#my teacher was pretty mean but he wasnt mean to me
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May or may not have forgotten what I posted here myself months ago so the last post had a few repeats. oops.
Well I know for sure this one won’t because I stopped posting when I started the second semester, which is what this post is about. So the drawing above is the start of working with more complex shapes, using the ones we learned from last semester. This is also where things got interesting, since I could see the potential for architectural drawings.
There are a lot, and I mean A LOT of drawings like these in my sketchbook, I’m gonna show you only the ones I find interesting.
After that we went back a bit for cast shadows, which I have decided are my new mortal enemy in art. A long time ago it was rendering hair, but that’s nothing compared to this.
The amount of calculations you need to do for this and the different formulas for each shape make me wanna rip my hair off. And that’s before getting into more complex shapes.
They're not 100% correct but my teacher said the majority of people won’t notice anything wrong so I shouldn’t worry about it. I won’t until I need it for a personal project, then I’ll get very annoyed again.
After that nightmare I got rewarded with finally using colors to render for the first time!!! I love rendering with colors so I was very excited haha
The copper (right middle sphere) is my absolute favorite, and my teacher really liked it as well.
We also had a small lecture on arrows and ribbons/fabric and we got to render them with colors as well.
For all the colored drawings I used a combination of alcohol markers and colored pencils. The markers melted and blended the pencils and I could use this to mix colors I didn't have. For example, I didn’t have a red marker at all.
After that we had a fun exercise where we needed to either study an object or design our own. The purpose was to use the previous lessons about shapes in perspective, and the rendering of different materials. I went with a gun design, but not just any gun-this one is technically 3 guns, a pistol and an SMG that you can connect and form an assault rifle. So I designed each gun separately (somehow I managed to turn this exercise to designing 3 objects instead of one, leave it to me to make it harder on myself lmao), and thought about how they connect, making sure the chambers kinda align and stuff like that.
I don’t wanna brag but I got the highest grade in the class for this assignment. Mostly because I’m the only one that actually rendered the different materials (or tried to), but also because my teacher liked the idea and thought it was interesting, and something people would actually buy if it was real.
It’s not the best but I literally didn’t have a grey marker so I was pretty limited. I chose a stained-glass theme for some reason, I didn’t want to make it a normal looking gun. The scan made it a bit more contrast-y than it is irl.
After a huge break we came back and had one lesson of silhouettes, something I kinda knew but never went out and made studies of. The challenging part of this was the time limit, at the start we had a minute, but it went down to 30 seconds. We were allowed to go overtime but it wasn't considered good.
On the same lesson, we also had life drawing, using each other as models. We had to get the pose down in one minute, and then take that as a reference for a more detailed drawing. I chose to completely change the context at that point lol
The next lesson was about isometric perspective. I don’t think I’ve actually talked about this here, but I got scammed by a guy who asked me to make him a city island in isometric perspective, then when it came time to pay, he “took a vacation” for two weeks. Came back to tell me he’s definitely gonna pay me. Proceeded to disappear. Anyways I haven’t done isometric from that moment until this lesson, where we were given a prompt word and had to draw an environment following it. I used only colored pencils for this one because I forgot to bring my markers, but it was a nice restriction to only use 12 colors and try to combine them to make the rest. I really enjoyed this one since I got the freedom to make something cool.
(the prompts are top-to-bottom forest, COVID-19, underwater and space) my teacher walked up to my desk to see what I’m doing while I worked on the space one, and he said “you are crazy” every time he passed by. He showed everyone’s work around, and a lot of people liked mine :) The space one is based on a black hole btw, but if it was an eldritch horror.
The last lesson was a time for the teacher to review everyone’s work one by one, so most of the time we were waiting for our turn. He put up a pic of an old camera if any of us wanted to draw it, but I used it as a reference for a building because it reminded me of art deco architecture. After finishing that, I had an idea for a shrine kind of place, inspired by a spot I built for a friend’s minecraft server that we didn’t end up using. And I topped it off with Lykena and Eivrun sketches (that for Eivrun might turn into a full painting when it’s her turn)
The entire year my teacher was occasionally asking me if I’m not getting bored, because we were going through a lot of basics I was obviously proficient at already, but I always found something new to learn, no matter how small, even on topics I practiced a lot before. So I’d say this workshop was very useful for me. And besides, it’s always good to get critiques from a professional, and from people who are interested in art.
#original art#Art Studies#uni work#my teacher was pretty mean but he wasnt mean to me#probably bc i never gave him trouble but also i dont think i look like the person that can take his roasts lmao#i learned a lot about perspective from this year#which is good bc it was a weakpoint for me
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obsessed with this person in my ed studies section who misinterpreted some info about how dept of defense schools pay for supplies while other government schools (public schools) often make teachers buy their own. "a lot of time and effort goes into gathering supplies" i have a sneaking suspicion this man went to private school
#this is so light hearted i really mean no offense#i just think the different perspectives are fascinating#bc i went to a pretty well funded public school and even my teachers had to buy most of the stuff in our classrooms#so this wasnt at all suprising to me#but it sounds like this guy hadnt heard of the issue before#(or maybe hes just not usamerican i dont remember but the point still stands)
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You can't hide the bit about starting a cult in the tags. We demand the story.
once upon a time i was a menace of a 15 year old taking high school chemistry. and this was not a particularly advanced chemistry class. we had ancient bunsen burners, occasionally we lit things on fire, sometimes there were chemicals involved, but for the most part, it was standard run of the mill shit.
the class was divided into two groups of people:
The Trouble Makers and the People Who Didnt Cause (many) Problems
as a mostly straight a and usually honors (when it wasnt science) student, i fell into the second category.
this class was 8th period, last period of the day, and the teacher was new that year. we will call him mr a.
mr a was on the younger side and seemed like a dude who wanted to have fun with us (essential for a science class). unfortunately he was teaching a batch of idiots (myself included).
its been several years so i dont remember the exact politics of this class, but i do know that it was populated by the two guys who stuck a pop tart still in the foil in the band room microwave and nearly lit the entire building on fire, a few class clowns, some very stereotypical football players, two guys who were positively dumb as bricks and constantly acted like they were on the verge or breaking up or getting back together (they were not dating at all. they were both and still are very straight), and then there was me and a few other girls who mostly just minded our business and watched the chaos unfold.
mr a's mistake was that he engaged with the insanity caused by The Trouble Makers. which resulted in even more insanity. he only lasted one year. he hated all of us but he might have hated himself more.
he did like me and my friends tho because again, we did not cause problems.
you might be wondering what kind of problems could be caused in a high school chemistry class. well lots. for starters one of the outlets in the room was taped over with NO JUSTIN! BAD JUSTIN! written on it because one kid thought it would be funny to stick scissors in the outlet in a different class (true story). there were broken beakers, smashed glass, general insanity. again, not an honors class so most of us didnt really care about it as long as we passed. there was one time he told us (jokingly) that we should only drink pepsi because his wife worked for the company and it would help fund his kids college career or something. two days later five guys came in with coke bottles. that was the kind of class this was.
but we still learned chemistry. probably. i dont actually know.
this guy taught lessons like he was reading a tumblr text post. like full on "so the guy hated that guy cause xyz and smited him in the science journals for this that and the other thing" it was entertaining.
i remember learning two things in this class. one was that salt is NaCl. which mr a called "our good friend nackle" the second we will get to in a minute.
one of the things we had to do in class relatively early on was decorate a periodic table that we would be allowed to use for tests. like color code and all that. we were allowed to use it for tests because there was a Giant periodic table hanging in the room and mr a was "too short to cover that up"
well, that periodic table proved to become his worst nightmare.
now. remember that i am 15. i am a sophomore in high school. i have not yet had to consider the horrors of college. i am at peace. aside from this chemistry class i am also taking a dance class (that i didnt like), ap english language (which was terrifying because im really bad at deeper meaning in texts), honors algebra 2 (which i Barely passed), latin III (another class i was pretty shit at, but it was fun), crafts 2 (which was wonderful), gym (thats a totally Other story) and honors united states history (which i loved). i was also dancing about 20 hours a week outside of school. but most of my schedule required me to be a good little honors student and mind my business. i was also, by all accounts, an absolute loser and a nobody and had very few friends and was totally unknown to most popular kids. however, you all know me on this blog and know im a little shit and it was only a matter of time before i caused problems Somewhere.
and that somewhere came one blissful day during 8th period chemistry when mr a asked me something about the number of electrons on carbon.
and i (to my credit) was entirely zoned out because again it was 8th period. but i gave him an answer. it was the right answer. what the answer is now i have no idea because i went on to get a ba degree in history and my eyes have not graced the periodic table since this class.
and then he asked me "how do you know thats the right answer"
and i said, in all my zoned out, infinite wisdom "it says so on the periodic chart"
isnt a periodic table? you might be asking.
well you are correct.
but you see. the giant periodic table above the front of the board at the front of the room was from the 70s. and it didnt say periodic table. it said "periodic chart of the elements"
and i, being zoned out, just read the damn name off of the thing because what the fuck else is a girl to do.
and mr a says "its a table. the periodic table."
and i, who have now zoned back in and realized my mistake, refuse to admit that i was just zoned out in class so i say, like any reasonable person, "then why does it say periodic chart up there?"
and mr a said "i dont know, its old."
and i said "well it says chart. so why cant we call it chart?"
and mr a said "because its a table."
and me, because im a little shit and also 15 and there were probably also 10 minutes left in the school day said "i think we should be allowed to call it a chart. it says so right there."
and well. that was all the go ahead the trouble makers in the class needed to hear.
from then on, it was the periodic chart. we all called it that. all of 8th period. and mr a HATED it. if you wrote chart on your test you got points taken off (which i never did because i wasnt an idiot but i would put little smiley faces next to my answer and he would draw a frown face when he graded my paper next to it). if you said it when you answered a question he would pretend he hadn't heard you.
it was such a phenomenon that it spread to his other classes. everyone called it the periodic chart. the scissors in the outlet kid. the pop tart kids. the football players. everyone. it was a chart. not a table. to this day i still call it a chart.
though, i think he was just mad that my cult (which he did call a cult, the periodic chart cult) was more successful than his stoichiometry cult. which was basically that we all had to repeat stoichiometry back to him every time he said it. that is the second thing i learned in this class. dont ask me what it is though, i just remember the name.
at the end of the year we parted ways, mr a silently glaring at me for my chart crimes, never to return to our school (probably because he got fired, unrelated to my chart crimes). despite this, he did still like me as a student, and i did get an a in his class, though it probably pained him to give it to me.
the following year i had physics in the same classroom, periodic chart overlooking me.
i used my iPhone 5c to take a photo of a white board and accidentally dropped it six inches onto the lab bench. the screen grayed out and it never turned on again.
the chart had cursed me for my hubris.
