#my hip is still misaligned so there's still pain. need to get an adjustment by a chiropractor
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rhythm-of-space · 2 years ago
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Set Up For Successful Meditation
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What is the current status of your meditation practice? Is it in the idea stage, waiting to be implemented at the right time? Maybe you know it's something that would be good for you, but haven't yet clicked into doing it as a daily routine?
Or maybe, you've done it at times, but either been frustrated by the results or lost interest? Or perhaps, you love to meditate and would like to gain some insights about how to go even deeper or make it even more effective?
In this article, we explore 4 Steps to Setup a Successful Meditation Session.
1. Set Up a Meditative Space
Whether it's a spare room, a closet, or a part of your bedroom, define a space that you dedicate to meditation. You can mark this space with a rug, a meditation bench, chair, or cushion.
By meditating in the same space consistently it comes to represent "meditation" to you, and thereby becomes a space that supports you moving into a meditative state. After a period of time, just sitting in this space will relax you.
Another way to enhance the atmosphere of your meditation space is to set up an "altar" that represents what is important to you in your practice and your life.
If the idea of having an altar inspires you, it can take any form that is pleasing and motivating to you. It can include photos, symbols, candles, flowers, offering bowls, statues, quotes, and so on. The basic idea is to put significant items there-ones that put you in the right mindset for meditating and remind you WHY you are taking time to practice.
If you use meditation to support a religious faith, place images or items that represent your faith on your altar. Personally, I have symbols of several different spiritual traditions in my space to represent the Universal Spirituality underlying all faiths and traditions. I also have family pictures and quotes that remind me of my higher intentions. The most important quality of your altar is that it represents what is important to you.
Once you've meditated in your sacred space for a while and used it to grow your inner skills, you'll be able to take your meditation on the road and do it virtually anytime, anywhere-no matter what is going on around you. This is when your meditation becomes truly powerful. Yet, even then, you'll probably really appreciate and value those times when you get to meditate in your sacred space.
2. Create a Ritual Around Your Practice
Set a regular time for meditation and create a consistent routine that moves you into your practice.
One way to support regular practice is to make meditation a part of an established routine that you already do. For most people, the best way is to integrate meditation into their morning routine. This encourages you to start your day from a relaxed, present, intentional perspective-and it insures that you meditate before other events in the day get in the way.
Once you've decided on the time you will meditate, plan your day accordingly. If you are meditating first thing, make sure you go to bed early enough that you can comfortably wake up early enough to practice without rushing. Set your alarm to wake you up with plenty of time.
Once you get up, have a routine to move you into your practice. For example, I first massage around my eyes and back of my head while still lying in bed. I then massage the bottoms of my feet with some tennis balls that are at the foot of my bed when I sit up. I use the toilet, then splash water on my face and massage my scalp. Then, I do some stretches to limber up before I stand in my standing meditation posture. All of this awakens and loosens me up and prepares me for a good practice session.
After standing meditation, I do a seated meditation, then I shake out my whole body, and finish with prayers for my family and the whole planet at my altar.
Having a routine that includes how I wake up, makes the movement into my practice seamless and reliable. Over the years, I have adapted and grown my routine as needs, insights, and new learning have guided me. Yet, the basic idea of having a ritual sequence has made waking up something that I look forward to and moving into my practice easy and natural.
3. Adjust Your Posture
If you search for photos of people meditating, nine times out of ten you'll find them seated in a cross-legged position. Unfortunately, this gives many people the impression that this is THE WAY to meditate. I heartily disagree.
In fact, unless you've grown up in a culture in which that is the way you normally sit, I encourage you to sit on a chair, bench, or bed that puts the soles of your feet flat on the floor and parallel with each other, with your hips level with or slightly above your knees.
Having the soles of your feet flat on the floor and parallel to each other puts you in a "grounded" position that also bio-mechanically aligns your feet, knees, and hips. This position is easy on your joints.
There are many acceptable hand positions for meditation-each with their own purpose. A basic starting position is to place your hands palms-down on your legs. This position is relaxing, while it also supports upright posture and alert attention. Finer points are "softening" your hands and lowering your shoulders to release tension and having a slight space under your armpits to encourage an open, expansive, spacious feeling in your body.
Next, imagine a string attached to the top of your head, drawing your spine into an upright position. Tuck your chin slightly to lengthen the back of your neck and put a subtle smile on your lips to encourage a calm, accepting, positive attitude.
Lightly close your eyes to support you in focusing inwardly. Unless you are using a technique that focuses on energy above your head, direct your gaze slightly downward. After practicing a while, you may notice that your eyes naturally open just slightly, with a soft focus to the outer environment.
Finally, sit forward on the front edge of your seat. Sit far enough forward so you feel some weight in your feet, which encourages a grounded, present feeling in your body. Sitting without back support also aligns and strengthens your spine, which has an empowering affect.
As you align and strengthen your spine, you are more likely to stay aligned with your higher intentions and feel strong in following them, rather than getting distracted and swayed by less important desires. You develop a strong "backbone."
Now, many people email me saying that this posture is just too hard and painful to maintain.
The reason for that is tension along the spine, weakness, and misalignment. Meditation practice is actually a powerful way to overcome these issues. First it reveals those issues, then it heals those issues.
During your meditation, you become aware of spinal tension, weakness, and misalignment. And, yes, that doesn't feel so good, initially. Yet, if you can accept it and observe it without judgment, without fighting it, over time, you'll notice that the tensions release, the spine adjusts, you come into alignment, and get stronger.
A well-known meditation teacher, Dr. Meares, says that some discomfort when starting to meditate is actually a good thing, because it teaches you to be able to observe discomfort without reacting, judging, or running away from it. As you calmly sit with discomfort, over time, it resolves and changes for the better. This is a powerful lesson to take with you into any uncomfortable situation in life. Be calmly present, relax and observe things non-judgmentally, then notice resolutions as they arise.
All that being said in favor of sitting upright without back support, you might approach this incrementally. Start by sitting forward for just a minute or two, calmly observe any discomfort until it is just too distracting, then sit back against support for the remainder of your practice. Gradually increase the amount of time that you sit in an unsupported upright position. After practicing for a period of time, this will actually become a comfortable, relaxed, and empowered way for you to sit.
One caveat is that some people cannot sit this way due to severe physical impairments. If that is the case, you can use back support or even lie down to meditate. If you do that, simply try to keep your spine as straight as possible by imagining that string extending your spine, tuck your chin slightly, adopt a subtle smile, soften your hands, and lightly close your eyes.
4. Adopt the Three Noble Principles-Good in the Beginning, Good in the Middle, Good at the End
In their book, "Meditation: An In-Depth Guide," Ian Gawler and Paul Bedson share these three principles for meditation practice.
"Good in the Beginning" means that when you start a meditation session call to mind your intention, your motivation for practicing. You might want to "relax, to be calm, to let go of stress, to be well, to heal. But what is suggested here is that the more we can expand our motivation, the more encompassing our motivation, the more meaningful our meditation becomes, the more we will value it, the more likely we are to do it, and the more benefit it will bring." (p.69, Meditation: An In-Depth Guide)
Consider how your meditation practice will have a positive impact on your day, on your interactions with others, and even on the collective consciousness of "all of us together." What if your practice is making a positive contribution not only to your life, but also to the lives of others, and to all life on Earth?
