#my one true kween of the north
yanak324 · 5 years
Hey @livhatesolives! Thank you for giving me this ask. I identify very strongly with Ms. Sansa Stark and therefore, truly appreciate the opportunity to write a love letter to my favorite GOT/ASoIaF character.
How I feel about this character:
Sansa Stark is one of the most complicated GOT/ASoIaF characters in my (non) humble opinion. She’s someone who grew up with certain romanticized ideals and expectations from life that got systematically torn down over time. However, she didn’t crumble beneath all the pain and trauma she endured (something she has in common with her younger sister, ahem). She’s incredibly beautiful in a very traditional sense and that actually causes her to be extremely insecure and also what makes her a bit of a bully when she is young. She had to grow up quickly and made her question the expectations she had as a kid. As a result, this makes her deeply remorseful for being cruel in her youth and has strived to rebuild relationships with people she’d wronged including Arya and Jon. She’s a strategic thinker and has incredible foresight. Her survival instinct is second to none and she can outthink and out strategize any politically savvy leader out there. Nevertheless, she can come off very cold and aloof, which makes her very unapproachable and cold. She gives off a certain air of arrogance and haughtiness that puts people off but once you get to know her, she is one of the most giving, generous and caring people you will ever encounter.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don’t actually ship Sansa with anyone. I don’t know if this is because I can’t imagine her letting anyone in post-canon OR because I think nobody is good enough for my baby, but I just don’t see a man or woman out there who matches her like Arya and Gendry match each other, and if I’m going to ship Sansa with anyone, they need to be at THAT level. That being said, I think Sansa and Margaery Tyrell are the closest to what I can imagine Sansa actually being happy with long term.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Gendry Waters. Anyone who has read The Last Time knows how fiercely I ship this friendship even if there was not an inkling of this in canon…canon whomst?
My unpopular opinion about this character
Sansa is not the villain in Arya’s story and I am so sick and tired of people pitting them against each other. These two are sisters and I completely understand that Sansa was awful to Arya as kids, but how many of us were bullied as children and were able to overcome that in adulthood. I don’t see how anyone can judge them for finding some sort of balance as adults. I feel like Sansa is often misjudged as being purely cold and judgemental without her motivations being fleshed out and I hate that. I think she loves Arya fiercely and is in a lot of ways envious of Arya’s ability to do what she wants and get away with it. This might cause conflict and a lot of cognitive dissonance in her head, but at the end of the day, Sansa would cut a bitch for anyone in her family, but especially Arya and I refuse to hear anything else.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I really wish Sansa never told Tyrion about Jon’s patronage. I feel like that was something that truly went against her character and I am not here for it. I also find that her dislike of Dany was horribly blown up and misjudged and I wish that the show never went in that direction if they didn’t plan on giving it more screen time...but that’s just part of my general gripe with the show. What I really wish for Sansa is a gentle love and a powerful kingdom and I also wish for her to be a mother...but that’s probably never going to happen so I’ll just write it, I guess ;)
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chid-sen-gan-blog · 6 years
How to Win Every Dany Stan Argument
(DS = Dany Stan, Y = You)
DS: Dany was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Y: That's a nice dream. Joffrey thought the same thing.
DS: You're not a true Jon fan! He's in love with Dany! Don't you want him to be happy?! Y: You’re the ones who want Mr. "All-My-Life-I-Wanted-to-Be-a-Stark" to restore a lineage who's members were responsible for roasting his grandpops and uncle alive and serve as a glorified baby-maker to kween khaleesi for all eternity. Are you sure you want him to be happy?
DS: You're delusional! Y: *putting down magnifying glass* Huh? Sorry, I missed that. I was busy looking for Dothraki braids in Jon's hair.
DS: Boatbang!!!!!!!!! Y: Okay, but... a eunuch was given a longer love-making scene in the same season.
DS: You're just a Jonsa! Y: (if you're not a Jonsa) Actually, I'm not. *chuckles* Yeesh... and I'm the delusional one. Y: (if you are a Jonsa) And I will continue to be, unless your fave roasts me alive for having a different opinion.
DS: Stop whining! It doesn't matter that they're under a monarch now! The North is still free! Y: Really?! Man, someone contact the revolutionaries through history! Turns out they were free all along!
DS: But she freed slaves! Y: Slaves who now serve her without pay doing the exact same jobs they did without pay before she freed them. How inspiring!
DS: Don't be so hard on her! She's young and still learning! Y: Don't be so hard on Walder Frey! He was old and bitter!
DS: She doesn't enjoy burning people alive! Y: Then why are there enough clips of her looking visibly pleased at immolation that you could make a remix with them?
DS: So, she's done a few things wrong... Y: What counts as a "few"? Because, by that logic, so has Ramsay.
DS: She came to rescue everyone on the Wight Hunt! Y: I hear the Night King's penning a thank you letter* for that. *he'll send it via turbo-raven, like the one Gendry sent Dany
DS: You're just saying that because you're a/an *insert GoT character name here* stan! Y: *gasps* You're right! I am! I also stan *prattles off names of other characters you like*...
DS: Love comes at the eyes! Y: Good to know! That means all my ships are canon! Wait... *pauses* I thought you hated Doreah for what she did to Dany. Why are you quoting her? Are you sure you're real Dany fans?!
DS: *points out flaws in your favorite character to prop up Dany* Y: *nods and wipes a proud tear* I know. They've grown so much since then.
DS: Jon wasn't a prisoner on Dragonstone! Y: ... yeah, because he definitely didn't say it himself.
DS: Dany's done a lot without her dragons! Y: A fact I don't deny. Leading her Dothraki through the Red Waste, and starting a civil war in Mereen? Career goals!
DS: She saved Jon! Y: There was a Stark who had a name and Benjen was his name-o! B-E-N-J-E-N! B-E-N-J-E-N! B-E-N-J-E-N! And Benjen was his name-o!
DS: *calls foul names* Y: Just like the ones Kraznys called your beloved kween! I'll take it as a compliment!
DS: Dany’s never wanted to hurt/kill anyone! Y: I don't know. She didn't sound all that fond of "clever plans" in The Spoils of War. And seemed pretty fond of Aegon the Conqueror's fear tactics in Beyond the Wall. And then there’s the speech she gave the Dothraki back in Season 6...
DS: She's only/will only hurt/kill(ed) bad people! Y: ... but you just said she never intended to hurt/kill anyone...
DS: Her dragons don't make her who she is! Y: Yep, that's all her. I wouldn't brag about it.
DS: But she's suffered so much! Y: Everyone has. It's Game of Thrones.
DS: She's pretty! Y: Ros was, too. Doesn't mean she should be queen.
DS: She's not a villain, and definitely not the final villain! That’s obviously Cersei! Y: Like how it was obvious that Ned would be sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of the series?
DS: She gave the Tarlys a choice! Y: Incidentally, it was the same choice Voldemort gave the Hogwarts students in The Deathly Hallows.
DS: Don't judge her based on what her dad did! Y: I will stop when she stops doing what her dad did.
DS: You're a misogynist/sexist! Y: Trust me, if I was, I wouldn't be watching the show anymore. The only people fighting for a throne currently are two girls. Though I guess there’s that guy who doesn't want it, and a walking popsicle, too...
DS: You're just jealous of Dany! Y: Guilty. I wish that I, too, could do whatever I want and face zero consequences whatsoever.
That's it for now! Any other common arguments that I forgot, feel free to tell me/add on (given that anyone actually read this). I hope you enjoyed! Thanks!
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shellofaretard · 5 years
Incel Manifesto
I am the BIG INCEL. The perennial incel. I was a virgin before you were born. I was a virgin when the universe was formed. When i close my eyes the world dies with me its hymen still intact. 
Incel has always been the default of western civilization. We are the inheritors of this w/o any disparity to what came before. Metaphor about ancient statues and their lil shrimp dicks.
Sir Isaac Newton was an incel. Nikola Tesla was an incel. Jesus Christ was an incel. Has anyone who’s NOT an incel ever created anything worthwhile??
Ripped apart by natural selections icy north winds. Tossed around by autism chromosome waves. Mogged by 4/10 clouds. Masticated by roastie whirlpool.
The Incel project is an indictment of Creation that is, at the same time, rooted in an observant piousness towards its laws and the impossibility of moving outside its boundaries. The duty of Man to accept and affirm the inherent cruelty of the cosmos, and ponder his destiny within it.
For the <0.5/10 genetic sewage, to expose oneself to the flesh-burning mog radiations of the outside world is comparable to Julius Evola walking around the city during bombing raids.
Really hope incels start walking the walk and actually go ahead with those elaborate plastic surgery plans they love to talk about soon.  In post-modern body modification culture, surgically administered transformations are seen as an ascent towards the narcissistic illusion of a more “authentic” self. We have understood that the vanilla modernist paradigm in which Man is assigned one body, whose form, “health” and integrity it is his duty to preserve unto death, was never going to work.
Until very recently, it was normal for bodies to undergo unwanted dis- and transfigurations due to war and disease, their personal notions of bodily integrity routinely subdued to the amoral whims of the medieval War God. It is this view of the world that the incels, these ferocious dreamers of Galilean proportions, these weavers of cruel, delectable phantasms after my own heart, are returning to, finding themselves thrust into a hostile universe whose rigid biological laws are stacked against them with no humanist justification of “fairness”.
Incel chin osteotomy is then a religious act completely removed from narcissism. It is done out of reverence for a cosmic order radically irrespective of the incel’s interests and feelings. The ontological conduit between God and man takes the form of a leash, one by which Man is dragged to the plastic surgery clinic precisely in order to serve God better. I would like to argue that Incel is the most legitimately religious (anti-humanist) movement of our time in that it is based on an acceptance of human insignificance in the face of the cosmic order.
Much has been said about the supposed ‘entitlement’ of incels, but this can easily be reframed in a different context. Incel is, at its heart, a radical human agency denialist movement, seeking to redefine the role of Man in the universe by finding spirituality and reverence in the acceptance of total biological determinism, and beauty in the order of chin curvatures, neural pathways and DNA spirals of differing quality. The total absence of free will means everyone is always already entitled to exactly what they get. Genuine incel is less about demanding more than what is deserved than a retreat into a meditative position, neutral like nature itself.
If you’re willing to sell your purity for some used up 3.5/10 roastbeef: fuck off. This is supposed to be a modern monastic movement, where disciples eventually achieve true serenity and a connection with supernatural powers (wizard) in studying the patterns of the cosmos, of God’s plan; taking in the thorny architectures of inherent hierarchy without ego. It is about seeing the face of God in the cute waterpolo boy who nearly bullied you to suicide in 4th grade.
If you believe such a thing as ‘volcel’ exists in this world utterly bereft of all and any free will, you have reasoning skills akin to a donkey, I’m afraid.
Incels see time as a byproduct of the sad compulsion of humanist perception to form linear narratives of ‘progress’ and change. Such narratives are to be deemed illusory and rejected to the best of our abilities. In the Incel conception of time, everything is always already happening at the exact same time, meticulously arranged into a rigid, immutable hierarchy by the will of God himself alone.
This also means that it is pedantic and somewhat shallow to necessarily equate Incel with total sexlessness. Since no narratives ‘connecting’ one moment with the next are real, technically, every man not currently experiencing (undergoing?) direct roastie friction in this very moment is an incel, with whatever horrible baggage that entails.
I’m a virgin myself but my impression is that sex probably isn’t as big a deal as elliot rodger thought it would be. I look at sex havers and don’t think they are truly happier than i am (I’m a pretty happy retard). They were just born with higher quality DNA but i’m not sure if that is correlated with happiness whatsoever. I hate and envy them because I must but there is no objective ‘truth’ behind my ostensible assumption of their having it better.
All partaking in an act does is destroy the soul and dream of that thing. Only virgins understand the metaphysics of sex, only incels are capable of having a soul. This is why elliot rodger was so dangerous to the system. He had dreams that were unquantifiable and untransferrable, and the system thrives solely on the quantifiable and transferrable. I know y’all want to fuck Elliot now but thats like wishing jesus had the chance to get into nintendo wii instead.
