#my roommate calls it 'race war simulator'
loving-n0t-heyting · 17 days
Ig ill say i find it funny caves of qud is insufferable about the impossibility of compromise with racial supremacists in A Call To Arms and yet indulges in some of the least reflective tropes about kill-happy tribal savages wandering the plains and jungle and runs much of the gameplay on the assumption that a multifactional ancient race war is the primary motivation for all hostilities among NPCs not caused directly by the player (outside the few lonely multiracial outposts of Civilisation). If we are going to cancel in-game factions for racism the problem sort of springs from and applies to all instances of the very category of "factions" in the game altogether
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tera-91 · 5 years
Hi guys! this is a story I wrote for @eat-moar-veggis and their oc blog @ask-villegas-sides. I know I havn’t been on recently and I feel terrible :( Hopefully this is a much needed kickstart <3. 
Warnings: not much but some cursing, fire, embarrassing roommates
Word count: 2291 
            Lev stood in front of their closet. Various types of clothing, in a vast array of shades of green, filled every square inch of the decently sized space. “Choices, choices. So many amazing choices!” Lev said as they scanned over all the pants, shirts, skirts, dresses, vests, and cardigans. After a few moments they finally decided on a mint green pleated skirt and a sheer mint green chiffon top over an emerald green tank top. As they looked at their reflection in the full-length mirror mounted next to the closet something felt like it was missing. After a few moments they were still unable to figure it out, with a shrug of their shoulders they made their way to the rather large make-up desk.
               The stunning mahogany piece of furniture had multiple drawers, in which its contents were organized for the most part. Items that are considered to be feminine were stored on the left and the items considered to be masculine were stored on the right. Such items included make-up products for when Lev simply wanted to look pretty or even when they wanted to go all out like Reese on occasion. One of the fairly large drawers, which was sectioned off, contained a wide assortment of body sprays ranging from floral to citrus to wooded. Another drawer, located on the right, Lev rarely opened for themselves contained a few half-used jars of hair gel that Flint would, almost randomly, pop in to use. Those were some of Lev’s favorite mornings.
               This was one such morning. A knock on Lev’s door caught their attention. They knew that knock, it only took them a month to learn each of their three roommates unique knocks after they all moved into the house turned apartment building. Their heart immediately began to race. “Lev? Can I come in?” Flint’s, still rough with sleep, voice made its way through the wooden door.
               “Sure Flint.” Lev’s voice came out a couple octaves higher than normal.
               Lev watched, almost paralyzed with a mixture of anticipation and excitement, as the door knob began to turn. The door opened in slow motion, at least from Lev’s point of view, to reveal Flint. Lev could tell he hadn’t slept very well, probably due to Flint’s inability to shut his brain off when he had an upcoming test. Flint’s fair complexion had begun to reveal how little sleep he had been getting and his dark brown, almost black, hair stuck up in all directions which really showed just how restless his sleep had gotten. Lastly, his light eyes, that could seemingly look straight into your soul, had dulled ever so slightly. Despite their concern Lev quickly averted their gaze and pretended to be busy by looking down at the table, suddenly way too interested in the organization of their knick-knacks.
               In their peripheral vision they saw Flint begin to lightly rummage through the drawer, permission long understood and inquiries no longer required, in search of his favorite light hold hair gel. Said hair gel, as always, had some how found its way to the bottom of the moderately filled space. They lightly cleared their throat. “Who’s cooking this morning?” Lev asked, voice better but still half an octave higher than normal.
               It was very apparent sleep still clung to Flint’s brain with his sluggish movements and slow response.  “I believe it is Reese’s turn.” As if on que, the pair heard a smoke detector go off. The loud beeping was quickly accompanied by panicked shouting by both Reese and Beckett, the last of the four roommates. Lev looked up at Flint, who’s hair was only half styled, the two locked eyes and bolted out the door.
               They reached the kitchen, fairly quickly with a lot of bumping into one another and several apologies, to find a war zone. Or more accurately, the aftermath of a food fight. A food fight which was then followed by Reese making a serious attempt at fried eggs once the various breakfast foods had been cooked, in some cases a little too well done. An attempt that wen down gloriously in flames, unfortunately quite literally.
