jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
After watch TLJ & swimming in #Reylo for 2 days, I decided I will watch it again.
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P.s. these gifs are not mine though but really good
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
Rey is no one. Her story began when she got dragged into the war.
Anakin Skywalker was no one, too. A slave, before he was found by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn.
Ben Solo is the offspring of Han Solo and Leia Organa Skywalker, son of heroes, literally a prince.
Padmé Amidala, young queen of Naboo and later senator.
Now I just hope, that Rey and Ben will have a happy ending, unlike Padmé and Anakin. I’m scared that to become the balance, those two have to die.
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
The first, not from Star Wars, is actually from a well beloved musical.
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Like, every time I watch this scene (whether in the film or it shows up on some social media platform) I get SUCH CHILLS. Here we have two characters, seemingly at odds up till now, have such an intimate moment. (It doesn’t help that she’s such a free spirit, full of joy and light, where the captain is such a conflicted, harsh person.)
Second scene…
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Both scenes show something so simple (a dance, campfire discussion) yet so iconically intimate, that the viewers see the characters changing as they emotionally, and physically, connect. Yet again, two characters at odds for the majority of their scenes together, share this visually and emotionally stunning moment. A man full of such conflict within himself, and woman with such hope and light.
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
Yin and Yang in The Last Jedi
Ok, I’m going to try to list all the instances where Yin and Yang appear in the movie. They really did beat us in the head with this symbolism, didn’t they.
Some of the images I included aren’t so much Yin/Yang symbolism as things divided in two, which is another recurring theme and it is related to it. I love to find symbolism everywhere and you can’t stop me.
At the end I’ll link a couple of metas that treat the subject, which inspired this post. I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all the wonderful and talented people of this fandom who wrote them. This post is partly made in the hope that it will help you to write more. And congratulations. We won.
This will probably be edited many times. Feedback is more than welcome. Also, someday my prince will come and we’ll have HD pictures. For now, this will have to do.
So, without further ado, I give you the list:
- The cave symbol in Ach-To:
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- The Tico sisters’ medallion, also refered to as the “perfect conductor”:
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- Leia’s ring:
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- Kylo’s fucking face:
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- Actually, also Snoke’s face, but I don’t want to post a picture; it would make my eyes sad (and I suspect yours too).
- I can’t find any good shots but I bet my boots that Finn’s jacket is divided diagonally just like Kylo’s face. Unrelated: the thought of Poe stitching the jacket back together brings fuzzy feelings to my heart area. You can pry that headcanon from my cold, dead hands.
- Also, not really imagery, but I feel that Finn’s learning of the war’s profits, the whole two-sides-of-the-same-coin lesson also applies. Which brings us to:
- The whole Canto Bight wardrobe aesthetic. I mean, they took the trouble to show people walking paired very specifically: you see people dressed in black with people dressed in white. And it’s also in individual wardrobe choices. They weren’t even subtle about it. Like, at all.
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Even the police guards, for fuck’s sake.
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- Anakin’s lightsaber:
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Even the black side of the hilt is turned towards Rey and if that isn’t poetic cinema I don’t know what is.
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- They also divided Snoke in two would you look at that.
- T H E  F U C K I N G  F I G H T S C E N E
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I would post 94567293 shots of this scene but why try to grasp p e r f e c t i o n.
- Also saw the symbolism in the cave scene (when she asks to see her parents and sees two figures aproaching and they become one and the blurry reflection sure as hell looks a lot like Ben and then the barrier vanishes and she sees herself). What, pray tell, the fuck.
- The gold dice. They’re not really remotely Yin and Yang related but I feel there’s something more to them than Han’s memory.
- I also noticed that every time there was a shot of the sun in Luke’s last scenes (you know, where he dissapears along with what was left of my heart) there was always a cloud covering half its face. Look, I have proof:
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This one is just blatantly obvious:
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And when I saw this one, the TWO SUNS resembling TWO YIN AND YANGS I almost lost it then and there and it may or may not have been related to the fact that I smuggled a flask of wine to the theatre and my feelings were running rampant don’t judge me.
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- And, finally, just a bunch of beautiful random shots where they just shove the symbolism down our throats, with varying levels of subtlety:
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There was a shot of Rey training with the lightsaber which showed a very clear Yin and Yang shape in the sky. I wasn’t the one who noticed it, someone else did, but for the life of me I can’t find the original post and I want to credit them. Help! 
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Luke and his always iconic fashion choices:
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This is a work of art I like to call “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?”:
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And, ah yes, fuck my heart:
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I think this is it. For now.
For further reading, please direct your attention to:
Yin and Yang traits and how they relate to Ren and Rey. by @geminiwankenobi
Mirroring, opposites and the personification of Yin Yang in the final fight between Kylo Ren and Rey. also by @geminiwankenobi
And just read anything by @ohtze and thank me later.