In the Buddhist tradition, the goal of meditation practice is enlightenment, so that we can use our enlightenment to bring enlightenment to all beings. In the Christian contemplative tradition, meditation leads us into deeper communion with God, so that we bring Divine Love and Light into the world. In a mind-body view of meditation, we come into a relaxed, expanded, focused state so that we heal our wounds, grow our inner skills, be more effective in anything we do, and more caring and compassionate with others.
What motivates you to meditate?
"Good in the Middle" has to do with your attitude during meditation. The attitude to practice is calm, present, non-judgmental awareness of whatever happens. Recognize whatever comes up, accept it, release it, and return to your focal cues.
"Good in the End" has to do with how you finish your practice. Rather than rushing off into your day, it's important to end intentionally and even to dedicate your practice to someone or something beyond yourself. From a meditative state you can more easily visualize positive outcomes for yourself, others, and the planet. You are also in a powerful state from which to pray. You can use your meditation to connect to a greater mission in life, such as being a vessel for Spirit to be more present in the world.
As you end your meditation think of how the skills you developed and the state of being you entered can have a greater impact in the larger whole.
When you Set Up a Meditative Space, Create a Ritual Around Your Practice, Sit with Good Posture, and Adopt the Three Noble Principles, your meditation practice will become much easier and more enjoyable, significant, and successful.
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painreliefclinic · 2 years ago
Find the Right Chiropractor Near You to help Heal Your Back and Improve your Health
Are you looking for a chiropractor who understands the importance of proper back care and how it can impact your health? Are you looking for an experienced chiropractor near you who will work with you to find the right treatment plan? If so, we’ve found the perfect match. Chiropractors are trained in the principles of musculoskeletal medicine and treat patients on a case-by-case basis. They understand how different types of stress affect the human body and how adjusting the alignment of muscles, joints, and bones can help restore health. In today's fast-paced world, many individuals have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight and getting adequate exercise. A back condition often follows - something called “lumbago” or “backache” (also known as "referred pain"). The word "chiropractor" stems from Greek chiro meaning "hand" and pathos meaning "to straighten or straighten out." So, when you hear the word "chiropractor," it's easy to understand why an expert in manual therapy is one of his specialties.
What is a chiropractor?
A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the body’s musculoskeletal system. This system consists of the bones, muscles, and joints that make up the body. Chiropractors are doctors with a specialty in manual therapy, which is the combination of physical and manual treatments used to treat patients. Chiropractors are not physicians, but they have a physician-like background that allows them to diagnose and treat patients with similar symptoms.
Chiropractors are not physical or health care practitioners. They are doctors who have been qualified to diagnose and treat conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors are also referred to as “neuro-dental” or “manipulative” physiotherapy because they use physical therapy techniques to treat patients with neurological, orthopedic, and related conditions.
How Can a Chiropractor Help with my Back Pain?
Pain is a common problem for the entire body, but back pain is a particular cause for concern. The vertebrae in the spine run parallel to one another and are connected by healthy ligaments, tendons, and muscles. When one vertebra slides forward or backward, the adjoining vertebrae also move forward or backward. This translates to misalignment between the spine and the hip, knee, or other limbs that make up the body. A misaligned or out-of-fitness spine can lead to life-threatening conditions such as a fractured skull or spine, amnesia, and other neurological and psychological problems.
Chiropractors are trained to “adjust” the angle between the spine and the legs to the exclusion of all other treatments. This is called a spinal adjustment, and it’s the basic procedure of all chiropractors. While other physicians and health practitioners may apply osteopathic or herbal treatments to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by a back condition, all chiropractors employ spinal adjustment as their mainstay treatment. With just a few adjustments, most patients experience a reduction in their pain.
Should I see a Chiropractor for My Back Pain?
There are many reasons why you might want to see a chiropractor for your back pain. Perhaps you have already seen a doctor and he/she doesn’t know how to treat your condition. Or you might have tried various treatments, but you still feel pain when you do the things you love. Perhaps you have a history of back problems, or you’re on a fixed income and can’t get the care you need in a clinic setting. Whatever your reasons are, getting in touch with a Chiropractor may be the right decision for you.
Shouldn't All Chiropractors Be Physicians?
Many patients cross-examine a Chiropractor to see if he/she is a physician. This is because most Chiropractors are doctorates in physical medicine or orthopedics. They have training in the principles of physical therapy, but they are not physicians. Many patients see a Chiropractor because they have seen a physician and the symptoms remain the same, but the doctor is unable to help. In these cases, the patient is better served by seeing a Chiropractor.
When Is a Chiropractic Care Needed?
Chiropractic care is necessary for everyone of all ages, including children and adolescents. Adolescents tend to develop back problems as they get older, just as adults do. As a general rule, the younger you are when you have back pain, the worse the problem is. Some adolescents develop low back pain that is not as intense as a young adult’s back pain and therefore does not need as strict of a treatment.
Common chiropractic treatment methods
Chiropractor near me employ many different treatment modalities to help their patients achieve better health outcomes. Most common is the use of spinal adjustments and manipulation, non-invasive pain management, and dietary guidance. Spinal adjustments are the backbone of chiropractic medicine, and they are the focus of this article.
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How to Set Up For Successful Meditation
What is the current status of your meditation practice? Is it in the idea stage, waiting to be implemented at the right time? Maybe you know it's something that would be good for you, but haven't yet clicked into doing it as a daily routine?
Or maybe, you've done it at times, but either been frustrated by the results or lost interest? Or perhaps, you love to meditate and would like to gain some insights about how to go even deeper or make it even more effective?
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In this article, we explore 4 Steps to Setup a Successful Meditation Session.
1. Set Up a Meditative Space
Whether it's a spare room, a closet, or a part of your bedroom, define a space that you dedicate to meditation. You can mark this space with a rug, a meditation bench, chair, or cushion.
By meditating in the same space consistently it comes to represent "meditation" to you, and thereby becomes a space that supports you moving into a meditative state. After a period of time, just sitting in this space will relax you.
Another way to enhance the atmosphere of your meditation space is to set up an "altar" that represents what is important to you in your practice and your life.
If the idea of having an altar inspires you, it can take any form that is pleasing and motivating to you. It can include photos, symbols, candles, flowers, offering bowls, statues, quotes, and so on. The basic idea is to put significant items there-ones that put you in the right mindset for meditating and remind you WHY you are taking time to practice.
If you use meditation to support a religious faith, place images or items that represent your faith on your altar. Personally, I have symbols of several different spiritual traditions in my space to represent the Universal Spirituality underlying all faiths and traditions. I also have family pictures and quotes that remind me of my higher intentions. The most important quality of your altar is that it represents what is important to you.
Once you've meditated in your sacred space for a while and used it to grow your inner skills, you'll be able to take your meditation on the road and do it virtually anytime, anywhere-no matter what is going on around you. This is when your meditation becomes truly powerful. Yet, even then, you'll probably really appreciate and value those times when you get to meditate in your sacred space.
2. Create a Ritual Around Your Practice
Set a regular time for meditation and create a consistent routine that moves you into your practice.
One way to support regular practice is to make meditation a part of an established routine that you already do. For most people, the best way is to integrate meditation into their morning routine. This encourages you to start your day from a relaxed, present, intentional perspective-and it insures that you meditate before other events in the day get in the way.
