#my knees are way worse too I hadn't realize that-
skznccmlee · 8 months
Since when I am SO ticklish on my armpits and inside of the elbow????????????????
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cherubfae · 7 months
Hi 👋
I'm loving your work so far and had to follow for more!
I was wondering, if you're not busy, if you could do the scenario when the reader tells them i can hold the whole world in my hands and the other looks confused and the reader holds their face in their hands with the hazbin crew + striker and how'd they react to it?
If not, it's totally cool. I look forward to what you put out next! 😊
you're my whole world || hazbin/helluva boss x reader
"I can hold the entire world in my hands. Wanna see?"
tags: gn!afab! reader// gn!ftm! for angel, fluff, cuteness, established relationships
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A crackle of radio feedback as his eye twitches when you reach for him, calms for a second when you cup his face. His clawed hands rest on top of yours. He's rather confused, how is this holding the--
"You're my whole world, Alastor~!" You grin up at him, lovingly.
The facade of a smile he always wears slips for only a second. But it's one second too long and you catch it. His eyebrows relax, lids drooping, cheeks pushing upwards and he beams at you softly. A genuine smile crossing his lips. He cups your face in return, puffing your cheeks like a fish and a muffled laugh track plays. Leaning his forehead against yours, he grins.
Softly, he whispers, "And you are mine, mon cour."
Immediately his eyes well up. He doesn't have the need to act all cool and collected when he's a total softie. He leans his cheek further into your palm, his eyelids fluttering shut allowing for a moment of respite. Tilting your chin upwards, he captures your lips in a gentle kiss.
"I love you more than anything. You are my life, sweetling, my galaxy. I would dismantle Heaven, Earth, and all of Hell to keep you and Charlie safe."
The meeting with Heaven hadn't gone to plan and now, she's curled up like a little blanket burrito in her crimson comforter. She doesn't say anything when you announce that you can hold the whole world in your hands, but she's definitely curious in the way she immediately watches you with interest. She's confused when you cup her cheeks but soon gasps loudly in realization, eyes welling up. You always know just what to say when she's feeling blue.
"M-me? I'm your whole world? But you're my whole world, too!" Charlie grunts, breaking free of her blanket cocoon to cup your face in return. "Look! Now I can hold the world too~!"
She expected your reaction to be much worse. Vaggie finally admitted, albeit she was forced to tell, that she had been an angel this entire time. You hadn't been sure how to react and it was clear you were hurt by her secret and she respected that you needed time to process all of this new information. What she hadn't expected was you approaching her a few hours later, gently cupping her face and telling her that she was your entire world.
A valve breaks loose and Vaggie begins to cry. She wanted to tell you for so long! She really, really did, but she didn't know how! You hold her close, slipping down onto the floor with her letting her cry on your shoulder.
"I didn't want to keep this part of me a secret, but there was so much risk in people knowing-- if they would directly come for you, I just... I couldn't risk your safety if you knew what I truly was. I love you so much, I just wanted to keep us safe."
The glass he had been wiping down would've shattered on the ground had his tail not caught it. His wings instinctively fluff up, setting the cup on a rack with the rest of the clean, empty glasses.
"Didja have to get up there to tell me this?" He clears his throat deeply, gesturing wildly to ask what you were doing. You, currently perched on top of the bar counter on your knees cupping his face.
"Yeah!" You chirp with a grin. Husk sighs, grabbing you by the waist and hefting you down and off the countertop. He doesn't say a word when your legs wrap around his waist and your arms slide around his shoulders. His cold nose presses to your cheek and he chuckles softly, utterly happy and in love.
"You're a dork, huh, hun? But you're my dork." Husk purrs softly, pulling you in for a brief kiss.
Angel Dust
Owlishly, he stares at you. That confusion melts into a genuine smile and a soft chuckle. His third set of arms materializes, tugging you in by your hips while the other two wrap around your shoulders and waist respectively. Pressing his soft cheek to yours, he affectionately nuzzles you with a laugh.
"You're full of surprises, ain't ya, toots? Y-you're my everything, baby. My world. The one light in this whole damned darkness I call my life."
He was expecting something much different from you when you climbed into his lap, turning his attention away from his displayed monitors. Red eyes flickering, he's confused when you grasp both sides of his monitor screen. This is new...?? Vox's gaze widens as you finish your statement, chuckling deeply. Covering your hands in his, he places your hand to his chest where his dead heart would still be beating. You make him feel alive, no heartbeat and all.
"Fuck, baby, that's pretty cheesy. But I liked it." Vox grins, red dripping from the corners of his mouth. "C'mere, sweets. Wanna kiss ya."
Why do you have to say some of the cutest shit? Ugh, it makes his heart feel all weird and he's not sure how to react, but he does appreciate it nonetheless, especially with the two of you being alone. You know he's been working on his emotions, trying to do better. When he can't find the words to say, he nuzzles your palm softly and gives you a wobbly smile before harshly rubbing at his eyes.
"Th-thank you, ah, fuck.. Why am I crying? Must be a damn ninja chopping some fuckin' onions somewhere." He sniffles, deeply sighing. He grasps your hand in his, squeezing it softly. "I'm not sure if the world is a large enough example.. To, y'know, express my love or whatever.."
She's pretty taken aback by your statement, a soft blush staining her cheeks. Her tail gives a little wag and she smiles. Bending down to your height, she gives you a quick kiss on the cheek, her hand slipping into yours.
"You're such a sap, babe, but I love you too. You're my world as well. C'mon, let's see what kind of chaos Beel is having at her party tonight. Not every day I can show off how amazing my partner is."
Saying that he's surprised is an understatement. He recovers quickly, a smirk curling up his lips and he chuckles softly. He kisses each of your palms, gently removing them from his face. He tugs you in close, tail swaying behind him. Tilting your chin up, his claw running along your lower lip. He leans in close, lips only inches away. His voice noticeably deepens.
"You're sweeter than pie, ain't ya, sugar? Got my heart and stomach all twisted in knots like somethin' awful. I'm not the best with words but I'd be happy to show ya just how much your tender sentiment is mutual. If you'll have me."
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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seze [ˈsɛ.zɛ] n. blue flower
Anonymous Request: Reader confesses her feelings to Ao'nung and he rejects her pretty harshly, and Neteyam comforts her and eventually confesses to her and she realizes her feelings for Neteyam. When it comes time for them to mate before Eywa, Ao’nung regrets rejecting her, but it’s too late.
1,708 words
He looked me right in the eyes as he said it, with no shame, holding back nothing.
"I could never love someone like you."
He didn't yell it, he didn't even use a particularly harsh tone... he said it as if he was commenting that it looked like it might rain. It was a simple fact, and he seemed surprised that it wasn't something I'd considered.
I knew what he meant by 'someone like me'. Someone of little consequence. Someone with no particular or special skills. Someone on the outskirts of the clan, someone no one had ever really noticed.
Someone unimportant.
Though the words knocked the wind out of me, drained the blood from my face and made me feel light headed, all I could do was nod, turn, and walk slowly away.
It had taken weeks to work up the courage to tell Ao'nung how I felt. He had been so kind to me lately... I thought maybe, he felt the way I felt. Now I realized, that was foolish.
I left the beach for the protection of the treelined, and once I was out of sight, I sank to the ground, and let out a painful, low-pitched wail that I felt through my entire body.
The disappointment was hard, but the embarrassment was almost worse. Of course Ao'nung wouldn't be interested in someone like me; he would take a high-born mate, not a fisherman's daughter.
I cried myself to sleep, slumped against a tree, trying to accept my fate.
Neteyam noticed a change in Y/N right away. Though she mostly kept to herself, she was always cheerful and happy. He knew Kiri had a particular interest in Y/N, they had become sort of friends, and so she was around his family sometimes.
Something had happened to Y/N about three days ago, but Neteyam didn't know what. Though she was still around, she didn't speak, or smile, or engage hardly at all.
Neteyam asked Kiri what it was, but Kiri just shrugged and told him Y/N hadn't said anything to her.
He thought that was obtuse of Kiri. Hadn't he noticed the change in her friend? She was quiet before - not absolutely silent.
After another day of this, Neteyam could no longer hold his tongue, and when the opportunity presented itself and he found himself alone on the beach with Y/N, who was braiding a fishing net, he decided he had to speak up.
Neteyam sat next to me, lifting the net I was working on into his hands. It was small yet, but would be quite large when I was finished.
"Can I talk to you?" he asked.
I glanced over at him and nodded.
"Actually, I wanted to ask... if you're okay?"
My hands, once busy, settled into my lap, gripping the netting tightly. I was not okay, but I couldn't imagine why Neteyam would care. He had never shown any particular interest in me. In fact, no one had, save his sister, but even she hadn't noticed what was going on with me.
Ao'nung was right - I was not lovable.
A tear slipped from my eye, and I brushed it away, hoping Neteyam hadn't noticed.
"I'm fine," I replied.
Neteyam shook his head. "You are crying."
I turned away from him, pulling my knees to my chest. "It doesn't matter, Neteyam. Don't trouble yourself with me."
His warm, strong hand gripped my shoulder, and without thinking, I leaned over, pressing my cheek to his hand. The contact felt so good, and I tried to remember the last time someone had touched me like this... or at all.
"Tell me."
He pulled gently, and I turned to face him. The look on his face was so genuine, so earnest, and so full of concern. For a second, I wondered if he was teasing me. Maybe Ao'nung had told him what happened already, and Neteyam wanted to make fun of me.
That didn't make sense, though. Ao'nung and Neteyam weren't even close to being friends.
So maybe the concern was genuine.
The words spilled out of me then, like vomit, and I couldn't stop them. I told Neteyam about my years-long crush on Ao'nung, how I had pined for him, imagined a life with him, took his kindness to mean something it hadn't meant, and how when I'd told Ao'nung how I'd felt, he made it clear that I was too unimportant for someone like him to ever care about or notice.
I was crying by the end, fat tears rolling down my cheeks and splashing hot onto my lap, but it felt so good to finally tell someone that I didn't care, I couldn't feel embarrassed anymore. I had suffered enough embarrassment to last a lifetime over the past few days; I wanted to be done with that.
When I finished, I furiously wiped the tears from my eyes, and waited for Neteyam's response.
His expression was... angry. His brows furrowed, his mouth pursed, his eyes focused.
"I will kill that moron," he whispered.
I sighed and shook my head. "He doesn't have to love me."
"But he could at least be kind!"
I didn't reply, because I couldn't exactly argue with him.
Neteyam reached out unexpectedly, pulling me to him, wrapping me in a tight hug. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him, scooting closer, our bodies pressed together.
It felt so comforting, so intimate, so nice to be treated like this and cared about, I would've started crying again if I'd had any tears left.
"Neteyam, thank you," I whispered.
He pulled back, looking me in the eyes. "You are important, Y/N. I have watched you. You are kind and thoughtful. You watch Tuk carefully to ensure she doesn't ever get hurt, you treat Kiri with thoughtfulness and protect her when others treat her like she's different, you even tolerate Lo'ak. I have never met anyone so gentle or caring. That someone could hurt you... it makes me want to kill him, Y/N. He had no right to speak to you that way. You are like... you are like a flower, with soft petals. You should be protected, given water and sun, not stomped on."
A flower. This is was nicest thing anyone had ever said to me, and Neteyam was staring into my eyes, so intently. How could someone like him, the son of Taruk Makto, have noticed and felt these things about me?
"Neteyam, I..." I searched my mind for a perfect reply, but could only come up with: "I see you, Neteyam."
"I see you, Y/N."
My lips spread wide in a smile - my first in many days - and Neteyam smiles in return.
After that day, Neteyam and I were scarcely ever apart. He became at first, a best friend, my closest confidant, and then naturally, it turned into something more.
There wasn't a moment when I realized it had happened. He just began holding my hand nearly all of the time, guiding me by the small of my back, touching his forehead to mine when we part and finally, one night, he kissed me.
It didn't even shock me. It felt natural, that Neteyam would kiss me. It felt really almost overdue. Neteyam should have been kissing me since the moment we met.
We were completely in step, in sync, together always. Neteyam was meant to be my mate, and I was meant to be his.
He didn't really ask me, formally, to be his mate. He just mentioned once, something about, "when we're mated..." and I agreed.
And the date was set... but we told almost no one, outside of his family and mine. It felt special, secret, just for us.
"Kiri says they're very happy," Tsireya told her mother while she chopped fruit. "I think it's nice, that Y/N has found someone. She's always seemed so lonely."
Ronal nodded. "That's good. Good for Y/N. She's a nice girl."
Ao'nung sat across from them, his jaw set in anger. Y/N had done him a kindness by telling no one about his harsh rejection, and he had since realized that.
It wasn't that he didn't like Y/N. He had always thought she was beautiful, and kind, and there was something interesting about her, a quality he hadn't seen in other women in the clan... but no one really knew her, or cared about her. Her parents weren't particularly important to the clan, and neither was she, and Ao'nung thought, as future Ole'eyktan, he should have someone better.
He had come to realize that he had been stupid. Better wasn't more well-known, more talented, more superficial... better was kind, and caring, and someone his mother thought was a 'nice girl'.
"They are to be mated before Ewya," Tsireya said with a blush. "They don't plan to make a ceremony of it, just the two of them."
Ronal smiled. "Beautiful."
Ao'nung sat, simmering in anger at the chance he had lost, thinking of how Neteyam had almost beat him senseless when he found out how Ao'nung had treated Y/N.
He knew now, he deserved it, and he'd missed his chance.
When Ao'nung had told me he could never love me, it had seemed like the end of my life. It made me feel stupid, and worthless, and ugly. I hadn't thought I'd ever recover.
Then, Neteyam breathed new life into me. He didn't have to, but he did, and he kept doing it, every single day since then.
We emerged from the water, Neteyam breathless, chest heaving, my mate before Ewya.
He pulled me into his arms once more, pressing a desperate kiss to my lips, holding my face in his hands, then wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I love you," he whispered over and over between kisses, and I thought I could cry with gratefulness and joy.
"I love you, Ma Neteyam," I replied. I pulled away, just for a moment, to smile at him. "Thank you."
He pushed the wet hair from my face. "My flower," he said with a soft smile, as he so often did.
The sting of rejection was long behind me, replaced by enough joy to last a lifetime.
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girlgenius1111 · 9 months
i could change up my body and change up my face
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arsenal x platonic young reader
warnings: this discusses an eating disorder. this is based off my experience; everyone's are different.
