daz4i · 6 months
so my husband and i tried to use an elevator to go one (1) floor up
for reference. this is what the buttons of it looked like
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the little screen thingie said we are on floor 3. so thinking "okay, we need to go one floor up, and we're apparently on the 3rd one, surely what we need to press is floor 4" and so i did.
the little screen started changing. from 3. to 2. to 6. once again turning your attention to the buttons. does anything about them seem Off to you perhaps
anyway, instead of seeing a normal floor in a normal con center, what we saw was this
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a small unfinished room leading into some fucking. dark backstage thing? completely silent despite the very loud event supposedly going right below it (if this is indeed connected to the main stage, we should've heard like, sounds from said stage. so idk what this was fucking connected to i swear)
bro why does this place have an entrance to the backrooms just out there for anyone to stumble into. we were scared to step out of the elevator lest it leaves without us and we can't get out of there
(btw, we had to press floor 2 in order to go. up. from floor 3. what is this elevator. help)
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mellowyandere · 3 years
One Hell of a Logical Ruse Part 2
Reader: F
Characters: Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Summary: Toshinori's anxiety over your absence quickly gave way to anger as he tired of your attitude. His own version of a punishment was in order.
Length: 6.7k
Warnings: non-con spanking, yandere themes, bathing, non-con, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, size kink.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Based off the pre-established fic You’re Ours to Protect. 
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Toshinori and Hizashi were pacing the kitchen, phones in hand as they tried to get Shouta to respond. You had been missing for upwards of six hours now and the pros were on the verge of losing it. Their sleepy counterpart had stated he wouldn't need the two blonds help, but try as they might they couldn't help the anxiety clawing away at their minds.
"Fuck Toshi what if she got hurt? I know she's capable 'n all but the woods! There's god knows what out there!" The smaller blond was vibrating he was so wound up, the mental image of bugs crawling all over you and coyotes tearing you to pieces sending him into a panic.
All Might's anxieties were a bit more practical, imagining you finding your way to the road and trying to hitch hike away from them. What if a villain found you and hurt you? Nowhere was safer than home with them.
"Shouta is fully capable of finding her, any minute now and he'll give me a call..." The words were meant to bring Hizashi comfort, but he was struggling to convince himself as well. His phone was clutched in his large hand, its silence on the verge of killing him.
When it finally rang he almost threw it across the room as he fumbled it. Slamming the answer button he brought the phone to his ear.
"Where is she, is she hurt, is she alright?"
"Calm down she's fine. Dirty and upset, but otherwise relatively unharmed."
Hizashi bounded over, ears perked so he could listen in on the conversation. His perfectly aligned teeth worried his bottom lip at his husbands word choice of relatively. So he was a bit rough on recovery.
"I'll send you our coordinates, she managed to get pretty far into the endless forest. Good thing that contact of yours set up this quirk or else she would have reached the main road hours ago."
Toshinori heard your disgruntled yelling in the background at Shouta's newest revelation before the line went dead. His phone pinged and he made a mental note of where the two of you were. Taking a deep breath he puffed up his chest, taking on his more muscular appearance before running out the front door.
An endless forest. Go figures. From what you could tell the further you wandered into the woods the deeper they actually became. You weren't exactly sure how they got in and out the house around the quirk, but the path you took was clearly not it.
You were currently sitting on the ground, back to Shouta as you simmered. Now that he was no longer plastered on top of you your anger was rekindled. You could feel his eyes burning holes into you, but you were far too pissed off to acknowledge him. It was a good thing he seemed to know when to leave you be, not bothering with conversation after fucking you into the forest floor.
The only thing he'd done since violating you was get his capture weapon, dragging you along so he didn't lose sight of you again.
Your head was still pounding from when you had hit the ground earlier. Combining that with how filthy you were and Shouta's cooling cum on your inner thighs, and you feel like absolute shit.
The sound of a loud thud behind you caused you to flinch. You didn't have it in you to turn around and face the number one hero right now, not sure if you would be able to handle whatever expression was on his face.
"Oh goodness, Shouta she's a mess what did you do?"
The dark haired man simply huffed in response, eyes rolling at the number ones concern.
"Just get us home, she needs a bath."
You hated when they talked about you like you weren't there, as if you were just some pet or child instead of your own autonomous person.
All Mights heavy footsteps approached you, stopping just shy of touching you. When you made no move to acknowledge his presence he sighed deeply, tutting at your behavior, before scooping you up bridal style. You closed your eyes to avoid looking at him, turning away from his broad chest.
"Shouta you can just grip around my neck from behind, it will only take a couple minutes to get back."
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes at his words. He had covered what took you six hours in mere minutes.
As soon as Eraserhead had confirmed himself secure All Might took off. Wind rushed passed you as he soared high above the canopy. You peeked your eyes open, trying desperately to see where the forest ended, but much to your dismay the nearest city looked to be hundreds of miles away, and any possible roads were obscured by trees.
"Take a good look Y/N," Toshinori murmured to you, voice rumbling against your ear. He didn't need to say more, you understood him loud and clear. Escape won't be possible, even if you get out you can't outrun me, and even if you hide it's only a matter of time before we find you. Your tears of frustration fell more freely now. Way to rub salt in the wound.
When you landed a minute or so later Shouta wasted no time in dropping off the giant while Toshinori quickly brought you inside. Hizashi greeted you at the front door, a strange mixture of relief, anger and disappointment swirling in his emerald eyes.
"Oh no baby look at yah. I got the water runnin' in the master bath in your room Toshi come on lets get her clean." Toshinori followed Hizashi upstairs, refusing to put you down. You all trailed through his bedroom, simplistic design leaving the space void of personality, until you ended up in his bathroom. The room was large, to accommodate the size of its owner, with white marble tiles on the floor, accompanied by white walls and white appliances, giving the room a sterile feeling.
"Hizashi, Shouta, I'll take care of her for now." You had expected a bit of protest from Hizashi but he merely walked out with a sad nod.
"Take it easy on her okay, it's partially my fault she got out..." Shouta mumbled, following his husband out of the bathroom. The door closed with a soft click and for the first time since coming into this house you found yourself alone with All Might. He was normally so busy you barely ever saw him, but now here he was, gently lowering you to the floor.
He stepped away from you, running his hand under the large free standing tubs faucet to test the water temperature. Hizashi had left everything he'd need to clean you up, towel and spare clothes included.
"Go ahead and strip." His voice was colder than normal, an edge to it that filled you with unease. Turning to finally look at him you sucked in your breath. His eyes were fixated on you, searing you with a look that was equal parts disappointment and wounded. He was still in his muscular form, kneeling impatiently beside the bath.
Heat rushed to your face as you slowly began to peel off your filthy clothes, until you were standing in front of him in your bra and underwear. He quirked an eyebrow at you as his frowned deepened.
"All of it." Anger and fear mixed dangerously in your mind as you glared at him.
"I can clean myself."
"I don't recall asking if you could. Strip, now."
When you made no move to comply he threw his head back in exasperation, heaving a large sigh before standing to his full height.
"I have had enough of your behavior young lady. I understand your frustration with us, but we're doing this for your own good. Would you really rather waste away in prison?"
"I'd rather you assholes just kill me already or something, this whole playing pet thing is really starting to piss me off!" His face dropped, teeth grinding against one another as his mind processed what you said. You had no idea how villains got the nerve to fight him, right now it was taking everything inside you to not back down and apologize.
"Kill you? Are you serious right now!" He stomped up to you, frame looming over you threateningly as his eyes blazed with fury.
Swallowing hard you steeled your nerves, you had nothing left to lose so might as well give him a piece of your mind.
"I was perfectly fine before you fuckers brought me here! I don't need you! The fact that you had to prevent me from using my quirk is proof enough that I don't need you! Sure I might not have had much, but it was mine! My life to own and do whatever the hell I wanted with, not yours to take!"
"The moment you decided killing people was the only way to solve your problems was the moment you lost the rights to your life. As heroes in this world, and enforcers of justice, you are sentenced to our care. Now stop arguing with me and strip."
Puffing out your chest you narrowed your tear stained eyes and fixed him with the nastiest look you could muster. "Fuck. You."
In that moment you saw something inside him snap. Mouth pulled tight in a terrifying scowl, he had you maneuvered faster than you could comprehend. One moment you had been standing in front of him, the next you were strewn over his lap, facing the floor.
You yelled out in anger, clawing at his calves through his cargo pants. You knew what would be coming next, but your brain didn't want to slow down to think about how humiliating it was about to be.
"If you want to act like a child then you'll be punished like one. Count. One for every hour you were gone. Be grateful it's not more."
"Let go of me you fucking assho- aH!"
His large hand made contact with your clothed ass, the slap muffled by the sound of running water.
You bit down on your bottom lip hard, tears leaving trails as they washed the dirt down your face. You waited with bated breath, the stinging on your ass for now was bearable enough.
"Y/N, you will count on this next one or I will double your punishment. I'm done playing games with you."
You tensed on the expanse of his massive thighs. You didn't want to count, didn't want to give in, but deep down you knew you'd never win.
His hand came down again with another resounding smack right on top of the first hit. You let out a sob from the impact, choking out a soft "one" as your self preservation instincts kicked your ego to the curb.
"Good, only five more to go."
Your head hung in shame as you waited for your punishment to end, jolting and squeaking out numbers every time he made contact with your burning flesh. To his credit he applied the same level of force with each hit, but every time he made contact the intensity of your burn increased until finally you cried out a broken "six".
You felt so pathetic, strewn across All Mights lap. You used to be so independent, never did you imagine this would be your fate. What happened to your self confidence? The fire inside of you that pushed you to rid the world of villains felt smoldered. Doused by the degrading nature of your stay with the three pro heroes.
It made you want to curl up in a ball and cry until your head pounded from exhaustion. Today was simply getting to be too much for you to mentally handle. From your failed escape attempt, your pathetic attempt at self defense against Shouta, learning running was a pointless waste of your time, to now getting a spanking like a fucking child from All Might himself. The list of losses just kept adding up, and none of them were in your favor.
You were openly sobbing, and the fact that you were crying was pissing you off even more, making for a horrible cycle where you simply cried harder. Toshinori gently moved you around in his hold until he had you clutched to his chest, gently shushing you as you clung to him. Despite how wrong it was you found comfort in Toshinori as he rubbed soft circles into your back, grasping small handfuls of his t-shirt as you stained the white fabric with tears and dirt.
"Everything is going to be okay, I know you've had a bad day and being locked up isn't easy for you. Just give it some time Y/N and you'll see that things here aren't so bad with us. We're here for you, and we're never going to tire of you, even with that stubborn attitude of yours."
Toshinori waited patiently for your sobbing to turn into soft hiccups before peeling you off of him. He removed what little clothes you had left and then lowered you into the tub. The drain was unplugged since you were still filthy, and sitting you in a full tub of water would murky up the clean bath.
Grabbing a large cup Toshinori filled it and poured water over your naked body. You watched with unfocused and puffy eyes as the proof of your failed escape attempt swirled down the drain. Only when the water finally ran clear did Toshinori put the plug in. The lulling warmth progressively crept higher up your body, your head bobbing as you grew sleepy. Toshinori turned the water off once the water had reached your chest, leaving it a good bit from the lip of the tub.
You heard the rustling of clothes but paid the source no mind. You didn't so much as react when the now naked hero stepped into the bath, shimmying down until you were surrounded by him. The water level rose drastically with the addition of the 560 pound man. His thick thighs were splayed on either side of you, solid abdominal muscles pressed into your back.
You heard the pop of a bottle before two large hands gently began to lather your skin in body wash.
"I'm not sure how you like your hair cleaned princess. Whenever women find out I use two in one shampoo they give me a look like I kicked a puppy so I'll just leave that to you for another time." He chuckled softly as he spoke, massaging the tightness out of your shoulders before moving down to your arms.
He spoke so casually, as if all his anger from earlier evaporated with the ending of your punishment. You found yourself grateful that he moved on so quickly instead of lingering on your emotional degradation.
You felt his cock stir a bit as he came back to your chest, cupping them and working the soap onto your skin with more attention than he'd shown your shoulders. You stiffened a bit, but since he made no further move to grind himself against you, you remained in his hold.
"I'm sorry for being rough with you, I'd much rather do something relaxing like this than bring you pain." He pulled you until your head was laying on the expanse of his chest, the deep pounding of his heart mingling with the ringing in your ears. It was almost relaxing, minus the growing erection pressed against your lower back.
Reluctantly his hands left your breast, moving further down your body. He rubbed the soft expanse of your stomach, humming happily at your lack of resistance to him. Only when his hands drifted further did you begin to stir a bit.
"Now young lady I need to make sure all of you is cleaned up okay? You're behaving yourself so well I'd really hate to ruin the moment."
"No, no. Please. Just this one thing.."
His hands paused. He hated how broken you sounded right now. Pulling back he raised his arms outside the tub and rested them along the edges. You relaxed a bit as he retreated.
"Alright Y/N, do you need any soap?"
Sighing softly in relief, you were glad that he was willing to give you this. It almost made you feel human again.
"Nah, it's not healthy to use soap down there."
Toshinori merely hummed in acknowledgement, sliding further into the bath and pushing you along with him as he got comfortable.
You cleaned your core gently, it was still a bit sore from what Shouta had done earlier to you. Only once you deemed yourself spotless did you get soap to lather on the parts of you Toshinori had not gotten to. Speaking of, his breathing had gotten a lot deeper. You peaked back at him noticing his head uncomfortably resting against the tub as he drifted into unconsciousness.
Peering down his naked body you couldn't help but gasp softly as you took note of the large injury covering part of his abdomen. You turned towards him, sending ripples through the water as you cautiously brought your hand to the deep scar. You knew that All Might had been injured enough to force him into a smaller form, but seeing the injury first hand was something else entirely. Who on earth had been able to hurt this titan of a man?
You hadn't realized Toshinori had woken up until his large hand gently covered your own. Meeting his soft gaze you were taken aback by his sad smile.
"The man who did this to me, some say it would be best if I just killed him already. But that's not what heroes do, that's not what Nana would do."
Taking hold of your body Toshinori moved you until he had you straddling the smallest part of his waist. Since you were both completely naked you kept your eyes trained on his injury, heat rushing to your cheeks at the intimacy of the position. His hands rose from the water, gently cupping your face and drawing your gaze to his own.
"When I look at you sometimes I can see her. Your strong will, your intelligence, how beautiful you are... but you're not the same person. Not in a bad way, no you are unique. Your own individual, and someone who I've come to love, even if you don't feel the same way."
His blue orbs were hypnotizing, almost as if he believed if he tried hard enough your own glassy orbs would mirror his loving gaze, or perhaps he'd see it hidden in the depths of your irises.
This moment was far too intimate and personal for your comfort, it was so different than anything any of the men had done before. In a way you almost preferred when they failed to acknowledge you as an equal, it made it easier to hate them. But right now, sitting in the warm bath atop Toshinori, you could feel your resolve slipping.
You didn't want to bring attention to his confession so you decided to try and divert the subject.
"Who's Nana?" You had never heard of her before, not even in tabloids referring to All Might. Toshinori's hands froze on your face, eyes scrunching up as he contemplated on how he wanted to answer.
"Nana... Nana was my mentor. Though calling her that doesn't feel right, she was more like a mother to me. She's the reason I am who I am. Without her I'd be nothing."
Past tense, he was using a lot of past tense. It didn't take a genius to interpret why. His forlorn expression filled in the gaps, so you didn't bother to ask what had become of her. He saw you in the same light he saw this woman?
"Y/N, will you sleep with me tonight?"
Taking note of your hesitation he continued speaking before you could voice any protests.
"Coming home and realizing you were gone.. I was so worried, so afraid I'd never see you again. That you'd be taken away from me, and I don't know if I can handle losing you. I've lost so many people that I cared deeply about, I refuse to lose you too."
How in the ever loving fuck were you supposed to refuse him now. Even though you were still mad at him from his earlier form of punishment you couldn't find it in you to hurt him right now.
"Yeah that's fine, but just tonight. You probably put off a ridiculous amount of heat or snore or something..."
Toshinori flashed you his signature smile before bellowing out a laugh. The water rippled and your body jostled along with his hearty chuckle.
"Me? Snore? No, it'll be the coughing that might get to you haha-ack"
Pain flashed across his face before you felt his body rapidly shrink beneath you with a large puff of smoke. He scrambled upright, causing you to fall against him as he hacked out a lung. You awkwardly placed your hand on his back and rubbed small circles as one of his arms gripped you tightly for balance.
"So-sorry I think I was in my muscular form for too long."
He looked a bit sheepish, using the back of his forearm to wipe off some blood that had dribbled down his chin. You merely sat there, doing your best to look anywhere but him as he collected himself.
