#my rp blog is somehow busted
lil-grem-draws · 1 month
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Basically: a kiwi blew up. Present: Sebastian, Allegra, William, Nosy. The Slytherin Common Room is never safe.
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Ok I have been tempted and now I am sending a match up for my OC Sofia because I am genuinely just so curious and have been dragged a bit back into Mysme due to an RP blog I follow and plan to interact with once my new blog is set up who has Seven as a muse and OH BOY SEVEN MY BELOVED EVEN IF I LIKE YOUR BROTHER MORE YOU ARE JUST. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Anywho. Part of me feels like Sofia maybe would end up with Seven, but another part of me then goes "There's no way that'd develop into romance. They'd end up at an impasse with pushing each other both away" but then also it just depends on so much. But besides Sev I have 0 idea for who'd she end up with.
Either way, here be her bio, I warn it's a lot xD she's one of my favorite OCs just 'cause she has been through so much shit lol
Although this is mainly for her default verse, in a Mysme verse she would likely be a preexisting RFA member and in some way be connected to Rika (possibly Rika may help her get off the streets or something, or in general somehow befriend her, still thinking on that), however I haven't developed that verse for her just yet and won't till I have actually finished all the bios for my OCs for my new blogs and stuff. Cause I have completed 3/8 of the OC bios and well I've got my work cut out for me but it's alright, I will manage...I think
Name: Sofia Leigh Remington
Aliases: The Indigo Assassin
Occupation: Assassin
Birth Date: November 27th
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Gender: Female, She/Her
Age: 26
Height: 170 cm / 5’7’’
Weight: 59 kgs / 132 lbs
Hair Color: Light Orange
Eye Color: Lilac
Bust/Waist/Hip: 84/59/85 cm
Cup Size: D
Relatives: Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Father
Loves: Singing, Dancing, Music, Teasing Others, The Night, Purple, Violets
Hates: People Prying, People Trying To Get Closer, People Touching Her Without Permission
Sexuality: Pansexual/Panromantic
Weapon(s) of Choice: Dual Blades, Daggers, Knives
Alignment: True Neutral
Positive Traits: Caring, Kind, Strong, Witty, Affectionate, Teasing
Neutral Traits: Cryptic, Mischievous, Nonchalant
Negative Traits: Reckless, Self Deprecating, Touch Starved, Bottles Her Emotions, Pushes Others Away
MBTI: ISTP-A - The Virtuoso
Enneagram: Type 2 - The Giver
Four Temperaments: Phlegmatic
Fears: Being a Burden, Being Abandoned Again, Losing Those She Cares For
Agility & Reflexes - Sofia is highly acrobatic, her entire fighting style revolving mainly on catching her target off guard and killing them as quickly as possible. While this means she’s much worse with long drawn out fights, she doesn’t usually end up in such situations. Due to living most of her life on the highly dangerous streets, she’s developed very good reflexes. It is not recommended to attempt to sneak attack her as a result, as she will almost guaranteedly dodge you and proceed to kill you immediately, although some people have gotten lucky in the past and gotten hit on her before they were killed by her. It should be noted that she is bad at taking hits as well even if she won’t admit it, hence her much more speedy combat style.
Dual Blades - When it comes to combat, Sofia’s weapons of choice are dual blades, which she is highly skilled at using and goes well with her very speed based combat style. She can also use daggers and knives, which is what she mainly uses when she attempts to go for her usual quick-kill to avoid a longer fight, taking out the dual blades if a fight does end up starting.
Sofia was born into an impoverished family, one that was rather dysfunctional as her parents constantly argued about the fact they were quickly spiraling into debt and becoming unable to feed themselves let alone a child. Sofia did her best to try to help her parents with the money situation, even as a young child going out and doing any jobs she possibly could to earn some coin, but as she continued to grow and the situation became direr, it seemed no matter what she did, her parents seemed to have determined that having a child was a mistake. She eventually began being starved by her parents, and her mother even went out of her way to berate and take out her frustrations on Sofia, and soon enough, one day, as to be expected, Sofia's parents dragged Sofia from the house and abandoned her in the middle of nowhere practically, telling her to never try to return to them, because they wanted nothing to do with their 'burden of a child'.