If elliot rodger’s ideas of what sex (and ‘love’) would have been like could somehow be quantified, externalized and turned into a reality for all to simultaneously experience, the entire world would collapse, submerged in the brutal, monolithic singularity of joy.
There is a reason religious, celestial imagination is all over incel culture. Think of st. blackops2cel and compare it to the brash, earthy vulgarity of YASSSS KWEEN or something. It is st. blackops2cel whose hand i am taking. It is through him that i discover weightlessness and liberation from the ballasts of the body. It is with him that i dash through the firmament and enter the pearly gates. Perhaps in the near future, the only two ways to die will be euthanized by the state following a lengthy bureaucratic procedure (hell) or shot by a cute incel at school (heaven).
Now awaiting my gentle ascent into wizardry. Male pattern balding. Hormonal makeup changing. Still worship sathanas and aktion t4 and cut myself under the full moon. Still loathe god for giving me the tard genes and curse the faggot christ for normalizing the enabling of retards. But also know this is definitely all there is for me to which there is a certain closure. Know this basement is, at the end of the day, safe. Know theres not that much left at least.
How does the eventual ascension into the more serene state of wizardry feel for you. My angry incels. My romantic incels. My aching incels. My defeated incels. My broken incels. My incels who just want to see the world burn.
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alrightsnaps · 5 years
Your dislike for Clarke is inspiring. I haven't watched the show since season 3 I think, but I stopped liking her in season 1, so yah. Raven deserved lead.
Raven had the potential to become the sci-fi female lead.
An impoverished girl that grew up with an alcoholic, neglectful mother and managed to grow into a strong yet kindhearted woman? A downright genius latina mechanic that inspires admiration and respect and saves the day time after time? A disabled woman with chronic pain that simply does not know the meaning of the word give up, because she's a survivor that will always fight for her life no matter what?
She'd be fucking iconic!
Raven is simply too good to be true, and these idiotic writers reduce her to a side character they only remember when someone has to save everyone's asses, torture porn (which is absolutely disgusting) or shoving her with the next insignificant dude that joins the show as a love interest.
But it's not just that Clarke doesn't hold a candle next to Raven of course– though she sure as hell does not. I could handle a character I dislike, we all have one or two of those in every show. It's her sidelining every other character, constantly putting everyone (including Raven and Bellamy that are my favourites) in danger and betraying her people, constantly whining about how she never asked for power yet repeatedly stepping forward as a self-proclaimed leader (and fucking everything up once again) and never ever facing any consequences for her actions.
If you can believe it, I started watching the show more than biased in favour of Clarke. In favour of Bellarke. In favour of Clexa. (you know how hyped up all these are on social media!). As far as I knew when I decided to give the show a shot, it was a surprisingly good teen drama (that many compared to got.... I'm still laughing about that bit) with a badass bisexual lead character. What's not to like?
Needless to say that's....not how I found Clarke. Or the show. By season 3, her arrogance, insufferable entitlement and hypocrisy is so in-your-face I could hardly stand her. (Season 6 is downright comical in that sense, with the writers coming up with a melodramatic martyresque Clarke centred plot to make her come out as the victim, when in last season's finale she sent Raven to get tortured and Bellamy to die in a fighting pit. The lengths to which they'll go to avoid her actually facing the consequences of her actions never cease to amaze me.)
I guess it has to do in big part with how cw shows are in general– no in depth characters that merely serve as puppets to move an action filled plot forward, and zero logical consequence. The 100 feels like watching a Walmart version of the mess that were seasons 7+8 of GoT on a loop. A constant tell-not-show narattive– we'll tell you who's the good guy and who’s the villain, even though our labels don't make much sense as far as the characters’ actions and motivations are concerned.
For example, D&D decide that Dany is the bad guy and start hinting it since season 7, even though her actual actions up to 8x04 directly contradict it. So she's made out to look like an arrogant bitch for not giving some random guy free pass to her resources or agreeing to help him fight some fairytale ice zombies the moment she sees him, her killing enemies in battle after they brutally wipe out her allies is interpreted as some Mad Queen foreshadowing, her not giving North an independence they have no armies to fight for or the skills to negotiate for, is proof that she'll become a tyrant and so on.
And of course the double standards– Dany is mad and too eager to use violence for not mourning her lifelong abuser, killing rapists and crucifying slave masters after they did the same to literal kids, but Sansa and Arya are kweens for smiling after feeding her rapist to his dogs and massacring a room full of people and baking actual human beings into pies respectively. Daenerys shows the signs of a tyrant for executing the men that betrayed their liege lord and butchered their entire House after actually giving them a choice, but Robb barely an imperfect leader for doing the same to Rickard Karstark, without giving him much of a say in the matter either. (The list could go on forever.)
In the same way in the 100 (or in reverse I guess?) Clarke is supposed to be some heroic leader, even though she lets one of her own get executed for a war crime without even demanding (or at least trying to negotiate) that the same price is paid by the opposing side when it comes to their war criminals (especially since this was a war started by the grounders against a group of defenceless teenage refugees in the first place) all to achieve a fragile alliance (btw I'll never forgive the 100 for making me care for Finn McPlainface, whose scenes I could barely watch without falling asleep, but good god, was his death poorly handled. Are these writers ignorant in politics or plain stupid?). After they are betrayed by their ‘allies’ she abandons her people at a crucial time and then.....jumps into bed with the woman that forced her to kill her boyfriend, left them all to die and had her kidnapped (thanks for the quality sapphic rep cw– I hate it). She falls madly in love with her in the span of five days, immediately reclaiming her role as a leader without even asking the actual people she's supposed to lead (and that's just the first three seasons!).
But a hero and a leader she is.
Then there's, once again, the horrifically obvious double standards. How is it possible to blatantly judge your characters based on different standards even within the same season? Clarke can blow up 250+ of her own people to save her ass and nobody even learns about it, much less have her pay the price for her choice. She can literally get into bed with the enemy while insisting on playing leader without asking anyone, and there are no reprecussions whatsoever. But Bellamy’s s03 massacre of an army of people that had repeatedly chased, tortured, killed, threatened and attempted to massacre them repeatedly (and were once again doing that at the time of Bellamy’s actions), will be brought up again and again and again in future seasons because it makes him a Dark Character Beyond Redemption, which the audience isn't allowed to forget.
Or Pike– a refugee that witnessed countless of his own people persecuted and violently murdered by the locals from the moment he stepped foot on the ground is straight up portrayed as shady for distrusting them (never mind Sky people were once again threatened with a massacre at the time). He was literally paralleled to Trump by this hellish fandom (while mass murderer Lexa is supposed to be some Flower Power Badass Queen I guess) and shoved a shitty trope of the xenophobic entitled colonizer, straight up ignoring the show's context (how anyone could make the Skaikru/colonizers and grounders/Native Americans parallels with no shame is beyond me, but apparently some people have difficulty differentiating between colonizers and refugees, as if the two are even remotely close). I'm not excusing anything he did afterwards of course–he clearly went off the rails. My problem is the show portraying him straight up as the Bad Guy for holding actual democratic elections, while the privileged non elected elite that led them to the Mount Weather mess were supposed to be the Good ones. Much like Dany was the Tyranical Dragon Queen from the moment she set foot in Winterfell, because Sansa had prophetic abilities and could predict the clusterfuck of 8x05 I guess!
At the end of the day, I was a fool to trust any recommendations and take a cw show seriously.. if it weren't for Bellamy and Raven I'd be out of this mess loooooooong ago! I'll hardly last this season really, not when every episode is dedicated to praising Princess Clarke Griffin, Bellamy having turned into her hypnotised lapdog with no personality of his own, and her stans constantly attacking Raven for not kissing her ass and *daring* to hold her responsible for her actions.
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itsediadmlove · 5 years
Vox Unpopuli
I’m writing this because of the negative posting I have been seeing around Jon Snow from my own Jonsa people. It has been going on and on for several weeks and I reached my limit this one. 
Speaking truly I’m a super-convinced Jonsa shipper and still am. Jonsa didn’t came to me from season 6 (I admit it took me to rewatch to get it, never loved Dany though) it came for pure contemplation of what and end would make the more sense. I wasn’t a Sansa stan until season 6, yet never been an anti, in the books her and Jaime are my faves. Why? Well, because Sansa is in the middle of evrything from the very start without being aware of anything at the beginning (she is just now learning in the books) so she has a naive look into things allowing you to be the one to understand the political implications of something without George explaining it to you throught the character POV like it happen with other characters such as Tyrion, and yet shit is happenning.
To explain what this post is all about I will make reference to a book argument between Tywin and Tyrion. Making it short for you Tyrion is all ‘’but dad I’m fucking, amzingly smart’’, and Tywin answer is ‘’yep son you are, but you like to much for it to show off’’. For me this was Sansa this season. If I made a recap of everything Sansa said she was right; Dany should not be trusted, soldiers should rest, Jaime should stay, Dany shouldn’t have trusted Cersei, what are we going to eat... Ad so on. We all agree so far, BUT Daenerys stans do have a point on saying Sansa has been BITCHY to her from the very beginning, because she has (we Jonsa have a pretty clear idea of the reason why she has). But the truth being said from the very moment Daenerys crossed Winterfell’s door Sansa has done as much as possible, and taken every single chance she got to fuck up Dany as much as possible with the bloody damn enthusiasm of a 5 years old crushing a bug. 
Does that mean she was wrong on what she said? No, but it wasn’t smart, if you truly believe that E-lizardless kween is an entitled paranoid shouldn’t you try to avoid her if you can’t stand her instead of pissing her off? More so if she has 2 Dragons near your home? What I mean is that, if Littlefinger could see her right then, he would be terribly disappointed. The very same person who went all ‘’Joffrey is my true king and love’’ for mere survival is explicitly and intentionnally trying to piss the dragon. And what really pisses myself off is that a lot of Jonsas whom I consider my fellows are unwilling to recognize that, after every further step she took in said way it was up to Jon to pay the bill. The boy has literally tried everything, he tried to say nothing (’’but, to convince Dany she was right (Jaime’s trial) to shut her down (ar council of 8x04), because every step she took Dany went to Jon saying stuff that sounded like: ‘’is your sister actively trying to wake up the Dragon?????????????????????????’’. For me Sansa has done about Dany the very same miscalculation Littlefinger could have done about Ramsey, being Dany far more dangerous (as KL folk just found out). That’s why everyone was looking at her that way when she started protesting during the war council and Jon went all ‘’shut the fuck up already I need her to be far from you as fast as possible’’. And people are expecting him to apolgize? IF he isn’t playing the game ok but if he is... THE FUCK??? This season Sansa has shined as a ruler but sucked at playing the game until she FINALLY realized what the actual problem with Dany is: she is fucking dangerous. So sorry for all of the mega-sansa stans who are maybe gonna hate me for this but my boy was to busy trying to keep them all safe to get Winterfell blowned up so Sansa can get the love she deserves (even if/when she deserves it, and she absolutely does). He could have some faith in her? Has she really deserved it though, because he got to save the north despite of her actively pushing Dany to the edge (I get she being so close to it was appealing), and he has done great. 
Now Dany slaughtering KL. I believe that it could have happenned before (in season 7) if it wasn’t for him but at least he tried. I think he never believed it would actually happen, but once there he couldn’t prevent it AND EVEN IF IT WAS A TRAGEDY IN THAT FICTIONAL WORLD, FOR POL!JON TO PAY OFF, HIM EVENTUALLY FAILING TO CONTROL DRACARYS AT SOME POINT WAS SOMETHING NECESSARY. Just be happy that the last chapter has been set for a Sansa vs Dany display (or at least it seems so) because our ship is one of the few which hasn’t sunk by the last episode of the show and we still can have faith, not bad for delulus eh???