"The water's getting cold, come on let's get out princess."
You stood up first, awkwardly stepping over his legs and out of the tub. You were a bit embarrassed that he kept his eyes trained on you the whole time while his hands hovered to ensure your safety. A pile of large fluffy towels were set to the side of the tub on a stool. Grabbing the one on top you began the process of drying off.
You heard the sloshing of water as Toshinori stood up, followed by the sound of the plug being pulled and water draining. Looking over it amazed you that even in his smaller form he was was still intimidating. Wiry muscles clung tight to his frame, the angles of his face casting shadows across his eyes. Stepping out he grabbed a towel and proceeded to dry himself off as well.
"Hizashi left you some clothes it would seem... though they look a bit uncomfortable. You can borrow a spare shirt of mine, I also have a spare toothbrush on the top right hand draw of the counter if you want to hide out in my room tonight."
You very much wanted to avoid Hizashi, not sure if you could handle whatever he'd have in store for you right now. Out of three men here, he made you the most nervous. Even now, as you held the scandalous lingerie up to the light you knew he was still going to want his share of punishment.
"I'll take your shirt offer, as well as the hiding out offer. I don't think I can handle him tonight."
Toshinori hummed in acknowledgement before heading to his bedroom and shuffling about before reappearing with one of his large white t-shirts. He had on boxers now, which he must have bought specifically for his smaller form because they hugged all of him rather snugly. Tossing the shirt your way he meandered about the bathroom, preparing for sleep.
You both finished around the same time, leaving you to awkwardly shuffle towards his gigantic bed. He followed behind you, large hand on the small of your back to encourage you onwards.
You wanted him to sleep on the other side of the bed but weren't sure exactly how to voice your desire, especially when he followed so closely behind you. Pulling back the sheets you slid under the cool covers, and yet again Toshinori somehow found a way to leave you with no space.
After turning off the bedside lamp his long limbs quickly ensnared you, pulling you close and tucking you into his embrace. He was warm, but not unpleasantly hot.
Just for tonight. You'd give him this just for tonight. You were also beyond exhausted, your limbs heavy as you sunk into his ridiculously comfortable mattress. Your mind, which had been drifting off ever since the bath, finally dipped into unconsciousness. Your soft breathing filled the air as Toshinori watched you finally succumb to slumber. Smiling softly he lovingly stroked your cheek, planting a kiss to your forehead before giving in himself.
Waking with a jolt you were thrown off by limbs harshly clutching your body. It took you a moment to remember that you weren't in your own bedroom, meaning Toshinori was currently holding you like his life depended on it.
The room was pitch black so you had no idea what time it was, but figured it was still way to early to be awake. His grip on your body was borderline painful causing you to groan out in sleepy annoyance.
"Toshinori, damnit, wake up. You're squeezing me too tight," you grumbled, wiggling a bit to try and jostle him awake. He was murmuring in his sleep, deep voice grumbling against you with the way he had you pressed against his chest.
"D-don't go... no no. I am here... please."
His body was trembling, caught in a nightmare that you couldn't see.
You raised your voice a bit, trying harder to wake him up but he still wouldn't release his grip on you. Only when you accidentally elbowed him did he finally react to you.
With a harsh gasp he threw himself on top of you, pushing you into the mattress. His blue eyes were a wild blaze, messy blond hair framing his angular face. His long bangs were plastered to his forehead from sweat, lungs heaving to swallow air.
He looked so lost, eyes clouded with tears as his brain finally registered he was no longer trapped in his own personal hell. Groaning out in discomfort he lowered his body on top of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He wrapped his arms around you, trying to ground himself.
"Ah, I'm- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up... fuck." Moving down he rested his head against your chest, as if he needed to hear your heart beating beneath him in order to assure himself you were really here.
All you could find it in yourself to do was sigh in exhaustion, body going limp as you relaxed beneath him. It was a good thing he was in his smaller form, since he wasn't attempting to keep any of his weight off of you. You closed your eyes, not quite ready to ask him what his nightmare had been about.
He sniffled softly into your chest, arms unwinding from your waist to gently rub against your exposed flesh. His shirt had drifted up your body, leaving your stomach and lower half exposed.
"May I, may I touch you please?"
"You already are..."
"Oh, uh- yeah it would seem I am. Could I touch you, um down here?" His hand trailed down, knuckles softly brushing against your bare thighs.
You cracked your eyes open to look down at him, his own glowing orbs pleading up to you.
"Toshinori can we just go back to sleep? Please?"
Biting his bottom lip his hand continued to drift closer to your naked core, eyes averting from your own as he thought about what he was going to do next.
"I know I'm not around as much as Hizashi and Shouta but gosh I just- I need to feel you right now. The way they talk about you, how perfect you feel, I need you."
"I-I'd rather we just sleep, Hizashi is still mad at me an-"
Toshinori slid up your body, silencing your protests with a kiss. His hand slid up all the way, using his own thigh as leverage to keep you from closing yours.
His tongue delved into your mouth, fingers finally meeting your outer folds. You struggled beneath him, breaking the kiss.
"Toshinori please, I just want to sleep." In reality you were scared. You had seen his length before, and you'd be a liar if you said it didn't intimidate you. That coupled with the fact that tonight had been going semi-well with the pro, him finally having his share of you would cement your fate in this house even further. His fingers had paused, body still as he took you in below him.
"You don't have to do a thing then princess, I'll take care of everything. Just lay back and relax I promise I'll make you feel good."
"To-Toshinori please, I just want to sleep," you looked deep into his eyes as you pleaded with him, hoping somehow you could find the part of him that knew this was wrong. He gave you a sad smile, his eyes still a bit glassy from his nightmare.
"Just think of this as the last of your punishment then. I still don't think you realize just how terrified I was when I came home to an empty house."
You shook your head, sniffling a bit as tears formed. You tried to push him off but he merely took one large hand and easily secured both of your wrists above your head. His other hand resumed ever so gently teasing you, working on getting you aroused.
"Just lay back and relax alright, then we can go back to sleep. I just-I just need to feel you right now. Need to make sure you're really here."
You worked your bottom lip with you teeth, eyes closed so you no longer had to look at him. His thumb trailed up to press light circles against your clit while his middle finger began to delve a bit deeper, teasing your sore hole. Your body had gone slack, tired of the fact that this was just another situation in which your powerlessness was painfully on display. You didn't have it in you mentally to put up a fight.
Toshinori moved his slim hips until his clothed cock was pressed against your right thigh, rutting against you while he worked you open. He gave a gentle peck to your forehead before trailing kisses down your face to your mouth. He captured your lips with his own, freeing your bottom lip from your teeth and moaning into your unwilling mouth.
You didn't work with him, not giving him the satisfaction of your consent, but he wasn't deterred. He simply moved down, back arching as he made his way to your chest. His erection left your thigh as he finally settled on his stomach between your legs, allowing him to comfortably take your right nipple into his hot mouth.
He nipped at the sensitive bud, long finger pushing into you at the same time while he continued to work your clit. His movements were slow as he savored every moment, sleepy mind basking in the warmth of your body.
You tried to drift back to sleep, thinking that perhaps in the emptiness of unconsciousness you could avoid your punishment, but Toshinori was surprisingly very skilled when it came to manipulating your body. You shuddered beneath him when he gave a particularly hard suck to your breast, his lean digit rubbing against the spongy spot on your inner walls that had you clamping down on him in return.
His pace was torture, just on the cusp of bringing you satisfaction, but he seemed plenty content with dragging this out. You wiggled below him in annoyance, attempting to grind down against his hand in anger and desperation. If he was going to force himself on you then the least he could do was not torment you about it.
With a soft sigh Toshinori released your nipple from his mouth, a small trail of spit connected to his lips. Opening your eyes you glared down at him, while his eyelids were hooded in an amorous gaze.
"Tell me what you need me to do for you princess."
"Let me sleep."
Toshinori gave a sleepy chuckle before peppering your chest with lazy kisses.
"You're more than welcome to try."
Resting his head against your chest he continued to pump his finger excruciatingly slow, easily pushing all the way in to his knuckle, thanks to how wet you had become, before dragging out with a languid come hither motion against your sensitive walls.
You could feel your heart accelerate as he lazily stroked pleasure into your slack body. The way in which you velvety walls clamped down on him far too telling of his skill. It would be so much easier to hate him if he wasn't so damn good at this. In some sick and twisted way though, his loving movements quelled the rage inside you.
Did you want this? Tears slipped down your face as you realized that some fucked up part of you just might. Toshinori hummed softly into your flesh while he lazily worked you closer to your climax, the endorphins flooding your brain working to wash away your inner turmoil. His thumb rubbed gentle circles on your clit while he nipped and sucked on whatever flesh he could reach.
Once he realized you were close to finishing he simply added another finger, stretching and wiggling the two digits to help open you up. You moaned softly at the intrusion, hips bucking as you gave in to him. It didn't take him much longer to finally push you over the edge, but he didn't stop like you had hoped. Adding a third digit you inhaled sharply at the burning sensation, stretched walls still spasming from your orgasm.
"I'll make sure you're ready, don't worry about a thing. Just a little bit more, you're tight but I'll fit."
"It- you won't fit, please you know you won't."
As if to prove you wrong he pushed a bit harder then you were prepared for, burying three of his fingers knuckle deep and forcing a pained whine from your throat. He began to move, getting on his knees and arching his body over your own while continuing to stroke your now sensitive and stinging cunt.
"As I said earlier, just think of this as the ending to your punishment."
"But Hizashi hasn't-" Toshinori cut you off with a pointed look.
"That's not my fault now is it?" You cringed away from him, his cold tone from earlier in the night caused your chest to tighten in fear.
He sighed lowly at your frightened expression, before giving you a small smile and another gentle peck to your forehead.
"Just lay back and relax alright?" He gave your captured wrists a light squeeze as he spoke, large frame hovering over you as he continued to scissor his fingers inside you. The burning sensation from being stretched out began to subside as the familiar warmth of pleasure took hold of you once more.
"There we go, just like that. The more you relax the easier this will be I promise."
Finally pulling his devilish hand away from your soaked pussy he made quick work of shimmying out of his underwear, long cock springing free. The tip was red with a good bit of pre-cum dripping down his intimidating length, some getting lost in his neatly trimmed curly blond pubic hair.
You had flashbacks to the first time you saw it, a bit relieved that in his smaller form he lost a bit of girth. But holy shit if this 7 foot 2 inch giant of a man wasn't packing heat.
Heat flushed Toshinori's face as he watched you take him in. He knew his size could be a bit alarming, which is why he was well versed in the art of foreplay.
Bringing himself down on top of you he lined his tip up with your entrance, free hand helping to guide himself in. You could feel him, gently rubbing himself on your outer lips to gather your slick. His raspy breaths ghosted across the hot expanse of your face, while he closed his eyes, letting out a low groan as he began to push in.
"Sh-shit yes, just like that, ah fuck it'll be a tight fit."
You whined as he began to work on sinking into you, his hand leaving his cock in favor of gently wrapping around your throat.
Despite his best efforts his fingers hadn't been enough preparation when compared to his cock. Gasping in pain you thrashed beneath him. He shushed you gently, fingers stroking your throat delicately as he speared you open. Little by little he rocked his hips into you, holding you down while you cried out in pain.
"So good, you're doing so good. The worst is over okay princess hold out for me."
You hardly knew what he meant by worst part when it felt like he was never going to bottom out. He brought his face down beside yours, huffing and groaning into your ear until finally he was flush with you, cock buried to the hilt. You were breathing hard, small whines and whimpers slipping past your lips at how he stretched you.
"Oh shit. You- you're fucking perfect."
"Too much, it's too much plea-" much to your frustration his mouth met your own again in order to cut off your protests. He pressed your head into the pillow to try and prevent you from pulling away from him again, hungrily following your escape attempts. The hand he had around your throat receded, only to snake its way between the two of you so he could continue teasing your sensitive clit.
His hips began to move again, assuming he had given you plenty of time to adjust based off the way your pussy clenched around him as if begging for more.
He starting off with the same tempo he had been doing for the majority of the night, so slow it was as if he was teasing you. But as the burning sensation in your poor cunt eased you realized he was doing it for your benefit. He wanted you to enjoy this, needed you to find pleasure and comfort in him. After all this was your first time with him, he wanted to make sure you weren't afraid when he came back for more.
As your whimpers subsided, replaced with hushed moans, only then did Toshinori begin to pick up the pace. Finally he released your mouth from his kiss, both of you gasping for air. He showered you with praise as he fucked into you, deep gravely voice never letting you forget just how much he cared for you.
For your part all you could do was submit to him, letting his deft finger and cock bring you back to the brink of orgasm. Your warm walls fluttered around him as he took you closer and closer, the resounding slap of flesh on flesh filling the room as he lost himself in his own pleasure. He was grounded only long enough to see you through, but as soon as you began to convulse around him, hips bucking and pretty mouth moaning obscenely, his mind blanked out.
He abandoned your clit, hand coming up to join the other and thread his fingers through your own. He hammered into you, painfully drawing out your orgasm as he chased his own climax. The juxtapose of him lovingly holding your hands to his feral thrusts was giving you mental whiplash.
"Yes, yes fuck. So good for me, don't ever leave me again. Shit - fuck I can't lose anyone else."
His thrusts were erratic, your whole body forced to move against his. You had assumed he would cum in you, just as Hizashi and Shouta had already done, but right before he finished he pulled out quickly. Pressing the head of his cock into your skin, hot thick surges of cum covered your stomach. The excess quickly began to drip down the side of your body, mingling with your sweat on the sheets below.
Coming down from his high, his hands were still intertwined with your own, skinny body heaving from exertion. For your part your heart rate had mostly settled after your second orgasm, leaving you effectively spent under him.
You had managed to keep your eyes closed while he had fucked you, only now opening them to find him observing you fondly. Releasing his hold on you he leaned over to his bedside table and grabbed a spare handkerchief, using it to wipe off his cooling cum.
Only when he deemed you properly spotless did he toss the cloth to the floor and flop down in the bed beside you. Drawing your weary body against him he folded around you, capturing you once more in his unrelenting grip.
"I know you haven't been here very long, but I can't help but love you so much it hurts. I'll be good to you if you're good to me okay?"
A meager "m-kay" was all you had it in you to respond with, but it was all the man wanted to hear. With a satisfied hum Toshinori pecked your forehead with one last kiss before you both succumbed to sleep.
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brownflower23 · 4 years
Office Affair
(Spencer Reid x Reader)
*Mature content warning*
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Summary: Frustrated with your sex life at home, your ex-boyfriend Spencer is willing to offer guilty, sweet relief.
"Mrs. Y/N" A male voice announces a mispronounced version of your name behind you."It's Y/N" You huff, turning around to see your ass of a boss. "Yeah. I need you to work late today." "I can't. I have plans, and I worked late on Monday." You argue. "And you will stay again until those files are complete. Do we have a problem?" He hisses back. This is so unfair.
"No, I'll get it done." You fake a smile. If you hadn't worked so hard to get a job at the Bureau, you would give him a piece of your mind. An hour later most of the other employees slowly gathered their belongings and headed home. Including your boss.
After what seemed like years of paperwork, you heard footsteps coming closer. You glanced above your desk and there was Spencer, winking at you as he passed. You wonder what he was doing here so late and on this floor. He is your ex, you two dated when you worked on the BAU floor. He was almost the perfect boyfriend, you just couldn't deal with the unpredictable schedule and lifestyle. He understood, and there weren't any hard feelings between the two of you. 
You watch him walk until he is out of sight, gosh he always looked so delicious. You started going through papers again, and then almost jumped out of your skin feeling a touch upon bow of your back. You looked back over your shoulder to see no other than Spencer. "Can I help you?" You ask after catching your breath. He leaned down near your neck. "Why so tense Y/N?" His husky voice sending a shock straight to your insides.
"I'm not tense, you frightened me." You answered his double-edged question. "If you say so dear." He whispered into your ear, you had to bite your tongue making sure not to show any reaction. He then started walking away, you made sure he was far away enough before letting out a sigh of frustration. Focus on your work so you can leave you mumbled to yourself.
Everyone else knew him as sweet Spencer, but there was another side to him. In his romantic relationships, he was very confident, apposed to his more shy work demeanor. You still had regular flashbacks of your times with him, which made you feel terrible being married now. Even worse, you still hadn't been able to cut your physical ties to Spencer, he just knew exactly what you needed.
You tried your hardest, clenching your thighs together, determined to keep yourself together. But all you could think about was him, you caught yourself biting your lip. It was no use. You quickly stand and walk towards the elevators, heels clicking loudly. You caught the door just before closing and step in. Spencer was standing in the corner of the elevator with his devilish smirk, you look away acting as if you didn't see him.