               Lev and Flint reacted at the same time. Lev dived for the lower cabinet next to the stove that held the lids to all the pots and pans. With their fingers crossed they grabbed the right lid, they used the lid as a shield and pulled the pan from the hot section of the stove while they capped the pan to extinguish the fire. Next thing they knew they were showered with … grains of sand? Luckily most of it hit their arm, shoulder, some even got in their hair but missed their eyes. However, a quick check revealed the grains to be table sugar.
               Lev glanced to their left to see Flint, essentially frozen, with his arm still stretched out and Beckett’s sugar canister for their tea in his hand. “You-you threw sugar at me?” Lev asked confused.
               “I was simply attempting to extinguish the fire. S-since it was a grease fire, water would’ve made things worse.” Flint began to speak faster with each word. “Sugar was the best option.” He finished without making eye contact, face slightly pinker than usual, as he slowly set the canister back down on the counter.
               Sudden laughter broke the silence. All attention fell on Reese, who was nearly completely doubled over with tears streaming down his face. “Uh Babe?” Beckett’s, gruff yet quiet, voice interrupted the laughter. A not so subtle question to the blonde to find out what was so funny.
               “I-I knew that Flint was s-sweet on Lev but as always he’s so literal.” Reese brokenly explained through rogue chuckles. The meaning of Reese’s words clicked together in Lev’s mind as they saw a smirk form on Beckett’s normally neutral face. Flint was sweet on them? Like how Beckett was on Reese before they got together? He like them? Shyly their gaze panned over to the bespectacled Raven, whose face had gotten exponentially redder than before.
               “Reese! That’s not nice.” Beckett said as he covered his mouth with the sleeve of his panda hoodie to hide his amusement.
               “Oh really? Well I know how you are attracted to a bad boy.” Reese said in a playfully husky voice as he pulled Beckett closer to him by his waist. Thee scene between the two was interrupted as Flint, uncharacteristically, ran out of the room.
               “I-I’m going to go check on him.” Lev said, not completely sure the pair heard them as they had gone back to flirting. Lev left the kitchen, deeply concerned with Flint’s odd behavior and quick exit. They went to his room and gently knocked on the door. “Flint?” Lev asked softly, but loud enough they were sure Flint would hear. When they didn’t get a reply, they gingerly opened the door, hesitant to enter without permission.
               They opened the door and looked around. Flint wasn’t in the room. Before they could move to shut the door, they felt a presence behind them. “Lev?” Flint’s smooth voice made them jump and quickly turn around. Guilt immediately washed over them for opening the door, knowing Flint was a very private person.
               “I’m so sorr-“ Lev began but was interrupted by Flint.
“It’s ok.” He said as he gently placed a hand on Lev’s upper arm. “I apologize for running out like that. I must have worried you as that is not how I normally respond to Reese’s teasing.” Flint said, avoiding eye contact, face still considerably pink. Before Lev could say anything, Flint cleared his throat. “Please come in, there is something I wish to show you.” He said with a guiding push into his room and towards his bed.
               It was Lev’s turn to blush as they sat down on Flint’s bed and looked around the room. It was very organized, various folders with labels, books on the shelves appeared to be sorted by subject and size, very little clutter and few knick-knacks on display save for what Lev had gifted him. A few framed photos sat on the bedside table, probably of Flint’s family. There was also a photo of the four of them, a rare night where they all wanted to see the same movie.
               Lev’s musings were cut short as the main light was turned off and the room was thrown into complete darkness. It was then Lev realized the sole window they were almost positive the room had, was immaculately covered to insure no light filtered in. Lev’s heart rate began to increase as panic slowly began to seep in. Their heart nearly jumped out of their chest when they felt Flint sit down next to them. “I should have warned you.” he said as if sensing Lev’s increasing levels of unease. “I know you don’t like the complete dark. However, I assure you this is the best way for you to see it.” Flint explained, his voice low and calming. Lev could feel Flint shift backwards they were afraid he was going to fall off the bed. Unfortunately, they over reached and lost their balance. Next thing they knew they found themselves laying on Flint’s chest.
               Lev was actually glad it was dark in the room, their face practically glowing with embarrassment at the situation. On reflex, Flint wrapped his arm around Lev to prevent them from falling off the twin sized bed. After a moment of sliding his hand along the wall he finally found the mechanism he was looking for. With an extra stretch he was able to push the switch up enough for what he intended.
