#my girl Amy is next >:3c
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paiislley · 3 months ago
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✨Going Super✨
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hyperfixatinglove · 3 years ago
Yoooo I come bearing questions :D
Four leaf clover, pumpkin latte, and snowball fight? :3
— @amys-cringe-cabinet 💙🐉
For you, I will answer for my husband ♥
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four leaf clover: does your f/o have any good luck charms or superstitions? do you? do the two of you share any?
He has my picture in his wallet and he wholeheartedly believes it's his good luck charm. He keeps winning his underground / lowkey duels for money whenever he has his damn wallet. He also has literal good luck charm that Carly gave him, so that also helps. I tend to kiss him before he has duel as little confidence booster, good luck thing and it's routine so it can't be denied, he has tried to no avail.
He used to not to believe in such ""mumbo jumbo"" but hanging out with Aki, Carly & me has definitely rubbed on him. While he still doesn't have a lot superstition or acts like it, he at least won't invalidate them anymore.
I think if he'd be interested in such genre, he'd like urban legends. Since he has past career of basically cop in my canon au, I think he'd like specifically crime related urban legends. He will not try to investigate them, as dealing with dark signers was enough years ago.
I'm more of folklore & paganism sorta girl, but I do like true crime to extend - I'm particular about what kind of true crime I watch. I think there's some overlap as we both like to discuss some interesting crimes we've heard.
I tend to have some superstition that stumps him, like knocking on wood or not wanting to hear something or about a subject lest it becomes real. He still doesn't get my tarot cards, but he likes me being social with Carly & Aki because of them, so he's supportive. He also gets confused when I sometimes refer old local gods, but he likes it when I ramble how I think.
pumpkin latte: what is your guilty pleasure as a couple? (watching bad movies on netflix together, popping each other’s zits, pretending not to know each other when strangers ask if you’re in a relationship, etc.)
We used to have tradition of watching zombie movies together. Ushio doesn't get scared while watching them, making them the only subgenre of horror he actually can stand. He is bored of them as they all follow same tired formula. He was mostly for my emotional support and wellbeing, as I cling to him and became very scared after finishing the movies.
We've stopped doing that after I couldn't sleep well after. We have them banned. He did it and when I questioned him, all resistance just disappeared as I gathered it was better in long run.
Since then I've moved to things like organization shows and reality tv (like Real Housewives) and he is still unfortunately bored. But he loves how I'm emotionally better now, so he takes this boredom happily.
We have food guilty pleasures, he likes liquorice far too much and I like my chips!
We don't have overlapping ones however.
snowball fight: how do you and your f/o playfully tease each other?
I call him scarface but affectionally :3c
I also tend to remind him, still affectionately, how much of an ass he used to be. He tends to snipe back with variation of "And yet you married me!"
He tends to call me adorable & tiny and next to him I am! It's gamble whenever I blush or be mad or both.
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xsailormobian · 6 years ago
Mina Mongoose for the character ask thingy? :3c
favorite thing about them
There are many things I like about Mina honestly! Her design is pretty cute (I don’t mind hair on mobians when the character is obviously meant to be anime-like), she’s a likeable kind of teen (not above being grumpy, shallow and insecure, but she realizes her mistakes and tries to correct them/become a better person when she realizes it), her being an “average Joe” not cut-out for action is pretty refreshing, and her realizing her full potential through music is a nice character arc! She’s overall fairly likeable in my book.
least favorite thing about them
Surprisingly it isn’t her role in the love triangle, because her chemistry with Sonic (as random as her speed abilities were at the time) was pretty cute, and there was no real bad blood between her and Sally.
My least favourite moment was in the aftermath of the Iron Domination arc, where she held a concert to warn the citizens against Nicole. Now I believe everyone acted stupidly in the set-up for this story, but Mina in particular was made to look like a real jerk when she decided to not talk about her concerns with the Freedom Fighters (aka her friends) and instead use her popularity in an irresponsible way.