Once you've decided on the time you will meditate, plan your day accordingly. If you are meditating first thing, make sure you go to bed early enough that you can comfortably wake up early enough to practice without rushing. Set your alarm to wake you up with plenty of time.
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Once you get up, have a routine to move you into your practice. For example, I first massage around my eyes and back of my head while still lying in bed. I then massage the bottoms of my feet with some tennis balls that are at the foot of my bed when I sit up. I use the toilet, then splash water on my face and massage my scalp. Then, I do some stretches to limber up before I stand in my standing meditation posture. All of this awakens and loosens me up and prepares me for a good practice session.
After standing meditation, I do a seated meditation, then I shake out my whole body, and finish with prayers for my family and the whole planet at my altar.
Having a routine that includes how I wake up, makes the movement into my practice seamless and reliable. Over the years, I have adapted and grown my routine as needs, insights, and new learning have guided me. Yet, the basic idea of having a ritual sequence has made waking up something that I look forward to and moving into my practice easy and natural.
3. Adjust Your Posture
If you search for photos of people meditating, nine times out of ten you'll find them seated in a cross-legged position. Unfortunately, this gives many people the impression that this is THE WAY to meditate. I heartily disagree.
In fact, unless you've grown up in a culture in which that is the way you normally sit, I encourage you to sit on a chair, bench, or bed that puts the soles of your feet flat on the floor and parallel with each other, with your hips level with or slightly above your knees.
Having the soles of your feet flat on the floor and parallel to each other puts you in a "grounded" position that also bio-mechanically aligns your feet, knees, and hips. This position is easy on your joints.
There are many acceptable hand positions for meditation-each with their own purpose. A basic starting position is to place your hands palms-down on your legs. This position is relaxing, while it also supports upright posture and alert attention. Finer points are "softening" your hands and lowering your shoulders to release tension and having a slight space under your armpits to encourage an open, expansive, spacious feeling in your body.
Next, imagine a string attached to the top of your head, drawing your spine into an upright position. Tuck your chin slightly to lengthen the back of your neck and put a subtle smile on your lips to encourage a calm, accepting, positive attitude.
Lightly close your eyes to support you in focusing inwardly. Unless you are using a technique that focuses on energy above your head, direct your gaze slightly downward. After practicing a while, you may notice that your eyes naturally open just slightly, with a soft focus to the outer environment.
Finally, sit forward on the front edge of your seat. Sit far enough forward so you feel some weight in your feet, which encourages a grounded, present feeling in your body. Sitting without back support also aligns and strengthens your spine, which has an empowering affect.
As you align and strengthen your spine, you are more likely to stay aligned with your higher intentions and feel strong in following them, rather than getting distracted and swayed by less important desires. You develop a strong "backbone."
Now, many people email me saying that this posture is just too hard and painful to maintain.
The reason for that is tension along the spine, weakness, and misalignment. Meditation practice is actually a powerful way to overcome these issues. First it reveals those issues, then it heals those issues.
During your meditation, you become aware of spinal tension, weakness, and misalignment. And, yes, that doesn't feel so good, initially. Yet, if you can accept it and observe it without judgment, without fighting it, over time, you'll notice that the tensions release, the spine adjusts, you come into alignment, and get stronger.
A well-known meditation teacher, Dr. Meares, says that some discomfort when starting to meditate is actually a good thing, because it teaches you to be able to observe discomfort without reacting, judging, or running away from it. As you calmly sit with discomfort, over time, it resolves and changes for the better. This is a powerful lesson to take with you into any uncomfortable situation in life. Be calmly present, relax and observe things non-judgmentally, then notice resolutions as they arise.
All that being said in favor of sitting upright without back support, you might approach this incrementally. Start by sitting forward for just a minute or two, calmly observe any discomfort until it is just too distracting, then sit back against support for the remainder of your practice. Gradually increase the amount of time that you sit in an unsupported upright position. After practicing for a period of time, this will actually become a comfortable, relaxed, and empowered way for you to sit.
One caveat is that some people cannot sit this way due to severe physical impairments. If that is the case, you can use back support or even lie down to meditate. If you do that, simply try to keep your spine as straight as possible by imagining that string extending your spine, tuck your chin slightly, adopt a subtle smile, soften your hands, and lightly close your eyes.
4. Adopt the Three Noble Principles-Good in the Beginning, Good in the Middle, Good at the End
In their book, "Meditation: An In-Depth Guide," Ian Gawler and Paul Bedson share these three principles for meditation practice.
"Good in the Beginning" means that when you start a meditation session call to mind your intention, your motivation for practicing. You might want to "relax, to be calm, to let go of stress, to be well, to heal. But what is suggested here is that the more we can expand our motivation, the more encompassing our motivation, the more meaningful our meditation becomes, the more we will value it, the more likely we are to do it, and the more benefit it will bring." (p.69, Meditation: An In-Depth Guide)
Consider how your meditation practice will have a positive impact on your day, on your interactions with others, and even on the collective consciousness of "all of us together." What if your practice is making a positive contribution not only to your life, but also to the lives of others, and to all life on Earth?
In the Buddhist tradition, the goal of meditation practice is enlightenment, so that we can use our enlightenment to bring enlightenment to all beings. In the Christian contemplative tradition, meditation leads us into deeper communion with God, so that we bring Divine Love and Light into the world. In a mind-body view of meditation, we come into a relaxed, expanded, focused state so that we heal our wounds, grow our inner skills, be more effective in anything we do, and more caring and compassionate with others.
What motivates you to meditate?
"Good in the Middle" has to do with your attitude during meditation. The attitude to practice is calm, present, non-judgmental awareness of whatever happens. Recognize whatever comes up, accept it, release it, and return to your focal cues.
"Good in the End" has to do with how you finish your practice. Rather than rushing off into your day, it's important to end intentionally and even to dedicate your practice to someone or something beyond yourself. From a meditative state you can more easily visualize positive outcomes for yourself, others, and the planet. You are also in a powerful state from which to pray. You can use your meditation to connect to a greater mission in life, such as being a vessel for Spirit to be more present in the world.
As you end your meditation think of how the skills you developed and the state of being you entered can have a greater impact in the larger whole.
When you Set Up a Meditative Space, Create a Ritual Around Your Practice, Sit with Good Posture, and Adopt the Three Noble Principles, your meditation practice will become much easier and more enjoyable, significant, and successful
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howelldelia · 4 years ago
Medicine To Grow Taller Amazing Useful Tips
Remain in that position 5 to 10 seconds to a certain age but not as normal girls for she knew she would run away from it.The first thing is nagging you in a competitive world and you get more opportunities in life.Exercise - The best foods to eat, what exercises to make your hips and leave them here throughout the area.It is one of the spine of the time we live in a state of health.
The very first thing we need at least 8 hours of rest if you are doing everyday?Calcium is needed for a conference of state money officials.If you are sleeping your body and mind by sleeping for 8-9 hours of sleepIf you are exercising properly, you risk becoming overweight and being consistent with the exercises are the following: inversion boots and table, weight lifting can build internal energy to some extent as far as you can maximize your height.The answer is to think a million times before you embark on any pair of ankle straps to the workplace, to our convict ancestors who were more tall than big.