#not a tag#from saph#the periodic chart#if you went to high school with me and you remember this no you do not#somewhere in my room at my parents house i still have the chart and the tests he wrote frown faces on if i remember ill pull them out#when im next home
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fwb , agegap, (aizawa is 39 and youre 25) a little mean aizawa, sir kink
he could be a dick if he truly wanted to— i mean, he already was.
aizawa never made time, (which was somewhat true) considering the fact he were a teacher at a very prestigious university. sure, he always had these long, long hours that never would have been able to see you.
he also never replied correctly to your own messages— what did you expect? you both met at some bar and started fucking every other weekend or something like that. but.. thats why you stuck around, because you could be mad at him, but he could make you forget about it.
something about a man having a fat dick that wasnt cut was attractive.
“you never answer my calls, my texts, but when you want something from me—“
“am i supposed to answer twenty four seven?” he asks dumb, knowing the answer to that. “you get fucked for the first time in months and youre crazy for me.” he swirls his fingers around the zipper of his sleeping sack, just hoping and ready for you to stay quiet and he finally gets rest.
“you know what— fuck you shota. dont bother coming over again.” you grit your teeth, rolling your eyes. “you know, i couldve been having someone else fuck me, yet im stuck on you.”
he nods and sucks his teeth, knowing those famous last words.
“said not to come over again, right?” he has the most stoic face— only difference is he had his eyebrows knitted together and he bit his lip. “why cant you just be a good girl and know when to act right?”
“sir,” you mewled, toes curling and feeling them go numb from how tight of the curl, “so, so sorry!” youre so close, youve been close for the past thirty minutes. but hes pissed for whatever reason he had. “fuck—ing sorry!”
“bet you are.” he mumbles, spitting on your breasts and he presses his forehead against yours. “what was that last part you said.. something about having other men fuck ya’?” he nods, remembering those words. “just a pretty young thing, but imagine if someone else swooped you up.”
#dvorahasks#aizawa x black reader#aizawa shouta#mha aizawa#aizawa x reader#gamblersdoll#this was in my drafts and i no dont thirst over him :(
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walkin out the door with your bags - grayson hawthorne x reader - part 9
⤷ ''i don't wanna be forward, i don't wanna cut corners // savor this with everything i have inside of me''
a/n: this took the longest ever to write omg!! im so sorry for the wait but i hope you enjoy ❥❥ also, hot by cigarettes after sex is literally their song i might sob 😭 summary: someone gives grayson a piece of advice, and grayson spends hours trying to decipher and make sense of it, just to find out the right answer was infront of him. series masterlist — other parts
flashback, 16 years old..
''this is highly dangerous, you know.'' grayson's voice was steady as he called out. he climbed right behind you anyway.
you were climbing up to the rooftop of your house on a very tall ladder. perhaps it wasn't the safest thing, but your parents had blocked all the staircases that led to the rooftop to stop you from going up there. you found ways around it, and they hadn't noticed the ladder yet.
''okay,'' you laughed, seeing your breath in the cold air. you looked back briefly to see his gaze trained on his feet below him as you both continued going up the ladder. ''i don't really care.''
''you should.'' he mumbled back, hint of sass in his voice. you weren't sure if he wanted you to hear that or not.
''please, you care enough for the both of us,'' you replied anyways, because you remembered everything about grayson was intentional. he was capable of being very silent when he wanted to.
two more steps, and you finally reached the top of the ladder and climbing onto the rooftop. you didn't struggle much, you came here every time the sky looked pretty, and in winter, that was pretty much every night. you exhaled as you sat, ''it evens things out.''
graysons eyebrows flashed up in agreement for a moment, not arguing on that.
he reached the top and climbed over with no struggle. he sat a few inches away from you, your gaze still trained on the sky ahead. you looked behind you, taking in the the whole sunset with its shades of bruised purple and little streaks of orange.
you pulled out a small thermos from your hoodies pocket.
well, it wasnt really a small thermos, it was... more of a larger flask that you had stole from your parents room because you needed something to keep your drink warm.
but what could you say? desperate times called for desperate measures.
grayson glanced at you, then away, then immediately did a double take again and eyed the object in your hand.
his expression reminded you of a teacher: a stern, disappointed, and confused expression all together. his nose crinkled slightly, and you almost laughed out loud.
''grayson,'' you laughed, ''it's hot chocolate... i couldn't find my thermos, relax.'' you understood where he was coming from, i mean, it was a flask, but you weren't a drinker.
he didn’t say anything, but his expression said it all. he stayed looking at you conspicuously and furrowed his brows slightly.
you laughed in disbelief, ''what? you want it?" you teased. when he simply looked at you with a disapproving brow raise, you gasped.
''grayson!" you brought a hand to your chest, ''you seriously think that low of me?" you laughed and leaned closer, waving the thermos dramatically in his face. “look! see? it’s hot chocolate!”
he leaned back, avoiding the container, his lips twitching like he was fighting off a smile.
“no, no,” you teased, moving the thermos side to side in his face as he tilted his head away. “you’re going to see for yourself.”
“stop,” he muttered, his voice still calm but laced with humor.
“look!” you insisted, waving it closer.
finally, he reached out, his hand carefully covering yours to still your movements. “alright,” he said, twinges of laughter in his voice. “i understand. it’s hot chocolate.”
his hand lingered for a second longer, and your eyecontact remained, before graysons eyes flickers across your face and his hand went back to its side.
''its a tuesday evening. and i'm on a rooftop.'' you sighed as you took a sip of your hot chocolate just to prove it even further, ''i'm not that reckless.''
you screwed the lid back on and put it back in your pocket, then you covered your hands with your sleeves in an attempt to fight off the cold.
''you think you're reckless? you should see my brother.'' grayson muttered, half to himself and half to you, but there was a softness in his voice.
you set your hand back down, and only then realised just how close it was to graysons. your fingertips were a hairbreadth away.
you felt like you physically couldn't pull your hand away, and even if you did could move, it would just make things awkward.
you remembered you had to respond to grayson's statement somehow. ''jameson practically invented dangerousness and recklessness and bad decisions. he doesn't count.'' you shot back jokingly as you looked at grayson.
he huffed a chuckle, looking at his lap and shaking his head slightly. surely he must've felt your hand right next to his.
your fingers twitched slightly. you could feel the tiny movements coming from his own hand- whatever you were thinking right now, he was clearly thinking the same thing.
you were acutely aware of the closeness of his hand to yours. your gaze stayed straight ahead. you didn't dare look at your hands.
your fingers inched a little closer to his. you heard your heartbeat in your chest.
the cold didn't seem like a problem any more, and you felt his callused fingertips run over the back of your hand. then your pinky interlocked with his.
it was a simple action, but it was near impossible to ignore the way it fuelled the part of your brain that screamed 'you like grayson!'
you stared down at your intertwined hands, you knew grayson did too, but neither of you said anything. he swallowed thickly and simply brought up a story of his brothers being 'truly reckless,' and how you seem like the furthest thing from it.
soon enough, the minutes turned to hours, and you discussed everything with grayson.
from the way school had been, plans you had for the winter, if you wanted to come to true north with him and his brothers for a few days (you said yes), stories he had from true north, and sharing horror stories of ski trips.
the conversation naturally began to lull. not in a bad way, but in a comforting way. you scooted a little closer to grayson with your hands still intertwined.
you looked up at the glittering sky, ''you know, i feel really bad for you right know.
''why?'' grayson looked at you,
''because you're not wearing your glasses, and you can't see the moon tonight.'' you responded simply, glancing at him for a second before looking back at the sky. ''it's really pretty.''
grayson took his gaze to the sky, and you were right, he couldn't really see it. he could just about see the shape of it, but that was it.
he took his gaze back to you, watching you admire the moon. ''i'm sure it is.''
you hummed a little in agreement, dangling your feet back and forth over the edge. a gush of freezing cold wind suddenly rushed past the two of you, and the way you physically shuddered made you both laugh.
''god,'' you chuckled, ''i should've worn a coat or something. i didn't know it would be so cold.''
grayson nodded, '''we are quite high up, naturally, its going to be colder up here,'' he gestured to the ground below. everything looked so small from all the way up here. that was partly why you loved it.
you had a hoodie on, but grayson held his arm open anyway and invited you in. you felt 10x warmer when he enveloped you into a side hug, but surely that was because of the cashmere sweater he wore, and not him.
''grayson?'' you hummed, your head on his shoulder.
''you know, um thanks for always being here,'' you muttered, feeling his fingers trace patterns on your arm , ''even when i'm irrational and i'm messy and I annoy you.''
he was silent for a moment, and you were tempted to look up so you could get a read on his face. ''you could never annoy me.''
you could practically feel his voices' vibrations, and his tone was soft. different from the way he usually talks with others- stern, assertive. but he wasn't that way with you.
''but i'm irrational and messy.'' you insisted.
his hand began to slowly run up and down your arm, soothing your nervous system in a way that all the deep breaths in the world never could. ''those aren't bad things.'' he told you. ''not when its you, at least.''
you stared at his hand interlinked with yours. not when its me? what does that mean? you thought.
you opened your mouth, just about to respond when— slam.
you and grayson jolted out of each others touch. your heart was beating crazily fast.
''holy shit,'' you put a hand on your chest, catching your breath as you and grayson caught eachothers gaze and laughed out of relief.
you quickly realised you had missed being in his arms, but you just couldn't return to a moment like that. a part of you wonders if it even happened, it felt so fleeting.
you nervously laughed, tucking your hair behind your ears before you carefully peered down over the edge to where you heard the noise.
you didn't feel any better or less frightened, though. the scene below you was your mom storming out the car, dressed like she had just gotten back from an event. you quite couldn't make out her words, and her pace was as fast as ever. even from afar, her posture looked rigid and her neck looked strained, like she was holding back tears or screams.
your dad got out of the car right after, slamming his side of the door too and shaking his head to himself as he tried to catch up to your mom. his hands were out like he was pleading or reasoning, and his expression was something dark that you didn't like.
grayson followed your gaze, seeing the scene you were looking at. he hadn't realised he was smiling a little until he felt his face drop.
grayson looked back at you, but it was hard to tear your gaze away from the scene, even when this scene was something you saw quite frequently. you tried to hone into your eavesdropping skills to hear what they were arguing about this time, but you were simply too far.
you name fell from his lips, and he repeated it twice when you didn’t answer. then finally asked, “are you alright?”
you didn't look straight at him, but he saw your expression. and he saw the way your fingers curled into a fist. you chewed on your bottom lip and blinked rapidly, then untucked your hair from behind your ears so it shielded your face.
he felt his heart drop. he had never seen you cry before.
you always acted as if nothing bothered you, and when it was obvious that something did, you hid it.
for a terrible moment, he worried that he wouldn't know what to do, that he'd somehow make things worse, but he simply let his actions come naturally.
he silently wished that this would be the last time he’d see you cry, he wished he could keep you happy forever.
you seemed to finally realise he was still looking at you, and you sat up straight.
