#my spider class is like the only really fun one i've got going for me right now
ratcandy · 1 day
spiiders . spidider. sppiiidiers. spiedre. spiders. :) spide r . one million spider attack.🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷
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voidartisan · 2 years
Clone Wars characters as things i've heard in class
you have no idea how long i've been saving these up
Fives: Stop licking my dryer sheet!
Ahsoka: Yeah, he transferred to the Senate guard, he doesn’t like it there. He says they smell like pencils.
Ahsoka:*Walking in* Barriss, what’s the average life span of a woman? Like 70-80 years, right? I need comfort. I need to know that I will die eventually.
Anakin: Just get a giant hammer, name it kindness, and then BAM.
Palpatine: Yes, taxing the peasants, very good!
Obi-Wan: I am begging you, stop spamming the cringey Twitter account I made in high school.
Anakin: How much Spanish do you you speak?
Kit Fisto: Enough to know all the cuss words.
Leia: Thus, philosophy’s flaming razor sword: It doesn’t matter.
Riyo Chuchi: I actually blew a couple of fuses in my room last year, so maintenance says I’m not supposed to plug in five waffle irons at a time any more.
Rex:*Swears upon knocking over something hot and heavy, looks up* In case you didn’t hear that — KRIFF.
Ahsoka: Just eat the frog already!
Ahsoka: You know what’s worse than freshmen? Freshman boys.
Obi-Wan: *As Korkie walks past in the hallway* Hello, mini-me.
Quinlan Vos: Anyone here watched the movie Jaws? Well, I’m writing a book, and it’ll be kind of like that, but with fantasy Puritans and a giant spider. I’m calling it “Puritan Spider Jaws”
Later: I haven’t decided who’s gonna die yet, but I’m thinking the spider’s gonna get set on fire.
Young Obi-Wan: Qui-gon’s a cool teacher, he’s so laid back. I think he might be high like half the time, but his class is really fun.
Mace Windu: Anyone else going to answer? Alright, then. Go ahead, Ben. You could probably teach this class better than me anyway.
Anakin: You know what would solve all of Coruscant’s population problems? Lab babies.
Han, to Luke: You were at that school for three years and didn’t memorize the camera locations?
Leia: Look at my other mask
Han: Why?
Leia: Because it’s black, like your soul.
Kix: I don’t like fighting. Sometimes Rex gets frustrated and yells “Hit him!” Then I hit him once and Rex’s like “Yeah!” and the other guy’s on the floor crying and I’m like “AUGHHHHHH!”
Padmé: Just because I have money doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings.
Ahsoka: Are you going to have any chocolate milk, Rex?
Anakin: Ahsoka, he’s lactose intolerant.
Ahsoka: Oh, sorry—
Rex: Nope. Only for you, Ahsoka.
Rex: *proceeds to pour and chug an entire glass of chocolate milk.*
Obi-Wan: *sarcastically* Didn’t you know? Gingers control the sun.
Korkie: *panicking* Well, no one told me!
Anakin: You know, Master Fisto. Really super buff. Looks like he would run a 5K at the drop of a hat.
Obi-Wan: Anakin, stop making pterodactyl noises.
Din Djarin: Sometimes people ask me about my pronouns. I say that I don’t care what they call me, but it’s not true. I just want to be pronounced “dead.”
Anakin: 4’11”!
Ahsoka: Hey, Master
Anakin: I’m so glad she responds to that. It’s the highlight of my day.
Fives: What are tootsie rolls, anyway? They’re not chocolate, they’re not taffy—
Jesse: It’s better not to ask
Waxer: I got—
Cody: Got expelled? Welp, get your stuff, see you never, nice knowing you.
Ahsoka: Madame Nu don’t care
Jocasta Nu: She don’t
Bail Organa: I have only ever had one person in my life who actually liked banana-flavored Laffy Taffy. And I no longer speak to them.
Obi-Wan: Be careful with these, they’re fragile and expensive—
Anakin: Like my heart
Barriss: The afterlife should be Communist
Hamsters: *frenzied squeaking*
Anakin: *pulling out a small pail* awww…you guys want some Nutella?
Obi-Wan: Stop offering them Nutella
Ahsoka: Is that WHOLE THING filled with Nutella?
Anakin: I mean, not anymore…
Luke: What does a kilogram weigh in American?
Luke: Legally, I can say whatever I want
Han: And I can legally fight you
Boba: Actually, I’m asexual. My son will look exactly like me.
Leia: Han’s got a rough life. Already colorblind, now he’s going deaf at seventeen.
Luke: How do I cite my brain in APA?
Din Djarin: Costco is a cult
Obi-Wan: Can anyone tell me what this is called?
Anakin: A diagram
Obi-Wan: It starts with a k
Anakin: A kdiagram
Ahsoka: *holding up energy drink* Look, Master! Third one today!
Obi-Wan: You are going to die.
Obi-Wan: *checks nutrition facts* 800 mg. Less than a cup of coffee, not too bad. Maybe you won’t die. But you probably will.
Anakin: Master, what if we each brought you a thousand dollars? Then would we still have to take the test?
Mace Windu: I mean, I guess would be better than bringing me… disappointment—
Fennec: It was overhyped
Boba: You just have no soul, that’s what it is
Luke: Eight! Y’know, the devil’s number.
Jango Fett: Why wouldn’t you clone yourself?
Ahsoka: So, when will the grades be in? Tomorrow, or… when should I expect to be depressed?
Padmè, during a mock senatorial campaign: Would you like some of The People’s™ lip balm? It has sparkles.
Luke: Are you okay?
Han, without looking up from his work: I’m straight.
Luke: Well, congratulations on coming out—
Ahsoka: The only one of these I can apply for is the poetry scholarship
Anakin: Roses are red, violets are blue…
Rex: …please give me money.
Ahsoka: Hey, what’s that? Are you planning how we’re all gonna die?
Cody: Yup
Luke: You should play Abba!
Han: You sound like my mother.
Cara: Who’s the main character in your life, Mando?
Din: Uh… my cat, probably
Fives, spinning across the room in a rolling chair: Bounty. The quicker picker upper.
Hondo: No scams for me please, I like money.
Anakin: I’m gonna do a patriotism
Waxer: What is it…
Boil: What’s what?
Waxer: That thing Commander says we’re not allowed to do to the shinies.
Boil: Initiation?
Waxer: There was another word for it.
Boil: Hazing?
Waxer: Yeah! That’s it.
Kix: Fives, if you drop those donuts I will drop YOU
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mokeonn · 8 months
Why don't you wanna play your other games cuz you can't turn them honor? What part of honor mode has enchanted you so?
I do enjoy my other games but I am having a TON of fun with honor mode, mainly coming down to the following reasons:
- No reloading.
This has been my blessing and my curse. On the one hand, it makes battles WAY more fun because if they go south, I can't just press the magic undo key. It's changed my battle strategy when I lose from "just reload to before the battle" to "have someone escape and prepare to pickpocket Withers at camp," which is a lot more fun imo. It's also why I had so many problems with the phase spider matriarch and why Poetry is technically continuing with dishonor because I kept running away and leaving camp right back to the fight. (Which was my fault, I forgot you can use waypoints in camp)
It also means I don't have to worry about saving often anymore. No more backtracking more than expected because I forgot to save before or after an event, because I simply can't backtrack!
However this also causes a nightmare, if you fuck up and end up wiping out an entire town or giving a character a bad end on accident, you're stuck with that. I have figured out how to turn the tide in my favor for a lot of events, but for others, I am simply out of luck if I mess it up. Like triggering the Isobel kidnapping scene and not winning the fight, or if something happens to a future companion in a battle where they're an ally. You're just stuck with the consequences, which sucks SO much.
- the difficulty is kinda fun and adds new features to fights that freshens it up
I normally go through the game in balanced mode, because that feels just right for me, but I can't help but admit that the new attacks and enemy features of honor mode freshen up the game a lot more. Take the intellect devourer fight at the very beginning of the game when you pick up Shadowheart, I've done that fight so many times it's more of a chore that gets you to level up than anything else. In tactician mode, it's the same fight, but they hit harder. In honor mode??? Those fuckers got laser beams! That's new! That adds something that freshens up an old experience! I like that a lot!
Many fights are like that where an old fight I've already done at least 5 times feels new. Getting the owlbear fight out of the way? Now there's 2 owlbears, bitch. Does the hag have new attacks? I wouldn't know! I just cheese the fight by arcane locking the stairs to the lair when she first reveals herself.
It really adds a breath of fresh air, and it gets me to think a lot more about equipment, spells, battle strategies, classes, feats, and so on. Rather than simply brute forcing my way through and reloading until I win.
-food system
I understand this is just a general tactician mode change, but instead of 40 camp supplies, you need 80.
I tend to pick up any edible substance I can see anyways, leading to me having over 1,000 camp supplies sometimes. I have to constantly distribute supplies to other party members lest my player character have 70% of their inventory and ability to carry things be taken up by food. I am constantly juggling to make sure I don't become encumbered.
So, having that set to 80 instantly helps me cut down on food and has even caused a little challenge. Due to the difficulty of honor mode, I have to long rest more, which means I now ACTUALLY have to worry about camp supplies. There will be times were the party needs to rest but I don't have enough supplies so I need to either find something, or buy something.
I find the food management aspect really fun actually and it's very interesting to want to long rest only to realize you only have 18 supplies and need to scramble to get 62 more.
-gettin' funky with it
I think the biggest part I like about honor mode as well is that there are areas where you can't simply run away to camp if things go south. So the game constantly requires me to think outside of the box and get funky with it.
Things like using enemies as weapons against other enemies, making a healing circle in combat and throwing a potion down in the middle of it, getting rid of an entire boss fight early by simply getting other enemies to fight them, blocking off doorways with boxes or arcane lock, finding out that darkness is your friend it is SUCH a good spell.
It's REALLY fun to figure out wild solutions to get things done without risking the run ending. A dumb example was in grymforge! I wanted to get all the duegar out of the way before fighting Nere, so I did this by going to the upper platform hanging above the entrance of the main room, and using a berserker Karlach to start throwing things down. Most of the duegar were melee fighters so they would end up dashing around and missing turns, and those that could hit far were taken out first. I had potions lined up the wazoo and made shadowheart throw them on karlach when she got low on health, Astarion was sneak attacking, and Poetry (my durge bardlock) was inspiring Karlach and eldrich blasting.
It got even better because some enemies had javelins they would throw up, which meant that Karlach now had more Javelins to throw down.
It was a dumb battle that ended with a solid 8 turns of everyone wailing on the scrying eye hoping to damage it, because we ran out of thunder spells that could hurt it and most of our damage was negated most turns. It cried for help every time, but no help came.
But I had a ton of fun with it! It was a memorable fight! It wasn't like my first fight in my first playthrough where I had to keep reloading, I just got to win by standing up really high and making Karlach throw every Javelin I had found and gave her throughout the game and then some.
-it justifies my bad habits that make gamers cry
To the joy of all my friends, I have stopped using my inventory system I made up. I used to pick up every backpack and pouch I could find and sort everything into 4 bags in the order of: spell scrolls, drinkables, throwables, and coatables.
This kept everything nice and clean as most things outside of these bags either got a special bag (i.e story items or dye bottles) or just got to be sold. It was a little tedious to grab things during battle, but I used the custom page to make things easier. So it was only really a pain getting things out of someone else's inventory.
I have since found out that an auto sort by type button exists, and I can just use that instead. And that a search bar exists. It took until a friend pointed it out for me to realize this. So I stopped doing the bag system since I could simply throw the story items you can't sell into a backpack and just auto sort everything else.
Plus I used to have a treasure pouch I would sell, which is not necessary! That's what the 'add to wares' button is for! Whoopsie!
So, thankfully, for everyone, I stopped doing the backpack system...
I had also developed another habit around the same time I developed the backpack system. I was doing a challenge run where I dared myself to use every object I picked up no matter how useless, and it caused me to develop a habit that makes everyone who plays with me cry:
I press take all no matter what.
That's just how I close containers.
There's nothing that makes a friend playing with you cry more than an inventory full of useless garbage, and you keep picking up more garbage off the ground to mess with them.
In honor mode, the shop prices are HIGH. A 80 gp ring of flinging in balanced mode is over 200gp in honor mode. The gloves of missile snaring that are about 200 gp normally? Over 600gp. If you aren't planning on pickpocketting (which admittedly I am clearly under utilizing and I need to plan on pickpocketting more), you need a LOT of money to buy items you need.
You know what gets you a lot of money? Selling a metric fuckton of armor, weapons, rotten food, bones, and whatever other garbage you pick up!
Hell, if you even give some of these to shop keepers for free, they'll like you more and lower the prices!
So next time your friend yells at you for picking up all of the severed body parts you see in on the risen road, consider that each of those parts net you about 3 gold, and you need that bottle of light blue dye Dammon is selling.
