#my patience is so so thin :)
chalkrub · 1 year
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strange fellas
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
I’m sorry but if you’re a fem reader do not comment disgusting comments on my fics??! Why is a fem reader in my posts commenting how they’re “scared” you scared of some little ass eating? Get out my comment section !!!!!!!!
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moonpaw · 1 year
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Because I know now that I may be
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scarefox · 1 year
The way some people straight up deny soft criticism of the BL industry (stuff that isn't even a secret if you don't close your eyes and ears!!!) Criticism by literally LGBTq people working in said BL industry in Thailand..... basically one of the only ones who's voice are most valid here in this discourse. That's not hypocrism of people working in the industry to open their mouth! That's called self-awareness and using this genre to convey a message and trying to fix issues. This is about Step by Step and Lovely Writer atm. But those are not the only dramas who brought up some critic but somehow people get salty now about that little poke from SbS? Did you sleep the past 3 years?? And it's not a coincident that it's always the same topics certain BL dramas brought up!
I feel like some people here don't get that you can criticize your own work place, your own industry, your own country WITHOUT hating, shaming or demonizing it completely! Yall need stop this black & white thinking and the constant urge to feel personally attacked by something like this...
Especially the message of LW (the same people who make SbS now) was that there is nothing wrong about loving BL stories and they do like producing them. BUT that there are some things in the industry that are bad and harmful NOT ALL OF IT, SOME THINGS! Like the treatment of actors and certain topics by companies and producers. And the main theme of LW: the toxic overstepping and overcontrolling shipping culture that can (and did) destroy real life relationships / friendships under the weight of the pretend relationship (pretend as in they are not dating for real (everyone knows that! or should know that! this is also not even a secret if you watch interviews outside of the fun and couple game shows) at least in most of the cases.... in some rare ones yes, in some very rare cases some actors actually date but they are too afraid to come out due to homophobia and the way the industry & fandom treats those cases (source Dr. Thomas Baudinette who studies the industry as a form of queer asian media and interviewed companies and actors since years... somewhere in this he talks about actor relationships, I can't find the time stamp atm))
ALSO the point about exploiting the LGBTq community is NOT about the fans or LGBTq audience who love these dramas. But about businesses and literal Thailand itself. For using those stories and actors / couples for advertising, for marketing, for tourism even. BUT at the same time some don't care for real life LGBTq issues and rights or the fact that Thailand is still not agreeing on equal marriage (which is not just about them not being able to marry but they get denied a lot of things married couples get. alone the fact that they can't see their partner in the case of an emergency in the hospital because 'they are not family'). In the said SbS scene they were literally discussing which pretend couple has the most fans and how they could use their fandom and fan clubs to gain profit. Don't you guys get how fucking frustrating this is for the LGBTq people and allies who work in the BL industry, to get paraded in front of the camera for money and image but still don't get treated equally??? THAT is what they mean with exploiting.... And it's a lot of producers, writers and some actors who voice those points, not just these few self-aware BL dramas. But doing it through the medium they adress is the best way to reach the right people, to make the right people aware and ask for their support. Since they can't say such things directly (even though they should) unless they want to lose their job, they still like to a degree.
And I am sorry but the opinion of actual thai people who are inside that industry is more valid than some random fan who just doesn't want to understand those things in order to enjoy their shows without feeling bad.... What if I tell you that you can do both and that this is not about shaming you or making you feel guilty (unless you participate in toxic overstepping behavior or are actually LGBTq-phobic, then yes feel guilty)! Acknowledging issues, supporting to fix those issues and still have fun with these dramas and actors.... Those things can and do coexist and nobody said otherwise!!
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creations-by-chaosfay · 2 months
Telling me to make and list larger quilts will improve my sales is rude. Especially after I explain why I currently can't do that (my wrists and hands are a wreck).
If you're so determined I make these, you need to purchase a machine for me to be able to do that.
Until probably next Spring, I won't be able to do any handquilting. It will need to be done by machine. Neither of my two machines is large enough enough to quilt more than 30x30 inches without injuring myself. I received a quilting frame that will allow me to use a regular machine for the machine quilting and no strain on my body. Except neither of my machines is large enough. I have three on that linked list, all large enough, and the biggest has a 19 inch workspace and was made for the frame I have. I could finish a dozen or more quilts from 40x40 inches up to queen size (I have zero desire to deal with a king size quilt). The prices would drop like rocks because it wouldn't take over 300 hours to finish these. Nope. Closer to 50 hours.
