistens as it clings to the limp body lying on the bench. A girl, Steve realizes as he gets closer — a pretty girl in a pretty dress who’s not at all clothed for this kind of weather. 
He steps closer, blinks snowflakes from his eyes, and realizes that it’s you. The reigning princess of Hawkins. The homecoming queen. His absolute worst enemy. 
Steve loses his sympathy in an instant. Now that he knows you’re not dead, anyway. 
But he nudges at you gently — just to make sure — and you grumble something unintelligible into your folded-up arms.
“What are you doing?” he wonders aloud.
“What’s it look like?” you slur, rubbing your cheek against your sleeve like a cat.
“It’s freezing out. You know that, right?”
“Really?” you muse sleepily, eyes still shut. “I haven’t noticed.”
Steve scoffs a bitter laugh and rolls his honey eyes. He puts his hands on his waist, cocks his hips to the side, and leers down at you even though you can’t see him. He wonders if you even recognize his voice — if that’s the reason you’re being so short with him or if you’re just too drunk to care.
“It’s good to know you’re still a priss after all this time. It’s really refreshing, actually.”
He expects you to argue with him. That’s what you used to do, anyway. Your relationship (or lack thereof) is built on this kind of petty, meaningless banter. So he feels a little empty when you don’t bite back. Maybe even a little bad.
You fall back to sleep, a soft snore sounding from your throat. You shift in your slumber and it sends you rolling off the bench. Steve catches you before you can. He puts you back into place with two warm hands around your arms.
“Alright. Get up,” he says with an annoyed huff.
“No, thank you,” you sigh, still sleepy.
“No. Seriously. Get up before you get frostbite.” 
His voice is coated with an obvious concern. You don’t miss it — not even in your exhausted, drunken, and heartbroken state. Maybe that’s why you don’t fight him as much when he forces you to sit up, but you’re still hardly more than dead weight. He’s forced to hold you so you don’t fall over again.
Steve can see you better now that you���re fully upright. Snowflakes stick to the strands of your done-up hair, made-up lashes, and the knit material of your dress. Your eyeliner is smudged beneath your eyes, and your lipstick has been mostly kissed off. There’s a hole in the knee of your tights, too, and scuff marks on the toe of your boots.
You’re pretty. You’ve always been pretty, but just a little extra now. Way too beautiful to be all alone on this bench in the middle of Main Street.
“What are you doing here?” Steve blurts as he crouches in front of you. Snow wets the knee of his jeans, but he’s too distracted by you to care. “Where’s your boyfriend? Why isn’t he with you?”
He can’t even say the name — of your douchebag boyfriend, that is. Just thinking of the words Billy and Hargrove makes him feel like vomiting. Steve didn’t think he could hate anyone more than he hated you until he met that asshole. The two of you deserve each other, really.
Your tired head lolls to your shoulder. Your eyes flutter shut as you shrug.
“You weren’t with him?” the boy presses.
“I was,” you slur dramatically. “But he left.”
“He left you?”
You nod, slow and lazy.
“He left you here?”
You nod again.
Steve’s chest stings. His heart aches for you, even though he knows it shouldn’t.
“Why?” he agonizes.
“I got too drunk at a party… And I talked to a guy he didn’t like very much.”
“Then what?”
You start to go limp in his hold. Exhaustion weighs you down again, accelerated by the winter’s bitter cold. Steve squeezes your arms to keep you upright. Your eyes open again but the lids of them are visibly heavy. 
“Um… We fought in the car. And he told me to get out,” you explain in mumbled slurs. Your voice is calm and airy, as light as the falling snow. You’re too drunk to understand how heartbreaking this is. “And I tried to get back home, but then I forgot how to walk.”
Steve’s eyes start to burn. He feels like he could cry. Because sure, you’ve been his enemy since the third grade, but you’re soft and you’re gentle and utterly undeserving of Billy’s assholery. 
Because of this (and his lingering savior complex), he feels the overwhelming urge to take care of you.
“Here. C’mon,” he huffs as he rises to full height again, jaw tense to keep his teeth from chattering. He tugs at your arms to pull you up with him. You comply (as best you can on frozen, drunken limbs) but not without confusion. Your face twists with it.
“What?” you murmur.
“Get in the car, okay? C’mon.”
You plant your feet. It becomes virtually impossible to move you. You and Steve idle at a standstill with your shoes digging into the piling snow. Your toes feel close to frozen, but your hands are strangely warm with Steve holding them so tight.
“No,” you insist, dramatically stubborn in your less-than-sober state.
“Billy will get mad.” 
Steve scoffs. “Screw Billy.”
“I do that already.” Your reply comes so swiftly, and without a single hint of a smirk, that it’s impossible to tell if you’re joking or not. Maybe you aren’t and you’re just too drunk to understand sarcasm. Maybe you are joking and the receptors in your brain aren’t firing properly enough to tell you to smile at yourself.
Either way, Steve’s face scrunches with disgust. “Gross,” he mumbles under his breath.
Steve has to drag you to his car. 
He puts his palm over the crown of your head to keep you from bumping it when you duck inside. He guides your legs in, too, when you have trouble maneuvering them. Then he reaches over to buckle you in before you have to ask him for help — because god knows there’s no way you could do it on your own.
He smells like cedar and something sweet when he leans over you. His whole car smells like that, actually. It’s nice. Comforting. Almost achingly warm. 
You curl into the heated seat and provide exactly zero help when he drives you home.
“You still alive?” he asks after a couple minutes of driving.
You grunt, slumped over in your seat with your forehead pressed against the window.
“What’s your address?”
“Where do you live?” he presses.
“Why do you wanna know, perv?” you slur, obviously not all there as you shift to get more comfortable in the passenger seat of his car.
Steve scoffs. “Oh, right. I’m the perv ‘cause I didn’t leave you out in the freezing cold. Makes so much sense. Maybe next time, don’t call me when your asshole boyfriend abandons you, alright?”
He’s bitter. Intentionally hurtful. 
You’re too drunk to understand. “I didn’t call you in the first place,” you retort sleepily.
He falters. “Well— you know what I mean.”
“I can’t go home,” you answer finally.
His structured features twist with concern, but your eyes are closed so you don’t see it. His honeyed gaze squints with worry, flitting from your limp form to the darkened road and back again. “Why?”
“‘Cause I live with Billy. And he doesn’t want me there,” you tell him with a lazy shrug. Then, more quietly, you mumble. “Nobody wants me anywhere…”
You say it so softly that he barely hears it. He wishes he hadn’t. It’d make it a whole lot easier to hate you if you were still the same priss he grew up with. He isn’t so sure that you are — or if you ever were. All you are to him now is a heartbroken girl he found in the snow, in desperate need of some kindness.
So when you drift off again, he lets you. And he doesn’t wake you until you get to his house.
You feel the warmth of his presence first — the weight of his chest at your side and his hand on your waist. Your heavy eyes flutter open to find him leaning over you. He fusses with the seatbelt buckle for a moment before it clicks.
“What are you doing?” you wonder aloud, voice weighed down by exhaustion. There’s a million questions swirling in your head right now — where am I, why are you here, why are you taking care of me. That was just the first to slip out.
“Good. Now I don’t have to carry you,” Steve jokes.
He holds your hand to help you out of the car, then wraps an arm around your waist to keep you from falling. He guides you towards a too big house, lit up white with expensive Christmas decorations.
“Where are we?”
“My place. You can sleep off the alcohol on my couch.”
Your head lolls to your shoulder, eyes red-rimmed and glassy as you blink up at him. “And they say chivalry is dead,” you tease, still slightly misarticulate — though not nearly as much as when he found you in the show.
Steve’s rolling his eyes at you one moment, silently scolding himself for getting out of his car in the first place — and the next, he’s standing in his kitchen, filling up a glass of water and putting slices of bread on a plate for you. He even cuts off the goddamned crust. Just in case.
He left you on the couch in the living room, but you’re gone when he gets back. It’s like he blinks, and he’s annoyed with you all over again. A huff tumbles from his mouth as he trudges up the stairs to find you.
The door to his room is cracked open. 
He finds you curled up in the center of his bed.
“No. Nope,” Steve scolds as he walks further inside. He sits the bread and the water on his nightstand and tries to shake you awake. You’re totally knocked out, hardly anything more than deadweight from the alcohol. 
And he can’t even be mad at you about it because it’s not even your fault. You shouldn’t have gotten left in the first place.
“C’mon. Get up— you’re not sleeping in my bed,” he insists. His hand curls around your arm with the intent to pull you up before he realizes how cold you are. You’re freezing, even over your dress. The notion makes Steve stop in place. 
He squints to take a better look at you — to really look at you — and swears the color of your skin is tinted blue from the cold. Your mascara is smeared — from where you’d been crying, maybe. He thinks those might be dried tear stains on your cheeks, too.
All at once, he doesn’t have the heart to wake you. He curses himself for being so hard on you. You never deserved it — not tonight, not ever — and he figures this is his time to atone.
He maneuvers you beneath his navy blue sheets with a warm and gentle hand. He brings the top of the comforter up to your jaw and you curl into his bed on instinct, sighing as you settle further into the warmth. 
Your eyes are still closed and you’re still barely conscious, but the pillow is soft against your cheek. It smells like floral detergent and musky cologne and sweet-smelling hairspray. It brings you a foreign comfort that lulls you into a deeper, much-needed sleep.
Steve settles beside you, over the covers and with his clothes still on. He wants to be awake in case you need him. He doesn’t want you to get sick and not be alert enough to help you. 
He’s laughing at the sound of your gentle snores one moment, then falling asleep to them the next.
Hawkins’ royalty. Arch enemies since elementary school. Sleeping together in one bed like you haven’t spent the majority of your lives hatingeach other.
You sleep soundly together in spite of all that. You don’t wake for several hours — not until you’ve slept the alcohol off and your suddenly sober brain reminds you of the night before. Touchy guy on the dance floor, Billy’s rough hand around your wrist, “God, you’re such a slut!” 
The last thing you remember is passing out on a bench on Main Street, so you’re not entirely sure how you ended up in a bed. 
You wake with a start, distinctly and palpably terrified. 
You’re rousing wakes Steve up, too.
“Billy?” you murmur, heavy with sleep, as you squint in the navy blue darkness. 
A part of you hopes it was all just a too vivid nightmare. Or, at the very least, that your boyfriend came to his senses and picked you up after completely abandoning you — but somehow that feels more unrealistic than all the shit he put you through the evening before.
“No—” Steve answers groggily, then clears throat when the word gets stuck there. He rises to his elbows and looks over his shoulder at you, squinting a tired eye to see you better. “No, it’s— it’s Steve.”
He can’t see you too well, not in the pitch black of his bedroom, but he swears he hears you sigh. One of relief, maybe, or maybe one of ease. Either way, you don’t seem very upset that he’s here with you.
“Oh,” you answer, still a bit breathless. “Okay…” You lie back down again, feeling eons safer than just seconds before, as you curl back into your shape on his mattress. You sigh into your pillow and try not to gravitate towards the warmth beside you.
Steve’s hands fidget with a similar fight to keep from holding you. “It’s okay,” he settles on instead, hoping his words can embrace you in a way he doesn’t let himself. “You’re okay.”
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corrodedhawkins · 2 years
Make it Big
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Content warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) language, roleplay (Rockstar!Eddie…Eddie is super cocky and kind of an ass but it’s all an act), slight dom!Eddie, oral (m! receiving), crying, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex, semi-public sex (the tour bus, which is actually the van), praise, multiple orgasms, creampie, a little aftercare.
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“What’s your name, sweetheart?”, Eddie asks, eyes roaming over your figure.
Answering him shyly, your eyes stay focused on the stained carpet of the dressing room you’ve just been lead into by the band’s manager.
“Pretty”, he muses, circling you slowly. “Do you know why I picked you out of the crowd, little one?” He places two fingers under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.
Warm brown eyes stare back at you, his penetrating gaze making you shiver. You shake your head slightly in reply.
Eddie’s thumb traces over your plush bottom lip. “I saw you, in the front row. Singing along to every song, your eyes on me the whole show.”
His hand falls from your face to grip your hip, pulling you flush against him. “I know when someone wants me”, he whispers into your ear.
