#my oc dalen
eleanor-is-fine · 3 months
007 Fest Intro Post
Heyo, Dalen here, like Dalek with an N, right? Checking in with Station Atlantic ‘cause several players have missed sessions over the last couple of weeks, and life happens, sure, and the campaigns roll on, but it’s unusual for them to miss without word at all, right?
Draughts, that’s where I work, in London, games of all sorts, right? We got your board games, all kinds, and host all sorts of game-type meetups. For a few years now that lot has been regulars, especially the boffins but a fair number from other departments, too, right? Then nothing, and that’s odd, and I’m all about a good mystery, right, not to mention getting concerned.
Anyway, nice to meet you, roll a D20 to see how well we get along. That’s a D&D joke, but you knew that, right?
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Happy Fest! Eleanor here, sliding into Station Atlantic for my second Fest. I mostly read these days but write, too. Looking forward to a fun month!
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zoroshark · 4 months
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Baby mode zoras? Baby mode zoras :D From top to bottom: -Upper left: Ayana -Upper right: Dalen -Middle Left: Hamar -Middle right: Moraiya -Bottom: Lazarith
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serenxanthe · 6 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @rikki-roses for WIP whenever (thank you!).
Their snippet is a lovely piece that features their OC meditating and working through their feelings using the Force. In contrast, most of my writing is angsty dialogue between Seren, my Sith Warrior turned Jedi Knight OC, and Theron Shan. I found one vaguely sensible conversation between them in my current WIP; set on Coruscant a few weeks after they meet on The Esseles, so here it is!
While she was gone Theron paced anxiously, he didn’t understand how they’d got here. Just half an hour ago Seren had thrown herself into his arms, delighted to see him, now… was she thinking about breaking up with him? He swallowed, feeling sick.
She came back into the sitting room wearing her nightdress, face bare, hair wet. Her eyes were red, like she’d not stopped crying. “I don’t want to break up with you Theron,” she started, and his heart leapt, “but…”
“No! No buts, just don’t, ok? Don’t end this.” he begged her.
Seren looked at him, “Like I said, I don’t want to, but I can’t be with someone who…  hates what I am.” her voice was strangled.
“Seren, don’t. Please. I don’t hate who you are.” Theron shook his head, “Seren, I never talk about this. Ever.”
Theron stepped closer to her and hesitantly put his hands on her shoulders, asking, “Is this ok?” Seren nodded.
He took a deep breath, “Ok, I don’t hate what you are, I hate what I’m not.”
Seren instinctively stepped closer to him, and Theron started to breathe again.
“Listen, I was supposed to be this great Jedi, told all my life that I would be. Like my mother, like my ancestors Revan and Bastilla Shan.”
Seren caught her breath in shock, and Theron nodded.
“Exactly. And here I am unable to even float a pebble. The Jedi Temple at Hashemut rejected me, cast me out with nothing and nobody.” He shrugged, “I found my way to the SIS, but my teenage years were tough. Really tough, I’m not gonna lie.”
Seren stepped two more hesitant steps forward then folded herself into his arms, stroking his back, her head on his chest. “I’m… Theron. I’m so sorry. I knew from the moment we met that you had some sort of issue with Jedi, then when I found out who your mother was, I just assumed it was because she gave you up. I had no idea, and I didn’t ask. I should have.”
Theron kissed the top of her head. “Yeah, even if you’d asked, I’m not sure I would have told you. I’ve… never told anyone. I mean a couple of people at the SIS know the basic facts, but not how it made me feel. And my mother giving me up didn’t help. So, you weren’t wrong.”
Theron sighed like he’d done something exhausting and was relieved it was over. Seren knew that now was the time to tell him about her real past, before Tython. About Dromund Kass and Korriban. About the real Seren and Xanthe.
But she didn’t. The words stayed trapped on her tongue while her mind screamed at her to speak, that she’d regret it forever if she didn’t; tell him, Tell Him, TELL HIM!
