#my harlem ocs were so sweet
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kellyscowboy · 2 years ago
so very very tempted to write a fic based around my harlem ocs...
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fckwritersblock · 4 years ago
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 3
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
Warning: since I deemed Wednesday my update, day....don’t hate me for this. Oh and steam....and angst if you turn around, bend down and look between your legs, tilt your head to the side and squint
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16 year old Alona 17 year old Erik
September 9th, 1997
West Oakland, Ca
Over the next five years the two remained close; bonding over their lack of parents bringing them closer. Erik had been placed with an aunt from his mothers side. His aunt never had children but always wanted them. Thankfully she stayed in Oakland too. Though it was East Oakland, Erik still managed to go to school in the West since he refused to go anywhere Alona wasn't.
While Erik always looked out for her, he also taught her how to defend herself. Young Erik was no stranger to fighting. If you looked at him wrong he'd beat your ass to make sure you never did again. He was both book and street smart. Having 4.0 GPA didn't mean you couldn't catch these hands.
"You gon mess around a get yourself arrested, stupid." Alona would scold him on their walks home after many fights.
He had just gotten rougher as he gotten older, while she became softer, more feminine.
Not to mention a hell of a lot prettier.
And all he boys noticed. Especially with Alona's most recent glow up. She had always been that ‘cute kid’, but now? It seemed as if puberty was hitting her with brick after brick all summer break, because when she came back from vacation in Louisiana with her family, Alona was easily the prettiest senior at Oakland Tech Highschool. While It was unwanted attention, it gained her, her own popularity...and she became the crush of her very best friend.
Erik Stevens had a massive crush on Alona Davis. He'd known it for about a year now but refused to act on it.
Until recently.
The two had been studying for the past hour at his aunts house. Really it was just her, since Erik didn't really feel the need to especially since they didn't have school tomorrow. But Thursday's was usually there's study day and he didn't want to break tradition. So there they were in his room backpacks and books over his bed, while they each sat against the way. He was perpendicular to her, her legs draped over his; a book and pen in her hand and a football in his.
"Dang girl, skippin' a grade not enough for you?" He teased poking her dimple prompting her to roll her eyes.
"Didn't you ask for my help?" She poked him in his side knowing he was ticklish.
"Ay girl!" He jumped away from her as she giggled.
"Oh that funny?"
"Boy you better not-" Alona began while shutting her book, eyes cutting at him.
But it was too late. He snatched her up before she could get off the bed and began tickling her sides. Laughter filled the room and Erik smirked at her attempts to stop him.
"Come on, stop," she laughed and he paused.
"Say it." At this she rolled her eyes.
"No, I'm not-" when he started to tickle her again she changed her tune.
"Ok, ok, N'Jadaka is the king of the world." She panted out of breath sitting up a bit.
"What I thought." He smirked down at her.
As things calmed down, both of them slowly noticed the compromising positing they were in. If his aunt or her granny had found them like this, they'd both be beating black and blue. They were alone though. His aunt was conveniently working the late shift and wouldn't be in for another 5 hours at least.
His heart raced.
Her nerves were shot.
His head dipped down.
Her eyes slowly began to close.
His eyes zeroed in on her lipgloss covered lips.
Screw it, he thought being the one to make the first move as he roughly placed his lips on hers. Immediately she kissed him back her arms wrapping around his neck as he pulled her body closer to his. It wasn't her first kiss, though he was her first at 13, and she had a boyfriend - one Erik despised- but this was new territory for them. She had the biggest crush on her best friend as well; He was unknowingly in love with her. She undoubtedly felt the same.
Time moved slowly, and soon his shirt was off and so was hers, leaving her in nothing but a black bra as she straddled him. Her hands traced the small dips in his back as he trailed kisses along her neck. Lona let out a small moan grinding into him a bit.
Her pager snapped them out of it.
Reluctantly she untangled herself from him and found her glasses before grabbing the device and reading the message.
"Crap I've got to." Alona looked over to him, thankful her blush wasn't as apparent on her chocolate complexed cheeks. "We're suppose to leave in 2 hours and I've got to finish packing."
Erik just nodded, handing her her shirt as she mumbled a 'thank you' which he thought was adorable.
Quietly the two gathered her papers and books and put them away just how he knew she liked. When she had everything, he gently took her hand taking his sweet time walking her to the door.
Neither said a word, both stuck in the own thoughts. Alona was the first to break it upon noticing the way Erik was staring at her side profile.
"What are you looking at," she asked a slight told in her head.
"You. I just wanna remember you just like this. In all your beauty. Glasses and all." He tucked one of her coils back in its place.
With a blush and a small smile she hesitantly leaned forward before placing one last kiss upon his lips. Erik savored this moment, for he knew it be the last.
"I'll see you on Monday, N'Dajaka,"
He felt a slight loss when their hands disconnected and watched as she disappeared behind the wooden door.
Erik was fully aware he was moving this weekend. The weekend she'd be going to Sacramento for her family reunion. He wasn't scared of anyone or anything , for he knew the challenges he'd have to face to get where he was going. Erik was by no means a coward.
Except when it came to this.
He couldn't tell her he was leaving. His aunt Mag had finally given up on him and was sending him to even greater distant relative to stay in Harlem. It had been 2 weeks he had known this was going to happen, yet he refused to watch the heartbroken look she'd don once he broke the news. It wasn't like he had a choice. No, things were much better off this way.
He never really did goodbye's anyway.
Alona is my baby and I just knowwwww shorty gonna be heart broken 😩
Anywho...see y’all on Wednesday? 😬😅
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @readingaddict1290 @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0
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newtsies · 3 years ago
happy pride month from my gay harlem newsies ocs, stitch and charles! (heres some of their stories cuz i miss them)
charles consistently helps stitch with all his injuries.
when they finally worked up the courage to admit their feelings (which was at the same time), the harlem boys where ecstatic. they all took it upon themselves to set up a safe sweet date for the two boys (inside the lodging house, away from the homophobia), they left charles & stitch alone while the others sat around outside to make sure no one was coming in!
their first kiss was after they won the strike and the two were so extremely happy that neither of them had realized until that night lol
(i miss them sm </3 debating writing a whole story for them)
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when-i-was-your-angel · 4 years ago
Live For Me
Bucky Barnes x Shapeshifter OFC
Word Count: 1343
NSFW: None
Warnings: Suicide, Endgame Compliant, The Winter Soldier, Panic Attacks, Sad Bucky, Self-Destructive Bucky, Bucky chokes Dany and not in a fun way
Tags: Angst, No Happy Ending
Summary: Steve has left Bucky for Peggy. Dany tries to convince Bucky he doesn’t have to let this break him, but he’s determined to shatter.
A/N: This is based on my OC, Dany Thornberry. She is in love with Bucky but he doesn’t return her affections. I have a RP account on twitter if you’d like to learn more about her. The handle is @/angel_Iike_you (the L in like is an I).
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Steve was gone.
He had gone back.
When presented with the choice between staying with Bucky in the present and living with Peggy in the past- he chose her. He chose a woman he barely knew over his best friend.
It broke him.
Bucky didn’t leave his room for three weeks.
Dany tried to check on him. Short of busting down his door- there was nothing she could do. Nothing he’d let her do. She left thermoses of soup outside his door and returned the next day to find them still full. She kept leaving them.
Three weeks and two days after Steve left Bucky came out of his room. He didn’t speak to anyone. He only trained.
And trained.
And trained.
And trained.
Hours upon hours spent in the tower gym. Working his muscles until he collapsed. When his arm gave out and he could barely stand- he’d shoot. When he ran out of ammo he returned to the punching bags and the weights. On and on it went.
