#my time at sandrock banjo
snaids · 2 years
bestest boy ever, banjo
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ryllen · 10 months
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daily task of dispatching the pets
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kittytheillustrator · 3 months
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Family portrait of my MTAS builder and Fangs fam! Including the family pets! Also my entry for the MTAS Pets Moment event on discord
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Banjo from My Time at Sandrock
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damebunbury · 4 months
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I like to choose every sassy option I can when Bronco is in town. Andy was a way better bounty hunter imo
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ari-zonia · 4 months
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A handful of practice sketches, all of them Sandrock flavored
Attempting to get better at drawing cats, munchkins especially. (Two of them are based off creamheroes/claire_luvcat/kittisaurus. If you know Lulu, that's the one.)
"Not yet, Ferb" redraw with Justice and my Builder, Max
Max and Logan flirting
A scene from my fanfic Familiar Scenario of Logan and Fang in Max's house
Little not-quite sticks of Amirah, Qi and my OC Alcyone, and Mi-an just to fill the space
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lotostar · 1 year
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Naughty kitty
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a-pink-lilypad · 7 months
Having fun with cutscenes
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• Lily teaching Qi a thing or two about firearms
• A nice day at the Arcade
• Celebrating Ginger being cured and able to stay in the sun
• Yan deserves to get rained on by Banjo
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sandrockers · 1 year
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hause-of-pancakes · 1 year
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deskmanic · 1 year
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i love him
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eggiesins · 1 month
Sandrock Bachelors Being Drunk
Mild NSFW so Minors DNI
My first head canon post, enjoy!
Arvio already has no idea what inhibition is so expect his personality to intensify by 200% while his ability to actually come up with schemes drops by 200%.  He’s gonna have so many half-baked terrible ideas that he will immediately try to act upon, so be ready to keep him on a kid leash to avoid some really dumb incidents.  “Builder!  I just had the best idea for how to get more investors for By the Stairs, but we have to act fast!  I’m hopping on the next train to Atara right n- what do you mean it can wait til morning??”  Arvio already slurs his words, so drunk Arvio I could see being almost unintelligible.  Once he’s drunk enough, he’ll constantly flip back and forth between beaming over how much he loves the builder and sobbing over Fang’s most recent rejection.
Amirah helps at first, but clocks out of babysitting after the first hour of shenanigans.  Good luck Builder.  He’s your responsibility now.
Sweet, sweet summer child Burgess.  He’s not much of a drinker, but would easily be peer pressured into drinking games, especially if the Builder wants him to play.  Others offer to drink for him if he wants, but Burgess insists that, as the Chief Water Inspector, his high hydration levels and position of bureaucratic authority give him a high enough tolerance to make it through the whole game.  They do not.  Sweet baby boy’s never been drunk before and has no idea how to handle it, so be ready to babysit this one too.  He’s gonna cry over how beautiful the cactus flowers are in full bloom, how Banjo jumped in his lap and started purring, and how you’re an angel from the Light sent to save Sandrock.  Keeping him hydrated is easy, but if he does throw up, he’ll never forgive himself for the wasted water.
He’s very good at listening to the Builder’s instructions and advice on sobering up, though.  Of all the drunks on this list, he’s the easiest to comfort and get to bed by far.
Drunk Burgess is a “sinner” (by his perspective) & 100% gives Pen the “you’re a bully but I forgive you” speech instead of turning the other cheek or forgiving immediately.
It’s been a while for him.  Did he drink and party with Luna back in Atara?  100%, but since arriving at Sandrock, he’s been so busy with hyper fixating on Logan and trying to survive droughts and sandstorms, there hasn’t been much of an opportunity for him to just let loose and party.  Once he finally does, though?  Mans is writing sonnets on sonnets on sonnets.  None of them rhyme, or even make sense, but he gives them his all anyway.  “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”  “Ernest, you said that one already.”  “Did I?  I guess every time I see you, I seem to just forget everything else.”
Ernest is pretty open about flirting with the Builder normally, so when he’s drunk, expect to hear it way way more.  He’s gonna rizz up that Builder as well as his drunk brain can ‘cause he absolutely LOVES seeing them blush because of him.  He’s all talk though, well aware that when he’s drunk, neither he nor anyone else should take him seriously.  He’s just having fun!