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dachi-chan25 · 5 years
GoT S8 Episode 1: The Pointy End Recap Part 3
- Sansa is in her room?? Solar?? Who knows cuz it's all dark illuminated by some candles (this is gonna be tent fight 2.0 and I am here for it) she is reading about how Lord Glover is a bitch and is gonna fuck off, while Jon enters the room, Sansa looks at him like you see this is HER fault and yours to for bringing her here, Jon bitches about Glover being a liar and Sansa is like well he isn't really cuz he promised that to a King and you're not. Jon is pretty hurt and says he is fucken sick of titles and stuff (yet people think he loves the d of a thousand titles who is obssessed with being kween) Their chemistry is on point, they huff, they pant, Jon gets closer but they never touch (like if they touched i bet they would end up kissing) and Jon with his kicked puppy eyes asks her if she has any faith in him at all (duuude this is proff of pol!Jon , this would be the moment to sell D to Sansa but instead she asks for her uttermost trust and support) and Sansa who has been crossed at every turn by people she trusted says in the most heartbreaking voice with tears in her eyes "you know I do" because it's true she wants to support him but doesn't know how and she doesn't want de anywhere near them, Sansa jealousy shows by mentioning that fact, Jon says she will be a good queen for them (he literally knows nothing about her and hopes for the best cuz is all he can tell Sansa for now, he tells her D is not her father (and this is no high praise he is just saying she isn't insane, but then again he doesn't know about the people she crucified and burned so...) and Sansa says D is certainly prettier than Aerys (this dialogue is unnecesary unless sansa is jealous, and this is not some petty she is prettier than me cuz sansa has never cared about that, all her friends have been pretty, but this is for jon) Jon scoffs and laughs (cuz no shit ofc she is pretty but like why does this matter, we get no love sick yes she is or anything romantic at all) now the moment that seals the deal is Sansa's question did he bend the knee for love or for his people? Jon looks shocked she would ask that (like i said he wanted Sansa's trust and now he feels he doesn't have it without knowing that it's not a lack of trust but jealousy and her feelings for him that make Sansa think this) Like this is them being tortured by their feelings for each other being unable to say anything and thinking the other person doesn't care as much for them. And fucking destroy me!!!! Jon doesn't get to answer cuz the scene gets cut out.
-D is at WF library with Jorah, cuz he wants to introduce her to Sam, he acts very amiable and friendly towards her up to the point where she confesses to murdering his father (and Sam does seem affected by it so fuck off) and tries to joke that at least he can go to Horn Hill now that Dickon is Lord, and D tells him she murdered him to, Sam is so fucking upset he leaves and D knows she fucked up, she knows no one is gonna care about her in the north.
-Sam is destroyed and is painful to watch, he almost gets run over by a cart, he sees Bran, and Bran says it's time to tell Jon the truth about his parentage. Sam wants Bran to tell Jon, but Bran is waiting for a friend, and says Jon is not his brother (bitch Bran just lives for the drama he is so extra)
-Jon is now in the crypts looking conflicted (I am wondering just how did he end that conversation with Sansa that he needs to see Ned, did he lie? Did he tells her the truth??) When Sam stumbles down the stairs, Jon is super happy and even jokes bu Sam is serious, Jon is immediately concerned something happened to Gilly or Little Sam (so yeah he cares about his bets frien i wouldn't even have to point this out) tells Jon about what D did, Jon is shocked (he is probably thinking about D threat to Sansa, and just what kind of monster did he brought to his home) but still tells Sam they need to wind this war and this is pretty telling, he doesn't defend D, he is in no denial, he is not destroyed by knowing his one true love hurt his friend like this nope he is still focused on the war against the NK. Sam asks Jon if he would ever do anything like that, Jon says he has killed man (duuuude he is just trying to keep going with his plan, even more so because now he knows what she is capable of if people don't submit to her) Sam calls out that bs (and probs Jon realizes Sam knows what he is doing and thanx the gods) and says Jon is king (Jon is again like nope nope like dude how can you ask me to defy someone who has 2 dragons in my home) and Jon is again like i don't care about titles I am not king anymore, but Sam is like bihhh you literally are the King of the 7 fucken Kingdoms and you always have been, he explain he and Bran discovered R+L=J, Jon's face is a poem and he immediately is in denial how could Ned stark ever lie?? But Sam explains that otherwise Jon would have been killed. Jon literally doesn't want to deal with whatever happened if D knew, but Sam insists and Jon is thinking about it cuz if they survive he can't let his people at the mercy of someone like that..
-We cut to Last Hearth, Beric, Tormund and co. Are looking for survivors, and they meet Dolorous Edd with some NW members and it's hillarious, they find poor baby boy Ned Umber nailed to the door with some arms and body parts making a symbol, suddenly undead Ned screeches at them and it's fucking terrifying, they set fire to it. They know the NK is going to Winterfell.
-Jaime arrives at WF, a good parallel with his s1 arrival that shows his development. he is looking around when he meets Bran's eyes, he was that friend he was waiting for and duuude just how dramatic is Bran??? Jaime looks shook and that's it, that's the end.
This episode was very quick, and was a set up for the conflicts to come, also the promo D is wearing her black & red dress while threatening Jaime (👀👀) Sansa is wearing her battle dress and is still throwing all her snark at d, and I can't fucking wait.
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thewindsofwolves · 6 years
According to you, will the lords wait until the threat of the army of the dead is finally eliminated before rejecting Jon or will some of them abandon him before? And do you think Daenerys will try to make a good impression at Winterfell (as she tries to be in front of Jon) or will she arrive like in conquered land?
The Northern Lords are so stubborn, they totally could drop his ass even before NK is defeated. Jonathan gonna need his Sansy Pant more than ever, she'll be the one managing to ease them out, to convince them to wait until the true ennemy is defeated before anything else... Once the ennemy is defeated, a lot will have changed. Maybe the context after that will make them reconsider. IdkAnd D... I think she'll arrive expecting the North and its people's loyalties handed to her on a silver plate, with everyone doing a show of HOw abOUt my KWeEn to her... It won't be the case, and she'll be pissed. Anyways Jon worked so hard to get her North bc he thinks the dragons are their only chance against the army of the dead. If he discovers they're not - ie they and their momma are another threat to deal with - he won't bother with them for long. But yeah, maybe at first, she'll try doing a good impression, maybe she'll do her holy savior show - too bad they're not slaves she's "freeing", it won't be as effective as it was in Astapor & Meereen -, also some people pointed out how her outfit on the EW cover looked like a bad Northern cosplay, and in the omaze vids back in april-may her hairstyle looked like the northern braids Lyanna had in a flashback/Sansa had in 6x04-6x05... Ya know, like "look at me, I'm one of you !"...
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asknightqueendany · 6 years
How can you argue that Jon deserves the North?And also argue at the same time that you’d be pissed if Jon sat on the Iron throne instead of Dany b/c she’s been working for it her whole life? Sansa’s the one that’s suffered the most for being a Stark. If she wasn’t a stark, she wouldn’t be hostage at King’s Landing, wouldn’t have been forced to marry Tyrion/Ramsay, She brought the family back to Winterfell. She made Jon come home, got the Vale to fight, Arya came home b/c Sansa defeated Boltons
1) I’m trying to remember but I don’t think I’ve ever said Jon “deserves” the North.
2) I also don’t think I’ve ever said I’d be “pissed” if Jon sat the Iron Throne.
3) However, does Jon “deserve” to be Warden/King over Sansa? While I hate that wording because to me, it’s not about “deserving” as the fandom currently seems to define it, as in “whoever has ‘suffered’ the most should get something for it”, short answer is, Yes.
Long answer: Jon is a better ruler/diplomat than Sansa at this point so of course he should be King/Warden instead of her.
Why? Jon just IS diplomatic. He reasons with people. He presents his point. He acknowledges the concerns of those he’s dealing with. He doesn’t just rely on the fact that Ned Stark was his father to get what he wants. Like Sansa does. I could do an entire meta of times Sansa has been able to or has tried to use her Stark name to get something...and many of those times she’s trying, she’s failed, especially back in S6 when they were trying to get houses to fight for them.
Actually, quickly, I’ll remind you what happened: Jon used his relationship with the Free Folk to get them to his side - they trusted him because he actually stood up for them and did his damnedest to protect them when no one else would. Davos got the Mormonts on their side. It’s not said how they got the other minor Houses to their side. And Sansa was only able to get the Knights of the Vale because Baelish was in love with her/wanted her to be his “kween”. That’s not diplomacy. That’s Baelish taking advantage of the fact that he knew Sansa needed him. It wasn’t even Sansa’s “brilliance” or some kind of manipulation of Littlefinger. It was his manipulation of her and Robin Arryn.
Jon literally died for saving the Free Folk and he nearly died right along side all his men in the Battle of the Bastards. Now I’m not saying Sansa needs to take up a sword in order to be “deserving”. Not at all actually. But here’s the thing. Sansa has never cared about a people the way Jon has. She cares about “getting back what’s hers”, what she’s “entitled to”, what she thinks she’s “owed” based on her heritage and name. She’s never stuck her neck out for anyone or tried to save anyone. She’s had small moments - praying with the ladies in Cersei’s hall during the Battle for Blackwater against Stannis and comforting them, comforting SweetRobin when in the Vale, small stuff. But Sansa’s journey has been very personal and not about the larger picture which makes all the difference in the world. She may think to herself in the books “If I were queen, I’d make them love me,” but she has done nothing to “deserve” the love of her people.
So again, going back to Sansa’s “victories” that you mentioned - She brought the family back to Winterfell. She made Jon come home, got the Vale to fight, Arya came home b/c Sansa defeated Boltons -
a) She made Jon come home - No. that was Ramsay’s letter saying he had Rickon. D&D literally say this in the commentary of that episode. It wasn’t Sansa’s persuading, it was Jon’s desire to save his brother. Had Ramsay not had Rickon, Jon likely would have fucked off to Essos or something and told the Free Folk to do the same to avoid the rest of the Northerners.
b) She got the Vale to fight - Again, as mentioned above, no. She didn’t. That was Baelish. Had Baelish not been in love with Sansa, she likely wouldn’t have been able to manipulate her cousin into helping her...cuz, you know, the last time she saw him, she slapped the shit out of him and Robin is a very stubborn child. Baelish knew how to manipulate both Robin and Sansa, using her need for an army to get close to her. It just so happened to come in handy.
c) Arya coming home - That’s really just more to the above. Lots of factors went into the Starks taking back Winterfell. And it wasn’t all Sansa. She may tell Arya that, but really, they owe a lot to Rickon’s memory and Baelish.
4) Going back to the Jon/Dany Iron Throne issue: I don’t know how many times I need to keep stating this for my opinion and point to be understood but... I really think if either Jon or Dany end up ruling, they’d really end up doing it together, regardless of who is The Protector of the Seven Kingdoms in name. And I want them to do it together. They work well together. As Baelish told Sansa - together they’d be difficult to defeat.
However, that said, again, once Jon finds out his heritage, I’d be fucking SHOCKED if he comes up to Dany and is all, “K bitch, the Throne is mine, step off.” He’s not going to fight her for it because he’s not going to want it. The only reason Jon would accept becoming King is if Dany dies and his people ask him to, or they both live, Dany’s Queen, and he wants to be with her, marry her, therefore, he’d be King by default.
However, I’ve said in the past, Jon chose Dany as his Queen because he knew she could protect his people better than he ever could - and that’s still true. She’s got the armies, the weapons, and the dragons. She’s the only one who can defeat the Night King. He literally couldn’t do it without her help. So in that respect, I suppose you could say Dany “deserves” to be Queen because she can protect her people in a way Jon can’t. But again, it’s not even going to come to that because they’ll likely get married anyway.
I’ve said before, I’ll say again, just because someone has “suffered” doesn’t mean they “deserve” to be a ruler.
Just because Dany has gone through a lot, doesn’t mean she “should” be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. That’s not it at all. Sure she has a claim to the Iron Throne. That’s why she’s fighting for it and why she has a right to fight for it.
But she should be Queen because she actually fucking cares about her people. She’s fair. She’s listens to them, even when they want things she doesn’t agree with, if it’s within reason - like the slaves in Meereen who wanted to sell themselves back into slavery because they cared more for a comfortable life than being free. She is smart. She can anticipate her enemies actions/missteps and uses it to her advantage, making her better able to protect her people - more of a book!Dany trait, but still important. She honors the traditions of her people and doesn’t force her beliefs or customs on them - allowing the Unsullied to worship their goddess, wearing the traditional clothing of every place she inhabits, learning the language of the cultures she comes across, participating in customs of cultures she becomes apart of - willing to bet money she and Jon will marry in front of a weirwood because they’re his gods. Yes, she may press the issue of her claim to the Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, but she also wants to earn it too - “I hope I deserve it.”
