#my players are 1st timers do not spoil them please
hikarinokusari · 2 years
The player actually decided to take level in warlock, chose Strahd as their Patron, got bitten but not turned not just yet, learnt a lot about soul economy/management in Barovia and is spending a week in Ravenloft- Mean Girls Castle edition. He got to take care of Dracobats. He's happy.
Meanwhile the remaining cast of the party will surely deal with Argynvostholt and say hi ~ to the Abbot in Krezk for the 1st time. I guess they will continue to look for one of the werewolves dens by the time the fresh warlock PC will come back and fake that he made a waroock pact with an ancient godess of nature.
Also Vallaki litteraly went batshit, Izek 's on the road to track Ireena, Fiona's in power and somehow Vasili has landed near the Tser's pool encampment.
There is a lot going on during those two weeks IG.
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
A Night In
summary: it’s your 1st wedding anniversary, unfortunately the snow has ruined your night. Or so you thought...
a/n: this is my entry for @just-one-ordinary-fangirl ‘s celebration challenge! also, I’m going to combine this with the anon who requested some Ransom Drysdale x wife! reader fluff.
word count: 1485, more or less.
warnings: stripping (but NOT in a sexual way) I swear it will make sense when you read it lmao, but I’m not gonna spoil it. this is still general audience.
*please pardon any mistakes! I try to proofread but I’m human. One who makes mistakes*
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Mesmerizing snowflakes delicately fell from the night sky, the outside lights making them noticeable. Those little flakes gently fluttered to the ground, joining the rest of the snow that had compiled outfront. As of now, your front yard looked like that from a Hallmark movie.
Being snowed in was one thing, but being snowed in on your first wedding anniversary was another.
Of course, both you and your husband, Ransom, were slightly bummed out that your dinner reservations had to be cancelled, but you both still made it work.
Ten minutes ago, Ransom had phoned the restaurant, giving them the notice. After he hung up the phone, he joined you to snuggle on the couch, the yellow aura of the fireplace reflecting on your figures. Now, you were sitting between his legs, leaning against his broad chest, as the man laid his chin on the top of your head. When it had started snowing about an hour ago, you knew there was no way you were going to leave the house. Sadly, you turned back up the stairs and changed out of your dress and into a pair of sweats and a knitted henley top.
Ransom softly laid his hands over your stomach, interlocking them as he held you even closer to his body.
“What should we do, angel?”
For the past few minutes, you both have been silently brainstorming.
“I know there aren’t many things left in the pantry, but I’m sure we could whip up something.”
You looked down at his hands, and placed your own over them. Ransom unlatched his hands to envelope your colder ones.
“Well, I know we have stuff for spaghetti. How does that sound?”
“Sounds lovely, Ran!”
He paused making you nervous. When you turned expecting an upset expression, you were met with a giddy grin.
“That’s… that’s the first time I’ve been called that.”
First, Ransom stood from the couch, extending his hands to help you up. He smiled sweetly at you, and you brought your hand up to his cheek, a comforting touch.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve never been called that. No one’s ever called me anything nice before in general.”
He bitterly laughed and a part of you felt a bit sad for him.
“No one? Not even your mother?”
“Babe, this is my mother we are talking about. The nicest thing she has called me is ‘asshole,’ which I take with pride.”
“That’s very true. At least this works in my favor. Now I have a nickname for you, honey!”
Once you were up from the couch, Ransom laid a hand on the small of your back, gently leading you into the kitchen.
One of your favorite activities in the whole wide world, was to cook with Ransom. Surprisingly, he was a pretty good cook, and you both worked wonders in the kitchen.
Currently, Ransom was filling a pot with water, as you gathered the many cans of the various forms of tomato. Sauces, pastes, and actual tomato chunks accounted for the six cans that made home on your side of the stovetop. Together, you and Ransom stood shoulder to shoulder working on your own parts of dinner. Since it was simple to boil the pasta, your husband helped out with the sauce by seasoning the beef.
As you waited for the sauce to simmer, you and Ransom softly swayed to the music in the kitchen. The two of you loved to dance. The feeling of being in each others’ arms was something you both adored.
When the timer sounded, you and Ransom pulled away from each other, having been softly lip locked for what felt like ages. You tended to the food while Ransom grabbed the bowls and poured your glasses of wine.
