#my man is turning the big 78 this year. i’m trying not to sob.
frootyrooties · 2 years
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“it’s almost my birthday! it’s almost my birthday!” 💙
and if i’m gonna be honest, your birthday is the only birthday i’m anxiously looking forward to, Eric. i don’t even care about my own birthday as long as i get to celebrate yours 💖
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joeyquinndrabz · 2 years
It’s not fair- Joseph Quinn x Reader
Not been proof read
Authors note!!!!! Please note that this imagine might be a tough read for some, it touches heavily on death and working in a care-home in lockdown. Massive thank you to any health workers who were at work during the pandemic, you’re all hero’s and deserve more than you were given. If anyone needs a chat then know I’m here and willing to listen ❤️‍🩹
A 12 hour shift had turned into 20. You’d been rushed off your feet and left on your own to care for 14 residents, all in need of your assistance. There was one resident in particular who needed your help the most, Barry. He was 78 and covid had spread to the loveliest man you’d met. Starting at the care-home when you were 16, you’d met your fair share of elderly residents but Barry was the longest resident your care home had ever had, so obviously, there was a soft spot for him that you couldn’t deny. He’d joined on your 18th birthday, 10 years ago. He was quick to sing you happy birthday and compliment you on your smile, he told you it reminded him of his wife who’d sadly passed a couple years prior. Barry had dementia, but he always seemed to remember you. And Joe.
Joseph had come to bring you your lunch at work once, you’d been together since school so the other residents knew him and often stopped him for chats n cups of tea. But, Barry had been an actor in his younger days so Joe had taken a slight favouritism towards him too. You’d often come into Barry’s room to find Joe already there, chuckling as Barry would reenact some of his old dialogues. It was a special bond and Barry had become a mentor for Joe and his career, and a massive part of your lives. So hearing him struggling to breathe was the last straw for you.
“999, what’s your emergency?” The call holder spoke patronisingly down the phone.
“I need an ambulance, now! One of my residents has been whooping all night but he can’t breathe now. He can-“ You held the bridge of your nose and let out a deep breath, a poor attempt to stop yourself from breaking down.
“Has he had any painkillers?” The lady over the phone was starting to wind you up at this point.
“Are you taking the piss? Of course he’s had painkillers. Look, his temperature is 38.7 and his blood pressure is 45. I need a fucking ambulance.” You were desperate and on your own. Your patience was thin and your body was at the brink of collapsing.
“I’m gonna have to ask you to calm down. As I’m sure you’re aware we’re under high demand right now, an ambulance should get to you at some point tonight but in the meantime I need you to keep him comfortable and-“ Your patience had gone. You screamed down the phone and threw it to the other end of the room.
Full PPE on and tears running down your face, you had one job to do and that was to keep him alive. “Barry my love, Im here, Im here.” There wasn’t much you could do in that moment and you both knew that. There was a horrible feeling in the room that you both knew what was coming and there was no stopping it. “Y/N” He gasped. “Hey hey hey, try and take some big deep breaths for me Barry. In and out, slowly. There you go, more of that Barry you’re doing so well.” His breathing had calmed down but his emotions hadn’t. “You and Joe, you’re my family. I know I’m gonna die love, please let me say goodbye.” Barry was wailing and you were sobbing, his wife was the only person he had left before she passed and in a way you were his family. And he was yours. “Barry you can’t die, I won’t let you.” You sobbed as you held his hand tight. “It’s ok love, I’m gonna be with my wife. I can tell her all about you both. I just wanna say goodbye.” His eyes were still pouring but the mentioning of his wife had brought a smile to his face. You were at a loss for words but knew that you would do anything in your power to give him what he needed in this situation. “Okay, okay I’ll ring him.” Your hands were shaking as you pulled out your phone and unlocked your phone. “Can you do that video calling thing?” He gasped out. “Seeing both your faces would bring me great comfort, I can die happily sweetheart.” His words only made you cry more, you were a state and looked one too. A massive mask was covering your face and due to the lack of funding, your ppe was a bin bag so your unwashed hair was on display. If anyone was to see you they’d assume you’d been through the wars. Your thumb pressed FaceTime as you tightened the grip on Barry’s hand with your other, scared of letting him go.
Joe soon appeared on your screen and his face went from confused to mortified. “Oh my god darling what’s happened?” He’d shot up out of bed and, in true Joe fashion, had start to frantically look for his keys. “No no, sit back down please. I don’t have time to explain everything right now and I’m sorry but-“ You’d chocked up and Barry’s heavy breathing was slowing down. “Barry, Barry isn’t well and he wants to speak to you before he goes to sleep.” You couldn’t get the words out, the thought of not seeing Barry everyday was too much and it was obvious the grief had already passed to Joseph. His eyes began to water and his mouth started shaking. “Joe.” Barry muttered, his eyes were closing and your sobs were no longer in hiding. “Joseph im warning you, this might be too much.” You squeezed out mid cry. “No baby please, I need to see him.” Joe bit his lip and tears began to leak. Seeing you in this state was hard enough but knowing Barry was dying next to you was heartbreaking. You turned the phone and heard a gasp from Joe, he wasn’t expecting the sight he’d been shown. Barry was on the edge of death and there was no coming back from it. “Joe my boy, I need you to promise me something.” He was gasping at this point and it was taking everything for you not to tell him to save his breath, scared he was going to pass sooner if he spoke too much. “Anything Barry, anything.” Joe was crying too, his lip was still clenched between his teeth but it wasn’t helping. Nothing would. “Look after her for me, I wanna know you two are gonna stick together when I’m gone.” Barry’s eyes were shut and his hold on your hand was getting weaker with every word. “Of course I will, I won’t let anything happen to her. And I’ll love her until my last days I promise you Barry, you’ve got my word.” Barry smiled and opened his eyes to meet the ones of Joes over the phone. “You’re gonna go far kid, I’ll be watching.” Barry shut his eyes and you knew it was time to get off the phone and leave Barry in peace. You turned the phone and neither of you knew what to say, Joe shook his head and covered his mouth to stop the sobs from getting louder. “I’m coming to pick you up.” This time you didn’t argue. You nodded and knew it was time to say goodbye. You ended the phone and held Barry close until you no longer heard his laboured breathing. He’d gone.
Slowly getting up from the wooden chair, you turned to see Barry laying lifeless in the room you’d learnt to love. The scrabble box was still undone from the last game you’d played with him, due to social distancing rules Joe couldn’t play in real life, but you found a way to play with him over the phone and it was enjoyable for all of you. The door of Barry’s room opened and you looked up to see your manager, shocked at the sight she’d walked in on. “He’s gone.” You whispered, eyes faced towards the floor. “Oh Y/N.” She walked in and held you tight. “Isn’t this against the rules?” You questioned as you sniffed into her shoulder. She pulled you back and pushed your hair out of your face. “So are 20 hour shifts darling, go home. I’ll sort the rest out”. You nodded and headed for the door, stripping yourself of your PPE and showering in the staff room before heading out the entrance. Joe was waiting for you like he said he would, cigarette in hand and he was visibly tired. You walked up to him and he was aware of what was about to come out your mouth. “Did he fall asleep?” He squeaked out. “Yeah baby he’s fallen asleep.” You nodded before breaking down. His arms enclosed as he held you tight, your head buried into his neck. “It’s not fair Joe, it’s not fair.” You wailed. “I know baby, I know.” He cried into your hair. “I failed him.” You pulled back and Joe took in your appearance. You looked broken. “Oh my darling, there’s nothing you could’ve done. He’s not in pain anymore and his last moments were spent with the person who distracted him from it all. You did everything you could.” Joe was wiping your tears as you reached up wipe his. “I made him a promise and I’m sticking to it. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you my love, let’s get you home yeah?”
“I love you Joseph Quinn.”
“I love you too Y/N L/N”
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Found (Outside the Screen) (CC!Dream x GN!Reader) Part 2
Request: That dream angst fuckin wrecked my heart..any chance for a part 2 with comfort(im not the og requester so if not thats fine its just OUGH my heart)
I have written this three times over because tumblr didn’t save it. THEN. Tumblr doesn’t show it to ANYONE unless they check my account. This happened to my Ranboo fic as well... I will honestly cry if no one sees this.
Once again. This is a completely fictitious story and version of Clay.
TW: Panic attacks, self deprecating thoughts,
His voice echoed through the house as you scrambled around corners to escape the possible wrath of your boyfriend. Or maybe even soon to be ex boyfriend.
Despite living in this house with him for a little over two years, it was beginning to feel like a maze. You couldn't tell which way was left and which way was right, your head spinning with panic as you gasped for breath.
He's gonna find you...
The house wasn't even that big, and quite an open concept, so you had no idea why you were finding it so confusing. All you knew at the moment was...
Get out.
Once your eyes landed on the door that lead out, you made a beeline towards it and flung it open. Maybe you should've known better than to attempt to run from the manhunt god...
The footsteps pounding against the floor not too far behind you startled you enough to jump outside and slam the door behind you in hopes of giving yourself enough time to run farther.
There were plenty of things failing to register in your mind as you ran down the empty sidewalks. Such as the poor choice (or lack) of shoes you were wearing, or even the heavy night rain pelting down on your shaking body.
Your lungs were burning.. But your brain had thrown itself so far into fight or flight mode that you had no care for anything around you, hardly blinking twice as the signs of unfamiliar street names flew past you.
