#my gf watched saw with me in prep to see it i never thought she would 😭đŸ„ș
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gregoftom · 1 year ago
going to see saw x tomo HYPEEEE
0 notes
lightlycareless · 10 months ago
I had the high school au on my mind and since Jujutsu tech has forms I was thinking what shenanigans can ensue. I can imagine maybe earlier in their relationship, Y/N would invite/sneak Naoya to her dorm after hours to watch a movie with her. Naoya is obviously excited to hang out with his gf so maybe he mentions it to his friends and they’re like ‘ooh you know what that means. And oh she just wants to make out etc’ something along those lines that puts that idea into Naoya’s head when in reality Y/N’s invitation had completely innocent intentions with the only desire to watch the movie, maybe even cuddle while they watched(I can imagine cuddling might fluster her bit at this stage). So when Naoya eventually gets there, maybe he’s been like prepped to the max expecting his and Y/N’s first make out session only to realize that she really only wanted to watch the movie(either to his relief or slight disappointment). I could see it either going with Naoya trying initiate and it causing problems with him getting embarrassed for his misunderstanding or each time he tries to initiate Y/N is like extremely oblivious to it to the point he gives up. I just wanted to share this with you since the thought kept giving me the giggles and I love young love stuff like this. It’s probably why I’m so obsessed with the high school au.(Feel free to write a little something to this though if you get inspiration from it 😊)
Heya anon!!
I'm sorry it took me a while to get back to you; with prompts that are usually a bit longer, especially those that I have an idea of what I want to write but don't know how to land it?
Though I have to admit that your ask by itself was perfect. It was so cute!!!! I didn't think I could add much, but I still hope you liked what I prepared for this occasion :>
warnings: naoya might be a pervert, no surprise there. fluff. highschool AU. he's a dork too. mentions of smut, very light. just implications.
Happy reading!!
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Naoya doesn’t like admitting it, and you’ll never catch doing so either—certainly not when it comes to you, the only person he’s ever tried his hardest to appear as confident, seemingly untouchable, above all problems regardless of their nature: a reliable man you could always lean on.
But the truth is, he still gets nervous. Very nervous, indeed. To the point you’d think he was about to attempt a life-or-death type of endeavor, not a silly thing! (it’s not silly, Naoya just says that in order to feel better)
“Do you want to watch a movie
” it’s how it started—at that point, Naoya wasn’t that flustered. Sure, he was excited to spend time with you, as much as any loving boyfriend would! If it were him, the two would be together, every day, every hour, everywhere!
in my dorm?”
It’s only when you say these words that he effectively becomes an utter mess, unable to do anything else besides allow heat to form on his cheeks, throat tightening as he squeaks a quick:
Before going back to his class, to torment himself with what just transpired, and what wonderful things it actually represented.
Still early in the relationship, this would be the first time you and Naoya
 saw each other in a more private setting.
Far from seeing each other at cafeteria to eat lunch together, training when the other’s usual partner wasn’t available, going on missions whenever teachers sought it necessary, studying if you didn’t get something from a class he already had (he’s a year older—before your being your boyfriend, Naoya was actually your senpai.), amongst other things.
In other words, his mind saw it was step forward in what he considered the rest of his life with you, and such statement brought him so much happiness, he literally couldn’t do anything else but spend his time imagining just what you had in store for him; undoubtedly something good, he quickly assumes.
Naoya prided himself for being quite reserved when it comes to personal matters, but such was his excitement this time around, that he was unable to hide it from his prying friends, the same ones that were always eager to tease him simply because he made it too easy, often entertained by his outlandish reactions

Or amusing discoveries.
“What’s got you in such a good mood, Naoya?” One of his friends, Kiyotaka (probably someone he could replace with someone infinitely better, as you’ve once hinted.) says once taking a seat before him.
“What are you even talking about.” Naoya responds defensively, like he always did.
“Tsk, come on
 you don’t really believe we’re going to fall for that, are we?” Another friend of Naoya’s, arguably of the same nature as Kiyotaka, Hideki, adds with a teasing tone.
“I don’t need to believe anything, you can do whatever you want.” He hisses, still avoiding the subject, if he wanted to push them away, he fails miserably.
Unfortunately, they knew it would only take a few more shoves to get Naoya talking.
And when it finally happened, oh, was he regretful he ever said anything.
“I’m going on a date with Y/N.” Is the sentence that pushes them over the edge, a smirk plastered on their faces as they seem to catch on to your “ulterior motives” way before him.
“Really? Where are you two going?” Kiyotaka asks.
“What do you care?” Naoya frowns, but they knew well to take his intimidation with a grain of salt. “
We’re watching a movie.”
“Oh, you’re going to the city?” Hideki wonders.
“No, not really—we’re staying in, at her dorm.”
With that, their theories were effectively confirmed.
“Oooooh, her dorm.” Kiyotaka teases. “Is that so?”
“What? What about it?” Naoya scowls, he never liked bringing you into his conversations with his friends for this precise reason—they always seemed to have something to say about you, or his relationship. And like the ever jealous, overprotective man he was, he simply couldn’t allow that!
But as experienced as he proclaimed to be, there were still things he had to learn, such as the obvious intentions behind your suggestion. So they were trying to hint.
“Come on, you can’t be that blind.” The other insists, Naoya’s frown (as well as intrigue) deepens.
“It’s so clear why she’s inviting you to see a movie in her dorm—” Kiyotaka continues.
“If it’s so obvious, then spit it out!” Naoya demands.
“She was to make out, of course! No, actually, I think she wants to do something more.” Hideki proclaims.
“Oh, most definitely! You guys have been dating for what, a few weeks? I’d say it’s long overdue!”
At the prospect, heat spreads across Naoya’s face, heart quickening as he carefully considers their words
 before annoyance and jealousy overrules him once more, quick to demean them back, especially after they continue mocking him.
“Not that our virgin friend would know, too busy jacking off to anime girls— probably hasn’t even gotten his first kiss!”
“At least I have a girlfriend, losers!” Is what Naoya scowls before storming out the classroom and into the hallways, just before he did anything that he’d come to regret; their hyena-like laughs disappearing in the distance.
But nonetheless, their work was done, for their words would remain in Naoya’s mind for the rest of the day, those that were of any use of course.
Because jokes often harbored truth behind them.
Deeply enthralled by the excitement of spending an evening with you, maybe he did fail to recognize the true meaning behind your invitation.
A notion that the more he thought of it, the more he considered it to be
Naoya didn’t think it was going to happen now—though he won’t deny he’s been longing for it. It’s just that
 he hadn’t done anything in fear of scaring you. Up to that point, all you’ve done together is hold hands, kiss, hugs, and that’s about it. Nothing more, nothing less, and both seemed happy with it.
Until now.
Once these thoughts made way to his mind, and after placing these erroneous pieces together
 Naoya can’t help but wonder, is this your way of telling him
 you wanted to do more? Formalize this relationship?
If so, another insecurity arises within Naoya, one that stems from the erratic notion that as the man, he should’ve been the one taking initiative, not you.
He should’ve been preparing everything for that special moment, anything beneath that would only catalog him as someone foolish, and thus, undeserving of your affection—you can blame the Zen’in for those beliefs.
Because ever since meeting you, all Naoya has ever wanted to do is give you the world.
But in order to continue doing that, once you took the lead
 what must he do?
“Do you really think she wants to do
 that?” Naoya eventually resorts to the only other person he trusts enough to bring some clarity to the situation, though sometimes, for matters of avoiding getting too much information, wishes he didn’t. Yet, he’ll always stand by his side.
“I guess?” Ranta cringes, the thought of you and his best friend getting physical is one he wishes to erase from his mind!
On a more assertive approach, even when you’ve been dating his best friend for a few weeks, he has to admit he doesn’t know much about you. Or at all, really—outside of your excessive affinity for mochi, videogames, and wanting to be with Naoya at all times. Ranta rests easy knowing you mean well above all.
However, at this moment, he’s very concerned, simply because this is a delicate subject that if handled wrongly, could gravely wound his relationship
 and all thanks to his supposed friends getting under his skin!
Ranta is tired of telling Naoya that he needs better friendships, that they’re only there because they want to get a rise out of him!
Though, a tiny, almost undetectable part of him does think they might be right. Because being invited to someone’s room is often an opening for something more private
So, the possibility of you wanting more isn’t that farfetched, and considering how clingy the two are

“Do you know what movie you’re going to watch?” Ranta suddenly asks, a necessary question in his mind.
“Hm? No, not yet. Y/N said that she’s ok with whatever, she just wants to spend time with me.”

