#my oneshots ; greg sanders
snarkwrites · 4 years
firstdate | greg sanders ; csi vegas [mature.]
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So.. this is kind of an AU take on my current CSI Vegas fic, trouble. You do not have to be reading that to read this though. Tis merely filth I wanted to write, from the standpoint that instead of them being thrown together and having to deal with a crazy ass ex... Sara arranges a blind date for them after they’ve met a time or two and she suspects they’re into each other. It’s kind of set around the earlier seasons too.
Ya’ll.. If anyone would rather read THIS VERSION... I’m highkey tempted to maybe write it at some point. Like... Minus all the crazy shit that’s going on in Trouble. It’d just be their run ins and stuff and then them getting together.. anyway.. I had to have this, so ya’ll must now suffer with.
None. Blind date / sex on a kitchen table could be considered, I suppose.
This content is not meant for minors. If you’re under 18+ this is not for your eyes. I warned you very clearly, right here. If you don’t like smut, you’re not going to want to keep reading.
As far as things you need to be aware of if you’re sticking around: unprotected sex ( why is it always my horny ass muses that never remember protection?) body fluids, dry humping in a movie theater...Pretty much it.
Other Stuff:
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                                                 BLIND DATE.
“Okay. I’m here.” I took a deep breath, reaching for the handle on the doors that led into the movie theater. Taking a second or two to check myself over in the reflection of the glass as I continued to mutter to myself, “I’m here.. Now to see if this mystery guy shows up.”
Just as I went to step into the lobby and out of the rain, I felt a tap to my shoulder from behind. It was around this same time that my eyes locked on Greg Sanders, standing behind me. Flashing me a grin even though he looked just as nervous as I was.
I felt my cheeks start to burn under his intent gaze.
We’d only spoken a few times, mostly when I popped in to bring my sister food during her shift and on my break from dancing at the club. And those few times had been… Intense. To say the least.
There was definitely underlying tension between us. A heavy pull to him.
I’d never actually told my sister this, of course.
Which was interesting considering Sara was the one who set up this whole blind date for the night.
“Belle, hi.”
“Greg, hey.” my teeth caught on my lip and I turned to face him. He seemed to remember the single red rose in his hand and chuckling quietly, he held it out. I took it, smiling as I passed it under my nose.
He reached around me, his arm brushing right against my side as he pulled the door to the lobby open, letting me step inside. Stepping inside behind me.
,, I owe my sister for this. More importantly, how did she know? Does this mean he’s hinted about being interested in me, I wonder?” my mind was working overtime. My mouth wasn’t quite keeping up with it, because I wanted to ask just to clarify that I’d somehow managed to luck into Greg being my blind date tonight, but the words were stuck in my throat. I mean, logically it had to be him, he’d given me the deep blood red rose I held in my hand.
“So…” I finally managed a word. A weak one, but still a word. Greg chuckled. His eyes roamed over me slowly. Subtly. But not subtle enough that I didn’t know he’d just checked me out. He stepped closer as a crowd of noisy teenagers all decked out as characters from the horror movie I intended to see rushed past. His hands settled on my arms to hold me steady. I stepped closer to him. Flashed a teasing grin.
“Are you sure you’re up for this? I mean it’s a horror marathon.” I asked. Greg smirked, shrugging. The movement called attention to broad shoulders and I stared at him entirely too hard for a few seconds.
Like an absolute moron.
“ I’ll be fine. Are you sure you’re going to be okay though. Sara told me that you like horror movies in theory, not so much in reality.” Greg flashed a teasing smirk of his own. One of us stepped closer. Our bodies brushed right against each other and the end result was this electric jolt shooting through my entire body at lightning speed.
I pretended to pout. Walking my fingers up the front of his faded gray t-shirt. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m not alone tonight then, hm?” I practically purred. “For the record, I’m not that bad.” I gave a soft smirk, nodding to the line that was growing rapidly across the lobby for the movie we’d chosen as I grabbed his hand and started to make my way over to the end of the line.
I smirked a little as my eyes settled on our reflection in the plexiglass surrounding the ticket window and I could see the way he towered over me just slightly from behind. And yeah, maybe I couldn’t resist stepping back into him just a little. Enough so that our bodies kept contact. My smirk only grew as I saw him swallow hard. His hands settled on my hips.
And to anyone around us, we probably looked more like a couple out on a date than two people who barely knew each other on a blind date.
We’d gotten our tickets. Playfully arguing back and forth over the fact that I paid my own way as we drifted into the concessions area and got into line for snacks. I found myself drawn to the guy like a magnet, pressing myself back into him as we stood in line.
Snacks in hand, we started to make our way to the theater showing our movies. My hand found his, my fingers lacing through.
“I don’t really do the blind date thing often.. My sister didn’t like… guilt you into this, did she?” I had to ask just before we stepped into the room cloaked in darkness. Greg chuckled, raising a hand. Dragging it through spiky hair as he smirked down at me. “I was about to ask you if she guilted you into agreeing…”
We shared a laugh and my back hit the wall next to the door softly. Greg’s hand rested palm down against the wall, just beside my head as he gazed down at me. Intently. Like he wanted to say something, but he wasn’t sure how to go about saying it.
And then, finally… he did.
“I would’ve asked you myself, you know.” Greg chuckled quietly. This news had my mouth opening and closing as my brain tried to catch up to what he was essentially saying. I found myself pressing against him a little more. “You would, hm?” escaping my mouth as a quiet purr as he stared down at me and bit his lip, swallowing hard again and nodding.
“Mhm. I was actually going to. The next time you came into the station.”