"Where are you headed?" He chuckles, always so cocky. Although, he knows you get to him also. You bend over and adjusted your heel strap slowly, making sure your skirt hugged your ass tightly. You then stood and glanced over to see his eyes studying you fiercely, his amazing jawline clinched. "I'm going to the third floor." You answered softly and pushed the button.
You got off of the elevator not looking back at him, but knowing he was watching. Once you heard the elevator doors close you hurried to the abandoned office to get ready. You position yourself against the desk, removing your hairpin letting it fall. You knew he would come, he always did.
Just as you thought a few minutes later the door opens, he shut and locked the door all while not taking his sight off of you. He slowly started walking forward, rolling up the sleeves of his collared shirt. You could feel your panties becoming damp, just from his stare.
Spencer stopped inches from you, then leaned forward resting his hands on the desk, boxing you in. He leaned in, barely letting his lip brush your ear. "Was that you're way of being amusing?" He asks sharply, your body tenses, eyes clamping shut at his tone. "I don't know what you're talking about. " "Hmm...is that so." He whispers sending more chills down your spine.
You then felt his hand firmly grip your thigh through your skirt causing you to jump. "Don't act like you didn't bend over in this little tight skirt on purpose, you wanted me to come down here." "You followed me." You smarted back "We both know why you came down here. Why you're so tense. I bet you're already wet just from me barely touching you" He tightened the grip on your thigh with every word, him talking like that always made your body tremble. You hated that he was right, and he knew it.
"And what if I did." You challenge back, magically you were still somewhat keeping your composure. "Well, then you know what you have to do." You couldn't believe he was so full of himself, actually, he was always like this in these tense situations. You had seen this side of him a few times while dating, but it still always took your breath away, because it was so different from his sweet and shy personality. You loved both sides. 
 "No" You spat quickly, enjoying the game you two always played. "Then I'll just make you beg." He growls and burrowed his lips into your neck, causing you to let out a moan instantly. He lifts, sitting you on the desk, pushing your legs apart roughly causing your skirt to rise. You pull him closer to you meeting his lips, his kisses were so dominant. Everything about him was dominant when he got you alone. You needed a man like that.
Still kissing you he slowly unbuttoned your top, exposing your body to him. He parted from you to glance down at your body, licking his lips like a starved animal. "Did you wear this for me, baby?" He asked admiring your very thin lace bra. "Maybe. Maybe I wore it for someone else" you shrug. He stared into your eyes.
"Stand up now." He demanded, backing off of you. Gosh yes, you loved when he told you what to do. You stand, pulling your skirt back down. "I'll handle that." He said and then keeled before you, yanking the skirt down to the floor. You gasp from the slight pain of the tight skirt pulling against your skin, but honestly, you didn't mind the pain. He stared up at you now just in underwear, never taking his eyes off yours, and slowly ran his fingers up your knees, up between your thighs, and finally reaching your core. He guides his finger over the fabric. 
"Why are these soaked?" He asks smirking, you grip onto the desk trying not to give in. He pulled down your wet panties and pulled them over your heels. "Mmm, I love you standing in front of me naked, all soaked for me." He huffed, staring at your most private parts. Damn it, he made you feel so wrong but so right at the same time.
"What do you want Y/N." He asks still kneeling below you. "I didn't say I wanted anything." "I think you do, why else would you come to the 3rd floor?" He said softly and began kissing the inside of your thigh. "Oh my gosh." You moaned out involuntarily. He inched up closer to your core, biting just to tease you. You couldn't take much more, you needed him and he knew it. "Please." You screamed. Without another second passing, he began devouring you, licking up all your juices. You couldn't help but moaning his name.
"Spencer" you cried out too loud, but the way he worked your clit with his tongue was unbelievable. "That's right, you know who's name to scream don't you baby." He taunts, barely audible between your legs. You cried out as he spread your legs wider to give him more access. Your legs became weak from his pleasure, and you knew it was close. "Spencer I'm gonna cum." You yelled, so close you didn't care if anyone heard. Then the pleasure suddenly stopped. 
"Not yet. I'm not done with you." He stated standing and bring his lips back to yours. You could taste yourself on his mouth, it was so hot. "Please, Spencer." You breathed heavy. "Not good enough, please what?" Ugh, he is always like this. "Please make me cum, I need it." You swallowed your pride. "Why do you need me to make you cum, does your husband not make you cum?"
You hesitate to answer so he plunged two fingers into you. "Ah, shit" you moaned out, letting your head fall back. "Tell me now." He growled pumping his fingers faster than you knew possible into your soaked folds. You gripped onto his shoulders, crying out in pleasure. "Fuck yes" you scream, you were right there again. He suddenly removes his fingers and you look to see him smiling at you.
"Come on dear, just say it and I'll make you cum just how you like." He whispers in your ear and then trailed kisses down to your breast. He took one of your nipples in his mouth. You couldn't help but groan at how sensitive they are now. How does he do this to you? He sucked and tugged on your nipples, making your wetness drip down to your thigh.
"Please!" You cried out, about to explode with need. He came up from your nipples. Suddenly he grabbed your hand pressing it hard against his dick. You gripped him feeling how long and so hard it was pulsing. You gulp, him still staring at you with dark eyes. You finally gave in.
"He doesn't make me feel like you, nobody fucks me like you." You need the release and didn't care at this point. "That's all you had to say, baby." He chuckled removing his hand and then bent you over the desk. "You ready for this?" He asks still being cocky. "Yes, please fuck my pussy." You were beyond desperate at this point. He growled in approval and roughly pounds his dick into you. You cry out feeling your insides stretched around his large size.
You grab for the desk needing something to hold from the hard pounding he was giving you. "Ah you take my dick so well Y/N" Spencer groaned. He kept a steady hard pace, killing you. "Shit, don't stop." You pleaded.
"Say my name." He groans. You moaned out his name softly.  "No louder, who fucks you like this?" He grows this time fucking you even harder. You could feel your climax coming. He never lets you forget that he fucks you better than anyone else ever has.
"Spencer" you scream as he took you over the edge making your body shake from the rush. He began moaning loudly himself and then found his own release before he collapsed on top of you. After catching his breath he removed himself, you both stood feeling the tension fill the room. Neither of you liked this, but he was like a drug to you.  
"We weren't supposed to do this anymore." You huff after returning your clothes. "It's not my fault your husband can't do what I can." He winked and you rolled your eyes before quickly leaving the room.
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heejinnien · 4 years
p.jimin | lie
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word count: 2.1k words
pairing: jimin x reader
synopsis: there is a thin dichotomy between reality and delusion.
genre: horror, angst
warnings: implied major character death, prison, vivid description of gore, reference to murder, implied/subtle sexual innuendo
author’s note: this is the second piece for the wings anthology! this is another horror fic, and i didn’t realize it was over 2k words ksjfjgsdf. the keep reading cut is at the beginning like my last few works since this fic gets right into it
link to wings anthology
cross posted to ao3 here
Beneath the silhouette of your eyelids, you see red.
Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s blood, painting the white walls of your imagination and coating your nose with the tangy smell of copper and iron. It coats your hands, too, a dark, angry shade of crimson that makes your stomach lurch. No matter how hard you scrub at yourself, the fluid remains.
Among the throes of your panic, it takes a moment for you to realize that there is someone else in the room with you. Instinctively, you know who it is, heart pounding. He is facing away from you, laid on his side, and you take a tentative step in his direction.
“Jimin?” When he doesn’t respond, panic seizes you. You scramble as fast as you can in his direction, the discomfort of your hands stained scarlett long forgotten. When you reach him, you drop to your knees so fast that the impact sends a jarring impulse through your body. You quickly roll him so that he is facing you, and let out a guttural scream.
Where Jimin’s throat should be, there is a visceral, gaping hole. Blood pours out of the wound, coating your arms and knees with the thick, vermilion shade. Jimin’s eyes are open and glassy, wide and unseeing. You shake his shoulders furiously despite the crimson ichor spraying everywhere, splattering your face and chest, grief spreading through your veins like an icy current.
“Jimin,” you sob, your strength giving out until you collapse, body hunched over that of your lovers.
You wake up with your heart pounding in your throat, furiously scrubbing at your hands. You quickly reach for the lamp on your bedside table, yanking the chain hanging down so hard you almost pull the lamp off. In the lamp’s waxy lighting, you examine your hands, turning them over and searching signs of blood.
Beside you, you feel the bed shift, and strong arms wrap themselves around you. Jimin gently strokes your hair, covering your trembling hands with one of his own.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he whispers. He stays like this until your breathing evens and your racing heart can slow to a strolling pace. “It was that dream again, wasn’t it?”
You nod, letting out a shaky breath. You revel in the warmth that Jimin’s presence provides, blanketing you in a cloak of reassurance. You wish you could stay like this forever, wrapped within the warmth of your love.
Cold seeps under the edge of your comforter, sending a shiver to wrack through your body. A cocktail of unease and wrongness fills your stomach, and Jimin’s arms tighten around you.
“Hey, everything will be okay,” he murmurs.
“I know,” you whisper, unable to describe the feelings inside you.
“Go back to sleep,” Jimin says, gently shifting himself so that you are lying beside each other once more. He leans forward, gently kissing your lips. What should feel right instead feels so wrong, his lips ice cold against yours. “I’ll be here to protect you from the nightmares.”
It’s not me who needs protecting, you think, closing your eyes and letting darkness devour you.
When you open your eyes, Jimin is gone. You blink blearily, rubbing your eyes to clear the haze that settled upon them in your sleep. You had slept dreamlessly, feeling more fatigued than before. Your fingers seek out Jimin’s side of the bed, reaching for him before you can even form a coherent thought, but they are met with cold air.
You sit up, and that’s when you realize that you’re not in your bed.
Instead, you’re resting upon a thin cot sitting low upon the ground. A thin, cotton blanket covers you, and metal bars and grey, concrete walls greet you. Panic fills you, and you quickly throw off the mediocre blanket, rushing to the bars and pressing yourself against them, looking for anyone who can answer your questions.
“Hello?” You yell, banging your fist against the metal bars in the hopes that someone will hear you. “Is anyone there?”
“Shut up.” You leap back in shock as a man rounds the corner, standing on the opposite side of the bars. He is wearing a blue, button down shirt and black pants, and around his waist is a black belt.
It’s a cop, you think, relief flooding you. He’ll be able to answer your questions.
“I’m sorry, but, there must be some mistake,” you say quickly. “I’m not supposed to be here.”
The man laughs, a harsh, grating sound. “Sure, and I’m supposed to be on Mars.”
He turns, muttering under his breath about deranged criminals. Desperation seizes you, and you lunge forward, reaching your hand through the bars in an attempt to stop the man from leaving.
“Please, I’m not supposed to be here.” You grab the man’s sleeve, ignoring his shout. “I’m sure my husband is wondering where I am — ”
Before you can finish, the man is grabbing your wrist, twisting it painfully. You let out a yell as he yanks it, causing you to lurch forward and slam into the bars painfully. He leans forward, hissing angrily.
“Listen, I don’t know what kind of delusion you’re under, but you’re in prison, just in case you haven’t figured that out already. You’re here for murder, and if I were you, I would be really careful about my next moves. Never touch me again.”
The man releases your wrist angrily, throwing it towards you and causing your hand to smack violently against the metal bars. You let out a hiss as he turns, stalking away.
The pain quickly fades to the back of your mind as you ponder the guard’s words. You rub absentmindedly at your quickly reddening hand. Murder? You aren’t capable of that. You need to find Jimin, he’ll tell you what’s going on.
You retreat into your cell, pacing anxiously. You need to find someone who will believe you, you think, so that you can sort this whole mistake out.
You don’t have to wait long. Another man wearing a similar outfit to the first slams on the bars of your cell moments later. You jump, freezing and staring at him. The man laughs, inserting keys into the lock on your cell door.
“Who are you?” You demand, voice shaky.
The man laughs, picking up on the tremor in your voice and giving you a cocky smile. “My name is Hoseok. I’m sure you’ll get really familiar with it.” He winks, and disgust fills you. You step back as he swings the door to your cell open, cocking an eyebrow at your actions. “Don’t make me come in there after you, sweetheart.”
You dread having him drag you out of the cell more than you do being near him, so you slowly walk through the cell’s door. Your curious gaze darts all around, taking in the rows of cells around you and the long hallway. You are so preoccupied you don’t notice Hoseok’s actions until you hear a clicking sound, and the cold weight of handcuffs around your wrists.
You whirl, glaring at Hoseok, and he does his best to give you an innocent shrug. “Standard protocol,” he says in defense. “Don’t want another repeat of earlier, do we?”
You flush at his reference to the guard earlier, and he chuckles, taking one of your arms and guiding you down the hall. While most of the cells around you are empty, a few are occupied, and several curious occupants stare at you as you pass. You walk faster, eager to escape their stares, and Hoseok matches your pace, bemused.
You turn right, and he guides you down a nearby hallway, pausing in front of another barred door. He releases his grip on you long enough to fumble with his keys and unlock the door, pushing it open with his hip and pulling you through after him.
On the other side of the door is a small room. A table rests in the center, and seated at it is a kind looking man. Hoseok leads you to the table, pushing you unceremoniously into a chair and chaining your handcuffs to the table. He leaves promptly after, the slamming of the door signaling his disappearance.
There is a slight pause, and the man stares at you, silently assessing you. You shift uncomfortably, the chain binding you to the table clinking, the only sound in the otherwise quiet room.
“Y/N,” the man finally says, resting his hands on a manilla envelope in front of him. “I’m Dr. Kim, but you can call me Namjoon.” He gives you a gentle smile. “I’m here to assess whether you are menally competent to stand trial.”
Alarm rings within your head. “Trial for what? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Namjoon remains silent, staring at you as if assessing whether or not you are lying. Finally, he speaks slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.
“What’s your last memory, Y/N?” He asks, staring at you in a cautious way that makes your skin prickle. You wrack your brain, attempting to formulate an answer.
“I was coming home from work.” Namjoon nods, and you continue. “I had just got home, and I was kicking my shoe off when I heard voices in the kitchen. I investigated, and I saw Jimin with another woman.”
You swallow, throat dry, as you remember the intense flash of anger you had felt. You’re not sure why, and you assume there must have been a reason you felt angry. While you speak, Namjoon slowly opens the manilla file, reaching inside and placing papers from within facedown on the table. When you pause, Namjoon stares at you again, silently assessing.
“What were Jimin and the women doing?” He asks, voice probing.
“I, I’m not sure — ” You stutter, brows furrowing. The memory is hazy, and you close your eyes, chasing after it.
“He had his back to me,” you say slowly, piecing together the memory. “And she — ”
Your eyes fly open as the memory comes rushing back to you. Namjoon stares at you, face unreadable, and you force yourself to continue.
“They were making out,” you whisper softly, staring at the table in front of you in denial.
In the table’s reflection, Namjoon nods, every action clinical and professional. “Did that make you angry enough to murder him?”
“What?” You snap your head up, indignation filling you. “Of course not.”
Namjoon hums, noncommittal. He reaches for the first paper he had set down, flipping it over and sliding it towards you. You reach for it, picking it up
And promptly dropping it, horror filling you.
In the photograph, your husband lies on the kitchen floor, in full color resolution, dead. Where Jimin’s throat should be, there is a visceral, gaping hole. Blood pours out of the wound, coating your arms and knees with the thick, vermilion shade. Jimin’s eyes are open and glassy, wide and unseeing.
“No,” you say, shaking your head adamantly and squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to block out the press of reality. “It can’t be.”
You hear a rustling sound, and you know Namjoon has slid another photograph towards you. You squeeze your eyes shut tighter, and you hear Namjoon sigh.
“Open your eyes, Y/N,” he says. His tone is commanding, forceful, and against your will you open your eyes.
You are met with another bloody photograph. This one is of a woman. The woman you had seen with Jimin. Like Jimin, her throat has been torn out. Unlike Jimin, there is a similar hole where her heart should be. Her eyes are wide in horror, and blood stains her hair.
“You did this, Y/N,” Namjoon says simply. His voice is quiet, but it’s as if he spoke in a yell, his words piercing you.
“No,” you say, vehemently. “I couldn’t have.”
“Yes, you did,” Namjoon says, forcing you to accept the terrible truth. “You murdered your husband when you saw him having an affair, and then you murdered the woman you saw him with. The police found you with the knife still in your hands.”