After that, Sofia tried to do her best to survive, stealing and eventually even killing people to do so, and refusing to be taken in by anyone who offered, as she at that point viewed herself as only a burden to other people, so she tried to be as little of a burden as possible by refusing the help of anyone who tried to help her, for instance when offered food or other things she always insisted to properly pay for it, and if she couldn't afford it just refusing it entirely. She had little value for her life despite trying to survive so much, often taking huge risks to get money or necessities, being reckless due to fully believing in what her parents said about her; that she was a mistake. A burden. A deadweight taking up space in the world that would be better designated for someone else.
During all of this, however, Sofia's only joys in her life were her singing and dancing, as whenever she was completely alone she would indulge in her love of those two things, even though she had no music to dance to or sing to, she still sang and danced regardless.
As Sofia grew up things only got harsher on the streets for her, with many people harassing her for being a street girl, and if she wasn't dealing with that, then she was being beaten up by people she ended up being caught stealing from. Regardless of this, however, Sofia forced herself to be strong, even teaching herself self-defense even though she had no one and nothing to go off of. She fought back against those who tried to harm her, and eventually finally earned the respect of other people on the streets like her. Finally, things began getting better for her, even if she was still completely alone; which was partially her own fault due to cutting off everyone who tried to get closer to her. She would end up taking up the role of an assassin for hire after much contemplation, although being immensely picky with who she killed for. She wasn't going to just kill willy nilly, despite having no qualms about killing people by this point.
And this is where Sofia is at today; an assassin who forced herself to become stronger to survive, who views herself as nothing but a burden, who's admired across the streets for her beauty and strength, and a woman who refuses to let anyone get closer to her, which she partially does via being the cryptic person she is. However, despite all of that, she at least cares about other people, often having a hidden meaning in the crypticity she speaks that's meant to help the person, although whether the person realizes that or not is not always guaranteed.
Sofia is a rather odd person, known for being cryptic and a tad unpredictable, but also horrifyingly strong and someone you shouldn't mess with. She has zero perception of upper class and lower class and such, and will treat everyone equally, usually only using a person's proper title if they have managed to gain her respect, which is a bit difficult. She has no regard for her own life, being reckless and even if you put a knife to her neck she will not care. She doesn't sugarcoat things and when needed can be extremely blunt, although recognizes when it's necessary to be softer when it comes to world shattering truths.
When people attempt to pry her past or things about her from her or frustrate her in some way, she can become terrifyingly angry, letting out emotions she often attempts to bottle up in moments like that; otherwise her mood seemingly barely changes whatsoever. She views herself as a burden to everyone around her and has made her life revolve around being as little of a burden as possible, sometimes in ways such as going out of her way to help someone out and refusing to be helped by other people in turn, always wanting to pay for anything she's given, and so on. She has no qualms about killing people for survival, coin, or both, but prefers not to kill senselessly and will avoid killing if she can, and even despite her being an assassin for hire she is picky about who she kills for and will pester her client with questions to determine whether she will kill for them, albeit in times of desperation she does sometimes take on clients who are of questionable character.
Despite keeping everyone at a distance and refusing to let people get too close to her both literally and figuratively, often times her crypticity is meant to have a hidden meaning to point out something or help a person, as even while she refuses to let other people care about her, she still cares about some people, albeit she's always ready to cut someone off in order to protect herself. She can be a bit sassy in response to some things, and despite her nonchalant, carefree, and confusing demeanor, she is actually quite intelligent and observant.
When Sofia actually allows herself to get attached to someone, she becomes a bit different; she becomes a tad clingy, very affectionate, even using pet names, and fiercely protective of that person. She will go out of her way to help them however she possibly can more so than with other people who she barely knows, although this also makes her become more reckless and even self-sacrificial for that person, and also terrified of losing them due to having no one else. And if they ever leave her, she will become heavily despondent, and will return to her habits of pushing people away and cutting people off, except even worse.
I match with you... 
You're certainly an oddball, aren't you? It should go without saying that plenty of people in your life just don't understand the kind of person that you are. It may have something to do with the way that you present yourself to the world but it also has something to do with the fact that there are people that just won't put in the effort to see what's underneath the surface. With that in mind, if you're gonna have someone in your life that cares about you and wants to be close with you then there gonna be someone that won't judge you for the way that you think or the way that you act like this. For that reason, the one person that I can think of that would suit you well is Vanderwood.
