#my latest ship people will probably block me over lol
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Hell yeah thanks @khepiari for tagging me, been wanting to do this when i saw it going around cx
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
47 on ao3, two chilling on anon for now, even if its probably obvious its me in them rareship tags lol
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
I wish posting chapters on ao3 was easier since i have such a backlog, editing is the bane of my existence xd.
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Truth Will Rend - 474
Forsaken - 369
Free in Spirit - 342
Awakening - 294
Conform - 249
Except Awakening, they are all MHA and i hope soon i get enough one piece fics to outrun them xd
4) what fandoms do you write for?
Im a one fandom kind of gal, so just one piece
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I do not respond to comments until a fic is all finished. I had a really bad experience when answering comments in my last fandom and getting harrassed so now im cautious about it. I prefer people contact me in a chat if they want to talk.
I do appreciate all comments though!
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I dont do happy endings that often, i tend to add them after for my friends who dont like MCD xd
So i guess right now it would be Silence where Law dies doing Immortal Surgery, gets reborn thousands of years later and Luffy finds him.
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Fortune maybe, everyone lives atleast and its sorta ends on a happy future xd
8) do you get hate on fics?
Used to constantly, so it overshadowed my enjoyment of the media. MHA folks cared to much about who Hawks was fcking and im an equal opportunity shipper who likes her age gap 'this is a problem' ships, so i got alot. Have a thicker skin now and less tendency to care if anyone likes/dislikes or reads my fic xd Still complain about it though xd
One Piece people are much nicer then my last few fandom, but also im a small fish in a big sea as a creator over here also have so many people blocked lolol
9) do you write smut?
Also used to write smut, erotica for moneys in college. I've been told Im good and should right more but I find it a little boring sometimes as an ace gremlin xd, has to be very specific vibes for me to do it with any kind of focus
Any smut I post now is going to be silly messy smut that i dont take specific care or attention to detail with. Smut thats more there to put character in situation and see what he does xd
10) do you write crossovers?
Yes? Maybe, I like the idea of putting characters in video games but its indulgent vibes that i never really put down on the page xd
I do it alot more crossovers for gift fics or requests
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not fic but I had theory posts stolen because someone wanted clout in a fandom of like 150 people, like what? Baffles me xd
So now even though i fcking love meta, I dont post it xd
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I am way too much of a pantser to cowrite a fic, and also like to drive the train, so co-writing not for me
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
Honestly, I don't have a favorite ship, to me favorite means that im obsessed and biting them xd
I write alot of Lawlu, but its a casual kinda of interest where i like playing with them in fic
All my favorite characters do not have a counterpart that id ship them with as much, for now. I think with the latest chapters I might get one xd
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I finish fics before I start posting, so right now I only have one wip and its almost done hehehe. Then ill start another heheh excited
My MHA fics are unfinished in limbo on my ao3 but thats not because they are wips, its because *drama and harrasement* woo haha
16) what are your writing strengths?
Writing a fuckton of words daily (5k right now xd)
Dialogue, Interpersonal Banter brings me joy
Getting the vibes im going for across, usually the yearning heh
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
Short Stories, my writing always gets longer then it needs to be from the idea lol even though i want to make that 2.5k story that slaps one day xd Need smaller ideas lolol
Head Hopping, sometimes in first drafts thats a mess xd
Moving to quickly through scenes, i need to slow down and develop them. Now i dont fix that in fics i write for fun, but original writing i struggle xd
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I know a bunch of languages in varrying degrees of understanding, Russian, Ukranian, Polish, Spanish etc but Im not a fan of having non-dominant language showing up in my own fic, it ruins the flow when my brain has to switch channels xd
19) first fandom you wrote for?
Shiki? I was fifteen?. Fucked vampires, lots of blood, gore and dark topics xd Not a great time of life for a baby gremlin Mel and it showed in the writing hahaha
I say i write dark topics now but kid me was much more wild xd
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
Oof, uuuh Break the Cycle is my first fic and longest for one piece, so just by time spent and because it has a big scope that has to be my favorite xd
I want to do another big scope fic and i think that one will take over as my new obsession unless i make it a comic xd
Tagging @cooknumber3 if you havent done it already and want to hehehe
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20 questions for fic writers
stole this from my best friend. if you'd also like to do it, please go for it and tag me in it huhu
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
60! which is. a lot of works but i've been posting since 2015
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
623,307. i hope to hit 1 million words by the end of 2025 >:)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
everything is kookmin these days but once upon a time i wrote other bts pairings and before that i wrote for ikon and got7 (and before that aka before ao3: exo, bap, block b, beast, harry potter, naruto, kingdom hearts....god idk there are a lot of fandoms lol)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
i like how desperate you seem (in the way you look at me) if i get in, i just might drown i glow pink in the night shine a light through the dark the moon keeps calling out to me, but i only ever hear your name
5. Do you respond to comments?
no, but i did promise myself to respond to comments again in 2024. starting with the ones left on my latest fic.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uuhhh...probably i might not make it. simply because it's an mcd fic and spoilers! jk is dead throughout the fic and the fics ends like that...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lol i think pretty much all of my fics end with a happy ending aka the pairing ends up together, happily in love.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
100%. lot of fandom drama involved with writing exclusively btm!jm. i've gotten anon msgs telling me to "kms", people hoping i get raped, murdered, my body never found etc etc. you name it, i've seen it. all because they hate that i write btm!jm.
i do think fandom has gotten less insane over this very recently but i am also just way less available and have a much smaller social media presence so lack of access to me has probably reduced the hate, too. plus i'm not actively part of fandom these days so people care about me less, which is great!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
it's my favourite thing to write! i do need to get back into it though...also was not aware there are types of smut? i guess the rly nasty kind rjfkndk i like pretty much most kinks/fetishes and think it's fun to explore them.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i have written three crossover fics! >:) two were bobby (ikon)/jimin and one was jaebum (got7)/jimin.
craziest one was probably oh boy, don't be shy since it's basically bobby finds jimin's dildo and then dp's jimin :D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
multiple times.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, i used to allow translations but it got to a point where people would ask to translate and then never come back to link their translations. plus, i've had people link me to fics that were translated without my permission.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! two of them :)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin kookmin
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
god, i have so many wips i want to write that it's always like...whatever sticks. my current wip tracker has 30 fic ideas on it. i rly want to write this mafia au but i have 2 supernatural aus i also want to write very badly...
there is also a collab fic i rly want to write with my friend bee, which i hope to finish, but idk if we will. i just rly love writing hurt/comfort jgfkd
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm very good at writing emotion. it's important to me that the reader feels and understands what my characters are feeling and feels that connection to the fic. i'm also good at writing porn for this reason. i'm also very good at worldbuilding and i will put in the research and care to ensure my worldbuilding makes sense and is as accurate as possible and failing that, as believable as possible. moreover, i am just a dedicated researcher. because i write for a korean boyband, it's important to me that i do the research into korean history, customs, current social etiquette etc. it's actually a huge pet peeve of mine to see people just make stuff up or have the fic be entirely westernised/americanised but the boys are all in korea.
i think i'm also good at consistent characterization and at pacing/flow in my work. these are both rly important to me and i've worked on them a lot over the years. i think this also lends to me being pretty good at plotting a fic out so that it's not long and drawn out or that i'm not taking the time to explore certain aspects i've introduced. balance is important!
i think i'm also pretty versatile. i can write different genres pretty easily (eg. i love writing action sequences and am good at making sure the pacing is rly fast and then slowing down when something romantic or suspenseful happens) and am good at like setting a certain vibe/tone for a fic.
finally, i am dedicated to improving. i don't think fanfic writers necessarily owe this to readers (fic writing being a hobby) but writing is really important to me and so it's important to me that i improve and challenge myself.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i need to read more! i need to expand my vocabulary and learn how to better write metaphors. my imagery could use work, my dialogue definitely needs work. i want to write my characters with a more unique voice versus everyone kind of sounding the same. i want to make sure each character has their own "quirks" the way real people do.
i need to learn to write better description, too, as i think setting can do a lot for setting the mood/tone for a fic. a lot of my short-comings just come down to me reading too little so i need to read more and i need to dissect my favourite fics and books and pinpoint what i found compelling about them.
i also need to challenge myself to write more plot-heavy fics and to be unafraid to write characters who are unlikable or appear irredeemable. i want to write fic that has one main plot but a million little subplots and i want all of these things to come together coherently. i want my work to explore themes that are important to me!
i don't care so much about grammar but probably, i need to get better at that too haha
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
since i write fic for bangtan who are korean, i don't think it's ever necessary to write dialogue in another language. it comes across as cringey (derogatory) and borders on racist imo
19. First fandom you wrote for?
uh, beyblade? lolololol
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i think it's my favourite rn because i just finished writing it lol but sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it were mine)
i am also very fond of i thought he remembered me; he took me back so tenderly because i love writing space aus! sci-fi is one of my fav genres!
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i saw your post and i realized that i definitely haven't left enough comments on your ao3 works for how much i enjoy them, so here. i wanted to let you know that you are one of my favorite, if not my all-time favorite, dream team writer. i love to read your nsfw works because they're hot and sexy, yes, but also? you have one of the best characterizations of the guys that i've seen, ESPECIALLY in nsfw works. i have had to almost immediately click off of so many fics because they just don't get the characters and their dynamics right imo, but your fics? i read them over and over. every single time i get an email that you've updated or posted a piece, i genuinely get so excited when i see that it's you.
your karl/george series is something that i will love forever and ever. i'm ace and i adore the way you portrayed karl and his sexuality in every one. it's so refreshing to find a good nsfw work that has a well written asexual character!!! i may not like knf as a ship very much, but i love them the way you write them so much.
there's so much i'm probably forgetting to say right now, but just know that i thoroughly love everything i've read from you. your works are amazing with and without the nsfw parts. please know that there are people out there (me) reading your fics for more than the smut. you deserve to know that.
okay wow um this is a lot in a very good way but i'm definitely overwhelmed? normally when i get nice stuff like this i just say thank you but i've been in a chatty mood today so i'm going to turn this into A Thing if u dont mind... i really, really appreciate this. i've had a strange experience in this fandom where the whole time i've been here i've had a pretty even split of 'you're a delusional freak and i hope you die' and 'you're my favourite author please never stop posting' and my brain doesn't really know what to do about the black and white of it so normally i just move on and block it out but that's lead to me being incredibly insecure about myself and my work so i'm going to try really hard to process this and internalize it lol
so again, thank you so much for saying this to me. it really means a lot to me to hear that people like my fic because it takes up so much space in my brain and sometimes i get worried i'm only still getting any positive acknowledgement out of obligation and less so because what i'm doing is actually worth a compliment. i've felt really bad about my writing for a while now and it's nice to hear from someone who isn't my established friend that it's worth reading. and enjoyed too! wow thats crazy to me genuinely. i really do think im shit most days. especially my works of the last stretch.
regarding you (& only you) this is a lot easier for me to hear. i love that series so much and it makes my heart happy to know other ace people appreciate it and view it as positive representation because i'm asexual and always worry it reads as just porn. this comes into play with the comments thing again... me putting a lot of personal experience and deep thought into dynamics with no pay off. obviously i'm not saying every fic in that series is groundbreaking or even worth reading, but idk they each have a piece of importance to them. at least to me. i was just saying the other day that in my lapses of writers block i get anxious about the last thing i've posted being not my best work. in this current hiatus i'm in i'm actually quite content with EASE being the latest work in my recents. sure rules is unfinished but i kind of hate that fic so whatever. EASE is good. i love how that turned out and i'm proud of it and comfortable with that being the first thing people see on my profile
all insecurity and internal pressure aside i love writing for this fandom and hope i can do it for at least a little longer. i'm immeasurably grateful that people are willing to still read what i create, it makes creating it a little easier. i sound like a broken record but really thank you for this. it means more to me than you could know.