               Lev gasped as they watched the ceiling light up in a soft glow. Lights sparkled in a gentle, yet obviously meaningful pattern. Unfortunately, they couldn’t discern what the pattern was, but it didn’t make it any less mesmerizing.
               Flint shifted so he could better see Lev’s face as he glanced up at the ceiling. “Anything involving stars are my favorite subjects.” He said as the ‘stars’ slowly changed. “That’s Ursa Major but most are familiar with it being called the big dipper.” He explained and pointed up at the simulated constellation. “If you follow the line made by the two stars of the cup you’ll find Polaris.”
               “Polaris? That’s the North Star right?” Lev asked without taking their eyes off the ceiling.
               “Uh yes, it is.” Flint confirmed, slight confusion evident in his voice. He was not use to any of the others jumping into the conversation so quickly.
               “My brother always told me a good way to remember it was that Polar bears live in the North Pole. So Polar-is-North star.” Lev explained fluctuating their voice to emphasize the nuances in the saying.  
               “I never thought of it that way, I suppose it’s a good tool to remember the information.” Flint said, still processing the saying. “Do you know why it’s such an important star in navigation?” He asked.
               Lev looked up at him. “Well, my bother would say while we were camping that if we ever got turned around or if we got separated to find it, go left, climb a hill and look for the fire or lights to get home.” They began to fidget with their fingers as uncertainty crept into their voice. “It’s the brightest star.” They all but whispered.                “Not as bright as you.” Flint said, face virtually on fire as he hit a button. The ‘stars’ briefly flashed before they swirled in another breath-taking display.
               Lev was struck by the meaning of Flint’s words right as the ‘stars’ settle and arranged themselves into words. Their heart pounded and butterflies swarmed around their stomach as they read them.
               “Will you go out with me?” written in the ‘stars’.
               Lev was speechless as they looked back up at Flint. “Flint –“ They began softly.
               “Just kiss him already!” Reese’s voice could be heard through the door followed by sounds of a struggle. Probably Beckett scrambling to pull Reese away now that they were caught eavesdropping.
               The shout was enough of a push to embolden Lev. They reached their hand up, placed it on Flint’s cheek, and gently pulled him down. “I would love to go star gazing with you.” They said before they kissed him on the cheek.
               “It’s about damn time.” Came Beckett’s voice from the still closed door.
               “Beckett! Not you too!” The pair half yelled in unison as Flint found and tossed a snow globe bouncy ball at the door. The resulting thud was quickly followed by the sound of Beckett hastily getting away from the door presumably to go after his boyfriend. Flint let out an exasperated sigh before he looked down at Lev. Once the two locked eyes they broke into uncontrolled laughter. Flint, able to calm down fairly quickly, kissed the top of Lev’s head before reaching behind his back and pulled out a box.
               Lev tentatively took the box. Inside was a necklace and ring on a chain. Both pieces of jewelry had stars and glowed in the low light of the room. “I hope you like them and will wear them, depending on how you feel that is.” Flint said as he rested his head on top of theirs.
               “I adore them, almost as much as I adore you.” Lev said with a smile and they reached into the box and pulled out the constellation necklace.  Flint sat up and took the necklace from them, a silent offer to clasp the necklace for them. They sat up and turned their back to them, giddy at the feeling. Once the necklace was clasped the pair shifted in the bed and got comfortable to enjoy the stars. Now nothing felt like it was missing.
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stardust-and-blades · 6 years
Keith’s First Halloween
This is for the voltron games I’m participating in! Team: Red Lion Round: 1 Challenge: 3 with Shiro, Keith, and Adam
Summary: After finding out Keith hasn’t celebrated Halloween since the death of his father, Shiro and Adam invite him for some pumpkin carving and caramel apples! ----------------------------------
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
“You’re kidnapping me. You’re kidnapping me and going to sell my organs on the black market, aren’t you?”
Shiro barks out a laugh, veering away from a slowing car ahead of them, but maintained hands on the wheel. Shiro is great at flying, but sometimes Keith questions how he got his license with all the risks he takes. “Patience yields focus, Keith. Relax, it is nothing bad.”