“I don’t-”
“Hey, it’s okay if you’re too scared”, he releases you from his hold, backing away. “Just say the word and I can throw you back out with all the other groupies who would kill to be standing where you are right now.”
Eddie walks over to the door, swinging it open. He bows, gesturing towards you, then at the door. “On your way out, please send in another one of my adoring fans.”
“No”, you mumble.
“I’m sorry? Couldn’t hear your, sweetheart. Speak up.” Eddie looks at you expectantly.
“No”, you try again, more confidently this time. “I’m not too scared. I want this.”
He stands up straight, lips turning up into a cocky grin. “Of course you do. Why don’t we take this back to the tour bus?”
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Eddie ushers you out the back door of the venue, backing you up against the side of his van parked steps away.
With one hand braced against the van beside your head, he leans in, nosing your hair away from your neck. He places hot, wet kisses against your throat, trailing up to your ear. His free hand falls to your plush ass, squeezing roughly.
Eddie kicks your feet apart, forcing one thigh between your legs, his grip on your ass helping him grind you down onto him.
You gasp at the friction, quickly soaking through your panties under your short skirt. The chuckle that comes from Eddie confirms he can feel just how hot and wet you are against his leg.
“Fuck, I can feel how ready you are for me, pretty girl. You want me so bad, don’t you?”Licking and sucking on your lobe, he blows over the wet skin, making you shiver.
When all he gets is a high, desperate whine in reply, he pulls back from your ear to look at you. His hand falls from the side of the van to cup your cheek, thumb moving soothingly over your cheekbone.
“You doing okay?”, he asks softly.
“Yeah. Just, wasn’t expecting to like the cockiness this much.” You can’t help the blush that blooms on your cheeks.
Eddie laughs, brow quirked up in surprise. “Yeah? I was scared I was laying it on too thick.”
“Nah, the whole asshole rockstar thing is doin’ it for me.” Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him down for a searing kiss.
“Noted”, he murmurs against your mouth, tongue darting out to flick against your top lip. “Ready to see the inside of the bus?”
Pushing off of the side of the van, you let yourself be lead around back, hopping in when Eddie holds the doors open for you.
The double doors slam shut behind him, the light from the street lamp above filtering in through the tinted windows just enough for you to see the way his eyes have darkened with want.
He pushes you back against the mattress, where a clean set of sheets and a few pillows have been added specifically for the occasion.
Eddie settles on top of you, grinding his hips into yours as he reclaims your mouth. His hands find your hips, ringed fingers trailing down to your thighs, encouraging you to wrap your legs around him.
“Were you watching my fingers as I played earlier, princess? Did you imagine how they would feel inside of you?”
You nod, face burying itself into the crook of his neck.
He reaches between you, rucking your skirt up around your hips to give him access to your core. Pushing your panties to the side, his fingers find your slit, gasping as he feels just how wet you are.
“You’re fuckin’ soaked for me, baby. Want my fingers that badly?”
“Yeah”, you breathe against his neck. “Wanna feel them.”
“Say please”, he tuts.
A shaky breath escapes you, “please.”
“Good girl, asking for what you want.” He places a soft kiss to your lips.
An utterly embarrassing moan erupts from your throat, lip bitten between your teeth to stifle it.
“Oh, so that’s what you’re into? You want to hear how good you are for me?”, he asks like he has no idea how much of a praise kink you have.
His fingers delve between your folds, moving up to circle your clit slowly, only teasing before he moves them down to your entrance. Two fingers plunge into you, immediately crooking up to hook against your gspot. His thumb comes up to grind firm, tight circles into your clit.
You breathe Eddie’s name like a prayer against his lips, hips bucking against his hand. He knows exactly how to touch you, an expert at getting you close as quickly as possible.
“That’s right, baby. Say my name.” You can hear the smirk in his tone, clearly enjoy the reaction he’s getting from you.
Hole clenching around his fingers, you grab his arm that’s braced against the mattress holding him up, nails biting into his skin.
“You gonna cum? Gonna soak my fingers? C’mon, let me feel it.”
You’re gone before he even finishes his sentence, your hole spasming before forcing his fingers out as you gush, soaking his thigh and the mattress beneath you.
“Good girl”, he murmurs, his thumb on your clit gently working you through your orgasm until you slump back against the mattress.
His lips find yours, kissing you softly as you come down from your high. He pulls back to nose against your cheek, placing a quick kiss there before moving further down to your chin, and finally your neck.
“I think it’s my turn”, he nuzzles against the sensitive skin of your throat, nose bumping against it. “My cock is gonna be right here”, he places a soft kiss to the center of your throat, feeling the moan that bubbles up at his words. “And you’re gonna take it for me, aren’t you?”
He grabs your hand, hoisting you up to switch your positions, him laying back against the mattress as you kneel between his spread legs. He’s already gotten his cock out, stroking himself lazily.
“C’mon, it’s not going to suck itself.” His lip is bitten between his teeth to stop the smirk that threatens to overtake his face.
Your hand replaces his, wrapping around the base of his erection to keep him still before leaning in, breath ghosting over the tip. Taking one last deep breath, you wrap your lips around him, his length engulfed in the warm, wet heat of your mouth.
Eddie groans, burying his hands in your hair, gathering it into his fist. He holds it at the back of your head, keeping it out of the way so he can watch himself sink deeper into your mouth.
“Fuck”, he moans when you pull back to spit on the head, your hand pumping around his length helping you spread the wetness before taking him back in your mouth.
“C’mon, take me deeper. Wanna feel you choke on it.”
You hum around him, expecting the way his hips buck up at the sensation. Instead of gagging and pulling off, you relax as best you can, sinking further down onto him until he slips into your throat.
“Jesusfuckingchrist”, he gasps out in a rush, fist tightening in your hair. He uses his hold to pull your mouth up and down onto him, fucking up into your throat when your nose presses against the thatch of dark hair at the base of his cock. “Good girl, takin’ my cock so deep.”
Pulling you off by your hair, he gives you a few precious seconds to breathe before he’s forcing himself back into your mouth, the wet, dirty sounds of him fucking your throat filling the van.
“Okay, okay”, he pants, wiping away a stray tear that’s rolling down your cheek. “Don’t wanna cum just yet. Need t’fuck you.”
He grabs you by the hips, yanking your panties down before ushering you into his lap. He grabs the base of his cock, running the head up and down your slit, catching against your hole every so often. “You want it?”
“Yes”, you hiss, hips grinding down desperately, trying to get him to sink into you.
He hums in amusement, “then ask nicely.”
A frustrated groan leaves you, his hold tightening on your hips to keep you from moving.
“Can I please have your cock?”, you beg, batting your eyelashes for good measure.
“Yeah? You need me to wreck this pretty little pussy?” He taps the head against your hole, chuckling when he feels you clench around nothing against him.
“Mhmm”, you hum. “Need it so bad Eddie, please.”
“Oh, don’t you worry baby”, Eddie assures. “M’gonna fuck you so good you won’t be able to hear one of our songs on the radio without soaking through your panties.”
Finally, he slides into you, hands settling on your hips. He gives you a moment to adjust, knowing no matter how many times you take him it’s still a little bit of a stretch.
“M’fine”, you pant, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Fuck me.”
His fingers dig into your hips, forcing you down further onto him as he ruts up into you.
Knees planted firmly on the mattress beneath you, you use them for leverage as you bounce in Eddie’s lap, his cock dragging deliciously against your gspot.
You cry out, hands tangling in Eddie’s messy curls, pulling him in for a rough, dirty kiss. You tug on his hair until he moans into your mouth, growling as his thrusts pick up speed.
He holds your hips down firmly against him, fucking up into you with such force you can’t stop the wail that rips from your throat. Your clit is in constant contact with his pubic bone, the friction quickly sending you into your second orgasm of the night without warning.
“Oh fuck, babydoll. Are you cumming for me again?”, he asks, almost in awe.
You can’t answer, too lost in pleasure as you spasm around him, whimpering as he continues to hit your gspot dead on.
“You’re so fucking good for me”, he groans, groping your breast through your shirt. “Such a good little slut, taking my cock so well.”
A constant string of moans and whimpers leave your mouth, your orgasm prolonged by the way he’s fucking into you, deep and hard and exactly what you need.
Suddenly, he’s wrapping his arms around you, falling forward until he’s on top, hips never stopping as he continues to rut into you. He tilts your hips up slightly, the change in angle has you mewling beneath him.
Wrapping your legs around him, you pull him in closer, his cock sliding so deep you swear you can feel him in your throat. Your hips grind down to meet his every thrust, chasing your third orgasm that’s starting to build.
“Are you gonna tell all your little friends about this?”, he growls against the column of your throat, sucking a bruise into your skin. “Gonna run home and tell them all about how you fucked the lead singer of Corroded Coffin in the back of the tour bus?”
Eddie knows your too far gone to speak, not expecting anything more than your frantic nod in reply. Your legs hiked around his hips start to shake, gasping wordlessly as you feel yourself hurtling towards release. “Shit, are you gonna cum again?”, he marvels, reaching between you to thumb at your clit.
He hears it before he feels it, the wet sounds of your pussy gushing around him as his hips snap into you roughly. You scream, head thrown back as you cum for the third time, shaking and crying as your release overtakes you.
“God”, he groans. “Gonna cum. You want it? Wanna feel my cum drip out of you as you leave?” His rhythm falters, a handful of thrusts all it takes for him to cum with your name on his lips.
“You alright?”, he pants, wiping the sweat from his brow with his sleeve.
“Mmph”, you reply sleepily, “think I died.”
Eddie throws his head back in a laugh, kissing your brow as he pulls out of you. Grabbing a stray blanket, he lays at your side, pulling you into his chest as he wraps it around you two.
“Was that okay?, he asks, fingers trailing up and down your back soothingly.
“Really fucking okay”, you snort, burying your face into his neck.
You lay there soaking in Eddie’s warmth, the sound of his heartbeat against your ear.
After a moment, you break the silence. “I think there were actually six drunks in the crowd tonight”, you tease, peering up at him. “M’proud of you.”
“Oh fuck off”, he laughs, no bite behind it at all. “When we actually do make it big, just know we’re going to have so much sex in the tour bus.”
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@sweetpeapod @mantorokk-writes @latenightsimping @hellfirebabes @mcplestreet @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpsess @msgexymunson @munsonquinns @bayouteche @thefreakandthehair
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Apothecary - A Joel Miller Story
joel miller x witchy!reader
Series masterlist
joel becomes curious about the woman running the medicine shop in Jackson, and the strange rumors swirling around her.
warnings | 18+ angst, fluff, spooky ooky stuff
a/n | this was born out of me getting high and rewatching practical magic. i intend to make this a lil universe in and of itself bc i love the idea :)
Joel stops outside the storefront down the main drag of Jackson. Old license plates have been cut up to create a hodge-podged sign hanging over the door. Apothecary. When he enters, wind chimes tinkling above the door, he thinks that it looks more like a greenhouse than a medicine shop, potted plants clearly tended to with care all over the place. 
“Hello?” Though the sign says the store is open, he doesn’t see anyone around, sidling up to the checkout counter and eyeing the collection of rocks lined up next to the old, rusted-out cash register. He doesn’t have long to muse to himself about how strange the shop is when something brushes quick against his legs all of a sudden, making him let out a hard curse as he whips around in time to see a sleek black cat padding toward the back of the store.
“Sorry about her, Stevie thinks she owns the place.” He’s startled again by a voice, nearly jumping out of his boots when he turns around to find a woman has appeared behind the counter. She’s certainly a sight, old bracelets trailing up both her wrists, and dangling earrings that look to be made out of scraps of stained glass. She’s pretty, if not a little wild looking. He has to clear his throat before speaking.
“Um, I’m sorry. The sign said you’re open.” She smiles, tilting her head slightly as she looks at him.
“Oh, we are! I was just working in the back. What can I help you with?” 
“Maria sent me? She said you’d be able to help– my kid’s got a pretty bad case of poison ivy and, um, yeah. I’m Joel– by the way.” Her smile broadens, warm and bright as she steps out from behind the counter, Joel stuttering into motion as she nods for him to follow her.
