#my phone's on silent all the time so you wont disturbe me promise
soleillunne · 1 year
Oliver I'm crying
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durmom · 1 month
Its Useless
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Part 9
Part 8:
Everything cements for Kelly, when Lucifer puts his hands on her. The boys seem hopeful with the device Ketch gave them. Everything is going to plan, until Sam watches Lucifer's essence go down the vent. Cas gets Kelly out of the room, still debating on what you said. Dean however is happy that they got Lucifer, not knowing what Sam saw. When they are put under arrest Dean can feel the blood drain from his face. He is at a loss for words, he feels utterly defeated by you. How could you be on their side and let this happen? In the truck Sam looks to Dean concerned. Sam is confused, specifically about you. It was clear to him that you cared about them, and would never want to hurt them so why, why would you not tell them this?
While Kelly goes to the bathroom Cas is thinking about what you said, was this nephilim a good thing? When Kelly calls him, he speaks without thinking, telling her she needs to get rid of the baby. Now stressed about the situation, he realizes its up to him to find Kelly, and that he does believe the nephilim needs to be taken care of. Cas goes back to the motel, seeing the boys are no longer there, he calls Mary to meet him at the bunker. 
Dean is brooding in his cell, when the interrogator comes in all he can think about is how he wants to kill him. He’s an annoyance, disturbing his thoughts. His thoughts about you. His anger is so immense and all he can do is sit in his cell, where no one, but you, knows where it is. At this point he’s thinking about every way to escape. 
At the bunker, you await Cas and Mary’s arrival. When they do arrive Mary is pissed when you explain what happened. She’s pissed as Cas for leaving her boys and losing Kelly. Shes pissed at you for letting them walk into it.
“Mary, I can’t explain it all to you but I promise you they are okay. It’s for the greater good.”
“I dont get why they didn’t call me?”
“Mary, you were out.” Cas says.
“Why did you let this happen?” she turns to you.
“Because… it needed to happen. I need you to trust me on this. They will be out. I promise you, just wait for them to call.”
“You promise me?”
“I promise. If not, you can kill me.”
“I will.”
Cas is not satisfied and goes to Crowley, who refuses to help. Mary stays at the bunker, when Alicia calls asking for help you tell her to go.
“Go, It's what they’d want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ll run point from here, keep hunting, and working with the Brits. Which by the way will turn on you eventually but keep them close for now.”
“They’ll what?”
“Sorry today’s been a mess. The Brits will turn on hunters but right now we need to keep them close. When the time comes, I’ll call.”
“O-Okay.” Mary rushes out, confused, and clearly annoyed with you. Once alone, you feel the crushing weight of everything. 
Over the next weeks Cas keeps trying to hunt down Kelly and Mary continues hunting. You on the other hand spent two weeks in another depressive episode. You’d sleep until one or two before forcing yourself up to eat, check on Mary and Cas, and look for cases for them to work. After two weeks you get angry, why did Amara bring you here? It’s annoying to not be able to talk to the boys. That's when you get an idea. Cas has brought the impala back so you head to the car and rummage through the glove box. Finding one of the back up phones you call Crowley.
“Out so soon?” He asks.
“No, he’s not.”
“And who is this I’m speaking to? Is this Squirrels Nut?”
“Ew, what? No, Crowley, my name is y/n i’ve been working with the boys for six months. I need you to smuggle letters to them.” “And why would I do that?”
“Because I know you have Lucifer, and I wont tell Sam and Dean who will absolutely kill you.” The line goes silent.
“Where should we meet?”
“There's a bar, down the street from the bunker.”
“I know the place.”
“One hour.” You hang up.
Your foot shakes anxiously, every time the door opens you look expecting Crowley, which is dumb, you know he's just going to appear next to you. Which he does.
“Hello y/n”
“Crowley.” you actually smile. You always found him funny, dumb, but funny, and in the end he actually does do some good.
“So, Nut what's in these letters?”
“Ew, Crowley, not your best work.” He furrows his brows at you, “Nevermind, I know you know where they are, I just want you to get these to them. You won't be able to read them, to make sure they actually get to them they both have code words they have to say. I want you to return to me, here, in an hour, and tell me the code word. Also if they have anything to say, tell me.” He opens one of the letters looking it over before folding it back up, “Enochian.”
“Yes, do this and I wont tell the boys about your dumbass plan.”
“Really? For some lousy letters?”
“Yep.” You smile at him before taking a sip of the rum and coke you ordered.
“I guess I’ll be back.”
Crowley meets his inside man who somehow gets the letters to Sam and Dean. They both rush to open them.
I know you have a lot of questions and I promise you I will answer as many as I can when you get out. To start, yes I knew this was going to happen. I swear to you it's for the greater good. I’m running things back home. Cas is looking for Kelly, yes he lost her, and your mom is hunting. She's obviously pissed at me, but it’ll be okay. Now I am going to tell you some things that you cannot share with Dean yet. I want to tell him but you know how he is, angry. Kelly’s baby. His name is Jack. He is good, nothing but good, he takes after his mom. Jack needs to be born, he saves the world. That's why I had to keep you in the dark, I couldn't risk it. Again I will answer more questions when you're out. I know you boys have a plan, it's a good plan by the way. I love you Sammy, I’ll see you soon.
P.S code word is Crowley’s a hoe.
Sam knocks on the door to signal he’s done. When the guard comes up he flashes his black eyes to show it's Crowley’s demon.
“Say, I believe her. Code word is Crowley’s a hoe.” Once alone Sam rereads the letter and can’t help but laugh. Only you could make him laugh when he’s absolutely miserable.
I know you’re pissed at me, I don’t blame you. There's a reason why I had to let you guys go through this. I am taking care of everything at home. I’m sorry it had to be this way. For your own sanity, the reason I did this was to save the world. It might not make sense now but it will when all is said and done. Trust me when I tell you that everything will be okay. Genuinely Dean, I had to let things go the same way they do in the show for the reason it actually saves us. It saves everyone. I know you told me to leave but I’m not going to. I believe in you boys and will be by your side whether you want me to or not. I still care about you. I love you Dean Winchester.
P.S code word is magical liopleurodons
Dean gets up and knocks on the door, all he says is the code word. Once the demon leaves he turns and punches the wall. 
Crowley meets you back at the bar and recites what Sam said, and the codes.
“Sam says he believes you. Dean didn't say anything.”
“The codes?”
 “Crowley is a.. Hoe. Magical liopleurodons.”
“Good job!”
“Are we done here?” His shoulders hang low, fists balled into his pockets.
“Not quite, have a drink.” You wave over the bartender and order the fruitiest drink you can, with an umbrella.