I could see Fang going one of two ways when drunk: either he realizes he’s drunk and immediately goes to sleep regardless of location OR his walls come down and you get to see an almost completely unfiltered Fang.  When his walls come down, oh man, Arvio better watch out.  If Arvio were to try any shenanigans, Fang is definitely telling him to shut up and sit down.  He’s grumpy normally, so drunk Fang would be much more likely to express that grumpiness.  It’s not that he’s a mean drunk so much as he is just more comfortable expressing himself under the effects of liquid courage.
If he’s with the Builder, he becomes soooooo clingy and jealous.  “The feel of your touch, unforgettable.”  Yeah he’s not giving up the feel of your touch while he feels confident enough to truly demand it.  If the builder is standing, he’s right behind them with arms around their waist.  If the builder is sitting, his head is on their shoulder, hand on their thigh, glaring down other townies who get too close.  
X lowkey loves when Fang gets drunk because it means he doesn’t have to filter what he says either, not that he does it too much normally.  He definitely eggs Fang on if the kind doctor happens to be roasting someone (Arvio) like a squawking mini-hypebeast.  At the same time, X helps the builder out a lot with getting Fang to drink water and go to sleep.
He has a very low tolerance, 4 drinks max
Our favorite Sheriff and tiredest dad of all the bachelors, Justice definitely knows how to drink.  One of his best friends is the local saloon owner, so yes, Justice has a pretty high tolerance.  With that, Justice tends to be pretty mellow when he drinks, but if he’s with the builder, he’s getting flirty too.  He’s gonna lean hard into the cowboy aesthetic, with a fake tip of the hat before asking the builder to dance.  During the dance Justice is pulling the builder close enough to stand on his feet (so he doesn’t drunkenly stumble on them) & going all the way with the spins and twirls.  He’s not elegant by any means, but he is fun!  He’s giggly and having a good time (probably annoying Logan).
If the builder is a friend, he’d insist on walking them home to see them off safely before stumbling back to his house.  If the builder is more than a friend, Justice is definitely laying on the rizz  and trying to get laid down at the workshop.
[insert “hmm society” question about life here] (seriously though, why do all the civil corps members wax philosophical so often?)
We all know the yakboy only dances when he drinks, but what else will he do when drunk?  Logan has a temper, yes, but he’s also a soft gooey ball of affection with the people he cares about, and that dichotomy is on full display when he drinks.  He avoids drinking games (they’re dumb & childish & he’s a grown man, damnit), but if the Builder wants to get up to drunken shenanigans?  Oh he’s in.  
“Darlin’, are you seriously tellin’ me ya wanna go build a scarecrow that looks like death to set up outside Cooper’s house ‘n scare him when he wakes up at 4am?”  “Ye”  “What do ya need me to do?”
Surprisingly, not a horny drunk at all (fanfic writers sue me).  BUT, he is an affectionate drunk with the builder.  Kinda like Fang, he’s all about the physical affection, especially in public.  The builder is his, and he’s gonna make sure it stays that way.  When they get home, he just wants to lay in bed with the builder in a cuddly vice grip til they both fall asleep.
He definitely relies on Rambo knowing the way home, just hops up, tells the goat where to go, and halfway passes out in the saddle.  He’s definitely getting roasted for being a lightweight by Andy when he gets home.
How else would a religious fanatic obsessed with discipline act when drunk?  Off the rails ranting & outright simping for the builder.  Full stop.  I’m not even a Miguel fan and I know this man is so down bad for the builder.  He wouldn’t even want to drink initially, until the builder challenges him to a game.  “Very well, Builder.  For the person who has done the most to promote telesis in this barren land, I can surely raise a glass or two in celebration.”
Once he’s drunk, expect a strange combination of sermon and praise for the builder (he will definitely be mortified in the morning).  But if the builder even touches him by accident, he’s already hiding a sneaky semi tenting his pants.  
“Miguel…are you hard right now?”  “Builder, it would be a sin for me to deny the truth of this situation.  *proceeds to dramatically throw his jacket off*  Take me now, body and soul.”  “I mean, sure, but…can that wait til we can get home?”  “OH…………………..yes”
The next morning, while nursing a hell of a hangover and the raw, unfiltered embarrassment of drunken mistakes, he vows to never drink again.  At least, as long as the builder doesn’t ask him to.