I licked my lips, tilting my head slightly as I looked up at him. Toying with the front of his shirt as I continued to try and process what he was getting at. Stunned, because I’d never really thought that he felt the magnetism I felt. I’d actually had myself convinced that it was purely one sided. Or that he’d never actually be interested in me.
“I would have said yes.”
This time, he was pressing into me. Harder. I took a shaky breath, my eyes settling on his mouth. And then the flash of something in his eyes. The goofy smirk as his other hand squeezed my hip.
“I didn’t think you liked me.” Greg licked his lips, eyes drifting down to mine, settling on them. The end result was me, taking a few more shaky breaths.
If the lingering tension between us was thick before, it was downright smothering now.
But so was the excitement. And the sense of right. Calm. Like tonight at least, I was exactly where I needed to be.
“Honestly, same.” I answered, both of us sharing a laugh again.
My sister had managed to play both of us. The thought sank in. I made a mental note to really, really, really… Thank her for it later.
A throat clearing behind us had us laughing and disappearing into the darkened theater. We chose a seat in the back row and settled in. His arm slipped around the back of my seat and I leaned against him a little, our eyes meeting.
The theater went even darker and the opening scene of the movie began to play. Almost instantly, as the grainy black and white opening shot of Dr. Wolfenstein’s opening speech began, I dove my head down after a quiet shriek.
As quiet as one gets.
“What the fuck have I gotten myself into?” I wondered in a whisper against his neck, making him laugh. But pull away and look at me. “If you wanna leave, we can…”
“Oh no. No, I’m determined to prove my sister wrong. I can handle this.” I took a deep breath. Greg leaned in, whispering against the shell of my ear, “If it’s too scary..”
The look in his eyes as mine met them gave away clearly what he didn’t say. I nodded, filing away the suggestion. Then the body count started to rise. And what he’d told me came rushing to the front of my mind.
“Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck.”
“Hey Belle.” Greg muttered, making me look up at him. When I did, he gently gripped my jawline, guiding my mouth against his, the taste of soda and m&m’s and popcorn mingling as his tongue trailed over mine, tangling with it and taking total control of the kiss, catching me by surprise just a little bit because honestly, if I’d imagined kissing him, I was usually more of the aggressor.. I wound up turning to the side in my chair slightly, deepening the kiss. Slipping my legs into his lap as his arm settled over them.
That huge group of teenagers had pretty much abandoned ship twenty minutes in just when the movie was starting to get a little too gory because the girl dressed as Baby was full on sobbing and begging to leave.
We basically had the theater to ourselves at this point.
And that heavy tension?
Only getting hotter. Heavier with each second that passed.
It wasn’t long until my legs across his lap wasn’t easy or convenient for either of us. Greg chuckled as a particularly deep and intense kiss broke and we pulled away to breathe a little.
The movie was all but ignored by now.
Merely background noise at this point.
I spotted the weak beam of an usher’s flashlight and devolved into a fit of giggles, muttering against Greg’s neck quietly, “We’ve got an usher. Let me just face the front really quick.. They usually make a round and they’re done. Unless… you like the thrill of almost getting caught in compromising positions...”  I flashed a teasing grin, a soft giggle leaving my lips as soon as I saw him turn just a shade red beneath the dim lighting. 
I straightened myself in my seat and took a few long and shaky deep breaths to attempt even beginning to calm myself down.
That damage was done already. I was… beyond wet. A dripping mess at this point. Everything just felt so much more intense. Intimate. The way his hands felt all over me. The way it felt to kiss him to the point where we were both dizzy and needed to breathe but also, didn’t want the kiss to end.
“Do I want to know what that meant?” Greg chuckled. A teasing grin as we found ourselves staring at each other again. Still trying to catch our breath from the deep and heavy kiss ended abruptly just seconds before.
I raised a brow. “What? Like you never purposely chose a boring movie and the back row of the theater in high school? Half the fun is in only just barely managing not to get caught...” I trailed off and gaped at Greg in disbelief when I could tell by the look on his face that he had no idea what I was talking about.
And there I went, falling just a little more.
“I,uh.. It wasn’t ever really a big issue, no.” Greg laughed quietly, shaking his head. “ To be fair, I wasn’t ever Mr. Popular, either.”
I giggled, raising my hand to my mouth to stop the sound. “No. Noooo.” but the whole admission was so sweet the attraction I had to him before grew even more. 
“You’re not serious.” I asked in a whisper as the usher finally made their way past us and out of the theater again. 
He leaned down in his chair a little, leaning into me. Muttering against the shell of my ear, “I am, actually.” as he gave me almost a sheepish look. 
“Jesus. Were girls at your school fucking blind or…?” I questioned, locking eyes with him all over again. The way his cheeks turned just a shade red beneath the dim overhead lighting only turned me on more than it should have. I glanced around the theater and then at the door behind us. 
Spotting absolutely no one, I smirked. Greg eyed me, a brow raised as I slipped out of my chair and into his lap, facing him. Leaning down, catching hold of his jaw, tilting his face upward as I leaned mine in closer. Muttering against his mouth, “We have to change that. Like.. that’s an epic wrong that has to be righted, sir.”
Greg shifted in his seat and his legs spread slightly to give himself a little more room and to catch me if I started to slip off his lap, I guess. When he did this, I could feel him starting to strain against his jeans and I rocked myself right over it, burying my mouth in his even deeper to stop myself from moaning too loudly. 
“Okay, so how does this work exactly?” he mumbled in a hushed and husky whisper against my mouth as his tongue swept past my lips, finding mine all over again. Gazing up at me. One of his hands going to my ass, squeezing. His other hand skimming up and down my side. I nearly whimpered again when he used the grip on my hip to rock me over the way he strained at his jeans harder. Pressing me down into him, sending a dull throb through my dripping sex.