Keith quirks an eyebrow, but nonetheless allowed Shiro to take him to God knows where. Since his arrival at the garrison, he has been living there rather than the group home. His roommate wasn’t particularly fond of him, what with his bad temper and representation for being a discipline case. But it was better than where he was, an invisible boy unable to find a home. Unable to be seen by a family as worthy. The only person who ever truly loved him has left the land of the living, leaving Keith wishing the fire never occurred. That his father never ran back into the building, though he knew it was a selfish wish. A child is alive today because of him. As much as Keith wanted to keep his father, at least he died a hero. His hero.
Shiro glances at Keith, the sixteen year old looking out onto the road with a far off gaze. He is leaning on his right, arm propped up on the arm rest and a fist to his cheek. His usual stance when he is deep in thought. 
He didn’t say anything, but he knew what Keith was thinking. Most likely his father, maybe his future. It was only recently that Shiro found out Keith hasn’t celebrated halloween for awhile, what with the death of his father severely impacting his joy in holidays meant to spend with family or friends. Keith’s only family passed away, and as far as Shiro knows, he hasn’t been able to make any friends. Students and teachers of the school are weary of him. They believe he represents nothing but trouble, and the higher officials at the garrison severely question Shiro’s judgement. Iverson going so far as to say he made a mistake by bringing Mr. Hotshot to the school. 
What they didn’t understand was he is a kid. A child who felt abandoned and dysfunctional. 
And every kid deserves to have some happiness in their life, at the very least.
So, Shiro talked Adam over having Keith over, explaining his background and how excellent he is in the garrison flight simulator. Adam was skeptical at first--not of Keith being a good kid--but of him willingly coming over. Shiro has spent more time with him than Adam, who unfortunately had no classes with him and only passed by the kid every now and then, greeting them on sight and Keith waving silently as a means of respect. 
Despite Adam’s opinions, Shiro has a gut feeling this is what Keith needs. And who knows, maybe he will take a liking to Adam and the treats he has in store. --------
As they approach the house, Keith turns to him, confused.
“Um, is this your house?”
“Uh...” He looks around, waiting for Shiro to continue, but received nothing. “What are we doing here?”
“We,” Shiro begins, reaching behind his seat and grabbing some plastic bags full of groceries he picked up earlier. “Are going to prepare for Halloween.”
Keith looks uncomfortable. “I don’t really celebrate halloween. Or any of the holidays, for that matter.”
“I’m aware,” Shiro said, leveling him with a kind look. “You mentioned it when we had lunch the other day. But we need a helping hand with the pumpkins.”
“Yeah, me and Adam. He’s my--er--He’s my boyfriend.” Shiro can feel a blush creep on his cheeks. He neglected to tell Keith of his and Adam’s actual relationship. It wasn’t that he was ashamed, it’s just he totally spaced on the little tidbit. So much for making the kid less awkward.
Keith doesn’t blink, cocking his head to the side. “Professor Adam? Doesn’t he hate me along with the other instructors? You’re getting serious flack for getting me into the school.”
He shakes his head. “Nope. In fact, he was more concerned on if you would show. I told him about you. He is looking forward to getting to know you as both a pilot and person.”
“I still don’t think this is a good idea. You should just--”
“Nope!” Shiro interrupts, snatching a pumpkin in the back and plopping it on Keith’s lap. “You’re a kid, and kids should be having fun. Not brooding in their room at night while halloween is just around the corner.”
“I don’t brood.” Keith exclaims, his lip jutting out in a pout.
“Right, and I have white hair.” Shiro said, sarcastic. “Come on, up and at ‘em. And don’t even think about stealing the car. I have the keys wrapped around my fingers.”
It was a little awkward, Shiro admitted. As Keith lugged the largest pumpkin Shiro gave him and entered the house, Adam emerged from the kitchen to greet the two, kissing Shiro on the cheek. He smiled down at Keith, introducing himself and holding out a hand to the tiny boy. There was a moment of silence, Keith not used to friendliness outside of Shiro. He half expected Adam to pull Shiro aside, meaning to be out of ear shot so he could chastise Shiro for bringing the “problem” child in their home. But he just gazed down at Keith, soft brown eyes never breaking from the starstruck indigo. Not until his expression morphed into that of discomfort, not sure what to do since Keith wasn’t responding in any way.
As he lowered his hand, Keith shifted the pumpkin to one arm and on his hip, carefully reaching out to grasp Adam’s hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, sir. I’m Keith.”
