#my fur cape design for him goes so hard actually
missattau · 2 years
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he’s soooooooooooooo babeygurl
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ayo-cowbelly · 4 years
opinions on star wars outfits: a saga
my thoughts on five of a certain character’s outfits (if they have that many) in the series, because this galaxy takes weird shit and calls it fashion- and it WORKS
first up: padme <3 we’re doing ten for her cause she is a model and rocks everything she wears, and she has so many outfits it’s insane (don’t worry i put in the ‘keep reading’ thing so this doesn’t take over your dash, i’m sorry it’s so long, the others won’t be)
#1: the lantern dress
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i think i saw something that said they plugged in the little ovals at the bottom to make them light up, so that’s cool.
when i was a kid, i thought they looked like beetles or something.
 the color’s nice.
also, is it lined with FUR? wow they went all out for someone who rules a resort of a planet.
 looks like it’d be heavy though.
something that’s good in theory but when you wear it for more than an hour you’re sweating and you can’t move and you really need to go to the bathroom, but to do that you have to like... fully undress in the stall or something and it’s not even worth it.
rating: 6/10 because it’s cute but might get uncomfortable
#2: the battle outfit
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ooo i love this one. it’s like.. chic but simple?
and the color is super cool.
it’s a skirt that’s kind of... around the pants? which is awesome; gives it some flair.
i like the yellow stripey things on the shoulders. very fun.
downside? it looks like it’s velvet. which, honestly, isn’t my first choice fabric for running around a palace shooting at robots. but kudos to padme for doing so while still looking amazing.
i’d figure out a way to trip on the skirt, i swear, but i like that they still have one for their battle outfits. like yeah we’re in a firefight but flowy skirt go swish
rating: 7/10 because it’s very nice, just might be a bit impractical
#3: the purple headdress one
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pretty colors
looks like a nighttime version of the sunset dress
i love that she wore this for traveling. like, who’s gonna see you? your handmaidens, rattail-hair obi wan, Weed Dad Jinn and Bowl Cut Baby Ani. not much of an audience. but also, i shouldn’t be talking, seeing as i dress up for zoom calls in my house and then keep my camera off the whole time.
the gold part of the headpiece is cool, it stands out but doesn’t clash.
the design on the headpiece looks like one you’d see on an old guy’s sweater (that diamond pattern? why do they all wear it?)
very nice outfit overall
rating: 8/10 because it’s pretty but not my favorite
speaking of the sunset dress... #4: ONE OF THE BEST ONES ON THIS LIST
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It’s so beautiful??? and THE OMBRE?? I DIE
and that low back, okay padme i see you ;)
when i was young i wanted this dress so bad.  i asked for it for my birthday a few times.
i want to wear this dress so i can stand in an empty room and twirl around
the sleeves are so pretty and flowy and swishy. BEAUTIFUL.
this outfit boosts my serotonin levels 100000%
rating: 10/10 because YES.
#5: the aggressive negotiations jumpsuit
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first of all, reminds me of leia’s hoth outfit, like mother like daughter
the cape looks like a throw blanket i have
why she’d wear to a red desert planet, i’m not sure, but whatever floats your boat
the metal cuffs on the arms look like they’d get uncomfortable after a while- like you’d get the same red marks from them that you get when you wear jeans all day
also the hairstyle looks like... pipe cleaners or noodles or something? i don’t know but she makes it work
rating: 6/10 because: 1) i think this was just an excuse for natalie to wear something s3xy and 2) i wanna see obi wan wear this instead but alas
#6: the corset dress
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 this is the dress that started my realiziation i’m bisexual i swear. i rewatched AOTC and just paused the screen for like thirty minutes
she rocks this dress like she rocks the star wars world (and mine)
 the only downside is the headband. the metal looks like it’d hurt after a while. or like it’d be a BITCH to take after wearing it for a few hours (cause it seems to go into the ponytail or something if that makes sense)
also i’m not a huge fan of the scarf but whatever it looks good
rating: 9/10 because WOW OKAY
#7: the beaded nightgown
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okay i don’t know who else besides padme would wear something with BEADS to sleep in but i’m here for it 
she really goes all out, like girl really wears a nightgown with a cape
i would get eaten alive trying to sleep in this, watch me get swallowed by the amount of material combined with the blankets
actually maybe i wouldn’t need a blanket, i could just wrap myself up in this dress like a metallic burrito
the color is beautiful and looks like it came out of lothlorien
to be honest this outfit just somehow gives me galadriel vibes and I AM LOVING IT
downside: i mean why you’d wanna sleep with beads on i’m not sure, seems like it’d get uncomfortable (those suckers DIG into your skin or at least scratch it)
rating: 9/10 because beauty is pain but shouldn’t be too much pain
#8: (we’re almost done i promise) another travel outfit but make it tan
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“anakin, you’re breaking my heart” yeah well you know what’s breaking my heart, padme? those leggings. sorry babe but the color looks like my skin when i’m nauseous. i don’t know they just don’t do it for me
also what gets me about this outfit is that she found out anakin killed a bunch of people but still decided she just HAD to change her outfit and do her hair before going to see him. like i know it was probably for practicality purposes (who tf wants to wear a gown to mustafar) but still
but i do like the color, nice and simple and it looks good with her hair
also the arm gloves are cool.
