#my sister got a mood ring too and a drum of some kind
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fatui-harbingers · 5 years ago
We went to the zoo today and omg I'm tired
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fiddlepickdouglas · 4 years ago
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 8 - Familiar
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, is it him?, 2.8k
@trevor-wilson-covington​ is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Alex sat at his drum set, sticks in hand, and began hitting things at random. Watching the cymbals wobble at dramatic angles every time he made a blow, hearing the crash ring in his ears over and over, making the toms sound da-da-dum in a roll, like his frustration could finally sound out something that fit what he meant to get across. His mom had bought him a punching bag last Christmas in a passive aggressive insistence that he needed a quiet thing to hit if he was going to get things out. Sure, he used it, but only when he actually wanted to work out. He made sure she knew so she couldn’t complain to him about wasting her money on such an expensive gift.
He needed the drums specifically. His thoughts and feelings couldn’t always come out of his mouth, but they were definitely sounds. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t make them with his own tongue. The only time he’d gotten close was when he and Willie had been screaming over the railing of the observation deck at the Stratosphere a few weeks ago.
Today’s tantrum (and preceding argument) was over school. He was a good student, but the way things were going with Sunset Curve, Alex had little desire to continue. What was another year of subjects he already grasped the concept of when he had no plans to use them? It was a circular conversation at this point, like most things he had with his parents lately. Sometimes he could nod and pretend to just accept whatever they said, but other times they got under his skin. They got in like termites, making anything that was stable inside before feel hollow and weak.
A knock sounded at the door and Alex stilled his cymbals before getting up to answer it. It was his younger sister, Abby.
“You have a phone call,” she told him. Her tone was sassy, but Alex smiled a little at hearing it mirror his own. She was learning. He was proud. Messing up her hair as he moved past her, he went over to the phone and grabbed the receiver.
“Hey, what’s up?” he answered, knowing it could only be one of three people on the other end.
“Hey, man.” It was Bobby. “Luke’s been having a rough day. He won’t say that it’s because Julie is heading out to finish her tour soon, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s about. Reggie and I are thinking we take him to the pier; hopefully we can distract him.”
“That’s a perfect idea,” Alex said. “I can meet you at your place in about five minutes.”
“Sweet, dude, see ya.”
They hung up and Alex grabbed his fanny pack, slipping outside without saying a word to anyone. If his parents weren’t used to it by now that was their fault.
Less than an hour later, all the guys were on the boardwalk, surrounded by the many games and rides at Santa Monica. Someone else was busking in the corner they usually occupied, playing a saxophone and they each dropped some change in the tin set out before them. Luke was bouncy and energetic for the most part, but relatively quiet. A few thrill rides would break the silence soon enough, though.
They all walked with their arms around each other’s shoulders, forming a wall that forced anyone else to move around them. Alex had made sure Luke was in the middle, sandwiched between him and Reggie, with Bobby on Reggie’s other side. It didn’t last long, thanks to Alex’s long legs getting them all out of sync, but they still liked doing it. Soon it was just Luke and Reggie, letting Bobby and Alex walk slightly ahead on their own.
“We wanna get something to eat first?” Luke suggested.
“And blow chunks on the rides?” Alex responded. “Kinda not in the mood to pay for my own puke, thank you.”
The look of slight horror on Luke’s face made Bobby laugh.
“Thanks, Alex, for that,” Luke was saying.
“Guys, there’s a short line over here!” Reggie was already heading toward one of the rides, eyes bright with excitement. Alex held out a hand so Bobby could go before him, receiving a head shake of denial before he followed him and pulled Luke along behind. It was a two-seater anyway, and even if Alex weren’t trying to give them a nudge, having Reggie scream in front of him was far better than directly into his ears.
He usually didn’t scream on the rides as much, but he took the opportunity this time. It felt great. Willie had unknowingly given him a gift in that simple act of emptying his lungs into the air. Ride after ride, he wanted to lose his voice to all the things he let out. The safety guards didn’t quite feel like Willie’s hands grabbing onto his jacket, but he wanted to pretend. Among all the realities he kept near his chest, it was alright to imagine he still had Willie there - smiling, giggling, hands open to be held.
He’d had a good amount of time to bang it out once they’d gotten home. Alex broke more sticks that day than he ever had in his life. The main reason he stopped was because Abby came to his room crying, both because she was extremely annoyed and could tell something was wrong. Maybe his parents weren’t much for support, but he was grateful for her. He was also glad she was only nine and was still a huge cuddle bug.
After getting dizzy on rides, Luke was finally at full energy again and had moved them onto games. Alex preferred to watch, but Luke and Bobby were competitive while Reggie cheered for both.
“Is this what it was like in the arcade?” Alex asked, elbowing Reggie as he hollered at Bobby trying to throw a basketball in the net.
“You bet!” Reggie turned with a smile. “We went lo-co.” He enunciated the last word. “You got this Bobby!”
Luke had finished his turn and come up with nothing, so he joined the other two.
“Okay, after this, I’m hungry so I say we get hot dogs,” he told them.
“Yes,” Alex agreed, feeling hungry himself.
Suddenly Reggie began cheering, and they turned to see Bobby celebrating as well as he made a final shot into the hoop. The guy working the booth let him choose from their ridiculously large stuffed animals, and he grabbed a giant puppy. Reggie’s excitement overcame him and once Bobby was facing his direction, Reggie butted his forehead against him, leaving Bobby blinking in confusion. Yikes, Alex thought. They were going to take a long time to sort things out.
Luke guided them all to his favorite hot dog vendor and they all sat at a table that was placed along a wall covered in posters. Alex positioned himself facing away from the table. Sometimes they liked to scout venues they hadn’t tried playing at yet, and it had been a while since they had come to the pier to check the wall. The missing person posters had become more numerous in their corner, which was a sad change. Alex saw one for the Viper Room and nearly had the impulse to cross himself reverently for the sake of Rivers Phoenix. 
He unfortunately spotted a familiar face among the missing person posters. Luke’s parents were still hoping he would come back home. He peeked up at the rest of the guys, all bent over their food too far to pay attention, and decided he didn’t need to say anything. The whole thing with the Pattersons was touchy for all of them, but he knew it wasn’t a good idea to bring it up.
Taking a bite into his own hot dog, Alex looked back up and caught the picture beneath Luke. It was a young boy, aged nine, with dark hair growing over his ears.
William was the only name associated with him, but it listed other things like ‘missing since 1988,’ and ‘last seen in Reno, NV’ and a physical description. Alex furrowed his brow and slowly chewed the rest of his bite as he lifted a hand to pat Reggie on the back.
“Hey, you - you don’t think that’s Willie, do you?” he asked quietly, pointing at the poster. Reggie looked over his shoulder at the kid in the picture. He returned a look of sympathy to Alex.
“Alex,” he said softly. “I know you miss him, buddy, but sometimes a kid is just a random kid. We’ve probably seen his poster every time we’ve been here and just never cared. I hope the little dude’s okay, though.” He glanced back at the picture before facing forward again.
“Yeah,” Alex huffed lightly. “You’re probably right.” He flipped himself around to face the rest of the guys at the table and finish his food, ignoring the pit in his chest.
Julie sat by her mom’s side, holding her hand gently and feeling her breathe as she rested soundly. She was going to hate leaving in the morning, but she only had to finish this leg of the tour and then she could be home. They had made plans together to make scrapbooks about her shows, and she wasn’t going to miss it. Her mom always knew how to motivate her, and she was really grateful for that.
One of the nurses entered the room and gave her a sweet smile. She had kind, squinting eyes and her black hair was tied into a bun that had since loosened up.
“Don’t mind me, I’m just making some checks, doing some cleaning, this and that,” she said.
“I don’t mind at all,” Julie assured her. It was hardly the first time she’d been around while one of the nurses was doing their routines. Something about it had become calming, like it let her know that her mom was in good hands.
“She’s so proud of you,” the woman said among her movements.
Looking up, Julie felt her chest straining to hold the weight that had entered. She couldn’t help but take those words as heavy as they could come.
“I’m sure she tells you, but if you weren’t already making a name for yourself the entire hospital would know who you are by now anyway.”
“She talks a lot, huh?” Julie asked solemnly, a hint of a smile pulling the corners of her mouth.
The nurse raised her eyebrows.
“When she’s having a good day, she’s the best to be around.”
Julie nodded.
“That’s my mom,” she said quietly, smiling.
They both were quiet as the nurse continued about her work.
“Do you have any kids?” Julie asked.
The nurse chuckled.
“Quite a few, actually. I have six. Well, seven, but six at home with me.”
“Wow!” Julie couldn’t imagine handling that big of a family.
“Some of them are older than you, but my youngest is ten now. Most of them just go off and do their own thing or take care of each other.”
“Does the seventh have their own family?”
Pausing, the nurse seemed to blink strangely. She took in a deep breath and then went back to the sheet she had been folding.
“No, unfortunately, we lost him,” she said, the warmth she had spoken with earlier a little more withdrawn.
Julie immediately felt bad for asking, and she seemed to freeze at the tension.
“Don’t be sorry,” the nurse said. “I don’t mean he passed away. We don’t know where he is.”
A horrific realization swept over Julie as she realized there was something more terrifying than the death of a loved one. Not knowing where they were or if they were okay - it sounded like hell. A well of pity deepened inside her heart.
“Has it been a long time?” she asked tentatively.
The nurse nodded.
“It’s hard to let go,” she said, almost sounding like she was changing the subject. “But we all figure out something that helps us carry on.” She straightened with her clipboard in hand at Rose’s bedside.
“What did you find?” Julie asked, genuinely hoping it was a good answer.
The nurse’s eyes glistened as she smiled wistfully.
“Never forgetting,” she said. “But I think you’ve already found something that will help you.”
Julie cocked her head to the side, not understanding what she meant.
“My niece is a big fan, by the way,” the woman said, bowing her head down as she exited the room.
A small noise from her mom made Julie turn to see her eyes slowly opening up.
“Hey, mom,” she said softly, leaning closer to her.
Rose smiled and rubbed her thumb over Julie’s hand.
“Sweetie, hi,” she responded in a raspy voice. “You’re gonna play a mini show for that nurse’s niece, too, aren’t you?”
Julie chuckled. Of course she could overhear them.
“I’m thinking about it,” she told her.
Quietly shutting the front door behind him, Alex surveyed his family’s dark front room before tip-toeing up the stairs to his room. Thank goodness his dad wasn’t reading in the living room this time. He was always guaranteed to be caught when that happened. Once he got to his bedroom he took off his hat and fanny pack and was pulling his hoodie over his head when he heard a small knock. Dammit, he’d be so close.
Opening his door, he looked down to see Abby in her pajamas holding something behind her back.
“Abby, god,” he whispered. “I thought you were gonna be mom.”
She shyly shook her head. Her little blonde braids made small shuffling noises as they barely reached past her shoulders.
“What did you want?” Alex asked her.
“I wanted to show you my picture,” she told him quietly.
Any other night he would’ve sent her back to her room to show him in the morning, but her cuteness was a weapon and Alex was oddly weak tonight.
“Come here,” he said, nodding his head to let her inside. He patted the space beside him on his bed. She grinned as she sat cross-legged and held up the picture.
Alex could definitely identify himself, because she always drew him with his fanny pack on. There was also what appeared to be Luke, Reggie, and Bobby.
“Wait, who’s that?” he asked, pointing to a fifth person in the picture.
“It’s your other friend. I don’t know their name. I heard you talking about them.”
Alex sat back and looked at her, not sure if he was mad about it or not. He tried to be cryptic in his conversations over the phone with the guys, especially if they brought up Willie, so how she picked up on anything was almost impressive.
“Do you not like it?” Abby wondered.
Shaking his head, Alex put his arm around her and squeezed her into his side.
“Abby, this is great!” he assured. “I just didn’t know you paid such good attention.”
“I have good hearing, you know,” she stated proudly. Alex chuckled and gave her a light noogie. “Heeeyy!!” She put up her hands to get him off of her.
“Look at this, though!” he said, pointing to the drawing. “You even got that he has long hair!”
“It’s a boy?” she exclaimed, and then clamped her hand over her mouth. “You have a crush on a boy?”
Alex’s jaw hung open a few seconds too long and immediately felt his body begin to shake and all words were caught in his throat.
“I know what that’s like, Alex,” Abby was saying, in her sassy way. It was enough to reboot his brain.
“Wait, how do you know that? You’re nine!” He looked at her like she was his odd sister again.
Abby simply shrugged.
“Not telling you about it,” was all she said. “And your boy sounds cute.”
The emotion that took over was too good to just be relief. Alex pulled her into a tight hug, seriously trying not to cry. They sat like that for a minute until he got afraid of crushing her.
“You’re a stinker,” he told her, rubbing her back and lightly kissing the top of her head. “But I love you.”
“I love you too, Alex,” she said, voice muffled against his chest.
“Alright, now go to bed, okay?” He let go of her and she hopped off the bed and out the door. Seeing it shut behind her, Alex climbed under the sheets and lay on his back, exhaling sharply. She had been kept out of that conversation long enough, he guessed. It barely even had to be one with her. He let a few tears leak out before aggressively wiping them off his face and turning on his side. Man, did he need some shut-eye.
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bananarama-fantana · 6 years ago
Trouble in Paradise
Steve Harrington story  (updated re-post) 
chapter one - chapter two - chapter three - chapter four - chapter five - chapter six - chapter seven
Chapter One - ‘Homecoming’
Word count: 3465
Warnings: smoking, drinking, pretty much just a bunch of teen angst (I didn’t sleep for three days writing this so the only real warning is to always stay hydrated and sleep)
I wasn’t bitter.
I kept telling myself that. I wasn’t bitter and I certainly wasn’t a bitch, even if Carol wanted to say otherwise. I just had that icky feeling I got.
It all seemed far too reminiscent of the Homecoming dance my junior year, when he’d asked out Holly Peterson and the pair had stood up on stage shamelessly sucking face with cheap plastic crowns on their heads for everyone to see, all the other cheerleaders swooning, the American high-school dream. I remembered the first half of the night, with Carol and the vodka she’d stolen from her mom’s (not so secret) hiding place. We were sitting on the ledge next to the sinks in the girls bathrooms while she did her mascara and her hair, listening to her bitch about Tommy and the cheer-team and practically every other person in our school. I’d had my dress pulled up to my knees, ruining all the creases, drinking as much as I could stomach to try and cover up that same icky feeling.
Carol was a friend out of convenience more than anything, a bitchy older sister who I let drag me around to parties to get drunk with. I had only really seen her have actual emotions a couple times that I could remember, once when Tommy cheated on her the first time and she’d cried all the way through 5th period, and the next after her brother told her he was joining the army. Other than that she was just Carol all the time. She was never really someone I wanted to spend time with but despite being one of the most popular girls in school she really didn’t have that many other friends. Ever since Kathy Gates caught her giving a blowjob to Kathy’s long-time boyfriend Pete, the whole crowd turned on her like an angry mob. On some level I kind of felt sorry for her, she was still a person after all and the whole thing had been him, not her, but at the end of the day Pete and Kathy exchanged their promise rings and Carol spent her time with me instead. Before I knew it, I was dragged into the whole charade right next to her, like the Wicked Witch of the East and the Wicked Witch of the West: the twisted sisters of Hawkins high.
“And like she’s got this smile like she thinks she’s fucking better than me all because she’s vegetarian!” she was saying, adding about the millionth coat of mascara to her eyelid.
“That’s total horseshit, I saw her eating a cheeseburger like last week,” I replied, jumping down from the ledge next to her and straightening out my dress.
The dizzying air full of hairspray and perfume was nauseating in itself. Music was already playing in the sports hall, the drums from Venus by Bananarama echoing along the corridors, reminding me painfully of the whole bullshit scene that awaited me back at the dance. It took a couple seconds to realise just how drunk I was after standing up, almost going over on my ankle, trying to walk in my borrowed pair of sequined high-heels. Carol was cackling as she watched me.
“Way to be a light-weight, Y/n!”
“I’m fine,” I protested, pushing fingers over my scalp to try and give my hair a little more volume. I had looked better in the car but this would have to do.
“You look like shit,” She said, continuing to laugh. I gave her a dark look as she took the vodka from me with a face like the Cheshire Cat. “I don’t know what the fuck your being a bitch about though, Clark obviously wants to screw you,” She said before taking a drink.
Clark was my date that night, a senior and a douche. He wasn’t the type of douche Carol would hang around with though, he was a kind of pretentious douche, he went to college parties, smoked Marlboros, he’d read Bukowski’s ‘love is a dog from hell’ and now he thought he was the shit, I had talked to him once at a pool party in the suburbs and figured just as much. Carol liked him because he had friends who were in college, I only really liked him because he had good weed. To be honest there was really only one reason why he was my date though.
Steve fucking hated him.
Even the memory of that way of thinking still made me feel ill. It had always felt pathetic. Every girl in the whole school was looking at Steve the same way I was and that made me sick to my stomach. There was a big part of me that wanted to scream that he wasn’t even that great. Sure, he had the hair and the looks and the charm, but the guy was a dufus, a total airhead, he was barely making it through high school and he wasn’t even smart enough to care.
I had known him longer than I could remember, guessing that we must have first met in kindergarten some time, growing up in that same small town world right beside each other our whole lives. Somehow always reflecting the other, like parallel lines that only really crossed during games of tag or dress up, or when he used to pretend to be a wizard or a knight, wielding a twig as if it were a sword to fight off all kinds of mythical beasts: a childish fantasy, foreshadowing a nightmare that would come to life just a decade later. In elementary school I would let him use my pencil sharpener and borrow my sacred coloured pens even though we weren’t that close. In middle school I had helped him with his English assignment when he never even bothered to finish reading the book, he called me a genius that day and it made me blush. He tried out for the basketball team and kissed Macy Johnson behind the bleachers the same day I got my first period and choked on my first cigarette, one that I had been given by one of the older girls as right of passage. In Freshman year I stood in the halls and listened to the story of how the newly appointed ‘king Steve’ had lost his virginity to a sophomore, while he ate rice pudding out of a little plastic cup in the cafeteria and read a poem I had written anonymously in the school paper, arguing with Tommy that he thought it was actually ‘pretty good’.