She ignored it and let him hold her, shame crawling over her body that she’d let him bare his soul and hadn’t done him the same courtesy.
Tagging @wayfinderlegacy @stratataisen and @dirthara-dalen for the WIP whenever game!
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frauleiiin · 8 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @sullustangin (thank you so much for tagging me! I'm flattered)
3 ships
Canon ship: Hiccup and Astrid from HTTYD. I re-watched all the movies recently and naaaah they're still so goals.
OC Ship: Maverik'a and Theron from SWTOR (I don't talk about them a lot but they're my roman empire)
Ship of the week: Ballister and Ambrosius from the animated movie Nimona! Saw it was nominated for an Oscar so I finally decided to watch it and omg they're so AAARGH and the movie is SOOOO metal 🤘
First ship
The only one I can remember is Rose and Scorpius from Harry Potter lol. I was obsessed with them when I was like 12, I even made like a story with like the next gen kids (before the Cursed Child released). Then I paired up Albus with an OC and they became my favorite ship instead LMAO. I'm not that into the fandom anymore but I do still think about them sometimes. (Also to be clear I do not support J.K Rowling AT ALL, even created a metamorphmagus trans lady as a teacher in my story to piss her off lol)
Last song
Empire Ants by Gorillaz! I'm a massive fan of Gorillaz, Blur, anything that is Damon Albarn.
Currently reading
Comic book series Fables! Just finished vol. 14 today. Only 57 issues to finish the original run lol. The Telltale video game The Wolf Among Us is based on these comics if you were curious! (that's what got me into comics, now I work at a comic book store LMAO)
Last film
Decided to watch The Mitchells VS The Machines again (yes recently I've only been watching A LOT of animated movies fjhjksshjfk) and it's such a great movie. I totally had forgotten about the Furby scene (don't ask) and I almost cried of laughter.
Currently craving
I actually don't crave anything at the moment, I got sick with my sinuses last week and idk, it poofed away my cravings LMAO.
I think I never opened up this like this on my blog before soooo enjoy!
@serenofroses @dirthara-dalen @nekorinnie @lanabenikosdoormat @stratataisen @jukkariart @eorzeashan @magicallulu7 @rubensmuse no pressure tags, hope someone didn't tag you yet hihi
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chaoticstrata · 8 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @frauleiiin 💜💜💜
3 ships (Oh man, one of the hard questions...just gonna do some current ones. lol)
Aketho/Theron - because of course.
Canach/(Any of my characters, lol)
Aymeric/Hien - you get a fourth because I want at least one non-OC involved pairing. lol
First ship
Ummmm...-tries to think back to a LONG time ago-...if I recall correctly, it was probably one from Ronin Warriors (Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers). Most likely Sage/Rowen (Seiji/Touma). If you know this anime, I give you kudos!
Last song
...does my alarm count? XD Hmm...let me see...switchblade by Qoiet, ghoolwrld, & Kobenz. Usually have it on repeat. Not a super big music fan. I more so put on something for background noise that's not lyric based for work.
Currently reading
Besides re-reading the fics I'm working on and old rps I wrote with a firend...nothing. ;-; I get too distracted or start thinking how I would doing things/insert a character when I'm reading...-sigh- And audio books...I really can't do them when I'm doing something...too distracting. I want to focus on the story.
Last film
Fuck....this is just making me realize I'm boring as fuck. ;-; Umm...I can't remember. I just...don't have time. I'm going to say Clue because I usually will have it playing in the background since I've seen it so many times I don't need to watch it.
Currently craving
Pizza. Always pizza cravings, I swear. And it has to be fresh...I can't do cold or reheated in the microwave pizza. I think it's a texture thing. I don't like coagulated cheese. >.<
Hmmm, who to tag...ummmm....some might be retagged here. Sorry!