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Hidden In Plain Site (2)- Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 2348
A/N: This was inspired by this wonderful post by @starsholland. Without it this would not be happening. This will be a multi part fic, but I don’t know how many chapters or when it will be posted so if you’d like to be tagged let me know:) Welcome to Tom being undercover on Tumblr. Quick notes- Y/T/B = Your Tumblr Blog
Chapter One || Master List
The edit turned out better than you thought it would. You had decided to use blue and red, since they’re Spider-Man colors and it honestly suits Tom and Haz so well. You still are wondering when the picture is from since you scoured the depths of Google and Tumblr to no avail. It’s either really old, or not really posted. Either way it made an adorable edit and will look great in your edit’s tag. It’s also sparked some ideas for a friendship imagine. It’s been so long since you wrote anything, with work and family stuff weighing you down, but you can picture the outline in your head so as soon as you finish the last touches on your outline, you click open a new document and drop a few lines down to get going.
“What you working on?” Your brother calls to you from across the living room. He knows that once you’re home for the afternoon, it’s not normally work stuff, but sometimes your graphic design projects run into your post work day.
“Just some edits. Nothing too big.”
“Bringing work home?”
“Nope, just working on some extra stuff.” You type some more into the document, wanting to make sure that everything is hitting the moment right. In your browser, you pull up your tumblr and make a new post.
Ask me stuff while I work on my latest imagine. Give me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you a song from my writing playlist and a memory attached to it.
Across the ocean, Tom can’t sleep. It’s nearly 3am, but something is keeping his mind from sleeping. He should be able to sleep just fine. He isn’t working on any movies that have him worried, he doesn’t have any auditions coming up, and he doesn’t have press for a few weeks. So why can’t he get to sleep?
Lifting his phone in his hand he sees a notification from Tumblr saying that Y/T/B has posted. He swipes across and waits for the post to load. You want questions? Well, he can help with that. Plus, he’s interested in learning about what kind of music you’re interested in.
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked:
Three Anons come in right after another. You weren’t expecting that quick of a reaction. Sure you had a couple hundred followers, but you didn’t tend to get that many reactions to your posts. At least not back to back. But you’ll take it, and reply. As soon as you send the edit to that blog that asked for it.
You pull up the thread between you and tomholland2013. You click the camera button and upload the edit you had done.
Hey, here’s that edit. Hope this works for you!
Surprisingly, whoever is behind the account messages back immediately.
That looks awesome! Thanks so muchX
Hows your night going?X
More like afternoon here lol. I’m just getting some work done after getting home earlier.
How about you? Is it night there?
It’s like the middle of the night here and I can’t sleepX
If it’s middle of the night there, did you see the news?
What news?X
That Tom saved Spider-Man?! It’s been all over Tumblr since I got home from work.
It’s kind of the reason I made your edit in red and blue tbh.
I hadn’t had time to look at my dashboard to be honest. I’ve been busy with work stuff most of the afternoon.X
It wasn’t a lie. Over the past few days having talks between him, Bob and Tom trying to smooth everything over, there wasn’t much time to glance over the explosion that had happened since the original news had been released. But after clicking send on his message to Y/N, he clicks over to your main blog to see the reaction to the news. There are some general reblogs of the news announcing Spider-Man returning to the MCU but then there were also some general posts about Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Your tags are what really get to him. Some like hashtag my-baby-is-back-where-he-belongs and hashtag get-tom-drunk-more-often-if-it-saves-my-baby. He can’t help but laugh at the last one. True he hadn’t exactly been sober when he and Bob had first talked about getting Spider-Man back in the MCU, but he didn’t think that story would take the world by storm.
Going into his settings, Tom quickly updates his picture with the edit you had done for him. Honestly, it looked better than he had hoped for. You had done Spider-Man colors and if he wasn't trying to keep this blog on the down low, he would share it on his Instagram so his fans could see how talented Y/N was. As he hits save, another message comes through from you.
Do you mind if I use the edit I sent you as inspiration for an imagine?
A what?X
An imagine. It’s a specific type of fanfic. I had a great idea of one while I was working on the edit for you, but if you’re not cool with it, I’ll find a different picture.
You did all the work on it. Feel free to use it. What kind of story?X
Basically like a Tom x Reader with hints of Harrison friendship notes in it. It’s hard to explain lol
Have you written other stuff?X
I think everyone on this site dabbles in it from time to time, but yeah I’ve written a few pieces over the past few years.
Do you have a list of them?X
Sure, it’s here.
You had linked a page in your message. Apparently dabbling meant one.. Two.. three… his finger drags down the page as he counts the stories. Holy hell, you’ve written fifty stories about him, Peter Parker and even some of the other Avengers. But most of them revolve around him and x Reader, whatever that means. You had mentioned it in your message, but he wasn’t sure what it meant.
Ok, I’m new to the whole fanfic thing, so pardon my stupidity but what does x reader mean?X
It’s a self insert fic. Basically anywhere that it says Y/N or you, you put yourself into the fic. They’re one of the most popular types of fics.
Before he can reply to your message, a notification comes up saying that Y/T/B has posted a new post.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B/ Answered: Heather by Conan Gray. So I love this song and totally have screamed along with the chorus of this song when I’m alone at home and writing or in my car driving places (otherwise I would freak my family out). When I wrote a fic called The Smell of Your Sweater, on my master list here, I listened to this song on repeat for three days straight to be in the right mind set. Honestly I could probably listen to this song until the end of time and never get sick of it.
Tom reads over the answer and can picture someone jamming out to a song so much that they love it. He pulls open his Spotify app and pulls up the song, because he wants to feel closer to you, even though you’re time zones apart from each other. The fact that it’s afternoon where you are and nighttime where he is makes him think that you’re in the United States.
So reader insert are some of the most popular type of fics, but what are your favorite to read?X
That’s not even something that I would share on a first date lol you’ll be waiting a bit to find out.
Is sharing that you write fanfic something that you don’t talk about on a date?X
Not normally. Talking about it with tumblr friends is one thing because I link it on my blog, but what I read is a whole nother thing. It literally says so much about you with who you read, what ships you ship, and especially what kinks you look for.
You haven’t read much yet have you?
Literally no. I’ve only been on tumblr since I messaged you the first time. That was the day I made my blogX
So you’ve been on for a month? And you’re deciding to get into fanfics?
No I’m thinking I should stay away from it still. It seems like virtual porn.X
It doesn’t have to have anything smutty in it. Just click on ones that say fluff or don’t say smut next to them. You can also block certain tags so they don’t come up on your dashboard. Like Starker is a popular one to be blocked for a lot of people.
I don’t think I even want to know what that is if people are blocking it who are into this porn esque writing. X
It’s not porn lol You seem to have only found smut so far. We need to find you some fluff. Maybe some Tom x Reader?
Maybe I’m just not ready for it after all.X
Does he want to read about himself? Not at all. That seems creepy. But other people write about him too. It’s not just Y/N. He decides to research this further. In the search bar he types in Tom Holland Fanfic. The first four post all say smut or NSFW so he’s not going to bother reading them, but the thing that catches his eye is the fact that they all have over 2,000 notes on them. Two thousand people have liked or reblogged about him in a sexual way? What the actual flipping hell?
Before he has the chance to flip out even more, another notification from your blog pops up.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B answered: Praying by Kesha. THIS WOMAN COULD MURDER ME AND I WOULD THANK HER FOR IT. Plus that chorus makes me want to write some epic breakup scene and have one of the people begging the other to feel the same as they are feeling. Oooooo maybe I feel a one shot coming up. Anyway, a memory of this song- my best friend and I blasted this song while we drove from California to Philly to visit a school. It literally got us through so many hours of that drive. Kesha is bae lets be real. Or is that not what the cool kids say?
When he sent you these asks, he thought he would get one or two sentences in response, but he’s learning so much about you from all of these asks. Maybe he would send you some non song related ones, maybe some To- Peter Parker ones to see what else you liked. Purely science based research.
If you’re not ready for it, don’t push yourself. Fanfics can be a weird mindset to put yourself in. I used them at first to distract myself from some shitty family stuff that was going on, but now I read and write them for fun too. I think I mainly read Avenger ones at first as well as some TV shows too. Plus would I be a teenage girl if I didn’t read a few Twilight fanfics back in my day?
Twilight? Like Rob-Tom makes himself type out Rob and Kristen’s full names like a fan would-ert Pattinson and Kristen Stewert Twilight?X
That one exactly. I was the generation it was aimed for and so fanfics galore were my teen years. But I’m proud to say I’m a recovered Twihard.
Glad to hear it darlingX
What about you? What were you into as a kid?
I’ve always been a fan of Spider-Man, ever since I was a kid.X
Comics or movies?
Comics. They’re the originalsX
Which Spider-Man is the best?
Is that a trick question? Obviously HollandX
Was that conceited? Maybe. But hopefully, Y/N doesn’t think so. Oh wait she has no idea-
It was a trick question. A trick question that you clearly got right.
Another notification pops up and you suddenly remember the last number that you sent Y/N. Well hopefully the number doesn’t seem like you.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B Answered: Noice.
But the actual answer is Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. This song got me through my last bout of depression lol. I remember sitting on the floor of my bedroom with the lights off and just playing this song on repeat. Always open about that here. It also gets me to channel some deep emotions into some pieces that I’m working on because it reminds me of being in that dark place. I also really like the beat of this though, like how it sounds like a mix of an electric piano and an organ. So if I ever name a one shot Bad Religion, it’s probably named after this song.
Tom feels like a weight is sinking in his gut. Almost like someone slammed an anchor into the lower part of his bowl. He didn’t mean to bring up something so dark with that number. He was hoping it would actually make her laugh. So guess he will send her one more number, but this one won’t be on anonymous.
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Huh, he must have seen all the responses you posted. Between posting and replying to him, you hadn’t gotten much work on your imagine done, but you could post once more before jumping back to your word document.
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Y/B/N answered: The Night We Met by Lord Huron. I literally saw them in concert with my friends last month so a lot of the memories I have of them are about this. But I have a great fanfic idea for this song specifically. To not spoil it completely I’ll just leave you with three spoilers- first date, first dance, secrets spilled. It’s a work in progress.
Now it’s time to get off the internet and back to writing, or else you’re going to Tumblr your day away.
Taglist: @ serendipitous-amor @im-still-tryin-to-find-it
#tom holland fanfic#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland#tom holland x reader#tom holland x you#tom holland imagine#imanativeofswlondondahling#imanativeofswlondondahling asks#hidden in plain sight
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Welcome To LA → David Dobrik (/Vlogsquad) (Pt. 1/2)
Plot: the reader is in the process of moving into her own apartment in LA, when she stumbles upon Trisha Paytas as she’s getting coffee. They quickly become friends and Trisha introduces her to the rest of her friendgroup. The reader appears in one of David’s vlogs and quickly gains recognition. David’s fans start to ship them and he searches for her.
