#my poor fucking whitewashed family i’m gonna cry
minniti · 1 year
love mexican men in cowboy hats. vaquero tuxedo excellence.
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withallthingslove · 5 years
avengers endgame spoiler-filled review
below the cut bc spoilers obviously
even after two viewings this movie is super overwhelming so I’m just gonna jump right in
- clint’s family disappearing was so haunting and traumatic omg
- i didn’t like the music choice over the marvel opening crawl
- nebula was so adorably intense when tony playing footbal with her
- carol is such a bad bitch she just carried an entire fucking ship through space
- steve running up to tony and holding on to him... that was content I didn’t know I needed
- the pepperony hug ughhh I’m not a huge gwenyth paltrow fan but she was so good as pepper in this
- honestly I get tony has been through a lot but he was such a dick back at the avengers compound. I’ve always preferred steve to tony and that scene really displayed why. Yes tony was right something bigger was coming, but his way of going about preventing it was proven wrong both times. I don’t consider ultron to be super canon because joss whedon sucks but tony’s first idea to try and solve it failed, and then the accords also failed and even rhodey regretted it. Infinity war was basically “hey yeah the accords was dumb af and steve was right and now the avengers are scattered.” Both tony and steve were selfish and made mistakes in civil war but the fact that it had been over three years and tony was still soooo angry with steve and holding a grudge just rubbed me the wrong way.
- I really felt for thor when they went to get thanos. Chris hemsworth’s acting in that scene was so good when he realized they had failed
- again who on earth put steve in charge of a support group. And while yes its nice to have some lgbtq representation marvel is way behind on that so to me it did not feel like enough
- paul rudd did so well in this movie and scott is such a good dad ugh
- 10/10 would die for morgan stark. She is soooo cute and it was hilarious when she was like “mom told me to come rescue you”
- i know a lot of people are mad at tony dying bc he could have “retired” but that scene with his daughter before steve, nat, and scott show up shows he could not. He still had a garage where he built iron man suits and suits for pepper. That’s not what someone does when they are out of a fight. That’s why he fell back into it so fast because he never left it. He was still tinkering and preparing and even when he retired he was still fully ready to go back
- i like professor hulk but at the same time i miss bruce
- tony and steve love each other so much it made me so happy when tony showed up at the compound. they’ve had their differences but there is real love there
- speaking of real love I will still never forgive joss whedon for taking clintasha away from us like yes their platonic friendship is great but UGH. They love each other SOOOOOOO much 
- tom hiddleston as loki always steals the show and i miss him so much. I was convinced he wasnt dead so I’m sad that he was still dead in the current timeline. But maybe since there is now an alternate dimension with loki and the tesseract he will show up again
- him impersonating steve, his side eye, just... *chefs kiss*
- the america’s ass comment... amazing, iconic, beautiful. And then steve’s “yeah I know” comment to his 2012 self. I’m so glad the russos let steve be funny
- I love how much winter soldier played into this one especially since it was the russo’s first mcu movie. The elevator scene... steve outsmarting the hydra agents. Secretary pierce showing up... and then steve fighting his past self was just *chefs kiss* again. The fact that he knows his own weakness is bucky and uses it against himself 
- not excited to see tilda swinton’s character because its just a reminder of marvel’s whitewashing but I appreciated it trying to explain the timeline/dimension stuff
- i also loved that at the army compound tony was able to get closure with his dad, something he deserved for a long time. I think that was another hint he was going to die because his arc was completing while steve’s.... the look on steve’s face when he saw peggy just broke me. absolutely broke me. Steggy was my first ship in the mcu and so steve and peggy hold a special place in my heart. The fact she still keeps the picture of tiny steve after all these years (a reference to agent carter)... they both moved on enough to enjoy life but never truly moved on enough to leave the other behind. And so while tony was getting closure, steve was being reminded of what he wanted most and couldn’t have. I also loved the tie in with agent carter and showing Jarvis this movie was truly a fan service to us all
- okay so rhodey/nebula: so ive never been a huge nebula person but i really liked her in this movie. I loved rhodey’s line about “you work with what you got” as far as their disabilities. I felt so bad for new nebula because old nebula SUCKKSSS and I hate she had to face her. I loved that in this movie thanos was wearing his armor because 2014 thanos was not as strong or secure with himself. His energy was SO different compared to the thanos we saw in infinity war so props to josh brolin
- natasha/clint: Well go ahead and rip my heart out. The audience knows only one of them is coming back but they have no idea. And they love each other SO FUCKING MUCH they both tried to sacrifice themselves to save the other person. That is true love. Jeremy renner is such an underrated actor and his reaction to natasha dying just killed me. But so did scarlett johansson’s acting as much as I hate to admit it because I’ve really stopped liking her as much due to her recent acting choices but she played that scene so well. And I will miss natasha romanoff forever. She deserved so much more and paved the way for all the other female superheroes in the mcu
- everyone crying over nat and especially steve broke me. They had such a special friendship, almost as strong as her and clint and I feel so many people forget that because of how natural they were together. And her last words to him were that she would see him in a minute and then she didn’t come back..
