#my hardworking bb
bonefall · 5 months
Windstar's kits in BB are Dust Muzzle and Morning Whisker. With the former being renamed Dustiest Muzzle to fit naming conventions. But whats Morning Whisker's new name? Esp since you said that they will probably be the leader after Windstar passes and theres already Morningstar of ThunderClan (my beloved).
There's three groups in BB!DOTC now; Park Cats, Mountain Cats, and Forest Cats. Forest cats are the oldest cultural group and have lived around the White Hart for decades. Park cats arrived a few generations ago following their king away from the destruction of their home down south. Mountain cats recently followed Gray Wing the Wise down from the north at the beck of prophecy.
Forest cats are given a simple, natural name, and then their talent earns them a suffix from a small pool of traditional meanings. Bee, a strong fighter, might earn -sting, -slash, or -stone.
Mountain cats inherit the last names of their parents, and are usually given first names that work with them. Tempest Sky and Quiet Wing's children are Gray Wing and Clear Sky. Quiet Wing then had another litter with Stone Peak, and they were named Fluttering Wing and Jagged Peak.
Park cats are born nameless. They're given simple descriptions about their physical traits, traditionally until they're given a mentor. They spend their adolescence as (Mentor)'s Paw, until they make an achievement that is worthy of their leader giving them a title of three words or less.
Normally the leader is the King, but the Wind Coalition broke off from the River Kingdom many years ago. The Wind Runner sees herself as being much better than a King, HER kingdom is self-made, battle-tested, unprotected by the powerful river or the secretive forest.
Moth Flight isn't her child anymore, but I do know I want The Wind Runner to keep three total. At birth, the kittens were "named" Littlest One, Middle One, and Biggest One.
(It's tradition that the first real name of a Park cat is their apprentice name, but Windy is BURSTING with hubrice and LOVES breaking traditions. So it's possible the three of them did something different.)
SO currently I'm thinking their new names are;
Emberkit: Littlest One -> Embers Under Rain
Morning Whisker: Middle One -> Prayers at Dawn
Dustiest Muzzle: Biggest One -> Dustiest Muzzle
Embers might still die rather young, but at the very least she gets to apprenticeship. I'm not entirely sure on what I'm doing with her yet. If her name is a title, she managed to light a fire during a rainstorm (probably using flint)
Dustiest Muzzle gets his title from being an early tunneler and both bold and curious enough to stick his nose in every burrow. It actually reads as kind of unearned though, you could put it in English as "works harder than everyone else" which he probably just got because he's the son of The Wind Runner.
(Not that he isn't hardworking, just that Windstar doesn't even pretend she isn't biased.)
And Prayers at Dawn is interesting, because praying to future Clan cats looks like tilting your head upwards, and feeling the wind stir your whiskers. In Ancient Parkmew, her name meant something more like "Rousing Whiskers at Sunrise." I like the idea that she's quite religious for some reason, possibly also a friend of Moth Flight when it comes time.
The Parkmew word for "whiskering" eventually becomes the Clanmew word for the physical position of making prayers.
So Prayerstar would be a perfectly good name to avoid the conflict of Morningstar down the line later, BUT I'm also tempted to make the name MOURNINGstar and maybe have her take Mourning Whiskers as a title during her life.
Maybe even as a self-given title of great sorrow. I could have her become very close to Moth Flight and make her heart break when Moth and her children agree to split themselves up across the five Clans in Moth Flight's Vow.
Hmmm... perhaps Windstar's last life withered away pretty slowly, and Mourning Whisker knew she was going to inherit the Wind Coalition on the brink of war with SkyClan already attacking. Moth and her kits knew that WindCo would defend them all with their lives, and that's exactly why they knew they couldn't stay.
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
... hi, it's me again ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ i'm on finals week so i need a heavy dose of daydreaming with my comfort characters. can i request some hc (or an escenario, again whichever you prefer) about law helping the reader to study for an exam? maybe his reaction to the reader thinking that their grade wasn't good enough after taking the test? (great score, not the full mark) thank you sm ! i love your writing and i hope you have a great week and take proper rests mwah .⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Oof, finals week is always a doozy :( you've got this bb, I'm hoping that you got wonderful scores!!
[Heads up!: modern!au, fluff, comfort!]
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You've been studying for weeks. Hours upon hours spent poring over your notes and text books, making flashcards and begging Law to help you review them, make sure that your grasp of the content was solid.
Highlighter stained fingers and paragraph after paragraph ㅡ burning the midnight oil until you can't keep your eyes open any longer. Law helps where he can, both in studying (he even drags out some of his old notes) and in making sure that you don't turn this into a detriment to your health.
("I'm not just your boyfriend," he intones as he more or less pushes you towards the bed, "I'm also a doctor. And I don't want you to pass out, so bed. Now.")
And ultimately, you have a good feeling that all of your hardwork will pay off ㅡ you're a good student, you pay attention, you ask questions when you need to.
It feels like a slap to the face when your score doesn't reflect that. At first you think you've read it wrong, trace it with a finger and mouth it to yourself ㅡ and then disappointment slams into you like a lead weight.
With yourself, with the material, even your professor (who, oddly enough, is one of the sweeter people you've had for a class) ㅡ it isn't fair.
You tried. You tried so hard ㅡ and it still isn't enough.