Honestly?  I don’t see Owen acting too differently when drunk, just a lot less anxious when interacting with the builder.  Seemingly out of nowhere, his stuttering and nervous way of speaking with the builder is gone, replaced with a more confident barkeep.
He’s wicked good at drinking games, having spent his entire life inside of a saloon.  If you think you’re winning beer pong or rage cage against Owen’s 6 foot something ass, you’re wrong.  There’s a reason Justice and Logan outright refuse to play drinking games with him, and it’s cause it always ended with someone throwing up.  Never Owen, though.  He’s got a finely tuned tolerance for alcohol and knows exactly where his sweet spot is.  
He won’t really try to initiate any sexy times with the builder, but if they start dropping hints for him?  “Justice, can you watch the bar while I step out with the builder real quick?  They need some help..um…perfecting a new recipe.”  Cue Justice’s shit-eating grin.  “Sure pardner, take as long as y’all need” with a quick wink at the couple
Is he drunk, or has he just been pretending to drink that much?  Who knows?  Pablo’s been around, especially in Walnut Groove.  He knows how to drink and even more so, he knows how to look how to drink especially.  He’s watching the town get absolutely smashed with glee, taking stock of everything that happens, especially anything embarrassing.
He’s the one who calls at 8am the next morning when you’re hungover to hell and back and tell you, in excruciating detail, every embarrassing thing you said and did, just in case you forgot.  All in all, I think he likes to drink a little, socially of course, but he’s far more interested in getting others drunk instead of himself.
Assuming that Pen can get drunk (he is sensitive to Duvos peppers), he’s gonna be glued to whatever the nearest reflective surface is.  But what actually surprises the builder is how genuinely affectionate he becomes with them, especially if they’re not officially a thing yet.  He wants them sitting in his lap so he can wrap their skinny arms in his big arms the entire time.
When he’s not being affectionate, he’s definitely trying to spar with them, though.  For Pen, fighting is very much foreplay, and this is even more true when he’s drunk.  He would already be turned on just by the builder existing, so a drunken brawl at 2am?  He’s the hardest he's ever been the entire time, full stop.  Bro is so hard from fighting the builder he has to take care not to fall flat on his face or he might break Pen jr.  
Pen avoids getting drunk because it also makes him feel guilty, at least some part of him.  He doesn’t necessarily like deceiving the builder (Sandrock he could take or leave tbh), but he has to so he can protect the life he wants for himself.  The builder changed a lot of that for him, so he feels a lot of guilt about keeping secrets.  Don’t be surprised if drunk Pen says he needs to confess something, only to go silent for 5 straight minutes before telling them he’s just hungry.
You know that meme about the guy’s roommate who blacks out and designs an entire airplane?  That’s Qi when he drinks, but with spaceships.  How did you get him to the saloon to start drinking in the first place?  Three words: Saloon Trivia Night.  Qi is competitive, and assumes that he’s usually at the top of his respective totem pole, so when Owen starts including trivia questions about archaeology, building, agriculture, etc, Qi can get frustrated relying on his team to answer for him.  And for every round lost, that’s another drink finished.  Soon enough, he’s ranting about the uselessness of “soft sciences” and the possibilities of interstellar space travel (someone please just make out with him and shut this nerd up)  The drunker he gets, the more he only excuses the builder’s mistakes and no one else’s.
This man definitely gets hot and bothered when drunk, but has no idea what he’s feeling or what to do about it, so he usually just goes to bed.  If the builder is romancing him, though?  The builder will definitely need to initiate things, but from there a now-uninhibited Qi goes off, following any and every instinct he can that the builder will allow.  He wants to try everything with them, for science of course.  
Regular Unsuur is honest, if a bit stoic.  Drunk Unsuur is too honest, and still kinda stoic.  As soon as he has a thought, he’s saying it, no filter.  It doesn't matter who he is talking to or what he is saying, he’s gonna let loose with whatever he’s thinking.  “Hey Cooper, why do you talk so much?  Like, you talk a lot.  Going on and on, kind of like I am now.  Why do you do that?”
“Unsuur, are you drunk?”
“Yeah.  Oh.  Builder, can I make love to you until you’re breathless and destroyed and the only word you know is my name?  I think you’d be really beautiful like that”
“Unsuur, we’re in public! Everyone can hear you right now.”