It wasn’t until I had been raked into the whole Carol business that we really started hanging out though, with her and Tommy playing tonsil tennis every minute they were within reach of one another, leaving me and Steve to sit and talk about ‘whatever’ to fill the time.
It was those nights at his house, sitting at the edge of his pool or in his car talking about just life or getting high or drunk or just sitting that made me realise how much I really liked him. Not just some school girl crush like in the 8th grade but actually knowing him and seeing him and thinking he was magic.
I liked to think he was different with me, as sad as that sounded, that I'd gotten to meet the ‘real’ Steve not just the douchebag facade, but that kind of thinking only breaks hearts faster. Carol didn’t know about any of it at that point, at least I hadn’t told her about it, but that night at homecoming was sort of the end of our sisterhood, at least as it was back then.
“Clark would screw a fucking lamppost if it laughed at his jokes,” I replied, giving her a look.
“Yeah but he’s cute though so why not?” Carol said easily.
“I’m not in the mood”.
“You’re never in the goddamn mood! I mean Jesus, I’ve got Tommy, Steve’s got Holly, if you’re planning to ditch Clark you’re just gonna’ look dumb!” That was the thing with Carol, she always had a picture in her head. What she wanted people to see. What she wanted all the other cheerleaders looking over at her to see and be jealous. I was her ‘best friend’ but I was more like an accessory.
The mention of Holly brought bile up in my throat again, making me wince, the icky feeling coming back, “I need another drink”.
Carol had pulled me back to the sports hall not long after that, happy with how she looked now. The sight that awaited was not a happy one, however, someone having clearly succeeded in spiking the punch. The whole room descending into a chaotic mess of filth; sweat, saliva, and showering glitter, with every other couple seemingly attached at the mouth.
It took no time before Carol and Tommy were all over each other already and something about that made me feel even more sick than before. Clark had been waiting around at the door talking to some girl, he was saying something about how he’d not been to a school dance in years, he thought he was too good for them. It took me a while to spot Steve in the crowd, whispering something in Holly’s ear while he handed her a drink and she played with his hair. He looked great. The whole thing was a disaster.
“You guys wanna go outside for a smoke or something?”
“Sure, baby,” Carol had replied to Tommy sweetly, at whatever point during the dance, leading the group outside into the night.
We were a motley crew, hiding behind the bike sheds round the corner of school to smoke. Avoiding the teachers, making us feel like adults for once, high on teen rebellion. Tommy and Carol just continued to feel each other up, holding cigarettes between their fingers now as well. Clark looked pretty put out, I almost wanted to just tell him to go talk to that girl again but Carol had told him to come and now all he was doing was standing around awkwardly trying to look cool while I gritted my teeth and bit down harshly, ignoring him and smoked my cigarette.
Holly was still giggling at all of Steve’s stupid fucking jokes, fluttering her eyelashes in her nauseating powder-pink cardigan. I had heard them all before too many times to count, each time somehow worse than the last.
“Hey, are you okay?” Clark’s voice broke me out of my enraged trance.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
He pointed at his lip, indicating mine. I'd been biting it again, so hard it had started bleeding. I swore to myself, trying to wipe it away.
“I’m fine, it’s just a habit.” He looked sceptical.
“Again?” Steve laughed, coming closer to hand me a tissue with a goofy grin and a cigarette between his teeth. A few nights prior I had bust my lip on the side of Steve’s pool after falling flat on my face. I had been pissed off with him that night but he was used to it, he probably just thought Carol was driving me nuts again. He hadn’t even laughed when I had fallen, just scrambled quickly over to me in a string of swears and curses, asking if I was alright and helping me to my feet.
The rest of the school week had been spent with him nagging me every two seconds that I needed to “quit biting at it, Y/n. It’s never gonna heal if you keep biting it like that” all while Holly stood next to him, fawning over him, hand on the back of his head running fingers through his hair.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s nothing,” I reassured, dabbing at the blood. I couldn't even feel the pain through the buzz, the blood was the only problem.
Holly gasped, hands coming up to her face, “oh no! She’s got blood on her dress!”
“Shit!” The dress wasn’t mine, it was a rental, and they were never going to accept it back looking like that.
“Hey, it’s fine you can get that shit out with like baking soda, right?” Clark said.
Steve scoffed. “What are you, man, a serial killer?”
Steve had never liked Clark so when he had rocked up to the dance with me hanging on his arm Steve hadn’t been impressed, whispering to me under his breath that I “could do better than that douchebag” not because he liked me or anything but just because I was his friend. He had said before that I was the only friend he had who he could have a real conversation with. We were just kind of like that. I didn’t like Holly either and I had told him just as much, he had just put it down to me having a thing against cheerleaders, I always said I thought they were all too uptight.
“What the fuck is your problem, asshole?” Clark bit back, Steve loving finally getting a raise out of him, he’d finally hit the gold he’d been digging for all night.
“Look, just drop it, Clark,” I cut in before Steve could say anything more and cause a scene.
“No, I’m not gonna just drop it, Y/n. I came out here with you for a good time and all I get is this moron riding my ass the whole night!” He said, gesturing to Steve.
“Leave then, man, go talk to Sadie fucking Lawson, that’s what you really wanna do,” steve sang back.
It was then that Carol broke her silence.
“Holy fucking shit!” her eyes were wide as she wiped her mouth, stepping forwards and looking right back at me, “I just figured it out!”
She looked at Steve and then back again. I let in a sharp breath.
“What the fuck are you talking about Carol?” Steve said exasperatedly. She was just laughing now. I closed my eyes, I knew what was coming.
“You don’t wanna fuck Clark, because you wanna fuck Steve!”
“What?” Tommy cut in, holding her arm and turning to look between us, he started to laugh too, “Oh my god. You’re right!”
I sighed, they were drunk, they were just drunk.
“Look, shut up, man. That’s obviously not true!” Steve was saying awkwardly, looking over at me cautiously, “Right, Y/n?”
When I didn’t immediately reply Carol and Tommy burst into more laughter, making my guts churn. It was like someone was suffocating me from the inside and stabbing me all at once, and all I could do was stand there and look into Steve’s painfully oblivious eyes.
“‘Course not, they’re just drunk,” I finally breathed out, running a hand through my hair and avoiding his eyes again.
“Bull-shit!” Carol yelled.
“Shut the fuck up, Carol,” I had snapped, feeling tears stinging at my eyes, the vodka pushing my emotions right to the surface, with a vengeance. She stopped laughing after that.
“What did you say to me?”
“I said, shut up.” It was a simple answer, that was silently begging her to just ‘stop’. But she didn't, taking a step towards me.
“Hey woah- woah, calm down, okay?” Steve brought his hands up between the two of us. Carol and I had fought before and it was never pretty. People at the dance had started to wonder over now too, after hearing all the ruckus. A crowd of spectators forming around the spot, drawing more attention.
It felt like the whole of Hawkins high was watching my life fall apart.
Over a year later I had still never quite managed to live it down, the whole school somehow burying my friendship with Carol in a night. We hadn't spoken again after the fight, which had somehow escalated so far that she had tried to rip out a chunk of my hair. I had stopped hanging out with her altogether the next day.
At one point she had called me late at night saying she missed me, but I knew that if I brought it up in person she would pretend it had never happened. But over the course of our high school lives we still went to the same parties and now, in senior year, the whole thing felt just like dé jà vu.
“You still like him, don’t you?” She was yelling over the music, drunk out of her mind.
Steve was dancing with Nancy Wheeler this time, dressed as Joel and Lana from Risky Business. The perfect couple to all appearances. The perfect couple, perfectly happy.
“You’re such a bitch, Y/n,” she slurred when I ignored her, repeating herself for about the fifth time that night. “Has anyone seen Tommy?”
“God! Carol, he’s an ass!” One of her new friends, Nicole, was groaning beside me. I guessed they had broken up again but I didn’t really care.
“Yeah, but I miss him,” she pouted, steadying herself on the sink and sliding herself across the tiled floor of Tina’s kitchen.
"I miss Steve,” I thought aloud, taking another sip of that weird drink and wincing. I really was that drunk, huh?
“Steve’s an ass!” The friend stated confidently.
I thought back to the Byers house last year, the demogorgon ripping through the wall and Steve hurling himself at it with no hesitation.
“He’s not so bad.” I shrugged.
Carol laughed. “He’s totally an ass!”
I liked to think I had changed a lot in a year, but Carol hadn’t. It was almost comforting. At least some things hadn’t changed. Despite Hawkins lab and inter-dimensional beings trying to eat everyone's face off, Carol was still the same-old Carol.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend anyway? Weren’t you dating some college guy, uhh... Pete something?” Nicole asked, leaning closer. She certainly seemed to know a lot more about me than I knew about her.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I answered with a grimace. In truth Pete was barely even a friend, sure I had slept with him but that had mostly just been because I had been drunk and he had been there, even if he was total dogshit in the sack. He sort of reminded me of Jonathan Byers when I first met him, he had a similar demeanour, granted a bit more put together, but mostly just watched a lot of Japanese horror movies. He didn’t keep to himself as much as Byers did though.
I had been surprised when Jonathan showed up at the Halloween party, when he told me Nance had invited him I was even more surprised. I hadn’t spoken to either of them at all since last year, I had seen him at the record store on Main Street a couple times, or in the halls at school and smiled, but that was it. The year before had left us all pretty broken, all starting when Jonathan’s brother had gone missing. A couple weeks later I cut my hand, heard a noise and thought nothing of it only to be woken up by something coming through the wall above my bed. I hit it with my bedside lamp at first, screaming at the top of my lungs, but it had done nothing, not even a scratch, so I ran out, still screaming like hell. The neighbours hadn’t heard me, they were in florida.
There was a quilted blanket my nana had given us lying out in the living room that night and when I hit the bottom of the stairs I had somehow kicked it into the fireplace on accident, the whole room going up in seconds. Whatever that thing had been, it had crawled back to where it came from, cowering away from the flames.
When the police and the firefighters showed up they thought I was insane, told me I must have been hallucinating from all of the smoke. Nobody believed me, not one, not until I spoke to Jonathan.
A year later here we all were, all four of us who had been there, signed the NDA's and everything, bound to secrecy. All in the same room but never further apart. Jonathan met my eyes across the room, he had been watching Steve and Nancy with just as much jealousy and disdain as I had, cradling a red solo-cup and a growing ball of hatred in my gut.
I hated to admit any of it, hated myself for still liking Steve, hated him for becoming less of an asshole, but most of all I hated that this time it was different.
This time he was in love.
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rufousnmacska · 5 years ago
Secrets and Confessions Part 4
A Crescent City Ruhn-Hypaxia fic
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
“What the Hel, Danaan?”
Flynn turned the empty bottle of scotch upside down, letting what little remained trickle out. He caught himself before calling Ruhn a drunk. “I thought you’d at least wait for us.”
Ruhn ignored him and started up the stairs. He heard Dec come through the door and then the two males were whispering. He knew it was about him. But he didn’t listen. Didn’t care.
He’d quickly fallen back into old habits in the last week. Drinking, smoking, going to clubs or staying in for the parties his friends held here. He never did more than sit there, alone and drowning in scotch and self pity. Bryce’s growing concern hadn’t even been enough to snap him out of this.
Stumbling into his room, he fell onto the bed, fully clothed and soaring from whatever he’d just smoked. He’d almost forgotten how much he had always relied on this. But now, he actually kind of hated the oblivion. Sure, it helped him relax, helped him sleep.
But then, so had she.
And there’d been no nasty hangover from her. Just heartache.
Shit, he was pathetic. It was no wonder it hadn’t worked.
He looked around the room, his eyes losing and regaining focus on a chaos of clothes and weapons and equipment and junk. He’d once tried to imagine her here, in this bed with him. A laugh escaped his lips and he jumped, surprised by the sound.
The buzz of his phone made him flinch again. Wishing he could bash the fucking thing against a wall, he pulled a pillow up over his head instead. If he didn’t need it for Aux duties, he would destroy it. His only other responsibility was a joke. The Chosen One, Starborn Prince, Heir of the Valbaran Fae ... meaningless titles for a worthless little prince who was nothing more than his father’s lapdog.
He laughed again, thinking, at the very least, he was damn good at pouting.
Another buzz came, muffled by the pillow but still audible. Against his better judgment, Ruhn reached over to the bedside table, knocking empty glasses over in a blind search for the phone. When he got a hold of it, he took a breath before cracking open an eye to see who’d texted.
He was expecting Hypaxia. Not hoping. Expecting.
She’d messaged him almost every day with what he assumed were apologies. He never opened them, never replied. Never scrolled through the photos he’d taken with her. Didn’t care that it had been two days since her last text. He definitely was not hoping to see her name pop up.
But it wasn’t her. It was Bryce with the second of her twice-a-day check-ins to see if he was still breathing. Those were here exact words. Every time.
Are you still breathing?
No, he wanted to reply. How can I with my chest caved in?
Instead, he wrote back
Yes. Contemplating a career change. Writing for Fangs and Bangs. Seems I have a talent for melodrama. Good stuff.
He imagined Pax laughing at that as Bryce replied
You??? Never. I’ve never once thought of you as a drama queen. Never. Never ever.
Seeing the word queen made Hypaxia’s presence in his thoughts pound like a drum. Or maybe that was just his fucking head.
Nice. So you inherited all of the dq genes from dad then?
She sent him a middle finger followed by a heart.
Hypaxia had never sent those kinds of things until he’d shown her how, telling her the double meanings behind some of the more innocent looking symbols. After a day or two of nothing but faces and animals and magical signs, he’d teased her, telling her he’d created a monster. Immediately, she’d sent a string of little beasts and devils. Trailed by a heart. The memory filled him with heat, and in a far off way, like he was watching himself from outside his body, he realized he was smiling.
As if summoned by his thoughts of her, his phone buzzed in his hand and notification of a new message popped up. Before he could stop himself, his finger hit the name Pax, and it opened.
I miss you.
That’s all it said.
Ruhn squeezed his eyes shut. And he saw her sitting in the sunny courtyard at her clinic, drinking tea and laughing. He saw her watching him from across a crowded room, her dark eyes like magnets pulling him towards her. He saw her writhing atop him, the curls of her hair wrapped around his fingers, her mouth open in pleasure. He heard her voice, the chords and notes so lovely and silky to his fae ears that her singing left him weak in the knees.
He saw her whispering with Ketos, heard them discussing his suitability for their fucking rebellion. Saw her flinch way from him in fear.
He stared at his phone, long enough for the words to stop making sense. And long enough again for their meaning to come back around. Something about the quiet simplicity of those three words moved him to type.
I miss you too.
Or maybe it was something about the high he had going on. Fuck him. Without hitting send, he shut the thing off and tossed it on the floor.
After another draw on his cigarette, Ruhn welcomed the oblivion, and finally fell asleep.
The message was read. Unlike all the others, he’d actually looked at this one. Hypaxia watched and waited as the cursor flashed in a steady rhythm. He was replying.
The anticipation made her suck in and hold her breath. With each flash indicating Ruhn was typing, she imagined what he might say.
Fuck you was highly likely. Or some other curse. That wouldn’t bother her. She’d rather get an angry reply than nothing. Anger would eventually fade. Nothing meant he was done.
When her chest started to burn from the lack of air, she inhaled shakily, realizing her phone must be toying with her. A few moments later, the cursor disappeared and the only thing left was a read at 10:33 notice.
It was nothing, then.
Hypaxia looked around her empty apartment. The tiny place had never felt so claustrophobic before. Even when Ruhn had stayed over, taking up more than his fair share of space with his booming laughter and tall, muscular frame. Somehow, without him here, it felt smaller.
She was not one to mope. Even during those first few weeks grieving the loss of her mother, she’d stayed busy and focused. That loss, while devastating, had been the result of a prolonged illness. There had been time to prepare. Closure.
The loss of Ruhn had been like a blunt force trauma. It hit her out of the blue and left her with no means of recovery.
The severity of it, the fact she was even comparing it to her mother’s death ... That was one more weight added to her collection, dragging her ever downward. She had not realized how entrenched he’d become in her life.
The ring of her phone made her jump and she scrambled to answer. But it wasn’t him. And thank the damn gods it wasn’t Tharion. The mer meant well, checking in on her between calls about the rebellion. But she wasn’t in the mood for a pep talk, or to discuss strategy about the upcoming meeting with Jesiba.
“Hello, Bryce,” she said, trying to hide her disappointment that it wasn’t the female’s brother instead. “What can I help you with?” Hypaxia expected some medical question, perhaps a request for an appointment.
But instead, Bryce asked, “So what’s happening with my brother? He’s barely functioning and I was only just now told” - there was a muffled sound like someone being punched, then a gruff Hey! - “you might know why.”
“What do you mean barely functioning?” There was no hiding her emotions this time. “Is he okay?”
“He’s just wallowing,” she said, trying to sound dismissive. But she wouldn’t have called if she wasn’t worried. “I’d assumed it was from my father being a dick. But that’s an all the time kind of thing. And Ruhn is used to it.”
Hypaxia didn’t bother saying that no one would get used to the awful treatment doled out by the Autumn King. That was something the half-fae knew as well as her brother.
“I didn’t know you were seeing each other,” Bryce added.
Impossibly, her heart sank further. Their relationship hadn’t been front page news. But she’d thought his sister had known.
“Hello? Are you there Hypaxia?”
“Yes, yes I’m here. Sorry, I was ...” But she trailed off, unsure of what to say.
Bryce must have known what she was thinking because she said, “Don’t read into that. After you two first met, I could tell that he liked you. And while he’s annoying and feels entitled to know the details of my life, he hardly ever reciprocates. But, he’s been different these past few months. Happier and calm. I suspected there was someone new in his life. I just didn’t know who.”