Law's first warning that things aren't okay is the fact that you don't answer your cellphone when he tries to call and ask what you want for dinner. The second is that the lights are off in your shared apartment, something that never happens (both of you have odd sleep schedules even when things are normal and there is almost always a light on somewhere) ㅡ and that he can't find you.
Your shoes are at the door, jacket hung up, along with your keys ㅡ you're home, but where is the question.
With limited space, there is only a handful of places you can be and when he sees you're not in the room that doubles as both a study and his office, he checks the bedroom.
Yor back is to him and were it not for the tremble of your shoulders, he'd think you were asleep. But you're not, you're crying and his heart sinks.
"[Name]," he says as he approaches, coaxing you up and into his arms, "why are you crying?"
It takes a minute or two for you to answer, sniffling as you take a shuddering breath. "Got the results of the exam back."
Law frowns. "And?" He prompts gently, wiping at your face, tear tracks cooling on your skin. He watches you, the tremble of your lips as you tell him your score, and his frown deepens. "That isn't that bad," he says, "that's only a couple points off."
"But I studied my ass off, Law!" Frustration colors your tone. "I worked so hard to ace that exam and it doesn't feel like I did enough."
Law understands the need for perfection, for everything to have a place and for nothing to be subpar ㅡ but he also knows how detrimental that can be for both your self-esteem and your overall health.
"You didn't do anything wrong," Law says, cradling your face gently. "You're still on the higher end of score for that exam, [Name]. And you can always ask your professor where she docked points and why."
Law has a point, and you sniffle before you press into him, sighing as he rubs your back. "You're right. I'm sorry for crying, that's stupid."
"No, it isn't." Law chides gently. "But these past few weeks have been stressful for you. I brought home dinner, and I can start a bath for you after, if you'd like."
You press a soft kiss to his shoulder. "Can we cuddle after?"
"Of course."
You hum, letting yourself cling to your boyfriend a little longer. "Sounds perfect."
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perelka-l · 6 months
(Drayton really calls Hassel danna??!) hey I've been wondering, besides the Kitakami siblings do you have any other Drayton ships particularly at the forefront of your thots recently? Like for me, I'm thinking of an AU where Drayton graduates (lol) and while interning under Raihan they naturally start hooking up. Or maybe while in Galar he also dates Bea who sorta reminds him of Kieran bc of her love of sweets and hardworking discipline.
And actually, while I'm asking, any other Kieran ships too?
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YEAH!!!! (I am a bit sad this didn't carry over to eng version... He's calling him master Hassel in my heart ;w;)
On a Drayton shippy note, let's start with that: bratty Drayton/trying to resist good teacher Hassel? But both are Dragons and Hassel kind of gives into his instincts and get to teach Drayton a lesson to not do it again (Drayton is a very bad student though and an even worse dragon).
(Drayton graduating sure is an AU xD)
Aside from Kitakami students, I like to consider that Drayton absolutely has a Thing for cute freshmen and such case is Crispin who, and that's a Drayster take, is a perfect wife material. Attentive, will cook for you, is a cute shota, what more can a guy want from life? (It's not very serious of a relationship but Drayton deeply appreciates he can just swoop in and demand comfort and get some in an instant, 10/10, Crispin would be a perfect wife.)
Back home, there is ofc Iris for sweet sweet incestuous angst plus I think they would be really cute together. Drayton definitely has plenty of unsatisfied big bro instincts (Kyoodaaaaii) so there is that.
And yeah, I did mention his massive grandpa issues. Like, you can't look me in the face and tell me he wouldn't jump Drayden given a glimpse of a chance. Like, Drayden is a hot gilf and I bet that bisexual awakening for Drayster has arrived pretty much the second he looked at his grandfather the moment he started to feel any sort of attraction. He has issues. He just wants to bury his head in those giant packs and get hugged by those strong arms (like he surely saw Drayden carry dragons arround, that would make any sane person salivate), he doesn't have normal issues, he has grandfather issues. (This one is heavily impacted by a series of comics from JP twitter on which younger Drayton sleeps around with older white-haired man and doesn't care about who they are and where they come from - if that's not Drayden, he really doesn't care.)
On that note, he'd Pay Attention around Drake (muscular dragon gilf with admirable facial hair and sweet bonus of having his tits out? Bruh.)
One more that comes to my mind is him and Benga. I feel like they are of at least similar age, so they could be buds when teens and before Drayton went to BB... I deeply enjoy the thought that they could so contrast in undertaken paths! Drayton is a slacker and went as far as he could (namely, BB Championship) and just left it at that, he's in his comfort spot. Benga always aims to go higher, to become better, things like championship of little to no meaning to him. At the same time, they have such nice contrasting visuals, Benga feeling more natural, more attuned to nature (he carries stuff to make fire on his back gdi) while Drayton is more modern. Kind of a theming matching to Unova lads, plus Benga has some Dragon theming surrounding him, he pretty much only has (and gives out) dragons when you ignore his Volcarona lol
In terms of Kieran... Crispin also comes to mind, it's the shota magic~ Plus they are classmates, so I feel like they could have plnty of excuses to come close.
Tbh nothing else comes to my mind, I blame that entirely on Drayton being a whore lol
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taekooktimeline · 11 months
September 3, 2023 (filmed), November 4, 2023 (released): Suchwita part 2 of 3
As Yoongi talks about the main title track, “Standing Next To You,” Tae initially was sitting facing forward, but abruptly shifts to stare at Jk as he shares he recorded it the day after “Seven” (when he was in LA).