A/n: I combined two requests that worked hand in hand with eachother. This will have a part 2 and eventually a part 3 as one of the requests had more to them!
Your legs and arms were sore from all the carrying of big bags and furniture you had been doing all day. Turns out moving was a lot more work than you had imagined. You had spent all day moving things from your car, to your new apartment, followed by numerous of trips to several stores to buy the remaining furnitures.
Once you started getting low on energy you figured it was time for coffee. Luckily there was a Starbucks right down your street that you had passed by many times. You shuffled out of your bed and headed down to your car.
Your head was starting to pound a little from the lack of caffeine in your body, but you were getting closer by the second. Pulling up to Starbucks, you parked your car and headed inside.
The place wasn’t as busy as usual, probably because it was still early in the day. You patiently waited in line as you looked up on the menu, trying to decide on what delicious coffee you wanted. Your view was blocked by the person standing in front of you, and you tried taking a step to the side without falling out of line to look at the menu.
«Excuse me. Can I just-» you started and poked the lady in front of you gently on her shoulder.
She turned around to look at you. «Oh, sorry! My bad. I’m like totally taking up all the space here.» she laughed and took a step to the side.
Your eyes widened as you looked at her and you jaw dropped to the ground. You let out a big gasp as you looked at her. «Oh, my God. Are you Trisha Paytas?» you exclaimed and smiled widely.
She threw her head back and laughed. Her strong perfume hit your nostrils as she moved, and you took in the smell. «Yeah, I am. What’s your name?» she asked.
You took a quick glance at her pink and sparkly sweatsuit and smiled. «I’m y/n. Nice to meet you! I’m in the middle of moving and I needed some coffee to keep me going.” you introduced your self and said.
The two of you ended up chatting for a while. She asked a lot of questions about you, and she seemed to be interested to get to know you better. You hit it off well as you were standing there, talking, and the two of you decided on sitting down and drinking your coffees together, because why not? She didn’t have any plans until later on in the day, and lets face it: taking a little break from moving big boxes the whole day wouldn’t hurt you one bit.
Trisha invited you over to her house later on in the night, to hang out with her and a couple of her friends as well as introducing you to them. You had gladly accepted her invite. After all, you had just moved away from home and getting to know a few new people was just the thing you needed.
You pulled up to her apartment complex and entered the building. You felt a knot forming in your stomach as you neared her apartment door, anxious to see who her friends were let alone what they were like. From the outside you could already hear a few people laughing and chatting. You took a deep breath before you knocked on her door.
« Y/n! Welcome! Come on in.» Trisha greeted you at the door as she motioned for you to come in.
Your eyes immediately landed on all the pink décor in her apartment. Not only were the majority of her furniture pink, but she also had a lot of art of herself hanging on the walls. A wide smile was plastered on your lips as you looked around in her apartment. After taking off your jacket and shoes she led you into her livingroom.
She had a few guests over; one older looking man, a brown-haired guy holding a big camera who looked to be about the same age as you, and a slightly older man with a mustache. They were all sitting in Trisha’s beige couch.
«This my boyfriend, Jason.» Trisha started, motioning her hand towards him. You smiled and shook his hand as you introduced yourself. «and this is David and Josh. We were just filming a video.» she continued, introducing you to the rest of her friends.
You sat down next Jason as Trisha went to grab something to drink for everybody. David had his camera out and pointed at Jason as he spoke. They craked some jokes, and talked about many things whilst you were sitting next to them, occasionally joining in on the conversation whenever David pointed the camera at you.
You didn’t mind being on camera. These guys seemed like alright people to hang out with, so why not? Besides, making some new friends in the new city was only great.
You hung out at Trisha’s place for a few hours, watching the guys as they continued to film their video, and chatting alot with Trisha.
Reaching for your phone on top of the glass table, you checked the time only to see how late it had gotten. Time had gone by so fast without you even realising, and you figured it was best to get back home before it was getting too late.
You waved good bye to everybody and proceeded to head home.
A few days had passed and you had managed to get a lot of stuff done in your new apartment. You had been texting and FaceTiming with Trisha a lot the past few days, gossipping about everyone and everything, and talking about life in general.
Your phone had also blown up every now and then. You had gained a lot of new followers on your social media accounts, and you figured it was because you in one of the guys you met at Trisha’s newest video.
Laying on your bed you turned to the side to grab your phone as it was blowing up again. This time people were mentioning you alot in their tweets, tagging you in pictures and DM’ing you.
You narrowed your eyes at the bright screen as you scrolled down the twitter time line.
Omg the way he looks at her!!
Aww, I ship it
They look so cute together, who is she???
You furrowed your eyes in confusion and decided to call Trisha to see of she knew what was going on.
«Hey, babe! What’s up?» she answered your FaceTime call as her face appeared on your phone screen.
«Uhm, have you been on twitter lately? People are tagging me in a lot of stuff and I don’t know why.» you asked in confusion, hoping she’d have some answers.
«Oh, yeah! Didn’t you know? David has been asking about you on twitter. He tweeted out asking his followers to help find your handle or whatever.» she explained.
Your mouth formed an o as you minimized the screen to check out David’s twitter. The first thing you saw on his twitter was a screen shot from his latest video of you sitting next to Jason, whilst David’s camera was facing all three of you.
@ DavidDobrik: if anybody knows who this girl is, tweet me asap lol
«Didn’t you guys talk at all when you him??» Trisha asked, almost as confused as you.
«No, not at all! I just talked to you and Jason for the most part.»
«He’s probably, like, so shy. I saw the way he looked at you. He was like a cute little boy looking at his crush.» Trisha giggled.
Before hanging up the FaceTime call with Trisha, you took it upon yourself to ask for David’s number. It made sense for her to give you his number as he was already asking about you in the first place.
You hesitated for a bit, debating on whether or not you should text David and let him know you had his number, let alone what you were going to say.
After thinking for a bit you decided on going for it.
You: Hi! It’s y/n. We met at Trisha’s the other day?
David: Hey! How’d you get my number lol
You: Trisha gave it to me haha. I saw you tweeting about me earlier
David: Oh yeah I can’t believe I didn’t get your name lol I’m sorry about that. But you seemed cool and I wanted to keep in touch
You: No worries! Now you have my name and my number ;)
David: If you want you can come hand out at my place tomorrow night with a couple of friends?? Trisha’s gonna be there too
You: Sounds good :) see you then!
You locked you phone and pulled it close to your chest, smiling before letting out a small giggle, already planning out your outfit in your head for the next day.
#david dobrik#david dobrik imagine#david dobrik fluff#david dobrik imagines#david dobrik blurb#trisha paytas#vlog squad#vlog squad imagine#vlogsquad imagine#jeff wittek imagine
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hi I made a list of question yay~ but it had 18 numbers in it,,, so I think I'm going to send them in parts with the most important ones (turns out it's 11). starting with: 8, 20, 28 and 30.
Lol thank you (and thanks for warning me about my asks being turned off oof).
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
My latest fandom is of course this one, but I don’t think I’d consider myself categorizing myself as being part of the TCC fandom as a standalone because there’s aspects of every segment in the Wizarding saga (Fantastic Beasts, Mauraders, Original Series, and now TCC and next gen) that I like.
That wasn’t the question, Amelia, you punk ass bitch.
OKAY so I got involved in the Wizarding fandom almost a year ago back in November (I remember it was right after Thanksgiving) when I decided to stop by my local bookstore (which my dumbass CONSTANTLY forgets is just a block away from me) and buy the entire seven book box set of the original series, the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them textbook (the big red one), and the Cursed Child screenplay. It was the first time I’d read the play, because when it first came out I was pretty impressionable so I believed what everyone said about it being trash. Long story short I read it in an hour, it wasn’t trash, and I decided to restart my Tumblr account to start hyper-obsessing over Scorbus and the next gen babes.
I’d read the original series YEARS ago, so long ago I forgot almost everything about what I read (which is hilarious in some sense but also super cool cuz when I reread the books it was like reading them for the first time again which was kind of a beautiful experience). I’d never been really interested in Harry Potter though (he kinda pissed me off when I first read the books). Though I’d always been obsessed with my Hogwarts house, as most folks are. It was Albus and the Cursed Child that really helped me appreciate the story. Now I’m utterly obsessed and I own way too much Hufflepuff merch oof.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Lily and Lysander (Lilyander). First of all, it’s a het ship, and those aren’t usually my style because gay ships (W/W and M/M both) just make me feel more. It’s mostly because both Lily Luna and Lysander don’t really have much confirmed in regards to their canon personalities, stories, etc., so I took full creative and artistic liberty and built their relationship from the ground up based on how I perceived them and they just turned out to be so fucking Good™. Probably one of the very few het ships I would sacrifice my soul to. Of course if you ship either of them with someone else, be my guest, but Lilyander is the only ship for me in regards to those two next gen babes. One of these days I really wanna write another fic for them cuz Creation Out of Nothing was honestly so fun to write, and I think it’s a good idea to explore more genres and expand my comfort zone, even if it means writing het ships XD I really like writing from Lysander’s POV too because my take on him being an absolute disaster Ravenclaw is so good.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
I didn’t even have to think hard for this, it would be the kissing scene on the bridge at the end of Damages because writing that scene gave me some Emotions™.
30. What inspires you to write?
Spite. Not even kidding. Spite fuels a lot of my writing. Probably because I’m a Taurus, yeet.
BUT also music, reading other people’s writing, movies, friends and ESPECIALLY my readers who seem legitimately interested in seeing more from me. That especially touches me so much, you have no idea, because a lot of the time I look at my writing and just:
Then I remember there are people who exist who took precious time out of their life to read the trash I wrote and that is? Literally so motivating? Like you could have done literally anything, there are BILLIONS of actual books and other fanfic, BETTER fanfic that what I put out, yet ya’ll decided to read my work? Bless you.
BUT it’s mostly spite.
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Q&A with ladytp
Grab a glass of wine and get to know @ladytp!
How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I actually went back to the folder of my first posted fanfic, and it was almost 6.5 years ago, September 2012… That was my first ever creative work I wrote as well, as I started quite late – being already adult, established professional and all that. So never too late to start, one doesn’t have to have grown up writing!
Did you write before that?
No I didn't - unless scientific publications are counted as 'creative' writing (well, to be honest, sometimes there was an element of creativity when trying to make one's data make sense, LOL!)
How long ago did you join Tumblr?
To be precise (as I like to be!) I joined March 1st 2013 – so almost six years ago… But it took me four months to make my first post (an awesome music video about ASOIAF and GoT), being initially a ‘lurker’ to observe and learn. I migrated there from Livejournal when things started to quiet down there – like a moth I was drawn to bright lights, moving images, and more of my fandom content!
What is the meaning behind your username?
My username is from the Livejournal times as well, as when I joined it, I didn’t grasp the significance of one’s url or username and just picked the first one that came to mind when filling in the details: “lady” and my initials. D’oh! Luckily I have been able to successfully have the same name in other platforms as well, which is great – it is easier than have many different names. I am also glad that it is not fandom specific, as my interests are many and varied…
What was your first fandom? First pairing?
Definitively ASOIAF – that was my introduction to the whole cultural phenomenon of ‘fandom’, devouring fics and joining communities (yeah, I am so far behind of everyone else – I used to have a life, LOL!). Sansan was my first ship, but I also had a brief period when I was very interested in Daenerys and Jorah (this was before I saw the show). Even though the show had a big negative impact on Sansan experience for me (not due to Rory, I hasten to add – but the storylines), it has still stayed my OTP in a sense that I feel most comfortable about writing them and their dynamic still fascinates me above anything else.