“You know Crowley, I actually find you hilarious.”
“That's what i’ve been trying to get these hooligans to see for years!”
“They just can’t give you that satisfaction.” 
Once your drinks are finished you part. You would have liked to hang around him a bit longer but he is the King of Hell in this world, and is actually bad. So not the best idea to tell him about you. You decided to have a couple more drinks when a good looking guy comes up to you. He was no Dean, but attractive. You were drunk, and sad so you thought why not. You needed to release some steam and it's been quite a while. Dean is not going to be happy with you when he gets out, so that relationship is dead. Might as well enjoy yourself, Dean was a slut anyways. 
The hookup was messy, not wanting to leave with a guy you just met, you decide on the bathroom. He has you up against the stall, since it had been a while and you are drunk, you finish fast, as does he. The feeling is euphoric, minus the fact you kept imagining it was Dean. When all is said and done you say goodbye and go to the car. Suddenly you start crying, full of guilt. This isn't who you are, you’ve never had a one night stand type of thing. Trying to justify it was fucked up but you did need it. The following days though consisted of the same thing, getting drunk and hooking up with a guy at the bar. It was a coping method, more a method of self destruction and self harm. The guilt of the boys being locked in a cell was eating you alive. The sex allowed you to forget about it for a moment, then feel it in full swing. Your daily routine was the same. Sleep until one, eat, check for cases, call Mary, go to the bar and drink, sex, leave to go back to the empty bunker as late as you could. Everynight you found yourself in Dean’s bed, sleeping in one of his shirts. Slowly you were deteriorating. However one morning when you called Mary about a case she told you she needed you to take care of it. It was a small nest of vamps and she knew you could handle it. Reluctantly you agreed. You packed up the impala and headed to Virginia. 
The case was easy, you had Sam make you fake IDs a couple months back so you were able to get into the morgue, talk to the sheriff, and interview family and friends of the victims. You worked quickly and wrapped the case up within two days. The nest had five vamps, living in an old barn in the woods. They had kidnapped a sixteen year old girl after killing a forty year old man. You were able to save the girl and kill all the vamps. They were almost too easy to kill but you were fueled by so much rage that it was almost fun.
 That night you went back to the motel to shower before going to a bar that was a walk away. Sitting at the bar you stir your drink just staring at the liquid in the glass. Dissociating is the easiest way to get through this period. You sense a guy standing next to you. He orders an old fashioned. Taking a deep breath you take the last of your drink like a shot. You turn your head to look at the man next to you. He’s tall, between the lines of lanky and muscular, and has a boy band type haircut. Looking at his clothes he wears a suit, mismatched socks, and dress shoes. When you look back up you see him looking at you smiling politely. 
“No you're fine. My name's Spencer.”
“Y/n, I like to just observe people.”
“Me too. What’d you notice about me?”
“You wear mismatched socks but are wearing a suit, so not your normal attire. Clearly dorky, a compliment by the way, a star wars fan and..” looking back down to his socks, “doctor who.”
“Good job.” He smiles at you before taking a sip of his drink and pulling out a stool to join you.
“Thank you. So Spencer, what about me?”
“Honestly I can’t tell much about you but clearly you’re here trying to forget something…” intently he looks into your eyes, “ or someone.”
“Ha! Kinda both.” 
“Tell me about it?”
“Hmm, why should I?”
“I’m a stranger? Tell me and I’ll share something with you?”
“Are you also trying to forget someone?”
“Kind of.”
“Okay. Deal.” You adjust in your seat, “I have a friend, Dean. Ever since I met him he’s been so back and forth with me. We are either best buds, laughing, and having a good time or we are screaming at each other. It's been so frustrating until this last case. We are PIs, I knew something about the case that I couldn’t tell him and when he found out he was so mad. I mean I’ve never heard him yell like that. But I couldn’t tell him. It was for the greater good whether he realizes it or not. It just sucks, he’s been so back and forth and now he’s… now he’s not talking to me.” “How long have you known him?”
You chuckle, “I’ve known him awhile but we became friends about six months ago.”
“Yeah.” you laugh again, “I don't really need advice, I know it’ll blow over but thanks for letting me vent.”
“You’re welcome.” Spencer smiles at you.
“So, tell me your story.” Spencer proceeds to tell you about how he’s in the FBI and he thought his friend died but they covered it up and she just came back. He tells you how angry he is about it because his boss and  best friend lied to his face while he was grieving. It was around two in the morning, you had spent hours talking. You had long sobered up and enjoyed Spencer’s company. Spencer offers to walk you back to the motel and you accept the offer. At the motel you exchange numbers saying you’d call. Going to bed that night was easier, for the first time in six weeks you talked to someone genuine, it was nice. The next few days you and Spencer kept texting, sometimes calling. He went all over the country, as did you, but he is mostly in virginia. Every night before bed you text Spencer until you fall asleep. You meet up once for dinner, after you feel like a new person. Like who you were before coming to this world, before nursing school. 
The day had finally come, Dean and Sam were dead. Not really, but it was their time to escape. You knew roughly when they’d be escaping so you had Cas and Mary meet you at the bunker and stay with you for a few days. Cas finally gets the call. You all rush to the car to meet them in Colorado. You are shaking as you get closer, excited to see them but nervous about the reactions. Cas and Mary insist on help which meant the Brits. You sit in the car as they talk. Your window is rolled down, they obviously ask about you. Cas and Mary give little explanation. The Brits lead the way down the roads towards the Rockies. Night is passing, Cas tells you and Mary to get some sleep. That was not happening. You both are anxious to see the boys. In the morning you can tell you’re close. In your lap was a change of clothes for the boys. As Cas drove down the road you kept your eyes peeled for Sam and Dean. It was still dark but early in the morning. You see them running out of the woods and yell for Cas to pull over, the Brits drive ahead a bit. Cas and Mary jump out of the car excited to see their family. Knowing Dean is mad at you, you decide to stand by the car. Still able to see the boys but not the first to greet them, you are the one who let them get arrested. Sam and Dean are excited to see their family, the reunion is heartfelt. When Sam pulls away from his mom he starts looking around when he spots you. Sam gives you a big smile and jogs over to you. He gives you a hug, so huge that he actually lifted you off the ground. 
“Thank you for your letter!”
“Of course, I needed you to know what was going on! And I knew it had been awhile since you talked to someone.”
“Yeah, it definitely gave me hope.”
“What are you doing here?” The blood rushes from your face, Sam steps aside revealing Dean, who is rightfully pissed. 
“I- I have a change of clothes for you.” Is all you can say.
“I thought I told you to leave.” Now Dean is inches away from your face.
