#my gf says i make minecraft skeleton noises in bed and this is funny
99orphans · 1 year
skinny shaming is still body shaming!!
i'm tired of people thinking it's okay to make fun of and make comments towards people just because they are closer to societal beauty standards. Everyone forgets that, as with any body type:
were born with this body type
it's not actually about how much we eat
no, just a bit more exercise isn't going to do it
commenting about our body shape isn't edifying, it's demeaning
calling anyone names doesn't make them feel good
the people who weren't born with this body type, most likely have another issue, and should be cared for, supported, and not further made to feel awful about themselves
i'm not trying to put myself on the same level as heavyset people that experience bodyshaming, i'm saying that it is just as okay to make fun of someone who is overweight, as it is someone who is underweight which is to say
it's not.
us thinfolk have grown a tolerance to it and we usually like to embrace it, because if we don't, we realize that everyone is just having fun at our expense. My entire psyche is based around this value of
"if i don't join in on making fun of me, i'm going to get more hurt."
i personally don't really care about getting made fun of anymore, because i was made to turn it into being a resident sad funny man, but you should all know that i was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and it largely stems from this issue.
People are people. Don't be a dick.
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