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Timestamp 21:00
Jk discloses SNTY wasn’t decided as the main title track at the time of recording. He hesitates to say anything further, but Tae encourages him, saying it’ll be edited out.
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Jk asks why he should bother if it’ll be edited out -
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Tae doesn’t respond, but mashes his lips together as he stares at Jk -
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Yoongi laughs at their old married couple bickering, teasing for them to take it outside if they’re going to bicker -
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Timestamp 21:16
After their married couple light bickering, Tae quietly listens in support as Jk talks about how SNTY became the main title track, that Producer Andrew Watt played it and Jk promised to practice it that evening to record it the following day, which leads Tae to audibly express his pride and impressment at how hardworking and talented Jk is.
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Timestamp 21:33
The trio clink glasses, congratulating Jungkook -
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Timestamp 22:16 https://x.com/_k91230v_/status/1720795550193455585?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Interestingly, Tae mentions it would be cool for Jk to perform the song with a band. Two months after recording Suchwita, on November 3, 2023, Jk does perform “Seven” “3D” and “Standing Next To You” with a live band for iHeart radio. This is speculative on my part, but perhaps Tae was hinting at it when they filmed Suchwita, since these two know everything about each other (Jungkook flew to America on September 5, 2023, so it’s plausible this was a hint). If you haven’t heard Jk’s live performance for iHeart, I’d encourage you to watch it. I’ve left the links below. I especially love how SNTY showcases his exceptional vocal range (those high notes, especially when he sings “sun and the moon!” + it’s such a dance heavy song, which helps to highlight what an incredible and powerful dancer he is.
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Timestamp 22:37
Seven on iHeart: https://youtu.be/fkZjni4ieWs?si=vDaQiI1q2-nUWK_Q 
SNTY on iHeart: https://youtu.be/S9pq1HqJKSo?si=4jmpIjGMTe8wBQHW
(At the time of posting, 3D is not an available link)
And Jk says if he did perform a showcase or concert, he’d start it with a “bang” which makes Tae quietly go “oooh,” impressed.
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Timestamp 22:44
Jk bops along to SNTY. Yoongi praises him as the only person in Korea who can pull off pop this well. Jk responds with a thumbs up as he continues to dance along to the main title track. Tae briefly dances along too.
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Timestamp 23:05
Jk reveals before the song ends that the ending is “base and drums,” with a “whoo” from him. He imitates the “whoo” while looking at Tae.
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Timestamp 23:20
As SNTY finishes, Tae praises Jk and says, “so cool” as Yoongi predicts it’ll be #1 on the BB 100 and 200 simultaneously. Jk says he’ll try his best again and Tae encourages him, saying, “let’s go,” which Jk repeats.
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Timestamp 23:35
Yoongi mentions “Golden” was originally going to be a mini album (EP) with 5-6 tracks. Once again, Tae abruptly shifts to stare directly at Jk, exclaiming, “Hmm?” in surprise as he turns.
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Timestamp 23:42
Exclaiming his surprise again as Jk confirms -
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I want to emphasize again how Tae continuously supported and expressed admiration towards Jk throughout the show. He nods along as Jk explains how his mini album morphed into a full album -
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Timestamp 24:08
More glasses clinking together by the trio -
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Timestamp 24:22 
Jk discloses he worked hard, pretty much recording one song a day. As Yoongi asks how long he took recording each song, if it was eight to nine hours a day, Tae exclaims, “Wow,” in amazement.
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Timestamp 24:37
Jk shares that it actually it took him about three hours to record each song, not eight to nine hours, which Yoongi praises as an indicator of “unprecedented growth,” to which Tae agrees.
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Timestamp 24:38
Yoongi continues praising Jk, saying that’s insanely fast. Tae agrees by giving perspective, sharing with a straight face that it takes him three days to record one song. This makes Jk laugh loudly, while Yoongi makes sure to tell viewers, “It’s not a matter of ability but of a person’s character.”
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Timestamp 24:49 or https://x.com/mybwits/status/1720798692872175824?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Yoongi asks Jk why he picked those specific tracks. Tae, being a precious assistant MC, asks the question in a different way. Jk shares it’s about love, with the start of the album being upbeat and about falling in love, and ending with a more sentimental vibe as the album transitions to a break up. He encourages listeners to listen to the songs in order for context.
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Timestamp 25:25 
Side note - I found the meaning of SNTY interesting -
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As Jk states there’s context to the songs, and the order they’re placed in his album (again, with the start of the album being about attraction and falling in love, which is reflected in the more upbeat tracks, and then track seven on are about heartbreak / falling out of love, with a more somber and melancholic tone) Tae listens with a proud expression on his features.
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Timestamp 25:36
Jk has repeatedly expressed his hope and goal to perform a three hour solo concert. Tae mentions it in Suchwita, encouragingly asking Yoongi if “Jungkookie” has enough songs to put on a concert now, which Yoongi affirms.
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Timestamp 26:54 
Sadly, we’ll have to wait a little longer for that world tour (and the bloodbath for tickets). For now, Jk will be performing a showcase in Seoul (November 20, 2023). Tae, again being an endearing, helpful assistant MC, asks Jk when his showcase will be. Tae sports a proud smile towards Jk as he responds that he’ll give ARMY the best time he possibly can.
