#my too much gene kicked in kfjlghdfjklgdfs
annyankers · 3 years
anyanka stuck pretending to be a TEEN when she’s a GROWN DEMON.
like her awkwardness and comedy before came from being trapped in a human body and unused to like, teen hormones and not 100% on modern social mores
but here’s an alien in a human suit trying to act natural. “why yes i do remember the black death.....from my previous history lessons. that i’ve been to. and not from any personal experience. solely from books.”
anyanka being uninterested in dances bc why would she wanna hang out with MORE children but in fancy outfits? then someone mentions food or w/e and she’s like “...okay fine.”
anyanka putting no effort into her own homework bc she can just forge everything she needs to go to w/e school buffy’s going to but buckling down when it comes to buffy’s since she was wished to help her so she ends up having to do precalc work aNyWay :/
anyanka trying to protect all the scoobies when drusilla comes for giles and trying to get to kendra in time but failing and feeling her heart drop out of her chest. her realizing just how much she’s come to care about all these puny little human twerps as she’s trying to keep them all safe and failing miserably in her own estimation.
anyanka 🤝 buffy 🤝 spike beating angelus’ ass literally into hell
anyanka playing the role of slayer in sunnydale while buffy has her Crisis. anyanka letting her go because she knows buffy needs that time to grieve and this clown car of gremlins she calls friends and family ain’t gonna give her any peace.
would the cheating in lovers walk even happen with anyanka around (vengeance demons have empathy and can Sense Shit)???? who knows! i’d fucking hope for their sakes it didn’t !!!!
spike’s “love’s bitch” speech with buffy and angel looking awkward after with anyanka just like “he’s right you know” like it’s about the weather and he didn’t just read them to filth.
buffy’s bday test but with about 100000% more anyanka going BALLISTIC and beating someone within an inch of their lives for doing something so horrific to a child. (i’m praying for it being travers and not giles but you know... he did drug her so ://///////)
instead of the wesley/cordelia gag relationship a gag or legit one with wes and anyanka. like she walks in on her first day and is like “oh new watcher? well he’s very handsome and well formed so even if he incompetent he’ll be nice eye candy” and wesley’s just [dial up noises]
faith probably having a better time with her around lbr. idk how atm exactly but somehow i think anyanka being a prominent member would help faith in some way.
buffy just getting to go to prom and not worry about any hell hounds bc anyanka’s on the case since she dgaf about dances. but she does show up in time to see buffy get her umbrella award and give her a big hug.
anyanka actually helping them stop the ascension instead of yeeting.
concept: anyanka and buffy as roomies in college and tara and willow as roomies from day one. as a treat.
anyanka knocking sense into buffy about parker.
anyanka looking the amara tomb once they find out about it.
anyanka pointing out that giving the gem of amara to a dude who’s morality is literally a detachable sold separate accessory is a bad idea.
spike coming to them chipped and anyanka agreeing to be his warden and when they come over to check on them/have a meeting he’s just fucking free range in her apartment eating chips ahoy and watching matlock. they’re all like “what the fUCK??” and she’s like “eh. chains are effort, he can’t do shit to me, i can take him, he can’t hurt humans and he came to us for asylum he’s not gonna do anything. you guys are just very weird.”
okay this is TERRIFYINGLY long i’ll stop now
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