Dany visited him there. At first she spoke to him about how proud she was that he was doing something. He never spoke. Not once. Her words of encouragement turned into sobbing pleas of Speak to me. Please, say something.
But he was silent. His heart had left him and returned to the 40’s. To the decade that stole him away in the first place.
So she went to her last resort.
Physical confrontation.
Dany tried to block his path and was promptly shoved out of the way. She stumbled a few feet but managed to not fall on her ass. She gripped his arm and turned him to face her.
“Bucky, please.” She was answered not with words but with a cold hand on her throat. Her pleading eyes were met with dark unforgiving blue ones. She gasped and clawed at his metal hand. He gave her a final squeeze and dropped her. Dany fell to the ground and gasped for the sweet oxygen filling her deprived lungs. Still, she crawled for him. Bruised and crying, she was on her knees for him. This confused him. He had hurt her. She should be running away not crawling in complete submission towards him. He found he didn’t care. Bucky knew he had loved the woman before him at some point, but he couldn’t muster a single feeling or thought other than “He’s gone. He left. He left me.” So Bucky left her there. Crying, bruised, and broken, he left her.
- - - Three Weeks Later - - -
Two short knocks on hollow wood echoed through Bucky’s bedroom. He had returned to his floor for sleeping purposes. His bed was too cold. Too empty. He laid on a blanket, a black duffel bag next to him.
“Bucky, I know you’re in there.” Silence.
“Bucky- please. I need to know you’re okay.”
‘Okay?’ He thought. ‘My okay left in a space suit six weeks ago.’
“That’s it. Open up or I’m breaking the fucking door down.” He sighed. A broken door meant noise. Loud noise. He didn’t much feel like a panic attack right now. Bucky stood and walked to the door on easy feet, opening it to reveal Dany.
She looked a mess. He may have been heartbroken and utterly wrecked internally, but he was still showering. Her hair was knotted and her cheeks puffy. Her eyes were red and her hands shaky. But when she saw him, alive and conscious, she smiled.
“Hey, sugarplum.” Her voice was raw from crying. Bucky tensed at the name. It was familiar. Familiarity is weakness.
“What do you want?” The first words he’d spoken since Steve left. His voice was raw like hers but from lack of use rather than sobbing. Crying was for the weak.
Her face brightened. His words were harsh but they were words. He was speaking. She was foolish to believe he was healing.
“I wanted to make sure you’re…” Her gaze fell behind him. First to the blanket on the floor, next to the duffel bag beside it. Her breath hitched.
“You’re leaving.” Her body straightened. She was a spy. She was an Avenger. He was a possible ally. Possible threat.
“Where?” Was her only question.
“Russia.” No point in lying. All she’d have to do to find out was ask Friday who he’d been in contact with to get him a private flight. Her eyes widened in fear.
“Bucky- you wouldn’t.” Her voice was dangerously close to breaking.
“I am. There’s nothing left for me here.” Bucky realized he could see her heart breaking. Shattering. He didn’t care.
“So because he’s gone you’re going back to them? Back to him?” Her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides.
“What do you want from me, Dany?” Bucky’s voice was monotone. Flat. There was no trace of love or sadness or even anger. This - she - was simply a nuisance. Preventing him from accomplishing his mission.
“What do I want from you? You-” She took in a shaky breath, her shoulders heaving. “I gave you everything! I gave you every piece of me! What do I want from you? I want you to choose me! I want you to live for me!.” She didn’t know when she started hitting his chest but she was. Her fists pounded on the hard muscle there. Dany let out a broken sob and looked up at him. At the blue eyes she had drowned in so many times. At the forehead she had kissed and the nose she had set when he broke it. She brought a hand to his jaw and brought his face down to hers, pressing her forehead against his.
“Please. Stay.”
He said nothing. Only waited for her to release him. When she did, he pulled back and closed the door in her face.
She checked with Friday in the morning.
“Sergeant Barnes left at three AM this morning, Ms. Thornberry.”
Dany nodded.
He was gone.
- - - Six Months Later - - -
Dany clicked on the TV and listened to the newscaster drone on and on about some politician’s shady dealings. She tuned it out. Nothing reached her brain anymore. Everything was stopped in the cotton of her ears. She was filling out paperwork from her latest mission. It had been violent. She had nearly lost her arm.
After a few minutes a musical tone played from the TV followed by a dramatic voice.
“Breaking News out of Budapest - the Winter Soldier has been spotted fleeing the scene of Hungarian President Nagy’s assassination.” The woman droned on but Dany’s eyes were glued to the screen. That was Bucky - her Bucky - in black leather with a red star painted on his arm. Bucky had killed a man in cold blood.
‘No.’ She thought. ‘Not Bucky.’
But as the camera zoomed in on a man with a mask covering his mouth - as Dany saw the cold blue of the eyes that used to be so full of life - of love - she knew.
Bucky Barnes was dead.
- - - Six Months Later - - -
The Soldat sat in a hotel lobby. His latest master had a meeting and he was told to sit and wait - like a good dog. He did. He was always obedient. Ever since the man with blonde hair and deep blue eyes had left. The TV in the corner blared a story about lost puppies. His acute hearing made the volume insufferable. A loud musical tone almost made him wince- almost. A man behind a news desk began speaking in Romanian, his voice echoing around the tiled room from the speakers in the television.
“Breaking News from New York City. The Avenger commonly known as “Changeling” has died. She was found in an apartment in Harlem. Cause of death has yet to be released but insider information describes a possible suicide.” The rest of the man’s words fade out as the Soldat watched the television. Pictures flashed across the screen of a beautiful woman with mahogany hair. She had a bright smile and hazel eyes. A flicker of a memory danced through his brain. Dany. Dany is dead. He thought for a long moment. Long after the images had left the screen and after his master had called him back to their home base, he thought about the girl with the pretty smile and the hazel eyes.
And he felt nothing.
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desiraypark · 4 years ago
On AO3, I have a one-shot called “Round One”. It features Adam Sackler and his wife, Sunny Sackler (and a third party). 
This one-shot features Sackler and Sunny early in their marriage--revisiting a time when Sunny got a Brazilian wax.
Before some of you get to click-clackin’, this isn’t an endorsement of hair removal. I haven’t gotten a wax in awhile but I personally like seeing my juicy ass fuckin’ box when it’s waxed from time to time. So, this OS is self-indulgent and in honor of my own puss and just pussies in general. Okay? Bye.
Characters: Adam Sackler x Sunshine “Sunny” Sackler (Blk/F OC) 
Content: Smut, descriptions of a pussay, slight degrading talk, teasing, orgasm denial, cumshot, camera.
(Fun Fact: Sunny is definitely named after Lela Rochon’s character in Harlem Nights)
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Sunny: Babe, I am so behind with work. Would you be okay with me scheduling a Lyft for you?
Adam: You know I fucking hate that shit. 
Sunny: I know, that’s why I’m getting the Lyft for you. Or you could just catch a cab, babe. Whatever.
Adam: Why can’t you meet me at the airport?
Sunny: I can’t baby, I’m sorry.
“Babe? I’m home...” 
Adam walked into the quiet apartment. Music with a thumping--but soft--beat played from the bedroom. 
“How was L.A.?” Sunny asked.
He kicked off his shoes. “It was alright...”
Adam slid his suitcase in the corner and dropped his duffle bag beside it. Then, he walked toward the bedroom. Beyoncé’s “Rocket” played from the speakers. Pillows rested between Sunny’s bare back and their metal headboard as she sat centered on the bed--knees lifted with a small, round mirror between her thighs.