My teeth latched onto his bottom lip, sucking. I rocked myself against him, baring down against his lap harder but it wasn’t enough. “It would’ve worked better if I’d worn a dress but trust me.. You know exactly what you’re doing.” I muttered as the soft smacks of our mouths meeting over and over again shattered the silence around us.
“Not really. Not when it comes to this...” he insisted. His fingers dug into my ass and his other hand tangled in my hair. He bucked himself against me when he shifted around in the seat a little. I gasped, my fingers digging into his shoulder, rocking against him just a little more. Hoping to ease the dull throb I was really starting to feel.
We pulled away to breathe again and I leaned against him, muttering against his ear, “For a guy who says he hasn’t made out in the back row of a theater before, you definitely know how to make a girl wet.” as I tried to collect myself. Tried and failed. 
My words seemed to make him snap. He was shifting me around in his lap so that I pressed against the bulge strained hard against his jeans. The hand in my hair drifted down, disappearing between us. Settling flat against my throbbing cunt. Massaging clumsily because we had limited space to work with.
Our mouths met all over again with a ferocity that had me blown away. In awe. I’d always kind of considered that Greg was handsome. Quiet. Sweet.
I’d never really… Imagined he possessed the side he was showing me right now. Somehow, I got the feeling I was one of very few people -possibly the only one but i didn’t dare hope, who might have ever even seen this side of him and that thought turned me on even more.
“How wet, exactly?” Greg questioned, his gaze meeting mine. By now, any thoughts I’d previously entertained about actually watching the movies I’d paid to see was… A fleeting and distant memory.
I wanted him.
Hands and mouth all over me. Tearing my clothes off. Buried inside me.
“Fuck.” I writhed around in his lap. Desperate for more friction. Anything to ease the steady throb. The divine torment that was his hands all over my body. I reached down, grabbing hold of his hand. Guiding it back against my aching sex. He took a ragged breath when he felt the way I was just starting to soak through skin tight black jeans. Our faces bumped at one point, making us pull away to laugh. Getting lost in each other’s eyes all over again.
“Ya know, we’re not really watching this…” I mused, trailing my tongue gently over the outline of his mouth. Smirking when I felt him shiver and heard him mutter a barely audible “Fuck” under his breath as he gripped me harder and took a few shaky breaths.
“We’re not.” Greg agreed, a distracted hum as his hands roamed all over me. One disappeared beneath my shirt and I barely managed to bury my mouth against his fast enough to stifle the moan that got swallowed by the kiss when I felt his hand cup my breast, squeezing.
“We could leave.” I muttered as my lips ghosted down the side of his neck and I rocked and rubbed against the way he strained at his jeans all over again. Urgently.
The suggestion had him standing. Not bothering to untangle me from his body. My legs circled his waist, squeezing as he carried me out the door and then out a side exit of the theater since it was well past closing hours by this point.
The entire trip across the parking lot had us kissing, the kiss only breaking once we’d reached my car and I had to dig around in my pockets for my keys. Finding them in my jacket pocket, I slipped them into his hand after unlocking the car. Greg opened the passenger door, setting me down in the passenger seat. I pulled him down, his mouth meeting mine all over again. His hand settling between my thighs. Growling into the kiss as he rubbed my aching core. 
“Greg, get me out of here.” I moaned against his neck as I rocked against the palm of his hand. He shivered slightly as my mouth dragged over the area, latching on lazily. Breaking the kiss to pull away and lock eyes with me.
“Your apartment or mine?”
“Honestly, whichever one is closer?” I pleaded, beyond desperate to be alone with him. He nodded, stepping away, shutting the passenger door to my car. I buckled my seatbelt, letting out a whimper to myself in the silence of my car as I watched him sprint around the front of it to get into the driver seat.
Once he was inside I was doing my best to lean across the console, our mouths meeting in another frenzied and deep kiss. My mouth strayed, roaming down the side of his neck, leaving another small mark behind. He groaned, tilting my chin. Making me look up at him. Giving me a teasing smirk as he asked in awe, “What am I gonna do with you, hm?”
“Whatever you want.” I answered, licking my lips as I held his gaze. His smirk only grew as he muttered thoughtfully, “Whatever I want is a pretty broad answer.”
“I meant it too.” I whispered softly as my mouth danced down the side of his neck all over again, making him shiver once more.
“I didn’t even know my neck was a hot spot.” he chuckled as he started to pull out of the parking lot.
By the time we were parking outside of my apartment, I couldn’t take another second. He killed the engine and I unbuckled my seatbelt, slipping over the console and into his lap. Reaching down beside the seat to let it back a little bit further. 
He grabbed hold of my hips, rocking me against him as he pulled me closer. Bucking up into me from below as the tips of his fingers dug into my lower back and my ass. His mouth capturing mine in a frenzied kiss that he took complete control of, surprising me all over again. He leaned into me, putting my back right against the wheel of my car, making us both laugh when I accidentally pressed right against the horn and the noise shattered the softer sounds of our kissing and we wound up jumping apart. 
Taking deep breaths. Trying to get ourselves under control even though we both knew it was a little too late for that.
His hand caressed my cheek as we leaned against each other heavily. My hand trailed over his chest, settling palm down against it. Fingers curling in the fabric of his button up. Itching to grasp and tug and send buttons scattering as I tore his clothes off.
Everything was so very intense. Vivid.
And yet, soft. Gentle. Intimate.
“Okay, if we don’t move this inside, my nosy neighbor is going to get an eye full.” I half muttered, ghosting my lips against Greg’s mouth. Making him grip me tighter. Nodding. He got out of the driver seat, sprinting around the front of the car. Throwing open the door on my side and leaning in, scooping me up as if I were light as a feather.