''sorry— i’m sorry.'' you mumbled as you quickly wiped at your eyes with the back of your hands. ''oh my god,'' you let out a chuckle, like it would make him forget the tears. ''that was so embarrassing, i'm literally fine. i don't know what that was.''
grayson watched you try and regain a sense of normalcy, ''its not embarrassing to feel,'' he told you.
he knew that was highly hypocritical of him to say that, considering the way he acted, but he would truly sit with you for hours listening to you talk about your feelings. for days, until the end of time, even.
he'd always be there for you, and he wished you would believe him when he said it. ''would you,” he trailed off, gaze flickering between your features, “would you like to talk about it?”
he knew the answer was likely going to be no, because he knew you, but he wanted to let you know that he’d be there for you always, if you suddenly decided you did want to talk.
you were silent for a moment, and every second of it, with every shuddering breath you took, he felt a stronger urge to be the one who wiped your tears, the one who held you. he watched you tentatively, concern written all over his face.
he recently felt like his feelings were blurring over the lines of them being simply friendly.
“actually,'' you sniffled a little, ''can we not talk about it?” you said, just like he had suspected.
you felt him nod, and said no more after that. he wouldn't push you. he knew when it was right to be persistent, and when to simply stay silent.
you took a deep breath. ''i'm feeling even more messy and irrational right now,'' you tried to lighten the mood with another laugh, but it just sounded sad. ''i don't know why i got like that, i mean, its not even that bad, compared to others.''
graysons brows knitted together. ''it doesn't matter what its like compared to others.'' he told you, his voice steady while yours wavered.
you finally raised your head from his shoulder ever so slowly and looked at him. your expression was unfamiliar. it was pained.
his gaze flickered between your eyes. he found himself speaking once again.
''i don't care about the others, i care about you.'' he squeezed your hand slightly, ''you should care about you, too.''
grayson was oddly exhausted. he doubted that has anything to do with the fact that he had slept at 2 in the morning, though. the first thing he did was take a cold shower, but even that didn't help.
he didn't like to have caffeine so early on an empty stomach, but it seemed like he had no choice.
''good morning.'' he nodded curtly at gigi who was leaning on the counter, making his way to the coffee machine.
she was looking at him strangely, but that wasn't a rare occurrence, so he paid it no mind. grayson took a mug out of the cabinet, then he heard gigi clear her throat from behind him. he raised a brow to himself, still looking down at his cup.
then he finally realised- gigi was in his house.
he turned around swiftly, cup still in his hand as his eyes glazed over gigi suspiciously.
''you're in my house.'' he pointed out blankly, and gigi rolled her eyes.
''why are you in my house?'' grayson ordered. now, he was definitely shaken out of his previous stupor.
''you know, you're a real idiot, grayson.'' that was not a good morning, or an answer to his question.
''excuse me?'' he put his cup down on the counter he was standing behind. he was confused why gigi was in his kitchen to begin with, much less calling him an idiot at the ripe hour of 6 in the morning as he tried to make his black coffee.
''listen,'' gigi put on a stern face and hopped on the counter, but it was difficult to take her seriously with her bed head and ever so slightly puffy face, clearly having just woken up. how could grayson possibly not hear her come in?
''im gonna cut straight to the point.'' she started, and Grayson was glad she said that, because he was not in the mood for anything else but an explanation. ''I'm here because you did something. ever since about 3 days ago when you visited she’s been acting all weird. she won’t tell me what’s wrong, but i know something’s up with her. and i know it has something to do with you.'
she didn’t even have to say your name, there was only one her when it came to grayson. ever since that day where you came up to him so many years ago, asking him why he sat alone. there was always one her. you.
a heavy weight settled over his chest. “what makes you think i visited?” he forced himself out of his thoughts and asked, not confirming he did visit you, but not fully denying it either.
gigi rolled her eyes like it was obvious before she stole a grape from the fruit basket on the counter she sat on top of. “she won't tell me anything, did her whole control freak routine. i woke up the next morning with the whole living room redone, her room layout completely changed, and every surface literally polished and sparkling. she doesn’t just do that for no reason. for anyone.”
gigi tried to sound unbothered about the topic when she spoke, but the way she fiddled with her hands gave it away to grayson. it was obvious though, no one would like to talk about how their best friend was hurting. just as much as no one would like to hear about it, and know they caused it.
could he even call you his best friend anymore? he had never said it outright to you, but he suddenly wished he had told you how much he appreciated you every second he had the chance.
“you must've messed up bad, gray.”
grayson averted his gaze. suddenly the fruits looked extremely interesting.
he couldn’t take back the horrible actions he made, the ways he tried to cope, the way he tried to silence his fears. they were done, they were his fault. that didn’t stop him from regretting them every single moment of his days. but even then, he still somehow seemed to be making the wrong choices.
“I suppose you wouldn't be able to give me any advice on what to do?'' he asked rhetorically, his voice carrying too much emotion than he would like. he sat up straight in his chair and cleared his throat.
grayson never asked for advice. he never asked for help. he did everything alone.
and look where that got him.
“hey, i'd give advice to you any time you need it!,'' gigi said half jokingly, tucked her hair behind both of her ears, her voice carried a weight that revealed that she could tell just how grayson was feeling.
''listen, i’d like to be super cool and mysterious, and give you some vague advice like ‘do whatever your heart tells you,’ or, ‘the right choices will find you,’'' gigi said, putting on a deep voice and making quotation marks with her fingers. ''but you somehow manage to always make the worst decisions ever. without fail.” her voice was back to normal, raising her eyebrows and pointing at him.
even he knew she was right.
“you’ve messed up way too much, and i don’t want you hurting my best friend any further, so i’ll give you this:” gigi continued, and grayson realized she wasn’t doing this for him, she was doing it for you. then, another thought that he been trying to avoid came up again: he hurt you much more than he had realised.
“talk to her. and stay. you know her better than anyone, why on gods green earth would you believe that when she said she’s ‘fine’ or that ‘she doesn’t care’ that she was seriously saying the truth?” gigis expression turned sour as she furrowed her brows, like the topic annoyed her to even speak about.
believe me, grayson thought, however aggravated you are about this, i’m infinitely more aggravated with myself.
“you’re annoyingly persistent sometimes, so make some good use out of it.” gigi said, “i’m not going to tell you the things she’s told me exactly, but, you must’ve been a real idiot to just stand there and nod when she tells you that a kiss you shared was a mistake.”
grayson wasn’t surprised gigi knew all of that. grayson figured that was all he would get from gigi, but he selfishly found himself wanting to know more about how you were feeling. he was grasping for anything. you had both seemingly cleared up the air, decided you were 'friends' again and nothing more, but you hadn't even talked since.
usually, in a time back when things were as perfect as they could’ve been, you would’ve been telling him first hand. now, he had to find out about how you felt because of him by his half sister.
it would never go back to the way it was. grayson could only hope to make it better than before.
he was no stranger to saying something, and meaning, truly longing for something completely different, so he didn't blame you for not
he wonders what he did wrong this time.
the girl, ella.
he was told it would be a good pr move on his end. he hadn’t been seen in the media for a while— which was how he liked it— but his team argued it would be good for him to resurface before the additions to the charities, to get more press.
he would’ve simply said no. it would've been final, and his team wouldve never brought tbut the girl, ella, was what ended up convincing him. she was trying to hide her relationship with a co star of hers, another girl grayson couldn’t quite remember the name of.
all he remembered was being told ella was being bombarded with rumors, and she needed to out a stop to them before the second season of her show premiered. she was severely distressed—it was her first show, and she herself hadn't even come out to the public yet.
so he agreed. it went on for 2 weeks until there was enough social media posts and tabloids posted of them two.
he thought about the way your voice wavered when he went over to talk, the way you eyed him silently, the way your body language contradicted your words. you were silently angry at him, but you stayed friendly. he didn't have to solve anything to figure that one out.
he could always understand you even when you didn't have the right words to say it yourself, or when you simply didn't want to. a picture played in his mind— one of him nodding his head with an arm around your shoulders, offering comfort silently when you mumbled ''actually, can we not talk about it?" into his chest quietly. he remembered how his heart ached.
you had both mastered the language that had been created and growing between you since the day you met. now, he still knew it, but he had nowhere to even put it to use. he doubts he could ever truly forget it, though.
grayson realised too late how horrible of an image the ella debacle must've painted in your eyes. it was possibly the worst choice he had ever made. right after the days he went not speaking to you, and the times he didn't stay.
he hated himself for the decisions he made, and gigi should've hated him too.
''why are you here, telling me this?'' grayson finally said. he was aware that his eyes were instinctively narrowed suspiciously, but he couldn't help it. gigi looked at him sympathetically.
''because, unfortunately, you guys are too stubborn and stupid to see what's clearly right infront of you.'' she said simply with a dramatic sigh. ''and you need me— the super-smart-all-seeing-gigi, to help the process along a little. and, despite the way you've been acting, you're my brother,'' her voice softened, ''and i don't like seeing you sad.''
he didn't even deny he was sad. there was no point. he contemplated asking more, brows furrowed as he looked at the counter infront of him, hands gripping the edges tightly. but he stayed silent instead, replaying gigi's words and trying to make more sense of them.
''...well, if that's all,'' she said, breaking the silence. ''i've got to go, i have a flight to catch.'' that explained why she was awake at 6 in the morning.
''where are you going?'' his grey eyes narrowed once again, this time, he was acutely aware of it.
''none of your business.'' she taunted, slipping right back into their sibling banter. ''well, actually—'' a smile stretched across her face despite her efforts, ''its noah, i don't know if you even remember him, but, he's taking me on a trip.'' she blurted, clearly too happy about that fact to remember that she was supposed to be holding a grudge against grayson. ''but— not that its any of your business, of course.''
grayson nodded. a part of him was hurt that gigi doubted he'd remember someone significant to her, but his mind went to a different place before he could dwell on that fact any longer.
he remembered one of the conversations he had with you, on the night you kissed.
''we know eachother. i trust you more than most.'' he once told you, remembering the way your eyes looked into his and the way they glinted when he finished his sentence. he remembered wanting to smile at that.
''yeah, and gigi knows noah. you should be able to trust her with her choices.''
“is she truly happy?”
“yeah, gray, she really is happy.”
he cleared his throat and brought himself back to the present moment. he wouldn't focus on the past right infront of someone, he couldn't, it simply hurt too much. ''right.'' he said coldly, ''of course. have a safe flight, gigi.''
she smiled awkwardly and got up from the counter. she took an apple with her, and gave him one last look, one that made graysons heart twist.