You thought you were doing the right thing. The healthy thing. You'd always been a more muscular player, and it hadn't really bothered you. Football players varied in size; it didn't mean anything for how good you were. You debuted for Arsenal at only 18, and people had a lot to say; most of it you could handle. The comments on your weight, on how if you were smaller, you'd be faster, better, were what caused the problems.
It spiraled quickly; one day you were skipping dessert, and the next you were skipping entire meals. It was hard to balance: eating enough that you didn't feel like you were going to pass out on the pitch, but not so much that you could barely look at yourself in the mirror. Evidently, it was harder than you thought. You only managed it a few weeks before people began to catch on that something was up.
Your teammates had noticed that your behavior was off recently. You were less talkative, and you saw everyone outside of training a lot less. A few of them had discussed it, and had decided to keep an eye on you, see if things got worse.
When you passed out during training, everyone thought you were joking. It had recently become a popular prank; you and Kyra pretending to be hurt, scaring everyone, before popping back up. It was a bit of a boy who cried wolf situation: when you went down, a few people glanced over, but thought you were kidding, especially because no one had been near you. It was a hot day, though, and you'd barely eaten. You were lightheaded before you got out on the pitch, but once training began it only got worse.
You managed to last through the first part of the scrimmage, before you had to stop, putting your hands on your knees and breathing hard. Black spots dotted out your vision, and the world spun gently around you. You though you heard Katie make a joke about you already being winded, but you were falling to the ground.
In fairness to your teammates, it only took about 10 seconds before they realized something was actually wrong. Katie and Lia watched you go down, and something about it just looked wrong; you crumpled too easily for it to have been on purpose. Swearing, they both rushed to your side, rolling you onto your back.
"Fuck. Medics!" Katie called, kneeling down beside you.
"Hey, y/n, can you hear me?" Lia called, lightly tapping your cheek. Your eyes were shut, and you were completely limp on the ground. At her prompting, though, you groaned, shifting slightly and opening your eyes. Both girls sighed in relief. You blinked up at them in confusion. Why were you on the ground? You tried to sit up, but both girls stopped you.
"No, stay here, we need to make sure everything's alright," Lia said, as the physios finally arrived. A small crowd had gathered around you and your cheeks flushed red at that realization. You'd messed up. No one was going to let it go that you'd passed out. None of your protective, caring, overbearing teammates would let it go until they knew why this had happened. And they couldn't know: if they knew, they'd make you stop.
That was really all you could think about: how possibly you were going to play this off. As they got you up, after you blatantly refused a stretcher, and walked you slowly into one of the medical rooms, your mind was flashing from excuse to excuse.
"What are you feeling?" John, the head physio, asked, once you'd settled on the exam table. He was looking at you carefully, as if he could see right through you; it was incredibly unnerving.
"Just a little dizzy, I don't think I drank enough water," you replied. John looked at you searchingly for a minute, before asking another question.
"Did you eat breakfast today?" he questioned, eyes not leaving yours. It was the way he asked; not what did you eat, but did you eat, that told you that you were caught. You knew they'd notice that you'd lost weight, you all had to do weigh ins to correctly meal plan. You just hadn't noticed a difference, and assumed there wasn't much of one. But the way that John was looking at you, it must have been more than you thought. Enough that they'd noted it, and enough that they seemed to know what they were dealing with.
"Yeah of course," you lied. He could tell.
"I'm gonna step out for a minute, alright?" With that, he headed out of the door, leaving you to stress in the room. You didn't know where he was going, and it terrified you that he could come back and blindside you with anything at any moment.
You heard voices in the hall, and prepared yourself for an onslaught of different physios, and maybe the club psychologist. You weren't really sure what your plan was, and you didn't have anytime to settle on one before the door was opening.
It wasn't John, or a different physio. Not the club psychologist either. It was Leah and Katie, both walking into the room with incredibly worried looks on their faces. Briefly, you thanked god that Kim was out; she had this specific look she gave, and whenever you got it from her, you told her whatever you had previously been trying to hide. The odds of being able to lie to Leah and Katie weren't great, but better than if Kim had been there too.
"Using me to slack of training, McCabe?" you tried to joke. Neither girl cracked a smile.
"We talked to John. Do you want to tell us what's going on?" Leah responded, ignoring your comment.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I just got dehydrated, I'm fine." Apparently, you'd decided to play dumb. A strategy you weren't so sure of as you tried to hold eye contact with Leah.
The blonde sighed, taking a seat in one of the chair in the room. Katie remained standing, arms crossed over her chest. You were expecting tough love; harsh words that told you to get your shit together. You weren't expecting Leah's voice to soften, for her to look at you like you were fragile.
"Y/n, we want to help you."
"I don't need help with anything," you insisted.
"Then why have you lost a significant amount of weight in the past 3 weeks? Why did you just pass out on the pitch? And why haven't we seen you at any team dinners recently?" Katie replied. Her expression was hard, but you knew it was masking her worry.
You didn't know what to respond to that, honestly. You'd been expecting them to tiptoe around the issue for a while, try to get you to admit to it. In the back of your mind, you wondered if maybe you weren't in trouble. Maybe what you'd done was wrong, was bad, but it didn't mean they were mad at you, like you'd expected.
"Listen kiddo, we know there's a problem. There isn't anything you can say that will make us think there isn't."
"I don't know what to tell you. There isn't anything going on. It's not on me if you guys are seeing things that aren't there," you replied, crossing your arms. Both girls sighed, and exchanged looks.
"Okay, y/n, if that's how you want to play it. If everything is fine, you can come over for dinner with me and Lia tonight." Leah told you.
"I can't-" you began.
"Be there at 6," she interrupted, her tone leaving absolutely no room for argument.
You took a seat at the table, putting your hands underneath to hide how much they were shaking. You really didn't want to be here, but there was literally no way to get out of it. If you didn't show, you expected Leah, Lia, Katie, and probably half the team to show up to your house. You didn't want to draw anymore attention to the issue that you already had, so you just needed to get through this dinner, eat the food, and go home.
How hard could it be?
"We made your favorite," Leah told you, setting down a full plate in front of you.
"We?" Lia questioned, smirking at the other woman.
"Okay, Lia made your favorite, I sat nearby and kept morale up." You only weakly smiled in response, your attention still on the seemingly massive amount of food in front of you. If they noticed, they left it, taking seats on either side of you.
They kept the conversation going, with you contributing very little. Instead, you pushed the food around your plate, taking bites every so often. You weren't saying anything, forcing every bite down your throat. Lia and Leah watched you carefully, seeing the way every time you brought the fork to your mouth, you looked like you were in pain.
You could have done this meal normally. It was just that you'd had to eat lunch with the team after training, and the food in front of you was food that had practically haunted your nightmares in the last few weeks.
By the time you'd gotten halfway done with your plate, you were close to tears. The conversation had died out, and the older women were watching you as the fork shook in your hand.
"Y/n," Leah said softly, placing her hand over yours to stop it from trembling.
You let out a deep exhale, putting your face in your hands.
"I'm sorry," you said, voice muffled. You felt horrible. Truly, completely, horrible. All you could think about was the calories you'd consumed, and the fact that there was literally no way for you to deny this anymore. It was terrifying; the recognition from the others that you had a problem made it all the more real to you.
A hand was on your arm, pulling you away from the table. You went with it, standing and following Leah out of the kitchen. She led you to the couch, sitting down in the armchair across from you. Lia came in too, placing a glass of water on the table, before sitting down on the next to you. You were staring intently at the rug, following the pattern in it across the floor, instead of looking at either of the other people in the room.
"You don't need to apologize, y/n. You're not in trouble, and we're not mad at you." Leah stated cautiously. You remained quiet. "Can you tell me when this started?"
You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking for a minute.
"Neither of us are going to judge you for anything you tell us. And we aren't going to tell anyone what you say, as long as you let us get you help," Lia promised, and you found yourself looking up at her, blinking back tears. Her face was open, kind, and you felt yourself opening your mouth and beginning to talk.
"It's only been like a month."
"Did something happen that caused it?" Lia questioned.
“I'm not really even sure what happened. I know I shouldn't read comments on social media but I did and I couldn't stop and all of a sudden..." you trailed off.
Both girls sat in silence for a minute, clearly thinking hard about what they wanted to say.
"We'll talk to the club psychologist, and we'll get you in therapy. We'll get you better, and everything will be fine," Leah said, trying to project confidence. You knew she was just trying to help; outline a plan for you, let you know that there was a fix.
It wasn't that easy, though. The way she said it, like it was just a matter of going to therapy, and then it would be all better, made you inexplicably angry. Clearly, she didn't understand how hard this would be.
"It's not that fucking simple Leah," you said bitingly, and both girls looked at you in surprise.
"Y/n, I know it's not-"
"No, you can't just say that. List out 2 steps and make it seem like it'll be easy. It's going to be impossible, and I don't even want to-" you cut yourself off, jaw snapping shut.
"You don't even want to what, y/n?" Lia asked, eyebrows pinched in confusion.
"I don't want to stop. I don't think I can, I don't think I'm strong enough," you said, voice cracking over the last few words. Just as quickly as it had arrived, your anger had disappeared, leaving your eyes stinging with tears.
Before you knew what was happening, Leah was crossing the space in between you, sitting down on your other side, and pulling you into a bone crushing hug. The force of it knocked the air out of you slightly, leaving you to hold tightly to the stability that Leah brought.
"I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to make it sound like it would be easy; I know it won't be," she paused. "Alright, I don't know what it will be like, because I haven't gone through this, but I promise you, you are strong enough to get better.
"And you don't have to do it alone; we'll be here, whatever you need," Lia cut in from your other side, sounding earnest. They wanted to help, so badly. It shouldn't have surprised you, how much they cared, but it did. It always did.
Lia had told the truth. Every member of the team, even if they didn't know exactly what was going on, helped you in some way.
Leah and Lia had you over for dinner most nights; their support was silent, but there all the same. They didn't make a big deal of it if you finished your meal, or if you didn't. They trusted that you were trying.
Katie took your phone one day, wordlessly grabbing it out of your hands and disappearing. When she came back with it, you found the comments on all your posts limited to people you followed.
Alessia ate lunch with you, every day, no matter how long it took. She talked to you to, about her experience, but never made you feel like you had to tell her anything in return. It helped more than you could express, knowing that you weren't alone, that someone knew what you were going through.
Viv grocery shopped for you, when she figured out it was something you struggled with. She always bought too much, but she always gave you options. When things started to get easier, Viv still took you grocery shopping. It was her way of checking in without making you talk, seeing how you were doing by how overwhelmed you got.
You were partially right; it wasn't easy, but you were strong enough. And when you weren't feeling like you were, your teammates stepped up and were strong where you weren't. You could do it, you could recover. You weren't sure if you would have been able to by yourself, but it didn't matter, because you weren't.
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Clawing my way out of depression with some incredibly silly Bumblebee x Reader, in which our beloved Scout is shrunk down to the size of a kitten via science magic and reader must keep him warm in their coat. Reader is gender neutral beyond having titties for Bee to huddle against. Read and join me as I defeat SAD with the power of silliness.
Shrunken Earthspark Bumblebee x GN!Reader
Rated PG for silliness, fluff and booby mention
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Hunkering down at the abandoned warehouse you'd been told to wait in, you kept your eyes and ears on the horizon, hoping that the hum of familiar engines would cut through the howling wind and whirling snow before long. Though the air was frigid enough to freeze your breath, the bitter cold accounted for only a small portion of your desire to swiftly reunite with the team, as you had much bigger problems that you needed help with. Well, perhaps "bigger" wasn't the right word for it...
Standing atop the opposite end of the windowsill for his own vigil, Bumblebee looked remarkably alert and well composed for someone a fraction of their natural height. You supposed that his brush with Mandroid could have gone much worse; at least the device the scientist had escaped with had only shrunk the Scout, and done no further harm. It was a double miracle that you'd managed to find his tiny form amidst the knee deep snow of the battlefield. Rubbing your gloved hands together and trying not to stare, you told yourself that Wheeljack would be able to fix everything in no time, and that a few broken laws of physics would return your beloved bot to his usual towering height. Seeing him this tiny was just too strange, and not to mention unspeakably adorable.
A kitten-sized sneeze drew your eyes away from the snowy landscape out the window, and you looked over to find the Scout hugging himself through a dramatic shiver. "Bee? You okay?" you asked quickly, unable to help feeling far more protective than usual.
"F-f-fine!" he replied just as quickly, spinning around to face you. Digits trembling, he forced a shaky smile as he attempted to pass off crossing his arms as a casual gesture, though the tiny crystals of ice you noticed spreading across his frame gave him up just as readily. The poor mech sounded like he was seconds away from turning into a tiny Autobot popsicle as he shivered through every syllable. "Just a little... ch-chilly... B-but I'm f-fine!"
A number of realizations pinged through your mind at once; Bee must have lost a considerable amount of heat while buried in the snow, he was now far too small to regain said warmth, and he had no real idea how to stop himself from freezing now that he didn't have mass to protect himself. His pride had undoubtedly kept him from voicing the problem as it worsened, leaving you with a very tiny and very frozen Scout to thaw. "You're obviously freezing! Why didn't you tell me?"
"N-never been a p-problem before..." he replied as he gave in and started to shiver. Your heart twisted in pity, and you looked about as your brain raced to think of a solution, the lack of supplies leaving you with very few options. There was no way to build a fire, nor was there any power supply to start up the building's climate control, which was probably busted anyway. If only you had a tiny jacket to share...
"I need to get you warm; fast. Let me think... oh!"
The solution that came to you was very silly, and in a less life-threatening situation you would have thought it was quite embarrassing, but the prospect of saving your beloved Scout left no room for such doubts. Unzipping the front of your coat, you offered a hand for him to climb onto.
"Come here. You'll be plenty warm under my coat." you explained, figuring he'd fit perfectly between your shirt and the ample padding. Despite the chill, Bee managed a pink blush across his frozen cheeks, optics going wide in bashful embarrassment as he put together what you meant. It seemed that his pride hadn't shrunk with him.
"Y-you don't have-"
"Shush. At this rate, you'll freeze before our ride gets here" you insisted, voice growing a tad more urgent at his worsening freeze. Just watching his wings shake in time with his shivers made you care little for any kind of pride, including your own, and you used your concern to remain steadfast. Bringing your hand close enough for him to feel the warmth radiating from your glove made his resolve visibly waver. "So for now, my heat is your heat."
"Mmm..." he hummed in uncertainty, growing more tempted by the second. No bigger than a kitten and only slightly more intimidating, he cracked after only a few additional moments of hesitation, steadying himself against your thumb as he sat in your palm. He couldn't have weighed more than a pound, and you had to stifle a reflexive squee as he instinctively pressed himself into the warmth of your hand. A drooping of his optics made resisting that much harder. "Maybe just for a few minutes..."