If you would like to teach me to fish, you need to give me a fishing rod for the lessons to be of any use.
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gearsphere · 1 month
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“The shadows of the abyss are like the petals of a monstrous flower that shall blossom within the skull and expand the mind beyond what any man can bear-“ -Annihilation, J. Vandermeer
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batrachised · 2 months
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
mollywog, I'm going to be so real with you right now, I consider a day in which I remember to brush my hair a good day, and I'm not exaggerating. I have a weird mix of somewhat thick, slightly wavy but not curly, shaggy hair that frizzes if I brush it, frizzes if I don't, takes curls very well, doesn't keep curls long, is decidedly not straight, is decidedly not curly, and all in all is a mess. At this point in my life I've embraced it, after trying brushing, conditioners, the curly girl method, modified curly girl methods, and the whole without much luck.
i also simply have no sense for hairstyles in general and had to draft my little sister into helping me with my hair for the wedding I was in over the weekend. this helping included her being baffled that I didn't understand different types of hairbrushes, scoldingly calling our older sister in a 911 type deal to make her explain to me, and having to overall patiently deal with me like she was the main character of a horse girl movie approaching the skittish wild horse.
so to answer your question, my go to hairstyle is messy bun, but not the instagram type ones, the founding father type ones
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I got 26 asks for ya’ll, sorry they’re a bit late!
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..Bruh. Where have you been for the last 4 months?? Scroll down on my blog for like 3 seconds. You’ll find dozens of posts talking about my FNAF AU. How I’ve spent weeks rewriting the timeline, how certain comics aren’t canon anymore, how I’m working on my Recap/Repair project WHICH MIND YOU, part 1 is the most recent post I’ve made.
Also I will give Gregory any story that I want, thank you very much.
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Hey, buddy. Listen, you’re up here at a 10 right now, I’m gonna need you to come down to at least a 4, okay?
Also I hate to burst your bubble, but If you want a faithful interpretation/version of Vanessa? You don’t want my blog.
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Ah, sorry. I don’t do commissions no.. Thank you though!
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AU comes first, movies later lol
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Awe, thank you! I did my best! :} Also I don’t have a jester Anon, feel free to take the title!
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Uhg. That’s really frustrating. But I actually heard word that he finally took them down. I never checked to confirm but its a nice thought. Also thanks for letting me know!
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Thank you so much! Also I don’t think I’ve actually seen any Don Bluth movies.. or if I have I didn’t know they were made by him-
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Thank you so much! Also nooo, sorry. Those game’s events don’t happen. I built my AU mostly on games that I myself have played/ones I know a lot about. <:/
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I haven’t actually thought about it too much. Just figured eventually they’d meet and hit it off-
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<XD I’ll do my best! Thank you for the reminder,
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Awww, you’re too kind. Thank you so much!
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Holy cow, that far back?? Man, well, I apologize for the completely unhinged content you were subjected to- <XDDD
But also thank you so much! Hearing that I have such an old fan is really cool! And your patience and support for my project means the world! 
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Thank you! I’m so glad you like them! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!!! Same to you! :DD
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Does being glued to the couch for 8 hours because of being in a constant state if dizziness count as a break? :D If so, back to work I go weee!!
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AAAAA that’s so cool! Having no dead kids in the story is really refreshing! (something I never thought I’d type-) Also I love their designs! Especially Foxy’s, seeing him so tall is different to me, but cool! XD 
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XD You can always count on me to jump fandoms at the perfect time! Also oh man, that’s a tough one. I’m really torn between Engineer and Soldier.
On one hand you have Engineer. He has so many things I love in a character. He’s a tough Texan that has a healthy dosage of southern hospitality. He has total dad vibes. I love the way he interacts with the other characters as well. Like in Expiration date, taking off his helmet to show some respect to his team as he gave them the grim news. Also being mostly gentle about how he worded the news as well. He spent what he thought was his last 3 days on Earth, helping Medic to try and find a cure, overall just working in his last hours to try and help his team. Even when it should have been pretty hopeless.. Also the way he bursts into the room, “Guys! Hey, Fellas! Listen! Its just bread that gets tumors! :DD” Tossing his arms over Soldier and Medics shoulders and smiling with them, UHG he’s so cool.