As I said she is and acts like a teenager, what with not thinking things through; that’s what makes her as flawed as she is endearing. But she’s also a sensible person who eventually realizes her wrongs and won’t go out of her way to harm someone’s feelings in the first place. Where the heck did this quality of hers go? And why didn’t anyone in her band call her out for real?
favorite line
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Nah just kidding (although it’s pretty relatable). I don’t have it word for word but her finally apologizing to Nicole is pretty nice. I think it reads along the lines of “Can you forgive me for taking so long to say that I’m sorry?”, or something like that.
I want to see Mina and Amy interact! Then they would be my BrOTP, because you can’t convince me Amy “The Freedom Fighter Mina Once Wished To Become” Rose and Mina “I’m As Romantic As Amy And Passionate About What I Do” Mongoose, two of the most bubbly, colorful and nice girls in these comics, wouldn’t be great friends.
None really? If you’re into crackships I had (and still kinda have) a weakness for ShadMina. But looking at her canon love interests… As I said, I guess SonMina is cute and could work out. TailsMina is random and a bit yikes once you know why they started dating. And AshMina has its place in the next section.
So in fanon, ShadMina wins. In canon, SonMina would be my first choice even if I don’t really ship it anymore.
AshMina. When you constantly have to calm down and reassure your boyfriend when you’re around your ex-crush-turned-good-friend; and when said boyfriend can’t call you out when you’re about to do something stupid (like, I don’t know, a concert to put someone on the spot and potentionally turn your audience against said person); you know there’s a problem. Especially since she eventually goes on to date Tails because he reminded her of Sonic, meaning that she never really moved on from him anyway. Which is just sad.
random headcanon
Mina has an image to maintain, both for her younger fans and for the people she’s supposed to give hope to; hence the bubbly attitude she usually sports on stage. Has to stay consistant in her branding, you know. But she’d like to shake things up more from time to time, like when she went full rock-and-roll on her last concert. Sometimes she’s in a mood for more cutesy pop songs, whereas other times she could pull you an Evanescence with no problem. When she’s not in public she tends to go wild with it in the privacy of her home, much to her mother’s amusement.
unpopular opinion
I was on Mina’s side when she argued with Sally about Nicole. She went at it badly but her concerns were valids nonetheless, and it still annoys me that the narrative didn’t treat the core issue as more of a big deal.
song i associate with them
Weirdly enough I’ve always associated her with “I Wanna Go” by Britney Spears. I can’t really give an in-character reason, it’s just a song I listened to a lot in 2013-2014 when I got acquainted with Mina.
favorite picture of them
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Ben Bates’ art is always a win! (At least I recall it is Ben Bate’s. I heard he wasn’t fond of how he drew Mina for the comics, hence this doodle he made afterwards.)
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cgmayra · 7 years ago
Not sure if you're still taking prompts, but considering the theory on how Boom Sonic and Amy may be dating in secret, how do you think there secret relationship would have started and played out behind the scenes? :3c
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(I try taking gifs from the show that aren’t linked to people, but if they are, plz let me know so I can put proper credit to them, thank you! (x) )
Small acts of kindness. From both sides. For example:
FIRST - PROMPT RETRIEVAL OF STORIES THAT HAVEN’T BEEN REBLOGGED BY @idontworkforsega ARE STILL IN NEED OF RESCUE! Please help the cause by sending him any you find!
LASTLY - PROMPTS ARE STILL ON SHUTDOWN! Do not send any requests, thank you!
Do you even care to know commissions are open? If so, they are. Just saying.
Incident 1: log date, Amy’s journal.
Today was kinda funny… I mean, Funny as in—well, I FELT funny about it… You see…
Dear Journal, (I should start this out properly) today, Me and Sonic were hungry, coincidentally at the same time so no big deal!!!
Well, we get to the line and Sonic starts his order and I realize, I don’t have my wallet! >D
That’s when…
Sonic, without much hesitation, hands the impatient and bored Dave the money for her food and leans on the counter, waiting for their order.
