#my moodboards; connor and murphy macmanus
snarkwrites · 4 years
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Title: how the Irish keep warm in winter
Theme: cocoa
Fandom / Character(s):poly!Connor&MurphyMacmanus x female reader/self insert Yes. it is... Kind of a poly thing.. In that the brothers share one woman. Not each other bc I don’t do incest or m/m in fear of fucking up m/m and just because I... cannot with incest.. But.. They share one woman. Let me live.
Warnings: Swearing, hot cocoa and Irish whiskey, shenaningans that only the MacManus brothers can possibly come up with. Ice fishing.. Or attempting to, with heavy flirting / teasing mixed in.
Word Count: uhh.. 500ish, roughly
So I watched Boondock Saints sometime around Thanksgiving and this has kind of been living in my head rent free since.. Rather than write an entire fic that probably won’t do well, I’ll just.. satisfy the itch in moodboard/blurb form, hehe.
Also, again.. I made the banner for this. Don’t steal or repost.
There’s actually not anybody on my Boondock Saints tag list. Wait, hol up... Do I even have one though?.. Okay.. If you want to read boondock saints fics on occasion, go and add yourself somewhere.. anywhere... on the doc linked below. Or shoot my a dm/ask on my main or this blog.
[ about my writing | masterlist | multifandom tag doc ]
“How much whiskey is in here?” I took the mug from Murphy’s hand and took a sip, promptly grimacing as the alcohol and the hot liquid it was mixed in burned its way down my throat. My eyes darted from Connor to Murphy and I bit my lip, snuggling between them as best as I could for warmth. “I don’t understand why we had to come all the way out to the middle of nowhere.”
“Shh, woman, we’re tryin t’ ice fish. Drink yer cocoa.” Murphy teased gently, his hand squeezing my thigh ever so slightly.
“We put enough in th’ cup t’ keep ya nice and warm, love. Wot? did y’ think we’d bring ya all th’ way out here and let y’ freeze? We love y’ too much for that, sweetheart.” Connor chuckled against the shell of my ear almost teasingly. They both put an arm around me, and for a few minutes, we sat there on the freezing cold log at the edge of the pond just staring up at the starry night sky. Watching the way our breath rose from our mouths in cold steamy bursts until Murphy started trying to make rings with it, making all three of us start to laugh.
Our laughter died away, leaving the quiet sounds of the woods at night. “Do either of you.. Ya know.. Ever consider lighting a fire when you’re out here doing this?”
“When we’re done and we got our catch, lass. Th’ eatin is always best with a nice little fire. Fire kind of melts th’ ice rest of the time though... So not til we’re done. Not goin t’ be too long because this is always where we make our best catches at, ain’t ‘at right, Murph?” Connor explained, giving an amused chuckle. “Did we bring a thicker blanket, brother? I think th’ little missus might be wantin’ dat.” 
Murphy nodded and dug around, producing a heavy blanket, draping it around my shoulders. His lips grazing my temple as he chuckled against my ear, “Told y’ to wear th’ thicker jacket, princess. Lucky we put enough of da Jamesons in the cup to keep y’ nice and warm for an hour or so. ‘S like Connor told ye.. We’ll have our catch in no time, love, don’t fret.”
Connor mumbled against my other ear, “Then we can get y’ back to th’ cabin and get some a nice big fire and maybe even a lil body heat goin for y, lass.”
I clenched my thighs and sipped on the steamy contents of my mug trying like hell not to choke at the barrage of mental images of what awaited me later as they all literally flooded my mind….
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