#my grandparents have been okay about it and theyve know abt a year
think i might tell the rest of my family that im trans before the winter holidays (so sometime in november/december) but im so nervous weh. i know its for the best thing for myself and theyre gonna be supportive but well. scary
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ehlihr · 7 years
i dont really care if people ship sheith bc like... keith is 18. like yes a seven year difference is something to be careful about and both partners should recognize that the older partner should not be trying to control the relationship but on the same hand they are in a SPACE WAR like... its a completely different situation than real life. my grandma starting dating my grandpa when she was 18 and he was 26. theyve been together for 50 years. im not saying it CANT be a bad thing, but (p1)
(p2) it doesnt have to be. i think bexs actions are uncomfortable considering alot of this fandom is minors, and her power bottom comment is uncalled for. it implies that the power dynamic in the relationship is what she thinks is important about them which is gross and homophobic to say that mens sexual dynamics is all their relationships are worth. i prefer klance bc of the lack of issues surrounding it, and i sincerely home sheith is not canon simply because although those relationships can
(p3) be healthy, teens should not have this mindset that as soon as they turn 18 they are emotionally mature to date anyone they want. because alot of teens arent. i definetely dont think any other shaladins are appropriate, and shipping pidge with keith wouldnt be okay. i dont care for ships involving pidge myself, but i think 15/17 for lance/pidge is definetely not the most unhealthy dynamic ive encountered. i had a friend who was in a bad rltshp when she was 14 + he was 18. idk how to feel
listen dawg i respect your opinion and i appreciate how much effort it prolly took to type this im just gonna respond in points
if its a stressful situation thats even more cause to be wary of “things that wouldnt be okay back home”, i think? thats where you start to evaluate why youre doing something. if you wouldnt do it on earth back home, you sure as fuck shouldn’t in space in war
i know people have age gaps in real life lol? my parents have a seven year age gap and have been together since 1998. they love each other but like. my dad has unknowingly influenced my mom’s choices bc he was older and more experienced than her, especially at the time and it made a difference in their lives going forward. my mom was 25 and naive. my dad was 32. they love and respect each other (respect is more important in my house lol) but that does NOT change the fact that the dynamic wasn’t the start for the most equal relationship. EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE BOTH ADULTS. it made a fucking difference
ALSO!! lol my grandparents have a ten year age gap! 16 and 26, theve been together for over sixty years. i have this in my family and im not ignorant to the fact that it can be fucked up and still last, but the fucked up sticks
yea to what you said about bex!!
i think its way too fucking risky for teens to be dating adults, especially if those adults have authority or any sort of power dynamic. honestly seeing how quickly keith defers to shiro isn’t just a sign of respect. he considers shiro above him. thats not a cute relationship thing thats the relationship of a cadet and his captain. respect and formality, even if there’s brotherly love there.
15/17 isn’t that bad ive seen it a lot at school but a) i always feel the older person is creepy personally cause like, what the fuck? you’re a junior going after vulnerable freshmen, find someone in your class you Fuck.
emotions are weird.
i still think sheith is shitty and tbh? ppl who go off abt technically legal are fucking gross. i hate it. i remember like three years ago seeing posts breaking down the idea of the media pushing that “barely legal is sexy” ideology and how fucked up it is and seeing this shit honestly makes my blood boil.
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