Hypaxia was silent, recalling when they’d first met. Not officially, not with names. Or, at least assumed names. She hadn’t been in the city long, working at the clinic and responding to some of the more unusual calls for a medwitch at crime scenes, hoping to get more information about what was happening and whether it was a danger to her witches. She’d seen him in the news, had even seen him from afar on a couple of occasions.
But it was at the murder of the temple guard in Asphodel Meadows that they’d first spoken. Hypaxia remembered how intense Ruhn was, not just about gathering the details of the scene, but about his sister. Long before he knew of her true abilities, he’d been a protective, loving brother.
He’d enchanted her that night, despite the grisly surroundings. Apparently, she’d done the same to him.
Cthona, that felt like ages ago.
“Are you still there?” Bryce’s voice was quiet and gentle.
“Yes,” she replied. “Sorry my mind wandered a bit there. Uh, yes, we’ve been together. Until recently.” An overwhelming urge to spill everything to Bryce came over her. The rebels were off limits of course. But the thought of having a friend to talk to, a friend who might offer advice or just listen, someone who didn’t only see her as a queen … The cold emptiness she felt wasn’t just from the vacant apartment. Or Ruhn’s notable absence.
With a quick shot of courage, she said, “I can’t really go into details about the how and the why, but I messed up. And I’ve been trying to contact him to apologize but he’s not answering. Can you give me his address?” She faltered, and said, “It must sound ridiculous that I don’t know where he lives. It’s just that we always stayed at my place.”
Bryce snorted a laugh. “That’s not ridiculous. His place is a sty. Literally. Flynn once had a pig as a pet. And I felt bad for it having to live there.”
Hypaxia heard Hunt laughing in the background and she joined in. “That’s okay. I’m not concerned about the state of his house.”
“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Bryce gave her the address for a townhouse near the Old Square then paused before adding, “I’d give it some time though. He’s pretty sensitive. No matter how hard he tries to hide it, he wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s one reason our father looks down on him. There’s no room for emotion in that asshole’s world. Whatever happened between you … maybe wait a couple of days.”
“Yes, I know,” she said, thinking of all those conversations, in writing and in person, where Ruhn surprised her with his sweet nature. No, not surprised. She’d sensed it early on. But his tenderness always seemed so disparate from his cultivated appearance. Which, of course, was the point. And, according to Bryce, not as successful as he thought it was. “Thank you. I’m leaving tomorrow to attend to some things at home for a few days. I’ll wait until I get back.”
“Okay. Good luck! Not that you’ll need it. He’s crazy about you. Once he quits sulking he’ll realize that. I only mean good luck about surviving his shitty house. Call me if you need help finding your way out of the mess.”
For a second, she wasn’t sure if Bryce was talking about Ruhn’s place or her life. But there was a smile in Bryce’s voice. And a warmth that spoke of genuine affection. As if they were already friends.
Laughing and thanking her again, Hypaxia said goodnight. Thinking of Bryce as a friend, as someone who liked her, apart from Ruhn, made some of the chill dissipate.
But only some.
Later, as she lay in bed, Hypaxia thought about the blinking cursor. It wasn’t just nothing. He’d looked at the message and wanted to reply. That gave her hope.
To be continued...
Thanks for reading!
My fanfic master list on tumblr and my writing on AO3 (mostly manorian with a little nessian)
Tagging @itach-i @queen-of-glass
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gothpanda · 5 years ago
A Little Bit of Attitude Chapter 2: On Palm Avenue
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A/N: Please ignore this weird gif lol I thought this one was perfect but couldn’t figure out how tf to crop it. Anyway, enjoy it! 
Read on Ao3
As the warmth of summer night fell, a phone ring echoed in the downstairs hall of the Bass house at the front of the home. The phone rang for almost a minute before Mrs. Bass could catch it on its final ring. “Ello, this is the Bass residences.” Mrs. Bass said, wiping her hands with a kitchen towel. “Hey Mamá, it’s Tommy. Is Sammi home?” Tommy replied from his side of the phone, sitting in his shared bedroom with Vince. “Oh ello, Tommy! Yes, Samantha is in her room, I’ll call her down.” 
 “Thanks, Mamá.” Tommy smiled as he heard his mother yell through the phone. Sammi skipped down the stairs, jumping at the last step walking to the wall phone, “Yeah, Mamá?”. “Tommy wants to talk to you. Dinner is almost ready, so don’t take too long” Mrs. Bass passed the phone to Sammi and walking back into the kitchen. Sammi leaned her back flat against the wall, exhaling loudly. Sammi wasn’t entirely over with what had happened this afternoon. If it weren’t for Vince’s somewhat attempt of mending things, she would’ve made up an excuse to avoid Tommy right away. She didn’t understand how Tommy and Vince could let Nikki do something crazy. While she knew Tommy could be crazy and fun, this seemed different in comparison. Sammi put the phone against her ear, trying her best to be eager at Tommy. 
 “Yeah, Tommy, what’s up?” Sammi asked, playing with the spiral phone cord. “Hey Sam, Vince told me he invited you to the apartment tomorrow. Are you gonna come?” Tommy said, twirling a drumstick between his fingers. “Uh yeah, I’m thinking about it. I don’t have work tomorrow, so I figured it beat studying all day.” Sammi slid down the wall sitting on the floor. “Well, the apartment is near the strip on Palm Avenue. You can’t miss it.” “Okay, cool. Like I said I’ll think about it."
 Sammi said with no enthusiasm, silence falling between the phone call. Tommy hated awkward silence whenever he talked to someone. He knew Sammi was in a mood right away when she got passed the phone. Tommy threw the drumstick across the room and huffed. “Look, Sammi I’m sorry about Nikki’s driving, okay? I should’ve told him to stop.” Tommy said in hopes of Sammi coming by tomorrow. He wanted that relationship back with his little sister. Tommy knew his life was gonna be crazy in anything he did, but he still wanted his sisters by his side. “If you want, after we practice, you, me, and Athena can eat at the diner nearby. It’s pretty good. You could also help me with the sign.” while Tommy couldn’t see it, Sammi was smiling at the thought of them all hanging out again. “Yeah, that be fun. What time do you want me to come by then?” Sammi asked, hearing her mother yell for dinner. “You can come by 2. You’ll finally get to meet Mick! He’s like an alien, I swear!” Tommy said, happily looking up to see Vince walk in the room to grab something. “Cool. I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye, Toms.” Sammi said. “Later, Sams!” Tommy said before hanging up the phone and walking into the small living room.  
 Tommy dropped himself on the sofa next to Nikki and Mick working on a song. “Why are you so happy, Teenager?” Mick said, looking up from his guitar over Nikki. Nikki continued to scribble on his beaten up notebook, ignoring the conversation going on between him. “My sister’s gonna come see us practice tomorrow! You’ll finally get to meet her, Mick. She’s really cool, I swear!” Tommy smiled while getting up to grab a beer from the fridge. “We met her today. She’s nothing like Tommy.” Nikki mumbled, still glued to the notebook. “Yeah, that’s because you pissed her off. She still the same cute little Shirley Temple to me.” Vince said with a smile walking into the living room. Vince grabbed a beer and sat on the white dining chair in front of the sofa.
 Nikki looked up at Vince with an annoyance reminding him of Samantha’s dislike towards him. “She even has a new nickname for Nikki. Kept calling him porcupine the whole time.” Vince chuckled, taking a swing for his beer as he made Mick smirk a small bit. “Yeah, I already apologized to Sammi about today. Honestly, Vince, thanks for inviting her, man. I for sure thought she was gonna avoid me even more after that.” Tommy said before high fiving Vince as he pulled a chair next to him. “Well, from how you guys are describing her, this’ll sure be a treat tomorrow,” said Mick as he put down his guitar to take a sip of his beer. Nikki thought for a moment about what could happen tomorrow. He could try to be kind to Samantha and hopefully get her to stop calling him porcupine. Nikki also remembered the little moment of Vince in the backseat with little Lee. Nikki smirked up at Vince with squinting eyes, “Hey Vince, how’s Beth doing? Isn’t she gonna come to practice tomorrow as well?”. Vince wrinkled his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, leaning back into the chair, remembering about the curly blonde. “Fuck, guess this will be a treat tomorrow,” Vince muttered quietly as he took the last sip of beer for the night. 
  The sun rose high and bright the next morning, and so did Sammi. Sammi rose from her bed, immediately turning on the radio to begin her day. Heat of The Moment blared from the portable radio in the room, and curtains were drawn out to let in the sun. Sammi opened her closet, dancing a little, looking for something cute to wear. She didn’t want to take forever getting ready, already knowing how far Tommy’s apartment was from their house. For once in a long time, Sammi felt happy having some time to spend with Tommy. Even if with the bumps in the road, she was still excited to see the band fully in action. It was something Tommy always wanted to do, and that made her happy. After about 10 minutes of staring at her closet and drawers, Sammi changed into acid high waisted loose jeans with a black sunflower cut up shirt. The redhead sat down at her desk, pulling out a mirror close to her face. Sammi always wanted to look her best with every chance she got. She had a touch a mascara to her dark lashes, a tap of blush to her cheeks, and a shimmery pink lip gloss. After she was done, Sammi skipped down the stairs to find her dad sitting in the living room recliner reading the newspaper. She grabbed her denim jacket from the coat rack and slid on a pair of white superstars. 
“And where are you going so early? I thought classes didn’t start ’til this coming Monday?” Mr. Bass asked, peering up to Sammi. Sammi dropped herself on the white sofa near her father’s recliner. “I’m actually gonna go hang out with Tommy! He wants me to see his new band. Did you know Vince is in it? I think he’s the singer.” Sammi said gleefully. Mr. Bass smiled, “Well, that’s good; you and Tommy are getting along. For a minute there, it seemed like you two were growing apart.” Mr. Bass turned the page of his newspaper. Sammi bit her nails, remembering Tommy’s words at the mall.
Even though Sammi didn’t want to admit it, she was beginning to notice the habit she was building on avoiding her only brother. “Yeah, I’ve just been busy getting ready for another semester and working,” Sammi said, avoiding direct eye contact with her dad. “Well alright, then. I hope you have a nice time and careful driving into the city. Oh, and can you tell your brother to return the van? I don’t remember telling him he can take it.” Mr. Bass said as he read along. “Alrighty, dad,” Sammi kissed her father’s cheek, “I’ll be careful driving and won’t come home late, promise.” Sammi quickly walked out the door and into the impala. 
   After driving down west for a full hour, Sammi pulls up to the only fully outdoor apartment complex on the entire street. Sammi switched off the ignition before stepping out to hear a drum blaring out from the second floor. “Hey!” Sammi turned her head fast to see a man in all black leather with sunglasses on walking down the outdoor stairs. He seemed to be almost Vince’s height and had longer hair than the rest of the guys. He looked so out of place with all of southern California. “Are you, Samantha? Tommy’s little sister?” Sammi scrunched her eyebrows together with confusion and scratching the side of her head. “Uhh yeah, I am. Who are you exactly?” Sammi asked as the man approached her.
 “I’m Mick Mars. I’m the guitar player for this band. Nice to meet you.” Mick extended his hand out to Sammi, which was hastily accepted. “Oh cool. Vince mentioned I didn’t get to meet you yet. He said you were like an alien.” Sammi giggled shortly before Mick glared at the redhead. “Yeah just because I’m the oldest and don’t have the same ideas as them, I’m the alien.” Mick shrugged then asked, “You wanna be nice and help me get a couple of guitars from my car?”. Sammi noticed the small red car across the street, “Yeah! I’d be happy to help!”. 
 “Hey Tommy, your sister’s outside,” Nikki said as he peeked out of the window through the blinds. Tommy hurried over from his drum set with Vince in tow seeing Sammi hold a guitar case that Mick passed to her. “Awe Sammi’s already nice to Mick.” Vince chuckled, looking over Nikki’s shoulder, locking his eyes only on Sammi. “Oh hey, she’s an hour early! Way better than I’ll ever be.” Tommy chuckled. He moved past Vince walking outside of the apartment, leaning over the railing. “Hey, Sammi! Thanks for helping Mick!” Tommy yelled as Sammi, and Mick crossed the street.
 Sammi immediately regretted helping Mick carry this freaking guitar case. She wobbled all the way to the stairs behind Mick, barely having enough strength to care for the case. Nikki followed Tommy out of the apartment, leaving the door open for Mick. He could quickly notice Sammi struggling to not bang the heavy case on the concrete steps. Nikki felt somewhat unfortunate and proceeded to walk towards her. “Here let me take that for you, Samantha. I know how fucking heavy these things can be.” Nikki said, carefully removing the case from Sammi’s grasp, who almost tripped up the final step. “I could’ve done it,” Sammi mumbled as she passed the case looking up at Nikki with a pout. Nikki snickered with a smirk leaning on the case and lowering his face to Sammi. “You could just say you’re welcome and be nice,” Nikki said with a smile. Sammi only rolled her eyes, walking away from Nikki and hugging Tommy before stepping into the apartment.  
 When Sammi walked in, her eyes grew wide, scanning the whole living room in its complete filth. She could see burnt spots on the greyish rug with dead cockroaches on them. She even saw dark boot like footprints leading to one of the bedrooms. The smell of cigarette smoke filled up the entire apartment and maybe also weed. One bedroom door looked like it was falling off the hinges. Beer bottles all thrown into a corner next to the beaten-up sofa that used to be white. “Tommy how the fuck do you live here?! And with two other guys!?” Sammi wrinkled her nose, turning to Tommy. Tommy could only give a tight-lipped smile closing the door behind him and shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, you don’t like the beautiful smell of cigarette ash? Or the decorative footprints of Nikki from lighting him on fire at our shows? It’s what makes the Motley House feel special!”
 Vince jokingly said as he put his arm around Sammi, squeezing her shoulder. Sammi playfully rolled her eyes and took notice of the equipment layout. “The Motley House? Why that name for this dump?” Sammi asked. “Oh, I forgot to tell you! Mick over here picked the name Motley Crue! Isn’t it sick?” Tommy said, with pride twirling his drumsticks. Sammi only smiled and nodded at her brother happily. “Well, you guys should clean this Motley House at least once a month,” Sammi said, throwing herself down on the sofa. With that quick move, the right side of the couch collapsed, making Sammi yelp and slide down. “See, I fucking knew that piece of shit was gonna fucking break!” Nikki said, looking at Sammi, “Just didn’t think it was gonna be Little Lee’s fault.”. Sammi got up and moved to a stable looking chair near her. “Sorry.” Sammi grinned, trying not to laugh. “So are you guys gonna practice or what?” Sammi asked, crossing her legs Indian style. The group of men all looked at each other and processed to hook everything up. Mick beginning everything with a heavy clean guitar riff.
 Sammi was amazed at all of them, to say the least. They all functioned together perfectly and listened to what they each had to say about something. Tommy looked so happy, smiling as he beat the drums making Sammi light up as well. She also had to admit Nikki was talented in playing bass. As the guys were about to take a break, a light knock came from the front door. Nikki opened it to find the definition of blonde rich Cali girl. She strutted into the place like she owned it and most likely never smiled in her life. Before she could go straight to her primary target, she noticed Sammi and stopped dead in her tracks. “Who the fuck are you?” the short hair blonde asked with an icy stare. Sammi sat frozen in her chair and pressing her lips tightly together, looking at Tommy like a deer in the headlights.
 Vince swiftly moved in front of the blonde, blocking Sammi from her view. “It’s okay, baby. She’s just Tommy’s little sister.” Vince said, kissing the blonde’s cheek and neck, trying to defuse her temper. She still stared at Sammi with cold eyes making Sammi even more uncomfortable. Sammi got up from the chair and passed the couple to stand near Nikki. “Hey, Toms, why don’t we start on the sign for the show tomorrow? You guys do have spray paint, right?” Sammi shifted her eyes away from Vince, only trying to pay attention to the rest. “Uh yeah, I’ll get the stuff, and we can do it outside across the street,” Tommy said, getting up from his set and walked to his room. Nikki put down his bass and looked at Sammi, opening the door for her. 
 They both walked out together, going down the stairs in silence. “That was Beth. Vince’s girlfriend, if you haven’t already guessed.” Nikki said, looking at Sammi’s confused expression. Sammi leaned her back flat against the cold brick wall observing the apartment door from a distance. Nikki stood next to Sammi, their shoulders almost touching. “Look I’m not usually one for apologies, so how about I make it up to you,” Nikki said, staring down at his boots, his hair covering a majority of his face away from everyone. Sammi smirked, only staring straight ahead. “What do you have in mind?” Sammi asked. “We could go eat at the diner that nearby. I could pay for you. I know everyone likes free food.” Nikki said, picking his head up to give direct eye contact. “Tommy said he wanted to take Athena and me to eat after this. You can tag along and still give me free food.” Sammi said, smiling at Nikki right when Tommy and Mick approached them. “Okay! Help me put this up, man, so me and Sammi can get a spraying!” Tommy said, dropping everything to the ground. 
