#my schedule and willingness to upload this is a fickle lil bich
fireintheforest · 5 years
Behind the Blue: chapter 4, part 2
There were scorchmarks from magic in the hallways and in one door, and when Saufinril came back he was limping, visibly moody and with a bump and ugly bruise on his shin. He walked past the people that were gossiping in panicked whispers, past the echo of Mama Fro’s commands for calm and the subsequent protocol of the case, past the scorches on the walls left behind from his magic misses, until he got to his room and closed the door behind himself. The shin protested from the strain of going upstairs by sending pulses of pain down Saufinril’s leg, earning a groan from him. The wall where he’d fired first had an ugly smear (hope it wasn’t permanent. If it was, he’d have to hang something or fix it before Rialas saw it). A wave of dread and panic went over him. The intruder had tried to take his grandmother’s earring and Casil’s hunting knife, what did they manage to take? He immediately started to go through his things, counting and looking at each one for damage.
Meanwhile, down in the kitchen, Rialas was half sitting, half laying at table laid out with a typical Bosmeri breakfast of eggs, broth, slices of meats and bowls of insects. He was not the only one around looking displeased for being awoken so early, but unlike most people who would have never have dared to take out their bad mood on him, he had no similar restrains towards other people. Stabbing an egg with his knife and ignoring how bad manners such action showed he pulled the steaming bowl of broth closer and pointed to the closest poor soul with his egg-stained knife.
"You. Go. Get that dumb kynd of mine here. Now."
The lucky winner to deliver the message, a young orc with wild black hair and plenty of piercings on his face, went upstairs to the fourth floor until he got to Saufinril’s room and poked his head on the doorway. The young Altmer was sitting on the ground, breathing deep, a deep scowl on his face and his jaw clentched, his left knee up, his left elbow on the knee to support his head, which rested on his left hand that was clutching his hair tightly. His gaze was lost and had a light mist on his eyes. The right leg was straightened, letting the torn pant leg show the bump and the now eggplant-colored bruise.
Muraz poked his head on the doorway and simply said, "Soo...Rialas wants you. Not sure where Lillandril is so watch your back."
Saufinril softened the scowl, put his hands in his head and exhaled, closing his eyes. His hand wandered to his earring, which luckily he still had.
"Thanks" his tone was flat, but he tied his hair back while getting up (careful with the hurt leg!), took a glance around the room and then walked down to the first floor to the table where Rialas was eating. Rialas stared at Saufinril as he saw him first starting to approach, holding the delicate broth cup in one hand, taking a delicate sip.
"Morning, Rialas." Saufinril put his hands behind his back, waiting for his elder to talk first. Muraz was right, he hadn't seen Lillandril anywhere. He was probably holding himself above in the ceiling, waiting to ambush him or something. He didn´t dare look up in case it was true. Rialas didn't take his eyes off Saufinril, nor did he say anything. He only stared, mismatched eyes, narrowed like arrowheads, showing above the grey rim of the bowl. Saufinril, though he didn't say anything, didn't look at Rialas directly either. He just waited. Rialas set the bowl on the table with great care, then hit the knife deep in the table, so it stood there.
"Someone broke into the Den, to steal one's belongings, and one woke up when it happened. One chased the thief and followed them outside but lost them around the bar near the stream."
"Not. That." Rialas snarked. "I am not fool. I could hear your shouting."
"One was chasing him"
"Yes. Astonishing. You told me that." Rialas rolled his eyes and Saufinril stopped himself from doing the same. "And I said it is not what I wish you to explain."
"Well, that's what happened, one yelled at them to stop multiple times while one was chasing them. One will pay back to fix the damage in the Den, one promises"
Rialas closed his eyes slowly in an eerie gesture that his husband was often observed to do. "Not. That."
Well then I don’t know what the FUCK to tell you, now, do I?, Saufinril thought, his face revealing none of the irritability that was scratching the back of his neck and head.With expression and tone of voice that spoke of effort of restraint as great as balancing eggs on knife edge, Rialas spoke.
"I wish you to explain how you could make such a ruckus, and not bring back the head of this thief."
Oh. Right. This is Rialas we're talking about. Technically, Sau explained why, but the volume was so low, it might as well have been a mutter. Please don’t ask me to repeat it, please dont ask me to repeat it, please d-
A cough came from the doorway. Lillandril stood, arms folded, leaning against the frame. “And when you have explained that, you can explain quite how a penniless and destitute urchin such as yourself plans to find suitable recompense to fix the aftermath of your antics.”
Saufinril closed his eyes. Ah, there it is. The ambush. Saufinril took a step back and to the side to not give Lillandril his back.