@zhakyria @kemendin @eorzeashan @ruensroad @serenofroses @riachuelowii @swtorpigeons @dirthara-dalen @teacakes1799
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the-tomato-patch · 5 months
Tagging Game
tagged by @teacakes1799 ( Definitely not annoying, I love tag games! )
3 ships ( I have plenty of oc x canon ships but no oc ships D: but I'll keep them swtor aligned because that's the blogs main focus)
Lord Scourge/Rhiasen ( Y'all know my obsession with these baby tomatoes )
Malavai Quinn/Sabrazios ( Another tomato paired with a man I love but also wouldn't mind spacing into the void )
Theron Shan/Chiono Mewsa ( Theron x Triple traitor cathar imp agent )
First Ship
Uh, my brain isn't very good but Sesshomaru x OC because I was a self-indulgent little shit with so many mary sues. If I'm not counting OC x canon then Sesshomaru x Kikyo. Cartoon wise, probably Zim x Tak ( ZaTr for all the fellow fossils ) or Zuko x Toph
Last Song
I'm oddly obsessed with Jack Black's cover of Hit Me Baby One More Time. It's weirdly good.
Currently Reading
I listen more than read. The last thing I listened to on audible was Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Last Film
Last film was Godzilla x Kong in theaters.
Last series was Fallout ( episode 6... WTF WAS THAT GULPER SCENE!? )
Currently Craving
Good mediterranean food and more free time
Tagging: @bigbadvv0lf @captainderyn @dirthara-dalen @serenofroses @frauleiiin @eorzeashan Anyone who wants to?
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gvk2012 · 1 year
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Alrighty here is my Jedi OC.
Dalen Falken is a Jedi/member of the Resistance during the fight against the First Order. I was definitely inspired by Jedi like Kyle Katarn, Kanan Jarrus, and Cal kestis.
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loriane-elmuerto · 4 years
With the news of the bad batch release date, time to post more lore 👀
By the time the bad batch events occur...
Aminata lives under the name of Zara, to honour captain Zuru and commander Tana. The wounds of the Purge are still fresh to her, so she has not moved on from her previous life.
Sarai, when need be, poses as Mina's daughter Voda (from the mandalorian word vod, which means sibling; to honour Mina's men). This disguise works well, due to the fact that there is a 20 year age difference between them. When Aminata goes to chase the ghosts of her past, Sarai stays hidden with her and Mina's parents.
Captain Zuru survived the events at the Jedi Temple during the Purge. Being the sole survivor of team Shield, Zuru, thanks to the chip, was transferred into the Imperial army, serving as one of the higher ranking officials, along with Commander Cody. Once Aminata hears that he lived, she makes it her mission to liberate him from the Empire and take out the chip from his head. Zuru is being considered to lead a squad of Jedi hunters with Cody.
Commander Tana, thanks to the fact that she's a nat-born woman, also avoided the fate her men suffered at the Temple (aka necks broken by Mina). Also hiding from the Empire, she eventually joins forces with Clone force 99, and at some point, is reunited with Aminata.
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leviiackrman · 4 years
The Encyclopaedia of a Design Students Imagination 
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Part 1: Ophelia Dandythorn (Dungeons + Dragons)
Note: This is in no way an amazing piece of writing and is literally gonna be a compilation of all my OC’s character bios. If you’re interested in reading, then feel free to let me know and I can tag you - but all bios will be accessible on their individual character pages. Enjoy!
Words: 772
also this is the name of my OC publication I’m making so no judging aha
With an extensive family all originating from Shamal, Marquet; Ophelia was born to a family with little money, but lots of heart. With her seven siblings, Ophelia was the oldest of the Dandythorn children and was proud to work alongside her Mother and Father in their flower shop. Their business was renowned for their beautiful bouquets and stylish antiques they had collected over the years, leading them to venture into wedding planning and decorating. The Dandythorns later organised the De Rolo Wedding at Dalen’s Closet, with their first interaction with magic being here.
