#my nearly 30 yr old ass can't remember
marmorafarms · 2 years
SFW Alex HC!
I'm in my Alex era tbh so here are some head canons about him! These are all sfw, so if you were hoping for sexy things this is not the post you're looking for. Perhaps I will do a nsfw one idk
All the "arrogant" talk he does is actually positive self-talk born from his dad constantly getting drunk and telling him how worthless he is.
He used to practice daily affirmations in the mirror
Alex got into college on a full-ride scholarship for Gridball.
Alex dropped out of college bc he was embarrassed about how difficult it was for him to read and focus on school.
The farmer brings up that the disability center at colleges can help with taking notes and such for people who need it. Alex is considering going back.
Alex is dyslexic, which is why reading is difficult. He gave up reading altogether but plans to start trying again.
The farmer introduced him to "books on tape" and podcasts. Alex is now obsessed.
He is a very doting father, very much wanting to be what his father was not.
Comforts Kent when Kent feels low about being a "bad dad." He tells him that at least Kent is trying and that counts for a lot.
He is actually pretty good at puzzles, and loves Zelda games.
Surprisingly, he doesn't like fantasy gridball or gridball video games. He thinks the real thing is way more fun and prefers to play things that show him a new world.
He's terrified to come out to George. George is grumpy about it, but Alex is very happy that his grandpa eventually comes around.
Keeps pictures of his mom in his room.
His mom was cremated. He scattered most of her ashes in the ocean, her favorite place. However, he has a small urn with some of her ashes in it, as do Evelyn and George.
And that's all I have for right now! I hope you enjoyed reading it!
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