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Timestamp 27:08
Part 1 link - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/733647292019687424/september-3-2023-filmed-november-4-2023?source=share
Part 3 link - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline/733647430454837248/yoongi-asks-jk-how-he-feels-about-releasing-his?source=share
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otomeblcass · 1 year
Nu:Carnival Character Headcanons:
⚛》》》Favorite Wines《《《⚛
~Quick note~ My entire week has consisted of me making this list that no one ever asked for, or the probably ever thought about. For some further context, I work as a wine specialist at a giant liquor store, and I have way too much time on my hands where I read a lot about wine and sake. I've added images of one of my favorite wine references, Wine Folly, and highly recommend their website and books if you're curious about wine. Without further a do, if you don't mind a long post, I have combined some of my obsessions: Nu:Carnival and what wines I think suit each character.
Port, like all the way, he wants something sweet and Hella strong. Considered a fortified wine, put simply a wine that has been given additional alcohol, Port comes in many styles, but most are sweet. Eiden specifically loves the chocolate and nutty flavors that these wines have. Also this wine can be a hit or miss for people, so Eiden gets a great laugh out of seeing others' reactions to his favorite wine. Give this baby a bottle of Port and he can talk for hours on end about the crazy stories he’s collected after some wild nights with this wine.
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Petite Sirah, Aster would want a wine that is very full in body (aka something that really coats the mouth, similar to blood) and powerful bold flavors, he’s an extremely experienced wine connoisseur, or “wine snob” as Morvay would say, but regardless Aster knows his wines. He loves showing off his personal cellar, explaining the areas they come from, and he especially enjoys bragging about the cost of the wines he’s collected. 
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It’s taken Morvay quite some time to get into wine. For many years he’s been firm in his statement that he doesn’t like wine like that shitty-little-vampire does. Most of the red wines Aster has made him try are far too bitter, and the white wines are sour as hell. He’s finally realized dessert styled wines exist, such as Muscat of Alexandria, and can be caught sometimes at night sipping this wine with some biscotti as a treat.
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Yakumo at first glance comes across as someone who would not be into a “dry red wine” so it’s really interesting to think that his favorite wine would be a Malbec. There has been many occasions where he was served a much sweeter wine than he would personally like, but obviously it’s Yakumo, poor baby is too nervous to let someone know they got his order wrong. Much like Eiden’s favorite wine Port, Malbec has similar rich dark fruit flavors and a smooth chocolatey finish, these wines are a lot dryer in comparison, but not too bitter. It is a wonderful balance for the precious chef Yakumo. (This is one of my favorites too, let's go Yakumo bb)
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Vidal Blanc is not only a bougie sounding wine, but it goes exceptionally well with fresh fruits and desserts. This wine is an elegant off-dry style white wine that can be used to flaunt floral and fruity flavors without being too sweet or childish. As we know Edmond has his sweet tooth, so he would really enjoy the Ice wine style this grape can be used to make. Ice wines are as sweet as dessert wines can go and they take a lot of time and effort to make just a small amount. It’s a perfect pairing for our perfectionist and hardworking captain.
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Every winemaking area has established a sparkling wine (I’m somewhat imagining what wines would correspond to the different Klein regions) Olivine is very curious to try anything new, so when traveling and discussing things with nobles he has grown very fond of a particular sparkling wine, Prosecco. He always has gravitated towards a gentle sweetness and slightly acidic flavors and this wine has a perfect balance. As per Eiden’s recommendation, Olivine has discovered this wine makes amazing cocktails such as mimosas, so every now and then Olivine enjoys making those for a relaxing brunch with the clan members. 
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An interesting thing we've learned about Quincy during this current Rainy Season event is that his favorite foods include honey, jerky, and dried fish, very natural and raw focused foods that absolutely suit him. A unique wine that has a unique flavor profile of earthy fruits, herbs, and meat is one called Pinotage. Quincy, much like all our wood territory babes, is highly skilled in the winemaking trade. Pinotage is a wine that is very challenging to produce and Quincy has practically mastered it. So much so Quincy doesn’t really drink the wine, but prefers to keep it stored away. He’s positive that the right time will come to enjoy this wine, perhaps with a special individual, right when it’s aging duration has peaked. 
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Umeshu or Japanese Plum wine, this is a tricky one because it technically is fermented ume fruit with the addition of distilled alcohol, aka this is a liqueur not a wine at all. Kuya is known for being a trickster though, so it’s a perfect match for him. Umeshu can be made at home, though it does take a lot of time to infuse, it makes the occasions when Kuya drinks this a real treat. The flavors of Umeshu are a mix of sweet and sour fruits like plums or apricots with a lingering alcohol burn. Kuya takes a lot of pride in homemade Umeshu and will lure others (Eiden) into drinking this delicious and sneakily strong beverage with him. (Another personal favorite of mine ♡)
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Favorable of all things delicious and mostly edible, Garu and Karu are foodies willing to try anything at least once. They’re super new to trying alcoholic drinks and can’t really handle the smell and taste of something with a strong alcohol content. Concord is a classic beginner wine and it has a very distinguishable grape flavor, let’s think like a traditional grape juice or jelly. Depending on how it’s made, this wine can range from non-alcoholic all the way to higher percentages, Garu and Karu are big fans of having this sweet wine with snacks. Who knew that a wolf yokai would be obsessed with concord grape wine with a pb&j sandwich!
