#my grandma used to call my long capris 'clam-diggers'
sartorialadventure · 2 years
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
Do you know what punk truly is? i think so, not that i care. Did you know that studded belts and listening to The Misfits isn’t punk? did you know that i don’t care? :p Where do you buy your clothes? usually walmart because it’s cheap and close... not that i get myself clothes much.. i mostly wear jacob’s hand me down shirts, and i get pants when i get gift cards for clothes... although, i did get a few more maternity clothes a month or two ago because i needed them desperately. How often do you go to the local mall? not very often. once every few months, maybe.
Do most of your pants consist of jeans? pretty much all of my pants are jeans. Do you like wearing shorts? it’s not my favorite. If you’re a girl, what’s your bra size? i wear 40D but not sure how accurate that really is. and i’m pregnant, plus wy still is nursing occasionally at night. What kind of shoes do you usually wear? while it’s nice out, i mostly wear flip flops. Do you wear socks that go up your legs? no. i don’t even like those kind. How many pairs of shoes do you own? like, three. Do you wear skater shoes? not as much anymore. i used to all the time in middle school and even high school. How about flip flops? i do. Do you call flip flops thongs? i do not. my grandma does and it kind of drives me crazy. i don’t know why. Do you call capris Clam-Diggers?: no... i just call them capris.. i’ve never even heard that phrase..
Own any golfing shoes?: nope. i don’t golf. Do you prefer Nike or Adidas?: i don’t really care for either. Would you say you’re a sporty person? nope. What sports do you watch on TV? i don’t normally watch sports. they kind of bore me... Do you despise sports?: i don’t despise them. they just don’t interest me. What’s your favorite sport? Least favorite? so many sports questions... i guess my least favorite is golf, and my favorite is baseball i suppose. i enjoy going to baseball games with jake anyways. How often do you wear deodorant?: every day. Do you prefer Gatorade or Powerade?: gatorade. powerade tastes pretty blah to me. Do you drink bottled water?: not really since we moved. i use the water on the fridge and just fill my water bottle. but i do drink it occasionally. How often do you drink water?: every day. not as much as i should, or would like to, but i’m trying. Do you drink normal tea or iced tea?: i don’t drink tea. it hurts my stomach.
Will you go to your senior prom? i did. with jacob. What classes are you taking? none. i’m done with school, at least for the time being. Do you skip classes a lot to go get high with some close homies? no. i rarely skipped classes and i’ve never gotten high. Ever been busted for it? If so, what was the punishment? i’ve never done that. Are you one of those honor roll students? i was when i was in school, yeah. How many classes have you failed so far? i never failed any classes. Do you like your handwriting? not especially. Got a lot of deep, depressing poetry and artwork stashed? poetry, yeah. it’s not very good. lol. Ever attempted suicide or self-mutilated yourself?: yeah and yeah. Been in a car accident?: a couple. luckily everyone was okay in them. Broken a bone?: nope. Had to get surgery? If so, on what/what for? i had my gallbladder removed. Ever stayed overnight in a hospital?: yeah. i used to have to a lot when i was younger, and then when i had wy. Do you have allergies? i’m allergic to grass. Last movie you saw in theaters? mile 22.
If you’re pale, do you get made fun of for it? mostly only by jacob. maybe my siblings. Are you white/black/asian/mexican/etc? white. How old are your parents? 44 and 45. Did your family move to America from another country? i mean, i guess parts of them did a long time ago. not all though.
Have you ever been to any other countries? i have not. If so, where and for how long? i haven’t had the pleasure. Ever been to Washington D.C.?: i have not. Did you get to meet the president of the time? i’ve never been there, and i’ve never met any presidents any other way either. Anyway, ever been to NYC Or LA?: nope. If so, how were your experiences there?: haven’t been there. Ever known anyone who did business with a prostitute?: not that i’m aware of. Are your real parents divorced?: nope. Were you adopted?: i was not. If so, have you met your biological parents? How about biological siblings or grandparents?: i wasn’t adopted. If your parents are divorced, how old are your step parents? they’re not divorced. Do you like your step parents, or are they assholes? bleh. Ever had an abusive parent or other family member? you could say that, yes. If so, what’s the worst they did?: i was sexually abused. Got any step siblings? If so, how many? Are they annoying or cool? no. my parents are still married and always have been. my two youngest sisters are being adopted by my parents though. Are either of your parents engaged but not married yet? nope. married to each other and have been for a long time. Do you think it’s silly for grown adults to still be dating around? no... Ever walked in on your parents while they were getting busy? If so, how many times and how old were you?: no, thank god. How many siblings do you have?: five. How old are they, and what are their names? 23 (jon), 22 (ashley), 16 (erin), 6 (lilli), and 5 (rose). Do they have the same hair color and eye color as you? jon and erin have pretty close to the same hair color if not. lilli and ashley have lighter hair; lilli’s is blonde, and ashley’s is dirty blonde. rose has darker hair. most of us have blue eyes (of varying shades) besides erin and rose, who have brown eyes. Do you like older or younger siblings better? all of my siblings are younger and i like them just fine (most of the time). Ever had to take care of a baby sibling? If do, did you feel responsible, or were you just annoyed?: yeah, and mostly responsible. i’ve never minded caring for kids. Do you like children, or do they piss you off? i enjoy kids. i love my son and daughter, even though she’s not here yet. Think you’ll ever have kids of your own one day? i have a little boy and i’m pregnant with a little girl. then we’re done. Have you ever had a close friend get knocked up early? i’ve had a few friends who had their first kids in high school. Have you yourself ever gotten close to getting pregnant? ... i have a son, and i’m currently pregnant, so yes. If you were to get pregnant as a teen, what would happen? there was a scare, and at first my parents said i wasn’t keeping it if i were. Do you know if anyone in your family ever got knocked up as a teen?: yeah, i have cousins and whatnot that have.
Anything planned for this Sunday? nope. not that i can think of. Do you use a toaster or toaster oven? toaster more than the toaster oven, but occasionally i use them.
Do you have a job? i do not besides taking care of wy. Do you like to mow the yard? i’m allergic to grass so i’ve never done it. Were you happy when you woke up today? i was okay when i woke up. just tired. but i had to get up super early to take kayden (kayla’s little boy) to school since he stayed over night while kayla worked. Who is the last person you got really pissed off with? probably jacob. What time do you have to be in work? i don’t have an actual job... What color is your father’s car? dark blue. but he mostly drives jacob’s black cobalt. Where’s the last place you wore a hoodie to? i don’t remember. it’s been a long time. Are your nails painted any special color? nope. they’re not painted. Give us your plans for the next three hours? i have to brush my teeth. drink the gross glucose drink before my appointment. and then go to my appointment. those are the more specific things. Can you live a day without tv? i can, easily. Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus? i’ve never had asparagus, so broccoli.
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