#my stomach is growling so loud. i cant remember when i ate last. i dont need to eat when im not human
zarovich · 2 years
cant even hide that fact that im doing so poorly. everyone can tell i know it
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euphoricguk · 7 years
Out And About
Member/Pairing: Jimin x Taehyung/VMin 
Genre: Pierced! Jimin AU; Nerd Brother! Taehyung AU; High School! AU; MxM
Word Count: 1.6K 
Triggers/Warnings: Cursing
Author Note:  A while ago I wanted to write a Pierced! Jimin AU because well...do I need to say more? I also wanted to try some new stuff on this blog so here’s my gay mxm debut. Hope y’all enjoy~
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“...Anyway, he failed me because I didn’t write the paper so, now I have detention.”
“I fucking told you that guy was an asshole when you signed up for his class. ‘Wholesome, educational environment’ my ass... You’re still coming tonight though, right?”
Jimin was seated on top of the blue lunch tables of the cafeteria, back curved as he looked down at Yumi who was seated on the bench in front of him, stuffing her face with a ham and cheese sandwich from the deli.
“I planned on it,” she said before swallowing her bite, quickly leaning back down to take another one, “but I don’t know. I’m not going to screw myself over and fail his class and have to retake it next year, so...I kind of need to go so I can make up the paper, you feel?”
“I get you, ” he trailed off. Easily distracted, Jimin’s eyes roamed the seemingly endless flocks of students crowded in the food court, a look somewhere between disgust and interest plastered across his face. Only when he saw a girl coming out with a slice of pizza did he remember he had been starving all day.
“Let me get a bite,” Jimin said as he reached down toward Yumi’s sandwich and, in turn, got his hand swatted at.
“Go get your own food, loser.”
As his lips turned up into a smirk, the sun shined down directly onto his face, making his nose ring glisten in the spring daylight.
“Fuck you,” he said, jumping down from the table and picking up his backpack.
“No, thanks. I don’t like little girls.”
“Ha ha, very funny.” After grabbing his drink, Jimin began walking away from the table, slipping his sunglasses onto his face as if he was some kind of pop star. “Aye!”
Yumi looked up from her sandwich and closed her mouth, which was preparing to take another bite. “What?”
“Did you ever get around to asking your brother if he wanted to come with us?”
A few weeks ago when the idea of throwing a party first came up, Jimin had suggested that Yumi ask her little brother to come along, too. 
The class nerd that had straight A’s, played tennis, and read books for fun.
“Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? The 11th grader? My little brother? Why would you want him to come hang with us,” Yumi asked in complete shock the day Jimin asked her about it.
Yumi’s friends, quite obviously, were not the straight A type. More like...straight C’s and D’s...and the occasional B from Jun or Yumi in subjects that a 6th grader could pass.
“I don’t know,” Jimin had said while he laid in the grass field of the park him and Yumi frequented, “we never invite him to go anywhere with us and every time I come over to your place, he’s always in his room studying something… Seems kinda boring, don’t you think?”
Yumi, who was lying down next to him, feet toward his head (she had kicked him in the face a few times “on accident”), sat up at his statement. A look of confusion and disbelief was on her face as she thought about what her best friend had just told her.
“Bro. Did you like...smoke or something before coming here? What you’re saying doesnt even make any sense. First of all, you hated my brother when you first met him in middle school and once we became friends you still picked on him. Now, all of sudden, you feel sorry for the dude? What the fuck Jimin.”
“Look,” he shouted and then huffed in frustration before continuing. “I’m not saying he’s my best friend. I’m just saying. It wouldn’t kill you to just ask him. All I want you to do is ask, okay? Jesus Christ.”
Squinting her eyes at him suspiciously, Yumi only shrugged and replied with a simple “Okay.”
“Yeah, I asked him,” she turned around and placed one leg on each side of the lunch bench and faced Jimin. “He said no.”
“Oh… Uh, okay cool. Later. You better come tonight.”
“Worry about yourself, Chim Chim.” As a reply, Jimin simply put up a peace sign as he walked away.
“What do you want, Tae? I’m kind of busy.” Yumi rummaged through her drawers as she searched for something to wear, throwing clothes all over her room.
“Have you seen my highlighters? ...And can you like, not change in front of me, please,” Taehyung said as he covered his glasses.