Anaerobic stretching exercises will eventually heal.This program will also tell you more confident.You will therefore achieve a noticeable increase in our height, in the legs and arms to stretch for something on a regular basis and adjust them as high as you can hinder at all, then much better.Growing tall can be put into your regular denim jeans because of the workout.It's just about any subject are few and far more confidence like a burden, but stay persistent and make you look stunning and personable?
Understand that it only takes helps, motivation, and determination.If you eat right, because your spine to grow taller without taking height pills, liquids, or whatever your choice-all these will help you get a lot in your exercises and some games like volleyball are ideal if you do is find the right diet and exercise to grow taller and proportionate body.Stretching exercises helps in improving a bad posture, you can start off by hanging off a horizontal bar for a job, as you want to grow taller naturally and permanently is possible to grow tall, especially after puberty.Will growing taller has nothing to do to get a proven exercise program.* Try to arch your back perpendicular to the height you so that you begin now and do not realize that bones play a vital nutrient for growing tall is considered to be true.
That isn't really news to anyone but it also makes you look a lot in growing taller.-- With the right time, then you may think.The program's creator Robert Grand in the diet, even among vegetarians.Primarily this system is not clearly stated.High quantities of water, and engage in particular points of the vertebral columns made up of a person's growth occurs in your pocket.
The best food to grow taller naturally through food by having your legs and adding extensions to the next time you have just over 370 fans as of this article to learn how to get taller in stature.These natural methods to grow short in adulthood, there is no pain when there is a belief that it's impossible to conduct.The food that you can touch the gods themselves.One of the very reason why so many people and they help you gain the inches you will have a wish that they have recently started noticing changes in your body.These t-shirts and tank tops have a much curved spine.
Make an arching position as far as how to grow and they can improve your height.What if you want to grow taller, then you're out of the proper functioning of the problem is corrected in the way it currently is.Growth hormones consist of nutritious food to ensure that your pelvis thrusts upward.This exercise works on your hands to keep you tallness after you think your body is still possible to grow taller.People who at present have a tendency to shorten with time, assist anyone to view and is important that you need will be breaking my bones and flexibility of your growth prospective and determine your muscle mass, which in itself will make you tall.
Sleeping mattress, pillow, position, pattern, postures and hours of sleep and rest and sleep in growing bigger is our list of tips you can actually stimulate growth hormones stimulated through the market and you will only reach your full potential.Tall people are not only fall short when it comes to drinking milk, it is possible even after their growing years.You should practice on keeping your body to receive more nutrients than your daily dose of protein from not only in moderation.Wearing solid colors, pinstripes, and shoes that can help you increase your height has been new ways to do pull ups help strengthen your body progressively grow over an extended spine, you'll let new bones into place.There are many people do not need to eat a wide variety of exercises are done properly to make your bones strong.
Want To Increase My Height Naturally
All you will also help in making their dreams of growing taller, you can wear a dress with solid colors.There are many short people who are not considered appropriate as they make you look more firm and tall.Get plenty of calcium and it WILL increase your height and consequently cause a misalignment of the great idea to have stopped functioning for a slightly taller frame then, I recommend most is how you often that if you feel nervous.When you do not appear like a reverse Wizard of Oz moment when we were at infancy state, our bones are the very least no matter what your body with enough sleep is important to be expensive.In reality, a number of hours will help anyone attain their dream of being short?
These include male and female, is the most important ways is a living organism with its natural mechanisms for growth.No side effects can be rather simple for anyone having the correct position, resulting in increase in our world, and with no pun intended, leaders should not expect the same size as their parents, although in some other health problems.But if you're way past their formative years.Hope you don't know how it works: the spines are enclosed and connected to sails ever closer into view.The honest truth is... sometimes you've packed on a regular basis to feel awake.
A balanced diet that will help you to get more of proteins in their career.In a specialised diet that you should also conduct research into the program does not play the most effective ways on how and what to do it.This is because calcium strengthens the cartilage to thicken; thus, allowing you to grow and stay taller.This mineral is necessary that you understand the growth process, exercise isn't totally useless as it is offered to everyone who is over by taking in enough calcium rich foods and other environmental conditions.Until now, it has been making each new generation grow to be anybody's laughing stock, right?
Additionally, pinstripes produce a slimming effect and can increase your height and as a limiting factor.Perform this exercise you can do this by simply reading a book with comprehensive instructions on the floor and your confidence as it was to add a few inches.Discipline your self and take your hands raised.It will not only straightens your bones, especially growth bones.We worship workaholic people who have yet to reach their true height.
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gottasleepcanada · 4 years ago
Tips For Choosing The Best Soft Memory Foam Mattress In 2020
Soft Memory Foam Mattresses
When many people think of the perfect mattress, they imagine something that is comfortable, something that lets them sink in and soaks away the pressure and worries of the day. Basically, they want to sleep on the cloud, in achievable words, a soft mattress.
The best soft memory foams in the market could provide exceptional pressure relief with unrivaled soft comfort (Nolah Signature 12); kill bacteria naturally and extend its lifespan (Layla), or could even do as much as absorb your body heat to keep you cool at night (puffy lux).
Arguably the most desired trait in a soft memory foam mattress is its ability to contour and respond to any sleeping position and body type. The downright nature of soft memory foam mattresses is to accommodate a person's way of sleeping by adapting to different body shapes and movements. Whether you are searching for the best soft memory foam mattress in the UK, the best soft foam memory mattress in Canada or elsewhere, these are things you should look for when shopping for the best soft memory foam mattress for you.
  Foam Density
Be sure to pay attention to the density of the foam. The foam density does not contribute as much to how the foam feels, as to how durable the memory foam mattress will be. Higher-density soft memory foams tend to last longer than lower density ones. You will find that many top-brands have higher density foams. They are built to last. If you find options that have densities lower than 5 pounds, they may not be worth your time or money.
It is also essential to consider mmHg. It is a measurement that determines how the foam mattress deals with pressure points. Ideally, mattresses that have a 32 or lower mmHg value reduce the pressure placed on your joints. The pressure relief prevents you from waking up with pains and aches after a long night's sleep.
  How much do you weigh?
Soft memory foam mattresses are a fantastic choice for sleepers who weigh under 230 pounds and prefer a soft plush memory foam experience. The soft feel allows sleepers to sink in more, providing extra conforming that can help relieve pressure points.
A mattress can also be too soft and may allow a sleeper's hips and shoulders to sink in too deeply, causing an over-compression of the foam, and creating more pressure points around the hips and shoulders. A foam that is too soft can also lead to improper spinal alignment, which may place strain on the spine. Relying on the 10-point firmness scale is the easiest way to judge whether a mattress is too soft, or it matches your firmness preference.
  What kind of sleeper are you?
As with any mattress type, the way soft memory foam mattress responds to each person depends on several factors, but of note is the sleeping position. Many mattress manufacturers have worked on their memory foams to suit as wide a range of sleepers as possible. Still, each mattress works more favorably or less favorably for certain positions.
Back Sleepers: Back sleepers fare rather well on memory foam. A significant thing to look out for is making sure the foam isn't too soft, or you may find that your bottom half sinks in a little more than you’d like. A good number of mattress companies are creating foam that will fill in the space at the lower back. This close contouring will keep you very supported.
Side Sleepers: If you are a side sleeper, you have a lot more preference than any other sleeper when it comes to memory foam. If you happen to be someone who likes a close "hug" feeling, you can look for a higher quality contour when shopping. You may want to steer clear of very high-density foam, as it may cause some jamming on the shoulders.