Eventually, when you physically couldn't breathe any longer, you sat on a bench and took awhile to think. The consistent rain pelting down on your head was actually a decent grounder to help you snap yourself out of it... But that only caused more confusion and another wave of panic to wash over you.
Where... were you?
Doesn't matter. Don't go back.
Oh God... He hates you..
Why wouldn't he..?
He was too embarrassed to show you to his chat!
What did you do that was so embarrassing?
God.. What was so wrong with you that he stayed in his streaming room for days on end!?
Pulling your knees up to your chest, you choked back a few sobs, trying your best to keep what was left of your composure. Very quickly, however, you gave up on trying to hold yourself together and broke down, hiding your face in your knees.
Time seemed to pass by way too quickly but also way too slowly at the same time.. Like time itself was giving you the one finger salute. When you finally stopped crying, you leaned back against the back of the bench and gave a shaky sigh before you decided to attempt to think rationally again.
You had no clue where you were. Nothing looked familiar. What time is it? No clue, you don't have your... Your phone!
You quickly scrambled to your pocket to pull out the cellular device, and stared at the black screen for a few seconds. Anxiety was the reason for your hesitance as you stared into your reflection, frowning slightly. Without thinking twice, you pressed the button and the screen lit up with various arrays of colours.
78 Missed calls from Clay💚
2 Missed calls from George👓🇬🇧
7 Missed calls from Sapnap🔥
Was... He so mad that his friends were trying to yell at you too? You tilted your head slightly and scrolled through the other notifications on your lockscreen.
Twitter seemed to be losing their minds over your boyfriend's stream and wondering who the stranger was. Seeing the headlines flooded you with immeasurable guilt and you almost put your phone down again, if your phone didn't start buzzing.
You glanced down at the screen and say Clay was making call number 79... Man, he was persistent.. and he would probably continue to call until you answered...
Your finger hovered over the decline button, before slowly moving over and landing on the green one instead. "...Hello...?"
"(Y/n)...?" Had... He been crying...? "Oh my god! You're alive!" He gasped out with glee before giving a few sobs of... relief...?
"...You... Aren't... Mad?" You whispered very softly and hesitantly, your voice scratchy and sore from crying.
He sighed and there was a little bit of shuffling as well as a few male voices in the background. "No. Not in the slightest... Where are you? I want to apologize in person.. And when it doesn't sound like you're in a hurricane.."
You lifted your head up to look at the rain that was continuing to pelt down on you before looking around. "..I'm not sure.." You heard your partner echo your statement in question form as you looked for street signs through the rain. Glancing back at your phone, you saw the screen light up again, this time it was a warning label.
Your battery was almost dead...
"C-Clay.. My phone is going to die.." You murmured softly, your heart filling with dread as you turned down your brightness and closed any unnecessary apps.
There was a little bit of clattering and shuffling on the line as Clay hurriedly walked from the windows to the door, trying to see you from the home. "G-give me landmarks! Hurry!" He practically begged as you shot up from your bench, ignoring the burning soreness in your legs.
Spinning around quickly, you began listing off a few company buildings you saw, trying to shout over the rain and a few cars driving by. "Yeah-yeah! There's also that little sushi place beside the restaurant too.."
You heard the furious typing of his computer before another almost sob of relief. "You're on Rosewood Avenue... How the hell did you run that far? Okay, you're going to walk in the opposite direction of the sushi place until you reach a road called Miller Road, got that?" He waited for a verbal noise of agreement before continuing, "Once you get there, turn left and keep walking straight until you get to a steakhouse. I'll meet you half way, if you don't see me there, don't move unless you have to. Got it?" He asked firmly, with a small hint of desperation in his tone.
You rubbed your face as you mentally repeated the directions to yourself. "Yeah.. Yeah.. I got it." You began to walk along the sidewalks, your shoulders beginning to tremble from the water induced shivers trailing up and down your spine.
"I lov-"
Your phone died..
Pulling the device away from your head, you pressed the buttons a few times before groaning and shoving it into your pockets as you began to walk.
Your mind was blurry but also hyper aware along the walk to the road where Clay told you to go. 'What was he going to say? If... He doesn't hate me... was he going to say- No.. no. He hadn't said that line in over a few months now.. No reason why he would say it now..' You mentally scolded yourself.
The rain didn't seem to be too keen on letting up as you walked through large rippling puddles. Your clothes were soaked, your hair completely drenched and you were pretty sure you were gonna need to buy a new phone with how much your current one was getting waterlogged..
You rose your arm to shield your face from the onslaught of water that a car had caused by driving through a large puddle before running your hand down your face.
Part of you was still a bit.. angry... at Clay... He had ignored you for so long and wanted nothing to do with you.. Then suddenly you spill hot coffee on yourself and then boom, you have the man more focused than when he has a good speed run seed. What about all those times you were begging him to come to bed, or at least eat dinner at the table with you? Did you only matter when you were in pain?
Biting your lip, you shook off the thought as you looked up again to see the steakhouse that you were directed to go to, the signs glowingly and people shuffling in and out through the doors...
Then there was another man, standing under a large black umbrella wearing a damp lime green hoodie...
Only you'd recognize that face anywhere where others wouldn't.. Standing in the street lights perfectly was your boyfriend, Clay.
Your heart trembled but also melted slightly upon seeing that he wasn't paying attention to his screen anymore. You. He was focused on finding you...
As you began to walk closer, you saw him lift his head and stare at you for a few seconds before dropping the umbrella and lunge forward to wrap you in a loving embrace. "I'm sorry.." Was the first thing he whispered, his voice almost as hoarse as yours. "I know.. that a simple apology will never excuse what I put you through... You cared for me, and even after a stupidly ignored you... You still didn't leave, or get angry. I don't deserve you, I know that, and you have every right to be upset, angry or whatever you're feeling right now.. Please, it doesn't matter how long it takes... Just let me make it up to you and let me prove myself worthy of your love again.."
Your lips parted in surprise as you stared at him, the streetlight poorly capturing his normal beauty, but still doing it well enough that you felt your heart soar. "Clay..." Your eyes traced his features, his puffy and reddened eyes and his cheeks stained with tear tracks, "You have a lot to work and make up for... I'm not going to forgive you immediately, but I'm not going to leave you.. We can work things out.. Together, okay?"
He eagerly nodded and gently held your face in his hands before pressing a light kiss to your forehead. "I'll break away from video editing and streaming for a while.. So I can focus on repairing things with you.."
You buried your face into the male's sweater, that was beginning to become soaked as well from the rain and you, and closed your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Clay."
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That dream angst fuckin wrecked my heart..any chance for a part 2 with comfort(im not the og requester so if not thats fine its just OUGH my heart)
So both you and the og requester asked for a part 2, which means I'm definitely gonna do it! (I'd do it even if the og didn't ask so lmao) I HAD TO REWRITE THIS 12 GOD DAMN TIMES BECAUSE TUMBLR IS SHIT AT SAVING THINGS
I'm honestly so glad people enjoy my writings! Feel free to request more! My inbox is open and I have no requests lined up yet!
Once again. This is a completely fictitious story and version of Clay.
TW: Panic attacks, self deprecating thoughts,
Part one
Found (Outside The Screen) (Dream x GN! Reader) Part 2
His voice echoed through the house as you scrambled around corners to escape the possible wrath of your boyfriend. Or maybe even soon to be ex boyfriend.
Despite living in this house with him for a little over two years, it was beginning to feel like a maze. You couldn't tell which way was left and which way was right, your head spinning with panic as you gasped for breath.
He's gonna find you...
The house wasn't even that big, and quite an open concept, so you had no idea why you were finding it so confusing. All you knew at the moment was...
Get out.
Once your eyes landed on the door that lead out, you made a beeline towards it and flung it open. Maybe you should've known better than to attempt to run from the manhunt god...
The footsteps pounding against the floor not too far behind you startled you enough to jump outside and slam the door behind you in hopes of giving yourself enough time to run farther.
There were plenty of things failing to register in your mind as you ran down the empty sidewalks. Such as the poor choice (or lack) of shoes you were wearing, or even the heavy night rain pelting down on your shaking body.
Your lungs were burning.. But your brain had thrown itself so far into fight or flight mode that you had no care for anything around you, hardly blinking twice as the signs of unfamiliar street names flew past you.
Eventually, when you physically couldn't breathe any longer, you sat on a bench and took awhile to think. The consistent rain pelting down on your head was actually a decent grounder to help you snap yourself out of it... But that only caused more confusion and another wave of panic to wash over you.
Where... were you?
Doesn't matter. Don't go back.
Oh God... He hates you..
Why wouldn't he..?
He was too embarrassed to show you to his chat!
What did you do that was so embarrassing?
God.. What was so wrong with you that he stayed in his streaming room for days on end!?
Pulling your knees up to your chest, you choked back a few sobs, trying your best to keep what was left of your composure. Very quickly, however, you gave up on trying to hold yourself together and broke down, hiding your face in your knees.
Time seemed to pass by way too quickly but also way too slowly at the same time.. Like time itself was giving you the one finger salute. When you finally stopped crying, you leaned back against the back of the bench and gave a shaky sigh before you decided to attempt to think rationally again.
You had no clue where you were. Nothing looked familiar. What time is it? No clue, you don't have your... Your phone!
