#my poor birdcop
starmocha · 3 months
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
On Jealousy
I owe this analysis/answer to an anon ask which I've accidentally posted, though only with the introduction sentence and then couldn't retrieve.🙈
Dear anon, this analysis is dedicated to you.
Thank you @sin-with-quiche for proofreading and @lunabai78 for the spiritual support 💕💕💕
We have quite a number of moments in our journey with Gavin... Some are funny, some are cute, some are...mmm over the edge
If you ask me whether Gavin is a jealous man, I would give you two answers:
1) Pre and early relationship... Absolutely!
2) Established relationship... The fitting colloquial term is "territorial".
In order to look at Gavin's attitude towards other males and whether to categorize them as jealous behaviour or not, first we need to describe jealousy .
Jealousy generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety.
The word stems from the French jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin zelosus (full of zeal), in turn from the Greek word ζήλος (zēlos), sometimes "jealousy", but more often in a positive sense "emulation, ardour, zeal" (with a root connoting "to boil, ferment"; or "yeast").
As you can see, there are different set of emotions that might boil or ferment the reaction of jealousy in one's belly.
My personal take on this is that jealousy arises from two simple things 1) Lack of self-confidence 2) Lack of trust towards one's partner (in terms of romantic jealousy). You don't get jealous when you know you're one hell-of-a-mate and are with the right person. Which is why as we will see in a minute Gavin fits the bill at the beginning but afterwards his jealousy isn't actually jealousy at all!
So which sets of emotions lead to his jealous behaviour and in which conjuncture?
We know that Gavin is completely attuned to MC. This also applies for his reaction towards the presence of other guys around her. So the type of jealousy he displays is attuned to MCs type of reaction to the source of his jealousy. He observes MCs aura and attitude carefully and then reacts in an either desirous, protective, territorial or downright pouty manner.
If he sees the person is overstepping their boundaries like TNTs Tyson or the guys catcalling her during Romantic Date, he gets protective. If he sees someone from his inner cycle being only the slightest overfamiliar with MC as in his phone call with Eli, he gets territorial and draws boundaries. If he gets ditched by MC and walks on her having lunch with another guy all the while she's being touched by him and she's not showing any protest, he pouts in the corner and stabs MC with his words "Too much of anything can get boring after a while" (love this moment and how Joe delivers this line with a strong tonation on the word - boooring-)
If he sees the person is actually drawing MCs attention, well... This is where we can look more into. Because this is actually a stereotypical example of making one jealous. Seeing your love interest with another person in an over-friendly manner.
In Trio Date, he worries that MC might have a crush on Kiro and a close relationship with him. Which is understandably an alarming situation for him, because he isn't that close to her himself and Kiro is... well... Kiro. Pretty much everyone's into him 🌟. But Gavin doesn't show any aggression or envy towards Kiro. On the contrary, he praises him for his charm and even says that he can see what people mean by that as in confessing to being charmed by Kiro himself. I really praise how elegant Gavin acts in the face of this situation 👑 Needless to say, it's a Gavin date, meaning the canon couple in this scenario is Gavin x MC (On a side note pretty bold and disrespectful of PG to put another LI in the supporting male role in a date for another tbh) And also RIP Chandler, the poor guy didn't do anything wrong ^_^
At this point I need to let one thing out of my chest though. I can't say that I appreciate him telling MC when and where to wear revealing clothes <spoiler alert> only for him. Even though we don't actually see him seriously forbidding her to wear them I think it would be better to leave her be the judge of it. But considering the fact that she gets catcalled even at his presence I can kinda see why Gavin gets protective here. On a side note, his girlfriend isn't better on this matter either. MC covers Gavin's body at the beach during 2021 summer event in CN server so that other girls don't drool over him 🤣 These two have some homework to do in that department I tell you that 😅
In the more mature phases of their relationship, we no longer see Gavin feeling himself threatened by the presence of another male. AT ALL! All Gavin jealousy after this point is only because someone is overstepping their boundaries and making "his girl" uncomfortable.
Gavin might be the one acting jealous the most frequently among the LIs, but he never ever gets possessive over her, limits her freedom or makes unconfirmed self proclaims on behalf of her. Being possessive over someone objectifies them and the moment you objectify a person, you no longer need to be in a relationship with them tbh. Leaving your partner room to breathe and respecting their personal space is important and Gavin does this the best alongside with Kiro. We also never see Kiro getting possessive, limiting or doing anything of that nature with MC.
Further in their relationship Gavin still acts jealous, but in an extremely cute, pure and harmless way. Be it against prankster ghosts, animals she's met in the middle of the desert, a wild child, service dogs, birds and co. Basically anyone and anything that diverts her attention from him for more than a nanosecond can be perceived as a threat but an adult male 😂At his core, Gav-babe wants MC all for himself but his jealousy is actually only adorkable.
In the main story, however, there is a certain LI which becomes the magnet for Gavin's firsthand jealousy and even kinda provokes this. And this is actually what I am dying to write about in this post😈. It only happens at the beginning of the story, but I love it so much and therefore it must be in this post.
Gavin shows signs of jealousy towards one particular LI at various occasions and that is...
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Gavin shows obvious signs of jealousy towards our genius scientist and that is completely understandable! Lucien is the one who makes his advances first and is the most straightforward one throughout the main story. Plus, he lives right next to MC and, let's be honest here, is the only one who toys with MC's poor hormones the most. Just to give one example:
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Gavin and MC don't become quite a couple before CH12 and S1 Gavin has some issues with self-worth and confidence (towards MC). When he meets MC again after 6 years, he is perplexed and is fairly clueless as to how to approach her romantically. Lest Gavin making the wrong moves, he acts weirdly around MC which further confuses her. Gav-babe is really weird at the beginning of the story 😅
The first time we see Gavin getting jealous about Lucien is in CH2, when he and MC spend a prolonged period of time for the first time as they investigate the time warping incident. Our birdcop is hopelessly in love with MC so when he sees her become so red on the phone with another person, he gets worked up.
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Fun trivia, Joe's reaction to this moment can be found here
The second instance is when MC spends two nights in a row with Lucien in CH5 and then falls asleep in her office.
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It is crucial to remember at this point that up to CH5, MC seems to be most romantically involved with Lucien and spends most of her time with him. LuLu mercilessly teasing her and flirting with her doesn't help much in that sense either because he is actively making advances on her. Thus announcing his candidacy for "Mr. Love". So when Gavin catches MC spending nights following Lucien, having phone calls with him, living right next door to him, working closely with him and blushes because of him, it's fairly understandable that our birdcop gets fairly jealous because at that point in the story Lucien seems to have a better shot at love with her than he does.
Btw, MC flatlines on his question as to who is the resource of her flustering this time around and doesn't explain herself ;)
Interestingly though, in the third instance, where Gavin sees MC and Lucien, he isn't jealous at all! In the famous "Rude Awakening" moment, the vibes we get at first is as if Gavin walks in to MC and Lucien. But actually our protective boyfriend is there to save MCs life. What's more, he doesn't give credit to Lucien's provocations, such as when he calls Gavin "dangerous" or pulls MC behind him, stays extremely close to her and plays the "protective boyfriend" in front of him. On Gavin's defense, the one actually saves MCs life and protects her is Gavin here as he deflects the bullet shot at her.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Furthermore, he asks Lucien to take MC home, albeit not before telling her that he will be contacting her later, signaling to Lucien that he shouldn't stick along for long. A highly subtle way of "marking his territory", much like a wolf would. God I love this scene both in the main story and in the anime.
It is necessary to mention at this point that the chapter following this scene revolves around Gavin and MC clearing all kinds of misunderstandings between them and MC trying to bind with him. Hence laying the first stones in the temple of their relationship. After that point we no longer see Gavin showing any kind of jealousy towards anyone. So mark CH7 people ;)
You know what I would love to see? Gavin getting jealous over Shaw. I wonder whether he even knows that MC spends time with him 🤔 Too bad that PG has left the idea "brother conflict".
If you would like to read another perspective on this, Cheri has posted her analysis here
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon: A week without you
You plan to set out on a week-long trip with Anna, Kiki and Willow.
How do the guys react to the news and cope during your absence?
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Before you leave
As the day of your long-awaited trip approaches, you can barely rein in your excitement
Meanwhile, Victor gets more and more grumpy
“Are you sure you should be going on a trip at this time?”
“Wouldn’t your company end up in shambles with half the staff gone?”
“Goldman informed me that your ticket is refundable.”
Despite his attempts to stop you from leaving his side for the trip, he also sees how much you’ve been looking forward to it
So he eventually relents, and even offers suggestions to include in your list of itinerary
Victor isn’t the type to show affection in public, so you’re surprised when he suddenly wraps his fingers around your wrist at the airport
He lifts it up gently, strapping a wine-coloured watch onto your wrist
It has an incredibly cute design - the face of the watch features an adorable white bunny, with its tiny paws pointing towards the time
“Whenever you look at it, you’ll know that I’m waiting for you to come home.”
(Meanwhile, Anna, Kiki and Willow are standing at the side and screaming internally)
During the trip
He understands how rare it is for you to have a proper break, so he doesn’t disturb you unnecessarily
In fact, you are the one who disturbs him at 3am when his phone gets flooded with photographs of your trip, each one accompanied with a notification chime
Luckily for you, he doesn’t mind it too much
He sighs while scrolling through the photos with a look of affection
“That dummy forgot about the time zone differences.”
Once you’re back
Brings you to Souvenir and whips up a FEAST
Ends the magnificent meal with a dessert you’ve never seen before
“I created it in the week you were gone. Let me know what you think.”
It’s a petite, cube-shaped cake layered with Chantilly cream and drizzled with chocolate, a rose petal resting on top of it
You bring the dessert fork to your mouth
It tastes sweet, but there’s also slight tinge of bitterness that gives it a certain mellow flavour
“I’ll give it an A+, as expected of the finest chef in Loveland City. Is this going to be a new item on Souvenir’s menu?”
“What is it called?”
He pauses before answering.
“The Taste of Longing.”
You suddenly feel a little shy, and try to change the topic. You hand him the fork.
“H-have you tried it?”
He lets out a sigh, sets the fork aside, and pulls you into a deep, intoxicating kiss
After he draws back, he stares at your flustered expression and responds with the smug grin you missed so dearly over the past week
“I just did.”
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Before you leave
The day before the trip, he literally refuses to let you go
Especially after he realises he wouldn’t get to see you off at the airport in person due to a scheduled interview
So he has been latching onto your arm and following you everywhere
“I need to use the bathroom Kiro.”
“I’ll keep my eyes closed, I promise!”
As the dusk settles in and the hours left together dwindles, Kiro grows quieter
His head is resting on your lap as he stares at you intently, as though engraving your face into his memory
You try to cheer him up, tousling his golden blonde hair
“On the bright side, you’ll have the bed all to yourself!”
Kiro brightens up for split second before his expression returns to a pout
“It’s not fun when you’re not in it...”
During the trip
Tries to cope by stuffing himself with tidbits and ice-cream
Savin does not approve.
But snacks don’t taste as good when he doesn’t have you to share them with (or snatch them from)
Tries to cope by playing games past midnight
Savin does not approve.
But games aren’t as fun when he doesn’t hear your voice congratulating him for achieving a new high score
Tries to cope by drowning himself in work
Savin approves... but senses that something is off with Kiro
Savin spends more time with Kiro this week, even bringing him to his favourite hotpot place and treating him to extra desserts
Once you’re back
You decide to surprise Kiro in the studio after receiving a bunch of texts from a worried Savin
Kiro almost bursts into tears
He might not have Gavin’s Evol, but that doesn’t stop him from flying across the room to wrap you in a bear hug, almost tripping over his violin case in the process
After dinner, you’re both on the couch as he listens to you ramble on and on about how fun the trip was
Kiro interrupts you with a long, impatient kiss
After he pulls away, the both of you a little breathless, the cheeky glint in his eyes doesn’t go unnoticed
“You want fun? I’ll show you just how much fun we can have together.”
