#my profiler voice sounds like David Rossi today if you would like more specifics
babymetaldoll · 4 years
The BAU First online Secret Santa (aka: Rossi vs Zoom)  (Spencer Reid/ Reader)
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Summary: Rossi might have said too much when he wasn't muted in the BAU online Secret Santa Celebration. And Reid is too embarrassed to face (Y/N) afterward.
Requested: Yes. My boyfriend asked me to write this, and asked for some specific gifts for some team members. (Based on season 7 of Criminal Minds in COVID quarantine).
Pairing: Spencer Reid/ Reader- feat the whole team 
Warnings: None
Word count: 3K
- “Hello?”- Penelope waved at Rossi, but he didn’t reply. She sighed and stared at the camera on her computer, and nearly started jumping and waving. 
- “Rossi!! Hey!”
- “Penelope??”- Rossi screamed, looking at the screen, unable to find the tab with the Zoom video conference on his navigator. He could hear her but couldn’t see her. 
- “Where are you??”
- “Rossi!! I can’t hear you! you are muted!”- Penelope was already frustrated, and it had been only two minutes. 
Rossi had been struggling using Zoom the whole quarantine. Every online meeting for the last couple of months had been filled with “Rossi, you are muted,” “Rossi, we can see you picking your nose,” “Rossi, you aren’t mute, we can hear you fart.” It had been as frustrating as funny for the team. 
- “Hey!”- Prentiss waved at the camera- “Where’s everybody?”
- “We’ve got Rossi trying to find us and unmute his mic”- Emily chuckled and nodded- “And Hotch just logged in… hey!”
- “Hello everybody”- Aaron Hotchner waved, and his son Jack appeared in the back of the room, waving too. 
- “Did you clean your room?”- he asked his son
- “Yes…”- it was clear Jack was lying
- “So if I go upstairs right now, your room is going to be clean, your bed made, and your toys in their place?- Jack stayed still and just smiled. Slowly, he turned around and ran back to his room. 
- “Hey, how did you change your background?”- Emily asked Garcia, who started explaining how to do it. 
- “Henry! what is it?”- JJ logged into the conversation, but her attention was really on her son, who kept crying somewhere near her. 
- “Hello? Hey? can you hear me?”
- “Hey Spence!!”- Prentiss and Garcia said at the same time and chuckled. 
- “Hello! How’s everybody!”- he smiled and stared at his screen. 
For someone who hated technology, he was pretty comfortable meeting the team online. Maybe because his germaphobic self was glad they didn’t have to go to the BAU if there was a pandemic going on.   
Germs were worse than technology, which was good to know when it came to his phobias. 
- “Baby girl, what are you doing?”- Derek’s voice interrupted Garcia’s class of “How to change backgrounds one on one.” Emily enjoyed her time switching pictures on his background, laughing, while JJ tried to convince Henry to eat his banana. Hotch was reading a case file, not paying attention to anything going on around him. Rossi was lost and muted still, trying to find the right tab in his browser, and Spencer was reading a book, sipping a cup of coffee.  
- “Hey!!”- (Y/N) waved at the screen and stared at the scene. Everyone in the BAU was on their little bubble.  
- “Hello, hey! How are you?”- Spencer closed the book and waved. (Y/N) blushed and waved back. She just stared at him, and all the memories of their last video call came to mind. 
They had literally spent the night together. They started a video call around seven, then cooked dinner. Spencer actually cooked ‘cos (Y/N) gave him an easy cooking lesson online. Both of them ate spaghetti with homemade bolognese sauce. 
They started talking and talking, drinking tea, and coffee, and cocoa, and more tea. They snuggled on their couches and kept on talking, laughing. Somehow they started reading each other their favorite parts of their favorite books. And somehow, they ended up in their beds, drinking one last cup of tea. They were hugging a pillow, wishing they could actually hug each other, but never saying those words. And so they kept talking until they fell asleep. 
(Y/N) had fallen asleep first. Spencer felt he had bored her ‘till she passed out, but the truth was, she had made her best effort to stay awake but failed at four in the morning. She loved talking with Spencer. She loved Spencer, all of him, including all the facts and statistics he would ramble on for hours. 
If only she knew he felt the same. He could hear her ramble about books and albums she loved. He didn’t know half the bands she talked about but always googled them after their conversations to understand her a little bit better. And to add facts to their next talk. 