 Later that day, as the California sun began to set, Nikki sat at the end of a round booth with two of the Lee siblings. Sammi sat in the middle of Nikki and Tommy, looking through the breakfast section of the menu with pursed lips. Tommy kept turning his head back, waiting to see Athena come any minute now. “So what’s the Little Lee in the mood for?” Nikki asked, leaning on the table, crossing his arms. Sammi looked up, scrunching her eyebrows together and smiling. “Is that my new nickname? Little Lee?” Sammi asked with a sweet giggle. “Well, you don’t let me call you Sammi, so thought I’d come up with something,” Nikki said, shrugging his shoulders and smirking. Sammi playfully rolled her eyes, turning her head to see Athena walking towards the booth. With a big smile, all three siblings hugged each other and slid down the round booth. Nikki felt a bit uneasy with all this happiness going around between the three siblings. Even though he had his own half-sister, he still didn’t get the same feelings Tommy receives when he sees his sisters. “Hey, Nikki! Haven’t you seen you in a while. How was practice?” Athena asked, taking off her denim jacket similar to Sammi’s. “It was good until Vince’s girlfriend crashed it,” Nikki said, taking a sip from his soda. Athena snickered and looked over at her little sister, “And how has Sammi seen the band?”. “These guys are honestly terrific. I’ll admit it.” Sammi said, looking at Tommy and Nikki. Tommy gave Sammi a side hug with a smile growing more prominent as the day went on. He couldn’t express how thrilled he was to be in this diner with the people he loved in one booth. The foursome continued joking around as they ate and told stories of their childhood to Nikki. “For some reason when Sammi was about 6, her favorite toy was these pair of pink scissors. She would cut everything almost every day until one day she accidentally cut her hair upwards-”
  “Dude she had straight up mushroom hair! And her hair is actually brown, so it looked like those portobello mushrooms!” Tommy said with an uncontrollable laugh with Athena following in his steps. Sammi could only bite her nails and slightly look at Nikki in the eye who was trying to not laugh. “Well it sounds like you were a fun little girl, Samantha,” Nikki said, biting his lip to contain his laughter. He didn’t know if Sammi would pop off on him if he did laugh, but he did not want to test the waters. Athena looked at Sammi and Nikki with a confused face. “He calls you Samantha? Only mom and dad call you full name by when you’re in trouble.” Athena said, taking a sip of her grape soda. “Yeah well, I told him to call me Samantha. So let us move on from that.” Sammi said, messing with her nails. “Hey I was thinking, why don’t you guys come to the show tomorrow? Both of you haven’t seen us play and it would be nice. Wouldn’t you agree, Tommy?” Nikki asked, looking at the Lee’s. Athena and Sammi looked at Tommy, waiting for an answer of approval. “Yeah, that would be a cool idea. You guys can even party with us at the apartment.” Tommy said, putting his arms around his sisters. They smiled happily all together. Sammi looked up at the clock on the wall, realizing how late it was getting for L.A traffic. “Shit, I promised dad I wasn’t gonna be home late. I have to go.” Sammi said, pushing Tommy and Athena out of the booth to get out. “Oh dude, tell dad I’ll take the van back Saturday. I need it for tomorrow.” Sammi nodded at Tommy before hugging him goodbye, followed by Athena. Sammi turned to Nikki, who stood up to pay for the food. With hesitation, Sammi hugged Nikki goodbye taking him by surprise but still returning it. “Thanks for the food, Nikki.” Sammi said, smiling up. “Anytime Little Lee,” Nikki smirked back before Sammi left the diner ultimately. 
“Well, that went better than I expected! I think she’s starting to warm up to you, man!” Tommy said, slinging his arm around Nikki. “Think you’re right for once, T-bone.” 
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fanficshiddles · 6 years ago
Bonding over music, One shot
Thank you for the prompt! Hope you like it. :-)
loke-laufeyjarson said:
For the prompt. Adam needs new guitar equipment and there Ian is sick he sets his sister with the stuff over. Adam is firstly a grumpy cat but eventually ends with yamming with her.
Adam groaned in irritation when he received a text from Ian saying he was sending his sister round, because he was ill.
‘Damn humans and their sickness.’ He clenched his jaw angrily.
He’d told Ian many times how he valued his privacy, didn’t want strangers coming round. How dare he send his sister round!
Adam quickly wrote out a text back, telling him not to bother sending his sister. That he would wait until he was feeling better for the equipment. But the response he got was not what he wanted.
Sorry man, she’s already on her way over. You’ll like her, she’s into music too. She’s in a band.
He rolled his eyes at the text. No doubt a college band, where she could barely play the keyboard or something, he thought.
The doorbell rang ten minutes later, Adam looked out the window to see Ian’s sister. She had been told to stand in view after ringing, so that Adam could see who it was. He reluctantly went downstairs to let her in.
When he opened the door, he was greeted with a big smiling face. ‘Hi! I’m Daisy, Ian’s sister. He’s not doing too well, so asked me to bring some gear over for you.’
‘Yes, he text me. You better come in.’ Adam gave not even a half smile and stood to the side, to let her in with the stuff she had. He also took some of it from her to help going upstairs.
Daisy put the gear down in the living room and looked around. ‘Wow, you have so much equipment in here. Do you record all your music from here?’
Adam folded his arms over his chest while he watched Daisy looking at his array of instruments.
‘Did Ian tell you I’m in a band?’ She asked, glancing briefly over to him before then taking a closer look at his record collection.
‘He might have mentioned it, yes.’ Adam really wasn’t in the mood for small talk.
‘You’re not much of a talker, are you?’ She grinned and turned to face him.
‘I’m just… tired.’ He shrugged.
‘Ian did tell me you aren’t very sociable.’ She laughed. ‘But, I know when I’m not wanted. Is there anything else you need Ian to get you once he’s better?’
‘Not at the moment… thanks.’
‘Alrighty then. Was nice to meet you.’ Daisy was about to leave, when she noticed his drums in the corner of the room.
‘Oh wow. You play drums too? That’s what I do in my band.’ She went over and looked at them. ‘Woah, these are awesome! Can I have a quick play?’
‘Why not.’ He nodded. His thoughts were when she started playing, she would be rubbish. Then he could just tell her to leave before she ruined his drums.
Daisy sat down and picked up the sticks, then she started to play. And Adam’s mouth fell open in surprise at how well she could play. She was excellent, in-fact. Totally surprising him.
Then something clicked. He recognised the song she was playing so expertly. He rushed over to his record collection and flicked through the records, but couldn’t find what he was looking for. Then he went to the record player and sitting next to it was the record he was looking for. He held it up and looked at the cover, his eyes widening when he saw the picture of the band. The drummer…
‘It’s you!’ He raised his eyes and looked over at Daisy, who was grinning at him while she kept playing.
Adam gave a genuine smile for the first time since she arrived. He went back over to her and picked up one of his guitars, then sat down on the sofa and joined in with her.
Once the song was finished, Daisy started up one of the bands more difficult songs, but she was impressed that Adam could keep up. And that he knew their music. She was fangirling slightly on the inside, because she was a fan of his music.
Adam finished off with a solo, showing off. Daisy then joined him on the sofa.
‘I had no idea that Ian had such a musical genius in the family.’ Adam chuckled.
‘I obviously got the talented genes.’ Daisy laughed. ‘Thanks for that, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to have a session. The band is… well, on rocky grounds right now. I’m not really sure if there is a band anymore.’ She sighed.
‘Yeah? That’s a shame. So you haven’t recorded any new material lately?’ Adam disappeared momentarily to the kitchen, but was still in earshot.
‘Nope. I had to sell my drums for money to pay rent, because we don’t have any gigs or anything on the go. I’ve had to take up part time work too. Totally sucks.’ Daisy called through to him.
‘I’m sorry to hear that.’ Adam returned with a beer for them both, Daisy accepted it gladly.
‘I’ve got an audition to join a new band in a few weeks’ time. Hopefully that will work out, but it’s not so easy without being able to practice.’
‘You certainly sounded fantastic. I doubt you need much practice.’ Adam said honestly.
‘Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.’ She smiled. ‘Is there any instrument you can’t play?’
‘Hmm… No, I don’t think there is.’ He winked at her.
‘Once I get my life back on track, I’m hoping to start guitar lessons. To try and open up more opportunities. I can play basic, but not well.’
‘I could teach you, if you want.’ Adam offered.
‘Really? One minute you were desperate for me to leave, now you’re offering lessons?’ Daisy teased.
Adam looked sheepish. ‘Yeah… Sorry I was a bit of an ass.’
‘That’s alright. I imagine it’s not easy trying to keep your identity a secret, with such success for your music.’
Adam liked how kind she was, even though he was a grump with her, she didn’t seem to mind or hold a grudge against him for it. And he really liked how passionate she seemed to be about music.
‘It can be difficult. Ian has been a great help though, aside from when he tries to get me to show my face and do some shows.’ Adam rolled his eyes.
‘Ian’s a doofus. Don’t let him persuade you into doing it. I rather like the mystery behind you and your music.’ She smiled sweetly at him.
‘Thank you. So, how about we play some more? Then we can talk about those guitar lessons.’ Adam suggested and Daisy’s eyes lit up excitedly.
Adam certainly never expected to make a new companion that night, least of all for it to be Ian’s sister. But they jammed together for hours and hours, drank plenty of beer and talked music.
Before they knew it, the sun was coming up and the two fell asleep on the sofa together.
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bipercabeth · 6 years ago
i love love loved your breakdown of Lover & i agree with so many aspects of it!! my favs are lover, paper rings, and cruel summer. the album makes me go absolutely feral at some of the lyrics and it’s so lovey dovey my heart can’t handle!! i was wondering what other artists or albums you really like???
oh man you have no idea what you signed up for with this question. i am taking this ask as an excuse to go fully music nerd up in here and i am doing so with no regrets. i’m gonna start with artists because there are a lot that i love that i can’t just pick one album or even a favorite. 
frank turner - i literally have a tattoo of his be more kind album art on my arm. he’s got an insanely diverse discography while still staying true to his punk rock roots and i think his evolution as an artist is so admirable. i’ve gone to a songwriting workshop he ran and it was the most eye opening experience. in may i went to his music festival in boston (lost evenings, look it up! he headlines every night, puts together a setlist of his favorite musicians, etc. it’s amazing) and it literally changed my life. every song of his has a point, and every single word drives that point home. his albums aren’t necessarily concept albums, but they’re all thematic and the songs drive home the point of the album as well. when i look at my playlist of favorite songs, his name pops up the most. 
bleachers - we knew this was coming. if u have looked at a single one of my posts about music, they always come back to bleachers, specifically dream of mickey mantle. jack antonoff is an incredible songwriter, performer, and producer. i can listen to a track and tell you if he worked on it. i am so ride or die for this man. bleachers has a unique style that i really can’t put my finger on with the exception of their heavy use of synths. seeing their set at riotfest was one of the highlights of whole ass life. their lyrics are sneakily profound, they don’t always hit you upon first listen. jack antonoff has absolutely mastered the art of simple songwriting and how to make the simplest lyrics absolute gut punches. 
okay i’m putting the rest under the cut bc i have a lot to say
julien baker - when people ask me to describe my music taste, i usually opt for saying “sad ladies with guitars” and that’s largely due to julien baker’s impact. she is unafraid in her exploration of her own suffering mental health, and it’s absolutely devastating, but it’s also so comforting. it’s the type of sad that tells you you’re not alone in your struggles, and i think that’s where her power is. it’s expression of her struggles without romanticizing them, and i think that’s incredibly important.
will varley - i got into him when he opened for the first frank turner show i went to and absolutely fell in love. best songwriter i have ever heard hands down. i need to give a few examples of my favorites because i do not have the words to describe his talent and do it justice. “Birth, death, weddings and wars / That's all we are good for / If all of the past was played as a song / Our lives are a beat of the drum” “Well playgrounds look like prisons the day after you leave school / And exes look like angels the day before they fall” “He got so many chains wrapped round his eyes that he cannot see / And he'd rather be blind than to realize he's never been free”. I could go on and on just quoting my favorite lines of his, but he’s so incredibly talented. it’s just him and his guitar onstage, but his albums have more production and instruments. very folk/bluegrass in sound. i would die for him. 
punch // autoheart - this is such an emotionally diverse album, i always know i can find something to match my mood both tonally and lyrically. there are slow, melancholy songs like january and santa fe, bops like anniversary and moscow, hauntingly beautiful and profound songs like agoraphobia, and absolute gut punches like sailor song. i listen to autoheart’s other work, but this album is such a distinct work of art that i find myself gravitating towards it regardless. it’s one of the few albums among my favorites that isn’t a concept and doesn’t have a narrative, but i think that speaks to its strengths. 
sister cities // the wonder years - this is the one punk album that everyone i’ve introduced to it has liked regardless of their musical preferences. the lead singer’s vocals are absolutely INSANE (and just as good live) and his capacity for emotion is unparalleled. this album deals with a lot of guilt and baggage over the death of a loved one, and it encompasses every aspect of that on at least one song. it tells a clear story and every line works toward driving home the narrative, but never at the expense of honesty. this is a painfully honest album due to how specific it is, and how that specificity gives it universality. the wonder years also have mastered the artistic use of the word fuck, which i admire. there’s nothing wrong with just throwing fuck in a song for the fuck of it, but they write in a way that the word fuck is necessary to convey the emotion they’re trying to get across. “i drew a line in the sand with these worthless fucking hands,” “It's been over a year now / April turns into May / I barely stopped moving / I've been so fucking afraid,” etc. also i could write a whole essay on the ocean grew hands to hold me, but maybe another day. my favorite song on the album. perfect closer. they close their concerts with it and it’s PERFECT. also dan campbell (lead singer) said this is the song they’ve been trying to write since they started writing music and i cannot express how soft that makes me. 
routine maintenance // aaron west & the roaring twenties - the good thing is i don’t have to stop talking about dan campbell! aw&trt is his solo project, two concept albums about a man (aaron) who essentially has the worst two years of his life. the first one (we don’t have each other) covers him losing his dad, his wife miscarrying, and then leaving him. heavy shit. but THIS album is about him getting back on his feet, finding music, and eventually making his way back to his family. i have a soft spot for music about healing, and this hits that spot right on the mark. 
after the party // the menzingers - more punk! the menzingers are an incredible band, but i love after the party the most because of the narrative (can u tell i like albums that tell a story?). it’s about aging, nostalgia, and self-improvement, and all are really well done, especially in the song lookers. also mastered the artistic use of fuck (”i will fuck this up, i fucking know it”)
sing to me instead // ben platt - i already made a whole post about this
lover // taylor swift - listen i know i just did a breakdown of this too but it’s my favorite ts album okay
stranger in the alps // phoebe bridgers - similar to julien baker in how achingly sad some of the songs are, but phoebe’s music is just a little inexplicably softer. she explores topics other than mental health too, like toxic relationships, normal breakups, and a few abstract songs from another perspective. the album itself is less of a narrative, but there are common themes throughout it! 
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surveys-at-your-service · 6 years ago
Survey #212
“counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.”