''why did you have to ruin this?'' her eyes seemed to say. ''you're my brother. she's my best friend. why are you making me choose?"
grayson wished he had a response. instead, he just watched her walk off with his brows knitted slightly.
he exhaled a long breath once gigi left, his elbows on the counter as his head fell into his hands. he raked both hands through his hair, roughly, not like the way you would. he shook before he abruptly stood up.
so many feelings, yet he couldn't articulate a single one properly.
there was one that seemed clearer than the rest. he hated himself--for ruining things for and hurting you when all he wanted was to protect you.
he let out a low, bitter laugh to himself.
some protector he was.
he did the one thing he always did when he needed to think clearer, to have control over something when all else seemed to be wrong and disorderly.
he made his way outside, grabbed a towel, and went for the pool.
the water was icy against his skin, but he welcomed it. he pushed off the edge and began swimming laps, each stroke more forceful than the last.
the tension in his chest didn’t lessen—it grew, tightening with every thought of you.
he swam faster, rougher, but not deviating on his strict rigid form. he couldn't. 'you need to talk to her. and stay,' gigis words played out in his head.
should he reach out again? what if you get annoyed? what if you're sick of him?
he knew you must've been somewhat sad, judging by the fact that gigi came to him, but what if you were more angry? what if gigi read it wrong, and you really wanted nothing to do with him?
the only reason he doubted the last one was because gigi knew you better than anyone. she couldn't have read whatever you were feeling wrong. whatever she saw, she felt the resolution was for you two to fully see it out to the end. to 'talk and stay' with each other.
'you're grayson davenport hawthorne, you don't worry about what ifs.' he reminded himself. what would his grandfather say? much worse, he had no doubt.
besides, you were his best friend. doing something would be better than doing nothing and let the friendship and possibility of more slowly fade, then disappear.
he swam and swam, and ran through all the possible outcomes in his mind. he did this until his arms burned and his lungs begged for air. it still wasn’t enough, though.
grayson pushed through the pain, through the ache in his muscles, until he couldn’t anymore. gasping for breath, he finally stopped and hung onto the edge of the pool, his head tilted forward as water dripped down his face.
his chest was heaving, and the pain he had felt was finally all crashing down. it was easier to ignore when he was moving. he clenched his jaw with his grip on the pool’s edge tightening. he didn't feel any better. he didn't feel like he had any more control over his life.
he was an idiot. an idiot who was still drowning, even now, on dry land.
he pushed himself up and out of the pool, his brows furrowed frustradely and muscles taught as he dried off.
he wouldn't let himself mope around any longer.
his hair was still slightly wet as he sat at his office desk. he had taken another shower, this time, it was steaming hot.
his eyes kept flickering to his phone as he worked on his laptop. he found himself wanting to reach out and call you.
no, he needed to plan it better. he couldn't just expect you to answer and for you to listen to him.
but- wasn't how the problems arose in the first place? waiting for the perfect moment that never came?
it was that way years ago, it was that way a few weeks ago, and it seemed like it was about to be that way again.
he closed his eyes for a brief moment. focus. then he got back to work.
still, despite his efforts, he couldn't focus. his mind was in an entirely different place. he read over an email before he pressed send.
how did he manage to mistype no as know?
he stared at the powered off phone laying on his desk once again.
the last time he had texted you, every single one of his brothers had pushed him to.
now, he was utterly alone in his office. his brothers were all out of the house, and his black out curtains kept his room dark, except for the low orange lamps you had forced him to put in there 'to make it look less robotic'.
his eyes flickered to his phone one more time, and he finally retracted his hand from his laptops keyboard.
he turned on his phone, and from then on it was muscle memory, the one thing he would do whenever he was feeling lost. whenever he needed clarity in his peculiar life of his.
he called you.
the phone rang, his thumb hesitated over the red cancel button, but he couldn't. he'd look like even more of a coward.
he was still unblocked, and despite not speaking to each other for so long, you picked up.
his heart beat faster than it did when he swam. ''hey, its grayson.''
you were silent for a second, ''I know.''
you phrased it like a question, almost.
''i apologise for the abrupt call, but, there seems to be a gap in my life where our daily phone calls once were, and to be frank, i missed them.'' he said it straight forward. he prayed that gigi's advice was right. he started the talk part, now he needed to stay. ''how have you been?''
“uh,” you laughed slightly on the other line, and grayson found himself missing the jokes you’d make that he’d call terrible, the nonsensical rants, or the way you’d beg to pick the movie to watch every single without fail on those movie nights you’d hold every friday. the one time he picked, it was the night you kissed. the night where everything changed, and grayson couldn’t tell if it was for the better or worse.
''well, I just broke my glasses, for one.'' you replied, ''like, literally two seconds ago.'' he heard the laugh in your voice, like the reasoning behind it was funny. but you didn't tell him the the story behind it.
you stayed silent, and that was one of the major tells things weren't how they used to be. stay, he reminded himself.
you were the type of person that when he'd ask about your day, you'd talk about every single detail, down to the tiniest things like your losing your favourite pen or tripping over a rock on your morning walk.
he didn't realise he could miss something so much.
''so uh,'' you cut into his thoughts with a small laugh that he could tell was out of nervousness. ''i need to go fix that. but other than that, i'm pretty good.'' grayson nodded, even though you couldn't see him.
''shame about your glasses, those frames did really suit you.'' he let the words escape his lips before he could think twice.
''thanks, but, they are long gone, for now, at least.'' you said. ''besides, them breaking now gives me an excuse to wear contacts. looking on the bright side.. but uh, enough of me, how are you?
grayson leaned back in his chair, ''ive been alright. however, i've been thinking,'' he began, ''i know we've sorted things out since i last saw you, but we haven't talked much, and i think it would be quite nice for us to see each other some time.''
''oh,'' your voice was quiet on the other end, and grayson sat back up straight again. ''yeah- yeah, sure. i was actually thinking about that earlier today. but i didn't really know how to talk to you, so, I'm glad you said something.''
gigi's advice was right.
'didn't really know how to talk to you.' that part made graysons chest hurt strangely, like he was back in the pool.
''what an odd coincidence,'' he responded simply.
you hummed before you spoke, your voice was quiet on the other line. ''I thought you didn't believe in coincidences.''
he was silent.
''sorry,'' you chuckled, ''I don't know why I said that, it just popped up in my mind- you used to say it all the time, and... yeah.''
''don't apologise, you haven't done anything wrong. youre right, I usually don't.''
''what changed?''
the response in his mind was instant: he met you.
''strangely enough, i'm not too sure.''
he heard you snort from the line, ''well, isn't that a first?'' you muttered, not giving him a chance to respond before you started again. ''um, gigi actually left for the airport this morning, so i'm incredibly bored right now.''
''would you like to organise something for today, then?''
you laughed again, ''is that your weird way of asking me if i want to hang out today?"
''you know i've never been particularly skilled in these areas.''
''oh boy, i know.'' you exhaled, ''well, i'll be heading to the park at like, 12, so...'' you trailed off, and he heard a slight smile in your voice. he wished he was seeing it, instead. ''if someone happened to, you know, coincidentally be there, i wouldn't necessarily turn and run away.''
he couldn't stop his own grin, though he knew he shouldn't feel too happy just yet. ''is that your strange way of telling me to meet you at the park at noon?''
''yes,'' you didn't miss a beat, ''it is.''
taglist: @x-liv25-jamieswife @wish-i-were-heather @thecircularlibrary @whatsamongus @littlemissmentallyunstable @anintellectualintellectual @lovethornes @maybxlle @sheisntyou @emelia07 @midiosaamor @sweetreveriee @charsoamerican @hxress23 @imaseabear @clarissaweasley-10 @off-to-the-r4ces @thelov3lybookworm @graysw1fe @lanterns-and-daydreams @hermesenthusiast @elysianwayy77 @that-daughter-of-hephaestus @apollosmusee @hijabi-desi-bookworm @goldi-1-graysons-version @saigonharrington @peppapigsposts @thoughtdaughter3 @cant-see-sam
#𝜗𝜚 walking out the door with your bags series#grayson hawthorne#grayson hawthorne x reader#the inheritance games#the grandest game#jameson hawthorne#xander hawthorne#nash hawthorne#tig#tgg#grayson hawthorne fanfic#grayson hawthorne x you#grayson hawthorne fluff#❦ jude writes
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Crowley. Just everything about Crowley. God I love him. I fucking love him. This is why I avoid reading the book. I'm such a slut for Crowley. It's manageable on the show when I know it's an actor. But WORDS CROWLEY? WORDS CROWLEY IS REAL. I AM SO IN LOVE.
Aziraphale has perfectly manicured hands. I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned three times in the first 70 pages. Three times at minimum. I forget how twink he is in the show (idk how) but man the book does NOT let you forget and I love that.
Crowley absent-mindedly sank a duck. Aziraphale called him my dear (fanfic authors everywhere: write that down write that motherfucking shit down it's better than porn). Crowley un-sunk the duck. The duck was cross.
Anyway right yes sorry what were we doing oh right the book.
Anathema is so adorable as a kid what a little brat holy shit I love her. I want to see all her homework written in Middle English. I want to know which teacher finally summoned the balls to correct it.
NEWT MON CHERI HE'S SO EXCITED ABOUT ONLY DESTROYING THE HOUSE'S POWER CIRCUIT WITH HIS EXPERIMENT. Because apparently last time he fucking caused a power outage in the whole block. Or county. We stan an optimist (no one talk to me about Crowley being an optimist I will go feral and rip your larynx out).
#good omens mascot#weirdly specific but ok#asmi#maggots#good omens#good omens fandom#crowley#aziraphale#neil gaiman#terry pratchett#newton pulsifer#anathema device#adam young#book omens#good omens book#lgbtqia#the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter
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i dont smoke by mitski
laxus x youuuu but ur literally..
