#my personal good ending is that robby wins and then we give eli and sam summer birthdays so they can fulfill both winning at the all valley
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sekai taikai is actually baffling to me because in my heart robby should win because he hasnt won one of the big matches yet and his canonical birthday being in february means that he'll be too old to compete in the all valley.
however tory deserves to win as well because she didn't get to win the all valley fairly like she wanted and she should be able to prove that on her own terms.
however it's miguel's show and i love him and lets be honest guys, miguel is him. he is that guy. he will always be that guy.
however and i dont even think hawk needs to win, but what was that line from him and sam about both of them winning one day? and on that note i also think sam deserves to win because i honestly think she reconciles the two styles of karate together the best and thats like a central main theme
however i also think demetri should get to win. just cuz.
#blu talks#and obviously miguel and eli need to have their actual rematch with no back injury and no running off to mexico#my personal good ending is that robby wins and then we give eli and sam summer birthdays so they can fulfill both winning at the all valley
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Season 6 Pt 1 Kiaz Thoughts/Observations
- Miguel and Robby choosing to sit in the backseat together when the passenger seat is open in the very first scene
- Miguel asking Robby to bandage his knuckles for him even though he also has a roll of tape in his hands. Just the symbolism of that moment with what their relationship has been like and they’re not fighting each other anymore they’re protecting each other.
- Miguel being so invested in watching Robby hit the punching bag at Golf N Stuff
- Literally a double date but Kiaz are the only ones even interacting- it totally gives boyfriends who are trying to set up their bffs so they have another couple to hang out with
- Miguel being the first one to check on Robby after Shawn shows up and immediately agreeing with the girls that they’re all on Robby’s side
- Miguel stepping into yet another fight to protect Robby
- “That could’ve gone better” “It could’ve gone worse” literally Robby being pessimistic and Miguel being optimistic is my favorite dynamic
- Miguel being so desperate for Robby’s feedback on his college essay and so worried about hurting his feelings
- Miguel immediately reaching for Robby when the sewage pipe breaks
- Literally Miguel and Robby are never not next to each other, they’ve got more chemistry than any of the actual couples
- Miguel reaching for Robby in the background when Johnny comes in with the pink powder on his shirt
- More scenes where Robby is with Miguel and Sam and Tory are together than with the people they’re actually dating, I wonder why…
- Robby immediately putting his hand on Miguel’s chest when the Sekai Taikai announcement comes out
- Miguel looks so put out at the thought of having to fight Robby again
- He is so offended he got blown off for Robby’s actual girlfriend even though they had a pretty good reason not to train together
- Miguel seeking Robby out to make sure he knows that he’s not mad at him and doesn’t want anything to change their relationship
- Robby immediately checking where he stands with Miguel after winning the captaincy
- Miguel’s little smile when Robby is checking to see if he’s upset during the speech about Barcelona
- Miguel is so disappointed but he also can’t help being proud of Robby it’s so cute
- All the looks I can’t even count
- Really excited to see Shawn come back and have more character development
- Daniel being willing to give up the miyagi do name for Johnny is giving me major Lawrusso vibes and I’m not even a hardcore shipper
- Johnny in a Miyagi-Do gi is literally unbelievable
- Demetri’s shocked expression every time he does karate
- I’m not on board with Kyler’s mini redemption, not after what he did to Sam in season one
- Beer with blue and pink labels for a baby shower, only Johnny Lawrence
- Just laughing over the fact that Johnny even knew what tampons are
- Samtory is also amazing this season
- I’m excited about Kwans arc
- Me literally expecting Yasmine to walk in on Eli and Demetri making out when she shows up at the Dojo
- Kenny winking at Anthony
- Pissed we got a American flag Mohawk and not a bisexual/nonbinary pride one (not that that was ever gonna happen but it would’ve been nice)
- I still really hope Kenny somehow ends up with a Sekai Taikai spot after what Devon did and that Anthony and Kenny don’t have too many problems for too long over it
- While I wanted Hawk to have a spot as well- I was annoyed they just gave it to him instead of letting Kenny and him have a rematch which would’ve been more fair
- I’m worried that Kenny vanished
- ROBBY IS A CAPTAIN!!!!! I’m literally so excited as much as I love Robby and Miguel both there are so many reasons I want to see Robby get a win and I’m so excited for the possibility of him winning the Sekai Taikai
- Tory ditching Robby sucked, he’s been hurt by yet another person he cares about
- Also Daniel not letting her fight sucked, as long as Sam was okay with it they should’ve let Tory process how she needed to. Daniel made assumptions about the situation and while Tory was obviously emotional she was fighting for this specific memory of her mom that shaped her life not just using karate as an ongoing negative coping mechanism and the way everyone ignores what she’s saying she needs in that moment really rubbed me the wrong way
Finally I’m just going to say this is my favorite season yet and I’m more excited than anyone will ever understand to get actual Kiaz interactions. I feel like this season took me from I ship them because I think they’d be really compatible and they already have this super intense relationship to actually seeing moments between them that feel like more than friendship and it means so much to me I’m so excited!