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Before you leave
Even though you’re used to spending long periods of time apart given the nature of his work, it never gets easier
“Maybe I could come along as a bodyguard?”
As tempted as you are at the prospect, you turn him down gently
It’s meant to be an all-girls trip after all
At the airport, Gavin goes into full-blown maternal mode:
“Remember to check the weather forecast every morning.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
“Remember to apply sunscreen before going outdoors.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
“Remember to sleep early.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
He sighs and encases you in a long hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“And remember... to think of me often.”
You almost tear up in response to the sheer sadness in his voice
“That’s not something I need to remember. It happens naturally.”
During the trip
He’s not used to returning to a quiet, lifeless house
Sends you little updates about his day
[Text from Gavin:] Saw the stars on my way home tonight. Even though you’re halfway across the world, I feel as though I can sense you, just like how we can still see the faraway stars.
[Text from Gavin:] I saw a squirrel today. It’s cute. It reminded me of you.
[Text from Gavin:] Hung out with Minor today. He told me how lonely he feels in the office these days without you girls around. Seems like we finally found something in common. I miss you.
Purchases a succulent and places it beside Thorny because he doesn’t want it to feel lonely
He names it Mrs Thorny
Once you’re back
Arrives at the airport at least an hour early to wait for you
Sends Anna, Kiki and Willow home by car as a gesture of gratitude for taking care of you over the past week
“He’s a keeper,” whispers Anna.
Helps you unpack while you take a bath
Chances upon the overtly sensual lingerie you bought during the trip (thanks to Kiki’s persuasive skills)
You happen to step out of the bathroom at this very moment, watching as Gavin lifts the dark blue lace from the luggage
The blood drains from your face as you scramble to snatch it out of his hands
“Ahh! That’s meant for your birthday!”
Poor Birdcop is still reeling from shock
So he responds with whatever comes to mind
“For me? But I don’t wear lingerie.”
The both of you just stare at each other, processing this whole situation
It’s not long before every corner of the house gets filled with your laughters mingling together
Both your faces flushed from a mixture of embarrassment and laughter, you collapse into his embrace, soaking up his warmth...
...and you’re finally home.
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Before you leave
You kind of expected Shaw’s response when you told him about your plans...
“Sure, have fun.”
“You aren’t even going to pretend that you’d miss me?”
“Nah, it’s not like you’d be gone for a decade. Pretty sure I’ll survive.”
He does skip his morning class to send you off at the airport though
His heart suddenly feels the slightest bit heavier once you disappear from view with the girls in the departure hall
Shrugs it off and heads back to school
During the trip
While Shaw isn’t the clingy sort, he does get bored easily
Especially since his partner in crime isn’t around
Sends you pictures of the shark plushie in different poses
e.g. sitting upright on the dining chair
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie says he misses you. Gave him a talk on how to be a big, independent boy.
e.g. leaning against a spray paint can
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie tried spray-painting today but got a little bit of paint on himself. Do you know if he’s machine washable?
e.g. wearing one your hairbands
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie rummaged through your wardrobe today. Doesn’t he look handsome?
Changes his phone’s lockscreen to a different picture of you every day
Of course, he selects photos that should never see the light of day - a picture of your mouth wide open in an unladylike manner as you prepare to bite into a hamburger, a picture of you almost falling off a skateboard, a picture of you sleeping with drool trailing from the corner of your mouth onto the sheets...
You really need to do a thorough cleansing of his photo gallery.
Since his usual source of entertainment is enjoying herself without him halfway across the globe, this is as close as he gets to having fun
Once you’re back
The moment you set down your luggage at home, he drags you to Live House
The intense strobe lights shroud the way Shaw gazes at you with a rare tenderness
Immersed in the loud music, you have no idea that clouds have gathered outside, followed by the gentle patter of rain
You almost miss Shaw’s words as his lips brush against your ear
“I missed you.”
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🦋LUCIEN🦋 (I’m not kidding when I say I can’t write Lucien. For all of our sakes, this shall be the first and last time 😂)
Before you leave
Takes you to see the fireflies
Catches one and names it “Angst”
During your trip
Exists sadly
Attempts to make conversation with Angst
When you’re back
Exists happily
Sets Angst free since his favourite butterfly has returned to his side
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | sunday morning
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I recently (well~like three months ago) got into this game called Mr Love: Queen’s Choice, and after doing some ‘research’ aka gaming, I felt confident enough to write something. So, here’s a little headcanon about a blissful Sunday morning with the boys~
Warning(s): ever so slightly NSFW (insinuations of a dirty-minded author), profanity/swearwords
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Victor’s quite the workaholic, as we all know
like this man will be working 60-70 hours a week, often bringing work home with him 
you’ll be on the couch in pajamas and acting like a total bum while he’s literally next to you wearing glasses and breezing through 50 reports and documents
you steal his laptop and glasses when he starts criticising your report 
“Victor noooooooo~work mode OFF!” as you zoom past him with his prescription glasses (he got them fancy glasses with the blue light filter because he’s A WORKAHOLIC and he’s always staring at a computer)
needless to say, this man doesn’t usually have time to spare
sunday mornings are yours though
Victor doesn’t necessarily take the entire day off, but after a certain dummy’s whining, he has agreed to try and have a lie-in on sundays
he *usually* still wakes up before you, because he functions on like 5 hours of sleep (lemme tell y’all, it’s a curse and a blessing in one) 
Vic’s a total tsundere, but these moments definitely show off his #SoftCEO side
his little lovebug is sleeping peacefully, wearing one of his pyjama shirts (I bless you with the headcanon that Victor sleeps in silk pyjama pants sans shirt because he runs HOT)
actually, you’re drooling a little bit but even though Victor’s going to pretend he’s annoyed, he never is
oOOhh, also canon that this man is the big spoon in sleeping positions. he naturally gravitates towards you and holds you tight because he’s NEEDY
sometimes you’ll sleep facing each other. Victor holds you against his chest and just cradles your body in his like his life depends on it
100% will entangle his long ass legs with yours
strokes your hair and presses kisses on the crown of your head to wake you up in a gentle way (despite his demeanour, he’s actually remarkably gentle y’all see why i call him #SoftCEO?)
as you wake up, he’ll mock your bedhead with this incredibly fond look in his eyes baby boy these words don’t match your actions
you guys actually get up rather soon after, cos you are both busy people...
fun times in the bathroom not like tHAT well actually kinda~ but for legal reasons everything you do is PG, please spare author-nim who’s still ~barely~ underage
you take a shower and belt your favourite song that’s playing from the built-in speaker (did Victor get a built-in speaker because you thought it was cool? yep. did you ask? nope. did he do it anyways? yehep.) while he goes through his simple morning routine
you probably have more steps in your skincare routine, but he uses a serum, cleanser, moisturizer and some eye cream on the daily
has given you permission to do his skincare at night whenever you both have time
to reciprocate, he dries your hair after your shower you guys HAVE listened to the Right Beside You ASMR, right? ...it’s on YT for free because we’re poor, i know
also canon, blowing raspberries on Victor’s bare back while he’s brushing his teeth will make him choke on toothpaste. tested and approved by MC
“Dummy. What on earth are you doing?”
he hangs around and waits for you to get ready if he’s already done, you do the same. time is something Victor knows all too well, so the precious time he has, he wants to spend with you.
you guys DON’T shower together in the morning because really you’re not getting cleaner ahhh author-nim should really stop
afterwards, you get dressed in some relatively casual clothes (i’m talking a dress shirt without a tie or a polo shirt because no way that this man owns actual t-shirts) and have a simple breakfast
he cooks, obviously. 
always makes a balanced, Chinese breakfast (congee or wonton, noodles, tofu pudding, etc.) because he wants you two to start the day well, even on a slow sunday
also, he travels a lot, so he likes eating Chinese food whenever he’s home
ahh...waking up with Victor just sounds like a dream
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i’m a bit biased on this bitch because he was my first favourite in the game so this might get long. might not. just,,,we’ll see
Lucien is a bit like Victor, where he doesn’t sleep much and works a lot
On the other hand, his work is...ehem...shadier, so he usually works in his office when he’s at home
you’ll both have your own space to do whatever you need to do
days off for Lucien are rare. he usually powers through until he drops
for someone who constantly reminds you to take care of yourself, he’s mediocre at doing exactly that
after getting to know him better, which wasn’t an easy feat because damn this man has more layers than an onion he’ll also make you cry more bUUT we’re not ready to unpack that suitcase, you start noticing when he needs a day off. often even before he notices
you lock his office door and force him to take the FULL day off at least
he could technically open his office again, but he loves you and he’ll humour your attempts
Lucien wakes up before you. always. you’ve seen him asleep like 3 times in your entire relationship. 
Luci sleeps like 8 hours,,,a week.
he watches you sleep i feel like that makes too much sense for his character. we love a creepy boy. and wholeheartedly feels at rest with your sleeping figure by his side
in his sleep, Lucien lies on his back, holding you by the waist as you sleep on top of him. your leg is often slung around his middle, so you’re enveloping him. he likes the weight of you on top of him; it keeps him grounded and he likes feeling like he’s yours as much as you are his.
on another note, Lucifer—ah whoops—sleeps butt naked. i honestly can’t imagine him wearing clothes in bed. he’s not shy about his body and feels absolutely no need to cover up for his significant other. 
you, however, don’t usually sleep naked. well...nowadays you end up sleeping naked more often than not because alright author-nim’s horrible. can’t help it, he’s a fucking scorpio?
because you guys take a day off, Lucien’s content with waiting and watching until you wake up
he feels you stir on his chest and honestly your drowsy eyes make him swoon
“Already awake, my beautiful butterfly?”
his slightly husky morning voice *really* does things to a person tbh
you guys stay in bed for a good half hour after you wake up, just cuddling and talking, also sneaking in a kiss here and there
you have the same habit of tracing each other’s bodies with your fingertips
his fingers flutter over your waist, you trace his chest or hands with your index again, it’s a very grounding experience to Lucien
when you do get up and head to the bathroom, first thing you do is shower together
he likes washing your hair
bathroom bits might happen, but surprisingly, it’s not a thing that happens a lot so don’t come at me. we’re being wholesome
Lucien’s incredibly intimate and his love language is touch. Yes, he has a way with words but he’s also a really good manipulator
he’s used his words for evil too often and therefore can’t trust words anymore. so he uses physical intimacy as a way to show love.
Lucien has a skincare routine of dermatologically approved products. a double cleanse, serum, essence and moisturizer. he uses anti-age sometimes to prevent later wrinkles.
they’re also one of the reasons why he smells clean and fresh
will tickle you when you’re rinsing your mouth. you’ve sprayed water all over the bathroom mirror before. he loves the reaction. 
if you’re having a day off, you’ll probably just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or a sweater. Lucien’s closet is relatively plain but clean. he has the best cable-knit sweaters/cardigans though.
your breakfast consists of western things like yogurt or oatmeal. Lucien likes having fruit at the start of the day
the rest of the day is spent relaxing and lounging, walking in the park, biking, reading, drawing, whatever you’d like
maaan...i wish i had more days off
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Gavin’s actually a decently laid-back person on weekends
like, sure he has to work a lot, but his job doesn’t necessarily force him to work from home, so you pretty much have his full attention at home but also he can’t bear to not give you his full attention so what are we expecting
the nasty thing about Gavin being a police officer is that sometimes, he gets called up and needs to work at unconventional hours
also, he gets injured. most of his injuries are minor, but that doesn’t stop you from worrying.
but anyways, he’s not a total busy bee when he’s at home, and relaxing isn’t exceptional
sunday mornings are...well...active. Birdcop goes on a run/hits the gym every morning, so he’s awake by 6am. what did y’all think i was going to write
afterwards, he takes a quick shower and joins you in bed again. 