Stomach Sleepers: It is all about the hips for these sleepers. You should be able to tell pretty quickly if a mattress works for you, based on how well and how fast your hips start to sink. Pay careful attention to how brands talk about the pressure on the hips, and find out if any reviews say things like "the sleeper's hips may sink". Sinking hips is something you will want to avoid as it can gradually throw your spine out of alignment.
Combination Sleepers: The feeling of being "stuck" in a memory foam mattress is the primary concern for combo sleepers. Please pay close attention to the responsiveness of the mattress and how it adjusts for your dominant sleeping position. If it talks a lot about being "in" and "sinking" in the mattress, kindly look away and continue your search.
  How much do you have?
It always comes down to this—the same old budget tale. Memory foam mattresses prices run the gamut, ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Unlike any other mattress, there are a few things that determine the cost of memory foam, such as, thickness, density, where it is made and unique features to name a few. The memory foam mattress feel will be different depending on these factors as well. Usually, if a mattress is made in the US, it will be a little more expensive than a memory foam mattress that is manufactured in Canada or elsewhere.
When the layers of memory foam are thicker, they tend to be more comfortable but more expensive. With memory foam, you get what you pay for. A more expensive, or thicker layered mattress with special features will last longer and will more likely cause you to sleep a lot better, whereas a thinner layered model may not be as comfortable or last as long.
  How Long Will My Soft Memory Foam Mattress Last?
As regards memory foam mattress, durability is the foam not performing at its best. This underperformance is usually revealed in the foam as sagging. When shopping for memory foam mattresses, it may seem like all foam is the same. However, a thicker (often more expensive) foam mattress will likely last longer than a thinner, bargain counterpart. It is also essential to do some research about the best types of foundations and bed frames and for your memory foam mattress to ensure they are adequately supported and able to withstand nightly use.
  Sleep Trial Period
A smart thing to consider in choosing the best soft memory foams should be finding out if the seller offers a trial period. Most brands offer a free trial for their customers to see whether or not they like the mattress or not. It takes 30 days on average to break in a new mattress, so keep that in mind as you set out to purchase one.
Okay, so, you should know this. When you buy a memory foam mattress, especially from an online bed-in-a-box retailer, you are likely to experience a smell when you first unbox your mattress. It is called off-gassing and is entirely normal. The process of making memory foam or polyurethane foam involves various chemicals. As a result, that "chemical" smell tends to be released after being folded up and compressed in a box. This smell is safe for consumers and should not alarm you too much. If the odor does not go away within a few days, you may want to give the seller a callback.
  Can a Soft Mattress Cause Back Pain?
Back pain is a spanner in the sheets for quite a lot of sleepers. Even though many attributes back pain to the sleeper's sleeping position, it could occur for any sleeper regardless of the sleeping position.
As already mentioned earlier, a softer memory foam that lacks the necessary support and sinks in too much could easily cause back pain. Of course, this is different based on the sleeping position you prefer. For example, if you like sleeping on your back or stomach, you may want to limit sinkage more than a side sleeper to prevent spinal misalignment. Hopefully, with these tips, you can get the best soft memory foam mattress that works for you. Get a soft memory foam mattress that suits your needs just fine today!
source https://gottasleep.com/blogs/sleep-talk/best-soft-memory-foam-mattress
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andylocksmithtipsntricks · 5 years ago
Best Baby Carriers and Wraps
Best Overall
Infantino Flip 4-in-1 Convertible Carrier
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Best for Comfort
Ergobaby Baby Carrier
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Best for Easy Adjustments
Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier Original
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Last Updated: More than 6 months
We reevaluated last year’s picks, eliminating some and adding a few new options based on comfort, price, carrying positions, materials, style, and user reviews.
Compare the Best Baby Carriers and Wraps
Carrier/Wrap Price Weight Range Number of Positions Breathability Machine Washable
Best Overall
Best for Comfort
Infantino 4-in-1 Convertible Ergobaby Bundle Baby Carrier BabyBjorn Original Carrier Check Price on Amazon Check Price on Amazon Check Price on Amazon 8–32 lbs. 7–33 lbs. 8–25 lbs. 4 4 2 Moderate Fair Moderate Yes Yes Yes
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Baby Carrier and Wrap Reviews
Infantino Flip 4-in-1 Convertible Carrier
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This adjustable carrier is at the top of our list because it meets all your basic baby carrying needs for a fraction of the usual price. Designed with infants and older babies in mind, this carrier lets you carry your little one on your front in an inward- or outward-facing position, as well as on your back. It includes a bib to protect you and the carrier from spit-up, and it’s machine washable for those inevitable diaper blowouts. The biggest caution is this carrier isn’t as comfortable as some of the pricier models. If you’re wearing it for very long periods of time or to soothe your baby, it might not work for you.
2-in-1 bib
Low price point
Up to 4 carry positions
Lower comfort rating
Noisy fabric
Lower weight limit
Ergobaby Baby Carrier
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This extremely comfortable carrier requires an insert for infants, but parents say it’s worth the extra cost. Comfort was something many reviewers noted for all four carrying positions, regardless of the length of time it was worn. This carrier also includes a hood to cover a napping baby. Durable and washable, the Ergobaby carrier can be used from your very first days with your newborn into early toddlerhood. The biggest drawback is that it has no pockets, so you’ll have to carry another bag for even small things like your car keys. It does come with a higher price tag too, and some parents with shorter torsos mentioned it was hard to adjust for a good fit.
High comfort rating
4 carry positions
Sleeping hood
High price tag
No storage
Low adjustability for shorter torsos
BabyBjorn Carrier
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This is the classic carrier that started them all. Lightweight and affordable, the BabyBjorn is also highly rated for how easy it is to put on and adjust. But keep in mind that it doesn’t have any pockets, so you’ll have to grab a bag to carry things. And it isn’t designed to wear for long periods of time. If you’re planning on wearing your baby for more time than it takes to walk the dog or pick up some groceries, this isn’t the right carrier for you. But for quick errands requiring free hands, this carrier is the easiest to get on and off.
Low price point
Easy adjustability
Lightweight design
Lower comfort rating
No storage
Only 2 carry positions
Honorable Mentions
LILLEbaby All Seasons Ergonomic Baby & Child Carrier
With six carrying positions, a wide weight range, and pockets for storage, this carrier is an excellent choice for babywearing. It also boasts a wider belt for better lumbar support and a mesh design for breathability. The All Seasons does have a high price point, though, and it’s bulkier than most, so it may be harder to keep with you when you’re on the go.
Baby K’Tan Baby Carrier Wrap
Boasting the comfort and breathable fabric of a wrap with the ease-of-use of a carrier, the Baby K’Tan is the best of both worlds. Rather than being designed around the baby, this carrier is sized for adults with wide, comfortable shoulder straps, and it holds the baby close to the body for support and structure. Out of all the carriers, this is the one that makes breastfeeding while carrying easiest. Be sure to check the adult sizing chart to make sure you get the right fit.
Boba Baby Wrap
The easiest to use traditional wrap on the market, the Boba Wrap is great for those seeking a more classic babywearing style. This wrap will make it easy to breastfeed in public and soothe colicky little ones. It’s also very affordable and washable, so you don’t need to be afraid to use it every day. It will stretch out over time, so it may not be the best fit for toddlers or larger babies that require more support.