“Whaaat are you doing?” Adam asked, frozen in the doorway. He scanned the room, taking in the sight of a burning incense stick--getting a whiff of its sweet scent.
“Looking at my pussy,” Sunny answered. 
Adam took slow steps into the bedroom. “I can see that, but wh--”
He froze beside her. “Fucking shit...”
Sunny was hairless. He knew that the flesh around her pussy was plump, but actually seeing it? 
“You like it?” she asked, looking up at him with those gorgeous eyes.
“What’d you go and do that for?” Adam asked.
“You don’t like it...”
“I mean, I like it. I like it if you like it. I like it either way,” Adam rambled. “But what made you do it?”
She looked back down. “Haven’t gotten a wax since I was in grad school. But I always liked the way she looked without hair. So...”
Sunny’s eyes narrowed and met Adam’s, whose eyes were focused on her--listening intently to her explanation. “Juicy. And fat. Wouldn’t you agree?”
This time, Adam’s eyes narrowed. They became filled with lust. And mischief. “You fuckin’ slut...”
Sunny smirked. “What?”
“Is this why you were too busy to meet me at the airport? Because you were too busy playing with your fucking bald eagle cunt?”
“No, I wasn’t playing with it this time. Just looking at it...” Sunny answered coyly. 
“This time?” 
Adam began chewing on the inside of his bottom lip--his nostrils flared. He looked her naked body up and down. 
“Oh, I did a lot of damage over these last few days. I got it done Friday,” Sunny responded. 
She looked at Adam, then back at her pussy--the fat labia having expanded to expose her aroused clit. “From the moment I was able to, I’ve been using so many toys, just so I can see what my holes actually look like when--”
Adam quickly reached down and grabbed Sunny’s wrist. Then, gently, he took the mirror out of her hand and placed it on the nightstand. He pressed his knee into the mattress and leaned in close to her--lips just inches from hers, eyes burning through her skin. 
“You made me wait at the airport for my shit alone. Then, you made me ride home alone--and I get here and you tell me that you’ve been playing with your fucking cunt without me?”
“I didn’t think you’d mind, honey,” Sunny said, her voice daring and suggestive. Her eyes were just as seductive. 
“Lie down,” Adam commanded. He let Sunny’s wrist go. She smirked and slithered down the bed--letting her entire back connect with the mattress and her head hit the pillows.
“I’m pretty worked up from the last few days, sweetie,” Sunny said. Adam said nothing. He tugged at his belt and stared at her with furious eyes. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to cum again for like a week...” she added. 
“That’s fine,” Adam said. 
He pulled his phone from his pocket, tossed it on the bed near Sunny’s feet, and pulled down his pants. Then, he climbed in front of Sunny’s feet, grabbed her ankles, and bent her knees back--sliding closer to her as her knees met her chest. 
He observed her pussy--lips juicy and plump, just as she’d said. Her clit and inner lips matched the lips of her face--plush brown meeting an interior of slick pink. Everything swollen and glossy from arousal. 
He let his hands travel down her leg and the backs of her knees, then he held them in place--large hands pressing down on the backs of her thighs. With haste, he flicked his tongue against her clit, gathering her tangy juices on his tongue. 
“You like that?” Adam asked. 
“Tell me how much you like it,” he requested. Then, he wrapped his lips around her stiff clit and sucked.
“Fuc!! I like it so much, baby...”
“Hm,” Adam hummed. He let go of one of her thighs to free his dick from his briefs. “You like your own cunt so much you had to go get the fuckin’ hair ripped off?”
Arousal decreased in Sunny’s body. That wasn’t the most pleasing visual. But she answered. “Yes, I like the way it looks...”
Her arousal increased again. Her mind and body on edge once the aggression in Adam’s statement settled in her brain.
“Me, too,” he mumbled before giving her clit one more suck. Then, he sat up, held Sunny’s legs open, and without preparation or warning, sank completely inside of her.
Sunny winced and her jaw fell as the molecules of her body scattered and returned to their rightful places as they processed the feeling of her husband’s dick seemingly meeting her guts. 
“Shit!” she finally shouted.
Adam brought Sunny’s legs together and held them against his chest as he slammed into her warm core--over and over and over.
“Still fucking tight to me,” he grumbled. “All those toys and you still only grip my cock. Isn’t that right?”
“Oh, fuck!” Sunny cried as she grabbed the thick blanket under her.
“Yes, baby, yes!” Sunny answered. Her voice fell to a whisper when she sat up and stared into Adam’s darkened eyes-her breasts bouncing and her core full of him. “It feels so good, it feels so fucking good, don’t stop...don’t stop...don’t stop...”
Adam slammed into her harder and faster. Suddenly, he yanked his dick out, making her whine. 
“Hold your fucking knees up.” 
Sunny did as told--holding her knees back and keeping her intimate parts exposed. 
As grunts and groans left his lips, Adam stroked and stroked until Sunny’s vulva, ass cheeks, and naked crack were painted with his cum. Then, while catching his breath, he reached beside him and grabbed his smartphone. He found the camera and took photos of his wife--a smile on her face, her knees lifted--her bare pussy and ass, now rightfully decorated.
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eye-raq · 7 years ago
Ember 4
Erik [code name Golden Jaguar ] x Black OC [name is Kimora but her code name is Ember]
Warnings: SMUT NSFW kink Phone sex cam sex SLOW BURN.
Summary: Erik becomes infatuated and obsessed with a live cam girl by the name of Ember, and all the way in NY, Ember is feeling the same towards Golden Jaguar.
This is gonna be a slow burn, so that means the anticipation is REAL between these two. I hope you guys enjoy and thanks so much for the reviews.
Ember Ember 2 Ember 3
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“You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees” - Grace Willows
Splash!!!! *honk honk*
“You fucking asshole!!!” Kimora wouldn’t have been so upset if she would have watched her footing, face buried in her Stephen King IT book while walking down W 50th Street. It had just stopped raining and she decided to leave her job at the MET early to get home and rest up. She wore a thrifted pleated plaid skirt today with a black sheer holographic top with a cropped denim jacket, no bra. Her legs all the way down to her platform dock martens were drenched and she stopped to take a minute to breath, the other New Yorkers around her not paying any attention.
“I just really wanna go home now...” she made her way to the subway station as quick as she could, hoping to catch the A train to East Harlem in enough time. Making her way into the subway station she speed pass the crowd of people just 2 seconds away from missing the train. Relief washed over Kimora as she entered, squeezing pass a group of tourists. She decided to travel to the furthest cart to avoid bumping into wet people.
Kimora tiredly sat down near a window seat watching the train fly through the tunnel out of her graffiti stained window. Her mind wondered to Golden Jaguar as she relaxed, that being the 10th time it happened to her since two days ago. She thought about him living all the way in LA before they’re line cut, body still aching from the heated conversation. She bit at her glossy plump bottom lip, blush creeping up her neck making her hot.
{I love sucking some pussy miss Ember}
She opened up her live cam account on the train, noticing automatically that she had an inbox full of about 200 messages. Her interest was only on one person who ever he really was, scrolling through 30 new messages landing on about 5 of his. She chuckled at his eagerness, reading them in her head:
-Miss Ember I’ve been thinking about you heavy...I wonder how you treating that pussy right now...I miss you on live cam today.
-Damn girl is it embarrassing to say I dreamt of you last night? It was some wild shit too.
-I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that you live in NY, why you gotta be so damn far? Do daddy gotta come to you?
-Am I being pushy...you can be honest with a nigga. It’s just you do things to me ma...you got me in my feelings forreal lol
-Is it possible if I could have your number? I’m being bold right now and usually I don’t beg but I really wanna hear your sweet little voice again outside of this live cam shit. I promise, you don’t have to show your face or tell me who you are if your not ready baby girl.