“I — ”
You let out an inhuman wail and lunge towards Namjoon. You are stopped abruptly by the chain handcuffing you down, and Namjoon watches you with pity filled eyes as guards quickly rush into the room, grabbing your shoulders and forcing you back as you scream, the sound one of heartbreak and anguish as the reality of your actions crashes down upon you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Namjoon whispers, a tear sliding down his cheek from your pure anguish as you are dragged from the room.
taglist: @chubsjmin
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
If only they knew🤡 Henry Cavill
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Warnings: smut, language, unprotected, rough, cheating, oral (m), fat shaming, fingering
Relationship: Henry Cavill x black plus sized reader
“Hey are you busy” I look at my newly done nails
“No I had just went for a run then I was about to get in the shower. Why?” Henry asks. I frown my face up
“Because I wanted to come see you”
“That’s fine. She’s not here”
“Ok I’ll be on my way”
I knock at the door waiting for Henry to open it. I stare down at my feet painted a pretty opal color dressed in Steve Madden sandals Henry got me. Oh yea me and him are having an affair basically. He’s married to some model but he already knows she’s cheating so I guess this is payback. Me and him have been friends since before he even met this girl. We’ve been this whole friends with benefits thing for a long time. Before I got pregnant. You can guess where this story leads to now. I had my affairs child and never told my own husband. Because Zara, the baby looks so much like me just with lighter skin. Scott, my husband, doesn’t realize.
He opens the door pulling me from my thoughts and I see his dripping wet body clad in a towel hung low on his waist.
“Hey how are you” he smiles with his phone in hand.
“Hi I’m good” he lets me in pulling me in for a hug getting me all wet
“Ugh Henry now I’m wet”
“Wouldn’t be the first time” he smiles kissing my head “how’s my baby girl” he refers to his daughter Zara
“Good teething so she’s kept me up for a minute. Scott took her with him to give me a break”
“Mmm” he mumbles
“My clothes”
“Let me help you” he pulls my shirt off and I push him to the recliner in the corner of the living room. I unravel Henry’s towel dropping to my knees as he sits in the recliner. I think my head on the tip watching his eyes shut completely trapped in what I’m doing.
I jerk him from the base sucking on the tip collecting all of his precum on the tip of my tongue. As his eyes are closed and I’m still sucking I grab it unlocking it with the password. I click on ‘Contacts’ and select the name ‘Christina’. I let it ring and when she picks it up I set it on speaker on his chest “hey babe”
His head shoots up and I smile “h-hey honey”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing” I sink my head further. Luckily I don’t have a gag reflex. Henry tries to push me off but I swat his hand away. “I was just calling because I think we should have Y/N and Scott over tonight for dinner” my head shoots up. I smirk tightening my grip around him making a low moan escape.
“That’s a great idea. What should we have for dinner” before he responds I massage his balls and suck his tip hearing him moan again
“Oh? What are you doing babe” I hear her getting flirty but Henry pushes it off
“I stubbed my damn toe. Uh steak is fine”
“Oh ok cool. With mashed potatoes”
“Yup perfect” he looks at me grabbing a fistful of my head guiding him further. Henry pushes his hips upward and I smile letting him fuck my face. “Honey i gotta go I’ll see you later”
“Ok love you”
“Love ya too” he hangs up throwing his phone and pulling me up. Henry pulls my leg on his and I sit on his dick feeling him stretch me out. He puts my legs on his shoulders and holds my arms out bouncing upward to penetrate me. I moan smiling and then my phone rings. I look at Henry and he smiles “answer it or you won’t cum”
I whine and grab it putting it to my ear “h-hello”
“Hey babe” it’s Scott “hows the nail salon”
“It’s good I’m at the gym now. What’s up” I say rushed
“I just got a call from Christina inviting us over for dinner tonight. Did you wanna go”
“Yes” I moan. I snap out of it when Henry fucks me harder “Yea sorry these leg days kill”
“Trust me I get it. I’m going to the liquor store did you want anything”
“Uhhh” it’s harder to think when I have a huge cock plunging into me. He lets go of my arms and I straddle his waist. He’s still bouncing into me. Henry’s face dives into my bouncing breasts. “Uh cupcake champagne” my body starts shaking
“Ok wh-”
“I gotta go bye” I hang up dropping my phone and my body caves forward. Henry groans squeezing my hips as we both leak on each other.
“Look at you. You filthy bitch” my body shakes more at his degradation and I smile.
“You feel so damn good” I moan
He pumps us out the rest of the way and stops. I feel his dick throbbing inside of me.
“I gotta go home and go shower to get ready for our dinner tonight” I smile. I pull myself off of him and get dressed “your wife will be home any minute”
“That she will” he stands up walking me to the door not even before clinging his towel to his waist again.
“I’ll see you at dinner?”
“I’ll see you at dinner” he smiles winking
I’m at home fresh out the shower when I hear Scott get home “babe”
“I’m upstairs” I yell back. I oil my body down and he walks in holding Zara. I smile as he puts her down and she walks towards me. I pick her up kissing her cheek.
“I got the drinks” I nod “damn where’d all this weight come from I thought you went to the gym” I put down the baby and finish getting ready giving her a toy to settle her.
“The shit doesn’t just fall off overnight asshat”
“You need to lay off everything you eat” he chuckles
“Get ready so we can go” I slip into a short dress and grab my sandals. I grab the baby taking her downstairs and shake my head. His comments are really sticking to me today. I grab my phone texting Henry titles under ‘Dominoes’.
“Do you think I’m beautiful?” I text
“Of course why?” He responds
“You ready?” Scott asks. I yell back a yes and reply to Henry
“Did he say something to you again?”
“Yea. We’re on the way”
“Ok darling. Don’t worry I have something special for you tonight”
I knock on Henry’s door and Christina greets us at the door. She hugs both of us and I smile “thanks for having us” Zara smiles at her.
“Of course no problem. Come in” I walk through smelling the delicious food. If she couldn’t do anything else, Christina could cook. I think that’s why Henry is still around. He likes to eat. Trust me I’d know.
We migrate to the dining room where the food is neatly placed on the decorative place mats and Henry smiles standing up. He wraps me in his embrace. Henry lets go and a part of me wishes he didn’t. He tickles Zara’s feet and she instantly clings to his large arm. He hugs Scott and we all sit. Me with Henry and Christina with Scott. Zara on his lap.
“So how’ve you been” Henry asks Scott as he starts feeding her.
“I’m good. Works kicking my ass” he smiles
“I understand” I take the fork starting to eat while Christina smiles at me
“So when do you plan to get pregnant again Y/N?” I nearly choke
“Uh not for a long time I’m perfectly fine with Zara” I smile “I’m too busy with work. What about you?”
“We’re trying but nothing yet” she says sadly
“Aww you’ll get there” I feel Henry’s hand slide up my thigh all the while he’s still holding a conversation with Scott. Now they’re on the topic of business and how Henry owns multiple.
His hand moves further up parting my legs. I rest one on top of his to give him easier access. Henry rubs my clothed clit and I trip up on my words.
“How’s w-work coming along?” I ask her
“Great. Me and Henry have a banquet to go to next weekend which should be fun. I bought this beautiful gold dress” She grabs her phone and Henry inserts his fingers inside of me. I hold his large hand grinding myself against his hand. I smile as I see the dress and control my fast breathing. He uses his thumb to run my clit while stimulating my g-spot.
“That is...” I take a minute to collect myself “stunning”
“I’m so excited” she smiles “we’ve been thinking about getting another dog”
“Uh you’ve been thinking about it. I’m perfectly fine with Kal” the British hunk chimes in curling his fingers. I stab my fork into some broccoli trying to shove as much of it in my mouth as possible masking a moan.
“Damn babe can you chill with eating so much. I told you about that”
“I just got the perfect idea” Christina says “we should go to the gym together. It would be so much fun”
I can see Christina means no harm in her words but Scott’s words were dripping with humiliation. I grip the sides of the chair and I see Henry’s chest rise and fall faster. His nose flares in anger as he presses my spot harder.
“Scott that was a little mean don’t you think?”
“Come on Henry look at her. She looks like a whale”
My legs tense and start shaking while he keeps a straight face destroying my insides with just two fingers “I think she looks great especially for someone who just had a baby” he emphasizes. I can see he’s pissed. Scott did this a lot when I was pregnant as well which would make Henry go off sometimes.
I tap his thigh lightly succumbing to my demise. I let out a shaky breath and squeeze my eyes shut leaking all over his hand.
“Y/n are you ok?” Christina asks. I nod
“Headache” My nails dig into his thighs and I hear a low growl come from him feeling him hash out the rest of my juices.
I take another bite and Zara smiles. Scott feeds her another small bite of mashed potato.
“Yea but damn it’s been a like 11 months. She should look like Christina by now”
“Clearly they’re two different women” he says getting angrier. Zara pulls off of Scott’s lap walking over to Henry with her arms up. He grabs a napkin wiping his hands and picks up Zara with his clean hand. She stands on him playing in his hair ruffing up his curls.
“Hi pretty girl” she smiles giving him her one dimple. Like his.
“Can we all just eat a civilized meal” Christina says adoring Henry and Zara. God. If only they both knew. “You two are so cute together”
Henry smiles as she moves on to his buttons.
“I never realized how much Zara kinda looks like Henry” my breath catches in my throat and I cough.
“You’re right” Christina says. I grab the cup of water taking a sip “ugh Henry give me a baby tonight”
“It’s not that easy” he smiles
“Yes it is” I blurt out “sorry” I laugh glancing at Henry He smiles at me with a small smirk
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Because We Got High.
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Relationship: Billy & Reader Warnings: Drug use (it’s just weed) & language. Words: 1,820  Tags: Fluff & humor.
Billy's been driving around for the last twenty minutes, music blaring and smoking cigarette after cigarette as he looks for Max. She was meant to be at one of her friends' houses, but the little shits apparently jumped from house to house without telling anyone. Everyone was meant to be at the Wheeler's- and boy was that fun having to see Karen Wheeler answer the door side-by-side with her husband, squirming and with pleading eyes to not utter a word of their previous flirtations- but the kids weren't there. So Billy drove to the Byers', and again no luck.
The Sinclair household only had one mouthy little girl that Billy briefly found amusing, and it was she who directed him to the Henderson's.
"Just walk right in," the little girl Erica had told him. "My brother and his friends will most likely ignore the doorbell and Ms. Henderson likes to chase her evening pills with alcohol."
"For being a kid, you know an awful lot about what Ms. Henderson does at night."
"I'm thirteen, you mullet wearing bastard." She had sassed him- actually sassed him before slamming the door in his face and all Billy could do was laugh about it.
The kid had fire and he liked it. It was rather refreshing.
Then having gotten back in his car, he memorized the directions to the Henderson household that Erica had given him and drove.
Pulling up outside the Henderson house, Billy stubs out his cigarette in the ashtray before cutting the engine and climbing out. The lights are all on inside, so he wastes no time stomping up to the front door and ringing the bell.
No answer.
He tries the door knob and it's locked.
"For fucks sake," Billy grumbles, growing agitated.
He then decides to pound on the door with a closed fist, but again there's no answer. There's a TV blaring somewhere inside, but he rather not start peeking through windows and risk the neighbors calling the cops on him. Instead he stomps around to the back of the house and is intent on pounding on the back door, yelling until someone answers him. But the moment he steps foot in the backyard, a strong familiar scent hits him full force and he stumbles to a stop before looking for the source.
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Dusty and all his little friends had decided to come over and you knew there'd be no peace in order for you to watch a couple of movies as you had planned. They'd all congregated into Dustin's room which was just right next to yours and immediately they were a loud mess. So after making sure your mother was nice and tuckered out downstairs in front of the TV, you went back into your room and into your closet.
At the very top, very back of your closet was your secret stash of weed that was only smoked in emergency situations. And this? This was an emergency of boredom that you needed to quell right away.
So after making sure you had everything in your box, you tuck it under your arm and go back downstairs to exit the back door. In your backyard is the only thing left that reminds everyone of your fathers presence before he split- a large treehouse in the sturdiest tree that Dustin and his friends usually chilled out in when they weren't inside.
There's an actual staircase that wraps around the tree and you climb them all the way up to the house itself. Then plopping down in one of the bean bags, you set the box in your lap, open it up, and smile as you stare down at its contents.
After rolling a blunt and lighting up, you take a deep drag and let the smoke settle in your lungs before blowing it out. Drag after drag, your body starts to loosen up and you quickly find yourself sprawled on the floor of the treehouse.
You have more than enough weed for another blunt and you lazily start to roll another one.
Before you can light up, however, a voice stalls you.
"You do know the entire back yard smells like weed, right? You looking to be busted?"
Rolling over, you belly crawl to the door and look down. Standing in your backyard, looking far too handsome for his own good, is none other than Billy Hargrove. "You gonna be a narc, Hargrove?"
He walks over to the bottom of the stairs, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Do I know you?"
"Nah. We don't have classes together, but you made an impression on all the little sheep at school. Name's Y/N. I'm Dustin's sister."
"Hmm." He glances at the house once more. "So can I just walk in and grab Max or..?"
"They got a D&D session going on, so good luck, man."
Billy huffs and turns around, stomping up to the back door and entering your house. You watch, lighting up your second blunt of the night and wait. A handful of minutes pass before Billy exits alone, looking a little more agitated than he had moments before.
Chuckling softly, you hold out the blunt so he can see the embers burning bright in the night. "Need a little relaxation while you wait? Come on up, Hargrove. I don't bite." Billy sighs but makes his way towards the stairs nonetheless. Laughing as he ducks to enter through the door, you roll onto your back and hold out the blunt towards him. "Welcome to Stoners Anonymous. I'm Y/N and I'll be your host this evening."
Billy's agitation is quickly wiped away and a smile takes place of his scowl. He takes the offered blunt and holds it to his lips, taking a long drag as he lets his head fall back and eyes close in pure bliss. Blowing out the smoke, he then takes a seat. "That's good. Who's your dealer?"
"A good customer never reveals her sources until at least the third smoking party."
"Whatever you say." He takes another hit, letting his gaze wander around the spacious treehouse. "You know, a good host usually has snacks for when the munchies hit."
On cue, your stomach rumbles and Billy chuckles as you groan. Cursing quietly, you sit up and crawl over to a stack of crates that act as a stand of cubbies. Pulling out a walkie talkie, you turn it on and hold down the button. "Calling all nerds. Calling all nerds. Take a break from D&D and bring me some noms. Over."
Billy grins, passing the blunt back to you. You take a drag as the walkie in hand crackles to life. "Are you high? Over." Someone giggles before it cuts out.
"As a kite. Now bring me some noms. Enough for two. Over."
"Two? How much did you smoke?!"
"Don't question me, Dusty, or I'm telling mom what really happened to Mews."
The walkie goes quiet, so Billy asks, "Mews?"
"Mhm," You distractedly nod. "Mom's cat that she fucking adored more than her own kids. My idiot brother brought home something feral and it ate Mews. We had to tell her, her beloved cat ran away."
"That's wild."
"Alright. What do you want? Over."
You first pump victoriously. "Pizza rolls."
Billy's nose wrinkles. "Screw that. You got cash? We'll drive and pick up burgers."
Your eyes widen as you beam at him. "You're my new favorite person! Here. Finish it," you tell him while passing the blunt back to him. "I'll go get some cash and shoes, and meet you out front."
Tossing the walkie aside, you watch as Billy picks it up to speak into it. "Cancel the rolls. Y/N and I are driving for food instead."
He smirks. "Hello, Maxine. Since you and your nerds are taking forever, I'm taking Y/N for food."
A bunch of rambling comes over the walkie and he clicks it off, tossing it on one of the bean bags. Then with the blunt between his lips, he exits the treehouse and saunters down the stairs.
By the time Billy makes it around front, you're standing rather impatiently in the middle of the sidewalk. All the kids are on the front stoop, glancing between you and him.
"So you two are friends?" Dustin asks. "Since when? You don't socialize, Y/N."
"Whatever. We officially met tonight. Shared a blunt and now we're the best of friends!"
"The best," he leers, coming up beside you and throwing an arm around your shoulders.
All the boys grimace.
"I don't like it." Dustin grumbles.
"Too bad. I didn't like Mike when he first came around."
"No offense, Wheeler," you quickly amend. "And now look. I adore all you fuckin' gremlins, but that's about to change if you don't let me leave and get a burger."
"Fine! Let's go, Hargrove."
Billy flicks the remainder of the blunt to the ground, smirking as he turns and leads you to his car. You readily open the passenger door and climb on in, waving at your brother and his friends who suspiciously keep watch of Billy. After settling in and Billy settling in as well, his engine roars to life and you laugh as AC/DC immediately blares at you.
He peels out in front of your house and you hang your right arm out the window to feel the wind rushing against it.
"Come on, Billy. Show me what your baby's got."
Glancing at you, Billy slowly smirks. He turns down one of the back roads, pressing harder on the gas and picking up speed. You laugh, leaning your head towards the opened window and letting your hair whip every which way. "Whoooo!" You scream.