- i just realized i havent talked about thor and thats honestly because my brain blocked it out. I like that they explored his depression but dont like that he was made the joke of the avengers and I don’t think it was handled well. I did enjoy his conversation with frigga and by that I mean it made me cry. (also loki deserves a conversation like that too don’t @ me)
- And then sam says “on your left” and all the characters come and the music... poetic cinema
- thanos is a weak little bitch and as soon as wanda was beating him he was fine with his own troops dying just so he could get away
- sebastian stan has no business looking this good my god
- I forgot how much I missed peter parker
- I didn’t notice mbaku until my second viewing and honestly the wakandan characters were shafted like poor shuri we didn’t even know she was dusted until a few weeks before the movie
- I know everyone loves the scene of all the women characters carrying the gauntlet but honestly marvel has a long way to go before they reach equality and it honestly wasn’t enough for me
- side note pepper fighting back to back with tony was awesome
- ugh tony’s face when he realizes what he has to do and he looks at strange for confirmation... give rdj an oscar like my god. He knows that the past few years have led up to this moment and he is absolutely terrified and determined and I am tearing up while writing this because I am remembering it so vividly
- peter parkers goodbye had me crying why is tom holland such a good actor
- pepper’s goodbye BROKE ME... “you can rest now” I think that is the epitome of tony’s arc. For his entire storyline he has been trying to right his wrongs and save his friends and the world and that is so much for one man to carry on his shoulders and everyone knew it would be the death of him. I know tony stans are pissed off that he died, but I don’t see him just being able to retire. Obviously I didn’t want him to die, but his whole storyline has been leading up to this. He truly got a hero’s sendoff and was solidified as THE hero of the mcu. This era started with him and it ended with him. It was a beautiful sendoff for the character that started it all. And I don’t think rdj would go along with it if he didn’t approve
- Steve’s ending.... so I knew from spoilers what would happen and while it was something I wanted in theory I was pissed when I first found out. But it somehow worked. If you look at steve’s arc, he has always been a man out of time. For everyone getting mad he was hung up on a girl he kissed once, it’s pretty much confirmed in agent carter that he and peggy were on the DL for 3 years. she wasnt just a crush he knew for a few months. They loved each other and fought side by side for three years and time took him too soon. In age of ultron the only part I liked was steve’s vision where he gets a dance with peggy. As much as he moved on in the present, the possibility he missed with her always haunted him. You can tell in peggy’s video in the winter solider that even though she married and had kids, the thought of steve still gets her choked up. When she sees him as an old woman she immediately crumbles. They both have referred to each other as the loves of their lives. 
- So with that said, I don’t think it’s weird or out of the blue that he would suddenly decide to try and go back to peggy. They won, bucky is back and safe, sam is back and safe, he can finally rest, and he has the tools to go back in time. The way I interpreted it, Bucky 100% knew what he was going to do. The look on his face, the tone of his voice. He knew Steve was not coming back, and he also knew he deserved to have that happy ending. So while sam and bruce thought it would only be 5 seconds, bucky turned away from the machine, knowing steve wouldn’t show up there. I ship stucky too because I just want steve happy so while at first I was like “how could he leave bucky??” watching it on screen it made sense. Bucky approved of his choice, and while he was saddened by it, he understood it. 