And Jon is the same. ‘I’m not asking you to forget your dead, I know I won’t” “This isn’t your fight, I shouldn’t be asking you” “I’m not a god”...He cares about his people, he wants to earn their trust and respect, not just rely on a name to get him what he needs/wants. And that is why he and Dany will be great ruling together.
And Sansa could be great at holding the North for them, one day. But she needs to grow up first. She needs to realize it’s not about her name, it’s not about what’s “owed” her. It’s about her people.
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sxpiosexualx · 7 years
What bothers me a lot about dorito fans claiming her “kween” and “the rightful ruler” is that she never do an actual job as a queen? I never saw her holding a paper and a quill, all she does is ride drogon and yell “dracarys”. Tell me again how is the “queen”. At least Cersei did her job!
Exactly, Cersei may not be the best candidate but she does know a thing or two about ruling, although she’s definitely straying from that after her whole wildfire act. Still, it irks me to see Dany stans say she deserves the Iron Throne. You could argue that it wouldn’t matter considering the past rulers we’ve seen managed to keep the realm considerably stable with the help of their counsel but wouldn’t that further reinforce the notion that Dany does not know a thing about ruling by herself? Even Joffrey faced backlash from the people in S2E06, the only difference is he didn’t have the dragons to intimidate people to think twice. What makes her worthy of the throne then? Her gentle heart? Tommen had a gentle heart, he still managed to be manipulated and lost the one thing that mattered to him, driving him to suicide in the process.
Speaking of Tommen, let’s examine the exchange he had with Tywin:
Tommen: “Wisdom makes a good king.”
Tywin: “Yes, but what is Wisdom? […] A wise king knows what he knows and what he doesn’t. You’re young. A wise young king listens to his counselors and heeds their advice until he comes of age. And the wisest kings continue to listen to them long afterwards.”
Preceding the exchange in S4E07 above, Tommen explores ideas of holiness, justness, and strength before finally concluding that “Wisdom makes a good king.” So let’s dissect this further:
Could Daenerys be considered as holy? This could be shot down with one quote; “Do you know what kept me standing, through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any God, not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen.” We never see her attempt at praying, and in this speech she gives Jon in S7E03, she mentions that she places faith in herself above the Gods. I’m not sure about you, but that line in particular screams hubris(defined as extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall).
Is Daenerys just? I believe we’ve been expected to see her that way, yes. She did in fact abolish slavery, no? However interestingly enough, if you examine her methods, she rules as an absolute monarch. As a person in such position of power, what you say is law. And we see Daenerys practice this time and time again, burning and crucifying potentially innocent men in Mereen for example. So, I assume Daenerys truly believes what she’s doing is just, but we’re also given the exchange between her and Ser Barristan Selmy in S5E02 to ponder upon, “the mad king gave his enemies the justice he thought they deserved, and each time it made him feel powerful and right, until the very end.” Ironically enough, Daenerys insists she’s not her father preceding that exchange, and Ser Barristan goes on to mention that he “murdered sons in front of their fathers,” something we see her do in Eastwatch(S7E05).
Does Daenerys wield strength? Considering she has dragons at her command, yes(arguably). But in what world does having dragons make you the most deserving candidate to sit on the Iron Throne? The Westeros that saw a Targaryen dynasty that was only able to hold their rule because of the fear their dragons commanded? Would that make a satisfying conclusion to the story? A restoration of a dynasty that faced rebellions time and time again? Who dares challenge the authority of the mother of dragons? Observe what Tywin says about Robert Baratheon and his strength in S4E07, “a man who thinks that winning and ruling are the same thing.” This is the main problem with Daenerys, she conquers easily with the help of her army and her dragons, but she has no talent for issuing any reform. And when you conquer a place through war, you shift the power dynamics creating chaos. At least Littlefinger knew that reform must come after chaos, and he plans ahead unlike Daenerys who refuses to even give thought to an heir.
Alright, I hear you, none of that matters as much as long as she’s wise - as Tywin had pointed out, “A wise young king listens to his counselors and heeds their advice until he comes of age. And the wisest kings continue to listen to them long afterwards.” But does she? We see her attempt to in Mereen, but she still resorts to the harsh measures she deems as just, despite it being what her counsel advices her against. We see her do this again with Tyrion in season 7, even questioning his loyalty(and Varys’) as soon as his plans fail. Not only is she not the wisest, she also is impressionable - she listens to Jon over her actual counsel in which path to take, and she favour’s Olenna Tyrell’s advice in being a dragon over what Tyrion tells her, and again, she refuses to reason with Tyrion and decides to burn the Tarlys alive. In other words, she places herself above the Gods, does what she thinks is just, and has the power to silence those who question her authority with her dragons, leaving very little room for her counsel to reason with her. This is why the exchange between Tyrion and Varys in season 7 was so important: these two are already starting to see her for who she really is, instead of the propped up version that was sold to them by her blind supporters.
But who else could be a contender, seeing as no one else(still living)’s arc revolves around their quest for the Iron Throne? Well, the Iron Throne is an ugly thing and I for one hope it no longer exists at the end of the series but since we’re on this topic, who did we just discover is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne? Jon. 
The show has made a point to withhold that from us up to this point, just as J*nerys was starting to sail. Why? Because he now contends everything she’s worked for, everything she believes she’s entitled to. This is why I believe Daenerys’ arc serves as a foil to Jon’s instead of cinematic parallels meant to establish an otherwise poorly executed romance.
We see both these characters rise to power but there are stark differences in place. Daenerys feels entitled and rises up due to her name(and her dragons which also link in with her lineage), meanwhile Jon finds himself in positions of power because the people elect him, he doesn’t try to claim his right, he has no right. We’re meant to notice how fundamentally different these two are.
Let’s examine Varys’ speech from season 5:
“The Seven Kingdoms need someone stronger than Tommen but gentler than Stannis. A monarch who could intimidate the High Lords and inspire the people. A ruler loved by millions, with a powerful army, and the right family name.”
Jon is certainly stronger than Tommen, evident in him being referred to as “the greatest swordsman who ever walked,” by Ramsay in S6E09. He is definitely gentler than Stannis, showing Alys Kastark and Ned Umber mercy in S7E01. He’s gotten enough support from the Northern Lords and have inspired them enough to name him King in the North, surely an army would follow too. But what does he lack then? The right family name. And how can he get that? By also achieving what he’s always wanted: to be a Stark. Cue Sansa.
We are reminded that the North is wary of outsiders, especially Targaryens, “A Targaryen cannot be trusted.” - Lord Royce, (S7E02). They are too traumatised by Targaryen rule at this point that the only logical decision to maintain their support and reinforce Jon’s Northern side is if he takes the Stark name via a political marriage with Sansa. Say what you want about eggon tamale, he was raised by Ned Stark, Stark blood flows in him, and he’s lived an observed how to rule in Winterfell via being around Robb all these years. The show may have downplayed his ability to practice politics but he speaks like a true Northerner and it’s made apparent in the books during his exchange with Stannis of just how much he knows of the North and its people.
But even if you’d like to view this purely based on the show, Sansa is the perfect match for him. She has learnt from the best political players - Cersei, Margaery, and Littlefinger - while Jon is better known as the “military man.” You can see me explore why Sansa would make a better Queen than Daenerys here: https://sxpiosexualx.tumblr.com/post/165837328667/who-would-make-a-better-queen 
Say what you want about Jonsa, it makes the most sense. Jon is a good bet as king, but he would not be as nearly as successful without Sansa by his side. This is why the show spent so much time developing their dynamic(even if it wasn’t necessarily romantic though the tropes are heavily suggested and weaved into those scenes), to show us how effective their rule would be if they ruled together. It translates on screen even through the deliberate set design of the hall: Jon and Sansa sit on an equal level with their small table or counsel of Lords, allowing for there to be easy discussion. Unlike the throne we see Daenerys sit on at Dragonstone - a larger than life throne propped up and meant to intimidate those who enter the hall.
Finally, I’ll leave you with a criticism GRRM made on the Lord of the Rings:
 “Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?” – (GRRM on Tolkein)
So again, I believe the best bet on who should rule at the end of the series, be it the entire 7 Kingdoms or just the North, would be JonSa. After all, the story did begin with the Starks, and I’d much rather see a restoration of a house who’s downfall was brought upon being honourable, than the restoration of a dynasty who’s demise was largely brought upon their own doing.
Thank you for the ask anon! x
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chitowngirl-12-blog · 6 years
Dany is stiff, imperious and expects men to bow at her feet without her doing much of anything to get their interest.
I too am happy that Jon Snow isn’t selfish. Unlike D*ny who uses Northen survival and Northen independence as a barganing chip in her selfish pursuit of a throne she has no right to.
It just amazes me the extent that Jonerys fans go to to make Jon an emasculated pet only there to reaffirm the true queen’s greatness. I don’t think Jon and Sansa will ever be a couple, but I prefer Jon as a wily operator who cares for his people to the meek and obedient servant he was in Season 7.  It is pretty clear that the show will never let little kneeling pet be an equal ruler to Daenerys or do anything of actual value.  Nor do her fans want them as equal.  Either they want him dead or a powerless consort who keeps house in KL while she rules.  After all, Jon is a natural beta and follower.  It woukd be cruel to fois him into a leadership position.
At least Jonsa fans view Jon as a political astute KITN.
What do we have here??? That a Jon “pledged” to D is a Jon who has taken the woman’s role, and a very (yes, very) misogynistic woman’s role at that: a pet, meek, obedient, powerless, house keeper. Comment’s turning Jon into a queen consort (an “emasculated pet”) and qualifying queen consorts in the most misogynist way possible. They’re also calling “women” men who aren’t at the political top – so what, you need to be the Alpha male in order to be a man? The real man is the cro magnon with big muscle arms who hunt and – oh, wait, I know what their definition of a “real man” would be: Khal Drogo. Except the “real man” is dead essentially because his beta followers fancied raping an entire village, and one of these unfortunate women was just a liiiitle bit angry about that. So much for the masculine, virile alpha male.
Now where was I? Right… people kneeling to Jon is good! People kneeling to Daenerys is bad!
Dany is stiff, imperious and expects men to bow at her feet without her doing much of anything to get their interest.
I too am happy that Jon Snow isn’t selfish. Unlike D*ny who uses Northen survival and Northen independence as a barganing chip in her selfish pursuit of a throne she has no right to. (Of course, Jon wasn’t selfish when he used the Karstark and Umber’s castles as bargaining chips to get two children to kneel to him. After retaking a land that was lost to the Bolton by right of conquest and royal decree. How silly of me! But he’s a man he asked them nicely, so it doesn’t count lol.)
I prefer Jon as a wily operator (…)
See, the funniest thing here is, as of season 7, Dany is bringing just as much (if not more) to the North than Jon is… so what would make her oh so more unworthy at ruling than Jon?  That she wasn’t “chosen”, like him? Except she was… by no other than Jon himself.
Oh wait, it doesn’t count because Jon is now an emasculated pet and can’t make a proper, serious decision. Just like a woman, pffft.
You know, maybe I’m starting to understand how some people want Jon with Sansa? Because he’d be the Male, THA KING, and Sansa can suck it up, just like she did in 7x01. (I suppose, if you adequate masculinity with a certain political position, then yes, Jon is much more a Man with Sansa than with Dany. Can’t have the woman wearing the pants now, can we?) I mean…
Dany is stiff, imperious and expects men to bow at her feet
(Ohhhh the profanity! Men don’t bow to women, come on now!)
And that, my friend, is why some of us might find the comments under this post misogynist.
Since I was blocked by the very sensitive snowflake who initially posted this and cannot reblog - Since @tatticstudio55 gave this disgusting hate screed on the same post.  Wanna play?  