Garu & Karu:
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He really enjoys the sweet and lightly sparkling version of this grape varietal, Moscato D’Asti. They have a full assortment of fruit aromas and flavors like peaches and honey, and they have a low ABV making them super easy to drink. Blade describes this wine as “Cute Juice” hence that’s his first response to describing the effervescence. He’s an even bigger fan of being able to use his e-droid abilities to analyze the many fruit flavors in this wine and he’s always excited to share the flavors whenever his darling is ready to try them. *wink wink*
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A great leader must also know great wines, and it seems super likely that Soleria would make bright red fruit focused wines with lots of herbs and spices. Sangiovese is an extremely versatile grape that can be blended and aged into numerous wine styles; it goes even better with savory and spiced foods. Dante is very intelligent when it comes to wine and is even more impressive when he guides others through a proper wine tasting. Even though Dante has a fierce way of showing it, deep down he really just wants others to appreciate wine the way he does.
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Rei really enjoys all of the genetic mutations of the Pinot Noir grape, like Pinot Gris or Pinot Blanc, coming from a scientific perspective. More often than not though, the complex red wine Pinot Noir is his favorite to consume, especially during his late night studies and experimentations. Depending on where this wine is grown the flavors can be very misconstrued, quite often it is thought to be a fruity and slightly sweet, but it takes people by surprise by being tart and dry. Rei really likes a lighter bodied red wine that has a slight bite of sassy acidity just like him. 
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Thank you for reading! I spent way too long thinking about and writing this. I'd love to know what others think and what your favorite wine is if you have one! I also just realized I never thought of wines for Rin or Huey, but I really am not super sure what I'd pick for them.
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midnightfreeway · 9 months
BBS anniversary rewatch 2024: Episode 10
There is a lot of nice color action in this episode.
All the InkPa scenes make me really look forward to 23.5 Degrees. At the time of writing this, we're only about a month away from it, so it's a good time for a rewatch, I think. I can't believe 23.5 Degrees was already announced when I watched BBS for the first time, and now, a year later, I am still waiting...
According to Pran's school report, he is a serious and hardworking child. Here he is, years later, still serious and also under a lot of pressure, wearing a shirt that says radiate positivity, while Pat wears a shirt with the word sun printed on it. Not only do they complement each other, but they also make each other's lives better.
"If I do that, how can I ever really quit?" is an INCREDIBLE line, one of the best in the whole show, and yet I always tend to forget that it exists.
"Because you raised me this way, that's why I'm not like other kids." This line alone makes BBS one of my all-time favorite shows.
Pran has come a long way from things don't end well when we're together--look at him, seeking comfort from Pat, just like in the beginning of this episode, where his first instinct after encountering the Jindapat family outside Pat's hospital room is to turn around and go back to Pat.
This one is never easy to get through.
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xtigerlx · 1 year
Taz hasnt been as active on ig as he used to be. He must be booked and busy 🥺 my hardworking bb. I hope hes taking the time to rest and relax.
He's doing big things 😭
So proud ahhhhh
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kuramirocket · 1 year
‘You Mexicans shouldn’t be here’: Man killed neighbor in front of his kids
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Lonnie Ray Holcombe
A 54-year-old man in Texas was arrested over the weekend for shooting and killing his 49-year-old neighbor in front of his son and daughter.
Lonnie Ray Holcombe was taken into custody on Sunday and charged with one count of murder for fatally shooting Carlos Gonzalez, court documents reviewed by Law&Crime show.
According to a probable cause affidavit, Gonzalez on Saturday was hosting a large family party at his home in the 900 block of Hoke Smith Drive in Dallas to celebrate his granddaughter’s sixth birthday. Police said the party continued after the children slept.
As the festivities continued, Gonzalez’s son returned to the residence in his pickup truck with another man. Police wrote that the pickup truck was also playing music loudly.
Holcombe, who lives in the adjacent house, sat on his porch when the pickup truck pulled in front of Gonzalez’s home. Police wrote that Holcombe grabbed a BB gun and “fired multiple shots at the pickup truck, hitting it and causing damage.”
The man with Gonzalez’s son was also struck by at least one of the BBs Holcombe shot.
The shooting took place at about 1:15 a.m., police said.
The son and the other man then went to Holcombe’s residence to confront him about shooting the BB gun. During the confrontation, Holcombe allegedly struck Gonzalez’s son, prompting Gonzalez to leave his home and go to Holcombe’s.
During a physical altercation "suspect Holcombe pulled a .9mm Taurus handgun out of his pocket and fired it one time, striking [Gonzalez] in the chest."
Both men then returned to their properties, and several people called 911 to report the shooting and request medical assistance.
Gonzalez was transported to Methodist Central Hospital, where he died. Holcombe told officers that the BB gun and handgun were on his front porch, and he consented to both being seized, the affidavit said.
Speaking through a translator to Dallas Fox affiliate KDFW, Gonzalez’s daughter said that her family had feared Holcombe for some time. She also indicated that race and national origin may have played a role in Holcombe’s alleged animosity towards Gonzalez and his family.
“He actually told them, ‘You Mexicans shouldn’t be here. You Mexicans shouldn’t be here. You need to go back to place,'” the translator reportedly told the station.
Holcombe is being held in county jail on $250,000 bond.