It’s too obvious now, enough for Ranta’s mouth to fall agape and skin go pale, a reaction that startles Naoya, rushing to frettingly ask what was going on, why did he react that way?! Did he know something he didn’t?
Well, simply put
 yes. He did. It’s just too obvious now to deny: the reason why you hadn’t chosen a movie, or even suggested something, when you were the one to invite him, was because that’s not what really matters! In fact, it never was!!
The only reason this date was happening was because you definitely, undoubtedly, clear as water, or like the sun rising, wanted to do something else!
And the movie was just an excuse to get him where you wanted—with Naoya taking the bait as soon as it was casted.
“What is it, Ranta?!” Naoya asks once more. “Will you speak up already?!”
The poor kid sighs.
He just hopes Naoya is prepared.
When the fateful day finally comes, Naoya can’t help but be all too attentive to your behavior, or more like the oddity of it.
Sure, you were still the giddy, loving, albeit a bit weird girl he fell in love with—but there was something
 different about you. Almost as if you’d suddenly forgotten you were his girlfriend and got all shy with him.
And he didn’t mean the the adorable way he loved teasing—no, he meant the glance away from him whenever you’d catch him staring type of way, refusing to smile back whenever he’d do so, or straight up avoiding him in the hallways.
Naoya worried that perhaps he’d done something wrong without noticing, said some stupidity and angered you

But that proved to be wrong when you approached him at the end of the day, rushing over to his locker and softly calling out his name, which he promptly responded to by swiftly turning around to see you, eager to fix whatever issues unwittingly grew between the two—
“Are you ready
 Naoya?” it’s what you’d say, with the quietest tone he’s probably ever heard you use, after your confession of course.
“Huh? Oh; Ye—yeah.” He responds, swallowing. “I’m ready. 
For the movie, right?”
You nod frantically. “Yes! Haha, what else?”
“I thought you’d
 forgotten about it.” Naoya admits. “Since you hadn’t spoken to me at all.”
“Oh, no—it wasn’t that! I
 didn’t mean to ignore you, I was just
 actually preparing some things between classes and all that.” You confess, his shoulders relax, tension leaving his body alongside one of his worst fears. “I’m sorry.”
“Had me worried there, mochi. Thought I did something to anger you.” he says, you don’t notice it, but he tightly clenches his fist, an attempt to ease his nerves.
No, you could never.” You pout, looking away embarrassed. After a few seconds of silence, you return to him. “I already got snacks for the movie, by the way. I made sure to bring your favorite’s too, so need to worry about that! Though I was still hoping we could get something to eat first? Or if you want, we can also get some other snacks if you don’t like the ones I—"
“I don' I’m—I’m ok with whatever you picked.” He frets back, you blink. “Just getting to spend time with you is enough for me.”
“Oh, well then—” you blush. Looking around and noticing no one was near, you proceed. “Do you
 want to go
Naoya nods before taking your hand; it’s only then that he notices the first symptoms of your anxieties: through the warmth of your skin and the dampness of it too—seems he might’ve miscalculated how nervous you’d be, yet he was not surprised, because if his assumptions were to be true, it was only natural you’d be in such state prior doing
Well, it was good to know both were on the same page. If only it helped him to not feel as nervous as he did.
Or at least, make him realize not everything was what it seemed.
Naoya didn’t know what he was anticipating when arriving at your dorm. That his anxieties disappear? Perhaps. Should he have expected that? Probably not, if anything, he should’ve foreseen that his emotions were to spiral even further once getting there.
It’s as if the notion of what was happening finally settled into his mind! Turning him a nervous, sweating mess that you couldn’t help but notice as well—though it was more likely that you were on the same page as him.
Your boyfriend mentally scolds himself for his reaction, thinking that he was supposed to be ready for this moment, he did all the preparations, after all! (don’t ask)
But when he’s here, before you, in your room, alone—it’s like it was all for nothing; efforts thrown out the window as all he can do is look at you oversee the last details for the date in a seemingly assertive manner than makes him feel even smaller.
Oh, but if he only knew

“You can change out of your uniform in the bedroom, if you like. I’ll go to the bathroom.” You suggest, face bright as a tomato as you gesture to said location. “Get comfortable, and all that
“Don’t be silly, I’ll use the bathroom.” Naoya responds immediately, his instinct to please you still intact. “It’s your room
“Oh—okay, then. I guess I’ll just wait over here
” You then turn around, heading over to the bedroom.
On Naoya’s way to the restroom, he’s able to get a peek into your room, the place the rest evening was to be spent in, taken aback by the sight that received him, demonstrating just how serious you were to have a perfect date:
After moving the bed to the corner, you’ve set up various blankets on the floor to work as some kind of futon, alongside some fluffy pillows to comfortably sit down and lean back on. After that, you place a neatly folded blanket by the corner to use in case either ran cold, though Naoya doubt’s it’ll be used at all

Nonetheless, Naoya was impressed by your commitment, giving him the impression you were most definitely striking to achieve something more—in for the kill, as some may say.
He should’ve assumed you capable of so, considering how this relationship came to be. If anything, he should be wondering if he even has the means to keep up? And if he doesn’t
 what will this mean for the relationship?
Naoya doesn’t want to lose you.
“What snacks do you want?” you’d ask him once he’s out of the bathroom.
Naoya notices you to be out of your uniform as well, dressing in a matching sweatsuit he normally would’ve considered you looked adorable in, as usual— if his mind wasn’t threading into something a bit more
He made sure to freshen up in efforts to distract all intrusive thoughts, but once again, it was all for nothing when it comes to you; it has always been that way, and it seems will always be.
Attempting to push down his nerves, Naoya eventually makes way towards the makeshift futon, taking a seat there before you join him soon after, bringing along popcorn and sodas you remembered to be his favorite.
“Here, for you.” You say, inching closer to him to the point where your arms are touching his. Naoya tenses up, doing everything in his power to prevent his mind from going somewhere it shouldn’t be, such as holding his breath, or focusing on

“Is that my hoodie?” Naoya notes, which immediately makes you blush, looking away embarrassed.
“Oh—yeah, I—I guess that’s where it came from.” You chuckle nervously; though it’s not like you didn’t know it was his. In fact, might’ve lied to Naoya about it’s whereabouts that one time he asked you just to keep it around for a bit longer
 but could he blame you? It was soft, comfortable, and most importantly, it smelled like him. “
Do you want it back?”
“No!” he shrieks. Your eyes widen in surprise. “I mean—it looks
 good on you.” Perhaps a bit too good. “Keep it.”
You turn impossibly redder.
” you whisper, returning your gaze to him, staring at him absolute silence, as if processing the closeness in which the two were, the privacy of it all