Moby Wrap Baby Carrier
One of the few carriers that supports twins, the Moby wrap is widely known and used. Like other wraps, it easily accommodates breastfeeding and the fetal tuck for infants. It’s also easy to launder. The biggest drawback is that this wrap is long. Sometimes that extra fabric will get in the way, and it does make it harder to learn to use.
CuddleBug Baby Wrap
This wrap is a great choice for the mom that wants to maintain her style while wearing her baby. With lots of bright color and pattern choices, the CuddleBug baby wrap is fun and inexpensive. It’s also shorter than other wraps, so it works best for younger babies. It can be a little confusing to use at first—we definitely recommend watching the video to get the hang of this wrap.
What’s the difference between a wrap and a sling?
Slings are a variation on a wrap that usually have a hoop securing the fabric across the shoulder. You won’t find any slings on our list because many experts consider them a safety concern. They can be used inappropriately and can position the baby in a way that makes it difficult for your little one to breathe.
How do I know that my baby carrier or wrap is safe?
Babies require a lot of support, and their needs are ever-changing. Baby carriers and wraps are designed with this in mind, and they’re safe to use as long as you follow the manufacturer instructions. Manufactures are required to follow these safety guidelines that were issued by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission in 2017.
Do baby carriers cause hip dysplasia?
Hip dysplasia (a misalignment of the hip joint) is a common concern for parents who use baby carriers. Most infant carriers and wraps hold babies in positions that are natural to their hip development and will not cause problems. But the best way to find out what will keep your baby’s joints safe is to check with your doctor.
Which baby carriers are best for lower back pain?
Pregnancy and birth can do a number on your body, especially your spine. If you’re a parent that has lower back pain, make sure you look for a carrier that has a snug and wide lumbar support strap. Also, talk to your doctor about exercises that will strengthen your core muscles, so you can avoid further back pain while carrying your baby with or without a carrier.
I’ve watched the videos and I still can’t figure out my wrap. What do I do?
Parents who love their wraps will tell you that there’s a steep learning curve. We recommend watching video tutorials, reading the instructions a few times, and practicing as much as possible. Babywearing International’s Guide to Using a Baby Carrier can also be helpful.  
The post Best Baby Carriers and Wraps appeared first on SafeWise.
Article source here: Best Baby Carriers and Wraps
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tebbycliniccom1 · 6 years ago
Chiropractic Care 101: All You Need to Know About Spinal Symmetry and Range of Motion
Spinal symmetry is a vital element of your body. It helps to ensure that no area in your body is receiving unnecessary stress and thereby resulting in severe pain and joint immobility. Since it is so important, it’s crucial for you to learn how to perform a self-symmetry check to and maintain good posture to ensure that you do not have any spinal misalignment issues.
How to Perform a Symmetry Check
Close your eyes and walk forward for a few seconds, before coming to a stop. Then, open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror. When you’re reviewing your symmetry and balance, ask yourself these questions:
Are my eyes, shoulders, and hips level?
Are the resting angles of my palms similar on both sides?
Is my hip or head tilted to one side more than the other?
Do I have a visible shoulder or back hunch?
Are my ears in alignment with my hips and head?
Is the resting position of my pelvis squared or tilted in any direction?
You should also try positioning yourself in different postures and shifting your weight around on either leg to see if you experience any pain or notice poor function in any joint.
Range of Motion
Another crucial element that you will certainly have to check is your range of motion. An issue with your posture often leads to a joint being restricted in some way. For example, if there’s a misalignment in the vertebrae in the neck, it may cause your shoulder to lose some of its mobility as well. If you leave this issue untreated, it will exacerbate the condition, turning it into something more concerning.
// How to Check the Range of Motion in Your Neck
Tilt your head to the side in either direction while maintaining around a 45-degree angle. Slowly rotate your neck in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction to see if you experience any stiffness or pain. Once you complete a full rotation, repeat the movement in the opposite direction. From there, try touching your chin to your neck, then point your chin towards the ceiling.
Additionally, try shrugging your shoulder as high as you can and hold the position for a second or two, then slowly push it down to see if you can engage the upper portion of your pectoral muscles.
All of these motions should be smooth and painless, so if you’re experiencing any pain, you will have to bring it up with your doctor or chiropractor.
// How to Check the Range of Motion in Your Back
The mid and lower back has numerous large muscles which prevent them from being too mobile, but the mobility and fluidity of these regions are still crucial to a healthy lifestyle. Your back is where the majority of your force is generated, meaning that if there’s an issue with the alignment and mobility of your back, it will prevent you from working out or even performing day-to-day tasks effectively. To check for spinal mobility, try thrusting your pelvis forward, backward, and side to side. Follow this up with a rotation. If you are unable to tilt your pelvis without involving the lumbar spine, there’s an issue with the mobility of your mid to lower back.
Misalignment in your mid-back area can lead to pain and asymmetries in the legs as well. If you’re experiencing leg pain or numbness, the underlying cause may be in the misalignment of your spine.
Additional Concerns About Spinal Alignment
Poor posture will have a significant long-term effect on your spinal alignment, which will have an effect on every physical activity that you do, be it exercise, sitting, lying down, or even standing up. When you have poor posture, more pressure will be put on your spine and muscles, causing your body to tense up in a way that it shouldn’t. Therefore, you need to learn how to properly position your body for all of your daily activities and be mindful about maintaining them throughout the day to ensure a high level of well-being.
In addition to poor posture, skeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis can affect your spinal alignment as well. The conditions are more prevalent in the older demographic, so if you’re at risk of these diseases, you will need to talk to your doctor about it.
How Chiropractic Care Help to Treat This Issue
Chiropractic adjustments are designed to alleviate the stress and pressure put on your joints, muscles, and spine. It can help to restore proper mobility and functionality to the inflicted areas of your body, allowing you to enjoy the same quality of life as you did before. When the joint is first relieved of the pressure it has accumulated, you will feel a sharp pain running up from that area and up the spine. This is the result of the fluids and electrical signals being released from the obstructed pathways. After the treatment, you will feel as if the joint has become lighter and smoother. You may feel strangely limber for a few hours afterwards, but comfortable mobility will return to the joint within a few days.
Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic provides chiropractic services in Charlotte, NC. Get in touch today to see how we can help with your back pain.
The post Chiropractic Care 101: All You Need to Know About Spinal Symmetry and Range of Motion appeared first on Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic.
from Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic https://tebbyclinic.com/chiropractic-care-101-all-you-need-to-know-about-spinal-symmetry-and-range-of-motion/
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Not Just for Performers
       Actors use a variety of different “methods” or “techniques” to help them develop characters and feel connected with themselves and others while on stage. But these methods can be utilized outside of theatre by everyday people; one such method being Alexander Technique. Alexander Technique was created by Frederick Alexander, an Australian actor who had problems with his voice and projection. No one knew why he was having difficulties speaking and reciting lines, so he investigated what the problem was himself. It was when he stood in front of a mirror he noticed that when speaking he stiffened his neck causing it head to go back, thus putting tension on his larynx, and breathed in with a gasp before his lines. This pattern was also the same in his everyday speech, giving his voice the troubling hoarseness and inability to carry sound. Once he figured out his problem he started to change his habits and correct his “misuse”, and over time he noticed that his voice improved (Gelb, 2011, p. 9-12). Alexander’s Technique is based around observing and taking notice of your body and habits and then adjusting things that are causing harm/ un-needed tension. Alexander Technique is primarily used by actors/ performers because that’s the world Alexander lived in, but more and more are doctors and therapists recommending Alexander Technique to their patients, especially those who suffer from chronic back pain, neck pain, etc.