#cobra kai#kiaz#robby keene#miguel diaz#robby/miguel#robby x miguel#cobra kai season 6 spoilers#ck spoilers#cobra kai season 6
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Things I hate about part 2 of Cobra Kai (a rant if you will)
This is an absolute deconstruction of everything that was set up for the last 6 seasons!
Johnny and Daniel STILL fighting about idiocies instead of focusing on the absolute fucking mind fuck that has just been played on both their kids ( not blaming Tory by the way) . Robby is her boyfriend and the last I knew Johnny was aware of Sam and Tory's budding friendship. They decided to best do nothing for them except blame each other. YAY! Off to a good start.
Lets follow it up with the least efficient support system in the world for your captain. Apparently Robby is not allowed to be fucking devastated by the fact that the ONLY person that he trusts fully has abandoned him . Apparently they, and by they I mean Miguel and Sam ( who should know better by now) , in spite of hearing endless Johnny sob sories of how he left his child behind, decides to chide him and undermine him about how he doesn't deserve to be captain. Even though we have had to put up with all his girlfriend drama, INCLUDING him re- dislocating Robby's shoulder to get a win in season 1 because he was jealous. You want to be a leader? Prop him up! God knows he needs it after everything, but NOO lets make him feel less than. And please, when he asks you to back him up you stay silent. Thats the way! It doesn't help whem Sam piles on with half winded information. That is enough to get the rest of the team to demoralize him some more..
Hawk and Demetri becoming the most hypocritical and spineless duo of the season, reverting all the work done in previous seasons. They were annoying as all hell and I couldn't care less if they were there or not. If I was an athlete on their team I would rather withdraw...what a draaag. How they acted about Kenny was so ludicrous that I wanted to punch them in the face. They also acted as if it was only Robby's fault they were failing FUCK OFF!! AND FUCK MIT HAHA.
That's how the writers made me feel, undoing all the greatness that these characters once were. I loved Miguels struggles and Sams defiance of her father. I loved the picked kid Eli becoming Hawk. I even loved Demetri's neurotic insecurities maqueraded in a ball of sarcasm. But what the writers did this season is make everybody useless so that one common purpose could be reached...MIGUEL AND JOHNNY! It would be beautiful if it wasn't at the expense of every single character in the show.It was built up only to be flattened down at the end. That's what pisses me off.
Daniel has all but forgotten the he had a mentee once. Let's give him a pointless kiddnapping story only for him to be off balance and be obsessed about Miyagi ( who these writers should not be messing with btw).
Let's keep Robby off balance for most of the five episodes. Which became a fucking nonsensical plot point by the 1000th time he looked at at Tory.
Yes, Miguel shines as the glue and hope of Miyagi-do..the only one who can keep it together for everyone., and it would be fine IF it wasn't at the expense of everyone else performing down and out of character.
But ALAS!! His lightbulb moment comes only after Johnny assures him that he is is top dawg even if he alludes that he supports Robby ( must have missed it, but if you SAY so) and finally he starts giving Robby some encouragement.
Only then, they let Robby have his well earnt moment, not only with his protegeé Kenny but for himself. IT. IS. GLORIOUS! But then, they undo it the next day by returning his rival to the tournament just to swiftly kill him... why all this you ask? Well to set up the next rival. Who for? Yes you guessed it it's for Miguel using Sam as bait.
My question is why the writers went this way and now unfortunately, because the internet internets I know leaks.
Why? Why kill Cobra Kai's captain in the most idiotic way.
Why make Robby seem like the most undisciplined and unfocused member of the team?
Why make Sam the most irrelevant party in this tournament (unless it has to do with next rival drama).
Why neither Sensei is there for their kids (Except Miguel of course, how silly of me).
Why keep Tory in Cobra Kai?
Because in one season they are going to deconstruct all of this for it to fit Johnny and Miguel winning together as father and son as it was always meant to ( nevermind his own son who he hasn't had a scene with, but they are going to gaslight you into thinking they did) All in the name of unity and family. They have done all characters dirty, including Hawk, Demetri, Devon, Kenny and lets not forget..lets get Daniel distracted with Mr. Miyagi ( and ruin his legacy in the process) so that there can only be the sole father and son combo for the win. Why else make a fake miscarriage about if not for them to be reignited in the fight for the win. Miguel and Johnny. Our heroes!! They will never take accountability or flack for anything. Just as fan service in media loves it. Fuck the overarching story.
Don't get me wrong, I love Miguel and Johnny, I just don't love how they want to get to their endgame.
#daniel larusso#robby keene#johnny lawrence#eli moskowitz#demetri alexopoulos#miguel diaz#tory nichols#sam larusso#cobra kai
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