#my sister was like 'im an exhausted mom 😔'
neechees · 11 days
Update on the niblings & bad-mom-sister situation again & whinging below
but my sister got her kids (which i was surprised about) on Wednesday but today she called my mom demanding we take the kids again bc shes fighting with baby daddy as usual. My mom asked how HE got them again & my sister didn't give her a real answer lol
My sister is literally so fucking stupid. She'll hand her kids over to her shitty boyfriend & then like 2 days later be angry he has them (& act like he kidnapped them) and then demand WE take them, like YOU GAVE THEM TO HIM WITH YOUR OWN HANDS. She's done this three times in a row now
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
Hi Paige. Sorry about sending this long ass message to you in the middle of the night. I meant to talk to you yesterday, but I was trying to enjoy my day off. Anyways I need some advice.....
So I was supposed to start this new job in January, but unfortunately I came down with covid (i think i might’ve informed you of this when it happened lol) & since I hadn’t gotten to sign paperwork yet I was sorta unhired. Obviously I was very disappointed.
But almost 4 weeks ago my cousin was insistent that I come to a job fair her work was having. I ended up going mostly cause my mom & I could use the money (it’s just the two of us now). I was immediately hired. I chose to work part time & at night. The hours/scheduling is pretty flexible & the pay isn’t too bad.....but I absolutely hate the job.
The thing is that the place is a grocery store & tbh I figured that I would work as a cashier or something like my cousin. I guess it is partially my fault cause when they asked if I would be willing to work in food service I said yes. However, I specifically put bakery on my resumé & instead I am working at the deli. Literally the only thing I like about this job are my co-workers. They’re all really nice (except for like one guy who seems to think I am an idiot for still not having everything figured out even though I haven’t even been there a month yet :////).
But the work is just so overwhelming sometimes cause it’s food service + manual labor. It gets gross having to slice up deli meats sometimes & it gets even worse dealing with chicken & having to clean out the grease & shit (I already slipped on grease once & hurt my knee & the bruise has just started to fade). There’s also trying to remember the menu & having to help customers & on top of that moving or lifting heavy shit & cleaning up at the end of the day since I am on the nightshift (not that the morning shift would be any better since most of the morning ppl get up at the ass crack of dawn to set everything up).
I also have to do all of this for about 7½ or sometimes 8 hours. I may only work part-time, but it’s still so tiring + we only get one 30 minute break. By the end of each shift my feet & knees are absolutely killing me. I know a lot of ppl do this work & don’t complain much, but it’s exhausting to me especially cause I’ve never done this type of work before (or at least not this much of it) + it was not exactly the job I had in mind when I applied :////
My mom said maybe I could find something else, but she also said stuff along the lines of the job paying pretty well + the fact that I have lost some weight due to all of the running around I have to do (although this was definitely not the kind of exercise I had in mind when I said I needed to work out more).
But yesterday my sister mentioned to me that a client of her husband’s needs a secretary type to help her with accounting. Tbh I’m not too good with numbers or anything, but the job I applied for back in January was an office job as well. She told me the hours already & they’re decent. I still just need to know what the pay might be.
I wanted to know what you or any of your followers thought. I asked my mom & sister but they haven’t been much help tbh. Like I said I haven’t even been at this job a month yet (it will be a month since I started on the 10th), so should I just stick it out???? Or should I go ahead & try for this other job then quit???? & if I do get this other job.....well, how long is even appropriate to wait until you quit???? Surely not a month (I’ve really only had 3 other jobs before this & they were all temporary)????? Although I do wish I could just quit right now cause this job is already fucking with my mental health I think. What should I do????? & thank you so much if you read through all of this I am sorry for this long, sad sob story 😔😔😔
hiii babe im so sorry about that other job I def get where you are coming from im in retail service at a grocery store as well (trader joes lol) I would try for the other job for sure! and if you get it you can give your two weeks it's only a part time job tbh some people dont even give two weeks (I didnt for my last job because it was such a bad situation) for part time that's more necessary for full time but giving 2 weeks is kind of a courtesy thing but don't worry about how long you've been there or not its not like you quit the first day ya know? I hope you get the new job!!!
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