Oh, I had no doubt he was stronger than he made himself seem, but something about the way he did it and the little chuckle and smirk on his face as he did so had me soaked through in seconds. 
My back met my front door with a soft smack and Greg was pressing into me heavily as he tried to be smooth and put the key in the lock without breaking our kissing and touching. Drawing a needy whine and a pout from me when he had to stop. Unlock the door.
He stepped inside my apartment, taking a minute to close and lock the front door behind him. Stepping over to the kitchen table, sitting me on top of it. My hands settled on his shirt and I tugged it apart, sending buttons to spray and settle on the flooring. He gripped the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up over my head, tossing it out into the room behind him.
With a quiet rip, my bra settled on the floor near my shirt and his shirt. My hand slipped down between us, fumbling with the button and then the zipper of his jeans as he started to work my jeans and panties down my legs. I let my heels settle on the floor with a quiet thud and kicked my jeans and panties free at the ankle and Greg grumbled about having to break the deepening frenzy of kisses to step away and pull off his shoes. He kicked his jeans and boxers free and stepped back into me.
My legs circled his waist, squeezing against. My arms wrapped around his neck and I gasped softly as our bodies molded together. The contrast, the way he felt pressed against me. Skin against skin. It was enough to take my breath away. His hands skimmed my sides, settling on my thighs. Squeezing as he slipped me forward on the table  even more. Burying his mouth in mine all over again with a quiet growl.
Teeth scraping against my bruised and swollen lips as his tongue separated them. Sinking his cock into me carefully. Slowly. Going still to let me adjust. His mouth latching onto my neck as he left the first of quite a few sizable marks behind on my skin. His grip on my hips tightening as he pumped in and out of me, a little faster. Slowing down when he felt me starting to shake a little and melt into him.
Tilting my chin as he mumbled softly, “This is not how I saw tonight going.”
“Me either.” I gasped, gripping his jaw, pulling his mouth against mine as my legs clenched his sides and my heels dug into his ass, driving his cock into me even deeper, making him strike directly against my spot. Sending a shiver racing through me that had him smirking against my mouth. Slamming into me all over again as he questioned, “You liked that, hm?”
“Yes.” I moaned out, my head falling back as my eyes fluttered open and shut and I tried to fight off a fast approaching orgasm.
Greg slowed to a stop, his hands and mouth all over me. Touching and kissing every patch of skin he could get his hands and mouth on. Locking eyes with me as he mumbled quietly, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
“Have you seen a mirror, sir?” I purred as my mouth crashed against his and I tried to rock my hips to meet his deep drives, eager to get off. His hands squeezed my hips, bringing my movements to a halt as the kiss broke and we pulled away to breathe. He leaned down, his forehead settling against mine as he caressed my face. “Not yet.”
I pouted, pleading. “Please?” I gasped out as he started to fuck into me all over again. Slower. More deliberately.
His grip on my body almost bruising and yet still somehow gentle. Careful.
“I’m not made of glass baby. Harder. Please?” I begged breathlessly. He slammed into me harder. Deeper. Groaning against my skin, “You feel so good. So good.”
“Greg!” my cry pierced the air as he muttered against my mouth, “Fuck… Belle. Baby, let go.” and he didn’t have to tell me a second time because as his hips snapped against me frantically and he buried even deeper inside, I went smashing over the edge, my orgasm ripping through me, making me cling to him and try to come down from the high, clenching his cock, flooding it. Which sent him straight into his own orgasm, throbbing and filling me up. Pulling away to stare at me before burying his mouth in mine until the kiss was so deep we were both dizzy.
“You don’t have to leave tonight…” I asked hopefully. He chuckled and shook his head. “No. Do you want me to stay, Belle?”
“Very much so.” I melted against him, giving a sleepy smile as I went in for another kiss....
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Fics i have done!
Fandoms i write for!
Young justice
Megan morse/Miss martian
Connor kent/Superboy
Artemis crock/Tigress
Jaime reyes/Blue beetle
Cassie sandsmark/Wondergirl
Wally west/Kidflash
Barbara gordon/Batgirl
CSI Vegas
Sara sidle
Nick stokes
Mia dickerson
Greg sanders
Catherine willows
Warrick brown
Riley adams
Gil grissom
Benjamin hawkeye pierce
Margaret hot lips houlihan
B.J. hunnicutt
Margie cutler
Radar o'reilly
Kellye yamoto
John mulcahy
Stranger things
Nancy wheeler
Dustin henderson
Max mayfield
Jonathan byers
Robin buckley
Steve harrison
Jane hopper/el
Lucas Sinclair
Joyce byers
Mike wheeler
Barbara holland
Jim hopper
CSI Miami
Walter simmons
Yelena salazar
Ryan wolfe
Natalia boa vista
Eric delko
Calliegh duquesne
Horatio caine
Alexx woods
Jesse cardoza
Marisol delko
Kate bishop
Clint barton
Natasha romanoff
Cassandra lang
Sam wilson
Kamala khan
Bucky barnes
Bruce banner
Mortal kombat
Kung jin
Hanzo hasashi
Sonya blade
Kuai liang
Jaqui briggs
Johnny cage
Takeda takashi
Jax briggs
Cassie cage
Resident evil
Claire redfield
Carlos olivera
Sherry birkins
Leon kennedy
Jill valentine
Jake muller