You quickly scrambled to your pocket to pull out the cellular device, and stared at the black screen for a few seconds. Anxiety was the reason for your hesitance as you stared into your reflection, frowning slightly. Without thinking twice, you pressed the button and the screen lit up with various arrays of colours.
78 Missed calls from Clay💚
2 Missed calls from George👓🇬🇧
7 Missed calls from Sapnap🔥
Was... He so mad that his friends were trying to yell at you too? You tilted your head slightly and scrolled through the other notifications on your lockscreen.
Twitter seemed to be losing their minds over your boyfriend's stream and wondering who the stranger was. Seeing the headlines flooded you with immeasurable guilt and you almost put your phone down again, if your phone didn't start buzzing.
You glanced down at the screen and say Clay was making call number 79... Man, he was persistent.. and he would probably continue to call until you answered...
Your finger hovered over the decline button, before slowly moving over and landing on the green one instead. "...Hello...?"
"(Y/n)...?" Had... He been crying...? "Oh my god! You're alive!" He gasped out with glee before giving a few sobs of... relief...?
"...You... Aren't... Mad?" You whispered very softly and hesitantly, your voice scratchy and sore from crying.
He sighed and there was a little bit of shuffling as well as a few male voices in the background. "No. Not in the slightest... Where are you? I want to apologize in person.. And when it doesn't sound like you're in a hurricane.."
You lifted your head up to look at the rain that was continuing to pelt down on you before looking around. "..I'm not sure.." You heard your partner echo your statement in question form as you looked for street signs through the rain. Glancing back at your phone, you saw the screen light up again, this time it was a warning label.
Your battery was almost dead...
"C-Clay.. My phone is going to die.." You murmured softly, your heart filling with dread as you turned down your brightness and closed any unnecessary apps.
There was a little bit of clattering and shuffling on the line as Clay hurriedly walked from the windows to the door, trying to see you from the home. "G-give me landmarks! Hurry!" He practically begged as you shot up from your bench, ignoring the burning soreness in your legs.
Spinning around quickly, you began listing off a few company buildings you saw, trying to shout over the rain and a few cars driving by. "Yeah-yeah! There's also that little sushi place beside the restaurant too.."
You heard the furious typing of his computer before another almost sob of relief. "You're on Rosewood Avenue... How the hell did you run that far? Okay, you're going to walk in the opposite direction of the sushi place until you reach a road called Miller Road, got that?" He waited for a verbal noise of agreement before continuing, "Once you get there, turn left and keep walking straight until you get to a steakhouse. I'll meet you half way, if you don't see me there, don't move unless you have to. Got it?" He asked firmly, with a small hint of desperation in his tone.
You rubbed your face as you mentally repeated the directions to yourself. "Yeah.. Yeah.. I got it." You began to walk along the sidewalks, your shoulders beginning to tremble from the water induced shivers trailing up and down your spine.
"I lov-"
Your phone died..
Pulling the device away from your head, you pressed the buttons a few times before groaning and shoving it into your pockets as you began to walk.
Your mind was blurry but also hyper aware along the walk to the road where Clay told you to go. 'What was he going to say? If... He doesn't hate me... was he going to say- No.. no. He hadn't said that line in over a few months now.. No reason why he would say it now..' You mentally scolded yourself.
The rain didn't seem to be too keen on letting up as you walked through large rippling puddles. Your clothes were soaked, your hair completely drenched and you were pretty sure you were gonna need to buy a new phone with how much your current one was getting waterlogged..
You rose your arm to shield your face from the onslaught of water that a car had caused by driving through a large puddle before running your hand down your face.
Part of you was still a bit.. angry... at Clay... He had ignored you for so long and wanted nothing to do with you.. Then suddenly you spill hot coffee on yourself and then boom, you have the man more focused than when he has a good speed run seed. What about all those times you were begging him to come to bed, or at least eat dinner at the table with you? Did you only matter when you were in pain?
Biting your lip, you shook off the thought as you looked up again to see the steakhouse that you were directed to go to, the signs glowingly and people shuffling in and out through the doors...
Then there was another man, standing under a large black umbrella wearing a damp lime green hoodie...
Only you'd recognize that face anywhere where others wouldn't.. Standing in the street lights perfectly was your boyfriend, Clay.
Your heart trembled but also melted slightly upon seeing that he wasn't paying attention to his screen anymore. You. He was focused on finding you...
As you began to walk closer, you saw him lift his head and stare at you for a few seconds before dropping the umbrella and lunge forward to wrap you in a loving embrace. "I'm sorry.." Was the first thing he whispered, his voice almost as hoarse as yours. "I know.. that a simple apology will never excuse what I put you through... You cared for me, and even after a stupidly ignored you... You still didn't leave, or get angry. I don't deserve you, I know that, and you have every right to be upset, angry or whatever you're feeling right now.. Please, it doesn't matter how long it takes... Just let me make it up to you and let me prove myself worthy of your love again.."
Your lips parted in surprise as you stared at him, the streetlight poorly capturing his normal beauty, but still doing it well enough that you felt your heart soar. "Clay..." Your eyes traced his features, his puffy and reddened eyes and his cheeks stained with tear tracks, "You have a lot to work and make up for... I'm not going to forgive you immediately, but I'm not going to leave you.. We can work things out.. Together, okay?"
He eagerly nodded and gently held your face in his hands before pressing a light kiss to your forehead. "I'll break away from video editing and streaming for a while.. So I can focus on repairing things with you.."
You buried your face into the male's sweater, that was beginning to become soaked as well from the rain and you, and closed your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Clay."
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dekuinthelake · 5 years
Happy Birthday Bloodborne
Seeing as it’s the 5th year Bloodborne has graced this mess of a planet with it’s omnipotent light I figured write a little thing about how much the game means to me. I’m going to get fairly personal so if you don’t like that kinda thing feel free to skip.
The first time I beat BB I didn’t think much of it, honestly. I’d had a rather basic playthrough where I didn’t see pretty much any of the optional bosses or do any of the story. I did as Gehrman suggested and just hunted some beasts. I took a break from it for a while and didn’t return to it until my life started getting... Difficult. 
My parents a year prior had gone through a rather turbulent divorce. In the wake of this, my sister and her boyfriend moved in so we could all help my dad pay for his house if only just barely. At the time we all knew even with four of us we didn’t make the type of money to help make payments and the inevitability of him loosing the house was a constant and looming stress. Worse still, my sister only agreed to move in if she was added to the mortgage, meaning she could threaten to sell on a whim, a privilege which she started using to strong arm me and my dad in to behaving a certain way. Her boyfriend was verbally abusive towards everyone, but especially condescending to her. Tension grew between all four of us, but especially between me and the boyfriend. I could ask my sister if she wanted to go out to lunch and catch up and she’d respond, “Let me ask my BF”. His control over her became apparent and the wedges he was intentionally drawing between her and our family was impossible to ignore.
All the while I was working a 4AM shift at a Zoo in the winter and barely getting any daylight or human contact since I had to be in bed so early to wake up for the drive. I cleaned a mile of glass in the dark every day non stop, only to have it be dirtied the moment the park opened. No matter how hard I worked to keep the park as clean as I could, even to the point of putting on dust masks to knock down spider, the higher ups weren’t happy with our companies work. As our contract was rapidly coming to an end, rumors began to circulate that we might not have it renewed if things didn’t improve. Worse still, someone had been stealing from the supply closet. Supposedly only the managers knew the code, and this sparked massive distrust in the Zoo staff towards our department to the point keys were taken away and our lives were made harder by no longer having access to vital shortcuts around the park which made getting from place to place take even longer in the miles long local. 
This futility and rage sparked the most obsessive play through of a game I’ve had to date. Undeniably, these situations were hopeless and lonely, and Bloodborne is a game that understood exactly how I was feeling. The Hunt is, after all, an eternal nightmare. No matter how many beasts, kin, or humans you kill, it’s an unending loop of uncertainty and oppressive danger. The tenuous state of things in Yharnam was uncomfortably familiar. Only in the game, it was far easier to focus on the things I could control.
The weapon I wielded. The stats I chose to upgrade. Which path I wanted to explore. The fluid combat enabled more split second choices every second, helped in large part by a generous stamina bar. More so than Dark Souls, Bloodborne expects you, the player, to take charge. You either commit to an aggressive plan and kill the beasts, or you die. 
When I first started, I played extremely cautiously and likewise did not have a lot of success. On new game +1, however, I began to realize that vital element. Hesitate and you die. Commit entirely and live. The more I played, the more I meditated on the very nature of what this game was communicating to me. 
In my actual life, I hadn’t come out as trans yet and it was something I was viciously debating internally. Earlier that year I tried to commit suicide. I half came out in the hospital, telling the ICU nurses my name was Mike. But even in the psych ward I was terrified to speak to social workers and groups about those feelings... Being that I had 6 hours completely alone and in the dark, it gave me time to listen to a lot of media by trans people. I distinctly remember one video where a trans woman was describing what dysphoria feels like and openly sobbing. I was starting to understand the core of why I hated myself, my body, and my current situation so much. 
But I was afraid. Even after the epiphany that I wanted to come out, I had a lot of doubt on if I could afford HRT, if I could commit to it, and what people would think. I worried starting T and in turn second puberty would bring back my horrible temper that I had going through it the first time. When I say I had rage problem, that’s putting it mildly. I’ve punched people before just for touching me when I was younger, and with the situation between me and my sister’s boyfriend getting more tense by the day I was rightfully concerned it might erupt in to actual physical violence. 