“ What do we have here??? That a Jon “pledged” to D is a Jon who has taken the woman’s role, and a very (yes, very) misogynistic woman’s role at that: a pet, meek, obedient, powerless, house keeper. Comment’s turning Jon into a queen consort (an “emasculated pet”) and qualifying queen consorts in the most misogynist way possible.”
Duh.  Being a consort is a very emasculating and humiliating position.  It doesn’t matter the gender.  Consorts have no power.  No one cares what Prince Philip or Kate Middleton have to say ever.  This isn’t a male or female thing.  Moreover, we are discussing a medieval setting.  Kings (and the occasional queen) had actually power Consorts have no power.  Cersei would have been executed for the same behavior as Robert - having an affair.  I’m not sure why you don’t think that Daenerys cannot order Jon to sleep with her.  She can.  That is the right of a monarch to force someone to marry her without recourse.  This is in no way evil, but Jon is her slave in that way.
Moreover, the consort that Jonerys is SO hyped about Jon being is one of the blandest consorts, Elizabeth of York.  Some English Queens were good at doing bed tricks to influence the king, which is basically what Political!Jon is.  Elizabeth of York didn’t even do that.  All she did was push out babies and submissively support her husband.  She really is the epitome of a submissive housekeeper and broodmare and that is what Team Jonerys is totally with Jon being.
They’re also calling “women” men who aren’t at the political top – so what, you need to be the Alpha male in order to be a man?
No, I’m calling them slaves.  Women who kneel are as much a loser as men.  I have no use for housewives any more than I do some sort of political beta that Jon has become.  Sorry, but feminism doesn’t exist to celebrate submissive house spouses.  I don’t care about anyone who decides to play submissive hausfrau regardless the gender.  Get a job.
   Except the “real man” is dead essentially because his beta followers fancied raping an entire village, and one of these unfortunate women was just a liiiitle bit angry about that. So much for the masculine, virile alpha male.
Mirri was obviously a patriot.  She was not a submissive slave who did whatever Daenerys wanted.  She rebelled against her master unlike submissive Pet!Jon!   You’d be upset if Pet!Jon! decided to disagree with Daenerys and even murder her.
Now where was I? Right… people kneeling to Jon is good! People kneeling to Daenerys is bad!
I’d doubt you ever suggest that the one tru kween kneel.  Why can’t Daenerys give up the North?  She can have the rest of Westeros and doesn’t need everyone as her slaves.
See, the funniest thing here is, as of season 7, Dany is bringing just as much (if not more) to the North than Jon is… so what would make her oh so more unworthy at ruling than Jon?  That she wasn’t “chosen”, like him? Except she was… by no other than Jon himself.
She wasn’t elected.  Jon was.  Why is this so hard to understand.
Oh wait, it doesn’t count because Jon is now an emasculated pet and can’t make a proper, serious decision. Just like a woman, pffft.
Actually, Jon cannot make a proper decision because if he defies his new mistress she can execute him.  And he is such a submissive and obedient pet he wouldn’t dare oppose mistress.  That is what absolute monarchy is.
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boystownbirdie · 7 years
Welcome back!  In case you’re new, this is LET ME WATCH TV 4 U (?), the blog where I watch tv so you don’t have to! If you missed it, I wrote a special mid-week post this past week which broke down the main characters called: new phone who dis? Check it out here. 
Also reminder that I have a new feature called “Why does this scene even matter?” (WDTSEM) for those seemingly useless scenes which may or may not actually be important later.
Tonight’s episode featured the FIRST EVER meeting of Bae and Khaleesi, so let’s get into it!
************************SPOILER ALERT************************************
We start off on Dragonstone….
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...which is the island where Khaleesi and co have posted up. Bae rows up with no-knuckles in a tiny rowboat and meets his old pal Tyrion on the sand. T is like remember when we met in season 1 and I peed off the edge of the wall that you were guarding lol jk lol jk? And Bae is like yep you were so wasted, bro. They also meet Khaleesi’s hottie translator with the good hair who’s like welcome, please hand over all of your weapons. And Bae’s like BUT I THOUGHT I HAD TSA- PRE CHECK! And T’s like naw, we’ve really had to tighten up our policies here. Some horse-dudes also take their little rowboat away.
As Bae and No-Knuckles (NK) are walking up to meet Khaleesi, her dragons do a quick perimeter sweep and really freak out poor little bae (see gif above). Watching all of this unfold from a creepy high-up-spying-spot is the Red Witch Lady who brought Bae back from the dead but then got kicked out and also Sleevey. The Red Witch is like I did my part, I brought Khaleesi and Bae together. And Sleevey’s like… don’t you want to see their first meeting? I think it might be like the Hamilton-Burr meeting in the musical Hamilton? And she’s like nope I got kicked out for burning a kid alive so not really welcome around him or NK. And he’s like ya you better get to steppin’ back East. And she’s like NO YOU better get to steppin’ back east.
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WDTSEM? Truly no idea. I guess we’re supposed to be reminded that Sleevey hates religion because a religious zealot cut off his who-ha and ho-ho’s and therefore they do NOT get along?
Now, if you’ll recall Khaleesi is a pretty kewl lady. She campaigned on an anti-slavery platform back in the East and brought together a bunch of different groups of people all while keeping dat hair and dem outfits on point. And Bae is also a pretty kewl dude. He supports refugees and fights for the underserved and also looks fly as hell doing it. I know what you’re thinking, ARE THEY BOTH SINGLE? THEY SHOULD BONE? Well, unbeknownst to both of them, they’re actually related; she’s his aunt. But considering this episode featured a sex scene between a man and a woman who happen to be TWINS, I feel like aunt-nephew is not too weird for GoT-land. Back to the point, this is the first time Bae and Khaleesi are ever meeting and due to their similarities on paper, you’d think they’d get along. But turns out they do not.
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Khaleesi is basically like #bowdownbitches and Bae is like naw dawg. They go back and forth for awhile, with Khaleesi explaining how/why she should overtake Queen Pixie Cut (QPC) and Bae basically agreeing but saying his real concern is the giant army of ice zombies. And she’s like lol wut? Ice zombies? Nice try, dude. Next thing you know, Sleevey rolls up and is like ruh-roh! Remember last episode when our pals Previously-Traumatized Theon (PTT), his sis Yara aka the Kween of the Iron Islands, and the Sand Queen lady sailed off to Southern shore to be mobilize our forces down South? Well PTT and Yara’s uncle, Uncle-Crazy-Pants (UCP) attacked them, burned most of their ships, and took Yara and the Sand-Queen lady hostage.
Next, we get a shot of PTT washing up and getting pulled into a boat where he reports that his sis was taken hostage and no, sorry, he wasn’t able to get her back. His peeps are like ugh what’s your deal, bro? But poor bb PTT has been through a lot so give him a break, ok?!?
WDTSEM? Well the Sand Queen and Yara were supposed to bring together all of Yara’s fleet of ships (which was approx. a buttload) and then head to Sand Queen’s home (Dorne) and bring together that whole army and then march up to King’s Landing, where QPC is sittin’ on dat throne. Now that they’re captured and their ships are burnt, this is a huge loss to Khaleesi.
Speaking of Uncle-Crazy-Pants, let’s check in on him in King’s Landing…
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UCP is marching down the streets of King’s Landing doing a pretty good impression of Aladdin during the “Make Way for Prince Ali” scene. The difference here is that he is dragging along his niece, Yara, as well as the Sand Queen (SQ) lady and one her Sand Snake daughters. He struts up to QPC on his horse and “delivers” her the gift of SQ and her daughter. Now if you’ll recall, one of QPC’s kids, her daughter Myrcella, got kissed on the lips with poison by SQ a few seasons ago and proceeded to die on a lovely boat trip in which her dad/uncle (Jaime) confessed that he was her real dad. So needless to say, QPC and Jaime are NOT FANs of this lady.
UCP is like here, QPC, I brought you these prisoners, can we get married and/or bone now? And QPC is like yep, sure can! But first let’s beat Khaleesi in this giant, ongoing war. She tells him he’s in charge of her naval forces and that her bro is in charge of the Lannister army. And since UCP is cuckoo, he’s like hey Jaime, can you give me sex tips for when I do it with your sister (honestly, fair question) and obvi Jaime is like NOT KEWL BRO but he has to pretend to like this guy so he bites his tongue.
Then QPC makes a big deal of locking up SQ and her daughter and then kissing the daughter on the lips with poison to be like #reciprocity I guess? And she’s like SQ will have to watch her daughter die and then also hang out in this cave forever. I guess all this torture is really a turn-on because next thing we know, she’s making out with her brother and giving him a blowie right there.
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The next morning, they’re all post-coital and he’s like I should...go? And she’s like naw, I’m the kween we can do whatever! And her maid sees them in their nudididity and is like eww?
Then QPC takes a meeting with an important banker who’s like…bitch...you broke. And she’s like gimme a minute, I got dis.
We stop back by Dragonstone to catch Bae bein’ Bae…
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By which I mean he’s brooding by a cliff. And Tyrion is like damn I was trying to brood but you look hawter doing it, which is v. true really. They chat about what went wrong back at that meeting between Khaleesi and Bae. Tyrion tells Bae to take a chill pill and think about how crazy he sounds talkin’ bout ice zombies and whatnot. He also tells Bae about all the good things Khaleesi has done and how she’s actually a pretty cool lady. Then he goes and does the same with Khaleesi, basically. He’s like Bae’s a cool guy and all he wants from you are these rocks that you have under your castle that you’re NOT EVEN USING so just let him do that. And she’s like ok fine.
So then we get to Bae-Khaleesi-meeting 2.0 where it’s just the 2 of them, standing on this cliff chatting kween-to-king. She agrees to let him mine the “dragonglass” (rocks that kill ice zombies) under her castle and he kind of agrees to support her in her campaign against QPC? Well mostly he agrees that QPC is no good and Khaleesi would be a better kween. Then Bae’s like… does this mean you believe me re: ice zombies? And Khaleesi is like… no comment.
We head North to Winterfell, where Bae’s sis Sansa was left in charge
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And boy is she doing a good job! Which is kind of surprising, only because we’ve never seen her utilize these skills before. She’s walking around telling people to start storing their barley for winter and telling the metal-workers to line their breastplates with leather and generally being a BOSS. Littlefinger, AS ALWAYS, is creeping around behind her doing nothing helpful. He stops to give her some advice about imagining every possible scenario at all times which is like, sure, a good idea in theory but who has time for that?!?
Suddenly her little bro, Bran, who she was told was maybe dead, shows up in Winterfell. She’s like OMG YASS KWEEN YOU’RE ALIVE! And Bran is just sitting there (to be fair he is paraplegic so he couldn’t get up) staring straight ahead and is acting all robotic. I guess it’s because he’s been through some trauma but at this point so has almost every character on GoT and they still manage to register human emotion.
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They proceed to have a heart-2-heart by the old-family-magic-face-tree and she’s like so...what’s been going on in the last 6 seasons? And he’s like I am the three-eyed-raven now I can see the past and the present and all scenarios at all times (hmm interesting that this is exactly what littlefinger just advised her to do...) And she’s like cool….so….do you want to be in charge now since you are the oldest living official Stark male and gender roles are apparently still a BFD up North? And he’s like can’t… I have to prophesize. Btw where’s Bae? We know as savvy viewers that he’s looking for Bae because he needs to tell him about the paternity results. 
And then he vividly describes the night she was married off to her psychopath-ex-husband who then proceeded to rape her. He keeps talking about it, too, which I guess is to prove that he can see the past but also NOT trauma-informed and not a welcome conversation. It’s weird.
We stop by Old Town which is more and more like Hogwarts every day…
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Mostly because Jim Broadbent is there and because people are getting miraculously cured from turning-to-stone-diseases. Sam, Bae’s bestie, is still interning at the “maester” academy, learning to be a doctor/librarian and you’ll recall that last week he did some under-the-radar experimental surgery to treat Stoney, who happens to be one of Khaleesi’s besties. Now get this, STONEY IS CURED! The artist-formerly-known-as-Stoney is like thanks, Sam, I gotta get back to Khaleesi! And Sam’s boss is like I know you did that amateur surgery and you’re in big trouble but also good job I’m proud of you.