the boots remind me of luke’s in ROTJ, which are awesome. the twins inherited their mother’s fashion sense
rating: 6/10 because *gru voice* i like it, but not a lot
#9: the green velvet monstrosity (doing this one because they can’t all be winners)
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okay i’m sorry maybe it’s just me but I... low key hate this dress. well hate’s a strong word but still 
she looks great, it’s just the outfit i don’t like. the color reminds me of.... puke, a little bit.
i don’t like the yellow-green with the purple. maybe it’s just the lighting, but i don’t feel like they go together i’m sorry. also i just don’t like velvet but that’s a personal thing. upside, it hides her pregnancy well, which i think is what she was going for during ROTS. but yeah this is probably my least favorite padme outfit (one of them, at least).
this one does not spark a lot of joy
rating: 4/10 because i don’t like it but she still looks good
#10 / final one: the funeral dress
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hard to get a good picture of this one but whatever
she looks like a water nymph and i ADORE it  
it’s so so so beautiful and i love the colors and WITH THE FLOWERS ON THE SIDE i just love it so much.
her hair looks awesome as well
the blue is amazing and i love it with the mixes of purple and sparkles and green. 
the outfit looks like it came from a fantasy forest or something, it’s great
this one sparks joy
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Beautiful (Frostiron)
In a world where Loki didn’t get brain washed by the Chitauri and wasn’t responsible for all that crap and is just Thor’s bratty little brother who is sulky and jealous because Thor gets to go hang out on earth and Odin doesn’t trust Loki enough to let him go to Midgard, and while Loki knows of his frost giant heritage, he chooses to ignore it out of embarrassment and prefers his glamour and no one gives him shit it about it or cares or talks about it because this is a perfect world----
Its Halloween at the Avengers Tower and Tony has been reading up on Norse Mythology and history ever since Thor’s golden ass dropped from the heaven and literally changed everything Tony thought he knew about gods and magic.
And he keeps coming across this place “jotunheim” and these “frost giants” in his reading, and learns that these blue skinned creatures are the scary stories they tell little Asgardian children, that their cruelty is legendary, that Thor has slain scores of them and is celebrated as a hero for it. 
So Tony, being a snarky little shit who had pre-gamed most of a bottle of wine before deciding on his Halloween costume-- decides to go as a Frost Giant just to fuck with Big and Golden and see if he can get lightning to flash in Thor’s eyes like it did the time Clint cut off a chunk of his hair. 
So Tony being Tony, goes all out. Dyes his skin blue. Gets extensions in his hair so it flows down his back. Red contacts. Hires a make up artist to draw intricate raised designs into his skin as close to the ones hes seen in the books as he can get. 
A fur cape, several thin chains around his neck, sharpened canine caps over his teeth, a pair of low rise linen pants complete the look, and when Tony smiles into the mirror, he doesn’t recognize himself at all. 
The Halloween party is a smashing success, just like they always are. Steve and Bucky come as Storm Troopers, which is HYSTERICAL. Sam and Clint are Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum(ass). Natasha is little Red Riding Hood, and while Tony is pretty sure the fairy tale didn’t involve Red making out with a very Pepper-esqe Wonder Woman-- no on in the room is complaining. 
Everyone is impressed with Tony’s costume. 
When Thor walks through the door dressed as a lion, his reaction is to hiss at Tony which of course, makes him the Cowardly Lion for the rest of the night. 
But Thor brought a guest, a tall man dressed all in black with piercing green eyes, and when he steps off the elevator and spies Tony, Thor actually moves in between them, a hand up in warning. 
“Brother.” he says quietly. “I did not know Anthony would be dressing as a Frost Giant, and he is not aware of your heritage. Do not take it as an insult, or that he is mocking you.” 
“I don’t.” is all Loki says, and in a glimmer he is gone from Thor’s side, reappearing all too close to Tony’s face, staring hard into the red contacts and at the blue designs. 
“Hey good looking.” Tony is three drinks past tipsy, and doesn’t know where the gorgeous man came from or why he is staring so intently at him, but hey-- Tony looks good in blue paint and he knows it. 
“This is the first time I have seen this form and thought it beautiful.” the man says then, his voice a low timbre that Tony feels down to his toes. 
“Oh?” Tony is confused but intrigued. “Lots of Frost Giants where you’re from?” 