Gavin sleeps in a pair of basketball shorts and a singlet. he’s somewhat shy about sleeping shirtless, and god forbid he sleep naked. but it’s all good and he respects your boundaries. besides, he’s comfortable in his sleep and that’s all that matters.
you spoon in your sleep. sometimes, he’s the big spoon because he likes being able to ‘protect’ you in his sleep. other times, he relishes in the comfort of being the little spoon and feeling you pressed up against his back. 
very important headcanon! you’ve learnt to sleep with the bedroom window open. on workdays, Gavin gets home late and jumps right into the bedroom. it’s become a typical habit for you two, although you used to be grumpy about not being able to sleep with the noises of traffic. 
you’re usually awoken by the sound of the shower and Gavin’s humming it’s canon that he hums now, bitches. also I bet his singing voice is amazing
so it’s less ‘sleeping in’ and more ‘lounging in bed like the lazy bastards you are’ i’m kiDDING
if he’s able to, Gavin might convince you to go on a run with him....but let’s be honest, you rarely agree
Gavin’s a total cuddlebug though, so be prepared to spend the next forty-five minutes in the tightest hug ever (to be fair, you’re not complaining)
he’s completely soft for you and you’ll have to wrestle out of his grip to get to the bathroom
you don’t shower in the morning, so everything’s pretty quick
Gavin doesn’t actually have a good skincare regiment tbh...he’ll slap on some cream and that’s it. probably washes his face in the shower with body wash...AND HIS SKIN STILL LOOKS AMAZING
you like making funny faces in the mirror while brushing your teeth and making Gavin laugh while he’s watching you in the doorway. he loves how you just make his day with the smallest things.
you guys both dress in really casual clothing, like hoodies and shorts/sweatpants/pj pants unless you’re going somewhere
Gavin has them grey sweatpants, if you know what I mean okay I’ll chill, sorry~
you wear his shirts a lot because they’re super big on you and Gavin secretly not-so-secretly thinks you’re adorable in them (a good thing about Gavin is that he’s easy to read; he blushes rather quickly)
“Ahh...it’s just—you look so tiny and cute.” guess he’s not the only one blushing now
i see Gavin as a ‘bun for breakfast’ kind of person. he picks them up at the stall a couple of miles away when he heads home. sometimes he does so running, other times...well he’s not called Birdcop for nothing
you guys have 2 buns each for breakfast because they’re delicious 
lounge time is often spent gaming or cleaning the house (you’re both busy people and Gavin tends to get messy because he just chucks clothes on the floor after a hard workday)
you make the most out of your sunday, hoping Gavin doesn’t get called in
who wouldn’t like being domestic with Gavin?
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Kiro, unsurprisingly, has an incredibly busy schedule
one that, similar to Gavin, isn’t really decided by himself
i suppose his situation is a tad bit worse than Birdcop’s, since his workdays don’t even actually end when he gets home. he constantly practices choreos, singing, etc. at home
so, full days off are few and very, very far between
this makes them extra precious
it helps to have a lazy morning once in a while though (in Kiro’s case, lazy sundays are most likely a bi-weekly thing)
you wake up first! Kiro needs his beauty sleep, and damn this boy can knock in 16 hours of sleep if need be
you’ll probably lay in bed for a while and then attempt to get up and ready for the day
until...you feel Kiro’s arm tugging you back
for a skinny, lithe boy, he’s remarkably strong. he pulls you back to bed with the groggiest, cutest sleep-laced voice EVER 
“Mmm, Miss Chips, it’s not time to wake up yet, is it?” 
he snuggles into you and refuses to wake up unless you give him kisses
during the night, Kiro sleeps in actual pyjamas with cute characters on them. when he feels lazy, he’ll probably just slip on a t-shirt and some boxer shorts, but he likes putting in the effort to wear matching couple pyjamas
Kiro cuddles with you 24/7, and sleep makes little difference here. he’s often the little spoon because he does like feeling your presence and your grip on him. he moves around when sleeping, so you might end up out of each other’s embrace, but Kiro subconsciously always touches you in some way or form, like holding hands or intertwining legs. he’s a man with many identities and needs your presence as a reassurance that he’s still the man that you love
he loves to pepper your face with kisses after getting home from rehearsals/concerts, claiming that it gives him energy
you do the same in the morning, anything to hear that sweet giggle of his
he’s deceptively cute though, and innocent morning kisses tend to spiral into...something more let’s just be honest, his stamina is something else entirely i’M SORRY 
morning exercise? check. Hotel? Trivago. non-sponsored~
you guys don’t shower in the morning. Kiro’s used to showering after practice, which is late at night, and you shower in the evenings to help you relax
however, on a rare occasion, you’ll draw a nice bath together and play around with bubbles and scented bath bombs so fun and relaxing
Kiro totally has a 14-step skincare regiment. you don’t get that beautiful baby-smooth skin without some effort.
he has the best ‘mid-range to high-end’ products on the market, and loves sweet and floral scents for his skincare and makeup. you guys try to line up each other’s routines to be able to do them together every morning.
Kiro also has a huge bedhead in the morning! it’s your job to get this sleepyhead styled for a fun day
even Kiro’s casual loungewear is top-notch hip and trendy. he has fun sweatpants with chains, belts, patches, you name it. he likes holding a little fashion show with you, no matter what you two are wearing
old jeans? strut it. thrifted shirt? vogue, honey.
Kiro’s on a strict diet, so usually he has a smoothie and some tofu pudding for breakfast. on occasion, you’ll indulge him in something decadent, like French toast or pancakes. on moments like these, you swear he loves you juuuuuust a little more but don’t tell Savin!
you guys are a relatively active couple, so unless you’re inside gaming or busy working, you’ll spend some time in thrift stores or karaoke bars, arcades, fun fairs,...
just thinking about Kiro brightens my day...
As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this! I’ll try to bring out more content for K-Pop idols, otome characters and anime characters during the holidays. Requests are still open, so don’t be afraid to send a little message in my ask-box!
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Office Meeting Headcanon - MLQC
Oh look, more random headcanon crap on my blog. Sorry not sorry
Scenario- MC goes to visit the boys in their office, but they aren’t there, so she decides to sit at their desk and pretend to be them.
She’d come with a report, on time, for once. But Victor wasn’t there.
Victor was totally believing she’d be late and went to grab a coffee.
Victor walks into his office. Immediately spies her sitting at his desk.
She doesn’t look up at him. Instead, pretends to keep working and says, “I see you are precisely two minutes and thirty-three seconds late to deliver yet another one of your mediocre reports to me.”
Victor’s heart jumped up in his throat.
He took a sip of coffee, pretending that that hadn’t just flustered him.
She was an idiot, but at least she was a cute one.
Not that he’d EVER tell her that.
“I do not sound like that, dummy. Now, get out of my chair.”
She was hoping to catch him to ask him about appearing on Miracle Finder again.
Through text, he had assured her he would be here. But he wasn’t.
An extra lab coat was hung on a hook by the door. She couldn’t resist it.
When he walks back into his office after stepping out to talk to a coworker, he spots her in his lab coat.
Odd. His reactions included an increase of heartbeat.
He couldn’t help but play along. “It’s good to see you, doctor.”
Oh, how he did love how quick her cheeks turned pink.
Kiro doesn’t really have a desk. Instead, she was meeting him for an interview.
Normally, he’s on time, but he must have been running late today.
She spies his jacket nearby and decides to put it on.
He walks in, not expecting her to be wearing his coat and calling out, “Hey, Mr. Chips! Ready for my interview! Be sure to record my good side, okay.”
She then flashed him a wink.
Blushy boy
“Please call him ‘Mr. Chips’ again.”
After snapping out of his shock, he gets the biggest grin on his face and totally plays along, plopping down in the seat across from her, picking up her notebook and recorder pen on the table before asking her questions.
She quickly regrets it because he wants to finish her interview before they go on to his.
She stopped by his office to bring him lunch. Please feed this poor overworked cop proper food.
Sees his office is empty, his jacket draped over the chair.
She puts it on before raiding his drawers for the instant noodles he has.
Has so many.
When he returns, he spies her instantly. In his jacket…
Gavin.exe has stopped working.
He’s still frozen in in the door way when she leans forward. “I’ve come to protect you.” She pulled up a pack of instant noodles he kept in his desk. “From flavorless, processed noodles.”
Blushy boy. Like, tomato level.
Someone help poor birdcop. His heart’s gone with the wind.
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mlqcconfessions · 5 years
MLQC Headcanons - “Are you jealous?”
Because Tumblr likes being a butt, the ask sent by nonny was DELETED before I could answer it! But I did manage to read the request in my notifications. Sorry to the anon if it’s a little different than what you had asked 
Characters: 4 Main Guys X MC
Prompt: Jealousy over someone getting a little too close to you
Your relationship with LFG’s CEO was still secret
Of course, you were the one who suggested the idea (he could care less what the press thinks, but didn’t want to compromise your privacy)
You’re actually kind of sad that he puts distance between you two during work (I know I said that, but even when we’re alone in his office?)
He makes it up by kissing you in the elevator (Goldman doesn’t understand why you’re standing so far away from Victor and honestly he doesn’t want to know)
After a few weeks of this “secret dating”, you’re so deprived of Victor that you’re less energetic
He notices this, obviously, and actually feels bad about it
Decides to bring some pudding along with him
He drives up to your company to pick you up, but notices you talking with someone (he lowers the window slightly to hear)
Doesn’t think much of it until he hears the guy asking for your number
And you willingly give it to him? 
“This idiot....!”
Victor gets out of his car and walks up to the two of you, hand on your back, and escorts you to the passenger seat (shoots a quick nod back at the guy)
You notice the small bag under your seat and open it, surprised by the small containers filled to the rim with pudding (you waste no time in opening one)
Unbelievable, do I have to ask her myself?
“I never realized you were this careless, MC” (you look up from your pudding)
“What do you mean?”
“Giving your number to a stranger like that? I knew you were a dummy, but to this extent?” (his eyes are fixed on yours as the light turns red)
“Well, he’s going to need his boss’ number, isn’t he? And plus if anything goes wrong with the projects, I’ll need to know” 
“....boss?” (Victor nearly misses the turn)
“Yeah, remember Minor? The newly hired one? I thought I told you already...” (your words drown out in his head as he pieces everything together)
“Wait, Victor...are you being jealous right now?” (he doesn’t like that your eyes are lighting up of all times for her to be observant)
He stops at another red light and leans over to lick the pudding off on your cheek (this guy!)
“So what if I am?”
You had asked him if he could come for a segment on your show (modeling for some products)
You ask, he answers
Poor Savin has to clean up the mess after Kiro cancelled his ENTIRE schedule
“Miss Chips NEEDS me!” (if you weren’t Kiro’s girlfriend, Savin would’ve destroyed you)
In between shots he always appears at your side with snacks
“You need to be energized, MC!” (actually just needs an accomplice against Savin)
You’re amazed at the 180 difference of this sunshine when he’s with you vs. when he’s filming (he knows you’re amazed)
One of the cameramen calls you over to discuss the recent shots
The two of you discuss how to bring out the best in Kiro (he was fantastic as is, but there was a spark that just lacked)
He notices you slowly inching towards the cameraman, hands on the back of his chair (sunshine boy is pouty; why can’t you notice that your coworker clearly has interest in you?)