How/when did you first notice (or start to ship) Sansan?
My story is very typical; first reading their interactions after the Hand’s Tourney, then the scene of the Battle of the Blackwater – and I was hooked. Googling and finding fics, Livejournal communities and all the metas…no getting back from there! I mean; it is so blatantly obvious that I wonder who can read the books and NOT get the vibes??
Is there a SanSan fic you’re particularly proud of? Chapter? Paragraph? Plot?
Hmmm…’Which one of your children you love the best?’, in other words – always a difficult question! I guess I am still the proudest of “The Triangle” It was one of my early fics, it was a long-fic, and it was about the subject I had been fascinated with for years and years; the complicated Arthurian relationship between 3 people who loved each other for different reasons (Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot in the original, Sandor, Sansa and Jaime in the fic). Chapter-wise I am very happy with the last chapter of the “Kiss of the Blade”, as hard as it may be for some due to the character death implied. It has melancholy but also beauty, I thought when I wrote it. Plot-wise I am excited and happy about my current WIP “This Time, We’ll Do Better”, as although it has some common trope elements, I think they have somewhat cool applications and it is nice to write something more plot-orientated for a change!
Any comments you’ve received that stick out, even now?
I have to admit that again, “The Triangle” inspired some absolutely wonderful comments, probably because of its unusual premise. Towards the end, and especially with people who had read it in one go long after it had been completed, there were some wonderful convos going back and forth. I especially enjoyed the ones where people either told that they had had some reservations starting it, but then ended up really enjoying the fic, or the ones where they might have had some queries and doubts and questions, leading to a mutually fruitful and eye-opening discussions on both sides. Those conversations really blew my mind!
Do you use a beta?
I have had the privilege of working with two wonderful betas, of which I am eternally grateful. The first one was wildskysheri / wildsky, whom I “met” via Livejournal, and who betaed for me for “The Triangle”, “A Chance Encounter” and “A Premediated Reunion”. She taught me – a non-native English speaker/writer – so much about writing and what to pay attention to and what to look out for. I owe her so much! After our ways parted amicably as she moved on to other things, I was without beta for a long time, not really actively looking for one, but when my path crossed with the lovely @hardlyfatal, I have once again had the pleasure of getting my words scrutinised by someone knowledgeable, making them better on “This Time, We’ll Do Better”. I honestly can’t speak highly enough for a beta who can make any writer and fic so much better!
Are there tropes/styles/genres you struggle with? Any that are almost too easy?
I do struggle a bit writing babies and children, and hence haven’t written much about them… I don’t generally care for modern AUs either and would struggle to write a full story in a modern times – although who knows, maybe in a right setting, replicating the high stakes situation of the canon, it could work. Haven’t tried so can’t say for sure! Very fluffy genre is also something I don’t feel particularly comfortable with, nor anything where the characters are very young. And porn without plot is neither a genre I relish. The most comfortable genres for me are the slow-burns, where mature people interact with each other in a mature way (whatever that means…). First realisations of feelings, hesitancy, and all that. I also do like plot-driven stories that have a start, middle and ending. I am all open for fake marriage, bed-sharing, ‘there was only one room at the inn’ kind of genres – any kind of ‘forced’ situations where the characters are obliged to spend time together!
When you start a fic, do you know where it will end? Or do you figure it out along the way?
There have been fics along both scenarios – some were started at the spur of the moment, with only vague ideas of where and how far they would go (”The Prophecy” comes to mind, which I started as a random holiday scribbling – and repeatedly apologised and updated my chapter number as it grew and grew and grew…). And there were the ones where even at the end I couldn’t decide what the ending should be, so I wrote two (for example “Past Was Such A Long Time Ago“). But for most I would have some idea about the ending at the start, and for some I would gain it somewhere early along the way. So yeah, it varies!
Do you have any rituals/conditions for ‘getting in the mood’ to write?
I mostly write over the weekends when I have more time, after getting up and having breakfast, reading my emails and checking on Tumblr and doing all the routine stuff one does – and then I open my doc and start writing… With my internet radio blasting on the background on some jazz or lounge or classic channel. I find it hard to write during the weeks after getting back from work and being distracted by mundane home things and TV and such.
Have you ever had writer’s block? Any tips for overcoming it?
I did have a period well over a year ago when I felt I had ‘lost my mojo’. It was largely to do with the way the Game of Thrones show had progressed and changed the characters so much that I couldn’t recognise them anymore, and my initial inspiration of writing about them consequently suffered. Especially as the show canon started to take over the original book canon so strongly in many platforms, including fics. The way I got over it was to distance myself from the show and partly, unfortunately, also from the fandom (so largely focused on show). I had a nice break, didn’t read many fics, focused on books and generally took a step back. Then I challenged myself to write a new type of story, a plot-focused ‘action & adventure’ story instead of romance focused only. That inspired me to write again, and I have been riding on that inspirational wave ever since with my latest long-fic WIP!
Aspirations of publishing one day?
No, not really. It is a tough world out there, especially as writing has become more reachable to many people who previously might not have even considered it (yay, fanfic and other forms of creative writing and platforms encouraging it!), and publishing world is awash with submissions and self-published stories alike. Although I don’t know for sure, I suspect that wanting to become published would take much more effort and determination and will than what I have for now, as for me this is a lovely hobby, nothing more.
What are your other hobbies?
My absolutely biggest hobbies are food and wine. I have loved cooking, eating and learning about food and wine for most of my life and it’s really important for me. Cooking meals ‘from the scratch’ from their base ingredient is what I love, as well as learning to master new techniques, new cuisines and difficult recipes. When I travel, food is one of the main drivers for that too, and holidays are largely built around restaurants, regions, cuisines and wineries. Holidaying in wine regions and wine tasting is the favourite kind of holiday! Yet I also love everyday cooking – the beauty of this as a hobby is that I get to do it every day and can challenge myself, be inspired by it and practice it all the time!
As for other hobbies…not really… I follow the transformative artform that is WWE, especially Dean Ambrose, and love visiting historical sites and reading about history, but that can hardly be called an active hobby… I also make some photo and video edits for fun, but lately my writing has taken much of the time I used to dedicate to that. Yet I feel that what I have is enough – I have no desires for an active life with lots of different hobbies and activities.
Any tips for writers looking to post their first (or second, or twentieth) fic?
I hope this doesn’t sound too harsh, but it would be really cool if even those who write only for ‘shits and giggles’ would do some basic formatting and language checks… Things like how to indicate dialogue, spacing between paragraphs and when to apply them, and of course, basic grammar. There are nowadays so many websites advising about those things, as well as free tools (for example Grammarly), that they are accessible to every person with access to sites posting their stuff – and a simple Google search is your best friend. I recommend this because ignoring those things may easily drown even the most amazing story in these times of fic over-abundance.
Other than that, write the stories you would like to read yourself, and the scenarios you would like to see in the canon. Study the writing style of the writers whose stories you admire and see if you could pick up a trick or two from them (but not plagiarizing, naturally). And if you can, get a beta – it is not absolutely necessary, but would give you a second opinion and advice from a trusted person. Oh, and give yourself a break between writing and final editing – ideally have a buffer of chapters in a draft phase before starting to post, so whenever you write something new, you can afford to let it rest for a while before getting back to it with fresh eyes. And have fun!
Anything you’d like to say to writers in general?
Don’t get hung up on statistics or comparisons. Think why you are writing – is it because everyone does it and you feel you should too, or because you truly enjoy it, or because of the stories themselves, or because you have an internal urge to do it, or it is part of your social networking activities… all are valid reasons, but once you define what they are for you, the easier it is to focus on it and the satisfaction it gives to you.
Anything you’d like to say to readers in general?
If you like a fic, don’t be shy about commenting, as it truly means so much to the writers… Even simplest comment is gratefully received. If you feel like wanting to pass on constructive criticism, first ensure the writer welcomes it, then formulate it in the politest possible way with positivism thrown in as well (and of course, make sure it is actually constructive). Marvel the choices and abundance of fic availability and acknowledge what a joy it is to live in this time and age when all that is possible. Enjoy!
Anything you’d like to say to the SanSan fandom in general?
Do not give up hope – Game of Thrones is over soon and we can get back to canon content, hopefully soon with The Winds of Winter. Whatever the further story of Sandor and Sansa is there, we know how important it has been already and nothing can take that away!
Read LadyTP’s SanSan here!
Read LadyTP’s full library here!
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Thank you for warning us about the Astros. Do you mind making a list so we can block them before we come across them either by Tumblr suggestion or other ways. Thank you in advance.
I don’t really feel it should be mine (or any other’s) responsibility to decide who to “blacklist” so to speak. This is why I simply describe the behavior/character of a blog instead of saying “Go block X. We don’t like X” because that just encourages a mob behavior rather than one where you’re critically analyzing the situation and making the best decision for yourself.
I’m not an authority, nor is anyone else on this platform. I and a lot of others in the Camren community on Tumblr just feel a social responsibility to share our information and tools to help enable others to make the best decisions for themselves.
Which is why I’ve been sharing the CrashCourse series on Media Literacy - media literacy is one of the most important fundamental tools you need to develop in order to navigate digital media with a critical eye (and also just to be a more informed citizen and happier human being)
The astroturfing Tumblrs I’ve made reference to in the past include:
a pro-Ew blog that made lots of stupid fan posts about Ew and they tagged other ship tags on their posts like camren and shawmila, and kept doing it until people from those ships engaged them to tell them to stop (ding ding ding, they got the engagement they were fishing for) then they went “haha ok I’ll stop sorry I just suspected some of you were secretly Ew fans” and they made a series of other shit-posts that made people think they were a troll blog. Anyway, they got very little interaction, I’d say they got almost zero interaction, then eventually they decided to quit Tumblr. They said it was because they’d “lost faith in Ew” but let’s fucking face it, they didn’t get the fan engagement they needed to get their pay, so they quit this tactic. They deleted their Tumblr, so GOOD.
a Camilizer blog that has under 10 reblogs/posts, where one of their first (maybe only) original posts was some shitty shit-post trying to make it out like Camila is a victim of Normani’s non-existent reverse-racism. It was an uninspired unfunny regurgitation of fake Normila feud narrative all over again. Why is this even a thing? I know it’s hot on toxic trash stan Twitter-oh wait yeah, the same new Tumblr had a description along the lines of “Camilizer. I don’t know how to use Tumblr haha just follow me on Twitter or Instagram instead”. Like bitch, crawl back to your trash platforms and leave Tumblr alone we don’t need your astroturfing scum. Block this person. They’re just spreading hate between the girls, and no-one needs that in their life. If you like fake made up feud drama between women, then you’re probably not a Camren shipper so like why are you here? Lols.