Adam smiles, toothy and proud. “Please, call me Adam. I’m not one for formalities.” He motions to where the kitchen is. “Come along, I was getting the newspaper ready for the pumpkin carving.”
They followed Adam, Shiro’s boyfriend asking Keith many questions as they prepared and began to pumpkin carve. He stuck to his interests, avoiding any semblance of questions having to do with Keith’s past. Shiro had already informed him of the touchy subject and to approach it if Keith chose to open up. To which, he eventually did, mentioning how his dad was never good at carving pumpkins and sometimes burned the seeds when they would roast them for a horror night. It was a small tidbit he lent; a sliver of his childlike, nostalgic side, void of sadness and regret. As Adam asked if he was good at carving pumpkins, Keith gave a small smile and said he was, sometimes using the knife his father gave him. Shiro watched the two interact, a fond and loving smile gracing his lips as he forgot about his pumpkin and focused more on the two bonding.
Shiro hadn’t seen such a big smile since he taught Keith how to land the hoverbike perfectly from jumping off a cliff in the desert. His eyebrows raised, eyes dancing in the florescent lighting, galaxies and mirth erasing the secret darkness he held whenever he is seen. The child Shiro encountered in the classroom, the boy who sadly looked out the window and strayed from the other children, not bothering to line up for the simulator, was overtook by a sense of peace. Meanwhile Adam, who expressed anxiety over the young teen hating Shiro’s idea, ruffles the raven haired boy’s locks and joked about how Shiro does that all the time, eliciting a squawk from Shiro. 
“I burned them once! Once, Adam!”
“Once was enough to make sure you never touch an oven again.” He jokes, laughing as Shiro grumbled about being betrayed by his own lover.
Adam leans towards Keith, a hand coming to partially cover his mouth as if to tell him a secret. “He may be a pro at flying now, but he crashed the simulator three times in one go in our cadet days.”
“Don’t poison his mind with lies!”
“It isn’t a lie when history is true.” Adam counters, grinning. 
“Oooooo he got you there.” Keith joined. Shiro shook his head, dipping his hand in the orange fruit and flicking it on Keith’s nose.
“Respect your elders, kid.”
“You’re 24.” Adam stated, Keith wiping his nose on his sleeve and chucking a large pile of orange goop at Shiro. Suddenly the three were engaged in an all out pumpkin guts fight, streamers of fruit coating the kitchen and their clothes. they were all laughing, Keith and Adam teamed up against Shiro as they hid behind the table, whispering strategies as Shiro gunned for another chunk of seeds and squash. Before he could land a hit, he is pummeled by two flying chunky globs, one hitting his chest and the other his neck. He chucked the stash in his hand, landing a hit on Keith’s tiny head. The atmosphere, so used to the voices of two, range with the laughter of three. They ran around the small kitchen, their pumpkin war ending only when they ran out of fuel from the three pumpkins Shiro brought home.
They laid on the floor, tired from their food fight but letting out a couple of giggles every now and then. Shiro noted how the two were smiling so wide, he couldn’t help but smile himself. Yes, this is what Keith needed. A sense of being a kid. A sense of having a family, whether it was a mother and father, or a brother figure and his boyfriend. Keith’s walls were up, pure stone covering the tenderness of his bruised heart. But now, they were down. Keith’s heart was wide open, the burden of his past forgotten and filled with glee he hadn’t felt in years.
Adam stood up and began to clean up, announcing they will make some candy apples after they all scrubbed the place clean. Keith didn’t put up a fight, he really didn’t mind.  He was chivalrous in his cleaning, asking Adam and Shiro if he missed any places. 
He is a good kid. His problem lies in trusting others, in trusting the human race. But when he ignores the darkness of humanity, he is a quiet teen who wants to have fun and acknowledges when there is chores to be done. 
He isn’t a problem child. He just needs to be given a chance.
The night ended with Keith curled up in the couch, a half eaten caramel apple on the coffee table in their living room. Shiro gingerly lifted his head to place a plump pillow under his dark head, and Adam covered him in a red fleece blanket he had stashed in a closet. Tiny snores escaped Keith’s nose, his face in a state of peace and content.
Shiro doesn’t regret giving him a second chance in the least.