Helena harper
Chris redfield
Chris laselle
Loretta wade
Sebastian lund
Hannah khoury
Patton plame
Sonja percy
Dwayne pride
Tammy gregario
Final destination
Clear rivers
Lewis romaro
Wendy christensen
Kevin horton
Carrie dryer
Kevin fischer
Kimberly corman
Thomas burke
Alex browning
The mighty ducks
Fulton reed
Julie gaffney
Adam banks
Charlie conway
Dean portman
Guy germaine
Dwayne robertson
Luiz mendoza
Connie monreau
Criminal minds
Emily prentiss
Spencer reid
Jennifer jareau
Aaron hotchner
Kate callahan
Derek morgan
Penelope garcia
Luke alvez
Tara lewis
Matt simmons
Trauma center
Derek stiles
Angie thompson
Gabriel cunningham
Elena salazar
Erhard miller
Naomi kimishima
Markus vaughn
Valerie blaylock
Susan lewis
Mark greene
Carol hathaway
Doug ross
Kerry weaver
Gregory pratt
Samantha taggart
John carter
Cate banfield
Luka kovac
Harry potter
Cedric diggory
Luna lovegood
Harry potter
Ginny weasley
Remus lupin
Narcissa malfoy
Ron weasley
Nymphodora tonks
Sirius black
Marlene mckinnon
Draco malfoy
Fleur declour
Blaise zabini
Hermione granger
Kingdom hearts
Charles xavier
Ororo munroe
Warren worthington
Kitty pryde
Kurt wagner
Illyana rasputin
Erik leshnerr
Raven darkholme
Marie d'ancanto
Peter maximoff
Pixie o'brien
Harland mckenna
Frank mccullen
Final fantasy
Cloud strife
Oerba dia vanille
Snow villers
Tifa lockhart
Hope esthiem
Oerba yun fang
Vincent valentine
Lighting farron
Zack fair
Aerith gainsborough
Lucy pevensie
Peter pevensie
Susan pevensie
Edmund pevensie
Mr tumnus
Prince caspian
Marty deeks
Shay mosley
Sam hanna
Kensi blye
G callen
Fatima nazami
Eric beale
Harley hidoko
Nell jones
Code lyoko
Aelita schaffer
Odd della robbia
Yumi ishiyama
Ulrich stern
Milly solovieff
William dunbar
Tamiya diop
Jeremy belpois
Triple frontier
Will "ironhead" miller
Frankie "catfish" morales
Benny miller
Santiago "pope" garcia
The night shift
Landry de la cruz
Joey chavez
Gwen gaskin
Kenny fornette
Jordan alexander
Michael ragosa
Drew allister
Shannon rivera
TC callahan
Ewan mcgregor characters
Catcher block
Dan torrance
Perry makepeace
Christopher robin
Rodney copperbottom
Robert lewis
Alex law
Edward bloom
Star wars
Cara dune
Luke skywalker
Aayla secura
Din djarin
Padme amidala
Cal kestis
Rey skywalker
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Qui gon jin
Ahsoka tano
Poe dameron
Leia organa
Iden versio
Del meeko
Misc 1
Jack mercer
Mason "mace" brown
Spike spiegel
Lu fox
Elizabeth martinson
Laney boggs
Max lewinsky
Flip zimmerman
Nani pelekai
Murphy macmanus
Lu fox
Samantha caine
Bill s prescott
Zack siler
David abbott
Jed eckhart
Tess finnegan
Ryan williams
Barbara novak
Ted logan
Eugene/vida boheme
Tris prior
Murtagh morzzansson
Stephanie speck
John wick
Viola eade
Jonathan levy
Evey hammond
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Casey jones
Elliot alderson
Misc 2
Chris chambers
Andie anderson
Michael perry
Beatrix "the bride" kiddo
Quinn fabray
Benjamin barry
Dani rojas
Daphne moon
Javi gutierrez
Allison reynolds
Hector villanueva
April o'neil
Ned tash
Don billingsley
Asami sato
Beau hutton
Monica long dutton
Joey coalter
Celine naville
Sam munroe
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snarkwrites · 4 years
wakeup | greg sanders | csi vegas | mature.
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Okay, so... This fits into the same universe as the fic I’m currently writing ( trouble ) but.. You do not have to read it for it to make a lot of sense? I mean it’s basically just wake up sex...
Listen, I needed to write this. I had to get it out. I had to.
Prompts Used:
None, actually. This is just a random scene that came to mind.
Other Parts
Uhh. This content is not meant for minors. Absolutely not meant for minors. So if you’re under 18+ click away now. If you don’t like smut, you’re not going to like this. Facts. If you continue to read, despite knowing all of this ahead of time, this is now your problem. I warned you right here in black and white.
If you’re sticking around, first of all yayyyy!, second, these are some things you need to look out for or be aware of: unprotected sex / body fluids, biting/sucking. that’s pretty much it.
Sunlight filtered in through the blinds covering his bedroom window. For a few seconds, Greg leaned in the doorway to the room, dragging thick digits through spiky hair, just watching her sleep. The blanket was barely covering her body and when she rolled over onto her side, cuddling herself against his pillow with an arm over it, the blanket slipped to the floor as it gave up the fight. The blanket’s absence revealed crimson colored cotton and Greg had to work to swallow the lump in his throat as it built.
,, I am… The very definition of a lucky bastard.” the thought came just as he started to really strain against his jeans. He bent, pulling off his Vans and leaving them by the bedroom door. He pulled off his socks next. Then he took off his jeans letting them settle on the floor seconds later and then tugging the olive green long sleeve shirt over his head, letting that settle next to his jeans.
A lime green wire was barely visible through the wild mess of dark brown hair and Greg could hear their song playing quietly. She’d fallen asleep listening to music or true crime podcasts again and it had him chuckling as he carefully moved his pillow from beneath her arm and slipped into bed next to her.
He slipped the earbud out of her ear and felt around until he located her cell phone, slipping it out from beneath her pillow and putting it on charge on his nightstand because if he didn’t, it’d be dead later.