- “Rossi! Rossi! unmute your mic”- Aaron repeated for the hundredth time during the call, but Rossi still had no idea what he was doing. 
- “Ok, ok, don’t touch anything, I’m hacking into your computer,”- Garcia simply said, already tired of waiting. It wasn’t the first time she had done it during the latest months. I wouldn’t be the last either. 
- “Hello? can you hear me?”
- “Yes, David”- Aaron nodded and almost smiled- “Hello everybody, I trust you are all having a nice day.”
It was their annual Secret Santa, and for the first time, it was online. They had all made sure to mail their presents earlier enough, and everybody had gotten theirs already. It was December 24th, and though it was still just noon, Rossi enjoyed the first whiskey of the day.  
- “I sent you all cookies!!”- Penelope clapped and smiled, staring into the camera- “Did you all get it?”
- “Yes!”- they all answered but (Y/N). 
- “No… I didn’t”
- “What?! But I sent them yesterday! the delivery said you had gotten them,”- Penelope explained, but (Y/N) just shook her head. 
- “Sorry Garcia, I just got my Secret Santa present this week, and that’s it”
- “Someone stole your cookies, pretty girl!”- Derek chuckled and took a bit of one of his- “Your lost, ‘cos they are delicious.” 
- “Great… not only I get to spend Christmas alone, now I have to bake my own cookies.”- she groaned and sighed. 
- “What? Alone?”- JJ was in shock- “What about your family? Family get-togethers are allowed this weekend. It just has to be less than ten people in each house.” 
- “They live in Seattle, and I can’t travel ‘cos I don’t wanna expose my grandparents to any risk, so I decided to spend Christmas alone”- (Y/N) cut the team a short smile. They all wide opened their eyes in shock. Christmas alone was never a good plan. 
- “Me and Jack are going to spend it with his grandfather and aunt. We would be glad to have you over.”- Hotch immediately said, and (Y/N) smiled.
- “Thank you, but that’s ok, it’s just Christmas…”- that really didn’t sound good. 
- “I’m gonna be alone too,”- Spencer texted her ‘cos he didn’t want to say it in front of the team- “Do you wanna spend Christmas with me? I can save you some cookies”. 
(Y/N) chuckled as she read, and Spencer smiled, staring at her. You don’t usually get to see the reaction of the person you text. And he loved it. 
- “Why are you going to be alone?”- she wrote back
- “Same as you, I don’t wanna expose my mom, and she is all the family I’ve got. She’ll spend Christmas with aunt Ethel”. 
- “Hey! (Y/N), are you listening?”- Penelope waved and nearly yelled. 
- “Sorry, what?”- (Y/N) left the phone aside and tried to focus on the team. 
- “JJ was saying you are also welcome to spend it with her mom, Henry, and Will.”
- “Thank you guys, but… I think I’ll be ok.” 
She blushed at those words and made her best not to look at Spencer as she smiled. Which was incredibly useless, ‘cos no one knew where Spencer’s image was on her screen. And at the same time, it was so easy for the team to profile what was going on. That’s why neither of them said another word.
- “Ok, can we start opening presents now?”- Prentiss asked. Her background was now a beach, and she had put on a big hat and sunglasses. Penelope and JJ laughed at her so loud that they didn’t listen when Aaron said they should make a distant toast. 
- “Wait! let me get something to drink!”- (Y/N) stood up quickly and poured herself a cup of tea. 
- “Ok, now I’m ready, sorry”- and when she looked at the screen, Spencer was blushing, and everybody was chuckling. 
- “What did I miss?”
- “Nothing pretty girl”- Derek just smiled- “Let’s do the presents thing… who wants to start?”
- “Henry is pretty restless today, so if you guys don’t mind, I want to start”- JJ waved and showed everybody her present. 
“You have to guess who gave you your present,”- Emily explained and sipped her cup of coffee. 
- “Alright… let’s see… I got this envelope from my Secret Santa and… it’s just what I needed!!”- JJ smiled and nearly jumped on her seat
- “It’s a whole spa day!! Mom needs a day off when this pandemic ends!! thank you, Secret Santa!!” 
- “Who do you think gave you that?”- Penelope asked, and JJ looked at each one of her teammates on the screen.
- I’m gonna go with… Hotch, ‘cos I think he understands exactly what’s like being a parent in quarantine- Aaron chuckled and shook his head. 