The family has set up a GoFundMe:
Hola mi nombre es Abigail y en la madrugada de mayo 14 la familia Hernández perdieron a un padre, esposo y protector por motivos de racismo. Carlos era trabajador y quería una buena vida para sus hijos y nietos aquí en los Estados Unidos. Fue buena gente con todos y quien lo conocía sabían que no era una persona de problemas. Por proteger a su familia el perdió su vida en las manos de us americano racista. Queremos justicia y ayuda por los gastos del funeral y otros gastos inesperados por esta tragedia. Cualquier cantidad ayuda por favor de tener la familia en sus oraciones.
Hello, my name is Abigail and in the early morning of May 14, the Hernández family lost a father, husband and a protector due to racism. Carlos was hardworking and wanted a good life for his children and grandchildren here in the United States. He was a good person with everyone and those who knew him knew that he was not a person of problems. To protect his family he lost his life at the hands of a racist American. We want justice and need help for funeral expenses and other unexpected expenses from this tragedy. Any amount helps please keep the family in your prayers.
All funds will be going to the family affected (my cousin) her name is Iveth Hernandez. Daughter of Carlos Hernandez. I am coordinating this on her behalf.
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itsmattchou · 1 year
HIIII I'm doing good! it's literally 7am rn and i woke up like an hour ago so still a bit tired🥴🥴 but other than that I'm feeling great! school starts soon (next week already...) but for now i have a week off!! wbu?
my fav moots *drum roll*
MY FAV POCKEITA, ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH MR MINI SWAG (also his biggest hater); @terazono-keita
i have no idea if that has been all my moots. probably not. but I'm not all that awake rn so if i forgot you pls don't be upset i still love you pookie wookie babyboo🥺🥺🥺💗💗
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bonefall · 8 months
Struggling to find posts u've made in the past about Stoneclaw, but I love her sm. Definitely one of my BB Blorbos
I don't think I've ever put together a particular thingie on her, she's a beloved background character who tends to show up on her own in various places. Like when I talked about sign, before making the deafness guide!
BB!Stoneclaw is a gray-and-gold tortie, and the sister of Thrushwing. They come from one of the field guides, where it's revealed the two of them were sitting their vigil on the night that ShadowClan drove WindClan out of their home. In canon, Thrushwing is the survivor, but for BB, we all just kinda liked Stoneclaw's name more than Thrushwing's, so I decided to hit him with the Woman Beam.
On the night of the WindClan Massacre, Stoneclaw and Thrushwing were sitting vigil.
Daughters of Flytail and Eagleswoop, and grandkits of Tallstar himself. They were a promising young pair.
Before they even knew what hit them, they heard Brokenstar's yowl.
A squadron burst from the shadows, sliced Thrushwing's throat open, and smashed Stoneclaw's head to the ground
ShadowClan wasn't showing mercy, survivors were incidental. Their goal was to kill as many cats as possible.
Stoneclaw was dazed for a few seconds, going limp, but when she came to she leapt right back into the fray. She watched the rest of her family fold.
Tangleburr and her squadron went right for her father, Flytail, out of revenge for Lizardstripe, mobbing him and pulling him down
Eagleswoop just had a stroke of bad luck, failed to dodge, and was killed like prey
It was a horrific night, and what was once a large family was decimated to a couple of cats. She lost auncles, both parents, and her sister in one fell swoop.
Injured and aching, Stoneclaw said nothing as WindClan escaped the scene. The other survivors took it as a sign of great honor from the young warrior; that she had upheld her vow to the bitter end, even after losing so much.
But it lasted long after that night. The vigil has never truly 'ended' in her mind, so her vow of silence hasn't either.
Unfortunately, WindClan gets rough shake after rough shake from this point on, and she barely has a chance to heal in the constant barrage of violence and aggression. Between Nightstar's invasion, TigerClan, the BloodClan battle, the destruction of the White Hart woods, the Great Journey, and the Civil War... things only really started settling down years into her life, during Po3.
During the Civil War, Stoneclaw was actually ideologically aligned with Mudclaw, but took Onestar's side. She wanted to believe that Tallstar was lied to, but... she knew her grandfather better than anyone. Once the shock wore off, she had to face the horrible truth that he made a sudden, naiive decision.
It didn't take her long to stop regretting her choice, though. Her feelings are complicated, but her line too far is Mudclaw's willingness to attack his Clanmates.
Had she taken his side, she would have gone into battle with her future mate as a target. She doesn't think about it-- dismissing that she ever could have made such a choice.
Her internal monologue is a lot more afraid, frustrated, and exhausted than other cats would guess it is. Her actions don't match her thoughts.
She's hardworking, always trying to make her Clanmates comfortable, frets over her friends and family endlessly. Pair this with WindClan's assumption that her selective mutism is a "vow of silence," and most cats see her as an "ideal warrior." Someone kits should look up to and aspire to be.
She got into a relationship with Snapstorm waaaay too quickly; but luckily, Snapstorm is a really good mate.
After everything she'd been through, Snapstorm's cheerful, easygoing attitude was soothing and attractive. Snapstorm just had to say, "Hi Stoneclaw! Mice to see you around!" and then hand her a mouse for lunch and it was all over
Snapstorm was a BloodClan trader who joined along with Brushblaze, and one of the targets of the Civil War. She's a bit flighty and doesn't always think through everything she says, and doesn't worry about much either.
Their oldest kit is Buzzardclaw, who takes after Snapstorm a lot. So far I also gave them Crouchfoot in a later litter, but I've been thinking about giving them a bunch more.
The oldest litter was definitely accidental.
But not unwelcome. They both responded to it enthusiastically, Stoneclaw because she suddenly felt like she would have a big family again, and Snapstorm because she loves kids and just wanted to be a parent one day.
