#my septum piercing is not yet fully healed to leave it out longer than it takes to switch the jewelry
spookyboywhump · 2 years
Shocked at the amount of foresight my dream last night had that would’ve potentially screwed me over it I hadn’t had it
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livayl · 5 years
how to relieve magical exhaustion (part 1)
This is with Amaziah & Marya and starts out with stifled sneezes to credit a suggestion given to me (hi there!). Also somehow it turned out to be a sneeze fic with an amount of  h/c and whump? The actual comfort is going to come later though. 
A little heads up because this is more on the plot/world-lore heavier side and not as light-hearted & sneezy as the last one. Also there´s a mention of pain that Amaziah experiences from over-exerting herself with magic. There´s a minor injury mention on a “young human soldier” (hes 20) literally a few seconds before he gets healed completely. And don´t worry about the Wyngar- they are basically constructs born out of Alchemy and Magic and are not really alive beings & can be evoked again.
There´s nothing explicit so I hope you will still enjoy it and please only reblog this to other kink-blogs, thank you. :)
Amaziah hated to admit it but lately it became more and more clear that the constant use of magic, be it passive or aggressively, had started to wear her out inch by inch. Like an once adamant rock washed out to a cave slowly by a constant current. Further and further until the carcass like remains were not able to bear their own weight anymore. In fights the well known rush of adrenaline, a sheer burning blaze of power was able to fill the hollow, aching void for a time but made it even more visible and fragile once it was left empty again. It left her with a constant dull ache that resounded deep into her bones, humming it´s echo throughout her intestines only to be sharply reawakened, vibrated to life with every heartbeat. 
Marya still tried her best to brew more effective medicine but even those positive effects on the Archmages immune system had slowly ceased. The seemingly endless discussions at their little improvised war council did not ease the rhythmic pounding headache that had spread low enough to make piercing bolts of pain tug at her teeth. 
The tent was illuminated eerily by several golden glowing crystals and the flickering gleam of a dwindling fire that did emit more fumes than warmth. Fine clouds of breath made visible by the constant flow of frosty air were swirling and dancing around grey billows of smoke. Delicate fern frost had blossomed to a rich bouquet on rough fabrics. Amaziah hoped it was just the quickly fading rush that threatened to make the world spin once she turned her head too fast. Yet that wish appeared to be futile when her condition started to worsen with proceeding time: The Archmages legs seemed barely receiving her inward bellowed commands to stay and carry her weight steadily while her sight stayed dulled and foggy on the edges. 
".... And eventually we received some real aid! Be assured that it is much appreciated, your grace. Although I cannot help but perceive that my- uh your- supplies have been scattered and thus may be damaged and that the former attack rendered my carriage useless as well as killed my Wyngar for which I understandably demand recompenses from you for coming too-" Amaziahs already sapped patience had been stretched thinner the longer the noble merchants ramblings had lasted- which were nothing more than barely concealed, blustered complaints anyways.
"Those matters will have to wait until we reach a safer outpost." She interrupted him, a little shocked how rough her voice came out. "Everyone injured should have been treated by now. I´ll make sure that they are well enough to move out. Prepare for departure." Ah- finally crisp and clear, Amaziah thought. Still, speaking made her head and throat throb unanimously with stabbing bolts of agony. Without waiting for an answer- or worse, another volley of nagging, she turned, took her gloves and scarf and left without taking the time to fully dress again. Her own flames had been fueled and she feared to sear the self-centered fool not unlike to how the giants had burned that poor Wyngar. 
Right outside the Archmage was greeted by an icy squall accompanied by piercing hail that bit and cut into every bit of exposed skin mercilessly. But instead of cooling her down it managed to aggravate her even more. The grim frost did hurt her lungs and forced the mage to cough harshly. It also chilled her nose to a point were all the cold started to freeze-burn its way up her sinuses. She sniffed against the unpleasant sensation which just worked as an igniter that sparked the smoldering tickle into a sudden, stabbing blaze that could not be extinguished. Amaziah gasped in an abrupt breath and had barely time to bring up her hand, only managed to partially close her flaring nostrils with cold fingers. "Heh-knxdzsch-uh!" She then cringed at the failed stifle that had pushed past her defenses and steamily misted the palm of her hand. But her bodies attempts to get rid of not only the frosty irritants did not grant her much time to dwell in that small discomfort. She had barely opened her eyes again as they threatened to fall shut once more by the incoming sensation. Again a deep, building breath that titled back the mages head, this time followed by a secure and firm nose-pinch. The final release had been so repressed it was borderline inaudible and directly followed by an only slightly louder groan. The force of it was much clearer displayed in the Archmages body language as it made her stumble forward dizzily. She had only a short moment to steady herself until the insisting tingling need rose again and made her head bob down once more. This time with increased force as if to make up for her persistent resistance: "hah-ndxt!-ah" Amaziah blinked tears out of her eyes and had to give her head a clearing shake before she could resume her ways to the hastily built sickbay.