Think of it like the pot calling the kettle black. This is one of those situations where you intimately understand what the other person is thinking when it comes to relationships and what it means to protect yourself and the people that you care about. It's not hard to find someone who understands it, but what is hard is finding someone that isn't afraid of challenging that perspective and finally opening a door that might have been closed for a very long time. So, with Vanderwood, they’re the kind of person that has pointedly avoided people for as long as they can remember because their life was in someone elses hand and there was no way that they could get out of that. When your life is built on life or death struggles, you don't really wanna get anyone else involved. So to have someone that understands that in your life around you can be kind of a blessing and a double edged sword. It just depends.
In this case, there's just something about your energetic personality that says that you would get along with them. They would seemingly tolerate you but in actuality they really came to care for the sentiment that you have. There's just something about Vanderwood that is a huge softie, but nobody ever gets to see that. So, imagine yourself to be the one light of hope in their life that allows them to believe in something good for a change period that's the kind of person that you are for them in a relationship.
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squadron-of-damned · 6 years
[That rose-y emoji my pc doesn’t show] - If I miss someone I used to RP with... Hmm... Yes. Yes, I do. I used to have a RP blog for a Jester from Darkest Dungeon. Bust I somehow lost time to manage it and it stopped being fun at some point... So I deleted the blog, However, in the course of the past months I miss the threads I had there.
I also miss playing with @iineffabilities. I used to play Crowley for the ‘Zira. No idea what happened to our RP.
I had an ongoing RP thread for one of my OCs when I was, like 15. I miss that one too, but only because of nostalgic feelings. It wasn’t good and I wouldn’t open it again. But... You get me, right? at the time, it meant the world for me.
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papessedefer-a-blog · 7 years
i haven't really been around but......... puts my url
Send me a url and I’ll answer the following;;
Opinion on;
Character in general: Hifumiiiiiiiiiii why didn’t Atlus stick with their original plan I wANTED YOU IN THE PARTY GETTING TO KNOW THE PHANTOM THIEVES BETTER. Maybe the inevitable rerelease/remake of Persona 5 will squeeze her in somehow… Anyways! Hifumi is lovely. She reminds me of Yukiko at times, but I had an easier time coming to adore Hifumi than I did with Yukiko… And her character-design is just-plain gorgeous! The red ties in her hair really bring it all together How they play them: Wonderfully!! Like with jvdicas, it helps that this is the only active Hifumi I’m currently aware of, but even then, the mun really captures her well. She’s a quiet, thoughtful, subtle individual, until she busts out the shogi board and gets into the groove, and she’s gay as heck which is always a win in my book.The Mun: Aha, again, like with jvdicas, you’re another mutual I’d very much like to chat with and get to know more once I can get over myself yikes. We’ve briefly interacted before on our other blogs though, so there’s a tiny bit more foundation to work with eheh. 
Do I:
RP with them: Yes!Want to RP with them: MORE GAYBIES Definitely
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
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**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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trolloled · 8 years
Nobody asked for it but I’m giving it to you anyway:
The inspiration-behind-the-trolls master post:
Damath: I saw a lot of haughty seadwellers super proud of their status and thought ‘what if there was a seadweller who lost at being a seadweller’ and damath was hatched. I basically wanted an asshole desperately clinging to his old status, and he hasn’t changed too drastically since then.
Haydel: I listened to Barrett’s Privateers and became inspired to write my own ‘pirate’ troll. She was fairly flat when I first wrote her. She didn’t even have a proper profile until recently despite being first designed several years ago. Originally she was just a drunkard pirate with bad aim, but now she’s a drunkard dancing pirate with middlin’ aim and a strong desire to kidnap trolls to be her lackeys so she can prove herself the toughest of all seadwellers.
Vollia: I dunno, I think someone literally just suggested ‘what if there was a troll based off one of those repo-men shows’ on MSPAF at one point and Vollia was hatched. She’s changed drastically since then. Original incarnation was still a drinker, but only to deal with the stupidity she dealt with on a regular basis. She was also fairly bloodthirsty and absolutely loathed subjugglators for ‘ruining’ the good name of indigos
Deviex: I was fresh off playing Bioshock and I wanted a lunatic doctor of my own. He was never a direct Bioshock rip-off, but I slipped in a few steinman jokes here and there and unfortunately that got him l labelled as such. He originally had a yellowblooded moirail that kept his homicidal medical intentions in check, but since her RPer turned into a huge prat stopped roleplaying, that is long gone and Deviex has since had no one to stop him from flying into a rage when told someone won’t submit for medical testing.