- I want the achievement and the gold dice
I've been getting into achievement hunting and I really like how all of bg3 achievements are achievable through story beats or small fun actions, so I want the achievement. I'm already working on the second hardest one which is busking 100 gold, so I need the hardest one. Boost my ego. Plus I wanna see if it gets the tactician achievement out of the way as well.
Also yeah I want those gold dice lmao
So that's why I have only been playing honor mode lately. I still love those regular balanced games, and I will need to revisit my main game soon since I haven't beaten the game yet and have no idea what act 3 encounters there are, but I am having the time of my life with honor mode. The furthest I have gotten so far is right before the Nightsong and the assault on Moonrise Towers. I would be able to tell you how well that went if I didn't proceed to let my hubris get the better of me and mess up the last light Inn.
Anyways, I highly recommend trying honor mode! It really forces you to get into out of the box thinking and try some spells, classes, and methods you might not have used. Whether that's disguising yourself as a drow to get past the goblin camps conflict free, pickpocketting every shopkeeper you can to save money, or saving every smokepowder barrel you can find; there's a lot of fun to be had in honor mode.
Of course, if you normally do explorer and never balanced or tactician, maybe reconsider idk. Also I am weird and absolutely have been trying new classes I never played before in this mode, I highly recommend playing a class you have played before if you're worried about the difficulty. For me? I got act 1 figured out, so by act 2 I'll be used to the class I picked it's no biggie :)
So far the only honor mode game going REALLY well for me is the one I'm doing with my friend, since he was unsure about honor mode and normally plays explorer. That one he is a druid half-wood elf (which is a fantastic pick as the wild shapes are grand for not dying and half-wood elves get an extra 3 meters to their speed) and I am a war cleric of Selune romancing Lae'zel (war clerics RULE for hitting hard, and I wanted to piss off Shadowheart as much as possible with my build.) So if you have a friend who likes playing tactician or honor mode, you can totally mooch off them. Having another player to control half of the team honestly helps a lot imo.
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chinzhilla · 5 months
get to know me 🌻
thank for the tag vish @morkofday!! 🩷 these were fun questions
do you make your bed? usually, but often not until a few hours after i wake up cause the dog is still snoozing under the covers
what's your favorite number? i really don't think i have one. maybe 7, although i feel like that's cliche
what is your job? i'm a legal assistant
If you could go back to school would you? if i could attend lessons without having to take out another loan or stress about work i have no interest in, then yes absolutely. but i have no desire to go back to school in the traditional sense
can you parallel park? sigh. no not really and it's a problem. it's the one aspect of driving that i really struggle with
a job you had that would surprise people? my first job was as a hostess for one of the most historic and high-end restaurants in my city. it had been closed for years and reopened the summer after i graduated high school. my friend's mom had connections and basically got us jobs there. i couldn't wait tables though cause i was only 17 and thus couldn't serve alcohol
do you think aliens are real? definitely, just not necessarily humanoid ones
can you drive a manual car? i learned on a manual but haven't driven one in like ten years so idk
what's your guilty pleasure? i don't believe in feeling guilty about pleasure so i will say a pleasure that i often regret for physiological reasons: dairy
tattoos? i have an ouroboros in the center of my upper back. desperate for more but. money :(
favorite color? blush pink or maroon
favorite type of music? i've been on a kpop (and pop in general) kick since december, but that's kind of a new thing for me (life has been stressful the last few months and i think i like that the music is largely upbeat and i don't have to worry about the lyrics hitting too hard lol). historically alt/indie rock has been my go-to genre. generally i prefer stuff that's high-energy, not so much the slow, contemplative stuff
do you like puzzles? not sure if this means jigsaw puzzles specifically, in which case not really. i love word puzzles and brainteasers though
any phobias? spiders :(
favorite childhood sport? i did not do sports as a child lol but i was in kung fu classes for like 8 years
do you talk to yourself? allllll the time. ALL the time
what movie(s) do you adore? the lotr trilogy, the princess bride, arrival, the blair witch project, pan's labyrinth, mamma mia, and the parent trap (lindsay lohan version) to name a few
coffee or tea? coffee, although i do love tea
first thing you wanted to be growing up: a singer i think
tagging: @withingerly @markpakin @supanuts @nick-nellson @firstkanaphans @aylinaliens @khaopybara @pharawee - if y'all wanna, no pressure ✨
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m0chitown · 1 year
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🕷 Redback Spider | EARTH-90605: Manila, Philippines, 1968.
It's a change of scenery, hm? Welcome to Manila. It's 1968, and it's as hot as you can imagine it to be in a tropical nation. Oh, yeah, no, don't expect yourself to be slick and sneaky with your arrival-Word can get around everywhere in a second! And within those seconds, you're already family.
"Anak, meron kang alikabok sa ulo mo, halika dito, aayusin ko lang your buhok mo."
(My child, you have dust on your head, come here, let me just fix your hair.)
"Ang ganda mo talaga!"
(You're so totally pretty!)
"Foreigner ka ba?"
(Are you a foreigner?)
"Gutom ka ba? Gusto mo ba ng Halo-halo?"
(Are you hungry? Would you like some Halo-halo?)
I love Halo-halo...Anyways, allow me to introduce myself! I am known as RB. I was bitten by an extraterrestrial Redback spider. His name is Kanan, and what makes him extraterrestrial is his Symbiote form he injected on the right side of my neck, hence his name. He bit me when I got caught in my own web, being cornered by my boss and his subordinates from a mafia I work for...
Let's rewind a bit...
I work as a sketch artist for the police department. Can't do much with the pay that I have, especially with my circumstances of being both a woman and of a lower class. my Tito(Uncle) Aaron, works as a bartender at a pretty okay saloon. Our pay is enough to allow us to sustain ourselves in this grand, lively city despite the state of our economy so, it works out. Thing is, my Papa, my grandfather, was KIA during WWII and left me and my uncle a large sum of money we keep for absolute emergencies. As far as we knew, we were the only ones who knew about his inheritance until a little later down the line when I'd get surrounded and pinned to a wall by men in suits in a dark alleyway. Cliche, I know, I told them that too. They introduced themselves as Papa's former subordinates who were left with distasteful lives because of Papa's business with them. Until this day, I have yet to find out what tainted my Papa from being someone other than a sweet military guy but they threatened to hit the nail on my own coffin and harm my Tito in addition if I declined their offer to not only provide my Papa's old documents but to become their hitman. Someone who could do their dirty work for them in order to take down other mafia rings and eventually rise to the top as millionaires.
So...I took the option to withdraw those threats. I joined the mafia as their new hitman, all while having to keep this all from my Tito. It was rough, I couldn't take anyone's life just like that, and that is where we left off. With Kanan, such a transformation as such into a Spider-Person was gorey and unsettling, to say the least.
Kanan told me not to worry about it. Not to worry about them.
And the next thing I remember was my vision blacking out and gaining my own conscious back to shaking my boss' hand surrounded by the pools of mixed blood around us.
I'm still a sketch artist, and I'm still a hitman. And I'm still the RB. Needless to say, I've grown desensitized to my double life. I've gotten to be a better hitman, but it's not something I'm proud of and it's never going to be something I will be proud of. And one day, I'm going to bring this entire mafia down with me.
I'm just glad I'm not alone.
And, well, you know the rest!
Thanks, Kanan.
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AAAAA This was super fun to write! And I'm so excited now that my Spidersona is finished!! :,,] It was a tough process seeing as I had to do a lot of self-reflection within myself as I don't typically have a reason to study myself and how I'm structured. It was especially difficult before as I used to shy away from analyzing myself too much due to past insecurities so putting everything I have in a character and realizing how pretty she truly is makes me want to cry :,0 I can't change the way of how I look much, not like I can play Tetris with my bone structure LMAO but it feels really good to be able to put my insecurities off and make a character I now love a lot :,,]
Translations of Baybayin: "Kanan," "Grabe...," "RB"
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knighteclipsed · 1 year
ooc; TOA Anniversary Munday!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together. ily!!
tagging: (flutters my lashes)
Name: Kano!! IRLs also know me by Dimitri, but it is by no means restricted to there.
Pronouns: he/they/it
Birthday (no year): May 6th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Georgia kiddo wrow. est in actuality, european at heart (during breaks)
Roleplay experience: Did some stuff back in elem? But never really got into it until TOA, which I joined about a year ago, the day before the 3rd anniversary!
Got any pets? Nope. I'd like to have a cat someday though.
Favorite time of year: Spring time baybeeeeee. Birthday bias but it's also a nice medium between extremes :softsmile:
Some interests and things you like: Uh...... Fire Emblem? Also most things that go into video games (drawing, writing, composing/playing music, i love programming so much it's insane, etc. etc), I'm a little art kid :sparkles:. Oh also Spider-verse and Nimona.... :softsmile:
Some fun facts & trivia about you: I know my integer squares up the 22? Did I mention I love math? Studying game design at a technical school rn, and I know six programming languages atm (JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Java, C#, and Python). I also programmed a text-only GBA combat sim in Python earlier this year. Took a couple weeks and I did that instead of my Physics work :D
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? ...So here's the thing. (JKJKJK) Uh..... I like Triangle Strategy, Hades, I've been meaning to finish the original Ori :shrek_mmh:, and Omori went crazy but I'm not playing it again (it's best on a blind playthrough). I also really enjoyed Undertale! Don't have much else on my backlog tho haha
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: So I don't really Pokemon. BUT. I do love Squirtle and Wartortle and I had a Gible named Nom Nom in Pokemon Arceus. Favorite type though would probably be Dragon or Dark. lol
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Back when I was in 3rd grade, my mother gave me and my brothers a Wii with Super Smash Bros Brawl! I was a Sheik main but my brother got me to play some other characters, including Marth, Pit, and Ike. I didn't like Ike for his slowness but Marth and Pit were good for my style of play. I later followed him into Fire Emblem Heroes hell, and then later into emulating Sacred Stones! Didn't finish it until after Three Houses came out though. Finished Azure Moon in three weeks (including school).
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I've beaten Sacred Stones and Three Houses, most of Engage, roughly half of Valentia, the first few chapters of Genealogy, Shadow Dragon, and Binding, and the demo of Awakening. Also about half of Three Hopes but that doesn't count it's a Warriors game (also through most of Book 5 in FEH) :/
First Fire Emblem game: Sacred Stones! The first I finished was 3H though lol
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Sacred Stones I think. Altho it's definitely fist-fighting 3H still.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Dimitri is a solid one I think. Most of the Faerghus Four guys tho are... yeah. :woozy_face: Also mayyyyyyybe Diamant? I'm unsure tho FJDKNGKSFGN. The arospec-ness definitely kicking in :joy:
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: N/A - Fates: N/A - Three Houses: Dimitri hah - Engage: N/A
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Grrrrrrrr that's a hard one. Probably one of the magical ones, but (gestures at this muse) yk. Wyverns.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Either some sort of mage (probably Sage-leaning) or a wyvern class like Wyvern Knight. Mortal Savant is also very alluring.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions, no question. My energy is definitely more Deer tho lol
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Sigurd. Dude is scary LOL
How did you find TOA? Okay so while I was still relatively new to Tumblr, I was browsing tags and a previous Dimitri's posts (the art especially caught my attention it was incredible) were coming up under the Dimitri tag (the mun knows who they are). When I looked at the blog and saw it was dedicated to Dimitri, I got completely suspicious of it immediately :crylaugh: Ended up digging around though and saw the art style was consistent, and after I got past the drabble at the top I realized it was a roleplay blog, which. While I was still new, I was accustomed from Twitter to people being both god artists and god writers, so I figured it was just all by one person. Followed it for a few months (which I got exposed for when I reserved Linhardt but I still find that hilarious so it's fine), and eventually the August activity check popped up last year and I decided to join. Yay! (Never found out who 'mun' was tho :/ (this is a jest))
Current TOA muses: Linhardt, Colm, and Valter!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Also Linhardt! lol. While I don't expect to be dropping him soon (looks away), if I ever did, I have a feeling he'd be back eventually. Adore my little genderball.
Have you had any other TOA muses? Nope! Picked them up one after the other and have yet to drop any dnjgkfsn
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Hm...... Well I know I have a type, but it's hard to put into words haha. Anyone who makes me laugh I guess? And people who are super duper attached to their role in life (think knights and knight-adjacents like Selena and Glen). There's something going on in their noggins that is just so. (STARES) Also people who scare me with their in-game dialogue. (Valter, but TS Dimitri applies as well FNDJKNG.)