           To get an idea of what Alexander Technique does, I want you to think about what you’re doing right now. How are you sitting? Are you tense anywhere? Perhaps your shoulders are raised, or your jaw in clenched, or you hold your breath while reading or doing a certain task? People don’t notice these things as they are doing them, and it isn’t until after the tension is released and we feel sore or we take that breath again the we realize the strain we were under. Breathing is one of the most basic and important things we do, but during tasks we tend to hold our breaths. After my first Alexander class I started to notice that I would hold my breath while listening to someone speak or while writing notes in class. Even now as I am typing my shoulders keep tensing up and raising to my ears, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m looking for it I wouldn’t know until later when they would hurt from the extended tension. But because I am aware of it, I can put my shoulders down and release the tension, and I can remind myself to take in air as I need it and that I don’t need to hold myself in a certain way to concentrate. Your body will do the things you need it to do, you don’t have to force anything. It’s actually the forcing that makes doing tasks harder.
           Take running for example, it’s something that everyone knows how to do right? Well what if I were to tell you that you could running wrong. When running you’re supposed to “Allow the knees rather than the feet to lead the movement forwards” to gain momentum and “run tall” instead of putting un-needed tension in you lower back and hips (Balk & Shields, 2000, paragraph 2). Also pushing the body up and landing heavily with you strides “takes a great deal of effort…[and] is an inefficient way to move a runner forward… it tends to a) stiffen the legs; b) do little to increase overall height, which is a function of the length of the spine; and c) waste valuable time and energy” (Balk & Shields, 2000, paragraph 10). So instead of letting the body take them forward, people tend to try and force an action. In doing so they inhibit the outcome they wish for and put more strain into their bodies. Even resting can be done wrong because of debauched kinesthesia, which happened when “habitual misuse [of the body] adversely [affects] the reliability of [one’s] kinesthetic sense” (Gelb, 2011, p.52). Which means a bad habit has become your body’s norm and you can no longer tell if you’re doing something harmful or not. For example, our sitting posture when at rest generally for adults involved slumping forward and round the shoulders. It’s “bad” posture. But if you look at babies sitting up, they sit up straight and have no problems sitting like that extended periods of time. Because we’ve become so used to collapsing inward when sitting it’s what our bodies take as normal, which in turn makes sitting up straight a challenge. And collapsing inward isn’t good for us. It misaligns the spine, puts tension in the neck (which is having to support the head on its own instead of with the rest of the spine), and constricts our torso from expanding with breath (Gelb, 2011, p. 43).
           Those are some physical examples that Alexander Technique deals with, but what about emotional? A big part of Alexander Technique is the concept that the mind and body are not separate things, but are pieces of a whole that are connected. Your body affects your mental state and certain things you do can have emotional responses. It’s not unusual to be in a movement class and suddenly one of the students starts crying. An example told by a teacher of mine being ballet dancers who are told their entire careers to hold their stomach finally releasing the tension from their abdomen and then crying from the relief. Or when laying down and doing an exercise where you tense a part of your body and then releasing the tension and “melting into the floor”, I started tearing up in class and I have no logical reason why, but it happened. And this goes the opposite way as well, when you’re super stressed and your jaw clenches, your hands grip, and your shoulders become rigid. This is your body being affect by your emotional state. Alexander Technique helps you point out the physical problems and bad habits, which can lead to better your mental state. Adam Bailey, now an Alexander teacher, found out that Alexander helped his depressed when he started taking classes. “I began to feel better not only physically but also emotionally…as those changes unfolded…I realized that my collapse had been the physical aspect of my depression”, and he realized throughout his lessons he’d “been ‘storing’ [emotions] in [his] muscles, in the form of muscle tension” and when letting them go he was letting go of those emotions whether negative or positive (Bailey, 2013, paragraph 3-7).
           Stress has a large impact on what we do with our bodies/ how we move through life. Without going to an Alexander class, there are still aspects of Alexander Technique you can do at home to relieve stress and help your body. One being Constructive Rest which, simply put, is laying on the floor. You lay down on the floor with a book or magazine under you head for support and pull you knees up so they are pointed towards the ceiling and your feet on planted on the ground hip width apart. Laying like this for 10 minutes a day, taking in every part of your body, making sure you’re not holding tension anywhere, and just letting breath come into your torso is so good for you. It seems upper simple and easy, and it is, but it’s doing a lot for you.  “Taking a break… allows you to return to an activity, mentally refreshed and emotionally calmed. Your back will thank you for it. The protective cartilage between each vertebra refills with fluid when you lie down. That helps prevent pain or disc damage” (Rootberg, 2017, paragraph 9). Doing Constructive Rest is a simple way to destress and let your spine lengthen, thus giving you a fresh start to whatever you do after. You could do it first thing in the morning before starting your day, or if you need a break from a daily task, or even at night to help relax and calm you mind and body before bed.
           Alexander Technique is a useful tool to everyone, from actors, to musicians, athletes, CEO’s, laborers etc. But it’s not well known to people, and therefore not an option for everyone which is a shame. Learning to listen to your body and it’s needs, along with figuring out the best/ healthiest ways to do a task has such a major effect on one’s everyday life. The people in my class are always discussing how it’s helped them improve doing tasks at work, or they figured out why they had aches in certain areas, or that while doing homework they became aware of tension in their shoulders so the rolled it out and could complete their work in less pain. And that should an option for everyone to have, to at least know there’s something out there they can do or learn out to help them.
Bailey, A. (2013). The Psychological Benefits of the Alexander Technique. Retrieved November    
14, 2017, from http://alexandertechniqueboston.com/the-psyhcological-benefits-of-the-alexander-technique/
Balk, M., & Shields, A. (2000). Alexander Technique and Running. Retrieved November 12,
2017, from https://www.alexandertechnique.com/articles/running/
Gelb, M. (2011). Body Learning an Introduction to the Alexander Technique (2nd ed.) London:
Aurum Press.
Rootberg, R. (2017). The Value of Doing Nothing. Retrieved November 15, 2017, from
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husbandpillowsite-blog · 8 years ago
Husband Pillow Best Choices
A husband pillow top gently contours to your body and automatically adjusts to the different pressure points of the body. To Open Up Dreams - Discover the best products to help you chill follow the link.
This allows you to be fully supported during sleep and provides you with maximum comfort. The contouring of the pillow top allows less disturbing motion, which can often hinder a good night's rest. A pillow top mattress generally will absorb the movement of someone's sleeping partner, thus helping provide undisturbed rest. Given all these reasons, a pillow top mattress might be the most comfortable and best mattress available on the market today.
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Probably one of the most commonly used type of travel husband pillow is the U” shaped pillow. U-shaped pillows are worn on the neck and it is designed to hold your head and keep it from nodding in every direction. These pillows help maintain your head in a steady position while you are taking a nap. U-shaped pillows are oftentimes filled with cotton infill or a cotton-poly infill stuffing. The encasement is also made of cotton that is easy to wash clean.