Have you ever fired a gun? No. Have you ever tried archery? No. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? A day or so. Do you have any scars? Whew, a lot. I scar easily tbh, though me being so so pale probably contributes to making them more noticeable. Are you a good judge of character? I don't really know. I think so, but then again I'm very very paranoid when meeting new people and look TOO deep into how I expect someone to be. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Just British. What is your favorite accent? British generally, but I find French sooo pretty with girls, then Scottish is cool. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I have no clue. Probably my leather boots. Can you curl your tongue? Yes, surprisingly... I just tried and I can with the slight curve in my tongue ring. Most used phrased? Probably "what a mood" or something like that lmao. Most used word? Besides the words in most sentences, I'm sure it's probably "fuck." How long does it take for you to get ready? Am I taking a shower? Then just like... less than 20 minutes. Without a shower, it's like less than ten minutes. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Both. Can you name all 50 states of America? No. I'm a sad American. Have you ever started a rumor? No. How fast can you type? I took a test awhile back for a job application purpose and it's 72 or so wpm. How fast can you run? I can tell you NOT FAST without even trying. Color of your bedspread? Navy and black. Have you ever had a really bad haircut? I don't think so. What brand, color, and type is your favorite eyeliner? I don't have one. Do you wear eyeliner? If I ever wear makeup, that's the one thing I will wear. Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn’t cry? Yes, probably early 2017. I was so numb until I started to "feel" recovery. Even as I got better, I had a hard time crying. Last year was a pretty "I can't cry"-type time, too. What’s your favorite type of yogurt? Not a fan of yogurt. What are your favorite type of calendars? I don't have one? Do you have a full-length mirror? Yes. Do you have a piggy bank? No. Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? No. What’s your favorite DIY crafts YouTube channel? I don't watch DIY crafts. Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? At my current age, bottom. What kind of popcorn is your favorite? Probably caramel corn. But buttery and salty is great too. Does your town have a big fountain in it? No. What is your town known for? Probably nothing. Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? If yes, what is it? Hm. That's a long ways off, idk. All I know is it'd be great if Sara was here. And then there's the yearly urge to get a tattoo that day lmao. What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? I think The Shining. Watched it for the first time and loved it. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Hey could I have money right now. Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? If so, what? English/Language Arts. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? No. What is the best hairstyle you’ve ever had? I love what I currently have. Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? Dyed hair. Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Straight. Do you have bangs? No. What’s your favorite rock band? I'd say Marilyn Manson. (I'm excluding metal, 'cuz that's a different story.) Who’s your favorite country singer? I don't mind Tim McGraw. Did you try the unicorn frappuccino, and if yes, were you a fan? I didn't. When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? Actual baby pictures, usually no. Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? Yes; I was born dirty blonde. Do you wear matching socks? Yeah. Do you decorate for Halloween? We don't really anymore. What is your favorite thing to do in the pool? Just swim around, relax. Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? I think so. What color(s) eyeshadow do you wear the most? Only ever black. Do you see yourself as a sensitive person? I'm extremely sensitive. Do you still leave/receive voicemails? Yes. Are you a festive person? Do you enjoy holidays? I'm not very festive, no. The only holidays that really excite me are Halloween and Christmas. What is your favorite subject to learn about? Meerkats. You’re feeling down - do you listen to sad music or happy? Sad. It usually comforts me/makes me feel less alone. Even though I might cry. Is there a song or artist that you secretly enjoy, but don’t want to enjoy? I like a decent number of Blood On The Dancefloor songs. Has your parents' taste in music in any way affected what you like? Yes. When I started getting into rock naturally, I began listening to my mom's CDs, and that's when metal stole my heart. You’re looking for some new music - what’s your preferred way to discover? YouTube recommendations. Do you still own any CD’s/records/tapes? Mom has CDs. She may or may not have tapes from when my sisters and I were really young for memory's sake; we had a lot of kid ones, like Raffi. Do you ever hear a new song on TV that you like and find it? When I watched TV, yeah, rarely. Do you watch the news? No. What about the weather channel? No. What’s your favorite holiday movie? Maybe Hocus Pocus. How do you feel about adult cartoons? I don't have an opinion. Do you still watch shows that you grew up watching? No. What about movies that you grew up with? Yeah. Do you identify with any organized religion? No. If so - is it how you were raised, or have you found your own? I was raised Catholic, grew to simply a Christian, then left that behind a year or more ago. Have you ever protested or been on strike? Does not eating at Chick-fil-a count as some kind of "protest?" That place was hard to let go of, but nah man, I'm not supporting your business when your higher-ups contribute to anti-LGBT efforts and such. Is gun control necessary or no? Some degree of control absolutely is. Are you happy with the political state where you reside? HAHA no. Should abstinence or sex education be taught in schools? Education, but I do believe in heavily advising smart sexual decisions such as not just doing it with just anyone. Have you read the book 13 Reasons Why or watched the show? I read the book. Should shows like this be available to everyone or could it be a trigger? Fuck the show. Do you like animals? Of course. What is your absolute favorite food? Probably pizza. Do you have bad anxiety? If so, do you take any kind of medication for it? You don't know the half of it. I literally cried the first and last day of my last job because I couldn't find the gloves when I needed to. So yeah, I take meds, but I don't think either do very much, honestly. Who was the last person you felt you were wasting your time on? A former best friend. I cared when she didn't. One thing you’ve experienced that you thought you never would have? I never in a million years thought I was going to have a bad - traumatic - breakup when I was kid because I "knew who to pick." I was so sure. What was the last thing someone said to you that kept repeating over & over in your head? The guy who helped in basic training with me saying "well that was a waste of my time" when my co-worker told him what was going on with me. Literally, it won't get out of my head. If a random person were to look through the photos on your phone, is there anything you’d be embarrassed about? lmao I have Mark wallpapers stored, my friend. Don't find my collection. How often do you have late nights out? Never. Ever. Do you currently have any mixed feelings about someone? As far as friendships go, yes. If you could, would you work from home? Do you think that would make you more or less productive? No no no no no. I want a job to get OUT of my house. I know I'd be less productive, too. What were you like in middle school? Weird and probably annoying. If you could give one charity a million dollars, what charity would you donate money to? I'm not sure. I'd have to look more into ones with causes I'm passionate about. Most likely something about conservation. Would you ever be an organ donor? I am. Which do you think is harder: realizing you haven’t changed or realizing you have? The former. Is there something that you really need to do, but can’t seem to get motivated to do it? Plenty of things. Have you ever won some sort of prize or prize package from a contest? What did you win? Yeah, a few. I don't remember most; I only really remember the Silent Hill one I've mentioned before. What is something you’re surprised hasn’t been invented yet? A cure for cancer, I guess? I dunno. Most disturbing movie you have ever seen? Probably The Entity. Has a life goal or dream ever come true for you yet? If yes, what is it? If no, do you think you’ll achieve it? lol by golly do I wish. I don't fucking know if I'll achieve any. What one thing has always bothered you, but seems to bother no one else? I get legitimately bothered by people going in/out the wrong door. Do you still own a VCR and VHS tapes? No. What’s your favorite color gummy bear? I don't care. What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex’s body? Shoulder blades why do I love shoulder blades????? Where do you sing the most, in the car or the shower? I dunno. Ever hurt yourself playing Wii? Probably. Do you have freckles? Not on my face. I did as a kid though. Weird. How many languages can you say “Hello” in? Three. What’s the last video game you played? So not computer? I believe... The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon? Or Shadow of the Colossus. I don't remember. Can you do the alphabet in sign language? No. Do you like your feet? I don't like feet to begin with, and I don't like mine. My feet are so dry and callused to HELL from when I used to walk all the time. I need to see a doctor to get rid of the worst ones on my toes honestly because they annoy the fuck out of me because ugly. Candles or incense? Incense. Reason behind the last time you laughed until you cried? I don't remember. Are you one who brags a lot? I don't have anything to brag about. Do you face your problems head on or do you run away from them? Depends on the problem, I guess... What is the latest you’ve stayed out before? I remember there was one night in particular with Jason where he dropped me off like... really late. Around 3 or later in the morning. I don't remember why I got home so late. Are you confrontational? AVOID! AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! COSTS! Do you stand your ground? Usually. Who do you know without a doubt cares about you? Mom, Sara, and Dad. Have you ever caught yourself talking in your sleep? For the past year and more, I've started sleep talking frequently... and yeah, I've woken up in the middle of doing it plenty of times. Did you do anything stupid/anything you regret today? I probably do something stupid every day. Little things like procrastinate on everything are certainties. Have you ever switched primary care doctors? Do not. Get me FUCKING started. On the doctor who kept me on a medication that resulted in gaining like 150 pounds and blaming it all on me. Yeah, I switched. If yes, what was the reason? lol see above. Do you ever sleep on your bedroom floor just for fun? God no. Sleeping on the floor is a last resort. Are you worried about your current financial situation? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Do you know anyone who’s had a stillbirth? Probably. Who was the last person you know (or that you know of) that died? Uhhh I'm not sure. Possibly the old lady Mom watched. Do you need a new phone? Desperately. Would you rather get a big tattoo or small tattoo? A big one. Do you identify as a supernatural being..i.e., unicorn, alien, goddess…? Uh no. What’s one thing you are tired of seeing or hearing about on Facebook? Guys I don't understand the "me and the boys" meme laskdfjalwier make it go away. What theme do you want for your wedding? Halloween-ish. What theme would you choose for a baby’s nursery? Idk. I don't want kids, so this isn't something I think about. What color would you paint a baby girl’s nursery? Pastel pink. Not for stereotypical reasons, my favorite color just happens to be pink and I think it's cute for a baby. Does your first crush know that he/she was your first crush? No. Which family member did you get your height from? Mom and I are pretty much the same height. Do you like your butt? NO I have a pancake ass. Who was the last friend of yours to have a baby, and what’s the baby’s name? An old high school friend recently had a baby named Jaspen. Are all of your friends having babies right now? I think most of my old friends have at least one kid by now. Do you know anyone who’s given birth to twins? Yes. Growing up, did you listen to country music? Yes, when my older sister started controlling the radio. Do you have a gazebo at your house? No. Where were you going the first time you rode a plane? Ohio or Michigan. Do you like tomatoes? Not really, no. The only time I ever have was fresh ones with bacon and light mayo on a sandwich. What’s your favorite brand of bottled water? Essentia. Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? Why is there a small dolphin in the corner of our back yard?????? What annoys you more: slow talkers or slow walkers? Slow walkers. Have you ever been to a night club? No. If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Something about being prone to anxiety, I guess. Do you believe in reincarnation? No. Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Not in the slightest. What is your MBTI personality type? INFP Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No. Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky. Are you androgynous? No. Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No. Well I kiss my niece's and nephew's cheeks when telling them bye, but they're the only ones. What is the youngest age you can remember back to? I have at least one memory from when I was two. Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today? It's too short for that. What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort? Slaughterhouse worker was the first thing to come to mind. If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own? No. What was the shittiest hotel you’ve ever stayed at and why? I don't think I've stayed in a bad one... What was the first kind of alcohol you ever tasted? A daiquiri. Do you use any styling products on your hair? No. Do you have a favorite local band? Who are they? No. What’s the most confusing book you ever read? Even though it's my favorite book, Johnny Got His Gun takes the cake here. The way it's written is very confusing, though I think I get why Trumbo chose such a style. Do you like your personality? I like some things, hate others. Are your legs long or short? I'd say they're proportional to the rest of my body. How many phobias do you have? A lot. Where do you think your last ex is right now? He's probably sleeping since he works 3rd shift. What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve seen in the last week? I don't know. Probably the sky during a car ride or something. Who was the last person to comfort you as you cried? My mom. When was the last time you felt like throwing up? A week ago or so when I had an anxiety attack the night before my first day of work. I got myself so worked up. Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? For the two fucking hours I lasted at my last job lmao. Do you use the Facebook chat often? No. Do you own a robe? What color is it? Nope. Who ended your last relationship? Me. Do you still remember your first kiss? Yeah. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? Yeah, other than being long-distance. How many kids do you want to have? None. Have you ever purposely given someone the wrong number? No. Who’s the last person you smoked weed with? I haven't. Though by this point in my life, I wish NC would catch up with the times and legalize it medicinally because I've given up enough to turn to that for my anxiety. Who was the last person you talked to, other than family? My old VR coach. When was the last time you flew in a plane? Last December. Is there a girl you absolutely can not stand? No. At least not off the top of my head. Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you? No, I was that person lmao. Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? Yes. Say your last ex walks up to you and hugs you, what do you say? We're still friends, so. At the current time, a random hug from him would probably make me cry though because he's not very affectionate and I haven't been stable for days. I need the comfort alsdjfakljwer Who was the last baby you held? It's probably been like a year since I've held a baby when I was still friends with Colleen. But y'all my sister is pregnant & next year GUESS WHO I'M HOLDING. Do you have any siblings that moved away to college? She did, but she's long since graduated. Who was the last person who cried around you? I'm sure it was Mom. What was the last thing you cried about? My life. Who’s the last guy to give you roses? Tyler. Would you rather have nice eyes or nice lips/smile? Smile, I suppose. Do you have a common first name? Yes. Do you like your middle name or your first name more? My first, I guess. Do you wear more rings or necklaces? I always have a ring on. Have you ever been engaged? No. Can you see your veins through your skin? In some areas. Did your parents let you have pets when you were a kid? Yes. Do you like spicy chips? Yes. What band was on the last band t-shirt you wore? Metallica. Do you have any tattoos on your arms? Yes. Have you ever owned or known someone who owned a black cat? Both. Who scheduled your last doctor visit? My mom. I don't drive, so she drives me around, and so things have to fit into her busy schedule. So she just does it. Do you have any holiday themed socks? True shit, I think most of mine are, lmao... Like you know, socks are a common gift on Christmas. What’s the last funny movie you watched? Idr. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Yes. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? I'd say it depends on the person, but in general, I suppose snakebites? What brand of hair dye do you prefer to use? Splat is the only brand that has ever stuck to my hair. Lasted months. Did/do you ride the bus to and from school? Only Jason's junior and senior years sometimes to go to his house. Are you any good at applying make up? No. I have tremors in my hands, and it makes it an absolute nightmare. Are you someone who likes to make simple things difficult? I certainly don't try to, but I somehow always end up doing it. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? Rolls and honey ham. And that is /literally/ it. I don't like Thanksgiving food. Do you like Techno music? Yeah. Is your second toe longer than your big toe? They're like the exact same length. Do you say "merry Christmas" or "happy holidays?" The former. Who do you talk to on the phone most often? Mom. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? I've only ever been to Alice Cooper, but it was great. I'm supposed to be seeing Ozzy plus supposedly Judas Priest and Megadeth (you're not allowed to die, Dave) next year, and that. That will be. My preview into Heaven. I will sob. How did you meet your best friend? Over YouTube via the meerkat RP community. Do you need money to be happy? Try living really poor and come back to me claiming money can't ever buy happiness. What is something you do well? Dig way, way too deep into absolutely anything and everything. What’s a good idea you’ve had recently? I've started to count calories on top of fasting. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Ahhhhh, cinnamon rolls. How far in advance do you prefer to plan? For most things, a few days or a week. Bigger things, maybe like a month+? How many slices of pizza do you usually eat? 2-3, depending on my appetite. Would you like to live in a different country? If so which one? I wouldn't move there, not with all my family and such here, but I think living in Canada would be better sometimes. Do you prefer the aisle, middle, or window seat on a plane? I strongly prefer the window seat; I've found that if I'm not looking out the window and the plane changes altitude or direction (takeoff is the worst), I get VERY dizzy. I usually always wind up in the middle seat, and there and in the aisle seat, I have to close my eyes at times like those. What’s your favorite song from a movie? As far as original songs, probably "Be Prepared" from The Lion King. A goddamn beat. What’s your favorite city? I haven't been to many. Idk. Who was the last person to ask you to hang out? Did you agree to hang out with them? Hell, I have no idea. Is there a food that you eat basically every day? What food is that? I usually have a granola bar as a snack or even just a meal in place of breakfast or lunch. Is there a food you eat that others find weird or gross? I grew up sometimes eating waffles with peanut butter and syrup as Dad loved it. It's definitely different, but it's absolutely delicious. What was the last fast food restaurant you went to? Did you get anything? If so, what? I think Sonic? I got a double bacon cheeseburger. I fell in love with their burgers. Can you remember the first video game you ever played? What about your first video gaming system? I'm not sure, but it was probably Spyro The Dragon. My first gaming system was a PS1. The last video game you played - did you play alone or with someone else? Alone. If there is a disc in your computer, what disc is it? There isn't one. Do you shut down your computer every time after you use it, or do you leave it on? I leave it on. Do you know anyone who has ever been in a movie? Who and what movie were they in? What was their part? No. Describe the last shirt you saw that you really liked. Where did you see it? Omg I saw this shirt online of a really cool demonic pig that said something like "Save the animals, eat humans." It was actually a vegan shirt, but I nevertheless wanted it, lol. I support veganism, but yeah... I could never do it. But anyway, it was too expensive. Do you live in a very diverse community? Not really, no. Do you know anyone who has had salmonella? Did you ever have it yourself? What about e-coli? No; no; no. When was the last time you brought a pet to the vet? What was wrong with it? Sigh. We put Cali down. Something ruptured in her abdomen and there was also a mass on her liver or gallbladder, and her abdomen was filling with blood. It compressed her lungs so much she could barely breathe. Surgery was extremely expensive, but more importantly, we were told it likely wouldn't save her. Do you get motion sick easily? If so, does it prevent you from going on any rides at amusement parks? I've never gotten motion sickness, but I don't risk that shit with amusement park rides or boats out at sea. I'm terrified of vomiting. Do you have any bug bites on you right now? If so, where? No. Have you ever made your way through a corn maze? No. Name something that you used to do with your family that you no longer do with them or at all? Easter egg painting. Have you seen Inception yet? Thoughts on that movie? I never saw it.
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gdialex · 6 years ago
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Hello, Ms. ALEXANDRA TAYLOR. My name is Detective Booth and I’m handling this case. I don’t need to go into details; you know why you’re here, and we already have you down as a suspect in her death. We’ve got witnesses to corroborate and a budding timeline, but we need more information from you directly. Make my day easier and cooperate with me on this, will ya’? I just need you to answer these questions for me. Do me a favor and don’t lie – you’re talking to a trained professional right now, I’ll be able to pick up on certain things whether you realize it or not. Lying will only come back to bite your ass later on. Just some food for thought. Let’s begin.
alex didn’t break the rules; that was her thing. she always did the responsible thing, the practical thing, the right thing. she was dependable. i.e.: she wasn’t the kind of girl that you’d expect to see being questioned in a police station. maybe that’s why her palms couldn’t stop sweating––or maybe it was because she broke the rules everyday, and she just hadn’t been caught yet.  
Q: I’m gonna’ start light. I hate interrogators who go straight into the hard stuff, ya’ know? I find it impolite. So, tell me a little about yourself. Give me your full name.
she cleared her throat and wiped her palms on her jeans before quietly murmuring, “alexandra penelope taylor.” she twisted her mother’s opal ring around her finger a couple times, looking up from her hands when the detective didn’t respond. he was looking at her expectantly, pen carefully perched in his hand, so she cleared her throat again and added, “i, um, i’m on the soccer team. my major is biochem. i don’t know...i’m not really that interesting.”   
Q: Alright. Tell me your date of birth and age.
“august 29th, 1999––so i just turned twenty.” these were supposed to be the easy questions. she wasn’t sure why she could feel her heart jumping up her throat.   
Q: Where did you grow up? What was your home life like? Tell me about your family and your upbringing. Give me your story.
alex shifted in her seat and reached for her ring again, stroking the pad of her pointer finger over the smooth surface of the iridescent stone. “i don’t really see how that’s relevant to morgan’s death,” she mumbled. detective booth gave her another blank stare, and alex sighed softly under her breath. “i’m from here. i grew up with my dad, my sister, and my brother. my childhood was pretty average, you know, peewee soccer, skinned knees, homemade volcanoes...the usual.”   
detective booth arched his brow and stopped writing, “and your mother.”    
alex set her jaw and tried not to look too defiant, “she wasn’t around.” booth started writing, and alex’s heart started creeping up her throat again as she went through every serial killer with an absentee parent in her mind, bottom lip tucked between her teeth. the detective waited for her to continue, but alex kept her lips firmly pressed together this time. she didn’t need to get into her family trauma in order to prove that she wasn’t a murderer.   
Q: Tell me about the most impactful people in your life. I’m not picky – they can be good or bad impacts.
she wanted to protest the relevancy of the question again, but detective booth didn’t look like he was in the mood for her technicalities anymore, so she folded her arms over her chest and leaned back against her chair, “gerty cori, marie curie, audrey evans...” her cheeks flushed as booth cleared his throat, scratching the back of her neck. “i suppose if you meant people i actually know, that’d be my best friend shiloh sinclair’s parents. maura took me prom dress shopping and taught me how to use a tampon, and piers took me to cubs games and taught me how to fish.” she smiled a little at the popsicle-stained memories and bit down on the inside of her cheek,  “...and shiloh, too. he makes me a better person. he makes me want to be good enough to be his friend.” she forgot for a moment that she was talking to the man investigating shiloh’s dead girlfriend’s murder. she quickly wiped the dopey, lovesick smile off of her face. 
Q: What are your goals in life? What would be your ideal final ending? What would help you reach these goals?
“i want to be a surgeon. ideally, chief of my chosen field.” alex smiled a little and shrugged her shoulders slightly, “i’m kind of an overachiever. i already have a ten-year plan set in place, so i don’t really need to worry about how i’m going to reach my goals.”  
Q: How would you describe yourself?
alex blinked a couple times and chewed on her bottom lip. she hated that question with every fiber of her tiny being. she knew what she wanted people to think about her, and she knew what people actually thought about her––but she had no idea what she actually was. she’d been playing pretend for such a long time; it was hard to remember which face was real.  “responsible,” she finally said, brushing her fingers through her hair, “and tenacious. i’ve been told that i’m more than a little stubborn sometimes, too.” 
