#my heart melts at Langley doing this specifically
sinful-lanterns · 7 months
PTN women who reader has been having flings with but now they’re attached and want her to stay after the sun rises—
Imagine when the sun rises, Reader is getting up to go to her work/classes (or another fling) but the PTN woman they just slept with suddenly latches onto their waist and pulls them back into bed…
It’s kind of an emotional moment too. Just the PTN woman mumbling into your neck “stay…” while they sleepily convince you to stay even longer. It’s extra intimate when it’s one of the more stoic women too, like Langley, Shalom, Oak Casket… they just want their sweet Reader to stay with them longer 💔
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spellburst-archive · 7 years
The “Official End” of The Langleys Gen 5 - (Part One)
A couple weeks ago, the day of the Cats and Dogs patch update for Sims 4 (or November 7th, 2017, whenever you’re reading this), completely corrupted my save and I was unable to fix it. If you would like to read up specifically what happened then I suggest reading this series of posts, because I’m not going to be getting into it again here. This is just me, once again, apologizing that this even happened to begin with. This is not how I wanted my legacy to end, but it was literally out of my control and I couldn’t do anything about it. But as I’ve already stated, I wanted to come on here and write what was going to be happening for the rest of generation 5. I want there to be some kind of conclusion for this generation so that it’s not just ending on the last post that was made about it, because so much stuff was going to be happening. So, if you would like to read about what should have happened, feel free to continue on.
Somer was going to accept Flynn’s offer and get together with him at a later date to practice guitar and do some jam sessions. In that time, Somer was going to begin to start questioning his sexuality. It has always been a thing that he’s wondered about, but never really touched on. He always kept it at the very back, darkest spaces of his mind because he didn’t want people to think of him any less. He didn’t want to be thought of as “less than” or not as masculine, if it came out that “hey, maybe I do like guys, too!”. It’s something that he never even told Grae about, or even hinted towards.
In the meantime, Padma’s pregnancy continues up until the beginning of her third trimester where she begins having problems. Amar rushes her to the hospital because she had started experiencing really bad cramps. Everyone (Somer, Grae, Jae, Kia and Flynn) joins them at the hospital and they sit in the waiting room to find out what’s happening. In that time Somer, in his usual hot-headedness, feels his temper rising because he feels so helpless in the situation and storms out of the hospital to the parking lot to have some alone time. Flynn is the one to go outside and check on him, and they have a bit of a “bonding moment”. He assures Somer that everything will be fine, and Flynn wraps him up in a hug, which sends Somer’s feelings soaring even more. Inside, Padma is being examined and during an ultrasound, she finds out that the baby was under a bit of stress and her body was trying to go into pre-mature labor. Luckily, they catch it on time and she is placed on strict bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy.
A while later, the kids go to prom together; Kia with Grae, and Somer with Jae, while Flynn tags along as the third wheel. Everything is going fine, until Flynn asks Somer if he wants to slow dance (jokingly), and Somer agrees. Up until this point, Flynn has had some kind of feeling that Somer does have feelings for him as more than “just friends”, but he asked him in a joking way to keep things under wraps. One of the jocks of the school sees this, and begins making fun of Somer, shouting slurs and ultimately causing a huge scene. Grae has to pull Somer aside to prevent him from starting a fight and getting in trouble. Somer rips himself away and goes to the bathroom where Flynn, once again, is there to comfort him. However, Somer is upset and takes this frustration out on Flynn, who counters and asks him “why are you so upset over who you really are? You like guys, Somer! Just accept it! It’s not a big deal!” However, Somer hates this even more because he’s not ready to accept it. He punches Flynn, yelling about how he’s not like that, and runs out of the bathroom. He meets up with Jae in the hallway, and he takes her by the hand forcefully and leads her outside, where they catch a cab together and leave the school.