This latest astroturfing Tumblr who created their account this January 2019, this asshole is all like I HAVE COME UPON THEE TO SHARE MY SECRET KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF HOW CAMREN IS ACTUALLY MANUFACTURED QUEERBAITING but I won’t make a big revealing post with any actual incontrovertible tea, I’m just going to be really coy about it and make emotionally manipulative posts where I try to appeal to the underlying demographics of the Camren fandom, and then prey on their insecurities to dig into the part of them that has doubts about Camren being real and I’ll exploit those to say “YEAH SEE IT’S QUEERBAITING”. If you WANT to be swayed by this astroturfer, by all means please read their stuff and allow yourself to believe that Camren is simply queerbaiting (let’s be real, if you have a tendency to get angry and call “queerbait” on things, you probably don’t really like a lot of low-key queer-coded stuff, so just admit that you only want openly proud and public queerness and you reject any other queer story or experience, and just move on) if however you don’t want to be swayed by them into an anti-Camren stance, then block them. It’s that simple. All they want is your attention. Don’t give it to them. Let them die of starvation like the pro-Ew blog did.
Here’s another tip to spot an astroturfer - they don’t encourage you to think for yourselves. They want you to listen to them and to take everything they say at face value. If they were alright with you thinking for yourself instead of following their false narratives, they wouldn’t bother coming into Camren fandom spaces to try to convince Camren shippers to stop shipping Camren. Like at this point, you almost want to say to them “Who cares if they’re fucking real or not. I like the ship. I’m gonna ship it, so fuck off. My favorite headcanon is that Camila is training to be an astronaut so she can propose to Lauren from space, she’s going to write her proposal on the moon in big fucking space letters. Debunk that shit, asshole”.
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Anonymous | pt. v
[ back to masterlist ]
Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 2226 Rating: T
Summary: Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met? You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them…
<< previous part x next part >>
[12:03 AM] You: hey C, you awake? [12:05 AM] C: yeah what’s up? [12:05 AM] You: oh cool [12:05 AM] You: what are you doing~~ [12:07 AM] C: you know me, always working [12:08 AM] C: new song [12:08 AM] C: it’s coming along well i don’t want to interrupt it by going to bed [12:09 AM] You: you still haven’t let me hear any of your songs :( [12:10 AM] You: we’ve been texting for a while now and i still don’t even know your name [12:11 AM] You: i mean it’s fine like this but i can’t help but wonder [12:15 AM] C: trust me, S [12:15 AM] C: there’s a reason i’m so private

Anonymous asked: Lmao you think by blocking me you’re safe? I can do a lot, you know
Oh, you again
Anonymous asked: You don’t seem excited to see me :(
Anonymous asked: I just wanna know who my favorite author is, is that so bad?

posts about #webtoon and #me
You aren’t following this user. Do you want to report spam?
oo3043j: I know who you are
oo3043j: You think just because we’re your fans, you don’t owe us anything?
oo3043j: Lol bitch
oo3043j: Let me just say I’ve done some research on you
oo3043j: And I don’t just know your name…
oo3043j: I know C’s too
oo3043j: I don’t think it’s a name you want your fans to know. Given how much hate you’re already getting
oo3043j: Do I have your attention yet?

Meditate on this empty tumblr for a while.

[8:03 AM] C: hey how’s it going with that anon who was harassing you? :( [8:08 AM] You: oh it’s fine they backed off kinda [8:09 AM] You: well not really but i’m seeing if the cold shoulder works [8:10 AM] C: ahh i see~~ [8:10 AM] You: C just tell me one thing [8:10 AM] You: should i be worried about you? [8:12 AM] C: i get the feeling you’re not asking about my health... [8:13 AM] You: i’m serious [8:13 AM] You: who are you, really [8:16 AM] C: is that anon putting you up to this? [8:17 AM] You: what, i can’t have my doubts? [8:19 AM] C: come on, what are they saying about me [8:25 AM] You: i don’t have to tell you anything

Posted on 29 November with 44 notes
So, webtoon developments aside (I’ll get to that in my next post, don’t worry) I’m sure all you shortcakes remember C? Yup, the guy who was flirting with S in the old days when SS was just starting to go viral. Yes, him. Well, if you’ve been keeping up with S as obsessively as I have, you probably know that they’ve been DMing ever since. Yup. And S said they’re almost best friends. Yuuuup.
So if you ship it, oh boy have I got some good news for you. It might not be from the most reliable - or ethical - source, but hey, gossip is gossip, right?
Should I post it on here or do you guys wanna shoot me a DM for the dirt?
I’m doing this for Chi @soldmyseoul …… if I go to jail, it’s her fault okay? Lol
The deets are: someone tracked C’s IP and figured out he’s an idol. A REAL LIFE IDOL.
You better believe it.
Update on this - they actually hacked S’s phone. I don’t know how much I trust this info but yeah they used C’s phone number to verify his location and the address on file for his number is apparently the address of the SM building in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul.
Like I said this is probably false, they could just be making this up for attention. Everything seems super unlikely.
yeah you’re wrong about it being false. they did hack S’s phone. idk who it was but they leaked some pictures on a blog and it’s since been taken down, but there are a lot of posts about how they hacked into her phone and how she’s a total no good bitch and whatever.... :/

[1:22 PM] You: C i need you to tell me [1:22 PM] You: i’m honestly getting freaked out [1:23 PM] You: they hacked into my phone and my pictures are being uploaded and i think they might have got your number too [1:29 PM] C: S i really don’t want to tell you [1:29 PM] C: i respect your privacy, don’t i? [1:31 PM] You: privacy isn’t even a goddamn issue here, it’s a matter of my safety [1:31 PM] You: and your safety too [1:32 PM] You: honestly when you’re as famous as i am, nothing is as simple as it sounds [1:33 PM] C: oh you wanna talk to me about fame? [1:33 PM] C: you know nothing about fame, okay [1:34 PM] C: this is nothing. compared to how some people live [1:34 PM] You: oh and how would YOU know
C is typing…
C is typing…

Anonymous asked: You really think because you’re famous you have a chance with an idol? Back off
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about?

oo3043j: Aren’t you wondering how I found your photos? Hahaha
This user has been blocked.

[6:56 PM] C: okay fine [6:57 PM] C: you deserve to know [6:57 PM] C: meet me at midnight at this address [7:00 PM] C: sent a map location [7:01 PM] C: i’ll explain everything

[7:12 PM] You: jia he asked me to meet him [7:12 PM] You: should i??? [7:13 PM] You: i mean things are getting absolutely crazy and i just want everything to stop [7:13 PM] You: but what if he’s....you know [7:14 PM] Jia: a serial killer?? Lol [7:15 PM] Jia: i get why you’re worried, i would be too [7:15 PM] Jia: i mean, all this hate stuff started because of him in a way [7:15 PM] Jia: honestly i think you should go [7:16 PM] Jia: it would definitely sort things out [7:16 PM] Jia: i’ll come with you, if that helps [7:17 PM] You: thanks so much jia ;-;

It was a quarter to eleven when you finally left the house. By some stroke of luck, the location C had chosen happened to be close by. You’d been surprised, and not in a good way. What if he was a stalker? What if you were walking straight into a trap?
You let out a breath. You knew him - from what you had gathered, he was possibly the most harmless person you’d ever seen. Someone who wanted to hurt you wouldn’t have been so nice, would they?
You didn’t know.
The meeting place he’d picked was a children’s park. At night it was eerie, and the sounds of the wind through the metal structures sounded too much like whispers. Were you alone? It certainly didn’t feel like it. It felt like there were eyes on you from every direction. You shivered as you made your way over to a bench and sat down, flinching at the cold metal of it.
It was ten minutes later that you finally saw a figure coming down the pathway to the park, clad in black and making shuffling footsteps that grew louder as he approached. You held your breath. Was it him? Was it C? You wanted to stand up, but decided not to draw attention to yourself. Jia was waiting in the car within screaming distance. If he turned out to be anyone but C - or if he was, and he tried something - you were pretty sure you could make a safe getaway.
He looked right at you when he entered the park, footsteps ceasing as he stepped onto the sand. He wore a hoodie, but you could still make out his features: a round face, high cheekbones, wide eyes. “S?” He said quietly.
You stood up at last. “C? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” He sounded exactly like you’d expected. It was definitely him. “You came.”
“I did,” you said awkwardly, crossing your arms over your stomach. “Are you going to explain?”
He reached up to run a hand through his hair and in the process knocked back his hood, exposing his bright red hair to the wind. Quickly, he yanked it back up. “I should, shouldn’t I? Sit - sit down, I’ll tell you.” You backed down onto the bench and sat again, pressing yourself to the opposite end to maximize the distance between the both of you.
“My name is Park Chanyeol,” he started, sitting down. The name was familiar - where had you heard it?
“And I’m an idol. I’m Chanyeol from EXO.” He swallowed, the bobbing of his throat visible. Almost imperceptibly, he winced, like he wished he hadn’t told you.
You froze. “You’re...an….idol.”
“I’m an idol.”
“That’s why you were-” you looked away, frowning. “I get it now.”
There was a pause. Even though you knew each other well, meeting him in the flesh was a whole new monster. He felt unreachable after his confession. A million miles away. “Well. Thanks for telling me, I guess. It clears up a lot.”
You stood, making to leave. Chanyeol’s hand shot out to grab your wrist, his eyes flicking from his grip on you to your face and back. “Wait, S, don’t go.”
Unsteadily, you sat back down, not taking your eyes off him. “I...you’ll still talk to me, right? Won’t you?”
You answered truthfully. “I don’t know.”
“Please.” He moved closer to you, eyes pleading.
You wanted to say okay, but you couldn’t believe it. He was an idol, a thousand times removed from your simple life. How could you go on talking to him knowing who he actually was, having met him? Realizing he had talked to you for no other reason than him liking your work and by extension, you? It was overwhelming. “Why?”
“Well, why not?” He grinned, a quick smile that lit up his features and then faded as fast as it had come. “Oh, did I make you feel uncomfortable? I’m sorry. I, uh,” he leaned away, pushing himself to the other end of the bench like you had. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t realize what it would be like for you. I’m sorry.”
You looked down at your hands. “Do you really want to talk to me?”
That smile was back. “Yeah. Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn’t have messaged you in the first place.” Gaining some sort of courage, he leaned back toward you, his hand lightly covering yours. “I’m just a normal person, S. I swear. You have nothing to be afraid of.”
You met his eyes. “I’m not afraid.”
“Good.” He swallowed again. “So I can go home and expect you to text me back?”
A tiny laugh escaped you. “Okay. Yes. Okay.”
He got up first, holding out his hand to help you, face falling just slightly when you didn’t take it and got up on your own. You might have agreed to keep talking to him, but you weren’t ready for anything else. Despite his assurance that he was just as normal as you, you still couldn’t feel like he was a real person at all. You wished it were easy to accept it - but it wasn’t.
“Did you come by yourself?”
You shook your head. “Oh, good, then. You can make it to the car alone?”
Again speechless, you nodded.
He looked reluctant to let you go. “Okay,” he finally said. “It was nice seeing you.”
“You too,” you choked out, and without another word, turned to leave. You could feel his eyes on you all the way back to your car. When you were out of sight, you ran.