As mentioned before, they got into their mateship very quickly. They made each other happy and that's the whole reason.
Unfortunately, they would start seeing the difficulties of their personalities clashing while raising kittens. Which I just find FASCINATING which is honestly kinda why I want to throw more kits at them (not to mention how small WindClan is, padding is super appreciated)
See, Stoneclaw is dealing from serious CPTSD. Her mutism is NOT a vow. She can't speak and it's frustrating to her.
At the same time, watching the very helpful tail-signals that WindClan uses to communicate across the distant moor reminds her of battle signals, like she had to deal with during the fights with TigerClan. It's triggering, and that's ALSO stressful.
She's also lost so, so much of her family within the span of a few years, and is dealing with attachment issues as a result. Especially to that first litter, which she would be terrified of losing.
This makes an individual who can't communicate, but is desperate to. She hasn't been able to work well in groups for years, and unlike a more solitary cat like Willowclaw, this is not the result of a choice.
Snapstorm, being an outsider, is the first and only cat to not treat her behavior like... well, some kind of solemn vow to be "respected."
And that means a lot to Stoneclaw. Even if she was poetic, these are complicated feelings which would be hard to describe.
And Snapstorm is a sweetheart, but, she is putting a lot of effort into this relationship. She's not really great at focusing on one thing for too long, and a bit "forgetful" in the way that details go missing for a while until they come back later.
So sometimes an important bit of info slips her mind, or she misses a social cue and makes a joke that's a bit gruesome, or the fact that Clanmew is her second language rears up and she forgets words or translates a Townmew idiom directly and it Does Not Work.
While all this is happening, especially with the early litter, Stoneclaw is being a helicopter parent. Too worried to give her kits the freedom they need to develop, and Snapstorm is both trying to be a good parent and a good mate.
I'm fond of the idea that when Buzzardkit was very little, Stoneclaw was the Mi. But as she started to realize that her fear of losing him was hurting both of them, Snapstorm started taking over as Mi.
I think their dynamic is interesting. I like the idea of each litter ending up having a different upbringing, because of the state of their parents each time. Stone's also going to be sticking around for a very long time; definitely the last survivor of the WindClan Massacre, by many years. It's nice to think she's eventually surrounded by kits and grandkits, growing up in a better world than she did, even if it's not without its problems.
She's also going to start using Pawspeak, being one of its foundational members after developing a little friendship with SkyClan's Fallowfern. It's cathartic to her, finally feeling like there's a new context for WindClan's old tail signs, being used to communicate in a language rather than just be used for battle and hunting.
Stoneclaw is one of my personal little BB blorbos that I think about a lot. It's fun having conflicts like this going on in the background.
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thatgothsamurai · 2 years
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Hi hi anons!! First of all thanks so much anons for liking my one of my most fav fanart, very much appreciated😭❤️❤️
second, I want to go apeshit a little if I may-
I was also freaked out when I knew p’aof saw my bbs wedding fanart BUT IT’S FROM A REPOSTED ONE🥲😭🥲😭🥲😭 MY HEART HURT A LITTLE
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((those probably my reactions)) bc this is like THE SECOND TIME I got noticed (first by p’sprite) but thru reposters which I didn’t remember them asking for permission first???????????????? tbh I could care less about being noticed (that’s why I rarely tagged the actors on my fanart), it’s like fine if they don’t know but bro, man, dudeeee, it’s not like I won’t be super happy if they notice my fanarts pls well at least with that my hardwork in those fanarts I made got real paid😭😭😭
I think what pissed me off was those kind of reposters didn’t even put credits/source when they first reposted even tho they know..... they’d only put the source after the post blew up and had the spotlights like????????????????? (even in some case the original artists got lesser engagements than the reposters🥲) AND THEY DIDN’T EVEN ASKED FOR PERMISSION SMH😭 man at least please have basic manner.... don’t get me wrong but there are some people who wanted to repost my art they’d ask for my permission first and I appreciate it very much PLS BE LIKE THEM😭👍👍 I even put “do not repost” sign on my twitter bio rn😭😭😭
I actually don’t have that much energy to deal with this issue man I’m too tired... I just feel a bit sad and the only place to rant is here ig so sorry you have to see this🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Yeah but I think the positive thing from this is I hope p’aof can consider the idea from my fanart to put it on special ep or in Our Sky 2.. ((but im still sad....))
to those reposters if you see this DONT TALK ME I ANGY
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goldenasyoung · 1 year
Jimin has achieved so much the past weeks and I am certain that the glory can never be taken away from him. His legendary no. 1 spot on billboard has raked billions for Korea's economy. Numbers don't lie. And it was acknowledged that it is all because of him.
The guy came live to thank his fans, and it was clear that the feat, to him was unexpected. Success was inevitable, but to be on the top with foreign supporters doing their utmost best to reach that goal for him was truly out of this world. All he wanted was to produce an album that would convey his inner turmoils and experiences. For someone who always thinks of himself as lacking in many ways, his album and promotions were proof of not only hardwork but creative genius.
His practices were intense. That bangtan bomb showed how deeply immersed Jimin is in his craft. He was tired, he was exhausted, he diets, he doesn't sleep well. What would another two choreographies and mv do to him? I guess it will take a toll on his health. His physical body has limitations.