But once it finally settles, oh, does it fluster you even more. Breath hitching to your throat the moment you realized you spent too much time staring at him, quickly turning around and reaching over for the remote control, turning the TV on and attempting to move the evening forward—yet your thoughts would remain behind.
“What movie are we going to see
?” Naoya manages to ask, as if your reaction didn’t affect him further.
“Just one that Shoko
 suggested.” You quietly admit; the CD was already set up on the player, all that was left to do was
 press play.
Once the movie begins, the two are quickly captivated by it; Shoko wasn’t lying when she said this was something you’ll definitely like, the type of film that won’t let you peel your eyes away from the screen due to its epic storytelling (her words)—and it had been that way up to that point, if it weren’t for the occasional reminder of the other being there.
Whether through a quick exhale, a whine when stretching their legs or arms, or even the warm pressure of your head resting on Naoya’s arm
 even with an intriguing movie as that one, neither could refute acknowledging the other’s presence.
Or the supposed reason behind this invitation, which only grew heavier in his mind the same time his insecurities flourished, ignorant of when to take the next step, trying to make out if this was your way of telling him to hurry up or perhaps, something else entirely??
You’ve taken liking to the position you were in, with your head over his shoulder, intertwining his arm with his, occasionally reaching out for a handful of popcorn and asking him if he’d like some before going back to your previous comfortable position, attention completely focused on the movie once again.
Naoya commends you for being able to appear this calm, completely unaware of his turmoil. In a way, he was happy you were.
But your boyfriend knew better than to rely on comfort, and once motivated to act, he was able to quickly intercept the true motives behind your insistency, a wake-up call for him to act and do what he must—as a man, he’s the one responsible to provide a solution to your desire; anything less than that is shameful.
And so, after mentally uttering few more encouraging words to himself
 Naoya finally proceeds.
It starts slowly, carefully, with him releasing the arm in your hold to drape it over your shoulders. You don’t seem to put much of a resistance at first, though you did seem startled—but when you realized you could be more comfortable this way, with your head resting over his chest and his arm hugging you, you quickly accepted your new disposition, a smile on your face (alongside a bright blush) as you continued watching the movie.
Naoya remains that way for a few more moments, torn between enjoying your closeness or continuing, perhaps hoping you’d tell him something. But when you don’t, he simply takes it as you being shy.
Thus, he pushes forward, for your introverted sake.
He senses you tense up the moment his hands finally trail down your arm and onto your waist, yet you don’t stop him. Naoya quietly sighs as he keeps his hand there, occasionally giving you soft squeezes here and there, before leaning further and further down, ending by your hips.
Naoya swears to feel his heart (and yours consequentially) to be just a few minutes away from bursting out his chest when doing this—this contact being the most intimate he’s gone with you. And yet, his mind can’t help but wonder why you hadn’t reciprocated his advances, because at that point, his intentions had to be nothing but clear!
But you remained quiet, reserved, with the tightening of your grasp over his chest whenever he moved closer to a particularly sensitive area, softly whining in response, being his only indicative.
Did he need to be more assertive with his actions? Or perhaps he wasn’t doing the right things? Not
 touching you the way you liked?
You must excuse him from not knowing, this was
 the first time he’d do such a thing with you, and naturally, he’s bound to make some mistakes—but he still wants to make it right.
So, he goes with the one thing he knows won’t fail, considering how you’ve left it clear countless times before that you always enjoyed his kisses—whether through verbal and physical reassurance.
The answers were always there, Naoya just
 needs to be bolder about it. Secure. You must enjoy having an assertive boyfriend, right?
Taking another deep breath and in one swift movement, Naoya uses his free hand to grab your chin, carefully turning you to him, leaning forward to take your lips into a kiss before you could even react.
The action undoubtedly catches you off guard, enough to have you tensing, eyes widening as you try to process why the sudden approach—not that it would take you long before you succumbed to it, but still. It had come so out of the blue, you almost felt like it wasn’t truly happening, that perhaps you imagined it, always desperate to dive in Naoya’s gestures.
And it would’ve been quite wonderful too, if only he’d remained in the realms of what he knew, stopped his fingers from travelling up to your stomach and hooking around the edge of your hoodie, gently nudging it upwards in what he thought a clear understanding of what’s to happen, leaving no room for anything else—
Just your shock, which immediately prompted you to place your hands over his chest and push him away from you, with great unprecedented force, so different from the gentle touch you always use on him that Naoya almost didn’t recognize you.
Nor yourself, for that matter.
"Wh—what are you doing, Naoya?!" You breathe, trying your best to hold back the pounding of your heart from deafening your ears, alongside the scrambling of your thoughts, failing to understand what just happened, or more like why. "Why did you—why did you do that???"
"I'm— I'm confused, Y/N" Your boyfriend quickly responds, voice trembling upon seeing the horror in your face, a sight he never wished to see on you again, less be on the cause of it. "I thought you—I thought you wanted this."
“I wanted—wh—what??” you fret. “What are you even talking about?? Want what?!”
“You know
that” Naoya murmurs, and for the first time that evening, the notion that he might’ve miscalculated your intentions invades his mind, bringing along great sorrow that only worsens when all you do is continue to stare at him, surprised. “The
. The thing couples
What gave you that idea?” you dared to ask, and then, at that precise moment, is when realization finally settles inside him, making his heart sink to his stomach and his worst fears come true.
“I'm so sorry, Y/N. I thought—I thought you inviting me over was for something else!” Naoya the takes you into his arms, pressing you tightly against him as he continues to mutter endless apologies, silent prayers that he hadn’t hurt the only relationship he has cared about in his entire life, beyond repair."I’m so sorry, please don't break up with me—"
"Huh?! Naoya?? Why would you even say that?!” You cry, whatever you felt for his unusual actions folded immediately in favor of your confusion. “I’m not going to break up with you!”
“Are you not
 mad?—Hurt, because of what I did?”
“I mean—I am startled.” Naoya frowns, ashamed. You try to reassure him with a tight smile, he does not budge. “But
 I wouldn’t leave you. Never!’
 what’s going to happen?” he fearfully asks, unwilling to believe that no punishment, no reproach was to occur—you can blame the Zen’in for that.

 Were you truly not angry, not one bit?
“Well, I guess we should
 talk about it.” You say, fidgeting with your fingers. A conversation you didn’t think would occur so soon, and like this too—but it did, and with it, came along questions (or more like insecurities) about your own standing in this relationship.
Guess now is just as good as any other time.
you don’t want to do it, isn’t it?” Naoya assumes, your eyes widen.
“That’s not true, Naoya. Of course I do!”
Not like this.” You murmur. A question crosses your mind. “But
 you wanted it
Naoya remains silent, guess after all that happened, the teasing of his friends, Ranta’s suggestions
 he eventually came to hope that maybe you did want more. He would’ve definitely liked that, but then, who wouldn’t want to be intimate with the love of their life?
“You did.” You breathe; now it was your time to lament. “Oh, Naoya, I didn’t mean to confuse you—”
“No, Y/N. I was the one that misunderstood your invitation.” He says, hugging you tighter against him. “I guess I was too excited to spend time with you, that
 I might’ve gotten ahead of myself. Might’ve allowed others to that too
“What do you mean?” you ask, curiously lifting your gaze to his.
 I guess
 I might’ve
 let my friends influence me on what was going to happen
“You mean—did they tell you this was for something more?”
“Well—I mean—it’s not every day that you invite me to your dorm, you know??” Naoya gasps.
“Because it’s not really permitted, Naoya!” you cry back. “
and because my room is a mess most of the time, and I don’t want you to see that...”
At the silliness of last, he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, invertedly lifting some of the tension that had begun to weight heavy on your shoulders, allowing you relax soon after.
“Is that what you’re most worried about?” Naoya jests. “That I might not like what your room looks like?”
“I gotta look good for my boyfriend, after all!” you fuss. “
and that’s not the only thing I worry about. I don’t want you to get in trouble for sneaking in either.”
I’d be more satisfied if you were
 well, happy with me.” Naoya silently admits, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“It was just a misunderstanding, nothing more.” You say, leaning into his touch. “
And a reminder that you need better friends too
“Yeah, that’s definitely something I have to do.” Naoya frowns, but he doesn’t let this issue take much space in his mind. “And make it up to you.”
“Naoya—I’m just happy that you’re here with me!” you grin, wrapping your arms around him, squeezing him. “It’s been soooo loong since we last had a date, it’s going to take much more than that to ruin it!”
But I was pretty close, wasn’t I?” he laments.
“Don’t torture yourself about it.” You lean to kiss his lips, the gesture warming his heart as his worries begin to disappear. “It’ll happen, in time, I hope
 and when it does, it’ll be special, for both of us. Because it’ll be just how we want it!”
“It sounds like you already had something in mind, though.”  Naoya recalls, mentally preparing himself to take notes. “
Do you mind
 telling me
“Well, you’ll definitely have to take me out on a date—somewhere nice for dinner. From there, I’d like to go for a walk around the city, or maybe a drive, I don’t know. We can go to a viewpoint and watch the stars, or to the park and just
 relax. After that, we can go back to anywhere but a place we could be caught.” You shiver. “I’d rather die than let that happen!”
Naoya laughs, finding your enthusiasm to be both refreshing, adorable, and informative in two matters:
One, that you are just as eager as he was when it comes to that, effectively removing any doubt he had about the ordeal. It was just a matter of being ready, that’s all.
And two, just how silly it was to even consider you wanted to do it in a place like a school, where strictness was only expected. It was difficult as it was having to sneak him around the dorms just to spend this evening together, now imagine that? Some were shameless, amongst them Naoya, but you were out of the question.
What was he even thinking?!
Naoya feels like an absolute idiot for having trusted his supposed friends. Perhaps he should’ve taken Ranta more seriously, take it slow as he suggested.
But there was no use in agonizing about that when he had more pressing matters to tend to, such as

Do you still want to watch the movie?” Naoya asks, hopeful. But you give him a smile that erases all doubts.
“Yes. Of course I do! I still want to spend time with you, you know? With the boyfriend I love very, very much.”
Naoya blushes.
“And you’re the girlfriend I love very much too.” He stammers, verbal affection is something he still struggles with, but it does not abstain it from being genuine. “I’ll make it up to you—whatever you want. Don’t hesitate to tell me.