"Of course." you said with a knowing smile. Gently sliding him into the opening of your coat, you just managed to avoid hissing as his frigid mesh settled against your shirt, though it was easy to ignore the discomfort when the tiny bot melted against you. With the outcrop of your breasts to support him, and the... "plush" of the area in question to keep him comfortable, Bee settled down as quickly as one would on a luxary mattress. Shivers dying down before your very eyes, the Scout rested his helm against you with the tiniest sigh. You had an undeniable urge to pet him as you whispered down into the little pocket of warmth. "There. Better?"
"Much... thank you." he murmured, looking up to meet your eyes with a smile as grateful as it was sleepy. Hoping he couldn't hear the resulting flutter of your heart, you pulled the zipper up a tad to keep the heat from escaping, grateful that your mammalian physiology could come in such handy. You'd have happily watched him rest his optics for hours, but a hum in the distance drew your gaze to the frosty window. Through the thick whirls of snow, your squinting eyes made out the faint outline of a familiar truck and aircraft, followed by a number of other vehicles you'd been hoping to see. The convoy had arrived.
"I think that's our evac, do you want-"
You went quiet at the sound of the tiniest snores you'd ever heard emanating from your coat, and as soon as your heart was done with its backflip, you found yourself wondering whether or not Bee would wish to be woken before his comrades saw him snoozing atop your breasts.
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Real or Not (Pt 1/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
When Dean starts mentioning his ex it makes you start doubting how stable your relationship is
@lacilou s idea
You were half asleep, curled up to Dean's chest. His fingers were slowly tracing patterns on your bare back as he sung along with whatever was playing on the radio, the light rumble of his voice was nearly lulling you back to sleep. The bed was warm and soft, his body against yours was an added warmth and comfort. You'd known the boys most of your life, the perks of hunting but you and Dean was a development that had just happened a few years before.
Him and Sam had discovered the men of letters bunker and as a byproduct had extended an invitation for you to use one of the many extra bedrooms. You weren't sure how the line between friends and lovers was crossed between you and Dean.
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The first time you saw a spark of what could be was when a guy had gotten handsy with you in a bar after a hunt. You were sore after all three of you had gotten tossed around, the bruising on your side was already multiple shades of purple. You'd left the boys to go to the bathroom and hadn't noticed a guy watching you.
When you walked out the bathroom he'd grabbed you rather roughly. Any other time you would've kicked his ass with no problem but his fingertips had dug into the bruise forcing the air out of your lungs and a gasp of pain to escape your lips. "Hey asshole" You heard Dean's voice a half a second before the guy was ripped off of you.
You watched as Dean hit him and felt some sense of vindication when the guy went down but when Dean moved to hit him again you grabbed his arm, the bouncer was headed your way and not to mention you knew Dean.
He was strong enough to take down monsters on the daily, if he went off on this drunken asshole he could kill him. The anger in his eyes quickly dissolved when he realized it was your hand on him "Sweetheart he hurt you" you smiled slightly "I've had worse dee. You probably broke his jaw as is. Let the bouncer handle it, let's grab Sam and head back to the motel"
From that day on any time the three of you went out Dean would stand outside the bathroom and wait on you. You'd felt guilty for a while that his chances of hooking up was cut down extremely by every woman in the bar seeing him waiting on you but when you'd finally brought it up to him he'd simply said "You're more important to me"
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The first time Dean kissed you was late one night. You and him had been dancing around feelings for each other for a while.
You'd been in your room, laid across the bed listening to music when he'd knocked on your door. "Come in!" You called out turning to sit up instead of being sprawled out. Dean walked in and a smile pulled onto his face "Were you asleep?" Your eyes widened when you realized how your hair probably looked. Not that he hadn't seen you at a worse time but nonetheless you smoothed a hand over your hair "No, was just listening to music" he nodded slowly but you could tell he hadn't just come to your door to see what you were up to. "Something wrong Dee?"
He motioned down the hall "There's a um meteor shower tonight. Sam told me about it, I know you like that kind of thing and there's a few clearings not far from here if you wanna take a little ride?"
You nodded "Yeah let me get my boots on and grab a hoodie" the smile he gave you made your heart flip "Take your time sweetheart"
About half an hour later you were laying across baby's hood next to Dean, watching the night sky. His hand found your leg, squeezing gently before he sat up "Y/N, can we talk?" You sat up too and took his offered hand to get off the impala. Once you were both standing he gave you one of those smiles that made your knees weak "Can I just kiss you and stop this dancing around? I know how I feel about you and I'm fairly certain how you feel about me"
"I'd like that" you admitted and next thing you knew his lips were on yours. Kissing Dean was better than you'd ever imagined and you'd imagined it plenty. The way he made you feel from just a kiss was dizzying. When he pulled away he slid his arms around your waist pulling you even closer "I could get used to doing that" you laughed "I could get used to you doing that"
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The two of you had ended up watching the sun come up before going back to the bunker. You'd never admit under threat of torture but you were half in love with him then.
You felt his fingers hesitate just a moment before he said "I know you're awake" you cut your eyes up to see green eyes watching you closely. You smiled "I was enjoying the song" he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your lips but when his hands moved to your hips rolling you over on top of him the kiss deepened. When you had to move away from each other to catch your breath he grinned at you "If I get that for a song what do I get for a few?" You raised an eyebrow rolling your hips down against his which made him choke out a groan "I'm sure we can come to an agreement"
Yeah you'd never admit it but you were head over heels for the eldest Winchester.
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You were moving through the bunker, humming to yourself. You'd just gotten through with laundry and was headed to see if Sam needed help with research.
You were almost to the library when you heard Dean and Sam both laughing. The sound warmed your heart, they rarely genuinely laughed. "Man you remember how Mila lost the cop that was chasing her, met us back at Bobby's and cooked breakfast" Sam said and you felt yourself falter.
Sam was one of your closest friends and yeah him and Dean had hunted close with Camila for a while especially while her and Dean were a thing but as far as you knew they hadn't talked to her in a while. Why were they reminiscing about Dean's ex? Your stomach dropped to your feet when Dean's voice was the next to say "Mila has always been a force of nature"
You knew when it came to these two your poker face was shit so you stopped dead in your tracks unsure what to do next. When they started into another story starring none other than Camila Paulso you spun on your heel and headed for the garage. You hadn't realized you were crying until your vision went blurry.
This wasn't like you. You weren't the overly jealous type and getting this upset over something so trivial as them reminiscing? Because you had fallen in love with Dean and honestly had no clue if he felt the same. Every insecurity you felt from when you first got with Dean came rushing back. Every little voice that said you weren't his type, that you weren't good enough for him, that he'd never love you blared through your head.
You walked over to one of the older cars you always liked and sat down next to it, forcing yourself to calm down. They were just talking. Maybe you needed a break, you could go visit Jody and the girls. A few minutes passed before your phone went off with a text from Dean "Where are you at?"
You pushed yourself to your feet, checking your reflection in the window of the car before texting back "Garage" you needed to get a grip. Dean wasn't the type to not say what he wanted. He was with you, that counted for something right?
About the time you heard his voice ring through the garage calling your name a small whisper flashed through your head saying "What if he's passing time until he can get her back?"
Why the hell was your own brain working so hard against you?
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
This is my last request and I hope you enjoy your holiday. May I request for more Yandere platonic Nanami wherein he yells at their darling one day and so they decide to hide from him inside the house and Nanami foolishly thinks they escaped. They only come out after hearing the commotion
Ohhhh great! More characters! I like this, thanks for the Request!
Platonic Yandere Nanami and Reader: Hide and seek
Kento had had a bad day, a pretty bad one, leaving him irritable and definitely not wanting to do much. Simply arrive and spend time with (Reader).
But that was no excuse for what happened next.
(Reader) had already become quite accustomed to the... lifestyle that Kento forced made them maintain for their safety and protection, however they was still a young person, they was still learning things--
So there was no way they knew that resuming a small argument they had earlier and that they WANTED to finish(about the sorcery academy, above all.Even after the events in Kyoto and Geto, they wanted to return to the academy when what was the point? Those from their year had been expelled. Did they expect them to be sent alone? no way) would have been the straw that broke the little calm left in the man. Ending the interaction with a single, forceful scream at them.
Kento didn't mean to yell or sound abrupt, but all the built-up tension of the day, the overtime, and the fact that he just wanted to rest and not deal with anything else made him not realize that Reader was not only startled, but was made backwards, in fear...
no again...
Kento had already been through this at the beginning, when he first brought them home, how they would stay away from him, how they would be startled when he tried to get close or give them affection, how many times they tried to escape from home...the punishments that followed--
Everything had been worth it until now, they were finally accepting him as a father, loving him back, seeing him in a similar way to when he supervised them at the academy--
and he ruined it.
and now he paid the price.
He promises himself that when he returns from this shift, he would make it up to them for yesterday (already hoping that they would want to leave their room by that time) and thus fix things and not start from scratch again.
What he didn't expect when he returned was to realize that he had left the door unlocked... and he felt the little color he had in his face drain away...
He quickly entered and checked readers's room, it was open, there was no one, he went to his room, nothing, he left his bed, nothing, there was no one in the kitchen or the living room, he removed everything, he made a big mess and nothing.
and since they had behaved so well he had turned off the security cameras for a while. so if they had left he had no idea where they went....
Reader had fled, all because of him.
All the possible scenarios began to appear in his head, what would happen if they ran into some curse? They had gotten too used to fighting because they were living with him, they would be defenseless! They hadn't even properly healed from the events of last year! or being alone out there, in Japan, hungry, cold, with all the depraved people out there...
Should he ask the other sorcerers for help? But what happens if they see the relationship he has with Reader in a bad way? Or what if Gojo found out that he was keeping them locked up when he told him to stay away from them? What if he told the normal authorities? They would misinterpret everything and want to take them away from him! Or worse! Return them to the academy where they would run more danger!
Kento started to panic, he got on his knees, pulled his hair and, like yesterday, let out a scream of pure frustration at the situation, but with many more emotions than just anger.
despair, sadness, fear, uncertainty--
That's when he heard it.
like something was moving in his room.
Even if he searched for Reader in depth throughout his entire apartment, he did not search in places that, out of mere habit, he did not see because they were obvious, such as the closet. and now he heard someone walking from his room to where he was (the living room, in a mess) and when that person appeared he realized... it was Reader.
They stared at him before letting out a small "I heard a lot of noise..."
Nanami was perplexed, but tried to compose himself quickly and act "normal" as he stood up and walked towards them with a slow step. He scared them once, he wouldn't do it again.
Kento was amazed that Reader had decided to just hide. Had they realized that the door was open? Was it some kind of plan? Or was it sincere? It didn't matter now.
Nanami could hardly hold back his tears when he got closer to their level to give them a hug while whispering what he feared most "...I thought you were gone...".
Fortunately, as they hugged him back, he realized that he wouldn't have to worry. They wouldn't leave.
He got them used to depending on him a lot, they love him, he knows it, deep down they love him as much as he loves them, they know that it is better here, that he does this for their own good, like a good father would. They won't leave him because they know there's no point in doing so...he will find them sooner or later...they didn't go through so much misery together to stop now...
They will be together.
He would make sure of it, from now on, no matter what happens.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 9 months
For your wounded heart
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Pairing: Mizu x reader
Word count: ~2k
Notes: If there will be interest for it, I'll continue the story, because so far there isn't really a Mizu x reader going on lmfaoo but we'll seeeee
Ps.: Mizu's pronounce is he/him in this part
Here's Part 2
The molten gold disc of the sun slowly crept up the horizon, pouring gray onto the world from the darkness. It rose drowsily, languidly among the tall canopies, leaves lighting up as it projected onto them as thousands of thalers appeared next to the shining disk.
The songbirds ruffled their feathers — ready for the challenges of another day, and sang happily to their companions.
A strong draft escaped from under the wooden door, making the embers of the flickering fire dance before running through your covers.
The sudden cold bit into your skin; grabbing you from the realm of dreams, dragging you back to the world of the living with its icy fingers. You opened your eyes with a terrified sigh; waking up from the warm and caressing dream you pulled yourself under the covers.
Another day, another task ahead of you.
Wearly, you dressed up before trying to gather your belongings, which you would need shortly.
A scalpel, a knife, gloves and a deep basket soon graced your side as you set off into the awakening forest.
Three days ago, you were approached by one of the most influential merchants in town. His wife caught the chills-fever, which her priests had not been able to cure with any of their treatments. Realizing that needles, prayers and incense would not help here, the nobleman visited you the day before, when the noises of the market in the main square seemed to dull down, when you started packing your goods to go home.
It had been a long time since you were last offered such a sum - too long for your liking. Short of money - and because you would have faced the wrath of a powerful man if you refused - you accepted his offer to heal his spouse.
Early in the morning, when the rooster hadn't even crowed, you were already ready to go collect the ingredients for the potion.
The sharp autumn air crawled over your skin, penetrated your bones and breathed newfound strength into your heart. Listening to the soothing soft melody of the forest, you set off towards its thickets, hoping that you would find enough ingredients for your tonics today. Everything was ready to take care of the sick wife- all you had to do was get the hojicha flower, of which you had run out of stock a while ago.
Pulling your cloak tight around your shoulders, you stepped on the wet moss carpet, careful not to slip on the rutted ground. Soon the ground would start to freeze- you thought as you tried to remember which tree trunk you marked, where you should turn right or left to reach your usual harvesting location.
"If I want to have everything in the winter, I have to collect them in time..." You sighed, stepping over a taller ditch. "Maybe I should look at the market to buy seeds and-"
"To the best of my knowledge, you have to go the other way to the nearest market." A harsh, sharp voice spoke from your left.
You immediately screamed and if the cold didn't do it until now — the stranger who suddenly stumbled here had certainly frozen your blood. The pounding of your heart only made it worse as you spun backwards, trying to face the source of the sound. Your foot slipped and you fell to your knees, hitting a wet log while you turned your head trying to find the source of the sound.
After a while, three men appeared in front of you; one from the nearby bushes, while two crept out from behind the cover of the trees; like wild dogs lurking in wait for their prey.
"The lady must be lost, people can disappear quickly in the forest..." The other man nodded with a vile grin, rubbing his palms together while approaching you.
"Certainly, it is not recommended to walk alone in such remote places at the crack of dawn." The third man took over, turning his attention to the basket lying on the floor next to you. “It's better if we accompany you… so no one attacks you.”