“Oh, yeah.  We should probably go home before doing that.  Pretty sure having sex in public is a crime.”
Aside from shamelessly flirting with the builder, Unsuur would also just wax philosophical to all the town pets in some corner of the saloon.  None of the other drunks there could keep up with his train of thought, but he doesn’t let that stop him.  Now Macchiato’s third eye is open, and he’s considering joining the civil corps under Captain.
I hope you guys enjoyed the headcanons! Let me know if you want to see the bachelorettes too! Yan has dialogue in the game about "mixing yakmel milk and catnip" so if y'all want any other headcanon posts, intoxicated or otherwise, let me know!
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ryllen · 10 months
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Such coincidence, I was surprised too <:^O
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dear-indies · 2 years
can i ask what kinda games you play? and/or gaming suggestions too?🥺🥺🥺
Of course! I play such a weird variety of games. If anyone plays any of these too it's be great to have more people to game with - please note that I'm not competitive I just like to vibe and have fun. 😊😊
Warframe - free!
Valorant - free!
Coral Island - £19.99 - my lovely friend gifted this, I haven't had the chance to play it yet but they're saying it has so many diversity and accessibility options!
My Time at Sandrock - £19.99 - again my lovely friend gifted me this and I've played this so much, has great accessibility options like slowing down the times of days so you don't get super stressed out!
Stardew Valley - £10.99 - my lovely friend gifted this too. There's also mods for this game which makes things so much easier.
Apex Legends - free!
Dead by Daylight - £14.99 - tw: horror - they did have this for free on Epic Games for a short period of time so always check out their free games!
Minecraft - £24.99 - I don't know why it's so relaxing to strip mine and build pretty things sometimes.
Resident Evil 5 - £13.99 - please somebody get this and we can play together.
Don't Starve / Don't Starve Together - £7.19 or £10.99 - this game stresses me out because I don't know what I'm doing but it'd be great to learn.
Fortnite - free! - I play this with my friends kids and it's honestly so much better when you don't take it seriously.
SMITE - free! - I have played 2,543 hours on this scREAMS.
And then some other cool games some of which I haven't played because they're expensive but: Heavy Rain, God of War, Metro, Divinity, Firewatch, Hollow Knight, Last of Us, Borderlands, Stray, 7 Days to Die, Far Cry, Never Alone (a game made alongside Ishmael Hope who is Iñupiaq and Tlingit!).
I would also rec TheRadBrad on youtube for gameplays because not everyone (me) can drop £40 or £80 on a game.
I also asked my friend who is the lovely soul that bought me the games listed above and: my time at sandrock, coral island, stardew valley, binding of isaac, dead cells, sims 4 (which is free to play now base game only) slime rancher 2 (if they don't want early access games, there's slime rancher (1) and my time at portia) any of the telltale games, lego the movie 1 and 2 the game, Beacon Pines, if they want to cry Spiritfarer, 7 days to die, FEZ, Digimonstory Cybersleuth for the rpg fans, staxel,yooka-laylee(for the banjo kazooie fans out there), overcooked (for the co-opers), coromon (for the pokemon player) portal and portal 2 (for the puzzler) borderlands, fallout and bioshock franchises (for the fps players that want more story to their games) cat quest 1 and 2(for those who want a cutesey rpg) evoland 1 and 2 (for those who want to explore the evolution of video game graphics/audio through a game) the night of the rabbit(for the point and click lovers that like fairy tales) orwell and orwell: ignorance is strength (for the one that likes a story driven game about a type of big brother dystopian world) summer in mara (for those that want a cutsey game that's relaxing).
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kimarisgundam · 8 months
I'm still playing My Time At Sandrock, but I also play Monster Hunter (and I'm a fan of Devil May Cry)
I cannot take any in game dialogue about the Light seriously cos my mind immediately goes to BURY THE LIGHT DEEP WITHINNNNNN 😅
I feel like if this was irl, I'd be kicked out of town for singing Bury The Light in church 😅
And sometimes I can't take Logan seriously too cos he keeps talking about monster hunting...
And I'm lowkey imagining him taking Banjo and running off to go fight a rathalos or something
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lillythepug1 · 2 years
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Banjo is *EXTREMELY* concerned at tonight's fireside. My little dude was right up there ready for answers! He wants to fix this Logan problem right meow!
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