And once we get to do that too, it’ll be special; beyond anything you imagined—I promise you.”
“It’s not necessary, Naoya—just spending time with you is enough for me.” You lean forward once more to peck his lips. “With you, I don’t need to worry about anything because I know everything will fall into place by its own.

Though there is one think I want you to do, if you really wanna make it up to me.”
“Anything, it’s yours.”
Do you think
 you can spend the night here, with me? My roommate is going to be away for a few days, and my siblings are out on a mission; I normally wouldn’t mind staying on my own, but tonight
 I don’t feel like doing that.” you shyly ask, and while it’s a far cry from what Naoya initially anticipated, it’s still enough to rile him up.
“Su—Sure, Y/N—I just
 I think I just need to go to the bathroom first.”
You don’t say anything else, too flustered to do so, aside from reassuring him you’ll be there when he comes back, understanding that this was a situation that, well, honestly speaks for itself.
And yet, you didn’t think much of it—because at the end of the day, one way or the other, it just showed how much Naoya wished to be with you, and how eager you wished the day you were ready to give yourself to him eventually came to be.
Until then, you’d worry about enjoying the rest of the evening, wondering if Naoya would be thirsty after coming back, perhaps wanting to eat something else than popcorn—you sure brought lots of snacks just in case, highly meticulous for a simple movie night. You shouldn’t be blamed, though; it was your first date in a setting like this!
While Naoya tended to some personal issues—but the most important one was the final acceptance that he needed better friends, deciding to drop them soon after this miscalculation almost cost him his relationship (Not really, just a very upset girlfriend) and God knows what else; Ranta being the only one that remained, because he was the only genuine friend he ever had, that much he could still asses.
But when it comes to your happiness, though he’ll sometimes go to him for suggestions, Naoya decides to only trust his heart—no one else.
The rest of them could disappear, for all he cared. Because the moment you stepped into his life, you were all that mattered to him.
All that will continue to matter, until the end of his days. Luckily, he has a lifetime to prove that to you.
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Naoya's growth from dorky boyfriend to husband will be satisfying journey to observe.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this little something I did!!! Whenever I get HS AU stuff I get really excited, I literally couldn't stop thinking about this!!!
Either way, it was fun to write awkward Y/N and Naoya, this is way before the latter grew up to be the arrogant bastard we all know; and though he does end up like that, I like to think that because of Y/N he's not as bad lol.
Now, I don't have anything else except that I really do hope you liked this :> Thank you so much for sending in this ask; take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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hospitalterrorizer · 11 months ago
sunday - monday
need to work out still, and then sleep.
but first i'll talk about something i saw today, or maybe multiple things, i guess.
second thing first, leaving work and walking home, i saw the police harassing a homeless woman, making her leave where she was standing. the police were called by the security guard stationed there, who could ultimately not do anything about the woman. the woman's things were all falling over the ground, another pig arrived to help the other i guess watch this woman and i just watched. i don't know what i could have said. i watched them stand menacingly, or one stand near her, and the other, farther away, looking at his watch, looking at me, staring briefly, looking back. i heard an animal sound to my left, i saw two ducks. one male, one female. the one with green all around its head, shimmered very bright, it quacked and seemed curious about the lights, me, and everything else. they wanted to get over to cookies that were all over the ground from the woman, stuff she dropped. but they didn't want to pass me i think. as the woman left, i turned and began to leave. the pigs did too. the ducks followed me, or maybe in their minds, outran me.
before that, at work, i saw maggots on the bottom of a trash bag. they were there, moving, tiny and wriggling, moist as well. a lot of life there.
today i read about the way power/discipline is not just a system of punishment but rewards as well. obvious but interesting nonetheless, to wonder about maybe interesting points where say, they begin to crossover, which foucault gets to as well, where you are rewarded with respect, and thus, you are able to fall farther, disappoint more, this kind of thing. or perhaps, you are liked at work, you do a good job, you are punished with more hours but knowing this cannot be punishment really, you must take it positively, ressentiment leaks elsewhere, it is the rest of your life which asks for leisure, your body which asks for rest, which is deserving of hate.
at least socially, by what produces and enforces the normal.
otherwise, i need to sleep, i can't work on music tonight and stuff, but tomorrow... tomorrow is the day. i also need to prep chicken. guhhh.hhh.
today i have been listening to hee haw a lot by the birthday party, i finally get that now/ have given it a better chance i guess. i liked it always but now i see why it's my gf's fav. i really like that they walk the line of pop-ish songs on it and totally non-musical stuff. an ideal, basically.
another art related thing, as i feel another bataille phase coming on, i should maybe buy a book of his essays or something if possible. but anyway, this has less to do w/ bataille outright and more by what i think silent hill's otherworld produces, this maybe even relates to foucault more, at least his methods have opened this thought up to me, but the sense that in each piece of the otherworld, outside of the waste and hidden matter produced by the mirrored thing, hospitals as nightmares no longer capable of the sanitation that makes them safe and so on, to see the effects unmasked, and so on, the sub-real, in truth, they also contain in the sub-reality, especially in silent hill 3 i recall, huge pieces of history, for instance in the office building or mall, you see fragments / pieces of text which recall earlier points in history, implicating all of history in the construction of that moment, that object/reality. the implements are never done away with, only elaborating themselves differently.
anyway, i am exhausted, i just worked out and stuff, i need to wake up soonish basically, so
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dailydianakko · 5 years ago
Undying Au- God doesnt exist
I think I will cause problems on purpose. Anyway enjoy more of my little fic :3
NO!” I screamed. I was horrorfied! Lotte Go’thic 666 Nightfall tried to comfort me but I told her fuck off and I ran to my room crying myself. Holbrock chased after me shouting but she had to stop when I went into my room cause she would look like a perv that way. Anyway, I started crying tears of blood and then I slit both of my wrists. They got all over my clothes so I took them off and jumped into the bath angrily while I put on a Linkin Park song at full volume. I grabbed a steak and almost stuck it into my heart to commit suicide. I was so fucking depressed! I got out of the bathtub and put on a black low-cut dress with lace all over it sandly. I put on black high heels with pink metal stuff on the ends and six pairs of skull earrings. I couldn’t fucking believe it. Then I looked out the window and screamed
 Lunkic was spying on me and she was taking a video tape of me! And Pices was masticating to it! They were sitting on their broomsticks. “EW, YOU FUCKING PERVS, STOP LOOKING AT ME NAKED! ARE YOU PEDOS OR WHAT!” I screamed putting on a black towel with a picture of Marilyn Mason on it. Suddenly Vampire ran in. “Abra Kedavra!” she yelled at Lunkic and Piceese pointing her womb. I took my gun and shot Loonkic and Peeses a gazillion times and they both started screaming and the camera broke. Suddenly Hoobrock ran in. “Akko, it has been revealed that someone has - NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” she shouted looking at Lunick and pieces and then she waved her wand and suddenly
 Nelson ran outside on her broom and said everyone we need to talk. “What do you know, Nelson? You’re just a little Hogwarts student!” “I MAY BE A HOGWARTS STUDENT
.” Nelson paused angrily. “BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST!” “This cannot be.” LAnick said in a crisp voice as blood dripped from her hand where Holbrooke’s wand had shot her. “There must be other factors.” “YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!” I yelled in madly. Piceses held up the camera triumelephantly. “The lens may be ruined but the tape is still there!” I felt faint, more than I normally do like how it feels when you do not drink enough blood. “Why are you doing this?” Peices said angrily while she rubbed her dirty fin on her hat. And then I heard the words that I had heard before but not from her. I did not know whether to feel shocked and happy or to bite her and drink her blood because I felt faint. “BECAUSE
.” Nelson said and she paused in the air dramitaclly, waving her wand in the air. Then swooped she in singing to the tune of a gothic version of a song by 50 Cent. “Because you’re goffic?” Lunkic asked in a little afraid voice cause she was afraind it meant she was connected with Satan. “Because I LOVE HER!” Chapter 12. AN: stop f,aing ok hargrid is a pedo 2 a lot of ppl in amerikan skoolz r lik dat I wunted 2 adres da ishu! how du u no snap iant kristian plus hargrid isn’t really in luv wif ebony dat was sedric ok! XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I was about to slit my wrists again with the silver knife that Duana had given me in case anything happened to her. She had told me to use it valiantly against an enemy but I knew that we must both go together. “NO!” I THOUGHT IT WAS NELsOOM but it was Vampire. She started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY HEMMROID HURTS!” and then
.. her eyes rolled up! You could only see her red whites. I stopped. “How did u know?” “I saw it! And my vein turned back into the hemmerpiod!” “NO!” I ran up closer. “I thought you didn’t have a hemorrhoid anymore!” I shouted. “I do but Diabolo changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” she said back. “Anyway my vein hurt and it turned back into the hemmeroid! Save me! then I had a vision of what was happening to Duana

