#my non-religious non-spiritual self is also immune to the whole soul debate
originalaccountname · 3 months
“Maybe Chuuya is just an extremely deep sleeper and so never remembers his dreams” ← As someone who never remembers their dreams, I always assumed this was the case lol. It’s always so interesting to hear other’s thoughts/theories on this though!
@whathorselegs also brought up in their tags that what Chuuya experiences could be night terrors (different phenomenon from nightmares), with no memory of them (common). This is also something that could come from his trauma.
This is a fantasy/sci-fi setting, so anything is possible, but it's also an option that Chuuya misinterpreted something very banal as more serious than it was. I've seen multiple times the headcanon that Chuuya would be aro/ace and load that with the rest and alienate himself from "being human" because of it. The "no dreaming" part could very well be the same situation. Everyone dreams. You just normally don't remember most of it.
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