Amy looks over to him, amazed.
I really shouldn’t have been so amazed by his kind, chivalrous action… but it really racked me to my core… you know? I mean, who does that? Great friends, of course. But then it dawned on me that we were alone…. A boy and a girl… a very attractive, although at times arrogant boy…. And a elegant and refined woman are eating lunch together and he just paid for my food…
Amy shakes herself out of it and looks with a bit of apologetic blinking towards Sonic, “You… you didn’t have to do that…”
“Eh, no biggie. Food’s cheap here anyways.” He flicks a finger out, just gesturing with his lazy and resting hand.
She blushed.
Okay, Dairy—JOURNAL—…. I usually would scold him for replying like that but… this time… I-I don’t know, Journal, I felt like he was either oblivious to how it looked or just… being… really sweet for a change…
I’ve always liked Sonic, but today… he really did touch my heart. It’s not like him to not poke fun at me or squeeze in a joke about having to pay for me.
That day… he was just… so unusually chill and relaxed. No jokes, no silly puns or wise-cracks… he just… paid for me. Enough said.
“Well, I’m still appreciative. I’ll have to treat you sometime.” Amy looked away, placing her hands behind her back and fiddling with her nails under her gloves, picking at them.
I don’t know why I suddenly got so nervous… but the day ended rather quietly and pleasant. I don’t know, Sonic’s usually a cool guy, but for a moment… a full moment, actually… He was just… super nice to me.
Incident 2: Sonic’s Scribbles
Today I jogged with Knuckles, played more ‘How many things can we put Knuckles’s head into before it becomes a problem’ and watched Tails drool over a new engine piece for his precious plane.
But then there was Amy.
She said she’d pay me back, but I wasn’t thinking she’d go so far as to take me to see Tommy Thunder 5—by the way, totally saw that ending coming—But for the first time… Amy was rather… how do I describe her? Chillaxed? Amy just dug around in her popcorn and didn’t say much of anything.
Now, Amy’s cool. She’s not the type of girl to talk during a movie. But I couldn’t help myself. I would look over and hear faint gasps or see cute expressions on her face when things popped up—mostly dramatic flares you find in action movies, you know, when the hero gets cornered and has to save the girl? Been there, done that.— But I couldn’t help and chuckle at times and just watch her for a moment.
One time, so funny, a piece of popcorn—I SWEAR—was about to fall out of her mouth from her shock! Classic~
Anyway, I got most of the movie, no biggie. Typical Thunder, if you ask me. But… I enjoyed the subplot of Amy’s silent reactions more so then the actual storyline! (Which is saying something. A storyline for an action movie, I mean. Haha!)
Anyway, after the movie, I just wanted to keep watching the movie starring Amy’s Weird but Cute Expressions, so I asked if she wanted to hang out a second longer and get some ice cream.
You should have seen the look on her face!
Haha, well then again, you did. Cause you’re me. Anyway…
You should remember this then, man… the best moment of the night! We were commenting a bit here and there about the movie and then about eggman and all this other stuff before I noticed her face suddenly—stop. And I mean FROZE like nothing else.
I was concerned for a second, asking her what was wrong and stuff, before her fingers twitched and she lifted one up.
It was so funny… but in the moment, kinda awkward too.
Amy reaches her thumb up to the corner of his mouth.
He leans back, a little unsure, “Amy..? What’s wrong?”
With nerves of steel, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, looking down, “You… You’re such a glutton!” she quickly wiped some ice cream off his face and sat back down, wiping her thumb off on a napkin and going back for her own ice cream, looking away. “Geez… it’s like you unload and recycle.”
I have to admit, reflecting back, it was a little intimate… wasn’t it?
But I couldn’t stop laughing! Her punchline was on-point that time! And Amy’s jokes aren’t always a winner. Sometimes, it’s a hit and miss, but this was definitely a bullseye! Haha!