"I didn't, I just-" You stammered, but your voice got stuck in your throat as the three strangers walked closer and closer. Their ragged and dirty clothes, their darkly glistening dreadful eyes ruled out that they were simple wanderers.
You ran into bandits on the road, alone, in the middle of the forest. Your heart was pounding in your throat and kept yelling for you to move, escape, run — otherwise you will take your last breath here forever.
Your eyes darted to your overturned basket – deep inside your knife was glinting in a cold light. If you could be fast enough to get it out of there...Fight for your life. You fight or you die.
But instincts were stronger than reason; the Gods opened a third way for you at that moment.
You pushed yourself away with your hands, your heels digging into the ground hard, almost scraping it up as you jumped up to run away like a chased deer. You could barely feel your legs, could barely breathe as you ran through the trees with all your might, jumping over bushes, rocks, and pits. With your heart in your throat, with the sound of the bandits' steps and shouts in your ears, you kept going forward, not even daring to look back.
Your ability to navigate had left you, you didn't even know if you were running towards or away from them, there was just the feeling that you still had to go, still run, still fight. If you stopped you were dead, if you fell you were dead, if they caught up you were dead.
A huge thorn bush appeared in front of you, too high and wide it would have been almost impossible to jump over it, to get around it; so for lack of a better option you tensed your muscles, pulled your neck in, closed your eyes and ran into the branches, shielding your face with your arms.
The pain that ignited in the darkness flashed through you as a hundred and a thousand spikes dug into your exposed skin; then you felt the ground open under your feet, suddenly you began to fall.
You didn't even have time to cry out when you hit the hard ground with your side.
Lying there injured and exhausted, with a bursting heart, you realized that it was all over.
You just sealed your faith.
Panting and choking from crying, you heard the rustling of the bushes behind you, then the trampling of feet.
"Here's the little slut" One of the men chuckled, but the cheering stopped almost immediately.
You did not dare to look up from the ground, did not dare to move; you were left lying on the ground trembling, awaiting death...
But nothing happened.
Another second, but there was only silence, no more footsteps, no giggles, no shouts.
Blinking away the dirt and blood, you looked from behind your lashes and then realized why you were still breathing.
The attention of the three thugs no longer plagued you. They turned almost motionless, to the left, watching ahead of them.
You followed their gaze and saw that you had fallen on a road. On a road where a fourth stranger was now standing in front of you.
A tall, lanky stranger in blue traveling clothes, the bamboo hat he wore pulled low over his face, obscuring his features.
A stranger with a sword in his hand.
Suddenly everything around you seemed to be silent; the chirping of the birds died away, the trees and twigs no longer creaked and cracked, as if the wind itself had stopped to watch the unfolding scene.
Not wanting to break the silence, you stared at the fourth stranger, holding your breath, wondering what would happen now.
Was that your savior ahead of you? Or was he just a wanderer who didn’t care what troubled others, who would only solve his own problems, regardless of if he made others ill-fated? Maybe you got out of the frying pan into the fire?
"There's nothing to see here." The nimblest bandit growled, a rusty knife in hand. "Everybody's minding their own business, right?"
"This matter belongs only to us and this woman, there is no need to cause difficulties for anyone." The largest one with a long mustache spoke slyly, the one closest to you clutched a heavy cudgel in his fist, his knuckles white from the force with which he gripped it.
The blue-clad stranger didn't answer immediately, instead tilting his head to the side, he peeked out from behind the brim of his hat, flashing his yellow-tinted glasses in the light.
"Looking at you, I suspect you are road thugs." The sword bearer spoke, his voice softer than you would have expected. "You rob those who come here." His words didn't seem like a question.
At this, the third man - the fox with a smile, who had a katana, spat down his side stepping forward in front of his companions.
"If you want good for yourself, you turn back or walk past us without another word." He snapped in his raspy voice, grabbing the hilt of his sword as the other two tensed with their weapons as well.
Barely able to handle the shaking and the hitching of your breath, you lifted your torso off the ground with challenge, turning to the blue-cloaked stranger desperately.
"Please…" Your voice trailed off as sobs broke from you. "Don't let me die, please!" Your voice cracked; hot tears washing away the mud and blood from your face. "Help me, please!"
The lanky stranger moved his arm back, revealing the hilt of his sword as he reached towards it with his right hand.
You inhaled through your teeth when you heard the deep clang of metal and clattering footsteps as the bandits charged towards him.
You dropped back down, pulling your knees to your chest as the battle began. Only daring to watch the scene from the cover of your arm.
The swordsman reached first the blue-clad savior, swinging an upward blow from the left, but his sword met another steel.
The man in the hat drew his sword from the sheath with the speed of a viper, breaking the first attack with almost no effort. Before the thug could react to it, the man was already flying to the ground, his legs entangled as the blue clothed one pushed him away to answer the next blow.
The rusty knife reached him second, and while his companion seized the stranger with his blade, he thrusted his knife towards your helper's neck. The cloaked man shoved the katana wielder away with his foot as he turned his torso to the side, the knife still flying towards him mid air.
Taking advantage of the movement, he turned to the right, placing one raised foot in front of the other, cutting across with his blade in front of him.
In a blink of an eye, red rain shot from the arm of the knife-wielding bandit - the sword almost cut his arm off. He staggered with a sharp wail, then fell to the ground, where he continued to shriek.
The one with a cudgel on the other hand did not attack yet, instead he stopped from a decent distance so the sword of the man in blue could not reach him, seemingly considering his next moves.
But this proved to be only a distraction when the first attacker reappeared, this time springing into action behind your savior's back.
The one in blue could hear this, as he turned to the side keeping an eye on both of his attackers, but then the largest started to move suddenly in order to attack at the same time with his other partner.
Seeing the impossible situation, you already had the mental image of the swordsman slashing your savior while the other beat him to death with the heavy club — you whimpered in terror, burying your face in your arms to shield yourself from the sight.
You heard a shout and the clang of steel meeting again, something heavy falling to the ground. A dull, more watery pounding - the cudgel! Bubbling, frothy snoring- a moan of agony and then silence.
You were next, you were sure of that.
Sharp cuts, bone-crushing blows and then slow, lingering death awaits you.
But there was no movement, not even a single grunt from the fight.
Panting, you raised your head to shorten your wait, but you did not find yourself facing the person you were waiting for.
You caught the gaze of the blue-cloaked stranger. You watched with a dry throat and roaring head as he stood over the three bloodied, dying bandits, his sword still clutched in his right hand.
The bamboo hat was no longer on his head, it probably fell off sometime during the fight when you weren't looking, and now was lying at his feet, waiting to be dusted off and put on again.
But instead, the stranger staggered, his knees buckling as he took two steps forward, finally slumping forward onto the ground, leaving you alone in the field of vigilance.
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nyxfleuret · 7 months
Ross Humboldt x F!Reader
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Author's Note: I really got inspired on this one, I put so much effort...I hope you all like it! I had to change some things but it is actually the movie's plot. (Patrick Wilson is so hot on that movie, not only in that movie lol.)
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: smut with plot, breeding kink, gore, violence, swearing, voyeurism? (Idk rlly), deaths, movie spoilers, oral receiving (female and male), giant rock lol, reader has stretch marks.
"Shit." It was the only word that managed to come out of your mouth as you supported yourself on your slightly bent knees, trying to catch your breath.
You didn't know how long you had been in that place...In that damn field of tall grass.
You only knew that when you entered, it was still morning and that the reason for all this was because you had heard a boy named Tobin screaming for help, claiming that he was lost in the field.
"Okay, now me, this Tobin and God knows who else, we're trapped in this field." You comment to yourself, placing both hands on your waist, staring at the floor as you tried to think, but no ideas came to mind. "We're all screwed..."
You return to walking, looking at the sky that was now night and cloudy, threatening to dump heavy rain on the area as you adjust your tank top and pants.
"Great, and now it's about to rain...Can it get any worse?" Well, it seems like you asked this question at the wrong time.
You hear someone moving in the grass behind you and reluctantly, you look back, trying to see what or who it was.
"Look, I really don't have time to play hide and seek, there's something really wrong here so...Just show up." You sigh, breathing heavily, having no weapon to defend yourself.
Ross's figure appears, brushing away the grass with his hands as he smiles slightly at you, sweat covering his face and chest, which could be seen as the top of his pink shirt was unbuttoned.
"Hi...I heard your voice and managed to track you." Ross looks at you, breathing heavily as he places his hands on his waist.
"W-Who are you?" You move away from him, taking a few steps back.
"My name is Ross, I'm looking for my wife Natalie and my son Tobin, they are also lost in this field." Ross sighs, looking around. "I don't even know how long I've been here... If that dog hadn't come in...
"The dog?" You thought and looked at the floor. A few minutes ago, you had seen the body of a dog in an advanced state of decomposition, indicating that a lot of time had passed. "So you're Tobin's father..."
"Have you seen my son?" He raises an eyebrow, looking at you waiting for a positive response.
"No...But I heard his cries for help. The moment I entered in this field, I didn't hear him anymore." You sigh, scratching the back of your neck as you look away from him.
Ross looks down for a moment and then looks back at you.
"We can get together and try to find my family, then we get out of here, what do you think? Ross smiles at you, trying to cheer you up.
You nod, still reluctant but to tell the truth, you had no alternative but to unite with the only person you met in this place.
Ross leads the way, pushing aside the plantation with his strong hands, clearing the path for the two of you.
"Fuck..." You curse as you realize you've sunk your sneakers into the mud, earning a small laugh from Ross. " That's not funny!" You scoff, pulling your dirty shoes out of the mud.
"Somebody help me, please!" Tobin's voice echoes through the leaves, the same voice that is the reason you are here.
"Tobin!" Ross starts running, leaving you behind, trying to follow his son's voice.
You try to follow him but it was too late, the field had already changed your position.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" You stamp your foot on the floor, clenching your hands as you try to control the anger inside you. "When this kid and I get out of here, I'm going to beat the shit out of him...With all due respect, of course."
The rain starts to fall, increasing in intensity as you walk through the grass, trying to find Ross and Tobin.
"If I hadn't taken a vacation, everything would be fine..." You mutter, trying to look up, but the rain only made it difficult for you to see.
You decide to sit on the wet grass, hiding your head between your legs, hugging them in an attempt to keep warm and protect yourself from the rain.
Falling asleep without realizing it, you look up at the sky, noticing the rain had stopped and it was dawning.
"And here we go." You get up with a slight pain in your back, stretching yourself trying to alleviate it. "Besides feeling alone, I feel like an old woman..."
Starting to walk again, you look around, hoping to find something or someone to help you.
Your vision is tired of seeing only grass and daylight, the scorching sun slowly burning your skin, sweat sliding down your forehead and neck, your body warning you of dehydration.
Suddenly, you hear Tobin's voice and two other people, a man and a woman, who you hadn't heard before.
"Hey, can someone help me? I'm lost here!" You look up, your ears focusing on the screams of others.
"That's nothing new since we're all stuck here!" Cal sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Guys, my dog ​​is dead..." Tobin says in a crying voice, not knowing what to do.
"I have an idea! Tobin, keep talking loud so we can all reach you!" You start running in the direction of Tobin's voice, everyone running in the same direction.
You meet Tobin, who was looking at his dead dog in a state of decomposition, Cal and Becky, who appeared to be brothers and who were also lost there and then another man appears, Travis.
"Thank God." Becky smiles, feeling relieved in a way, as she looks at the rest of the group.
"Who are you?" You raise an eyebrow, breathing heavily as you recover from the run you had just done.
"I'm Becky, this is my brother Cal." The woman points to her brother, who was looking at you with a suspicious look. "And this one is Travis...my...ex."
You noticed the change in tone in her voice as you discreetly looked at her pregnant belly, the pieces of the puzzle quickly falling into place inside your mind.
"And you?" Becky looks at the blonde boy while rubbing her belly.
"I'm Tobin..." The boy looks at Becky, Cal and Travis, then turns to you. "I heard your voice, you were with my father, weren't you?
You nod, looking at him. "I thought your father found you." Frowning, you cross your arms.
"I had heard his voice approaching me but suddenly, he disappeared and I remained alone." The boy's loneliness was like a stab in your heart, no one deserves to be alone, especially at his age.
"I'm very sorry." You sigh, lowering yourself to his level as you rub his shoulders in a comforting, almost maternal way. "We're going to find him and when we do, we'll all get out of here."
The tension in the young boy's muscles eases as you comfort him. "Thanks." He waves and smiles.
"Okay, which way?" Cal looks around, looking for a way out.
"I have an idea...Tobin, get on my shoulders." Travis bends down, giving Tobin access to his shoulders. The boy sits on them and slowly, Travis stands up. "Okay, now...Do you see anything?"
Tobin looks in all directions until his gaze finds the church which was on the other side of the road, in front of the field.
"The church! I see it!" Tobin points in its direction and Travis starts walking, followed by the others. "Don't separate from us, not even for a minute."
You nod and the others do the same, following Travis and Tobin as they think about why this strange field exists.
Your mind browsed through your memories, more precisely in the brief moments you had shared with Ross.
Damn, the man was married and already had a son, but oh...He was so handsome. It was as if he were a Greek God...That shirt he was wearing, open on the upper part of his chest, giving access to his curious gazes, those lips that were just the right amount of flesh and his penetrating blue gaze, which seemed to drown out all your thoughts everytime you looked at him. (Aquaman reference, got it? Because Patrick Wilson is Orm and...Yeah, you got it AHEM.)
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud thump behind you, making you jump and quickly turn around to see what had happened.
Becky had passed out, being surrounded by the group while Cal tried to save her, pressing both hands together on her chest repeatedly.
"What happened?" You ask, not moving closer to give her brother and ex space as they both tried to save her.
"She just fainted, fell..." Travis' chest was breathing heavily as he felt sick.
You looked at her belly, worried about the safety of the baby and the mother.
Suddenly, Ross appears in the tall grass, bending down and trying to save her, successfully.
Becky takes a deep breath and coughs, sitting up and looking at the man in surprise.
"Dad!" Tobin runs into Ross' open arms, who catches him and holds him in a tight hug.
"My son...Are you okay?" Ross looks at the smiling boy, stroking his blonde hair.
The boy nods and looks at the others. "They helped me."
Ross smiles and looks at everyone, his gaze meeting yours, a moment that seemed to pass much slower than usual. "You...Thank you for taking care of my son."
Nodding, you look away as a blush takes over your cheeks. CONCENTRATE!