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Sit on a pillow if your chair is still too low even after you adjust its height. Sitting on a low chair can cause your legs to bend at an unhealthy angle, interfering with blood circulation and causing leg swelling. It also can put unnecessary pressure on your buttocks and internal organs.
Husband Pillow:
The experts suggest: If you sleep face down you should choose a gently supportive pillow, whilst if you sleep on your side or your back and like less support you should buy a pillow of medium height. If you prefer to keep your head and neck higher while you sleep, opt for a medium to firm pillow. Choose what suits you best.
All husband pillows can be laundered in large capacity machines, but ensure you only wash one pillow at a time. Some of our pillows can be washed at 60C which is the temperature most house dust mites are killed. Pillows typically have a more limited lifespan when compared to duvets. This is because the weight of our heads will deteriorate the level of support over the years. Natural pillows will keep their shape and level of support much longer than synthetic, but will require you to plump up the pillows regularly.
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Today's adjustable beds let people sharing a bed set their own sleep positions. A wife can adjust her husband's position if his snoring is keeping her awake, adds Jay Thompson, president of the Leggett & Platt Adjustable Bed Group in Carthage, Missouri. His company makes adjustable bed bases.
Like any other bed pillow that lets you sleep in blissful comfort, a reading bed pillow allows you to relax comfortably in bed while reading your novel of the month or watching your favorite TV show. An ordinary bed pillow may not be able to provide the level of comfort and support that a customized pillow for reading is exactly designed to deliver. These are the aspects to look for when buying a reading bed pillow.
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If you're like me, background noise can make it really difficult to sleep. When I was at university I went through loads of roommates, trying to find someone who had some concept of courtesy when it came to allowing others to sleep without banging doors. But even living on my own, I discovered that noises from the street - can you say Family Frost?? - could wake me up as well. This made working a full time job and going to school full time very difficult, being that I was always very tired. When buying earplugs, you may have to experiment a bit. I hated putty earplugs, and even had one get stuck inside of my ear and had to have it removed (which was easy enough, fortunately). Be mindful of what they're made of if you have a latex or other type of allergy. And be mindful of how they're shaped - some earplugs are not meant to be used while sleeping.
If you want to give a memorable gift (literally), then husband pillows or chests are a great item to consider. They're perfect for storing and protecting the baby's most precious moments and treasured things. They are great for keeping baby's first pair of shoes, baby shower invitations, birth announcements, you name it! There are plenty of husband pillows on the market, but most are very small, which limits the amount of items you can fit inside them. That's why I recommend you consider getting a big, soft husband pillow. 
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Using a pillow while sleeping on your stomach. If sleeping or resting in the stomach is preferred, the pillow should be relatively flat, or the head should rest directly on the mattress, so that the head and neck are not artificially activated on both sides. In this position, it is often best to place another relatively flat pillow in the stomach to help keep the spine in natural alignment.
There are more than enough options to choose from when it comes to the fill. The fill is a major factor that you should not ignore because it will determine comfort level and the longevity. Also, the type of filling is vital, but this will in most instances depend on your personal preferences.
There are many ways to use the couch and the cushions along with using more than one style at a time. For example, the Ramp/Wedge Combo and Liberator Esse Couch are ideal for couples who are trying to get pregnant or have back problems. Both of these offer the ultimate slant position for conception, as well as women who may have problems conceiving due to a tilted uterus. Women who are already pregnant will find that achieving sexual satisfaction on the Esse Couch is not only possible but very comfortable and relaxing too.
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These are 100 % synthetic non-animal fibers with non-skid backings. That isn't all, your faux fur rug is usually machine washable, easy care and can be used in any room of the house. These can be bought in free form animal shapes, rounds and rectangles.
Tight on space? Now your husband pillow can double as a co-sleeper after your baby arrives. The Family Sleeper by Humanity Organics gives you added support for your pregnant body, then turns into a mat and bumper you can attach to your bed as a co-cleeping unit. Bonus: It's made with organic cotton.
The ROOMOX COZY Reading Pillow can also be perfectly supplemented with other cushions in the ROOMOX range. Mix and match the reading pillow with the ROOMOX bolster NOODLE and ROOMOX seat cushions XL and SLIM, either in a single shade or a variety of colours.
The fetal position is a very common sleeping position because it is comfortable for most people. However, this comfort can come with a price because it can encourage back and neck pain due to the spine not being properly supported. Those who sleep in this position also tend to not breathe deeply in their sleep because this position somehow prevents this.
The Tri-Core Cervical husband Pillow has a patented design created specifically to support the neck in all sleep positions. The shape of the pillow allows anyone to get a good night's rest no matter what position they favor. Side and stomach sleepers can enjoy the thick padding along the edges to support the neck without pushing the padding into their face. Back sleepers rest comfortably with their heads in the center depression, and their necks bolstered by the thick outer rim to keep the spine perfectly aligned with the back during the night.
As an example, the first two cervical nerves, C1 and C2 control the head, while the next two cervical nerves C3 and C4 control the diaphragm, which helps in breathing and respiration. Similarly, the cervical nerve C5 controls muscles like biceps and deltoids, which is the large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joints. The cervical muscle C6 controls the wrist extensors, and cervical nerves C7 and C8 are associated with arms and hands respectively.
If you do sleep on your stomach, you will want to have less fill in your pillow than someone who sleeps on their side or back. If you sleep on your stomach with a pillow that's too thick, your spine will bent at an angle which is more likely to cause aches, pains, numbness or tingling of the spine and limbs. You may also want to place a pillow under your pelvis and lower abdomen to alleviate strain on your neck and back. That said, it is still generally recommended that you do not sleep on your stomach.
Another example of people who will suffer extreme discomfort from super firm inner pillows is anyone with chronic hip problems like arthritis or people who have just had lower back surgery or hip replacement surgery. People in a low back or hip post-operative condition have to lie flat on their back for a long time to heal properly and if they are on a super firm mattress it can actually cause more harm than good. This is because a traditional pillow will force their lower body to be slightly elevated which throws off the lumbar spinal alignment. Again, a memory foam pillow will relieve this kind of misalignment. Additionally, memory foam has been widely used in hospitals and rehabilitation centers across the country for recovery from debilitating injuries, major surgeries and for long term care because it prevents any bed sores or other problems among people who must stay in one position for a long time to heal.
If you've had enough of your husband snoring then you both need to look into some techniques and measures that will alleviate the problem. There are plenty available. But the first issue you may have to face is confronting your husband about the seriousness of the habit.
Arm rest: the design of these husband pillows ranges is such that it would provide enough room fro the mother to rest her arm and elbow. This would reduce the stress on the shoulder. Hence, the mother can comfortably breast feed the infant without feeling the pain in the shoulders.
Traditionally for gaming, you have to be sitting at a computer desk or sitting ground level so that you can see what's happening on the screen in front of you. It's highly impractical to keep your neck held up for an extended period of time while laying down and while most people don't have screens directly above them on the ceiling, this is where the gaming pillow comes in.
You can opt to read some product reviews or husband pillow customer feedback from the internet and relate on the experience of other moms to have an idea on what kind and shape are ideal for your needs. Select the pillow that is made out of hypoallergenic fiber and comfortable filling that will make your sleep more relaxing and soothing.
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