She wasn’t ever really good at remembering to keep her cell phone accurately charged. It slipped her mind often. If she wasn’t forgetting to charge it, she was forgetting where she had it last.
As she seemed to realize that he was home from his shift at the lab, she curled into him, her arm and leg slipping over him as she did so. Greg’s hand raised, caressing her cheek and pushing the black velvet eye mask she wore to keep the light out of her eyes up and out of the way. Her body molded against his completely. Her mouth pressed lazily against his as she yawned out “You’re finally home. I can actually sleep.”
Her words had him chuckling. His tongue dragged slow over the outline of plump lips before slipping between them. She rocked into him just a little and his arm slipped over her, hand settling on her ass, gripping. A quiet whine escaped her lips, lingering in the small space between their mouths. He felt the shiver pass through her body as he gave her ass another squeeze, rocking her into him all over again. 
“I thought that’s what you were doing, babe.” he muttered into a deepening kiss  in between the soft sounds of their mouths meeting. She took his face in her hands, deepening the kiss even more. The kiss broke and they pulled apart to breathe. Her hands were all over him now, trailing over his chest, making him growl quietly as he settled on top of her, leaning down. Hands ghosting over her sides and slipping beneath the hem of his t-shirt, that she’d been sleeping in. Working it up over her head slowly. Her hand dipped down, a delicate fingertip dragging ever so slowly across his abdomen, just above the waistband of his boxers, making him groan quietly.
“I was trying to. Now I can actually do it.” Belle answered sleepily, pulling him down on top of her completely. Whimpering when she felt him hard enough to break, straining through his boxers. Greg thrust himself against her, his hands skimming over her sides again, hanging on her curves as he gazed into big and bright but sleepy brown eyes and promptly started to get lost.
Just like always.
He was an addict and she was his shot of dopamine. And so much more.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Belle asked, biting down on her lower lip as she gazed up at him. Greg chuckled, shaking his head. Trailing a finger over those kiss swollen lips of hers and making her give a quiet whimper and promptly pout, accusing him of being a tease before he finally got to answer, “Nothin, babe. Just can’t stop thinking about how sexy you are. How lucky I am that I get to come home to you.” he bucked himself into her and she met the motion, her arms slipping around his neck. Fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck as she smiled and gave him a deep kiss.
Filled with longing. Her hands all over him because she just couldn’t keep them off or still for very long.
“I’m telling you, I’m the lucky one, Greg.” her legs raised, bent at the knee and one of them resting on either side of his body. In the softest and most teasing tone he’d ever heard, she muttered against his mouth as she licked at the outline of it when the kiss broke again at last, “Wanna put me back to sleep, baby?”
“Mhm. Very much so.” Greg’s voice was husky and warm against her skin as his mouth moved down the front of her throat slowly. Stopping to nip and lick, making her come alive beneath him. Her legs squeezing his sides as she rubbed against him more. Desperate for friction. Desperate to feel skin on skin completely. With an impatient whine, she reached down between them, tugging at the thick band of his boxers, gazing up at him with a begging look that had him caving in a split second.
He tugged her panties down, tossing them out of the way and then he pulled away from her and she rose to sit, tugging at his boxers, letting them pool at his feet. He kicked them free and he was settling back on top of her, pushing her back against the mattress all over again as his hands caressed her face and his mouth buried in her mouth all over again, deeply. 
His hands wandered then settled on her hips and he sank into her slowly, burying inch for inch inside. Gazing deep into her eyes as the kiss broke. Slow deep drives so that she could feel every single inch as it buried inside her. The soft creak of their bed made them laugh a little, especially when it started to get louder.. Faster. She clung to his body and nipped at his neck, marking it up, making him groan and grip her body tighter, really starting to slam into her. His forehead settled against her forehead.
All he could do was stare down at her. Mesmerized by every little move her body made pinned beneath his. He bit down on his lip, a quiet groan escaping and hanging in the air between the two.
She was staring right back at him, her hips perfectly meeting his with each deep and drawn out drive deep into her body. When he bottomed out, her head fell back and her eyes fluttered open and shut as she moaned his name. Her legs wrapped around his hips, drawing him in deeper still, her heels digging into his backside as he pumped in and out of her, the sound of skin against skin and the slow and steady creak of the bed competing with the sound of her whimpers and cries of pleasure and his moans. 
He felt her tensing, starting to shake a little and he slowed. Peppering hot little kisses against her face, lips and neck. Touching her all over. Her nails scraped at his bare back and his fingers dug into her hips as he tried to work himself back from the edge.
“You’re fucking amazing.”
“So are you.” she met his lips in a slow but fiery kiss, her teeth tugging at his bottom lip just slightly, the pressure making his lips ache and he knew that hours from now, he’d still feel that ache and he’d smile to himself about it when he thought about why his lips were aching and his back was scratched… why there were love bites littering his neck, throat and chest.
And he’d remember every single handprint, love bite and mark he left behind on her as well.
“Baby, please.” she whimpered when he started to fuck into her all over again, slower. Deeper. Touching her everywhere he could get his hands. “Please what?” Greg asked, a teasing chuckle against her skin as his mouth roamed down the side of her neck, marking it up even more.
“Faster. Harder.” her legs grip on his hips tightened and he grunted as the way she angled her hips had him hitting right against a spot that felt so fucking good he didn’t want to stop and almost couldn’t. He barely managed to keep himself from obliging her, speeding up as she was begging for, but he managed to slow down, shaking his head.
“Uh uh.” he teased, rolling his tongue over the outline of kiss swollen lips, making her stick her tongue out to meet his. Her arms went around his neck, her fingers toying with the hair at the nape of it. He slowed even more, nearly pulling all the way out only to slowly bury himself back inside of her, inch for inch. And the more he did this, the more her fingers dug into his shoulders or her nails dragged down his back.