As you settle back into your seat, your bright eyes land on Billy as he splits his attention between you and the road. "Where the hell have you been since I've been in Hawkins, Henderson?"
You waggle your eyebrows. "If you'd stop bullying Harrington, hot shot, you'd find me napping somewhere in the room."
He huffs. "Don't tell me you're fond of boy wonder?"
"Eh. Steve's decent." Billy scoffs. "No, I'm serious. If you boys would get over your egos or whatever shit is keeping you from actually being cool with each other, you'd see Steve is a hell of a lot more tolerable than Tommy. Because seriously, gross. You can do a lot better than Tommy, my dude."
"You talk a lot. I'm honestly surprised I've never met you before."
"Mhm. I think I'm possibly one of the last remaining females who hasn't taken you for a ride."
"Just name the time and place, sweetheart, and we'll rectify that."
"Smooth, Hargrove. Very smooth."
"I try."
"Well try driving faster because I've got a serious case of the munchies and if you don't feed me soon, I'm gonna get cranky."
He chuckles. "Whatever you say, Henderson. Whatever you say."
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got7thotsss · 6 years
Chocolate and Caramel Barista! Jinyoung
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Inspiration: Some writing prompt website. Warnings: Mild language. Summary: A snow storm causes a power outage which leads to you being stuck in a café with a cute barista. Pairing: Jinyoung x Reader Word Count: 1.8k A/N: Just a cheeky bit of fluff to kick start this account :)))
 "Evening, what can I get you on this, erm, lovely winter night?" The barista asks you, looking past your head and out of the window, where snow is falling at a very fast pace. "Can I get a large caramel hot chocolate, please." You ask, smiling sweetly at the cute barista. He nods his head, his black bangs falling over his eyes. He presses the screen in front of him a couple times, before reading out the total. You hand over the correct amount, then wait patiently by the counter as he begins making the drink. After a few minutes, you hear him curse under his breath, then the radio playing music in the background cuts off. "Oh lord, that's not good." The barista states, looking at the radio, then at you. Just as your eyes meet, the lights cut out, "Are you okay? I think we're having a power cut, because of the storm. Damn, I can't remember the entire procedure, but we won't be able to get out the door until my boss comes and unlocks it with a key." "I'm fine, how long do you think your boss is going to be? Because, it's going to get very cold, very fast." You say, waiting for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. After a few blinks, you are able to distinguish the barista's figure. "I'm going to ring him now, but he always refuses to answer his phone unless it's between 9 and 10 or 2 and 3." He responds, turning his phone on and illuminating the air around him. The light emphasises his facial features, especially his strong jawline. He presses the screen a couple times, before moving the phone to his ear. You pull your phone out, only to realise that it is completely dead. He pulls the phone away from his ear and sighs, shaking his head. "Do you think I could borrow your phone to call my mum? Mine's gone flat." You ask, awkwardly scratching the back of your neck. "Yeah of course." He says, walking over to where you are, he trips on a couple of chairs on the way, but hands you the phone, there's a tint in his cheeks, but you aren't sure if it's because of the phone illuminating his face or not. You give your mum a quick call to tell her where you are and that your phone ran out of battery. After the phone call, the barista tells you that his boss's phone has been turned off, so you both have to sit and wait for someone to come and get the both of you. "I'm Y/n, by the way." You say, after you both sit on the floor, leaning against the counter. "Jinyoung, nice to meet you." He replies, you shoot a small smile over to him, even though you're not sure if he can actually see you. You both sit in awkward silence for what feels like forever. You contemplate starting a conversation, but decide against it, not wanting to annoy Jinyoung. “Erm, we have loads of food and plenty of cold drinks if you want any of them.” Jinyoung states, breaking the silence. “I’m fine for now, thank you.” You reply, shooting him a grateful smile. You feel Jinyoung start shivering next to you, then you realise how cold it has actually got, “You should probably go put some more layers on, it’s getting really cold.” You add. “Erm, do you want to come with me?” He asks, you are taken aback by his question, why would he want you to join him? Maybe you should go with him, you’ve got to stick together or else he might get hurt in the dark. After pondering for about thirty seconds, you accept and join him in standing up. You both walk into the back, Jinyoung taking the lead, because he knows where he’s supposed to be going. He reaches to grab your hand, to guide you more easily, you allow you fingers to wrap around his own, afraid of being alone in this unfamiliar place. You realise as you walk through the kitchen that Jinyoung’s hand feels warm in your own cold one, maybe he’s a little less cold than me, you think. You reach another door, where Jinyoung reaches up with the hand that isn’t attached to your own to grab a key laying on the top of the door frame. He unlocks the door and grabs something at the side of the door. “Shit. I forgot to tell y/f/n, she’s probably gonna kill me.” You say, face palming, as Jinyoung presses a button which causes light to flood throughout the room. “You can borrow my phone again if you want.” He says, quietly, looking around the room before lunging forward and grabbing a coat. “No, it’s okay, I don’t know her number anyway. Thanks for offering though.” You respond, as he pulls the thick jacket around his body. He then grabs a couple blankets, before turning towards you. You give him a puzzled look, “Why do you have blankets here?” “They’re in case there’s any customers wearing shorts or skirts, that are cold. I don’t understand it either, but I’m fairly grateful for them now.” He explains, making you laugh. He then leads you back out of the room, quickly flashing the light over the kitchen before gasping and mumbling to himself, “Of course, how could I be so thoughtless?” “Am I missing something?” You quietly ask, as confused as ever. “What? Oh, erm, I just realised that there’s a gas hob. So, I could boil some water and make us some hot drinks.” He states, your mouth makes an ‘O’ in realisation, “Tea, coffee, hot chocolate… What would you like?” “I’ll have whatever you’re having.” You answer, watching as he potters around the kitchen making the drinks. In the low light, you can see how hard he is concentrating hard on making the drinks perfect, maybe he really likes making coffee for random strangers. “I made coffee, but based on the fact that you asked for a caramel hot chocolate earlier, I assumed you liked you drinks sweet, so I put plenty of sugar in. I was a bit weary of the milk though as the power cut took out the fridge, so there isn’t any milk in it. I hope that’s okay.” He explains, biting his lip, as he passes a hot mug over. “That’s fine, I like it with or without milk, so I don’t mind.” You respond, smiling at him, a look of relief flashes over his face, before it’s gone. He grabs his own mug and the torch, before looking at the blankets then down at his hands, “I’ll grab them.” You state, grabbing the blankets of the counter, where he had placed them. He flashes you a smile, then leads the way back through to the main café room. You both sit down in your previous spots, then manoeuvre the blankets over both of your legs. You sit close to each other, in an attempt to share body heat. Your hands wrap around the mug of coffee Jinyoung made for you, taking occasional sips of the bittersweet beverage. Jinyoung then pulls his phone out and dials someone’s number, he holds his breath as the person answers. You hear a load of muffled shouts and know it can’t be too good. “I’m sorry for ringing you during your free time, but I’m locked in the café with a customer, there’s no power here so it’s very cold. You said if this were to ever happen to ring you because you have the key.” You bite your lip to brace yourself for another round of muffled screams but are surprised to hear a calm feminine voice come through the phone now. “I’m sorry for calling your husband at this late hour, but it is protocol to call him during this kind of emergency.” You start to zone out of the conversation going on next to you, feeling a wave of tiredness hit you like a truck. You sip more of the caffeinated beverage, hoping it will keep you awake, but there is no hope. “My boss’s wife said that there’s nothing they can do until the power comes back on, because it’s too dangerous for anyone to drive during this storm. We’re going to be stuck here until at least the morning.” Jinyoung explains, making your eyes shoot open. “Oh okay, we should be fine, right?” You respond, unconsciously leaning your head on his shoulder. You feel him chuckle, his whole body shaking. “Yeah, if you’re tired, go to sleep. It’ll make the time go faster.” He whispers, taking the half-full mug from your hand and placing it next to him. You hum in compliance, before feeling your eyelids droop heavily, as you slip into slumber. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- You blink your eyes rapidly as soon as you wake up, the unfamiliar sight around you confusing you, before you remember the storm last night and look around once again. Something woke you up, but you don’t know what. You notice Jinyoung asleep next to you, then you hear it. Bang. Bang. Your eyes shoot to the door, where you see a short bald man, banging on the door. You place your hand tentatively on Jinyoung’s shoulder, before shaking him slightly, making him stir in his sleep. Bang. Bang. Jinyoung’s eyes shoot open and he looks towards the door immediately. He quickly gets up on his feet and walks hastily towards the door. The man shouts something through the door, you can’t understand his gibberish, but Jinyoung seems to get what he means. “The key was with us the whole time.” Jinyoung says, his voice husky and full of sleep. You notice how attractive he looks in natural light (which for the record is 10 times more attractive than he looked in artificial light and he looked extremely attractive last night) He rushes over to the cash register and presses a button. You hear the tray pop out and all of the coins in it jingle as they crash together. Jinyoung runs back to the door with a small silver key in his hand, he puts the key in the lock and turns it. You both hear the satisfying sound of the lock clicking open, then the door opens. “I told you last night that you had the key.” The man yells, as he walks in. “No, you didn’t. You yelled at me for calling so late, then your wife apologised and explained that no one could do anything.” You awkwardly stand up, unnoticed by the two men. You write a note out to Jinyoung, thanking him for being kind last night and write your phone number on the note. You then grab your bag and slip out of the door, without either of the men realising.
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spideeysense · 7 years
Give me back my wife (Part 2)
Hey guys! I’m excited to show you the next part to ‘Give me back my wife.’ Hope you all enjoy! Don’t forget to request! 
AN: Hopefully you guys like this ending! I left it a bit open ended! 
Warnings: Torture/Mild Violence
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Y/N was being dragged down a long corridor, she tried to remember the turns and twists they took, but there were too many. Everything looked too similar. Her captors stopped in front of a sleek metallic door. It opened with a soft hissing sound, and they pulled her inside. They placed her in an upright chair, her wrists were held down with harsh metal clasps.
In front of her, Terex, was pacing back and forth. “Mm Senator L/N of Naboo,” He said in a harsh tone. “That’s ex-Senator L/N,” Y/N reiterated, her eyes glued to Terex. “Oh, well that doesn’t matter to me, like I said before, you my dear, have very important information that I and the First Order could use.” Terex said as he leaned down. “You will tell me everything you know.” He said menacingly, his eyes darkened. 
“In your dreams” Y/N spat.
Terex let out a small chuckle. He shook his head, and motioned for something to come inside the room. Y/N’s eyes widened in fear. “No” She let out under her breath.
“Oh yes,” Terex said with an evil smile.
Y/N watched in horror as an IT-O Interrogator droid floated in with an oddly excited chirp.
“Soon you’ll reveal your secrets,” Terex said as he left the room, the door closing behind him with a hiss.
All Poe could hear were the echoes of Y/N’s screams. His shoulder was throbbing from hitting the cell door multiple times. He resorted to pacing around his cell. If he could just get out of these cuffs. His eyes scanned around the cell, and in the corner something caught his eyes. A heavy looking pipe was jutting out of the wall. His eyes glanced down to his cuffs, they looked breakable. Poe raised his arms above the pipe and brought them down, hard. The sound resonated  throughout the cell with a loud clang. Poe grunted as he tried again, but to no avail. “Third time's a charm,” He muttered under his breath as he brought his arms down harder and faster. To his luck, the chains snapped, sending small bits of metal everywhere. Poe smiled at his success. However, he was still stuck in his cell. If he had his blaster on him, he could get out, obviously. He thought to himself.
He peeked through the small opening in his cell door and spotted a blue-green rodian guard. Suddenly an idea hit him. He collapsed to the floor, his hand clenching his gut, he let out a loud yell. “Oh god! My stomach” He said, using his best “help I’m in pain” voice. Poe rolled around on the floor. ‘Maker this better work,’ He thought himself. Suddenly his cell door opened with a hiss.
“What’s wrong with you boy?” The rodian said with a gruff voice.
“Stars, I don’t know, it’s my stomach.” Poe said as he motioned the rodian to come closer. Rodians were gullible, everybody knew that. The rodian was crouched in front of Poe, and in one swift movement Poe swung his arm at the rodian, he caught him in a headlock. He landed a punch in the rodian’s jaw, and a second punch to the face. The rodian struggled for a bit before Poe was able to knock him out cold. He stood up slowly, his foot lightly tapping the knocked out rodian. He knelt down and grabbed the rodian’s blaster. “Thanks buddy,” Poe said softly. Poe clicked a few buttons and the cell door closed, trapping the unconscious rodian inside. He looked both ways, his ears perked, listening for sound. He heard a single scream, and before he knew it, he turned toward the source, and started running down the hallway.
Y/N panted, sweat was dripping down her forehead. The droid chirped as it floated around her, poking and stabbing. The door opened with a hiss, and in came Terex. “Ready to reveal your secrets girl?” He said, looking at her through glaring eyes. Y/N kept her gaze on Terex approached her. Y/N spat in his face, and scowled. Terex frowned. “Well, it seems we’ll have to continue our little session” He said, motioning towards the droid.
“I’m gonna have to stop you right there.” A disembodied voice said.
Y/N smiled in relief as she spotter her husband Poe, step through the doorway. “Ah, Poe Dameron, so great that you could join us.” Terex said, as he pulled out his own blaster. “You have something I need, my wife.” Poe said bitterly. Terex smiled, “How adorable, but I can’t let you-” Before Terex could even finish his sentence let alone blink, Poe shot a blast into Terex’s thigh. “Argh!” Terex yelled out in pain as he crumpled towards the floor.
Poe rushed towards Y/N. “Hey baby, you okay?” He said as he undid the metal cuffs. Y/N smiled weakly. Y/N stood up and used Poe as support. She glanced towards Terex’s withering form on the ground. “What about him?” She said softly. “He’ll be fine, come on.” Poe said as he swiftly picked Y/N up bridal style. “Let’s go home,” 
@vic-van​ @valeriariosarevalo​ @helplessfor-fictionalcharacters​ @girl-obsessed-with-things​
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takemedancingmaine · 7 years
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“Did your brother change the code or something?” Piper huffs beside me, holding a bagful of decorations, a bag containing our wrapped presents, and a tray full of Charlie’s favorite treats: Parkin.
Not a fucking joke either, my nephew has terrible taste in sweets. I almost didn’t make them as a form of protest, but realized that my nephew was only turning six today and my protest would be unjust.
My brother, ever the technological homeowner, has one of those electronic code door locks. You type in the four digits and the deadbolt is set to click back or whatever. He did have to change it quite frequently, but my struggling to push the buttons correctly has nothing to do with the code being wrong.
“No,” I blow out a breath of frustration and try again. I’d had a rough night last night. Being in a broadcast newsroom rather than a print one was proving to be stressful. Granted it was a good stressful, but yesterday felt like nothing was working for me.
I’ve had days like that in my print job, but after the slight success I’d had on Thursday, I was a bit taken back by how each day is so very different.
I was knocked down, but not out, I remind myself as I get the code correct on the fourth try.
I grin up at Piper triumphantly and she just kicks the door open and unceremoniously plops the tray of treats into my hands.
“Rude,” I roll my eyes playfully as she walks past me into my brother’s house, her long strides carrying her to the kitchen much faster than my own after I close the front door behind me.
“Look how big you are!” Piper gasps. “Happy birthday, Charlie!”
As I enter the room I see Charlie stood at the kitchen counter beside his father, as they place dough for biscuits on a tray. They may not look alike aside from their hair colour, but their mannerisms are scarily similar. It’s like watching Liam when he was younger stood beside Liam now. As Liam’s little sister I’m constantly spooked by how similar they can act and react. It’s almost like going back in time.
“Piper!” Charlie yells. Without cleaning his hands, he runs around the table to hug her while I sneak over to my brother’s side as he finishes up the tray.
“Chocolate chip biscuits?” I ask, smirking as I place the tray of Parkin down beside a  small cake. That, I can tell, is store bought.
“Your recipe,” he nods.
“Mum’s recipe,” I correct him.
“You stole mum’s recipe?” He asks in disbelief and mock horror.
“She gave it to me you numpty,” I bump his shoulder and watch Piper and Charlie as my nephew tries to guess the gifts we’d gotten for him.
“I caught the broadcast last night,” my brother says now as he places the tray in the oven and sets a timer. “Did you get anything in?”
I nod slowly as I plop a grape into my mouth. Both small, both mentioned in the F block, but hey, I got something out, I have to remind myself.
“That bit about the reporter in Pakistan and the other about cod fisheries,” I shrug. “I didn’t have a cracking day like I did my first day there,” I add.