- “Sorry, I would have given you that, though, but it wasn’t me.”
- “Then who?”- Rossi raised his hand and smiled
- “I noticed you were a little… stressed last time we talked. I thought maybe when this whole thing ends, you would enjoy a day to treat yourself.”
- “Thank you so much, Rossi. I really appreciate it!!”
The whole team continued opening their presents and laughed, trying to guess who was their Secret Santa. Hotch got a horrible (and yet adorable) Christmas sweater with a gigantic Rudolph on it and a matching one for Jack. He guessed right away it was from Penelope. 
Hotch bought García a fantastic pair of high heels and confessed he had picked them himself. Aaron Hotchner had a pretty good fashion sense. Who knew? 
Rossi opened his present and laughed, shocked. It was one costly and hard to find Scotch bottle. He thought it was from Emily, but no, it was from (Y/N). 
- “I remembered you said it was your favorite, and I thought maybe you’d like to share it with us next time we have a real get-together in your house.”
- “It’s very nice and naive of you to think I might actually share this present with anyone”- Rossi smiled and waved at the screen- “Thank you, kid.”
Emily got a weekend in Vegas from JJ to make it up for the “Sin to Win” weekend she lost because of a case a few months before. And again, she refused to explain to the team what “Sin to Win” meant. 
Morgan got a life provision of baby oil to rub on his six pack and biceps each time he took his shirt off. It was a joke from Emily, and Rossi nearly had a heart attack laughing at it. Penelope wanted a demonstration, but Derek promised a private show. Prentiss also got him a new kit of tools for home repairs, which always came in handy for him… mostly to fix all the doors he kicked. 
- “And what did you get, Spence?”- JJ asked, now holding Henry in her arms, trying to keep him calm. Reid opened his present and smiled. It wasn’t a happy smile though, it was a “are you fucking kidding me?” smile.   
- “Dating for Dummies”- he said and showed the book- “And I’m pretty sure this is from Morgan.”
- “As soon as this quarantine ends, you and I are going to a club, so you better study that book, ‘cos I’m gonna make you put it on good use.”
Morgan joked, but after all those years, it just wasn’t funny anymore, not for Spencer, at least. 
- “And last but not least, what did you get (Y/N)?”- Penelope’s eyes were shining. She loved Secret Santa. She had forced Hotch to put on his sweater, and he was now feeling like a dork on camera. Garcia, of course, had taken many screen-captures to save that amazing moment. 
- “Well, I’m pretty sure this is from Spencer”- she smiled, ‘cos he was the only one left. He blushed and waved. 
- “I hope you like it”- (Y/N) unwrapped the present carefully and smiled, surprised. 
- “Where did you get this?”- it was an original edition of The Little Prince, in french. It was tough to find. 
- “You said you loved the book ‘cos your mom read it to you when you were a kid, so… I thought you’d like it.”
(Y/N) couldn’t stop going through each page, as a million memories of her childhood came to her mind. Her mother had passed away when she was in high school, and the book meant more to her than anyone could imagine. 
- “Thank you”- she whispered and bit her lip, making her best not to cry. 
- “Jesus Christ! When is he going to tell her he loves her!?”- Rossi nearly yelled. He was in the back of his office, pouring himself a glass of his Secret Santa present. 
The whole team stayed quiet, making their best not to laugh. Spencer wanted to die. He rested his head on the desk and controlled the urge to leave the conversation. 
- “Hey, Rossi… just so you know, you weren’t muted.”- Prentiss managed to say and chuckled. He looked at the screen and stayed quiet. 
- “Ok... I think I’m gonna go now. This Scotch is already getting to my head, so… see you guys!!”- Rossi waved and tried to leave. 
- “Fuck! I hope I didn’t ruin it for the kid. Well, someone had to say it anyway”- he whispered, embarrassed.
- “Rossi, we can still hear you. You didn’t close the conversation, just minimized it”- JJ warned him, and that time, everybody burst out laughing. 
- “Ok, I’m gonna go now…”- Spencer couldn’t even look at (Y/N) anymore. He just waved and closed Zoom. 
- “I’m gonna go too”- (Y/N) whispered- “I hope everybody has a nice holiday!”- she didn’t even wait for anyone to say anything else. She just left the conversation and walked to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. 
What the hell had just happened? 
Spencer had a panic attack. What was he supposed to do now? Confess his feelings? Rossi had already done it for him. Should he call (Y/N) and tell her it was just a joke? Tell her the truth? Invite her over for Christmas, again? 
