#my nayeon obsession persists
sapphire-to-the-rain · 8 months
OK I WAS LOOKING AT A PICTURE OF PLANE and wondering why something about her smile looked kind of familiar and then i realized
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she has the pre-surgery nayeon "bunny smile"
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member gets traumatized by a sasaeng
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend smit24123 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! 
The request: Hi It's me again. I have one where the 10th member was attacked by a "fan"while she was going to the bathroom and after that she traumatized. I like it
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The air in the bustling Seoul airport was filled with anticipation as TWICE returned from a successful concert tour in Japan. Among the group's members was Y/N, the 10th and youngest member, who had been on cloud nine after the amazing performance they had just delivered. However, there was an empty space that had once been filled by Jeongyeon, who was currently on her second hiatus due to health reasons.
As they disembarked from the plane and made their way through the terminal, the usual chaos and excitement of fans and paparazzi surrounded them. But TWICE was accustomed to it, and their experienced staff kept a tight protective circle around them. Y/N, however, was blissfully unaware of the danger that would soon shatter her world.
The group, tired but exhilarated, decided to take a brief break before their next schedule. The maknae excused herself to use the restroom, a common practice after a long flight. She navigated through the terminal, determined to make her way to the facilities without causing any disturbance.
Unknown to her, a sasaeng fan (a persistent, obsessed, and invasive follower) had managed to slip past the security personnel and blend in with the crowd. They had been stalking TWICE's sunshine for some time, studying her habits and waiting for the perfect opportunity to approach her. This was their moment.
Inside the restroom, Y/N stood before the mirror, checking her makeup and hair. She was utterly absorbed in her reflection, unaware of the approaching danger. Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her, too close for comfort.
A low, almost whispering voice hissed, and Y/N turned, her eyes widening in shock. It was the sasaeng fan, their face twisted with an unsettling mix of obsession and malice.
The bathroom door slammed shut behind them, and Y/N's heart raced as panic coursed through her veins. She took a step back, her eyes darting around for any possible escape route.
The sasaeng fan's voice grew louder, their eyes filled with an unhinged fervour. 
I've been watching you for so long, Y/N. I know everything about you. I even know what brand of shampoo you use.
The youngest's voice trembled as she answered the crazy "fan".
Y/N - Please, just leave me alone.
But the sasaeng fan was undeterred, closing in on her with each step. 
I love you more than anyone else ever could. I'd do anything for you, Y/N. Anything.
As the sasaeng fan reached out to touch her, a surge of adrenaline flooded the younger girl's body. She managed to push past the intruder and bolted from the restroom, running as fast as her trembling legs could carry her. The sasaeng fan gave chase, but Y/N's cries for help drew the attention of the airport security, and they quickly intervened, apprehending the stalker before they could reach her.
The unnies rushed to her side, concern etched on their faces. She was in tears, trembling uncontrollably, and her voice quivered as she recounted the horrifying ordeal.
Jihyo, the leader and Y/N's mama, took the girl into her arms, holding her tightly. 
Jihyo - It's okay, luv. You're safe now. We're here for you.
Nayeon, mom number 2, called for an ambulance, knowing that her kid needed immediate medical attention for the shock she had endured. The group huddled around their traumatized sister, providing a protective shield and comfort as they waited for help to arrive.
The aftermath of the incident was filled with interviews with the police, airport security, and a growing media frenzy. TWICE released a statement, condemning the sasaeng fan's actions and urging authorities to take stronger measures against such individuals.
Y/N, however, was struggling to cope with the trauma. The nightmarish encounter had left her with vivid, terrifying flashbacks and severe anxiety. She couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, and often found herself overwhelmed by fear, unable to leave her room without feeling like she was being watched.
Her fellow members were deeply concerned for her well-being and took turns staying by her side, providing a protective presence and offering reassurance. They were like a family, rallying around their youngest member, vowing to help her heal.
But as the days turned into weeks, it became clear that the maknae's trauma was not something she could easily overcome. Despite the support and love surrounding her, her mental state continued to deteriorate. She became withdrawn and emotionally fragile, unable to participate in group activities, practice, or even the most basic daily routines.
Jihyo and Nayeon, who had taken on motherly roles within the group with Jeongyeon (3mix), had countless sleepless nights as they discussed how to help their child. They were desperate to find a solution and bring their beloved lovebug back to the vibrant, joyful girl she once was.
One evening, as TWICE's angel sat in her room, Nayeon and Jihyo entered, their expressions filled with deep concern. 
Jihyo - Honey, we've been really worried about you. We can see how much you're suffering.
Nayeon - We want to help you, but we don't know what to do. Can you please talk to us, let us in, and let us be there for you, baby?
Y/N bit her trembling lip, her eyes welling up with tears. She knew that she couldn't keep shutting herself off from her members who had been nothing but supportive and loving. With great effort, she nodded and began to whisper. 
Y/N - I... I don't know how to get over this, ommas.
Jihyo and Nayeon exchanged a glance, their maternal instincts driving them to protect and heal their precious Y/N. Jihyo reached out to take the young girl's hand and answered.
Jihyo - You don't have to get over this by yourself, my love. We're going to find professional help for you, a therapist who can guide you through this difficult time.
Nayeon - We'll be with you every step of the way. We're not just a group! We're a family, and we'll do whatever it takes to help you heal.
Y/N's eyes filled with gratitude and hope as she realized she didn't have to face her trauma alone. She had the support of her TWICE family, especially her motherly figures, Jihyo and Nayeon (Jeongyeon didn't know about the situation till she came back). The road to recovery would be challenging, but with their unwavering love and determination, she knew she could overcome the darkness that had engulfed her life.
The journey was long and arduous, but little by little, with therapy and the support of her caring group members, Y/N began to find her way back to herself. Her nightmares lessened, and her fear started to subside. She learned coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with her trauma, and her strength slowly returned.
As time passed, the maknae grew stronger, and she began to participate in group activities once again. Her fellow older sisters were there for her every step of the way, providing the love and support that she needed. Jihyo and Nayeon continued to be her pillars of strength, embodying the maternal care and protection that she had come to rely on.
One day, as Y/N stood on stage with TWICE, the cheers of the fans filled the air. She looked out at the sea of smiling faces, her heart full of gratitude for the love and support that had helped her overcome her trauma. She knew that she wasn't just a member of a K-pop group, she was part of a family, a family that had guided her through her darkest hours and had brought her back to the light. 
And this made her look around with a single thought:
I’ll love my dear older sisters forever.
A/N: I’m sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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