“I can’t.”
“After the stunt you just pulled?” He puts his hands on the car, trapping you. 
“I swear it’s for a good reason.” Even though he has you trapped and is trying to intimidate you, you hold eye contact and remain calm. However you jump when he hits the car right next to your head.
“Dean!” Sam grabs his brother to pull him off. Dean shrugs Sam’s hands off.
“No Sam! I'm done with her ‘good reason’ bullshit! If she’s on our side why is she not helping?”
“She is. Dean, we don't have time for this, we have to go.”
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yondzone · 3 years
Bungou stray dogs relationship headcanons
sfw very sligth nsfw
those under 16 please do only read the sfw part
↰             𓂃              ⌲                   ⌂.
⋆ ☄.⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠂* ; ☔
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𝕱𝖎𝖔𝖉𝖔𝖗 𝕯𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖔ï𝖊𝖛𝖘𝖐𝖎
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ If you managed to have your way to his heat, then you are definitely one special fellow to him, so only to you and around you he will show is soft persona that he never let anyone see in decade.
⌗ If you end up living together, the little time he his at home he will he bring your breakfast at bed to make up for the fact that he his basically never here.
⌗ He prefer kissing you on the cheek rather than on the lips. And in the morning (if by miracle he didn’t already leave) he’ll automatically kiss you cheek to wake you up. And if he his here before going to sleep he’ll ask for a kiss on the cheek.
⌗ He also like night cuddles (of course he won’t admit it.) he never touched anybody so you give hi this feeling of constant novelty.
⌗ He loves when you are jealous and he is gonna tease you with those word : "you seems jealous, is everything fine ? :)" in fact he hates people but if it means seeing your jealous face he don’t mind playing the womanizer for some minute to just tease you.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗Fyodor is definitely a top this bitch will rather die than being a bottom.
⌗ He know the effect it have on you when he tie his hair up so you can be sure that evrrytime you do the deed he while have is hair up ✨.
⌗ Low key have a master servant kink that get him going for hours.
⌗ Hes not someone very vocal when you both do it.
⌗ He doesn’t look like this but he his really touchy in the bed.
⌗ Bed is his favorite place he is quite traditional in fact he does not want it in other place rather than the bedroom.
⌗ But he lost his traditionalism the day you introduced to him ‘sex toys’ oh so a new way to torture you without killing you? he’ll take this opportunity gladly.
⌗ One day you tried to be on top and your ‘master’ did not like that so he destroyed you for the whole night.
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𝕮𝖍𝖚𝖚𝖞𝖆 𝕹𝖆𝖐𝖆𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Chuuya is very romantic, like very romantic.
⌗ He likes kisses, giving and receiving, he does not have a favorite place to kiss or to be kissed because he loves hems all.
⌗ When he is stressed or tired (or both), he likes to cuddle you, wine and cuddle are his comfort things.
⌗ Speaking of cuddling, he likes to cuddle you while taking a shower (hot water and rose petals) after all he his very comfortable with you and love your presence
⌗ He feels more confident when you compliment him, and he will shamelessly admit it ‘please compliment me more’
⌗ Chuuya is quite jealous and possessive. If someone tries to hit on you or make a move, he will go feral on this person and make sure everyone in the future who you belong too
⌗ A whore for PDA in public, he will always hold your hand or put his arm around you, so that everyone will see that you are taken.
⌗ He won't tell you that he loves you often, because he prefer action out of words. He's the type of person willing to do anything to drown you in gifts and make you happy.
⌗ If you find something nice or cool, he will buy it for you, just to see you smile. Needy Chuuya want to see you smile
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ He his totally a switch, one day he can feel like a total top and the day after will feel the need to be dominated.
⌗ He like being on top yes, but he prefer it when you are riding him he really love seeing you body from below, its exquisite.
⌗ He is an hips man, he love them. So you being on top of him gives him the opportunity to admire and explore your body.
⌗ Chuuya likes your moans very much, he finds them adorable and it shows that you feel good, which makes him happy.
⌗ Chuuya is vocal, way too much vocal in the bed.
⌗ He his considered as the king of aftercare trust me, its heaven.
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𝕯𝖆𝖟𝖆𝖎 𝕺𝖘𝖆𝖒𝖚
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Do not lie to yourself, a relationship with Dazai have high chance of ending not well because of some toxicity he may develop as time goes on.
⌗ He his really possesive, once he got you he wont let you go,never ever.
⌗ He love to kiss you. He loves the taste of your lips and the feeling of kissing you makes him feel something he never had.
⌗ In public, dazai will be the dork he his but… in worse. (yes its possible) he will be playful to death with you.
⌗ While when you are alone, he is much more sentimental but he will continue to remain slightly playful.
⌗ He loves teasing you, if he manage to make you blush, it will makes him continue even more because he finds you oh so adorable when you are embarrassed.
⌗ At night, he will cuddle you while holding you tightly, so that you can feel safe and loved.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Dazai doesn't really feel the need to have sex he have better thing to do and never really tough about commitment wit anybody.
⌗ But when it's with you, he will have sex with you after-all all opportunity to your body, he’ll take it.
⌗ Slow and passionate sex over here! He his rarely pn the fast and rough side but if you ask he’ll comply to any of your desire.
⌗ He don't really have favorite position, nor kink except maybe some bondage
⌗ Did I forget that he have a praise kink? Of course receiving and giving,
⌗ Dazai is very vocal, im not talking about moan they are relatively low, but about praise, when you both are doing the deed, praise are overflowing (🦋🦋🦋)
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▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Sigma never had anything except his casino which his his whole life so at first when he get implied in a relationship he will be clumsy not knowing how human relation work
⌗ He will need guidance from you, he wont make first move simply because he does not know how it work.
⌗ He his kind, really really kind to you. He view you as something very fragile and it will take time for him to comprehend that you are not weak.
⌗ Because he his always in his casino the only moment you can see him his when he his in his office, he barely goes to sleep too occupied maintaining the casino.
⌗ You finally gave him what he desired : reasons to live, you are very much cherished by him.
⌗ And you also need to cherish him and make him gain confidence in himself.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ He his a bottom he have no social skill and does not know anything about how the society or relationship work as I already said.
⌗ You basically need to do everything and engage everything.
⌗ Your kink are his kink, you’re favorite position is also his favorite.
⌗ The man cry a lot out of pleasure in the bedroom, he his utterly beautiful when he cries.
⌗ As time goes by he will gain in assurance and try to be on top but out of habit he just revert back to being bellow. But please praise him, he tried.
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𝕹𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖆𝖘 𝕲𝖔𝖌𝖔𝖑
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ … how did you get yourself into this relationship again?