You ponder over how this shoot can be better, unaware that Kiro was staring at your every move
“Maybe someone else can be in the shot with him?” (you suggest, looking up to meet his radiating eyes)
“Great idea! MC, you do it!” (he gets up to grab your hand, and leads you to the front of the studio)
“No...I possibly can’t...”
Your arguments are useless as Kiro calls his team over to help you get prepared
But you step out, beautifully dressed, catching the eyes of everyone in the room, including the very cameraman (this is NOT what Kiro wanted!)
He quickly pulls you towards him, “Trust me, MC” (stops to look at the cameraman before focusing on you)
He stages these elaborate poses to capture your best angles (Kiro, have you forgotten who this shoot is for?)
He sees that the cameraman is at a loss for words at your beauty (can’t blame him, but still)
For the last shot Kiro leans down and softly blows into your ear, causing you to profusely blush
He looks at the cameraman one last time before leaning down again to whisper
“Don’t be so cute in front of other guys, you’re making me jealous”
He’s used to having students come up to him and flirting with him
Of course, it doesn’t faze him at all (but he does enjoy seeing your reactions when he flirts back)
Never thought the tides would turn against him
He sees another student walking up to you during lecture
“Is this seat taken?”
“No, go ahead!”
Lucien’s gaze lands on the student, his face flushed while pulling out the chair to sit next to you (......interesting, of all the seats?)
He looks around the room to find the tens of empty seats in the hall (you were oblivious to his advances that’s my girl)
He resumes the lecture with this in mind, his eyes occasionally darting to you
Obviously the student had no interests in the lesson, but just towards you
But you offer to lend your textbook to him, since he didn’t bring it (learning wasn’t his intentions, after all)
He leans closer to you as you push your hair behind your ears
Nothings gets past Lucien’s eyes (It’s the boyfriend radar in him)
“Mr. Smith, can you please explain the effects of rejection on the brain and its relations to physical pain?” (his lips curl to form a smile his eyes definitely weren’t smiling)
The student immediately understood the context, and scoots away from you in embarrassment “I...I don’t know, professor”
You glance back and forth between the student and Lucien, the latter having a look of satisfaction before continuing the lecture
“Jealousy is an unpredictable emotion. It can cause a person to become irrational and............dangerous”
The clock hits 5 PM, and the student darts out of the room as quickly as he came in
“Well, I suppose that’s the end of today’s lecture. Have a safe trip home, class”
You pack your stuff to leave when he calls your name
“Ah, Miss MC? Please stay for a bit. I need to talk to you about......preventing misunderstandings”
He locks the door
You don’t get out until 7
Your frequent visits to the STF headquarters make yourself famous within the other evol agents
Everyone eyes the two of you as you drop off his lunch
You actually enjoy this situation very much (make his lunches EXTRA cute on purpose He blushes everytime he opens the box)
He is called in by one of the mission leaders to discuss their next plans
He squeezes your hand before heading over to a conference room
You stare at his deliciously chiseled back, unaware that Eli has appeared behind you
Ever since your first meeting with Eli, the two of you have grown considerably close (all you talk about is Gavin, after all)
He often updates you about Birdcop: what he's doing on missions, if he's well, if he got hurt (actually undermines any injuries he sustained during battle)
Eli knows how scary you can get
In return, you tell him about Gavin's cute moments
Like when he got drunk a few nights back and got jealous because you took a selfie with Sparky AND NOT WITH HIM (Eli adds this to his "How to Make Fun of B-7" list)
"I love him more than you do, MC"
"No Eli, he's MY boyfriend!"
The two of you, in your own world, laugh away as the argument over who gets custody of Gavin heats up
Meanwhile, Gavin notices the two of you through the one-way mirror in the conference room
You're laughing? Laughing the dorky, adorable giggle you only showed me? To Eli?
He's unable to focus for the rest of the meeting
He wants to storm out of the room and separate the two of you, but he knows his limits (he doesn't want you to see him acting so unprofessionally)
As soon as the meeting is adjourned Birdcop literally FLIES out the door and hides you behind his back
You're slightly annoyed because your "Things Gavin Says in His Sleep" discussion with Eli was interrupted
Then you realize the small barrier of wind blocking Eli from coming close
“Gavin...are you jealous?”
That was the first time Eli saw Agent B-7 flushed from head to toes (he secretly took a picture, and later showed it to the other agents)
We all love a good fluff
Whose imagine did you enjoy the most? For this post, I honestly can’t choose XD
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vexillumalbum · 4 years
hi! I actually haven't seen you have open requests but I've read your hc about victor and I would like to see something about insecure MC with Kiro and Gavin. Like she is insecure about her body you don't have to specify anything and how would they comfort her or show her they love her.
Hi! Yeah I don’t take requests but seeing so many people asking me to post something they want I am thinking about opening some requests soon! But sure, Anon, here you have Kiro and Gavin with insecure reader. 
I would like to say that insecurities are an individual thing and and different people can perceive them differently. I based this HC on my experiences so it may be a little different from your perception of insecurities. 
Anyway I hope you like it! And remember we are all beautiful! 
“You are gorgeous” with Kiro and Gavin
Being insecure in your own body and dating one of the most popular superstars was tough. 
And when I say tough I mean extremely tough.
On one side there were Kiro’s fans who, as soon as they learned that their idol was in a relationship, they thoroughly reviewed your life, and information about you and your photos were on every social media. 
Some were very supportive, and the comments that were written encouraged you to show up with Kiro more often. People often said you fit together very well and that you look great together. But there was also the worse part of the fanbase of Kiro, when haters posted a ton of negative comments under your photos. They wrote that you were too fat, ugly, that your hair was the wrong color, that the outfit you were wearing was terrible and you looked bad. All this was written out of pure jealousy and bitterness and you knew that but they still somehow made you feel terrible.
On the other side were all the actresses and singers and models who revolved around your boyfriend like planets around the sun and flirted with him in every possible place.
You couldn't blame them because who wouldn't want to date Kiro The Superstar™? But every time you saw one of those beautiful women sweetly smiling at your boyfriend, you wanted to sink to the ground. You couldn't possibly compete with them. They were successful, good-looking, talented and popular. They had everything that you felt you didn’t.
So there were days when you felt terrible and did not want to show up anywhere. You preferred to stay at home, on the couch, in a familiar environment where nothing could touch you - no hater or some gorgeous model.
But Kiro was having none of it.
In those particular days he would show up on your doorstep with some delicious snacks and the brightest smile. He would not force you to leave the house, but instead he would sit down with you, wrap his arms around you and hold you as long as his schedule would allow it. You could cry, rant to him about anything or just quietly hold him.
Kiro knew about your insecurities (because you told him one particular night when you two were making love on his couch that you preferred he turned off the lights and he guessed what’s going on) and often made sure to show you that for him you were the most beautiful and the most wonderful person in the whole world. 
It didn’t matter whether in the form of whispered compliments when you were cuddling or an occasional post on social media with information that you looked beautiful on a given day or that Kiro was proud of the achievements of your company (because let's face it, his Miss Chips was not only pretty but also smart), or in the form of kisses laid on every possible inch of your skin during nighttime activities.
The latter was his favorite.
“I love you here.” A kiss to you elbow. “And here.” A kiss to your collarbone. “And here.” A kiss to your breast. “And here.” A kiss to your stomach. “And here”…
“Kiro! That’s a lot of places!” You were a giggling mess by the time he finished.
“Oh well. Looks like I love all of you!”
You saw him as more than just Kiro The Superstar™ or Kiro The Actor™, you loved him for what he was, so he would be damned if he let you leave his life because of your insecurities. He would do anything to keep you happy by his side. So when those demons ate you from the inside, Kiro was there with you and he made your smile reappear every goddamn time.
Sometimes you were looking in the mirror for too long. It wasn't something that alarmed Gavin. You obviously felt the need to do so, and if you had a problem, you would come to him. Communication was the key in your relationship, so Gavin waited patiently.
However, when another day in a row you refused to have dinner with him (and he brought you your favorite hotpot!) he had to ask. 
Gavin was a top notch agent and his observational skills were also of a high standard, but he would never have guessed that you might feel bad in your own body. This body that he held many times in his arms, which he admired naked under the covers, which he dreamed and thought about, you did not like. 
At first he was angry. At himself for not noticing during these months of your relationship how you compared yourself to every woman he has ever come in contact with. How you cried in front of the mirror and pointed your finger at places you didn't like. How sometimes you skipped meals to lose weight. And at you for not sharing it with him earlier.
Then amazingly big sadness came over him. Your boyfriend loved you with all he had and did not want any negative emotions to take place in your life, and when he found out that you needed him many times and he wasn’t there for you, it was a blow to his heart.
You cried a lot that evening. You told him everything that was weighing heavy on your heart, and he listened holding you tightly. 
Gavin had been very sweet to you before. He’d complimented you every time you’d been wearing a new dress, he’d proudly talked about your achievements (poor Eli, who had had to listen to Birdcop’s monologue for 4 hours about how wonderfully you managed your company), took you on romantic dates where you could be yourself. 
But now he took being an amazing boyfriend to a completely other level.
He was leaving you cards with short but romantic messages in places where you least expected it. Under the pillow, on the mirror, in your favorite mug. Next to your tampons
He made sure that every time a woman approached him with the intention of flirting (and let's face it, the officer is handsome as hell, women clung to him like moths to the light) so that she would know that you and only you are able to conquer his heart (he used to do that before, but now he has become more direct).
He cooked your favorite meals with you so that you would feel good eating them.
Sometimes in the evenings, sitting on the couch, he held your body close to his and whispered in your ear the things he loved and cherished about you.
“I’m in love with your eyes.” The statements were simple but they carried an important message. 
“Don’t you think they’re boring? They’re just brown.”
“Not at all. They look like pools of honey when the sun hits them. And when it’s dark they remind me of my favorite coffee and brownies made by you.” You chuckled when he peppered kisses all over your eyelids. “And you know how much I love your brownies.”
You were perfect in Gavin's eyes. Your body, your mind, your soul. He wondered many times why you had chosen him, since you could have anyone. So he decided that every day he would remind you of how much he loved you and how great he felt you were. It's the least he could do for you.
thank you so much for reading!
if you want to read more of my works they are here
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litteidiot · 4 years
Plz headcanon request if that’s ok🥺👉🏻👈🏻 So like basically the boys are busy with somebody and then out of nowhere MC sorta just comes and sits in their lab,turns around facing them, hugs them and buried her head in their neck, and sorta just sTay tHere and the Bois become are forced to stay like this till the end of what they were doing even tho they get teAsed by whoever they were talking to. (Also MC amd Bois are In a relationship :D) thank you and please! I need that kyoot fluff🥺✨💞
Yes!!! SOMETHING FLUFFY!!! Sorry for waiting I’m kinda busy lately and I don’t have much time to write but here is your fluffy headcanon hope your like it!!!
If I fit, I sits
Type: Fluffy headcanon
Attention! Characters are not mine credit to the Mr. Love Team!