Q: What do you do in your free time? What’s your idea of fun? What sports or extracurriculars are you in at Hyland University?
detective booth’s impatience be damned, alex sighed and pursed her lips, “i really don’t see how this is helping you figure out who killed morgan. i play soccer––does that make me a killer? do all psychos have a penchant for futból and science, or are they more into golf and chess?” 
Q: Do you drink? Smoke? Take drugs of any kind? Answer carefully on this one, kid.
alex had to put a lot of effort into not looking guilty, into not thinking about the bottles of pills stuffed underneath her nail polish drawer. for someone who lied all the time, she was really bad at it. “coach would kick my ass if i jeopardized state.” 
detective booth narrowed his brows, “is that a no?”
she narrowed her brows back at him and met his gaze, keeping her chin steady, “that’s an emphatic and resolute no.”  
Q: Tell me about the relationships in your life. Friendships, romantic, everything in between. 
she bit down on the tip of her tongue to keep herself from letting out a large groan. he was almost as bad as the shrink her dad made her see after her mother left. “i’ve been kind of seeing this guy. it’s not serious––and i really only have one friend. shiloh’s been my best friend for as long as i can remember. he’s the only person i can count on no matter what.”    
Q: What’s the best thing that has ever happened to you? What’s the worst? Q: Let me throw in a fun one, lighten up the mood. Would you rather only be able to tell the truth or only be able to lie?
arching her brows, alex drummed her fingers on top of the interrogation table. she hadn’t been sleeping well, and she was beginning to let her irritation get the best of her. “are you using psychology as your main source of evidence ?? because it’s totally bullshit. you should really get your forensic team in here to ask me relevant questions that could actually catch a killer.” 
Q: Did you kill Morgan Parrish? 
alex folded her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat, snorting, “has that ever actually worked for you?” detective booth didn’t look impressed, so she sighed and added, “no. of course not.” 
Q: Let’s get some background information on this. How do you know Morgan Parrish?
it didn’t seem wise to mention all the ways that morgan had ruined her life before she was murdered, so alex twisted a strand of her hair around her finger and said, “we met on the cheer squad freshman year. we were friends, good friends. she kind of took me under her wing.” it wasn’t a lie. she just...wasn’t telling the complete truth.    
Q: Explain the extent of your relationship with her. Was it platonic? Civil? Rocky? Romantic?
“like i said, we were friends.” she paused at booth’s almost isdecernatble frown, “we sort of drifted apart the couple months before she...passed on.” 
the sound of his pen on paper was really doing a number on her heart-rate. “define drifted apart.”
“it’s pretty self-explanatory, and it happens all the time. life just got in the way, and we didn’t really have much in common after i quit the squad.” 
“except her boyfriend.”
alex’s eyes went sharp for a brief moment before she painted a docile expression on her face,  “we were all good friends, yes. ask anyone. we used to hang out together when i wasn’t too busy at the lab or with homework.”
Q: In your own words, describe Morgan Parrish to me.
“she was...unforgettable. a real force of nature, you know?” that wasn’t even a lie. it was one of the many things that alex was jealous of. it was no wonder why people gravitated to her. she had her own gravitational pull, and alex would always be stuck in someone else’s orbit.   
Q: Would you say your life got better or worse upon meeting Morgan Parrish?
“depends on the day.” she tried for a wry grin, but detective booth didn’t look convinced, so alex added, “if it weren’t for her, i would’ve have met a lot of the most important people in my life.” she also wouldn’t have lost a lot of the most important people in her life, but that seemed irrelevant.   
Q: What was your favorite thing about her?
“she was brave. she did whatever the fuck––sorry, she did whatever she wanted, and she didn’t care what people thought about her. i really envied that about her.” saying something nice about morgan left a bitter taste in her mouth, but she covered it up with a soft smile. for the first time in her life, alex was grateful for her baby cheeks. people always said that she had a trustworthy face. 
Q: What was your least favorite thing about her?
“she...could be insensitive sometimes. she didn’t think about other people’s feelings when she really wanted something.” or ever. 
Q: Where were you the night of her murder?
“i don’t really remember. probably studying––i’m always studying if i’m not at practice or the lab. it’s probably a safe bet that i was with shiloh, too. do people actually remember where they were on a random day of the week almost a year ago?” 
Q: Where were you the day before?
“like i said, probably studying. i don’t really have much of a life outside of my major and soccer.” 
Q: Where were you after?
alex just stared at him for a long time before he started writing again, hopefully picking up on the fact that she ,,, uh ,,, didn’t fucking remember. 
Q: How did you feel about her passing?
“it was a tragedy,” alex repeated the party line numbly, flashing back to just after she found out. truthfully, she wasn’t sure how she felt. maybe she was a little relieved––happy, even––but mostly she felt sick, so fucking sick at the thought of being turned into someone that could be happy about the death of a person she once knew.    
Q: What do you think about the way she died? Just as a refresher, Morgan Parrish was drugged, strangled, beaten, and then shot.
alex winced as she pictured all the blood and swallowed hard, curling her fingers into her palms. “i think...that no one deserves to die like that...no matter what they’ve done.” 
Q: Did you make any sort of tribute to her death and put it on social m-
Another interrogator walks into the room. She’s holding a folder with your picture clipped to the front. She opens it in front of Detective Booth and whispers something into his ear. He shoots you a look and then excuses himself from the room. He returns twenty minutes later, features stony. He quickly writes something down on his notepad and then caps the pen.
Q: Change of plans. I’m going to scrap the questions I had prepared and ask you what I see fit. Where were you exactly the night Morgan Parrish died?
alex looked around the room wildly until her eyes landed on a very old picture of herself. she looked younger (( if that were even possible )) and frowned at the thickness of the folder. “i, uh, i just told him that i don’t know. i mean, i don’t remember. it was a long time ago.”   
Q: Tell me all the details you can remember from that night.
dropping her head into her hands, alex massaged her temples and closed her eyes to keep the migraine forming at bay. she could really fucking use a pill right now. “like i said before, i was probably studying. maybe i was working in the lab. i’d have to ask my boss for the schedule––if she even kept the schedule from last year.”  
Q: Were you intoxicated at any point?
“of course not. i rarely drink, and if i do i don’t get drunk. i’m not a moron; i have a lot of plans for my liver.”  
Q: Are there any witnesses able to corroborate your story?
“maybe my co-worker steven rich...if i was studying, i might’ve been alone.” 
Q: I feel like you’re leaving things out. Tell me all the details you can remember from that night.
“you can ask me as loudly as you want; that’s not going to magically make me remember a totally insignificant day.”
Q: … are you telling me the truth, kid? We got six other students we’re talking to today – sure would suck for you if one of ‘em was able to prove that something you’re saying is false. 
“only six? i’m shocked. morgan knew everyone on campus. did you even check the greek life roster?”  
Q: What was the last thing you said to Morgan?
alex’s smirk faltered for a moment, and she absently started drawing little circles on her kneecaps. the last thing she ever said to morgan was that she hoped that she dropped dead. sometimes, she still felt a little guilty about it. “probably that i’d see her on campus,” she finally said in a small voice.  
Q: Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation with Morgan before?
she gaped at the detective for a moment and then shook her head, “of course not. she would’ve kicked my ass.” 
Q: Have you ever fought verbally with Morgan?
“...friends fight sometimes. it’s not that weird.”  
Q: Would you say you felt safe around Morgan?
alex would actually say that she never felt more unsafe than when she was around morgan, but she absolutely did not say that. instead, she said, “i don’t...i don’t really feel completely comfortable around anyone.” her lips twitched into a soft smile, “except for shiloh.” 
Q: Do you wish you had never met Morgan?
tilting her head slightly, she pursed her lips together and shrugged her shoulders, “i wouldn’t be the person i am today if i hadn’t met her.” and who didn’t love being riddled with carefully implanted insecurities?  
Q: Do you own a gun?
“what? no. i’m very anti-gun, did you know that in switzerland––” 
Q: Have you handled a gun before?
she glared at the detective as she was cut off and tossed her hair over her shoulder,  “obviously not.” 
Q: Do you know someone who owns a gun?
“i’m pretty sure the president is carrying. why don’t you ask him if he shot morgan. he has quite the temper.” 
Q: Have you gotten into physical fights before?
alex snorted and glanced down at herself, “yeah, ‘cause i look like the kind of person that thinks they could take someone in a fist fight.” she rolled her eyes as the detective waited for her to actually answer her question, “no. i’ve never gotten into a physical altercation––unless you count the time some girl broke my nose on the field, but i’m pretty sure the definition of fight entails that i fought back.” 
Q: Is there anyone who can prove where you say you were on the night of her death?
“like i said about ,,, uh ,,, seven times, check with my boss. i’m pretty sure that i was working. her name is professor stroud.”
Q: Do you think Morgan deserved to die?
“no, of course not.” they really didn’t have the time to get into a deep discussion on the ethics of death, did they? because alex had some complex thoughts on the subject.
Q: Do you wish she was still alive?
“i don’t know.” alex let out a dramatically wistful sigh and shrugged her shoulder, “maybe she’s in a better place.” 
Q: Do you miss her?
she blinked, surprised at the instinct to say yes, and chewed on her bottom lip. there was a time when they had been close. morgan was...awful, you couldn’t deny that, but she also had a way of making you feel incredibly special sometimes just because she was putting up with your miserable existence––or maybe that was just alex. “more than i ever thought i could.” 
Q: Has your life gotten better or worse since her death?
“i don’t know. it’s just different. different different.” 
Q: If you could bring her back to life, would you?
“that’s an extremely illogical question, and i refuse to answer on behalf of rationalists everywhere.”  
Q: Are you hiding something from the people of Hyland? From your family? From me?
she wiped the sweat off of her palms onto her jeans, “nothing pertinent to the investigation.” 
Q: Have you been telling the truth this entire time?
Q: Did you kill Morgan Parrish?
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gutterdreams · 7 years ago
"This is a very bad Saturday" with Billy Hargrove
Posting from my phone. Screwed up my prompt, so it’ll be based on a Friday! Also PS this contains some smut. I hope you enjoy!
Even with her low expectations, Max was having horrible day. She had a hunch it wouldn’t go well because it started with Billy and Neil going back and forth throughout their small bungalow, waking her up with their grumbling and insults. She held her breath in Billy’s car as he chainsmoked along to Slayer. It was when she arrived at school that she anticipated a change in her day. It was there where she had a good group of friends and where she could be herself. There was no walking on eggshells around the halls like there was at her house.
At first, everything was just fine and she liked when things were fine, but Lucas ditched her right before lunch. It was something he had never done before, something he had promised not to do, but according to him, Dustin was whining for “male bonding”. Max thought it was ridiculous because it wasn’t as if she was constantly asking them to play dolls and dress up with her. She liked playing Dungeons and Dragons sometimes, she enjoyed video games, Star Wars, and even running around like an idiot pretending to be a ghost. Male bonding just sounded like an excuse to get rid of her. If they wanted to hurt her feelings, they had succeeded.
She sat alone, not even attempting to befriend girls that had never done anything more than whisper under their breath in her direction. While it was lonely and left her mind to reel, Max decided it was easier to just spend the day alone.
When the school day finally was finished, Max didn’t keep her stepbrother waiting. She burst through the doors and rushed across he street to the high school. In fact, she beat you and Billy to the Camaro and was yanking on the door handle when you two made it over, your books under Billy’s arm as he strided before you.
“How was your day?” You inquired when you are both in the car, but she just shrugged and leaned her head against the window. Billy quickly snapped at her to take it off though. He protected his car fiercely.
“It was boring.” Pulling her head from the glass, she mumbled and then took out her notebook to occupy herself on the drive. She knew with you in the car that the radio would be quieter, but that you and Billy would be making out at red lights and talking about each other to each other.
She was just having one of those days. She wanted the world to just turn itself off and give her a break. Instead, her mechanic pencil ran out of led before you three were even halfway home. Max let out a defeated sigh, but you didn’t hear. You were distracted by Billy drumming on the steering wheel and being a touch of a ham. In another world, he would be a rock star.
“We’re going out.” Billy told Max once he pulled up in front of the house.
You started to get out of the car in order to let her leave the backseat, watching as she climbed out.
“We won’t be too long.” You assured her. There’s no way Billy would risk his dad or Susan finding out left her alone. He was adamant you guys be back before either parent was home, but she was thirteen and he wanted to make a drugstore run.
Max didn’t seem to care at all. As she walked up the house, it didn’t even seem as if she had heard you two. She helped herself to a bag of chips from the top of the shelf and headed into her room. She wanted to go skating around, but her energy was as low as her mood, so instead she decided to get caught up on school work. Privately, she hoped that Lucas would call. She didn’t want to talk to him, but she wanted his apology.
She lost track of how long she was in her room for, music playing as she fumbled through her math assignment. The phone had been ringing for a while before she heard it. Jumping off her bed, she rushed to get it before the caller hung up.
It was as if the day was interested in the turning around somehow. It was Lucas on the other end. He had ditched his friends for the night and wanted to meet her at the arcade, just the two of them. He couldn’t control if any of the party was there, but he still wanted to go with just her.
Stubbornly, Max made him ask three times before agreeing. She hung up with her first actual smile of the day with the intention of hopping on her bike and heading to meet up with her favorite person in Hawkins. She was slipping on her shoes when she realized that she didn’t have any money.
Max looked at it as a conveinence fee for having to put up with him. She had taken money from Billy’s coin tray on one of his shelves before, just a few dollars here and there.
Without knocking, she shoved open his door. She had been distracted in her room all night and assumed neither of you were home. Max’s eyes widened so fast that she felt them snap. It wasn’t the usual cloud of cologne or messy room that greeted her when she walked in. Instead, it was her step brother’s bare ass - the one he was obnoxiously proud of.
Billy was standing at the edge of his bed, naked from mullet to toe. Max shut her eyes so quickly, standing there in the doorway, that she didn’t quite see you laying on the bed in an outfit that matched Billy’s. He was rocking his hips rapidly and grunting as your head was positioned just slightly off the mattress, both feet over his pillow. Over your nostrils, dangerously close to your eyes and bleeding mascara, there was drool running down. He was face fucking you and in heaven. You two had run to the drug store for condoms, an errand you didn’t want to bring Max along for.
“What the fuck?” When he heard the door open, Billy whipped his head around and it forced his cock from your throat and mouth completely. Your gasp made Max shudder as she threw her hands over her ears. “Get the fuck out, Max!” Billy shouted at her.
She wanted to leave, but she was frozen. It wasn’t until Billy reached around you trying to cover your body with his blanket and took his pillow that she started to walk away. Billy whipped the pillow at her, but it caught the door as she slammed it shut.
“What the fuck, Max?” Pissed she had interupted, he yelled. It made no sense to Billy on why she would need to be in his room anyway. He had explicitally told her that if she did come in, it would have to be because she was bleeding from the head.
Sitting on the bed, covering your body with his blanket clutched, you watched as Billy, red-faced and naked, let anger take control. There was a vein forming in the center of his forehead.
He looked to you, breathless and eyes like daggers.
“She is going to be traumatized.” It was all you could manage to say, looking at him and then the door on the other side. “You have to talk to her.”
“That was not passionate in-the-movies love making, Billy. You were face fucking me! There was drool in my nose.”
“I know. It was hot.” He leaned in, one knee on the mattress, and kissed your soaked mouth. When he pulled away, he saw your awaiting stare. “Why do I have to talk to her?” Deflating, he asked like a whining child.
“Because she is your sister.”
“So, you’re both girls.”
“Can’t we just go back to fucking? We bought a lot of condoms.” Billy would rather hit it bare, but you weren’t on birth control and none of you were looking to go down that road.
“Talk to her.” You told him again, diligently. “Then I’ll ride you.” You pecked at lips, hearing him grumble into the kiss.
Billy was loud in his reluctance as he stomped around his room to find his underwear. He shuffled it up his legs and then did the same with his jeans before throwing open his bedroom door.
“Max! Come here!” His voice booked through out the modest home. “I got to talk to you about face fucking!” Billy could surprise you with his gratitude and occasional kindness, but he was almost always without grace.
“Oh my god!” Absolutely mortified, Max’s voice squeaked from the front door where she was putting on her shoes out of Billy’s sight. “This is a very bad Friday! Don’t make it worse! I would rather cut off my toes than talk about that with you!” Max didn’t want to even talk about puberty with her mom. She grunted loudly at the door and whipped it open. “I can’t stop picturing your butt!” She groped before running out the door.
“Yeah, well serves you right for not knocking!” Billy shouted back while you shook your head in one hand on his bed.
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paharvey99 · 5 years ago
No Waitrose October 6 - Day 31
Day 31
Today is Halloween, the worst day of the year. I dislike everything about Halloween; scary things in the shops, trick or treating, the Monster Mash, people on Twitter changing their names to spooky puns, shops in real life changing their names to spooky puns (hi Arghost), people dressing up as scary things… the whole lot. Don’t like any of it.
I got up this morning with the three year-old I live with and we put the telly on while we had breakfast (me: poached eggs on toast with Frank’s Red Hot Sauce; the three year-old I live with: bread and butter) and CBeebies was showing all the Halloween episodes of its regular programmes. The Halloween episode of Hey Duggee is predictably good, a Scooby Doo homage, while the Halloween episode of Bing is predictably whingey. Bing is dressed up as a dinosaur for Halloween, but baby Charlie gets frightened of his outfit, and… hang on, dressing up, outfits… Oh god there’s definitely some kind of Halloween party at nursery today that we haven’t prepared for at all, isn’t there.
I asked the other person I live with about the Halloween party and she said yes, there is a Halloween party, they all have to wear yellow, but it’s tomorrow. I suggested that it probably wasn’t tomorrow, as tomorrow is November 1st, whereas today is 31st October, which is a more likely time to be having a Halloween party. “Is it 31st October today? It never is, is it?” I almost pointed out that as someone who has been documenting the passing of October quite fastidiously, I was more likely than most to know what day in October it is. However, I decided it was no time for showing off and kept quiet.