“No, I havent and calm down I have a bra on. Just turn around if it bothers you so much.”
“Ugh, okay. Thanks,” he said as he turned around to leave.
In the middle of tying her shoelaces, Yumi received a message.
Hey, sorry but i cant make it 2nite. stomach ache
From: The Dork™, 10:09 PM
“Hey, Tae! Come lock the door, I’ll be back later. Make sure you eat something besides graph paper and science textbooks,” she yelled up at Taehyung’s room before walking out.
Uh...why aren’t you coming?
From: Yumi , 10:26 PM
Damn r u blind or something? s t o m a c h a c h e
From: The Dork ™ , 10:28 PM
I saw the “stomach ache” but that’s bs and u know it
From: Yumi, 10:29 PM
so y dont u wanna go dude?
From: Yumi, 10:29 PM
idk just not feelin it
From: The Dork™ , 10:31 PM
K well I’ll drink a beer for u
From: Yumi , 10:33 PM
hav fun brooooo!1!!!!!!1111!!1!1
From: The Dork™ , 10:34 PM
From: Yumi , 10:35 PM
“Did you see Min when he tried to walk on water and almost drowned in the pool?” Yumi laughed when she pictured the look on his face once he got out. Fumbling with her keys she made her way upstairs, plopping down on her bed as soon as she could.
“I know!! It was crazy… Well, I’m gonna go grab some food. I might call you later tonight.” She nodded and hung the phone up, rubbing her belly while it grumbled.
Despite almost tripping three times while going downstairs, Yumi successfully made herself a gourmet meal called cereal. As she ate at the dining table, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a pair of black boots that looked awfully familiar to Jimin’s. Same color and everything.
Hm. That’s weird. 
Maybe he left them here last time he came, Yumi thought to herself. Placing her bowl in the kitchen sink, she began her retreat back up the stairs where she nearly face planted only once.
When u were here last week did u leave ur black boots?
From: Yumi , 3:29 AM
Opting to read his reply in the morning versus waiting for it, she locked her phone and threw it on the computer chair to the left of her. Just as she was about to fall asleep, eyes closed and snuggled up to her pillow, Yumi heard giggling coming from the room next door to her.
Taehyung’s room.
Tae, your cartoons seriously aren’t that funny shut the hell up and go to sleep, she mumbled to herself as she turned over and grabbed her blanket to cover her ears.
Rather than getting up the first time, Yumi decided to give him a chance to knock it off himself. The first time she didn’t say anything. The second time she didn’t say anything.
However, the third time… The third time she couldn’t help but growl in frustration as she sat up, pulled the blanket off of her, and made her way across the hall to her brother’s door. Without knocking, Yumi stormed into his room.
“Kim Taehyung! It’s like 4 o’clock in the fuc-”
She couldn’t tell if she was hallucinating at the moment, but she was positive she saw Taehyung, her little brother, and Jimin, her best friend, cuddling with each other on Taehyung’s bed.
“I… Am I insane or…”
Both Jimin and Taehyung looked beyond shocked as they stared wide-eyed at Yumi standing in the doorway, looking equally as shocked, if not more.
“Uh,” started Jimin as he cleared his throat and sat up in Taehyung’s bed, “well...you’re not insane…”
“Wait, wait, wait. You two are… You and him are… YOU DITCHED ME TONIGHT FOR HIM?!”
“Yeah… Sorry about that I would’ve told you b-”
“I can’t believe you guys kept this from me. How long has this even been going on,” Yumi asked, shifting the weight on her feet and crossing her arms over her chest.
“About six months, right,” Taehyung answered as he looked at Jimin, who was fiddling with the jewelry hanging from his lip (a nervous habit of his), for confirmation.
Scoffing at the situation and her own cluelessness, Yumi was still thoroughly speechless. For a few awkward, silent minutes, no one said anything. Taehyung and Jimin couldn’t help but stare at Yumi, who was clearing trying to make sense of the situation as she furrowed her eyebrows and bites at her nails while staring at the ground.
Her sigh is what breaks the thick, silent air.
“Look, I just came in here to tell you to shut up but, obviously, this,” she motioned toward Jimin and Taehyung, “wasn’t what I was expecting.”
“Yumi, we can expl-”
“First, there’s nothing to explain. The situation is pretty clear since most guys don’t hold hands and cuddle in each other’s bed unless there’s something going on. Second, your relationship doesn’t bother me, although I would’ve liked to know about it. I’m not mad at you,” she looks at Taehyung and then at Jimin, who she shoots a glare at, “...two.”