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lasersheith · 6 years
Lasersheith’s Sheith Month 2018 Masterlist
These are also on AO3 if you’d rather check that out instead!
Total word count: 19750
I thought it would be a fun challenge to myself to do all the prompts for Sheith Month as pre-Kerberos fluff/humor drabbles. The original plan was to keep them all under 600 words, but I went over on about half of them lol.
Some of the snippets sound angsty, but I promise all of them are silly and light-hearted and fun.
July 1 - Dynamics // Trust
Trust |  Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 600 
Keith’s hands were barely long enough to hold both handles at the same time, and he was leaning too far to the right. Even with what little he weighed, it still made the delicately balanced machine lilt just enough to throw them off course. “You’re leaning again.” Shiro gently corrected.
July 2 - Training // Headache
Training | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 600
Of course Keith had grown, Shiro had known that he was going to, eventually. He just hadn’t been prepared to notice so acutely. After a brief 4 week training mission in LEO, Shiro had crashed back down to earth and taken his first shaking steps back in 1G only to find the solid ground swept out from underneath of him. The surly, scrawny teen with a chip on his shoulder who would fight you for looking at him sideways had grown into almost a man right before Shiro’s eyes.
And Shiro’s eyes couldn’t tear themselves away.
July 3 - Sandwiches // Drinking
Drinking | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 900
Some junior officers relished their time on the night roster, scouring the halls for cadets out of bed, busting up parties, giving their friends who were still senior cadets loads of demerits just for fun. Shiro was never one of those junior officers. Sure, he’d busted Matt’s chops once or twice to get him back for a dumb prank, but generally he would look the other way and let most things slide when his turn came up on the duty roster.
July 4 - No Prompt/Free Day
I worked on my Sheith big bang fic this day!
July 5 - Guiding Light // Galaxies
Guiding Light | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 800
Shiro was always up early, but Venus was supposed to be rising at 0413 on the nose, and it was a half hour drive followed by at least an hour’s hike to get to the best spot to see it. 0200 was a much more acceptable time to go to bed than wake up, but he quietly made his way to the senior cadets’ barracks and keyed in Keith’s door code just as his watch flipped 0210. Keith was already up, boots on and backpack shouldered, sleepy but excited smile brightening his face.
July 6 - Pre-Kerberos // Post-Voltron
Pre-Kerberos | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 500
The rooftop of the junior officers’ barracks was technically off-limits, though that had never stopped Shiro from sneaking his way up to stargaze or get some fresh air. The past several months he found himself drawn to the roof more and more; just off the southwest corner the upper stage of the SLS-6 was visible far off in the distance.
It was the orbital launcher that would be taking him and his crew to the very edge of the solar system.
July 7 - Royalty // Clones
Clones | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 650
Shiro frowned as he looked in the mirror, running a hand over his head. “Matt, I thought you said you were good at cutting hair?” He grumbled, turning his head to see the slightly uneven sides. Matt shrugged. “I said I could cut hair, not that I was good at it. You’ve seen what I look like.” He protested. “It doesn’t even look that bad, you’re just being dramatic.” 
July 8 - Save Me // Hover-Bike
Save Me | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 500 
Keith was trying hard to stay awake as he stared at his computer from his suddenly very comfortable desk chair. His morning schedule was pulled up as he tried to remember what order his new classes were in. The door to his room swung open and shut again in a flurry, as a very panicked Shiro first tried crawling under his desk and then slid underneath his bed. “Shiro? What are you doing?” Keith asked, tilting his head to stare at him.
“Matt’s coming, he’s really mad. You have to save me.” Shiro begged quietly.
July 9 - Quality Time // Physical Touch
Physical Touch | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 775
There are a lot of ways Keith would describe Shiro: kind, loyal, strong, dependable, funny, smart, gorgeous, and unfortunately…
High strung.
July 10 - Suspicion // Fidelity
Suspicion | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 970
Keith hadn’t gotten a single demerit all week, not even for staying in the sims past curfew. It would have been a cause for celebration, but it just happened to be the week before Shiro’s birthday. Shiro knew Keith had to be up to something.
July 11 - No Prompt/Free Day
Another SBB day!
July 12 - Eternal // choices
Choices | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 540 
Keith groaned at his screen as he scrolled through the seemingly endless form. Concerned, Shiro looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. “Hey, everything ok?” He asked, walking up behind Keith’s seat and leaning to look at the screen.