Over the years, Ophelia learnt more and more from her parents; learning to sail and fish with her father and helping run the business with her mother. While working in the shop one day, she met Damien Oakman – a traveller from Tal’Dorei who had heard of the Dandythorn business. Within a small amount of time, the 2 had become inseparable, spending weeks, then months, and later even years together, until they decided to move in with one another and start their own business. Damien’s family had come from a small background such as Ophelia’s, and so their joint knowledge of sailing and trading came in handy when opening up ‘The Travellers Shack’ – a small shop specialising in lost treasures found on the sea floor.
With her life practically perfect in her eyes, there was only only one more step that could complete her puzzle and that was a ring. Years into their relationship, the pair finally agreed to marry – but Damien was never fully invested. As days grew closer to the wedding, Ophelia was surprised when Damien invited her out into the woods for a ‘secret getaway’ before the big day. In a secluded part of the woodland local to their village further inland, Damian stabbed Ophelia in the heart, leaving her to die.
Cold. Everything was cold. Ophelia awoke in a crate. No, not a crate. A coffin. She pulled her arms to her chest to push against the wooden ceiling and clawed through the hard material. Surprisingly, her strength allowed her to venture to the surface, only to see the moon shining down on her and flowers growing on what she soon found to be her grave. She climbed out of her hole in the ground, looking around at her surroundings before noticing the blood on her shirt and the ring no longer on her finger. A small voice spoke in the back of her head, whispering and ticking as she tried to gather herself. It wouldn’t stop, it just grew louder.
Making her way towards the town, she heard screams in the distance before she could even see the faces of her neighbours. Her heart froze when many of them charged at her, chasing her out of the village and leaving her to follow the voice in her head that encouraged her to wander towards the coast in the search of her family.
Her memory was a blur. All she remembered was seeing Damien, and then slowly awakening in the darkness of her coffin. There was no pain in her chest, but the remnants of her blood stained clothes and ache in her heart taught her what she had feared.
Over time, Ophelia gathered herself – her family not wanting anything to do with their ‘undead’ daughter and what dark magics had brought her back to them. Alone and confused, she made her way north along the coast, finding a small port town where she hired a crew and a ship to take her to Tal’Dorei – the only location within her blurred memory that she could think to find her beloved murderer.
It had been years since the attack. Years lying in a cold wooden box. To establish herself, she used her new strength to make her life ‘easier’, removing obstacles that could potentially threaten her revenge driven adventure. The voice in her head had become a comfort to her, praising her wrong doings and encouraging more misbehaviour. The voice drove her mad of course, leading her to have spurts of energy where it wasn’t entirely her own. A darkness was forming in the back of her mind from whatever benevolent being had brought her back from death. Something sinister, something cruel.
Not knowing why she was alive, or why she was now the way she is, she continued to march forward with her crew, developing a reputation for herself as ‘The Whispering One’ -  a tortured soul with multiple personalities controlling her every move as she ventured across the seas in hopes of finding answers as to why she was now: a Blood Hunter.
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rikasartblog · 5 years
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So. I have a lot of Dunmer ocs. Like, too many- this is only a small portion of them. Figured I’d post a compilation of them for the time being, maybe I’ll actually getting around to describing all them someday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A lot of this is old art and dumb jokes. Also, Dalen (Ralen’s cousin) belongs to @Arimabari who is the best, okay. Also Julan is not my own oc but from a great mod, and I highly suggest it (I gotta redraw him, that doodle does not do him justice at all fhdfsd)
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oh-atlas · 5 years
I've started watching the Dalen's Closet one-shot, so! Pick one of your OC couples, and describe their wedding planning. (Or if all of them would quietly elope with little discussion, then describe their planning for the ceremony or party they do some time afterwards that celebrates their relationship.)
this is spoilers so if you’re in beyond the great expanse do not read below (insert knife emoji here) (ps. unless ur the dm then u be known)
rowan and verena would elope.
they don’t want to risk being seperated again now that they’re together. there’s still some weird social stigma for them so they elope, get married together off in the woods somewhere, and rowan walks back to the party with a ring on her finger and says nothing of it.
when everything is said and done and rowan can settle and relax, then they’ll have a party for close friends. V will wear a huge beautiful dress, and Rowan will find a way to freshen up that’s comfortable to her, and they will celebrate spending the rest of their lives together.