Remiva: ‘what if there was a highblood who made it his job to deal with these nice highbloods?’ I think I originally just designed him as an example profile for a fantroll help blog I used to run (boy that was a dumpster fire). Since I liked the concept of someone being a deliberate asshole to lowbloods for the sake of status while stabbing other people in the back to prove some philosophical point, I fleshed out his profile completely.
Charsa: Originally designed for a dieselpunk SGRUB rp that never took off, she used to be a very energetic and excitable inventor who routinely broke everything she made out of excitement. In the translation between that and here, she lost her excitable nature and become more tired than anything, partially as a result of how her AB turned out. Which is all well and good, I prefer the lazy/tired inventor archetype to the excited one. Plus she kept all the eccentric nature of what she builds with a mildly amused, nearly asleep-college-student attitude.
Kormut: He was my first fantroll. I just wanted a highblood that couldn’t be considered overpowered since I was super worried about accidentally being some sort of newbie rper who busted in with overpowered trolls that everyone auto-loved. So I gave him inexplicable bad luck. Some people guessed that his bad luck was entirely in his head, but it really wasn’t. He’s stayed pretty much the same since his inception, though his lusus turned from a Dune-esque sandworm into a slightly mutated lusus cougar instead.
Sapant: Hatched from the idea of ‘take an obscure character from a popular work and make them into a fantroll.’ He’s Owl Eyes from The Great Gatsby, albeit with his niceness significantly toned down to fit in with troll attitudes. He’s too new to have changed at all!
Newsen: One of the first new trolls I made following my impromptu hiatus. I saw a pair of torn jeans and a wicked hairstyle on a sprite sheet while listening to Dirty Laundry, so I figured a reporter intentionally sabotaging everyone else’s success for his own gain would be pretty amusing, especially if he was pretty disgusting himself.
Yegeri: He’s somewhat inspired by the Pinkerton Detective Agency (His name is formed from two different prominent Pinkerton detectives). You know, before they became some weird private security group. When they busted rum runners and such. He doesn’t get much any use because I’m not a big fan of the sprite I made for him, but I still like his personality.
Hovend: I wanted Yegeri to have a distaff counterpart that was absolutely not suited for police work whatsoever. What would happen if the worst person possible was thrust into a position where he had to do what he hated most? The answer is apparently regress into anime and origami folding.
Xrumon: Not gonna lie, I made him because I was annoyed with a certain someone’s representation of a troll brought back from near-death in robot form. Not to worry dear weird person reading this, it’s nobody that follows me. Their representation had the troll...blandly accept being saved, and they weren’t at all concerned with the ramifications of their new body. So I said ‘I can do it better’ and wrote up the mean spirited son of a bitch we all don’t know and certainly don’t love today. Turns out being trapped in a robot shell sucks.
Portec: There’s an episode of American Dad where Stan really, really, really wanted to get a helicopter or some shit. I saw that and decided I wanted a helicopter troll because it’d be funny (That’s a common theme). So Portec became reality, formed with a strong desire for coffee and a reckless attitude, he...really hasn’t changed all that much.
Deveii: He was originally a self-insert! Oh no! He had my worst personality traits of course, namely being my absolutely awful temper at the time along with cowardice. Thankfully he quickly grew way the hell away from being a self-insert through the power of Zagaya (his first moirail) taking him under his wing. He always retained his bad temper, however, and accidentally gained an affinity for dating highbloods.
Evelsi: I think rai dared me to make a troll that only spoke in like 50′s slang or some shit like that. For a while, that was basically his quirk! I had a whole page written up of various slang terms to use, while Evelsi was basically ‘hey remember the American 50′s? Weren’t those times wild?’ the troll. From that I gradually added onto him so that he became more of a rock n’ roll troll with a penchant for helping others gain friends/quadrants, and pretty much entirely dropped the 50′s schtick.
Remune: “I want a bartender that nearly kills people with what he makes.” That’s pretty much it. His sprite is one I’m really proud of, even if I used a base. His hair was a total bitch but I love how it turned out. He hasn’t changed much, though he originally had telekinesis as a power. I changed that to seismic sense so that I could play it into his alcoholism (Booze deadens the constant noise other trolls generate for him).
Gaveyo: I kinda just wanted an explorer type troll? I listened to the Legionnaire’s Lament by the decemberists and wanted a troll that evoked that song. A lot of my trolls are inspired by music. At first he was just gonna be a lil grumpy and v. tired and v. world weary, but he somehow turned into fat dickhead who ruins people’s nights for laughs. At least he kept his trait of collecting trinkets and mementos. Fun fact, his last name is a rearrangement of the word cloyed, which iirc means something that is really sweet or overly sappy. I have actual reasons for keeping it that way.