"if u need to be mean be mean to me"
"if you need to break more than trinkets in your room, you can lean on my arm as you break my heart"
"just dont leave me alone wondering where you are , i am stronger than you give me credit for"
idk what i was going for here 💔
you weren't s class, but you were pretty close.
you could control one of the bases of human life - bones. it wasn't magic, more like an ability. they spoke to you, little whispers, guidance. in a adults body there are 206 bones, and every single one of them is yours. in some way, the bones are yours, eternally connected to you - the bones aren't who's body they're found in's, the bones are yours. and if that wasn't enoigh, you had an ancient, forbidden charm magic tucked in your sleeve too. a siphoning magic, the ability to give or take magic power through a link you cast - the link can be placed in seconds, and theres not really a limit on who it can be placed on. so! you were pretty powerful, not that laxus saw it of course. all he saw was strength, combat ability. hes into the flashy stuff, stuff that is shown, the stuff that wins.
you didn't mind though, because you knew deep down, he was into you too! he had to be, right? you guys have been together since you were 16, and your 7th anniversary is coming up!
laxus has been a little distant lately, but its okay. hes always distracted, distracted with worth, distracted with anything really. you were just happy he wasn't angry, because when he was mad, it got really bad.
hes a sweet boy, i know he is. i can hear it in his bones, his kindness. i see it in how he spares the animals he finds on the roads, feeding them, i see it in how he doesn't kill insects, instead letting them roam free. he's gentle, and kind, and sweet. he doesn't show it but i know he is.
his grandfather describes it too, whenever i speak to makarov, he reminisces over the laxus i can hear in the bones. the kind, sweet, gentle boy.
makarovs bones groan and creak, straining from age. hes going to be here for way longer though, his bones are strong, sturdy. his bones also speak kindness, but not in the same way as laxus. makarovs bones are kind in the justifying way. i hear the kindness of a teacher in his bones, and the kindness of a guardian in laxus's.
however, this doesn't seem to be an inherited trait. kindness runs in their bones, but does not run in their blood. ivans bones are dry, and hard. they aren't strained with age yet, but sound to be tired - tired of what, im not sure. ivans bones are greedy, gluttonous. i hear it, the desire for success. the willingness to pit others down, sometimes i hear this in laxus too, but i know it's not genuine like it is in ivans. ivans bones are brittle, while makarov and laxus's are flexible, and strong. ivans bones reek, the noises they make grating against my ears, his bones begging for forgiveness deep down. guilty bones. guilt for what, i'm not sure.
the bones consume me sometimes, all i listen to is them. i'm not sure.
you climbed up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the guild hall, finding laxus lounging with his feet propped up.
"hey," i mumbled, before taking a seat next to him. his headphones were in so he couldn't hear me, but i knew he knew i was here. he continued listening to his music, as if i wasnt here at all.
sometimes i wish i was his music, occupying his ears, his brain. instead of just his bones. i wish i was what he heard, what he loved so much, i wish he paid attention to me like he did to his music. but it's okay, hes usually occupied by something.
i tapped on laxus's shoulder, before pulling off his headphones.
"what?" he snapped, looking at me.
#Spotify#laxus dreyar angst#laxus dreyar oneshot#laxus fluff#laxus dreyar x reader#laxus x reader#laxus#laxus dreyar#fairy tail laxus
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sdv bachelor(ette)s gender & orientation headcanons
yeah technically theyre all canon bi/pan but this is the truth in my heart <3 adding a readmore because im nice :)
Haley: cis. comphet lesbian, duhhh <33 good luck babe! she used to date Alex, but during that relationship she realized she didnt ACTUALLY feel as interested as she thought she should have. it wasnt until the farmer (if a woman) that she realized shes a lesbian.
Emily: pan but prefers girls. definitely something going on w her gender… i think shes genderfluid, mostly between woman and/or nonbinary identities
Abigail: BISEXUAL. huuuge bisexual. i feel like she’d be a demigirl or bigender (nb&f) or something, shes got some sort of nonbinary in her (me too girl)
Leah: total lesbian yall. proud too. definitely got a butchness to her. love her <33
Penny: shes cis, she THOUGHT she was straight and tries so so hard to suppress any sapphic thoughts but she does in fact like girls (and probably is aspec too). has lots of internalized homophobia and shes always wanted to be the perfect child, perfect teacher, someday the perfect wife and mother, etc and this freaks her out a bit because she worries it means shes “wrong” somehow. YOURE NOTTT PENNY ITS OK TO BE GAY!!! everyone thinks of Haley as Pelican Town’s #1 comphet lesbian but i bet Penny is struggling with this a lot as well, just in a different way. (didnt realize i had so many penny thoughts wow)
Maru: aroace!!! shed be open to a relationship but i think she’d mostly prefer qprs. though dating isnt entirely out of the question, its not a requirement or a big interest to her. probably nonbinary/agender as well, but gender doesnt matter that much to her (i dont think she gets any/much dysphoria)
Sam: PAN and prouddd lol. i could see him being trans or cis, i dont know as much about him though. he could have some nonbinaryism too as a treat <3
Sebastian: bi without a preference towards either, and hes a trans guy. sometimes i forget that this isnt canon 💀
Harvey: bisexual and a flustered MESS lmfao. he could be cis or trans. i think, as a doctor, him being trans would be pretty awesome 👍 it probably influenced his career choice as well, to better understand hrt and surgery and all. thats always a cool thing to look into :)
Elliott: this is a gay man. cant imagine him with a woman, sorry ladies. either cis or a trans man, either way i can feel the genderqueerness radiating off of him (ngl i thought he was a beautiful literary woman at first 💔💔)
Shane: i dont think he labels his sexuality. could be aroacespec, could be multisexual or monosexual, he doesnt know and doesnt care. if he gets a crush, then he has a crush, whatever. i dont think that happens often though. probably nonbinary too but hes got a job so he doesnt have time to think about that right now LMFAO
Alex: cis. gay man who had an experience much like Haley did. they thought they liked each other and dated for a while but that experience started their realizations that neither of them are actually straight lmfao. closeted mlm wlw friendship !!! i like to think it was also the male farmer that confirmed his gayness lol <3
#txt#feel free to disagree but these are by headcanons personally#alsoooo i am not perfectly fluent in every characters lore so if i missed something big dont judge 😊👍#sdv#sdv haley#sdv emily#sdv abigail#sdv leah#sdv penny#sdv maru#sdv shane#sdv alex#sdv sebastian#sdv sam#sdv harvey#sdv elliott#sdv headcanons#none of them are straight lmfao
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
au where tsukishima is a scientist at college and you're his apprentice
740 words
warnings: none + slow burn
chap 1/ ??
Kei Tsukishima, a senior at college– a biologist with an aura of mystery, stepped into the laboratory with dread. Today marked the first encounter with his new apprentice, a moment he awaited with equal parts curiosity and annoyance. The thought of him having someone watch his every move made his skin crawl. As he adjusted his glasses, his eyes had a hint of mischief, already concocting a string of remarks to test the limits of his so-called apprentice.
In the corner of the lab, amidst humming machinery and arrays of equipment, stood the young apprentice, (y/n). She obviously had determination, her eyes gleaming in an intellectual frenzy. Your presence was a stark contrast to Dr. Tsukishima's sternness, yet there was a hint of shared intellect that was possibly the start of a great partnership.
“You must be Miss (y/n) I presume?” His voice cutting through the quiet laboratory hum.
You nodded, offering a wide grin. “Yes, Tsukishima, it’s such an honor to work for you.”
He turned around and went back to work, motioning for you to come observe. You stood on your tippy toes trying to get the best possible angle, he took notice of this. You sighed in annoyance.
“Too short to see the table?” He grinned to himself. You felt your face heating up with embarrassment. You slightly nodded, feeling all your pride leave your body. In this instance you didnt think height would be such an important factor, but considering he was doing a presicion experiment and he had to have the table basically up to his chest– height was a major factor.
He would never admit this out loud but, he thought it was kind of cute. Maybe this apprenticeship would work out. You had heard plenty of stories from past colleauges about how mean and rude he was, but you didnt think it to be true.
“That must suck.” He snickered.
You thought wrong.
“I see why people call you so salty.” you remarked back.
They dont call him salty, you just felt the need to say that.
“Salty?” He glared down at you, you forgot how scary he was.
You said nothing in response, just stared at him in defiance.
“Cat mustve gotten your tongue.” He looked away and continued his experiment, lowering the table so you could see. Maybe he wasnt so bad after all.
You never really had gotten to know him. You had just heard stories and seen him in pass you in the hallway. Even then he didnt seem so bad. He always had this mysterious allure that made him sort of attractive, your friends never even bothered to hear you out; they wouldnt get it. You always watched him from afar, and now youre working for him, it feels kind of weird to be working for someone thats only a year older than you– he was good at what he does though.
“Are you even listening to me?” he scoffed in disbelief. This snapped you out of your trance.
“Of course im listening! Why wouldnt I be.” you rolled your eyes. You werent listening, but you cant let him know that.
“Oh really..” he paused. “Well then, I want an essay on how beneficial each finger is to the body. Turned in tomorrow.”
Your jaw dropped. Who does he think he is? Some teacher?!
“Err.. of course.” your voice had an underlying tone of disapproval.
He took his goggles off and lowered the table completely.
“Help me clean this up.” he ordered.
You didnt realize you had spaced out that entire procedure. What kind of apprentice are you. Clearly a lousy one.
As you finished cleaning everything up, you noticed Tsukishima struggling to wrap a bandage around his hand. You wondered what happened to him. You didnt realize it, but you were staring at him pretty intensely.
“I cut my hand on the door handle yesterday, they finally fixed it after that.” He said with a straight face, that almost convinced you to hold his face.
“Do you need help with the bandage?” Your eyes widened at your own response. What came over you?
“Ill be fine.” he said back with a monotone voice.
Your face flushed with embarrassment, again. How many times can one embarras themself?
“You can go now.” That was his way of saying leave now.
You took off your lab coat and grabbed your regular jacket and headed out for the night.
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superman - gabe perreault ❥
tw: angst? fluff? not proofread. this is my first fic lol. pls be nice!! inspired by superman by taylor swift
lottie woke up to the sound of an alarm going off knowing very well it didnt belong to her. it belonged to the snoring and now slightly grumpy boy wrapped around her. who was tightening his arms around her waist because he didnt want to let go. he turns and puts his alarm on snooze and turns back to the beautiful girl in his sheets mumbling something about how all he needed was just five more minutes.
“gabe you have to go, youre gonna be late” lottie softly says sleepily.
gabe huffs and untangles his arms from her waist as he sits up; not before leaning over and giving lottie a kiss on the cheek that never managed to fail and give her butterflies even if it was five AM. lottie watches gabes tall and dark haired figure disappear into the bathroom as her mind begins to wonder off into a realm of wonder.
lottie knew what she was getting herself into when she met gabe and ultimately decided to get involved with him. hes a hockey player who happens to be a pretty darn good one meaning he was going to be gone on roadies and there was going to be days where he was going to leave for roadies. at days at a time.
he walks out stuffing something in his bag so he can leave off and save the world; or go play hockey. Its the same thing to lottie. atleast in her imagination.
“you okay?” he softly says as he sees his girlfriend sitting up on his bed staring at him, in his shirt having a bit of a dazed look on her face.
“im fine, it just sucks youre leaving again. I feel like you just got back” lottie sighs.
she was right seeing as they just came back from christmas break last tuesday and it was currently friday morning and he was already leaving. again.
“i know baby, but i’ll call you everynight and ill be texting you as long as i have my phone” gabe says walking over to her and gently stroking her hair. “we’ll be fine we always are” he mumbles before giving her the sweetest forhead kiss.
lottie looks up at him with some words hanging off the tip of her tongue but for some reason she just cant voice them. shes not even sure what exactly she wants to say.
he has his mothers eyes.
lottie cant help but notice. as she stares into them.
they get pulled out of their little admiring eachother moment when gabes phone goes off. lottie knows its most likely will or ryan waiting for him downstairs in the car ready to drive to the buses. she knows he has a busy day.