I don’t know, that day, I wanted to hang out with just Amy more. I didn’t feel the need to be ridiculously out there, I just… liked toning it down and still having fun doing minimal stuff! Go figure…
Then again, girls are radically different than dudes… so I can understand if the atmosphere is different with Amy then it is with Tails or Knuckles…
But I never get this way around Sticks. Maybe I should hang with her a bit more too.
FOLLOW UP: Totes not the same. Sticks is insane.
Incident 3 – Amy’s Journal Diary.
You’re a diary because there’s no way I want anyone to know about this!!!!
Sonic asked me to hang out with him today, and I was ecstatic! I put on my best shoes and headband and hoped we wouldn’t do anything dirty or violent that day…
We ended up—hold your applause— SPENDING THE WHOLE DAY TOGETHER!
We walked around the canyon and just laughed the whole evening! We fished, we played basketball—I even bumped into him! Ah!— It was a dream~
Then we came to the close of the night and he said we could stop at his place for a quick bite to eat.
I’ve never been to Sonic’s place at sunset and oh, my… it was gorgeous. The sun’s rays cracked their warm glows through his shoddy, wooden walls and ah~ heaven on earth~
We sat down and had some yummy snacks and water, he said he drank all his sodas with Tails when watching some new t.v series they liked together.
We just sat there… the whole day was so fun and adventurous, little activities here and there, that we didn’t really get to sit down and just…”Be” for a second, you know?
I sat on the couch, surprised he now had a couch, and told myself not to judge too much.
Then it happened.
I kid you not, diary, don’t you think I’m lying!
He turned back and asked me if I enjoyed spending time with him today.
Um? Hello? Operator? Am I speaking to Sonic The Hedgehog at the current moment cause SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!
He’s asking about how I’m FEELING!?
I was so overwhelmed, I just spilled EVERYTHING.
You heard me.
I told him!
I told him as plain as day! I really loved spending time with him. THERE. I said the ‘L’ word! I thought it was really obvious anyway, but he just smiled and looked so gosh darn proud of himself, drinking his water.
Didn’t he get it!?! I just confessed! Me and my big obvious mouth.
But I guess it didn’t get through to him…
He just joked about something that happened today and then asked if I wanted to do something similar again sometime…
Of course, I said yes.
Sonic sees from the side of his cup of water that Amy rubs her arms a bit and looks around, clearly smiling with a faint red on her cheeks but he thinks she’s just getting really cold.
“Oh, sorry. It’s a bit drafty at night.” Sonic gets up and nonchalantly rips off a blanket from his hammock, using one hand to spin it around his arm and heading back to her, looking a bit embarrassed about his home’s logic… “No need to tell me you’re uncomfortable. I can see the red of the cold on your cheeks, anyway. Here!” he tossed her the blanket, and then sat on the opposite side of the couch, “Ah~ It’s nice to have the wind come through though. In the summertime? Can’t live without it! Who needs air conditioning.” He gulped down the last remaining drops of his drink and then wiped his mouth, kicking his feet up, “Comfy?” he tilted his head, which was now resting on the back of the couch towards her.
What he didn’t notice, was that she was so embarrassed by his statement, that she hid under the blanket and silently trembled to herself.
“…Huh? Amy?” He leaned up, “Ames? You still cold?” thinking she was, he grew nervous.
Continuing Incident of n.3 to n.4 – Sonic’s scribbles.
Ah, man. I’ve really done it this time!
She was freezing! What else was I supposed to do?!
I didn’t want her freezing to death, what kinda host would I be?!
I ended up just sucking it up and doing the right thing, the manly thing, the thing that means I’m a nice and good or decent guy that doesn’t care how things look!
I just swallowed my pride and did it.
I scooted over, reached over her shoulders, and put an arm around her, trying to warm her up.
Was it stupid? Probably.
