#my rant- aka- a shitpost about my new inability to breathe
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kittenwithaquirk · 5 years ago
right, so the new bnha OVA. i was crying, laughing hysterically, and screeching with the volume of a deranged psycopath.
these children are innocent and deserve nothing less then the world.
and now that that’s out of the way, time to start the inhuman screeching over my favorite scenes. spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned.
first of all- denki kaminari is my all time favorite character and i would literally die for him. seeing said small child grab bakugo’s arm when scared is the one thing i’ve always wanted in life, but never knew until i saw it.
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peekaboo kami’s alive
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kiri protecc
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secondly, kaminari- panicking, in water? doesn’t sound like a good idea
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a l s o, bakugo staying behind to save todoroki? character development? nani?
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and then was the start of my inability to form a single coherent string of words. i chose instead to scream and make undecipherable keyboard smashes. 
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why does simply seeing this makes my heart rate accelerate to unhealthy proportions. 
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oops, my heart went 
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someone stop me before i give my heart to these fictional characters
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wait a second, holdup
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👏 Todoroki  👏 is  👏 holding  👏 Izuku  👏. i’ll be right back, i have to go scream into my pillow until my voicebox inevitably departs from me and my current state of giddy hysteria
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i swear to god when kaminari fell, the horror filled demonic yelling that escaped my soul was loud enough to cause a several dozen books be thrown at my paper thin skull.  
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👏 tsu  👏 best  👏 girl  👏
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poor traumatized child. someone hug him. he could have died.
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petition to stop traumatizing these innocent children
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can i make it clear that panicked todoroki hurts my soul
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fuck it. take my heart. add it to the collection of never ending love for these two.
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i stopped breathing oh so quickly. had i been drinking tea, it’d have been spewed halfway across the world. but i was not. nor would i have had the mental capacity to consciously do anything other than stare at my screen in utter horror. 
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also can i just say- the only way bakugo could’ve gotten out of that situation is if izuku heifted that whole freaking slab of debris while todoroki dragged him out from under it? right? am- am i wrong?
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breaking news: green haired broccoli child freaks out after childhood friend is crushed by debris. next up, number one school for heroics being sued for making it’s students fear their lives on a daily basis
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am i the only one that saw that coming? also, i fear for the condition of izuku’s face. bakugo seems to me to be a very hard headed person and he hit izuku’s nose hard.
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i worry about bakugo’s pain tolerance levels. the fact that he’s willing to w a l k despite his leg’s condition is just the slightest bit horrifying.
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his ‘feet just won’t do what he’s telling them to do’. don’t you think, considering this, bakugo, that you should try not to walk and aggravate your injury more so then you already have? 
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my neighbor requested the reason behind the sudden loud shattering of window panes that could be heard from across the street. my vocal chords are fucked.
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watch as i spend every remaining hour of my life rewatching this scene for the sake of my mental stability
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that moment when the two problem children begin to fight over bakugo’s arm-
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if it’s not one thing, it’s another. bakugo clearly has an inferiority complex, but there seems two people that are able to be able to talk him into ignoring it for the sake of his health. we all know who those two are, and i sure as hell aint gonna question it. 
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ah yes. be his cane. canes don’t talk. you had better be aware of that fact before attending your local cane convention.
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bakugo’s facial expressions are so hilarious i constantly find myself laughing manically whenever he is on the screen. am i the only one that does this?
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why were aizawa and recovery girl just watching and not h e l p i n g the bleeding child in front of them?! riddle me that, U.A.
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this two part episode summed up in one photo?
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