July 13 - Happy Ending // Tragedy
Tragedy | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 1.7K (whoops) 
Getting the quartermaster to agree to sign over the newest and best hoverbike in the garage for an evening wasn’t easy. Matt had tried and been denied on the basis that he was awful at driving, which while entirely fair, had thrown a wrench in Shiro’s plan when he asked only a handful of minutes later. “You gonna let Holt drive?” The quartermaster asked, glaring suspiciously.
July 14 - Alternate Realities // Star-Crossed
Alternate Reality | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 1K 
Matt knew something was off the moment he woke up. It was 8am on a Saturday and he could hear people in the living room. Normally Shiro woke with the sun and he and Keith would have long been in the sims training or out wandering around in the desert by then. He pulled on his shirt and sweatpants and walked out of his room suspiciously. “What are you guys doing here?” He mumbled, stumbling his way to the kitchen and the promise of coffee.
July 15 - Sin // Habits
Habits | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 450 
Every Wednesday at 12:30, almost on the dot, Shiro and Keith ate lunch together on top of the roof of the junior officers’ quarters. Technically, it wasn’t allowed, but the area wasn’t well patrolled and it had the best view of the surrounding mountains and open desert out of the whole Garrison.
July 16 - Ignite // Error
Error | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 675 
“If we die, I’m haunting both of you.” Matt grumbled, massaging his rapidly swelling ankle.
Keith looked away from the cliff face to raise an eyebrow in Matt’s direction. “If we all die how will you haunt us? Can a ghost haunt another ghost?”
Shiro groaned under his breath. “Ghosts aren’t real, and we aren’t dying. We’re gonna be fine.” He assured, trying hard to keep both of them calm.
July 17 - Sacrifice // Rebirth
Sacrifice | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 400
Keith looked up from his desk in shock as his door flew open. “Smith, get out.” Matt demanded.
Smith looked up from his desk as well, but more in outrage than surprise. “What? This is my room!” He shouted back.
Matt rolled his eyes and pointed to his shoulder. “Cool story, I’m a Second Lieutenant. Get out.” He challenged. Smith grumbled to himself and shook his head at Keith, grabbing his books and stuffing them into his backpack. “Bye, now.” Matt called with mocking sweetness as Keith’s roommate stormed out.
July 18 - No Prompt/Free Day
July 19 - Pilot // Ninja
Ninja | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 500
Not that Shiro had ever been small in the time Keith had known him, but he’d come back from a month-long training mission absolutely huge. It made sense- astronauts had to be at the top of their game, mentally and physically. Keith wasn’t the only one that had noticed.
July 20 - Simulation // Exploration
Simulation | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 1.2k
Shiro paces when he’s nervous. He’s done it ever since Matt’s known him. Normally, it wouldn’t bother Matt so much, but he was stuck on the couch with a broken leg and no homework left to do and nothing on TV and Shiro wouldn’t stop pacing.
“Shiro, buddy, you have to sit down. For like 3 minutes. Please.” Matt practically begged.
July 21 - Coping // Stress
Coping | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 800
Matt’s idea of coping with finals was to lock himself in his bedroom and turn off his phone, forbidding any human contact whatsoever until he was sure he’d get top marks in everything. Shiro however, didn’t believe in cramming for exams. He’d studied all he was going to and was confident in his ability to pass all of his tests and simulations with flying colors, no matter what his pounding heart told him.
July 22 - Parents // Orphan
Parents | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 450
Keith sounded like he was nearly in tears when he’d called Shiro and begged him to meet up on the roof. It had set off every alarm in Shiro’s brain and he raced to the stairs as fast as he could to see what was the matter. Keith was holding something bundled up in his jacket when Shiro came bursting onto the rooftop.
“I got here as soon as I could. Are you ok?” Shiro asked, slightly out of breath, as he walked over to check on Keith.
July 23 - Zodiac // Concert
Zodiac | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 600
It is said that only the dead have seen the end of war.
It was almost an enviable position, Keith mused as he took in the all-too-familiar face smiling back at him from the poster. A lifetime felt like it wouldn’t have been long enough to pinpoint all of the follies that had led him there, to that moment. He brought a trembling hand up and closed his fingers around the paper. The handsome smile crumbled in his fist as he stalked down the hall.