And so... I continued to come home from being alone all to spend most of my time alone playing Bloodborne. It was a great game to keep my mind off of things because of how much focus it demands to play. Funny enough, once you get good at it, the beasts are also a great punching bag.
A lot can be said about how Blood Vials aren’t the best method of healing. Having to stop boss attempts because you need to go farm some red Estus isn’t great design. However, running around that first part of Yharnam with the beast claws just shredding through citizens like a wild animal is possibly the most cathartic thing in my life at the time. It made me feel powerful, unstoppable, and like I was in complete control. I knew exactly how to handle the big pats one by one, and eventually I got skilled enough to just run into that big mob by the tree and stop people anyway because of how good the audio queues are at letting you know when you gotta dodge. I spent hours in both this location AND Chalice Dungeons farming for Echoes and consumables to the point that controlling my character in Bloodborne feels as natural as walking. 
I started beating the game faster and faster. I was on +5 difficulty and working on the DLC by myself when things escalated... 
At this point, I knew staying at my dad’s house wouldn’t be possible. The verbal fights between me and my sister were getting more and more prevalent. More than that, I knew it was time to come out and I didn’t feel secure doing that in an environment that was actively hostile. The plan was to save up, move out with two friends... But moving out came far faster than I had anticipated. 
A few days after my birthday, we had a family meeting. I don’t remember what sparked it, but we all sat around and voiced our complaints with each other. When it was my turn to speak, I brought up the fact my sister’s boyfriend had been intentionally isolating her on top of in general just being a jackass to her. He’d make her get things for him, call her stupid when they played games... The works. I don’t remember what he said that sparked it, but I remember the feeling... A really familiar feeling I hadn’t had in years. My pulse thundered in my neck so hard I couldn’t hear anyone over it. I started yelling incoherent shit. My sister stood in front of him because I was aggressively stepping forward. It was that temper I thought I’d knocked coming back. If she hadn’t gotten in the way, I’m absolutely sure I would have pummeled that man. I hadn’t felt that way since I strangled a kid in school to the point he nearly passed out.
 It was then I knew I had to leave. By nature, I’m violent. I hate it. But the decisiveness which I’d slowly been building helped me find the courage to admit this.
I took off in my car and just hauled ass to the highway. I had a bloodborne CD I’d been playing on my way to and from work. It sounds silly, but larping I was just a hunter during those crushing morning shifts was helping me keep going. Sure it was hopeless, but I felt bad ass to keep trying. I needed to have an unbreaking will to deal with this dilemma. Having so recently made a second attempt to kill myself, I had this powerful urge that no matter what I couldn’t end up there again. So, I decided not to beat myself up about it and just accept that I had to move on and away from what little family I had left.   I remember not really thinking words. I listened to Gehrman’s music on repeat with the windows rolled down going 78 miles an hour and just... Screaming. Literally screaming as loud as I could in to the night. Over and over again until it hurt just to breathe. 
Even though I felt betrayed by the people I thought were closest to me there wasn’t anything I could do but endure. 
Eventually I arrived my current roommate’s parent’s place where they were living at the time. I told her and her husband what happened. We went to the store for something. I got a call from my dad saying my sister was threatening to move out and apparently had yelled at him for not keeping me in line despite the fact at one point he’d physically gotten up and started yelling in my face to calm down. That was it. I asked my friend’s parents if I could move in temporarily and... That was that. 
The next day we gathered up all my things. I had to leave my dogs which was possibly the most agonizing part. 
But that night? I beat the orphan of Kos by myself on +5 on my computer monitor plugged in the wall and set on a box. Doing that was this weird extreme elation. It’s like I’d defeated two massively difficult, seemingly impossible tasks in one day. I’m glad I had help with the moving, though. Unlike Kos, that would have been impossible alone haha.
That weekend passed and I went back to work at the Zoo as normal. After I finished my shift, however, every employee in my company was called to a meeting. This was it. We all knew what was coming. We were to be laid off in December, giving us 3 months to find new work or apply to the company that was taking over the contract. 
In the wake of this news, moral plummeted. No one really tried that hard. I was coming in high to work every day and drinking with a coworker during our shift while we tired our best to continue work. That last month I worked there was a weird drug addled haze of extreme emotions mixed with ignoring them in favor of listening to VaatiVidya lore breakdowns of Bloodborne. 
I was going home and spending hours on art inspired by the general vibe of the game and my impossible to digest feelings. I’d lost my job, home, and family. I don’t know if I would have survived without both Bloodborne and my art as an outlet.
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In the following months, I had gotten to New Game +7 and started recording myself trying to kill bosses without healing. Even though to this day no one watches these attempts but me, making them was frankly vital to keeping me distracted and focused on something I could control. 
There was a time where I didn’t think Ludwig +1 was beatable but... Here I am two years later happily having 100% Bloodborne and beaten every boss on +7, most of them without even needing to heal. 
The biggest lesson I took away from this game was persistence and decisiveness. The Souls series in general made me realize something huge that to this day has helped me fight my depression back. I’m a stubborn fuck who will grind and grind and grind until I finally achieve victory.
Fight for the progress you want to make. Things seem hopeless a lot, but you have to keep going. With effort, you can change anything you want to in your life.
Two years later, I’ve been doing HRT for 1 year and 3 months. I just had top surgery done. I’m working a job I like that’s got normal daytime hours and pays more than any work I’ve ever had with benefits. I don’t think I would have had the tenacity to stick to these things without realizing a fundamental aspect about my personality thanks to the help of Bloodborne specifically. 
I can endure, learn, grow, adapt. 
Thank you, Fromsoft. I hope this conveys a shred of what this dumb little game means to me. I needed Bloodborne so much when I moved out. I’m so glad it exists.
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shewolfofficial · 6 years
Song!fic Dead! Levi x Reader
Song: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells your story - Hamilton
Warning: Angst
I've recently gotten into Hamilton and this song is literally a tear jerker omlll get ur tissues
I've almost cried like three times while writing this
Let me tell you what I wish I’d known
When I was young and dreamed of glory
You have no control
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story
The Survey Corps were known for the high death rate, most recruits and cadets died within their first year, higher-ups and superiors lost their lives to the Titan onslaught that threatened but some survived and shot through the ranks as some of the strongest. You. You were one of them. But you weren’t alone. You had been surrounded by loving and caring friends for all your life, sadly, you had to say goodbye to them earlier than you wanted but nobody has control over anyone’s fate. Not even your lover.
Levi Ackerman
You both weren’t the best pair at the start but once you began to date you both were an inseparable duo that seemed to be made for one another.
Who lives
Who dies
Who tells your story
You had to say goodbye to too many people who you wished that could stay longer, who you wished you spoke to one last time. You would never forget your friend’s names. Countless amount of people who you welcomed into your life and have changed it in their own little unique way. But for Levi, he made a massive impact on your life. Despite the cold behaviour he always made sure you were alright and happy despite the situation at hand.
Some years passed and you gave him a wonderful son, a son of his own named Alexander who grew up and joined the Survey Corps to be with his father.
Despite Levi’s tragic childhood, he was an inspiration to hundreds, even a titan shifter, your friend Eren Yeager looked up to him brightly. He never forgot about those soldiers that lay down their lives for humanity, he swore to make their deaths have a meaning and to eradicate the Titans and let them rest in peace.
Every other founding father’s story gets told
Every other founding father gets to grow old
But when you’re gone who remembers your name?
Who keeps your flame?
Who tells your story?
And just like that, you were left alone, news had spread that both Levi and your son had been caught in an explosion with Zeke Yeager. Just like that. Your family died while you were left waiting in your little home, waiting for your two most precious people in the world to return home.
But they never did..
Who tells your story?
Who tells your story?
I put myself back in the narrative
You were broken, you begged for both of them to retire and join you but unfortunately, both males were stubborn and refused. Levi had explained that he dedicated his heart to protecting you, his son and humanity. That evening he left you with a comforting kiss on the lips with your son in tow. Levi knew something was going to go wrong later on so before he left he gave you his wedding ring.
How you wished you could’ve stopped them, how you wished you could’ve kept them safe in your little home.
I stop wasting time on tears
I live another fifty years
It’s not enough
It’s true that you planned on avenging your family, your friends, everyone who had lost their lives in the war that has been happening while you have been at home doing chores, cooking dinner and making sure both your loved ones are warm and well fed every time they dropped by.
You were going to fight against the Yeagerists you were finally going to bring peace and justice to those dogs. You were going to make sure your husband, your son and everyone who has lost their lives were not forgotten.
You were willing to carry Levi’s torch of hope.
I interview every soldier who fought by your side
..She tells our story..
I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writings
You really do write like you’re running out of
How you wished you could’ve left with them, why did you always seem to be left alone? The world was cruel but you didn’t know it could be this cruel. You’ve gone through Levi’s things along with your sons, you’ve attached your beloved husband's ring to a chain around your neck.
I rely on Hanji
While she’s alive
We tell your story
She’s buried by the oak tree
Near you
When I needed her most
She was right on time
You had met with Hanji and the first thing she did when she saw you was taking you in a hug and apologising for what happened, from there you both continued to fight side by side. She knew you were fighting for your family, for everyone you lost and she supported it. She knew if Levi saw you now he couldn’t have been more proud of how far you’ve come.