⌗ do not go out with him I repeat to not go out with him,  at home its okay but when in public he start to theatrically declare his love to you, I promise dying would be better than having to support this embarrassment anymore.
⌗ you know that he love asking rhetorical question right? Just let him be, read a book or play on your phone while he monologue
⌗ the number of nickname you have can’t be counted on two hands
⌗ he forces you to call him by nickname and pet name he himself thought of ‘from now on call me the pineapple of your ocean eyes’ …. the fuck is wrong with his brain, where your first tough
⌗ He always kept on repeating that he wanted to be free and first say to you that you should not hope for him to be sweet or be present but every time you come home he his here patiently waiting on the couch.
⌗ his change of persona really surprise you every time they happen, even after years of dating it’s sill hard for you to grasp his true self, a playful sadistic idiot, or a serious full of guilt person aware of his cruel crime.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ he his so sadistic, he love to see you cry
⌗ definitely into cosplay and role play in the bedroom ‘today I am the pirate and you my parrot look at those beautiful costume’
⌗ you have an enormous box with all of your disguises
⌗ he have every sex toy possible, may or may not have already bought every sex toy from a store
⌗ usually rough, very rough, and sometime he break the mood with his goofy attitude, he does not mind the mood being broke because he’ll restore it in no time
⌗ they are time he his acting like a narrator as he fuck you ‘then gogol slowly slap her pink ass-’ this is really disturbing
⌗ you can have a little of respite when he decide to have sex with his serious personality respite.
when it happen it’s fast but passionate and stop the joke and the room become silent only filled with both of your moans
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mare-sanguis · 5 years
Winston x Monty part 8
They walked inside the police station.
"I went down here earlier that day and made and appointment with a different cop- like I said, we cant trust Standall. Someone whos not so biased."
Winston nooded at Scotts words.
"Got the evidence, Winston?"
He nooded again. One whole folder filled with photos he took that day- filled with photos of Monty and him. And his camera.
Then they were greeted by an officer.
"Come with me- this will take a while because the case was closed already."
They followed him. The door closed behind them.
They started at around 5 pm.
"So why bringing this case uo again even though it was already closed?"
"Well because they pinned it on the wrong guy, trying to cover up a crime."
"What makes you think that way Mr. Reed?"
"Because we have evidence that je got pinned for it. Not enough evidence by quantity but enough evidence by quality."
"What evidence?"
"Thats why we're here."
Winston put the folder on the table. As well as the camera.
"Theres my evidence. All with a time stamp. If you think I'm lying- heres my camera."
The officer blinked at him.
"I'll take a look." He grabbed the folder and opened it up.
"Be carefull with them."
Winston said with a dark voice.
"Why are you both even so determinded to tell the truth? He was a criminal either way."
Scott side-eyed Winston for some seconds.
"Why should we not be? I mean, you're a cop. You there to find out the truth."
Winston nooded.
"The other reason is because hes innocent in this case."
"So what do you got me?" The officer asked, turning his gaze at Scott.
He was silent for some seconds. Knowing that hes about to get dragged into this case whole if he starts talking now.
"I got this." Then he placed the paper bag on the desk.
"Theres another bag inside. You should open it."
The officer took the bal and pulled another one out. This one was transparent.
There it was- the tape the police was looking for.
"You took it? You know, after Deputy Standall got the information that we should take a look at his locker again for a tape.... we went there and there was no tape."
"And still- Monty got blamed for his murder." Winston whispered.
"How long do you have it? How did you get it?"
Scott sighed.
"The truth is- I heard them talking. Then I saw how someone placed something inside his locker. I got it now for at least 4 days. Unsure what to do."
"Why didnt you came earlier?"
"Because I was afraid."
The officer nooded- not buying any of it.
"I dont know if I can believe you. Any proof that someone really placed it there?"
"Yes. I have." He pulled out his phone.
"Photo and video. Hope thats enough."
Winston sat there in silence, impressed that he filmed this whole thing.
"Why didnt you interfere?"
"Because everyone makes mistakes ans mine was that I didnt interfere. How should I know that they success with this shitty plan?"
At around 6pm they finished looking through the evidence. At first Winstons photos, than his camera and after that Scotts proof. The tape still laying on the desk. Untouched.
The cop quickly glanced up at them, finally taking the plasic bag with the tape in his hands.
"And I thought this case was solved."
He sighed.
"Guess we have to roll it up again."
At around 6:45 pm they were still at the cops station. Taking about the evidence back and forth.
The officer was obviously trying to make them nervous.
But non of them two were buying it.
"So. How did Monty died in jail?"
This question was all he wanted to get answered. He just wanted to know.
"You do know that already. We told you as you visited us 4 days ago."
"The truth."
"I cant tell you."
"Why not?"
"Because youre not one of his family."
Winstons blood was boiling.
"I am not?"
"Actually- he is. As far as I can tell, Winston was more Montys family than his real parents. He was there for him." Scott intefered, he felt how Winston got angry.
"I guess they already know?"
"Yes. They do."
"And I think they dont care."
Winstons stopped listening for some seconds. He just couldnt take this anymore.
The officer went silent and sighed.
"They told us wr can do what ever wr want to do with him. They dont want him near them."
Winston was now furious.
"Tell us. Now. The truth. Not the shit you guys told the media." he leaned forward, looking the man across the table right in the eyes.
"You really want to know. Fine."
The officer sighed again.
"Suicide. By hanging."
Winstons heart stopped beating- at least it felt like that.
"You're kidding."
"No. Its the truth."
His dark eyes filled up with tears, knowing that he could've helped him.
"I dont think you want to see the proof."
Winston said nothing. Instead, he stood up.
"Because you let his father visit him- even though it was damn obvious they hate each other. Useless... you're all so goddamn useless. Helping people? What ever. Helping the rich? Hell yeah. Helping the poor? What ever. He got beaten up at home- there was enough evidence out there that he suffered at home. But like so many people didnt care. Not once."
He was all anger and rage.
"As long as someones rich you help them. You all dont care about the poors. Disgusting."
He stormed out of the station. He couldnt keep it cool any longer. He fucking misses Monty.
Winston was standing outside, breathing heavily. His hands ran through his hair. And it started to rain.
Inside the police station Scott said his goodbye to the officer, making sure they would meet again tomorrow. Coming back with the names of everyone involved in this cover up. Then he made his way outside. He saw Winston still standing there. Getting wet from the rain.
"Is everything ok?" He pulled out an umbrella and handed it Winston.