Inside the confined tent it was pleasantly warm but a mixture of several pungent odors thickened the air, assaulted her senses and threatened to cause another fit of vague outcome. Thankfully, all was overlayed by the both evocative and comforting minty scent of healing herbs. Ambrosial and refreshing for all senses as was the sight of its source: In front of her Marya was still busy taking care of the last wounded soldiers and merchants. 
Her wavy, vibrant red hair was pinned-up but a few strands had loosened out of the voluminous bun. They curled around her softly blushed cheeks, caressed the slightly exposed and freckled nape of her neck only to silkily float down further her coat veiled curves. The young Alchemists face was unusual rigid with concentration, her lush lips slightly parted and smooth forehead overshadowed by a delicate frown as she worked. Thankfully the Archmage could not detect the dreaded look of distraught marring her soft features. 
Amaziah noticed with much relief that most remaining injuries seemed to be superficial burns and minor flesh wounds. The four lads were still more or less lucid and not yet beyond capacities of the healing potions they had been given. A little too lucid maybe, the Archmage thought as she noticed the prevalent conversational topic enthusiastically declaimed by an eager and youthful voice:
"... And then the Archmage tore the sky open a second time! It was like exploding blazingly white with a rolling thunder. Spitting out thunderbolts which crashed into the Demons so powerfully that it shook the earth! All of the smaller ones vanished immediately, turned to ash only leaving behind scorch marks and the bitter smell of ozone. The raging Fire Giant crumpled under the spell as if smashed by an enormous  hammer, pinned down helplessly into the dirt, barely fuming... And- oh-OH- your grace!" The young human soldier interrupted himself as he became aware of Amaziahs presence. The left side of his face had been scorched but was already healing quickly- almost too fast to be followed by gaze alone. Despite this token of battle the young lad still seemed to be more a teen than the man their circumstances needed. All gangly limbs brimming with excitement only one so new to all of this could  maintain. "I´m-" Amaziah started but was cut short by a few raspy coughs. "Excuse me. I am relieved to see you all are more or less well." She then continued- voice still strained but lips curved up into a honest smile. "Very much so, your grace. We just reveled in your latest heroic legends." Marya answered, a little amused mischief sparking in her blue eyes. Amaziah hoped that her face was still flushed from the cold and that this was able to hide the blush she felt rising up. 
"Do you think everybody is well enough to depart soon? I don´t want to stay here longer than necessary." She then explained as Marya gently took her aside. Amaziah felt a light shiver creeping up her spine as the younger elf studied her observantly. "Yes, not too much worries there. Lord stuck up can be useful for once and lend us his other cart for those who shouldn't walk." "Huh- so no fast departure then. That man can´t do a thing without an endless discussion." The Archmage answered more peevish than she had intended. Apparently the pure mention of Lord Desjard was enough to push her already much battered buttons. 
And the obtrusive smells started to tease her senses more and more. Right at this thought the lingering irritation spread from playful to demanding again and her sharp nose reacted with a couple of angered twitches. The tingling sensation was aggressive enough to bring back tears to her eyes and made her take a few hitching breaths despite all her efforts to keep them steady. "Are you well? You look worn out. And sneezy." "N-nohh... I´m fine, th-hah-hhh-thank you." Amaziah replied around wavering inhales. She sheepishly rubbed and squeezed the tip of her reddened nose, tried to calm all the flaring and crinkling. When this did not more than hardly stall the announcing release, the mage started pinching her septum hard which only managed to intensify the feeling instead of weakening it. "Haeh-ERRSCHH-hue!" Initiated by a strangled yet powerful inhale the sudden sneeze had burst out unrestrained, was angled down and only partly to the side by a hastily raised hand. "Oh my I´m-hih sorriih- AERRSSCHH-ah! Snnff-HAiih-EERSSCHooh!" Her already staggering apology was harshly interrupted: The second one was equally powerful but with a throat scraping, chest aching quality to it and the third simply loud and echoing enough to drown out the nascent chorus of timid and astounded "bless yous". 
Amaziah was almost thankful that another volley of coughs spared her too much of a polite reaction. "Aw gesundheit my Sweet. Don´t hurt yourself!" "-I´m sorry." The Archmage managed to choke out bitterly. "Guess I´m up to wrecking myself anyhow.... Please make sure that everyone is ready as soon as possible." "No worries I´ll kick some healthy soldier butts to help me organizing. How about you sit down here a little and rest?" Amaziah felt torn between her wish to stay close to her Loves comfort and care and the fear of lapsing again with an audience this big. The openly shown, almost ridiculous hero worship some of the army actively participated in did not make things better. Also, how indomitable could a leader stay while slumping down to the dirt afflicted by whatever nonsense this current weakness was. 
“No thank you. The-uh- herbs are getting to me a bit, I´m afraid. See you at departure in an hour." Amaziah hastily excused herself with a gentle yet swift kiss atop of Maryas head. Then she left, almost fled the place too scared to admit how she longed for Maryas close company. 
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