(tldr the ideal situation is before the final big fight/arc of the campaign rowan and v will get married and rowan will bring it up at the most Unexpected time and be like “my wife—” “your what”)
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pikapeppa · 6 years
Dragon Age Question Meme
Tagged by @galadrieljones - thanks lethallan!  This is a long one - I’ll continue it under a cut. 
Tagging forward to @schoute @viktuuri-fluff-saved-my-life @thevikingwoman @buttsonthebeach @charlatron @mrscullensrutherford @oops-gingermoment @iarollane @aban-asaara @irlaimsaaralath @wardsarefunctioning and anyone else who wants to play!
01) Favourite game of the series?
I haven’t played Origins yet, but between DA2 and DA:I, Inquisition is my jam! I’ve played it 3 times already and I’m not yet tired of it! So many places to explore, and I still haven’t heard all the banter yet, and the lore is just so rich, so many codex entries, yes yes.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
Basically all my Horizon Zero Dawn friends insisted - INSISTED - that I play Inquisition. For some reason I thought I wouldn’t like it, like “ahh everyone says it’s so great, how great can it be.” WELP LOL. I have no regrets, but my HZD friends might, given how HORRIBLY OBSESSED I have become LOL. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
- Origins: 0 times, but looking to rectify that this year! - DA2: 1.5 times. Ughhh Act 2... - DA:I: 3.5 times and still loving it!
04) Favourite race to play as?
Elf. Hands down. I played a Trevelyan once and was like MEH BORING.
05) Favourite class?
MAGE. MAGE MAGE MAGE. Although I’ve been playing as Fenris a lot in DA2 and it’s surprisingly fun!! Good thing too since I’ll have to be a two-handed warrior during my Fenquisition playthrough
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I’ll answer for Inquisition. There are some things I always do the same (e.g. Bull saving the Chargers, allying with Abelas, making Solas APPROVE OF ME LMAO), but other things I alternate. I’ve gone with the mages and the Templars twice, respectively; I prefer picking the mages, it just makes more sense and is more “ethical” to me, but I ADORE COLE and I think the whole envy demon storyline is very interesting, so I quite enjoy siding with the Templars too. I have done something different each time at the Winter Palace, and this time I plan to do something different yet again. I strongly prefer Cole as a spirit, but I’ve had him as a spirit and as human twice each. 
My Fenris-as-Inquisitor playthrough will be interesting. I’ll be playing in character as him, so it’s going to be quite different than what I canonically do, and I’m quite interested to see what happens. Solas is going to hate me oh god
07) Go-to adventuring group?
- DA2: FENRIS and Anders, and then I alternate my rogues. I love both Varric and Isabela, but depending on how far into my Fenris romance I am, I often have to leave Isabela behind because I HATE WATCHING HER FLIRT WITH MY MAN <sobbing> - Inquisition: SOLAS, Cole and Blackwall is my favourite group, but I also love bringing Cass instead of Blackwall - I love Cass and Cole’s banter. But Solas and Cole are my FAVOURITE PAIRING. I could listen to their incomprehensible chatter forever.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Damn. Umm... I put equal amounts of thought into Elia Lavellan (romanced with Solas), Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas) and Rynne Hawke (romanced with Fenris). Before I started writing those ships, the question I had to answer was this: Why would Solas/Fenris/Abelas love her? I know why Elia loves Solas, and I know why Rynne loves Hawke and why Athera admires and eventually loves Abelas. But what is it about those OCs that those men fall in love with? I build my OCs around the men in their lives, not the other way around. 