"No. Nothing is fine! I'm so fucking mad- last time I was this mad, Ani told me "he was already gone" and I wasnt even that mad back then! I guess I was never this mad in my whole life like I'm now!"
He closed his eyes, breathed out and clenched his hands into fists.
"I'm not even mad at the cops...but at me."
"Why'd you be mad at yourself? You did the best you could do."
"Maybe I didnt."
"Because... the day he died I visited him. And hours later he was found dead. I got a call from Ani- she told me he got arrested. I obviously knew this already and was already on my way to the jail they placed him in. They let me visit him. I talked to him... for like 5 minutes. Everything was so rushed. He told me he wanted to turn himself in. But someone else was faster. He revealed that his father was there too. He behaved disturbed talking about his father- he said that he told his father about his preferences.... and how he reacted. I... didnt noticed at that moment that he was suicidal. I never noticed. Not even when he was with me the whole weekend. I promised him I would help him to get the help he needs. He smiled a soft quick smiled, thanked me. But I still was to late. He mad his decision. Way befor I visited him. His soul was so broken."
"Shit." Scott let out
"How... did his father reacted...?"
Winston tried to calm down.
"This fucking monster spat in his sons face. I want to end his life so bad but I know killing wont help anyone. And that wont redeem Monty. Death is to good for this piece of shit father, he wont suffer if hes dead. And he needs to suffer."
"We will get him too- I promise. You're not at fault about what happened. You arent to blame about his death. You did your best... and I think Monty did know that until his last breath. And he still knows."
"I dont want to let him go- I dont know if I can ever let him go."
"You dont have to. Keep him in your heart. The officer told me that we can make out a deal tomorrow so we're in charge about his funeral..."
"At least one good news."
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nickikpopart · 7 years
Backstory “How to draw LOVE”
Warning!!! Content of depression. When u can´t handle it, don´t read it...
“I just wanna live, but why....” Part 1
Jimin´s POV
Namjoon needed some friends around him because he was feeling down and Jimin knew exactly why. It was an open secret between them. Namjoon was depressed because of his own feelings and fears. He liked men, he knows it but he can´t come up with it himself to his parents or in public. It really hard for him. His parents press him to marry a woman and have children but he knows for almost 5 years now that this will never happen. He didn´t told his parents yet. He can´t and I tried to help him to get through it and there. He always message me when he had his phases. He is not just my boss also a close friend.  When he messaged me at night, I knew what i had to do even i was with Jungkook now.
When I went to Namjoon, I left Jungkook a message which he answered just short after i had left the apartment. I wrote him, that i would explain it to him later. I hope that he will understand, because he only has me as a friend who knows everything about him.
“Hi Joonie.” I said when I open the door to his apartment. He had given me his code some time ago. Namjoon was sitting at the couch in the dark and was starring outside. I put the little light on at the sideboard. He recognized me when i was sitting down beside him.
“Oh hi Jimin. Sorry I can´t... . My mood is really not that good. Why am I like this? Why can´t I be myself? Why is it so hard?” Namjoon was always questioning himself which wasn´t a good sign at all.
“Joonie, don´t please, ok. I’m here now, talk to me!” After some minutes we started talking. He was about to cry. His feelings went over again. “Namjoon, u need to talk to your parents soon or it will eat you up. I know your biggest fear is that they won’t accept it, but you need to do it soon. You can´t go on like that.” 
“I know that Jimin. I really want that but…” Namjoon cracked up again.
“Ok, I really understand how u feel because we talk a lot. Can it be that it has to do with….” Jimin don´t wanted to speak it out.
“Maybe it has a little to do with the fact that Jin has someone now. I really regret that I didn´t came out yet. Not only for me, also for him. I´m lying to myself the whole time but Jin seems to be the perfect guy for me.” Tears started to run down on Joons cheeks while he poured his heart out. 
“Can I say something? I have the feeling that Jin still didn´t had forget you.” I wasn´t lying cause Jungkook had told me about Jin´s reaction when he heard about Namjoon. His eyes lighted up while telling him.
“But he has someone now.” Namjoon said a little surprised.
“Yes and Tae is also one of my best friend and I wish him to be happy but if Jin really has still feelings for you then I think Tae would accept it.” I tried to encourage him. “Cause I know Tae is also lying to himself somehow that he doesn´t like Hoseok anymore even he did something so terrible. I cannot forgive him, but I think Tae could might be doing it.”
“You are right, in first place for myself, I will talk to my parents. Would you stay by my side and help me? I don´t want to do this alone.” Namjoon asked me.
“Yes of cause I will help you and even your parents won’t accept it for now, u should stay up for it. Ok. I´m here for you and if you want we talk with the others.” I said, fearing to get a no from him.
“You are right, I have to tell my parents. This is important now. I want to be myself. Living the way I want and if they can´t accept it, then I have to live with it for now.” Namjoons mood lighted up a little. He looked now very confident yet I still see a little fear in his eyes. “Tomorrow, ok. I don´t want to wait anymore.”
“Ok, we will do that. I will be with you ok. I don´t leave your side.” I was kinda happy that Namjoon finally decided to come out to his parents. “And you know what, we can do a little Christmas Party this year. Here in the Café. Ok. To have some friends around you would be good.”
“That is a nice idea, Jimin. We can do that. But first the meeting with my parents ok!” Namjoon was really anxious about it but I would be by his side the whole time.
Next day, later in the afternoon.
"F... Jimin, why they can´t accept it. It´s my life. i want to live it how i want. ..." Namjoon was on the edge of crying. After the talk with his parents, he thought that he could live with their decision, but it made everything worse for him. Jimin couldn´t go with him because something came up, so Namjoon had to face it alone. But when he received a disturbing message from Namjoon, he immediately rushed to his Apartment. He knew him to good and the thought he could might do it again what he did almost 4 years ago, lead him to fasten up his speed.
"Namjoon, I´m here ok. Let me in please!" It took Jimin at least 15 minutes of pleasing, smashing his fists against the door and calm talking before Namjoon was opened the door. Blood shooted red eyes and shaking, like that, Namjoon stood in front of him. Jimin wrapped his arms around him und were holding him tight. After a while standing like this, both were sitting down on the kitchen table.
"Namjoon please. I kinda image how u feel right now, but there was no other way anymore than telling them everything. ok." Jimin talked to him with a calm voice.  "Promise me u won´t do anything stupid again. Show them that you don´t care about what they said. If they really love you and getting the feeling of loosing you because of that, they might change their minds."
"I feel like everything is going to break apart Jimin. It´s hard to accept that they don´t understand how i feel." Namjoon sighst and he tried to calm down. "You know i wont do that again. What are you thinking. This is my reality now and i have to live with it."