[12:49 AM] C: did you get home safe? [12:53 AM] You: i did, thank you :) [12:55 AM] C: i should be thanking you [12:55 AM] C: again, i realize you might have been really uncomfortable [12:56 AM] C: shit, all that hate you’re getting is because of me [12:56 AM] C: i’m really sorry :( i didn’t know what i was getting you into [12:57 AM] You: it’s okay [12:57 AM] You: i just still can’t believe [12:57 AM] You: i’m glad you told me, i’m a little more at peace now [12:58 AM] You: there’s still some shit going on but this helps [12:58 AM] C: glad to hear that :)
[1:05 AM] C: by the way, did i mention you’re beautiful? [1:06 AM] C: i meant to tell you after comiccon, but i forgot [1:06 AM] You: don’t say things like that ;;;;; [1:07 AM] C: why not? it’s true [1:07 AM] C: i’ve never seen anyone more beautiful than you [1:08 AM] You: are you just saying that so that i’ll talk to you more? [1:08 AM] C: :) [1:08 AM] C: S, maybe you should know something else too [1:09 AM] You: oh god, what now, you’re a gang leader? [1:10 AM] C: come on [1:10 AM] C: i’m serious, S [1:11 AM] C: i meant to tell you at the park but stopped myself every time [1:11 AM] C: i should’ve told you then [1:12 AM] C: S, i think i’m in love with you
#exowritersnet#exo#exo fluff#exo angst#exo x reader#chanyeol x reader#anonymous#my fic#chanyeol fluff#chanyeol fic#exo chanyeol#chanyeol fanfiction#chanyeol scenario#chanyeol imagine#chanyeol angst#exo fanfiction#exo imagine#exo imagines#exo scenarios#exo smut#kpop fanfiction#kpop scenarios#exo reactions#park chanyeol#byun baekhyun#kim jongin#do kyungsoo#zhang yixing#kim jongdae#chanyeol smut
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I ship it!
Alright guys! It seems like we unfortunately won’t be getting any big celebration for TAU’s birthday this year. That doesn’t stop me from celebrating it in my own way though, so here’s a fanfic thats been sitting in my head for about two years now, enjoy!
(Also, just a note, Timothy is a r!Henry)
on ao3
Timothy Jackson, 15 years old was, in their own opinion, one of the best writers that had ever been born on planet earth! They had written both comedies and tragedies, made people of all ages both laugh and cry, and now, finally, their latest work had been completed. In just a few minutes it would be posted online for the world to see, and Timothy would finally receive all the praise and glory that they knew they deserved. Anticipation filled the room as Timothy carefully typed out the words that would make up the summary of the story.
‘Human! Alcor, human! Woodsman, high school-coffee shop au!’ they wrote ‘When a young student named Alcor looks for a new job in the town’s coffee shop what will happen when he meets his new super handsome manager? Will their love blossom despite the rest of the cruel world’s disapproval? Read to find out.’
They did not add the classic ‘fic better than summary’ comment that most authors liked to use. They knew they didn’t need it, Timothy’s summary was perfect! Just like the rest of their carefully crafted masterpiece. Sure, Woodcore might not have been the most popular ship around at the moment, but surely that would change as soon as people read this fanfic. Alcor and The Woodsman were perfect together, they knew it! People just needed a little help to realize what Timothy had already seen long ago.
They smiled to themselves as they pressed the button for publishing stories and made their hard work public. As soon as the story appeared on the screen Timothy refreshed the page to see if they´d gotten any reviews. When they hadn’t they refreshed again, and again, and again until their cat Mason decided to jump up on Timothy’s desk and sit in front of the computer screen, effectively blocking Timothy’s view in the process.
“Mason get down!” Timothy ordered, however the cat didn’t even seem fazed at all, in fact it simply laid down in front of the computer and started to lick at its paws, Timothy sighed and moved out of their chair to pick Mason up and carry him out of the room. As soon as Timothy and Mason walked out into the hallway they were met by Timothy’s mom.
“Oh hello darling” she said “I was just about to ask you if you wanted to help me make dinner?”
“What are we eating?” Timothy asked her, “We’re making hamburgers.” Their mom answered “I thought you might want to help me fry them…”
“YES I DO!” Timothy happily exclaimed, and soon all thoughts of going back to the computer to refresh the page again were forgotten in favour of making dinner with mom, and when Timothy finally got back to their room after the meal they simply turned off the computer, and went to sleep.
The next day after school Timothy threw their bag onto the bed as soon as they got home and eagerly logged on to their computer. Surely somebody had to have read their fic by now. They probably had a million kudos, maybe even a few reviews! Oh how they wished somebody was there so they could share their excitement, but Mason was nowhere to be seen at the moment, although that was probably a good thing considering what had happened yesterday. Timothy´s heart raced as they opened up the site where they posted all their fanfics, and just as they thought, somebody had left a review! Oh this was perfect, everything Timothy had always wanted would soon be delivered to them, all the glory and praise that the Twin Souls fandom could offer was just a click with the mouse away! Timothy opened up the review…. And their heart sank
‘umm not to be rude but this was kind of awful, I almost feel sorry for you! Alcor was just so out of character and I found at least a thousand spelling errors. Again I don’t want to be an asshole but I think you should practice you´re writing more before you publish anything, just some friendly advice lol! Then again, what would you expect from someone who writes woodcore? Micor is just so much better, plus it´s cannon‘
Timothy was shocked, how could somebody say that to them? After all their hard work, this was it? Was this really how the fandom would remember them? Just another failed author like so many others before them? No that couldn’t be it, obviously this person didn’t know what they were talking about. After all they seemed to believe that Micor was somehow superior to Woodcore. Their bad taste had to be reason why they were being so rude, people just couldn’t accept that Timothy’s fic was better than cannon, and thus they got mad at them. That had to be it, that had to be the reason, Timothy decided! Well then, if they wouldn’t accept a ship unless it was cannon, then it was a good thing that Timothy was such a good matchmaker… at least in their own opinion.
Dipper was bored, and considering that he was an ultra-powerful demon who could alter reality at his will and make anything he wanted (well almost anything) happen with a snap of his fingers, that was really saying a lot. So when he felt the familiar tug of a summons, one that felt vaguely like he should already know the summoner, he didn’t hesitate to follow it! It felt too weak to be Mizar summoning him. He thought that maybe Cassie had managed to find his circle again and needed some homework help, or maybe it was a cult that had summoned him before that he´d just forgotten about, however he wasn’t prepared for what actually met him the moment he appeared over the circle. He was in somebody´s bedroom. That much was obvious from the bed standing behind him and the posters on the walls and, oh God was that a Twin Souls movie poster? Dipper immediately felt on edge, as he looked down to face whoever had summoned him, and was once again taken aback at what he saw. The child was young, probably in their mid-to-late teens, they had dark skin and bright blue hair, and was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks (Dipper had to admit, they had good taste in fashion), but what really caught the demons attention was the antlers crowning their head.
“w̞͚̕hy̤̟̖̬̝͜ ̡͔̞̤h̢͓ͅa̶͖̻͖v̵̗̻̞͉̘e͢ ̸̹̳̱̪ͅy͔̜͞o̠̘u̢͖̫ ̯̺͕͍̦͙ͅsư͖̯̯̠̭͔m̰̼̪̭̺̱̖m͢o̷n̻̘e̘͔̗̳̲͟d͏͕͖̩̖ ̼̮̥͚͚͙̦͘m̥̺̤̣̯̘e̸͈ͅ?” Dipper asked, because this child might have his brothers’ soul, but they also had Twin Souls posters on all their walls and Dipper didn’t want to take any chances.
“Oh great, hot and powerful Alcor!” the child spoke “I have summoned you here because I wish to help aid you in your great quest for love!”
…. Okaaaay that was weird and not at all what Dipper had expected. The shock must have been visible on his face, because the child looked worriedly at him and asked
“Is everything okay Al? You don’t look very good, are you sick?”
Dipper just sighed.
”l͚͓̟̱̻̠o̪͎ok̺̣̰̭ ͚̫ki̘̥̮̮͕d̩̱̘͚̫̘̬” Dipper began, “I ̹d̠͈o ̱͕̳̪̮͇̲n͕͕̩̖͙o͍̻̠̝̳t̠̻̫̻̳̳ ̬͇̭̬̪͎n̹ee͙̰̲d̬ ̖̺̯y͈͙͚͈o̭̪̯̘̰u̺̺r ̻̤ͅͅh̗͔͉̠̣̘e̺̪̲̞lp̣̭,̹̼̤̥ ̤͍̮̰̺I̲͖͕̫̲̮ ͙͈̝a̪͎͔̲m̼͚̼̝̯ ̗̭̬̘͕̣̰n̲͙o͓̺ͅt ͙͇͓̻̖͚͓i̬̻̤̗̳n̞͙v͍̖̭͎̖̘̱o͇l̙v̙̥̬̝͔͙̹e̞̥̹̞͚d̳͔̯ ͉͎̫̘̫͔͈i͍̲n̦̖̪͔̥̗ ̪͙̰̜a̮̜̲͎͇̯ny̗̣ͅ
ġ͉r̼͎̘̩̰e̟̹͇͛ͥą̒̔̊̌t͙̙ͨͪͮ͗ ̖̮̦̝̙̐̓͆́qͭ̓̋̔ͯͮu̺ͨͮ̏ͬ̉ͅě͓̘̱̰͈̼s̻̭̹͗̊t͆̆ͣ̐͛̾͛̕ ̳̗̩̓̓̌ͫf̭͔͔̼̟̗̞ͭ̃̃̽̒̕o̢̭̲̙̻̻̣ͯͦ̔̏͐r͙̉ͯ͛̒͠ ̖̌ͤl̻̻͖ͯ̂ͮ̊̔̚ȏ͍̟̅̓͗͟v̸̠̹̾̇e��͇͕̠̝̦̈́͆͊͑̽ a̘͈̭͖̣̰n̥͓̳̱̳͓̝d̖̯͈ ̲̼n̺̯̦o̠. ̜̗Iț͙̙̫´̗̦s͍̘̹͇ ̗͓̪͕n͕o̬͓t͇̥̳̫ͅ ̪b̼̞e̟̳̞̺͎̥c͇͙̥̱̻̬͎aṵ̥͕͎se̦̺̘ ̤̬̮͚͙̞M͕̯͉͚̙̤̩i͈̜̞z̲͉̱̖̝͇͎a̤r͓͔̜̬̗̟̞ a̟͍͖͎̫͈n̺̤͉͔̪d͔͍̟̜̗̭͚ ̖̻I̟̪ a̮r̳̞ͅe͕̳͚ ̹̲̭̩͖͍͖a̪̖̞͔̥͖ͅl̙͍r̭e̝̼͈̥a̙̝͉͈ḍ̩y̭̭̺͎̯̖ ̱̦̮̣͚͎̟d̪̼̻̼a̞̥̫̞̙̳͎t̙̼̲i͕̩̲̼̗̻̳n̦̗͚̥̹g̮͉̬͎͙ ͈̩͔in͓̯ ̫͎̤f͔ͅac͍̝̗̺͇ṭ̩̠̟ ̼͎̭̰̞I´͔m͈̝̜̘̦̬̻ ̱̫n̮͙͔̘̺̖͚o͍͎͕͓̪t̰͚̣̯̠ ͚̮̜̩̖e͙v̩̣̝ͅe̘̺̰n̪̣̭ ̩͎̣͕i͚͈̖n̲̹̘t̜̖͙̜ͅͅͅer͓̭̪͙͈̱͎e̜s͚̠̻t̻̯͇͈̘e̦̖̫d͕̥ i̮̥̮ͅn̤̣̲̦̲̬̺-”
The child cut him off before he could finish his sentence
“pffft I know that! As if you and Mizar could ever be a real couple. It’s so obviously not happening, I don’t even get why people bother to ship you two in the first place.”