But sadly, some months passed and you’ve lost one of your closest friends too. Hanji died the day before you had won the war and peace was declared. Even though you were the last survivor that was once in the Survey Corps you carried on the torch for each individual member. You had buried her and each of your friends and family under a large oak tree. Even though you couldn’t bury their bodies you left a grave for your comrades who fought bravely.
And I’m still not through
I ask myself “what would you do if you had more-”
And Lord in his kindness
He gives me what you always wanted
He gives me more
You had risen in popularity within the walls and with outside, you fought for people’s rights, you fought for justice and equality between everyone and everything within and without the three walls that once caged in all of humanity.
Though popularity gave you somewhat fame you were still wishing to see everyone from months, years ago. You wanted to see their proud cheers and faces when you stand off in public, you wanted to show Levi how much you had done for humanity, you wanted to show your son what a peaceful world looked like.
I raise funds in Sina for the Ackerman monument
..She tells my story..
I speak out against slavery
You could have done so much more if you only had-
Yes, you have made the largest impact on humanity. You were known to go down in history for your acts and kindness towards everyone. You never would’ve known you would become the most famous woman in history to change the entirety of the human race.
But with those big projects you had
You also had little ones but they were as equally as important to you as well..
Can I show you what I’m proudest of?
The orphanage…
I established the first private orphanage inside Wall Sina
The orphanage…
I help to raise hundreds of children from the Underground!
I get to see them growing up
It’s true you have set up multiple orphanages around the walls and outside them as well, but the first and most important one to you was the one within Wall Sina for the children of the Underground. You’ve always known that if Levi would do something about the children down under he would help them in a blink of an eye.
And so you carried his torch on...
You made the orphanage especially for the poor children, you wanted to give them hope, to give them life, you always had a feeling Levi would’ve been proud of you for helping the people of the Underground. You wanted to achieve his dreams and goals even if he couldn’t be here with you to see them.
The orphanage…
In their eyes, I see you Levi
I see you every time
And when my time is up
Have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?
You loved the way the small children’s faces lit up when they saw you or your co-workers. They were pure and adorable, one day a new little fellow and his elder brother arrived at the orphanage and he reminded you exactly of your son and Levi.
The children would ask you about the Ackerman monument in Sina and you’d tell them the exact story of Humanities Strongest, the love of your life who would bring peace to humanity and save everyone. From hearing your stories about your husband the children greatly admired him and his heroics.
Oh I can’t wait to see you again..
It’s only a matter of time..
You felt yourself being drifted off to the afterlife, the warm breeze engulfing you with a blinding light. You were at the age of 78 when your time had come when you had lived life to the fullest, when you changed humanity for the better, you had carried the torch and made all your friends dreams come true and very much real.
Opening your eyes, you glanced down seeing your hands young and clear again, you felt young and fresh again like you were years and years ago. That familiar voice sprung from behind you.
Will they tell your story?
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
Smiling with tears brimming at your eyes you ran into the blonde's arms seeing as he looked to have gotten his missing arm back. Smiling greatly and chuckling inwardly he enveloped you in a comforting hug as you sobbed happily.
Almost being tackled to the ground Hanji seemed young again, she didn’t have a patch over her eye and she was as lively as ever. She cried out taking you into a hug away from Erwin as he smiled at you both.
Will they tell your story?
You had cried while meeting all your dear friends again, even Levi squad had taken you in for a massive group hug along with tears of joy. Everyone was ecstatic to see you again as you were all in your younger and healthy forms. Scouting uniforms clean and neat along with your own.
You had noticed your son walking towards you with a gentle smile tugging on his thin lips, he was so much like his father... Except for your E/C orbs of course. Running to him you felt Alexander chuckle as you cried into his shoulder.
“Welcome home mom.. I’m so proud of what you’ve done.. We all are..”
“I’ve missed you so much.. I’ve missed you all so much!”
You kept hugging him and crying into his shoulder as your son patted your back cooing at you, your friends have been there watching over you your whole life?
“Someone wants to meet you mom..” Alexander gestured behind you with that signature smirk of his.
You turned around and you saw the man you’ve kept fighting for.
Levi Ackerman...
Tears now streaming down your face you stepped forward with wide eyes as Levi gave you a gentle smile and held his arms out to you. “Welcome back love.. I couldn’t be more happy about what you’ve done..” he said as you cried out and sprinted into his arms. Wrapping your arms around his neck you cried out as Levi wrapped his arms around you and kissed you.
Who lives..
Who dies..
Who tells your story…
“I’ve told your story Levi..”
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100 Random Things About Blake Riley
(I got bored at 4 am so I wrote down some stuff about my OCs This is not the only 100 Random Things sheet that I have so that should warn you of what's to come) 1: his full name is Blake Riley Bates but he always goes by first and middle names rather than first and last 2: 25 years old 3: birthday is February 15th 4: born on a Saturday at 4:37 AM 5: blood type is O-Negative 6: he was involved in a public bombing by terrorists which left nore than 75% of his body completely mangled and destroyed so he had to be fixed up with robotic prosthetics and as a result he's super self-conscious about the fact that he's "not a complete human" 7: favorite color is, obviously, red 8: GAY AS FUCK but super subtle about it despite being way too flamboyant to be legal 9: LOVES FASHION 10: also loves shopping because like ;;;;; pretty clothes are awesome 11: loves roses and if you give him one he'll love you forever 12: he's generally pretty chill about shit but if you mess with someone he cares about then be prepared to get punched with a robot arm 13: he pretends he doesn't believe in supernatural stuff like ghosts but if he hears a weird noise in the middle of the night he'll probably want to move out the next morning 14: hates coffee but ironically loves coffee cake 15: always a little cold??? for some reason??? 16: he likes to poke people and make them shiver 17: likes being cuddled 18: LOVES spooning when he cuddles someone and he really doesn't care whether he's the big spoon or the little spoon as long as he's cuddling 19: really flirtatious and totally not shy about it like at all 20: he loves spoiling the people he loves and making them feel happy 21: he'll flirt with you all day if you let him but as soon as YOU start flirting with HIM he just becomes this dorky little blushing mess and it's adorable 22: WILL. FUCKING. NOT. stand for people insulting his physical appearance 23: loves peanut butter but not peanuts 24: he can't really swim all that well but he's very good at floating 25: like he can swim properly without drowning but just not all that gracefully (he looks like a fish out of water when he's in the water) 26: has a really weird obsession with snow globes??? he collects them and owns over 50 and they're all alphabetized 27: possibly a bit autistic but Nobody Really Knows For Sure 28: he's a fucking genius (seriously his IQ is fucking insane) 29: it's easy to turn him on but it's really hard to make him calm down afterwards 30: you could literally bump into him at a weird angle and there's a 50/50 chance he'll just randomly get a boner from that alone 31: when he gets going he'll kinda whine and try to flirt with you until you give in but in reality he'd never force you into something you don't feel like doing 32: if he happens to get riled up but has nobody who'll do anything about it (or just doesn't feel like it) he'll end up reading smutty novels all night 33: an incredibly passionate lover 34: he doesn't know the meaning of personal space and he'll just come up behind you for no reason and invade your space with hugs 35: he owns 23 pairs of shoes in total and 18 pairs of them have high heels 36: he's not really a blanket hog but if he goes to bed before you do you're sure as fuck not getting that blanket 37: loves spending time with kids (he really wants to be a daddy) 38: loves pickles for some reason 39: he will literally eat an entire jar of pickles all in one go and then drink the juice when he's done 40: he's really weird about people invading his personal space when he doesn't want them to 41:dO nOT tOUCH hIS hAIR wITHOUT cONSENT oR hE wILL sLAP yOU 42: always sings really shitty pop songs in the shower 43: he rarely watches anime ever at all but he fucking LOVES Sailor Moon 44: he went to a costume party one year before the "incident" and he literally dressed up like Sailor Mars 45: full miniskirt and everything and he looked fucking gorgeous???? but why wouldn't he honestly 46: his weakness is caramel and caramel chocolate and basically anything with caramel in it 47: he's not super clingy but he'll insist on really long hugs before leaving to go home or like do thngs (and I'm talking about super close full-body pressing against each other bear hugs for five minutes -minimum-) 48: he often has recurring nightmares about the "incident" and it's actually not uncommon for him to wake up in the middle of the night crying 49: this happens anywhere between twice in four months to six nights per week for nearly a year 50: when this happens he requires lots of gentle cuddles and sweet words of reassurance that he's okay 51: he acts super flamboyant and sassy but in reality he's the most sensitive man you'll ever meet 52: it's super easy to hurt his feelings so please watch your tongue when you're around this sweet little redhead 53: it's totally not uncommon for him to just randomly start blasting Britney Spears on the stereo with the volume all the way up 54: loves wearing sexy lingerie and just feeling pretty 55: there's rarely a time when his nails aren't painted (never any color but red) 56: he's an expert at beer pong for some reason 57: also a master at bottle flipping and mario kart 58: has three sisters named Tanya, Sharon and Abigaile 59: he acts all pure and classy when in reality he owns a hardcover copy of 50 shades