She pondered, blood red tips tapping at her phone screen wondering if she should do it. Finally shrugging her shoulders letting out a quiet laugh, she sent him her number, nervous feeling creeping up almost instantly. It didn’t take long for a reply, only 5 mimutes later he sent [ 😈 ] and she was afraid to know what that meant exactly. Golden Jaguar being the demanding guy he is called her, and she knew it had to be him because of the area code. She looked about her, noticing an elderly man slumped from sleep diagonal to her. She had a little time so she picked up the phone letting out a sigh.
“So you just couldn’t wait to hear me speak again huh?” His baritone voice laughed tiredly on the other line before he groaned moving in the background. “Nah, you should be glad you have that kind of affect on people girl.” She smiled brushing a curly strand from her face. “ I am glad...is there anything I can help you with Daddy..”she spoke that low, “I’m kinda tied up right now I’m on the train.”
“Shid, so what?” She laughed louder now, “Oh so you REALLY bold all the way in LA huh?” “Just ease your mind that’s all I’m saying...let daddy do the talking okay?” Kimora paused, nervously looking about hoping that no one peaked through to watch her. “Okay...this how you wanna do it, ’ll play along to your little game Daddy.” There was silence for a second then his raspy commanding voice spoke out in her ear, “Watchu got on right now? I wanna picture it.”
Kimora scanned her body quick, “a see through top with a plaid skirt” Erik hummed in approval, leaning back in his swivel chair at his office in the shop he owned. “When you say see through what the fuck that mean?” She ran a single finger over her left nipple, feeling it stiffen before speaking low and clear into the phone, “No bra, just my bare chest against the fabric.”
“Mmm. Let me picture that shit...you got some big ass titties too and I bet they straining against that top you got on, begging to be free...free in this fucking mouth. You just love teasing people don’t you?” “You loving it though Daddy...” Erik nodded his head, a smile gracing his lips, “I’m doing more than loving it miss thing..stop tryna change the subject though, how short is that skirt?” She stroked the hem of her skirt pulling at it longingly, “it’s really short...if I bend over on this train right now this juicy ass and pussy would be out for everybody to see.” Erik had to sit up in his chair, booted foot knocking down rough scetches of car engines.
He ran his hand across the top of his braided dreads, eyebrows raised and dick causing his cargo pants to grow uncomfortably. He could see that shit now teasing him like a naughty school girl. “Fuck-FUCK. Girl you lucky I’m not there witchu. The fuck you doing walking around with a little skirt on and no panties? You asking for it. Is that shit wet?”
Kimora bit down on her lip, slowly lifting up one of her wet legs, feeling her moist center spread apart from the stretch. She dipped a single manicured finger into her slit, bringing it to her face seeing her slimy wetness. “Let’s just say that tongue of yours would have a lot of slurping to do; my shit is dripping right now...and it’s only from talking to you.” She sucked on her finger before smiling hard, nail grazing her plump bottom lip.
“You a nasty little slut you know that right Ember? For now on I’m gonna start calling your fine ass my NASTY LITTLE SLUT. How’s that sound?” Her heart tightened and her pussy quivered, almost wetting the seat under her. “I can be your nasty little slut, your nasty little freak, your nasty little whore, your nasty little bitch, what ever you want Daddy I can be.” Erik slouched in his seat, legs spread bringing his hand to cup his erection.
His eyes were lowered in lust, and his teeth gripped his bottom lip hard. “Let’s finish this game then...I want you to play with that pussy. Spread them fucking legs and dig in that pussy. Your gonna cum too I don’t care where you are my little slut.”
Kimora went to spread her legs but stopped suddenly when the door to the train opened and in came a tall guy with deep brown skin, hair cut with his curly top colored blonde, basketball shorts and muscle T-shirt on like he care from the court. His eyes landed on her for a second, scanning her with a soft smile before seating himself facing her near the door.
She freaked out for a second but his voice brought her back to attention. “I hope your doing what daddy told you to do.” She cleared her throat speaking low, “um... there’s somebody here...they can see me.” Erik kisses his teeth on the other line, chuckling low, “They wanna sit there give them a show, I don’t care Daddy wanna hear you moaning in my ear. DO IT my little fucking slut..”
Kimora raised her right leg over the top of the seat, hand slowly lowering to her pussy. The guy in front of her lifted his eyes to her doing a double take when he saw her with her leg stretched, a look of lust on her face. Kimora spread her lower lips with her fingers, taking her middle finger to rub at her stiff clit quickly. She met the guys eyes, and saw him giving her a gaze that dared her to stop, taking his earphones out of his ear. Erik’s voice brought her back to attention causing her to jump.
“Does it feel good? Answer me yes baby...” “yesss” Erik moaned in her ear, “that soft wet pussy. Stroke that clit baby. Imagine me tweaking that clit with my fingers. Are you quivering? Is your guest enjoying it?” Kimora bit at her lip, moaning hard, eyes stuck on the cute guy in front of her, she scanned him noticing his stiffness becoming even more wet. The guy bit down on his lip, adjusting himself, lifting his shirt a little showing his tattoo covered abs. He tilted his head up some, trying to peak at her motions and it turned Kimora on even more, having his voice in her ear and this strangers eyes on her. She aloud the guy to see, spreading out more so that his tall frame can get a glimps. She took note of his flustered skin and her body couldn’t take hearing Erik talk dirty while this mysterious cuties eyes roamed her body like prey.
Her belly fluttered from her overworking, head falling back and right leg loosing balance on the top of the seat. She needed to cum fast and now, her stop almost coming up. “Dig in that pussy my little slut, fuck up those walls. You wanna fuck me dont you?” Kimora nodded her head, “yes daddy... fuckkkkkkkk” She placed her fingers in her pussy, stroking fast causing the guy in front of her to dig his hands in his pants, rubbing at his dick.
The scene was intense and it was suprising that the sleeping man didn’t wake up. She placed her right hand on her outer lips spreading herself further to get more access, it was a euphoric high and she was about to cum. “I bet that pussy about to leak isn’t it? Damn I wish I was there to drink it up...make that pussy cum on that train...leave that messy shit there for people to see.”
Kimora tilted her lower body off the seat, limbs shaking as she whimpered, squirting all over the seat and floor. The guy in front of her sat shocked, face stuck on her. She breathed out quick, placing her fingers in her mouth, sighing. “Fuck babygirl. How does it taste? I know your nasty ass sucking on them fingers.” Kimora laughed, hearing her stop coming as she lifted from the seat, “yeah I love the taste of my pussy.” She adjusted her skirt and hair, walking to the exit. She turned to the guy still stuck in shock, cum stain in his pants giving him a wink before exiting to the platform.
Kimora was in the middle of doing a yoga stance, finally washed after being in that sticky rain. She put her wet hair up in a top knot, body covered in a tight body suit with her plump ass hanging out. She needed to relive her body from tension and after hanging up with Golden Jaguar she needed to clear her mind. She never publicly pleased herself with someone watching. It was the most intense thing she had ever experienced and she craved for more, definitely planning to give him another call tonight before bed.
Erik was in his home gym doing pull ups while his music blasted in the background. He needed some kind of workout that he missed out on lately because of Ember, more than ready to take a bath and talk to her again. He went to work out his chest now, watching his sweaty body flex in the mirror.