- In my interpretation, I don’t think steve stayed in the main timeline. I think him going back created an alternate timeline where he married peggy, dissolved hydra earlier, and freed bucky earlier. At some point, those two timelines merged, and he wandered over to where he knew they would be. OR after peggy died, he used the technology to travel back to that timeline when he was old. Or my friend suggested he could have met tony stark in his alternate timeline and asked for his help. Who knows. He literally came back with a shield, meaning he was at one point captain america again in that timeline. I don’t think there is anyway he could just stay quiet for 70 years about bucky being tortured and peggy running shield that was secretly hydra. I refuse to believe that. If the russos come out and say that’s what he did, then I’ll backtrack and say I don’t approve of steve’s ending. But as of right now I’m okay with it. 
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avibus-libri · 7 years
Bill Potts Appreciation Post
okay friends i’m here to talk to you about our lord and saviour bill potts, aka the best companion since donna noble, because i’ve seen a lot of folks they’re gonna start watching doctor who again now jodie whittaker is 13 (and don’t get me wrong, i am absolutely fucking delighted about this - if you listen very carefully you can probably still hear my screams of joy reverberating through the space-time continuum), but so many people I’ve spoken too also did not watch season 10 and that, my friends, is a goddamn tragedy.
now, i know why you all stopped watching. so did i. i just finished a marathon rewatch of new who and let me tell you, getting through the last few seasons was a chore. but even before whittaker was announced, i was getting enthusiastic about the show again, and do you know why? Bill Potts.
Bill, in no particular order, is: black, gay, living with a foster mum, serving chips in a university canteen, attending the Doctor’s lectures in her spare time, and then getting firsts repeatedly on all the work she does for him. She doesn’t take any shit, she calls him out when he doesn’t measure up and doesn’t save people, she saves his life numerous times. She is funny and brilliant, she has made me cry, and her relationship with the Doctor is absolutely beautiful. They go from teacher and student to best friends and because Bill is gay, there’s not even a mention of romance. It’s just a really wholesome friendship and without wanting to spoil the finale, I will tell you that Bill gets an ending which is both happy and gay, with a brilliant lesbian kiss (on primetime family tv!!! I was so happy, you have no idea).
season 10 got some of the lowest viewing figures since the reboot, and whilst it does reflect the impact of moffat’s reign of terror and poor writing, it’s such a shame that bill hasn’t had the reception she deserves. the series is up on iplayer until the end of july so please, please watch it or download it, preferably legally so the beeb gets the right figures and gets the message that we want more characters like bill! yes, the series has its flaws (why nardole had to stay, i have no idea, and the whole concept of missy getting a redemption arc is just... ugh) but it also features such highlights as: emoji robots! david suchet as a creepy student landlord! anti-capitalist spacesuit shenanigans! the pope! un secretary-general ban ki-moon! a lot of jokes about fake news! victorians on mars! bisexual roman soldiers! the return of john simm!
some of bill’s best bits under the cut (spoiler warning!)
- Doctor what?
- ‘do you know scifi?’
- the whole sequence when she gets inside the tardis (’is this a knock-through?’’it’s like a kitchen’ ‘oh my god, it’s a lift!’) 
- ‘so the tardis has dresses and likes a bit of trouble? I think I’m lowkey in love with her.’
- ‘regency england. bit blacker than they show in the movies.’ ‘so was jesus. history’s a whitewash.’
- the bit when the doctor punches a racist in the face for being rude to her. (although, martha is my favourite ever companion and this scene made me so frustrated for what poor martha was put through by the doctor, particularly in the family of blood episodes, but that’s a whole other post and this one is about bill...)
- uses the tardis as a removal van which is just... Iconic honestly
- ‘i don’t know the president, i wouldn’t even have voted for him, he’s... orange’
- the bit when she straight up shoots the doctor because she thinks he’s turned evil
- every other bit where she calls him out on his shit tbh
- the whole thing where she saves the world by projecting an image of her mum into everyone’s brains
- recommending scifi movies to the doctor
- the whole ‘i know more about the 9th legion than you’ thing
- ‘hey, you know how i’m usually all about women and kinda...people my own age?’ ‘yeah...’ ‘glad you knew that.’
- the fact that she beats cyber programming!!! who does that!!!!
- her ending is basically like... running off to travel the universe with a pretty girl which is just... Amazing
anyway i love Bill Potts and i hope the stuff about her maybe being back for the christmas special is true because she deserves everything. please watch season 10!!!
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