- “Fuck!!”- he shouted and walked to his kitchen. Some whiskey Morgan left last time he visited was still there, and though Reid wasn’t much of a drinker, he needed one. 
He honestly had no idea what to do. He knew he couldn’t face (Y/N) now. How? he would fluster just to be in the same room with her. Rossi really ruined everything. It seemed it was the end of the world. 
- “I’m gonna have to quit, move from DC, change my name, start my life from scratch…” 
Yes, Spencer was making a drama out of the whole situation. But in his defense, he had never been in that kind of situation before. 
It was eight pm when Spencer heard a knock on the door. He had been lying on his couch most of the afternoon, trying to read. Still, his mind kept coming back to (Y/N) and the embarrassment he felt after Rossi’s comment.
- “Hi”- (Y/N) whispered as soon as Reid opened the door, and his heart stopped- “You said I could come for Christmas… so…”- he stood still and just nodded. She was there, wearing a Dr. Who mask, with some snowflakes on her coat.  
- “Can I come in?”
- “Sure! I’m sorry, I just…”- Spencer moved from the door and watched her taking off her shoes, leaving a few paper bags on the table, and smiling at him as soon as she removed her mask. 
- “Can I wash my hands?”
- “Of course, the bathroom is…”- Reid stopped himself. She knew where the bathroom was. That wasn’t the first time she was there.    
While she washed her hand, he made his best to clean a little, folded the blanket on his couch, and piled all the books that were lying around. 
- “So… I hope I’m not interrupting anything…”- (Y/N) started apologizing again, but Spencer just shook his head. 
- “No, not at all, I just wasn’t expecting you to come after… what…”- he couldn’t even mention it.
- “After what Rossi said?”- she turned around and avoided looking at Spencer. She walked to the bags she had brought and started taking things out
 - “Should we worry he was getting drunk so early?”- she simply said, and Reid chuckled
- “I don’t know, maybe… what are you doing?”
- “Well… I’m not into chicken tandoori for Christmas, so I cooked some things.”
- “It smells delicious”- Reid smiled, and so did (Y/N), feeling her cheeks blushing. 
- “It’s mom’s turkey recipe, so it better be good”
- “Let me put that in the fridge”- Reid held the turkey, roasted potatoes, and many other things (Y/N) had cooked and walked to the kitchen. 
- “I also got you this”- (Y/N) giggled and followed Spencer. As soon as he left everything he was carrying, she put a Santa hat with red and white stripes on his head.
- “You look like the cat in the hat”- she joked, and Spencer laughed, feeling like the happiest nerd on earth. 
- “I’m gonna take that as a compliment.”
- “It is…”- (Y/N) stared at him and sighed, both of them smiling in silence for a second. 
- “Did you get one for yourself too?”- he finally asked.
- “Yes! so we can take dorky pictures and send them to Garcia, she is gonna love those”- she made a pause and bit her lips for a second. 
- “So… do you like Christmas traditions?”- she asked and looked down at her shoes 
- “Mmm, sure… like watching Home Alone drinking hot chocolate?- Spencer asked, thinking he hadn’t really lived many Christmas traditions growing up. However, he knew his mother had made her best to make him happy each holiday. 
- “Yeah… that and… maybe this”
(Y/N) took a mistletoe from her pocket and lifted her arm to place it right on top of their heads. 
Spencer didn’t move. He just wide opened his eyes, staring at (Y/N), who was now smiling, completely blushed. 
- “Since we are spending Christmas together, I thought… we… could…”- but she couldn’t finish talking, ‘cos Spencer leaned in slowly, very slowly until he reached her lips and kissed her. His hands cupped her cheeks carefully, and her arms ended up wrapped around his neck.  
- “Merry Christmas, Spencer”- she whispered, rubbing her lips against his when the kiss ended, but neither of them wanted to move apart.
- “Merry Christmas, (Y/N)” 
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whosscruffylooking · 4 years
The Purest Things-First Day Jitters (Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: None.
A/N: There will be a Part 2 to this piece based on S3E10 in order to give some groundwork to the dynamics amongst the team once the reader joins them. Enjoy reading! I had so much fun making this piece. 