Yumi turned around to begin walking out of the room and stopped just before closing the door.
“And stop giggling so loud. Some people do enjoy sleeping,” she said and then closed the door after.
“...well, that d-”
“And good night, losers,” Yumi yelled across the hall before closing her bedroom door.
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sabraeal · 8 years
Merry and Bright: Part 2
Shirayuki awakens in freefall, promptly brought to an unpleasant end by her whole body slapping against the bedroom floor.
She groans; she’s not hurt besides the angry sting of where her skin hit hardwood, but her pride is certainly wounded. The last time she fell out of a bed, she must have been in the single digits. She better not be coming down with something; vertigo is one of those symptoms that makes WebMD speculate about brain tumors and lupus, and she just doesn’t need that kind of stress three months into her PhD.
She levers herself up onto her knees, blearily peering up at the clock on the bedside table. The numbers swim in her vision for a long moment before the first settles into a glaring red seven. It’s far too early to be functioning, and she’s clearly disoriented by it; this hardly even looks like her room –
Obi lets out a loud huff, hand flopping over the edge of the bed, and she is abruptly aware that this is not her room, and that they are not in their apartment. This is Obi’s old room, untouched since the night her left. And this is not her bed, but –
She scrambles to her feet, staring down at the broad expanse of Obi’s back, the long spread of his limbs – and rolls her eyes. No wonder she ended up on the floor.
“Obi.” She shoves at his side, prodding fingers into his ribs. Her hardly budges. “Obi, come on, you can’t take up the whole bed.”
He grunts into the pillows, hunkering further into the mattress.This is a lost cause.
Shirayuki snatches his hoodie from the chair, shrugging it over her shoulders as she shuffles to the stairs. Even from the top landing she catches the rich scent of coffee and the savory smell of bacon. Her stomach growls, reminding her it’s been a long while since she last ate, and it was only some chicken bites and a biscuit from when they detoured through the rest area for dinner.
(”You’re killing me,” he tells her, pulling out of the drive through. “I didn’t even know there was a non-fried option on the menu.”
“It looked like the healthiest thing.” She pops one in her mouth and is assaulted by salt. She’s hungry enough that she likes it. “They’re roasted.”
“Doc, the whole thing comes with fries and a biscuit.” He glances at her disapprovingly before gunning it onto the highway. “There’s not a thing about that place that’s healthy.”
“Oh, you can have mine, by the way,” she tells him. “The fries I mean.”
He sighs. “Just feed me my dirty rice.”)
She hesitates. It feels strange to go see Bob and Gayle without him. They’re not her family, and she – she doesn’t know if he would be comfortable with her talking with them. Especially talking with them about him. She doesn’t know what he wants them to know or, more importantly, not know.
The decision is abruptly made for her when a black and tan puffball plants itself at the bottom of the stairs and howls.
“Oh, Shirayuki, honey!” Gayle calls up. “Is that you?”
She grimaces, trying to glare at the dog but – it’s just too cute. She can’t blame it for being excited. “Yes.”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d be up.” Gayle’s voice gets closer as she makes her way to the kitchen, tiny dog in tow. “There’s pancakes warming in the oven, ig you’re hungry for them.”
“There’s enough to feed an army,” Bob informs her over the top of the paper.”
Gayle snaps her head around to scold, but Shirayuki says, “Oh good, just enough for Obi.”
The two of them exchange a glance before laughter bubbles out. “True enough,” Bob admits. “Make sure you leave enough.”
“I see you’ve met the Baron.” Gayle nods to her tiny shadow.
“Oh, yes.” She glances down at the fluff curled below her chair. “We met on the stairs.”
“He’s friendly,” she assures Shirayuki, as if the light puppy-snores were not a ringing endorsement for his personality.
“Even friendlier if you bribe him with bacon.”
“Bob.” Gayle send her husband a warning look. Bob, for his part, only winks over the tech section.
“Did you sleep well?” Gayle asks, casual, and Shirayuki feels her shoulders tense.
(“Is this all right?” Obi asks the skin of her neck, his hand hot against her stomach, his belly curving along her spine. There’s nothing for it, she knows, he’s taller than the mattress is long, it’s the only way they’ll fit –
She swallows hard. “Yeah, that’s fine.”)