“Some days are just about making it through,” Liam wraps his arm around my shoulder and squeezes me a bit. “I watched the clip about the debt ceiling,” he adds. “You did brilliantly.”
“Thanks,” I nod against his shoulder and close my eyes. “Not every day is breaking news,” I say. “I keep having to remind myself that most of the time, that itself is good news.”
“At least you know they really like you,” he teases. “I mean, they haven’t sent you back downstairs yet.”
“You’re such a pillock,” I shove him and plop another grape into my mouth.
“I’m serious,” he tries. I shoot him a look and he only smirks in response.
“Right,” I nod and don’t buy that for a second.
“She should be here for this,” Liam’s tone suddenly slips and becomes somber.
“She’s in his heart,” I wrap my arms around my brother and hold him close, even if it’s a bit awkward when we’re stood side-by-side. “And yours,” I squeeze him.
“Wren,” my brother sighs.
“Fuck,” I sigh back. “I know,” I pinch his arm. “I know that’s not what you meant. I know it’s not how it should be,” I add. “It’s the best you’ve got though. I was just trying to keep her here with you somehow.”
“She’s always with me,” he whispers, his voice breaking a bit before his catches himself and clears his throat. “Always there in my fucking mind.”
“Charlie’s physically here,” I point out. “He’s still part of her. You’ve still got her with you and not just in memory,” I remind him, looking toward the now six-year-old and my best friend who are arguing over which German footballer is better.
“I know,” Liam whispers again. “I miss her. This stuff,” he gestures toward the trays of food and snacks, “this stuff was all stuff she loved to do.”
“You’re a good dad for doing this for him,” I rub his arm comfortingly.
“Thanks,” he lets out a breath he’d held for a bit.
“Mm. So how long before this shindig starts?”
“About an hour,” my brother looks at his watch.
“Well,” I look over at Piper and our bag of decorations. “We’re fucked,” I remember at the last moment to whisper the curse.
“What else is new?” Liam laughs and we catch the attention of Piper and Charlie.
“Wren!” Charlie yells and runs over to hug me.
“D'you just notice I’m here, too?” I ask.
“No,” he shakes his head violently. “I ran for Piper first because she has presents.”
I look up at her. “Bribed my own blood and kin away from me,” I feign disgust.
“Gotta do what I gotta do,” Piper laughs and grabs the bag of decorations.
“Happy birthday, bug,” I kiss Charlie’s cheek.
“Thanks,” he giggles.
“How long until-”
“An hour.” I cut Piper’s question off.
“Speed decorating it is,” Piper declares as the three adults present shift into high gear and work to make this home and experience much more festive.
Liam, as he’s needed on decorating duty because of his height, has left me in charge of the kitchen stuff in his absence. Charlie is trying–and failing–to successfully sneak cookies and Parkin while I’m otherwise occupied.
I have something of a sixth sense when it comes to this kid, and when it comes to treats. I don’t think he even gets close to taking a treat in the final hour before the party.
The doorbell rings while Liam and Piper are outside trying to quickly finish up, so I wipe my hands with a hand towel and with Charlie on my heels I open the front door. I’ve actually just finished getting everything in order, only just finishing the sandwich prep when the bell rang.
The moment I crack the door even an inch, Charlie is yelling. “Michael, you made it!” The two boys are running off into the living room before I even open the door fully.
“Hi, I’m Janie,” the woman I assume to be Michael’s mother reaches her hand out to me. “I’m Michael’s mum.”
“Wren,” I shake her hand and then gesture for her to come inside. “I’m, erm, I’m Charlie’s aunt.”
“Pleasure,” Janie smiles. “Right,” she looks down at the bag in her hand. “We’ve got these for Charlie.”
“Follow me and I’ll show you where to put everything,” I close the door and lead her into the kitchen and direct her to where everything goes, even pour her a small glass of wine before Piper and Liam come inside to join the adult conversation and more children, friends of Charlie’s, arrive and make a ruckus throughout the bottom floor and backyard.
Charlie’s swing set is getting the first use it’s seen in ages. I remember the weekend that April and Liam put it together, how stressed Liam was and how calming April had been. It’s funny thinking back. While her husband, my brother, was passive-aggressively mumbling about the directions the two of us, and Charlie–who’d been a baby at the time–were just sat inside in the kitchen talking and drinking wine.
Charlie was obviously not drinking any of the wine, but April and I had been very giggly and flushed by the time Liam came back inside.
Today, we happen to get quite lucky with the weather. Although the sky is grey and quite ominous looking, the rain holds off and it’s not too cool for the first weekend of October. It’s the perfect weather to be outside as long as one dons a cozy jumper or cardigan.
I notice, throughout the whole ordeal, that Liam is very genial. Piper is off playing with the kids, building things and running about, and I’m in charge of watching over a bit of everything. My older brother though is handling the parents very well.
He doesn’t seem phased by the excessive amount of interaction. I suppose I shouldn’t be confused by that. I know my brother has friends at the law firm and he had friends growing up and in uni. Still, it’s weird to me because I know just how much of a homebody my brother is, nose always stuck in a book, studying something or other rather than interacting with others.
He’s handling the uncommon territory well today. It’s quite comforting to see him just going through and participating. Especially after the week I’ve had just worrying about him.
“Whiskey neat.”
“Scottish or Irish?”
“Comin’ right up, love,” the bartender nods and takes off down the bar to prepare my drink.
Piper had gone straight home after the party, having to be ready for work early tomorrow, and so I am out alone.
I normally wouldn’t be out in a pub to drink, but after helping to put Charlie to bed and then all the cleaning Liam’s massive house required, it was late enough that the stores had closed, and I was out of whiskey at home.
My solution ended up being a pub a few blocks over from my flat.
Not my finest moment, but last night had been late to bed for me because of all the birthday prep on top of what I knew I’d be doing today and after the week I’d had I really wanted to just sit a bit without any obligations or chores. Not even my Netflix queue could serve to calm me down tonight. So, alcohol is where I find my solace right now.
Just one drink and then it’s off to bed for me, to sleep until noon, hopefully.
I’d frequented this pub before. Some of the bartenders recognized me and some didn’t. This one, in particular, knew he knew me, but wasn’t sure how. He was relatively new. I definitely have been coming around less, but those who’d been around longer had seen me here in my earlier twenties, fresh out of uni with a medium wage job, before anyone had plucked me out of a crowd for their newsroom and I became ‘serious’ Wren.
Even with it being a Saturday night, and even with the post-football match crowd still lingering, the pub isn’t too crowded. This is quite a surprise to me, the relatively steady room amount, but I tell myself not to question it any longer and accidentally change it by the will of thought.
“Three pounds fifty, love,” the man places the glass down in front of me. I sigh in relief just seeing it before handing over the correct change.
“Cheers,” he nods and heads off to serve another person just arriving at the bar.
The glass is heavy in my hand as I pick it up and twirl the amber liquor to release the aroma, inhaling the heavy scent, before I manage to take a small sip.
The warmth immediately spreads around my mouth and down my throat, having a calming effect on my nerves as I close my eyes and enjoy a moment of peace.
A moment that gets interrupted.
Slowly I open my eyes and turn my head. It’s Mr. Lowden. Oh. Fuck.
Shit. What is his first name? Oh my god. My peaceful, relaxing drink just turned into a pop fucking quiz. I feel like I’m back in school again: it’s sickening. I can’t remember his first name. Fuck sake, Wren.
In my defense, despite my thinking he was cute, I never expected to see him again aside from, maybe, picking Charlie up from school.
So now, I’m sat here, faced with this incredibly attractive man, and I can’t remember his first name. If the only solace I can take is that Piper isn’t here to witness this embarrassing moment, then I’ll take what I can get.
“Hi,” I force a smile on my face despite how fucked I feel. “How’re you?” I ask, trying my best to come off as friendly.
“He’s quite stressed,” a voice from beside him speaks. I glance toward the woman and I feel like I’m looking at Mr. Lowden but in female form. The blonde hair, the calming blue eyes, the freckles. They have to be related. I mean, she’s even Scottish.
“Hi,” the woman reaches an arm forward in an offering. “I’m Jack’s sister, Lily,” she smiles. Her smile is just as welcoming, albeit mischievous, as her brother’s.
It is Jack! His name is Jack. Bless you, Lily.
“Wren,” I smile back at her genuinely as we shake hands. “Why’s he a bit stressed?” I ask, looking back at Jack. The name suits him.
“He just had dinner with his big sister’s boyfriend,” she shrugs, clearly not at all bothered by his disgruntled behaviour.
“In my defense,” Jack butts in, a frown on his face, “you chose my birthday dinner as the night to introduce me to him for the first time.”
Right. So, Lily is his big sister.
“And you are just a grumpy bugger,” she ruffles his hair, and he closes his eyes and groans in indignation. “Now c'mon, let’s get a proper birthday drink in you to calm your worried little head,” she condescends.
As if by chance, the bartender appears just then.
“Scotch,” Jack says quickly.
“And I’ll have a pint of Guinness,” Lily smiles at the man and with a nod he’s off to fetch their drinks.
“How was Charlie’s party?” Jack asks me now as he runs a hand over his beard and pulls on his ear a bit. It seems like a tick of his. Just by seeing it now, it feels like it’s something he’s grown accustomed to. He doesn’t even seem to notice he’s doing it.
He stares at me when I don’t answer. I feel my cheeks flame. “What?” I ask.
“It’s all he could talk about yesterday,” Jack explains. “Barely got him to focus on his lessons.”
I roll my eyes at my nephew. “It was fun,” I shrug. “Lots of children filled with lots of sugar running about,” I sip my whiskey. “I erm, I only just left Liam’s a half hour ago. With all the cleanup that had to be done, I thought I’d never escape.”
“Are you a mum to a student?” Lily asks now.
It’s a logical question, given that I’m talking to a teacher, but I sputter and choke on a sip of my drink at hearing it.
“Oh, erm, no,” I shake my head. “No. No, I’m not.”
“Her nephew is in my class,” Jack explains as he hands over some cash to the bartender who places their drinks down. “We just me when she picked him up the other day.”
“Oh,” Lily nods and reaches absentmindedly for her drink. “Right,” she smiles and then puts together our conversation. “He’s the one with the same birthday as you?”
“The very same,” Jack nods and downs half his scotch in one go. He’s clearly on edge.
“The one who’s mum-” she cuts herself off before going any further and shoots an embarrassed glance at me. “Sorry,” she mumbles into her pint glass as she takes a large swig, trying to occupy the silence.
“It’s… it’s alright,” I wave away her concerns and shoot her a reassuring smile. “It’s not like it’s not true. Please don’t… don’t beat yourself up for mentioning it.”
She gives an appreciative smile and nods once.
“What brings you out alone?” Jack asks. I can feel his gaze on me, looking me up and down.
“I um, I just needed a drink,” I bite my lip. His eyes are still trained on me, still looking me up and down. “It’s been… it’s been a bit of um, a bit of a stressful week.”
His eyes send shivers down my spine as he continues to look me over, smirking a bit as he does so. I could pass out right now and wouldn’t be surprised at myself.
As it is, I have to focus hard on maintaining a normal breathing pattern.
“What is it that you do?” Lily asks.
“I’m an associate producer,” I say, still getting a tinge of excitement at saying the words. “I work in the BBC newsroom,” I explain.
“That’s bloody brilliant,” she smiles.
“I um, I only just got promoted to it this week,” I say. “I was, erm. I’d been working as a print journalist since uni until now.”
“That explains the stressful week then, don’t it?” She asks rhetorically with a laugh.
I join in. “Absolutely,” I manage to say.
“D'you like the new job?” She asks.
“I love it,” I smile wide. From the corner of my eye I can see Jack smirking at me, his dimples popping and my stomach flipping at the sight. I take a deep breath and when that doesn’t work I take a large sip of my whiskey, finishing it off.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t work either. I’m still on edge.
Lily’s phone goes off in the middle of her story about her boyfriend and Jack actually getting along despite the circumstances of the night. Jack is grumbling under his breath, but I get the feeling he’s very protective of his older sister, even if he likes her boyfriend. He’d never admit that to her.
She’s got some One Direction song set as her ringtone and Jack laughs at her as she glares back at him.
“I’m going to take this outside,” she tells us. “I’ll be right back.”
With that, she’s off in a flash of blonde hair flying out behind her.
“Sorry 'bout her,” Jack gestures toward her retreating frame.
“What?” I ask, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.
“She can be a bit brutal,” he shrugs. “Lily never really mastered the art of subtlety. Or manners, really,” he adds.
As he brings his glass up to his lips I find myself almost hypnotized by the motion. I find myself unable to look away. I watch as his pale pink lips part and the amber liquid drains past them and into his mouth. I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows, watch as his tongue licks the remains of the alcohol off his lips when he removes the glass.
My cheeks tinge pink just watching him.
It’s then that I realize I’m caught. He’s smirking at me, that very same smirk I recognized the first time I met him. The one that tells me he knows what he’s doing, what his effect is on me.
That’s when he winks.
My already flushed cheeks flame, and I feel the blush all the way down my neck and chest as well as I bite my lower lip and lower my gaze to the floor in embarrassment. Purposely avoiding Jack’s gaze.
“This isn’t how you typically spend a Saturday night, is it?” He asks now.
I shake my head and raise my gaze to my empty glass, still refusing to meet his blue eyes. “No,” I say. Surprisingly, my voice is rather even. “I’m usually at home curled up with a book and a brew, but I felt I needed something stronger tonight.”
“At least you get to chat with me,” I can just tell from his tone that he’s smiling. “You can’t get that at home,” I chance raising my eyes to his face and catch him biting his bottom lip, his own cheeks tinged pink.
“No,” I shake my head. “I can’t,” I agree.
His lip, freed from his teeth, twitches and he looks down at his glass, swirling the amber liquor, his second drink of the night, around and around.
“And that would be a right shame,” he says. “To miss out on my company and my humour,” he adds.
I’m vaguely aware of people around us, of the fact that his sister is probably on her way back to us by now, of the fact that I’m apocalyptically nervous around him but I also don’t want him to leave. But none of that is what I’m thinking about.
Instead, what I’m thinking about, focused on, is the fact that his appearance, while a coincidence, and at first, a surprise, is welcome. I’m thinking about the pink color his cheeks turned under his scruffy beard just a minute ago.
“Is this a big birthday for you?” I ask.
“No,” he shakes his head. His hair looks impossibly soft.
“No big four-oh?” I ask, teasing. “No mid-life crisis going on underneath the surface at the moment?”
“I’ve only turned twenty-eight, you little…” he trails off, seemingly unable to find the appropriate adjective. His smile though lets me know he’s more than fine with my teasing. Not at all affronted. “No mid-life crisis for me quite yet.”
“I’m sure it will hit you sooner rather than later,” I keep going, surprising even myself.
“I’ll let you know when it does,” his eyes alight with humour as they watch my face.
I blush again and bite my bottom lip.
“I suppose that means you’ll be sticking around for a while?”
He smirks at me. “Aye,” he nods. “’m always up for making a gorgeous woman blush.”
I don’t have words. I’m actually speechless. And for the first time in my life, it’s not just because I’m shy.
“Hey!” Lily reappears at our side, saving me from having to come up with something to respond with other than sputtered noises and more embarrassment.
“I was considering sending a search and rescue team for ya,” Jack teases his sister.
“I wasn’t gone that long,” she rolls her eyes. “But anyway. We should probably get going soon if you want to make it back home before the tube stops. Because I’m not made of money. I’m not paying for a cab.”
Jack glances at his watch. It’s eleven thirty, I note by looking at my own quickly. I’m grateful I’m only two blocks from home.
“Shit,” he curses. “Alright, cheapskate,” he loops his arm and Lily threads her own through it. “Let’s get going.”
“How are you getting home?” He asks when I slip my own jacket on and make to follow them to the door.
“I’m walking,” I gesture down the street with my thumb as we break through the crowd and hit the sidewalk.
“Alone?” Lily asks worriedly.
Jack doesn’t say anything, but I see a look in his eyes that tells me he’s worried as well. He looks ready to argue with me.
“I only live two blocks over,” I explain with a shrug.
“I still don’t think that’s-” Jack gets cut off.
“Here,” Lily releases herself from her brother’s grasp and digs through her coat pocket before she thrusts her phone toward me. “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe.”
“Oh… okay,” I stutter. With fumbling fingers, I type in my number and send a message to myself so that I’ve got hers as well.
“It was lovely meeting you,” Lily pulls me into a hug after I hand her phone back to her.
“You too,” I tell her truthfully as she releases me. Despite what Jack has said about her being mannerless and unsubtle, I rather enjoyed talking with Lily tonight.
“Goodnight, Wren,” Jack sends me a smirk. It doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are still clouded with worry.