"One will find a way, one has found jobs here before and..." he paused, seemingly remembering something, "There's a job that was proposed to one yesterday by a frequent client. It's in Evermor and one will be gone for a bit but it's very well rewarded and one can pay you both back"
Rialas snorted, "I do not need paying back. In money."
Lillandril’s eyebrow twitched. “Frequent client?”
"Well then how does one need to pay you back?" Great. Both parents are displeased. "From the Guild, he's come to the Den for a while."
“That hardly inspires confidence. Especially when considered alongside your track record where men and Mer are concerned.”
Rialas, too, clicked his tongue. "Clearly you need to work more shifts if you don't realize just how many people there are here from the Guild"
"One knows, one knows. It's this Dunmer, his name is Toivon. He's come around some times and last night he told one of this job and the cut is 4000 septims so...."
The eyebrow twitched again. “Dunmer?” Rialas raised both of his eyebrows, looking bit more awake and less grumpy. "The one with the little monkey?"
“Monkey? Oh do tell one that this one’s bad taste has not extended into the realms of pets as well? The last thing one wants or needs is an Imga as a son in law.”
Oh. Right. He has history with Dunmer.
"It's not like that- wait, monkey? No, one is not- an Imga, really? That's offensive" Saufinril said
Rialas looked affronted "I would never call Imga a monkey" he huffed
“One quite agrees. The Imga may well be pitiable and at times disagreeable, but they at least try to better themselves. To equate them to Dunmer besmirches their efforts most assuredly.”
"Point is, one- it's not that kind of agreement." Immediately after saying that, Saufinril seemed unsure, "It's, it's a distraction. In the sense of help for a heist."
"Oh? Tell me more." Rialas said, eyebrow arched, leaning forward to his elbow and pulling his knife off the table with practiced ease. “One agrees.” Lillandril narrowed his eyes slightly. “Tell one more.”
Rialas shuffled over on the fur covered bench to allow his husband space to sit down next to him. Lillandril moved to the bench, keeping his eyes trained on Saufinril as he sat down next to his husband, one hand reaching up in an almost absentminded way to wind fingers through Rialas’ hair. Saufinril seemed to just look more uneasy, but then he exhaled, "It's in Evermor, it's stealing a jewel during a party and they needed someone to provide a distraction while a key to the vault or box (one doesn't remember which) is taken. It's just one night, then one gets paid and one is back here. It's a high society party and with the payment one will pay for the damages."
“High society?” A faint smile played at Lillandril’s lips. “You?”
"One knows. He suggested one pass as an Artist but...that's, well near, it's not...after this break in one doesn't have much choice"
Rialas leaned over to practically flop on Lillandrils lap as he said, "Don't be so judgemental. Any Altmer can fool their way through in man society. I am more worried about the proving distraction"
"Aren't we all." Saufinril muttered
“One would be more concerned he takes you as an example in that regard.”
Rialas grinned, showing rows of sharp teeth. "Have you considered that this is awfully convenient?" Saufinril stayed silent for a second, then gave a shy nod. Lillandril made an agreeing noise. “What precisely do you even know about this Dunmer?” he asked
"Not much." Saufinril sat opposite them and passed a hand through his hair. He’d just dismissed his gut instinct as paranoia, but now… "By the Nine, you think he..."
“One thinks one asked you a question. You recall from your studies, one presumes, that one expects full answers.”
Rialas snickered and reached up to caress Lillandril’s jawline, looking at Sau like a child watching his favourite shadow theatre play.
"One knows- he's from the Guild, he comes here often with either a Nord or a Redguard or another younger Dunmer, his name is Toivon, that's it. He's very private and we've only talked a handful of times. The first time one ever saw him here was the night of the fight one had in the Den some years ago, with an Imperial."
“Quite the endorsement.”
Rialas chuckled and spoke at Lillandril in Bosmeris in a singsong voice "Somebody’s going to get kidnapped…"
Lillandril turned his head slightly to his husband, switching to Bosmeris himself. “If he thinks one is traipsing north to rescue him because he can’t say no to a sunken grey face, he is sadly mistaken.”
A bite of irritation nibbled at the back of Saufinril’s head. He’d lived with them in Valenwood for years and they still spoke Bosmeris in front of him, as if he couldn’t understand it. Even though he managed to not roll his eyes at them again, he slipped out a snappy "One is not getting kidnapped. And one didn't sleep with him. Nor one plans to."
“You very rarely plan it. If people planned it, it would be rather dull.”