"Ok, i have your promise in that, but we should make an appointment with your doctor. Please!" Jimin said while searching for his phone. He was writing Jungkook. He needed his help.
"Ok, it seems i have to, but on one condition. You come with me, ok!" Namjoon knew Jimin couldn´t say no.
"Yes this time i will come with you. Btw... It´s almost Dinnertime and i´m hungry. I will go to the crocery-store to buy us something." Jimin said after he was done writing. "Ohh... ahmmm.. please don´t be mad at me but i wrote Jungkook to come over. I don´t wanna leave you alone while i´m gone."
"Jimin, why. You can trust me. He don´t need to come." Namjoons voice cracked. "Did you told him about my situation? I got your promise not to do."
"No Namjoon, i didn´t told him all about your situation. You shouldn´t be alone today. Jungkook is really nice and he said yes when i had ask him. You don´t have to talk about everything with him. Ok." Jimin said while putting his hand on his shoulder. "Don´t worry ok. When you feel that you wanna talk with him about it then you can do. He is a good listener and very understandable. Take your time to know him."
"Ok, i got it." Namjoon accepted Jimins decision cause he could be really persistant about things. Suddenly the doorbell rang. It only could be Jungkook around this time. Jimin stood up and opened the door. Just in time to receive a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi Jimin." Jungkook was really fast after he got the message. He was still in his apartment when Jimin had wrote him and asked him for help.
"Hi Kookie, so i will go to the grocery-store to buy some food. Do you want something too?" Jimin asked him knowing that he had eat already.
"Yes, i´m hungry." Jungkook said smiling. "Haha... sorry, i know its not really a good time to laugh." Jungkook didn´t told Jimin that Jin knew were he was because he didnt know how Jimin would react about the fact that he told his brother that he was going to Namjoon. He still thought about how his brother had react.
"It´s ok, i think it would be good for Namjoon." Jimin said while grabbing Jungkooks hand. "Namjoon..."
"Jungkook is here, so i will go now. I´m back in an hour ok." Jimin was putting on his shoes while talking to him.
"Ok..." Namjoon stood up and walked to them. "Hi Jungkook, nice meeting you again."
"Yeah, me too." Jungkook said a little nervous.
While Jimin was gone, Jungkook was still standing near the couch. He didn´t know if he should sitting down or not. It was a little  awkward. He didn´t know Namjoon very well.
"Come on, just sit down, ok!" Namjoon said a little frustrated.
"I´m sorry, it`s just..." Jungkook didn´t know how to start.
"... little awkward!" Namjoon completed his words.
"Yeah. So do you wanna talk?" Jungkook asked him carefully while sitting down.
"Not really. I don´t know, how much Jimin told you about me, but i don´t wanna talk about my problems with you yet." Namjoon made it clear.
"It´s ok. No problem." Jungkook nodded. "Do you have something to drink here. Like water or milk?"
"Yes, In the kitchen." Jungkook got up and were going to the kitchen to take the milk out of the fridge. It is so awkwardly silent between them while they waited for Jimin to come back. Jungkook really wanted to help but if Namjoon didn´t wanted to talk then he couldn´t do anything. After some time Jimin came back and Namjoons mood lighted up a little and he finally started to talk even with Jungkook. Jungkook got the whole story about his problems and was listen carefully. They were like that for half of the night. Just sitting there, eating and talking. Namjoon was doing mostly while Jungkook just listen to what he had to say. Jimin was just sitting between them. One hand on Joonies shoulder and the other hand interlocked with his boyfriends hand.
Backstory.... something is going on, but with some help Joonie will get through it. so a christmas party is in planning, we will see what happen there ;)
Jimin follows a well known artist on Facebook; not knowing it is Jungkook; a boy he met two years ago and fell for despite being in a relationship. Jungkook suddenly disappeared on him without saying why and left Jimin with a lot of “what ifs”.
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make-me-imagine · 7 years
Fated: Part Two
Part One 
Part Three - Part Four/Final
This is based on This Imagine that I came up with myself. A few people wanted a story from it sooo here it is :)
Gender: Any/Neutral      Triggers: None     Words: 2,190
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This does not take place at any specific point in the series - just sometime while they live in the bunker.
When you woke up the next morning you almost forgot about what happened. Almost. Getting ready in the morning you stared at the name on your arm ‘I really need to get rid of this’ you thought to yourself. After getting dressed, making sure your sleeves were rolled down you went into the kitchen to get some coffee. Seeing Sam sitting at the table you gave him a simple “Morning” as he nodded his head at you in acknowledgment.
As you made your coffee your mind was buzzing. ‘The removal spell has to be in the same book, they can’t just give a spell and no way to reverse it’. When should you go look? Sam and Dean are both here, so you can’t do it now without them asking about it. Though you could just play it off as boredom. You were too busy trying to find a way out of your predicament you didn’t even hear Dean come in. Jumping when someone taps your shoulder you turn quickly.
“Jeez, what the hell are you thinking about in there? I’ve been saying your name for like a minute” Dean said slightly worried.
Trying to play it off you just laugh “Sorry, I guess I’m not entirely awake yet” you walked past him sitting across from Sam. 
Dean gave Sam a questioning gaze. Sam only responded with a raise of his shoulders. They both knew something was up with you since last night.
“You sure your okay?” Sam asked kindly.
Looking at him you smile “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks Sam” he smiled at you in response giving Dean another quick glance. Dean just stared at the back of your head. He wasn’t buying it. 
After you drank your coffee you wandered into the book storage. You grabbed the same book and turned to the page for the soulmate spell. You read it over multiple times and read through the next few pages. No reversal spell. You decided to take it to your room to look through entirely, it had to be in there somewhere. Glancing out to see if Sam and Dean were still out there, Dean was gone and Sam was distracted you quickly went into your room and started to look through it. 
After you got about halfway through the book there was suddenly a knock on your door. You quickly shoved the book under your pillow as Sam opened the door “I think we got a case”.
“Okay, I’ll be out in a second” he nodded his head as he closed the door.
Sam didn’t show it but he saw the book partially sticking out from under your pillow. He was only getting more worried now. What were you hiding?
You came out a second later to see Castiel sitting at he table next to Dean. He looked up and smiled at you, you returned it halfheartedly. He frowned slightly. “What’s the case?” you asked sitting down next to Sam.
“It’s in the next town over actually. Some guy was arrested for robbing a bank and killing two people. But after they arrested him another robbery happened the next day, and on the security footage they saw that it was the same guy that they had in custody” he said scrolling through the news website.
“So a shapeshifter?” Dean asked
“Either that or he has an evil twin” you spoke up, earning a small smile from Sam. “We going?”