The other person I lived with checked her email and it turned out that there was a “pumpkin party” for which the three year-old I live with would be expected to wear orange clothes. The three year-old I live with doesn’t really have any orange clothes, so I dropped her off at the pumpkin party wearing a mustard yellow dress and some peach leggings, clutching a squeezy orange plastic pumpkin she got free off the front of the magazine we bought yesterday. I knew that ocean of plastic crap we’ve been accumulating from the front of magazines would come in useful at some point, the law of averages said it had to.
Banishing the pumpkin party from my mind I drove to work, where I did some work. I was the only one in the office and I couldn’t really get going. I had a weird headache and a kind of nervous energy all day that I couldn’t shake off, not even with a walk down to Sainsburys to buy some stuff for tea.
As ever, I was left underwhelmed by anything Sainos had to offer in the fresh aisles, but the tinned aisles were a different story. There were a load of fancy jars of stuff reduced to clear. I got some giant chickpeas in sauce, some sautéed mushrooms in oil and some fancy tomatoes all for 50p each, down from like £3.29 a pop or whatever. I got a chorizo ring to go with them in a sort of Spanish storecupboard stew, which I would probably do with cous cous or rice, depending on my mood.
I walked back to the office from Sainsburys, did a load more work and then drove home, collecting the three year-old I live with on the way. The member of staff doing the pickup was beset by screaming orange children; he did manage to tell me that the three year-old I live with had had a nice day, but not much beyond that. On the drive home, I quizzed the three year-old I live with on what had happened at the pumpkin party, but no information was forthcoming. Clearly what happens at pumpkin party stays at pumpkin party.
Back at home I shoved the jars of stuff and the chorizo in a pan, the wok actually, and then sat down on the sofa, a bit worn out. The three year-old I live with had a load of energy to use up and was being a bit Halloweeny, shouting about monsters, so I tried to get into the Halloween spirit a bit more by putting the X Files theme tune on. This went down remarkably well, so I followed it up with Zombie by Jamie T, which I think is brilliant. The three year-old I live with didn’t think it was brilliant, so I decided to show her how brilliant I think it is by doing a really stupid dance to it and pretending to be a ghost. She thought this was hilarious, and then it turned into a bit of a Halloween indie disco for 10 minutes.
We did a lot of dancing to Friday I’m In Love by the Cure (not a Halloween song, I know) which the three year-old I live with seemed to enjoy, and then my phone suggested Lust For Life by Iggy Pop. I remember the first time I heard Lust For Life by Iggy Pop, thinking it was the most impossibly exciting song I’d ever heard, so I wanted to see if it would have a similar effect on the three year-old I live with. It certainly had some kind of an effect, she picked up her drum and led us marching through the house and we all jumped on the bed and declared that we were just modern guys.
Afterwards I noticed that my weird headache and nervous energy I’d had all day had dissipated. Turned out I just needed to do some daft dancing. I might send a card to Iggy Pop, let him know.
Also this evening my dad sent my sister and I a picture via Whatsapp of us from about 25 years ago getting ready for a Halloween party in front of a mirror with spooky facepaint on and stuff. It’s strange, because if you’d have asked me I’d have sworn blind we never did any Halloween stuff when I was growing up. I’m in the picture, but I have no memory of it whatsoever, can’t even work out where it was taken. Maybe I used to like Halloween and I’ve blocked it out. Maybe I’ve been going to Waitrose this whole month and I’ve blocked it out. Who even knows.
After the three year-old I live with went to bed we ate our reduced stuff in jars tea, with cous cous in the end actually, it was dang tasty. Then we watched Drag Race UK which I enjoyed a lot (especially the bit where Blu Hydrangea shouted “despunk my balls”, probably enjoyed that a bit too much to be honest) and now it’s the end of No Waitrose October for another year. Unless I go to Waitrose in the next hour, which seems unlikely. No, sod it, the umpires are taking the bails off, this one’s done.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
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bujoloveme · 6 years ago
Coroners Inquests in Somerset from old newspaper archives
Weston-super-Mare Pier Suicide, August 1881
The wife of Mr. Richard Nash of Oakhouse Martley, Worcester, committed suicide by jumping off the pier in Weston-Super-Mare. She went for a walk with a friend and while her friend was paying for the pier, Mrs. Nash came to the railings and climbed into the water. The body was recovered later that day.
Suicide Pact of Huntspill near Highbridge, August 1868
Elizabeth Cridge, nearly sixteen years old, and Jane Meaker, nineteen, both stayed out one night. Their beds had not fallen asleep and they were nowhere to be seen, so a party was looking for them, but to no avail. Eventually her bodies were discovered in a cattle herd on the grounds of her employer. Rather romantic, they were held in the arms of each other, both were obviously cold. There are rumors of this immoral attitude, and these had reached the Vicar, Reverend Arundell. Vicar told her boss, Mr. Hawkins, and he quickly talked to them about the gossip. Hawkins told them that if the rumors were true, they would not have ears on Monday. On Sunday night they made a kind of suicide pact and both dipped into the small, but rather deep pond. The question remained, were they healthy when they did it? The verdict was "Felo de Se". The girls were buried within the day between nine and twelve o'clock at night and did not perform any Christian rites, as was usual for suicides. Huntspill is in a gloomy mood at the moment.
Hallatrow Church Suicide, Somerset July 1861
Hallatrow has no church, but High Littleton, so it could be. Miss Collins, the Virgin of the Church, sent two young girls to clean her up before the Sunday service. They went about their business, and meanwhile their fifteen-year-old brother sneaked in and went to the bell tower. After ten or fifteen minutes, a sister found him swinging on a rope. The rope used was also used to ring the bells. He had been so determined that, while the rope was much too long, he threw his legs away from him, otherwise his feet would have touched the ground and he would get into a kind of kneeling position.
Bath, October 1836
Uriah Hales, a worker, fell into a lime kiln on Lower Bristol Road in Bath. He was released from the oven, but his two legs had literally burned down.
Frome Suicide, September 1843
A tragic event took place about a mile from Frome, Somerset. Thomas Moon went with a relative to Vallis Vale, as he then stood on the rocks and dropped. The height of the rock was about one hundred and fifty feet and not surprisingly it was killed as soon as it hit the ground.
Twerton, Bath June 1860 (fatal accident)
In Twerton, there was a terrible accident in which a little girl died. The name of the children is Grissel and their parents live on the side street of the Royal Oak Inn. The children were playing near the road one day as they walked beside a car with a load of wood in it. One of the pieces of wood weighed a few tons more, and for some inexplicable reason, she managed to fall under the wheel, right above her head. The girl died instantly and her brain stuck out of the head of her lifeless body. Her brother had tried to save her, and his foot was squeezed under the wheel.
Weston-Super-Mare, October 1885
Mrs. Emily Kirkbride had employed Emily Mary Nicholas as a domestic worker at Woodhill on Manor Road in Ashcombe. She had been there for over four years, but Mrs. Kirkbride guessed she was pregnant. She had a word with her and told her that she was right in her assumption. Kirkbride then told her mother to go home. Nicholas was disappointed with the news, but was told that she could stay another day. Mrs. Kirkbride left her alone the next day around three o'clock and when she returned at seven o'clock, she saw that the house was locked and not lit. Kirkbride thought she'd been picked up at the train station to stay out for half an hour, but then she heard a moan. The mistress got help immediately and the door was opened. A message has been sent to get her mother or father, and at a good time. As soon as they opened the door to her bedroom, her father appeared to console her. Nicholas had taken some poison and the doctor was able to rescue her, and a few days later she went home. The day after she went home, she gave birth to a child, but she was born dead, and a few hours later Emily Nicholas died. She left a sad letter saying, "I hope the Almighty will forgive me for what I will do and bring me home so I can be with Him. I do not want to live so as not to be a problem for anyone. Goodbye, my dear mother and father, brothers and sister and my dear mistress. I hope to see you again someday. Friends, you all know about it; it will drive me crazy. I hope that the bad misery has to suffer and bear all costs. So goodbye. "Nobody knew who this mysterious person she's written about.
Dowlish Wake February 1881 (Vicars Suicide)
The vicar of Dowlish Wake, Rev. Benjamin Speke, killed himself by drowning. His wife had died the day before, and a few years ago the clergyman was missing. His clothes were found in London, several weeks later he turned up in Cornwall and managed to get a job as a rancher. He was eccentric, to say the least!
Hampton Rocks Skeleton, Bath September 1893
Two boys have made a terrible discovery while exploring a cave. While they were in the Hampton Rocks Cave in Bath, they came upon the remains of a 20/30 year old woman, covered with flat stones and badly decomposed. It was limited to being a skeleton, and had been there for a long time and could only be designated as a woman due to the clothes and hair rest. The boys came in contact with the police, but eventually the County Police took over the investigation.
Nailsea Dynamite Suicide, October 1893
John Roberts was a miner and he lived with his wife in Nailsea and, to say the least, had a stony relationship and was brought to court for their attack. As a miner, he sneaked some sticks of dynamite from his workplace, put a stick in the trash, and lit it while his wife was there, waiting for the thirty-second fuse to end. He went into the yard, then heard a loud explosion (and the people who lived a mile away said they heard it) and his head was blown to atoms.
Keynsham, March 1857 (fatal accident)
A fatal accident occurred at the Hillsbridge Iron Works near Keynsham. A man with the rather Dickensian name, Holiday Bush, who worked as a roller operator at the factory, picked up a wrench when a piece of his clothes got stuck in the machine. Then he dragged him headfirst against the drums and he killed immediately.
Portbury Suicide, May 1830
A young boy, only sixteen years old, drowned in Portbury because his lover had rejected him for inappropriate behavior while her husband was away. The guy tied a huge stone around his neck with his braces and plunged into the water. Because he was believed to have committed suicide, his body was buried at midnight and without religious rites.
River Avon near Bath, March 1904
An investigation was made of the body of a gentleman employee named C.F.Davis of Clevedon, whose body was fished out of the Avon. He left a farewell letter and his hat on the bench, as well as a second note to the coroner: "I have fully realized this act of the terrible eternity that awaits me in the episode, but it is only the fitting end to a life of misery. God help my soul. Tuesday, February 23; 9 am to 3 pm. Moved to six o'clock tomorrow.
The following letter to a friend reads: – "I hereby send you a pair of golden links, the last possession with which I must part. Try to ponder all the friends in Clevedon, kindly, and forgive the hasty deed I'm going to make tonight … Tell everyone who's interested in finding my body as soon as possible. I'm afraid of rats and eels. The only step I still have to take; what else can I do? I've done my best since leaving Clevedon to fight it. The more I think, the worse I am and the more urgent it is for me to clarify as quickly as possible. God forbids that it was always my intention to "make" anyone, but circumstances change the cases. My life was a cursed life. "
His uncle killed himself twenty years ago, and his mother died in an asylum for about a month, and a warrant for his arrest has been issued. Judgment "Suicide while temporarily insane".
Puxton Station near Weston-Super-Mare, September 1904
The express train had just driven through the Puxton Station near Weston-Super-Mare when a layer of slabs noticed something on the tracks. On closer inspection, it turned out to be the decapitated body of a young woman. The remains were identified as those of Katherine Woodford at the age of 24, the daughter of Locking's rector. She had driven around the area and the bicycle was discovered in a field some distance away.
Weston Super Mare Suicide, August 1884
A member of the Volunteer Engineer Corps, a man named Twitt, blew himself out in his bedroom in Weston-Super-Mare. His sick wife was in bed at the time, and his wife was very desperate for his suicide and she is not expected to recover from the shock.
Suicide of Grosvenor Suspension Bridge, Bath, February 1918
An airplane worker, Mabel Holland, 16, jumped from the Grosvenor Suspension Bridge in Bath. She was suspected of dishonesty, but this was unjustified and the girl from Bath decided to end everything. She left a message why she had done it.
"I've almost lost my thoughts with their taunts. The girls who work with me have driven me to it. "
Weston near Bath, July 1900
A mob of 200 to 300 people in the village of Weston near Bath attacked a poor woman. Her husband had died, and shortly afterwards she was convicted of a crime. The unruly crowd seized them, lit them, and pulled them through the streets, which were attached to a rope. Reverend Hayas Robinson, the pastor of the parish, intervened as they "crouched", cutting the rope and freeing the woman. One man was imprisoned for three months and two others were each a few weeks in the clink. Some others were fined £ 2 each.
Glastonbury Church Suicide, February 1840
The suicide of a Mr. Bullhead took place in Glastonbury. He was heavily in debt and owed £ 1700 to a local firm, and it was assumed that he had invested in the Glastonbury Canal, which apparently also lost money. The solution was simple. Mr. Bullhead borrowed the keys to the church tower and told the sexton he wanted to survey the surrounding countryside to see if it had been flooded in the recent violent rainstorms. He made it to the top of the tower and then dropped off.
Lansdown Grove Hotel Suicide, Bath, September 1889
A body of a man was discovered near the Lansdown Grove Hotel in Bath. He was found under an elm and was identified as the inmate of Bailbrook Asylum. His name was Julian Fowler, the son of the vicar of Walton near Clevedon. He had shot himself in the head with the weapon at his side. A few days earlier, Fowler's father allowed his son to take him home. This he did over a little break in Wales. The father sent a postcard to the responsible asylum officer, Dr. Ing. Wetherley, and said that they would come back that day. Fowler and his father arrived from Chepstow, Bath, and he had to travel three miles back to Bailbrook alone. This was the occasion he needed and then committed suicide near the hotel.
Gurney Slade Fatal Explosion, January 1832
Mr. George Gait, a grocer in the village of Gurney Slade, went to his wife. The rest of the family, a total of eight, went to the chapel, with one of the daughters making a fire and throwing the contents of a box into the fire. She thought it was the coal box, but it contained several pounds of gunpowder and the house was torn to pieces. Two of the children were completely killed and three are in critical condition.
Badmord / Suicide, February 1850
Edmund Hunt killed his own life and that of his toddler in Bath. The child's wife and mother were an ordinary shoplifter, and when he came home one night and found out she had been arrested again, he took the child and went down to the River Avon and plunged into the water. He was deeply attached to the child and only thirty-seven years old.
Banwell Drowning, Weston-Super-Mare, January 1884
In Banwell, a few young men named Phillips and Richards had a street brawl. Phillips was dragged away by his friends, and Richards was led by the crowd to a mill pond where he was pushed. In the middle of the pond was a tiny island he stayed on until he said they had a boat. Instead, he took a bath for it, got caught in weeds, and immediately drowned.
Taunton Suicide, October 1868
About seven miles from Taunton in Blackdown Hills, a corpse of a man was found, with his neck slashed. In a ditch, about a mile from the Holman Clavell Inn in Pitminster, the ruined remains were found and nearby were a razor and a knife, both of which were covered in blood. The man's name was Henry Mitchell of Crediton and was a former member of the 16th Rifles, and it was estimated that it had been there for at least a week.
Southstoke Brewery Fatality, Bath, March 1887
Thirty-six-year-old Charles Witchell (# 2), Crossway Cottages, Combe Down, lived with his brother and sister and was missing from his home. He had worked for Southstoke Brewery in Bath for twenty years. Questions were asked about his whereabouts and it was found that he had not worked in the brewery, they thought he had gotten sick and stayed home. As the hours turned into days, the family became worried and wanted. His body was in an empty container in the brewery. He was accidentally found when a worker went to the roof of the building, and he spotted Witchell's hat next to the tub. The vat was empty but contained enough gas to kill a man. It can not be determined whether it is a tragic accident or suicide.
Suicide in Taunton County Gaol, February 1850
County Gaol in Taunton saw the suicide of a juvenile prisoner. 16-year-old W.Hounsell was imprisoned for fleeing the Chard Union. He was obviously so disturbed by his stay with Her Majesty that he threw himself under the wheel of a treadmill on which eighteen men worked. They tried to stop in time, but the guy was badly disheveled and when they got him out, he was already dead.
Monkton Combe Mill Suicide, September 1864
Thomas Watts, a miller, left his house and went to the mill in Monkton Combe. During the morning, someone wanted to talk to him about business matters, but they could not find him and looked around. He was found in the mill, which hung on a beam. In the roof area where it was found, the soil sinks seven feet deep so that the grain can run into the mill. He stood on the edge of the bath and tied a rope around a beam, put it around his neck and jumped off.
Bad self-immolation, August 1863
The wife of William Wallace, a farmer living in Worle, committed suicide in a frightening manner. One morning, Mr. Wallace left the farm to look over fields and cattle, leaving the wife and two children at home. Shortly after leaving, she dressed in a robe, went downstairs, turned on a light, and lit up. As she got out, she went into the garden and died of the terrible burns she suffered. She was called a "weak intellect" and had some weird delusions because her husband moved to a bigger and better farm. Friends told how she used to say that she did not want to leave the farm, and they had to carry her in a coffin.
Fear and Cowardly Saw, Bath, May 1834 (tragic accident)
27-year-old Henry Abrahams oversaw the circular saws of Messrs. Fear and Coward in Bath. When he came into contact with him, he turned to 3600 feet per minute. He first took off one arm, parted the side, tore open the guts, and released them. He was taken to United Hospital but it was hopeless and he died the next day.
Clevedon, July 1899 (woman found on rock)
William Hancock, a boatswain, rowed his boat near Salthouse Mill when he spotted the corpse on the rocks. He went to Clevedon and said Sergeant Fairchild. They found her again, and the only clue to her identity was the "H.W." she wore on her clothes. She was about thirty, blue coat and skirt, blue cap, black silk waistband and children's boots. It seems that the woman had fallen from a nearby, about thirty-meter high cliff on the rocks and was beaten by the waves and rocks around him.
Bad brothel suicide, June 1860
Thomas Bull, a farmer from Basingstoke, who had hung himself up at Monmouth Street 8 in Bath and was known as a loo. He went to Bath to attend the races in Lansdown. Then he met a prostitute named Jeffries. He went to the above address and stayed there for a few days. The brothel's wife told him to go home because he was depressed. He said he would and decided on a kip before he went back and he asked her to wake him up at three o'clock. The door was tightly closed when she wanted to start it up, so she fetched a copper cellar that helped open the door, along with a carpenter. They found Bull hanging on a string at the bedpost. The body was freezing cold and his hands were black, which means he was long dead. He had only one shirt on and no money or papers to prove who he was.