“I know who you are, Joel. Everyone can’t stop talking about the Jackson newcomers– welcome– by the way.” He’s a little distracted from listening to her words by the backroom she leads him into, lined with shelves stacked with glass jars full of all sorts of dried plants and thick books. There’s a wide gas range in the back of the room, large bubbling pots on most of the hobs. She glances at him over her shoulder as she flits by to stir the simmering pots.
“This used to be a bakery, way before, if you can believe it. I thought Maria was crazy when she offered me the space. But we’ve made it work.” His brow furrows.
“We?” Just then, that damn cat brushes past his legs again, making him stumble over his feet. The cat leaps up onto one of the shelves, and she chuckles as she strokes its head, smiling at Joel before turning back to the stove. 
Seemingly satisfied with the state of whatever she’s got brewing, she claps her hands together before turning back around to Joel.
“Now then, poison ivy is no fun, huh? Probably get someone in here every couple of days asking for my help with it in the summer. Lucky for you, I’ve got just the stuff to calm it down.” When she passes by him, he gets a deep whiff of something heady, like that incense stuff Sarah liked to burn. Her hands flicker over glass jars, muttering to herself as she grabs a few items. He can’t help the way his eyes graze down her bare legs in her cut-off overalls, smiling when he sees she’s wearing two different colored sneakers. Arms full, she lays out her haul on what looks like once was a butcher's block, her eyes darting up to his as she coaxes him further into the room with a crook of her finger.
“This is witch hazel– it’ll be your kid’s first line of defense to help some of the redness and swelling calm down.” She passes him a small glass bottle full of murky liquid before holding up a little tin.
“Salve made with beeswax from the hives in town and calendula– she can slather this on to help with the itching.” She’s speaking so fast he doesn’t have time to question how she knows that his kid is a she, already holding up something else, a cloth sachet.
“Oatmeal, Sarah can run a bath and soak with this in it– should soothe the itching and calm down the rash in general. I’ll give you a couple of those, you can use them a few times, but fresh is always better.” He didn’t hear the last bit, a ringing starting in his ears at the mention of that name.
“You said Sarah– w-where’d you hear that name?” Her face falls.
“Oh, I, um–” He swallows hard, cutting her off.
“I had a daughter named Sarah– she— passed— when everything– well, when everything fell apart. How did you– how did you know that name?” She sighs, offering him a nervous smile.
“It was just a slip, a lucky guess– or unlucky, I suppose. I’m really sorry, Joel. I didn’t mean to–”
“No, no. It’s, um, it’s fine. Just caught me by surprise is all. Ellie– that’s the name of my kid that’s probably itching herself into a frenzy right now.” Her smile widens just slightly at that, her shoulders coming unwound. He reckons that if it had been anyone else saying Sarah’s name, he would’ve knocked their lights out. But all he feels hearing her say it is an almost soothing sadness.
“Well, in that case, I hope Ellie starts feeling better soon. Oh! I have one more thing for you!” Before he can protest, his hands already full of the little bits she gave him, she slips over to one of the shelves to grab another small tin before coming back over to him.
“Spearmint and lavender– these mountains are crawling with it– mixed up in a balm. Good for back pain.” His jaw slackens.
“How did you–”
“Lucky guess. Lemme know if it helps.” The way she grins at him almost distracts him, almost, but he huffs, shaking his head.
“I can’t take all this for free– it’s– it’s too much.” She laughs.
“Well who said anything about free? I was hoping you’d trade me some of your time for all that.” He squints at her, not sure what she means, and she chuckles at his questioning look.
“From what I hear, you’re pretty good on patrol. Would you be willing to come with me up into the mountains a time or two? It’s peak harvesting time for all these goodies and I could use an extra pair of eyes.” She waves her arm, motioning toward the shelves stocked with plants. 
“That’s all? Doesn’t sound like a–” She cuts him off with another wave of her arm, her bracelets clinking wildly with the motion.
“I know I drive a hard deal, but that’s the best I can do.” By the crinkling around her eyes, he can tell that there will be no arguing with her, even though it’s obviously not a fair trade with the way she’s loaded him up with stuff. He sighs, finally nodding.
“Um, alright then. You just tell me when and I’m your man– I mean– not your– I’m–” while he’s mortified by the way he just put his foot in his mouth, she seems perfectly amused by it, letting out a light laugh that cuts off his floundering.
“Sounds like we have a deal. I’d shake your hand if both of them weren’t full– oh! I haven’t even told you my name, have I?” He shakes his head and she sighs at herself, telling him her name. He rolls it over in his mind a few times as she apologizes for her lack of manners, walking with him back out to the front of the shop.
“If Ellie’s still itching in a week, come back and tell me. I might have something a little stronger that can help.” He nods as she opens the door for him, but before he can step out, the cat is twining between his boots, purring like an engine. He’s never liked cats much.
“Hmm, Stevie likes you. That’s rare, y’know. Very high compliment from little miss.” She grins at him, all warmth and sweetness. Maybe he can make an exception for one cat. She scoops up the cat, nuzzling her chin over the top of the purring feline’s head. He leans against the doorframe, suddenly not too worried about getting home to Ellie who’s probably scratching her skin off right now.
“Is that Stevie, um, as in Stevie Nicks?” That earns him her brightest smile yet. It didn’t take a genius to make that guess, seeing as she’s dressed like she just stepped out of a hippie commune, though Joel supposes that Jackson could fit that description.
“Mmhmm, you a Fleetwood Mac fan?” Truthfully, he isn’t. Not now, and not before. But for some reason, he’s inclined to nod.
“Aren’t you a little young to be listening to them?” She scoffs. He’s honestly not sure how old she is, definitely younger than him, but that’s as far as he can guess.
“They were my mom’s favorite band, and then they were mine– are mine. I managed to snatch an old vinyl of theirs a while ago but I wore it out I played it so much.” She lets out a light laugh, Stevie squirming in her arms. Joel makes a mental note to keep his eyes peeled for records on his patrol shifts, only getting snapped out of his thoughts when she lets out a sigh.
“I should let you get back to Ellie, she’s probably itching up a storm by now. Let me know how that stuff works for her.” He nods, taking one more look at the cat who he swears has been staring at him, before stepping out.
“I will– thank you– really, I appreciate it. And you’ll let me know when you need my help?” She offers him a crooked smile as she nods.
“I sure will. It was nice to meet you, Joel. I’ll see you soon.” 
It must have been his eyes playing tricks on him. At least that’s what he tells himself the whole walk home. Cats can’t wink, right?
With summer in full swing, the weekly market in town has moved from the community center outside to the main drag of Jackson, makeshift booths heavy with abundant produce, fresh breads, and other wares. 
Ellie had dragged Joel out with her, poison ivy all but cleared now, and promptly abandoned him to run off with her new friends. He finds himself leaning up against one of the storefronts, quietly watching the comings and goings, always surprised by just how many folks there are in this town. His interest is piqued, however, when he sees a familiar black cat slinking through the crowd. He cranes his neck, watching as the cat stops between a pair of mismatched sneakers. His eyes trail up, seeing her in those same overalls, dangly earrings glinting in the mid-day sun as she looks over a table of produce. 
“You’re gonna catch flies looking like that, brother.” Tommy’s voice startles him, his focus reluctantly pulling away from her to his brother who has sidled up next to him, a smug grin on his face. Joel clears his throat, trying to hide the fact that his jaw really had been hanging on its hinges. Tommy chuckles.
“Who are you making eyes at anyways?”
“I’m not making eyes at anyone. I was looking for Ellie– I lost track of her in this damn crowd.” Tommy shakes his head, his eyes trailing to where Joel had just been looking. By the way his grin widens, he seems to know exactly who Joel had been looking at.
“Maria told me she sent you to the apothecary the other day. That lady’s something else, huh?” Joel glances back over to her, seeing that she’s started wandering along the booths, cat trailing along behind her. 
“What’s her– how– what do you know about her?” Tommy sighs, glancing back at Joel.
“Well, the old Jackson rumor mill will tell you one thing. But all she’s been is a service to the community, really. Was the biggest help to Maria when she was pregnant– helped her through the birth and everything.” Joel squints at his brother.
“And what does the “old Jackson rumor mill” have to say about her?” Tommy lets out another sigh, scratching at the scruff along his jaw.
“It’s silly, honestly. Just a story made up by people with small minds.” 
“So what is it? Just tell me, Tommy.” 
“Some folks around town– they’ve got it in their heads that– well, that she’s a witch.” Joel feels his face go slack at that. Tommy just shakes his head.
“I told you it’s stupid. People just– they think she’s a bit strange, I guess. Though if you ask me, that rumor has more to do with all the wives of Jackson not liking the way their men look at her.” Joel glances away at his brother, finding her in the crowd. But this time, he notices all the people around her, mostly the women, and the nasty way they seem to size her up as she walks by. Joel huffs.
“That’s gotta be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. A couple of ladies get jealous so they start calling her a witch? Seriously?” Tommy shrugs.
“Hey, stranger things have happened. It’s not so hard to believe, not since people started growing mushrooms out of their skulls.” Tommy’s got him there, but Joel still has to shake his head at what his brother has told him.
“I thought you said it’s just a silly rumor.” His brother’s silence tells him more than words ever could, and Joel has to laugh.
“You’re kidding. You actually think that we’ve got a– a witch in town?” Tommy grumbles at that. 
“Look, Joel, I’m not gonna lie to you. There’s been some freaky shit with her– healing people, knowing things that she shouldn’t know, hell, even that damn cat of hers is–” 
“What do you mean– knowing things she shouldn’t know?” Tommy huffs at Joel’s interruption.
“She calls them lucky guesses. All I’ll say is it sure seems like that woman has a lot of luck.” Joel’s breath catches listening to Tommy’s explanation, his mind immediately going back to that day he met her, how she had known Sarah’s name. 
“Listen, the bottom line is, she’s done nothing but good for Jackson with that shop of hers. Whatever she is, she’s a good one. But, brother, I wouldn’t go calling after her.” Joel’s brow furrows, head tilting at his brother. 
“I wasn’t– even if I was– why shouldn’t I?” Tommy smirks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Because while the women of Jackson call her a witch, the men of Jackson just call her a heartbreaker.” 
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beenbaanbuun · 6 months
the pet w/ poly!addams!matz
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upon spending more and more time with your lovers, more things that have been kept well guarded secrets from the rest of the world seem to reveal themselves to you. the things that go bump in the night aren’t necessarily all figments of the imagination. the legends may be twisted and warped to make them seem a hell of a lot scarier than they actually are, but some things still hold true.
vampires for example. while their genes still technically exist, vampires themselves went extinct long before you were even born. seonghwa had explained it to you in depth one morning over breakfast, but none of it really sank in. you should’ve paid more attention to your biology classes in school; maybe then all the ‘immortality is a recessive gene’ nonsense that he was spouting would make sense to you. the whole ‘my great-great-grandmother was a vampire’ thing just didn’t seem to compute, but it did sort of explain why seonghwa gets a rash when he’s out in the sun for too long.
it turns out jongho isn’t really a bear skin either. he’s an onikuma that hongjoong’s family had passed down through generations. it was during that long, drawn-out chess lesson that hongjoong had explained to you that his family were once livestock farmers that the creature had stolen from time and time again. you found it cruel that jongho was slain just for the crime of being hungry, but hongjoong patiently explained that his ancestors were hungry too. slaying the beast that kept breaking onto their land and taking their sheep was the only way to keep food on the table. you’re just glad the memory of the onikuma lives on; you hope his spirit knows that he’s one of your closest friends.
but then one evening, just after the nightly waltz that you so love to sit and watch, seonghwa drops a bombshell. you’re cuddled up by hongjoong’s feet, gently undoing the laces on his dancing shoes as he and seonghwa pass soft conversation over your head. you’re listening, but not very well. it’s not like much of it is any of your concern anyway… well, except those few words that slip so freely from your mommy’s mouth.