I bet Hybe plans did not include Jimin being Number 1 on BB. And I can only hope that they are now readjusting all there is in their timeline to make sure that they can capitalize on this achievement. Who in their right mind would not? But I feel Jimin has to rest as well. Just a few days or weeks to gather his strength again and hopefully, be on limelight soon. Because, let us face it, his fans, especially those in the US and PR, (my utmost respect) who worked extremely hard deserve to see him bask in the glory of being number one. After all, we know he deserves it.
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ittybittie · 11 months
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Well, fate has decided I am better off not telling others about my we!ght los$. No one fucking gets it. All my hardwork is going unseen. Fuck it, I'll see it myself and that'll be damn good enough.
I started almost obese... now into the normal weight range. Underweight, here I come.
Maybe then people will take me seriously, they sure as shit aren't rn.
Thank you bb's for liking my stuff and whatnot. Makes me feel less isolated in this.
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thebtswritersclub · 2 years
Happy Birthday Rid!
Today we celebrate the exciting birthday to our lovely @taegularities! Through thick and thin, Rid is there for us, rooting for us and helping us with our many tasks. Her empathy and strong work ethic help us so much! BWC wouldn’t be the same without you!
 Also a special thanks to @missgeniality for making all of our graphics!
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Happy birthday to my fellow kitten! I’ll keep the sap to our dms, b ut I hope you have an amazing year of growth and health. And hope you can create as much as you want because we all love to read it. Here to another year of cheating on Taehyung uwu
- Siya ( @missgeniality )
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riid! my beloved, I wish you a truly great birthday. I can't believe how long it's been since we met, we've shared so much fun ever since then and it's a joy whenever we get to chat. thank you so much for being the wonderful friend you are and hyping me up in every aspect of my life, I'm so grateful to have met you and our bond goes further than being writers - though, of course, I will never miss a chance to simp over bts with you and brainstorm our work!! you always brighten up my day and I love you endlessly, wishing you the best day  ily 
- Ru ( @btsmosphere )
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY RID YOU STUNNINGLY INCREDIBLE LAND MERMAID I wish you the happiest of birthdays, full of people you love and make you happy, no worries during this day. Since we're writing this in advance, I do hope Tae posts a thirst trap in honor of your day ILY and again have a happy bday
- Rose ( @biaswreckme )
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- Melody ( @hoebii )
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Happy birthday RID!!! I'm so glad we became friends! I hope this year is more kickass than any other year! I hope you accomplish all your goals and make the world your oyster! Thank you for being you and for existing
- Mars ( @joheunsaram )
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Miss Riddle! I love you so so so much. I can’t believe that we have been friends for so long (almost 3 years)! Time flies so fast and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our conversations and chats make my days and energize me, they give me great comfort, they get me curious about the world. You’re so hardworking and smart and I am so honored to be your friend and teammate at BWC. Your kindness, care, and focus on growth truly shines in just about everything that you do. I’ve had the honor of watching and growing with you over these past three years and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy birthday, bb! I love you so much!
- Lillia ( @moccahobi )
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happy birthday rid! i feel like there’s so many things i could say and i don’t even know where to start. i guess i’ll start with the first thing i noticed about you: your writing. before i even had my blog, i would read your works on a little burner account. a teacher once told me that their are certain aspects of writing that can’t be taught. whatever that is, you have it. there’s a certain charm and rhythm to every word you type. the way you craft a scene, or characterize through subtle gestures, can’t be replicated. seriously, you have a gift. it’s something so raw and pure. i hope you cherish that forever. after making my blog and joining the net, i got to know you as a person a bit more. i felt like i knew you through your work, but you were even sweeter than anticipated. whenever i needed advice, you were there. the kindness you carry yourself with is felt. i mean it. the positive impact you’ve had on the net and community as a whole is bigger than you know. whenever i ask for recommendations, you’re mentioned. i know it can be tough sometimes, but please never lose sight of how loved and cared for you are. especially today. happy birthday!
- Kiki ( @chryblossomjjk )
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Riiiidddd, I know we're rarely on discord at the same time, but I wish you all the best on your special day! You're an absolute delight to talk to, and you deserve all the best things in life
- Gina ( @chimknj )
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Hey Love! Happy birthday beautiful!
You know how much I love you already but again I freaking love you. You are so talented and tenacious and caring and funny and just such a ray of sunshine  every time we talk. A lot of people think they know you when they don’t and make assumptions that are not true but you sweep it all off so gracefully and just aah!! U r one of those people who always has my back when I am low and that friendship and love means so much to me. U are an amazing woman and I can’t wait to see how you grow this year. Happy birthday darling!
- Aditi ( @ditttiii​ )
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Dear Rid, my darling Rid. You are such a light in the lives of everyone who knows you. I am so grateful for your friendship. You are an amazing human who deserves nothing but love and light. I hope this year is amazing for you
- Mom
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hobismilitarywife · 2 years
man hobi literally has a crazy work ethic, he really does push himself to the max, my hardworking bb 😔💓 but then his results too are always so good :’) im so thankful to him as a fan, for always giving us quality content :’3
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popsmart · 2 years
How can I be a content 1980s housewife watching my family open presents with a shawl wrapped around my shoulders as I hold my hot beverage with both hands when I don't like hot beverages? How can I look lovingly at my hardworking husband who bought our son that BB gun when I told him not to (but boys will be boys) over my steaming cup of coffee when I don't like hot coffee?
I can't. I cannot do that. I can never be that for him.
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