Somer, being so incredibly confused and frustrated about everything, takes Jae to the ruins where they can be completely alone together. Jae comforts him the best she can and tries to make the situation better. Somer, determined to prove to himself that he doesn’t like guys and that he is completely strait, begins making moves on Jae. She’s a little hesitant and caught off guard by his aggressiveness, but ultimately, they end up sleeping together. Somer feels nothing from the experience.
A month later, school is out for the summer and Padma once again goes into labor, but because she’s farther along at this point, the doctors deem it perfectly safe to continue on with the birth, and Padma and Amar welcome a healthy little baby girl into the world, who they name Mira.
Meanwhile, because the snow has melted and the trail is once again safe, Grae convinces Kia to go back up to Granite Falls together so they can check out the cave that Grae unknowingly found when they were all up there in the Fall. It’s just the two of them this time, as Somer and Jae didn’t want to head up there this time around. Once there, they head straight for the cave and hesitantly go through to the other side, where they are met with the gates of Forgotten Hollow, hidden behind some overgrown bushes and vines.
Being so close to the place he’s dreamed about for so long now, Grae begins feeling uneasy. His head is pounding and his heart is racing, but he continues on with Kia so they can do some exploring around to place, so see why he is so connected to this town. They walk up a hidden pathway that’s leading to the outskirts of town, where they come upon Vlad’s mansion on the hill. Grae knows that this is the house he’s been dreaming of for years now. He reaches out to touch the metal gate, and the moment his hand touches it’s surface, he’s flooded with visions of Karrie when she was a teenager, going through the torture she went through inflicted by Vlad, and of Gage trying to defend her and ultimately dying in the vampiric dual against Vlad. He sees himself and his brother being born to Karrie, and then promptly being whisked away by Alex and dropped at Padma and Amar’s doorstep.
This entire time, Grae is screaming at the top of his lungs because his head is hurting so much, and Kia shakes him out of his trance and breaks his hold of the gate, bringing him back into reality. She looks at him, and notices his eyes are pitch black and he has fangs. She’s caught off guard and takes a step back from him as he tries to recuperate. Grae rubs his eyes and they return back to normal, however they remain horribly bloodshot and his teeth return to normal, since he’s no longer in as much distress. Confused, he asks Kia what happened, but she replies lowly saying that they need to leave. Without another word, despite Grae’s protests, they leave Forgotten Hollow and return to Granite Falls. 
Almost being back to Kia’s car at this point, Grae reaches out and grabs Kia’s arm gently to try and get her to talk to him, but she recoils away in fear and he stops in his tracks. He asks what happened back there, and she finally tells him what she had saw. He tries coming to terms with it, and begins telling her uneasily that he believes the stories about vampires to be true. He told her he was having visions about vampires fighting one another, and that he believes the woman he saw in his dreams and his visions to be his and Somer’s birth mother. He tells her he didn’t want to leave Forgotten Hollow because, if that really was his birth mother, he thinks she may still be in that house being tortured and he feels like he needs to save her. Feeling overwhelmed with everything, Kia turns and gets into her car, removing herself from the conversation and waiting for Grae to get in so they can leave together.
On the ride back to Newlyn Hills, Grae thinks about what Kia had revealed to him, and begins wondering if he is a vampire as well. His eyes turning black and his teeth turning into fangs? That’s something that you only ever hear of in movies and stories. But with everything that’s happened just over the past couple hours, it’s hard for him to deny anything at this point. As well as that, Kia tries coming to terms with what Grae revealed. Could this woman he said he saw be his true birth mother? He had told her about him and his brother being adopted, but could this be why he was so connected to Forgotten Hollow? Kia sighs and looks to Grae briefly, seeing all over his face how troubled he is. She eventually gives in and tells him that she believes him, and that no matter what she’ll help him in whatever way he needs.