.Paul has her in bondage!” Anyway I was in the school nurse’s office now recovering from my slit wrists. Lunkick and Peeses and NELSOM were there too. They were going to St. Mango’s after they recovered cause they were pedofiles and you can’t have those fucking pervs teaching in a school with lots of hot gurlz. Chariot had constipated the cideo camera they took of me naked. I put up my middle finger at them. Anyway Nelson came into my hospital bed holding a bouquet of pink roses. “AKjew I need to tell u somethnig.” she said in a v. serious voice, giving me the roses. “Fuck off.” I told her. “You know I fucking hate the color pink anyway, and I don’t like fucked up preps like you.” I snapped. Nelsom had been mean to me before for being gottik. “No Akkeo.” Neelson says. “Those are not roses.” “What, are they goffs too you poser prep?” I asked cause I was angry that she had brought me pink roses. “I saved your life!” She yelled angrily. “No you didn’t I replied.” “You saved me from getting a Paris Hilton p- video made from your shower scene and being vued by Lunnick and Peeses.” Who MASTABATED (c is dat speld rong) to it he added silently. “Whatever!” I yelled angirly. She pointed her wand at the pink roses. “These aren’t roses.” She suddenly looked at them with an evil look in her eye and muttered Well If you wanted Honesty that’s all you haD TO SAY! . “That’s not a spell that’s an MCR song.” I corrected her wisely. “I know, I was just warming up my vocal cordes.” Then she screamed. “Petulus merengo mi kremicli romacio(4 all u cool goffic mcr fans out, there, that is a tribute! specially for Valkyrie I love you girl!)imo noto okayo!” And then the roses turned into a huge black flame floating in the middle of the air. And it was black. Now I knew she wasn’t a prep. “OK I believe you now wtf is Duana?” Nelson rolled her eyes. I looked into the balls of flame but I could c nothing. “U c, Akkeo,” Howdybrooke said, watching the two of us watching the flame. “2 c wht iz n da flmes(HAHA U REVIEWRS FLAMES GEDDIT) u mst find urslf 1st, k?” “I HAVE FOUND MYSELF OK YOU MEAN OLD WOOMAN!” NalsOM yelled. HOWDYbrookes lookd shockd. I guess she didn’t have a headache or else she would have said something back. Neleleson stormed off back into her bed. “U r a liar, proof Hobrookee!” Anyway when I got better I went upstairs and put on a black leather minidress that was all ripped on the ends with lace on it. There was some corset stuff on the front. Then I put on black fishnets and black high-heeled boots with pictures of Billie Joe Armstrong on them. I put my hair all out around me so I looked like Samara from the Ring (if u don’t know who she iz ur a prep so fuk off!) and I put on blood-red lipstick, black eyeliner and black lip gloss. “You look kawai, girl.” Sucy P’oison said sadly. “Fangs (geddit) you do too.” I said sadly too, but I was still upset. I slit both of my wrists feeling totally depressed and I sucked all the blood. I cried again in my bathroom and put the shades on so Lunnkick and ppeses couldn’t spy on me this time. I went to some classes. Vampire was in the Flying Class. She looked all depressed because Duana had disappeared and she had used to be in love with Duana. She was sucking some blood from Chole. “Hi.” she said in a depressed way. “Hi back.” I said in an wqually said way. We both looked at each other for some time. Amanda had beautiful red gothic eyes so much like Duanas. Then

 we jumped on each other and started screwing each other. “STOP IT NOW YOU HORNY SIMPLETONS!” shouted Professor Croiz who was watching us and so was everyone else. “Vampire you fucker!” I said slapping her. “Stop trying to screw me. You know I loved Duana!” I shouted and then I ran away angrily. Just then she started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY HEMMEROID HURTS!” and then
.. her eyes rolled up! You could only see her red whites. “NO!” I ran up closer. “I thought you didn’t have a hermmeroid anymore!” I shouted. “I do but Diabolo changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” she said back. “Anyway my hemmeroid hurt and then I had a vision of what was happening to Duana

.POOL has her bondage!” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Vampire and I ran up the stairs looking for HobRoock. We were so scared. "HOBroock HoldbROOKE!” we both yelled. HOlbrooke came there. “What is it that you want now you despicable snobs?” she asked angrily. “PAUL has Diana!” we shouted at the same time. She laughed in an evil voice. “No! Don’t! We need to save Duana!” we begged. “No.” she said meanly. “I don’t give a darn what Paul does to Diana. Not after how much she misbehaved in school especially with YOU Akko.” she said while she frowned looking at me. “Besides I never liked her that much anyway.” then she walked away. Vampire started crying. “My Diana!” she moaned. (AN: don’t u fik gay guyz r lik so hot!) “Its okay!” I tried to tell her but that didn’t stop her. She started to cry tears of blood. Then she had a brainstorm. “I had an idea!” she exclaimed. “What?” I asked her. “You’ll see.” she said. She took out her wand and did a spell. Then

 suddenly we were in Pauls MAnsion! We ran in with our wands out just as we heard a croon voice say. “I kast GUN!” It was

.. PAUL! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXX WARNING: SUM OF DIS CHAPTA IS XTREMLY SCRAY. VIOWER EXCRETION ADVISD. We ran to where PAul was. It turned out that Paul wasn’t there. Instead Duanas Cousin MErril was. Diana was there crying tears of blood. Meryll was torturing her. Vampire and I ran in front of Merill. “Rid my sight you despicable preps!” she shouted as we started shooting her with the gun she Then suddenly she looked at me and she fell down with a lovey-dovey look in her eyes. “AkkoyIloveyouwiluhavesexwithme.” she said. (in dis she is sixteen yrs old so shes not a pedofile ok) “Huh?” I asked. ”Akko I love you will you have sex with me?” asked merrioll. I started laughing crudely. “What the fuck? You torture my gf and then you expect me to fuck you? God, you are so fucked up you fucking bastard.” I said angrily. Then I stabbed her in the heart. Blood pored out of it like a fountain. “Nooooooooooooo!” she screamed. She started screaming and running around. Then she fell down and died. I brust into tears sadly. “Morril what art thou doing?” called Pauul. Then