"Kynd. Use the brain poor atta has tried to hammer in you yes?" Rialas laughed, still petting Lillandril’s jawline, "This person you know nothing about offers you easy convenient work. Away. Oh only you can do it. And then this little thing happens. So you feel like you have no choice" Rialas laughed. "It’s so convenient it's hilarious."
"Fine but to be fair, you are a better candidate for it, anyone is and one told him" Saufinril replied.
Rialas preened and chuckled. "So why exactly did he need you hmm?"
"He said the Breton eat up anything Altmer. One suggested you, serah, but..." he eyed Lillandril cautiously, "he said the Bretons look for something younger."
The eyebrow twitched again. “Ten generations of supreme lineage, to be insulted by a Dunmer. One should curse his name immediately.”
Rialas laughed. "And why was I rejected? Because I am not Altmer? Like men could tell the difference."
Oh by the Nine, why.
"Something about...you know-yeah, it was that. That it was perfect, you were perfect, but not Altmer"
“Oh? Whereas one is Altmer but not perfect? Too ... old?”
"He acknowledged you have experience and are an Altmer but...yeah"
“Hm. So it’s his charm and grace that is tempting you north?”
"Assuming this is a ploy to get one kidnapped, one has gotten out of situations like this. One escaped the Isles and crossed Tamriel with just 20 years of age. One has broken out of jails in Cyrodiil. One's got this. And if it's a true, actual job, one has the money to fix this at once versus all the jobs and time one would need to get it paid. It's not his charm, it's money"
"You're not going anywhere before we meet this Toivon.” Rialas said as Lillandril added a “You escaped the Isles and crossed Tamriel to be attacked by Dunmer, break into one’s home, and require one’s assistance and tutelage.”
"...but one escaped."
“So he lacks any redeeming features? Has no true personality to speak of? The extent of his virtues goes no further than his coin purse?”
"So far?"
"I cannot believe you are leaving us for coins.” Rialas interjected
"One is going to come back! One is not leaving anybody." The temptation to roll his eyes was too big.
Then it was Lillandril who spoke, “Which would make you ... well, it’s not for one to disparage those who chose the path of the courtesan. You, however, lack those requisite skills to claim that title.”
"Y'ffre knows it is not my fault he has not learned." Rialas mentioned
"One is not going as- you know, courtesan would be a good role for the job"
By now, the older Altmer was now talking to his husband in Bosmeris, “Auri-el knows, you have tried, one has tried. The boy’s skull is stubbornly thick. He is considering running off with a Dunmer of all things.” Before switching back to Common to tell his apprentice, “If you are going at all remains an open topic of discussion.”
"It hardly counts as running off." Rialas replied, then switched to Common as well, "Courtesan? You want to be courtesan now"
"No! Well, listen if the job is real, yes. One night." Saufinril reassured. Or at least, tried to. The Den owners’ displeasure rose almost at once by Rialas and Lillandril, respectively.
"You cannot be courtesan for one night!"
“One night. Pah. No true courtesan would ever say such a thing. And you are the Altmer this boy chooses? Clearly, his judgement matches his race.”
"One wouldn't be a true courtesan, one knows! It's just pretend." Saufinril’s head was developing a shy headache and the leg was screaming with pain now.
“So you want to pretend to be a conversation - that is, a common whore - and travel the length of Tamriel with a Dunmer boy you scarcely know, to undertake a high risk theft, with little to no pre planning or understanding of the situation, context, or surroundings, all in an attempt to gather money to repay the damages done to this establishment. And you expect us to bless this - one cannot bring oneself to call it a plan – half-baked thimble full of vague notions?”
"...well, when put that way..." Saufinril sighed, "To be fair one was...well, going anyway. It's more like...one was letting you know...where...one was going?"
“Oh, was that what this was? By Phynaster, how did one not understand that?” There it was, the Lillandril sass.
"It sounds sketchy, one knows. But at least one will try, and at the first sign of a trap, one leaves. One considered this possibility, but if it's not a trap, this covers the damages and an extra. At the very least, one can try." Just like Saufinril was trying to convince Lillandril and Rialas that this endeavour was going to be ok.
Lillandril was the next one to talk, “If you have made your mind up, what precisely can we say? Plead you to reconsider? Admonish you till shame turns your mind? One thinks not. If you seek our blessing, one finds it difficult to give. Coming on the heels of a morning where one was awoken by a commotion of your making, and forced to intervene with only a bedsheet to preserve one’s modesty, one rather thinks one might be forgiven for finding this is all somewhat I’ll conceived, rushed, and dubious. If well intentioned.”
"I will never bless that idea either." Rialas spoke, "Should you wish to pass as courtesan, you need help."