“Where are you right now Daddy..” Kimora sat cross legged on her bed, clad in a white baby tanktop and high waist cotton panties. She looked refreshed and beautiful as always. “I’m taking a bath right now baby girl..” she moaned licking at her lips, picking up her glass of Alize sitting on her night Stan. “I bet that killer body you got is all glossy and soapy...I can’t help that I wish I was there to join you...” “close your eyes and imagine you sitting between my legs, hair pinned up and my lips French kissing down your neck and my tongue, leaving a trail of bites and spit.”
Kimora closed her eyes, an angelic look of longing overtaking her black beauty. “I can see that Daddy...your hard body pressed against my back, dick rubbing against my ass...imagine me grinding on it, bringing your hand to grip my pussy.”
Erik picked up his bottle of Henny, smile plastered to his lips and dreads crinkled and messy all over his head. “What you want me to do next? You want me to finger you deep or you want me to rub at that clit?” “I want you to finger me..fill me with those thick fingers you got I wanna feel full.” Erik ran his soapy hand across the back of his neck tongue wetting his lips, “have you always been this freaky? Like damn you a freaky bitch... I like that shit though.”
He ran his hand along his dick under the hot water, “I wonder how deep that pussy go, I plan on burying my shit inside you deep girl. I can see you now riding my dick in this jacuzzi tub...you like to ride dick? Or you like back shots?” Kimora pondered that for a moment, “I really like back shots more...I like my man to control my motions and the feeling of my ass clapping against him feels so damn good. The stretch of my pussy around the dick is fucking amazing. I haven’t been fucked like that in a while.”
“Damn it’s like that? Shit when you with me you’ll get fucked whenever you please...Fuck that pussy up as many times as you want, make that pussy cum as many times as you can give me. I don’t give up, and I damn sure don’t disappoint. That’s why you need this dick girl I’ll have that pussy straight in no time.” Kimora was so intrigued by this dude and she didn’t even know him, she wanted him so damn bad it felt unreal and she couldn’t stand it. “I want you to stroke your dick for me daddy. Cum for me like my pussy wrapped around that big dick.” Erik smiled, gripping his dick tight and stroking it slow. He closed his eyes longingly, mind stuck on Miss Ember as he worked his dick, hips grinding causing the water to shift and splash.
“How does my pussy feel daddy? Is it holding that dick in a vice grip? Is it wet and slippery? Tell me daddy I wanna know how I’m making you feel right now.” Kimora picked up her bullet vibrator, turning it on the highest speed to stimulate her clit. She didn’t bother to take off her panties as she pressed it to her center, automatically arching from the bed. “It feels so fucking good my little slut..your fucking daddy dick just how I like it...please go faster, I want that pussy to glide quick across this thick dick.”
Kimora felt her stomach tighten and she cursed from the intense pressure, “mmmmm Daddy that damn dick, I love daddy dick. Does daddy love his little sluts pussy? Is it the best pussy you ever had huh?” Erik moaned, head falling back against the wet wall, “I love this slick tight pussy...daddy loves it so much you got that good kitty kat. Fuckkkkk-shitttt” Erik couldn’t fucking take it, the friction from the water was giving him the best stroke and he couldn’t contain his jerking body. “Only your pussy can make daddy feel like this, only your pretty pink pussy can grind on this dick deep and long like that, fucking slut...FUCKING NASTY SLUT....oh shit..”
Erik was out of control, legs lifting from the soapy depths toes curling along the tub. “Cum with me daddy, cum with me please...I want you to cum deep in this pussy...I promise I won’t let it drip out, I will let this pussy take every single drop Daddy.” Erik was lost in her words letting out loud streaks of curse words before cumming in the bath, watching it swirl with the vanilla scented soap. Kimora pressed the vibrator in further, feeling her wetness coat her fresh panties. Erik struggled to gain his breath, while Kimora layed back in awe, smile gracing her lips.
“Do you always have this affect on women?” She asked, finally lifting to remove her panties and drink her Alize. Erik snorted a laughter which made her heart flutter, taking up his Henny again, “Yeah, I cant help that y’all women love me.” Kimora rolled her eyes into her head at his arrogance, “Yeah well I’ll have you know that I steal the hearts of mean and women mr Golden Jaguar.” Erik lifted a messy eyebrow, a half smirk gracing his beautiful mouth littered in gold, “oh so you put those pretty lips on pussy too?” Kimora blushed, “only my best friend...but I’ve had some pretty lips on me several times..it’s nothing wrong with that.” Erik stroked his beard, approving this new information about Miss Ember.”
“Okay...I have a request ma...and I want you to think about it before you decide to shut it down aight?” Kimora finished the rest of her drink, clearing her throat before speaking, “Okay...what do you wish.” Erik thought about what he wanted to say, finally finding the questions hoping she would answer them. “Aight..so every time we talk..I get to ask two questions about you and you do the same for me. It can be any question and you have the choice if you wanna answer it. How’s that sound?”
Kimora didn’t answer right away, chewing at her bottom lip nervously. She liked him, and she couldn’t lie that it didn’t make her mind wonder who he was and what he liked...she accepted, putting her faith into this but not wanting to give too much away, not now. “Okay, I accept your request, but I get to ask you first okay?” Erik couldn’t contain the child like excitement within him as he sat up in his jacuzzi tub, prepared for whatever she wanted to know, “I’m ready, ask me anything princess.”
“What do you do for a living?” This was an easy one, Erik answering with no hesitation, “I’m an engineer, graduated from MIT. I have my own shop where I design engines, give paint jobs on cars, upgrade cars, that’s about it really. I enjoy it, it’s pretty popular here in LA and I’m good with my hands so why not right?” Kimora instantly liked that about him, he was a college grad and he was good with his hands? She couldn’t help the new rush of wetness that came knocking at her velvet walls. “Hmmm that’s very impressive and so sexy, I love a guy with brains and craft.” Erik felt his skin go hot that he impressed the one girl he saught out while stroking his dick for the past month.
“Okay, so my next question is...what’s your name?” Erik felt his stomach flutter with butterflies? He wanted her to ask him this question and it was like she read his mind. “My name is Erik.” Kimora closed her eyes, trying to picture a face with his name, struggling and finding it annoying. She didn’t want to ask to see his face yet because she wanted to know more before she went further. “Wow, you actually sound like an Erik too, you have a nature of a King, an eternal ruler of sorts. Very dominant, I like that shit I can’t lie...sorry I’m so excited you probably find it cheesy.” Erik was impressed that she dug deeper into his name and picked at him like she knew him well. He liked her more then. “Miss Ember, I could never scold you for feeling the same thing I’m feeling right now.” She couldn’t hide her blush it was so damn big.
“So, now I gotta know two things..” she felt nervous then, fighting to hide it. “So, your an artist? I noticed from your sessions.” She paused, shock evident on her face, “You..you noticed? Really?” Erik could read the shock and fondness in her voice and he knew then that he hit the jackpot. “Yeah..you have easels and paintings littering your room.. so your an artist then?” She smiled bright, hand covering her mouth daintly, “yes! omg yes I am. I’m a painter, I do pottery, and I’m a photographer as well.”
Erik was impressed and definitely interested holding back from asking her more because then that would be two questions. “Wow, I’m not gonna lie I’m fucking pissed I’m not in NY right now.” He laughed then, causing her to laugh. “Okay okay lets stay focused your distracting me.” Kimora laughed hard, finally containing herself for his next question.
“I wanna know if I can see your eyes?” Kimora was shocked but very turned on by that. She rubbed at her knee, blushing again, “Yes, I can send you a picture of them if that’s okay?” Erik’s anticipation was off the charts as he waited for her picture. The notification popped up with her number and Erik went to click on it, watching it come into view. He paused, his eyes burning into the pretty brown orbs of hers, taking in her eye brows and luscious eyelashes that fluttered over her soft eyes. He was stuck, and it took for her sweet voice to bring him back to attention.