Was it the right thing to do? Yeah… probably…
I don’t really regret it though…
Amy smelled nice… don’t get the wrong idea, now, future me reflecting because stupid nostalgia. It’s just nice to be next to a girl that doesn’t smell bad, alright?
I don’t really know why that’s important to me though… but the mixed smell of my blankets and her just… it wasn’t bad, anyway.
I was worried for a second that Amy stopped breathing entirely when I got over there at last, and so I peeked a bit under the blanket to see if she was still alive.
I knew she wasn’t dead, but I didn’t want her so frozen her lungs weren’t operating right!
Anyway, she was beat red! Man, she’s going into hypothermia! Or a severe cold. I don’t know! I’m not a doctor! She’s just not looking herself, what was I supposed to do?
“Woah! Ames! Are you okay?”
Amy’s Diary continuation of Incident n.4
The smell of his blanket.
The warmth of his body close to mine…
His arm around me… which just… felt right, and made me feel safe and sound.
I couldn’t help it.
I was falling in love all over again…
Me and my stupid heart.
I couldn’t help it.
I looked up into his eyes.
I tried to cover half my face with the tip of his blankets but he pushed it down slightly to try and see me. Was I worrying him? Did he really think I was acting this way cause I was cold?
Does he really not notice!?
I couldn’t help it.
I just never wanted to leave that moment. That space. That feeling…
It was so warm.
His smell was suffocating me, but in every good way.
The rays of the sun glimmering off his eyes…
The way he held his stare for a second, then asked if I was alright.
My face must have surprised him. Couldn’t he tell I was in love? Wasn’t it obvious!?
Darn it, Sonic! I’m so obvious! It’s not even funny!
He should of just… I don’t know… done something and I would have been his. He had me right where he wanted me!!!
Well, … IF he wanted me then…
I don’t know, a kiss goodnight? Maybe too much. Asking if I wanted to stay a bit longer? Inappropriate considering these villagers TALK.
But I would’ve appreciated if that sun set ever so slightly slower than usual…
I would’ve appreciated if Sonic didn’t move from looking directly down at me, but went to make a hot cup of water instead.
I would have so desperately confessed again… If I wasn’t so amazed…
At how utterly kind he was being to me back then…
The last incident, of record anyway. Sonic’s scribbles
Eeeeeh, I’m done writing in this thing. Gettin’ kinda boring. And pointless for that matter. I only read comics and good action books. You know, when I’m not doing the stunts myself! Haha.
Amy and I hung out again today. But it was weird…
I was… ah, who I am kidding? No need to sugarcoat it here.
I was flirting pretty hard, non-stop, and I think she may have noticed…
Not to say I thought it would go anywhere, but I liked how red in the face she got.
It was hysterical!
After fighting off another Eggman scheme, I just started bantering with her without restraint. She chimed in, but I think we were pretty rude to the others… They gave us odd looks and stares, which made me quiet down and only sneak a comment to her here and there afterward.
Is it weird that I like talking to Amy about inside jokes and what have you?
Oh, yeah. Totally weird.
But not as weird as having a girl—a friend— who is female hanging out with you all the time. Now that’s a miracle to some dudes.
Eh, I’m used to Amy. I get how she smiles at flowers, or how the tip of her long eyelashes do a kind of… wing beat that looks strangely graceful. I understand a bit better now how she thinks too. How she feels.
It’s interesting now, when it used to be confusing, hearing about what troubles her and what she likes. What relaxes her and what gets her so upset. I like to get her upset. I get to see those funny, cute expressions on her face again.
I’m fine calling Amy cute to myself, but I don’t like it when I hear it out loud. I don’t know. It irks me.
Amy and I ate lunch together, this time, even with her wallet, I still paid for it.
I wanted too.
Just treat her, nothing big. Nothing special.
Her expression was price enough, and it made me feel good to treat her differently than other girls.
I wanted to see if she’d wipe any ketchup off my face again, haha. Smeared a big streak right across my cheek! Guess what? She totally went for it. Not a moment’s hesitation this time.