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I'm not really certain, but I know I have a LOT of fun whenever I craft dialogue. Me and my incapability to be quiet (endearing)
Favorite TOA-related memory: A close one would be two of the muns recognizing me when I submitted the Linhardt reserve, but I also get a kick out of Linhardt climbing a tree to escape a boar during Unscripted last year fnjsdkngsf. The birthday wishes back in May also made me explode (positive) EDIT: I FORGOT SIRIUS ROLLING VALTER FOR HIS LIEGE DURING KKE!!!!! THAT WAS HILARIOUSSSSSSSSS (so was patty's crush on valter. makes me cackle every time)
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? I might still make use of my Saleh blog. I have an idea I want to go for, but he isn't the biggest delusion right now. Neimi might also have a shot, but I don't expect to be doing anything for Lukas or Hubert any time soon. You all know who's coming next.
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cartooncreaturelover · 10 months
Hello it's me again!
So I have some more asks, some relating to art, some just random stuff I think of XD
1. Favorite character of yours that you like drawing?
2. What's your favorite show/movie? (If you don't have a favorite, just name ones you like)
3. Oldest oc you have? How did they change throughout the time you had em?
Thanks in advance!
✨ Hi! Thank you so much for asking more questions! (You're literally the first person to send in more than one ask before! Thank you for bringing some life to my ask box, lol!)
Question 1. I don't know if I have a favorite character of mine to draw, but the first character that popped into my head was Darragh, probably since I used to draw him A LOT & know how to draw him pretty well from all the times I've drawn him before! (I'm hoping to get a light board this holiday season so I can actually finish an updated version of his reference sheet soon!)
Question 2. I like a lot of shows & movies, so I'll just list the many that I like instead!
Some Of The Movies I Like Include... Back To The Future (trilogy) Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Ferris Bueller's Day Off Gremlins Gremlins 2: The New Batch How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) Wolfwalkers Shrek 2 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish The "Spider-Man: Spider-Verse" series The "Kung Fu Panda" series The "Sing" series The "Trolls" series
Some Of The TV Shows I Like Include... Bluey The Owl House Infinity Train Ducktales (2017) Gravity Falls Steven Universe My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005) Our Flag Means Death Bob's Burgers Central Park SpongeBob SquarePants (Seasons 1-3)
(You know, writing this list out has made me realize how much I like musicals... & DreamWorks Animation???)
Question 3. The oldest OC that I have is my first OC! I haven't drawn her in a long time, but her name is Magic & she initially was one of those classic "character a child likes, so they barely recolor the character & call it their own;" the actual character was Spyro from the Skylanders series! (Yes, I love "Pug Spyro!") Initially, the only difference was that she had white accent colors instead of gold/bronze. As I got better at drawing & designing characters, I began to actually make her more original & less like Skylanders' Spyro (pictured below!)
The first drawing (which is actually the first drawing I ever made of her!) is from 2014, I think in April; I believe we were going on a school field-trip that day to a trampoline park as a reward for the good students? I drew her with no reference in class with my pencil & colored pencils on a piece of notebook paper! Whenever that day was, it was the day I decided to take art seriously & was the start of my journey to getting as good at drawing as I am today!
The second drawing is (I think) from around 2018 when I really started to try & make her legally distinct from Skylanders' Spyro; different shaped horns, fin-like ears, furred belly & (not pictured) tail tip (kinda like Banjo's)! I made that drawing with my old & cheap watercolor set on what (I think) is sketchbook watercolor paper; & yes, that tiny little portrait is in a tiny little picture frame!
The third drawing is a concept doodle for a 4.0 design for Magic from around 2021 or 2022? I never finalized the design, but the idea was to really change her body type into being more chubby & pear-shaped like some stuffed animals I have, as well as adding stars to her design since I think of her as my "spark of inspiration" for where I am now! Since I've been working on redesigning another dragon-like character of mine recently, perhaps I'll finally get around to finalizing Magic 4.0, who knows!
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You (or anybody else who may see this!) can totally ask me more questions about my interests or old/new characters of mine if you’d like! Thank you so much for taking the time to ask me fun questions to answer! ✨
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blooming-violets · 2 years
hi so I wanna say I love Andrews portrayal of spiderman and Peter parker were both great charming and endearing to me but ot doesn't take away the fact for me that the movies were almost starlight up terrible especially the second one we had glimpses of what the movie could be in some scenes that were so great but other than the wonderful performances bu stone garfield and sally and the actor who played uncle Ben and a few scenes here and there the movies were bad really bad I loved that andrew and his Pete got a redemption arc for nwh I love that it's what sold the movie for me he's a great actor who was robbed of a decent script and too much studio interferences really mangled the end product
But i do feel like people are unnecessarily harsh on the mcu version of spiderman while it makes me now uncomfortable thinking About Tony stark is musk's wet dream but the movies were really great for the audiences they are marketed towards young kids the class struggles are very much present just in a more subtle way and nwh has fixed most of the "problems" that mcu spiderman had they are also in general the best spider man movies out there if you remove the rami trilogy this is just my take but Maybe it's just the fact that I'm much younger and enjoy these movies more idk
I don't want to offend anyone or make their day worse sorry if I did that I do love your work just an interesting topic of debate in my opinion lots of love ❤️
I never said they were great movies just that Andrew was a great Peter Parker haha. Although I still think they're really fun movies as long as you take them as something campy instead of as a work of art. Ignore the major plot holes and shit script and just enjoy the ride of watching a 2012 superhero movie.
Personally, I like to pick out the parts that I loved about it and focus on those rather than the poorly done bits. They literally have some of my favorite Spidey scenes in them. The part when all the construction workers move their cranes together because they see Spider-Man struggling after being shot and he saved Ponyboy's son earlier in the movie and now Ponyboy gets a chance to repay him back so he gets all his buddies together to help and Peter swings from crane to crane to get to where he needs to...a literal perfect Spider-Man moment! It's up there with the scene in Toby's when all the people in the subway lift an unconscious Peter up and carry him back inside, maskless, and tell him that his secret identity is safe with them and then hand him back his mask. It's the scenes when NYC backs Spider-Man as their hero that always get to me. I don't remember if Tom's Peter has anything like that because I've only seen his movies once (and one was on a plane lol) and my memory is poop so I can't speak on that. But I like whenever they add in NYC backing up Peter in his films. It was very Spider-Man esque. He's a man of the people, esp the working class, and the people usually like to repay him for that whenever he can help. Andrew's version did a good job of representing that.
Gwen's death was also good. Andrew acted the hell out of it. I mean...
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Besides being visually dark as hell, his perfect hugging of her dead body cradled in his arms! They don't shy away from it and they linger on the quietness and raw emotions of that scene for a minute. It was emotional and powerful and done well.
Then the humor in the movies was wonderful! Andrew nailed the one liners and body movement. To me, he was such a cheeky Spider-Man especially going from Toby who didn't quite have that cocky Spidey charm like Andrew did. If you don't look at the movies as a groundbreaking work of art, I don't think they're as bad as people claim them to be haha. They're not great but they're also not the worst movies I've ever seen. It keeps you entertained and excited and can pack a punch when it wants to.
I do think you nailed it though when you said that it depends on your age. I was in the perfect age group when The Amazing Spider-Man came out. I had grown up watching Toby's movies but I was too young to really see them as anything more in depth than just Spider-Man swinging around. TASM released when I was 19. It was the most perfect age to see it in theaters and fall head over heals in love with Mr. Garfield as he blushes and hides his face in flowers after showing up at Gwen's bedroom window. Or when he shows up in middle of the night covered in blood and gets half naked while she tends to his wounds. CHOCOLATE HOUSE. The raw, horny, sexiness of their chemistry together!! He is by and far the horniest of all the Spidey babies. All of their kissing scenes!! How could I not fall in love that man?? He was on the big screen and I was horny for a boyfriend and he gave me everything I needed for my teenage fantasies. And then you add on the chokehold that Andrew and Emma had over the young world when they dated. 2012 was a crazy time. People genuinely thought the world was ending and Peter Parker was back on the big screen hahaha. What more could ya ask for? ;)
It was like it was made for my generation of nerdy ladies to thirst over. By the time Tom's movies came out, I was already way to old to be invested in a high school kid. I thought he was a good actor and has great chemistry with MJ and Ned but I just don't have that same pure, all in love that I did with Andrew.
I honestly don't even remember Tom's other Spidey movies, I remember a couple of scenes here and there, but NWH was perfect. I don't think I've ever been so equally breathless and excited while watching a movie in my life.
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karltface · 1 year
*thunk* Let's get greasy.
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Testing out a new backdrop here while I'm at it. Lighting may vary.
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We'll kick off with the most metal thing you've seen all week. All the boners are fairly modern, but as cheap skeletons and skull rings go, these have a classic feel despite not being around too long.
The spider rings, on the other hand, are pretty damn good. It's the old-school sculpt I mostly remember in black and orange, but as GITD. They really do stick out next to the usual kind.
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Stacking Toki Heads are always welcome, as I've got another foot of space on either side of the shelves. The Tooly Birds are also nice, but man...
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I'm weirdly proud of this thing, actually. I just don't want to mess around with replanting it's roots again.
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Minis are a fine lot as usual: a couple clowns, a couple keshi, a Pocket Goblin scout. The demon is a bit of a mystery, though. Heroquest? The plastic has a slight translucence to it. The Kitaro character is unfamiliar to me, but appears to be carrying a paintbrush. The Kinnikuman dude's name evades me at the moment, but I feel like it was problematic.
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Other Oddities! A Hong Kong blow mold poodle (0n an authentic Hong Kong plastic cord!) makes the Whoopee Cushion a bad choice of backdrop. Oh well. Another Demons & Wizards figure is epic, and that's a mighty fine resin repop of a Mini Boglin there. And so far, the only one I have that might still fly today. Boglins were kind of messed up. In a joyful and tongue-in-cheek way.
The blind-bag Monopoly piece is pretty sweet. Now I can bring my own piece to game nights. It'll bring a touch of class to one of the most brutal board games this side of Risk.
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Flattish Fun is a pair of classic pranks, neither of which I've ever witnessed in use. They still make 'em, though. Someone has to be buying these. Anybody familiar with 'em? Also a Dynamite Pen, which is news to me. Apparently you take apart some ring caps and insert them into the fake pen. When someone removes the cap, it makes a shockingly loud bang and a puff of sulfuric smoke, probably within a foot of someone's face. Use with caution, indeed.
Space Fun is a pair of those plastic spaceships and one of them deserves a closer look), and an Astro-Nit that appears to be a steampunk cross between a pillbug and a pipa frog. Oh, and two more monster pins. One of them is named Bot Eye. And he does indeed have some suspicious-looking eyes. Almost larva-esque. Just sayin'.
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Seriously, though. It's like a furious little robot. I love it.
Well, that's another month's booty. Monster's Booty. Get' em while they're hot!
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
Top 5 superheros?
Hopefully these answers aren't too cliche. ;)
#1 - Nightcrawler
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What can I say? Even thought Batman was my introduction to superhero comics way back in the 90's, it wasn't long before my friend started introducing me to X-Men and Excalibur. She was really into Kitty Pryde but I immediately fell in love with this blue dude. (Thankfully they appeared in a lot of comics side by side so she had lots of books for me to read.) I had a pirate phase because of this guy. I watched a lot of Errol Flynn. I have Flaming Carrot comics on my shelf because of that one time he had a FC t-shirt in one scene. He's my rotten soldier, hes my sweet cheese, my good-time boy.
#2 - Honey Badger (Gabby Kinney)
Maybe the only Marvel comic book gal I've ever cosplayed? She's just... fun. I appreciate that even at her young age, she's really been through it. As a clone "granddaughter" of Wolverine, she's got that tragic backstory down pat, but she looked at all that trauma, and how Logan and Laura responded to it, said, "nah" and went on about her life caring about animals and being besties with Deadpool. There's probably a metaphor in there about generational trauma or something, but needless to say, I'm just glad there's a superhero girl out there who wears pants and looks and acts her age.
#3 Spider-Man (all of them)
I know, everyone is so surprised. The most popular superhero in the whole world. XD As a middle schooler, I lived on a steady diet of Gargoyles and the Spider-Man animated series, both of which introduced a lot of (dubious) scientific concepts before my science class got anywhere close to talking about stuff like genetics or cloning. I know Peter Parker is written to be this supposedly relatable everyman, so it's not hard to project on to him, but that means there's a lot of *there* there. I think Spider-Man is also one of the heroes who best understands his position as a symbol. Other characters go about their super-lives, making choices that they think are right, but in the back of his head, I think Spidey is always aware of the fact that kids look up to him, and that holds him to a stricter code than a lot of heroes. He walks this razor thin line and is stressed out about it all the time, and that's what the kids call a complete mood.
#4 Foggy Nelson
Putting up with Matt Murdock's crap is a super-power, actually.
No, but seriously. I LOVE a best friend type (see also: Nightcrawler) who provides that pragmatic (but not gloomy) perspective that other "more exciting" hero types need. They're not just there for comic relief, or so bad things can happen to them when shit goes down, they're essential, and Foggy performs his role admirably in basically every incarnation.