Once back to the boys’s house, Grae rushes downstairs with Kia to the basement to tell Somer what happened. Somer, having been withdrawing into himself since the incident at prom, is sitting alone in his room when Grae bursts in. Grae’s words are a jumbled mess, but Somer is able to decipher what he’s trying to say, and immediately doesn’t believe him. It’s crazy, it’s nonsense. Grae insists that it’s real, and Kia speaks up to back him up. Grae begins reminding him that if he was able to believe him on his dreams, then he should be able to believe him on this, too. Kia then tells Somer about what she saw with Grae’s eyes and teeth. This pushes him over the edge, and he pushes past the two of them as he heads upstairs, mumbling that they’re both crazy as he leaves them behind.
Later that same night, it’s an unusually dark, windy and storming night. Somer is fast asleep in his bed, but is woken up suddenly by the feeling of someone watching him. A loud crack of thunder sounds, and he jolts straight up in bed because he sees the figure of someone standing at the foot end of his bed. The figure is feminine, and staring at him with piercing red eyes. His heart begins to race in his chest, but surprisingly, he doesn’t feel threatened.
“He’s telling the truth.” She says, her voice coming out smoothly. “You need to believe him.” Somer is stunned, all these thoughts running through his head as he tries to decipher what she’s talking about. He asks who she is, but she gives him no answers. “Forgotten Hollow is real, and the vampires there really exist. Grae is telling the truth, and you’re the only ones that can save her. You both are more powerful than you can even begin to imagine.” Another really loud crack of thunder sounds, and just as quickly as she arrived, the woman was gone. Somer blinks a few times, his jaw dropping. He throws his blankets off of him and runs to Grae’s bedroom, shaking him awake roughly and telling him about what had just happened in his room. Not even giving him a chance to speak, he asks him what exactly they had to do to save the woman in the castle.
Days later, the boys go back up to Granite Falls with Kia once more, having a rough plan on what they want to do. They figure, if Grae had the reaction that he did to being in Forgotten Hollow, maybe that was his “powers” trying to activate, and Kia broke off the connection too quickly for it to be fulfilled. If they both go to Forgotten Hollow again, maybe it’ll happen again. Whatever they have to face to save the woman, they’ll do it together. Once there, Grae leads the way to the castle on the hill again, both his and Somer’s head beginning to pound once more. The closer they get, the worse the pain gets.
The three of them climb the stairs onto the front porch, hearts pounding as this is the closest they have ever been to the castle. They look through the window, scouting the area and making sure the coast is clear. Taking it upon himself, Somer slowly opens the heavy door and Grae follows in behind him, Kia deciding to stay back on the porch because she feels so uneasy. The house is dark, and both the boys’s heads are pounding excruciatingly at this point. They head for the stairs, knowing that what waits for them will be down in the basement. Upon arriving, the two see the figure of a woman laying on her side on the floor, eyes shut. As they get closer to the cell, Grae’s stomach begins to churn.
Her face is so familiar, even with the dark bags under her eyes and the scratches littering her skin. Somer resembles her so much, and the realization that this - this is their birth mother, sends Somer’s rage over the edge. He’s furious, but not at her. He can feel his blood boiling at the thoughts of his mother being hurt in any way like this. He’s been apart from her for all his life but at the same time, he feels like he knows everything there is to know about her. 
Grae has fallen to his knees next to the cell, his entire body shaking as he reaches his hand through the gate the best he can to touch her still body. She’s alive, but just barely. Her breathing is labored and he can tell she’s been starving. He lightly touches the cold skin of her arm and the electricity - the connection he feels, is undeniable. Tears well up in his eyes, as his jaw clenches. They had to save her, one way or another.
Suddenly, everything in the area goes still. Not a single sound can be heard in the entire house. It’s as if someone had hit the mute button on a television, and the pressure of silence on Somer and Grae’s ears is maddening, for a moment. Somer’s ears perk at the sound of footsteps, so silent that they were barely audible. His heart starts to race as he clenches his hands into fists. Something is coming, and they both had to be ready for it.
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