"I ended up getting to the road but I wasn't going to leave my wife and son here." Ross smiles, hugging Tobin.
"How?" Travis raises an eyebrow, sighing.
"I can only say that it's not a straight line. Where were you all going?" Ross looks at the group, directing his gaze once again to you.
"In the direction of the building." You smile at Tobin's father earning a smile in return.
"We were close..." Cal helps Becky to her feet, looking around.
"Come up again, Tobin." Travis kneels, allowing the blonde to sit on his shoulders again.
He rotates 360°, unable to find the building.
"It disappeared." Tobin continues searching, without success.
"That's how it works around here, but I have a lucky ticket for anyone who wants it." Ross opens his arms, smiling widely at the others.
"You had the chance to get out of here, why didn't you do it?" Travis narrows his eyes, crossing his arms.
"I wasn't going to leave my wife and son here, considering that now, I have you all to save too." He laughs lightly, shaking his head. "Come on, I'll show you the way..."
Ross begins to lead the way, being followed by the others.
Something didn't feel right...The fact that Ross knew how to get out of that place was very strange, but there was nothing you could do but to follow him.
You continued to follow Ross, watching the sky darken quickly, the orange color of the afternoon turning into the dark blue of the night.
Humboldt began to sing, his voice resembling the song of sirens, drawing you more and more with a dangerous melody.
"You have a beautiful voice." You look at Ross, who turns to you, nodding.
"Thanks, I used to be in a band when I was young." Ross smiles and returns to lead the way.
Suddenly, you come across a large black rock in the center of the field, with several drawings contained on it, as if they were describing a ritual.
"We're here." Ross smiles, but this time differently...A mischievous smile.
"What is that?" You ask, pointing to the rock.
"This...It's the stone of redemption...Touch it and you will know everything." Ross moves closer to you, his breath hitting against your cheek. "Touch it."
You swallow hard, approaching the stone, reaching out your hand until...
"STOP!!! DON'T TOUCH THE ROCK!" Natalie shouts, appearing in the center of the field.
"Mom!" Tobin runs towards her, hugging her.
"I don't know what he told you, but it's a lie!" The mother looks at Ross, narrowing her eyes.
"Honey? What happened?" Humboldt tries to get closer.
"DON'T COME CLOSER!" Natalie places Tobin behind her, taking steps back as her gaze shifts to Becky. "You..."
Becky raises her eyebrows in surprise, not recognizing Natalie.
"I saw...I saw...She was...She was..." She breathes heavily, holding back the tears that were about to fall from her eyes.
"She was...She was what? Just say it." Ross's smile gets wider and wider as he looks at his wife.
"She wasn't alive." Natalie turns away, hiding her face with her right hand. "And you were going to hurt me..."
"Hurt you?" Ross frowns. "How can you think something like that? I would never do that, we're together...We're a family, aren't we Travis?" Ross opens his arms and turns to the man.
Becky suddenly begins to feel severe pains in her stomach, squirming as Cal and Travis rub her back.
An image comes to her mind, Ross was in the middle of the grass, his eyes were completely white as if there was no soul there, as if he was being controlled by the field, a wide smile spread across his face as he lowered his head.
Becky comes back to reality, looking at Ross.
"Let's go." Her gaze becomes serious, taking steps back. "Now."
You frown, looking at everyone there. Certainly, something wasn't right there and the only thing you wanted at that moment was to get out of there.
"Want to come with us?" Travis looks at Natalie and Tobin, who nod but don't move when they see Ross has positioned himself in front of them.
"No...You don't understand...You have to touch the stone!" Ross smiles, trying to mislead them. "But I just don't understand one thing...How did you find us? Why are you here?" Ross narrows his eyes, frowning as he points at Natalie. "The field wouldn't let you find us...Unless..." The pieces fit together in Ross's mind. "This isn't about you..." He opens his eyes wide in realization. "It's about me."
He turns to the stone, his breathing increasing more and more.
"You want the hard sell? Sure, that's fine with me." He shrugs and is then surprised by Travis, who jumps on him, punching him in the face.
"Run!!!" Travis screams as he continues to punch him.
Tobin runs ahead of Natalie, managing to get away from his father, but it was too late for his mother.
Ross elbows Travis in the face, making him fall and then grabs Natalie, who screams as she tries to escape her husband's hands.
"MOM!!!" Tobin tries to go back to her, but is held back by Becky.
You stand there, motionless next to Cal, looking at Ross in shock.
Ross begins squeezing both sides of Natalie's head, causing her to bleed as she looks at her son.
"No...Son, don't worry...It's just grass and all flesh is grass." Ross increases the strength in his hands, crushing Natalie's head, causing blood to spray everywhere.
Ross's face was covered in blood, as were his clothes, mixing with the mud and sweat present on his body.
"RUN!" Travis manages to get up and starts running, Becky; Cal and Tobin leading the way.
You look at Ross, your gaze focused on the blood present on his face. Humboldt noticed your gaze and smiled at you, licking his lips, savoring the taste of iron and then, winking at you.
"Let's go!" Travis pulls your arm, making you follow him as you all ran away from Ross, not knowing where to go.
"You have nowhere to run!" Ross shouts, still standing in the center of the field, not even bothering to follow you all.
You find an abandoned store and decide to enter it, trying to hide from Ross, but deep down you knew there was no way out.
Tobin hugs Becky, looking at the ground. "He's right, we're all grass."
You look at the boy, thinking about what you could do to help them.
"If we stay here, he'll find us and it'll be worse." Travis sighs, placing his hands on his waist.
"And what do we do?" Becky looks at her ex, waiting for an answer.
Freddy, Tobin's dog, passes through an isolated patch of tall grass, then disappears.
"What? Where did he go?" Cal asks, still looking out the window.
Seconds later, Freddy appears on the road, heading towards the church.
"There's a gap there, like a wormhole. That's where we have to go, let's go!" Travis smiles, feeling a twinge of hope in his chest.
You had stopped paying attention to others a long time ago, as your mind was focused on something else: Ross.
That moment when he licked his lips and winked at you flirtatiously kept replaying in your head. The way he breathed, the way he spoke, the way he smiled... Oh, how extremely delicious he was.
And the blood giving a final touch to that man's personality, an aggressive but erotic touch at the same time, how could that be possible? You thought.
Is this unhealthy? You questioned yourself. The fact that you were attracted to a person who had just killed their partner in front of you and everyone but who smiled and winked at you, especially you...Was it a bad thing?
You stopped and thought, wondering if it was the field that was making you think these things.
You snapped out of your trance when you noticed everyone leaving the store, heading towards the "gap."
"Hey, wait for m-" You froze as you felt a strong hand grab your shoulder, forcing you to turn around.
"Do you know what your mistake is?" Ross looks at you with a calculating look, his breath hitting your lips. "It's the simple fact that you all think that one day you will leave this place." He smiles menacingly, stroking your cheek.
You start to run as fast as you can, pushing through the tall grass with your hands, reluctantly looking back and realizing that this time, Ross was running after you.
You try to speed up your steps, running tirelessly, the dose of adrenaline increasing within your blood.
You look back again, Ross was no longer there. When you turn around, you are surprised by him, who jumps on top of you, pinning you to the ground with his weight while holding both your hands together above your head.
You squirm, not noticing that your movements caused Ross's erection to grow inside his brown pants.
"I'm impressed." Ross smiles widely, referring to the race. The moonlight hitting your skin, highlighting every detail of your bodies.
You can't focus on anything other than Ross's bloodied face, which was very close to yours.
"I noticed the way you look at me, you're attracted to me, aren't you sweetie?" Ross kisses your neck, making you sigh and close your eyes for a brief second.
"The grass knows everything, and it told me that you want to feel me inside you." He licks a stripe that starts on your neck and ends on your cheek, leaving a trail of saliva mixed with blood. "You want to be mine, don't you?"
You swallow hard, your chest going down and up repeatedly in a short period of time.
Ross's gaze goes lower and lower, stopping at your breasts, noticing your hard nipples from the contact between your two bodies.
Ross continues to trap your hands with his left hand and with his right, he lifts your tank top, causing your breasts to pop out.
"Round and perfect." He caresses your belly, his hand exploring the small stretch marks on your waist, then going higher, caressing your breasts and feeling the stretch marks also present there and squeezing your nipples, playing with them, making you moan and arch your back.
Your mind becomes empty, being once again filled entirely by him.
Humboldt lowers his face, licking the place under your belly button, moving up while his tongue tastes your soft skin until he reaches your breasts, taking one nipple in his mouth, caressing the other with his free hand.
You moan louder, arching your back and grinding against him, yearning for more.
He separates his face from your breasts, looking back at you.
"So beautiful." He kisses you fervently, as if he’s needy.
Your tongues mingle, a strange feeling in your stomach area taking over you as you feel his erection get bigger and harder.
He kisses your neck again, giving small bites there, intensifying the pleasure.
You could swear he would make you come right there, without even penetrating you.
He kneels down next to you, stopping his grip on your hands to see if you would react, but you didn't.
You did absolutely nothing, just stood there...Waiting for him to continue.
Ross seeing this, took off your pants, looking at your panties, completely wet. He smiled and positioned himself in front of her face, unbuttoning his pants, releasing his cock wet with pre-cum.
"Be a good girl and help me with this." Ross began to masturbate in front of her face, placing the tip of his cock between your lips.
You took his cock in your hands and started licking the tip, eliciting a loud moan from Ross, who looked at you while stroking your hair.
Your tongue began to work at the base, sucking the man's balls and caressing the hair on top, tracing a path over the veins that ran from the beginning to the end of his dick.
Oh, and his dick was huge. It was full of veins, with some hair at its base, it was...perfect.
Your mouth opened and you sheltered him in your heat and wetness, the sensation sending shivers down Ross's spine as yet another moan escaped the man's lips.
You knelt as you worked on his pleasure, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat, making tears run down your cheeks as you tried not to choke.
Ross wiped one of her tears with his thumb, taking it to his mouth and sucking it, feeling the salty taste.
"Mmhm, keep going baby...I'm about to come." He throws his head back, his hips start to move at the same time as he fucks your throat.
You stay like that for a few more seconds until he comes and spills his hot seed inside your mouth.
Before you could do anything, he lifts your chin with his fingers and smiles.
“Swallow~” He licks his lips, waiting for you to do as he asked.
You swallow, closing your eyes and opening your mouth, sticking your tongue out, showing that you've swallowed.
"Good girl." He kisses your cheek, feeling proud.
He pushes you to the ground again, your back meeting the muddy grass as he takes off your panties and drops his mouth onto your wet pussy.
You moan at the contact of his tongue with your clit, sinking your hand into the mud that surrounded you.
"Mmhm, how delicious." Ross opens your pussy with his index and middle fingers making a "V" shape, penetrating you with his tongue.
Your back arches unconsciously as your loud moans echo over the plantation.
You hear the strong wind blow over the tall grass, which was moving calmly, hearing voices that seem to whisper in your ear phrases like:
"You belong here."
"You are his now and his alone."
"You are grass, all flesh is grass."
Ross lifts your legs, making your lower back rise as well, giving access to your ass.
He licks and bites one of your cheeks before sinking his lips to your other hole, his eyes focused on your face.
You close your hand in the man's brown hair, moaning and moving your hips to match Humboldt's actions.
After a few minutes, you end up squirting into his mouth, making him laugh lightly and swallow your juices.
He pulls away from you, breathing heavily.
"This way, you'll finish me off." He smiles and gets up, putting his dick inside his pants then picking you up in his arms and carrying you to the rock.
You rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes as you try to recover.
"I'm not done yet, honey." He kisses your cheek as he continues to carry you.
You return to the center of the field, the grass stops moving.
He gently puts you on your feet and holds your hands, bringing you to the stone.
"Touch her, baby." He whispers in your ear. "And we will be one, forever." He nibbles on your earlobe, playing with it with his teeth.
You move closer to the stone, extending your hands until they meet the cold surface of the rock.
The sky turns crimson, as if there were an eclipse, you feel the grass embrace your arms, slowly consuming you.
Ross hugs you from behind, one hand goes down, passing over your breasts, feeling your belly and reaching your pussy.
You moan again, rubbing your bare ass against his clothed cock.
Ross's skilled fingers begin to work on your intimacy, providing you pleasure at the same time that your hands remain connected to the stone. After a few seconds, he takes his dick out of his pants, pulling them down.
He turns you around, lifting your legs, resting them on his forearms while his hands find the stone behind you, each on the side of your shoulders, making your pussy exposed as your back meets the surface. ice cold from the stone.
He gives you a long kiss, your tongues battling for territory, mixing blood and saliva as he begins to penetrate you with strong thrusts.
The sudden entrance made you scream and close your eyes tightly, resting your hands on his shoulders, the sky was completely red and the grass was laughing, witnessing the intimate moment shared between you.
He continues to give strong thrusts inside your pussy, your ass slapping against his hips, making wet and erotic sounds, feeling you close around him while your moans mix in the air.
"I will fill you with my semen, you will have my child and we will be a happy family." He whispers in your ear as he continues to penetrate you.
You caress both of his cheeks as you nod, closing your eyes as you both reach your peak.
"Oh my..." You roll your eyes back, feeling his warm seed fill your insides, the promise of a new life being made.
He takes a deep breath, resting his forehead against yours as he smiles.
"My dear..." He kisses your forehead, leaving another trail of blood on your face.
"Now you are mine."
Thanks for reading!
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
First Aid for Beel
What! Another daily chat scene so soon?? Yeah, I dunno, I should be working on my book but man sometimes I just gotta write some fluff, ya know? Anyway, I wanted to do a scene for Beel that wasn't about food, so here's this. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I don't think it's terrible? Anyway, Belphie's coming up next.
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GN!MC x Beelzebub
Warnings: injury, blood
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BEELZEBUB MC, could you bring me a first aid set?
MC Did you get hurt?
BEELZEBUB Yeah, I took a fall during club activities. I was hoping you could bring me some bandages and an antiseptic solution.
MC I'll head over straight away!
BEELZEBUB Thanks. But it's not a major injury, so there's no need to rush. I wouldn't want you falling down and getting hurt as well. I'll be waiting.
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You were in the House of Lamentation when you received Beelzebub's message. Even though it said not to rush, you did anyway. The idea of Beel being hurt in any capacity was stressing you out. You ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit, nearly colliding with Levi on your way back out. His shouts of protest didn't even register as you made your way to the front door.
You burst out of the House and started immediately toward RAD. You knew he was likely still out on the field behind RAD, where the sports teams did their various practices after school.