#5 The Bowler (Mystery Men)
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Shut up, I'm putting a Mystery Men entry on here because that movie kicks ass and more people should watch it. I was vaguely aware of this movie when it came out (because of my aforementioned interest in Flaming Carrot comics) but I wasn't in a position to go out and see it. A few years later I picked it out of a bargain bin and it rocked my socks off. Mystery Men's greatest crime is being ahead of its time. It's a pastiche that came out before the world was oversaturated with big budget super-flix. And the Bowler is easily best of the bunch. I have a soft spot for Janeane Garofalo who brings the exact energy this role needs. I love her for being a competent hero who is still flawed and has her own shit going on, and I love that she's just... a woman out there doing her best... FOR REVENGE. I painstakingly made her costume for Halloween one year and literally nobody got it and actually I do not care, it's dope.
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Hi doll!(wait no i don't like that one what are other better pet names?) your sign off was not too sweet (ha another honey pun) it had me blushing and giggling.
YES BEES!!! i'm a bit scared of them but that's only because i've never been stung once which is a flex that gets more and more impressive. a little fun fact but my mom has honey bees and when you collect nectar from them it tastes like whatever flowers there is to forage from at the time. i remember the very first batch we got tasted exactly like blueberries!
It's not weird to have favourite words mine used to be serendipity but i'm not sure anymore.
k so you know how we were talking about spiders last time? Lo i'm not even fucking joking a was almost asleep last night and a huge ugly daddy long legs(my least favourite kind of spider. why do they look like that? yuck) landed on my arm. no word of a lie i screamed one of those horror movie screams.
do you speak any other languages and are easily impressed by people who can? asking for a friend.
oooo medieval sign off this time!
Believe me your most loyal servant and humble petitioner while I live
- el
Hello darlin’! (That’s one of my favorites, being from the South <33) Honestly I think you could call me any nickname and I’d be blushing 😊
Hey I get it! I was stung once and it scarred because I have a minor allergy, but I’ve gotten used to them. I like seeing them around campus in the spring, doing their little pollinator thing. They’re cute from afar! That’s so freaking cool! I’ve heard of honey changing color but never changing flavors. Trying so hard to imagine blueberry honey right now, that sounds like it would be lovely on toast.
Obligatory rainbow honey picture because gay and it’s cool and also why not, but they were near an M&M factory!
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Serendipity is such a lovely word too! I’m fond also of eloquent and radiant, which are both words I could use to describe you <33
Oooooh, daddy long legs are some creepy sons of bitches. Thankfully they’re harmless! Their mouths are too small to bite us with! That said, if I was there, I would be super brave and cool and protect you while I take the little guy outside
Unfortunately, our language classes have always been subpar, so I can speak an elementary school level of Spanish, but I don’t really speak other languages. I am however super impressed by people who can. I really need to get back on Duolingo. I toyed with learning Dutch for a bit!
Oh medieval, how lovely! I adore anything medieval. Perhaps we could go to a renaissance fair sometime?
Your knight in shining armor,
- Max/Lo
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
"that was painfully sexist" | t.h.
marvel cast x actress!reader
warnings: sexism and swearing
summary: at a panel for the new avenger's film, the questions differ drastically between the female and male actors on stage.
wc: 1.4k
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"Okay, a microphone is coming your way, sir."
"Hi! I'm Leonard with Pop Times Blog. My question is for Y/N." your eyes found the bearded man who stood amongst the crowd of reporters.
You nodded, signalling for him to continue, "Playing Silk or Cindy Moon must've came with a lot of challenges. One of them being the costume you are in for most of the film. Can you speak about that and how it fit?" he paused at your skeptical expression, "Like, we all know the suit is skin tight, so did you eat anything special or workout a lot and are you able to wear anything underneath it? Or do you wear a thong and no bra?"
You let out an unenthusiastic chuckle at his question. Beside you, you could hear your cast mates scoffing under their breath. It was common for the women of the MCU to get asked such questions and it saddened you that people normalized such a thing.
Leaning forward, you clasped your hands together and smiled before Robert reached behind Tom Holland and tapped your shoulder, "Would you like me to say something?"
You shook your head, but gave him a grateful grin before returning to the 'man' that asked you such a question, while maintaining eye contact you spoke, "Well, I think the most difficult part about wearing the Silk costume is taking it off after a long day because of how sweaty I get after shooting," you began to fan yourself dramatically, "It all just clings to my body like a second skin and since I am completely nude underneath, it just adds to the problem." sarcasm dripped from your lips as your cast mates snickered at your words.
You quietly laughed to yourself, "I'm only kidding. That question seemed like such a joke that I presumed you expected a joking answer." you cleared your throat, "In all seriousness, it's an honour wearing the suit and I did visit the gym and do some physical fitness regularly to prepare for the role, as did all my cast mates. As for what I wore underneath," you grinned cheekily, having too much fun messing with the reporter, "A Spider-Man onesie was my go-to."
The whole room let out laughs at your words as Tom grabbed your hand and gave you a small squeeze, feeling sorry that you had to answer such absurd questions.
"I hope everyone doesn't sexualize Cindy Moon. She's only a teenager in the film, so keep it in your pants people. That shit is illegal." Anthony pointed an accusing finger at the crowd.
"Thank you for your thoughtful question, Leonard!" Scarlett spoke up, "I hope you got the answer you were looking for."
"Okay, next person."
You sat back in your seat and fiddled with Tom's fingers as the questions were asked towards your cast mates.
"You handled that impressively well, love." Tom whispered in your ear.
You gave him a smile and a shrug before your name got called again, "My question is for Y/N and Tom Holland." a lady with curly blonde hair stood up, "Since Silk and Spider-Man's abilities are very similar, did you two bond over that during shooting or did it cause some rivalry between your characters due to the similarities?"
You felt a wave of relief at the question, thankful that it wasn't another sexist one. Tom looked at you before answering.
"Yeah, yeah. We bonded a lot over that fact and I don't think it caused any rivalry between us. I hope not." he chuckled before you leaned towards the mic.
"No, no. No rivalry. Just a lot of banter about whose character is stronger and who swings around better. It's a lot of fun having someone on set whose stunts are basically the same as yours. And Tom and I have both agreed that Silk is faster and better than Spider-Man." you said that last part quickly drawing laughs and a gasp from Tom.
He looked at you incredulously, "Not true! Spider-Man's suit is so much cooler than Silk's." he huffed like a child.
You smirked, "Who makes their webbing in a high school chemistry class and who has organic silk coming out of her fingertips that she also used to create her own suit?"
Your friends laughed at the banter beside you before Sebastian started to speak, "I have to agree with Y/N on this one. Silk also has that cool ass eidetic memory."
Chris Evans agreed, "And her Silk Sense is a thousand times stronger than Spider-Man's Spidey Sense."
"Isn't she able to know who an attacker is before she even sees them?" Hemsworth asked to which everyone nodded.
"Sorry, Spidey. Silk's just a top tier hero." Robert patted his shoulder as Tom sulked.
The questions began again as the laughter died down. You leaned over to Tom's ear, "Still love the actor who plays Spider-Man even if his character is inferior to mine." he shook his head with a smile at your words.
Questions ranged from the generic ones of the funniest moments on set to who's most likely to become a villain. Your nerves died down as no incompetent person asked another sexist question. Until one did.
"I have a question for Y/N." she was short with jet black hair, "Being around all these attractive men must be a challenge for you as a young female adult. It couldn't have been easy to control yourself around them. Have you had any sexual relationships with any of them or thought about engaging in any?"
Your jaw hung open at her words and before you could muster up a retort, Tom let his anger get the best of him. Was it his anger, his jealousy or his protectiveness? A mix of all three.
"That was painfully sexist." he spoke into the microphone. "I don't see how any of that is relevant to the film. Y/N is an outstanding actress and it's outrageous that you decide to focus on who she fucks rather than her talent."
"What in the actual fuck did she just ask?" Sebastian added, making you laugh.
Chris Evans spoke up next, "Indeed. I thought this was a promotion for the movie not a real life dating app."
Benedict chuckled, "I fail to see how Y/N's private life holds any relevancy to this panel or the film itself."
"It's twenty-nineteen, people! Leave your sexist ass shit at home!" Anthony exclaimed drawing claps from the cast.
Elizabeth shook her head, "I've had my fair share of inappropriate questions, but nothing as horrid as that."
"First y'all ask about her underwear, now you ask about her sex life? Jesus Christ." Scarlett pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Seriously, she's like a daughter to me. That was incredibly disrespectful." Robert added with a disappointed head shake.
Similar comments were added by the rest of the cast as you felt an overwhelming amount of love wash over you. You were so unimaginably grateful for the people next to you.
"You don't have to answer that." Paul Bettany reminded you.
You shook your head and cleared your throat, "Thank you, guys." you looked to your cast mates, "But I'll answer. No, I have not. This cast is my second family and I've grown greatly as a person with them. I'm immensely thankful for the opportunity to call them my friends. And I agree, these men sitting up here with me are undoubtedly attractive, but they are also a great pain in the ass at times," everyone laughed at your choice of words, "And have I thought about having sex with any of them? Nope. Just Scar, Zoe and Liz." you finished with a wink as the room clapped for you.
You couldn't help but to feel a slight bit of sympathy for the woman. Her question was, without a doubt, uncalled for and unbelievably sexist, but the comments from the cast must've made this her most embarassing moment.
"I'm sure you meant no harm with your question. But a little heads up for next time; most actors prefer to talk about their career and their films rather than who they are laying in bed with. But thank you for coming out. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." you gave her a genuine smile as she cowered back into her seat.
Robert once again reached over and gave your shoulder a squeeze, proud of how you handled the situation.
Tom interlaced your fingers with his and rubbed small circles on your knuckles.
You really were at home with these people and you couldn't have asked for a better family.
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luvlysangi · 3 years
secret webs:: san
╰─➤ 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛-𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎 彡⊹
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*.~ pairing: spiderman!san x fem black gurl oc character
*.~ warnings: none!
*.~ genre : fluff, slight angst, action!~ pOw 💥
*.~ Wattpad
*.~ ost: what's up danger by blackway & black caviar from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
*bzzt* *bzzt*
My teacher closes her book and adjusts her glasses, "Alright, class dismissed! Don't forget to read chapter 5 tonight for homework! Tomorrow we'll discuss it in class!"
Everyone in my class gathers up their things and leaves the classroom, myself included. As soon as I leave the room I felt an arm go around my shoulders and I'm joined by my best friend, San Choi. He smiles at me with his infamous dimples appearing on his cheeks and his eyes cutely shut as he smiled. If I had known better I'd say he made my heart skip a beat.
"Tinaaaaa!! Are you ready for lunchhhhhh?!" He asks me giddy and I grin back in excitement.
"Heck yeah! I'm starving! I heard they got the mac and cheese bar today!!"
"Yessss!! We need to stand in line now!!"
It was like this every day and I loved every second of it. Morning classes without San but San picks me up after English so we can have lunch together. With afternoon subjects, he's in my classes. At the end of the day he takes me to my internship at OSCORP then picks me up again to go home. He chills at my place, stays for dinner, or stays until my parents kick him out. Some days it's vise versa. We switch it up every now and then.
San sits across from me at the cafeteria table, savoring the mac and cheese on his plate. I chuckle at how he always acted like the mac and cheese was the best thing he's ever had in his life.
"Oh my god so, I was in physics, right? And my teacher gave us this project and it's due two weeks from now! He says the model he thinks is the best he's gonna enter it into the national STEM fair competition. He told me before I left class that he's confident in me because he thinks I'm very smart and I can easily construct a working model since my work is always the best. He's practically saying I'm gonna win when I haven't even started yet." He says while chewing.
"Yeah! I agree with him! I think you are very smart. You can do anything! You could totally win that competition!"
He shrugged, "Eh I dunno he takes me for granted I feel. I work on projects last minute cause I procrastinate every day."
"Still! San come on! You can do it! Hell, I'm in chemistry but I can totally try to help you out!"
He sticks his tongue out at me like a baby then takes the last bite out of his mac and cheese.
"Fineeee! I'll do it! Only if you help me!"
I cheered and he giggled. San and I are kind of science nerds except he claims I'm the more active one and he's the lazy one, he says my internship at OSCORP Industries proves that. I encourage him whenever I can on anything he's unsure about because I know he's smart. Honestly, I feel like that's one of the reasons I've begun to grow a crush on him.
He's intelligent even though he doesn't think he is, he's funny and cheers me up whenever I'm down, he's adorable and very handsome especially when I watch him solve an equation on a whiteboard. I've never felt my heart skip beats before when I'm around him, now I seem to notice everything about him and I've fallen for it.