We even laughed about it. She had no idea I wanted to see her smile.
I did something stupid though.
Getting caught up in the joke, I guess…
The two are laughing, the ketchup still on Amy’s thumb, as Sonic gives a playful glare back to her.
“Hey! I still paid for that ketchup!” he took her hand and put his mouth over her gloved thumb, sucking the ketchup off.
“AH!” Amy freaked out, pulling the thumb away and hitting his head, “S-So-Sonic! That’s disgusting!”
“Hahaha! Won’t your thumb get stained?”
“By your spit?”
“No! Not my spit! The ketchup! That stains, doesn’t it?”
“It’s more gross to suck someone else’s thumb, Sonic!” she went to reach for a napkin, hoping to clean herself up just a bit from his actions when-
“…Well, your face says otherwise…”
She froze.
Amy’s Diary
Had he noticed? I was so afraid at that moment. Sonic was being kind, not super considerate all the time, but when we were alone like this? So, incredibly kind!
I didn’t want to ruin it.
I didn’t know what to say.
Had he finally noticed? My giggles, my blushes, me masking my inner emotions of pure delight!?
It was too terrifying to even think about!
But I just looked down at my thumb… then put my other hand to my face.
And then I…
Sonic’s scribbles
She said something funny… something I won’t forget… I think it’s fitting to make it the last comment in this thing… before I stash it away somewhere no one can find it. Or pull it out when I’m bored, one or the other.
She said-
“…It’s not as bad as what’s written on your face.”
Sonic starts laughing a little.
Amy starts giggling too…
They burst out laughing.
Tails log
I’m so upsetti-spaghetti.
Sonic keeps running off with Amy to go and do who knows what while I’m left behind drooling over my lastest Influx-Capitor. What’s that you ask? I would love to explain to you since CLEARLY my best friend wants to run-off and leave the rest of his friends every Thursday night and Friday to have ‘alone time’ with my other best friend who just happens to be a girl!
I just got it.
N-Nevermind, I’ll just tell you about the Influx-Capitor and move on then…
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xviennesewhirl · 8 years ago
Get  To Know Me!
Okay, so this may be an unpleasant wall of text on your dash, but I was tagged to do this by the lovely @sakuralove842​, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. It’s currently 8:20am in the morning and I’m running off no sleep because I’m petrified a spider is going to eat me or something whilst I sleep, so this should be interesting... 
Rules: Answer 30 questions and then tag 20 people you’d like to know better.
Nicknames: My real name is Amelia and not many people really use a nickname for me. :c If they do, however, it’s usually Mia. Family call me Meli as it’s a childhood nickname but I don’t particularly like it. Been called Amy a few times but that just reminds me of Doctor Who. 
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius 
MBTI type: ENFP-T (Although, it changes every bloody time I take the test and clearly isn’t accurate. Also been known to be an INFP and an ISFP so who knows, really?)
Height: Teeny tiny. Somewhere between 5″0 and 5″2. 
Time: Currently 08:31AM
Birthday: 20th January 
Favorite bands: Boy, oh boy. Music questions are hard. :c A few favourites of mine are Paramore, Royal Blood, Fall Out Boy, The Script, The 1975, The LaFontaines, BABYMETAL annnnd then we go into the K-Pop mess that is SHINee, Cosmic Girls - they were obvious I’m sure - SONAMOO, BTS, MAMAMOO, Red Velvet, Monsta X... It’s probably best that we stop here. 
Favorite solo artists: Ahhh, where to begin? Ed Sheeran, George Ezra, James Bay and a whole lot more but let’s add some K-Pop in here too by adding Zion.T, Eric Nam annnd Z.Tao because- ah, my baby. ;~; 
Song stuck in my head: Caramelldansen by Caramell, lmao. I don’t know why.
Last movie watched: I honestly don’t know when I last watched a movie. I want to say Moana, to be honest, but that could be completely wrong. 