When you got to the field area, you looked around and it didn't take you long to spot him. There were certainly a lot of groups of demons around, most of them engaged in some kind of physical activity, but Beel's orange hair made him easy to find in any crowd. He was sitting down on the grass, watching the others as they went through various drills.
You made your way over to him, moving through groups of demons as you went. Some of them looked at you askance, but most people had probably figured out what you were doing there. Even if they hadn't, you didn't care in the slightest.
You finally reached Beel's side and dropped down beside him in the grass. He was wearing a practice uniform - black shorts and a black t-shirt with the RAD logo on it.
"What happened?" you asked, setting down the first aid kit next to you.
Beel smiled when he saw you. "MC. Thanks for coming. I just got scraped up a little. It's not a big deal."
Beel turned slightly so you could see his leg.
You gasped and reached out, your hands hovering uselessly over the injury. It was much worse than you had been anticipating. There were three deep large cuts going down Beel's leg from knee to ankle. The edges were jagged and they were seeping with dark blood. It was slowly running down the side of his calf, dripping onto the grass.
You looked up at him, eyes wide. "Beel! You said it wasn't a major injury!"
"It isn't," Beel said calmly, tilting his head in confusion.
"What happened?"
Beel rubbed at the back of his head. "I tripped over Gamigin and it startled him so much, he went into demon form. He's got some long claws and he tried to grab onto me to stop himself from falling, too. We both ended up falling."
You took out the antiseptic and frowned. Would the bandages in the first aid kit even be enough to deal with this? You glanced at Beel, who looked completely unbothered, then applied the antiseptic to the wounds as well as you could. Beel didn't react, only watched you.
"This may not seem like a big deal to you," you said as you worked. "But an injury like this would be very painful for a human. So you have to understand why I'm concerned."
"But I'm a demon, not a human," Beel said. "It's just a scratch to me."
You sighed, finishing with the antiseptic before moving on to the bandages. You wrapped them around Beel's leg, keeping them tight enough to stop the blood flow, but not so tight that it would be painful. Though you realized you could no longer be certain about Beel's pain tolerance levels.
"There," you said, as you tied the bandage. "That should be okay."
"Thanks, MC," Beel said. He blushed a little. "I really appreciate you coming out here to help me."
You sighed. "Of course I'll be here when you need me."
You weren't looking at Beel, your eyes still on his injured leg, your fingertips running along the edge of the bandage you had applied.
You were surprised to feel his arms around your shoulders. "It's okay, MC," he said. "You don't have to worry so much. I don't like seeing that look on your face."
Although you knew there were plenty of other students around to see, you returned Beel's embrace. You had to get on your knees to hug him properly, considering his large size. You nuzzled your face into his neck and sighed.
"I can't help it," you said. "I don't like seeing you hurt."
Beel chuckled, a low rumbling in his chest that somehow put you at ease. "I know, but I'm going to be okay. I have you to take care of me."
You leaned back, your hands on Beel's shoulders, his on your waist. You smiled at him, though you knew the worry was likely still visible on your face. You pressed a light kiss to his lips, then stood up.
"Can you walk? I think it's time to go home," you said.
You offered him a hand. He took it, but it was obvious he didn't need your help to stand.
"I'm all right," he said. "I can stay-"
"Absolutely not!" you interrupted. "You're coming home with me right now."
"Don't argue," you said. You picked up the first aid kit and started off of the field toward home, tugging Beel along by his hand. He paused to grab his bag, which likely held his equipment and usual RAD uniform.
He seemed content to let you lead on, but you noticed the way his hand tightened around yours. You kept your fingers threaded with his as you began the walk back to the House of Lamentation.
You were halfway across campus in an area with few people and many trees when Beel stopped. You turned to him immediately, concerned that his leg was more painful than he had realized. But he just pulled you toward him, wrapping his arms around you. His bag had been dropped at his feet.
"I meant what I said, MC," he said quietly, his eyes locked with yours. "You really don't have to worry so much. It's a minor injury for me, just like I said."
You smiled. "You can say that until you're blue in the face, but I'm going to worry about you all the same."
Beel blushed then, a soft pink dusting across his cheeks. You kissed him again and this time, you lingered a bit before pulling away, your hands clasped tightly as you continued on your way home.
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others in this series:
Mammon | Barbatos | Solomon | Lucifer | Simeon
Leviathan | Asmodeus | Diavolo | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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thescarletnargacuga · 1 month
Could we please have some more raceway Gumibunny? Like maybe a scene where Zooble cuts really deep into Jax. No one else cares or bats an eye (not even Caine) but Gumigoo being scared Jax’ll abstract so he tries to comfort him but isn’t doing a good job….Jax eventually confides in Gumigoo and the gator sympathizes with the rabbit and maybe even realizes that he has feelings for Jax…it obviously ends with the two making out because of course they would….
I’m hooked on this ship now…..
A/N: of course! Things get really emotional!
WARNING: hurt/comfort, angst, physical violence, depression, self-destructive behavior
Gangle's comedy mask flew from her face and shattered against the wall. Pieces of porcelain too small to glue scattered across the floor. Gangle covered her tragic face and fell to her knees, sobbing.
Jax's prank hadn't gone the way he expected, but it didn't matter much to him. She shouldn't have taken the seat meant for Gummigoo. "Well, that was a waste of a perfectly good airbag." He apathetically grimaced.
"What is wrong with you!?" Ragatha tried to comfort Gangle, but she was inconsolable.
Jax shrugged. "Not enough to matter and too much to care."
Kinger and Gummigoo blocked Gangle from Jax's view. Pomni wasn't around at the moment. Zooble had been upstairs but the sound of broken porcelain summoned them. They marched down and went straight to Jax, pure malice in their eyes.
Jax sighed. He knew what was coming. "Look, she wasn't the tar-"
Zooble decked Jax, knocking him to the ground. "I won't waste my breath telling you how hard you can go [%$!#] yourself, you know how much of a waste of space you are."
No one said anything as Jax slowly sat up, rubbing his jaw. He wasn't going to bother defending himself, he just glared back at Zooble.
"But I will tell you this," Zooble lowered her voice to a threatening tone. "if you ever touch Gangle again, you won't have to abstract to join those in the cellar. I'll throw you in myself. Piece. By. Piece." She snapped her claw hand shut.
Gummigoo, still not fully understanding the concept of this "cellar", looks back and forth between Jax and Zooble. He couldn't tell how much of a threat what Zooble said was, but by Jax's silence....it was bad.
Jax collected himself from the floor and walked away. He could feel the group's eyes on him until he reached his room. He sat against the far wall, near the window, and stared off into space. His left eye twitched, a flash of pink covered the sclera for a split second.
Caine and Pomni popped into the garage, returning from an afternoon together. "Hello, everyone!" Caine greets but his smile falls fast when he sees Gangle.
"What happened??" Pomni saw the remains of Gangle's mask and her being held by Zooble and Ragatha. Kinger was gingerly picking up the pieces.
"Jax happened." Gummigoo said flatly.
"What?? Where is he!? Have you kicked him yet, Zooble? I would really like to kick him." Pomni puffed with anger.
"He was taken care of." Gummigoo answered again. Zooble was too concerned over Gangle to bother.
"Oh dear..." Caine snapped his fingers and the comedy mask shards came together as a whole in Kinger's hands. "There you are, I hope that helps."
Kinger gave the mask to Gangle without looking directly at her. He knew how much it bothered her for people to see her tragic face.
Gangle fit the perfect mask in place and sighed with relief. "Thank you..." She sniffed away the last of her tears.
Pomni looked up to the second floor loft, glaring at Jax's door. She took one step towards the stairs when Caine blocked her path. "Now, Now, my dear. Things have been resolved. Let's not potentially make things worse."
"But HE always makes things worse! Whatever he did to Gangle, he'll do again! It's about time he learned that we're not going to take it from him lying down!" Pomni argued.
Caine crossed his arms, remaining steadfast between her and the stairs. "From what I understand, he always gets his comeuppance. Be it from you, or any of the others. Karma has an interesting tendency of equalizing it's debts. If he is no longer causing trouble, let us not make more."
"Let it go, Pomni." Gangle said softly. "I'm okay."
Pomni took a calming breath. "Alright..."
Caine patted Pomni on the shoulder. "Save it for the track, my dear."
Gummigoo slipped away as everyone else chatted. He went upstairs and listened to Jax's door. He heard nothing. "Jax?"
"Get lost." Jax's muffled voice responded.
Gummigoo peaked over the railing to view the group downstairs. No one seemed to notice or care that he came up here. He determinedly went into Jax's room, closing the door behind him.
The room was dark, the shades on the window were drawn and the main light for the room was off. Only a small desk lamp on the nightstand next to the bed was lit. Gummigoo could only make out where Jax was by his brightly colored tracksuit.
"I thought I told you to get lost." Jax said stiffly, but he made no move to get up from the floor.
"I did. Don't know how I got here." Gummigoo dragged the desk chair out and sat, resting his elbows on his knees. "Why do you do it?"
"What the [%$!#] are you talking about?" Jax's tone was lifeless, like his responses were automated.
"Do this to yourself. You prank and push everyone to their limits until they are ready to, quite literally, beat the stuffing out of you. I've seen you get kicked and punched, and I've even thrown you out a window myself. That can't be painless. Why would you want that?"
Jax hesitated, but eventually answered quietly. He rested his head against the wall, eyes hollow. "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all."
Gummigoo was taken aback. He wasn't prepared for that sort of response. "I'm sure you can feel more than pain."
"I used to. Did you know, I've been here the longest after Kinger? If it wasn't for everyone cutting into me every once in awhile... I'd have abstracted a long time ago."
"...No. no, I did not know that. Is abstraction....death?"
"In a way. You're no longer yourself. You become this amalgamation of agony and digital static. I've seen it happen so many times...so many. It's what's going to happen to all of us eventually. Well, us humans. Guess you'll finally get your wish of winning every race once we're gone..." Jax gave a humorless chuckle.
Gummigoo frowned. "I don't want that to happen. I like having all of you around."
"Except me."
"You forgot to say except me. No one wants me around. I don't even want me around." The pink flash in Jax's eye happened again.
Gummigoo blinked, not sure what he just saw. "But, I do want you around."
Jax laughed a bit louder this time. "Yeah, okay, and I'm a long eared cat."
"I'm not lying." Gummigoo got out of his chair and sat next to Jax on the floor against the wall. "Maybe if you got along with the others more, you'd feel less alone."
"I tried that. I could be in a room with one hundred people and still feel alone. There's no point in friends. Only the pain keeps me grounded. I don't expect you to understand."
Gummigoo was silent for a long moment. "You're right, I don't understand. But...I'm still here. I don't care if you try to push me away. I'm staying right here."
"You'll regret it. I'm a waste of your time."
"People you care about are never a waste of time."
Jax's eyes went wide and he turned to look at Gummigoo. "...what did you say?"
"I care about you." Gummigoo repeatedly softly.
The pink flash happened again, Jax's eye twitched. "Why..?"
"Because no one should have to sit in the dark alone."
Jax's lip quivered. He gritted his teeth, trying to force himself to stop tearing up but his eyes kept watering. "[%$!#] you..."
Gummigoo smirked. "You'll have to try a lot harder than that."
Jax's whole body trembled. Emotions long buried were emerging and he was starting to freak out. He didn't know how to handle himself, so he sucker punched Gummigoo.
Gummigoo flexed his jaw. "Oof, that was a better attempt, buuuuut still here."
Jax went to swing again but Gummigoo hugged him, pinning his arms to his sides, and pulled into the gator's lap. "What-!? What are you doing!?" Jax squirmed.
"Showing you affection." He kept a tight embrace, preventing Jax from escaping.
"You're a nuisance."
"You seem to forget the fact that I am a rogue AI." Gummigoo chuckled. "Take it easy, little bunny. You're safe with me."
Jax froze, not believing his ears. The tears surfaced harder, and he couldn't wipe them away. "There is no safety here..."
"Right now, in this very spot, in this very moment, there is." Gummigoo kissed a tear away.
That broke Jax. He hid his face against Gummigoo's neck and sobbed. He sobbed for those he lost. He sobbed for his unknown past. He sobbed for the future he'll never have. He sobbed for himself...finally.
Gummigoo's embrace never loosened, afraid to let go. He let Jax cry out everything he has been holding back. When Jax was finally cried out, his face was drenched in tears. Gummigoo stood and carried Jax to the bed, using a corner of a sheet to wipe Jax's face. He tried to set Jax down, but the rabbit clung to him.
"....don't go." Jax whispered hoarsely.
Gummigoo got comfortable, holding Jax in his arms. "I'm still here." He caressed Jax's face. "Whatever comfort you need ...I'm here."
Jax pressed his lips to the end of Gummigoo's snoot. He wasn't even sure why he did it. He was an emotional wreck, and didn't know what to do with himself. It seemed like a half good idea at the time.
Gummigoo almost jerked back with surprise, but stayed. He let Jax kiss him, only lightly kissing back. If this is what Jax needed, he would provide.
Jax pulled away and curled into the tightest ball his lanky body could manage. His voice hurt. His head hurt. His body felt weak, and yet, liberated. As if the weight of the world was lifted, if only for a moment.
Gummigoo curled himself around Jax. "You're safe, little bunny."
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swiftsdelucaa · 8 months
❛ 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Jo Wilson x f!reader ♡
𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙? Yes, by @itsdelicates-blog !
𝘼/𝙣: Again, sorry for the wait, hope you like it bella <3
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"Yes, your surgery will be scheduled today" you repeated to your patient. For a moment she couldn't believe that, but then her face lit up. She was always so determined, at every step she never gave up. She was suffering from a cancer that would normally destroy anyone but her. She had a strength that everyone would envy, including you, it was hard to understand where it came from and you couldn't help but admire her. Sometimes she reminded you of Jo.
And finally today all his efforts could be reciprocated. You had followed her case for so long that you were happier than her. And to be honest this was absolutely the best thing of the day since everything has been just so shitty.
You couldn't wait to be a part of that surgery, after lunch you told everything to your girlfriend Jo, she knew about your patient too, so she was very happy for you. She was always so supportive for you in everything.
"Ok, I should go now" you said all elated. "I needed some joy in all this shit"
She smiled at you pressing a little sweet kiss on your lips. "Good luck baby" you gave her one of your best smiles before walking away.
