#my mom grew up in soviet russia. university was free but it was merit based: you had to prove you were already good at art to get in.
agblend13 · 2 years
Did you go to school to learn painting and color techniques? asking because your so amazing with drawing along with a vibrant color palette and i truly admire your work.
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Thank you! Yes I did go to university for a while but they don't get any credit for my development, I learned most of my basic skills beforehand. My mom is a classically trained artist and it was with her that I learned life drawing. An influential moment in color theory came from a portfolio prep class I took when I was in high school -- the teacher stacked up a random pile of cardboard boxes in the middle of the room and had us each reach into a bag and blindly choose two colored pencils. We then had to assign one color for highlights and the other for shadows and sketch the boxes. I don't remember what colors I had but the point of the exercise, for example having to use a dark blue and dark green to create contrast and depth, was really interesting and fun.
Painting is something I've done all my life in a casual way, and I consider my current skill level to be self-taught as it has grown from making a decision as an adult to focus on painting, and basically start churning out pieces one after another. I don't think I'd be where I am as quickly though without those lessons in life drawing, and if anyone were to ask my advice on how to make their art on the page look like what's in their imagination I'd say first learn how to draw, on paper, with graphite, from a physical still life. Many self taught artists who want to create exciting fantastical works may want to skip this step because it's quite tedious (to me at least) and having an experienced teacher is pretty important, but the point of these lessons is very specifically to train your eyes, brain, and hand to communicate with one another in the process of translating a three dimensional object into a two dimensional illusion. The technical aspects of acrylic painting can be picked up by watching youtube videos and reading some tips while just painting and painting until you figure out the steps to get the effect you like. But I can't count the number of times I've been grateful for those drawing lessons, especially for painting in a lowbrow pop-surreal style.
Lastly, to get back to the color part I can't say I've memorized many technical facts about color theory, I largely feel my way through a painting. After a while you tend to remember which color combinations are pleasing to your own art style, and one thing I love about acrylics is how easy it is to repaint an area if you decide you don't like a color combination. Anyone who wants to see more of my art inspiration, color palettes, and painting references should check out my Pinterest!
✿ Anka ☻
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