You know what, fuck it, here’s the link to the whole Reylo meta library. Everything and everyone who writes is awesome: http://could-reylo-be-canon-today.tumblr.com/post/143655702421/reylo-meta-library-20
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber and Crystal theory
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Ben Solo’s Jedi Lightsaber is obviously the Jedi version of his crossguard, silver in design much like his grandfather’s, and does not have the two vents because his kyber crystal is still “pure” and “uncracked”. 
The Blue crystal represents Jedi Guardians, who focuses more on lightsaber training than their force abilities, unlike the Jedi Counselors who use Green crystals as Jedi Consulars, who use the Force and Diplomacy instead of lightsaber combat and only use their lightsabers if necessary. Luke undoubtedly became a Jedi Consular after taking Yoda as his Jedi Master but still had the skill and heart of a Jedi Guardian from Obi-Wan’s teachings.
Ben’s lightsaber crystal, like all kyber crystals, call out to their masters instead of a youngling simply picking one from a pile in the ancient caves. No, Ben’s crystal noticed the upbringing of a formidable Force warrior gifted in the ways of the sword and thus a blue kyber crystal chose him for this skill, as a second generation swordfighter, Ben Solo became a Jedi Guardian like his grandfather before him.
Kyber crystals were inherently attuned to the light side of the Force, and would attempt to resist any effort by dark side practitioners to use them in lightsabers. To this end, the only way a Sith, or other dark sider could make use of a kyber crystal was to use the Force to dominate the crystal, bending it to their will. This process would cause the crystal to “bleed”, as if it were a living organism, resulting in the distinctive crimson-bladed lightsabers synonymous with the Sith or in this case, a dark Jedi like Ben.
Ben’s raw Force power may have been the cause of damaging his blue kyber crystal during the bleeding process, forcing him to remodel his lightsaber based on an ancient design dating back to the Great Scourge of Malachor to divert the extra heat produced by the crystal. As a result, made the plasma blade become “firey” in appearance and “unstable”. 
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“Unstable” meaning compared to other dark side wielders like Vader for example, Kylo Ren’s crystal may be representing his “unstable” connection between the light and dark that he says was “tearing him apart” like the crystal he bled.
According to the wookiepedia, “It was possible to “heal” a corrupted kyber crystal, the only known instance of purifying a corrupted kyber crystal was when Ahsoka Tano purified the two crystals she retrieved from the Sixth Brother’s lightsaber following his defeat. In this case, the crystals turned white.”
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I am willing to believe Ben Solo’s crystal will become white by ep IX. Since it is still damaged but “purrified” once again the blade will apear like a “white flame”.
White Reylo Ray- White Flame and Archangel Gabriel
“The fourth Ray of white light (white flame), stands in the middle of the seven rays, and as such it symbolizes a central point, i.e., point of balance and harmony. The white Ray stimulates the creativity, art, and beauty. The white flame is especially sensitive to sounds and colors. Here we can learn discrimination, velocity and search for perfection. The intuitive strength is especially emphasized, as it calls for love, life and understanding. The white ray exhibits the greatest power of purification, which is being manifested through the ability of ascending all spiritual faculties of the individual.”
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
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–Darth Vader #5 “No.  I refuse.  This is all there is.” THIS MOMENT.  THIS IS THE MOMENT WHERE I GOT ALL THE WAY ONBOARD WITH THIS COMIC.  I enjoyed moments from the beginning, I absolutely screamed at the vision that the kyber crystal showed him, but this moment.  “This is all there is.” is THE single truest Darth Vader thing. The kyber crystal he’s trying to force into a Sith crystal, to crush its will beneath his own, fights back with throwing at him what Anakin Skywalker still wants to do, the right thing to do, saying that it’s still possible.  It shows him that it’s still possible. But Vader refuses it.  That path is no longer possible, it would go against everything he’s sacrificed to get where he is, his betrayal of the Jedi, his killing Padme (so he thinks), his turning his back on the Republic, the murders he’s committed, the monster he’s made himself, it would all have been for nothing if he turned back now.  All he would have on that path is nothing, Vader thinks. Never mind that he would have the right thing, never mind that Obi-Wan would see him as Anakin again and would have forgiven him, would have taken him back, never mind that he could have saved the galaxy from Sidious’ cruelty and horrors. Vader still forces himself to believe that all of that would be nothing.  He has to keep moving forward, the sacrifices he made, the things he did and will do, have to be worth it, and that won’t happen on that other path.  This new life is his only choice now. The only way out is through.   This is all there is.