The surgery had started. You started listing everything you knew, going step by step. It was quite difficult, everything was going well. But suddenly something went wrong. You didn't know what was happening, you didn't know why, all you knew was that you were pushed aside to proceed the attending who was with you. The sound of the monitor was the only thing playing in your head, until that sound became louder. The line went flat. You wished with all your strength that wasn't true, you weren't even able to declare the time of death. It was your patient, so you're your duty. But your body froze, and you said nothing. As soon as possible you left the room, you threw away your surgical gloves, your mask and everything else to get rid of that moment. You walked as fast as you could to get away from everything and everyone and find a place where you could be alone.
Jo knew you had been in the room for a long time, she had found time to manage to go and have a look in the gallery, but when she arrived no one was in the room anymore. The fact that it already ended and you hadn't told anything to her was weird, so she realized that unfortunately it hadn't gone as you hoped. She walked every hallway and checked almost every call room, until she found you.
You were sitting with your knees together and your head between them.
Seeing you like this was even worse for Jo, without saying anything she closed the door and came in sitting next to you. You tried to hold the tears but it was too difficult in that moment. She knew that words couldn't make you feel better now, so she just put an arm around your shoulders getting you closer and waiting for you to start venting.
"Why is everything so... wrong?" you said. "I- I do my best but... this is just so wrong..." your voice broke at the end. Jo held you more.
"How can we do this everyday? How?" You continued. "Every fucking day there's always something wrong, I just- I just don't know if I still can handle this..." at this point your tears increased. Jo placed her hands on your cheeks, turning your gaze towards her.
"Hey" she whispered. "Look at me. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault, things are so unfair, I know. But we can't do anything to change it" she said softly drying your tears.
You looked at her, all those feelings and shitty moments and day you had were pouring out of you, you couldn't stop it.
"It really hurts. All this hurts in a way I can't stop" you said continuing to fret.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. We can't stop that pain, we just have learn to live with it.." she gave you one of her sweetest smiles. "You're strong Y/n" you took a deep breath and dried away your tears. "Now you should go home and have some rest, ok?" she said. "I'll go with you" she helped you up.
"Thank you" you said softly still trying to calm yourself down. She smiled taking your hand.
"You don't have to thank me" she pulled her lips on yours softly before leaving the room together.
The two of you left the hospital together, going home. All this time Jo didn't leave you alone, you couldn't help but be grateful to her for being your girlfriend and for everything she did, you loved this girl more than everything else.
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trevvylovesspence · 2 years
Video Game Lover
Ethan Landry x reader
You had a sleepover at Sam's house, the whole group deciding to hang out and stuff your faces with candy. You brought your switch, initially it was to play Stardew Valley once everyone fell asleep but once you realized Anika brought hers you ditched that idea and played Just Dance with her. Ethan and Mindy sat on the couch behind the both of you as Chad and Tara stood in the kitchen and Sam and Quinn were doing nails in Quinn's room.
So Anika picked the first song "Lover! Taylor Swift is queen" "of course" you responded, beginning to dance terribly besides Anika who made you look like a fool but you just both giggled and kept dancing. When it was your turn to pick the song you went with backstreet boys, I want it that way, I mean come on it was a classic.
As you danced terribly, Ethan bit back a smile from his seat. I mean come on, this was probably the cutest way he had ever seen you, pajama pants, hair ties up messily to stay out of your face and one of his shirts, hanging loosely off your shoulders. Usually he was neutral about you in his shirts as you usually stole them for ' their nerdy charms' as you said. Right now, it was a Star Wars shirt. And he wanted nothing more to see you wear it all the time.
He hadn't even realized how many songs had passed as he watched you jump around and laugh with Anika. But now Anika was tired and laying down beside Mindy. "Ask Ethan to play" Ethan turned to Anika, being pulled back into reality. When he turned back to see where you were standing, you were now on your knees in front of him. "Jesus" he jumped back slightly, this definitely looked provocative.
"Ethan pleaseeeee" your bottom lip jutted out in a pout, and it gets worse. "i-im terrible at dancing." You tilt your head to the right staring up at him. "Ethan pleaseeeee" his face flushed and he finally agreed. "Yay!" You jumped up, handing him a joycon and starting a song. "I love you Ethan!" He flushed, "mhm, you're just using me for a dance partner"
Ethan smiled, before realizing your song was a partner dance, somehow you had ended up wrapping around each other, just spinning and dancing. You had played a couple more songs which Mindy and Anika had disappeared to Sam's room during that time. By the time you and Ethan were done playing Just Dance you were the only two in the living room, guess this was your sleeping arrangement.
"I will never forgive you for getting me stuck on this god awful couch" you laughed, plugging in Anika's switch and grabbing your own out of your case reaching into Ethan's bag to grab his. "Hey didn't your mother ever teach you not to go through a ladies purse?!" You giggled, "oh I'm so sorry Ethan didn't know you were a lady now" You threw his switch onto his lap, grabbing your blanket and sitting down on the couch, laying your spiderman blanket across your lap and Ethan's.
You laid your legs across Ethan's lap as you opened Stardew Valley "Wanna play SD?" Ethan already knew what you meant and nodded. You guys played for a little before you let out a comically loud gasp. Ethan turned to you as you glared at him. "How dare you!" Ethan gave you a confused look. "That bouquet better be for me and not Penny!" Ethan smiled at the thought, you being jealous of a girl from a game. "Oh so you're asking to be my girlfriend?" You blushed as he laughed quietly. You had somehow in that time leaned in close to each other. "Would you be my girlfriend?" You softly kissed him. "Yes." Ethan turned down to his switch. "I guess this bouquet is for you then. He looked back up at you. Kissing you softly and using one hand to cup your cheek.
"you better get busy planning your proposal." You laughed, it being 2 in the morning as you sat on Ethan's lap playing Stardew Valley together still. "I love you Y/n" "I love you too Ethan"
Bro ty @b0nes-phobic for coming up with this idea in the first place and letting me turn it into a ff 🤭
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pbforeva · 2 months
back in my one d phase 😛
part 13
Evelyn's pov:
That was a mistake. I can't believe we kissed. I don't even like girls like that, I mean imagine if my parents found out. They're not the most accepting people when it comes to same sex relationships. I mean they cut off my cousin, Eleanor, because she has a girlfriend.
Oh my gosh, and Blake, we're still together. I don't know if he'll let me stay friend with Paige, oh gosh Paige. There's no way we can be friends now. Tears streak down my cheeks as I try not to think about how Blake never kisses me. When he does, it's because he wants something out of me, it's never just because he loves me. We used to kiss all the time, he wouldn't hit me, and he let me have friends. What has our relationship become?
I remember the first time he hit me, it was two years ago, yet I recall every detail of that night. I had just gotten back around 2 a.m. from a night out with Aurora, she chose my outfit at her house and I never showed him. But when I got home, he stormed up to me, his eyes glazed over with anger and he began to yell at me.
"Why are you wearing that?" He said angrily, but before I could answer he started again. "Do you like making me jealous? Of you like looking like a slut for other men?" I was too shocked to answer because Blake had never spoken to me before.
"Yeah, and you're not answering because you know I'm right." He said, and just when I thought he was finished, he turned around and slapped me.
My mouth is agape, I can't believe he just did that. Tears well in my eyes, not because it hurt, but because I didn't believe he was capable of this. I turn my head towards him, with a perplexed look across my face.
As soon as he realized what he did, his eyes softened and he immediately apologized.
"Oh God, Evelyn-, I can't believe I did that." He tried to continue, but he seems to be lost for words, "I am so sorry, I promise it will never happened again, please forgive me," He practically begs.
Pathetically, I believe him, I know I shouldn't but he's been so good to me. This is the first time he's ever raised his voice, and everyone deserves second chances. So, I nod slowly to indicate I forgive him, and he hugs me. He doesn't stop kissing me and apologizing the whole night, and by morning I almost forget it had happened. Until I saw the bruise that had formed on my cheek.
**flashback over**
Blake only got worse from there when he realized I would forgive him. It was our system, he'd hit me and then he would love bomb me until I forgot. But I was so stupid that he no longer had to love bomb me after, he just had to act like it never happened.
The kind, loving man I fell in love with was no longer there, and there wasn't a trace of him. He was now a monster. How was I so stupid it took me this long to notice?
I clutch my knees to my chest as my tears begin to fall harder. Not only was I ignorant enough to believe Blake loved me and stay with him, but I think I liked the kiss between Paige and I. Soon, my tears are no longer enough to keep me awake and I fall asleep, still crying.
Paiges pov:
I stumbled into my dorm, my vision blurry from the amount of tears coming out of my eyes. I try to find my way down the hallway and into my room, but I accidentally open Azzi's door. Before I could shut it and hope she hadn't noticed, she shot up from her bed and pulled the door open wider, and ushered me inside.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She worriedly questions, trying to look me in the eye but I keep diverting my eyes from hers. Instead of answering, I start crying harder as she wraps her arms around me, because I know I ruined it tonight and I'll never get to hug Evelyn again.
After a few moments Azzi calms me down a bit and stops hugging me. "So P, are you ready to talk about it?" She asks quietly.
Begrudgingly, I answer, "Yeah, I guess."
"Ok, now what happened, it's been forever since i've seen you this upset," Azzi asks cautiously.
"Well, I had a little crush on Evelyn and I thought she had one too, you know?" I start, trying to figure out how i'm going to say this.
"Yeah, I've noticed, have you acted on it?" She questions while rubbing my back, as I'm still crying.
"Umm yeah, Evelyn and I left not long after you guys left the beach, and in the car I decided to test if she liked me a bit by putting my hand on her thigh. When I did, she didn't say anything about it but we made light conversation, so I thought she liked me too. But I guess she didn't because after we got to her apartment complex, I kissed her before she got out of the car. And I think she kissed back for a minute before she freaked out and ran out." I say while trying to avoid Azzi's sympathetic gaze.
"Oh Paige, I'm so sorry," she says, but adds, "I honestly think she likes you back but she has too many things holding her back."
"What's holding her back?" I question desperately, while placing my head in my hands.
"Well first Blake, but also Duke and I were talking about our extended family and he mentioned how his parents don't talk to one of their cousins cause she's gay, but he thinks it's bullshit and still talks with her every so often.” She says before embracing me again.
“I just don’t know what to do,” I sob into her shoulder.
“You’ll figure it out soon, you always do the right thing, and I’m here if you need me.” She says as she rubs my back.
I’m tired of talking, but I don’t think I can bear being alone right now, so we lay in her bed and go to sleep while she comforts me a bit more.
hmm kinda short buttt
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rosanna-writer · 6 months
You All Over Me
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Summary: Amarantha's scent is still clinging to Rhys during his last conversation with Feyre on the balcony Under the Mountain, sending his newly Made Alpha into a rut. Warnings: dubious consent, referenced sexual assault Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~3k
Some dialogue is taken directly from A Court of Thorns and Roses.
This fic contains references to Rhys's canon sexual assault by Amarantha, and for magical omegaverse reasons, consent for the sex he has with Feyre is dubious for both of them.
You can find the fic under the cut or Read on AO3.
I should have gone straight home. After Amarantha's death, I had no allies to confer with, and I'd sent Nuala and Cerridwen back to the Night Court at the first opportunity. There was nothing left for me here.
Nothing left other than Feyre.
I'd slipped into the shadows once she'd been Made, unable to bear the sight of her in Tamlin's arms. She deserved to rest—I could feel the heavy weight of her exhaustion as if it were my own—but at my core, I was a selfish bastard. She'd fucked Tamlin, so I'd woken her up and called her to me. If she asked, I'd lie and tell her it was just to say goodbye, not the truth that I'd done it just because I could.
Even squinting in the sunlight and moving unsteadily in her new body, Feyre was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I leaned against the balcony railing, marveling at the way the light made her hair look golden while I gave her a moment to adjust. It had taken me some time, too.
"What's that smell?" she said eventually.
I cocked my head. "What smell?" There wasn't anything out here other than me.
Feyre lowered her hand from her face and stepped closer. I stilled. Her nostrils flared as she scented me, and then the realization hit me with all the force of a punch to the gut.
I'd serviced Amarantha just before the start of the final trial. There hadn't been time to bathe after.
I opened my mouth to strike before Feyre could—to tell her that was a bold question when she'd come up here still reeking of Tamlin's arousal. But I closed it as Feyre lifted her wrist and skimmed it across my cheek and down my neck.
Alpha. My Alpha.
Feyre couldn't have known what she was doing, but that didn't matter in the face of magic and deep-seated instinct. A wave of knee-wobbling relief crashed through me anyway. Fifty years of horror were over—my Alpha was here to protect me, already chasing away that bitch's scent and replacing it with her own. My eyes fluttered shut.
"You reek," Feyre muttered darkly, moving her wrist up to rub her scent glands against my hair. "This is worse than the Wyrm shit. Did— Did something happen while I was asleep?"
Her thoughts were spiraling as she tried to understand what was happening—I could feel her fear that it hadn't all ended when Amarantha died, that there was some new threat making itself known. An Alpha's urge to protect thrummed under all of it, even if Feyre didn't realize what it was.
Before I could stop myself, I was grabbing her hand, holding her wrist in place so I could keep brushing it against the sensitive skin on the side of my neck. Partially my instinct to reassure her that I was alright, but also…because I felt dirty and used when I smelled like Amarantha. Soiled, all the way down to my soul.
Feyre couldn't know. At least not yet. If Feyre learned it was another female she was smelling on me—and not just any female, but my rapist—that might be enough to send her into a rut. And she didn't need that happening before someone calmly explained all the new sensations and instincts she was feeling in her new fae body.
I turned my head, rubbing my nose along the inside of her wrist and breathing in lilac and pear and Alpha. "Nothing's wrong," I said into her skin. "All is well."
Feyre didn't yank back her arm the way I expected she would. No, she stepped closer, lifting her other wrist to spread her scent even further, her skin hot against my other cheek. Though it was utterly foolish when she'd just walked into hell and died for another male, I found myself imagining what it would be like for her to knot me in a nest drenched in that scent.
Mostly to herself, she whispered, "I could've sworn… It felt like you needed me."
It took every ounce of self-control not to tell her that I did. A few more seconds of her marking me with her scent, and I probably would have been a slick-coated mess babbling about needing to be protected and bred full. I forced myself to drop her wrist and stepped to the side, putting some distance between us.
"I just wanted to say goodbye," I said, forcing myself to smirk, to make the disdain in my voice evident, "before your beloved whisks you away forever."
Feyre's hand still hung in the air, and she curled her tattooed fingers into a fist. For a moment, I thought she might strike me—I probably deserved it. But she just balled her hands at her sides, as if it were a struggle not to reach out and touch me again.