If I told him how I really felt about him he'd make fun of me for sure. So, I keep my feelings to myself and just enjoy being friends with him.
He runs his fingers through his soft blonde hair and stares at me intensely making the butterflies in my stomach flutter around.
"Tina...the bell just rang. Haha, snap out of it! We have to go to geometry class!" He tells me cutely and gets our empty plates to put them away.
I regained my focus and I slid my backpack on my back. Gosh, his duality was really something. He rejoined me and grabbed his backpack too, linking arms with me and we left the cafeteria to go to class.
My happy little world with San was going well until just recently. Something happened to him. He started coming to school late and some days he wouldn't even show up at all. When he did come to school he looked so dead inside and he kept his hood up. When I tried talking to him he'd get cranky and snap at me. I had to start going to my internship and go back home by myself.
I got very frustrated with him. He's my best friend, I want to know what happened to him. This isn't the San Choi I know. San means too much to me for me to just ignore what he's going through. How can I reach him if all he does is push me away?
After school today, I spotted San leaving the building and I ran up to him.
"Yo! Sanie! Talk to me. You've been ignoring me for too long." I tell him as we walk.
He avoids my gaze, keeping his grip tight on his backpack strap, "Too bad, just continue to leave me alone."
"Was it something I did?! San please, if I hurt you in any way I'm sor-"
San cuts me off angrily, "Tina! Can't you see I just want some space right now?! Gosh, why are you always annoying me?!"
I freeze feeling my heartbreak in pieces. I was always annoying to him? I thought I was his favorite person in the whole world, that's what he told me. I looked through his cold eyes and I saw them soften as if he realized what he said to me.
"Tina...wait I-"
I shake my head as I felt tears surfacing my eyes.
"You want me to leave you alone then fine. Don't come looking for me when you decide you need me again!!!"
I turn around and start running away, not looking back. He didn't have to snap at me like that, in fact, I'm tired of his cranky attitude. I want my cheerful, funny, and adorable San back. Whoever the hell this new guy is I don't want any part of him. I reached the bus stop then got on the bus to head to my internship.
About two months ago at the beginning of the semester, I got my application accepted to intern at OSCORP Industries. OSCORP is a multibillion-dollar multinational corporation that typically deals with experimental science, military research, and cross-species genetics. I assist researchers in the lab and shadow them as they work.
It was hard to get this internship as they only pick top students, one from every high school, to intern here. I tried encouraging San to apply but he told me J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle was already kicking his butt to get photos for the newspaper.
Gosh, I miss San...
The elevator dings, signaling that I've arrived to the lab floor and I get out as the doors open. I swipe my access card to get inside and when I enter I'm greeted by the other interns as I walk in.
My mentor looks up from her microscope and spots me, "Great! Tina, you're here! Could you please tell me what you see here?"
I smile and nod and take a look through her microscope.
"Hm...looks like hydrochloric acid...you might need some more chloride anion to make it stable."
"Good eye! There should be some Cl negative in the back room. Do you mind getting a few drops for me please?"
I look up from the microscope and I nod my head, making my way to the back room. We have a room filled with exposable chemicals and a room with hazardous ones. What she needed was in the exposable chemicals room so I swipe my access card and I make my way in there.
While I'm looking for the chemical, I heard a big crash from the lab outside my door followed by screams from everyone out there. I quickly ran to the door window to see what was happening and I saw a man in a suit with mechanical tentacles expanding on his back. He threw chairs and tables around the lab and even grabbed some of the scientists angrily asking them something.
In a panic, I quickly push the lockdown button on the wall of the room, making the door go into lockdown mode and locking me in here. The power throughout the lab goes out making the emergency red lights flash. My heart raced with fear as I ran under a table, hugging my knees for comfort. What was going on?! Who is that guy?! Is today the day I really have my last moments?!
I start quietly crying in fear and the only person I can think of to call for help was...San. I know he won't answer but maybe he could send help or something. I grab my phone out of my lab pocket and I shakily dial his number. He doesn't answer as expected but I drop him a voicemail message.
"S-san...I didn't expect you to answer b-but it's okay. I-I'm calling to tell you that today might be the last day I'm alive. OSCORP is under attack right now...I'm scared. There's this m-man with robot arms from his harness like he's an octopus. A-and he's destroying the lab where I-I'm at. I-I've managed to hide but I-I don't know how much longer I've got until he finds me hidden. S-san...I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry if I've ever annoyed you. I never meant to. Y-you're the most important person to me. You're my best friend. A-and I love you so much, m-more than a friend if this is my last moment to say it. P-please, take care of yourself. Live happy and healthy and always believe in the gifts God has given you. You're talented and smart San...don't ever take yourself for granted...I-I guess this is it. Goodbye San."
After I sent the voicemail I tried keeping my breathing steady and tried to focus on staying quiet. The octopus guy passed by the lab door and I almost got a heart attack when he didn't enter inside. What the heck does this guy want?? What's he looking for? About 3 minutes later, I hear the sound of witty jokes and grunts from fighting in the lab.
What's going on now?
I carefully approach the door window and I saw that Spider-Man guy beat up the octopus guy. In total bewilderment, I watched their fight. Spider-Man webbed the guy's glasses taking out his vision then Spider-Man started going for the tentacles.
While the octopus guy was trying to get the webbing off his face it looked like the tentacles had a mind of their own as they tried to smash Spider-Man. Spider-Man dodged every attack, flipping and swinging around the lab to get some distance. As he did that he started webbing the octopus guy up like a web cocoon, restricting his tentacles from moving.
The giant hole in the window where either Spider-Man swung in from or the octopus guy crashed in from, Spider-Man pushed him out the window using his webbing to let the guy drop down smoothly from the window.
Spider-Man waved goodbye to the guy, "Tell my friends the cops down there that you're a gift from me!!"
I chuckle at his joking around, he's funny. I looked around the lab and it seems like before the fight Spider-Man must've evacuated everyone to safety. Spider-Man spotted me from his spot and he quickly ran over to me. He tried pulling the door open but I shrugged at him.
"The door is on lockdown! It's not gonna open!" I tell him with a frown.
"Back up!" He tells me and I do so, going all the way to the other side of the room.
Spider-Man backs up as well then gets a running start. He thwips his webs onto the ceiling and swings into the door with his legs, kicking the door down and freeing me from the room.
"Oh!! Thank you so much, Spider-Man!!" I tell him excitedly as we both leave the room.
"No- ahem, No problem miss. Hold on tight! I'll take you home!" He says gesturing to the window.
His voice came out high and pitchy at first until he cleared his throat and deepened his voice. His high pitchy voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it.
He wraps his arms around my torso and he holds me tight as I hold onto him tight. Spider-Man swings us out of OSCORP and above the streets of New York.
Spider-Man swings inside my open bedroom window and puts me down. I flatten my hair with my hands as it was all over the place from the breezy ride.
"Thanks so much, Spider-Man!"
"Call me, Spidey!" He tells me proudly.
"Haha okay, Spidey. You can call me Tina!"
"Tina huh? That's a beautiful name." Spidey says as he plays with the Newton's Cradle on my desk.
San used to play with the cradle. I thought sadly.
Still excited, I started telling my hero about how cool I thought he was when stopping the octopus guy.
Spidey cuts me off, "Doctor Otto Octavius. Aka Doctor Octopus. I call him Doc Oc to make him mad though hahaha."
"Ohhh gotcha. Do you know what he was looking for?"
He shook his head and gave me a shrug, "Nope, but the cops will handle him. I came because of a phone call from a friend."
"A phone call from a friend?"
He perks up nervously and lightly laughs it off, "Yeah! From my buddies, the cops! Cuz you know I'm close with justice like that haha. They got a call from someone in the lab!"
I nod as it made sense, then I frowned remembering the sad message I sent to San. Did he even listen to it? Does he even care?
Suddenly Spidey winced from pain as he held his stomach. He touched his stomach to only find blood on his red and blue gloves.
"Yikes, you got hurt pretty bad. I remember seeing him push you into the floor like a mop. Sit on my bed I'll treat you."
"That's nice of you Tina but you don't have to-" he cuts himself off as he winced in pain.
"Mhm, my point exactly," I said with a chuckle and wave my first aid kit that I pulled from my closet.
He huffs and plops down on my bed and I sat the first aid kit next to him and open it up.
"I owe you big time, this is the least I can do," I tell him.
He taps his knee nervously with his fingers then stops with a sigh.
"Look...Tina...this mask needs to come off in order for you to get to the zipper on the back of the suit. Before I reveal my identity...I just want you to know that I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you. But...you deserve every right to know who I really am."
I blink my eyes in confusion, I just met Spider-Man today. He's being so personal all of a sudden. Am I really worth his identity reveal?
He slowly pulls off his mask and I'm face to face with my best friend, Choi San.
San is Spider-Man?!
My mouth drops open in shock as I'm unable to register how to feel.
"Hehe...Hi Tina...I-I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Lowkey though you should probably check out my stomach it's starting to really feel like I'm on fire hehe..."
I blink my eyes to regain focus again and I unzip the suit in the back to slide it down to see his torso. I frown when I saw all the tiny glass shards in the bruises and cuts of his stomach.
"I need you to not scream, I need you to be still and I need a pair of tweezers," I tell him as I grab the pair from my kit along with a napkin.
"Hehe okay, I'll be quiet and still."
I get to work, carefully pulling the tiny pieces of glass on his cuts. San would wince or grip my bed sheets every now and then when I struggled to get a piece out. Eventually, all of them were out and I then moved to the next step to apply pressure to the blood to stop it from running out.
"You should go to the hospital to get checked though, San," I tell him.
"I can't because we're minors they'll contact my grandparents and then my grandparents will find out and worry about me. From now on I'll go to you when I'm hurt."
I finish applying antiseptic and I start wrapping gauze around his toned stomach, "San, I'm gonna need for you to explain why you're suddenly talking to me again after the past few weeks of coldness to me."
"A few weeks ago I got bit by a radioactive spider. Don't ask why or how because I'm still trying to figure that out too. I started changing and I felt sick as my body was trying to process the new and strong spider cells. That's why my attendance at school was on and off. I realized how strong I was getting, how fast I was getting, and how...less skinny I became hehehe. I was struggling to adjust to my Spidey-sense because I could hear everything. That's why at school I tried avoiding everyone and blocking everyone out because my senses tingled to everything."
"Why did you avoid me?"
"I was worried that with my new powers, I could hurt you. I stick to walls and practically everything, I can throw a pickup truck 40 miles away, I just...I was scared of hurting you I decided to push you away so I could adjust and control my powers before I could appear in front of you again. Of course, being the sweet friend you are, you never gave up on me so during those times I got annoyed by that and I would snap at you. Tina, I'm very sorry, any words I've said to you that hurt you, I didn't mean any of them."
I gave him a small smile and hugged him, "It's alright, I forgive you. Thank you for telling me all this. To me, you'd never hurt me. Today proved it when you saved me at OSCORP."
"With these new powers, I'll protect you, I promise you on that, Tina."
San returns the hug, rubbing circles on my back.
"I've missed you." He tells me quietly.
"I've missed you too."
"When I heard your voicemail I was so scared for you. I swung through the city as fast as I could to get to you. I kept thinking, what if I don't make it on time? Will I be enough to save you? I mean, I've only been Spider-Man for about a week and a half, I still don't know how capable I really am with my powers. This city already calls me a menace. I was so scared for you. I don't think I would've been able to forgive myself if I didn't make it to you on time."
I look up at him from the hug, "Well, you made it to me, I'm safe because of you, and we're okay now. Those scientists and interns are okay because of you. You're not a menace...you're a hero, San. You're my hero. You've been my hero even before you got your powers."
San smiles at me looking at me softly, "Thank you for saying that. I'm glad I have you in my life."
His smile then turned into slight laughter, "By the way, did you say you love me in your voicemail?"
My cheeks turn red in embarrassment and he laughs harder. I only did it out of fear. I knew he'd make fun of me for it. I look away from him not knowing what to say. But, he surprises me by kissing me on the side of my forehead.
"I thought it was cute, I'm not making fun of you. Don't worry, I feel the same way too."
I look back at him in surprise and he smiles at me before leaning in to kiss me. My heart races as he held me. I happily melt in the kiss, letting all my emotions for him pour out. My little world that San left in pieces, returned back to me complete and happy again. Spider-Man or San Choi, they're both my one big hero who'll continue to save and protect me with and without powers, and I'll love them both equally.
a/n: do let me know how the covers are LOL I'm still tryna find that ✨aesthetic ✨
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mcwriting · 3 years
Lost in Rome
hello, friends! Ever since "La Vita Dolce," I've wanted to write something else involving Italy and at least one Italian phrase, and so this lil story was born! Hope you all enjoy!
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1488
Warnings: mentions of drinking, vv slight language
You had been walking around Rome for what felt like an eternity.