Working under his company for years and dating you for three months now, Victor thought nothing can surprise him when it comes to you
Mr. CEO that’s where you are wrong
Victor was having a video conference in his home office and you didn’t want to disturb him, you were in one of the rooms in his mansion
That damn place can fit two football team
You are doing whatever on your phone to pass time as you waited for him, but soon you got bored
Caring about nothing you walk into his office, Victor’s eyes widened for a quick second when he sees you in the camera
Like nothing happened you slowly walk over him and plopped yourself down on his lap
During the conference
You slowly swung your arms around his neck and then placing yout head in the croock of his neck, fitting so well, like that place was only made for your head
And you stay like this
For 2 hours straight
Victor is internally screaming because he can’t move
#SoftCEO is suddenly used around the LFG building the next day
Where Kiro goes, his Miss Chips goes too whitout exceptions
The crew get used to you being around him during shootings or song recording (even abroad) they now see you as a member in Team Kiro
It was a chilly weather and you were cold, all you needed is Kiro’s iconic bearhug under a soft blanket
But Kiro was on a table read for his new movie, he told you to wait for him in his dressing room
But. You. Are. Cold.
MC. Needs. Warm. Hug.
You stood up and went to find Kiro, and after a while you found him in one of the rooms
The crew looked up to see who is that and then returned to the script when they realized it’s just you
“Miss Chips, what are you doing here?” He asked in surprise seeing you
You said nothing, just sat on his lap and snuggled close to him. “I’m cold.” You murmured, so only he could hear it
Ma’am say no more
He hugged you close to him, and you sighed feeling his warmth. And you two stayed like that. You on his lap, and Kiro hugging you tight
His warmth was so good in this weather, you end up falling asleep on him
After the table read he noticed you fell asleep. He doesn’t had a heart to disturb your dream so he stayed there untill you woke up
He took a picture and posted it on moments (but of course made sure your face is not showing)
Like usual, you were bringing lunch for Gavin to the police station
Birdcop only eats instant noodle, someone has to feed him
You went to his office finding him deep in his work. It was kinda crowded there, so it was also a little bit noisy
“Gavin!” You called out his name, but he didn’t even look up. He was deep into some files you could see his brows furrow under his bangs as he concentrated
To get his attention, you walked to his desk, put the food container on the table and took a seat
Oh, yeah. Took a seat on his lap
Poor birdie he is red like a tomato
“MC-” He tried to compose himself while the whole precinct was staring at you two, chuckling at how their always serious captain is now red af
S.O.S Birdcop is overheating
“I brought you lunch.” You said in a happy tone, pointing at the box full of yummy food
MC get off of him he is dying
Nothing gets this man off guard
Like for real, Lulu is cool as a cucumber
So you needed a plan. You were curious how he reacts if you caught him off guard
Lucien was taking a class at Loveland Uni and you decided to go to his lecture
As you were listening, you noticed almost the whole class was girls. You couldn’t help it you felt a little bit jealous
He is your genious scientist, get your own!!
And then a lightbulb lit up. With a loud noise you stood up from your desk and like it’s the most natural thing you sat down on his lap, your eyes sending daggers at the girls
Not only Lucien looked at you in surprise but the whole class. You could even see a light shade of blush creep up on his cheeks
He quickly recovered and now his face was calm as always. “Ah, emotions and the element of surprise. I invited Miss Mc today to demostrate the element of surprise. I know she will act but I didn’t know when so it caught me...how can I say? Oh. Off guard.”
“Surprise is an emotion that can either make you feel good or it can make you feel bad. Surprise activates the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus and the bilateral hippocampus. The hippocampus is strongly associated with memory, and the element of surprise is, by nature, associated with experiencing something that you do not remember or do not expect.”
“I would like to ask all of you to make and essay and a research about emotions and how the brain reacts to it and which part is responsible for that. I give you 45 minutes.” He said and the class fell silent as they began to write
During that, Lucien leaned to close to your ear and whispered
“My little butterfly, are you jealous? You know I have eyes only for you.”
Now it was your turn to blush
This class is now a famous rumor in the university
It was so good writing all this fluff, my heart needed this.
You can find more at the Collections section
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r3almellow · 4 years
20 or 50 with Gavin for the kiss prompts please!!
More birdcop kisses?! Yes pls!
Here’s a quick one I whipped up in my need for more of my man in the early hours of the morning!! Enjoy!
Warning: Light N/S/F/W
50 Types of Kisses Prompts
50. A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck.
On days where the two of you didn’t have to worry about the outside world, Gavin enjoyed being wrapped up in your arms with his face buried into some part of your body.
This was one of those days. Gavin returned from a mission just a few hours ago, his exhaustion evident when he dropped his things by the front door and headed straight for the bedroom. Almost a week went by and he was running on five hours of sleep. His body was ready to give out the minute he hit the plush mattress.
It wasn’t until he felt your arms snake around him and heard your tired mumbles of “welcome home” and “I missed you”, did Gavin let himself drift off into dreamland.
He was relaxed. He was content. He was home.
A few hours passed before you woke up. The grueling work week had you exhausted by the end of it all, so when you saw how late in the day it was you weren’t all too surprised. You also weren’t surprised to find your boyfriend completely knocked out in your arms.
“Gavin.” Silence. “Gavin...” More silence. You lightly tapped his arm that held you and wiggled slightly to try to wake him, but the more you moved the tighter his hold on you became. Poor thing must have really gone through a lot over the last few days. You were more than willing to be his pillow for the rest of the day, but the feeling of hunger eating away at your stomach was too strong to ignore.
“Honey, its already two in the afternoon and I’m starving.” Still no response. You slip your fingers through his messy locks, gently massaging his scalp. Gavin sighed softly, nuzzling his face against you.
“I’ll make us some lunch and we can spend the rest of the day in bed, okay?” Gavin’s hold on you eased, but only slightly. After a minute or two of trying to pull yourself out of his grasp you slipped away and made your way to the kitchen.
It didn’t take long for you to prepare lunch. Oven baked pizza courtesy of your freezer was the perfect lazy day lunch.
You were so caught up with what you were doing that you didn’t notice Gavin’s presence until a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your unsuspecting form. You jumped slightly but quickly relaxed into his chest with a smile.
“Shouldn’t you be resting?” You say as you strategically cut the pizza into triangular slices.
“You were gone too long.” Was all he said before nuzzling his face into your neck.
You laughed at that. “Its been like twenty minutes.”
“Too long.” He mumbled.
You rolled your eyes at his response but inwardly gushed at how adorable Gavin was acting. You loved seeing Gavin like this. So clingy and needy. A complete contrast to the aloof and intimidating demeanor he gave off to the rest of the world. It made you happy knowing that he felt comfortable around you.
“Table or bed?” You asked as you tried to move around to grab the remaining things you needed. Having Gavin latched onto you like this made it almost impossible to move around, but you surprisingly managed well!
Gavin was silent for a few seconds or so before he finally answered.
“We haven’t used the table in a while.” Something told you that you two weren’t on the same page. You immediately became aware of the hardness pressed against your lower back. Was that always there?!  Your entire body suddenly felt hot and your mouth felt extremely dry.
“I’m t-talking about eating, Gavin.” You tried your best to sound serious, but the hotness of his breath against your neck made you falter.
“Me too.” Gavin nipped your ear playfully causing your breath to quicken.
No, your stomach came first! There was a delicious pizza waiting for you to devour it and you weren’t going to keep it waiting for much longer.
You wiggled out of his embrace, turning to face him with a playful glare. You were ready to scold him for his antics when he suddenly had you trapped against the counter. The way he looked at you was so intense, like he was ready to eat you alive.
You didn’t stop him when he planted the first kiss or the second or even the fifth. His lips felt way too good to ignore and it has been been a week since you two shared such an intimate gesture. It would be wrong to ignore all that.
“I missed you...” He whispered against your lips before finally capturing your lips for a long passionate kiss. You definitely missed him too. A week of not having your boyfriend by your side was torture to say the least. You knew it was because of  work, but that didn’t mean you didn’t miss the hell out of him when he was gone.
His kisses trailed from your lips to where your neck and jawline met. You had to fight back a moan when he lightly sucked on your neck it didn’t help that his tongue repeatedly brushed against your pulse in a circular motion. You had to stop this before it was too late!
Under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t mind having an afternoon filled with sex, but your need for food was just too great.
Can’t have sex on an empty stomach.
You gently pushed your needy boyfriend back just enough to stop him. Your hands slid down his chest and playfully fiddled with the waistband of his boxers. Looking up at him you gave him cheeky smile.  
“You can have me all to yourself after we eat.”
The pout resting on Gavin’s lips was probably the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. You couldn’t fight the urge to stand on the tip of your toes to give him a chaste kiss before turning your attention back to the freshly baked pizza.
With a defeated sigh, Gavin leaned back against the kitchen counter with his arms folded.
You giggled at his supposed frustration. “Aren’t you even a little hungry?”
Gavin was very hungry, but the only thing that could satisfy him at this moment was you.
Hope you all enjoyed this one!!
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tartagilicious · 4 years
I was just chilling in my bed and I had the greatest idea!! Since we know our MC is too kind and warm how about MLQC bois and MC who is scared of that people won't like her so she tries everything to make them like her or I thought like when they get annoyed by her or mad at her poor bb just tries her very best to fix it? >.< I have a soft spot for cute things and people are evil we don't deserve mc's kindness TwT
we really don’t deserve her kindness, do we 🥺 her ideals are so pure and righteous, not to mention how she always puts others first no matter what 🥺 the concept was a little iffy, but I hope I got what you were going for!
- he’s never been for seeking other people’s approval outside of business. what he does is his business and his business alone — he’s just thought that way for a long time.
- but then you come along, someone who’s willing to bend to others, and he has a hard time understanding it for a while
- you’re very adept at overthinking, especially when it comes to other people, and victor knows that. but sometimes he can’t help but pull you back at the things you consider doing
- for example, if a client is being unreasonable with victor in the room and you internally freak out and give them offers you don’t usually make so they leave happy, he will 100% step in and chew the client out (in as much of a professional manner as he can manage)
- you’d proven yourself to be a hard worker a long time ago, but your kindness and desire to be liked by everyone you meet can get in the way of that. he doesn’t want your work to fail just because of something like that
- I feel like he would try and help you steer away from being like that in the wrong situations. he doesn’t fault you for the personality you’ve grown into, but rather helps you manage it
- Gavin may be a generally polite person, but he’s not generous for no reason. (unless it’s the mc ofc sdfhhgd)
- so your fear of people disliking you is odd to him, though he’d never say that to your face. 
- when things aren’t going well on a particular set and people get irritable, you always immediately think it’s your fault even if you had no hand in it
- but birdcop is here for that! at this point, he kind of anticipates it happening sometimes, though you mostly like to try resolving things yourself
- seeing you upset is literally the last thing he wants to see, so he’ll be there to help you when you need it — whether it be helping to fix what you’re worried over, or just to reassure you.
- He, for one, understands your fears completely well
- as a neuroscientist, yes, but also because lucien’s just like that lol
- he somehow will say all the right things to you when you’re either panicking or about to do something you’ll probably regret, making you think he lowkey has a high perception evol that he’s not telling you about
- of course, he doesn’t catch it every time, but you don’t fault him for that. it’s not his responsibility to pull you back in from the places you reach, and if anything, those times are great practice for changing how you go about things by yourself
- and trust me, he’s so proud of you after you do it successfully 🥺
- “you’re going to make me go bald before I even turn 25! do you want me to direct my fans to you when they ask what caused my hair loss?”
- he jokes about how much you stress him out being so nice and all, but he actually does worry a little bit
- kiro doesn’t want people taking advantage of his miss chips’ kindness!
- he won’t try to ‘fix’ this about you, but will always warn you to use your sun-like kindness sparely, because not everyone deserves it. not everyone deserves to be worried about in the way you do, either. 