“Yes.” She rubs at her eyes, hisses as she hits a bump on her nose.
(“OW,” she hisses, clutching her face. Obi startles, his eyes slitting open as he moves his elbow away. He’s taken up half the bed by now, Shirayuki only holding onto the last bastion by the pillows. “Why?”
“Sorry,” he slurs, not sounding the least bit sincere. She rolls up onto her knees, leaning over him.
“How have you had people in your bed before?” she asks, annoyed. “Did you just hide the bodies?”
“Well, Doc,” he drawls sleepily, stretching so that the cotton of his shirt rubs against her palms. “We weren’t exactly sleeping.”)
“As well as could be expected,” Shirayuki amends awkwardly. Bob chokes a little on his coffee, and she realizes there is a whole category of other reasons she might not have gotten enough sleep.
Obi really needs to explain some things.
Gayle levels a glare over her shoulder at her husband. “We weren’t sure if you’d make it to breakfast,” she says. “We weren’t sure if you were an early bird or a…”
“Whatever Obi is,” Bob finished, his mouth lifted up in the corner.
“Did he sleep late when he was here?” she asks.
“I’d faint from shock if he managed to locate an hour before ten,” Gayle laughed, handing her a plate of pancakes and bacon. “Coffee?”
“Ah, no, none for me please.” She takes the plate, wondering what Obi’s – what Bob and Gayle would say if they knew that he regularly taught the eight am section of Shidan’s class. What they would think if they knew he said better to get it over with earlier than later.
Gayle gives her a long look as she digs into her breakfast. It’s delicious, melting on her tongue. “You’re a cocoa girl, aren’t you?”
She blinks. “If you have it…”
“Of course.” Gayle bustles about the kitchen with purpose. “One of our girls – Kelly Ann, you’ll meet her today – she’s a cocoa girl too. Always have to keep the good stuff around for her.”
“And now you,” Bob prompts with an absent smile.
“And now you,” Gayle agrees. “I’m glad you decided to come.”
“Me too.” Shirayuki swallows her bite of pancakes. “It’s good that Obi –”
“No, no, honey,” Gayle puts a hand on her shoulder, and it’s as loving and warm as Shirayuki remembers her own grandmother’s being. “I’m glad you came. I’m sure being back here is going to be…hard for Obi. But knowing he’s found himself a girl that wants to stay by his side for something like this…I’m glad he’s done so well for himself. He was all rough edges when he came here.”
“He had more than a few of those when we met,” Shirayuki admits with a grin.
Gayle’s hand squeezes her gently. “And it speaks leagues about you that you took him as he was.”
“It’s….um….” Shirayuki takes the cocoa offered to her absently, staring down into the whipped cream. “I…”
“I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, Shirayuki.” Gayle smiles, glancing back at her husband. “We both are.”
“…Great.” Shirayuki takes a sip of her cocoa. It’s the best she’s ever tasted.
 The humming won’t stop.
Obi reaches out a hand, slapping at the beside table that isn’t fucking there. He lifts his head, blearily searching the room, only – it’s not his.
More accurately, it isn’t his anymore.
He groans, dropping his head into the pillow. It’s coming back to him now: Christmas, Bob and Gayle, twelve hours of driving to gets across the Carolinas, Doc in his bed…
Oh god. Shirayuki is sleeping in his bed.
The hum starts up again.
Oh right, his phone. His phone is going off. That makes sense. That is a thing that makes sense, unlike any of the other things running through his head right now.
He flicks the screen open, and there are just a fuckton of texts, all from Zen. Because of course, of course the only way to start of his stressful family vacation is with guilt.
“Ugh, mother fucker,” he moans before rolling onto his back, scrolling through about a thousand single-period texts before he finds one from late last night.
Did you guys get in okay?
ru fukn srs rn?
Is that English? Should I be able to read that? At least I know you’re alive now
ur a fukn siko w ur prds get a lyf man im not a frm u cant just bmp a topic wtf im alive slept well just got up
Is Shirayuki up too? I haven’t heard back from her
i dunno i dont c her in bed so prob
He has just enough time to be aware of how stupid he is before Zen texts him back.
What do you mean you don’t see her in bed??? Are you sleeping in the same bed????? OBI???????
g2g brkfst
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