The more he did this, the more he tortured himself until finally, he almost couldn’t hold back anymore. His mouth dove against her own and he muttered quietly, “Now baby. It has to be now, I can’t take anymore, fuck.” 
When he felt her tighten around his length, he growled, nipping at her neck, lips latching on, sucking as he fucked into her faster, erratic thrusts of their bodies meeting and the sound of skin against skin competing with their moans and groans or the way she whimpered his name over and over as she went racing over the edge and he went right along with her. He fucked them through a shared orgasm and pressed himself against her before falling to the bed beside her and rolling onto his side, wrapping his body around her, hands caressing her face as he gave her a long and slow and deep kiss.
“Tired now, baby?” he teased when she yawned and nodded. “Very.”
He yawned too, nodding in agreement. “Same. Let’s go to sleep, yeah?”
“Mhm.” she purred, lips brushing against his chest, already starting to drift off...
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snarkwrites · 4 years
dancer | greg sanders ; csi vegas
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Okay, so first of all. No full on actual filth. Just some mild filth here. Secondly, this whole thing came about as a result of a rather uh.. inspiring conversation between @twistnet​ and I, so.. I love you babe, you’re the best.
Secondly, this is an AU of trouble... This part picks up from [ first date ] and it’s roughly a few weeks later, ya know.. after they’ve been dating a bit. You do not have to be reading the main fic [ trouble ] for this to make sense but.. if you wanna know how they met in this version of their story, it’s advised to read [ first date ] . 
dirty dancing at a club / as per our discussion.
Sidle!Sibling OFC, Belle x Greg Sanders
Dry humping against the wall, stripping mention, body fluid mention, liiight dirty talk, flustered Greg.. This content is not intended for minors. If you’re under 18+, this was not written for your eyes, you need to click away now.
Other Stuff:
[ faq - tag list doc ] 
                                       D A N C E R.
I definitely hadn’t been planning on Greg ever actually seeing me dance at the club. He knew I danced at a club on the Strip two nights a week, but I hadn’t ever really mentioned much beyond “oh hey, i’m an exotic dancer two nights a week” since we’d started getting to know each other.
Honestly, I’d been surprised when he hadn’t ghosted me over it after I told him. It wouldn’t have been the first time it happened.
I found myself wondering how he figured out which club and what nights I worked. Puzzled. Body burning all over as I stood waiting to take my usual spot on stage. Wondering how everything was going to play out after he actually saw me dancing.
,, welp. Here goes nothing.” I thought to myself, taking a long and deep breath. Pulling myself together. ,, He’s either going to be fine with it or this is going to be too much for him.”  the thought intruded and I tried to ignore it.
As soon as I realized that it wasn’t just Greg present, and that apparently, something had happened out in the parking lot that called for Forensics to come down and investigate, I felt a little relieved. Still heavily concerned that his knowing and now, actually seeing proof that I am a dancer at a club two nights a week was going to strain things between us.
Rebel Yell began to play and I slunk out onto the stage as soon as the announcer read off my name, announcing me to the crowd gathered to watch. My breath caught in my throat as I locked eyes with Greg, leaning against the bar at the back of the club.
Staring at me intently. Biting his lip.
The stage was too far away to really try and get a good read on his facial expression upon actually seeing me on stage, dressed in the skimpy little school girl outfit. I took a deep breath and grabbed the pole, starting to grind against it.
One of the regulars in the front started to howl. I tensed a little, but I quickly got myself pulled together again. Just because my new boyfriend was present didn’t mean I was going to allow myself to have an off night.
,, he might not even be your boyfriend after actually seeing you. Telling him and being honest about it is one thing. Him actually witnessing it is another entirely.” my mind taunted.
From the back of the club, I could almost swear I heard my sister yelling at the regular in the front to shut the fuck up and watch the dance and the thought had me smirking a little. Something finally clicked for me and I was able to block out everything going on in my mind and everything awaiting me after I left the stage.
Because I wasn’t stupid by any stretch. I knew that Greg was going to have a reaction to watching me, one way or another.
I circled the pole, starting to make my way up it. Back arching. Moving slowly. Once I was at the top, I dropped down again, settling on the floor in a split. They always say that if you’re nervous, pick a random in the crowd. Make your entire performance for their eyes only. And given just how nervous I was tonight and how badly I wanted Greg not to wind up being like the other guys who’d not been able to handle my dancing, I decided that I might as well give him a really good look at what he was in for.. Rolling over from that gracefully, crawling and writhing around on the stage. Whipping my head around as I crawled out a little closer to the end of the circular area. Closer to the crowd.
I locked eyes with Greg just in time to find him watching me intently. Eyes roaming over my body. Slow enough that I knew he was undressing me with his eyes. I had a good enough view of him now that I could clearly see the way his eyes flooded with lust and he mumbled “Fuck” to himself on several occasions. I even saw the angry look in his eyes when that same regular who’d been yelling and saying sexual things earlier in my dance took it upon himself to start again. Greg’s gaze shifted for just a moment then, locking eyes with the regular. When he called out for the guy to shut the fuck up, my breath caught just a little. His eyes fixed on me all over again. I could feel myself starting to get wet. So wet. Especially when his tongue dragged slowly over the outline of his lips and he gave me this adorable shy little wink.
I saw him get up closer to the end of my song, disappearing towards the area of the club where the bathrooms and the dressing area for the dancers were located.
My song ended and he still hadn’t come back out to the main area. As I walked to the back and towards the dressing area, I fully expected to be greeted by him telling me he couldn’t do this, that my night hobby was just too much for him to take.