-kiro is careful about telling you what tp and what not to do, though, because it’s not like he wants to treat it as a flaw — because it’s not. he only wants to keep you from getting yourself hurt\
- I could see it pissing him off that you’re so nice. like???? he will outright be rude to someone’s face, and while he doesn’t expect that of you, he still doesn’t know why you’re concerned what other people think of you
- he doesn’t usually see it coming until it’s happening, like you’re at a convenience store together and the cashier is in a bad mood, obviously that’s not your fault, but you kind of take it personally and are very nice because of it
- he doesn’t have qualms with the fact that you try to be nice. that’s something he could learn from, honestly
- it’s just the fact that you think you have to be responsible for people who are annoyed or upset towards you, even if it’s not because of you
- he would have a hard time bringing it up, and it would be a habit that he’d try to adamantly help you fix, because he doesn’t wanna see his girl getting walked all over in the future! not if he can help it, anyway. 
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mlqcfluff · 5 years
The MLQC Boys; Bra Shopping
A/N: Bra shopping is literally the worst shopping that ever has to be done, you cannot change my mind. The work starts under the cut, just because of warnings. (If I need to add/change any warnings, just let me know!)
Warnings: Suggestions of sex and nudity, but nothing detailed; Slight cursing
Word Count: 575
Characters: Lucien, Victor, Kiro, & Gavin
🔬 Lucien
Lucien 100% finds the sexiest bra and suggests it right away.
He claims it's just to tease you but it is definitely because he wants you in it.
He really doesn't mind bra shopping at all.
Mostly because he gets to find out what you'll be wearing next time you two meet.
He keeps suggesting items throughout the trip that he thinks you might like he knows you'll look amazing in.
Lucien doesn't mind waiting for you either.
You are able to take as much time as needed.
And he's there to calm you down after you get frustrated from too many items not fitting properly.
He literally is able to talk you into other products better than the sales clerk.
And when you finally leave the store, after spending quite a bit of money, he simply takes your bags to carry and whispers in your ear.
"I hope I get to see you model these for me sometime soon."
🍷 Victor
He may look like he doesn't care, but Mr. Poker Face is S H O O K. 
He tries his hardest to just sit in one of the chairs inside the store and wait but he can't help but glance around.
You keep grabbing the most see through items you can find.
And Victor can't help but wonder if you wear these items every day, especially to the meetings you two have.
You were so innocent but these bras were saying otherwise.
Victor tries anything to get his mind off of this situation.
He's quickly on his cell phone answering emails, checking the news, and even watching that cat video you sent him.
But his mind keeps going back to you in his office.
Victor mentally cursed at himself because he has seen you in a bra before.
Why is this different now?
Thankfully you were done rather quickly but his previous thoughts lingered in his mind for the rest of the trip.
🎤 Kiro
Kiro had never been bra shopping before.
He's bored within 15 minutes. 
He agreed that he would walk around the mall while you shopped.
But this is taking sooo long.
So he decided to go into the store and see what was up.
Kiro was a little confused about why you had to try on all of them.
They all looked the same why do you try them on?
He tried to help pick some out, but what do these numbers mean??
Wait, why did the straps come off, did he break it???
Poor Kiro really did try his hardest but he just didn't get it.
He honestly gave up and went to a video game store to look around.
He felt bad for leaving so he bought a new game for the two of you to play when you get home.
🚓 Gavin
Oh lord.
Birdcop did NOT know what to do.
You told him it would be a while but he insisted on staying with you.
He didn't necessarily regret coming into the store but...
You are picking out some lacey bras.
And they have a lot of straps too.
He's hella embarrassed.
But low key enjoying this.
He knows he's blushing bright red but can you blame him?
He can't help but imagine what you would look like in this hot pink bra...
"Gavin, do you think I should get some matching panties? They're having a sale…"
It was at this point where Gavin nearly died.
r.i.p. Gavin
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mlqcimagines · 5 years
HI how are youu??? I'm kinda relieved that autumn is almost here!(+ luciens bday😆) Would you be fine doing a headcanon with the 4 boys with a s/o who laughs a lot and seems to never be in a bad mood? (But can be serious if she has to)
Same nonnie, I hate the heat, and would strongly prefer it to be autumn or early spring year round! Also I cant wait to see what kind of event we get for the soon to be birthday boy! Anyway, without further ado..
Victor -
Doesn't get it.
God help the man, teasing and seeing peoples reactions is one of his favorite things.
But you always just, laugh it off?
He's happy you don't take his chiding too harshly, but you never seem to be bothered by anything.
You laughed off almost getting hit by a car, ffs.
Would lowkey be irritated by you never seeming to take anything seriously.
But when you turn dead serious during funding meetings and the like, that's what he loves to see.
Because then you're filled with both the light of passion and conviction and
It just makes you even more beautiful.
Eventually, during a movie date, he finds himself laughing and shrugging it off when he can't get the 'perfect' seats.
Maybe you're rubbing off on him?
Lucien -
Appreciates it more than he can say.
Watches you shrug off an insulting "expert" you're interviewing with a small laugh and a gracious smile.
Would 10000% be so proud of you in situations like that.
It would come as a bit of a surprise to him to see the steel hidden beneath your gentle silk though.
One day, while visiting a park, an unattended child almost wanders into traffic.
Before he can act you're there, grabbing the wayward kiddo back, then squatting down to chastise her with the most serious look he's ever seen you wear.
Not only the child, but the parent too, when they come rushing up full of apologies.
Has to re evaluate how he views you after that.
Is happy to know you can be serious and stand up to people though.
Has had to watch you laugh in the face of danger, literally, in the form of a mugger.
He's so stressed, poor birdcop.
Afterwards, he's checking you over making sure you werent hurt, and you gently brush his hands away.
"Gavin, please, I'm fine!"
He expected you to be shaking, crying. Anybody would be.
But? With a bit of a laugh you brush him away.
You must sense his confusion, because you pat him on the arm and get serious for a moment.
"Gavin, I was able to laugh in that jerks face because I know you will always help me protect myself."
Cue Gavin melting into a small puddle.
Kiro -
You two are so similar it feels like he's found a kindred spirit.
You're both easygoing, with a gentle humor that carries you through most awkward or unpleasant situations easily.
Never even entertained the thought that you couldn't be dead serious when needed to.
Because remember, Kiro stans MC for life.
So when you see that he's stressed and a bit overworked, you go right to bat for him, marching into his managers office.
He doesn't hear what goes on in there, but when you come out a grin blooms on your face.
"Kiro we're going to the food truck festival, get ready."
What? How? But he doesn't qustion for long, instead grabbing a light scarf and hat to disguise himself, and quickly leaving before his agent changes his mind.
Later, as he watches you laugh over a bowl of noodles, he plants a kiss on your cheek.
You look at him curiously.
"Thanks Ms Chips, I needed this! "
Serious MC is back, and you squeeze him in a hug.
"That's what we do, we take care of each other."
Also the noodle truck owner sees yall ciming back for 3rds and rubs his hands together like some greedy bank executive lmao.
There you are, hope you like it?
Also oml I'm so late to the party MC can also stand for Ms Chips askdkfkgkgj someone put me out of my misery.
The inbox is closed while I catch up on requests, 5 more to go!
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Testing the Waters: Prank Date
In my post here, I've briefly touched upon this date and it's significance in the development of Gavin and MCs relationship. Which is why here is a quite short analysis on this date.
Before we start some update on my works... I've received all of your asks and read them all, there are so good questions among them that I just can't answer them in a single sentence. But I've also received all of the analysis requests. Thank you all so much for your compliments, comments and trust! I appreciate it dearly in my heart and reading them brightens my day! 💖💖💖
All of them already have a draft, but please have just a little bit of patience until I complete them. One of the asks is including all of the LIs and therefore requires me to go through their dates as to not overlook anything. If there is a committed Victor Stan out there to volunteer, I would appreciate it so much! I'm also working on putting GavinxMC storyline in a chronological order (with a healthy sparkle of Headcanon as to which date might take place during which chapter). In this work, I put everything together alongside their highlights which might also serve as a Date/Main story glossary for the new Gavin stans and the older ones, so beware! 🥰
Without further ado...Spoilers ahead!
First things first... This date takes place right after the Romantic Date and before the "Kiro crisis" Date ;)
During this date Gavin and MC are still in the earlier stage of their relationship. Gavin is surprised to see MC awake at 6 am and MC worries about getting a cold from the wind swh. But Gavin already knows about MCs favorite breakfast spot and MC knows that Gavin can handle spicy food. The date comes to because Gavin takes MC to the shooting spot, which is roughly an hour away (MC wakes up 90 min. earlier to make it in time, but Gavin needs only 30 min. to get her there). So he makes sure they can have breakfast first. Assuring that their date starts early in the morning.
The shooting has a Prank theme to it so everyone on set is in a mischievous mood. For example the director offers MC sandwich biscuits with mustard in them, to which Gavin activates his "protective bf" protocol and intimidates the poor director. Freezing the atmosphere in an instant. BUT! Get this... What he does next earns my respect.
After this the director tries to smoothen the vibe by saying Gavin does that because he cares about MC and then offers him a biscuit (which is a pretty shameless act since everybody knows now that some of them are pranked. One shouldn't ever try to pull a prank on someone with whom they had an unpleasant encounter just a second ago). Gavin knows this so well and yet thanks him, takes the spicy biscuit, eats it as a whole and then says it tastes good. People, this is how you deal with bullies elegantly. Plus the friendly tone he uses shows that he is over with what happened a moment ago and that he isn't important enough to annoy him. Gavin had the chance to just downright rejected him, but instead he saw his challenge, accepted it and robbed him of his joy. Moreover, the director then thought Gavin had a normal biscuit so he tried one lol... What an idiot.
After the break, MC takes Gavin to the backstage room and asks him to wait for her. And than leaves for 2 hours! Once she's back, she finds Gavin sleeping on the couch, inviting her to... check on him?! Anyways Gavin was apperantly having a nightmare, MC tries to touch him to which he reacts with his military reflex by catching her hand mid air all the while having messy hair and then MC comes up with the idea of grooming him a little since she wants to see him bare foreheaded to which he replies he did, in fact, have shorter hair in the military! (we need a karma on this, asap)
Afterwards Gavin took on the role of a coiffeur and braids her hair first but then gives her the look she had while at high school (our birdcop is always nostalgic about high school).
One thing leads to another and Gavin decides to take the advantage of the situation they're in. As I said earlier, this date takes place after Romantic Date, so Gavin has spent a valentine's day with MC and met her family before that, so my guess is that he is already sensing some mushy vibes (Joe's word for romance) on MCs end, that's why he decides to test the waters and see how frequent these vibes go.
The best part is, he doesn't plan on doing anything up to this point, but as he sees her in a low pony, I think it just triggers his inner emotions and he gives in. He can't help but opening up to her about how he wished he could've spent the missing years with her, which flusters her big time. He takes this as athe signal he was waiting for so here he goes.
Gavin's 4 step plan in seeing if MC is willing to kiss him:
Step 1: Call her out on being nervous.
Step 2: Intensify the sexual tension.
Step 3: Answer her questions with questions. (keep the ball in her court)
Step 4: Tilt your head and shorten the distance...
Step 5: Get cockblocked 😂
God knows I die for his sigh by the end. It speaks a thousand words 😆
But Gavin isn't a quitter, so once they're left alone he makes sure he clears the air and explains his intentions as he has her in his arms...