Ever the gentleman, Ransom pulled out your chair, making you giggle at his chivalry. This was a side of Ransom only you were allowed to see.
You both ate dinner in comfortable silence, occasionally talking, but mainly enjoying this time together. It was agreed that this was much better than sitting in some stuffy restaurant. Moments like the ones you had just created were ones you wouldn't have made at the restaurant.
Dinner was amazing and enjoyable. Your plates were soon empty and it was now time for the cleanup. Together, you and Ransom worked hurriedly and managed to clean the dishes in a timely manner. While Ransom cleaned the pot from the stovetop, he quickly came up with an idea for some more entertainment. It was clear the snow wasn’t gonna melt and you both clearly didn’t want to watch tv for the next few hours.
“Hey (y/n), did you keep any of the board games from when we moved?”
You took a moment to think, laying a hand on your hip.
“Actually, yeah! I kept a few, but I think battleship is the only two player game we have.”
A small pout came onto your lips, but it was washed away at Ransom’s happy smile.
“I’m totally down to play. That is if you are up to losing.”
His typical smirk formed and you leaned towards him to kiss it away. Pulling back slightly, you talked against his plush lips.
“You’re on.”
With Ransom finishing up cleaning, you took out Battship, placing his board on his side of the table as you situated your own. Soon, he came back to set his own ships into place. Just as you were about to begin, he spoke up with a tempting offer.
“Let’s spice things up a bit. Shall we?”
With a slightly drunken smirk, you replied, “What did you have in mind?”
“The person to lose this round strips to their undergarments and stands in the snow for a minute.”
You gasped loudly, reaching across the table to shake his hand while being mindful of the Battleship boards. The alcohol coursing in your veins and his made you two all the more competitive.
If you did lose, that would indeed be the longest minute of your life. The dare might’ve been stupid and childish, but you and Ransom fooled around like that for fun in desperate times as such. It was a perfect way to make your 1st anniversary even more memorable. Stupid things like these make for the fun stories to look back on, ten or fifteen years down the road.
“Ah shit.”
After a shed load of curses, laughter, and a few glasses of wine, the game came to an end and your fates were sealed.
Successfully, you had managed to sink all of your husband’s ships. A prideful smile on your face as the man defeatedly sighed, standing on wobbly legs to give you a hand shake in a sportsmanship manner.
As Ransom stood up, he hurriedly slipped off his clothes starting with the t-shirt he was wearing. The man’s muscular arms stretched above his torso and you still couldn’t believe you managed to catch this man. Believe it or not, but you actually married him because he was such a charmer, not for his looks. They were just a bonus.
Before you knew it, Ransom stood before you in his boxers and shoes, making you giggle. He shot you a sarcastic smile, handing you his tan trench coat for your own use.
Opening the door, you both were immediately met with the rush of cold wind. It made you shiver and you were in the proper attire, it only made you wonder how Ransom felt.
You held your cell phone in hand, timer ticking away as Ransom stood in the never-ending, vast whiteness of the snow. His arms were tucked around his broad chest and his legs were crossed, trying to retain his warmth. You felt a tad bit bad, but then again it was a dare and neither of you would back down from one. Anyway, it was his idea in the first place.
So maybe you both were a *bit* competitive…
“Ran! Come in!”
You waved him over from the door. Immediately he ran faster than a child running from their shadow. In a flash he was in the house, standing by the fireplace shivering.
To be fair, you decided to join in. As his back was turned, you stripped to your own undergarments, leaving on his coat to warm yourself. Ransom’s ice cold skin came into contact with your own making you hiss. Surprised by your touch, the man turned around enveloping you into his arms, trying to feel your warmth.
“I felt bad for you, even though it was your idea!”
“Damn straight! You are such a meanie to me, your precious, darling, innocent husband.”
Playfully you slapped his chest, leaning back into his embrace. The two of you stood in front of the fire, until warmed up, then going to pick up your discarded clothes and returning to snuggle on the couch.
There was no better way to end the night than with a sweet kiss.
“Happy Anniversary, Mr. Drysdale.”
“Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Drysdale.”
if you’ve made it this far thank you so much for sticking with the crazy plot. I know it was a little... risqué. Then again, it’s a Ransom fic. Anything is possible.
Taglist: @memissbee @tricereads @buckybarnesthehotshot @bval-1 @tonystankschild @turtoix @kelbabyblue @jakiki94 @calirindo
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