Dean thought for a moment “Yeah, you wanna come Cas?” you looked at Cas. Usually you liked when he came along, but since you were currently hiding his engraved name on your arm, you would prefer to be far away from him.
He thought to himself for a moment “Well. I’m not doing anything else, so I might as well. When are we leaving?”
“10 minutes enough time?” Dean asked towards you and Sam.
Both of you nodded in approval. Quickly rising and going to your room the boys watched you leave, all with looks of worry. “Does y/n seem preoccupied to either of you?” Castiel asked aloud.
“You noticed too? Hell, I thought I was imagining something.”
“Maybe the witch did something to her” Sam said concern lacing his voice.
They looked at each other, all silently agreeing to find out what was bothering you. Sam knew it had something to do with that book, but he wanted to find out what it was first, before bringing Dean and Cas into it. 
After you went into your room you took the book and put it at the bottom of your sock drawer. ‘I guess it will have to wait until I get back’. After you left your room and went to go put your bag in the car Sam waited till you left and snuck into your room. He looked under the pillow, not seeing the book he quickly looked through your drawers. He found the book easily enough. Not wanting to disturb too much he just flipped through the first few pages. “A spell book?” he whispered quietly to himself. Hearing you come back in he quickly put the book back and left your room.
As you were walking down the steps Sam came walking out of the hallway “You ready?” he asked a little loudly. 
Raising your eyebrows a little you study his face, he seemed guilty of something “Yeah, I’m ready” he nodded as he quickly went to Deans room to get him. A couple minutes later you were off. And unfortunately for you, Cas decided to tag along for the drive. Which meant you were stuck in the back seat with him for an hour. You decided to pretend you were sleeping for most of the ride. Though you could feel Castiel’s eyes on you most of the ride. He knew something was wrong. You needed to be better at hiding this.
After you arrived you went through the normal drill. Go to the crime scene and question the suspect and witnesses. Of course Dean partnered you and Cas together. You avoided little talk as much as you could, but Castiel grew too impatient. “Have I done something to upset you?” he abruptly asked when you were driving back to the hotel.
Staring at him for a moment you played along “No Cas why would you think that?” you tried to sound alarmed at his accusation.
“You seem to be...avoiding me” he frowned at the word
“I’m not! I’m just...focusing on the case” you made an excuse
“I see. I’m sorry for assuming” he turned to face out the window. He knew you were lying.
You sighed to yourself, maybe you should just tell him. Glancing at your arm where the tattoo still remained you started going over what could happen. He could refuse it, pretend like it wasn’t real. Or he could be disgusted by the though or being your soulmate. But maybe he would accept it. Maybe he already had feelings for you. But in your mind, the bad outweighed the good. So you decided not to say anything. At least not now.
Back at the hotel you went over the security footage. The mans eyes glowed, just like a shapeshifter. You were now trying to figure out how to find it. Sam discovered that the shapeshifter took the phone of the man he was pretending to be, he was able to track the GPS to a warehouse on the outskirts of the town. 
When you got there you entered carefully as a team. You, Sam and Dean had guns with silver bullets while Cas had his Angel blade. Slowly walking around the warehouse you were startled when you heard Sam cry out. The shifter had jumped down from the upper level on top of him. They were fighting as you ran up, Dean tackled the shifter off of Sam while you ran to help him up. Dean managed to kick the shifter off of him while you fired a shot at his heart, he moved just in time to dodge the bullet, but seeing that you tried to shoot him he charged at you, getting ready to fire again you halted as Castiel came up behind him and stabbed him with his blade, instantly killing the shifter. 
As you stood in back of the warehouse grounds watching the shifters body burn you caught Sam eyeing you curiously. Giving him a questioning gaze he quickly looked down. Back in your room at the hotel you were in the bathroom trying to wash off the tattoo. You knew it wouldn’t work but you were desperate. You heard a quiet knock on the door. Answering you were met with Sams nervous gaze. He quickly walked inside without your permission. Watching him curiously he seemed to be trying to figure out what to say.
He finally huffed out a breath and then looked at you “What are you doing with that book of spells?”
“What are you-”
“You know what I’m talking about. The book, at the bunker. I saw that you hid it under your pillow. After you went to out to put your stuff in the trunk I found the book in your drawer. I’m sorry for snooping but we all know something is wrong with you, and now I found out your doing witchcraft?”
“Sam!” You yelled to stop him from speaking “I’m not doing witchcraft..well. I did one spell but it was nothing too bad”
“Nothing too bad? Then how bad was it y/n, what’s going on?!”
“Okay! Okay. I’ll tell you, just promise you wont tell Dean or Cas, especially Cas” he started to protest but you rose your hand stopping him “Promise”
“Okay. Fine. Just tell me.”
Sighing you slowly rolled up your sleeve revealing the now raw tattoo you were trying to scrub from your body. Sam gave you a curious look as he grabbed you arm looking at it “You got a tattoo of Castiels name?”
Not being able to stop the laugh that left your body you shook your head “No. I wish it was as simple as that. When that witch took me...she was trying to get on my nerves, asking me who would miss me when I died. And the she told me that I had a soulmate, a real soulmate, not chosen by a cupid. But she didn’t tell me who, but she did mention a spell you could perform to find out” you watched Sam as he listened carefully, his eyes widening at the last part.
“Soulmate? You mean?” he pointed at the name.
Nodding your head you covered the tattoo again, turning and pacing around the room “I got too curious. So I found the spell in that book, but I didn’t know that it would engrave the name on my arm. And when it didn’t fade, I tried to find a way to reverse it. That’s what I was doing with the book in my room”
He was staring at you in shock “Castiel is your soulmate?” he said a little loud
“Shhh!” you said walking up to him with your finger over your mouth.
“Sorry sorry! I mean, are you gonna tell him?”
“No! Well...I don’t know. Do Angels even believe in love?” you watched Sam as he thought to himself. He didn’t know the answer to that either.
“How do you feel about it?” he asked quietly. 
“I-” how did you feel about it? “I don’t know. I haven’t really had the time to actually think about it. I’ve just been freaking out trying to get the name off”
He frowned at you, this is what you had been distracted by. “Okay, well. How about this. When we get back, I will help you look for a removal spell. But. I think you should think about telling him. Or Dean at least. They both know something is up with you. I wont tell them, but you should tell them before they figure it out on their own”
You nodded your head “Yeah, I guess. I just need to worry about this for now.” you said looking down at your arm.
“I can tell them I talked to you, about what has been bothering you, to get them off your back. What do you want me to tell them is wrong with you. I mean, until you actually tell them?” 