“we should get a werewolf,” he muses to his husband before tipping the rest of his wine down his throat. it’s so nonchalant as if it’s something so perfectly normal for them. in the end, you suppose it is; seonghwa has already alluded to being descended from immortal beings (that aren’t really all that immortal, just… longer living) and the rug you’re currently sitting on is made from the skin of some mythical beast. if anything, a werewolf should just be another thing that you shrug off and accept as just being another part of your increasingly weird life.
but there’s a difference here. quite a big one. seonghwa said they should get a werewolf, and you can’t quite wrap your brain around why he means by that.
the couple seem to notice the sudden interest you have in their conversation though. perhaps it’s the way your body physically tenses up, or the way your fingers become slack on hongjoong’s shoe. either way, the two men hum out a chuckle. seonghwa’s hand finds it’s way to your head, stroking at your hair in the same way he does whenever he needs to calm you down. hongjoong just taps your knee with the toe of his shoe, reminding you of the task you appointed yourself with the moment the pair collapsed onto the couch.
“why ever should we allow some mutt into our house?” hongjoong says as your fingers begin to work on his laces again. he always ties them so tightly. you know it’s just to give you something to do with your hands for a little while. “we’d have to house train the feral thing, which would be an immeasurable amount of work. it’s hardly a walk in the cemetery to train a beast to be civil, Cara Mia.”
seonghwa chuckles as he watches his husbands face twist up in disgust. he never has liked werewolves; claims they’re shifty creatures with no good intentions. seonghwa has to wonder what ‘good intentions’ he thinks vampires have, but he chooses not to argue. there’s not much point in the grand scheme of things. vampires don’t exist anymore, werewolves do.
“protection for our darling?” the tall man suggests, curling his fingers against your scalp so his blood red nails scratch delicately against your skin. you let out a satisfied sigh. your lovers smile down at you, “a friend for when we’re busy with work? there’s plenty of reasons as to why…”
hongjoong seems the mull the idea over as you slip the first shoe off. you gently place it to the side before moving the the next foot, laces done equally as tight.
“and you want to let our sweet girl near such an uncivilised creature?”
“it’s either that or a dog,” seonghwa shrugs.
“i’d rather the dog,” hongjoong cocks his eyebrow confidently, but seonghwa isn’t so easy to give up.
“and i’d rather the werewolf,” he says with a smile. he knows, after all, that he always gets what he wants. the proof of that is sitting right between their legs with a collar around its neck. “it would give her something to talk with when she gets lonely, plus the fact we won’t have to clean up after it. opposable thumbs really do work wonders.”
hongjoong sighs; they’re all good points but the thought of letting a werewolf into his home still sends a shiver down his spine. the thought of you being around one is even worse. they’re notoriously difficult to train (the fault of their human-esque desire to be independent) and hongjoong really doesn’t have that much time to waste. he lets out a groan just as you get the knot to the second shoe undone.
“you’re serious about this, aren’t you?” hongjoong asks. seonghwa replies with a nod. “what about you, little dove? would you like a friend?” you think about it for a second before slowly nodding as well. you suppose it would be nice to have someone to fill those empty hours where hongjoong and seonghwa are both tucked away in their respective work spaces. hongjoong lets out a defeated huff, “fine.”
you slip the shoe off of his foot just in time for him to grab you and tug you onto his lap. it’s ironic really—you’d get punished for having a temper tantrum, and yet when hongjoong groans and hides his face in your hair, all seonghwa can do is smile. there’s a reason you’re the one with a collar around your neck, you suppose.
“thank you, mi amor,” seonghwa leans over to press a kiss to his husbands head, “i’ll let mingi know that we’re interested; he was showing me photos of an absolutely gorgeous specimen named yeosang just the other day…”
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katareyoudrilling · 8 months
Seen (Javier Peña One-shot)
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Summary: You’re the last person Javi wants to ask for a favor, but not for the reason you think.
Word count: ~2.2k
Rating: Mature (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: Alternating POV, reader is a few years older than Javi (Javi could be a variety of ages) and has hair that could be worn up or down, wrinkles and laugh lines, a touch of angst, non-graphic sex
A/N: This isn’t quite what I expected it to be when I started working on it many many months ago.  The idea was inspired by @famouslyanonymous musing that there didn’t seem to be any fics featuring a Pedro boy with a slightly older reader.  I wanted to say a lot of things with this fic and I’m not sure I said any of them, but I hope you enjoy!
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
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Javi slams down the phone and pinches the bridge of nose.
He needs a favor.  Why does it have to be from you?
He can flirt his way through the department secretaries easily, but you, with your intelligent, assessing gaze… he swears you can see right through him.
The two of you have been crossing into each other’s orbits for a long time now.  He can tell that you know…  You know he’s not some DEA hero.  You can see right through to the failure of a man he actually is.
He takes a long drag on his cigarette before stubbing it out and pushing away from his desk.  “Fuck it.”
He pulls at the back of his neck as he makes his way to your department.  He can already feel the tension headache beginning.  If you won’t do this for him… he’d rather not think about it.
He approaches your desk nervously. “I need a favor.”
“Is that right?” you reply, continuing your work.
“I would really appreciate it.” If he can’t flirt, he can at least try to be polite.
“You aren’t going to compliment my nail polish or tell me how pretty my dress is?”
“Uh… I… what?” Javi stammers.
“I see what you do around here.  Flirting with all the pretty young things to get your way.  Not me though, probably because I’ve got 20 years on most of them and a few on you.”
“What? No! Fuck, you’re the most beautiful woman here.”
“Right,” you scoff.  “It’s too late for the charm, Javier.”
He leans over your desk, gripping the edge.  Moving himself into the halo of your perfume.  “I’m telling you the truth,” he growls.
You lift your eyes to his and his knees go a little weak.
Who is he kidding?  A class-act like you is never going to bend the rules for a man like him.
“Never mind,” he pushes off your desk and walks away.
When he returns to his desk later that afternoon, he’s surprised to find the file he needs sitting on his chair.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You lean back against the elevator wall and sigh.  It has been a long day and all that has kept you going is the thought of getting out of your heels and pantyhose and onto your couch.
The elevator pings as the doors open on the garage level.  You step out into the cool, echoey space.  That’s when you see him.
He’s standing by your car, exhaling a plume of smoke, somehow not looking green and sickly under the florescent lights.  He must hear the click of your heels on the concrete because he turns and puts out his cigarette as you approach.
“What are you doing here, Peña?  Need another favor?”
“Thank you for the file.  You didn’t have to do that.”  He shifts his weight and looks down at his feet.
“Yeah, well, lord knows you get enough roadblocks thrown in your way.  I don’t need to be one of them.”
Javier chuckles ruefully, “You have no idea.”
“If that’s all, I need to get going.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” Javier looks up at you, “To say thanks?”
Your feet and back are screaming at you not to get taken in by those puppy dog eyes, but there’s something simmering beneath the surface of his gaze.  Something that makes you curious.  His outburst earlier hasn’t left your mind.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little interested in where an evening with Javier Peña might take you.
“Counteroffer.  How about you come over to my place in an hour.  Bring the booze with you.”
Javier’s eyes light up in surprise.
“Don’t get any ideas, Peña.  It’s been a long day and I don’t feel like going to a bar.”
“I didn’t have any ideas.”
You scoff and make your way to the driver’s side door, “See you later?”
He nods.
Javier stands aside as you pull out of your parking space and out of the garage.  You can see him in your rearview mirror smoothing down his mustache, hand on one cocked hip.  It should be an interesting evening.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You open the door to your apartment and Javi is momentarily stunned speechless.  You’re wearing flowy, satin pants and a cardigan belted around your waist.  You’ve removed your make-up and your jewelry.  You’ve let down your hair.
You’ve never looked more beautiful.
You’re always stunning at work.  Elegant, put-together, gorgeous.  But here, now, you look so soft and relaxed.  It’s as though you’ve taken off the armor you wear to the office.
Like he’s getting a glimpse of the real you.
He always tries to hide the real him.  That façade might not work tonight… a frightening thought.
You step aside and motion him into the apartment.  Javi swallows deeply and forces his feet to step inside.
“I brought whiskey, hope that’s ok.”  He holds out the bottle to you.
“Definitely ok, I had a feeling.” You lead him to your couch.  Two tumblers already sit on the coffee table.  You uncork the bottle and pour two fingers in each glass.
You hand him his glass before swirling the amber liquid in your own.
He watches, mesmerized, as you breathe in the heady aroma and your eyes drift closed.  You take a sip and sigh.  His cock twitches.
“That’s good whiskey, Javier.”
“Call me Javi.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You didn’t expect it to be so easy to talk to him.
Somehow you’ve gravitated towards each other.  Your knee now rests against his thigh.  His arm stretches behind you on the couch.  Whiskey glasses sit forgotten on the table.  You only needed a few sips to relax before the conversation and laughter flowed.
Swapping stories of co-workers and old mutual friends.  You realize you’ve never seen him smile before tonight.
It’s a shame.
His smile lights up the room.
Javi arches back against the couch and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s getting late.”
You make a non-committal noise in reply because your gaze has been captured by the expanse of his chest you can see through his gaping shirt.
Has his shirt been unbuttoned this much the whole time?  Four buttons undone?  Really?  Why bother buttoning it at all?
Not that you’re complaining as you take in the view of his smooth, golden skin.  You watch, hypnotized, as his chest rises and falls with each breath.
Your gaze travels upward, catching on the divot of his clavicle.  The perfect place to breathe his scent.
His Adam’s apple snags your gaze next as it bobs in his throat.  You have to swallow yourself, saliva pooling in your mouth at the thought of licking your way up his gorgeous neck.
His jawline comes into view.  Strong and angular.  Beautiful.  Especially in contrast to his soft, plush lips.
They part slightly, revealing the most perfect crease in his lower lip.
Then there’s his nose.  Noses shouldn’t be so arousing.  It’s absurd.  But there it is in all it’s aquiline glory.  Like a goddamn sculpture.
You continue your journey up to his eyes and find that he’s staring at you, pupils blown.
Your mouth is suddenly dry as Javi slowly closes the distance between you, never breaking eye contact, giving you time to protest, until his lips meet yours.
A fire ignites in your body with the first touch of his lips.  It burns from your head to your toes waking you up from your slow syrupy thoughts.
You climb onto his lap, knees on either side of his slim hips.  His hands grip your waist.  His heat bleeding through the thin fabric covering your center.
You break away from the kiss, breathless. Javi continues kissing down your throat, tugging at your cardigan.  You sit back and reach between you, untying the belt and letting it fall off your shoulders.
Javi groans as he takes in the thin camisole you are wearing underneath.  Your bra had come off along with the pantyhouse and heels.  Your hard nipples poke against the silky fabric.  They squeeze even tighter as Javi licks his lips.
“Fuck, bonita, you’re gorgeous,” he rasps.  The sound goes straight to your core.
- - - - - - - - -
He didn’t come here for this.
Maybe he hoped initially.  But it didn’t seem to be what you had in mind.
He wasn’t lying when he said you were the most beautiful woman at work.  His eyes rove over your body of their own volition every time your paths cross.  His ears tune into the sound of your laughter and even more to your witty and sarcastic remarks.
But he didn’t expect this… this connection.
You’ve set him at ease.  Pulling stories from his memory that he thought were long forgotten.  The urge to pour out his heart to you nearly chokes him.
You’re too good for him.  Too smart, too strong, too confident.  And oh, are you beautiful.  
And now you’re above him, rocking into his cock, making the most heavenly sounds as you lick into his mouth.  He can do sex and do it well.  He can make up for everything he lacks with a good fucking.
Maybe fucking is all he’s good for.
“Take me to bed, Javi.”
He pauses.  He expected your words, but somehow, they have caught him off guard. It wouldn’t be just a fuck with you.  You’ve gotten under his skin.  You’ve glimpsed his soul.
The words bubble up before he can’t stop them.
“I’m scared.”
- - - - - - - - - - - 
His admission catches you off guard and you sit back.  “Scared? Of what? I know I’m older than you, but it’s not like I’m some dried-out husk and bats are going to fly out of my vagina.”  You push against his chest to get off his lap, annoyed and frustrated.
Javi growls and grabs your ass, pulling you back to him, holding you still while he finds his words.  “Fuck, that’s not what I meant.”  He huffs as he continues, “I’m scared because you… see me.”
The anger burns away as quickly as it came.