I rustled my wings, a vain attempt at airing the balcony out faster. A mistake. It drew Feyre's attention to them, and I resisted the urge to spread them wide and preen for her. To coax my Alpha into staying.
"Not forever. Don't you get a week every month?" Her voice was ice-cold, but it didn't matter. She was thinking so loudly she might as well have shouted don't go yet at me, the words laced with need. I stayed in place.
"How could I forget?"
For a moment, she just stared at me, nostrils flaring again. I let her. "Why?" she said eventually.
I understood what she was asking. And for once, I could give her the truth.
"Because when the legends get written, I didn’t want to be remembered for standing on the sidelines. I want my future offspring to know that I was there, and that I fought against her at the end, even if I couldn’t do anything useful. Because I didn’t want you to fight alone. Or die alone."
"Thank you," she said tightly. I prayed she wouldn't cry—I wouldn't be able to keep my composure if she did.
Feyre closed her eyes, taking a slow, deep breath as if to steady herself. That should have been my cue to leave. I'd made myself understood; we wouldn't be parting as enemies. With any luck, someone would take her aside and explain what was happening, and I'd get back on suppressants before we saw each other again.
"I don't understand," Feyre whispered, speaking mostly to herself again. "Your scent, when nothing's covering it up…There's nothing like it. Is this something you're doing to me? Tamlin didn't— It's not like that with him."
There was nothing I could say to that. I started to winnow, but just as I began to fade into the shadows, Feyre's hand shot out and gripped my wrist, vice-like.
Mother above, she was strong—she'd nearly shattered my bones.
"No," she growled. "Not without me."
I couldn't hold back a shudder, and it was no small miracle that I hadn't whimpered, too. I was utterly powerless when she commanded me like that.
"Alpha, please. Let me take you home," I said, already thinking about the nest I'd make for her, how I could best show her that she could do whatever she wanted with me, that I'd take whatever she decided to give me and thank her for it, that I'd be the perfect little Omega for her…
"Anywhere, as long as you stay with me. Call in the bargain if you have to."
I barely had the presence of mind to bring us to the moonstone palace instead of straight to Velaris. We landed on another balcony, but I hardly had the chance to take in the sight of the home I'd spent decades thinking I'd never see again.
Feyre yanked my arm and pulled me against her. I melted into the heat of her body as she rubbed her cheek against my neck, marking me even more thoroughly. She let out another growl, this one of satisfaction.
"Mine," she said. "You're supposed to smell like mine. What the hell are you doing to me, Rhys? I don't feel talons in my mind."
Cauldron boil and fry me—so much for avoiding a rut.
Feyre deserved for this to happen more gently, but I was afraid there wouldn't be time for that. I pressed my way into her mind, then deposited the basic information on faerie mating bonds and our kind's secondary genders—all of it, at once. I felt her go stiff against me.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"You're my—"
"I'm sorry."
She pulled me even closer, burying her face in the crook of my neck, just inches from the gland she could sink her teeth into and claim me as hers. I felt her breath hitch. There was no telltale wetness from tears, but she was spent and overwhelmed all the same.
There was a deliberate shuffling of feet in the distance, footsteps from someone who was doing their best to make themselves known. As one, Feyre and I whipped our heads in the direction of the sound.
I nearly sobbed with relief at the sight of my cousin; she looked just as she had the day I'd left for Amarantha's damned party. But before I could say anything, a tendril of darkness leaked from Feyre—Feyre—and slammed into Mor with brutal force, shoving her to the other side of the room.
Well, then. I supposed it was clear what power Feyre had gotten from me.
"She's my mate," I said by way of explanation.
Mor blanched. "Welcome home" was all she managed to say before winnowing away.
Feyre was trembling against me—from anger or fear or need, I wasn't sure. At some point, her hands had fisted in my jacket. I felt an urge to twine an arm around her waist or stroke her hair, but I wasn't sure that would be welcome.
"That was my cousin. You have nothing to fear from her," I said, not quite able to bring myself to say directly that Mor wasn't going to fuck me.
Feyre sighed, so I must have gotten the message across. Her fingers dipped under the hem of my shirt, and the heat of her hands on my bare skin might as well have been a brand.
"This had better not be another mind-trick," she said. The note of command in her voice made my knees go weak. If I hadn't been leaning against her, I might have fallen to the floor.
I felt like I might vomit. After everything I'd done to her Under the Mountain, of course Feyre didn't trust me, which was bad enough on its own, but there was nothing quite as earth-shattering as knowing my Alpha was displeased with me. I wanted to die.
"It's not, Alpha. I swear it."
Feyre shifted, pressing herself flush against me. She'd gotten hard; her cock was straining against my thigh. "How the hell does anyone survive a…a rut? It's like I'll explode if I don't fuck you."
"Give me your knot, and it'll pass more quickly. Let me help you. Please," I said, voice tight as I felt slick begin to run down my thigh.
Feyre let out a noise that was half-growl, half-whine. She writhed against me, desperate for contact or pressure or anything, and her thoughts were rapidly becoming incoherent. I placed a hand on her arm and winnowed us to a bedroom, locking the door shut.
Half a thought, and magic had our clothes off, folded neatly in the far corner of the room. I pulled away from Feyre, and she snarled at the lack of contact, even as I knelt on the bed and pressed my face into the mattress.
"All yours," I said.
All at once, parts of me were cracking open while others were stitching themselves back together. Fifty years of bending over just like this and saying those words…it changed everything to finally mean them.
I heard a footstep behind me, and for a horrible moment, I was sure Feyre hated me so strongly that she'd walk away during a rut. But then the mattress dipped.
"You're so wet," she breathed, her tone almost…awestruck.
I'd made sure she knew the basics, but there was still so much I'd have to guide her through. Thank the Mother I wasn't in heat. I spread my legs a bit wider, tipping my ass up in invitation and stretching my wings wide so she could settle right between them.
"More than enough for your knot. Take me. As fast and deep as you need to, Alpha."
Feyre slid right into me, burying herself to the hilt on the very first stroke. The stretch alone was bliss, but she sighed the word Omega as relief and rightness and homecoming and sated hunger all flooded the bond. I didn't know which feelings were mine and which were hers.
That's when I knew—not just knew, but believed—that I was finally free from Under the Mountain.
The pace she set was nothing short of punishing. I didn't mind. All I wanted was to give everything to my Alpha, so I drove my hips back and took her deeper. Feyre was murmuring a steady litany of words I couldn't follow beyond mine and mate, which was all I needed as the first wave of pleasure started to build.
Her knot began to swell, and I keened. She wasn't even locked inside me yet, and I was already more deliciously full than I'd ever been in my life. Slick coated my thighs. The wave crested and crashed and I lost myself in the feeling of complete surrender to my Alpha. No beginning, no ending, just climax and the scent of lilac and pear and her.
I barely had time to catch my breath before Feyre growled, and her teeth sunk into my shoulder as she filled me with her seed. The stretch around her knot, the bite of her teeth—shockwaves of pleasure-pain made my vision go white.
When I came back to myself, her knot was firmly inside me, holding us together. Unused to the sensation, she wiggled her hips, and I felt even the slightest movements against my ass.
"That's it, Alpha," I managed to say, my voice so ragged it was nearly unrecognizable. "It's perfect. Your knot feels perfect inside of me."
Still beyond words, Feyre purred. It was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard, and even if she went back to hating me for the rest of eternity, just knowing I'd pleased her this one time would be all I needed to survive it.
For once, I was enough.
I hid my wings and shifted us both over to our sides, hoping it was more comfortable for her as she adjusted. Feyre ran her nose along my neck and banded an arm around my chest. I closed my eyes and did my best to commit the feeling of utter safety and peace to memory. She'd be gone in a week, and I doubted she'd ever knot me again.
But Feyre didn't move, even as her knot faded. Other than a halfhearted movement of my hand to magic away the mess we'd made and cover us with the duvet, I stayed perfectly still. I wasn't stupid enough to break the moment.
"I can't go back," Feyre said. Her voice was small, all the power and command of an Alpha in a rut just…gone.
"We made it out. She's dead, and it's over."
"I can't go back home. Not after this, not now that I know…everything."
Tamlin was an Alpha—perhaps as a human, Feyre had been someone he could protect like an Omega, but now, she was a force to be reckoned with. Whatever they shared had been doomed once she'd been Made.
The least I could do was give her the space she needed to grieve it.
"Take a week to gather your thoughts, then. If you'd rather not be accused of disloyalty, I'll take the blame and play the dark lord who stole you away at the very first opportunity."
Feyre sat up, pulling the sheets with to cover her chest as she stared at me through eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I would have thought you'd be eager to rub it all in Tamlin's face."
"I have no desire to cause you more distress than I already have."
"Because we're…"
Her inability to say it aloud made my gut twist, another reminder that she didn't want me. I sat up, waving a hand towards the dresser in the corner of the room; several more blankets floated in my direction, and I set to work arranging them into a nest.
"Because I'm many things, but a sadist isn't one of them."
Feyre just sat there and blinked as if that were some sort of shocking revelation. She was still clutching the blanket, so I summoned a robe for her to slip on.
But when she stood, it was my discarded shirt that she donned instead.
The nest was hardly my best work; I wouldn't blame Feyre if she wanted nothing to do with it—at the very least, she was probably more interested in a bath or finding something to eat. I bundled myself up at the center of it and left room for her anyway.
I fully intended to be there a while. My family could wait; I wanted to see them, but not until I'd gotten a chance to get my head on straight after the whirlwind that had been the past day.
And in truth, I didn't want to leave the nest until Feyre's scent had faded from the sheets completely.
She was still watching me, wary as always. It was easy to forget that Feyre didn't already know her way around, and I started to tell her she was here as an honored guest, not a prisoner. But then her eyes slid to the empty space at my side.
"It's yours, too," I said.
Feyre squeezed in next to me, drawing her knees up to her chest. We were silent for a long moment, and she stared at the wall with a too-blank expression I'd seen on warriors just after devastating battles. There was nothing to say, not with our wounds still so raw.
Then Feyre tipped her head to the side and rested it on my shoulder.
I let myself hope.
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super-ion · 26 days
Aug-UST Day 28 - How To Love the Monstrous
Another one from the August prompt list by @thepromptfoundry. I'm kinda cheating a little bit and jumping ahead a couple days, mostly because I've been totally swamped and haven't had time to write and this one in particular got stuck in my head and I wanted to take advantage of the creative energy while I could.
I do love queer fairy tale retellings and I've had a Beauty & the Beast idea rattling around in my head for a while (I need to actually write this for real at some point)
Anabel walked stiffly toward the throne, ignoring the finery around her. She was too tired to be intimidated any more. All she wanted was to hear the final task and be done with these fae games.
The veiled figure of Calysta was notably absent and a sliver of dread wormed its way through Anabel's core.
Three tasks. That is what the queen had said. That was how all these stories went, three impossible tasks and the heroine would receive her heart's desire.
She came to a halt before the queen and stood proudly and defiantly, even as her knees and back protested.
The queen gestured and three women emerged from an alcove behind the throne.
They were human. They were beautiful, the sort of woman that Anabel had dreamt of in her most private moments as a young girl. Each of the women was bedecked in the finest fabrics of the boldest colors, laden with more gold and silver and jewels than she had ever seen in her life.
"Choose," the queen said simply.
"What?" she replied in confusion.
The queen regarded her as she would an insect.
"You must choose," she repeated. "Which of these women is the love you seek."
Anabel turned back to examine them and her heart sank anew. It was indeed another impossible task. Anabel had never actually seen Calysta's human face. Any one of these women could be the princess from the town and faded portrait at the castle. Any one of them could be the veiled figure that silently bore witness to the previous two impossible tasks.
Worse, the women all bore the same proud, impassive expressions, eyes slightly unfocused. Anabel had read enough stories to know of enchanted sleeps and trials of silence. Calysta would be either unable or unwilling to give herself away.
Her heart beat harder and harder. She was old enough to know the heart could be deceived, but a small part of her, the little girl who had never stopped believing in fairy stories despaired. How could she not recognize her true love?
Was it the woman on the left? The bright green eyes might have been a match for the golden eyes of her beast.
Or possibly the one on the left? The one in layers of red and pink silk? She was tall and powerfully built... though not nearly as powerful as the Calysta she knew.
Hadn't Calysta mentioned that she had always hated pink? Perhaps the woman in the middle? Calysta certainly would have picked a gown in a rich green the color of the forest that perfectly contrasted with dark skin... Not that Calysta likely had any say her choice of wardrobe.
No, it was impossible to believe any of these women were the beast she had fallen in love with. She couldn't picture any of them chasing squirrels through snowy courtyards with reckless joy. She couldn't imagine any of them curling around her next to the burning hearth. She couldn't imagine...
The thought turned over in her head and she suddenly realized the answer... or rather an answer, she doubted the fae queen expected her to answer thus. It was utterly absurd, Calysta had been happy, hadn't she? That was genuine, wasn't it.
Before she could allow doubt to set in, she spoke.
"None of them."
The queen blinked in surprise.
The woman on the left, the one in the sapphire blue gown swayed slightly and gasped. With the tiniest twist of guilt, Anabel realized that she would not have guessed correctly. But then maybe the answer really was to listen to her heart.
Her heart was speaking to her now and she made a silent prayer that she was not mistaken.
"I have never met any of these women," she pressed on. "The one I love is a great beast that dwells in the forest."
The queen stared at her, unblinking, uncomprehending.
Calysta... It had to be Calysta said nothing, but she inclined her heed minutely, a silent assent to Anabel's desperate plan.
"She is mighty and powerful," Anabel continued. "Her claws are long and her teeth are sharp and she will not hesitate to use them to defend those she loves. She is wild and at times terrifying, but she can be tender. She knows how to fold back her claws so that they do not tend and she is capable of the gentlest touch. Her fur is soft and warm and she smells of pines and mountain dust... and maybe a bit like wet dog."
At this, Calysta let out a sound between a sob and a laugh, whatever enchantment that bound her fading. Maybe it was Anabel's imagination but... No, her eyes had definitely taken on a golden hue. Her teeth were certainly longer.
"She is everything to me. You ask me to claim her as a human, but that would deny something fundamental about her. You thought you cursed her so many years ago, but you only unveiled who she really was inside. Who could fall in love with a such terrible beast indeed?"
Calysta slumped to her knees, tearing at her dress as her body began to change back to its true form. Muscle rippled and fur spread. Those golden eyes fixed on Anabel, a feral mix of relief and desire and longing.
"How could I not?" Anabel finished.
Unable to bear being apart a moment longer, she rushed to Calysta's side and buried her face in the fur of her lover.
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