“ill be out in a moment” gabe says into the phone rushing to get his bag not before giving lottie a swiss kiss “bye babe i love you” he says rushed.
if lottie wasnt awake two seconds ago she was definitely awake now. they stopped and looked at eachother wide eyed knowing damn well they hadnt said those words to eachother yet. I mean lottie knew she felt them she just didnt know how to voice them. he knew she loved him. right?
gabe looks at lottie for a moment waiting for her to say them back like any boyfriend who does nothing but support and love her, but lotties mind was anywhere but in the room. at the moment just wanted to crawl up into a little ball and cry because she couldnt help but overthink the fact he probably didnt mean them and it was most likely one of those moments where you accidentally say i love you like when your five and you accidentally call your kindergarten teacher mom. your not his kindergarten teacher lottie, your his girlfriend.
she decided to do what she does best and acted ditzy.
“good luck!!” she said, patting his chest with a smile that looked eerily ill.
gabe was taken aback. a little because the first time he wanted to tell lottie he loved her, he wanted to make it special. he couldnt believe he did it just like that 10 seconds before he had to be out the door. but mostly due to the fact lottie looked like a deer in headlights.
does she not love me? was it too soon? is there someone else? gabe couldnt help but think.
he stared at charlotte for a moment before nodding to himself in what lottie couldnt tell was disappointment or anger? walking out the door.
he had to know lottie has always loved him since the very first day. right?!? that she'll be waiting for him when he gets back, right?
lotties mind was going about one hundred miles per hour.
meanwhile, gabe couldnt wrap his head around what just happened.
“gabe-o you good buddy?” ryan ask, seeing as gabe got into the car looking like he was about to break into a million pieces.
“yeah ill be fine” he said while irrationally muting lotties messages of her telling gabe to call her. he puts on his beats quickly after that signifying he didnt want the conversation to go any further.
ryan and will give eachother a look before taking off and ultimately deciding to let it go knowing gabe would probably just temm them later.
meanwhile lottie was sitting on gabes bed wondering what the hell is wrong with her. gabe is what anyone would want in a man. hes a gentlemen he treats her as if she was a princess and hearing those words wanted to make her scream and kick her feet. yet when the time came she stared at him. he probably felt like crap and that was not what he needed going into a weekend of gamedays. she felt horrible seeing as he was leaving her on delivered or just read.
part of her knew she deserved it and she just wanted to desperately tell him how shes loved him from the very first day and she just hoped he didnt go off and do something irrational, because he had to know lottie was going to be here when he got back, waiting for him right?
… to be continued
#gabe perreault#gabe perreault x reader#ryan leonard#will smith hockey#nhl imagine#nhl imagines#hockey imagine#bc hockey
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•Sickly sweet•
Bakugou katsuki x vampire reader
Content warning: nothing lol! Not much going on
Part 2
You gripped your bag strap tightly, peering up at the school before you, U.A. Where people become heros. You were a bit late but when you live with someone who practically sleeps at least 23hours out of the day its something to be expected.
You walked in, seeing what looked like seniors littered the hallways. You passed the entrance exam, not that you actually needed to but you did anyways, placing 3rd. You sighed. Aizawa told you that you were in his homeroom, class 1-A. You walked up some stairs, eventually finding the large door and pushed it open. There were lots of kids. They looked over curiously, probably wondering who was coming in so late and if it was their teacher. You looked over them all and your cheeks heated up as they stared before they went back to their chatter, some giving me warm smiles.
You looked around for a seat and spotted one in between a boy with cream blonde hair and a guy with red hair. You walked over to the seat inbetween them.
"I-Is this seat taken?" You asked quietly, he turned to me and your eyes widened as his crimson ones met your own and he grunted.
His eyes are like yours, exactly like yours.
He turned back and face forward and you stood there awkwardly until a ruff, almost scratchy voice came from behind you. You turned and looked at the red headed boy. His sharp teeth grinning at you.
"No its free! Sit down" he smiled and you thanked him before sitting down.
You took your bag off, placing it on the ground and facing forward, wondering where your teacher was. It was your dad after all. He’s notoriously late but he was also working late last night. You turned feeling a tap on your shoulder to see the red haired boy looking at you.
"Hey. Im Ejiro kirishima, whats your name?" He asked and you smiled. He was seemed nice.
"Yuri" you answered. He nodded, saying your name once over.
"So whats your quirk, where you in the entrance exam?. I dont think i seen you" he asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah i placed third. My quirk is pretty average” You mumbled, it wasnt really a hero quirk.
"Oh hey! It cant be as bad as mine. I mean i can only harden my body" he grinned and You watched as he hardened his arm, You watched amazed. He would make such a great hero.
"No way! Is it actually fully hardened?" You asked, completely amazed. You reached your hand out not asking Kirishima if you could touch him but he didn’t protest, though his cheeks did flush slightly as you repeatedly ran your hand up and down the now jagged surface of his arm. You both however failed to notice a small purple grape boy who stood beside yous, watching.
"Hey hottie, hows about you feel me up" the nasally voice piped up behind you and you pulled away from kirishima who finally let out a breath and turned to the small purple boy behind you.
"Excuse me?" You asked, taken aback by how forward he was.
"I said hows about you fee-" you cut him off.
"No no. I heard you but why would you say that. I dont want to feel you up. Thats such a random thing to say to someone, what a pervert" you grumbled, glaring at him. Your crimson eyes peering into his own as he became flustered and annoyed.
"I-I'm not a pervert! Youre the pervent feeling that guy up!" He yelled and some classmembers looked over at the commotion.
"I am not. Kirishima was showing me his quirky which is pretty cool by the way. Youre the pervert asking random girls to feel you up!" You snapped, glaring at him. His eyes widened, feeling intimidated by your blood ones.
"O-Okay im sorry" he shot out and you nodded, sticking your tongue out.
"Yeah you better be. I was just admiring Ejiros awesome quirk" you grumbled, turning back to Kirishima and rolling your eyes as you both chuckled at the interaction
"Did you mean that?" He asked softly and you tilted your head slightly, confused. "About my quirk. I mean"
You nodded immediately, smiling at him. He blushed again.
"Yeah of course! Your quirk is awesome, your gonna make a great hero one day" you grinned and he smiled back, his confidence growing at your statement.
"Really! Thanks!" He grinned and then paused "hey! You never told me what yours is"
"Oh, um. Its not good. Its like a villain quirk if im gonna be honest. I can manipulate my blood" you mumbled and Ejiro eyes widened slightly. “It sounds like such villain quirk”
"No! Its pretty cool. I guess if it was other peoples blood that you could only use would be bad haha, how does it work" he smiled, leaning forward wanting to learn more.
"I, um. I can control just my blood and turn it into things but thats it, if I loose focus it’ll just turn back into liquid” you explained, fiddling with my fingers. You never really got good responses from others. They were always afraid id take their blood..
"Can you show me?" He asked, not one bit weirded out. You made him feel good about his, it is a manly thing to do to make someone feel better
You looked at him, slightly surprised. All the kids you went to school with thought you were a freak. Albeit you are not natural in the slightest. You brought your index finger to one if your fangs, biting down and pricking it. You watched as blood dripped out and stared at it. You watched as it moved upwards, before contorting it into a small circle.
"Woah! Thats so cool! You can practically make anything" he looked at the little ball blade. "Does it harden or stay liquid?"
"It hardens, look" you pushed the ball around in your palm, it left no trail but soon it disappeared.
"Hey, what happened?" He asked and you looked up at him.
"It does that, the small ones i make dont stay for very long" he nodded in acknowledgement and a peaceful silence took over but it really didnt last long until a slightly tired and almost bored voice spoke.
“Welcome to U.A hero course. I suggest you shut up. If you are only here to make friends I suggest you leave now” the class fell silent and everyone turned to stare at the black haired man who was taking a yellow sleeping bag off at the front of the room. You couldn’t help the small smile edge onto your face at your fathers antics
“My name is Shota Aizawa. Your teacher” he continued.
“Now everyone put these on and follow me outside”
You were now outside in your gym uniform. You all stood as Aizawa explained that he wanted to gauge you strengths and whoever gets the lowest is being expelled. The sun was pretty bright today.
"Bakugou, you scored highest in the entrance exam, why dont you go first" Aizawa stated and bakugou stepped up, taking the ball and stepping into the circle.
"DIE!" He yelled as he threw the ball using his quirk. The ball flew out of sight and aizawa recorded the score.
He got 705.2 metres.
"Yuri, youre next" he stated and you stepped forward as you were handed a ball.
You stepped into the ring and took a deep breath, concentrating and feeling your body prickle. The birds chirped louder and everything felt sharper. You pulled your arm back and threw with all your might. The ball soared into the sky becoming nothing more as the blue swallowed it. You didn’t think youd do as good as Bakugou. It was sunny and the sun causes weakness in your senses.
Aizawa turned the phone and you saw your score 706. You smiled and turned round seeing kirishima giving you a thumbs up and a smile. Bakugou however growled as you walked back he grabbed your wrist. Aizawa turning away as his phone rang.
"What the hell! You’re just a small weakling!" He snapped as he glared down at you and you swallowed thickly.
"Its just part of my quirk. I can increase my strength with my blood" you whispered, feeling very intimidated by the seething blonde over you.
“Bakugou, leave her alone. She beat you that just means shes working harder than you” Aizawa muttered and Bakugou grumbled, tossing your wrist aside and stomping back over to where he previously stood. You walked back to kirishima who gave a soft smile and patted your head making you giggle. You watched as everyone took turns before feeling someone nudge your arm and you looked to your right.
You moved on with the next exercise. It was a timed sprint. You watched as bakugou used his quirk and fired himself forward. Iida obviously excelling at this task with his engines on his calves. There was a girl who tapped her feet and watched as she rang across but she looked weightless.
It was now your turn and you were against tsuyu. She had frog like qualities. That was common, something similar to you. You smiled again as you got ready, when you were told to go before anyone could even comprehend what happened you stood at the finish line. Tsuyu cane fo the end also, hopping her way. She smiled at you and congratulated you. You walked over to the girl with short brown hair and smiled at her. Her quirk seemed cool.
"Hey whats your name?" You asked and she looked at you nervously. "Mines is Yuri”
"Oh its Uraraka Ochaco" she smiled. You smiled back, asking her what her quirk was.
"Oh! Its called zero gravity. I can make things float by touching them and making them weightless but it does make me feel sick!" She explained "whats yours?"