of grey and he's read it at least 30 times by this point 60: never goes anywhere without checking himself out in the mirror 5 times first 61: he has a really bad issue with never shutting up during movies 62: if he thinks of something funny to say he'll lean over and whisper it to whoever he's watching the movie with and this will happen every few minutes during the entre movie 63: he's a virgin but like????? he sure as fuck doesn't want to be at this age 64: SUPER fucking ticklish 65: worst spots are his sides and his stomach 66: he has a really sweet and pretty laugh, almost like music 67: he gets really smarmy whenever he starts tickling someone (sort of like he gets a rush outta teasing them) 68: he doesn't often start tickle fights but holy shit he'll fucking end them 69: generally always an uke rather than a seme 70: he's that one friend who'll come over to your house at 3 am because he made ramen noodles and wants to know if you want some 71: can play the violin and the piano beautifully 72: it's super easy to make him cry but he'll never actually cry in front of anyone, he'll just politely excuse himself from the room when he gets upset and go into a random room and sob his heart out until he feels better (quietly, of course) 73: has the mindset of "if you like me I'll let you bother me, but if I don’t like you then fuck off in a fire" 74: despite that he's super nice to everyone unless provoked 75: bacon is honestly his muse 76: he'll eat an entire pack of that shit for breakfast and he'd honestly eat more than a single pack if you let him 77: if you don't watch him carefully he'll wander off and go missing for the whole damn day, and when he comes back it's with an entire car full of shopping bags because guess what he went on aNOTHER fucking shopping spree 78: he's super high maintenance but at the same time he isn't??? 79: like he's just as excited with a super expensive jewelry gift as he is with a bag of burgers from McDonald's 80: he's weird like that 81: he'll pretty much eat anything he can get his hands on and his metabolism is scarily high so he never gains any extra weight despite the fact that if he didn't have that high metabolism he'd honestly be like 400 pounds at this point because he loves food and can't control himself 82: loves cute things 83: also loves soft and fluffy things 84: always wants to dress up his friends in cute clothes and do their hair (and their makeup if they're girls) 85: his parents have no idea he's gay but his sisters do and they're very supportive of him 86: his dad is a super strict military man so like????? He's Fucking Terrified To Tell Him 87: there's honestly never a time where he doesn’t want to go shopping 88:  you could call him at 6 am and be like "hey there's an awesome new shoe store that just opened" and he'd be pounding on your door not even fifteen minutes later like "BITCH GET YOUR COAT WE'RE GOING SHOE SHOPPING" 89: despite everything he's actually really super shy and it's really hard for him to talk to people and make friends 90: but once he trusts you he relaxes and he's able to act like himself 91: loves flowers 92: he's absolutely insufferable when he gets sick but at the same time he also apologizes profusely for being so snappish 93: once spent an entire night chained to a radiator 94: he never talks about it but he's made it very clear that he was NOT kidnapped 95: he may or may not own a whip and a tazer 96: for practical use only, of course 97: loves sweets and candy 98: when he gets excited he acts like he has ADHD and can't focus on anything 99: probably knows the lyrics to every Lady Gaga song by heart 100: in general he's a great guy and a loyal friend
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pattysfics · 7 years
I Got Your Six
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Word Count: 2.3kish
A/N: This is a fanfic of a fanfic… I’m not sorry about that either…The story it is based on is: You Should Know Better by @fuck-yeah-lets-do-negan-ff …All characters (except my boy Dusty) are taken from her story and this was approved by her…This story is in no relation to what will happen in her story. (Gifs are not mine) Also, a BIG thank you to @jeffreydeanneganstrash for proofreading this trash and making it better!! I cried while writing this so be prepared. 
Characters: Joe Merriweather, Natalie Jankoski, Dusty Merriweather, Dustin Ayers, 
Warnings: sadness. MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH..
Joe leaned against his headboard lazily doing a crossword puzzle when he heard the pitter patter of little feet coming towards his bedroom. In a flash, a small body crossed the room and slammed into him. “Buddy,” Joe laughed. “What have I told you about doing that? huh?” he asked as he put down his puzzle and started to tickle his little man.
“Daddy! Daddy stop! Stop,” squealed the child waving his arms trying to pry his father’s hands off of him. 
Joe chuckled when he pulled away and slipped out of the bed. His little man was growing up. If Joe could turn back time, back before the diagnosis, he would. He would go back and spend as much time as possible with his buddy. He won’t be so obsessed with work. It pained him to have to put a facade in front of his child. “Dusty, isn’t it past your bedtime?” Joe asked, clearing his throat, suppressing his thoughts and emotions.
“Why can’t I just sleep right here?” asked Dusty already closing his brown eyes attempting to sleep in his parents’ bed.
“Oh what is this?” asked Joe’s second wife and mother of this precious little human. “Seems like someone is trying to take over mommy and daddy’s bed.”
“Seems that way, Nat. Should we let him sleep here?” Joe mused as he crept slowly back towards the bed. “Or take him back to his room so he can be a big boy,” Joe cracked as he quickly scooped up Dusty in his arms, lifting him out of the bed.
“Daddy! Please,” pleaded the boy.
“Sorry buddy,” Joe said readjusting Dusty in his arms so the boy could wrap his arms around his father’s neck.
Across the room, Natalie was starting to turn down the bed spread for them to sleep. “You got him?” she questioned watching father and son interact.
“Ya. I got him,” Joe said as he brought his hand up and started to rub his sleepy son’s back before turning to head out the room and down the hallway.
Joe pushed the door open. A tiny thump was heard when it connected with the wall. Gently Joe laid Dusty down on his blue and white bed spread. Dusty groaned when he was removed from his father’s body and placed on the cold sheets.
Joe took a breath looking around the superhero themed room. It looked like a typical seven year old’s room. The thing that made Joe’s heart weak was a single picture of him in uniform hanging on the wall under the words “A True Hero Doesn’t Always Have Superpowers”. Joe blinked back the tears as he looked down at Dusty laying in the bed staring at his dad with sleep brown eyes.
“I gotta tell you something Dusty,” Joe sighed sitting down on the edge of the full sized bed.
“Okay daddy.”
“Um,” Joe paused. “If anything ever happens to me, I want you to become the man of the house. Take care of your momma for me. Help out around the house, try not to back talk a lot, just…just be my big man. Okay?”
Dusty furrowed his brows together in confusion. Why was his daddy telling him to take over if anything was to happen? He was supposed to be around forever. “Okay daddy.”
Joe leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Dusty’s head. It broke Joe’s heart that he had to tell his son that. Dads weren’t supposed to make their little boys grow up before their supposed to, but sometimes it has to be done and this...this was just another piece of the puzzle. “Good night buddy,” Joe whispered getting up from the bed and walking towards the door.
“Night daddy,” Dusty yawned slipping under his covers
Taking a quick look back Joe whispered, “Make me proud buddy. I’ll always have your six,” before quietly shutting the door and heading back to his bedroom. ———————————————-
The next morning, Joe was dressed in his black uniform when he walked into the kitchen. Dusty was already up and at the table eating his breakfast. He stopped abruptly when he saw Joe. “Daddy, why do you have your uniform on? You said no work today?”
“I know buddy, but I’m sorry. Coleman got some stomach bug over night and the chief asked me to cover for the day,” Joe explained to his son already seeing the disappointment fill his eyes.
“But daddy you said today was our day,” whined the child.
Joe sighed as he walked over to the table and bent down beside his son. “I know what I said buddy, but duty calls. I can’t just say no.”
“Say no. Please don’t go daddy. Please.”
“I have to Dusty.”
“No you don’t! Please daddy. Please stay home. Please,” Dusty continued to beg.
Joe turned his head and looked at Natalie. She too had some disappointment in her eyes. Joe was about to say something when Nat raised her hand slightly stopping him before he could. Joe nodded his head.
Slowly he rose to his feet and placed a kiss on the top of Dusty’s head. Next, he walked over to Natalie and gave her a kiss on the lips before heading to the door. “I’ll see ya later buddy. Okay? I love you,” Joe told Dusty standing just inside the door. The only response he got was Dusty sliding out of his chair and running down the hallway. The sound of a door being slammed echoed through the house.
Joe was about to head back to his room when Natalie stopped him. “He has a reason,” she defended her son. “I love you. Please come home safe,” she told him as he walked over to her and pulled her into a quick hug.
“I love you too. Tell him I’m sorry. I’ll be home later,” Joe told her as he headed out the door wanting so bad to turn around and go hug his little boy. ———————-
“Dispatch, this is unit 278 we got a 10-38 here on East Lincoln Street. Standby,” Joe said into the radio looking over at his partner Dustin. Dustin had been Joe’s partner since he came out of the academy. He’d been with him through a lot. His divorce from that bitch named Claire. The birth of his boy who was properly named after his best friend and partner.
“I’m going to check this shit out. You hang back near the front of the car. You get a freaky feeling, you shut that shit down. Ya got me?” Joe told his younger partner.
“Yes sir and freaky really?”
“I have a seven year old at home. I do what I can,” Joe said as he climbed out of the cruiser. A few moments later Dustin exited the vehicle and stood where he was told at the front of the cruiser watching Joe interact with the driver.
Joe had a smile on his face when he turned away from the car with the drivers information in his hand. Joe made it about five feet from the car when he heard someone call him back. He heard it before he felt it. His back met the hard pavement in an instant.
He heard the squeal of tires as the car spun it’s tires and peeled back onto the roadway. “10-00 OFFICER DOWN! OFFICER DOWN. 10-71 on East Lincoln. Suspected heading due East,” he heard Dustin yell before his face entered Joe’s hazy view. “278 in need of 10-78. Repeat officer down in need of medical. Copy.”