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Still keeping the ball on her court though and leaves it to her interpretation as to what he just did was a Prank or not. ;)
Well played Gav, well played. 👏
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lildowdow123 · 4 years
MLQC Guys being jealous (slight NSFW for Vic and Lu)
Hey everyone, I'm glad that people like my last piece so I decides to make another one. Hopefully you guys like it too. There may he some spoilers. If so I'll put it in ** so you can just be a Goldman and avert your eyes. Btw, in these, you're dating the s/o in question just to clear up any confusion
Also, feel free to drop me a message to ask me to do a particular scene. If I can, I'll do it
Exel own the bois
Lets get to it
Victor slight NSFW
Normally, its us who has our green eyed monster rear its head. Contenders for our medusa stares are socialites wanting to get a piece of Loveland's most eligible batchelor (like Chik) , the new pretty interns who spends a little too long with Victor
It is a rare event when the tables are turned and it is Victor questioning himself on weather he has it in him keep you with him. But rare isn't a never
At events like the LFG charity ball or an Investors evening, any occasion where MC dresses up and gets a little fancy, the CEO's blood pressure begins to rise when he sees how much male attention you get. Not in a creepy possessive way. More a jealous way.
You're chatting with another business owner, just making polite conversation with the man. Of course you get compliments on your outfit or maybe your hair. You're god damn gorgeous
The conversation gets more and more friendly. Small lines are dropped here and there like "Wow that colour really goes well with your eyes" or "It suits your figure" until soon enough he is asking you back to his place after this
You're a little taken aback by the offer at first. "Oh I'm really sorry.." you try to start. A shadow looms over you. The charming sexy devil in his suit has arrived
An arm finds his way around your silk covered waist, pulling you to him. He won't say anything unpleasant or nasty, the boi has decorum but he will make sure this man knows you're his
"Who's this MC?" Victor asks, his cold stare not moving away from the other man. He will hold his free hand out for him to shake while he introduces himself, not giving a damn about the mans name. He wont be around you two for much longer
"Victor Li. I'm with MC" and with that, the poor other man knows you're not available
His chit chat is far less flirtatious now that LFG's bossy bitch is standing with you anchored to him
After the event, when you two are driving back, feel free to give him a small rant on how the other man was just being friendly and that he shouldn't have scared him shitless. He may not take it seriously and argue that he was flirting with you and that he will not let someone else lure away his woman
A long night of jealousy/make up sex will follow as soon as you get back to his place. He will dirty talk you sometimes if you make him jealous. Things like "do you like my cock? Only I can make you feel this way" He'll take you all night and make sure that you have forgotten all about the other man
Tbh, I find it really hard to imagine Kiro getting really jealous. He is always so bright and cheerful that it would be hard to see his green eyed monster. So forgive me if this is a little wishy washy
You and the backstage team are preparing for an episode of your show which Kiro will guest star in. He is getting prepped to be in front of the cameras when he sees you talking to one of his crew. It's pretty normal stuff. Communication between your team and his team is key to make this run smoothly so he doesn't pay that much mind. He just watches Miss Chips pull the concentrated face you make (also, it's been pointed out to me by another Tumblr writer that MC is an acronym for Miss Chips) because it's cute to see you get passionate about your work
That is something they all really appreciate about you
His attention is turned away from you and back to his makeup artist who is nearly done and just needs him to close his eyes for some setting spray but when he opens them again, the stagehand is much closer and leaning in for a kiss.
Miss Chips is leaning back away because she is already in a relationship with Kiro but the boy just keeps closing in.
Not on his watch *SPOILER: He has to stop himself from having a full on Helios moment with the guy*
"Hey, Miss Chips. I'm ready do you need me anywhere?" You hear the chipper voice of your star and boyfriend call out as he walks up to you, planting a kiss on your forehead. Stage boy backs up a little, seeing Kiro place his metaphorical stake on you.
He won't scream or shout or threaten violence on the boy. No, his way of expressing this jealousy is much more passive aggressive way. His smile will still be bright and his voice as happy as ever but after MC explains that she was just telling the guy that she needs the lights checked or something, he adds "so please do that now" in the most delightful tone he could muster
He might as well have said fuck off to the guy
He wont wait until they have privacy, he will make out with his MC as the backstage crew busy themselves around they, pinning the rest of you to the wall *SPOILERS kind of like that Kiro Kiss date* May earn some raised eyebrows from Kiki and Willow and a huff from the make up artist as his lip balm gets all over you.
One word is needed to explain how BirdCop will get jealous on this. That word is Shaw
The guy is the embodiment of sexual energy, probably most teenage girls fantasy. Sk8ter boi with a nonchalant outlook on rules and authority with enough big dick energy to power New York. Now, MC isn't a teen anymore but it doesn't mean that you're not immune to his flirtatious charms
He was reluctant to let you meet his brother. In fact, for a long period of time he was completely opposed to it. Then, you two ran into eachother on the bus. Ooops
Ever since, whenever you two interact, Gavin feels the need to be around in some way. Weather it be with her, tuning into the Wind FM to feel that is happening or flying around wherever they are. It could be thought of as stalkerish but it comes from a good place..I think
Irrational things would be flying around his head. I mean, it's his brother. Jesus! "He's not even that much taller than me! And younger than me! How could he even attract her?"
Shaw being Shaw is sure to make some kind of comment that is bound to set Gavin off. It probably would turn into a fight. Like, not even a civilised wrestling round, like a proper bitch fight brawl. He'd tackle his brother's ass to the ground and start punching, maybe hair pulling so he can keep punching. Shaw would be putting up one hell of a fight just to bruise Gavin. Poor MC has to try and break up this shit
Later, once the fight has stopped and MC has managed to get Gavin away, she has to ice him down and try to patch up some of the scrapes that he had gotten.
Mother duck MC comes out in spectacular fashion to scold him, telling him not to do that again. Gavin will probably explain why he felt jealous of his brother but will do so with the biggest blush ever. Poor thing is a bit insecure about you and his brother but you'll find a way to try and ease it for him
Lucien slight NSFW
The man has a cool calm demeanor and a confidence that seems unshakable. Damn he looks hot while giving his lectures at Loveland Uni
Being the hot as hell POA that you are, you turn the heads of some of the university boys there. I mean, really. What's there not to love about you. You're fucking cute
He may not show his jealousy but it is there, building like a shaken coke bottle. Watching a guy sneak small whispers to you during his lecture? Not going to go unpunished.
Has the manners not to call you two out in front of the entire class but after his lecture ends, you best believe that this man is going to make the two of you stay behind.
Once all the other students have filed out of the lecture hall, he will begin. In his low, unwavering voice he will say to both of you (but mainly the guy since he did most of the talking) "I don't appreciate being talked over in my own lecture hall. If you don't have the courtesy to let other students learn, then I urge you to leave." He says, all serious. The small smile he usually gives you will not be there. It's more than just a light scolding.
Once he dismisses the other student, who leaves a little scared of how the professor talked to him, he will give you your scolding by going to the seat behind a desk and patting his knee. He takes off his glasses and gives you one of those piercing stares that let you know that he is deadly serious
Even if you protest that he was the one who started talking to you, he will not even say a word. His eyes will never leave you as you try convince him. This man is a bad jealous (not bad bad but pretty bad at handling it)
After you finally bend over his knee, he will pull down your trousers or skirt and tug down your panties, letting them pool at your bent knees. "You know that I don't like to share you MC" he will say in his deep voice
You'd best believe that he is making you count each one and thank the professor. You can feel his fingers occasionally dip down to tease you a little before returning to your now pink ass
20 spanks and a whole round of orgasm denial later, he will send you on your way but tells you to come over to his place later where you will continue...
I hope you enjoyed that. I am sorry if Lucien was a little short. I'll try to do better next time. If you have any scenes you want in particular, feel free to leave me a message and I'll do my best to complete it
Thank you
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | think of you somehow
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I recently thought to start incorporating Shaw too. So, here is his debut on my page! I’m currently working on a fantasy!au for Kiro, a harrypotter!au for Victor and a couple of other things. Unfortunately, those will have to wait a little, since I have an entrance exam coming up next week. I have another thing queued up for the day after this, so stay tuned!
Someone in the discord group had to help me for Gavin; I didn’t have too much inspiration for that one...
As always, enjoy!
Warning(s): profanity, kinda. slight suggestive content
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we all know Victor’s a huge tsundere who never learnt how to express his feelings in a normal way that doesn’t give you a headache.
i swear, why do i love him so much 
he never gets needy, or so he says he sulks when you don’t give him his goodbye kiss after handing over a report at LFG
aaaand he needs a morning kiss before leaving for work anyways Victor doesn’t get needy
you’re his little recharge mechanism though, his little charging pod i’m currently imagining a roomba pfft
even he, a magical, genius CEO, gets exhausted sometimes
it’s not always fun. sure, he’s a total capitalistic tool, but business meetings with old men who think they can earn investments while ‘subtly’ looking down on him for his age aren’t a doozy.
don’t get me wrong, Victor never loses his composure, and due to being an extrovert (he’s not loud, but he’s not a person who gets energy from being alone perse, imo. besides, he’s a good leader, so extrovert seems likely, although he has a lot of introvert traits too.) he’s genuinely good at socialising
doesn’t mean he always likes it.
you often notice when he’s tired 
when he gets home, you’ll usually be there already because your work just ends sooner on most days. he’ll set down his suitcase, hang his coat in the little closet by the door, take his shoes off, and prepare dinner
you’re probably kind of just there, chatting with him about his day while he cooks
he doesn’t allow you to work with knives at home because he’s overprotective you hurt yourself once
you might help a little, or get some work done by the table. Victor also had a piano put in the living area of the open complex penthouse, so you’ll play a tune sometimes. seems like he likes classical the most
Victor’s at-home appearance is a little different from his usual one. he still looks pretty clean and put-together, but he sheds his blazer (and vest) and socks. you two have matching slippers, so Victor wears his grey slippers with little cat faces on them (you have little beige slippers with dog faces on them)
when cooking, Victor rolls up his sleeves or switches to a v-neck sweater (during winter). his hair’s a bit fluffier than it usually is. all in all, a relaxed look.
after dinner, he’ll disappear for a little bit, doing some work before he it gets too late because he wants to spend time with you
usually, you’re lounging on the couch, reading or watching tv unless there’s a deadline then you’re a total mess working until late at night AND VIC HATES IT
he’ll come back into the living room from his home office, come up behind the sofa and just hug you while leaning down
“Hey handsome, you tired?” you ask. You reach your hand up, scratching the soft hairs at the nape of Victor’s neck while a relieved sigh passes through his lips.
Victor moves to the couch with you, and you know he’s Done with work for the day. he doesn’t even say anything, just relishes in your presence
he gets a bit touch-starved on occasions like these, so he’ll sit on the sofa and just pick you up and plop you on his lap. 
but like, in a koala way. that makes very little sense, huh. you’ll be straddling him, pressing your chest up against his and put your chin on his shoulder. your hands are around his neck and his are somewhere around your waist. 
you just sit there, maybe kissing a little, most likely pressing little kisses on each other’s collarbones/neck no hickies because you guys are pretty important people with quite the image well, can’t say it never happened before though, can you~
Victor’s totally in his safe spot here, so if he does say something in this moment, it’s not some guarded/sarcastic comment. he’s vulnerable and honest, so “I love you”s are not rare at all here. 
he might purr if you scratch his head. maaybe. don’t ask whether author Ré sees Victor Li as a cat...
10/10 Victor will carry you to bed like this. brush your teeth before because there’s no way this man is letting you go. 
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uhh to this day, i don’t think anyone really knows the extent of Lucien’s thoughts
like, in a sense, he’s a lot more guarded than, say, Victor, but they do say the best lies are ones shrouded in truth so the feelings he shows outwardly may actually resemble his actual ones atm
so...i wouldn’t say he gets very needy at all. not according to the standard definition, anyways
if he wants a kiss, he steals one from you. if he wants a hug, he’ll fluster you by backhugging you. if he wants to make out, he’ll push you against the nearest surface and steal your breath away. if he wants something more, he’ll make sure to rile you up until you’re in the mood for ehem. my fingers must’ve slipped...