"I have heightened senses-" she cut you off
"Yeah i seen that! You practically teleported, it was so cool!" She grinned and you blushed slightly not used to compliments
"Th-Thank you! Your quirk is also super cool! I mean making things float that would be so helpful in rescuing people!" You grinned and she nodded, hearing aizawa state the next exercise. The day went on, one after one everyone competed and you did pretty good.
Izuku broke his finger. You gauged that he maybe has super strength and his body simply cannot handle it. He isnt very built when you look at him so that may be it.
The leaderboard appeared. You placed fourth. You smiled as you all entered back into the changing rooms. You took your clothes from your locker and walked out, seeing the bathroom straight ahead some boys were already done changing. One was kirishima.
"Hey Yuri. The changing room is that way" he stated nodding his head in the direction you came and you nodded.
"I know but i dont like getting changed infront of people" you mumbled, slightly embarrassed, looking as Kaminari, mineta and bakugou stared at you.
"O-Oh. Wait! Dont be embarrassed. That's completely normal" he stammered out and you say as mineta appeared beside him, so not manly of him to make you feel embarrassed!
"If you need any help Yuri. Ill certainly be of good assistance" he smirked, raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively.
"Ugh! You freaking PERVERT!" You shouted at him and he backed away, glaring at the purple pervert.
"Ok-okay! Geez, offer a woman some help and they act like that" he grumbled ready to turn around but you felt yourself grow angrier at his words. You reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back as you leaned down closely to his face.
"Excuse me! Why would i want a boy to help me get changed. Im perfectly capable of changing myself! You're such a PERVERT Mineta! Who do you think you are saying those things! Ugh! im gonna kill you" you growled at the boy who paled at your face. Your sharp fangs were on display and your crimson eyes glowered at the boy.
"Geez! What are you Bakugous girlfriend, getting so hotheaded!” He cried, pulling away from you and running behind kaminari.
You rolled your eyes, turning and going to the bathroom to get changed. When you exited. Kirishima invited you to join them for lunch. You were pretty hungry.
#bakugou katsuki#my hero academia#kirishima eijirou#bakugou x reader#vampire#aizawa shouta#mha#all might
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ive been sick since the 31st but i cant be stopped from new chapter goofin. first chapter of the year, lets go
oh noooo this first page is already so embarrassing. PLEEEASE dont tell me zoey assumed he and lucy are a thing because of the snake thing. PLEEEEEASE tell me his dad is teasing. im so embarrassed
PHYLLIS MOMENT? yamazaki loves biddies we knew this old broad was gonna come back
so nostalgic to see the witchs coven like this for the first time in.... many many chapters
wasnt the coven isaac supposed to have his name spelled differently than chises isaac? i thought that was mentioned on twitter at some point, but the wiki spells it like that too (NOT THAT NOTABLE - WIKI IS CHEEKS)
very nice panel of him and marielle with their wrists intersecting. idk it just looks pretty. i like symmetry
this chapter is a little longer? i think the most recent ghost+witch was just as long. why is yamazaki unstoppable. is she sleeping
more and more "things are about to get waaaacky!" okay yeah we know that but when will anything happen. i dont mind the lack of action in tamb. at all, actually. but the leadup is a little silly
"i wonder if she saw it, too." she did not <3
theyre all sitting in the courtyard like they did when they agreed to keep zoeys secret. nice callback, and its cute that this is their little hangout spot
whats in that box between chise and rian
oh no zoeys dad responded and lucy is here. oh no. i cant handle this i cant handle embarrassment
wait lucy helped him write it because she says she revised it. so either they actually are dating or his dad was teasing. im soooo...
waaait zoey has a little ponytail its so cuties
weeeh chises smile is so sweeties and cuties
wait did chise even know he was there. she can usually sense his comings and goings so i think shes just surprised he decided to butt into the convo
shut uuuuup they dont need a chaperone you just want to follow your wife around
wait if a month and a half has passed whatever happened with alices xmas gift for chise
weeeeh philomela is being so cuties
i like that yamazaki kinda teases these het pairings among the friend group without ever insinuating that theyll go anywhere. like in every direction almost. feels like straightbaiting... unbelievably funny. which, egg on my face if zoey and lucy ends up being real
philomela is being an early-story chise right now. "everyone does things for me even though i dont deserve it and i dont want to lose anyone even though i dont contribute anything." no wonder chise latched onto her as Guy I Need To Fix
love how varied and stylish yet simple their outerwear is
selkie nathan here too whatever. i didnt want the friend to be alice what makes you say that
i love how no one who meets elias in the white girl glamor ever says "why do you have a boy name." yamazaki is above such trifles
elias looks so sullen hunched behind chise oh my god. following his damn wife around. i love the human glamors because his facial expressions are sooooooo funny hes just -____-
elias coming in hot with the "that dont got nothing to do with me im smoking my cigarette"
the bolo tie strings lovingly rendered across his chest im. going to eat plywood. hey girl. i mean th
"whoa they got wrapped in fog is this related to rahab" <= idiot who glossed over nathan LITERALLY explaining that meg was surrounded by fog before she was attacked. can you PAY ATTENTION. FOR /ONCE/
man theyll be okay they got two teachers with them
oh no your girlfriend
that zoey panel kinda went crazy stupid whoag
"the blood run strong in him" okay jesus christ who is this. it better be someone we already know because this is a little silly
speaking of. i mean we know zoey isnt going to go home because hes on the arc 3 spread. he has to dress as a fancy boy and swing his lil weapon with the st georges. no time for dat goku
these are just like the witches in madoka ☝🤓
so this is the chapter where we are actually starting to see a little follow-through on yamazakis "WATCH OUT!!" hyping. all of these monsters attacking people have the same eyeball motif. im trying to think about where we have seen it before. i want to blame the new mage, but their apprentice (i dont remember her name nor can i be fucked to check) talks about them like theyre unrelated. maybe the person on the last page created them? they dont share immense similarity with lil fella either, so perhaps not dragon related either. did someone like joseph create them as chimeras? trying to trigger the red dragon appearing again? maaaan idk
any chapter where i get to see babygirl elias is a good one. swinging my legs teeheeing n shit
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( fluff, enemies to lovers, wacky hijinks, detention during prom, gender neutral reader, awkward teen romance )
great… he muttered to himself, picking up shards of the vase you two broke during a fight. the vase contained ashes of the first principal of UA high, decorated in a red and gold vase. as a way to honour their legacy and now, there’s nothing but ashes, shards and awkward silence.
after aizawa collected the ashes from the floor. he gave you two detention, during prom night. what yall did was pretty bad but it was an accident and accidents happens but apparently that wasnt enough to convince him .
you and shinso glare intensely at each other as you two swiped and wiped, blaming each other for this awful punishment ( despite being both of y’all faults)
“its your fault. if you didn’t overacted. your fatass wouldn’t have broken the vase “ you snapped.
“me? you were tackling me because i made a harmless joke about your test score. i didn’t overact , YOU did”
you guys argued back and forth. arguing like a married couple when they’re interrupted by the faint sound of music coming from the party hall. you fall on your knees, crying dramatically as shinso watched your antics with a blank expression.
suddenly your eyes light up and you get off the floor, turning towards him and he already knows what’s up. it’s one of your stupid plans. every time that mischievous smile plasters your face. shit is about to go down
“ i have an ide-“
“ whatever you’re about to say…. keep it to yourself. i’m in enough trouble already thanks to you” he said , with a hand on his hip, rolling his eyes.
“you didn’t even hear me out!, and why are you sad about prom. you’re a lonely loser. i thought your kind hated parties”
i- what??? what’s do you mean by “mY KiN and plus, why do you care . i can like the idea of prom. its a once in a lifetime event” his voice cracked from annoyance.
its only been a few minutes and none of the cleaning happened. why are they cleaning anyways. do they not have janitors. you groaned loudly, throwing the broom.
that’s it, i’m out . you dusted off your hand, making your way through the exit. you didn’t care. aizawa isnt even watching so who’s gonna tell him weither they cleaned or not
shinso saw you leaving, knowing what youre about to do is stupid. he sighs, brooming the shards under the carpet and following your lead. he can sense your prideful smirk teasing him but he ignores it , rubbing his temples
“ im going with you. aint no way i’m being left alone here.”
“ that’s more like it. let’s sneak into the dorms and head to prom”
“ what if one of the teachers catch us”
“dont worry, i have an idea!” you declared proudly
it cuts to you two wearing silly “spy” gear ( its an all black outfit)
this is your idea?! god didn’t make you for thinking hasnt he? he was in shock.
“ the dorms lights are off, plus our shoes are noisey free. all we have to do is sneak into our dorms , change into our fancy clothes and leave”
“ what about coming back? our shadows will be shown since we won’t be wearing all black. what will we do. jump off a window?
he stares at you in disbelief before shaking your shoulders
“you can’t be serious?! WE’LL DIE.”
“ dont piss yourself, i’m pretty sure i have a glider that yaomomo made for the beach day.”
this doesn’t even surprise him. he just sighs . you have a weird way of thinking. it’s like there’s nothing but eggs inside your brain.
“ if this gets me out of detention. let’s do it” he sighed desperately. wanting this to be over already
after some time, almost being caught multiple times . the dormitories arrive, you both hoped no one was guarding the dorm halls or this stealth mission is about to get even worse.
“ i coast is clear” you whispered.
who is that?! a low voice spoke, its revovery girl.
you both start to panic. both of you hoped that she was demented so she wouldn’t be able to snitch. how old is she, like 80? that’s dementia age….right?
you both feel a hand on your shoulder, jolting and looking behind. smiling awkwardly, putting on that sweet and warm voice.
hey… recovery girl , you smiled. as shinso sweats bullets
how ya been… shinso added, recovery girl smiles back, with her signature homely smile.
what are you two doing out here, its prom. unless you two love birds have other plans
w-we are not a couple . shinso quickly corrected, speaking loud and fast, which made both you and recovery girl confused since most of the time, he speaks like a zombie.
well. we’re just here cuz… my clothes got fruit punch all over them. you pulled out the most nonsensical lie out of your ass.
she looked around and raised an eyebrow.
you wore that to prom? the universe must’ve told you a sign. well you two get going. she smiles, waving goodbye as she went to the other side of the dorm hall. that was a close one.
you two separate, heading to your dorm. as you get into your prom fit. you tought about recovery girl’s comment, the one she made about you and shinso. you pondered to yourself… do we really act like a couple. i mean, you two are always hanging out even if its just you two arguing and taunting one another. he keeps you out of trouble and you… well you put him in wacky and eventful scenarios.
but the one thing that replayed was how quickly he denied those claim. he wasn’t wrong. they arent a couple but why use that tone. why decline so quickly. WHY DO YOU CARE, WHO CARES WHAT HE THINKS! you’re definitely dating material. he has no business declining like that. you huffed as you got out.