“I’m not the man most people think I am.” His big brown eyes that only moments ago held laughter and lust, fill with pain and doubt.
“Who are you, then?”
“Just a man.  Trying.  Failing.”
“I know.”
“You don’t want me.”
“What if I do?”
You’re surprised by your own admission. It’s the truth.  You do want him.  And not because he’s a ‘hero’ but in spite of it.  You want the man you met tonight.
You watch his feelings war across his face.  His body wants you, that is abundantly clear.  You’re pretty sure his mind and heart do too, if he could only trust them.
“Have you been real with me tonight, Javi?” you ask, brushing the pads of your thumbs over his gorgeous cheekbones.
“I won’t beg.” You’ve lived enough life to know a man that doesn’t want you isn’t worth your time. “But know that I do see you and I want you.  The real you.”
His fingers dig into your hips and he swallows hard. “I’ve never done this.”
“I find that hard to believe.”  That earns you a smirk, some sparkle returning to his eyes.
“You know what I mean.  Real… I’ve never done real.  At least not for a long fucking time.”
“I’m as real as they come, Javi.  Wrinkles and all. Can you handle it?”
He brushes his fingers over the creases at the corners of your eyes and you melt.  “You’re beautiful.”
You bring your lips back to his, gently testing.  He wraps his arms around you, surging up into the kiss.  Heat quickly builds between your bodies as your hands roam freely across his broad shoulders and up into his hair.
He groans against your mouth.
“Take me to bed, querida.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your body is perfect.
Not in the way of youth – firm, angular, unblemished – but well-loved.  Each part of you telling the story of a life well-lived.
He worships each curve of you.  Reveling in what pleasure feels like with someone when he opens himself up.  He kisses your softness, traces each wrinkle with his calloused fingers, delights in the sounds you make as he explores your body.
When you welcome him into your wet heat with a contented sigh, it nearly breaks him in two.  You feel so right around him, moving with him, coming with him.
Sated and drowsy, he lays with you on your bed.  You brush his hair off his forehead and trace your fingers over his laugh lines and the crease between his eyebrows.  He’s lived some life too.
“Still scared?” you ask, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah,” he rasps quietly, looking up at your soft smile, “but I think it might be worth it.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
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daycourtofficial · 6 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 10
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: yall. I love this part. It’s all Azzy baby.
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Cassian: I feel weird doing this
Cassian: it feels like an invasion of privacy
Rhys: just let me know, one way or the other, how she feels about Az
Rhys: it’s not really an invasion. They invited you.
Rhys: this way, if she doesn’t like him, we can help Az move on
Cassian: they’re grilling her about Az
Cassian: if she doesn’t like him she’s an incredible actress
Cassian: shit, the movie’s starting - talk later
You wake up sometime close to midnight, throat dry and in desperate need of water. You groan into your pillow, reaching for the glass on your nightstand only to not find it.
Cursing yourself for washing the dish and not replacing it, you push off the bed, not quite opening your eyes fully in the hopes of going back to sleep quickly.
You open your door, padding through the dark living room toward your kitchen. You grab a glass from the cabinet and open the fridge, filling your glass from the carafe.
Your legs start growing cold in the night air as you slide the pitcher back in, closing the door with your hip as you walk back to your room, only to stop short at a phone screen lighting up the living room.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, sitting on the couch at Azriel’s feet. He bends his legs, pulling his feet towards him to let you sit down.
He looked incredibly cozy - he was wrapped up in a massive blanket that showed the night sky, his tiny stuffed bat was perched on his chest. He locks his phone, putting it on the coffee table, giving you his full attention.
“Rhys and his dad were arguing over the phone, and those fights can last ages. I wanted to give him some privacy.”
To accent his point, you can hear muffled shouting through the wall, Rhys’s anger permeating the wall between you two.
“And to be somewhere more quiet.”
He pauses, then looks at you, hazel eyes glowing in the darkness, “I’m sorry, I should go, I kind of auto-piloted over here-“
“You don’t have to apologize. It’s fine,” you say, nestling into the couch.
“Does he have a name?”
He knits his brows at your question, until he follows your eyes to the bat in his arms.
“Uh, no, he doesn’t.”
“That’s a shame,” your gaze lingers on the bat as Azriel sits up. You two fall into a peaceful quiet, until he tells you, voice soft, “I uh - Cassian got me this plushie. When we were kids, my uh step-brothers lit my hands on fire.”
You turn to him, and he’s not sure if it’s how big your eyes are peering at him, or the way your hair is mused with sleep, or just how small and vulnerable you look, but he continues.
“Cassian bought it for me when I was in the hospital. He didn’t have much money, but with his last damn dime he bought me this stuffed bat.”
He looks at it, the thing that has brought him such comfort from such a horrifying experience. It was worn, its color inconsistent across the fabric from where his hands and arms have constantly held onto it.
“Sometimes in my dreams I’m that kid again, and they’re pouring the gasoline on my hands again. But the - the bat helps.”
Hence why he brought it over, you think.
He keeps talking, unsure why. “The bat can also be warmed up and it helps when my hands hurt.”
“Do they hurt now?”
“A little,” he tells you.
“May I?” You nod towards his hands, and he can’t hide the shock on his face at your question.
He’s never had anyone ask. Everything about this is so new. For someone to let him come to them when he was comfortable, instead of feeling entitled to his trauma.
He reaches his hands out to you, placing them gently in your hands. Your hands are cold, but soft. Your thumbs begin stroking softly, working their way into the muscle, and he moans at the sensation.
His cheeks redden, but you continue your task at hand, rubbing into his hands, soothing the dull ache that always accompanies them.
He almost misses your words, too focused on the way your fingers feel.
“I wish the world had been kinder to you.”
You don’t look up, your eyes focused on his hands as you continue your work.
“But at least you had Cassian and Rhys to be there. I know it doesn’t stop what happened, but at least you weren’t alone.”
His lips part, and his fingers twitch, the urge to wrap yours in his stronger with your kind words.
But he doesn’t, not yet. He lets you continue your work, massaging his hands, and a comfortable silence settles over both of you.
He shifts his legs as you turn to face toward him, and he cages you in with his legs. He pushes forward a bit, resting his forehead on yours as you continue massaging his hands.
“Was it hard? Having to let your hands heal?”
“Mm, yes. It was a pain, especially having to relearn everything. I dropped so many cups and plates because my grip would just give out.”
You’re quiet as you let him ruminate on old memories, your touch making him feel so calm. He feels so far away from that boy who had to learn how to grasp doorknobs, to put on socks, to hold a brush.
He thinks about those months and how Cassian and Rhys’s love carried him through those years. How they helped rebandage his hands every day, how they would massage his hands, how they would ensure he did his daily exercises.
They were the most important people in his life, but maybe you’ve wiggled your way into getting that descriptor too.
It’s quiet in your apartment, the only noise the humming from your throat.
“What are you humming?”
You squint your eyes, trying to remember the name of it. “It’s by Mitski, I think.”
He pulls his right from your grasp, pulling his phone back out, along with a pair of headphones. He opens the Spotify app on his phone, typing in ‘Mitski’ into the search bar.
“Oh yeah, it’s that one,” you point at the screen, as he plugs in the headphones, offering one to you. You move closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder to be close enough to share the headphones.
You nestle it into your ear, the soft sounds of “My Love Mine All Mine” playing into the earbuds that connect the two of you.
Azriel looks down at you, how soft and content you look. He wraps an arm around you, holding you to him as he moves his legs underneath you, stretching them out against the sofa. His hold on you causes you to shift with him, your body half on his, an arm around his waist as your face is buried into his neck.
Your eyes grow heavier, the soft melody of Mitski’s voice and Azriel’s fingers stroking through your hair lulling you back to sleep
Cassian opens the door to his room, ready to head out for this godforsaken 8 AM class he had to sign up for. He’s heading towards the kitchen to grab whatever fruit you two have, he thinks there’s either a banana or an orange, when he stops in his doorway.
You and Azriel are asleep on the couch. You’re on top of Azriel, your face tucked between his chest and the couch. Cassian looks closer and sees that your arm is wrapped around the bat plushie he bought Azriel all those years ago. Azriel’s arms are wrapped around you loosely, keeping you in place.
He laughs at the pair of headphones that are wrapped between the two of you, tangled amidst arms and hair, music still playing from them.
He pulls his phone out, snapping a quick photo. He opens his messages, searching for the chat entitled they’re idiots, which included Rhys, Mor, and Feyre, and sends the photo. He grabs an orange, heading to the door trying to be as silent as possible.
As he reaches for the doorknob as his phone starts vibrating with new messages.
Feyre: they look so cute tho 🥰
Feyre: omg Cass wake her up
Feyre: she has class early today!!
Rhys: and risk the wrath of Azriel in the morning?
Rhys: don’t do it
Rhys: he’s a cranky bastard in the morning
Cassian types out a response, shutting the door softly behind him.
Cassian: maybe he won’t be today
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nanawritesit · 10 months
Your Highness - Sanji x Reader: Part Two
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plot: you’re a runaway princess bride who finds her way into the straw hat crew. you expected one hell of an adventure, but you never expected to fall for the head chef. things get even more complicated when your father, the king, and your ex-fiancé send their troops after the going merry. now you must choose between surrendering to save your crew and being with the only man you’ve ever truly loved. but of course, the straw hat crew isn’t going to let you go without a fight. especially sanji.
It was half past seven. The sunset was just beginning to pour through the windows on the sides of the ship, but you hardly noticed. All you were focused on was the clank of your sword against Zoro’s, and where you were going to place your feet next.
You began to notice that a sword fight was kind of like a dance. The two of you moved in perfect rhythm, twirling around the floor of the cabin and brandishing your weapons towards one another.
Thinking you were gaining some high ground, you jumped up on the counter. However your balance was off, and Zoro easily took your legs out from under you, causing you to flop down flat onto the counter. He held the blade of his sword against your neck, looking at you with a sympathetic smirk.
You simply rolled your eyes and sighed. “I can’t believe I lost again.”
He removed the blade from your neck and sheathed it back in its holder around his waist. “Maybe, but that’s the longest you’ve ever lasted sparring with me. And I don’t even have to hold back anymore.”
You straightened yourself up, holding your hands in your lap and slumping your shoulders defeatedly. “Yeah, but I’m still not very good at this.”
Zoro looked at you with an annoyed glare. “Don’t be stupid. You have great natural talent and raw strength.”
“Well, my father was revered as one of the best swordsmans of his time. Although, he’s nothing compared to you.”
He tried to fight the half smile that was creeping it’s way onto his expression. “Well anyway,” he coughed awkwardly, “stuff like this just takes practice. You’ve only been at this for a couple months now. So don’t beat yourself up too bad. The important thing is you can hold your own in a fight now.”
You winced. You still hadn’t actually fought anyone yet. You’d been sparring with Zoro for a little while now, but he was still the only one you’d ever fought. You didn’t quite now how you would fare in an actual brawl. The thought of attacking someone frightened you. You were about to vocalize your concerns, but were interrupted by the sound of footsteps pounding down the stairs.
“Zoro, may I please have my princess back now?” Sanji whined as he descended the staircase.
“Whatever.” Zoro rolled his eyes, pushing past Sanji to walk upstairs.
“I’ll never understand why you two don’t get along.” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around Sanji’s neck.
“He’s just jealous that there’s another handsome fighter on the crew.” Sanji mused, placing his own arms around your waist. “And that I have a beautiful princess in love with me.” He leaned down to peck your lips, and you met him halfway in a sweet kiss. “We’re almost to the village, love.”
“Okay, I’ll be up in a second. I just want to practice a couple more moves.” you responded.
He sighed and pouted his lips. “My dear, I think you’ve practiced enough today. I don’t need my girl getting all worn out. It’s not good for you.”
You gave him a sympathetic smile. “That’s very sweet Sanji, but if I’m ever going to be a good swordsman, I’ve got to practice as much as possible.”
“Fine…” he huffed, throwing his arms up defeatedly. “But don’t expect another massage from me tonight, I tried to warn you.”
Once the crew had gathered all their supplies, you were all wandering the village square looking for either a place to lodge or a place to eat.