Well that was DEFINITELY not what Dipper had expected. Just a few moments before he’d been ready to just leave and get out of there as fast as possible, but he was now curious, perhaps this child did have something worthy of his time to offer after all (and even if not, just spending some time with his brother would be nice)
“Okay ̴th̀en,̡ t͜e͢ll̴ m̕e ̕Eͮ͊X̅͊ͯͪ͗̓A̔͂̐̿̋Ċ̛̓̓T̨ͣ̀̏̓L̀ͧ͌Y̅͋͑ͩͭ wh̨at y͞o̡u w̢ant.̵” ̂ͥ̆̿̚Dipper demanded, adjusting his position in the air so that he was floating cross-legged above the circle.
“Easy,“ the child said with a confident and knowing expression on their face “I know who you really love. And I´m guessing you haven’t confessed to him yet because you’re too shy. So, I´m offering to help coach you, trust me I’m great at encouraging people, and in return you could… uh, I dunno, make sure the fandom knows you love him I guess? And put an end to Micor ones and for all, what do you say?” the child took a step forward and reached out their hand to Dipper, seemingly ready to shake on it. Dipper had to admit that their offer was tempting, he´d love to see Micor shippers finally realize that it wasn’t cannon and leave him alone, however there was one detail in what the child had said that was bothering him
“And̕ ͠w͝h͢o, i̴f҉ ̴I ͝mąy̵ aşk, ͜is ̨i͝t t̷hat ͠you ̷thìnk̢ ҉I͏ ͞l̸o͠ve̴?”
The child grinned at him
“The Woodsman of course!” they exclaimed and nooooooo, nope not doing this, Dipper was so DONE with this!
“u̷͘m̨m͏͞ ̵̸y͢͏e͘͏a̵h͏̢,͟ ̴̨t̛h͘͠a̷͠͝t̡̀̕´̸s̛͟..͡.̡̛ ̛͜N͏̀͡o̡҉͏t̡̕͠ ̶̀h̨͠͞a͘҉̡p̡̧p̀͝é́n̵̡i͞n͞g̵̕.͘ ̷͏S̷o̧r҉r̕͜y͏̷̨ ̢́k͟i̛͠d͏̴͘!̧” “But wait!” the child cried out in shock, but Dippers form was already getting blurry, and before they could say more, he vanished.
Well so much for spending time with his brother. Oh well, there´d be more chances, hopefully Henry’s next incarnation wouldn’t be as weird as this one.
Timothy stared in disbelief at the circle where Alcor had been floating just moments earlier. Why had he left? Did Timothy say something wrong? He probably got overwhelmed by happiness when Timothy understood his feelings, and got so confused he had to leave and gather his thoughts. Or maybe just being summoned like this finally gave him the courage to confess his love, and he left to do it immediately! That had to be it, totally!
Timothy smiled proudly to themselves, knowing that they had been able to help Alcor with his love problems. And now all that was left to do was wait for the demon to make his affair public, in the meantime though, Timothy had more fanfics to write, and this summoning had given them the perfect fic idea. It would require some really good writing skills to get it perfect though. Oh well, good thing Timothy was such a good writer…
… In their own opinion!
zalgo transcriptions for those who need it:
"why have you summoned me?" "I do not need your help, I am not involved in any great quest for love, and no it's not because Mizar and I are already dating in fact I'm not even interested in-" "okay, then tell me EXACTLY what you want" "and who, if I may ask, is it that you think I love?" "umm yeah that's... not happening. Sorry kid"
#gravity falls#transcendence au#gravity falls transcendence au#dipper pines#henry pines#My writing#fanfic
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For the fandom questionnaire thingy: 2, 7, 13, 19, 24, 26, 35, 40, 41, 47, 51 ☺
Okay sooo…
Fandom questions:
2: What is your latest fandom?
The latest fandom I’ve gotten involved in would probably be Supernatural.
7: List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in:
Harry Potter: Anyone/Voldemort Hermone/Ron (I know this is canon but honesty I don’t think they belong together) Snape/any male (unless its in a trio with a female involved? I don’t know why I just don’t see Snape as gay)
Supernatural: Wincest (Ugh I just can’t get behind incest.) Dean/Lisa (I know this was canon for a while, but no. He belongs with Cas, end of story lol)
Ship Questions for your current Fandom:
13: Any NoTPs?
I feel like this was already answered above :) But hey if you’re interested in some OTPs:
Drarry, Sevmione, Destiel
19: Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Dramione- I’ve read some and I honestly don’t hate it, I just can’t picture Draco with anyone but Harry.
Harmony- I just don’t think Harry and Hermione are a good fit- For several reasons- Just like Ron, I don’t think Harry would be enough of an intellectual challenge for Hermione. And of course Harry belongs with Draco hehe.
Author Questions:
24: What fic do you desperately need to edit or rewrite?
Ugh my fic Magicae Principium Revelabit- I started it, and then I totally got writers block and now looking at it I’m considering just scraping it and starting over!!
26: How do you come up with your fanfiction titles?
Usually I base them off of the prompt I used to write them, or sometimes they are inspired by song titles. Otherwise they are really obvious- like my fic The Pureblood in Pink Panties is literally just about Draco wearing pink panties haha.
35: Do you write Drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
Yes- most of my fics so far are drabbles or oneshots. I usually like writing them based on prompts or challenges. A fun one to do is the Hogwarts365 challenge on livejournal- they post 3 new prompts every week, you have a week to submit, and the fic must be exactly 365 words. (Oh and no Het allowed) My drabbles are usually Drarry.
40: What do you struggle with most in your writing?
Um I start one thing and then get an idea for something else and start that without finishing the first thing. Like constantly. I have sooo many unfinished drafts sitting on my computer lol.
Fanfiction Questions:
41: List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Somewhere in Time by @ashenrenee
Wild by @seefin
Breathe by Nashiko
Blame the Cauldron Cakes by Sigyn-Astira
Try Something Tuesday by Almaasi
47: Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction.net, or Tumblr- where do you prefer to post and why?
I post on all three (I haven’t really posted full fics on Tumblr- just snippets and links) but I definitely prefer A03 when it comes to posting fics. The format is just way easier and aesthetically pleasing to me. As for Tumblr, I love posting pretty much everything here :)
51: Rant or gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction!”
I really hate the fandom wars, and also people who go and leave mean or useless comments on a fic just because the pairing or some other part of the story is not something they are into. why are you here then?? Someone commented on one of my Sevmione oneshots and part of their comment was- “Hermione/Snape shippers love that, as for me…” and I’m like, why are you even reading this?
But for the most part being a part of the fanfiction world as been a positive experience for me. It’s lovely to read so many creative things/see amazing art and its nice to have a whole community of people who are also way too invested in fictional characters ;)
Thank you so much for asking! I really love getting stuff like this in my inbox :)
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august: week three
14: omg, summer is almost over. omg, when did summer even start? having a job just messes that up for you. lol, i’ll probably realize it’s fall when fall is almost over... anyway, it was a struggle getting up but i did and i did some hip hop cardio. then i showered and ate breakfast. my stomach hasn’t felt too good since a couple days ago and it caught up to me. i felt really full after eating my regular english muffin so i just took my time to get to work. also, there was a moderate delay on the red line so i took the train to work with kevin. i dropped off my nikes at the postal office -- i’m super excited to get a refund back (but a bit sad to let go of my nike roshe cherry blossom editions, cry) so i can get workout shoes (shoes that i will try not to wear outside).
i wore my winnie the pooh vans for the first time in forever and they were killing my feet. i tried putting my insoles in there but it made my foot hit the top of the shoe and made my toes feel extremely uncomfortable. also, my socks would show. when i finally fixed my shoes (i have decided to not hide my laces for any sneaker anymore because i rather have my shoe fit than look pretty but kill my feet), my heels were scraped raw. well, that’s a lesson learned. lol. i did some work while watching the latest episode of ‘love connection’ and found out that none of my team members were coming in today LOL. oh well. i walked over to the taco party food truck for lunch and met up with kevin and his team. i actually ended up getting gogi on the block because it’s gogi on the block and it’s delicious. the worker there asked me if i was korean lulz. i still got it ;P i let kevin have a bite of my bowl and then peaced out and ate the rest of my lunch in the office.
i did template work and then stopped by the devs’ office to give haowei his nordic treats. :P haowei told me about his trip to taiwan and china and then i gave him a bit of a tour of where our current offices are in wework. then i went back, packed up, and rushed over to the train station where kevin was waiting for me. we took the train back and then he got on a call and i continued working. we worked some more and then i made some rice and put the chicken thighs in the oven before i did my back workout. i started doing ballet back workouts (so barre) and they burn so much! then i showered while kevin cooked the veggies. we ate dinner while watching another episode of agents of shield. i think i’m hooked! haha. then kevin went to clean up and game while i hopped into bed and continued reading some of the journey mapping book dave gave me. then i decided to watch some more agents of shield (kevin already watched season 1). i watched one episode and then went back to reading. i brushed my teeth and then read another chapter before going to sleep at like 11:30 pm, lol. i feel like an old lady.
15: my body keeps wanting me to wake up at 6:30 am for some reason... but if i wake up, i won’t have enough sleep?! wut. i managed to do a hiit workout in the morning, showered, ate the last scallion roll bun T_T and then sent kevin off to work lol. i did some logistical stuff in the morning and booked my christmas flight to chicago. then i did some template work and talked to phil for a bit. i scheduled a good amount of calls for tomorrow and thursday so i’ll be busier then. it was a pretty chill day with a lot of calls. i stayed on stand up for a design call (i guess) and then also found out that our lays chips order is out of stock on amazon and it got me real heated D:< kevin is gonna handle the rest though. i also found a great deal for iceland this upcoming fall/winter! we’re gonna book our flight this week so i’m excited! the rest of the day, i worked while watching agents of shield, lol. what a day...
things got a bit crazy when jeanne messaged me and asked me to go out for dinner because she was here for work?! she didn’t get out until 6:30 pm so it was doable. i talked on the phone with my mom for a bit and then did a 30 minute weighted butt workout. then i showered and cut up everything and prepped everything for claypot chicken. kevin got back from climbing and then he showered while i put everything in the rice cooker to cook. then i washed dishes and changed and headed out. we’d be late for dinner and i was super ksjfdnskjfn about it. kevin and i rode in different train carts so i could cool down and so he wouldn’t just go back home and not come. x( we apologized to each other and then met up with jeanne and had a late dinner. lol we were ordering with our stomaches but food is good. we ate at scholars bar and lounge near jeanne’s hotel. we got drinks, ate, and caught up! it was fun talking to jeanne in person again :) we walked her back to her hotel and then we took the train back home. i ended up falling asleep on the sofa for an hour or so and then got up and brushed and went back to sleep. i think i ko’d before 12 am on the couch. lol, i can’t hang anymore.
16: i worked from home again today and it was another pretty chill day until afternoon. x_x; i watched more episodes while working and then got on stand up and led a call with a client that went ... ok. it wasn’t my best call but, it’s done and i am leading another session with them again on tuesday... i’m hoping to get them to understand the learning curve and what not. then kevin came back home early and we did some apartment things and he gamed while i watched more agents of shield lol. i had to put salonpas all over my neck and shoulders because they were super stiff when i woke up. i’m an old lady. lol. then i went to do my oblique workout, showered, and then kevin and i ate leftovers for dinner while watching more agents of shield. i continued this into the night lol. i got to the plot twist episode and i still can’t believe it. x__x; then i got ready for bed and ko’d before 12 am. it was a really chill at home day.