Frome, August 1847
A fatal accident occurred near Frome, who, it seems, was seen in a woman's dream. The wife of a man named Gibbs, who was a carter, dreamed that a car had run over her husband while he was at work killing him. She was absolutely convinced of that, but he gave it away. He had to go to Bath one day and the wife asked him to take her daughter with him. Everything went well until they returned at seven in the evening and came to Ammerdown. The horses got angry and Gibbs tried to jump and stop them. Suddenly the dream came true in all aspects. He was run over by them and lived for several hours, but during the accident, the daughter tried to help and was run over and even killed.
Somerset County Gaol, Taunton, January 1857 (tragic accident)
George Kingdon was a prisoner in County Gaol in Taunton. He was with six others in the drainage work and above them were some men on scaffolding. An iron bar fell down and tried to jump out of the way, instead she landed on his head. He breathed unconsciously and only lasted a few minutes before he died. An autopsy revealed that bone fragments had entered his brain from the skull. The bar had fallen nearly fifty yards, and if he had stayed where he was, the bar would have missed him.
Saltford Drowning, Somerset. September 1906
When Douglas Snell Chamberlain swam at Saltford's Avon on Saturday at the age of nineteen, he suddenly sank and dragged another swimmer, his cousin, Heal. Several people went to their aid and Heal was saved in an exhausted state, but Chamberlain was drowned.
Badmord / Suicide September 6, 1870
Mr. H.C. Hopkins writes in the British Medical Journal about the sad case of Miss Prankard, now in Bath United Hospital, and says she was wounded by two bullets, one of which kicked in front of her ear on either side. Both are now housed in the bones of the upper part of the mouth or in the nostril. To date, it has developed positively, but so far has not tried to remove the balls.
September 19, 1870 – Miss Kate Prankard, one of the victims of the late murderous assault, in which her sister was killed by her father and shot herself in the head, has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and live with her Friends It will be remembered that two bullets were placed in her head, above the palate, behind her nose, but the surgeon decided that no surgery was necessary in the hope that they would work out. They were right, because on Wednesday a bullet broke from where it had been embedded and fell into the young lady's mouth.
October 1, 1903 (The request)
The investigation of those killed in a recent Worle accident by a railway engine colliding on a train crossing was completed yesterday afternoon. The evidence showed that just before the accident, Smart, the driver of the car, said he could cross the intersection before the train passed by, and later said he would probably be spending twelve months with him. The jury has delivered a judgment against "Smarty" against Smart and argued that the crossing was not protected by a 70-year signal. Smart was sentenced to legal action, but was granted substantial guarantees for release. (Martha Biddiscombe and Isabel Hannon, both from Ferndale, were killed in the collision in Worle.)
from WordPress http://bujolove.enfenomen.com/2019/02/25/coroners-inquests-in-somerset-from-old-newspaper-archives/
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clefspeare99 · 7 years ago
Answer all! 200-1
Oh man, haven’t done one of these in ages, well here you go!
200: My crush’s name is: Savannah199: Iwas born in: 1995198: Iam really: Caring197: Mycellphone company is: T-Mobile196: Myeye color is: Brown195: Myshoe size is: 13, sometimes 13 ½ depending on the brand194: Myring size is: Umm, 7 I think? My class ring is a 6 ½, but only fits on mypointer finger193: Myheight is: 6’2192: Iam allergic to: Nothing I’m aware of191: My1st car was: 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan190: My1st job was: Chuck E Cheese189: Lastbook you read: Dragons in Our Midst, Circles of Seven188: Mybed is: A Queen, and feels too large, have been used to a twin all my life187: Mypet: 2 dogs, Gizmo and Stitch186: Mybest friend: Hmm, don’t really have one right now if I’m being honest. Havesort of grown away from most everyone, nothing against anyone, just atransition phase right now, and I’ve always been bad at keeping in touch orjust hanging out with people.185: Myfavorite shampoo is: I use Head & Shoulders, all I’ve ever used, wouldn’tsay favorite, it’s just a good brand.184: Xboxor ps3: Nintendo Switch183: Piggybanks are: Cute, but kind of useless182: Inmy pockets: Nothing currently181: Onmy calendar: Don’t have one180: Marriageis: Very sweet and special179: Spongebobcan: Be very strange178: Mymom: Is a wonderful woman177: Thelast three songs I bought were? I don’t know what song I actually lost bought,I just get my music on youtube.176: LastYouTube video watched: 2017 League of Legends World Championships175: Howmany cousins do you have? A lot, um like 17 I can think of off the top of myhead?174: Doyou have any siblings? Yep, 2, a brother and a sister, both younger than me173: Areyour parents divorced? Nope172: Areyou taller than your mom? Yes, quite a bit taller171: Doyou play an instrument? Nope, did drums in elementary school, stopped in middleschool because I would have no other electives all year if I did band andchoir.170: Whatdid you do yesterday? Work, and saw Kingsman The Golden Circle[ I Believe In ]169: Loveat first sight: Lust yes, love no, you build love with someone, not somethingyou can immediately have in my opinion168: Luck:Yeah, occasionally167: Fate:I believe God has a fate for all of us, something we will learn eventually166: Yourself:Definitely165: Aliens:It’s possible with how many millions of stars and planets are out there.164: Heaven:Yep163: Hell:Yep162: God:Yep161: Horoscopes:They are fun and interesting, though I don’t put any faith in them160: Soulmates: Yeah, why not159: Ghosts:Meh, never really have.158: GayMarriage: Yeah, why stop 2 people from being happy together?157: War:Is something that shouldn’t be needed ever.156: Orbs:Not sure what this is referring to, so I guess no?155: Magic:There is illusion magic, but no actual magic like in fire emblem or other videogames.[ This or That ]154: Hugsor Kisses: Why not both?153: Drunkor High: Neither152: Phoneor Online: Online151: Redheads or Black haired: Red head all day150: Blondesor Brunettes: Brunettes149: Hotor cold: Hot148: Summeror winter: Summer147: Autumnor Spring: Colorado Autumn, Spring most anywhere else though146: Chocolateor vanilla: Vanilla145: Nightor Day: Night144: Orangesor Apples: Apples143: Curlyor Straight hair: Curly142: McDonaldsor Burger King: Mc Donald’s fries, Burger King burger141: WhiteChocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate140: Macor PC: PC139: Flipflops or high heels: Neither, always wears tennis shoes138: Uglyand rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor, you can stop being poor, it’s a lotharder to stop being an ugly person(I’m referring to personality)137: Cokeor Pepsi: Pepsi136: Hillaryor Obama: Obama I guess, though I’m not big on politics135: Burriedor cremated: Never really thought about it, whatever’s cheaper? Don’t need myfamily pouring out money after I’m dead XD134: Singingor Dancing: Singing, have always loved choir, and I suck at dancing133: Coachor Chanel: Not sure what either of these are, clothes or something?132: KatMcPhee or Taylor Hicks: Also not sure what either of these are, guessingsingers of some sort131: Smalltown or Big city: Small town, though able to drive to the big city130: Wal-Martor Target: Target129: BenStiller or Adam Sandler: I only recognize the name Adam Sandler, so him Iguess?128: Manicureor Pedicure: Have never had either, so don’t know.127: EastCoast or West Coast: West Coast, because Disneyland, which is better thanDisneyworld because it has Walt’s personal touch.126: YourBirthday or Christmas: Both are close in timing, but have to go with Christmassince everyone is just generally in a better mood125: Chocolateor Flowers: Chocolate124: Disneyor Six Flags: Disney 100% not even close123: Yankeesor Red Sox: I’m not big on sports, don’t really care either way[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War:Was sort of asked earlier, still think the same, it should never be needed121: GeorgeBush: I don’t know enough to have an actual opinion on him120: GayMarriage: Why not let people be happy together, it doesn’t hurt you.119: Thepresidential election: Is clearly broken after out last election, how can thismonster be given power at such a high level when he is clearly hateful anddoesn’t understand the general populous?118: Abortion:Mothers choice ultimately117: MySpace:Does this site even still exist? I never personally used it116: RealityTV: It so fake it’s not even funny115: Parents:Do their best for their kids114: Backstabbers: Are some of the lowest people113: Ebay:Is slowly getting eaten alive by Amazon112: Facebook:Is just sort of a time waste, but also lets you connect from so far apart111: Work:Should be fun, not something that you hate doing110: MyNeighbors: Don’t know them, just moved here109: GasPrices: Are nice and low currently, still kind of high in California though,but can’t complain much108: DesignerClothes: Are over rated107: College:Is a money suck unless you know for sure what you want to do, otherwise youwill be in debt with something you don’t want106: Sports:Are kind of fun to watch, but generally very, and I mean very over paid105: Myfamily: Are always there and rather supportive104: Thefuture: Is looking good, have an interview at Disneyland on Tuesday![ Last time I ]103: Huggedsomeone: If all the kids at Chuck E Cheese count while I was in the Chuck Esuit, then tonight, otherwise then it would be about a week ago when my grandmaand grandpa came out102: Lasttime you ate: Had some pizza at work tonight101: Sawsomeone I haven’t seen in a while: This week, hadn’t seen these grandparents inabout 8 years.100: Criedin front of someone: It’s been a while, can’t remember99: Wentto a movie theater: On Saturday, saw Kingsman: Golden Circle98: Tooka vacation: Back at the end of June, went with my family to Paris for a week,go to go to Euro Disney, was a lot of fun.97: Swamin a pool: A week or two ago, have one in my backyard now so can go whenever Iwant, so long as it’s not too cold out.96: Changeda diaper: about a month and a half when I was with Aubri95: Gotmy nails done: Never have94: Wentto a wedding: Not sure, maybe my Uncle’s weeding like gosh 9 years ago?93: Brokea bone: Well I fractured my arm when I was 12 or so, haven’t actually broken abone though92: Gota peircing: Never have, no real plans to91: Brokethe law: Minus going a bit over the speed limit I can’t think of a timehonestly90: Texted:A few days ago with support at Uber trying to figure out an issue with myaccount[ MISC ]89: Whomakes you laugh the most: Savannah used to, after moving no one in particular theselast 2 months88: SomethingI will really miss when I leave home is: Solitarity, is that a word?87: Thelast movie I saw: Kingsman: Golden Circle86: Thething that I’m looking forward to the most: Job interview on Tuesday85: Thething im not looking forward to: Job interview on Tuesday84: Peoplecall me: Josiah, Siah, Clef(gaming friends)83: Themost difficult thing to do is: be genuinely honest with everyone82: Ihave gotten a speeding ticket: Nope, got a warning once since I was 9 over in a45. It was 2 am, and one of my headlights was out, only reason he pulled meover with a warning81: Myzodiac sign is: Sagittarius80: Thefirst person I talked to today was: Danny, they woke me up cause I was supposedto drop her off at the mall79: Firsttime you had a crush: First crush was probably Megan Conrad, had a crush on herin 3rd grade, never told her about it before she moved. Was going togive her a valentines card, but her family moved like the week before, oh well.78: Theone person who I can’t hide things from: No one currently, used to be Sam, butright now there really isn’t anyone that I’m close enough to that can tellsomething is off77: Lasttime someone said something you were thinking: Can’t remember76: Rightnow I am talking to: No body, just up late as I do, watching League75: Whatare you going to do when you grow up: Am a young adult now, so am starting togrow up more, still working on getting into Disney, want to one day help editand voice over in movies.74: Ihave/will get a job: Currently work at Chuck E Cheese, first thing I could getafter moving out to California, hopefully soon will be at Disneyland, alsodrive for Uber every now and then if I’m bored and have some time73: Tomorrow:Is actually going to be Tuesday now since it’s 1am and so therefore technicallyis the next day. Going to be a big day, fingers crossed all goes well.72: Today:Is just another day, nothing to out of the ordinary71: NextSummer: Not sure, I think my mom is working on getting some sort of familyreunion together70: NextWeekend: Will be working, don’t do much on weekends normally69: Ihave these pets: 2 dogs, Gizmo and Stitch, both mutts68: Theworst sound in the world: nails on a chalkboard67: Theperson that makes me cry the most is: Not sure right now, probably myself66: Peoplethat make you happy: Those that are friendly and enjoyable to be around65: Lasttime I cried: Can’t recall64: Myfriends are: A very strange group of gamers63: Mycomputer is: Pretty good, would like to upgrade again here in the next year ortwo, just don’t have the money right now.62: MySchool: Is not existent currently, not a priority currently, will probably belater after work at Disney can give me more of a specific direction to gorather than throwing money at it and hoping for the best.61: MyCar: Is a good van, and has come in rather handy60: Ilose all respect for people who: Put others down behind their backs59: Themovie I cried at was: Nothing jumps out right now, only one that comes to mindof late was Force Awakens, yes it sounds silly, but every time I saw it and theoriginal theme played when Han got on the Falcon I couldn’t help but get tearyeyed, and each time Rey pulls the lightsaber too herself right past Kylo’sface.58: Yourhair color is: Dark Brown57: TVshows you watch: Arrow, Game of Thrones, Flash, Star Wars Rebels56: Favoriteweb site: Youtube probably55: Yourdream vacation: A couple weeks going to every Disney location with someone close54: Theworst pain I was ever in was: I mean breaking my arm hurt a lot physically, butemotionally there have been a few moments years ago when I learned things thatclose friends went through that I wish didn’t have to be so. Some things youjust can’t explain the real effect of how it messed with your mind and makesyou think differently each day.53: Howdo you like your steak cooked: Well done52: Myroom is: Neat and organized51: Myfavorite celebrity is: Liam Neeson50: Wherewould you like to be: Holding her in my arms49: Doyou want children: Have a beautiful daughter, will likely have more in thefuture once I actually settle down.48: Everbeen in love: Have been a few times47: Who’syour best friend: I know I said earlier that I don’t have one, but my mindinstantly went to Michael when I read this again, even though we haven’t beenclose in years now, but I still hope he is doing great and love seeing where heis going on facebook. He was pretty much a second brother growing up.46: Moreguy friends or girl friends: Guys from gaming, though in person would generallybe girls45: Onething that makes you feel great is: A tight warm hug44: Oneperson that you wish you could see right now: Savannah43: Doyou have a 5 year plan: Not particularly, barely have a 5 day plan42: Haveyou made a list of things to do before you die: Not written it down anywhere,but I want to get to every Disney park location, 3 down so far.41: Haveyou pre-named your children: Nope, have some ideas but nothing for sure,especially since my wife will of course have her own desired names too.40: Lastperson I got mad at: No one outwardly, but a few people in my head, and that’show it stays 99% of the time. I bottle stuff in too much.39: Iwould like to move to: It’s always been California, because that’s whereDisneyland is, but honestly wish I could have Disney in Colorado, am alreadykind of missing it far more than I thought I would.38: Iwish I was a professional: Voice actor, and may someday be.[ My Favorites ]37: Candy:Snickers or Laffy Taffy36: Vehicle:Was a Hummer growing up, but that thing is a gas guzzler, honestly whatever has4 wheels and gets me from point a to point b is good, preferably orange.35: President:Abraham Lincoln, because he was a pretty good guy34: Statevisited: Colorado33: Cellphoneprovider: T-Mobile works, haven’t tried anyone else, am grandfathered into myparents plan32: Athlete:Michael Phelps, or Pele31: Actor:Liam Neeson30: Actress:Cara Delevingne29: Singer:There are so many youtubers I follow, I couldn’t pick just one, impossible.Kurt Hugo Schneider, Sam Tsui, Agaisnt The Current, Pentatonix, ChristinaGrimmie(You are missed), Tiffany Alvord, Peter Hollens, Boyce Avenue, and manymore28: Band:Oh, well I kind of mixed some bands into Singers, um just a band, maybe Skilletor Matt Kearney27: Clothingstore: Nothing in particular, most of my shirts are from t-shirt daily dealwebsites26: Grocerystore: Probably Target, just my go to place25: TVshow: Close between Arrow and Game of Thrones24: Movie:Over The Hedge23: Website:This was asked earlier, but YouTube still22: Animal:Dragons, if you want something non-mythical then Guinea Pigs21: Themepark: Disneyland20: Holiday:Thanksgiving because it’s just about being thankful and spending time withfamily and loved ones. It’s not about getting anything or spending money forgifts, it’s about being there and being thankful.19: Sportto watch: League of Legends, E-sports totally count, if you disagree then youare wrong, and then Soccer would be my answer.18: Sportto play: Ultimate Frisbee, a lot of fun, especially with my good long distancethrows.17: Magazine:Don’t read magazines ever16: Book:The whole Dragons In Our Midst series, if I had to pick one then it would beRaising Dragons, the very first book.15: Dayof the week: None of them are special right now, so they just sort of flowtogether now, Friday I guess since it’s payday?14: Beach:Is nice to walk along on, though am not a fan of swimming in the ocean13: Concertattended: Last one I remember going to was an Audio Adrenaline concert with mydad, but that was ages ago, have never been big on concerts.12: Thingto cook: I suck at cooking, the best food I can make is French toast, is prettygood.11: Food:Cheeseburger. You can’t beat a good burger, 90% of the time at any restaurantit’s what I get.10: Restaurant:In-N-Out for fast food style, Red Lobster for sit down, used to be OliveGarden, but they got rid of their Fettuccini Alfredo Pizza9: Radiostation: K-Love8: Yankeecandle scent: Not sure, Cantaloupe maybe?7: Perfume:I don’t wear any, so don’t have much of an opinion on it, just something sweetsmelling is generally nice6: Flower:Never really thought about it actually, Roses look pretty, though it’s kind ofa generic answer, yeah don’t really have one I guess.5: Color:Orange, always has been, always will be.4: Talkshow host: I don’t watch any talk shows, so not sure who any are.3: Comedian:Jeff Dunham, I think he counts right? Great ventriloquist and comedian2: Dogbreed: Husky, such beautiful dogs, thought they do need a lot of attention totake care of.1: Didyou answer all these truthfully? To the best of my knowledge, yes.
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