“It looks like we’re only going to be able to afford one of those.” Nami sighed, counting the rest of your guys’ money. “We sold Y/N’s last piece of jewelry to get us these supplies, and there wasn’t much leftover.”
Luffy suddenly sniffed the air and began running off wherever his nose was leading him. He finally stopped in front of a pub that looked like it had an inn upstairs. “Here.” he instructed.
“Luffy, we don’t-“ Nami tried to protest, but the captain was already bursting through the front doors. You all reluctantly followed him in, just to see him already bargaining with the owner at his podium.
“Come on, sir. We’ll pay for our rooms and then I’ll give you an IOU for dinner. I’m going to be king of the pirates one day, so I’ll be sure to pay you back.” Luffy suggested with an innocent smile.
“God, you never learn, do you, captain?” Sanji grumbled, rubbing his brow frustratedly.
“We do not accept IOUs as payment.” the owner huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I can get you three bedrooms, but that’s all, unless you can find some other way to pay for dinner.”
You all looked at each other worriedly. You had to eat, there was no way of getting back to the ship until tomorrow morning.
Suddenly, a nervous looking waiter approached the owner. “Sir, the guests are growing restless without any live singing.”
“Give them all a free dessert.” the owner suggested, trying to wave him off to go back to your conversation.
“I already did sir.” the waiter mumbled anxiously. “They said that the band is great, but it really would be better with a singer.”
The owner sighed. “Well, I don’t know what to tell them. Dahlia quit on us last night, and haven’t found another-“
“Excuse me, gentlemen…” Sanji interrupted their conversation, making all of you stare at him curiously, “But am I to understand that you’re in need of a live singer?”
The owner nodded disappointedly. “Yes, we are.”
“Well here’s your singer right here!” Sanji clapped his hands on your shoulders and jutted you forward.
“Sanji, no!” you protested, turning around to hide your face. He just flipped you back around and brandished you to the owner.
“She has the most beautiful voice. I’ve heard her sing, it’s like a choir of angels.” Sanji went on, beaming proudly as he boasted about your talents.
The owner looked you over, then shrugged. “Alright. I’m desperate. If you can sing for our pub tonight, I’ll give you and all of your party free dinners.”
Your crew members all looked at you pleadingly. You could tell they were all as starving as you were, and couldn’t stand to see the hunger in their eyes. You looked over at Sanji. His icy blue eyes were swimming with confidence and sincerity. He gave you a nod.
“Alright. I’ll do it.” you agreed, squinting your eyes shut. The crew all erupted in applause for you, besides Zoro, who just looked up the ceiling in relief.
“Wonderful.” the owner mused, flashing a pleased smile at you. “You’ll have to change clothes, but other than that, you’re good to go. You’re so beautiful that I’m sure the audience will love you, even if you’re not that good at singing.”
You chuckled awkwardly. You heard Sanji click his tongue out of jealousy next to you.
“Well she is an amazing singer, so that won’t be a possibility.” Sanji refuted. He was smiling, but his eyes were shooting daggers at the man. “Could you show us where she can get ready? I’d like to accompany her.” You could tell he meant to say there’s no way he was letting this guy take you somewhere alone.
You just pressed your lips together to avoid smiling at how cute he was when he was jealous.
Only a few minutes later, you were being ushered on stage in a dress that wasn’t yours, and all eyes were on you.
You looked like a deer in the headlights, wide eyes shifting over all the members of the audience. You were at a loss for words. No one had ever given you permission to speak in front of a crowd. You finally saw the straw hat crew sitting at a table towards the back. They were all smiling encouragingly, none more so than Sanji. You looked at him for direction, to which he just gave you a small nod. “You’ve got this, your highness.” he mouthed.
He was right. You were a princess. You could do this. You swallowed the hard lump in your throat and cleared it, stepping forward with grace and nobility. “Good evening, patrons of the pub… You’re probably all used to a different singer, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I’ll be filling in for you guys tonight.” You turned around and nodded to the band, who began playing your first song.
You bobbed your head to the beat, waiting for your cue. Everyone seemed intrigued and focused on you. Luckily, no one looked malicious or judgemental. Finally, you took a breath and began singing, the sound of your voice filling up the quiet room and bouncing off the walls.
As the song went on, and you got to showcase some of your most powerful notes, you received a couple impressed cheers from the audience. You smiled, gaining confidence, and got more into your performance.
Suddenly, your eyes locked in on Sanji’s. The way he was looking at you gave you chills. His eyes were sparkling with admiration and love, and his fingers rubbed loosely against his lips in an effort to contain the proud, enormous grin on his face. His smile was so wide it looked like it would break his face. No one had ever looked at you like that. And as your song ended, you felt as if you were the only two people in the pub.
You were snapped out of your trance by the entire pub getting to their feet and applauding you, happily giving you a standing ovation. You giggled excitedly and did a small curtesy, accepting their praise. You waved back to the crew, who looked so proud of their princess. Sanji looked like he was about to cry. You blew a kiss to him, making him laugh heartily.
You went on performing for another half hour, until the owner came out on stage between songs.
“Alright everyone, give it up for tonight’s singer!” he boomed, leading the crowd in applause. “We’re gonna give her a break, but she’ll be back soon!” You waved goodbye to everyone as he ushered you to your table with the rest of the crew.
“That was amazing. Your voice is just as beautiful as you are.” the owner smirked, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear as you sat in your seat.
You shuddered uncomfortably, glancing at Sanji nervously. He cleared his throat to settle the anger boiling beneath his calm exterior, then resumed a playful expression.
“Mr. Owner. While I’m very grateful for the arrangement we’ve made, I’m going to have to ask you to keep your hands off Miss Y/N. Otherwise, there will be consequences.” he hissed, a dangerous smirk slithering onto his face.
The owner backed away, clearly threatened, although obviously annoyed. “Understood. I’ll go check on your dinners.” He then sauntered off into the kitchen, leaving you to your crew, who all began praising you in unison.
“That was incredible, Y/N!” Nami beamed, shaking your arm lightly.
“Yeah seriously, you could be a professional!” Luffy grinned.
“We’re gonna have you sing everytime we go somewhere! We’ll never have to pay for dinner again!” Ussop cheered, patting you on the shoulder.
“That was really good.” Zoro said flatly. However, there was a look of genuine admiration in his eyes that let you know he meant it.
“Thanks guys…” you replied bashfully. “At first. I was so nervous I thought I was going to pass out. But once I started singing, I just kind of blacked out and went for it!”
“Well, you did a wonderful job, just as I told you you would.” Sanji praised, taking your hand in his. “You were brilliant, your highness.”
You blushed with a warm smile, not knowing what to say. However, you didn’t have to say anything, because the chefs began bringing your food and drinks to your table and setting them in front of you.
Luffy stood up, raising his mug in the air. “To the princess of the Going Merry!”
“To the princess of the Going Merry!” your crew all cheered, clinking their glasses together in a toast.
You all began devouring the plates of food in front of you. While the owner was smarmy and gross, he at least didn’t skimp on the portions. You were all lost in a spirited conversation when a jovial looking older man approached you.
“Excuse me miss, I’m sorry to interrupt your dinner…” he began, an interested glint in his eyes, “But I just had to tell you what an amazing performance you just gave!”
You smiled back at him, bowing your head gratefully. “Thank you, sir!”
“And how pretty you are!” he complimented. “Has anyone ever told you that you look strikingly similar to the eldest princess of Dacovia?”
Your heart sunk. It felt like this man just punched you in the stomach, and now you were falling down a deep, dark well. For months, no one had even mentioned Dacovia to you. Now, here was the stark reminder of the life you had left behind.
“No sir, unfortunately I’ve never been to Dacovia.” you coughed nervously, eyes darting away from him.
“Really? How funny. Well, enjoy your dinner, miss!” he finished, walking back to his table.
You looked at the rest of the crew, who had the same look of panic on their faces as you did. You all sat there in silence for a moment, no one wanting to be the first one to break it.
“It’s okay.” Luffy finally spoke quietly, an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face. “It’s just a coincidence.”
“We don’t know that.” you huffed, leaning forward as to make sure no one heard. “What if he’s a spy for my father?”
“We’re pretty far from Dacovia now, Y/N…” Nami tried to comfort you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You don’t know my father.” you retorted, shaking your head. “He sees me as his property. And if he wanted to, he’d stop at nothing to bring me back to Dacovia to resume my role as his pawn.”
“We’re not going to let that happen, okay?” Sanji reassured you, rubbing his thumb along the back of your hand. You looked into his eyes. The pale shade of cornflower calmed you instantly, causing you to release the tension in your muscles.
“He’s right.” Zoro stated. You all turned to him with a shocked expression. “What?” he asked.
“I can’t believe you just agreed with Sanji.” Ussop chuckled, causing the rest of you to erupt with laughter.
Zoro just rolled his eyes and took another swig from his mug. “Well, it’s true. We’re going to fight to keep Y/N on our crew, right?”
“Of course we are.” Luffy replied, trying to stifle his chuckles. He then looked to you with a smile. “You’re our princess after all.”
You smiled appreciatively, tears welling up in your eyes. Maybe it was foolish to believe them, but you couldn’t help it. You truly loved all of them so much that it was hard to picture leaving them without a fight. Then again, you still had yet to be in an actual fight, which you were still harboring anxiety about.
“Just remain calm and finish your performance tonight. Sanji instructed, ruffling your hair slightly. “We’ll leave first thing in the morning, just to cover our tracks.”
You nodded, going back to your plate. “Sure. Just let me finish my dinner first. Although, it’s not as good as anything you could’ve made.” you grinned cheerfully.
Around midnight, you were finally curled up in a warm bed, something you had forgotten the feeling of after all your time at sea. Sanji shuffled next to you, both of you now staring up at the ceiling. The two of you decided to share a room, as you were now an item. Nami and Zoro decided they would sleep better with each other than with the talkative Luffy or Ussop, and stuck the two of them together.
“I should not have said your name.” Sanji suddenly stated regretfully.
You turned your head to face him. “What do you mean?”
“When the owner was putting his filthy hands on you.” he sneered. “I called you by your name. It was dangerous of me to act on my jealousy.”
You clicked your tongue dismissively, rolling back in place. “It’s fine. The whole crew did a toast to ‘the princess of the Going Merry.’ I’m sure everyone heard that better than you saying my name.”
“Yes, but I’m the one who suggested you sing tonight.” he grumbled, placing his hands over his eyes to rub them frustratedly. “It wasn’t smart to draw all that attention to you either.”
“Sanji, we needed to eat. I could feel my stomach beginning to digest itself.” you chuckled, rolling over to prop your elbow up and look at him. You removed his hands from his eyes, prompting him to look up at you. “This isn’t all on you, love.”
He sighed, flashing you a grateful half smile. “I just can’t bear the thought of losing you.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” you told him, brushing back the blonde strands of hair that flopped over his forehead. “I promise.” You leaned down to kiss him tenderly, connecting your lips and deepening it slightly before slowly pulling away. “Now, let’s get some sleep. We have to leave early tomorrow.”
“Alright…” he agreed, shuffling back to his sleeping position. “Goodnight, your highness.”
“Goodnight, Sanji.” you replied, curling up against your pillow.
As you tried to drift off to sleep, you began thinking too much about the situation. It was easy to make a promise to Sanji when he was worried, but would you really be able to keep it? What if your father was trying to find you? If he did, he would certainly be able to get people to bend to his will. He ruled with an iron fist, and was relentless in his conquests. Should he attack the crew, you didn’t know how well they would fare. It wasn’t that you questioned the crew’s abilities. You had watched them take down the marines like they were just a bunch of kids on the playground, and Luffy was made of rubber for god’s sake. It was just that you knew how powerful your father was. And you didn’t know if he would show any mercy.
You glanced over at Sanji next to you. It looked like he was already fast asleep. Your eyes welled with tears as you pictured him getting hurt, or worse. You leaned over and kissed his forehead gently.
“I promise to keep you safe, Sanji. Whatever it takes.”
Just as Sanji had proposed, you had all left so early the next morning that the roosters weren’t even crowing yet. You docked ship as soon as you could and set back off onto the seas.