09) Favourite romance?
URGH WHY MUST YOU ASK ME THIS. GOD FINE. Fenris rivalmance, ok?? But I also love the Solasmance and the Blackwall romance to the point of swooning so just FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THIS QUESTION THXBAI~
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
Yes! Masked Empire and Asunder.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
Masked Empire. I really liked getting more background on Celene/Briala and Gaspard (i.e. WHY THE FUCK I SHOULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WINTER PALACE MISSION AT ALL). I loved Felassan and Briala’s dalen/hahren relationship. And it was just better written than Asunder.
12) Favorite DLCs?
Must agree with Gala here; Trespasser is bae, and Jaws of Hakkon is just beautiful (and also AMERIDAN <sob>). But I also liked Mark of the Assassin quite a bit! So amusing!
13) Things that annoy you.
The fact that it takes a MILLION YEARS to get banter in DA:I, and also that you can’t just click on your companions in DA:I whenever you like if you just want to hear their voice. I KNOW I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CLICKED ON FENRIS CONSTANTLY TO HEAR HIM SAY “I enjoy following you”, OKAY? LIKE ALL I WANT IS FOR SOLAS  TO SAY “vhenan” TO ME WHILE WE’RE WANDERING THROUGH THE BLOODY WESTERN APPROACH
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden? We seem to spend more time there. But I’m kind of neutral I guess.
15) Templars or mages?
Mages. Hands down. Sorry Templars.
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
All parallel universes. None of them coexist. Rynne Hawke doesn’t even coexist with any of my Lavellans because Fenris becomes the Inquisitor in my headcanon
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
I have only one pet, Hawke’s mabari, and his name is Toby. 
18) have you installed any mods?
Console only <sob>
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
n/a - haven’t played Origins yet!
20) Hawke’s personality?
PURPLE HAWKE, with a healthy dash of Isabela-level flirtiness. But Rynne (over?)uses humour to deflect pain and agitation and anger.
21) did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition?
HAHAH so I made matching colour armour for Elia and Solas, yes. And I generally like to dress both Cole and myself in black and red!
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Ohhhh.... fuck. This is tough. - Elia Lavellan (romanced Solas): ...surprisingly, nothing really. She’s got a pretty zen kind of ‘what will be, will be’ attitude. In her darkest moments she might regret falling for Solas, but overall, she doesn’t really regret anything. - Arya Lavellan (romanced Blackwall): nothing. She is very confident.  - Athera Lavellan (romanced Abelas): honestly, she questions half of her decisions half the time. After Trespasser, she regrets not dissolving the Inquisition. (I haven’t decided yet if she eventually does dissolve it after all; perhaps we’ll see what DA4 brings us).  - Rynne Hawke (romanced Fenris): a LOT of things. She regrets letting Bethany attack that ogre. She regrets not bringing Carver to the Deep Roads, because maybe then he wouldn’t have joined the Templars to spite her. She regrets not following up more closely on Emeric’s murder investigation because otherwise maybe her mother wouldn’t have died. She basically blames herself anytime anything bad happens with her family (including the Merry Band of Misfits). 
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
I actually quite enjoy sticking to canon for the most part, and expanding on facts that we already know. The one canon-ish(?) thing I don’t love is the idea of Dalish Inquisitors understanding or speaking a dialect of Elvhen that’s mutually intelligible with the dialect that Solas and Abelas speak. I let it slide in my Solavellan fics, but I mean, it’s been THOUSANDS OF YEARS between Arlathan and the Dragon Age. Dalish Elvhen (even if they have many many dialects, which is most certainly the case) is very unlikely to be mutually intelligible with ancient Elvhen. I’ve been meaning to write a full post about this for like a year oops
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
They all contain some elements of self-insert, so... me, I guess? XD
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
The first time I played Inquisition, I had not played DA2 yet, so I left Hawke in the Fade for LOGIC REASONS OK - Stroud was like the only senior Warden left, I thought they needed him! I’ve left Stroud there every time thereafter. 