Instead, I was greeted by him leaning against the wall, waiting. I stopped to stand in front of him and took a few shaky breaths, waiting for whatever he was going to say. Tensed up because I was so afraid this was about to be over before it even really began. When he locked eyes with me, I swallowed hard. Preparing myself to say something.
Just when I was about to, he pressed the side of his finger against my lips, quieting me. He towered over me slightly as  his body pinned mine against the wall. One of his hands captured mine over my head. Holding them there as his other hand skimmed over my body and his mouth dove against mine. Teeth scraping at my lips.
“You realize you’re going to be covered in glitter..” I muttered in a daze as the kiss deepened. The shock was starting to wear off and a smile formed at the realization that he wasn’t leaving and obviously, we weren’t over. I let out a ragged breath that got swallowed up in the kiss.
“You realize I’m stupid horny right now and really don’t care, right?” Greg chuckled quietly as his free hand wandered down, settling against my core, squeezing and rubbing the heel of his hand against my already flooded thong. As soon as he realized just how little my panties left to the imagination, he growled against my mouth, “Fuck.” the K lingering harsh in the air as he pressed his hand against my core even harder, rubbing faster. I rocked against his hand, trying to catch my breath.
My mouth broke from his, trailing down the front of his throat and he gripped hold of my chin, pulling my mouth back up to meet his. Bucking himself into me as his finger dragged over my center.
“You’ll give me a private show later, right?” he muttered, gazing down at me as the kiss broke again and we struggled to catch our breath. I bit my lip, smiling as I nodded yes at him. He grinned and leaned in, reaching beneath my skirt to give my ass a squeeze, muttering against the shell of my ear, “We’d better get out to the front.”
I pouted at this.
“Oh, I’m not happy about it either, baby.” Greg’s forehead rested against mine as he chuckled and continued quietly, “Because I’m fucked as far as focus and concentration go now. Absolutely fucked.”
“Aww. I’d say I’m sorry but honestly? Nah. I’m not.” I teased, slipping my hand down and in between us, palming at the way he strained at his jeans. He groaned and rocked himself against my hand, taking a few deep breaths. Gazing at me. “I told you none of this bothered me. You know I mean it now.. Right?”
I nodded. Rose up and pulled him into another kiss, my fingers dragging through his hair. Muttering against his mouth as the kiss broke and I pulled away, “You really need to get back out there.”
“I’ll be waiting on you, okay?”
I nodded, smiling.
He went back out to the front of the club and I went to the dressing rooms.
My intention was to change, but honestly.. The chance to tease him just a little more took hold.
Instead of changing, I made my way over to the side of the club where the rest of the girls had gone to be examined.
Warrick coughed, nodding to Belle as he met Sara’s gaze. “Ready to watch Greg lose his fuckin mind, Sidle?”
Sara nodded. Muttering a thoughtful “Oh shit. This should be interesting” as she  gave a soft laugh, nudging Greg. Nodding in her sister’s direction. “You’re up, Greggo.”
Nick chuckled, giving a teasing grin as Greg’s cheeks tinted pale red. Greg’s eyes settled on Belle and he swore under his breath. His first instinct was to take off his button up and cover her. Because Nick and Warrick… And some of the rowdy regulars who were apparently, fans of hers.
He hadn’t been expecting to feel the primal surge of jealousy. Dominance.
The need to show the other men present that Belle was his and his alone.
It took him by surprise.
After he managed to pull himself together, he made his way over to Belle, blacklight in hand.
He stepped as close as he could to her. Blocking the view of the other men present.
He didn’t have to look at Nick to know that Nick was probably pouting about it and he didn’t care. His eyes roamed over Belle and he muttered quietly, “I thought you were changing, princess.”
Belle gave a soft giggle. Playing coy as her hand raised to her mouth and she mumbled softly, “Oops. In my defense, I was awfully distracted when I went in the back to do that.”
Greg coughed a little and blushed, chuckling. “Distracted, huh?”
“Mhm.” Belle licked her lips. “Somebody had me all hot and bothered. Wet.”
Greg bit his lower lip, taking a shaky breath. Fighting back a low growl.
Whispering in a lower tone so nobody around them could hear, “Are you seriously teasing me right now, baby? Is that what this is? What am I going to do with you, hm?”
“ I mean, just a suggestion here sir.. But you could fuck me.” Belle muttered audibly. Greg, flustering and chuckling quietly, nearly dropped the blacklight because he’d been running it up and down her body.
Greg managed to recover, but not before Nick called out calmly, “You’re actin like a rookie over there, Greggo.”
Greg flipped him off and rolled his eyes.
“It’s cute. The way you get flustered.” Belle teased gently. Greg stepped away, smirking. “You’re all clear, Ms. Sidle.” and as he went to move on to the next person in line, he stopped beside her. Leaning in close. His mouth grazing the shell of her ear.
“Just wait. You’ve got to remember, princess… you’re coming home with me tonight. Keep going though, by all means.”
Belle barely stopped a whimper and when he saw her clench her legs slightly, he chuckled. 
Belle muttered aloud, “Fuck.” as she watched him walk away, fanning herself.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
greg sanders being the sweetest little bean ever?!😍😍😍 sign me up! honestly can’t remember the last time i watched csi: las vegas but greg will always hold a little bit of my heart, right next to tim - ❤️
Honestly same! like... Tim and Greg are my top two and then come all the other ones I love!! I’m so glad you liked the one shot!! I just like... I did a sort of intro for Tim / his girl,  I felt like doing it for Greg and this particular one before I wrote anything I may or may not be considering.. Oh, honey.. I have more. I’ve honestly thought about posting /intro/ oneshots for the guys I definitely want to write fluff / filth for in the future... since I’m picky about starting chaptered series...
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