I also love all the headcannons people have made about his character. A lot of people, me included, like to think that engineer cooks breakfast for the team sometimes. Eggs, Bacon, pancakes, you name it. I also love the thought that after a rough battle, where they lost and the whole team is cranky and aching. Engie goes out and fires up the grill and makes everyone some good food as a pick me up. Burgers and hotdogs, shish kabobs and sandwiches, just MAN. Such a fun idea and such an awesome character. 
His design is also really fun to me. Overalls and googles, with a hard hat that’s slightly crooked. And of course his wicked gunslinger that’s kept under wraps. Not sure why he covers it up, its awesome! ALSO His dialogue in the game is a real hoot, I also like his GAME PLAY. Although I’m a pretty lousy Engineer myself, I love the idea of being able to support my team the way he does. People can fall back and be fully protected by the Engineer. A sentry to keep you safe, a dispenser to replenish your ammo and health. And a kind hearted man to pat you on the shoulder and say, “You alright son? Here, take a seat for a while. You can get back out there when yer ready. I’ll keep an eye on you till then.” like OUHG, so much fun. I absolutely adore everything about his character.
On the other hand, there’s Soldier. He is so unbelievingly stupid, so mind blowingly absurd, and so incredibly big hearted and ridiculous. His antics and overall hilarity have brought me to tears multiple times and never fail to make me smile.
I don’t think I have a super gushy, character analysis-y reason why I like him so much. He’s just really funny, his character is so fun and ridiculous and he always makes me laugh. So that’s why its so hard to pick between Engie and him-
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Sorry, I dumped that comic long ago.. but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll feel inspired and come back to it. My hyper fixations have been known to be quite unpredictable-
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I straightened up and got 3 water bottles, I hope you’re proud of me! :}
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Thank you so much!! :DDDD
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Oooo, that’s so interesting!
Meanwhile there’s me who has completely deleted her from my brain and refuses to acknowledge her existence- XDDD
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All I’m hoping for is that they make it scary.
I want little kids to come into this movie chanting “FNAF! FNAF! FNAF! :DD” And run out screaming and crying moments later.
FNAF at its core, is a disturbing story. With gruesome themes and horrible tragedies and disgusting people. It is not meant for kids. I feel like FNAF recently has been really dumbed down and kid-ified. Which makes me kind’a sad..
I tried not to let that rub off on my AU. It may be light hearted for now, but the truth about the past and the disturbing story of William will not be buried for long..
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Thank you for the reminder, I’ll do my best!
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Awe, thank you! Once my Recap/Repair is done I gotta get around to drawing some of them!
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handweavers · 10 months
sorry there's something that really annoys me whenever the like infographic carrd links for current events ig reels self proclaimed "leftist" types on here use phrases and concepts they really don't understand like 'american exceptionalism' and 'us centrism' because they only saw it explained as 'when the us thinks everything is about the us' or 'when the us thinks it is suuuuper special and powerful' to argue that anyone who acknowledges the role of us hegemony in international politics is being american centric like "uhm in case you needed to hear this but you are actually supporting american exceptionalism by treating the us as the cause of all these wars in the world and is powerful enough to end wars" i'm really sorry but i cant be nice right now you are an idiot and have no understanding of history or global geopolitics and you spend too much time talking with people whose every post goes "yeah i'm suuuper leftist but-" who have also gotten everything they know from instagram reels and infographics. please put down the carrd links and read 'how to hide an empire' or 'the wretched of the earth'
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breakfastallday · 6 months
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mrsoharaa · 4 months
"If you want something use your words honey, I can only play along with your cute little forte for so long"
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aayakashii · 1 month
my GOD what is it with men trying to strike up a conversation with me by bringing up my depression and saying my vent posts are weird like NO SHIT I TOLD YOU I AM DIAGNOSED I'M NOT GOING TO MAGICALLY BE CURED JUST BECAUSE ME BEING SAD BOTHERS YOU. I'LL KILL YOU
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swordmaid · 1 month
why am I always fighting for my life in airports omfg
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elvenmoans · 16 days
When I was 20 I really liked Anders with no notes and no I look back and I'm like "damn love that guy but he's like the final boss of the annoying Portland leftist that doesn't think of the consequences of his actions for the little people"
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parachutingkitten · 2 months
Man. I really thought we'd get some of our big questions answered.
Like, at the very least some answers about master wu and what caused the merge. Some sense of progress on Jay perhaps.
But nothing...
Nothing but more empty teases about the future.
They set up a whole mystery installment, and then invented brand new mysteries to solve instead of solving any of the mysteries we already have, like what-
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the-wereraven · 3 months
Wish me luck for next week y'all
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