 she started coming! We could hear her high heels clacking to us. So we got on our broomsticks and we flew to Loona Noova. We went to my room. Vampire went away. There I started crying. “What’s wrong honey?” asked Diana taking off her clothes so we could screw. She had a sex-pack (geddit cuz shes so sexah) and a really huge you-know-what and everything. “Its so unfair!” I yielded. “Why can’t I just be ugly or plain like all da other girls and preps here except for Sucy P'oison, because she’s not ugly or anything.” “Why would you wanna be ugly? I don’t like the preps anyway. They are such fucking sluts.” answered Diana. “Yeah but everyone is in love with me! Like Liunkink and Peices took a video of me naked. Nelsom says she’s in love with me. Vampire likes me and now even Meriol is in love with me! I just wanna be with you ok Diana! Why couldn’t Satan have made me less beautiful?” I shouted angrily. (an” don’t wory Akkow isn’t a snob or anyfing but a lot of ppl hav told her shes pretty) “Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A FUCKING CURSE!” I shouted and then I ran away.
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winstonhcomedy · 6 years ago
“Dope A-F” - 3/7-3/19 - “First Weekend Featuring And Some Other Shit”
Listen up folks. It is time to catch up. I’ve been all over the place and not feeling my best lately. I have let this blog get away from me, but I promise I am bringing it back baby so let’s hop right into it laydees.
This was a nifty night of comedy. Jacob McFadden had gotten me an opportunity to do a live Winstmas Games at VCU’s create-a-thon- I was super stoked for this. I had booked a super strong lineup (Anne Meng, Beau Treauxclair, and Brandon Beswick vs Jacob McFadden, Dylan Vattelana, and Kate Carroll.) Create-a-thon is where a bunch of students stay up all night and work on developing ideas/apps and then presenting them. So this is going to be an all college crowd, they’re going to have been working for like 12 hours, and we are their entertainment for the night.
I meet up with Beau, Dylan, and Kate at Mojos and hang for a bit. I grab my camera and we all head over to VCU’s Temple building to meet up with McFadden, Beswick, and Kate. It took us a while to find everyone but once we did we headed upstairs. They took us to a side room and set everything up. We used Jacob’s PA and I set up my camera in the back. I got a good look at the kids and it gave me some anxiety. You always hear that comedy shows at colleges can go weird. You hear that they are super PC and you have to adjust. My gameshow lends itself to offensiveness. I like that we go over the line and say all types of insane stuff.
Everybody files in and we get started. It was super duper fun. We did a bevy of games and only did about an hour long show. It started kind of slow but the audience slowly got into it as the show went on. The more offensive stuff/sexual stuff they did shy away from, but we were able to hook them. There were a few lulls but there were also some huge pops. The episode will be up on iTunes/Google Play soon so check it out. Honestly Jacob yelling, “get a new man!” at the top of his lungs for 3 minutes absolutely destroyed me. There were some good running gags, and everybody had a blast.
I was able to give out some stickers and people seemed excited to have been there. I packed everything up and headed out. IT was a dope night I’d give it a B+.
The next day I realized I needed to kind of take a day and enjoy myself. I went to go see Captain Marvel after work. I got a good meal and then took my time getting up to DC. Yes I only did one set, but it was fun. I got to Big Hunt early and got to hang out and talk to my friends.
I got to catch up with Benjy Himmelfarb, Matt Deakins, and a few others before heading downstairs. My buddies Chris and Tj showed up next. We went downstairs and hung out and got ready for our sets.
I figured this would be.a good time to prep for my JFL set. Sean tells me I am going first at the mic. It is my first time going first here and I want to set the table nicely for everybody. So I go up and do a five minute set. It was super tight and I got some big laughs. I felt like I did my job in that spot and I am beyond happy with how it went. Nothing too crazy or special, but I did get some big pops which was exciting. I’d give my set a B+.
I was absolutely exhausted but TJ was going later in the show. So we just all stuck around and chilled. Chris and TJ both had good sets. After they finished we walked to Chris car and I drove them back. Chris at first was like you’re going too damn slow. Hurry up. Then about 5 minutes into the ride he was like, “you know what you’re respecting tf out of my car right now, and I love it.” I drove them back to the metro and hopped in my car and met them at TJs where I immediately went inside and passed out for like 12 hours.  I had a big show tomorrow, and honestly just needed to rest.
This night was going to be super special. Chris and I were going to be doing The After Show. This is a political/social roundtable show. It is kind of a spiritual successor to Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn a comedy show that influenced an entire generation of comedians.
I booked a super dope lineup imo. I tried to have a diverse lineup. The more diverse these shows are the better. I had Francesca Lyn, Clinton Johnston (radio host of Home Grown Live), Paige Campbell, Garrett Barnes, Chris, and myself.
This show I was functioning as a panelist and as fact checker. My job was to read off the topics, fact check, contribute, and Chris was going to lead the discussion of all of the topics.
This ended up being one of the most fun shows I have ever done. There was a nice sized crowd there and they were incredibly into it. We covered some pretty heavy and intense topics and we got some incredibly huge laughs from it. I am so upset that my camera didn’t work. I have absolutely no audio or video of the show.
We covered the Jessie Smollett thing, Michael Jackson/R Kelly, representation in media/comics, anti-vaxxers, race, religion, sexuality, and so much more. It was one of the more fun 90 minutes I have ever spent on stage. People absolutely loved it. The best part was Clinton seemed to have a good time. He isn’t a comedian but he is a super kind, funny, and smart dude. He was worried he wouldn’t do well, and he ended up being on e of the best parts of the night. He kept the show grounded while the rest of the comedians made points but were also mostly just going for laughs. I’d give this show an A+. It was a blast. I headed home and passed out immediately I was so tired.
The following two nights I took off. I was incredibly sick those two days. I even took off from work on Monday which I almost never do.  That’s ok though because I had a week of fun shows coming up I needed to get ready for.
After my days off I had to drive to Winchester Brew Works to open for my buddy from LA Pete Buchbauer. He grew up in Winchester and this was going to be a super fun show.
I left right after work and it is a super long drive to Winchester. Like almost 3 hours each way. I don’t mind it, but I was thankful I got to leave work at 3 that day.
After I get there I walk in and catch up with Pete. I got to meet his gf and he let me know about all the cool stuff he has going on. The venue is a dope brewery. There is a pretty good crowd and turnout but everyone is crazy far away from the stage.
The feature act is a dude name Pat McCloig from San Diego but he also grew up in Winchester so he brought a lot of people too. So we had a good crowd, but we needed to get them closer. I went up to make the five minute warning announcement and told everyone if they could to move up and the show would be so much better. They all listened. They moved every table closer and it looked more like a show than before.
The show starts and I do mostly crowd work and little bit of jokes. The jokes aren’t really hitting. It is such a big room that the laughter sounds weird coming to the front. Also the feature acts father was a minister and he brought some of the members of his church to the show and they sat dead in the front and they weren’t huge fans of me. I got a big laugh though when I said they looked like the last supper. I warmed up the crowd and I’d give it a C.
The feature went up and he did ok. The room was still being weird and I think they picked up on him doing jokes in front of his dad. He did ok, but his closer didn’t really hit at all which sucks. Pete told me I could do a couple more jokes to bring them back and I did. I did about 3 more minutes of just jokes and it did really well. I got the room back and ready for him. I’d give the second set a B.
Pete then came up and did about 25 to 30 minutes and did really well. People were there to see him, and they got a great show. Afterwards I got some nice compliments and got to talk to some of the audience. That room definitely has promise if they do more comedy. I also saw another of my comic friends’ (Sami Sfeir) mom at the show. So I took a pic with her and sent it to him with a joke caption.
I then hopped in my car and drove back to Richmond to go last at Fallout. I needed the stage time, and I needed to run this JFL audition set. I get back just in time and get to watch a few of my friends go up before it is my turn to go. There is a few audience members there which is insane. So I have an actual crowd.
Kate Carroll is hosting and she gives me a super nice intro and I get to go up. I did my 5 minute set and it goes pretty well. I am definitely going to switch some stuff around and add a couple new jokes. It gets a good response though and I close with a brand new joke that I am happy about. I’d give the set a B. I go and pass out as usual. I still feel really sick so I am just trying to keep it together.
The next day I had double booked myself. I had agreed to close out Clash of the Comics at the Richmond Funny Bone, but I had also agreed two months earlier to ride down to Cozzys with Alex Castagne for Nick Deez show at Cozzys. I was going to record Alex set and Nick was gong to give me a guest spot.