Our last scene is really a montage of scenes so let’s get into it…
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I have to admit that even I, GoT-viewing-expert (lol), was confused and overwhelmed by this last scene. So I’ll try to break it down as clearly as I can, but bear with me. We start with Tyrion laying out the current battle plan. Since Khaleesi is pretty ticked that their ships (well technically Yara’s ships but under her direction) were all destroyed by UCP, she mentions finding UCP’s ships and burning them up. How? Well duh, she got dem dragons! It’s strange because I’m pretty sure she’s talking about riding them and commanding them while at the helm, but she never really says this clearly. And Tyrion is like no that’s too dangerous, someone else should do it. Does he mean himself? MAYBE? TBD...
But for now, let’s get into the current battle zones:
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Greyworm (fresh off his recent sex scene from last week) and the rest of the “unsullied” army, were sent by Khaleesi and Tyrion to overtake T’s family home, Casterly Rock. There’s this whole montage that Tyrion helpfully narrates about how if the unsullied were to attack Casterly Rock by just popping up on the fortress, they’d be crushed since it was built so well. BUT since Tyrion used to sneak in his sex ladies and booze and other “unsavory” things through the sewer system, he knows it very well. So he instructs Greyworm and a small group to come in through the back and engage in sneak-attack-warfare. They successfully take Casterly Rock, but they’re like...that’s funny...there were supposed to be a lot more people here? And they look out to the sea where it looks like UCP’s ships are burning up all of the ships they rode in on. Which is a real bummer.
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Meanwhile, the rest of the Lannister army (all the people who were missing when Greyworm and co. attacked)  led by Jaime, is shown marching on “Highgarden” which is where Grandma Tyrell (Gma) lives, apparently completely alone. Remember that Gma’s son and grandkids all got burned up in that church-explosion by QPC last season and then she decided to back Khaleesi? She also told Khaleesi not to trust Tyrion and to “be a dragon.” Gma is looking out at this whole army of Lannister dudes and is like well...IDGAF at this point, really. Important to note that Sam’s Dad (who is a major dick) and Sam’s bro (who’s actual name is Dickon) as well as Tyrion’s old pal Bronn are on the front lines with Jaime, even though last week Sam’s dad was like I could NEVER betray Gma Tyrell.
WDTSEM? Remember when QPC said she’d pay back all of her debts to the banker? Well Highgarden is famously wealthy and has lots of important exports (like grains, for example). So with Jaime and QPC in possession of all of that, as well the coffers of Casterly Rock which he says he cleared out, they can now pay them back, theoretically. Also, Highgarden is down South so now QPC and co have a stronghold down there.
Jaime meets Gma in her study for some light refreshments and death threats. Gma is like well… shoulda seen this coming. Also, did you know your sister/lover is the worst human ever? Like seriously a sociopath? And Jaime is like, oh you think she’s so bad? Well how about this? She is going to let you die from poison rather than torture- isn’t that sweet?!? And gma is like ugh whatever give me the poison, put it in my wine plz. She drinks it in one gulp and then she’s like oh, BTW, I know that Joffrey (the evil little prince dude who was poisoned and killed at his wedding to Gma’s granddaughter, Queen Makeunder) is your son cuz of incest and also, I’m the one who poisoned him. And Jaime is like maybe mad or maybe not? Maybe just surprised? Gma is like tell QPC that it was me who killed Joffrey, k? Ps I hate QPC ok bai, time to die. 
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WDTSEM? For so long QPC’s only redeeming quality (as told by all of the other characters) was her love for her children. After all 3 had died, she took over the throne and started in on this crazy reign of terror. Now she has SQ captive and is torturing her for killing her daughter and with this admission, she’s also killed the person responsible for one of her son’s deaths. Will ticking off those responsible for killing her main motivation in life help her find closure or make her more of a monster? I’d guess the latter.
Now let’s break it down:
Biggest surprise this ep: The attack on Highgarden! I did not see that coming and also did not fully understand at first. The way the scene was shot, it seemed like gma was in on this invasion, but obviously she was not, as she was later killed by said invaders.
Biggest letdown: Bran was so lackluster and un-enthuz’ed about finally seeing his sister and his hometown again. It’s like we get that you have magic powers now but could you show some effort here?
Important fashion moments: Bae’s meeting-the-kween-but-I-also-have-armor-on look was pretty fly and even though she is THE WORST, I was feeling the red-witch-lady’s linen-y red scarf/cape 
Who died this ep? The Sand Queen’s daughter (the last of the “Sand Snakes”), a bunch of unsullied soldiers out at sea, and Olenna Tyrell (aka gma Tyrell) RIP. 
Check in this time next week for more LMWTV4U and thanks for reading. Tell your friends!
Correction: I’ve recently discovered that I’ve been spelling Jaime Lannister’s name wrong for my entire blog-writing career. My apologies. 
Also, you might IDGAF this but just to lay it out there, I purposefully avoid all other recaps/reviews/think-pieces about the latest episode in the time between watching the ep and writing this recap. Sometimes I will hop on to the GoT wiki page to find out a character’s name or check a fact but mostly it’s just my own notes that I reference. 
WHY AM I EVEN SAYING THIS? I often will read other recaps/reviews after writing and posting this one and I’m like OMG WE HAD THE SAME REACTION/ SAID THE SAME THING about a scene or a character. So I guess I just wanted to say that any similarities between this recap and any other recap are unintentional and coincidental. 
I know what you’re thinking: PROVE IT. Well, much like Bae trying to prove the ice zombies are real, I can’t prove it, I can only state the facts and hope that my time-worn face and honest peepers will be enough :) 
0 notes
yanak324 · 4 years
Can you give me Gendrya fics recommendations that are based more on the books, with Arya instead of Sansa retaking Winterfell? It makes more sense to me
Helloooo there, dear anon. I can’t think of any recs for this concept off the top of my head BUT I will say that I personally have no problem with Sansa reclaiming Winterfell. In fact, I very much stan Sansa as the Queen of the North.
I also seriously have a hard time believing Arya would rule the North. I can see her winning it back in the books eventually, but I don’t think she would want to take that role on and I actually hope that eventually she and Sansa are able to reunite, settle some of their differences, and band together to reclaim Winterfell in the name of the Starks.
I really love their relationship and feel like it has so many complicated layers that often get overlooked in fanfiction, because it’s easier to pit them against one another. And it’s just something that pisses me off so much, because they’re still family at the end of the day, and painting them as adversaries for no purpose other than to say one is good and one is bad is just lazy storytelling.
Anyway, you didn’t ask for any of this lol but I’ve seen so much anti-Sansa bs floating around I had to find a way to say something. I also find it incredibly obscene when certain shippers polarize either Arya or Sansa to prove why their ship is better than someone else’s...there are plenty of OTPs to go around and everyone’s entitled to their opinion. Sansa can be with whomever she wants without it being in detriment to her relationship with Arya and vice versa...though for me Arya only belongs with one person, and I’m pretty sure we’re in agreement on that.
I’ll shut up now. Thanks for coming to my pro-Stark sisters TED talk.
12 notes · View notes
chid-sen-gan-blog · 5 years
My Reaction to GoT 8.03 (”The Long Night”)
Hello! I’m back for another recap/review! 
I’m so sorry this took so long, but I was a bit… uninspired. But it’s here now, and I hope you enjoy! 
Once again, featuring running commentary from my Dad and Brother because I love them and their witty remarks. (all thoughts and quotes are from our first time viewing it, per usual)
WARNING: Spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the episode yet, though this warning might be irrelevant at this point.
WARNING 2: My family and I (namely me) weren’t really fans of this episode, so things get… pretty snarky at some points. Also, there’s a lot of shade - no pun intended - thrown at the lighting throughout. A lot. All these are just the opinions of three people, however, and not meant to offend anyone. If you enjoyed the episode, then lucky you more power to you - you do you! :)
And last, but certainly not least, a huge thank you to everyone who supported the first two installments! Now, time for part three!
So… the new opening credits still haven’t grown on me. But the inclusion of the crypt for this episode is a nice touch
(I have a sinking feeling that taking refuge in the crypts is going to backfire for those hiding there and really hope I’m wrong)
Yay! Sam! Please don’t die on me. Please…
Pre-battle preparation montages always puts me on edge. Now is no exception
Another Alys Karstark shot and I’m still not sure why the crew keeps including them…
“So, the showrunners keep giving us glimpses of Alys Karstark, but do they actually plan on doing anything with her, or…?” - My Wonderful Brother; so I guess I’m not the only one curious
“With D&D at the reigns, she could be there for anything from the kidnap theory to a faceless man revival.” - My Wonderful Dad
“True. Let’s hope they get their story right right tonight, though.” - My Wonderful Brother
“I don’t see how they couldn’t. They already have all the pieces in place. All they need to do is not try anything random.” - My Wonderful Dad
Awwww. My children! D&D, don’t you dare kill off Jaime, Brienne, or Pod. I will find you if you do!!! And no CGI dragons will be able to save you!
(I’m super worried about Pod. He’s right up there at the top of my list with Theon and Grey Worm. And possibly Jorah, but I’m 50/50 with him)
(Maybe 60/40; if Dark!Dany’s a possibility, she needs to suffer a huge loss in this battle. And considering Jorah’s her morality pet/conscience, he would fit the bill)
(basically if Jorah dies this episode, then my confidence in the show going the Dark!Dany route rises)
Tormund! I’m guessing you’ll live. The writers need some fan favorite B characters to make it through the night…
Ooh, Beric. Yeah… you’re probably not one of them… 
And the Hound will be needed for Cleganebowl, so he’s safe. No way they’re writing off the guy with all the hype surrounding him and his bro’s one-on-one
Actually, he’s one of the few people I’m absolutely sure will live past this episode
Gendry… 50/50 on you, too, sadly. I hope you make it, though
Darn it, knowing I’m never going to see some of these characters again is making me emotional. And it’s not even ten minutes into the episode!!!
Awwww. Poor Edd. You’re definitely a goner, since you essentially doomed yourself last week
Aaaaaaaand now I”m tearing up. Darn it!!! It’s too early to cry!
My new mantra: Please let Sam live
Wow, that shot is… dark. I wouldn’t have known those were horses if not for the whinnying 
GHOST!!! Are we going to see him fight this episode? Because Im so here for it!
My wonderful Dad and Brother are just as pumped to see him as I am. Bless them
“But, seriously, why is Ghost with Jorah and the Dothraki and not with the Northerners in the crypts? Wouldn’t that be more practical” - My Wonderful Brother; taking time from his celebration to ask the tough questions
And here’s Dany to ruin my mood. Absolutely spectacular
“So, do you think she’ll abandon Jon and co during the battle?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Nope, she still wants the North to see her as their hero. It’s more likely she’ll rush in at some point and ruin the plan.” - My Wonderful Brother
Sansa!!! Arya!!!
Hey, remember when Dany stans said that Sansa’s S8 hairstyle was based on their kween’s? Good times, good times
Oooooh. A rider in the night? But who? The gang’s all here, except for Cersei and Euron
Is it Bronn? Kind of bad timing if it is…
No, wait, Carice von Houten was in the credits. It’s Melisandre, isn’t it?
They’re zooming in on Davos, it must be…
“So, let’s none of us question why she’s here or how she got around the undead army marching on the North. Deal?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Deal.” - My Wonderful Brother and Less Wonderful I
And, once again, everything’s super dark, even for this show. Is it supposed to be intentional, or…?
I love how Jorah’s like: “I don’t know who the heck you are or what you want or why you’re here, but sure I’ll do what you ask, weird pretty red lady” 
FINALLY!!! LIGHT!!! Thank you, Melisandre! 
I’ll admit, that was a beautiful shot
I have a real affinity for how Liam Cunningham portrays an angry Davos. I’m not really sure why, but I do
Okay, so Melisandre’s going to die before the dawn. Why do I feel somewhat emotional about it?