Everyone was a little bit on edge, constantly checking to see if you were being followed. Zoro had insisted on doubling down in your training, pushing you as hard as you could go. You were a little exhausted, but still grateful that he was teaching you how to fight.
Sanji was a nervous wreck. He wouldn’t leave your side for a moment, whenever you weren’t training that is. He had also insisted on moving you into his bedroom so he could protect you if something happened in the middle of the night. His cooking even tasted different. You hated seeing him like this. You wished more than anything that things could just go back to the way they were a few days ago.
As time passed, the crew began to relax a bit. All except for Sanji. He only seemed to get more anxious, more protective. It wasn’t like him to not be playful and optimistic. You started to wonder if being with you was really good for him…
The day things changed was about a week after you had left the small village with the pub. You were sitting on the deck floor with Sanji, playing a card game with him while he smoked a cigarette. It seemed to be the only thing that would calm him down lately. Nami was in the crow’s nest, and Zoro and Luffy were looking off the starboard at the ocean.
“Guys!” Ussop exclaimed from his place at the bow of the ship. “There’s a huge ship coming towards us!”
You all sprinted over to where he was standing to see it for yourselves. You gasped at the enormous boat looming over in the distance. It literally looked as if it could swallow the Going Merry whole. The bow was lined with several canons and countless soldiers looking down the barrels of their guns at you.
Panic sunk into the crew all at once. You all began scurrying around for your weapons, jumping into each other and fumbling around on the deck.
“Y/N!” Zoro called, making you turn around. He unsheathed one of his swords and tossed it to you. You caught it in the air, gripping the handle firmly. As you studied the blade, you wondered how it would feel to use it against somebody. It made your stomach turn. You glanced around at the crew, who was all standing at the ready. Luffy stood protectively in front of everyone, ready to absorb any ammo that was thrown your way.
“Attention pirates!” a deep voice bellowed from the opposing ship as it approached you. You froze as you glanced up at the speaker. It was your father, right there in front of you. “By order of the royal family of Dacovia, we command you to return the princess at once! If you do not, we will release fire!”
“How did you even find me, father?” you screeched, a deep rage boiling over the brim of your heart, threatening to explode out of your chest.
“You left us a little clue, my dear fiancée.” a new voice boasted smugly. You immediately recognized it as your former fiancé’s, the prince’s. He suddenly appeared next to your father, dangling a white heeled shoe by his finger.
You gasped. Of course. They found the shoe you lost by the docks before you boarded the Going Merry.
“And it was easy to bargain with a disgruntled small village pub owner. We showed him the smallest amount of gold and he immediately told us where you were.” The prince bragged gleefully. “Your boyfriend shouldn’t have been so jealous.”
Your father held up a hand to silence him. “This is your last chance, daughter. Surrender yourself to me now, and I won’t have to kill all your little friends.”
“We’ll never give her to you!” Sanji bellowed from his place next to you. You gulped, glancing over at him. You had never seen him look so dangerous. Almost like… he was willing to die for you. You looked around at the rest of the crew, and realized they all had that same look in their eyes. It was the same one you noticed when you first met them. The passionate determination they all had to achieve their dreams. You winced as you thought about losing them, about being the reason they never got to achieve their goals. You couldn’t bear it a second longer.
“Alright, have it your way.” your father sneered, motioning to his troops. “Soldiers! Prepare to attack!” They all stood at attention. “Ready! Aim…”
“Stop!” you screamed from the bottom of your stomach. It was so loud that even your father jumped.
He leaned forward expectantly. “Yes, daughter?”
“I’ll go with you.” you croaked, angry tears spilling from your eyes. “But you must promise to never hurt them.”
“You have my honor as a king.” he swore, brandishing his King’s ring at you as a sign of his honesty. You nodded reluctantly, and he motioned for the troops to extend the platform for you to board his ship.
“No, no, no, you can’t do this Y/N, please…” Sanji pleaded, desperately gripping onto your shoulders as if you were going to disintegrate out of his grasp. Tears were trickling down from his eyes as well. “Please, don’t go…”
You choked down the sharp sob that threatened to erupt from your throat. “Sanji, listen to me…”
“No! I don’t want to, because I know what you’re going to say.” he cried, grabbing your face and pressing his forehead against yours.
You took his hands in yours, holding them to your chest. “Sanji, I’m not good for you. I’ve been destroying you for the past week. And if I lead you to your death… I’d never forgive myself.” you sniffled, glancing down at the ground.
He shook his head, squinting his eyes. “You promised. You promised me you weren’t going anywhere.” He dropped his head into your neck and began sobbing into it. It absolutely broke your heart what you had to do, but you loved him too much not to do it.
You tilted his head up to look him in the eye, giving him a pathetic smile. “Sometimes you have to break promises to protect those you care about.” You then leaned in and gave him one last passionate kiss, letting him now how irrevocably in love with him you were despite what you were doing. “Goodbye, Sanji.”
You let him go, allowing him to fall to his knees on the deck. The rest of the crew rushed to him in an attempt to comfort him, except Luffy. He was looking at you with so much sadness that it made you want to jump into the ocean and drown.
You gave him a tiny wave and a teary smile. “Thank you for making me your princess, captain. But I have to go now. Come visit Dacovia when you’re king of the pirates.”
And with that, you ascended the platform onto your fathers’ ship, sailing back to your home country. You knew exactly what awaited you when you returned. Another wedding. And this time, your father would make sure you couldn’t run away.
hi everyone! thank you so much for the amazing response to part one :) i’m so happy it’s doing so well! i was planning on ending the series in this part but it just ended up being so long that i decided to end it here for this part. i’m sorry it’s so angsty but i PROMISE there will be a happy ending in the next part! i should be posting it very soon. i LOVE this story and can’t wait to finish it :)
@genshingeeksworld @gg-trini
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angelofacidx · 9 months
Toxic ex bf! Ghost x reader.
Cw: Verbal abuse, physical abuse, dub con
“Stumblin’ in at the ass crack of dawn dressed like a slag. Typical.” Simon grunts out, his hulking form sprawled lazily on your arm chair.
You freeze in your tracks, mouth going dry, heart beat creeping into your throat, and the hairs on your arm standing at attention. You’d expected something like this to happen soon. Since the break up you’d blocked him cold turkey on everything and tried your best to put the situation as far out of your mind as possible. It was impossible not to notice the signs of his impending debut back into your life though. The burner accounts that always viewed your social media stories first, the unknown number calls, and the middle aged man across the hall who’d warned you about a potential thief casing your place. It reeked of Simon, all of it.
“You need to get out of my house.” You say as firmly as you can, lips pulled tight and arms crossed against your chest, shielding your cleavage in the admittedly skimpy dress.
He lets out a dry chuckle with no humor behind it, somewhere deep in his chest before rising to his feet and taking a step towards you, causing you to reflexively flinch. A few more strides and you find yourself pressed to the door, barely enough room to breathe without your stomach pressing into his. His face connects to the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. His scent trail follows all the way down, dropping to his knees and lifting your dress to prod at your cunt with his nose while you’re paralyzed in disbelief and fear. He lets out a low hum and taps the outside of your thigh twice before standing, seeming satisfied with his fucked up field report.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask, your voice cracking and hushed as you try to not give him the satisfaction of tears.
“Had to make sure no one else used my pussy. I know she was beggin’ for something all night with the way you’re dressed. You must be starved huh, love?” He muses, his hand snaking down to cup your cunt in his hand, rubbing at your clit with his palm and not bothering to pull your underwear to the side first.
You want to call the police. You want to tell him that you hate him and to get the hell out of your place. You want to scream at him until your vocal cords tear. However, there’s a difference between a want and a need. He’d taught you that well. Right now with the alcohol still in your system and the neglect of your sex drive for months, you need him. You need to feel the way that only he can make you feel, and you can’t tell if you hate him or yourself more in this moment.
Your resistance fades away the more he palms at your pussy and is lost all together when he rips your panties off, spitting on his hand and rubbing two calloused fingers over your puffy clit. The sparks of pleasure run up your spine and down your legs, causing them to shake and become unsteady. In an act of mercy you’re slung over his shoulder and walked to your room. He drops you onto the bed unceremoniously, pawing at your dress before finally ripping it off over your head, letting it fall to the floor.
“There she is.” He hums, running his hands down the soft skin of your belly and stopping right before where you needed him most.
“Please. Simon please just—I need—.” You attempt to say before a sharp slap to your pussy cuts you off, a strangled squeal leaving your throat.
“I know what you need. I know you better than anyone.” He says lowly, hooking his thumbs under the waistband of his sweats and underwear, pulling them down in a fluid motion.
His cock is rock hard, red at the tip and weepy. From the looks of it, he hadn’t gotten laid lately either. He leans forward and slaps the fat tip against your clit, a content smirk on his lips. You scold yourself mentally from almost sentimentalizing it. You shouldn’t be doing this. You shouldn’t be under him again. You should—.
Your thoughts completely clear as you feel the agonizing stretch of very little prep. A deep burn and sting in your core that promises to dissapear and replace itself with blissful fullness. He wastes no time, his hips rocking into you; fat cock dipping in and out of you as his balls slap against your ass. One of his hands finds it’s home on your throat and the other rests on your clit, rubbing agonizingly slow.
“You know where home is. Don’t cha’ baby? Waited nice an’ good for me to come back and take care of my pretty pussy.” He growls, the tempo of his thrusts picking up and causing your hips to ache from the constant slamming.
“Fuck you Simon.” You manage to choke out with all of the malice that you can, and in a moment of boldness spitting right in his face.
His thrusts grind to a halt and he lifts his hand to his face, using the back of his palm to wipe the spit off of his chin and onto your sheets. His eyes lock with yours, brows knitted together and pupils blown out like a jaguar about to disembowel a poor tapir. Immediately you want to take it back, to apologize and kneel at his feet and beg to him like a god for a shred of mercy. But his mind seems to be already made up.
The back of his palm connects with your cheek just once, leaving it red and stinging and angry. The tears that finally flow from your eyes drag muddy grey lines down your face, mascara and eyeliner. Simon seems to be spurred on by your disheveled look, his thrusts picking up again and hand returning to your face.
“I fuckin’ own you. Dumb little bitch. You need to be led and told what to do. Can’t be trusted alone. Gonna get yourself killed or knocked up by some deadbeat.” He grunts into your ear, his pace becoming erratic indicating that he’s nearing his end.
Your cunt clenches hard around him involuntarily, your thighs locking around him as you reach your orgasm, involuntarily milking Simon in the process. You’d be screaming if it wasn’t for the massive hand clamping your airway shut, which your neighbors are probably grateful for. With a loud moan Simon spills, his hips stilling as hot cum floods your insides. He doesn’t bother to pull out before laying next to you, half hard cock nestled comfortably in your pussy.
“Sweet thing. It’s a big world out there, you’d be lost without me wouldn’t you little stray?” He hums, licking his thumb and rubbing it against your cheek to try and wipe off the makeup mess.
“…Yes, Si.” You agree, full of shame and guilt.
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holdmymallowsweet · 2 months
Tooth for a Nose
Inspired by @alibasnur, I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I had fun writing it ❤️
Summary: Being the petty children that they are, Sebastian and the new fifth year get into a fist fight. Sort of.
Word count: 825
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The three of them sat in the library one afternoon, her and Sebastian still full of adrenaline from Crossed Wands.
“What do muggles do, when they need to settle a disagreement?” Sebastian asked her suddenly, lowering his book. “Is there such a thing as muggle duelling?”
“Sebastian, if you don’t want to finish your essay, fine by me. But please be quiet, some of us are trying to work,” Ominis answered in her stead.
Ignoring him, as she usually did when she saw a chance to escape schoolwork, she put her quill down. “There is, actually. They use Pistols.”
She thought about it for a moment. “They’re like muggle wands that can only perform the killing curse.”
“Oh?” Sebastian leaned forward, intrigued. “Please elaborate.”
“Please do not,” Ominis said warningly.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Still, that’s a bit extreme isn’t it?”
“There’s always fist fights,” she mused. “Surely you know what a fist fight is?”
“Obviously, but it’s not like I’d ever find myself in a muggle brawl when I can use magic,” Sebastian drawled.