“You could say that.” 
Loki watches him for another moment and then the air blurs around him and Tony blinks in surprise as the man in the dark suit shimmers into a man with deep blue skin and shocking red eyes, black hair down to bare shoulders, designs etching over his forehead and down his neck, across his naked chest and disappearing beneath the loose pants that replaced his fitted suit. 
“Look at who I just realized I’m attracted to.” Tony blurts, then instantly wishes he had at least attempted to be charming, but it seems like its alright, because the man smiles, pointed teeth gleaming in the light. 
“I can appreciate the sentiment.” Loki says, letting his eyes trace every bit of bare skin he can see. “Anthony Stark, is it? My brother has told me much of you.” 
“Your brother.” Tony repeats. “Thor? Oh shit. Thor is your-- that makes you---” then he cocks his head. “A Frost Giant in line for the throne to Asgard. Interesting.” 
“Its a long story.” Loki grins.
“Well.” Tony leans back against the table, returning Loki’s appreciative glance with something halfway to a leer. “I think I have lots of time.” 
In the morning, the blue paint has mostly worn off of Tony, staining his bed sheets, the shower, and there’s a patch on the wall that looks remarkably like his ass and that makes him laugh as he opens his eyes to the sunlight. 
“Good morning.” Loki says cautiously, green eyes watching Tony carefully. 
“Its the weirdest thing.” Tony stretches, knowing the sheet falls below his waist and smiling as Loki’s gaze drops lower. “To fall into bed with a Frost Giant and wake up with an Asgardian.” 
Loki swallows hard, the air blurs and when it clears again he is in full Jotunn form, right down to the pointed ears that Tony tugs at playfully. 
“Damn.And I used to think Thor was the sexy brother.” he teases and Loki bends to kiss him good morning. 
Tony never really knows how much it means to Loki that Tony loves his Jotunn form. The freedom to be blue and red, to call his frost and pull snow from the air, to dig his sharpened teeth into his lovers neck, to move between genders and have Tony be turned on by every one one of them, to shift and glamour and use his tricks and have Tony be delighted instead of weirded out-- it is something that Loki never thought he would have, and treasures every moment of it. 
In fact it isn’t until much later, when Tony asks Thor if he should get Loki a ring with diamonds or if that would be weird, that Thor tells Tony of how Loki struggled with his heritage, of the nights he cried over it, and how the night of that Halloween party, Thor had been so sure Loki would flee in embarrassment. 
“If anyone should flee it should be you.” Tony says mildly. “Your golden ass cant compete with how gorgeous Loki is, god of Fertility or not.” 
Thor only smiles, and from around the corner Loki is eavesdropping and smiles as well. 
He never thought his Jotunn form was beautiful. 
Not until Tony saw it. 
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Bruce reacting to "Swalla-Jason Derulo"
“I’m glad they put their names in the begging, it lets you know who is on this song but why the creepy ice cream music? Did he just say drink or Drake? Why do songs start with young money? What is young money? Dick why are you laughing at me stop it who is young money? (You’re missing important parts of the video, WATCH) Ok, so there are some sleeping girls, OH oh they aren’t sleeping. *laughing* I swear to all of y’all my type oh my gOD. (Bruce, just watch) Fine, fine. The fact that they all can pull of pink hair with blue lipstick is pretty amazing, I imagine that isn’t easy, plus they play instruments, where did he find these girls? (I don’t think they are actually playing them) What is with the candy in this video? Is candy sexy because candy isn’t sexy to me. I don’t understand the purpose of the water but they are good dancers. There is a butt, don’t know why that is a shock. Don’t wipe your lips, someone worked really hard to put that design on them and you just wasted their times. These girls are very flexible, that is hard to do. Do you think Selina could do that? (B R U C E) *laughing* ok okay, Jason Derulo is uncomfortably close to that girl, I wonder if they know each other. I could dance like him during the car scene, that is just rapid arm movements. Back to flexible girls, alright then. Derulo Daddy, that is just gross. Cyber rainbow girl, her outfit looks fierce. (That’s Nicki Minaj and DID YOU JUST SAY FIERCE?) Yeah what else would you call that look? (oh my god) That is a giant fur coat, go back to Nicki Minaj, I liked her glasses. That’s her hair!? I thought that was a cape! Wow. Now there is a naked paint lady, that must have been uncomfortable to clean up. I like that rrrrrrrrr thing she does. Wow, his voice goes high. Don’t pour more paint on the girl, awww poor girl she needs a shower. Are the dancers the same as the musician girls? (yes) That’s why they look similar, okay. Is it bad for me to say Nicki has a big butt? (No, she does.) Well, that was interesting, it was fun though. Don’t think I’ll watch it again but it was interesting, I’ll give them that.”
() Parenthesis are Dick who showed him the video
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