Last show I watched: It was probably the anime Konbini Kareshi. If we’re going non-weeb, it was probably Brooklyn Nine-Nine or something else that was on in the background at a friend’s. Idk, I don’t watch stuff whilst at uni. 
When did I create my blog: Around two years ago - I deleted my old blog just in time for starting university and I regret it so much because it was so old and big and nothing is different between that one and this one and ugggh why ;-; 
What do I post about: Literally whatever. Mostly K-Pop, I will admit, but if I ever see something that I want to post, I’ll post it. If it’s not K-Pop, it’s usually me going “dat me irl” or something.  
Last thing I goggled: "a level results” - I didn’t know when it was for this year and I needed to know for a blog post I’m writing. Doesn’t apply to me being in university already, of course, but still... always nice to know!
Do you have other blogs? Yeah, I have a couple more. For instance, my actual anime blog has it’s own Tumblr page (that apparently needs fixing, wtf happened there, Wordpress?) and I have a little studyblr sideblog that I made to try and be more productive throughout summer. Also because I know for a fact some of you won’t want to see stationery as much as I do. 
Do you get asks?:  Asks? What are they? (I don’t think I’ve ever received one on this blog, ngl lol) 
Why did you choose your url: I like viennese whirls. 
Following: 121
Followers: 40 (pitiful, I know, rip) 
Favorite color: Blue~ 
Average hours of sleep: idek because sometimes I sleep for an entire day and sometimes I don’t sleep at all like help me pls
Lucky number: I don’t really have one?? But 2 or 22 are ones I always tend to choose, idk why
Instruments: Keyboard and Guitar (but I’ve not played in years so- eh)
What am I wearing: Black jeggings, a top that should be my work uniform and my university hoodie. Please don’t judge- all of my clothes are to be washed, I have no clothes left. Student life. 
How many blankets do I sleep with: A duvet and a blanket but the more blankets the better!
Dream Job: I’m a confused undergraduate student who has no idea what she wants to do - next question, please.
Dream Trip: Definitely want to go to Japan and South Korea! I also want to explore Europe too, so places like Austria, France, Finland, Latvia, Denmark... I want to visit more places in Italy too! OH, and I want to visit the States because I haven’t been there yet. Maybe revisit Thailand too? 
Favorite Food: Sunday Roasts! <3 
Nationality: British 
Ahhh, thank you for tagging me in this, Justine~ It was quite fun and managed to entertain me as I wait for the library to open. :’) 
Other Tumblr users, I choose you! (In other words, I don’t really know who to tag so just feel free to say I tagged you or something if you do do this~ :3c)
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papofglencoe · 8 years ago
Tag you're it! Please read a chapter, drabble, one shot, or whatever and leave a review for the writer with your thoughts! We could all use a little positivity as we head back into another week :) Tag five others when you're done! Thank you 😙
Happy International Fanworks Day, C! (So says AO3 anyway)
 Karma by @pookieh: This was the steamy third installment (I won’t say final because I’m too greedy to accept that) of Pooks’ coffee shop modern AU drabble. And the girl did not disappoint. The first two chapters were fraught with sexual tension (hotter than a steaming cup of coffee), and here it all, uh, comes to ah, um, head. It’s a Smutternaut (aka smut juggernaut). 
Galone’s Valentine by @mega-aulover: I’m a sucker for some Galone comedy, and Rachel delivered, from squeaky shoes and tight pants to a tie dredging in a bowl of soup. I had the biggest grin on my face the entire time... how can one character’s suffering bring such innocent, uncomplicated joy? Oh, but it does. 
Love Is... Unexpected by @peetabreadgirl: This is another wonderful case of Galone striking out before he even gets on that blind date. I love the set up to this story, and there was something so heartbreakingly sweet and wonderful about Peeta eating dinner alone on Valentine’s Day, unknowingly waiting for the love of his life to mistakenly stumble into his life. Beautifully told. 