The Purest Things Masterlist
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au! october 2007
"Criminal profiling is more of an art than a science. Modeling a criminal profile demands the precise marrying of psychological and rational instincts with the crime scene's particulars. What steps would you take in the process of analyzing a suspect to form a solid profile," the stoic BAU Section Cheif asks.
"First, I would want to accumulate all attainable information about the crime to help explain the "how" and "why" of the offense," you counter.
"What kind of information?"
"I'd want to acquire knowledge on the victim to examine the victimology. For example, I'd determine the victim's career and place of employment, friends, family, social status, criminal records, and daily routines and habits. Then, I can look at the connection between the victim and the unidentified subject. Did they know each other, or are they strangers? Why was the victim targeted, and was it them specifically, or are they just one quarry in a tangled web of attacks?"
You look for some signal in Cheif Strauss's attitude as to whether or not you should continue. 
Let’s ramp this up a notch. 
Taking the liberty of doing so regardless, you continue.
"Then, I want to know more about the attacker. I want to classify him...or her, as well as the offense. Why did it take place at a specific location? What is the motive? Is the suspect an amateur or a professional? This collection of data helps to assemble a proper crime assessment. I can now paint the picture of what happened before, during, and after the attack. Next, I can start to hypothesize and formulate a complete profile; I can deduce the kind of person we are dealing with. This assessment includes the age range, social status, what type of career he or she may hold, their I.Q., anything that describes the attacker. Now, I can give the profile to investigators and work to capture the assailant. The profile not only helps track him down but also helps refine the interrogation process."
Pausing the video recording, David sets the remote on the table.
"Academically, she's perfect for the job, Aaron. But will she fit in with the team? She seems too well trained, too straight from the textbook."
"That's why I wanted you to see this next part."
They both watch you in expectation.
"If I may Section Chief Strauss...as much as academic training benefits a student in laying the foundations for their selected career field, all of the studying and laboring over perfect grades becomes virtually obsolete once on the job. Instead, implementing the mechanics and learning through experience, trial, and error is far more beneficial. Executing what you've learned in the real world and refining your expertise in the field is the only way to accurately reveal whether or not you are capable of doing your job."
Rossi snickers at your straightforwardness. Aaron crosses his arms, struggling to fight back the urge to smile.
"Care to expound on that?" Strauss proposes.
"You don't trust the current...organization within the BAU. You feel as though Unit Cheif Hotchner and his team pose a threat to the unit. However, I think you put more emphasis on the chain of command. Specifically, you don't trust Agent Hotchner. In the entirety of this vetting process, you have continually undermined the Unit Chief's role in selecting a new agent. He has not been included in any of our telephone calls. Never once have you cc'd him on our emails. Nor has he been invited to sit in on our in-person interviews. I think the only time I've set eyes on him was in the lobby. He seemed to be completely unaware of my presence and purpose here. I'm sure that were I to be hired TodayToday, I could walk right into his office, and he would be blindsided entirely by my arrival and position on the team. Now, if I am to be apart of this renowned group of individuals, I want to know that I will be a part of it. I do not intend to be an outsider in my field or a pawn for higher-ups' ulterior motives. So, with all due respect Cheif Strauss, I would like to withdraw my application. If any of the aspects that I have touched on prove true and impact my role within this unit, I have no interest in undermining an established team that has no place for me."
Rossi claps Aaron on the shoulder, "She'll do just fine."
You step inside the lobby of the FBI Academy. Although the sight is not new to you after your intense vetting process, it now takes on a new meaning. You have a new purpose. Processing your surroundings, you regard the entryway's clean efficiency. Considering the darkness that looms over this bureau, the lobby is welcoming all the same. 
So this is what my tax dollars have been paying for.
Noticing that an elevator has arrived, you call out to the person inside one of the many lifts. They hold it open for you. The sound of your clipping heels progresses as you run across the glossy tile floor. High heels may not seem like the most logical choice for your first day of work in the FBI, but when wearing them, you feel elevated. As if the world is your stage and you are the ballerina dazzling the crowd in her pointe shoes. Sure, they are uncomfortable at times, but wearing them can almost be considered a superpower. A quintessential accessory of the iconic femme fatale.
The woman in the elevator gasps as you climb on board, startling slightly.
"Are those Jimmy Choos?" She squeals.
You laugh and shake your head, peering down at the patent leather footwear, "No. I wish, though! They're just some old Steve Madden's I got on the clearance racks." Seeing her shoes, you imitate her enthusiasm, "Those are unique! I've never seen a green...quite that color on shoes before."