I thought about it, and since I was at Funny Bone rest of the weekend I txted the gm at the Funny Bone and told him I had double booked and if someone wanted my spot they could have it. He said that’d be awesome, and that he had someone who had been asking about it. Then about an hour later at work the gm gave me a call and said that since Lil Rel had cancelled they didn’t have a feature act for the weekend. He offered me a weekend of featuring and I jumped at it.
This was officially going to be my first feature weekend. I have done feature spots but they were always on an off night and not for the whole weekend. This was going to be 6 shows in front a national touring headliner in my home club. This was a huge deal and I could not wait. I knew it was going to be a tough gig, but I just was ready to show how much I have grown over these almost 4 years.
With this news I am basically jumping for joy at work. When I get off I go over to Alex’s place and we head to the grocery store and get some Ukrop’s coffee cake. I then take a nap while he gets ready and then we head down to Cozzy’s.
We have a great ride in the car. We are riffing and raffing. Joking about anything and everything. Getting caught up, and talking about our sets. The main reason I didn’t want to miss this was it was going to be Alex’s first time in a club doing 30 minutes.  This is a big deal. It’s super cool Nick felt Alex was ready and asked him to do it.  Alex was super nervous, and rightfully so this was a dope and big deal.
We get to Cozzy’s and Nick is hanging outside looking nervous af. He always looks nervous when he is running a show. He is afraid no one is going to be there and quite frankly that is everyone’s fear. The first one was fun, but you never know if that was a fluke or if it will be consistent.
We hang out and talk for a bit and then Alex and Nick head to the corner to do an episode of Nick’s podcast Comedy Buildups and Breakdowns. During this time some of the other comics show up and crowd members start to come in. At first it looks like it is going to be a light night. Which is ok, but I know it isn’t what Nick wanted. I go outside for a bit and what I assume is a homeless dude is on a phone and he starts talking to me about the Redskins and to forgive him if he started watching porn. So yea Newport News is dope.
Then the audience starts to file in. By the time the show is getting ready to start we have a pretty good crowd. I don’t know many of the comics on the show, but they all seem nice. Rock Allen showed up to support and I hadn’t seen him in a while.  The other comics on the show included Jose Roman, J Marc Perry, Michael Dillard, Aaron Johnson, Justin King, myself, and Alex closing it out.
Nick goes up and tries to get the crowd in the mood for comedy. He has a bit of a rough set but finishes fine. He gets a couple of laughs, but hosting is always hard. He gets them on his side and brings the comics up. The first couple of comics do ok. The crowd can definitely be cracked, but no one has really hit them in the right spot.
I ask Nick to put me up next. I had felt a little weird this day and I didn’t want to go up any later. He told me that was cool so I got ready. When he called me up I went straight into it. I just tried to wake people up and keep them engaged. I did crowd work, and one bit. I had a super fun set. I didn’t destroy, but I know that I got the audience into. Definitely a hot set that I am proud of. I love being the one to crack the room. I’d give this set a B.
I then went and talked to Alex a bit. He is still a bit nervous about having to do 30. recently Alex has been talking himself out of good sets. Everybody does this from time to time and when I was at the two year mark in comedy like he is I did it a lot more than I do now.  I believe in self-fulfilling prophecy and the power of being excited/positive so we try to focus on that.
A couple comics go up and do ok in front of him. Nothing special, just a couple of fine sets.  Justin King went up and I hadn’t seen him in a while. He did pretty well going right before Alex. He had some good jokes and left on some laughs. After this set it was time for Alex.
Alex had a fine set. He did his time. He has the material for 30. He lost them a few times, but he was never devoid of laughter. His crowd work did really well, but he kept going away from it to get back to his jokes. This was a crowd that was there for more interaction than jokes. I think if he had mixed it up more, maybe do a 50/50 split of crowd work and material than he would have felt better about the set. I was proud of him for doing it. He got to headline a show in a club and people enjoyed it. That’s all you can ask for.
We said our goodbyes and left. Alex and I talked about this set and comedy the whole trip back. It was a nice way to end the night. I was absolutely exhausted so I passed out as soon as I got home.
Today was the day. My weekend of featuring at the Richmond Funny Bone was starting. I was so stoked on it. But first I was heading to The Camel to do a quick spot before hand.
I got there pretty early and did some writing. I waited for a few of my friends to show up. I got to see Jason Kusterer who I don’t see very often, Brandon Beswick, and the one and only Kenn Edwards. WE did a lot of ball busting and riffing. It was so much fun to catch up with these guys.
Jameson did me a solid and put me up first. I went and had a good set. I was proud of it. I can’t really remember what I did, but I know it was newer stuff. I got a solid response from the crowd and was happy. I’d give it a B. I then watched Brandon and Kenn perform. They both did well and had some good lines. It was great to see! I grabbed my stuff and headed to the club.
This was my first night featuring for the weekend. I was opening for BoDacious from the 757. Jaye Toler and another comic I’m not really friends with both show up and say they were told they’d get to host the weekend. I am legit thinking please let Jaye be the host. Like I don’t hate the other dude, but I wanted this weekend to be nothing but fun. I wanted my friend I’d known since I started to be bringing me on stage. Thankfully my prayers were answered. Jaye would host all weekend and this dude would get to do a guest spot.
The show starts and we are a little over half full. Which is more than I thought for a Thursday. Jaye has a pretty solid set and the guest spot does well got some real nice pops. I then go up and have a killer first 15 minutes. Like I really hooked them with crowd work and my opening bits. The only problem is after this I lost them. They didn’t enjoy a joke I did and every one after this was me trying to get the good will back. It wasn’t a bad set and I closed strong. It was just one of those things where I had them and let them off the hook. I’d give the set a C/C+. I tell myself I will not let this happen again. I go home and regroup and get ready for the weekend. The Funny Bone is a tough/urban club. It is hard to work and they can be unforgiving. I refuse to let this club beat me this weekend.
On Friday I had two shows. The headliner for the rest of the weekend was going to be Billy Sorrells (BET, Wild n Out, from Houston Texas).
I got to the shows earlier than everyone else because that is what I do. I went shopping and bought some new jeans and was going to get a new pair of shoes but decided against it.
I go to the club and just wait around. I’m crazy nervous. I don’t want this to be a weekend full of mediocre sets. The GM gave me a shot to feature and I wanted to kill it. So I made my set list and tried to get in a good head space.
Billy got there and introduced his self. He was a super laid back, confident, and nice guy. I was excited to see what he does on stage. We chilled in the back and got to know each other a bit. He played super loud music in the green room (mostly soul/R&B) for the whole show. Even when he was on stage he had it on. I would turn it down, but it seemed odd to me to just keep your phone running in the green room. He also saw I had my videocamera and asked me to record him. Which I didn’t mind doing, but it’s just a pain in the ass to edit people’s stuff for them.
The show starts and we have a little over half of the room full again at the start. I worry it is going to suck like the previous night, but I have to shake this feeling. Jaye goes up and has a pretty good set. After him it is my turn.
Jaye calls me up and I go right into it. I do some crowd work about how people chose to not sit in the front and it was messing up my profile picture I was trying to get. I hit on a bunch of black women in their 20s in the front row. Asking each of them if they’d ever been hit on by a white guy, and eventually I asked another white dude if he had been hit on by a white guy. That killed super hard.
I went into my material and it was also working. After a few minutes a group of people came in and I got them up to speed on the set so far and that did super well. I then asked the black lady in her late 30s if she had been hit on by a white guy and she was like, “right now.” So I told the other people they lost their chance because they sat around and I was going home with her. That destroyed as well. The rest of the set went well but never hit those highs. I am just super comfortable doing crowd work and then getting into my material. I closed strong and got a huge applause. It felt good I’d give this set a B. I knew I could and would do better.
Billy went up and killed for 45 minutes. In the green room he mentioned that one of his best friends was Ali Siddiq and you could tell he had an influence on his comedy. He was laid back and was a great storyteller. After the show I got some pictures with people, handed out some stickers and then headed back inside to get ready,
On the second show Billy’s friend Rob Gordon showed up. He is a DC comic I have never met and he runs the DC Comedy Festival. He was going to be doing a guest spot. He comes in the green room and seems like a super nice guy.
We are all chilling and I am just trying to get in a good headspace and try to follow my set from earlier. So I go and sit in the showroom for a bit.
When the second show starts it is closer to 3/4 full for this one. I was also excited because one of my coworkers hit me up and asked what time the show was. It felt so good to not only know she was coming but to also be able to hook her and her husband up with tickets was so dope.