You looked at him, grateful that he was going to help you. “Umm, tell them that...the witch did say something to me. Like... about how worthless I am or something, and that it’s been bringing me down.” you were unsure if that would work, but it might help stop them from watching you too closely.
He nodded at you “Okay. Get some sleep. We’ll worry about the name tomorrow, okay?” he started to leave the room.
“Goodnight. Oh, Sam?” he turned and looked at you “Thank you” he smiled and nodded at you. After he left you paced around for a while. When you lied down to go to bed, you thankfully fell asleep easier, knowing that you now had someone that could help you get through this.
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interrupting · 8 years
fapuary 2/7
totally started this challenge late, but better late than never amirite?
so thanks to an...agreement I made with a friend, the days that I manage to participate in this challenge i’m only allowed to write for my oc’s so, here we are
note: the entire thing is a lot longer than a page, the ‘///’ is where the first page ended
“Who did this to you.” The venom in Kavinsky’s voice turned the question into a barely concealed threat, a promise to whoever hurt Lyra to return the favour tenfold. Anger simmered in their eyes, turning their usually bright blue eyes into a dark, swirling pool of emotion. Even through their anger their touch remained gentle as they wiped carefully at the scrapes along Lyra’s cheek. Lyra sat silently on the bench in front of Kavinsky, eyes cast to the side to avoid their gaze. She couldn’t bring herself to look them in the eyes, afraid that she’d burst into hot, angry tears and spill everything. Afraid to let them know she got herself into the fight, because she heard their name being dragged through the mud, even though they told her to come to them if she caught wind of something like that. Kavinsky’s light but insistent tapping on her cheek finally made their gazes meet, and as expected, tears began to well up in Lyra’s eyes. A bit of the anger left  their body, and when they spoke their voice was much softer. “Lir, don’t cry. Just tell me what happened.”
Lyra dropped her gaze and spoke reluctantly. “I tried to shut those stupid second years from the baseball team up. The two that are always calling you and Atsu those shitty names.” Kavinsky’s grip tightened around Lyra’s hands as he bandaged her fingers. “Lyra,” they began, anger already creeping back into their voice, “what did I tell you about acting out when you hear people badmouthing me?” Her voice was small. “To come find you...” “So then why didn’t you do that, pray tell?” “Because,” she began, voice wavering, “I don’t like it when people say those shitty things about you. I felt so helpless standing there listening to them. I had to at least try and do something!” She was close to shouting by the end of her statement, voice still shaking with unshed tears but confident in her words. She couldn’t stand it when people disrespected her friends. “Did you even stop to think that they’re stronger than you? Or that the two of them can do a lot more damage to just one you?? Or any other factor that screamed that they could have taken advantage of you?” Kavinsky hurriedly finished bandaging Lyra’s hands and stood to pace angrily in front of her. “Well, no,” she said, freely crying now, “but— ” “But fucking nothing!” They stopped pacing to glare heatedly down at her. “I don’t need you getting hurt on my behalf. I hate knowing that /// I’m the reason you’re hurt now.” “All I wanted to do was help!” “Don’t! Nobody asked you to help! Next time just do as you’re told!” Kavinsky took a deep breath and ran a hand through their hair, making a weak— and ineffective— attempt to calm themselves down. “You fucking know what...” Kavinsky pulled their phone out of their pocket and unlocked it before carelessly tossing it in Lyra’s general direction. “Call Atsu and tell him to come get you. I’m leaving, and don’t come looking for me.” Kavinsky stormed out of the locker room room; the sudden absence of their angry presence leaving a chill in the empty, still air. Lyra stared at the closed door, tears still falling as she                                                *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Lyra lay on her bed, a curtain of pink hair partially obscuring her view of the painfully plain ceiling. She tried to busy her mind with imagining different ways to get close enough to the ceiling to hang a glow-in-the-dark solar system, but her thoughts kept wandering back to Kavinsky. Even the disjointed melody playing from her speaker— usually a guaranteed way to keep her thoughts in motion—  did nothing to keep her from worrying about the impulsive brunette. Lyra wasn't sure, but she had a sinking feeling that they went to go deal with the boys who roughed her up on his own. All the concerns they threw at her earlier came rushing back to her, just as easily applicable to them as it was to her. Anger weighed heavy in her chest as she thought back to the way Kavinsky snapped at her, and her cheeks burned red with embarrassment at the way he blatantly rejected her attempt at helping. Ever since Atsu brought her back to her dormitory, she lay in bed, emotions going back and forth between heated anger and growing concern. A series of knocks on her door shattered her already fragmented thought process, and she rolled out of bed with a sigh. The knocks contributed even as she trudged to the door, and she yanked it open with an irritated frown. Kavinsky stood on the other side of the door, worrying a split bottom lip between their teeth as they waited. They brought a bruised hand up to scratch nervously at their cheek once their eyes locked. "Yup, you're definitely mad at me..." They averted their eyes, what little confidence they managed to gather on the way here disappearing under her withering look. "I wonder why you would think that," she deadpanned, turning around to walk back into her room, leaving the door open in an unspoken invitation for Kavinsky to enter. "Maybe because I blew a gasket earlier and acted like a total douchebag?" Kavinsky quietly walked into her room, stepping lightly as not to disturb the already tense atmosphere any further. "Did you come here just to give me a recap of earlier today? Because I can honestly live without that." They sighed and looked Lyra in the eye. "I came to apologize. I'm sorry for the way I acted before. It was really uncalled for, and you didn't deserve any of it. Especially after you got so banged up on my behalf." "You're damn right I didn't deserve that." Lyra sighed and hopped off the bed, her anger disappearing as she made the short walk over to Kavinsky. "All I wanted to do was to get your name out of their mouths." "And I appreciate it. But I didn't want you getting hurt in the process. Once you told me it was those baseball assholes I started seeing red and... and a lot of that anger was displaced. I'm still mad you confronted them like that, but it didn't warrant that kind of response. Forgive me?" Lyra wrapped her arms around Kavinsky's waist and buried her head in their chest. "You're forgiven," she mumbled, voice muffled by their shirt. "I'm just glad you're safe." She pulled back and pressed a finger against the split in their lip, drawing a wince from them. "Even though it looks like you ended up doing something reckless." Kavinsky smiled sheepishly. "You can say that. But! Those guys shouldn't have much else to say about me anymore." "Now look who's throwing themself into danger without thinking about the consequences." Lyra pressed her face back into Kavinsky's chest. "Promise me you wont get yourself into fights anymore and I'll do the same. Deal?" "Kavinsky returned the hug, holding Lyra tightly to their chest. "Deal."
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