(It had only been like 30 minutes)
You knew the bar was right near Piazza Navona, but you'd only been to that part of the city one other time, having been staying south on the other side of the river in Trastevere.
You felt embarrassed knowing you were dragging your friends around the city without much of a guide, but you were too stubborn to admit that you were actually lost.
"Maybe we should've gone to Bar San Calisto again. It was cheap and close but noooo. I just had to look up a 'best bars in Rome' list" you thought as you continued to trudge on.
Not only were you lost, but you also didn't have the ability to look up where you were going, since you'd decided to go cheap and not buy an international plan or a vpn, choosing to only using wifi so you'd "stay in the moment."
That moment seemed stupid now that every marble wall and cobblestone street started to meld together in your brain as it continued to darken.
A trip to Rome was something you'd been wanting to do for years, so when your university offered up the chance to go study abroad for 4 weeks, you immediately began scrounging up the funds to go, even scoring a scholarship based on the fact that you'd taken Italian classes in school.
You'd only been there a week but thankfully had bonded with your roommate before even going, having struck up a conversation at the informational meeting the semester before. Since then, you had also bonded with those in the room next door, them sticking to you as their translator.
Finally, you couldn't take it anymore, stopping.
"Okay, look, guys. I'm really sorry but I literally have no idea where we are," you admitted, feeling guilty. Everyone else smiled.
"That's okay! This place is beautiful! I'm sure we'll find it eventually," your roommate, Olivia, said.
"Yeah. Didn't you say it was at Piazza Navona?" Aaron, one of your neighbors, asked. You nodded. "Well as long as we can find that, then we're basically there!"
After some wandering, your group found itself in the square in front of the Pantheon, which was a step in the right direction, but you were determined to actually find the right place.
There was a hotel right there, so you quickly stepped in to ask the desk worker to point you towards the Piazza, who explained that it was only a couple streets East of where you were.
Relieved, you and your friends quickly walked that way, breathing out a collective sigh when you walked into the giant open square, looking around at the familiar structures from the second day of class when you'd toured the area.
"Sooo... where's this bar?" Aaron's roommate Joseph asked.
You all circled the square from the inside and out a couple times, not seeing any signs with the name "Bar del Fico Roma" anywhere.
Dread started to wash over you as you realized the website must not have meant the bar was actually on the square, but was somewhere nearby. You felt stupid for not screenshotting the website page or, you know, actually looking it up first.
"Fine, that's it! I'm marching up to the next person I see and asking where this darn place is. We've made it this far!" you said, exasperated.
The first thing that caught your eye was a group of people who looked close to your age, talking in a small group. They were pretty well dressed, typical of a young Italian, so you immediately started over towards them, expecting them to be the most helpful in giving directions.
"Wait, y/n!" Olivia protested, but you ignored her, walking between a shorter boy and taller girl.
You couldn't help but sigh out the words as you started speaking, placing a light hand on the boy's arm.
“Scusa, potresti dirme dov’è la-" "Excuse me, could you tell me where the-"
"Sorry! I don't speak Italian!" the boy answered in a British accent, turning to face you with hands in surrender.
You both seemed taken aback when your eyes met.
Tom Holland?
"Um, oh what was the word for sorry in Italian again?" the actor in front of you asked, looking to one of his many Spider-man costars around you. Before one could answer, you blurted out one for him.
"It's 'mi dispiace' or 'perdonami,' depending on how you want to say it," you started, realizing how stupid you probably sounded to be teaching a world famous actor Italian words after accidentally infiltrating his conversation.
However, Tom was more shocked by your American accent. Your eyes still widened as you realized what was actually going on.
"Oh my gosh, what am I saying, um. I- I'm so sorry. We're just trying to find this bar and got lost and-"
"Which bar?" he asked in return. You furrowed your brows and looked at him funny, wondering why he would care. He seemed to take notice. "It's just that, we're also headed to a bar and can't seem to find it, either."
You chuckled at the situation, baffled.
"Well, um, it's called 'Bar del Fico Roma.'"
Tom's eyes widened.
"Hey, that's where we're headed!" Jacob Batalon cut in, making you look at him and the rest of the actors in surprise. You could see your own friends shock from your peripheral.
"No way! Really?" Joseph said for you. The group nodded.
"I just got it pulled up on maps," Zendaya said, holding up her phone. Realization suddenly hit that she of all people was the one who you had been standing next to this whole time.
You and your friends all gasped incredulously, amazed at your luck after spending all that time lost.
"If you want, we can show you the way," Tom offered.
"What? No, no we couldn't impose like that," you began, knowing your friends were probably internally screaming at you.
"Oh come on," Tom responded. "We're all going to the same place anyways, not like we won't see you there. It's barely a five minute's walk."
"Seriously, y/n. Do you really want to go around asking more locals for help when we've got it right here?" Olivia asked, raising a good point.
"Alright, fine," you started, rolling your eyes. You turned back to Tom. "You know what they say, 'when in Rome.' Seriously, thank you. All of you. You're definitely saving our asses."
He chuckled as Zendaya began leading the way. Though the sun had set, lights throughout the roads and emanating from various shops lit the way.
Without meaning to, you fell into step with Tom, easily matching his gait as you crossed through the bustling piazza.
"So what brings you to Italy?" He asked. "You don't quite sound like a local."
"We're studying abroad through our university. Unfortunately for me, these goons keep following me 'cause I speak the language," you joked, causing Olivia to slap the back of her hand to your shoulder.
"Ah, I see. I was definitely confused when you went from Italian to American in an instant. Y/n, was it?"
"Yes! Yeah, that's me. And you're obviously Tom Holland."
"You better remember that later, he tends to forget his own name after a few drinks," Zendaya called back to you, causing the group to laugh.
"Hey! That was one time!" Tom defended himself. "Not my fault I was going through a breakup!"
He turned back to you.
"Don't listen to them. I'm quite fun to drink with. You should see for yourself."
"Is that some sort of offer..?" you questioned playfully, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"If everyone's alright with it, I figured you all would join us at the lounge. I'm more than happy to pay for a round or two," he winked.
The group was approaching the bar, and any anxiety you'd had about finding it finally quelled when you could see people outside laughing and drinking as they enjoyed the summer night.
"Hmm... I don't know..." you sing-songed, looking up at the sky.
"Dude are you crazy?" Aaron exclaimed, causing the others to argue in agreement with him.
"Okay, okay. Of course we would be happy to join you for a drink. Thank you."
Both groups cheered in approval.
"The only thing I ask in return is a little lesson in Italian and, if all goes well, a pretty lady's number at the end of the night," he said smoothly, giving you a look.
The others looked between you with wide eyes, surprised at his open flirting. You couldn't help but smile and blush before replying.
"I think that's something I can manage. Now come on, your first lesson will be in ordering drinks," you said, grabbing his hand to lead him in what was about to be the best night of his life.
And yours.
A/N: Okay fun fact I thought up this concept immediately after publishing La Vita Dolce and just... never wrote it? The entire work was actually written around the one Italian phrase I used haha.
Anyways... Hope you all enjoyed as per usual and feel free to hmu anytime about anything :)
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
@jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @justafangirlduh
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rumor has it [2/2] • jung hoseok
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words — 3K
part one
You took of your shoes, haphazardly kicking them into the shoe rack, pulling off your baby pink sweater as you padded to your room, humming with a gigantic grin on your face.
It wasn't five minutes since you arrived home when a knock sounded on your door. You threw your sweater on the bed, heading to the door.
"Yeah, I'm coming." You called, and the incessant knocking ceased. Probably Minji or Jamie that wants to borrow a book or some paper to print a project. You opened the door, frowning slight when you saw who was on the other side, "Hoseok? Is everything okay?"
"I'm not feeling very gentlemanly right now." He declared before stepping closer, grabbing you by the neck and kissing you until you were breathless, your socked covered toes curling.
"Good night." He said when he pulled away, then added on, "For real this time."
You laughed a little, feeling so ridiculously happy. You wondered if you could combust from it.
"Text me when you get home." You blurted, still catching your breath.
"Promise." He nodded, licking his lips. You leaned forward to peck them one last time. For now.
You laughed again, practically vibrating with giddiness as you closed the door for a second and final time.
You liked to think that maybe you would have a boyfriend, in the not so distant future, after that. It's not like you go around kissing any guy you go out on a date with. And yeah, there's been some horrible dates you went on that never went anywhere, but that's a story for another day.
Right now you were more interested in listening to what Hoseok had to say. The two of you were sitting in the Quad, eating lunch together. You warned your friends to pretty please stay away for now because this thing between you and Hoseok was still new and fragile. And maybe you want him to yourself for a little longer but that was none of their business.
"So, the Dance Department is holding its yearly talent show." Hoseok said after swallowing a bit of his chicken and mayo sandwich.
"I heard," You nodded, taking a sip of orange juice. "The whole campus is talking about it."
"I entered and I was wondering if you'd come?" He asked, looking at you nervously. "For me. For, you know, moral support."
"Absolutely." You nodded eagerly, belly fluttering. You liked the fact that Hoseok had invited you to the competition, especially knowing how much dance means to him. "Can I bring my friends?"
"Sure," Hoseok grinned excitedly. "The more, the merrier."
In the three months leading up to the competition, you would scarcely see him during the week with how much he practices but you make up for it by spending most of the weekend together.
You get to know much about Hoseok in the three months that pass. Little things, like how he swears when he gets startled, all of his phobias (spiders, snakes and heights you got, but fear of water was a little bit of a strange one for you, because you're in love with water but it's not like you own a swimming pool so it wouldn't be a problem), his likes (cuddling while watching a movie) and dislikes (watching scary movies at night - or just in general), habits (biting his lip when he concentrates) and hobbies (skateboarding).
Finally, the day of the competition arrived. It was pretty much a full day event, according to Hoseok, because there was the entrance round, which took the most time, quarter finals, semi finals and finals.
You were walking to the hall where the competition would be held with your two best friends, Minji and Jamie. Your arms were linked through each other's. "Thank you guys so much for coming."
"Of course. Where else would we be?" Jamie smiled gently at you.
Minji nodded, then said, "And we've been dying to meet the guy who has finally melted your heart."
"Just behave yourselves." You told them, pointing a finger in warning.
"Who, us?" Minji gasped.
"We're angels." Jamie smirked.
You snorted, looking around for Hoseok. He said that you would all meet out front. "Sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night."
"Hey, Y/N!" Hoseok's voice caught your ears and you turn in the direction you heard it. "Over here!"
A grin breaks out on your face when you see him, a few guys standing with him, and it takes all your will power not to run to him. You didn't even look at anyone else as you walked to him, stopping only when you reached Hoseok. "Hey."
You wanted to kiss him but didn't. PDA isn't something you've discussed yet, and you definitely don't want to be pushed away or make Hoseok uncomfortable.
"Wow, you look . . ." Hoseok breathed, eyes widening when he did a full body sweep of you. You wore a dress for the first time since he's met you, paired with some matching wedges and a little bit of make-up. "Beautiful."
"Thank you." You grinned, feeling your cheeks flush. "You look very handsome." And he did - a low cut white shirt that put his collarbones and little bit of his chest on display, tucked into black, ripped skinny jeans and a pair of white Converse sneakers.
A throat cleared from somewhere around you and both of you snapped out of the little bubble that unknowingly formed around you, the pair of you ignoring the world.
"Right, I should probably introduce you." Hoseok cleared his throat, tossing a glare over his shoulder when one of his friends snickered. "Guys, this is Y/N." He looked at his friends, gesturing at you. Then looked at back at you. "Don't worry if you can't remember all their names today. There's six of them. Okay, this is Namjoon, the best friend I told you about. That is Yoongi-hyung and his best friend Seokjin-hyung. Next to them is Taehyungie and his best friend Jiminie and next to the shorty is his boyfriend Jeongguk."
"I'm not short." Jimin huffed, a hand wrapped around Jeongguk's bicep.
"Of course not, hyung," Jeongguk consoled, patting his head. Then he smirked, "Just vertically challenged."
"Yah, you gigantic brat!" Jimin snarled as he used the hand on Jeongguk's bicep to try and hit him in the back of his head. Clearly this has happened before because Jeongguk expertly ducked away and grabbed Jimin's hand, spinning Jimin until his back was pressed against Jeongguk's chest. Jeongguk wrapped his hands around him a struggling Jimin, smiling as he pressed a kiss against his hair.
"Don't worry about them, they're always like that." Taehyung said with a grin when he noticed the way you looked at them, wide eyed.
"Good to know." You laughed. "Well, it's so nice to meet all of you." You stepped next to Minji and Jamie, who were eyeing all of Hoseok's friends with interest. "And these are my two best friends, Minji and Jamie."
Jamie stepped forward, peering at Hoseok, "It's so nice to meet Y/N's new beau. She hasn't had one since high school."