Behind Blue Eyes by @maxwellandlovelace: Cashmere, Peeta’s horrid ex, shows up to wreak all kinds of havoc in the latest chapter, and I want to smash a bottle and get into a bar brawl with her. This story has the perfect blend of sweetness and bitterness, smut and angst, and I just want Everlark to love each other and be okay... but when is life ever that simple? Tina’s doing a wonderful job developing Everlark’s relationship as they come to terms with the ghosts of their pasts, some of whom refuse to stay there. 
Everdeen Vineyards by @muttpeeta: Amy dropped this Valentine’s Day surprise at the 11th hour, I think. *Crows with delight*. Peeta shows up at the grand re-opening of Katniss’ family vineyard, and wouldn’t you know he gets a private tour of the entire estate? *wink* This was a combination of two of my favorite things, Everlark and wine, beautifully executed by one of my favorite authors, and an all-around mensch.  
 Five Hearts and untitled ficlet by @jeeno2: Jenn’s been writing Everlark, guys. Let me repeat this. Jenn’s been writing Everlark. 2016 was a turdfest, 2017 might be the apocalypse, but this fact alone has me singin’ in the rain. The first fic is friends-to-lovers, told over five different Valentine’s Days... say no more. (Where’s that gif of Jason Momoa busting out the lawn chair?), and the second fic involves Everlark meeting at a wedding. (Crawls on Jason Momoa’s lap with a boxed wine and drinking straw). Keep ‘em coming, lady. I’ve been loving the show. 
The Nine Times Peeta Mellark Fell In Love by @the-peeta-pocket: This isn’t a new story by any means (I think I was traveling abroad the week this came out, in fact), but I just discovered it on AO3 while creepin’ on Faith’s stories. Nine vignettes of Peeta falling back (or more?) in love with Katniss after his hijacking... told with such agonizing beauty I want to cut my heart out with a spoon.  
No Baggage by @lvfics: Bri originally wrote this for MoreS2SL and is in the process of revising and posting to AO3... and I’m loving it. It’s a crime caper... Peeta is a wealthy business on the lam in Europe, and he encounters a mysterious woman on the train. Her WIP Meadow Lake Country Club, by the way, is also a must-read. 
Extension Request by @deinde-prandium: I don’t know how a fluffy, sweet comedy can have me hanging on tenterhooks, but I am. Katniss gets her wisdom teeth pulled and sends an unfortunate email to a certain blue-eyed TA. I am as mortified as she is waiting for his response.
Masquerade by @belladonnablush: This was written back in 2013, but I chanced upon it the other day and holy. hell. is. it. hot. I’m a sucker for a well-written, smutty modern AU. (And Halloween to boot!)
@eala-musings: I’m beta-reading Carolyn’s new WIP at the moment, a crossover of three texts. Can’t really say much more about it except you’re gonna love it... as always, she masterfully adapts the source material and captures the heart and soul of Everlark. Her attention to detail... it’s staggering. In the meantime, you should brush up on her other stories if you haven’t already! 
Special shout outs to @everlart, @ombradellaluna, @akai-echo, for some of their art work that has cropped up on my dash the past week, too. Whether it’s adorable, blushing Everlark (that first kiss!!!!), Everlark at home in the bath, or hundreds of banners, you’ve made the fandom so beautiful with your art. I’m not an artist, but I’ve spent hours pouring over your work, admiring the details, and staring in awe at something I could never do in a thousand years.
Next up on my docket... catching up on the recent chapters of @mtk4fun‘s latest WIP, Everything But Money and @katnissdoesnotfollowback‘s WIPs Pure and Leading Suspects.
And of course to you, @everllarkingnewtina, for your recent chapter of Bride and Fortune! You’re taking your readers on a mad cap spin of THG/Pride and Prejudice/Bride and Prejudice. Get hustlin’ on the next chapter while you’ve got your fightin’ spirit. ;) 
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