Chuckling, she thanks you, "Shoes are one of the many ways I express myself. I'm pretty sure at this point I have a pair of shoes in every color for every mood. Today I was feeling a little envious, so I chose this lime green."
"Envious?" You ask.
"There is a Doctor Who convention going on this weekend, and I have meet and greet tickets for the entire cast, but I've been called in on a case. Meanwhile, three of my friends from counterterrorism are on their way to meet David Tennant as we speak. So yes, I am envious."
"Oh my gosh, I heard about that! Catherin Tate is going to be there too. God, what I would give to meet Donna Nobel in the flesh."
"You watch Doctor Who?" Her eyes widen.
You shrug my shoulders, "I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed Whovian."
Shoving her bags underneath her shoulders to free her hands, she stretches them to you, "Penelope Garcia. We are going to be the best of friends."
Taking her hand in yours, you introduce yourself, "I'm Y/F/N/ Y/L/N. I look forward to having a best friend in the building. Today is my first day."
"Oh sweetie, you are going to do amazing," she looks up at the floor number as the elevator dings, "Well, this is my stop."
Stepping off alongside her, you notice her slight surprise. "Mine too," you announce proudly.
"Wait," she whispers, holding a hand up to your face in a stopping motion, "Today is your first day. Oh! Are you the newbie?"
"Today is my first day as a profiler at the BAU, yes."
Stomping her feet repeatedly, she cheers, "Oh, this day keeps getting better! My darling, you will fit in just fine. Now come with me. There's another fellow Whovian I'd like for you to meet."
Following her through the enormous glass doors and into the department, you can't help but feel slightly overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle. "Welcome to the bullpen," she turns around, beaming, "Oh! Spencer, come hither, the new girl is here!"
The young man spins around in his chair and raises his eyebrows, giving you a once-over; he strolls across the office to meet you. You can't tell if he is too tall or too thin. Perhaps, his head is just considerably big for his body, or his lengthy hair gives that illusion. When he nods at you, holding his hand out to greet you, he looks slightly like a little bobble-head doll.
"Dr. Spencer Reid at your service!" He melodically sings.
Nerdy pipe cleaner. I like him.
"It's a pleasure, Dr. Reid. I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N."
"I read you got a full ride through college and graduated from Berkley with a semester completed at the University of Kent for Psychology of Criminal Justice, and you have a degree in Forensic Psychology."
You nod, impressed by his research—time to dazzle him with yours.
"And you, Dr. Reid, attended Caltech. You completed your undergraduate degree at 16, and you hold Bachelor's degrees in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy. Very impressive."
"You forgot PhDs in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering," he adds.
You nod, "My apologies."
Breaking a tiny smile, he shifts his gaze to the floor as you notice the light tint of pink shading his cheeks. Unable to resist, you feel the heat rise to yours as well.
"Ah! You must be our newest recruit—Benvenuto nell'esperienza della tua vita," a gentle voice echoes from behind you.
Turning around, you see a familiar-looking, dapperly dressed older gentlemen gliding down the stairs to greet you.
"And you are Agent David Rossi. I attended one of your guest lectures at Berkley three years ago," you reach your hand out to meet his.
"Call me Dave, and you can thank me for inspiring your career choice later. Right now, we have a case. It looks like it'll be a first day via baptism by fire for you kiddo," he lifts his thick eyebrows and winks at you. David motions for you to follow his lead, and you eagerly journey behind him.  
In the conference room, you are met with the eager faces of four other new colleagues. The first to catch your eye is the herculean adonis, whose attention fixates on you. You watch as his eyes scour you top to bottom, taking your whole body in.
Four words. Sculpted by the gods. Where has he been all my life?
"Where have you been all my life?" The statuesque man purrs, running his thumb across his bottom lip.
Ha. Jinx. You can buy me a drink anytime.
"Hiding from men who lead an introduction with that," you strut over to shake his hand. A knot swirls in your stomach as your finger-tips touch, but you quickly dismiss it as mere infatuation.
Throwing his head back in laughter, he responds, "I like you already. Derek Morgan."
"It's nice to see you again," the bright, blue-eyed young woman you recognized as the media liaison smiles, "I'm Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me J.J." On the day of your first interview with Strauss, she offered you directions to the Section Chief's office.