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
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KYBER CRYSTALS. One of the most interesting things about Disney canon is what they’ve been doing with them and how that’s going to inform a lot of the worldbuilding or meta stuff I do eventually.  So I really wanted to take a look at the novel Catalyst especially, where Galen Erso (a non-Force Sensitive person) studies them and what is revealed about them through this novel. And ultimately talk about why I came around on the idea of Lightsaber Mood Crystals, because of how it goes hand in hand with the a-version-of-psychic nature of much of Star Wars!
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Galen had already observed that property in his study of some of the finger-sized kybers Orson had provided. The experiments he had conducted in a lab at the Institute of Applied Science had also revealed that close and extended contact with kybers was detrimental to sleep. He hadn’t gotten a full night’s rest in months, and even on the nights when sheer exhaustion overwhelmed his racing thoughts, the crystals infiltrated his dreams. The Jedi were believed to have been able to establish a kind of rapport with the kybers through the Force. Was it possible that the crystals could affect non-Force-users as well?
This is a fascinating concept and Catalyst only barely touches on it, but the implications of just what the kyber crystals are and the bond between them and the Jedi is absolutely fascinating. Bonds between the Jedi and their kyber crystal have been around for ages, but what’s come up again and again in Disney canon is that the crystals have some level of sentience, that they have a will of their own, that they don’t want to be used by anyone they don’t choose.  That they can have an affect even on those who don’t use the Force.
Keep reading
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
Here is actually the BIGGEST Easter Egg in The Last Jedi Trailer that no one is talking about. Those aren’t stars, those are KYBER CRYSTALS (crystals = The Whills = Rey)
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The very first shot of the trailer. It seems to be depicting a night sky.
I believe this to be a red herring, and that it is actually to do something much more important.
I don’t think that’s a shot of stars. I think that’s a shot showing stones.
More specifically, kyber crystals.
Why is this significant and why do I think that this is actually what they are alluding to? 
Here is the breakdown:
Rogue one (Jedha, Guardians of the Whills, Kyber Crystals) + Skywalker lightsaber + Force Vision = Ancient Order of the Whills = Rey
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It’s okay to be confused.
This is a theory I have had for a while, and when I saw that first shot, I started to grin like crazy, because it slotted into meta so well that I became convinced that what I predict will happen, will actually happen.
I recommend to read my post for the full theory and then look back at the beginning of the TLJ trailer:
If not, I will try to make this theory explanation as short and clear as possible, but bear with me!
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1. Rogue One = Introduction to The Whills, Kyber Crystals, Temples
It’s no coincidence that Rogue One introduced us to the idea of the Guardian of the Whills, Jedha and Kyber Crystals. Jedha is home to the ‘Kyber Temple’ a.k.a. Temple of the Whills, which actually tells you a lot, because it means that the Whills and Kyber Crystals are closely linked together.
The whole exploration of the force in RO has absolutely nothing to do with the Jedi but is actually tied to the Whills.
In other words, the Whills as an Order is older than the Jedi. Luke, I think, was searching for the first Jedi Temple.
But what he found on Achto wasn’t a Jedi Temple. What he found was the original Temple of the Whills. 
Why can I make this assumption?
The beginning of the trailer proves this, because, like Jedha, Achto has kyber crystals hidden underneath it’s rocky surface. Again, this is associated to the Whills, not the Jedi. RO explicitly points this out and it is completely deliberate.
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There is a rumor going around that one of these books is ‘The Journal of the Whills’ and that is what Luke was searching for. I think this is actually probable.
2. Rey + Skywalker lightsaber a.k.a. Kyber Crystal Within
I  believe that the lightsaber itself is actually irrelevant. It doesn’t matter who made the lightsaber or even who used it. It is the crystal inside which is the crucial point. The crystal, which has Force energy within it, called to Rey, and the way that she reacted to it when she touched the lightsaber, is unique to her and her alone.
Nobody else, not even Anakin, Luke or Obi Wan, has had a reaction like Rey has to the lightsaber. And in fact, it’s to do with her connection to the kyber crystal, not the lightsaber.
3. Rey + Force Vision
The vision that Rey experiences involves her hearing the voice of Obi Wan Kenobi, and unlike the other voices, what he says is new and most importantly, present. This is not a voice of the past, but a voice speaking directly to Rey.
“The ability to defy oblivion can be achieved, but only for oneself. It was accomplished by a Shaman of the Whills. It is a state acquired through compassion, not greed.“

So Qui Gon Jinn informs Yoda. He explains that he learned how to become a ‘Force Ghost’, a state of eternal consciousness, from a Shaman of the Whills.
The Whills were beings who had a close connection to the Force, and it is these beings who I think might possibly be the first known Force Sensitives in the galaxy.
I think Rey’s connection to the crystal [her force vision] equals to a connection to those who are in a state of eternal consciousness, because Kyber Crystals are connected to the Whills. ‘Whills’ in the earliest draft of the original SW film, according to George Lucas, was another word for the Force.
Kyber Crystal = eternal consciousness = Whills
So…. what does this prove?