“Goodnight, you two,” I give a small wave and then start off down the street in the opposite direction from them.
When I get home only five minutes later and quietly let myself into my flat I realize that Piper is already fast asleep.
All of the lights are out and when I pull my phone out to use the torch, I stop and send a message to Lily telling her that I made it safely home.
It doesn’t even take me the length of time to walk from the front door to my room before I feel my phone vibrate in response.  
Lily: Great news. Thanks for letting us know, love.
I turn my phone off after reading it and then kick off my shoes and strip out of my jeans before crawling straight into bed and promptly falling asleep.
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skeletonwoman · 8 years
That’s Absurd (Derek)
so, to all the people who liked and reblogged and asked for a second part of That’s Crazy, thank you. I had literally no ideas, and i still don’t really, but i wrote it and maybe it is good. Please enjoy. Eek!
You sigh, noting the vehicle again as you push the pram through the double doors. Someone, whoever it was, was here again. Watching in a way that was either outright stupidity or a fear tactic.
Because there’s no way they think they’re being sneaky, it’s a freaking black SUV across the road from your building. If that doesn’t scream an attempt at covertness, then you don’t know what does.
But if they’re trying to scare you, it’s definitely working. You’re terrified.
A soft grunting gasp comes from the pram before you and you pull back the visor, peeking down at the tiny baby wrapped among the little blankets and sheepskin.
“Hello!” You coo softly, beaming as your little one gurgles at you. Yours, she’s perfect, and all yours.
With a soft ping, the doors slide open, only for you to freeze as you’re about to exit. Something feels wrong. Playing off your hesitation, you pat your bag and the pockets of the pram.
“Ah, darn. Where is it? Did you take it, my sweet one? Have you got it, little munchkin?” You ask playfully, frowning at the area around you before pressing the button and letting the doors close again. Inhaling a steadying breath, you slide the phone from your bra and tap out a quick message.
Let’s hope he’s fast enough.
“Here she is, a healthy baby girl.” The nurse beams, gently putting the clean and crying baby into your arms and you can’t help laughing with delight.
“She’s perfect.” You beam, not taking your eyes off her scrunched expression as she wails to the room. For a moment, as you trace your finger over her chubby cheek, she falls silent and her squinting eyes settle on you. Pale green eyes stare at you from between thick lashes, taking in your face for half a moment before a wail tears from her lips and you can’t help snickering.
“If Derek could see you, he’d call you the ugliest little banshee to ever live.” You tease, pressing a kiss to her soft forehead. “And then he’d… He’d cuddle you close and dry your little tears.”
“Have you got a name for her?” The nurse asks, appearing at your side once more and you pause in your gazing.
“Diana.” You say decisively, the baby falling silent in your arms and staring at you. You don’t know her yet, but you’re sure that’s a frown. “Diana Hale, if you could.”
“That’s her papas name?” The nurse asks kindly, penning it in the box and you nod, ignoring the tear that tracks its way down your cheek.
“It is, and I can tell she’s going to be just like him, so I think it’s only fair.” You grin, the nurse laughing softly and giving you a warm smile before she backs away. “Little Diana, my goddess.”
“It’s been a year; why should I bother? She doesn’t want to be here.” Derek snaps, ignoring Peters disgruntled expression. He peeks at him again and his frown deepens. It’s not disgruntled, it’s… Afraid?
“I could really use your help with this, but I need to go now and if you’re not coming-” He rushes out, his body tilting toward the door, halfway between motion and stillness and Derek can’t help himself from cutting him off with an assent.
Maybe it’s the loyalty to his Uncle, maybe he needs closure after your abrupt disappearance, maybe… Maybe he still loves you and a part of him is holding out that you’ll love him too.
Maybe he’s really f*cking stupid and this is all a big mistake.
“Let’s move.” He orders, and Derek can’t help smiling when Peter somehow makes time to give him a look and roll his eyes. The elevator doesn’t move fast enough, if the other mans jittery hands are to be the measure and he doesn’t understand. At all.
Why is this so important? If anything, Peter had never really liked you. You weren’t like Stiles, full of wit, and you weren’t like Scott, full of potential. You weren’t like Derek, dry humoured family, or Lydia, a natural genius and an effortless beauty. You weren’t even like Isaac, who Peter had tolerated out of loyalty to his nephews lesser attempt at a pack.
But you were you and somehow Derek had fallen in love, much to Peters disgust when he’d found out, and less than a month later you were gone.
Peter’s out the doors before they’re fully open, his lengthy strides eating up the distance between the elevators and the Mustang. Derek can’t help rolling his eyes, forcing himself to saunter after his Uncle, just to show you weren’t that important to him.
Maybe he’s overdoing it.
“Get in.” Peter orders, seated behind the wheel of a white van and Derek blinks. When had that gotten there? Whose even was it?
“What’re you doing? We’ll just take my car, it’s faster.” He frowns and he hears Peter gnash his teeth in frustration. The stench of the emotion, and rank fear, rolls off him in waves.
“Just get in, we won’t all fit in there.” He snarls, revving the engine and Derek sours, but climbs in. Whoever “all” is, he’s sure he won’t like it.
“She cries a lot.” The woman across from you observes, eyeing your wailing bundle of joy with worry in her eyes.
“She’s like her dad, always complaining.” You grin, reaching into the little cot and tracing your finger down her nose. Her screams falling silent, you offer the woman across from you an apologetic smile. “I really am sorry, but she’s completely healthy, if that what you’re worried about.”
“Good.” The woman beams, somehow brightening further as a cot is wheeled in, stopping beside her. “Hello.”
Your eyes burn as her husband appears in the doorway, crossing the room in a few strides to stop beside her. They’re smitten, both with each other and their baby, and it makes your heart ache.
You’d never even tried to tell Derek, you were so sure we would never want a baby, and that the risk was too high. Seeing this, doubts surface and you have to turn away, glad when the curtain is slid over the rails and they’re hidden. Diana gurgles, her little arms waving and you swallow hard, your resolve returning.
She’s all that matters, and keeping her safe is all that’s important.
“Did we drop it in the park? Should we go check, my munchkin?” You frown, staring down at the direction of the park. You knew she was likely asleep already, the sweet baby had been sightseeing all day. Hell, you’re exhausted.
But you’re not going into that apartment until Peter’s gone through it. No chance you’re taking your baby in there.
You peer around the side of the visor, unwilling to drop it under the sun, and feel your resolve strengthen. Big green eyes stare up at you and you inhale a steadying breath, pushing off down the path.
Let them come and try and take you. Lets see if they can get away with attacking a woman and a baby in a street. Better yet, the park.
As you come to the corner, two men tumble out the doors of your building, arguing and stumbling. Oafs. You grimace, and keep moving.
Who did they think you were? Some idiot they could send idiots after? If they’re really after the granddaughter of Talia Hale, then lord knows what they were thinking when they sent those two.
Keeping up your ruse, mostly for the sake of your own sanity right now, you search the pavement around you. Peeking over your shoulder and turning fully around sometimes, you search the area around your feet. Keeping the perimeter in sight, you slip your phone from your bra and type out a quick update to Peter.
Soon. You hope he’ll be here soon.
“Damn it!” Peter snarls, his hand slamming against the steering wheel as he looks over whatever text he’s just received. Derek wants to know, he does, but he also has a feeling that it could be something like “I’ve decided to disappear again without warning except this time I’m not going to drive a wedge through any families, I’ll just sneak away without telling anyone, and I mean anyone, this time.”
“What?” Derek asks, just to torture himself, and regrets it instantly. Peter stares straight ahead, the device clenched in his fist while he speeds through the traffic. Wind blows thought he open windows and Derek contemplates doing his up, just so he can get a read on what his Uncles feeling, but dismisses it immediately. It’d stink up the cab in moments, and he really doesn’t need anyone else’s bad emotions crowding his mind right now.
What he could go for is a nice dose of delight. Or love. Maybe even a whiff of plain ol’ affection.
The van screeches to a stop suddenly and he’s thrown forward and caught by his seatbelt. For a moment, he’s about to yell at Peter, when he spots you.
You’re searching the area around you, looking for something, until he notes the way your eyes flicker up just a touch with every turn. You’re scanning the perimeter. Peters door slams shut and he’s ripped from the moment, returned with a shake of his head and a click of a seatbelt.
“Peter!” You gasp, twitching in the direction of his Uncle, but not moving an inch. Peter crosses to you in seconds, capturing you in a hug before his eyes are raking the perimeter with a ferocity Derek hasn’t seen in over a year.
“Where did you last see them?” He asks, deadly and efficient and you point down an unfamiliar road.
“Down near my place, they bumbled out of the doors, looking like idiots, and I turned a corner.” You explain, and he notices the red in your knuckles as you stretch them.
“Why have you got a baby?” He asks suddenly and you blink, turning to him with the colour drained from your face.
“Derek.” You croak, and he hears you swallow hard before you force a smile. “I’m so glad Peter brought you, I was really worried.”
The lie makes his stomach turn, but he can’t take his eyes off the pram, and the bird like heartbeat inside. “Whatever, why have you got a baby?”
“Because after I gave birth, I really liked her and decided that I’d keep her.” You explain, and he watches you cringe at your own words. “I mean, I intended to keep her the entire time, but… I was trying to be funny.”
He feels his lips quirk at the sentiment and you brighten considerably, as if you had been waiting for a smile. He inhales quickly, sighing happily at the feeling of your relief, affection and love. It lifts the ache in his chest and he forces his gaze from the pram to Peter.
“What’re you thinking, Uncle?”
“I am going to check the house, and this SUV. You two stay here and kill anyone that tries to get near you.” He says vehemently, about to step away before he pauses and turns on him, eyes clear and dangerous. “I mean it, Derek. Kill anyone that comes near the three of you.”
“One day, your old man is going to meet you and wonder what I was thinking, running away with you like this.” You coo, snapping the picture of the raven haired baby among your pillows. “He’s going to see all these photos, my little munchkin, and be terribly angry with me.”
A wail parts her little lips, showing a mouth full of gums and you laugh, shaking your head and snapping a photo.
“Is my munchkin angry? What’s got you so unhappy, hey?” You laugh, your fingers tracing patterns over her pale blue onesie. Tiny legs kick in the air and you capture her feet, your thumb only a little smaller than her entire foot. She screams again and you sigh, sniffing the air, as if you’d have missed the stench of a dirty diaper. Smiling at her angry little face, you press a kiss to her belly. “Hungry, then.”
Lifting her, you press another soft kiss to her warm head before heading for the kitchen.
“Great plan.” You mutter, unconcerned when the two men ignore you. What is concerning is that your innocent munchkin is going to be outside even longer. In the weather, with strangers and strange things everywhere.
“Come on.” Derek orders suddenly and you blink at him. For a moment, when you don’t move, he just watches you, before he sighs. You can see, though, a little of the tension leak from his shoulders at your familiar reaction. “We’re going to get the kid under a tree, okay?”
“Okay.” You murmur, hesitating, but relinquishing the pram to his hands. Scooping up your bundle of joy, since you’re not fool enough to trust his pram pushing skills, you follow at his side.
For a minute, everything is quiet and calm. A gentle breeze rustles the trees, blowing your scent away from where Peter had gone, and the sun shines gently overhead. Until, a wail breaks the calm and you can’t help groaning softly.
Derek flinches at the sound, his head whipping around to you with astonishment written across his face. “That’s-”
“Be quiet.” You order, voice calm as you gently rock the baby. “She just does this sometimes, she’s a complainer.”
“This isn’t complaining, this-”
“Is adorable, just like she is.” You counter, the tone in your voice leaving no room for argument and he gracefully falls quiet. The wails last a few more moments before they peter out to tears and seconds later, a big smile.
“Wow.” He laughs, eyeing the baby in your arms with a soft kind of amazement in his eyes.
“I know.” You answer, your voice matching his and for a moment, your eyes meet, hundreds of things passing between you. Your chest aches to tell him, to explain everything. “You wanna hold her?”
“I can?”
At your nod, he grins nervously and offers his arms. As you slip her into his grip, you’re strangely unsurprised to find him cradling her perfectly.
“Cora.” He explains, rocking just gently. The look in his eyes chokes up your throat and stings your eyes. He shouldn’t look this way. He should hate her, because if he loves her, then you’re the monster. And that’s not fair, the monsters should be the monsters, and you should be a good guy. “What’s the little wailing woman’s name?”
“Her names Diana,” You laugh, grinning as you move half a step forward, gazing at the baby. “And I’d be inclined to agree with you if I didn’t already know she was a we-”
“They’ve been dealt with.” Peter cuts in and you’ve never felt so saved in your life. And not for the fact that he probably saved your life by ending those men’s. “Who’s this little one?”
“Diana.” Derek frowns, answering absently, gazing at the little baby in his arms before his eyes go wide.
the end!
@ailynalonso15 @thegirlthatdoeseverything
@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @vampirewithniceheels @tigerwolflover @bellamy5ever @brok3nsurvivor 
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5ftgarden · 7 years
Fenara/Solas, Jethan Hareel, Lily, Anayra/Doron, Maeral Lavellan
Garden-Spirit Modern AU
For @silent-of-spirit and @dadrunkwriting
“Fen, are you safe?” was the first thing Fenara heard when she answered her phone. Her father’s voice sounded panicked, and breathless.
“Yeah, what’s wrong babae?” she asked, clicking the lock around her moped tire. She started walking towards the peeling door, her keys held tight in her hand.
“Jethan got out of the Reservation. Sweetie, he’s coming after you.”
Fenara’s keys tumbled to the floor with a clank as she sunk against the cold brick siding of the ramshackle apartment building.
“Oh Creators.”
“Fen, it’s going to be okay. Just… lock up everything. I doubt he’ll go as far as to break into the building. It’s alarmed right?”
“Barely, but yes,” she answered, fighting back the urge to vomit. Images flashed through her mind of her ex-husband’s fist swinging towards her face, and purple bruises adorning her arms.
“Good. Get inside. Don’t go out for anything,” Maeral urged her.
“Understood babae.” She rushed inside, locking the doors as she went. When she got into the apartment, Anayra looked up, smiling and then frowning as Fenara slammed the door shut and bolted it, pulling the chain across the door, and then their spare security bar.
“Fenara, what’s the matter?”
“Jethan got out of the reservation. Where’s my brother?”
“Helping Lily with her homework, what-“
“Lock everything,” Fenara growled, huddling in the corner of the futon she slept on.  
“Fen, he won’t come here. He doesn’t even know where we live!” Anayra said soothingly, sitting next to her sister-in-law.
“How do we know that!” Fenara whispered, fighting back the urge to cry. Her cellphone started going off again, making her jump. She checked the number, and ignored the call. Eolas Books. Now was not the time for a friendly chat. “He could be tracing my cellphone again! He could have been watching me! He might know what license plate my vespa is!”
“Shhhh, Fen, shhh,” Anayra whispered, stroking Fenara’s hair as the woman started to break, shaking violently. “Everything will be fine. Just relax.”
Fenara shook her head and started fiddling with a long necklace around her neck, adorned with tiny beads that represented the Creators, rubbing her fingers frantically over their etched surfaces. “He’s going to be angry. He’s going to be very angry,” she squeaked, her voice barely audible over the sound of the futon shaking. “Oh Creators why did I leave?”
“Don’t talk like that Fen. You know why you left,” Doron said harshly, walking into the room, Lily trailing behind him. “That man is the slime of the earth.”
“I know, but-“
“Just relax. Try and get some sleep,” Doron said, handing her the little pill bottle that held her emergency anxiety medication. Fenara took it with shaking hands, and gulped them down  quickly, huddling herself in the corner of the futon, holding her legs close to he body. Doron turned to his daughter.“Lily, go to bed early. Make sure everything’s shut tight, okay?”
“Yes Babae,” Lily answered, walking into her room and shutting the door.
“Please turn out your light early as well,” he shouted after her. “We’re staying dark tonight.”
“I understand!”
The tiny apartment went dark as Doron and Anayra turned in for the night, locking their windows securely, Fenara falling asleep on the futon, still clutching her necklace in her hand.
Lily woke to the sound of tinkling glass, her vision blurred with sleep as she looked up into her brightly lit computer screen, her math homework still sitting half finished in her lap. She turned to the window, confused at the dark figure crawling through it.
Consciousness shot through her like lightning as she screamed, her ex-uncle’s angry eyes looking straight at her.
Jethan had climbed up the fire escape, peering into each window until he had found hers, lit up like a Satinalia tree, the blue light falling over her face. A perfect identification. Now he stood tall in her room, backing her closer and closer to the wall.
“Lily, darling, where’s your aunt, huh? Where’s my wife?”  he hissed. Lily cringed. His breath smelled like stale cigarettes and cheap vodka.