"Would you shut up?" You hissed, cheeks flaming, as you pulled her back to your side.
"Aww, look. She's blushing. I've never seen her blushing. Not even when looking at pictures of Idols' abs." Minji cooed, laughter and snickering following.
"You two are dead to me." You said with a glare as you went to stand next to Hoseok.
"Hobi-hyung was so excited when he told us you were coming." Jeongguk let know when everyone calmed down.
"I'm happy he asked me, even if it is moral support." You smiled happily, smile widening when Hoseok's hand slipped into yours. Now, hand holding was something you two did a lot.
"Hah!" Seokjin scoffed. "Moral support, my ass. Hoseok doesn't need moral support, he's won this competition since his first year." You could feel your eyes widening, jaw dropping open.
"The other's don't stand a chance." Jimin smirked.
"We're not trying to be mean or anything, but our Hobi-hyung is the best." Taehyung grinned.
"Hey, how come you never told me how good you are?" You huffed, nudging Hoseok's elbow with yours.
"I thought if I told you, you wouldn't come." He admitted, a slight pout on his lips.
"Oh my God, you idiot!" You lightly slapped him on the arm with your free hands. "I would have come either way. I've always wanted to see you dance."
"I'll win for you tonight." Hoseok promised, ignoring the wolf whistles and whipping sounds that came from the direction of your friends after his words.
You just smiled fondly at him, "That's sweet, but you don't have too."
"I want too." He said quietly. "I've never danced for someone other than my friends and family before."
"Okay, fine. I'll cheer for you."
(Hoseok does end up winning first place. And you two end up having a heated make out session in his dressing room afterwards.)
A few weeks after the competition, your mom asked you to go and pick up your sister. You don't warn Hoseok beforehand, wanting to surprise him. You hoped it wasn't a bad surprise. This would be the first time you picked up your sister again after the first time you met. You smiled to yourself, thinking how so much has happened since then.
You walked into the studio, making a beeline for Hoseok.
"Hello again, Hoseok-ssi." You greeted with a serious voice. He spun upto you, eyes wide, and you aimed a lazy grin at him, eyes full of mirth.
"Hello Y/N-ssi." His voice was professional but there was an amused twinkle in his eyes as he smiled at you. "It's good to see you again."
"You too." Was all you we able to get out before your sister joyously shouted your name and barreled into your legs. You laughed, crouching down to give her a proper hug. "Hey squirt. How was class?"
"It was sooooo good. Hobi-oppa is a really really good teacher and fun too. We learnt lots of things. Like this." Your sister ended her own ramble as she demonstrated a move that she learnt in class today, looking at Hoseok when she finished moving, silently asking if she did it right. She positively beamed when he nodded, giving her a thumbs up.
"That's awesome." You ruffled her hair. "Why don't you go get your bag before mom gets home before us and reports us missing?" Your sister nods vigorously, before running away. You turn to Hoseok, heart swelling with affection as you immediately catch his eye. "How's she doing?"
"Good," He said, eyes twinkling. "And I'm not just saying that because she has a gorgeous sister that I like very much."
"Ohhh, keep going." You sing-songed with a grin, crossing your arms over your chest, enjoying the way his cheeks flushed. "Flattery will get you everywhere."
Hoseok tilts an eyebrow at you, "Isn't it usually the other way around?"
"Yeah, but in this case flattery will get you anywhere." You smirked, enjoying the way his flush deepend from you teasing.
Your little sister appeared by your side, looking between the two of you. Then she announced, "Hobi-oppa, my sister is single, if you're interested."
Hoseok looked away and pressed his lips together to stop himself from laughing.
You barely resisted the urge to yank her by the ears as you hissed to her, "Your sister is not single, stop trying to find her a boyfriend. I'm capable of getting one myself."
She gasped, looking at you with wide eyes. "I'm telling mom."
"Mom knows, tattletale." You deadpanned, much to her disappointment. It's true, she knows about you and Hoseok. You sister doesn't. You all decided to keep quiet around the dance school so the other children and their parents can't accuse Hoseok of playing favourites because he's dating you. You also decided not to tell your sister, because you didn't want her to accidentally let it slip out.
The three of you bid your goodbyes, and you and your sister left. You didn't get very far when your phone buzzed.
Hoseok : Not single, huh?
You laugh, practically seeing the happy grin on his face. You two made your relationship official not long after the dance competition and he loves it when you tell people that you're a taken girl. You type a reply with one hand as the other one held onto your sister's.
You: Nope, there's this really great guy that I'm dating.
Hoseok: Luckily guy.
You: I'd like to think we're both lucky.
Hoseok: Sounds fair.
Hoseok: Btw, your ass looked really good in those jeans.
You: Hehe, thanks.
You: You were were rocking the whole soft boyfriend look, btw
"Are you texting your boyfriend?" Your sister asks as she rises on her tiptoes, obviously trying to see on the screen. You make sure to keep it away from her curious eyes.
You smile down at her, "Yeah."
Hoseok: Soft boyfriend look?
"Do you love him?" She asked and you avoided answering her question to answer Hoseok's text, wondering about it. Do you love him?
You: Big t-shirt, sweatpants and barefoot = soft boyfriend look
You: For me, anyway
You: Idk about other people.
The answer came so easily to you. You smiled down at her as you wait for Hoseok to reply. "I think so, yeah."
Hoseok: Ah, gotcha
Hoseok: We still on for tomorrow???
You grinned, butterflies fluttering wildly. Tomorrow evening was Jeongguk's 18th birthday party and you were invited as Hoseok's girlfriend. Apparently it was the formal one - with Jeongguk's family - and then the next evening would be the informal one - with his school friends and Jimin's friends and their friends. You were a little nervous, because only Jeongguk's closest friends was invited to the formal party and while each one could bring a plus one, not everyone did.
At least, that's what Namjoon told you when you ran into him at a coffee shop a few days ago and told him that you'd see him at Jeongguk's party. So, it was kind of a big deal and you were kind of freaking out but mostly, you were excited.
You: Yep, I'll see you there.;)))
The next day, you decided on your nicest clothes, which was the second and last dress you own and a pair pumps.
"You look so cute, I want to eat you." Hoseok had blurted when you opened your dorm room. You raised a brow at him and smiled when he flushed and started back pedalling. "I, uh, um, what I meant to say was-"
"I think you're cute when you scrunch your nose when you don't like something." You cut him off, deciding to have mercy. "Come on in, we still have an hour until we need to go."
He smiled gratefully and you stepped closer to kiss him.
"About what I said just now Hoseok started when you pulled apart, closing the door behind himself.
"There is nothing to explain." You assured him with a gentle smile, heading to your couch.
"No, I need too. I want to be honest with you." He said firmly, but you could tell he was nervous. His shoulders was tensed and it make you feel unsteady. You didn't like that he was distressed. "It's just- I just, I've been thinking about it."
"What, eating me?" You joked, trying to make him relax a little. You looked at him over your shoulder with a teasing smirk, "Sorry, but I'm not into cannibalism."
"Y/N. I'm being serious." His tone made you sober up, turning to him. Hoseok was looking at you, biting his lip, but there was a determined set to his jaw.
"Oh." You felt yourself getting nervous out of nowhere. "Okay. Thinking about what?" You had a good idea what he was thinking about, just not if it was positively or negatively.
Hoseok cleared his throat, looking like he was searching for words before just bracing himself and saying it. "Having sex with you." So, you were right. You will weren't sure if he wanted to tell you that he wants to or not. "I want too." He added on barely a second later for clarification.
Your heart started racing. You blushed a bright red all over - chest, neck, ears, cheeks. You gaped at Hoseok and he waited silently, looking more and more nervous and unsure as each second passed.
You gathered your thoughts and told him the truth.
"Me too." You admitted softly, shyly. "I didn't want to bring it up or push for more during one of our more heated makeout sessions because I wasn't sure what you thought and while I am thinking about it, I'm just not . . ."
Hoseok breath a sigh of relief, so quiet, you almost didn't heard it it. "Not ready yet?"
"Yeah." You nodded. He took his hands in yours, tangling your fingers together.
"I feel the same. Like, in the heat of the moment I want to find out just how flexible you are, but then when I calm down its like something tells me it's not time yet. And that's okay. There's no need to rush. We'll get there." Hoseok said, squeezing your hands, both in comfort and promise.
"Yeah, we will." You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. You kiss him deeply, trying to show him everything you were feeling but couldn't define and put into words yet.
Months later, when both of you are completely ready, it's not just right but it's perfect in that fairytale kind of way you always thought was bullshit but secretly hoped for anyways. Afterwards, when you lay on his chest, looking up at his sleeping face, you breathe those three special words, before falling asleep to the soothing sound of Hoseok's heartbeat.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Okay, I've asked for Uncle Goliath and I've asked for Uncle Huntsman. Can I get Uncle Goliath AND Uncle Huntsman taking care of Minyi with Fluff 14, 37 and General 22, 29, 37? - Pixel Anon
Dialogue meme
14.“You are my family.”
37.“You’re just a softie.”
22.“Can we take this home?”
29.“I made this for you.”
37. “Do you want that?”
Took me a fucking WHILE to get back to these, but hopefully the length more than makes up for it!
If you asked Minyi, she’d say that this whole thing was pretty simple. Spider Queen was a bad lady, she was a bully and a jerk, and she picked on all the other spiders so they’d do things for her. Daddy was all messed up in the head from turning into a spider; at least that’s what Auntie had told her, he was all messed up and he really only thought Spider Queen was cool because Spider Queen made him think that. And she didn’t know why Uncle Huntsman and Uncle Goliath liked her too, but she wasn’t gonna ask, Daddy responded really badly whenever she’d ask him, and she was sure her new uncles would respond equally as badly. No one likes admitting that they were being bullied after all.
But naturally, that meant that she had to save her uncles too. So she took whatever opportunities lended themselves to show them both that there were far more fun and cool things to do than to serve a big mean bully like Spider Queen.
And she’d ran into a perfect opportunity to do so this weekend. Every so often the teachers would pull aside a few kids who got good grades and give them extra work to ‘challenge them’ (bleh) and this week Minyi had gotten a project for science class. It was like filling out a sheet based on the movie they were watching in order to teach people how to pay attention, but she was told that she and the others had to go to the natural history museum in town and fill out the questions asked.
(‘list three things that aren’t around anymore’ was gonna be her favorite because it meant she got to look at the dinosaurs)
So when Daddy came to pick her up she’d handed the worksheet over to him, and he’d told her they’d go over that weekend. Daddy had been feeling yucky for awhile, He was trying to act fine but his hands were cold and his skin was pale. She’d seen that he had a bunch of dark splotches in random places on his body, she could only assume they were bruises, and he looked so much more tired than he used to.
Sure enough, when they made it home and Daddy told her he was gonna take a nap before making dinner and collapsed into his room, Uncle Huntsman was standing on the balcony, sharpening one of his knives. Minyi wasn’t stupid, and she wasn’t oblivious. Daddy was feeling sick more than ever and he wasn’t gonna be able to take her to the museum on Saturday.
So she went to Uncle Huntsman with ehr worksheet and request, was immediately rejected, and then when Uncle Goliath turned up, asked him instead.
‘Shouldn’t you be asking your family?’ Uncle Huntsman complained when Uncle Goliath said he’d love to escort her, but he was worried the museum workers would be afraid of them.
“You are my family!” she’d responded simply. “Besides, Daddy’s been sick lately and Auntie’s got work.” She supposed she could go on her own, but Daddy would probably be angry with her, he really didn’t like it when she’d go off on her own so far downtown, even if it was for mysteries. Both of her uncles looked away with expressions Minyi couldn’t quite place, but gave her the distinct impression the grownups in her life were once again hiding things from her..
Then Uncle Huntsman said a bad word and snatched the worksheet from her, looking over it quickly before rolling his eyes and muttering about what a pain it would be to drag her around a museum all day.
But then Saturday came and both of her uncles showed up. Daddy tried to insist that he was fine and they didn’t need to escort her anywhere, but Uncle Goliath picked him up and placed him back onto his bed (which Minyi personally thought was hilarious) and they were off.
Demons weren’t THAT weird of a sight around here, so Minyi didn’t get why they were getting such ‘looks’ from people passing by on the street. But they got to the museum without issue so it was fine. They even got in without issue; though Minyi was pretty sure there wasn’t an ‘elementary school special’ that gave such big discounts to adult passess and let kids get in for free, but If grownups decided that her uncles were scary enough to get special treatment that wasn’t any of her business.
She had a worksheet to complete, and two uncles to teach the values of not being bullied by the spider queen.
The dinosaurs, as expected, were just as big as she remembered and they looked just as awesome. The big ol’ T-Rex skeleton eternally assembled mid-roar and making Minyi wish not for the first time that dinosaurs didn’t just evolve into birds and dragons and stuck around for the modern world.