It proves that Rey herself is actually a descendant or part of the Ancient Order of the Whills.
She is clearly a Force-sensitive, but perhaps her origins are neither from the light side or dark side, but from something infinitely more ancient….. It would explain a lot about that Force Vision, for if she was a ‘Whill’, then it would explain why the kyber crystal inside Anakin’s lightsaber called out to her, in a way that it hasn’t for any other Force Sensitive in the current films.
Perhaps she has the power to unlock other Force abilities from the crystals, and this is what Luke and herself are discovering, according to the rumours about some scenes in Episode VIII.
Now, let’s look at the beginning of TLJ trailer.
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We start with what we think are stars. Then the music changes as the shot transforms… from what we think are meaningless stars to…..
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diamond-like stones, glinting off the screen….. surrounded by rock. They become more material and solid. I think this is deliberate.
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then Rey’s hand connects to the glittering stones and we pan up to her shocked face.
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This, is a visual description of her Force Back Vision in TFA.
The Kyber Crystal’s underneath the Achto Temple a.k.a. the Whills Temple, Rey connecting to it, as she did with the Skywalker crystal, and her shocked face, similar to her expression after experiencing the Force Back Vision due to her connection to the kyber crystal.
It’s clever, and if my theory is right, pretty meta.
in other words….
The Temple + Kyber Crystal + Force Back = The Whills = Rey
So hey? What do guys think? Is a load of rubbish or do you think this is a possibility? Let me know! :D
oh, and as for Kylo Ren?
im sure he ain’t happy with his cracked kyber crystal. What if he is after kyber crystals and not Luke Skywalker? He and Luke possibly found something out about the Whills and kyber crystals….
therefore he wants to get Rey because he saw her connection to the Skywalker crystal and wants to get knowledge over how to wield the kyber crystals true powers, such as force back visions? so far jedi have only managed to make lightsabers out of them, whereas Rey, a Whill?, is experiencing visions….
I just wanted to add this extra piece of information I got from Rian Johnson’s recent interview with Empire magazine. I smiled guys. :P
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If Luke had found the first Jedi temple amid the rocks and heather of Ahch-To, what could that mean? What lay within? More importantly, why did he need it?
NEED I SAY MORE?????!!!!!!!!
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
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Star Wars Made Easy - Why Does Anakin Join The Dark Side? EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS PAGE IS SO ON POINT. Why does Anakin Skywalker do it?  Is it for love?  Anakin certainly thinks so, but his love for Padme is a selfish, possessive love–it’s about how she makes him feel, rather than concern for her best interests.  This doesn’t mean he doesn’t genuinely love her, but that Anakin’s love has always been fraught with these issues and that he never learned self-control (never really wanted to learn it). His past informs so much of who he is, the lack of control he had as a child because he was a slave and so he still fears the disorder around him (which results in how much he wants to follow someone who will make people do the right thing, as Anakin sees it). Is it a mistake?  Yes, absolutely.  Was he tricked into it?  No, he wasn’t.  He was manipulated by Palpatine, he’s put in a position that’s terrible for him, but it’s a choice.  It is an active choice and he chooses it of his own free will and chooses it every day of his life after that.  He may believe there’s nothing else for him, but he’s also choosing to believe that–given that the kyber crystal in Vader #5 shows him that it’s blatantly not true.
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
The wait for VIII is over. Get tickets to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. www.fandango.com/lastjedi
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
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Tarkin would agree.😉
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
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Just seen this. Its from a Milk company. The Ice cream is for share. The slogan is: “When you separate, it unites”
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) Dir. Rian Johnson
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
Another thing I forgot to mention.
How Kylo looked for Rey IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT BETWEEN THREE GAURDS and freezed a bit with worry.
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
Not sure if anyone has picked up on this but after THAT fight, when the lightsaber split and knocked them out, Rey woke up first and could have killed Kylo/Ben right there if she believed he was “irredeemable”
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jttbcmfandoms · 7 years
TLJ: Expectations vs Reality
What we thought we would see: Kylo wanting revenge on Rey after she slashed his face, them fighting each other on the edge of the cliff, them being angry and wary of each other, while still sharing a lot of chemistry and tension. Rey gaining a better understanding of him by the end of the movie and making a step towards possible alliance.
What we actually got: A huge reylo fic of sad puppy Ben Solo looking at Rey like she is his life, his only ray of light while speaking with her in the softest and gentlest voice possible 90% of time. Force-bond intimacy and talk, sexual tension off charts and Rey wanting to help him (AND WANTING HIM IN PROCESS). BE WITH ME AND BE MY EMPRESS KIND OF PROPOSAL. SHIRTLESS BEN SOLO WHILE REY CHOKES ON HER OWN WORDS.
Me: So Rian, can you show all of us your AO3 profile now?
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