The second show started and Jaye has a good set. Rob Gordon goes up and is super high energy. He really captured them up top. He was supposed to only do five but he ran tfo of the light and ended up doing 10. I didn’t feel like following his energy, but I knew that I could.
I go up and really get into it. There was a woman in the front who had been weird the whole show. You could tell she had an attitude so I went right at her and got her on my side. I teased her and her whipped bf. They loved it.
She had glasses on and so did the woman next to her. I asked the lady next to her if she was going to be mean like the other black lady with glasses. That got a laugh. Then the original chick was like, “just stereotype us then.” Then I went on a riff for a minute or so about how it wasn’t stereotyping if they were actually just both black women with glasses. I wasn't on stage saying, “What’s the deal with all these black women in glasses. It’s like they’re trying to see or some shit.” I then talked about being too woke for that and it brought the place down. I also mentioned my coworker being my boss and that I was going to lose my job and they ate that up too.
The rest of my set went well too. I did some of my usual material and peppered in some different stuff I needed to try there. I’d give the set a B+. I felt like I just kept getting better and better as the weekend went on.
After the show I got to talk to my coworker and her husband and they were both really into it and impressed. It felt so good. After I said my goodbyes I got Rob’s info and headed home to get some rest even though Billy was trying to hang out. I think he parties a little too hard for me and this was going to be my one chance to get some real rest this weekend so I took it.
Saturday was going to be better than Friday. Two more sets and I had confidence from the previous night. The shows started thirty minutes earlier so we were all afraid that Billy was going to be late. Which is my biggest fear. The best part is I didn’t have to worry about it since I wasn’t hosting. Being a feature is so much more relaxing.
The show is even more full than last night. As usual Jaye goes up and gets them warmed up. Then it is my turn. I walk up and start talking to a table to the side about their hats. I then get to talk to one of the women they are with and she yells, “I’m the side piece.” This gets a huge reaction so I start talking to them about this. Saying that’s the proudest side piece of all time. I asked her name she said, “Mrs. Side Piece”, and I respond, “I’m pretty sure it’s just miss.”
I then do some teaching and club material. It is going really well. I go back to side piece and do some more crowd work. Then I talk to two people on the side who just met because their friends ditched them. This doesn’t get much laughs for a couple minutes but it set me up for a huge callback later. The rest of the set goes really well and I close strong. I killed pretty hard and I’d rate it a B+/A- so still better than the last one.
During Billy’s set I listened a bit, but mostly decompressed in the green room and ate a bunch of food while I screwed around on youtube. After the show I had a bunch of people asking for pictures, and stickers. It was awesome to see this reaction. Richmond is one of the toughest clubs in the country. I hear that from every feature/headliner who comes through. It is a tough/black room and if you can’t work a black room then this is a difficult place to do well in. I’ve bombed there and felt like shit hosting there countless ties but I do believe that it has made me into the comic I am today. I feel like I have a long ways to go, but when it is on the line I can work any room/crowd around.
The second show went even better. The crowd was electric and I had them from the start. I didn’t slip up once.  I had my best crowd work of the weekend.
I had another guy who didn’t want to laugh so I addressed him first and people loved it. I have the video on youtube so check it out at youtube.com/c/winstonhodges .
The dude was a truck driver, and his name was 40. He told me to call him, “black” first and I flat our refused because I was, “too woke for that shit.” I really had them. I told him I was there for his struggle, and I was active listening. I was an ally. Just really hamming it up and people loved it.
I then had a moment during a joke when someone who knows my mom shouted out my name. I talked about how you can’t bring anybody to a show because they always screw it up. I kept going in and out of crowd work and material and people were digging it.  I’d definitely give this show an A. It felt like a culmination of four years of grinding. I am now no longer scared of the club. I know what I can do to make it work, and I feel like I am ready to eventually been the road. I left right after my set and once I got home I passed out.
I was ready for the weekend to be over. Sunday shows are usually kind of tough. They are earlier, and people aren’t always super into it. I was ready for it though. I was so excited because I had a lot of people coming to see me including my parents and my brother. I always want to do super well for them.
The show starts and they were not on board. They were a lighter crowd, but they did not enjoy what was going on at first. I was getting nervous but I had already proved all weekend I deserved to be there.
I get on stage and go right into it. My material and crowd work were hitting. It wasn’t my best set, but I had some super fun moments. It was all in all a great Sunday night show. I had a really fun moment talking to a guy that had been a truck driver for 27 years and married for 33. I asked if the first 6 years of marriage is what made him hit theroad.
I then asked them about how to make it that long. She said communication and he said she is always right. I riffed on that and got back into my material. It was a super fun show. I was so proud and this was a great ending to a superb weekend. I’d give this show a B.
Billy went up and it was weird. His first 45 minutes were just about a story that happened while he was in Richmond and then he did like an additional 50. The audience was tired and wanted to leave. So it was a bummer, but I got some great compliments afterwards and all in all I got like 70 IG followers just from this weekend. I know that’s a small number, but it made me feel really good. I said bye and headed out to get ready for work this week.
This was a huge moment for me comedically. The GM and Billy were both extremely complimentary of me. It meant a lot. Billy asked me about moving and told me to get the heck out of Richmond. I think I am getting closer and closer to a move. That’s why I’m trying to do the best I can while I am here.  Almost four years ago I was doing my first set ever on this stage. I went from winning a contest and getting hooked on comedy to being the paid middle act of an actual show. This is my dream and I will make it happen.
I was feeling under the weather for this show, but I refused to miss the Southern two weeks in a row. I stayed in town a bit and had a bite to eat before driving out there.
I was stoked because most of my friends were there. Paige, Alex, Chris, and almost all the guys were out. It was a lighter crowd than the last few times I had been there, and a smaller comic list (so we all got 5-7) instead of 3 which was nice.
I told myself I was going to do new stuff tonight. I know I shouldn’t since I am prepping for JFL audition, but who gives a shit. I didn’t want to change what I do. I like working on new shit so I decided to do some new stuff, and then also bring back an oldie from the vault that needs some work.
The crowd isn’t super into the show honestly. At least not at first. Paige goes up and he does not enjoy his set at all. He had some jokes hit that he was trying to work out, but he didn’t have the confidence I usually see from him. It was productive but I can tell he hated it.
I went a couple after him and enjoyed mine. I got a laugh on every joke. Some definitely need work, but I had 4 new jokes get something. They will probably be the basis of my next 5 minutes which is cool. I also brought back an old joke I liked and realized needs work. It got a laugh, but I forgot some of it. I always enjoy dusting off the oldies. I’d give this set a B-.
The rest of the night went ok. I helped clean up afterwards, but honestly I don’t remember much craziness from the show. We all had fun shooting the shit and watching each other. Padgett had a solid set. He is really coming along as a comic. He just has to get off of his notebook and put it together as a cohesive set.
We had a few bombs which were fun to watch like McCallie and Sam Wood. Sam went up after this other black comic named Vaughn who did some homophobic stuff and it was funny to watch her mean ass follow him. She got a big laugh and shit all over Colby Knight which made my night. I love these guys and they’re all getting better in their own way. It is cool the scene is growing and getting tighter. I won’t be around it too much longer, but I am glad to have been a part of it while I could.
Alex went last and did well. He hated how a few of his jokes went, but it was a super productive set. He got some really good laughs, and his timing is getting better. I love these fellas.
After cleaning up and talking I headed home to pass out. I was so tired. It had been a lot the past few days. I was so glad that I have a day off on Tuesday. Which I spent relaxing, cooking, and hanging with family. I love my days off now, and I am really trying to have more of them. I used to go out everyday, but now that I am at a position where I can still perform between 8-15 times a week I take my days off and enjoy them
WOW I DID IT. I am caught up again. It won’t happen ever again (JK IT IS TOTALLY HAPPENING AGAIN). I’ve got three open mics tonight and then a weekend in DC doing a ton of shows. This is the life. I love you laydees and baybees so much. Thanks for following xoxo hugs and kisses see you all soon!!!
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