#my ghouls are just. leetle creechurs.
pinkiepiebones · 2 years
Do the ghouls have favorite colors?
"We do, but they haven't got human names. We can perceive, ehhhh, 'auras' or 'midichlorians' or whatever you wanna call it. Some of this, these things that are of such a 'oh, how bland, we are all the same' nature to us ghouls are, as I have perhaps said before, hard to quantify in, y'know, speaking words.
"This all being said, I am more than happy to tell you about my band siblings's favourites, if you're so inclined to be listening!
"Mostly, collectively, their favourite colour is the light that comes off of all y'all at the shows. Ehhhhhh... closet visible to humans approximation I can say is, it's like glitter, but alive, and quite vivid, but not painfully bright. A dazzling, pulsing colour! We ghouls cannot, ehh, create it. We only see it in you. So, good job! You're quite lovely.
"Individually, they of course have differing answers. My mountainous drummer sibling, for instance, is quite fond of the colour of a garden just before the leaves breach the surface and breathe in air. I suppose you could call it the colour of anticipation, eheheheehehe... My watery bassist sibling enjoys the colour of the earth just after an overdue rain. The tall lioness enjoys the colour of remembering a joyous moment- I like that one too, it's kinda this, ehehehe, wiggly glowing in the dark thing. The small lioness likes most the colour of snowfall- not the landed stuff so much, but as it falls, there's a woven sort of, ehhh, dance of colours.... Little Sunshine, perhaps most relatably to you all, says the best colour is the one that comes from music. I say that's cheating since music is nearly infinitely colourful, but I guess "every colour" can be favourite, eheheehh. My big strong Aether sibling loves banana yellow. Kidding!! It is actually most a fan of the colours that shadows leave behind- a brief colour, beyond that of shadow itself. Swiss likes the bubbling, poppy colour that electronics give off. And the ghoul some of y'all call 'Dew' or 'Sodo'... neon red, it says. Huh. I ask, "is this a trick? Are you forgetting the colour of thermal updrafts or abandoned houses or graveyards or sunsets or fossils?" No, Sodo says, I just like neon red. So. I still think it's a trick or a joke, but what do I know? Ehehehehehhh."
"My favourite colour is Copi- Papa's eyes. Errr, the right eye. If I cannot choose from that which brings me lovesickness, then I'll choose the colour of a vinyl record when the needle first touches down on the grooves. Ah! A crackling, stirring from slumber sort of shade!! Eheheehehheh.
"I wish very much y'all could someday see the colours we can see. Maybe a hair dye company will get on it first. Some of y'all have really cool hair colours. Ooh, and tattoos! Those two peoples types, maybe they'll concoct something I can look at and say "oh shit, they bottled the colour my boyfriend turns when he is dreaming!" Or, y'know, whatever."
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