“To say nothing of your overall skill set for taking to the road. You have become quite the urban creature of comforts.” He loved Lillandril but this kind of thing was annoying, his job was LITERALLY to travel around finding people and killing them. He literally just came back from the road from Kvatch anddon'tthinkofEramondon'tthinkaboutEramon-
"You need to be bigger than life. Currently you act like you’re hardly bigger than mudcrab." He loved Rialas but that was not true. At least not like it used to be, and it used to be worse. He used to be straight-up scared of Rialas.
“Whilst it is buried in the mud.” Lillandril added
"Alright, so act like Rialas." He said more to cut the list of things he wasn’t than to summarize, but Lillandril interrupted.
“No. You cannot act like Rialas. Anyone other than Rialas trying to act like Rialas is liable to be killed or imprisoned.”
Rialas smiled, smugly, “It’s true.”
"....yes, fair", Saufinril conceded
“And one’s husband is quite right. If you think you are leaving before we at least meet the fiend who is enticing you away, you are very much mistaken. If naught else, one needs to assess his skills so as to decide as to what kind of bound creature to send to watch over you.”
Fuck, he’d hoped that ignoring that part would’ve slipped out of their minds, especially Lillandril’s, "This is not a bridal kidnapping, but fair. Agreed."
“And before you think of sneaking out the city, it will be considerably mite pleasant all round if you volunteer to bring this Dunmer to us, than if one has to either send a Xivali to bring you back, or engage the Guild to speed your return.” Lillandril added.
"He's not one's boyfriend, one will not run off with him like that, one just broke up with Eramon, one is not that much of a hot mess! But alright." Saufinril added the last part before he went off in a frustrated rant.
A raised eyebrow, “You broke up with who now? Was that the Redguard with the tattoo of an anchor on his cheek?”
"You really know nothing" Rialas rolled his eyes at his husband.
"No, that was-that doesn't matter, it was one's-the Altmer one met in Lympar March a while ago. We'd broken up before and then he came and we got back together? The one you didn't like? Black hair?" Saufinril offered, trying to make that spark of recognition go off on Lillandril. Then again the mer was around his 8000s, this might take a while. Come on, how many times do you see an Altmer with black hair? He had to remember that one.
“Saying ‘twas the one one did not like hardly narrows it down. You do show a worrying fondness for trawling through the sluice of life when it comes to your romantic entanglements.” Lillandril observed. Which was uncalled for. True, of course, but uncalled for.
Saufinril passed a hand through his face, "The cocky one. Said he could do Marcie's job better than her. He uh, kind of agreed to a threesome with one without, um, one's consent." A pause, "The one that you said talks too much."
"We need to figure who you are." Rialas said, clearly following his own trail of thought. "You know everyone is different when they are working. We just need to figure out who is inside this shy little Altmer peasant."
“Oh! The screamer? Yes, him one recalls. All of the workers recall him. All of the city recalls him.” Lillandril recalled, his usual sass on his words.
"Good riddance." Rialas said. Then, "Nothing wrong with being screamer. You just need to learn to do better magic to prevent other suffering from it."
“Oh, but was so much more amusing to offer him a gag. One has scarce seen such a shade of red.” Lillandril mused
"Please. He was Altmer. You don’t go red, just... Vaguely orange-y gold."
“The point stands.”
Saufinril rubbed the back of his neck while Lillandril and Rialas talked, proving the point that Altmer turn an orange-y pink tone when blushing. So much for not thinking about him, but to be fair he’d brought him up first. Rialas chuckled and rolled comfortably on Lillandril’s lap like a supple, seductive snake
Lillandril continued, “Regardless. Anything must be an improvement over his wailing. Even a Dunmer. Perish the thought.”
And then Rialas tried it: "Well if I recall didn't you say you once-"
“No one did not.”
"That's not what I remember hearing..."
“You are a notorious fantasist.”
Rialas purred, "I know. And you enjoy it."
Lillandril then turned to Saufinril: “So when shall we expect to meet your co-conspirator? Dinner tomorrow evening, perhaps? One believes that the ribbon dancers are booked for tomorrow evening. The patrons will hardly notice our absence. And one does believe that one spied chef bringing in a rather fetching looking box of sea urchins earlier. We can serve them.”
"Does that mean we will be eating Altmer food?" Rialas asked
“If this one is to play the part of a courtesan, he needs start his remedial studies as soon as possible. Including his table manners and dining choices.”
Rialas huffed. "As long as it is Pact compliant."
"One can ask him, sure" Saufinril just had to wait for the blush to lower before going out to the north exit to tell Toivon today about this.
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