17: it felt weird waking up at 7 am... hmm. i was extremely tired so i decided to take it easy today. i did a low-impact workout and then showered and ate breakfast before catching the train. i felt really bloated today too D: i decided to test how long it would take for me to walk to the starbucks across the bridge because i really wanted to re-try the pineapple black tea infusion drink. i ordered it on my app and forgot to put “no ice” x( and then when i got off the train, i walked over there. it took longer than i expected and i got to the office right as dave did as well. it took me 30 minutes in total to get it and walk to the office. so i’m just gonna wait for the closer starbucks to finish renovating and go there. also, the tea infusion (aka the pina colada) tastes just as watered down as the one i had at the airport. i’m gonna stick to my pink drink. dave went over new features with me as well as talking about journey atlases and such. it helped me get more direction in what i was supposed to be doing.
just as i started to get into it, i check the ups tracking number for the nikes i am trying to return for a refund and they haven’t been scanned in yet. so i look up information online and find out that there are mixed reviews about usps handing things off to ups... some say they do it and some say they return it to the address. the thing is, the return address on the box is kevin’s old address in chicago because i ordered my nike roshes there. T__T omggg. so i walk over to the post office where i dropped them off and i ask one of the guys working there and he just tells me that it’s not there anymore and that i should call ups and see if they picked it up and forgot to update it or that it’s been shipped back to the return address. so i walk back to the office and call ups and the very nice lady told me that i should wait at least a week and see if it shows up at the return address and/or ups. if not, i should call them again and then place a lost package claim. i contacted mike about it and unfortunately, his lease is up tomorrow. my luck is the worst T___T i plan to call park evanston (i ordered it with kevin’s name and old address) in a week if nothing turns up.. sigh...
i was too frazzled to work and dave could clearly see that. i told him what happened and he informed me of a mailing loophole :O it’s so sneaky! but he told me that it was cool and i let him know that i was going to kevin’s fitbit outdoor bbq thing after all-hands. he was chill with it. then we got on all-hands and it was my first time presenting to everyone in the company x__x; so my morning had me frazzled and then i was supposed to present in the last 5 minutes of the all-hands meeting so that got me stressed af. i blew through my presentation in 2 minutes when i was supposed to take 5 L O L. i needed to breathe when presenting and/or slow down. everyone said i did a good job though. actually, after we signed off, john, steve, and cole ran into our office to congratulate me on my first time presenting something on all-hands LOL. they scared the crap out of me but i felt so loved! awww it was the best!
oh, before all-hands, i stopped by haowei’s office to get some of those taiwanese and chinese treats he got. he had this mochi jelly candy, peanut brittle, garlic pea-based chips, and seaweed / seafood cracker. i loved the mochi jelly and the chips were bomb af. thanks so much for bringing those. i really needed them because i was going without food until 1 pm after all-hands. so the guys left and then i headed out. i got off jfk/umass and waited for kevin’s slow af train. then we didn’t know what direction to go to and which location the bbq was at so we just called a lyft. we planned to get there at 1:30 pm and we got there a bit past 2:15 pm LOL. the lyft driver went around to pick us up and he also picked up other people. there was also a ton of construction in the area we were going to... i was on stand up during this ride and during a bit of the bbq... i left stand up because it went on for too long and i wanted to eat without wearing my gigantic af headset. the bbq was cold by the time we ate and it was unfulfilling... so we just ate and called another lyft and left. we said hi to matt though LOL.
we took the train home and then i felt lazy but also that i needed to get work done. we bought our tickets to iceland for the beginning of february and then kevin called norwegian to check on our flight delay compensation. i charged my fitbit and then started to work on the journey atlas. i kept running back and forth from productivity at first but then i got into my groove and completed it! kevin went off to game after doing his errands. oh, i signed up for robinhood and my free stock was fcking groupon. -__-” it’s only worth $3 and it’s declining. i hate groupon. lol. i managed to do a dance cardio workout while kevin cooked. i was feeling pretty moody~ then i showered and watch agents of shield while kevin finished up cooking. we watched more agents of shield while eating. we ate later than usual so i got prepared for bed after that. kevin went to shower and i ko’d in the bed before 12 am.
18: it was so gloomy outside ): i did a hiit workout for 20 minutes and then finished off my morning workout with cardio hip hop. then i showered and ate breakfast. kevin was fast asleep when i left for work. dave was in the office when i got there and we got to talk about the eclipse and some work related stuff. i spent the day preparing for my journey map creation walkthrough with one of our clients. i ran into all the roadblocks... it’s gonna be real hard and i need to mock it up. i walked over to faneuil hall and checked to see if uniqlo still had those chiffon skirts. they didn’t but i’m not sad about it :P i waited for kevin inside koy -- we made a lunch reservation for dine out boston there. kevin looked like he just rolled out of bed when i saw him. he slept at 4 am apparently x__x; we shared shrimp tempura and the tofu pillows for appetizers and i got bibimbap and he got jajangmyun -- both were delicious. i don’t like jajangmyun though LOL. we had the best dessert: coconut ice cream with a creme brulee’d banana <3333
as we walked back to work, i could tell kevin was sleepy and tired. haha. well, he was sleepy in the restaurant as well. we split at a bridge and i got back to the office and went back to work. oh! i got an email from nike in the morning telling me that they got the shoes and have refunded me. I AM SO HAPPY LOL. phewwww. but why didn’t they update the tracking number info?!?!?!?!?!? ugh, whatever. ahha. now i can buy my new shoes for working out ;D anyway, after figuring out my training situation with the help of dave and matthew, i left the office at around 4:05 pm with matthew. matthew let me know that he is going to leave t7 :( i’m pretty sad about it...but he says it happens. i wish him the best and i am thankful that i got to work with him :) we split at south station because i was going to pick up kevin from work. kevin met me a block away from his office and then we walked back to south station together :3 when we got back, i had the munchies so we both ate our leftovers from koy and watched agents of shield. then we took a break before going to roche to get fruit. kevin sometimes makes me feel dumb when he asks certain questions that he has already vetted out the answers for. so when i tell him what i think, he’ll be like ‘that’s not possible’ and then proceed to tell me i’m wrong in a bit of a condescending way when i thought he was just having fun thinking about it. so that’s what happened and i felt shitty for the rest of the day and we didn’t talk for the rest of the night because he didn’t 100% understand my reasoning for feeling this way and i was too tired to say ‘it’s pms’ because it really was and i was being too sensitive.
well, we got back and then i went straight into a butt workout with free weights and it KILLED ME LOL. i didn’t know that it would make me sweat so much. it was a great workout. before i showered, i got a call from michelle asking for shopping help LOL. we talked for a bit and then tried getting jeanne to skype with us but she got back too late and i was already half asleep in bed because i am a granny. after the call, i showered and then packed all my stuff into my thredup clean out bag. i want to try this out and see what happens. :P then i watched some videos and stuff before going to sleep feeling slightly less shitty but still a little. overall, i felt fine but i just didn’t want to talk to kevin because i was feeling tired and drained from these hormonal changes. we cuddled at night and i told him in the morning it was pms and he totally understood. LOL.
19: i didn’t feel good today -- very tired and sore. i started my trade-in for my macbook in the morning and then did some errands and watched some videos here and there until kevin finished eating and played a few games so we could go to the mall and go suit shopping. we stopped by nordstrom first and kevin tried on a suit and a tux. then we went to express to try on some suit jackets and then we stopped by auntie anne’s to get an original pretzel to split ;) and finally, we stopped at milton’s. oh, we stopped by francesca’s and i did some shopping but ended up not getting anything -- i didn’t spend too long in there according to kevin. :P kevin tried on a dress shirt and then they recommended him to get one made from an algorithm, which was pretty cool. he got to pick out the material, collar type, and what kind of cuffs he wanted. kevin’s shirt fit him perfectly so we ordered one for him and will pick it up in a week. we stopped by a tailor that is located downstairs and she said she could hem and taper his current pants.
so we drove back and i ate some lunch and then kevin got his dress shoes and pants and we drove back to drop them off. the alterations was only $30 -- cheap in comparison to buying another pair of dress pants. then we went to the target connected to the mall and got new brush heads for our electric toothbrushes. oh, we also got kung fu tea from the new stall in the mall. we got this pina colada slush with orange(?!) tapioca and it was delicious. we were pooped from shopping for that long so we chilled for the rest of the day. while kevin cooked general tso’s chicken for dinner, i did a 40 minute workout and then showered and watched some agents of shield. the chicken wouldn’t crisp up :( and the flavor is still a bit off but it was delicious~ after showering, i decided to do laundry. i washed the sheets already and then i washed our clothes. i stayed up watching agents of shield while my hair was drying and then folding clothes. the rest of the night, i spent looking for my damn missing sock T____T idk where it is. i hope it’s not clogging up the air pump in my top loader. we’ll find out next week, lol. i was obsessed with finding it and i didn’t want to make the bed without kevin’s help so i stayed up until like 2 am or something and instantly ko’d on the bed after brushing my teeth.
20: i got out of bed at around 10 am and then went straight to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom after brushing my teeth. midway through cleaning, i ate breakfast and then went to clean the tub. at around 12 or 12:30 pm, kevin finally woke up LOL. he was totally ko’d on the bed every time i walked into the bedroom. i let him be because i was in cleaning mode. i finished cleaning the tub and then did a 30 minute workout while kevin ate. i quickly showered and then called the folks over at codzilla to see if there were any open spots for today. we signed up for a 6 pm slot and then meal planned and went grocery shopping. we picked up 3 live summer maine lobsters and then came back and cooked them. i wanted to kill them humanely but i don’t think i would have had the arm strength to properly do it and kevin just wanted to boil them... so i helped kevin clip off the rubber bands (there was one lobster that clung on to the rubber band for like a minute because it didn’t want to die T__T).
i also made mango dofu dessert (mango agar jelly) for dessert. we cleaned everything up and then took the train into the city to get on codzilla! we stopped by the only chase atm and starbucks. we got a pink drink because kevin was thirsty. we made it just in time to pick up our tickets and get on the boat. we got okay seats because we got there too late :( lol the beginning of the ride was nice; we went at a fast speed and got wind blown into our hair and everything. the captain did some tilts and stuff but nothing that got us wet. the second go around though, LOLOLOL he would go super fast and then stop and a ton of water would just hit everyone in the face. as the ride went on, his tilts got steeper and we got wet from the sides as well. the best part was going back and he went SUPER fast to the point where our gums were like flapping around and stuff ahhaha. we got SUPER SUPER wet then. i couldn’t stop laughing but the water was so damn salty haha. we went back to the dock at a fast speed but only to dry us off. we were pretty much completely dried when we got back. it was super fun! i feel like we kinda got trolled in the beginning where nothing was happening, but it was totally worth it.
we took the train home and then kevin cooked the lobster in lemon herb butter and i helped make garlic bread. i took a shower because my skin was super dried out and salty. my hair looked real good though lolol. then we ate while watching agents of shield, kevin cleaned up, and i forced myself to do my ab workout LOL. kevin went on a run shortly after. then i actually showered and washed my hair and everything and chilled on the bed until like 1 am... then i got ready for bed and went to sleep. i need to readjust my sleeping schedule a bit hahaha. it was a fun packed day (:
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