#my stargate atlatis oc
ghostlyfanparadise · 3 years
I sit up in one of the trees watching for movement when I hear loud booms and lots of yelling I panic wanting to jump down and run away but I don’t no to risky when I see a man with black hair in some sort of uniform fall to the ground to people come running to try and get him they didn’t were his uniform they were enemy I take a deep breath and adjust my googles then I jump down and attack my hood made out of animal fur flipping back when they both fall to the ground the man who was running is unconscious so I pick him up and carry him to the cave me and someone name Ronan occupie right now when I get there I walk up to Ronan and he says “who is this vylot who did you bring here”. I put him down and talk with my hands saying ‘he was being chased by enemy and knocked out I figured we help him he help us we could use all we could get and something about him is telling me he’s ok’ he sighs and says “fine but if your wrong I’ll kill him” he says and I go back out into the forest running looking for food when I hear whistling i whistle back then I go back to camp when i get there the strangers awake I look at him studying him then turn to Ronan and talk with my hands saying ‘he’s afraid’ “i know i haven’t talked to him you brought him here he’s your responsibility” he says I turn to the stranger and ask him with my hands ‘what’s your name’ he looks at me for a minute his blue eyes studying me I’ve never seen someone with blue eyes before then he says “my name is Evan Lorne i need to contact my people throw the Stargate we can supply you with food water you can even stay with us if you want” “impossible” Ronan says “why what about” he asks “she can go if she wants but I can’t I have a wrath tracker in my back” he says looking at the ground “we have a doctor who might be able to remove it” Lorne says “fine contact your people see if your doctor can if so I might go” he says i know what that means it means no i drag him over to a corner so Lorne can’t hear us and I ask him with my hands ‘go if they don’t accept me that’s fine’ “no I’m not leaving you” he says ‘look we’ve know each other for 5 years your like a brother to me you should live like you used to’ I tell him “vylot I’m staying with you are like sister to me you’ve saved me many times So no I’m not going with them with out you” he says ‘I don’t want to go’ i tell him “ok then they remove the tracker if satda is still around we will go there if not we will stay here” he says I nod my head ok we walk back to Lorne and I say with my hands ‘ok we agree’ it takes him a minute and then he says “ok I’ll let my people go” he stands up and walks out I give him a minute then i run to the nearest tree and climb it going from tree to tree following him watching him when he gets to the circle he types on the price of stone then blue water erupts and he walks through disappearing onto the other side so I sit there and wait
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ghostlyfanparadise · 3 years
When we get back to the infermry I help him back on the bed when I hear becket yell “your lucky you didn’t rip your stitches” he sighs “doc I’m sorry I had to help” he says becket rolls his eyes Lorne lays back on the bed and I ask ‘why did you come you should have stayed there’ he looks at me and sighs then says “because I had a feeling that it was something else then him acting weird and I was right” I sit in the chair next to him and say ‘you could have died’ “I know” he says I look at him and sigh this man is going to be the death of me then I take his hand and hold it and look at him he didn’t have to do that who knows what would have happened if he didn’t and hopefully I never do “why are you looking at me like that” he asks I freaze for a moment before answering then I says ‘I’m trying to read you but failing my emotions are not helping right now’ he’s face gets red then for some reason I feel like I need to get closer to him so I get up and walk around to his other side then I ask ‘is it ok if I lay in the bed with you’ he nods his head yes I crawl in and rest my head on his chest to make sure he’s alright he starts playing with my hair but I don’t mind when carson walks over and sighs then say “you to really shouldn’t be in the same bed” I don’t move I don’t want to leave him I can’t becket sighs again and walks away giving up “are you ok” Evan asks ‘I’m fine’ I say ‘why’ I ask “I don’t know you don’t normally act like this” he says ‘it was my instinct’ I tell him he pats me on the shoulder then adjusts so his arm is around me I move my head so I can see him his blue eyes studying me and smile at him I close my eyes and surround myself in darkness when I wake up he’s still asleep I move a little bit so I can run my fingers through his hair when carson walks over and says “we’ll I’m glad one of you are awake” and I sigh I know somethings wrong so I try to communicate and I sign ‘what’s wrong’ he doesn’t understand but for some reason he tells me anyway “I don’t know how but he’s not Lorne he may act like him and talk like look like him but his brain scan is not normal” I look at him and sit up carful so I don’t accidentally wake Lorne and I sign ‘can I see the results’ he looks at me funny so I just point to Lorne’s head and the computer “you want to see his brain scan” he asks I nod my head yes then he walks over to the computer and picks up a tablet and hands it to me he was right in ways but what scan was showing was similar to the part of my brain that does the mating stuff so then I point to my head then to the tablet he asks “you want to see your scan” I nod my head yes then he takes the tablet and changes it to mine I go to the part that’s similar to his brain I tap the docs shoulder then signal with my hand for him to come over here so he does I point to the part that’s similar to Lorne’s then he asks “how is this possible” before I answer he takes the tablet and switches it to a writing program so then I draw the letters and hand it to me so I draw the words and say ‘he’s brain is like that because he’s my mate that’s still tha same Lorne but please don’t tell him’ and then i hand it to him he nods his head and says “ok I won’t” then leaves and I continue to stair at Lorne
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