Joe heard the the crackle of the radio as he started to close his eyes. “Nah ah Merriweather. You don’t get to die on me,” Dustin leaned over him, applying pressure to his wound on the right side of his chest. “Come on Merriweather stay with me. This is 278 where the fuck is my ambulance!” Dustin yelled the last part into his radio. Joe lay there motionless. He was feeling and hearing everything, he just couldn’t move.
“278 an ambulance has been dispatched to your location copy.”
The distant sound of sirens were soon quickly approaching the partners. When they arrived the medics quickly pulled Dustin off Joe and started to work on the fallen officer. “You’re going to be fine Merriweather. Just hang on,” one of the medics told him as they placed him on a stretcher, loaded him up into the ambulance and started the drive to the hospital. Finally Joe allowed his eyes to close. ———————————–
When Joe opened his eyes the next time, he saw the white ceiling of the hospital room. An oxygen mask was placed over his nose and mouth. Even with this mask it was hard for Joe to breathe. The cancer was going to win before Joe wanted it to. He would never watch his little man grow up and see the man he becomes. He won’t be around to meet his future grand kids because of a horrible disease.
Joe heard the sound of light feet running down the hallway, much like last night, but much much different. Dusty comes running into the room, stopping at the door. Joe’s red brimmed eyes found Dusty’s watery ones.
Slowly Joe reaches up and lifts the mask off. “Hey buddy,” he croaks out before having to put the mask back on. He lifts his weak hand and motions for Dusty to come closer. Dusty makes small step towards the bed before he’s right beside his father.
“Daddy,” he cries staring at his weak father. Slowly he climbs on the bed careful not to harm him anymore and lays down with Joe. In mere seconds, Dusty’s sobs are heard through the room.
Joe tries to rub his son’s back trying to calm him down. This was going to happen and instead of killing one, it was going to kill three. Natalie slips silently into the room, silent tears rolling down her cheeks too. The couple shared a look before Joe gave her a nod. This was the end and both of them knew it.
Once again, Joe lifted the mask from his face trying to sooth his son. “Shhh,” he whispered, swallowing hard to wet his dry throat. “Buddy..it’s okay..shhh..breath,” Joe told him as it was getting harder for him to do so. He quickly replaced the mask drawing in a quick breath before pulling it off again. “I love you buddy,” he told him one last time. He looked over to Nat and mouthed an ‘I love you too’ to her before replacing his mask.
“I..I…love you…you..too,” Dusty pushed out between heavy sobs.
Joe laid there. His arms wrapped protectively wrapped around his boy and holding the hand of his wife when he drew his last breath. When it was time to go, Natalie had to pry Dusty off his father’s body. With tears streaming down both their faces, Natalie carried Dusty out of the hospital that night and into their now incomplete home. ——————————————————
16 long, hard, years later, Dusty was standing in line outside the room in city hall. He’d worked hard to get where he was today. Some tried to pity him for losing his father at such a young age, but Dusty was quick to stop that. His dad would be proud.
The signal was given that the line of about thirty-five marched into the room one by one. Today, Dusty was going to do just what his father did. Dusty was joining the police force to serve and protect even if it meant giving his life.
“Dusty Micheal Merriweather,” the sheriff called. Dusty stepped in front of the crowd that gathered and walked towards the sheriff. Quickly he shook his hand and received his certificate and badge before turning and posing for a quick photo.
After the speeches were given and everyone was inducted, the graduates were finally able to mingle with their family and friends.
Dusty made a bee-line for his mother. He was quickly pulled into her arms. Her head fit snugly into the crook of his neck. “He would be so proud of you Dusty,” she told him before kissing him on the cheek.
“I know he would be,” Dusty said proudly. He was scanning the crowd when a familiar face caught his attention. Making their way towards the pair with a big smile on his face was no other than Dustin.
“Hey kid congrats,” he said, bringing Dusty into a quick hug before releasing him and holding him out with his hands on his shoulders. “You’ve grown so much since I’ve last seen ya kid,” he joked.
“I saw you like two days ago.”
“Listen here Merriweather...huh, this is funny it seems like yesterday these roles were reversed,” he trailed of as he started to reminiscence the fond memories. “But anyhow. I’ll see ya at what seven in the morning? That sound good to you? Okay. See ya,” he said as he started to turn around
Dusty looked at him confused. “I don’t understand. I’m getting my training officer tomorrow.”
“Did I forget to tell ya? Damn kid. Meet your new training officer,” he said walking away with a smile when he stopped suddenly. “Oh yeah kid. Check your badge.”
Dusty’s gaze quickly flickered down to the cold piece of metal in his hands. Natalie stood beside him silent, she too knew what was on the back. Dusty turned the badge over. A simple message written in black sharpie handwriting that looked all to familiar.
“You’re the man in the charge now. Make daddy proud. I’m always watching you. Don’t worry I got your six.”
Thank you for reading!! If you want to be added/removed from the tag list please let me know!!
Tag list: @starbabysparkle  @thedeadwalks   @jasoncrouse   @its-bri19@ryangoslingstanktop @aalexandra2712  @namelesslosers  @elinyaes  @zoesmama2024 @kylorenlover15  @miiraal   @toxic-ink @mwesterfeld1985   @myladytitania  @sweetsweetpeach @memphisgirl1977   @kellyn1604  @negan-is-god  @ali-pennell@koisandbois  @mac5323 @jeffrcy @themadhattersqueen @nicetryjackass @yellatthetopofyourlungs  @mrsjosierainbow @maui137  @magellan-88  @jdms-network
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deadlyanddelicate · 8 years
92 TRUTHS TAG GAME rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
I was tagged by @hestlias, thanks bb! <3 putting this under a cut for length, here we go:
LAST… [1] drink: fennel herbal tea [2] phone call: facetime with my parents [3] text message: claire @mishcollin on text, ambra @silkspectred on whatsapp <3 [4] song you listened to: omg i had like... a super cheesy 80s playlist on streaming, so i think it was ‘total eclipse of the heart’ [5] time you cried: lol probably when i watched the merlin finale for the second time
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: listen i barely get to date people once [7] been cheated on: not that i know of [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: YEP [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope (i do get tipsy/drunk, but never to the point of sickness)
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] blue [13] violet [14] pale pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes [16] fallen out of love: amazingly, i think i finally have [17] laughed until you cried: no [18] found out someone was talking about you: i don’t think so? [19] met someone who changed you: not in any drastic way, i don’t think [20] found out who your true friends are: yes...ish, or to be more precise -- i was lucky enough to have it confirmed again i have amazing friends to count on, but i’ve also fallen out of touch with people whom i still consider friends, so... who knows, man, who knows [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: lol nope
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i don't know half of them half as well as i should like, and i like less than half of them half as well as they deserve (ok but on the real, i think i know most of them irl, i’m kind of a picky fb adder) [23] do you have any pets: no but i really want a cat :( [24] do you want to change your name: no [25] what did you do for your last birthday: went out to dinner with my closest friends, then out for drinks with them and some university buddies [26] what time did you wake up: around 11am, but in my defence i was up till 4am working on a thesis chapter [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: working on my dissertation sob :))))) [28] name something you cannot wait for: i don’t have any big events coming up, but it would be super nice to meet some internet friends irl :’) [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: yesterday morning, she was visiting for the weekend ♥️ [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i would like to actually have the willpower and focus to work on things when and how much i want to/need to [31] what are you listening to right now: nothing [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ...i actually don’t think i have [33] something that is getting on your nerves: mansplaining, racism, bigotry, ~men’s rights activists, american politics, uk politics, rape culture, heteronormATIVITY, BI ERASURE, THE PATRIARCHY--- [34] most visited website: either my university webmail, or some combo of twitter/facebook [35] elementary: sorta lonely [36] high school: once i was asked if i was a devil worshipper bc i was wearing fishnet gloves [37] college: interesting, challenging, but also fREE ME :))) [38] hair colour: naturally v dark brown, shaded auburn [39] long or short hair: short, trying to grow it out (we’ll see how long i last) [40] do you have a crush on someone: not really, though this one professor at my uni is fine as hell [41] what do you like about yourself? i try to be kind, i’ve got nice eyes, some people find my dry/nerdy sense of humour funny. sometimes i make words happen in a not-too-bad way
[42] piercings: ears (2 left, 1 right)
[43]blood type: A-
[44] nickname: none [45] relationship status: single and often not in the mood to mingle [46] zodiac sign: aquarius [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: currently i’m slightly obsessed with merlin >> i also greatly enjoy brooklyn nine nine, new girl, parks and recreation, and jane the virgin [49] tattoos: none but i’m considering getting one shhh it’s a secret [50] right or left handed: right-handed
FIRST… [51] surgery: never had one (fingers crossed) [52] piercing: oh boy, i think i was like 11? [53] best friend: i don’t think i really have one best friend, currently, but i do have an irl #squad of 3 amazing ladies and we’d probably help each other bury bodies (ok maybe not quite but u get me) [54] sport: LMAO (ok no i actually really want to start yoga but....... i’m so lazy.........) [55] vacation: yes please [56] pair of trainers: uhh currently just a really comfy pair of trainers from an italian brand?