“Erik? Hello? It can’t be that amazing.” The Alize was getting to her.
“Well maybe you should take time to study them more when you look in the mirror, are you sure you don’t need company in NY right now?
@killmoncoochie @killmonger-dolan @killmongersaidheyauntie @killmongersgurl @killmongersmisstress @killmongerthiskoochie @killmongerthirst @erikkillmongerdontpullout @erik-killmcnger @eriknutinthispoosy @erikslulbaby @panthergoddessbast @vanitykocaine @allhailnjadaka @shesfromwakanda @hearteyes-for-killmonger @thickoreo @readmywrites @hidden-treasures21 @blackpantherismyish @wawakanda-btch @wifin-niggaz @wakanda-inspired @drsunshine97 @awkwardlyabstract @cheychey10142 @laketaj24 @ayellepea @thelastkillmonger @killmongerbaby @killmongersbootycall @njadont @sweettea-and-honeybutter @erikkillingmesoftly @blowmymbackout @killmongress @wikiwakanda @ovoxosavage @blue-sunflowerr @gyalskin @thehomierobbstark @thehonorablekingerik @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @youreadthatright @sonofnjobu @muse-of-mbaku @mareethequeen @amarvelhoe @simplyyamberr
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brattywriters-anonymous · 6 years ago
A Rose In Harlem
OC x Erik Story
Based on Teyana Taylor's VII & KTSE
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING! 9-11 ATTACKS, TALKS OF DEATH, MOURNING, Syd and Erik coming to their senses--for the moment!
Chapter VIII: To The Things We've Lost
January 25, 2014
Syd woken up in tears. She had the same dream she always had around this time of year for the past thirteen years now. This day never gotten any better for her. This would have been her father's forty-seventh birthday. For the first twelve years of her life, they had an old tradition of going to Sylvia's for brunch, then later on enjoying the sunset on Ellis Island. That all came to an end on September 11, 2001. Syd rushed to the restroom to chuck up her dinner. She had came to the realization all over again, her parents were gone. She never gotten therapy or sought any refuge for her loss. So coping with it alone was always the hardest on days like this. Finally finished, she flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth out before laying back down. 
The next thing she remembered, she woke up again--to her phone dinging. This time, she had woken up in a cold sweat. She checked her phone to see three missed calls from Yani and a voicemail. She pressed play as she plopped back into bed.
"Hey Syeda. It's me. I know today is a hard one for you. I'm here if you need me. I love you. Call me tomorrow, let me know you're okay. Bye."
She sighed as her eyes fluttered shut again. Her body woke her up for a third time, as she screamed to the top of her lungs. The painful screech was followed with an even more painful loud series of hitched breathing and crying. She held on to her last gift that her father gave her, her gold name plated necklace and cried out for her baba. She heard three faint knocks on the door, she wiped her tears as best she could and hobbled over to the door, trying her best to keep her balance. She opened the door to find Erik there, leaning on the door frame. "Hey, beauty. What's wrong? I heard you all the way from across the hall." She shook her head and attempted to say that nothing was wrong with her, but she couldn't form a word and the more she struggled, the more tears started to run down her face. Erik immediately grabbed her into an embrace. "Shhhhhhh.. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. Shhhhhhh.." As her knees became weak he cradled her into her apartment and shut the door. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Erik sat her down on the couch. Syd began wiping her tears away, looking straight ahead, not responding. Erik went into her bathroom to make a warm rag to clean her face. He went back into the living room area to find that Syd wasn't there. He heard sniffling behind him and found her in her bed balled up in fetal position crying again. He made his way to the opposite side of the queen sized bed, laid face to face with her as he wiped her raw nose and cheeks. She looked into his eyes and saw his sympathy for her. She didn't even tell him what was wrong, and she saw that he felt her pain. She placed her palm on the left side of his cheek and moved her face closer to his. They shared a tender almost innocent kiss. His lips cascaded over hers. A tear moved from Syd's right eye down the side of her nose and to his face. As if he was the remedy to her pain, he wiped that tear as their lips continued to collide. His hands moved and found their way into her curly tresses. She placed her arms around his neck as they continued their embrace. 
She finally broken the kiss and mouthed the words, "Thank You." He nodded his head and replied, "I gotchu." He held on to her like his most prized possession as she began sniffling again. "Still don't wanna talk about it beauty?" She nodded her head as he looked down at her. "M--Mmm-My dad. It's his birthday today. A--An..And he uhm, he passed away." Erik kissed her forehead and rubbed her back as she laid on his chest. "Take your time. It's okay..I'm right here." She sniffled, "My baba was my best friend. We did everything together. Then..Then.. I lost him on 9-11. I was only twelve! Today has never been the same since!" She waled out, losing her voice completely. Erik rocked back and forth with Syd on his chest, letting her cry. "Shhhh.. I'm sorry for your loss Syeda. I completely understand what it's like. I lost my baba when I was eleven, Someone took him away from me just the same. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'd never want anyone to feel that pain." She looked up at him and held on to him just as tight as he held on to her. She placed her thumb under his cheek, he hadn't realized that he was crying too, reminiscing about finding his father on their apartment floor brings him to tears every time he thought about it. He didn't know why he thought comforting Syd would make a difference. "I'm sorry for your loss Erik. No child should have to bury their parent so early." She mustered that out in a hoarse tone. He lifted his head up, "This is about you, beauty. I'm here as long as you need me to be, okay?" She nodded her head as she fell asleep for the forth time.
The soft thunder of a storm woke her up. She jumped as she felt Erik's arms around her, almost forgetting that's how she fell asleep. She looked up to see him in a deep slumber. She wiggled her way out of his hold and went toward the kitchen to get some water. Taking a few sips, she then walked over to her window to crack it open. She always liked to hear the rain falling. It was tranquil. Something that she needed on a day like this. She felt Erik's rough hands gently wrap around her waist, "Hey. How you doing?" She sighed, "I'm a little better, you hungry?" He swiped her hair to the opposite side of where his head rested. "Mhm. You?" She nodded as she turned around to look at his face. He grabbed hers as they share another kiss, this one not as innocent as the last. She grabbed a hold of Erik's shirt before she completely lost her balance as he simultaneously grabbed her from her thighs to place her on her windowsill, never breaking the kiss. She moaned into his mouth as their lips fight for domination. They knocked over one of her plants that sat next to her, that's what finally broke their bond. She looked on the floor at the broken glass, "Uhm.." Erik stared at her, twisting his budding dreads trying to break the awkward silence, "You wanna order some take out?" She looked back at him and shook her head, "No." She stripped out of her shirt, looked at him for a spell, then hopped off of the windowsill. He bit his lip at the sight of Syd in her PINK bra as he gazed at her every move. She maneuvered to her closet and pulled out her I heart NYC hoodie and yellow rain boots. She grabbed an umbrella and her bag and finally looked back in his direction, "I know where I wanna go. C'mon."