Next, Agent Prentiss introduces herself. Her thick, raven-colored hair elegantly falls to her shoulders and encompasses her diamond-shaped face. There is a spirited as well as clever expression in her eyes.
Finally, Agent Hotchner stands up. You are taken aback by his astute and severe manner. He's taller than you recall, although you have only observed him from afar. Like most men, he seems to have become an automaton of the modern workplace, measured and valued just for his productivity and obedience. He is tense, most likely swallowing intense trauma and concealing it so he can get up each day and do the same tedious job again and again. Most men display these traits in the way they parent, becoming domineering companions, stacking decay over destruction until their home-life collapses. What remains is a mass of bitterness resentment.
Yet, he exhibits none of this. Beneath this rather tough exterior, you can discern that he is the kind of handsome that infiltrates your bones, that exudes an air of olden times before he's even said a word to you.
Tag List:
@chellybear98​ @destiny-tsukino​ @wanniiieeee​ @sweetiecake180 @vampiracontessa​ @weexinling​ @spaghetti-dad187 @hothskies​ @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos​ @mac99martin​ @clairedragonessbaker @cecemariee7302​ @halloweenwithreid @megans-txmblr​ @theoldestguard @purpledragonturtles​ @chazubagi​ @frogrrylovebot @agentaaronhotass​ @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @mcntsee @ssagube @softhetixx @kenzies-mr-j @peachyotps @cat11-2 @prettylittlemoonlight @ravenmoore14 @gubs-boobs @spencerreidsoulmate
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televinita · 4 years
Music Meme #8
*profiler voice* “Three times in a week. She’s escalating.”
Put your music library on shuffle, post the next 10 songs that come up and say what each one means to you.
1. Snow (Hey Oh) - Red Hot Chili Peppers The band means nothing to me, but this song bonded itself to my brain at some point I can’t even remember and the very pleasant guitar licks and steady drumbeat instantly bring a sense of peace and calm to me to this day.
2. Undiscovered - James Morrison Two notes and every time, I am PHYSICALLY CATAPULTED into my happy memories of Life Unexpected's Lux & Eric dancing at the wedding as anonymous versions of themselves on their secret date (I'm sorry. I will never not ship it).
3. Hold On - Sarah McLachlan My strongest association with this song is the use of its lyrics on a Mulder/Scully fan collage circa season 7-8, an image I’m pretty sure no longer exists on the internet or my computer files, but which definitely exists in a physical low quality version printed out on the lyric booklet I made for my MSR mix CD. *cough* Anyway, before that I knew the live version on “Mirrorball,” one of my first CDs, and one I listened to a lot on our family vacation to South Dakota one summer.
4. I Belong to You - Muse Only here to complete a Twilight soundtrack. In 5 minutes I won’t remember what it sounds like. (Narrator voice: and she didn’t)
5. Bitter End - Dixie Chicks I always associate this with series finales of longer-running but unjustly canceled TV shows. (It’s not all right, I can’t sleep tonight, knowing you should have played on)
6. Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers ft. Daya This is an overplayed radio garbage song BUT, I got it because I accidentally associated with it super-hard while clenching my teeth and gut in anticipation of the season 3 Zoo finale that I needed SO BADLY to...not let me down, cliffhanger-wise...and now it is part of my fandom history. (title of my anticipatory blog post, as I was struggling to finish work on little sleep before it aired: crashing, hit a wall, right now I need a miracle)
7. Eden - Sarah Bareilles One of my favorites of hers. It’s so catchy and has so many excellent lyrics, including “no way to make the pain play fair / it doesn’t disappear just because you say it isn’t there,” which I often think about when I’m sad.
8. Storms in Africa - Enya This has been in my life so long that I first heard it on CASSETTE TAPE. I remember specifically that I was going through my parents' collection looking for names for my virtual horses in my RPG, and this caught my eye. While it wasn’t an instant fave, after I fell in love with Celtic music in general it became one.
9. Put Yourself First - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend soundtrack One of the first song clips I ever saw from this show, and still one of my faves. It is hilarious every single time, with or without the visuals, but with the visuals I am incapable of watching less than 3 times in a row.
10. Hov Arek Sarer Jan - Albina Hambartsumian / Artur Sedrakian I have no idea if I am crediting this right but this matches what is in my library and I know it courtesy of a beautiful number on So You Think You Can Dance. Haunting and mournful Armenian instrumental that I need no cue to remember.
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