26) Favourite mount?
Well, it WOULD be any and all the harts, except for that FUCKING HORRENDOUS SOUND THEY MAKE. I thus prefer to ride dracolisks for the Coolness Factor™. 
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zoroshark · 1 year
Zora OCs Pt. 1!
It’s zoramay and I haven't posted most if not all of my zora ocs! Some even gotten a mini redesign since I last posted them. I thought to remedy that and show them off. Warning this post will be a bit long!
First is Ayana!
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Gender: Female •  Age: 24 (hylian years) • Species: Doitsu (Scaleless) Butterfly Koi fish Zora • Height: 5'7 • Personality: Quiet, Caring, Curious, Adventurous, Stubborn  • Friends with: Hamar
General Info: At a young age, she lost her remaining family to a tragedy that affected her whole home. After being taken in by the elders, she became a selective mute after constantly being looked down upon by others and hearing whispers about her and her family. She had enough of the treatment she was receiving at one point and decides to run away from home, heading to the seas. She was found by a ship ran by zoras after getting lost and was taken to Hyrule. After years of spending with the ship's crew, she leaves to set on a new adventure and finds a place to stay in Faron.
Next Is Hamar!
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Gender: Male • Age: 36 (hylian years) • Species: Viper Dogfish/Coelacanth Zora • Height: 12'9" • Personality: Goofy, Laid-back, Loyal, Humble, Secretive • Friends with: Ayana, Moraiya  • Enemies with: Dalen
General info: A zora who travels all of Hyrule. He is a potion maker/seller and has a pet red panther chameleon. He generally wears a cloak as his appearance can be intimidating. He has done questionable things in the past, but he means well and is a big goofball and jokester. Everyone he meets he does his best to show respect, and even if they say mean things of him, he dismisses it and has a good laugh. Only his friends and loved ones he will absolutely protect with every fiber of his being. 
3rd up is Dalen!
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Gender: Male  •  Age: 32 (hylian years) • Species: Chambered Nautilus • Height: 7'6" • Personality: Confident, Calm, Manipulative, Suave, Deceitful • Enemies with: Hamar
General info: A hitman for hire, borderline serial killer. From growing up in a relatively wealthy family in one of the most shady places, to being mistreated by his corrupt father, Dalen strives to kill those in power, those he deem scum or for those who want revenge. These are done for a price, or by his own hands. His calm demeanor masks the manipulative and twisted side of him. He uses a sheikah weapon with a similar laser to the guardians, sniping those from afar with one killing blow. To him he is no madman, only serving true justice. 
Gonna post a part 2 of my Zora ocs!
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red-wardens · 6 years
OC AS A CHILD - Isseya Mahariel
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((^Isseya at 14, not really a "kid"...her hair hides her elf ears))
Who named them/Significance of their name: Her mother named her after the sister of Elven hero Grey Warden Garahel who (with his sister’s help) killed Archdemon Andoral and saved Thedas during the 4th Blight.
