#my most productive writing spell in years everyone say thank you nicola (and luke)
butcharondir · 2 months
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An Unholy Sacrament // Rated M
a polin medieval au
nun x knight
multi-chapter slow burn
depictions of medieval violence, religion, and sexism
chapter one: a woad-blue ribbon
Penelope reflects on her life in the nunnery, and a moment from her childhood she can't forget. Colin goes to war.
chapter two: three hundred sides of vellum
Penelope survives fever and finishes a winter project. The King's forces return with grim tidings.
chapter three: i'll sell my flax
Penelope pulls together a plot, but the Abbess throws complications in her path.
Full summary below the cut...
Summary: Chantress Penelope is a respectable nun, in charge of the books in her abbey's scriptorium, and she's proud enough of the life she's made. But she didn't have any choice to become a nun, and ten years after her vows, she still mourns the life she might have had, and the long-buried dreams she's unable to even speak. When her old friend and long-term crush Colin of Bridgerton is sent to war in France, Penelope is more fixated on the event than is seemly for a cloistered woman. And when he fails to return at all, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Penelope has her wits and her talent for guile to help get her to France. Unfortunately, she knows almost nothing of the world beyond the abbey walls, or of the Knight himself…
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