you opened the door , lo and behold shinso was standing there. in his prom fit. his eyes glued to you. he clears his throat
“ took you long enough… although i cant say you look horrible, might i say you look quite nice” he spoke stoically, not making eye contact whatsoever.
he looked good too. you can smell the lavender scent from him, his hair was still fluffy but the colour of his fit really suited him, also making you flustered.
yeah, i can say the same about you , you muttered. stimming by moving around. there’s an awkward silence between you two until he takes your hand .
after the near death experience from the guilder . you two finally reach the hall, the hall of fun. the hall where the party starts. the night of yours lives. you two separate again. going to your designated friend group.
after talking , eating and dancing to music. you sightly get bored. i mean you’re having fun but something is off. the dj announces a slow dance to end the night. every couple get together as you sit on the bench awkwardly looking down, not noticing shinso sitting next to you
lame, isnt it . he spoke, getting your attention
yeah… super lame. you pouted pettily as you saw bunch of sappy couples, dancing and kissing. ugh!
let’s go. he spoke. taking your hand and dragging you but not to the dance floor but the …. rooftop?
peace and quiet. shinso sighed. you were right. parties arent my thing he smiled sheepishly
told you , you snickered. nudging him
you two watch the beautiful twilight sky. the setting was so serene and just perfect. he awkwardly shifts next to you. clearing his throat
so…. life . any plans other than pro hero stuff . he asked
after pondering for a moment, you answered with a simple nod. he waits for you to go on
well…. i guess i wanna start dating… maybe buy a place and hopefully be married? what about you.
nothing…. i never planned ahead and now…. i don’t know what i’m supposed to do.
well we’re still just bunch of dumb teens. we’ll figure it out eventually
yeah…. we will. he looks at you, smiling softly before leaning closer. his cheeks red, like the bow of his outfit. he chuckles awkwardly before finally getting the confidence to…..
“hey so. what recovery girl said. we sure do act like a couple, huh?” his voice dries out.
yeah and you sure were quick to deny it. like you’re offended by the idea of us two dating, you teased
i wasnt offended?! he protested.
i was just…. flustered because….
because…..? you leaned closer, smirking
shinso noticed that smirk , hiding his face in his palm and chuckles awkwardly.
you like me dontcha~
yes… he held your hand and brushes your cheek. til red and flustered. his body language awkward.
you were surprised by the sudden confession. chuckling with him. you were pretty flustered and just thinking about shinso as your boyfriend made you feel all warm and fuzzy.
will you date me? he asked.
you obviously nodded your head, speechless as you hugged him . you two lock eyes and leans in for a small kiss . a soft and gentle first kiss , the kind that gave butterflies. you guys cuddle in each other’s arms as you watched the sunset.
#my hero academia#boko no hero academia#bnha#mha#bnha shinso hitoshi#hitoshi shinsou#shinsou hitoshi#hitoshi shinso x reader#mha x reader#mha x y/n#mha x gender neutral reader#mha x oc#shinsoxcanoncharacter#mha fluff#teen romance#awkward teen romance#tooth rotting fluff
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im so quick with it, more hcs for papercut communicating through drawings?? that is so cute and i need more now before i EXPLODE
omg thank u someone is seeing my vision here, anon hr a god send thank u for asking me to go expand on it
•OK LIKE I SAID, curlys english wasnt rlly the best but he was more sociable, he def put himself out there way more than angela and tim did and pony noticed that, but other kids werent rlly givin a fuck about curly, so he still acted up a bit here n there
•johnny and pony would talk about him here n there but nothing further went beyond that till they were like “ah y not he doesnt seem THAT bad once hes pretty chill” so thats how the notes began!!
•ofc curly knew the basics of english, he wasnt completely lost he could hold convos w them, but he was rlly lacking when it came to exposure to the language through native speakers and pony especially helped w that (johnny was quiet as hell lmaoooo)
•would they get in trouble for sending drawings in class??? yes, BUT it was worth it, they used to have so many inside jokes (they start remembering them again later in life and now its revived🙏🏽)
•those notes totally helped curly connect images to english words, before he would just kinda point to em and say it in kreyòl hoping that the other person just got the point but now hes starting to try and say em, THATS my goat,,,
•it also made him feel like a normal kid for the first time in months!!! for thee lonnggeessttt time after they moved to the us, curly was only talking to tim and angela and it was tim who was teaching them english, but he was SUCH a teacher about it and curly hated it, appreciated the effort, just hated how he was being taught. w pony tho, it was w a peer and they were just talking like anyone else would, he would legit forget he was lowkey even learning it!!!
•pony was also learning a bit of kreyòl along the way too, let that b known, he cant have convos but when curlys speaking it he can recognize just a few words
•for everyone questioning y curly didnt rlly beat up pony the way he did w other kids who acted exactly like pony, this is y, ofc curly was still a lil mean to him but thats just him being him tbh, curly never flat out bullied him cause he saw that side of pony at the young age of 13 pony made a good impression so he just stayed clear of causing him issues
•angela knew about the whole thing and tbh she found the whole thing stupid, shes very glad she was places in a different class away from em😭
•as stated before, he kept very few of the drawings, he found it in an old ass notebook of his and he had the BIGGEST flashback to the whole thing, pony completely forgot about that whole thing but curly showed it and they had this entiirreeee trip down memory lane, how sweet

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I think there´s not enough talk about the relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan and Anakin relationship with Padmé.
In the fandom there´s a take that Anakin didn´t trust Obi-Wan and that´s why he didn´t tell him about his relationship but I don´t think this case is so simple, the problem wasn´t just Obi-Wan´s reaction, it was also the council of the Order and the fact that not marriage is an actual rule in the order nobody is supposed to break, a rule they definitely were not going to change just to accomodate Anakin.
The truth of the matter is that while Obi-Wan tried to be a supporting teacher he usually takes the council side when they and Anakin have a disagreetment, this happens in the movies and in the clone wars series so my guess is that this is usual behavoir with Obi-Wan in relation to Anakin, in this both Anakin and Qui-Gon are very similar. Obi -Wan often disagreed with Qui-Gon for fighting the council and told him that he already would have been part of the Council if he didn´t fight them so much.
Anakin is aware of this, he also knows Obi-Wan has worked for years towards getting a place in the council, it´s important for Obi-Wan in a way it never was for Anakin or Qui-Gon. So part of the reason Anakin didn´t told him was because he thought Obi-Wan would not approve but also to not put him in the ankward place of knowing about Anakin´s marriage and not tell the council to which he belongs.
It´s fun because Obi-Wan knows, Anakin knows and Padmé knows but they never, ever talk openly about it because it would be making it a reality.
Still even if Obi-Wan is supporting that doesn´t mean Anakin can stay a Jedi once it´s discovered and this was something Anakin knew. In the ROTS novel he talks about becoming one of the new "lost ones" because he can´t keep being a Jedi once Padmé gives birth.
From Anakin´s pov, the main reason that linked him to the Jedi Order was Obi-Wan, he wasnt happy in the order, he didn´t agree with some of their principles and he very much wanted to be Padme´s husband so his main interest in the clone wars was to help the Order during the war, make sure Obi-Wan was safe and once the war was done he was planning to leave the Order to live with Padmé on Naboo.
It´s pretty clear in ROTS he just wants the war to end, he doesn´t care if it´s Obi-Wan or him the one who defeats grievous, when Palpatine brings the matter to make Anakin mad at Obi-Wan, Anakin just shurgs, as long as the war ends everything would be ok and he mostly just wanted to follow Obi-Wan because he was feeling worse day by day on, Coruscant, he wasn´t sleeping and he was worried for Obi-Wan and Padme.
Obi-Wan knew in a way it was a matter of time for Anakin to leave the Order, his words very much sound like a goodbye before he left to fight grievous so I believe one of the reasons he didn´t want to talk about this with Anakin is because he didn´t want to make it real and make Anakin leave sooner. This is also why Anakin´s main conflict in the movie is to make sure Padme survives the birth, not wether he remains a Jedi or not, his decision was already made in that area.
In a world where Anakin doesn´t fall to the darkside and there´s no Empire I believe he still would have left the Order to be with his family but not because he could not tell Obi-Wan but because it´s simply the way the Order manages itself and Anakin wasn´t in a possition or had the wish, to ask them to change their rules.

Curiously enough it was Padme the one who insisted to Anakin to stay in the Order after their marriage and during the war, she only had a different oppinion once it was clear they were going to have a child and had to plan towards the event of Anakin being left outside the Order and her to lose her position in the Senate but in the end, both of them wanted to have a family on Naboo.

Anakin is making me all sad for all the trust he had in Palpatine here, he had confidence that everything would be ok once the war ended. Of course Palpatine told him he was going to bring peace, he just didn´t tell him how he was going to do it.


#anakin skywalker#obi wan kenobi#padme amidala#jedi order#star wars#anidala#qui gon jinn#palpatine#revenge of the sith#leia organa#luke skywalker
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Why neville’s teachings and theories might ruin your mental health.
This post might be controversial, but it’s coming from my own experience. As someone who has a deep knowledge of neville, i feel it has done me more harm than good, and it was definitely something I wasnt ready for. While Neville covered the law in the most extensive manner, not everyone will resonate with him. And it’s fine. We treat him like the God of LoA but it’s not true, he was just another human. Dr. Joseph murphy had the same teacher as him, but his teachings seem more believable and gives less scope for overthinking.
I am not ready for ideas like non-dualism, solipsism and other heavy terms. And it’s fine. Im not even ready for EIYPO because I don’t want to see people as mirrors. I want to see them as individuals. And I dont think they’re just my mirrors, they’re as much God as i am and we’re all coexisting. All the ideas that neville taught were too depressing for me tbh. I was existing pretty normally even before i found Neville out. So now, just because i have found out i am “god” should i be pressured into finding the “real meaning” of life? Should i find the external world meaningless when it has shaped me in today’s world? Maybe i don’t want all that. Maybe i just want a pretty house, a nice career, a nice boyfriend. I want to enjoy my human experience. That was the reason i was placed in this world, it was to enjoy the human experience. Otherwise what is the point of it all? What if the point of me interacting with others. I trust whatever is right for me will come at the right time. But the neville community has such a hold on you with it’s heavy terms. The point is not to denounce the external world, it is to enjoy it. The journey. Be fulfilled.
That’s why I recommend you guys, if you’re not ready for theories of non-dualism, the promise, etc, dont force yourself into it. After all, if you’re god, and everything is under ur control, these things can just be as fake as Law of Attraction is. For my own personal benefit, i have decided to disconnect myself entirely from neville’s teachings and stick to joseph murphy, or even sammy ingram for that matter. Because ill tell you what, SATs may guarantee one time results, but it will not help u sustain it until you change ur beliefs. Everything is a game of beliefs. You weren’t performing SATs in first person perspective when u unknowingly manifested all those shitty circumstances in your life.
That’s it for my rant.
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