“Sh-she’s not h-here,” she stuttered, her arms starting to shake.
“You know I can tell when you lie, da’lan,” Jethan laughed. “Where is she?”
“She’s not he-“ She was cut off as Jethan slammed the back of his hand into her face, sending her sprawling to the floor. Lily screamed again and crawled hastily under her bed, trying to escape her deranged relative.
“Lily? Lily! What’s wrong!”
Muffled voices were yelling outside the door, the handle turning. Jethan smiled, his visage dark and menacing.
Fenara had woken up at Lily’s first scream, scrambling towards the hall closet and shutting herself inside, her hands gripping her cellphone desperately, her hands shaking. He was here. Some how, the bastard had found her again. This time he was likely to kill her. Wasn’t that what her therapist said? A man who was as violent as Jethan wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
She tried to dial the police, her fingers shaking too much to press the buttons. Lily screamed again, and she could hear pounding on the door. She had to call someone. Anyone. Someone who knew where she lived and could get the police there.
She only had to hit the same button three times to call him back, and then all she had to do was talk. Her thumb twitched and navigated into the call. It rung twice before Solas’ sleepy, concerned voice answered.
“Fenara? What’s wrong it’s the middle of the–“
“Solas, Jethan is here. I need you to get the police. He’s in my home, Solas!” she whispered, her voice starting to turn into a panicked yell.
“Jeth- Your ex-husband?”
“Please Solas!” she said quickly, shrinking back into the closet as footsteps neared her location. “Hurry!”
“I’ll be right there.  Fenara-“ There was a crash over the line, and the phone dropped, clattering on the floor loudly. Solas jerked away from the ear piece as it echoed in his ear, quickly pulling a pair of pants on and throwing on a shirt, grabbing his cycle helmet as her screams echoed through the house.
“Jethan! Jethan please! NO!” The ringing slap was almost as loud as her shriek of pain.
He was already dialing as he climbed onto his bike, revving the engine dangerously and speeding off, leaving tire tracks in the alleyway behind the store, flattening himself against the handlebars, begging, willing himself to go faster. He had to get to Lowtown before something even worse happened.
“Nine-One-One what’s your emergency?” the operator said, the line finally answering.
“I’m currently on my way to an apartment on Pine Street. An apartment was broken into and I believe my friend is in serious danger,” Solas growled, taking turns faster and faster as the night split with the roar of the engine.
“Sir, what apartment is it?”
“39 Pine Street, unit 6.”
“Sir, are you sure there has been a break in there? We haven’t recorded any disturbances from the neighbors–“ the operator paused and there seemed to be a conversation going on. Solas skidded to a halt in front of the building, kicking the bike into a park as a gruff voice sounded on the other end.
“Sir, this is Detective Fehron Charger. There will be units on the scene in less than 5 minutes. I’m taking this case personally.”
“I’m going in there.”
“Normally I’d tell you not to, but lives may be at stake here. Thank you for this information.”
“Thank you.”
Solas pushed through the front door, racing up the stairs. He could hear the sound of furniture being pushed around, a glass breaking, or maybe a lamp. He took the stairs two, three at a time, slamming into the door. It was locked tight.
“Nara!” he shouted, slamming into the door with his shoulder. He could hear someone fighting with the locks as he backed up again, slamming against it one last time, feeling the wood give way as the locks that weren’t undone sheered right out of the cheap lumber.
Jethan had Fenara by the throat, a kitchen knife pushed against the pale skin as it practically glowed in the moonlight streaming through one of the windows. Her face was bruising heavily, blood pouring out of her nose and down her shirt. She was gasping, fighting to breath as he pushed the knife harder and harder against her neck. Jethan jerked her back violently, causing her to scream in pain.
“Who’s this Nara? Well you no good whore?”
“Leave her alone,” Solas hissed, narrowing his eyes. Anayra was cradling the head of her unconscious husband, eyes darting around the room like a frightened hare, Lily pushed almost flush against the wall next to the door.
“Make me.”
Solas grabbed one of the broken lamps nearby, using it as a stave to knock Jethan’s hand away from Fenara’s throat. She fell hard, tears mixing with the blood as she landed on her feet, her legs giving out from under her as one of them shifted, ostensibly broken.
“I said leave her alone,” Solas threatened, pushing the sharper end of the pole towards Jethan’s face. Jethan lunged at Solas, before being knocked sideways by a thunderous punch as Solas laid him out flat on the ground, shaking his hand out. He could hear sirens, and the sound of booted feet slamming up the stairs. Jethan groaned pitifully. Solas spat in his direction and half jogged, half dove for Fenara, holding her up. “Nara. Fenara! It’s ok. It’s over,” he whispered, brushing her hair back. She was sobbing, tears welling out of the eye that had swollen shut, clutching herself to his chest like a frightened child.  “It’s okay.”
He looked up as a large qunari man pushed through the door, several other police officers behind him. Jethan was handcuffed and dragged off quickly, stretchers coming up the stairs from ambulances. She sniffed, and buried her face against his chest, still crying. “It’s all over.”
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taeontae · 8 years
Hurricane CH3
Rating PG13 (this chapter)
Read CH2 here 
Minho lay his head against Jinki’s chest, both men sweaty and slightly out of breath.  Jinki ran his hands through Minho’s damp hair, combing the dark locks away from the younger man’s face.  
Minho hummed in contentment.  
“You’re tired.”  Jinki felt Minho’s long body start to sink on top of his, limbs relaxing against him.  
“No.”  He argued, the sleepiness obvious in his voice.  “It’s just relaxing, being with you like this.”  
“We’ve had a long day.  You especially.  I don’t want to keep you from sleep.”  Jinki stroked through his hair one last time before sliding out from under the tangle of arms and legs.  
“You aren’t keeping me from any.”  Minho looked up at him, head cradled under his arm now that Jinki’s chest was no longer his pillow.  “You could always stay.”  He said quietly, almost afraid of the other man hearing him.  
Jinki pulled on his boxers and turned back, looking at Minho fondly, cupping his face.  “Tomorrow.  I have something early to take care of, but when I get back I’m all yours.  You can lay on my chest for as long as you want.  No jobs, no frenzied fucks after my shower.”  Minho bit his lip and smiled, the sadness still in his eyes because as nice as all that sounded he hated when Jinki left him.  And he always did, to go back to his own room, his own bed.  
“I like the frenzied fucks.”  
“Me too.  But tomorrow we’ll take our time, hm?”  He leaned over and kissed Minho’s temple, the man’s eyes closing lazily, sleep trying to take over.  “Sleep well.”
Taemin’s thumb pressed down in someone’s cold half eaten eggs as he picked up the plate to drop it in the tub with the rest of the dirty dishes from the morning rush.  It didn’t matter how long he had been doing this or how many times it happened it still made him cringe and his stomach turn.  He didn’t miss a beat though, wiping the slop on the stiff black apron he wore to protect his clothes and kept going.  The faster he worked the faster he’d be done with it.  
The chime on the front door sounded and when he looked up he knew his morning was about to get a lot worse.  Taemin looked to the back and it was empty.  The cook had already gone home and hopefully his boss was dealing with paperwork in his office.  
The older lady hobbled in, the cane supporting her left side seemed to be an extension of her actual body she was so frail.
“Mrs. Young?”  Taemin spoke in a careful hushed voice as he stepped away from the cart wiping his hands across his midsection.  
She smiled at up at him, her body had withered in on itself with age making her appear much shorter than she actually was.  
“Mrs.  Young,  what are you doing here?”  
“You’re always working so hard Taemin.”  She took the hand that Taemin had reached out to her with.  “I’m here to see Jo.”  
Taemin’s face fell, he looked back again to check for any signs of the owner.  “Mrs.  Young…”  He knelt down do she wouldn’t have to look up, the sun reflecting off of the cataract in her eyes creeped him out a little too.  “…Mr.  Young isn’t here right now.”
The old lady braced her free hand on Taemin’s shoulder, looking around the diner.  Confusion started to replace the smile on her face.  “Well…where else would he be?  I always meet him after the breakfast rush.”  Her voice was uneven.  
Taemin closed his eyes, he hated lying, more than anything.  “Mrs. Young, why don’t you go home to wait for him?”  
“Nonsense.”  She shuffled over to take a seat in one of the booths.  “He’ll be back, I’ll just wait for him here.”
He cursed under his breath and stood up quickly when the office door slammed in the back.  “Taemin can you cl-”  as soon as the middle aged man saw the old lady sitting there his face hardened.  “What is she doing here again?”  He looked to Taemin, the bus boy was at a loss for words.  “I told you the next time she set foot through that door to call the cops!”  His voice raised.  
Taemin watched the old lady jump, bringing her arthritic hands to cover her ears, the cane falling to the ground with a click.  
“Mr. Daniels please don’t.  She’s just confused.  Let me take her home and I’ll come back and get ready for the lunch crowd, okay?”  Taemin desperately pleaded with the man.  “She won’t come back again.”
“You said that the last time and the time before that.”  He picked up the phone.
Taemin cursed going back over to the old lady that was gently rocking back forth in her seat.  “Mrs.  Young…”  He tried to keep his voice calm but he needed to hurry and get her out of the restaurant before a bigger scene could be caused.  “Come on.  I’ll get you home.”  He picked up her cane and tried to hand it to her.  
She pushed at him roughly, the shove to his hip was barely enough to register from her weak arm.  “Go away.”  Her voice was shrill.  “I-I need to wait for Jo.”  
“Mrs.  Young please.  You need to leave.”  Taemin knelt back down.  
“Who are you?  What are you doing here?”  Confusion took her over.
Taemin heard Mr.  Daniels huff and start dialing the phone.
“I need to wait for my husband.”
He sighed, going back over to his boss.  “I said…”  He grabbed the phone from his hand, hitting the off button before slamming down on the counter.  “Let me take her home.”  He gritted through clenched teeth.  
The owner of the deli looked at him eyes wide in disbelief before a smirk grew on his face.  “Okay.  Take her home.  But don’t bother coming back.  I’ve had it with this.  With her, with you.  The only reason I kept you around is because nobody else would work for this cheap!”
Taemin’s jaw tightened.  He opened and closed his fist trying to compose himself.  “Go on!”  The man shoved him.  Taemin stumbled back a few feet but didn’t back down.  “Get out you punk!”  He grabbed Taemin by the arm.  
Mrs.  Young had stood up watching the scuffle, crying out as Mr.  Daniels grabbed her too and escorted them both out the door.  “If either of you come back through this door again I’ll call the police!”  
A string of obscenities outside the window caused Jinki to sit back in his seat.  His brow furrowing when he saw the young man he had been waiting for and an older lady being shoved out of the deli his car was parked in front of.  He watched the old lady fall to the ground and young man immediately try to help her up.  She brushed him off, limping away, looking back every so often.  
He watched the thin young man look after her before he started yelling another string of curses, kicking over the trashcan in front of the place, flinging off his uniform hat and tearing off the dirty apron he had been wearing.  He slammed them down on the pile of trash now scattered across the sidewalk.  He turned to face Jinki’s direction, pulling at the longer strands of blonde hair, getting them away from his face.  The young man’s dark eyes burned, his jaw was clenched and tight, bringing out the sharp line before it gave way to his long neck.  He was dressed in all black, a thin black t shirt and black jeans hung to his slim frame, his legs seeming to go on forever as he walked away.  
Jinki got out of the car walking in the direction the old lady went, treading carefully around the garbage on the sidewalk.   He had given the blonde plenty of time to get away without being noticed but he was certain he’d be able to catch up to her.  She had only gotten about a block before he did, and he followed quietly, finding it difficult to stay behind matching her pace.  She crossed the street to an old apartment building.  Jinki picked up his stride getting to the door first and kindly opening it for her.  
She looked at him confused at first but her face softened as Jinki smiled.  “Such nice young men.”  She mumbled her face suddenly stricken with worry.  
“Is everything okay?”  Jinki placed a hand on her shoulder and she paused.  
“I…I’m afraid I lost myself again and caused that young man so much trouble.”  Her face twisted, wrinkling even more as she looked like she was about to break into tears.  
“What’s wrong?”  Jinki knelt down in front of her much the same Taemin had just inside the doorway to the run down building.  Rusty mailboxes lining the walls.  
She sighed and tried to brush him off but Jinki’s hand stopped her, gentle on her elbow.  
“You look like you aren’t from around here.”  She eyed him suspiciously as if she had just noticed the way he was dressed, the gold cuff links, the expensive Italian loafers, the tailored suit.  
“You’re right.”  He chuckled softly.
Her eyes narrowed further and Jinki wondered how she could see anything out of them at all.  
“That poor boy.  He’s done nothing but try to help me and I’m such a burden.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t feel that way.”  
She patted Jinki’s shoulder, her hand curled in on itself.  “That’s kind of you to say.  I wish I could do more to help him.  He’s alone.  He shouldn’t be bothered with his elderly neighbors, looking out for them when he’s just a baby himself.”  
She nodded, starting to walk away.  Jinki stood up.  “That’s how we met.  He moved in right next to us before Jo passed.  Started working at the deli we owned then.  Since then he’s kept an eye out for us.  For me.  Helped with chores I was too weak to do and I made sure he was fed most days.”    
“Do you need help getting to your apartment?”  Jinki wanted to know what room was hers, and that would make it easier to find the blondes’.
“No.  No.  That’s okay.”  She started up the steps one at a time and paused looking back.  “What are you doing here anyway?”  
“Your neighbor.  I was looking for him.  I’m a friend.”  Jinki smiled and the old lady mirrored him, smiling back.  
“Ah.  That’s nice.  It’s good to know Taemin has friends.  That boy works so hard, please look out for him.”
“Yes.  Of course.”  Jinki bowed before opening the door to head outside.  
“You better be dead if you’re calling me this early Taemin.”  Jongin’s voice was thick and raspy from sleep.  Taemin was still too wound up to feel any immediate guilt for waking his friend up when he knew he had probably gotten home from work around the same time Taemin was going in.
“Dead would be cheaper right.  If I was dead I wouldn’t have to worry about money or the gas bill or eating food out of the dumpster.”
Jongin sat up, lifting the eye mask from his face, it was unusual for Taemin to go off this bad.  He blinked a few times adjusting to the bright late morning sun coming in through his bedroom window.
“I mean when your dead at least that wouldn’t be an issue.”
“Taemin.  Just…what happened?”  
“I was fired.  From that shit deli I’ve been working at for the last six years.”  He stopped, not even sure where he was going and sat down on the curb in front of a stoop in a residential area.  “It wasn’t much but at least it was an everyday job and I just…”  He cursed loudly, hearing his own voice echo back at him over the phone.  “Sorry…I…it’s just….who do I need to talk to at the club?”
“Taemin I know you don’t want to work there, if it’s money you’re worried about I’m sure we can….”
“I’ll try serving and dancing.  And go from there.  You were right yesterday.”  
Jongin sighed.  “Come by today at 4.  Heechul gets there early to get to the bank.  I’ll let him know you’re coming.”
“Thanks.  And I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“It’s fine.  I’ll see you tonight.”
Taemin walked into the foyer to check his mail before heading up to his apartment to clean up for tonight.  Mrs. Young was at the mailboxes as he came in.  
“Taemin I’m sorry…”  Her eyes filled with tears seeing the boy, remembering what she put him through that morning.  
“How are you?”  He ignored her apology, her tears and continued on with the interaction like nothing had happened earlier that day.  She smiled sadly knowing what he was doing.  
“Ah…I think it’s going to rain tonight.  Make sure you take an umbrella if you go out.”  She placed a hand at her elbow, rubbing the joint.
“I don’t need the weather report because I have you.”  He chuckled before turning to unlock his mailbox, and a large red bloom was seated inside and a tiny note card.  He picked it up carefully, brushing his thumb gently along the soft red petals.  
“Oh my.  It’s a naked lady.”  Mrs. Young looked over at the bloom Taemin was holding.  
“Excuse me.”  
“The flower.  It’s a type of lily.  Sometimes they call them naked ladies.”  
“That’s some admirer you must have. Stop by for dinner, I’ll have something nice for you to eat.”  She patted Taemin on the butt as she made her way out the door.  He was too distracted by who could have possibly left the flower in his mail box than to pay her any mind.  
He flipped open the tiny note card and hand written in gold ink was For Taemin.  And an arrow drawn underneath his name. 
This is a picture of the flower in Taemin’s mailbox and a little story behind it.
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The Greeks called these Amarullis, which means “splendor” or “sparkling.” The word seems to come from a character in a popular poem by Virgil. The nymph Amaryllis had a dramatic way of declaring her love for a gardener named Alteo. She pierced her heart with a golden arrow at his door every day for one month. That’s why amaryillis flowers are often a deep red. 
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