The duo walked down 126th Street hand in hand, Erik still had no idea where they were going. "Girl, you tryna take me somewhere and kill me?" She laughed and slapped his chest, "No! We're going to go get food." "Where, woman?!" They finally stopped once they approached Malcom X Blvd. "Here, man!" She rebutted as the glowing sign became familiar to him again. They were back at Sylvia's. The restaurant she suggested to him weeks ago. The lights shined much brighter due to the overcast. They walked in and found a booth next to the window so they could have some type of scenery to look at. It was about 1:30 PM so brunch was still available since it was a Saturday. Syd scanned through the menu while playing through her curls. Erik pretended to look at the menu, but he studied Syd's mannerisms. He grinned at the way she stretched her curls and let them bounce back into place. The waitress returned to their table with two Sylvia's Uptowns (half sweet tea, half lemonade). "You know what you want?" She awaited for their answers. They both looked at each other, scanning down to one another's lips. Syd then looked down and smiled a little, "Yes, can I get the country style slab bacon and eggs with home fries please? And a order of fried chicken to go once we get done." The waiter wrote the order on her pad, "Okay ma'am. And you, sir?" "Lemme get the southern fried chicken and grits with eggs." "Okay. I'll have that out in a sec. Let me know if you need anything."
Syd and Erik spent some time just looking at each other. Not really sure what to say. He broke their silence, again. "So, uh..about earlier I--" "No.. No.. it was me. I let my thoughts run my actions and before I knew it, things got a little hot and heavy." "So..what does that mean?" he crossed his arms awaiting her response. "I mean, it's obvious that I like you too Erik. I've been fighting it. Fighting it off with work.." "Fighting it off with that niggaaa.." He adds. She reached across the table and shoved him, he dramatically fell back and slid down the booth. "No but really, I just.. I don't want things to go at a pace I'm not ready for. Especially today." She looked out of the window as a tear fell down her face. He reached out to wipe her tear and turn her face back to his, "Talk to me beauty. I'm right here." She smiled at the new nickname he's given her for the day. "I just want us to build a genuine bond. I've been hella vulnerable with you today. More than I've been with anyone in a long time. Please don't make me regret it." He shook his head as he took a sip of his drink, "Never that."
"Okay here you are!" The waiter brought out all of their food as they practically drooled over the deliciousness that sat among them. She refilled their mason jars and added, "If you guys need anything else, just let me know." They both smiled in her direction as they unwrapped their silverware. They spent their time eating talking about their short times they spent with their parents. All of the fun times that they both shared with them and how each of them met their demise. Syd told Erik that both of her parents worked at the World Trade Center Plaza. Her father worked in the South Tower on the eightieth floor, her mother worked in the Marriott World Trade Center. She started to struggle through the story, he held her hand to comfort her, "It's okay, just breathe through it. You have to talk about it to get through it." She inhaled and nodded her head, "From what my mom told me, the plane hit the North tower first, she saw it and automatically ran out of her job to the South tower. She called my dad and... He picked up, told her that he was taking the stairs, he was on the way down. He knew..... He knew another one was gonna hit his tower..and then.." She breathed again as she looked up, trying to stop the tears, "The other plane hit his tower. The line went dead. My mom tried to get in the building, I don't know-- I guess to try to save my dad. But it was a lot of stairwells and she didn't know which one he was on and it was so many people trying to get out. She wanted to save her husband. She realized that it was too late once the NYFD got to the scene and they got her out of the building, all she could do was....watch the buildings burn. Then...the tower that he was in collapsed." Syd exhaled and sniffled a bit, continuing, "My mom passed six years later. From a lung condition--inhaling burned materials from the buildings. So I lost them both from 9-11." Erik sat beside her and held her to his chest again, "You never told anyone about this, have you?" she looked up at him, "No. I didn't want to, for a long time. But grieving them never got any better. Most days, I try to push it off. But on their birthdays and September 11, every year...I can't ignore it." She snuggled back into his chest. He kissed the top her head. "Thank you for sharing this with me. I understand..shhhhh..I'm so sorry Syd. I'm sorry this happened to you." She finally gained her composure, they silently came to that understanding. He moved back to his seat as they continued eating. 
"My baba, he was my hero. Everything I wanted to be. My mom passed away giving birth to me. So from then until I was eleven, it was me, my baba, and my Uncle James. We lived in Oakland my whole life, but my baba would tell me about Wakanda, his home; all the time. One night, I was playing basketball with my friends across the street from our building. Next thing I knew, I saw this big ass glow over an overcast. It was kind of purple..so I knew something was off. I ran up the steps and..M--My baba. He was laid out. Alone. There was blood everywhere. All I could do was scream and hold his lifeless body in my hands." Syd held his hands and cried with him. "When we cleared out the apartment, I found a secret compartment with this--" he dug his chains out of his shirt and singled out the linked chain with the ring on it. "--and a book, all written in our native tongue, Xhosa. I'm still trying to decipher through it all but..One thing I do know is that my baba was murdered. Murdered by the one person that was supposed to have his back the most." Erik shook his head as he clinched his jaw. Syd wiped his tears, "It's okay N'Jadaka. Breathe, remember?" He nodded and inhaled, "My Uncle from back home..Wakanda.. he took the only thing I had left in the world away from me." Syd scaled back, "Your uncle? James?" Erik sniffled and shook his head. "Nah. Different uncle." "So..you do have other family, but he killed your dad?" "Yup. And left me alone. I was left to bounce from group home to group home until I aged out. Then I joined the Navy. At first, it was so I could have a place to live. Then I gained a family with my crew." He mustered a smile at his Navy days. "I joined the seals my second year in, I left after my fourth to go to school." 
By then, they both finished their plates as the waiter came by to collect them. "Should I go ahead and get those to-go orders?" They reached across the table, wiping each other's tears. "Yeah. Please?" Syd mustered up a slight giggle to lighten the mood.--They walked back outside into the storm, Erik walked to the right, assuming they were going back home. Syeda stood at the door. "Beauty, what you doing? Let's go." She looked back at him blinking, "Nah. We going this way." She walks in the opposite direction. He scurries back over to her, "Where we going?" "You'll see." They walk down the historic Malcom X Blvd as she told him the backstory about how Malcolm used to live on the block before he converted and how much he helped the community of Harlem afterward. They stopped in front of the subway entrance. "Now you tryna get me eaten up by a huge alligator or somethin'! I'm not going in there Syeda!" She pulled his arm, "Nigga it's the subway not a sewer! It may smell fucked up sometimes but it's not that serious. C'mon!" They went from the 125th Street Station to 33rd Street Station, they ran up the stairs to see the booming area that is Korea town. Erik's head swayed back and forth trying to keep up with the thousands of people walking by him, he finally moved his eyes back to Syd's, "I figured Zig hasn't shown you around, so...This is New York." They walked down Broadway as the lights from the screens became brighter and brighter the more they walked. Erik marveled at all of the different faces he saw. Syd pulled him through the busy sidewalks and cross walks until she stopped in between Broadway and West 43rd Street. "This..is Times Square." 
Erik stopped in his tracks when he heard her, and spun around to see the huge digital screens where the huge New Years ball sits on that special count down that he sees every year on TV. He looked over to his right to see more screens and looked up where the old TRL studio was. "This is amazing." Syd smiled at his astonishment. She's taken a few friends she made in college from out of state to the same spot and she gets the same reaction, every time. She lets him look in amazement as she typed in her phone, "C'mon we got one more place to go." 
