#my luocha's been making jack shit this week
thingswhatareawesome · 9 months
uhhhhh. enhanced dhil's light cone and raised it from 70-80, and now 65853 credits left. i have the materials to enhance jing yuan's lc and maybe finish it (70-80) too, but i literally *can't*.
guess i'm going to have to start farming the treasures gold calyx for credits regularly, like now.
*enough trl points to do a 6 wave plus 4 wave for credits from the calyx, got enough to enhance jing yuan's lc and then use what leveling materials i had to get it to 76. and now 44603 credits. have a feeling i'm gonna need to be farming that calyx at least once daily from now on. i really miss when i was always sitting on a couple mill. :/
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