(I’m still not over Shireen, so I really have no clue)
Ooooh, that look shared between Melisandre or Arya. Is Arya going to kill her? Maybe because of what happened to Gendry?
Ummmmmm…. Dothraki. What are you doing?
Seriously, what are you guys doing?
Don’t tell me these knuckleheads are actually charging at an enemy they can’t even see…
Oh, shoot. That’s exactly what they’re doing.
………… and now were’s firing the catapults. Umm, hello, don’t we kind of need our supplies for later?! What are you dimwits doing?!?!
No, really, this is idiotic. Why are they lighting things up and charging all gleefully like it’s a 4th of July cookout?!?!
“No, Ghost. Turn around. You’re too smart for this.” - My Wonderful Dad
Well lookie there. The Dothraki charged right into the army of the dead. Who could’ve possibly predicted that? *sarcasm, sarcasm*
“And just like that, the Night King’s added tens of thousands more soldiers to his army. Everyone say “thank you, Dany” for bringing your men who apparently have zero impulse control.” - My Wonderful Brother
“So this is why God didn’t give cavemen fire.” - My Wonderful Dad
You just know that Jaime’s watching this display thinking “why did my men have such a hard time fighting those guys again?”
Aaaaaand the screen’s nearly pitch black again. Dandy 
Oh, look, slow-mo Jorah. At least I think it is. It’s kind of hard to tell…
Ugh. Dany. I’m not in the mood for you
Wow, astounding. She’s not going to stick to the plan. I’m sure this will work out just fine
“Told ya’.” - My Wonderful Brother
Nothing screams true love quite like yanking your arm out of your boyfriend’s grasp and snapping at him. 
(Anyone else ever get CerseixJaime vibes from these two? And I’m not just talking about the incest…)
Grey Worm putting on his helmet is somehow one of the best parts in this episode so far. And I don’t think that’s a good thing
But still, it’s too early to judge, so I’ll shut up
Why hello, Army of the Dead. How was that 4th of July cookout the Dothraki ran into?
And now it’s time for my favorite game - count the fallen red shirts! Let’s see… 1, 2, oh, there’s a third…
And there’s one red shirt who just realized his name’s never been said on the show and booked. I respect his genre-savyness
Meanwhile, back with the important characters…
No!!! Brienne!!! No!!!
Jaime’s “wench sense” prevails again. That’s my boy
Dany’s “ruin-my-mood sense” is also as strong as ever, apparently
Well, at least the dragonfire shone some light on things
Sansa looking awed at Jon on a dragon is so far one of the best shots in the episode
I will forever hate Jonerys, but Ramin Djawadi always knocks it out of the park with his score - even with their theme.
I wonder if he’ll have anything new to present for this episode…
Jon’s gotten a lot better at riding Rhaegal. That could be very useful in upcoming conflicts… *grins wickedly*
Lovely, now Jon’s stuck in a snowstorm. *sighs* Really, I give him one compliment… 
“I just hope that Dany remembers she has to light the trench and doesn’t follow him in.” - My Wonderful Dad
“You’re asking for way too much, Daddy.” - My Wonderful Brother
Aw, Sansa. I’m so proud of you. And this is why I love the Starks - no matter the dangers they face, they’re loyal to their people first and foremost
… Arya, no offense, but your sister’s not much of a fighter. Don’t you think you should give her more than just one tiny dragonglass blade? 
Ah, callbacks. But, seriously, give Sansa another weapon 
Seeing Jaime, Brienne, and Pod together in any capacity gives me all the feels. All of them. Even when they’re fighting literal zombies
And now Dany’s also lost in the snowstorm. Well, on the bright side, at least she didn’t fly directly into it
Theon!……… yeah, you’re a dead man. I’ll sincerely miss you
And we’re back to the battle. That was… interesting editing
16 red shirts… 17 red shirts… 18 red shirts… 
So it’s twenty minutes in and no named characters have died yet. I’m surprised…
And there goes Edd. *cries* Why did I think I was safe?!?! Why?!?!?!?!?!
So that’s one death I guessed. I wonder who else…
Okay, is it even possible for Sophie Turner to look anything but beautiful? I mean, even with this episode’s lighting…
I forgot Tyrion was alive Oops
Still have a sinking suspicion the crypts are going to be overrun with wights…
I honestly admire how calm Tyrion is. If my brother was out fighting an army of undead popsicles, you could bet I would be anything but
Jon and Dany bumping into eachother on dragonback is really making me smile. Even though I know it wasn’t intentional this time
If Jorah doesn’t die, Lyanna Mormont will. I’m calling it now
Grey Worm is so far the MVP of this battle. Now I’m really worried about his survival odds…
Soooooooo… are the dragons just going to be lost in this snowstorm the entire episodes? I mean, they have to play a bigger part than that, right?
(if they don’t then Jon really went through some serious guff for nothing)
Jon calling Dany by her nickname again despite knowing she doesn’t like it gives me life. So what if I’m petty?
And back with Theon and Bran after… nothing really happened
“Is it just me, or does the editing this episode feel a little… off?” - My Wonderful Brother
“Not just you. It has been so far. Strange, considering that’s usually one of D&D’s strong points.” - My Wonderful Dad
Aaaaaaand back to the battle after nothing really happened
“….. really?” - My Wonderful Brother
Brienne checking on Pod is what I live for. Honestly, I’m so far more interested in my J-B-P Family Trio than the actual battle 
(Though I don’t think I’m supposed to be)
And the lighting is pitch black again. Huzzah
Unsullied don’t feel fear, huh? Welp, Grey Worm’s quickly realizing that most Unsullied don’t usually fight dead men
Really, though, this scene is on-point. Kudos to everyone involved
And now Dany can’t see the signal to light the trench. Yippee…
“YOU HAD ONE JOB, DAENERYS!!! ONE!!!” - My Wonderful Dad
On another note, I think I finally figured out why Melisandre conveniently strolled back into the picture when she did
 And there we go
You know, everything has played out so predictably thus far that I feel like D&D are going to pull a huge, random move at some point
One that likely won’t make any sense, knowing them
Oh, I hope that’s not the case
Alright, that shot when Melisandre finally light up the trench is beautiful. I must admit
…………………………………………………………………………. wait, so Jon was just chilling right next to the trench when he could’ve lit it up this whole time?!?!?!?!
Ugh. So far he’s been utterly useless this battle. I mean, I love the guy, but really?
Please tell me they’re just saving his potential for when he fights the Night King. Or, even better, fights him so Bran can take him down
(D&D wouldn’t honestly butcher my boy like this without a reason, right?)
Oh, great. I forgot the Hound has PTSD when it comes to fire. This should be interesting. With any luck, he’ll overcome his fear this episode
Back in the crypts which are still somehow safe
And it’s times like these, when Tyrion touts his own greatness, that I remember he’s much more like Tywin than I’d care to acknowledge
Yes, Tyrion. You would make all the difference out there in the battle. When not even your swordsman brother should, logically-speaking, be near it, given his one hand situation. But, sure. You keep on thinking that. 
Sansa laying some truth down. I stan 
I really do enjoy her and Tyrion’s chemistry. And it’s actually nice to take a bit of a break from the battle
Oh, look at that. Sansa and Dany aren’t besties after their talk last episode after all. Odd, I could’ve sworn some stans said they were
One of which was, apparently, Missandei
Gee, I love you, Missandei, but that comment was totally uncalled for. They weren’t even talking to you
“And maybe if it weren’t for the dragon queen, the wall would still be standing and the dead wouldn’t even be here.” - My Wonderful Brother
“The girl didn’t even light the trench. Which was, again, her one job!” - My Wonderful Dad
*sighs* I really hate brainwashed Missandei. But I’m sure Dany’s stans will find a woman of color being blindly devoted to a white woman totally empowering
(And, before anyone bashes me, I’m speaking as someone who’s got the blood of all walks of minorities in my veins) 
Ad back to Theon and Bran. Are they actually going to do something this time?
Oh, they are! 
So, Bran’s “home” quote was said to Theon. Odd, and here I thought he was supposed to have said it to Dany… oh, well
Ooooh, warging Bran. With any luck, he’ll warg into a dragon at some point in this episode
I don’t even care anymore, just let the poor guy be useful in this battle somehow
So… when the army of animated corpses have better battle plans than your armies, exactly how screwed are you?
Jorah ushering Sam to the walls is actually really heartwarming
As is surrogate dad Jaime checking on his adopted son Pod en route to their battle stations
…… Jon has been sitting on the walls of Winterfell for who knows how long doing absolutely zilch. Not burning wights, not guarding Bran, not even brooding. And I’m ticked about it
What the heck, D&D? I thought you loved CGI dragon stuff
Well, finally. Yes, go fight the head popsicle, even if you don’t kill him. Go, my boy, and redeem yourself
The J-B-P Family Trio dynamic is my favorite thing in this episode thus far. Fight me 
And Sam and Jorah. I want a spin-off named “Mormont and Tarly” with these two just hanging out
So, it’s almost halfway through the episode and only Edd has died out of the named characters. I have a feeling things are about to get bloody
Well, there goes another red shirt. What was I up to? 42?
No no no no no no no no. Bad wights. Not Jaime. Get off my problematic child! Get off him, darn you!!!
Brienne has “Kingslayer sense” confirmed
Who needs plot armor when you have your totally platonic not girlfriend watching your back? 
My children fighting together… *tears up* I’m so proud…
And who needs plot armor when you have your totally platonic not boyfriend watching your back?
Jorah saving Sam with Heartsbane is all kinds of right. That is all
And the Hound is not making any sort of progress with his PTSD. I’m rooting for you, Sandor
Aaaaaaaaaaand…. I’m really tired of ninja!Arya already. I’m sorry. Unpopular opinion, I know, but it seems like the show’s going out of their way waaaay too much recently to make her seem all BAMF. I don’t know, call it personal preference, but I like it when there’s some vulnerability to a fighter
And maybe that hit to the head will take her down a peg. Knowing D&D, though… not likely
Oh, boy. The Hound’s really got it bad. I feel for him….
The fact he cares so much about Arya takes me back to S4, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Ah, the great seasons…
My wonderful Dad and Brother have taken to trying to adjust the brightness on our tv…to  limited success. And this isn’t even the darkest the episode’s been…
Okay, I got over Lyanna Mormont in S7, but I have to say, she got the coolest death ever in the show by far. And I’m glad
Also, another predicted death. Makes me wonder about Jorah’s fate now…
So… the dragons above the clouds is a pretty shot and all, but are Jon and Dany just playing hide&seek with the Night King at this point, or…?
Oh, there’s the head popsicle!
(oh, if only fire could burn the unburnt…)
(speaking of which, how does Wightserion manage to breathe fire if he’s a wight and fire kind of kills them all over again? I’ve been wondering…)
“And after less than a minute of the dragons looking like they’d actually do something, we’ve now transitioned in to a game of tag, you’re it.” - My Wonderful Brother, getting fully annoyed with this episode
“At this point you could put Little Sam out in the field and he’d do more than the dragons.” - My Wonderful Dad, getting fully annoyed with this episode
And now Arya’s playing hide&seek with the wights. What is this, buy none get three day?
So… this scene is going to contribute something other than more bad lighting, right? Please say it is…
And nothing’s really happening…
And nothing…
Okay, so I have a feeling this is supposed to come off as a horror movie kind of thing, but it reads more like Tom&Jerry, imo
Wights have better hearing than me. I’m a little jealous
*shudders* Alright, the way that wight re-died (coining that term as of now) when Arya stabbed it was really gross. I tip my hat to the special effects and make-up team
Arya’s running like mad. And I’m happy she seems human again
(On another note, all this focus on Arya is really making me wonder what D&D are planning on doing with her. I can guess it’s something important…)
Too dark to see too dark to see too dark to see too dark to see…
I’m still surprised the crypts are safe. Maybe I’m wrong and they won’t be taken over by the dead after all
“This episode needs more Sansa. I said what I said.” - My Wonderful Brother
The Hound and Beric’s buddy cop adventures continue
Sweet move, Beric. We should enter you in javelin-throwing
Arya fighting just fine with a head wound. Even though I’m pretty sure she must have a concussion. Oh, what the heck, it’s a fantasy show
Beric sacrificing himself for Arya and the Hound in an honestly brilliant scene… that I could hardly see… -_-*
Beric dying to protect them also means that I was probably right before when I said Arya’s going to play an important role in this fight. Or the Hound
But my money’s on Arya. They’ll want a girl power shield in case their plans fall through
Really, the lighting on this episode looks like the contrast effect I add to my Sony Vegas-made AMVs before filtering the colors
So… Melisandre’s alone in this room surrounded by a bunch of doubly dead wights. Did she kill them all herself? Did she flambe them? I would really like to know
And blue eyes. Wait… no.