Home they grew up in: All over Brecilian Forest traveling with Clan Sabrae
Relationship with parents: both died/gone since her infancy, deep respect for adopted mother Ashalle (alive)
Three Words to describe them as a child: Bold, Responsible, Unfriendly 
Childhood friend(s): not many children could put up with her thorny personality but she and Tamlen had been inseparable since they were 5 years old; when she was a teenager and had a little more patience she finally accepted Merrill’s friendship 
Favorite Toy: secret collection of tiny wooden halla
Childhood Trauma?: none; though there was a close encounter when they were 11 and Tamlen startled a bear that chased them for a while (they survived by climbing up a tall tree) 
Hobbies: learning how to shoot with training bow/arrows, running through forest, climbing trees, helping take care of halla, literally anything as long as it was with Tamlen
Childhood fear(s): shemlen coming to forest and hurting her clan, something bad happening to Tamlen or him deciding he didn’t want to be her friend anymore
Quirks: more responsible than some adults in her clan so was often tasked with babysitting other dalen (children) even some same age or barely younger than her
Wrote childhood stuff for Blue and made it into the "OC AS A CHILD MEME" (this meme got so popular wow) and wanted to do it for my other children
Tagged: @dickeybbqpit @nylahvellan @inconspicuous-cupcake @ean-harel @blighted-elves @hoehoehoelt @thekeeperlavellan and Anyone who wants to but please tag me so i can appreciate your OC’s too :)
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beststarpilot · 7 years
okay now that that blog’s all set up lemme give you some quick info on my ocs:
dalen rabor aka vyre ren -- he’s a knight of ren, mostly keeps to himself, plant hoe™
silas “kip” mackali -- resistance mechanic, knows more about x-wings than i will ever, older brother friend but also the one who can and will drink most people under the table
rena maloc -- TIE pilot, lesbian space queen™, will kick your ass probably
i love them okay that is all
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Vibing to Music
Thank you @pathfindersemail !! :D 
Rules: List 10 songs you’re currently vibing to + tag 10 people.
Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
I just imagine walking into a grand hall, dressed up in a pretty dress, walking dramatically down the stairs as people’s eyes are on me and I walk down to whatever fictional character I am thinking of at the time and dance with them. Don’t judge XD ahhaha I can’t help it lol It’s a romantic song ok? Shush
      2. Statues - Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Soundtrack
I imagine myself in the final battle with everyone in Harry Potter or whatever fandom I’m thinking of at the time. HP has such a good soundtrack it’s so good to listen to. Really gets the imagination flowing
        3.  Feel Good Inc - Gorrillaz
I’ve been listening to this song since I was a kid. Just went to their concert a few days ago. It was so good. Besides the idiots in front of me who had the audacity to smoke pot in the actual concert area…*sigh* >> Unfortunately they didn’t play this song ;w; I was disappointed but the concert was still really good. This song is my fav tho of theirs
      4.  Fever - Beyonce
I don’t know something about this song just gets me going. It’s sexy, its dance worthy I just can’t help playing it. It’s too good XD ahhahah
       5.   Wolfs Blood - Celtic Music
My dudes this is BADASS music man. Like it makes me want to go out there and go into battle and clash swords with bad guys. Plus it gets the Scottish blood in me going :D hahahah X””D LOL!
       6.  Evanescence - My Heart is Broken
Evanescence music in general is just phenomenal but I’ve been listening to this song very often. It’s just such a good song and powerful. Between this and Memories I’ve been listening alot.
       7. Mir Dalen Somniar - Dragon Age
This little lullaby is just so soothing and pretty. I imagine like a mother softly singing this lullaby to their baby and it’s just so sweet ^^
      8.  Delerium - After All
Another I’ve been listening to since I was little. It’s really good music, especially to work out to as well. I remember I used to play this game called Woodland and Grassland when I was young and would sword fight with my dad in the basement while listening to it. Ahh….good times...
      9. Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
God damn this song is awesome. Like I just imagine some of my ocs sometimes singing this to their trashy / bad boy s/o (Scout and Reyes comes to mind hahahha X””D  LOL! ). Ariana Grande has a very powerful voice. Love it
     10. Sky Battle - Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Soundtrack
Again another great example of Harry Potters epic soundtrack. Ahhahah I’ve been rewatching the series for the hundredth time lately so I’ve been in a serious HP mood XD As you probably could tell by all my reblogs...Sorry about that X””D LOL!!
 Now you scrubs! Off you go!! :D
 I tag @gabentine , @thisanimefan100 , @vorchagirl , @mega-animelove-stuff , @himluv , @annahakuouki , @charomiami , Only if you want to tho XD haha
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