Humming conspiratorially, she leaned closer herself, until they were merely a few inches apart. “Between the two of us, who do you think would win in a fist fight?”
Sebastian burst out laughing, getting little droplets of spit on Ominis’ hand, who smacked him on the arm with his rolled up parchment in turn. The laughing stopped when Sebastian saw her offended expression. “Wait, are you serious?”
“You think I can’t take you on,” she said flatly, “because I’m a girl.”
Sebastian groaned and rolled his eyes dramatically. “No, of course not. I just think pummeling someone half my size isn’t very sporting.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means ‘drop it, please’,” Ominis chimed in.
Mouth open for a retort, she stopped briefly. “Wait, I don’t think that’s what he meant at all.”
Ominis sighed. “No, I mean it. Can the both of you please stop acting like children? I don’t feel like collecting anyone’s teeth off the ground while you’re on stretchers on the way to the hospital wing.”
“Hear that? Ominis doesn’t want to collect your teeth. Perhaps you should drop it.” Sebastian barely managed to contort his smug grin into a genial smile while patting her patronisingly on the head.
Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “Or perhaps, you’re just afraid of losing to a girl.”
“No, I understand,” she went on, pretending to feel sorry for him. “After all, I’m better than you at wizard duelling, of course you’d be worried. Not a good look, getting pummeled by someone half your size.”
Ominis buried his face in his hands.
Sebastian put his book aside, with a fair bit more force than necessary. “Don’t push me.”
“Oh, I’d never. After all, Ominis doesn’t want to collect your teeth.”
Ominis made an indiscernible, strangled noise as Sebastian jumped to his feet. “You know what- fine. You want to take this outside?”
“NO,” Ominis shouted.
“Absolutely, ” she said with the utmost conviction.
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“...I can’t believe you really hit her,” Ominis said.
“I didn’t.” Sitting on one of the beds in the hospital wing, one hand holding onto his tooth while the other one massaged his injured cheek, Sebastian shot his friend a look of utter indignation. “I would never- how could you even think that? I pretended to, just to scare her a bit, but she was already trying to punch me and I tried to avoid her and then we… sort of fell into each other’s fists,” he finished lamely. 
On the bed next to him, she tried to make a noise of agreement, kind of, it was a bit difficult as she presently needed her mouth to breathe.
“And I look much worse than her anyway,” Sebastian added.
Ominis nudged her foot with his own. “Does he?”
She tried to give Sebastian an appraising look- again, that sort of thing was kind of hard when one had a giant woollen rag bunched up in the middle of one’s face to stop a violent nosebleed. “I don’ ‘now. Maybe?”
“Oh come off it, I definitely look worse than you, I’ve lost my tooth and everything.”
Her face split into a giant grin- which looked sort of disturbing, now that her blood was seeping through the rag and trickled down her face. “-‘ad means I won.” 
Leaning back on his chair, Ominis gave both of them a derisive snort.
“What, anything you’d like to add?” Sebastian snapped. 
Ominis raised an eyebrow. “Yes, but I doubt you’d want to hear it.”
“Oh? Please, humour me.”
She laid back in her bed, making a frustrated gurgling noise.
“Fine.” Ominis took a deep breath. “You two are the world’s most childish, irresponsible moonminds, and it’s rich of you to complain about your present circumstance, considering even I could see it coming.”
Sebastian sat in stunned silence. It didn’t last long, given that it was Sebastian. “Do you want to take it outside?”
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tiniedemon · 1 year
HOLD MY GIRL . . . kyle broflovski / reader
genre . . . smut, fluff
hold my girl — george ezra
kyle is a menace, and an asshole, and a terrible liar. you’re exceptionally aware of the last one. he has a few tells — refusal to make eye contact, poking his top lip with his tongue, twisting the few rings on his fingers — that first alerted you he’s hiding something. he’s not subtle, in the slightest. not as he sits with you and with your friends and he seems so anxious he could rip his hair out.
a birthday party is the last place for a breakdown, and you know he knows it, and it’s the only reason he’s keeping it in. he’s a horrid liar. his eyes, just as green and mossy as when you’d met him, continuously dart towards you. ‘no alcohol,’ he’d mumbled before your party. ‘i want you sober tonight.’ telling a grown adult not to drink on their birthday is a cruel thing to do, but you’re never one to complain. if he doesn’t want you drinking, it can only mean he’s planning to fool around later.
you’re growing tired, having just about enough of his nervous leg bouncing and consistent ruffling of his own curls. you slide your hand into his, give it a light squeeze, and if it does anything at all, it makes him somehow more nervous. it’s ridiculous. one touch and you’ve reduced the man to a puddle of anxiety.
“do you wanna leave?” you whisper, leaning toward him on stan’s couch. he hesitates, scans your face, and sighs. a nod shakes the red tendrils framing his vermillion face. you tug him onto his feet, make your rounds of the room. all your friends look at you like they know something you don’t, and now you’re the nervous one, tugging at kyle’s rings the entire way home.
“you seem a bit anxious,” he observes, though his hands are shaking almost as much as his voice. you want to laugh at the pure hilarity of it all. his anxiety rubbed off on you, and now you’re on the verge of losing your shit in the passenger seat, heart pounding out of your chest and eyes refusing to meet his.
“i wasn’t nervous until i realized everyone was keeping a secret,” you hush. he hums, acknowledging you, though doing nothing to curb your sudden onset terror. your apartment building creeps into sight and you feel like you could vomit. whatever’s waiting for you in your shared apartment can’t be good for your mental well-being. it’s your first birthday with kyle as a couple, and you know he’s gone all out like the sweetheart he can be.
“it’s nothing you should be scared for,” he mumbles as he tugs you through the passenger door he’s just opened. you rest your palms against his chest, gaze into his eyes, scanning his visage for any signs that you should be as terrified as you stand now. predictably, you can’t find any around the pure adoration slicing through his forested gaze.
“if you got us a cat, i’m never going to forgive you for hiding it from me,” you finally whisper, standing on your toes to press a fleeting kiss to his lips. he leans into it, chases it when you’ve dropped down to your height. you chuckle at the slight pout finding itself on his freckled lips.
“i didn’t get a cat, unfortunately. landlord says no pets, remember?” he muses as he tugs you towards the entrance to the building. it’s a short rise to the fifth floor, the floor your apartment rests on, and with each number that flashes in the elevator, you can feel your knees grow a little weaker.
kyle’s hands cup your face the second the two of you manage to enter your apartment. he kicks the door shut with his foot, and it’s up to your shaking fingers to secure the double locks. his eyes are all over you, fleeting over your face and your shoulders and your abdomen. the adoration in his eyes is open, intruding, piercing even the most hidden pieces of yourself.
“god, i can’t wait to get you in bed,” he says, breathless, finally tugging you in for the kiss your lips craved. his tongue strokes your bottom lip, joins yours in your mouth, pushes past the barrier of your teeth. you can’t help the whine his throat captures. he pulls back, and he looks at you like you’ve hung all the stars in the sky, and he devours your body with his gaze.
“so take me there,” you finally bring yourself to whisper, tugging at the collar of his t shirt. the fabric is soft, though not as soft as you know kyle’s fair skin is. you’re desperate to feel it, to drag your teeth along it, to taste it.
“lead the way.” it’s breathless, and depraved, and desperate, and it’s festering a mess between your legs. you take him by the wrist, grip gentle despite the harsh arousal your thighs are smothering. everything is smothering you. the shirt you’ve peeled off on your way to the bedroom, the shoes you’ve kicked off in the hallway, the hair you’ve already pulled away from your neck.
it’s when you enter the bedroom that you discover the cause of all his anxiousness. the bed is draped in rose petals, ever so cliche, and candles are freshly lit along the nightstands. a bottle of vodka rests in the center of your duvet, candlelight glinting off the clear fluid. you could cry. you might, actually. it’s cliche, and sweet, and kyle knows how much you love cliches. he knows how much you hate champagne too, so the vodka is a nice touch.
“kyle.” it escapes your lips in a breathy whimper, a sound you’re quite familiar with at the hands of your boyfriend. he’s practically buzzing behind you, and now in front of you, eyes searching your face and hands searching your shoulders and neck. you tug him in, take his lips in the most passionate kiss you can manage. your fingers are practically clawing as his arms lift you by your thighs, palms taking purchase of your hips, your back falling flat against the soft mattress you’d insisted you needed when you’d moved in. you don’t regret it now, with your legs around kyle’s waist and his lips exploring the span of your neck.
“kyle.” it comes out different now, more choked and desperate. you can feel his arousal against your clothes cunt, the pressure sending goosebumps across your skin. his fingers are there, tugging your pants from your legs, gripping your underwear and pulling so forcefully you’re afraid he might rip them. actually, no, he did. he ripped them. you can’t find it in yourself to be angry, not as the pads of fingers are tracing the folds of your wetness.
“you look so good down there,” he breathes, and you can feel that he means it. the bulge in his pants is present against your inner thigh, pressing into your skin as his fingers press into you. your hand stays stationed in his hair, tugging softly, back arching as he sinks to his knees. it’s a sight you don’t think you could ever be tired of. his curls are just visible over your hips, eyes trained on your face as his tongue tentatively traces the folds he’s buried his fingers in.
he curls them, presses his tongue flat, draws the lewdest sounds from your chest. you feel like you could pass away and be entirely unbothered, as long as you’re passing this way. his tongue massages your clit, his fingers massage the spongy gland buried within you. it’s a sickly sweet ecstasy that brings you closer with every flicker of his tongue and every curl of his fingers.
and even after you’ve came, legs shaking and cries flying from your throat, his long digits never leave the wet cavern of your spasming cunt. his mouth takes yours and you can taste yourself, a distinct flavor switch from the sodas you’d been drinking at the party. it’s hot, and you’re bothered, and you want him more than you’ve ever wanted anything.
“please, kyle,” you huff, rolling your hips against his plaid trousers. he looms over you, trails molten kisses against the soft skin of your throat. “i need you. please.”
his fingers leave you long enough for his hands to tug off his pants, and then his cock is prodding at your entrance. you tilt your head back with a soft sigh, fingers wrapped around his shoulders, abdomen tightening with the sweet anticipation.
“okay?” he asks, and his eyes are so raw and excited that you can’t do much beside nod. a shared moan passes through the space between you as he sinks in, his mouth swallowing every noise you have to give. it’s sweet, it’s passionate, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted and more.
his hips snap against yours, jolting your entire body. it’s a repetitive process, his cock sliding in and out with such precision you question his enjoyment. it takes one look at his face to throw it all away. his eyelids are screwed shut, but you can see his eyes darting around beneath them, and his mouth is dropped open in pure ecstasy. you could cum from just the sight.
“you’re so beautiful,” you utter through incessant moans and whines. he finds it within himself to smile down at you, though it turns to the same pleasured expression as your walls tighten around him. his breaths come in grunts and yours come in whines, increasing in volume as a hand drops to massage his thumb into your aching clit.
“cum for me, dove,” he groans out, cock twitching within you. it’s a short moment of heavy breaths and heavier kisses, and his lips swelling against yours, and a coil tightening in your lower stomach. and then it pops, and your legs are shaking, and you can’t hear the sound of your own cries. your fingernails are digging into his shoulders and it seems that is all it takes to shove him over the edge. his cock slides out, then it’s raining warmth over your thighs and stomach.
“you’re so good, so good,” he whispers as he kisses you, a cool wipe swiping over the mess he’d made. it runs over your sensitive cunt, cleaning away your juices, and his fingers rub your hip the entire time. you tug him in for a real kiss, deep and soft and everything you’ve ever wanted.
you’re sitting back against the headboard when he passes you the open bottle of vodka, your clothes abandoned in the hallway and bedroom, your hair equally as messy as his. you take a swig and let the alcohol swell and meld with the love you hold in your chest.
“happy birthday,” kyle mumbled into your hair, and you can’t help the smile curling your lips.
“it was a very happy birthday,” you respond. he chuckles and you burrow further into his side, absorbing every ounce of adoration he’s willing to give you. and it’s sweet, held in his embrace after he’d just given you the most passionate night of your life. it’s so sweet you can’t help the lovesick tears streaming down your cheeks and the silly giggle you let out.
happy birthday indeed.
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