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: still fennel tea [59] i’m about to: probably queue some posts on tumblr, watch a few youtube videos, and then sleep [60] listening to: ~the sound of silence~ (literally, not the song) [61] waiting for: me to finally get my life together and stop being a disorganised trainwreck [62] want: to be happy, or at least content with where i’m at. also, to write. [63] get married: would be nice, but not a priority/necessity [64] career: as long as it pays the bills and is not mind-numbingly boring, i’m up for anything
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: irrelevant as long as the age difference isn’t extreme [69] romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationships [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? i would probably be dead if i had [77] turned someone down: yes [78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? one person, probably [80] had your own heart broken? yes [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yes [83] fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? sometimes (rarely) [85] miracles? yes [86] love at first sight? i believe in infatuation at first sight; love takes time to build [87] santa claus? no [88] kiss on the first date? depends on how it goes! [89] angels? yes, though not necessarily ones with fluffy wings and halos
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: don’t have just one best friend, but the group chat of my main girls is labeled ‘boss ass bitches’, which is hilarious because we are in fact 4 gigantic nerds [91] eye colour: hazel [92] favourite movie: stardust for feel-good movie, the lotr trilogy for epicness
i’m super sorry i’m literally exhaUSTED but this was fun!!! so please go ahead and steal it ♥️
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Found (Outside The Screen) (Dream x GN! Reader) Part 2
Request: That dream angst fuckin wrecked my heart..any chance for a part 2 with comfort(im not the og requester so if not thats fine its just OUGH my heart)
I have written this three times over because tumblr didn’t save it. THEN. Tumblr doesn’t show it to ANYONE unless they check my account. This happened to my Ranboo fic as well... I will honestly cry if no one sees this.
Part 1 
Once again. This is a completely fictitious story and version of Clay.
TW: Panic attacks, self deprecating thoughts,
His voice echoed through the house as you scrambled around corners to escape the possible wrath of your boyfriend. Or maybe even soon to be ex boyfriend.
Despite living in this house with him for a little over two years, it was beginning to feel like a maze. You couldn't tell which way was left and which way was right, your head spinning with panic as you gasped for breath.
He's gonna find you...
The house wasn't even that big, and quite an open concept, so you had no idea why you were finding it so confusing. All you knew at the moment was...
Get out.
Once your eyes landed on the door that lead out, you made a beeline towards it and flung it open. Maybe you should've known better than to attempt to run from the manhunt god...
The footsteps pounding against the floor not too far behind you startled you enough to jump outside and slam the door behind you in hopes of giving yourself enough time to run farther.
There were plenty of things failing to register in your mind as you ran down the empty sidewalks. Such as the poor choice (or lack) of shoes you were wearing, or even the heavy night rain pelting down on your shaking body.
Your lungs were burning.. But your brain had thrown itself so far into fight or flight mode that you had no care for anything around you, hardly blinking twice as the signs of unfamiliar street names flew past you.
Eventually, when you physically couldn't breathe any longer, you sat on a bench and took awhile to think. The consistent rain pelting down on your head was actually a decent grounder to help you snap yourself out of it... But that only caused more confusion and another wave of panic to wash over you.
Where... were you?
Doesn't matter. Don't go back.
Oh God... He hates you..
Why wouldn't he..?
He was too embarrassed to show you to his chat!
What did you do that was so embarrassing?
God.. What was so wrong with you that he stayed in his streaming room for days on end!?
Pulling your knees up to your chest, you choked back a few sobs, trying your best to keep what was left of your composure. Very quickly, however, you gave up on trying to hold yourself together and broke down, hiding your face in your knees.
Time seemed to pass by way too quickly but also way too slowly at the same time.. Like time itself was giving you the one finger salute. When you finally stopped crying, you leaned back against the back of the bench and gave a shaky sigh before you decided to attempt to think rationally again.
You had no clue where you were. Nothing looked familiar. What time is it? No clue, you don't have your... Your phone!
You quickly scrambled to your pocket to pull out the cellular device, and stared at the black screen for a few seconds. Anxiety was the reason for your hesitance as you stared into your reflection, frowning slightly. Without thinking twice, you pressed the button and the screen lit up with various arrays of colours.
78 Missed calls from Clay💚
2 Missed calls from George👓🇬🇧
7 Missed calls from Sapnap🔥
Was... He so mad that his friends were trying to yell at you too? You tilted your head slightly and scrolled through the other notifications on your lockscreen.
Twitter seemed to be losing their minds over your boyfriend's stream and wondering who the stranger was. Seeing the headlines flooded you with immeasurable guilt and you almost put your phone down again, if your phone didn't start buzzing.
You glanced down at the screen and say Clay was making call number 79... Man, he was persistent.. and he would probably continue to call until you answered...
Your finger hovered over the decline button, before slowly moving over and landing on the green one instead. "...Hello...?"
"(Y/n)...?" Had... He been crying...? "Oh my god! You're alive!" He gasped out with glee before giving a few sobs of... relief...?
"...You... Aren't... Mad?" You whispered very softly and hesitantly, your voice scratchy and sore from crying.
He sighed and there was a little bit of shuffling as well as a few male voices in the background. "No. Not in the slightest... Where are you? I want to apologize in person.. And when it doesn't sound like you're in a hurricane.."
You lifted your head up to look at the rain that was continuing to pelt down on you before looking around. "..I'm not sure.." You heard your partner echo your statement in question form as you looked for street signs through the rain. Glancing back at your phone, you saw the screen light up again, this time it was a warning label.
Your battery was almost dead...
"C-Clay.. My phone is going to die.." You murmured softly, your heart filling with dread as you turned down your brightness and closed any unnecessary apps.
There was a little bit of clattering and shuffling on the line as Clay hurriedly walked from the windows to the door, trying to see you from the home. "G-give me landmarks! Hurry!" He practically begged as you shot up from your bench, ignoring the burning soreness in your legs.
Spinning around quickly, you began listing off a few company buildings you saw, trying to shout over the rain and a few cars driving by. "Yeah-yeah! There's also that little sushi place beside the restaurant too.."
You heard the furious typing of his computer before another almost sob of relief. "You're on Rosewood Avenue... How the hell did you run that far? Okay, you're going to walk in the opposite direction of the sushi place until you reach a road called Miller Road, got that?" He waited for a verbal noise of agreement before continuing, "Once you get there, turn left and keep walking straight until you get to a steakhouse. I'll meet you half way, if you don't see me there, don't move unless you have to. Got it?" He asked firmly, with a small hint of desperation in his tone.
You rubbed your face as you mentally repeated the directions to yourself. "Yeah.. Yeah.. I got it." You began to walk along the sidewalks, your shoulders beginning to tremble from the water induced shivers trailing up and down your spine.
"I lov-"
Your phone died..
Pulling the device away from your head, you pressed the buttons a few times before groaning and shoving it into your pockets as you began to walk.
Your mind was blurry but also hyper aware along the walk to the road where Clay told you to go. 'What was he going to say? If... He doesn't hate me... was he going to say- No.. no. He hadn't said that line in over a few months now.. No reason why he would say it now..' You mentally scolded yourself.
The rain didn't seem to be too keen on letting up as you walked through large rippling puddles. Your clothes were soaked, your hair completely drenched and you were pretty sure you were gonna need to buy a new phone with how much your current one was getting waterlogged..
You rose your arm to shield your face from the onslaught of water that a car had caused by driving through a large puddle before running your hand down your face.
Part of you was still a bit.. angry... at Clay... He had ignored you for so long and wanted nothing to do with you.. Then suddenly you spill hot coffee on yourself and then boom, you have the man more focused than when he has a good speed run seed. What about all those times you were begging him to come to bed, or at least eat dinner at the table with you? Did you only matter when you were in pain?
Biting your lip, you shook off the thought as you looked up again to see the steakhouse that you were directed to go to, the signs glowingly and people shuffling in and out through the doors...
Then there was another man, standing under a large black umbrella wearing a damp lime green hoodie...
Only you'd recognize that face anywhere where others wouldn't.. Standing in the street lights perfectly was your boyfriend, Clay.
Your heart trembled but also melted slightly upon seeing that he wasn't paying attention to his screen anymore. You. He was focused on finding you...
As you began to walk closer, you saw him lift his head and stare at you for a few seconds before dropping the umbrella and lunge forward to wrap you in a loving embrace. "I'm sorry.." Was the first thing he whispered, his voice almost as hoarse as yours. "I know.. that a simple apology will never excuse what I put you through... You cared for me, and even after a stupidly ignored you... You still didn't leave, or get angry. I don't deserve you, I know that, and you have every right to be upset, angry or whatever you're feeling right now.. Please, it doesn't matter how long it takes... Just let me make it up to you and let me prove myself worthy of your love again.."
Your lips parted in surprise as you stared at him, the streetlight poorly capturing his normal beauty, but still doing it well enough that you felt your heart soar. "Clay..." Your eyes traced his features, his puffy and reddened eyes and his cheeks stained with tear tracks, "You have a lot to work and make up for... I'm not going to forgive you immediately, but I'm not going to leave you.. We can work things out.. Together, okay?"
He eagerly nodded and gently held your face in his hands before pressing a light kiss to your forehead. "I'll break away from video editing and streaming for a while.. So I can focus on repairing things with you.."
You buried your face into the male's sweater, that was beginning to become soaked as well from the rain and you, and closed your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Clay."
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