“They’re going to have Arya kill the Night King. That’s their big twist” - My Wonderful Brother
“But that wouldn’t make any sense. I mean, what about Bran? Doesn’t his whole story revolve around taking down the Night King?Didn’t Uncle Benjen say in no uncertain terms that without Bran they lose everything?” - Me
“Yep. But it’s still going to be Arya.” - My Wonderful Brother
“But what about Jon?! Doesn’t 90% of his arc center around facing this guy, too?! What about their stare down in “Hardhome”?” - Me
“Maybe Jon gets a crack at him, but it’s going to be Arya who finishes him off.” - My Wonderful Brother
“They wouldn’t!” - Me
“Remember Joffrey’s funeral  scene in “Breaker of Chains” and how they changed it?” - My Wonderful Dad
“……… oh, no. They would.” -Me
And now I’m worried
I mean, I love Arya, I really do. And I love girls being great. But something like that would just feel so… out-of-the-blue
Please don’t let that be the case
(But then again, my wonderful Brother’s always right)
Theon and the red shirts going to war and I can’t even try to appreciate it
Oh, well, I couldn’t see much of it anyway
And there goes Rhaegal and Wightserion fighting in the sky. And I can’t even see what’s happening. Wondrous
No! Not the cloak Sansa made for Jon! Bad dragon, bad!
*more squinting*
… did Drogon just bite Rhaegal? It looks like it. But I won’t jump to any conclusions just yet because I CAN’T FRICKING SEE!!! 
Jon has to be hurt after that fall. There’s no way he only got a few scrapes
Then again, the damage to his body is probably far less than the damage my eyes have taken straining to see the screen
And back to the battle. Time to see if anyone I love is still alive…
*even more squinting*
Ya’ know what, I can’t tell
Oh, great. Dany and the Night King. Well, let’s see if she’s going to kill him and become the heiress of a million more prophecies
Bet you ten bucks she’s going to smile when she burns him
And knock knock I’m here to collect my money
Well, Jon’s staggering around like he’s hurt, at least. That’s good enough for me (at least someone seems to be affected by bodily wear-and-tear)
And the Night King’s not burnt. Oh, this is great!!!
AND THAT SMIRK!!! I CAN’T!!! *falls off chair laughing* 
“Can we stan the Starks and the Night King at the same time? Is that even possible?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Well, Dany, your purpose here is done. Time to go back to Meereen.” - My Wonderful Brother
“Excuse me, but what did the people of Meereen ever do to you to have you wish such a thing on them?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Nothing. I just really want Demanding Tourist out of Westeros already.” - My Wonderful Brother 
Yes, head popsicle. Get the dragon brat!!! Yeeeeeeeees!!!!!!
Aw, darn it. He missed
Oooh, Jon running at the Night King. Here we go! One-on-one!!!
Oh, shoot. He’s running towards him as the guy’s reanimating the corpses?! Is he really planning on sacrificing himself?!??!
(you know what, never mind. It’s Jon - we already know the answer is yes)
Okay, sweetie, all you need is a few good jabs and I’ll be happy. Just get a couple hits on this guy and I’ll be satisfied
Immediately has “Satisfied” from Hamilton play in my head and chooses to ignore it
Ummm… Jon. Why are you stopping? The path is still clear? Just run through!
Oh, shoot, everyone that was killed is coming back
Oh, hey, look, Jaime and Brienne are still alive… and they’re probably not going to be in two more minutes so I better enjoy it. Good thing I have both Wench and Kingslayer sense, or I might not have been able to tell it was them in the dark
Now where’s Pod? *activates Squire sense”*
And there’s the crypts not staying safe. I fricking called it and I wish I hadn’t
Don’t you dare touch Gilly or Little Sam or Sansa, wights!!!
On another note… how did the wights manage to punch through solid stone with their skeletal hands?
My boy Theon still stepping up. *sighs*  I’m really going to miss him… and back from a quick cut, Jon squinting at that dragonfire is me right now, after nearly a whole hour of watching an almost fully-black screen
Giving credit where credit is due, Dany just saved my fav. Thanks for that, but don’t get used to it
Ooooooooh Dany stuck in the middle of nowhere without her dragons surrounded by wights… *pulls out White Walker paraphernalia and foam finger* Team Wights forever!
(What? I did say don’t get used to it)
No Jorah! Nooooooo! Why?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
“WE COULD’VE HAD IT ALLLL!!!!” - My Wonderful Brother
Also, kind of hate how the sword belonging to the family Dany burnt alive is now being used to defend her, but who cares what I think, right?
Jon running past Sam is so wrong on so many levels
On another, however, it shows that he prioritizes Bran - his family - above all else. So, maybe I’m giving D&D too much credit here, but if that’s what they were trying to convey, I can see where they’re coming from
This tunnel run is the most fighting Jon’s actually gotten to do in the episode thus far, which is actually pretty dissapointing
Y’know, considering he was all gung-ho about fighting the Army of the Dead and all
Theon , my boy, you make me proud
Also, what is Bran actually doing? Something important, I hope…
Wow. Dany can magically wield a sword. Where did this sudden skill come from, I wonder…
Are Sansa and Tyrion taking refuge behind Ned’s tomb? *heart breaks into a million pieces*
*scene cuts away*
“Hey, I said in action, not inactive! I want to see my girl kill some wights!” - My Wonderful Dad
He’s been a full Sansa stan for only a week yet he gets how awesome she is. I’m so proud of him
Oh, great, Wightserion almost killing Jon
Oh, great, wights almost killing my J-B-P Family Trio
Yet I’m already loving this score. Let’s see just how much of a next level Ramin Djawadi takes it to
No, bad wights! Don’t kill my children!
No! Don’t make Sam cry!
Noooooooooooo! Don’t say thank you, Bran! Now he’s really going to die!
NOOOOOOO! THEON!!!!!!! *cries hysterically*
Jon… just can’t catch an awesome break this episode, can he? Now he’s got to deal with the dragon he already faced again… *sighs*
And yep. Ramin Djawadi outdid himself with this score. And that’s the hill I die on
Jon, sweetie… why are you randomly screaming at a dragon? Did you hit your head when you fell off Rhaegal? Has the stress of obsessing over the undead finally caught up to you? Did Dany finally break you?
Okay, a white walker’s hair has suddenly turned into a Maybelline commercial
And it’s…
Arya. Oh, boy. Here we go…
Aaaaaaaaand… it’s over. Just. Like. That.
We never even got to know anything about him and that’s it
They Snoke’d him
And Bran was utterly useless, to boot
*left eyes strained from too much squinting twitches*
“They really did it…” - mMe
“Called it.” - My Wonderful Brother
“Well… I guess good for Arya. Right?” - My Wonderful Dad
“No. Not good. Not good. I’m glad she got a chance to shine and I don’t even care about her hitting the final blow. I don’t care who hi it, honestly!!! But Jon and Bran were both completely useless?! EVEN BRAN?! ARE YOU  KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! BRAN’S ENTIRE STORYLINE WAS THE NIGHT KING!!! NOW WHAT’S HE ANY GOOD FOR?! TELLING HIS FAMILY THAT JAIME PUSHED HIM OUT A WINDOW?!?! DON’T GIVE ME THAT! I DID NOT SIT THROUGH SEVEN ENTIRE SEASONS OF GAME OF THRONES AND PUT UP WITH SIX OF THEM WATCHING BRAN’S BORING-AS-ALL-HECK VISIONS JUST FOR HIM TO BE PLAYING WARG THE RAVENS THROUGHOUT THIS ENTIRE EPISODE AND HAVE NO SAY IN TAKING DOWN THE POPSICLE!!!” -  Me, with an unpopular opinion that will get me in so much trouble later
“True. His lack of involvement was… dissapointing.” - My Wonderful Dad
“You know, there’s a way it all could’ve worked. All they had to do was have Bran warg into the Night King to try and keep him at bay to give Arya the chance to finish him off. Show a bit of struggle between all three of them and ultimately have Bran be the deciding factor. Maybe throw in a bit of flashbacks to the guy’s past, while they were at it” - My Wonderful Brother
“Yeah, but that would require making the guy look like a legitimate threat in terms of fighting.” - Me
“Oh, that’s an easy fix. They should’ve let Jon fight the Night King before and get royally owned. That would’ve established him.” - My Wonderful Brother
“Not only that, but it would also heighten the expectation that Jon would make a huge comeback, which would really throw the viewers for a loop when Arya comes to save Bran instead.” - My Wonderful Dad
My family, everyone. Also known as my bright spots in the abysmal world
To be fair, the one thing I like about this is that the knife originally intended to kill Bran eventually saved him. Bravo
Welp, there goes Jorah. My heart is already in pieces, so a few more breaks won’t do anything
*cries anyway*
Guess Dark!Dany is probably coming. At least I hope so. And then we’ll have Bronn fight her or some other nonsensical decision. Who cares anymore?
I can’t bring myself to feel a shred of pity for Dany or an ounce of compassion. Yet even I know Emilia Clarke’s acting in this scene is fantastic
And now at the end of the episode we finally have light. And my eyes actually are having a hard time adjusting to it
So long, Melisandre. I’m surprisingly emotional about this but maybe that’s just because I’m still crying from Jorah
That’s it? Huh. That’s it. Who lived? Who died? Don’t ask me.
I’m going to go work on my AU now. It may suck, but at least I put real effort into it. Maybe I’ll be a screenwriter. It seems to require very little
I’m bitter and ready to be unfollowed
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yanak324 · 5 years
Ahhh, my favorite King of the North. Yaass, thank you for the ask, kind anon.
How I feel about this character:
I absolutely adore Robb. I just do. I find him to be both easy on the eyes and easy on the spirit haha. He’s the first born Stark, which comes with a boatload of expectations and baggage, but he doesn’t let it get to him. He handles the pressure of being Ned Stark’s successor with aplomb. He’s an extrovert who loves people and loves him family fiercely. He’s definitely guided by his feelings but also understands the importance of duty and commitment. He is willing to listen to those who know more than him, and is always striving to be better. He’s a romantic who attracts people easily and therefore has a lot of strong friendships and has many people who will lay down their lives for him. He’s a natural born leader but can sometimes make foolish, rash decisions when he feels like he’s backed into a corner. However, he also owns his mistakes and very rarely lays blame at other people’s feet. That being said, Robb is someone who understands his privilege and if left unchecked, would absolutely take advantage of it. He’s not a bully though and would never prey on others but he certainly carries a bit of arrogance that comes from being raised in a wealthy circumstance. While some would find that offputting or be envious of it, at the end of the day, most people like Robb and enjoy spending time with him, because home boy lights up a room when he walks in, and you can fight me on that.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Theon Greyjoy & Gendry Waters...that’s about it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
If he and Gendry don’t hook up, I can at least see them being pretty good buds. I also think Robb and Jon Snow have a special bond and one that Robb values deeply. Same for Theon, but like...we all know Throbb is the greatest, most mighty GOT/ASoIaF ship that never sailed and that’s that on that.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ooof, I guess one big one is that I don’t blame Robb for fucking over the Freys for love. For one, I don’t think he took them very seriously and I don’t blame him, despite it ultimately costing him and Cat their lives. I also think it’s something that rings incredibly true to his character, so yeah, can’t fault him for it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
In an alternate GOT/ASoIaF reality, Robb gives up his King of the North title to Sansa (my one true kween, sorry not sorry) in favor of being a family man and helping Talisa raise their brood of children, including first born, baby Eddard
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