July 24 - Betrayal // Fame
Fame | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 500 Shiro was used to being the Garrison’s Golden Boy. It was a little annoying, a little isolating, but mostly it suited him just fine. He knew how to be confident in his abilities without being arrogant and how to use his status for minor indulgences without being accused of being a diva (by anyone but Matt, at least).
Keith was always used to being the troublemaker, the discipline case, the odd man out. That suited him just fine as well. He did his best to stay out of trouble at the Garrison for Shiro’s sake. Keeping his head down, working hard in class and blowing off steam in the sims or the gym or out in the desert was a system that had taken time to perfect but Keith figured it out with only a few missteps along the way.Yes, their roles suited both of them just fine… until the first time Keith broke one of Shiro’s records.
July 25 - No Prompt/Free Day
Hit 40k on my sheith big bang fic 👌
July 26 - Rest // Nightmares
Nightmare | Canonverse | Pre-kerb & Post-canon | G | 500
“This is a nightmare.” Matt groaned, threading his fingers through his hair. “Youare a nightmare, Takashi Shirogane.” 
Shiro looked up at him with a mixture of shock, hurt, and confusion. “How am I a nightmare?”Matt glared. “Don’t give me those puppy eyes. You know you’re like this.” He gestured to Shiro’s desk and then to his body.
July 27 - Sports // Stargazing
Sports | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | T | 1.4k Most of the cadets and instructors go home for the holidays in the winter, but Keith wasn’t one of them. He didn’t dwell on the fact that he didn’t really have a home to go to, he made the best of making the Garrison his home. The only part that really bummed him out was the boredom.
He’d already finished all of his homework assigned over the break, and the simulator was down “until further notice” for maintenance, so things had started to get… weird. Gathering all his pens and pencils, he placed a coffee mug on his own desk and sat down across the room at his roommate’s desk. One by one, he started tossing the pens towards the cup, adjusting his position on the chair and the angle he threw with each miss.
July 28 - Protect // Attack
Protect | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 500
Matt had seen Shiro do a lot of dumb things over the years- he wasn’t as cool as he pretended to be. He’d seen Shiro get stuck in more than one t-shirt that had allegedly shrunk in the wash, accidentally put ketchup into his coffee because he was too exhausted to function and then drink it anyway, and he’d watched Shiro hit his head on the sim door more times than he could count.
All of that paled in comparison to the second-hand embarrassment he inflicted upon Matt every single time he was around Keith. 
July 29 - Honesty // Lies
Lies | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 400 “It’s nothing I wouldn’t do for any cadet that was struggling,” it’s not a lie the first time he says it, or if it is, it’s a lie that he believes in his soul. It might be a lie later, after a dozen trips to Iverson’s office, after countless sleepless nights in the library, after hours baking in the hot sun on the back of his bike when he knows he should be studying.
“We’re just friends,” Shiro knows it’s a lie but he says it with conviction. They never become more true, no matter how many times the words leave his lips. And they do- he says it a dozen times, maybe more. There’s nothing just about the kind of friends they are.
July 30 - Feline // Hippopotamus
Feline | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | G | 680 They named the chinchilla Churro. Keith had been adamant. Shiro had suggested Cinnamon, originally, but Keith’s eyes had lit up and when he whispered the word so reverently, Shiro was powerless but to agree. They’d done their best to find Churro’s rightful owner, but it wasn’t like he’d had a collar or anything, and he was technically contraband.
Luckily Matt’s middle name might as well have been contraband, so he and Shiro were locked in a battle of mutually assured destruction should he say anything about Shiro’s illegal pet. 
July 31 - Hero // Pain
Hero | Canonverse | Pre-kerb | PG | 900 
“I can be your hero baby,” the earplugs weren’t working. Not that Matt would have been able to sleep with the foam stuffed halfway into his brain anyway.
“I can kiss away the pain,” he pulled them out with a grimace before tossing them into the trash, putting his glasses on and stalking into Shiro’s room.
“I will stand by yo-” Shiro stopped singing and tore off his headphones, staring up at Matt from his desk like a deer in headlights.
“I say this both as your friend, and as someone dangerously close to committing homicide, you have to tell him.” Matt’s stern tone left no room for discussion or argument.
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