Lucien’s modus operandi is definitely ‘take what i want when i want it’ in your relationship WITH CONSENT. HE’S NOT AN ASS.
he comes on strong, he’s smooth and he’s devilishly handsome. as a result, he’s often initiating any affection you guys have. 
so, while he’s not necessarily needy, he can’t shake the idea that maybe you don’t want him like he wants you. Lucien get that thought out of your head you two are domestic goals. he was stuck in a period of unrequited love for a while, sort of, so he thinks that he could handle being the one in the relationship that loves the other more. 
but the thought of you not loving him as uncontrollably, frighteningly, irrevocably as he loves you scares him to the very core of his being. because he’s in deep. 
there’s also the factor of him knowing that he doesn’t deserve you after all he’s done. but yet, you’re here with him.
so...Lucien knows it’s childish when he drops his head onto your lap while you’re reading on the couch Lucien: *sees your lap* it’s free real estate
he pretends it’s because he wants to take a nap. but actually he wants to see whether you’re affectionate when he’s not the one instigating it. 
either you’re just too embarrassed to do so when he’s taking initiative, or you’re not all that into him. i wrote about Luci’s love language being touch, so he probably sees you not touching him as a sign that you don’t love him
i’m not saying it’s a dealbreaker if you don’t like physical affection, but it’d take longer for him to open up to someone who’s not comfortable with his touch
anyways, almost immediately after he closes his eyes, you thread your fingers through his soft hair, raking them lightly over his scalp.
“You must be truly tired, falling asleep like this. Poor Lucien.Take care of yourself, my foolish professor.” and his heart shatters in Soft™
slowly, you shift to bend down, and Lucien feels your soft lips kissing his forehead, his nose, his cheek and finally landing on his lips. he smiles in that last one.
it’s not a sensual kiss, just an innocent, loving one. and Luci realises that yeah, you’re just as gone for him as he is for you. Maybe, you’re not the caged butterfly in this relationship...
he actually dozes off to the feeling of your hands in his hair, sometimes moving to gently brush a thumb over his cheek, sometimes pulling away to flip a page in your book. 
when he wakes up, there’s a blanket covering him and a soft pillow under his head
the hazy, irrational part of him makes him jump up, thinking you’ve gone after all. maybe it was all just a dream. one too good to be true.
but the melodic humming in the kitchen and the mugs filled with piping hot tea on the coffee table tell him you’re real, and you’re here with him
afterwards, Lucien naps on your lap more often. they’re his favourite treat
sometimes, you read to him, lulling him to sleep with your voice
honestly, domestic moments like this almost make Lucien want to cry out in joy because he never thought this was something he’d ever have.
well, they did say to treasure the little things in life...
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i’d say Gav’s a good 6.83 on the needy scale
he could be a 7.91 to be honest, so he has needy potential, but this man’s too shy to be needy
i mean, if you ever kiss him or hold his hand in public, his ears turn red and he’s an incoherent mess for like 10 minutes.
proceed with caution. or not. muahahaha
i think in a way, he grew up with the notion that he was a nuisance too yes, yes, we all want to deck Gavin’s dad in the face so he’s afraid to be vulnerable and needy with you.
MC: *pats Gavin’s hair.* this bad boy can fit so many daddy issues in it
ANYWAYS, the most this baby does is call you when he misses you
“I-I just wanted to hear your voice, okay?”
doesn’t really initiate a ton of affection either. 
again, he could...but he holds back. also he’s just so respectful of your boundaries and would rather have you indicate what you like in the relationship.
honestly he loves it when you snuggle up to him anyways soooooo...
but there are times when even Birdcop completely breaks and just needs you to be there for him
Gav does value communication, so he will actually ask for cuddles if he’s THAT needy such a healthy relationship dynamic
doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does...
you’ll be at home when he comes home from a mission. he’s had a pretty intense day, and now he just wants to unwind with you
this darling sheepishly walks up to you.
and as you turn around to greet him, he’ll ask 
“Can...I hold you?”
you drop EVERYTHING you’re doing because the moment he asks for hugs, it’s serious.
cuddles with Gavin are a 100% engagement kind of thing. you can’t do anything else, you’re stuck in his arms for a while
you guys usually move to the rug in the living room. not the sofa, which seems weird, but Gavin’s a tall gangly boy, measuring at 181 cm or 5′11″ I’m using the imperial system for you guys *grumble*
the sofa is just not big enough to fit his long legs comfortably when he’s laying down, and his neck hurts 
also, it’s not optimal for big bear hugs
Why not use the bed? i hear you ask. BECAUSE IT’S NOT RIGHT.
anyways, on extra effort days, you’ll make a pillow fort, but usually he just takes a pillow, a blanket and flops on the floor
cuddle hours are spent talking. no phones, maybe some music, but all-in-all they’re just times to open up, which is kind of rare for someone so rough around the edges
he turns to absolute putty when you start rubbing his stomach under his shirt this is canon don’t @ me
“Mmm...don’t do that,” he whines groans.
“You seem to be enjoying it, though?”
“Mm...no.” you liar.
honestly in like a realistic, domestic setting, a relationship with Gavin would be one of the healthiest ones within the five boys. 
he cherishes you so much, and definitely tries his best to be open with you, even though he’s experienced things that make trusting others difficult.
because if there’s one person in the whole wide world he would trust, it’d be you. 
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needy? you mean, Kiro all day, every day?
this boy loves you with all he has and the day he doesn’t show you how loved you are and how much he literally worships the ground you walk on is the day hell freezes over.
kissing, hugging, being cutesy, gifts, matching clothing, fun outings, food. ANYTHING
to be honest, he likes being with you in general, and would probably never leave your side if he didn’t have to
Kiro trusts you enough to share his entire world with you, fully knowing that he’s taking the risk of exposing himself like this. he knows that if this doesn’t work out, he’ll never be able to enjoy his world again because you’re so ingrained in it.
but the thought of not committing to you with his entire being doesn’t even cross his mind obviously, y’all are endgame so don’t even try to break up with this pupper
he tries to make up for your busy schedules with extra affection most of the time too
but actually, Kiro doesn’t just resort to hugging you in his arms, peppering kisses all over your face and not letting you go for hours when he’s lonely although he does do this. it’s just not something he does when he reaaally missed you. 
when he’s having a bad day and needs you the most, he’ll drag you out for some hotpot at night
it sounds silly, doesn’t it? but over a steaming pot of broth with various dishes, he sees your face and he feels at home. i mean, he loves food, he loves you. what’s better than a combination of both?
you laugh, chat and be as loud as you want. Kiro doesn’t have to disguise himself in the little shop at 2 am
the restaurant owner loves you guys, and gives you free beef on many occasions
he thinks you guys remind him of him and his wife when they were younger, although he jokes that Kiro’s a just a tad more handsome than he used to be~
Kiro likes feeding you and loves how you used to be so embarrassed about it. nowadays, you laugh and accept the food like you’re used to it, and somehow, that makes his heart soar
you take the long way home, walking back to your large shared flat under the night sky
Loveland City’s never fully quiet, but at least the people at that time don’t bother him. they’re either too drunk, or too stuck in their own thoughts. let’s face it, people who have their life together don’t wander around sober and alone at 3 am.
Kiro sometimes misses being invisible, but he also knows that he’s doing good by being who he is in this life. being a celebrity is tough, but intimate moments like these do kind of make it bearable
he holds you by the waist, enjoying the view with a serene smile and a full stomach by the view, he means you for the most part
“Hmm...Miss Chips, do you know how beautiful you look right now?”
your lipstick’s worn off, sweat’s cooling down on your face and your makeup’s smudged, but in that moment, Kiro thinks you’re the most ethereal being in the whole universe.
because you’re the only one who he would want to do this with. you’re the only one who would enjoy the night with him, stranded in this strange, thick atmosphere of melancholy and happiness.
one time, maybe a few months ago, it rained when you two exited the hotpot joint
instead of buying umbrellas at a nearby convenience store, you ran down the streets, jumping in puddles and laughing your asses off
Kiro swears he fell in love with you all over again that day.
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yah...i never really know what to call Shaw’s personality
he’s kind of a tsundere, but not in the way Victor is? he teases the shit out of you when he has feelings for you, but he’s also kind of a douche about it
and he’ll probably never admit how precious you are to him also he probably thinks he doesn’t deserve you
i love this little bastard but i get SO fed up with him
this boy doesn’t even actually take you on proper dates
like, it’s either university café, impromptu graffiti trips which to be honest might be an actual date or going to a club which could be a date but when you’re in a relationship with Shaw it kind of isn’t bcs he’s there 7/7
anyways, he doesn’t do the whole ‘love’ thing very well. he’s fine with PDA, so he’ll full on snog you in the club or reach over the table to lick whipped cream off of your face last time you’re ordering a frappuccino with whipped cream 
but he does it mostly to get a reaction
it’s not insincere, but he also doesn’t view PDA as a loving gesture perse
will not be honest with his words. don’t expect it. he’s built a shield around himself and therefore literally doesn’t know how to talk to someone kindly.
but...he tries.
Shaw’s most vulnerable and needy moment is the early morning
it’s not at night, cos he spends nights out partying or having a one-night stand what? he’s a healthy, viral boy!
his one-night stands never saw him in the morning because he’s honestly the type to hit and run i’m sorry how was i supposed to say this or alternatively to kick his partner out at 4 am
but you’re his first actual love, and even he knows you don’t kick your lover out if you give a damn about the relationship 
it was a big step for him to feel comfortable with you...but he doesn’t regret it one bit he probably won’t tell you that though
anyways, Shaw’s groggy morning voice makes you delirious BUT that’s a little besides the point
you wake up in each other’s arms
if you wake up first, you’ll probably stare at his face for a while until he does and inevitably says “What? Am I that handsome, huh?” secretly thrives off of your compliments 
if he wakes up first, he’ll probably wake you up by tickling you or touching you in some way ehem innocently Minor made me clarify it
any way it happens, you guys participate in some good morning spoonage
Shaw loves burying his head in your neck to press kisses and love bites there, smell your scent and hide the blushing face that is so very rare
finally one thing the brothers have in common
he’s aware he’s being a little too sappy for his own liking, but it feels wrong to ruin the morning mood with a snarky comment when you look so soft under the beams of sunlight flooding his bedroom
so he says nothing, and keeps you wrapped in his arms
in a moment of serene bliss, you hum and say “I love you.” 
as a response, this boy squeezes you a little tighter, buries his head a tad deeper in the crook of your neck
“Shut up.”
you know him well enough to know he’s feeling embarrassed, so you wriggle out of his grasp and turn around
Shaw whines a little when he’s forced to loosen his grasp
you look straight at his face, finding him even cuter when his mischievous smirk is replaced by a pouty scowl
“I love you, I love you, I love you I love you I love you love you loveyouloveyou,” you repeat, watching his face grow redder and redder
he groans audibly. “Shut up!” but he can’t help but smile at your gleeful giggles
“What? I do! I love you so much, Shaw.”
he kisses you to shut you up, but it’s not one of those fast, rough, wild kisses
he cradles you in his arms, trying to convey how he feels through a kiss
“‘Love you,” he mutters against your lips.
“What was that?” you tease him.
“Aw, come on! One more time?” 
“Nope.” yup, he tries. 
I’ve been doing a lot of picture editing for all of my posts...but I think these will be the official ‘character separators’ since I don’t have the energy or will to make new ones for every fanfic...post banners are still a thing for every post though.
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riko-0tome · 5 years
Oh my god, Gavin was with the MC on valentine's day. But not her gf.
Can we get an F in the chat for poor birdcop
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