#my mother and sister in law are worth coming back to this hellhole for
nexttothelamp · 2 years
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luca-connolly · 4 years
hello everyone! it’s kat again with my third babe, a muse i couldn’t get out of my head once i started thinking about him. below are some stats to get to know him, and you can always message me here or on discord if you would like to plot with lucas.
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FULL NAME: Lucas Ray Connolly NICKNAMES: Luke, Luca (by family or really close friends), L.Conn (in undergrad) FACE CLAIM: Gregg Sulkin DATE OF BIRTH: 12/11/1994 SUN SIGN: Sagittarius GENDER/ PREFERED PRONOUNS: Cismale, he/him SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Doesn’t label his sexuality but leans towards males OCCUPATION: Florist at Flor Amor AFFILIATION: None LENGTH IN CHARMING: a whole week MBTI: estj. realistic, direct, takes charge, self confident, matter of fact, and analytical. MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good. a lawful good person acts as a good person is expected to. she combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. she tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice.
A more detailed bio will be linked here, but below is rough outline.
TW: drugs, abuse, death
Grew up in a small town, in the middle of nowhere, with two parents who were more addicted to catching the next high than actually being parents. The best parental advice he ever got was from his late father who told him “don’t knock up a whore with any vices or they will become your vices too and you’re the asshole paying for it”, he was six.
As the third child of four, he was doomed for the middle child syndrome from the start. His parents paid as little attention to him as possible and Lucas could not have been more thrilled. If his dad wasn’t passed out from drinking he was taking his drunken anger out on his older siblings. He really doesn’t have many memories of his dad and for that he’s pretty grateful.
The little relationship he has with his mom comes from watching her poorly assume the role of a single mom after their fathers death. She didn’t handle it well and acted more like a roommate in his opinion than the motherly figure he was seeing the other kids at school have. Trying for a week to actually care and step up before failing miserably and turning back to the crutches that kept her sedated. 
Having parents that were essentially absent in the years that matter meant that the Connolly siblings really had to lean into each other to get by. He did this by getting as close to Nina as he could before she got old enough to choose her own life for herself. When she was gone it was only him and his younger sister who seemed to think that she could save their mother.
Instead of wasting his time he threw himself into studies at school to distract the lack of a home life. Reading and studying because his singular hobby and there were many nights he’d have to be kicked out of the school’s library because even the janitor was going home and needed to lock up.
Come graduation he’d managed a full ride academic scholarship to Stanford which was practically unheard of in his little town. It was his time to leave the nest and say goodbye to the hellhole that was his old life. He joined a fraternity freshman year, sucked up to the rich kids, and made more friends than he ever thought possible. 
The parties that came with being in a frat had initially scared him, reminded him of how his parents would act when drinking and it wasn’t until his sophomore year he relented. It started with just one game of beer pong, and then it was a keg stand, and then it was living for the weekends to do it all over again. A joint here or there wouldn’t kill him either and he’d made a rule for himself, nothing harder. He was different than the two sperm donors that made him because he was responsible. He was in college and was still getting mostly A’s. He wasn’t them, he just wasn’t. 
After graduation came completing his masters and then med school as a mere wanting to not have to enter the real world just yet. Being a doctor was never something he thought he’d want to do but it felt right with his grades and major. Like the next step he should take. 
Three weeks ago he dropped out of his program one month before he was set to do his residency at a renowned hospital on the east coast. Everything had happened so fast that Lucas felt like he didn’t know what he wanted to do anymore. Did he really want to become a doctor, a surgeon of all things? Did he want to spend his days around Washington, DC just because that’s where he’d gotten placed? No, he didn’t. So he left and figured he’d take some time to figure things out.
Charming, California was not a town he’d ever heard of until Nina had moved there. It wasn’t necessarily a place he ever thought he’d even visit with how small it was and how much like home it reminded him of. Yet with no plans and no real desire to admit his defeat and go home he headed to the only place he had some familiarity with. 
On his first day in town after setting up at the Highway Motel, he went around exploring and had walked past Flor Amor and saw a “help wanted” sign in the window. Lucas has absolutely zero experience with flowers or arrangements but the owners took one look at him and deemed him worthy of the job because he could do the heavy lifting for them. He couldn’t tell you what any of the flowers are called, and will just shove assortments of flowers in a vase and call it good.
You will be hard-pressed to get Lucas talking about his past or really anything personal or below surface level. He had an extremely rough childhood and while therapy and a little weed ha soothed his own soul he doesn’t bring up the past. It’s left there for a reason.
He does love to workout and is very diligent about hitting the gym and not missing leg day as to not be one of those types of guys. Any type of outdoor activity and he’s there though he’s got a real penchant for golf or tennis. His college friends got him interested in those fancier sports that usually require more money than it’s worth. 
Wanted Connections:
I’ll make an actual page for them but here are some quick ideas;  someone to show him around town or show him the lack of much to do in town, a dealer because he will most definitely need some weed to get by, hookups, someone he may have pissed off while drunk on his first night here because like his dad he get’s a little mean when intoxicated, and ofc all the friends!
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