Chamlo: I wrote him for a special RP where mutants/undesirable would get to duke it out on an island. The last one standing would be allowed to rejoin the troll empire at large, having been granted the gift of life! And every other troll in the empire got to watch a sick, extreme version of survivor! Unfortunately the RP didn’t get enough applicants and then the MSPAF got nuked so oh well.
Adabon: I listened to Delta (C2C) and suddenly got inspired to make a troll who was a fan of bombs. But since that felt a little cliche, I wondered what else could one do w/ bombs. And then I remembered seeing a cartoon where some fool used an explosives challenge to paint a shitload of stuff at once and figured that’d be pretty fun! It worked out pretty well overall, I’d say.
Yarrex: Second fantroll ever. Most of his characterization came from when I first used him on MSPAF. I can’t remember if the cafe interactions or his profile came first. Either way he soon turned into a troll obsessed with balance. Then I did the stupidest thing ever and wrote myself into an Edgy Fanfic Corner(tm) by burning his hive down and killing his lusus because itsbadwriting.gif. Fortunately, people still liked him for whatever reason. I’ve retconned all of that so his lusus is quite alive and his hive is still standing, but I still have him reference his hive at least getting singed sometimes as a nod. 
Argumi: “Boy, reading everyone’s thoughts would actually be a pretty horrible power. I know! I’ll make it so that you can’t turn it off! And you’re an empath!” And so began Argumi’s suffering. Most of my trolls are ‘inspired’ by sudden thoughts, really. First he was just an empath, then he turned into a mind reader, and now he’s an empath AND a mind reader. His life just gets worse every rewrite. But at least he’s more functional now than he used to be.
Famynn: Was written originally to be the Totally Awesome Doctor(tm) in a pirate RP. He would have performed surgery listening to stirring operas and complained about everyone else being little kids. Basically an incredibly old fashioned, anachronistic, asshole. But then the owner of said rp who shall remain nameless repeatedly made me lower his caste so their friends could get in instead. So he became brown and hopelessly incompetent as a doctor. Then the RP ended because oops the earlier mentioned prat was in it and the owner was no better. Later I used him in a better RP called Hunters (of the lost planet) where he was still the ship’s doctor. That’s where he got his jealous nature towards highbloods from! He’s been pretty much the same since, although his Alternian form has no doctor incliniations.
Marnin: I listened to Convoy or something one too many times and wanted a badass trucker troll. He was Not Great(tm). Really flat for my tastes and I’m a little embarrassed at how one-note he was. I was recently convinced to revive him by someone who actually liked him. I used it as a chance to completely revamp his personality (i.e. actually give him one) and change what he did completely. He’s not the same troll he used to be.
Abnage: I just wanted a con artist, really. His sprites belonged to a failed troll concept I tried out for a while, involving a hobo that flagrantly violated society’s norms to make some dumbass moral point. Unfortunately, that would mean being nice on purpose, and since everyone else’s trolls were nice at the time, the point was lost in translation. 
Gerrel: Third fantroll ever! I wanted the ‘ideal’ lowblood, in a similar vein to how Kormut was a purposefully underpowered blueblood. I didn’t want people calling me mean names if I made an upstart lowblood, so I went in the opposite direction. Just about the only personality trait he retains from his original incarnation is his workaholic-please-everyone attitude. He used to be somewhat suave (at least, what, 15 year old me thought so?) and utterly confident in himself. He bored me to tears, honestly, since I wasn’t a very good writer and couldn’t work with him very well. He’s gone through the most rewrites out of all my troll’s until we got to his ULTIMATE FORM (the one he’s in now). Unfortunately this came at the cost of (oopsie) alienating the fire nation his matesprit, since I never RP’d him much and also randomly went on hiatus.
Platar: I wanted a gas mask troll who burned things. I think the original ORIGINAL idea I had was just ‘world war 1 troll.’ He always carried deadly clouds of poison around with him in sealed containers to show off to other trolls. He was also hideously scarred under his mask thanks to accidentally exposing himself to a large batch of mustard gas, a secret no one ever actually found out. He’s changed entirely up to this point, since he’s now an extremely loyal member of the empire hellbent on proving the worth of his supposed ancestor and burning out all traces of heresy and criminality from the glorious Empire.
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