By the time the Uber found them, it was 5:45PM. The rain stopped and she wanted to go the place she hasn't been to since she was a kid. The driver didn't announce their destination, at her request via text. He just drove. "Where we going now babe?" She linked her arm into his, "You'll see, N'jadaka. You always ask this many questions when you go out?" "Only when I don't know where I'm going! Shit!" She laughed at him and placed her head on his shoulder. He pulled her in closer and they sat in silence the rest of their twenty minute ride. The car stopped, "Alright, here you are!" Syd thanked the driver and Erik stepped out of the car, waiting for her before he closed the door behind him. He looked around, lost. "Uhhh..Where are we?" She rolled her eyes, "Well.. I was gonna take you to Ellis Island, but it's raining and I'm sure the faeries are closed. So..I took you to the next best place. She held his hand as they walked for what was only a couple of minutes, They stopped at the 9/11 memorial. Syd did something that no one has ever done to Erik. Shocked him twice in one day. "I haven't been here since the buildings stood. I couldn't. But I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather be here with.." She held his hand tighter. He kissed her forehead and whispered, "I'm honored." They walked around the South tower memorial in silence as her fingers traced over all of the names of the fallen men and women until she found his name, "Saleem Pedro Diaz" her other hand moved to her mouth as her finger traveled to the name next to it, "Valerie Nadeen Diaz" Erik moved closer to see what she was gasping at. "My mommy..baba." She moved her finger over to their respective names. "I didn't know they put both of their names on here.." She looked up to the sky, "Alhamd-lilah!" She dug a picture out of her bag of her and her parents on Ellis Island. She kissed it and left it by their names. She whispered, "I love you baba, mama." and she made her way back to Erik. He was taking in the scene of the entire memorial as she had her moment with her parents...then he thought to himself. By the time she was back by his side he told her, "I'll be back. Gimmie a second." He walked over to where her parents names were. She took a picture of him kneeling by the area and saved it as her screensaver. She then saw him nodding as he walked back to her. "Alright beauty, let's get you home."
Translation: Alhamd-lilah - Thank You God!
PSA: All characters are fictional, this was in no way made to disrespect the thousands of lives lost on that day, nor the lives affected by it.
Also, Rest in Heaven Stan Lee. Thank you for bringing all of our Marvel characters that we love so much to life. 🙏🏾
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jazzworldquest-blog · 8 years ago
USA: Matt Lavelle's 12 Houses- End Times (2017)
End times One of the signatures of the 12 Houses is that with the exception of the singularly unique voices of guitar players Jack DeSalvo and Anders Nilsson, very rarely is an instrument doubled. In fact, the only time this occurs is when we are joined by special friends like incomparable global citizen Nicole Johänntgen or shaman Ras Miguel who hails from the mountains of Puerto Rico. Each of the houses is an individual sound-color and story. The seed for the creation go the 12 Houses was planted in a series of discussions I had with Ornette Coleman. In one important conversation, he pointed out to me that, instrumentation aside, what most traditional large ensembles were missing was a balance in male and female energy. I still am not aware of any large group in jazz history which has pursued this elemental balance. In another discussion, I recall wondering out loud, what it might be like to have a large ensemble in which you could hear every individual color at the same time. Ornette smiled when he said, “There’s only one way to find out.” If we dare to enter the mind of God, we can wonder about what decisions were made in creating life as we know it in order for the human race to become itself. Seemingly, separation by gender and culture continues to be far more than we can handle. The 12 Houses are an attempt to musically begin to bring us all back together while celebrating each and every one of us. What if the balance Ornette spoke of could be achieved on a worldwide scale? Every piece on our second album is a concerto of sorts that celebrates a sound color that is entirely unique in the world. At the same time, each house is supported by all the other houses in the neighborhood. We’re all stronger together, and one day we just may tune the world. OC DC BC was the first Harmelodic piece I ever composed. At the time I had three C’s in my life. Ornette, Daniel Carter and Bass Clarinet which I was passionate about at the time. Of all the musicians I’ve crossed paths with, I have always been in awe of Charles Waters relationship with music. Charles is the first serious composer I ever met, and I have never met anyone who hears and writes new music so prolifically. Besides his writing, Charles has been blowing his alto and clarinet on the front line in downtown NYC for a long time, and I thought OC DC BC could tap into his spirit. Jack DeSalvo is also featured with possibly the most scorched banjo solo in jazz history as he takes his banjo through the door he opened on our previous record Solidarity down into the heart of a volcano. Bloodstreams is an unabashed attempt to hear every sound we have at one time together. Without a single unison, we all move forward each taking turns playing every note we have. The unison here is the method itself. At the center of all these cells moving downstream is my brother François Grillot and his bass. I was determined to place François in an environment he might never find himself in so he could explore in his unique way, and explore he does. My portrait of Daniel Carter is an epic out blues celebrating my dear friend DC with Uranus in the 10th house. A true portrait of DC would be an improvisation with extreme dynamic contrasts and sweeping movements, but I’m one of the few people who has played his written work, and I wanted to tap into Daniel’s version of blues and swing. At the center of his deep radical nature lies one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen. This piece features the big tone and heart of brother Tim Stocker on the big horn, the Baritone saxophone. Tim has that emotional urgency and honesty that makes everything that much more real with a sound color that is all his own. End Times is the second ballad I ever wrote trying to use wide intervals inspired again, by Daniel Carter using major sevenths in his improvisation. The song is a prayer with lyrics though we play it here as an instrumental. The prayer was and still is a call to the human race to try and become itself, written before 2012 as it seemed the world was collapsing around us. The world is in even more chaos now, so we better keep playing it. I have found myself many times telling people that when it comes to singers, there are some folks who are simply in possession of a gift from God. Anais Maviel is that kind of special person who I truly believe was born to sing, and I am in awe of her work on End Times. End Times also features cellist Gil Selinger who is a master at playing cello right at the intersection of the instrument's entire history. Another thing I love about Gil’s music is that he goes right to the emotional core of the cello, not an easy place to reach. The next piece was designed to feature a true clarinetist, (who is also a true soprano sax player). Lee Odom, also known as Sweet Lee, is simply a joy to listen to, as she gives himself over to the moment completely every time she plays music. After she had played this piece several times I asked her what the title was, and she said: “It sounds like sleepy Harlem to me.” I knew then and there that was the title, as this piece belongs to her. Lee takes us from sleep into a deep dream state, into waking up, into everybody waking up, into.. The moment I received the first time message from the love of my life and future wife Sue Nyoni, I was composing the next piece. The music is about sunset and sunrise happening at the same time, the dual existence of day and night, and both birth and death. Sue (the music) is about an epic life change sitting on your doorstep waiting for you to exit your house. Nobody on Earth can escape transformation and evolution. Brother Anders Nilsson is featured on this piece. Anders' music is, in fact, everything that the piece is about, especially night music. Anders always reminds me in music that the creation of music is indeed a human experience. In Anders' music I’m reminded of the greater nature of the human being, and that we are far greater than what we appear to be. In Anders, I hear the present and the future, never the past. Finally, we reach Darklight, a feature for Mary Cherney, a flute master. Long have I been obsessed with the flutes ability to live in such a unique sound world all their own. Dark Light is also a journey into my long time obsession with haunting dissonance. The still lake at night. The middle of a completely calm ocean. Alone on a mountain path. Darklight is also any place on Earth where there has never been any people and nature exists without us. The sound of trees growing. Mary takes us to all of these places with the center of her sound. Matt Lavelle 1/14/2017 credits released January 17, 2017 MATT LAVELLE - cornet, flugelhorn, alto clarinet, conduction LEE ODOM - soprano saxophone and clarinet CHARLES WATERS - alto saxophone and clarinet RAS MOSHE BURNETT - tenor and soprano saxophones, flute, bells TIM STOCKER - baritone saxophone, bass clarinet MARY CHERNEY - flute, piccolo CLAIRE de BRUNNER - bassoon CHRIS FORBES - piano LAURA ORTMAN - violin GIL SELINGER - cello ANDERS NILLSON - guitar JACK DeSALVO - banjo, mandola JOHN PIETARO - vibraphone, percussion FRANÇOIS GRILLOT - double-bass RYAN SAWYER - drums ANAÏS MAVIEL - voice All music by Matt Lavelle via Blogger http://ift.tt/2mO2uSc
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