There was a little stall by the Wooly Mammoth that had plastic bones and plastic teeth that other kids were stringing onto necklace string and Minyi spent a moment there putting three beads on it, two femur bones and a T-Rex skull. She thought it would be a nice souvenir since the gift shop was really expensive.
But the section on ‘list three things that aren’t around anymore’ was filled (T-Rex, Woolly Mammoth, and Megalodon Shark) and she had to also list three fish she could find and knew the names of, three butterflies, and three facts about penguins learned from the penguin exhibit. She didn’t get the hype about Penguins, sure, they were cute, but lots of things were cute.
Like Uncle Goliath when they went through the butterfly exhibit and when he was holding still with one of those complimentary cups of sugar water an entire swarm of butterflies landed on him. (Minyi was very glad she brought her Detective Camera) Uncle Huntsman laughed at him for awhile but he got this weird sort of look on his face when one handed on his own hand, like a character in a movie whose kiss-partner was off fighting in the plot leaving them behind in the setting. And Minyi filled out Lacewing butterflies, Monarch butterflies, and Swallowtail butterflies.
There was another necklace stall near the exit, and Minyi hid her dinosaur one to make another necklace with two butterflies and a flower.
Then came the aquarium, and she enjoyed making faces at all the fishes that were making faces at her. But the lights were so dim she couldn’t read any of the placards to find cool fish. Uncle Huntsman groaned and carried on, but he helped her find the right placards when it came to finding cool fish. Lionsmane Jellyfish, Ocellaris Clownfish, and a Hawksbill Sea turtle.
Then the Penguins which… well they were penguins. She filled out the three facts (this specific kind of penguin are actually Emperor penguins, Penguins have a big pocket between their legs they warm their eggs with, and their natural predators are leopard seals) But something way more interesting caught her attention and she grabbed Uncle Goliath’s hand in one hand and Uncle Huntsman’s in the other, tugging them both forward.
They were gonna feed the dolphins!
Minyi LOVED dolphins! She had a stuffed one at home! He had a little captain’s hat and she named him Haddock! She babbled about as much as she tried to tug both of her big uncles toward the enclosure.
“Ugh, didn’t you finish your assignment? What’s the point in sticking around for some stupid dolphins getting fed?” Uncle Huntsman rolled all four of his eyes and Minyi huffed.
“Dolphins are cool! They’re super smart and they’re really nice and fun! Dolphins are known to save people from shark attacks!”
“Save HUMANS, what loyalty should demons have to those blubbery jerks?”
Uncle Goliath looked over at Uncle Huntsman and smiled a bit. “Aw, what’s the harm? It’ll just be a few minutes.”
Minyi made her eyes all big and did her best pleading face. She didn’t expect it to work, but Uncle Huntsman grumbled and, miraculously, relented.
“It better not take any longer, this whole trip was a waste of time, she could have just looked up all of those stupid lists…” he grumbled, but when Minyi tugged him forward again, he followed her lead.
The Dolphins were splashing around and making their funny little ‘eek eek’ noises as the handlers tossed them fish.
“Now these two loveable goobers are actually rescues!” the biologist chirped into her little microphone “This cute girl with the grey stripe is Baobao, she got her tail severely damaged in a fishing boat net, and this sweet old man is Minmin, he went blind from saving a fisherman from a shark attack. Unfortuantely, that means they can’t survive in the wild anymore, but we here at the Megalopolis Natural History Institute have been working hard to make their lives as happy as possible even if they can’t return to the ocean!” Minyi cheered in excitement as the cute girl dolphin sprung out of the water with her half destroyed tail to jump in the air to get the fish from the person feeding her. The old man patiently poking his head out of the water to be fed the fish in comparison.
“Now, we’re taking volunteers, who here wants to try and feed Baobao? She’s a tough customer, if you don’t make it fun for her she’s not interested!” Hands shot up, and Minyi’s was one of them, she strained herself getting on her tiptoes to make her hand go up as high as possible, to think! She could feed a dolphin today! Oh please please please pick her!
“Really? Thats it? How about this i’ll sweeten the deal, I’m sure you all have seen those little necklace making kiosks around the other sections, well whoever gets selected can put a super special dolphin bead onto theirs!” All the other kid’s hands shot up, but most of the adult hands went down. Which was clearly the intent. Minyi spread her fingers as wide as possible, barely restraining the urge to jump up and down with her hand waving wildly to try and get the worker’s attention.
“How about…..” She saw front he corner of her eye Uncle Goliath shifting a bit, gesturing toward her and that was SO nice! She wanted to hug him!
The Lady’s face paled, but Minyi saw her jaw tighten a bit, and she didn’t know why until- “How about this little gentleman in the front row!” she grit out, trying not to scowl at the back of the crowd where Minyi and her Uncles were.
Oh. Minyi lowered her hand, and other kids followed suit groaning and dropping theirs as a boy maybe two or three years older than her trotted forward happily.
“Sorry Minyi.” Uncle Goliath whispered to her.
“It’s okay.” She smiled up at her Uncle. The worker lady kept shooting their area worried looks, and Minyi got the general feeling that- she was afraid. Afraid of her Uncles, as everyone seemed to be, but didn’t want them to scare her. Just because someone was scary didn’t mean they were a bully, but… ugh that wasn’t any of her business.
The older boy fed Baobao by getting her attention with the fish and then throwing it up into the air as hard as he could, letting the dolphin jump out of the water to snag it midair. She made her cute little dolphin laugh and flapped her tail. The worker gave the boy the dolphin bead which he happily strung onto his own little necklace. Oh well, that was okay, she wasn’t making these necklaces for her anyway.
The crowd dispersed and Minyi realized that that meant it was probably time to go now. But just as she was double checking everything in her worksheet Uncle Huntsman put a hand on her head.
“Go look at the dinosaurs again for a minute. I gotta take care of something.”
Yeah that wasn’t suspicious at all. But Minyi knew better than to tail Uncle Huntsman. He was way better at hiding than she was at seeking, so Uncle Goliath gently lifted her until she rested on his shoulders (And moved his upper spider legs a little so she wouldn’t sit on them accidentally) and they tried to get eye level with the T-Rex for a little bit. The teeth were so big! Sometimes it was hard to remember that T-Rexes weren’t just all teeth! They had downy feathers and probably had a muzzle covering the teeth. Dinosaurs didn’t look like how they looked in the movies. She relayed about as much to Uncle Goliath, shifting her footing a bit to lean down over the top of his head and look at his upper eyes. “You know! You Know! You know why people don’t like to think about it? Its cuz they forget that dinosaurs were real things!”
“Do they?”
“Yeah! They act like Dinosaurs didn’t get ‘vented till those american movies about the dinosaur park! Velociraptors didn’t look ANYTHING like how those movies made them look! They were really small and they stole other dino eggs! Thats why they’re called Velociraptors! They were small and fast! And they had these really pretty red and brown feathers and a pattern on their faces!” the artists depiction in her ‘what the movies don’t want you to know about dinosaurs’ book were really really clear about how the feathers had use and weren’t just there for being there.
“Interesting! You’d think people would just adjust how they depict them rather than insist they were still right…”
“I know!” But around that time she spotted Uncle Huntsman returning from wherever he was doing something. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, and he looked like he hadn’t just done anything weird at all. Minyi huffed and flicked her glasses back up into her hair. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t investigate her uncles after she’d found out just why they had special plates they’d leave out for Daddy and very pointedly tell her not to touch (and she didn’t want them to know that she knew, too) but it still nipped at her curioscity.
She was let back down onto her feet when Uncle Huntsman properly rejoined them.
“Okay NOW we can leave.”
“What’d you do?” Uncle Goliath sounded about as unsurprised as Minyi was, but he also sounded like Daddy did when the teachers pulled him aside to talk about some jerk Minyi had stood up to.
“Nothing worth talking about, but we should leave before security finds us.” Which was how she was brought back up into Uncle Goliath’s arms about as quickly as she was let off of his shoulders and they were all racing for the exit.
Ugh, Uncle Huntsman really needed her help in learning how to be a good guy.
When they were about two blocks away from the museum, Uncle Goliath ducked into an alley, Uncle Huntsman lingering close to the edge to spy out into the street. Until, eventually, the coast was dubbed clear.
She hoped they didn’t get put on the ‘banned’ list, she liked that museum.
Minyi sighed, she supposed since today hadn’t actually been ‘Goodness lessons’ and was just a ‘bonding and steadily reminding them both they had other choices outside of working for a big mean bully like Spider Queen’ so it wasn’t exactly a failure, and actually was probably more success than failure. Well in that case! She wiggled until Uncle Goliath took the hint and set her down.
“Uncle Goliath, Uncle Huntsman, I got to show you guys something!” She pulled both from her pockets. “I made these for you!”
Minyi realized only then that neither of the strings were long enough for either of her uncles to actually wear them as necklaces. Well… Uncle Huntsman could probably wrap it around his wrist and make it a bracelet, But she wasn’t sure how Uncle Goliath would keep it with him…
But she already made them so-
“I can put longer strings on ‘em when we get home.” She reasoned. “But they’re for you!” She offered the two far too short pieces of jewelry. The Butterfly and flower one toward Uncle Goliath, and the skull and bones one toward Uncle Huntsman. She knew Uncle Huntsman had secretly liked the butterfly exhibit, but he’d get embarrassed if she handed him the butterfly one, so she played it safe instead.
“Wow! For us?” Uncle Goliath gently took the necklace from her, and sure enough it hung like a keychain from his big hands. “Are you sure? You made them maybe you should keep them.”
“I made them for you!” she insisted, and Uncle Huntsman took the other one from her other hand. He huffed and smirked.
“Well, then at least i don’t have to worry about grabbing you a duplicate.” He reached into his own pocket with his free hand and pulled out-
Was that..?
“The Dolphin necklace?!” he held it out and Minyi gently took it. Sure enough the blue chrome dolphin grinned up at her and shimmered in the sunlight. Wait…
“How’d you get this?” Did he steal it? Oh no he stole it didn’t he? Would it be worth it to go back and return it with an apology? Would that be her bossing them around?
“I talked to the lady running the feedings, told her how much you like dolphins, she gave it to me.” He looked on edge, crossing his arms and huffing, the dinosaur bone string clicking and clattering with the motion. “Do you want that or what?”
He was lying. Cuz that didn’t explain why security would be after them unless he’d done something bad to get it.
But…If she let any of them know how easy it had become to read them (Uncle Huntsman in particular was an open book for how badly he hid his feelings, Daddy was better at schooling his face than he was) it would lead to everyone being more on edge about just what Minyi was overhearing, then she wouldn’t know anything that goes on in the house anymore.
“Oh Okay!” she pulled the necklace over her head and when it almost immediately tangled up with her rainbow necklace she darted forward and wrapped her arms around Uncle Huntsman’s leg.
He pushed her away immediately with a scowl, but she could see the pinch on the sides of his mouth that meant he was fighting off a smile. “Thank youuuuu!”
“Yeah whatever runt, I just didn’t want to hear your moaning and groaning about how sad you were that you didn’t get to handle those blubbery fat jerks.”
“Dolphins are really nice Uncle Huntsman! They protect people from shark attacks a lot! And can save people from drowning!”
“Protect HUMANS. They know better than to get near demons so at least they’re smart.”
“They are! They’re really smart!”
When they got home Minyi busied herself with the rest of her weekend work, Daddy was still napping so she didn’t want to disturb him, but she could hear Uncle Goliath and Uncle Huntsman talking quietly in the kitchen, though she knew they didn’t know she could hear them.
“Can we take these home? If the Queen finds them she’ll think-”
“Goliath, do you really think she’ll piece together us getting random trinkets will have anything to do with all of…” Uncle Huntsman gestured broadly out of the corner of Minyi’s eye. “This? We could just say I took them off of whatever I catch for dinner tonight and thought they looked cool.”
“That’s true…”
“What- What’s that face for?”
“Awwww you want to keep the little bracelet Minyi made for you.”
“What? Of course not! I just don’t see what the point in hiding them is!”
“And you stole the dolphin one just for her because she didn’t get to feed the dolphins!”
“She only got turned down because that lady was doing it to spite us! Didn’t you see the looks she was shooting?”
“You’re just a softie now Hunts-” Uncle Goliath continued on in biting around chuckles as Uncle Huntsman spluttered. “Who’d have thought the ever brutal Huntsman could fall to the charms of a six year old detective.”
“Wa- Shut up! I’m leaving!” he announced that second part loudly and Minyi raised a hand.
“ByeBye Uncle Huntsman!”
He pause din the doorway, and silently lifted a hand to wave back at her.
The length of rope dangled from his wrist with dinosaur bones clacking and clattering together. And Minyi grinned wide.
Send me stuff!
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