#my friends both dressed up today and they looked so fine lawd !!
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yvmoveon · 1 year ago
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butter-ff · 8 years ago
Papi's BabyGirl...
Aubrey: Porter and I have been back together for about a month and a half. She is now 24 weeks pregnant and just as gorgeous as ever. Milo is doing great in there and we can't wait to meet him. Today is my birthday... I'm 30. I rolled over with no Porter in sight and realized that I missed my workout. I sat up in bed to check some emails when Porter came in singing happy birthday with a tray in her hands. "Happy Birthday baby!!!! I am so glad I get to start your day with you and end it with you tonight!! Oh and say Happy Birthday daddy I can't wait to meet you in a couple months... I'm still chilling in mom right now!!" I laughed at the voice she made for Milo as she sat the tray in my lap. There is so much food on this thing. She made pancakes, bacon, eggs, and grits... and is that a hash brown yes lawd! BabyGirl knows how to handle business. I blew out the lone candle in the stack of pancakes and pecked her lips as she sat in the bed next to me. "I would have enjoyed you for breakfast just fine!" I said with a smirk. "I bet!" She held up two forks and two knives, I grabbed a set and she dug in with hers. We fed each other occasionally and talked about different things as we ate. "What are your plans today?" I asked. She finished chewing before grabbing a piece of bacon. "Coming into work with you for a little bit, I need to meet with Oliver on the little kids line, and then transforming the gallery again... why do you want your dinner at the Pier again?" She asked and I shrugged. "Because it's private and intimate!" I responded and she shrugged with a smile. "Ok babe whatever you want it's your day old man!" I smirked looking at her as she giggled. I placed the tray off to the side and trapped her between me and the bed making her scream and laugh. "I'm old huh BabyGirl?" I asked tickling her belly and getting our son involved. I lifted her shirt and blew on her stomach before kissing all over it. "Milo mommy says I'm old, I'm only 30!! Tell her to play nice, on daddy's birthday!" I talked to my son and felt him kick. "You're sexy does that help?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. I squeezed one of her ass checks and rubbed her belly studying her beauty. "I know I'm sexy and so is my woman, even though she's a baby. But she's carrying my baby which means he's gonna break hearts cause his parents are sexy!" I smiled as she laughed rubbing my head that lay softly on her breasts. This is what we do. This is our happy normal, whether it's at my house or her penthouse it doesn't matter as long as we're together. Eventually we got up. "It's your day so you get whatever you want today!" She said as I helped her up from the bed. "I want mommy and Milo to take a bath with daddy!" I answered leading her to the bathroom. We took a bath and proceeded to act like little kids splashing bubbles at each other. "Imagine family baths when Milo is here!" P said with excitement and my heart swelled at the sound of family. My little family... who would even think I'd be here right now excited about starting my own family with the woman of my dreams I didn't even know I had! We got out and dried each other off before P gave me Birthday head. Let's just say I went to work a very happy man today! We pulled up to work in my car and Celeste is meeting us here to drive P to The Pier after her meeting here. I helped her out the car grabbing her hand as she insistently carried my briefcase. We spoke to everyone as we passed before getting on the elevator. I gently pushed her into the wall and kissed her with all the passion I felt for her. She moaned lightly as I grabbed as much booty as I could. The elevator dinged and I slowly pulled back still squeezing the cheeks. "Well you're having a good morning!" We both looked to see all my guys waiting at the elevator! "Good morning Porter!" They all chorused as I let her off first and followed behind. She laughed speaking to each of them as the rubbed and talked to her belly. "Happy Birthday brother!" Noah was the first to tell me as we hugged and I thanked him before each of my Boys followed after. "Thanks y'all a happy birthday it is!" I stated wrapping my arms around Porter and guiding her into my office. "P took care of business this morning like she always does... that's why he's so happy!" Mark said with a glint of humor in his voice as my boys laughed. "Mind your business Mark!" Porter chided and he put his hands up. Drew came in and wished me a happy birthday before briefing me on my day. Porter pecked my lips before heading out with Niko. "Have a good day baby I'll see you tonight!" She said while leaving. "Thanks baby I love you!" She turned and smiled before coming back over to me and giving me one hell of a kiss. "I love you so much more baby and don't you ever forget that!" I stared after her almost mesmerized by the seductive way she said those words to me. "Damn y'all are intense!" Oliver stated with a smirk and my Boys left agreed. "She did give you top this morning huh?" Before I could respond he got a message and looked at me shaking his head. "She text me to mind my business... that woman is magical!" We all laughed at his face and they left me alone to get to work. Porter had a special lunch delivered to my office for the entire building, and I'm going to marry that girl I swear! Everyone was so thankful for the delicious free lunch that I got a plethora of emails from people thanking me and wishing me a happy birthday. I got a call from Jaya right when I was gonna call P. On Phone: Me: Hey Jay what's up!? Jaya: Hey birthday boy happy birthday! Me:thank you beautiful! She laughed on the other end and I smiled. Jaya: I know your girl is treating you right today. Me:that she is, she always does... Jaya: well I won't hold you long just wanted to say happy birthday and I hope you have an amazing day!! Me: thanks that means a lot coming from you! Jaya: anytime, bye Aubrey. Me: bye Ms. Jaya! She giggled as we hung up and I called Porter. P: Hey Birthday man! I instantly smiled at the sound of her voice. Me: have I told you how amazing you are? P: not today, but go ahead I'm always here for compliments! We laughed. Me: thank you for lunch baby, my whole building appreciates it. P: you're welcome now reach under your desk and tell me what you find... I raised an eyebrow before reaching under my desk and feeling an envelope taped to the bottom. I grabbed it opening it to see a pair of black lace panties inside. They smelled like Porter. Me: this is kinky P what are they for? P: open your big drawer! I was really intrigued now. I opened my drawer to find a book with my name engraved on the front and a sexy picture of Porter in a nightie in black and white on the cover. Me: when did you put this in here P? P: I didn't Celeste did it while I distracted you before we left! My baby is sneaky man! P: are you alone? Me: yea why? P: go lock the door and then sit at your desk. I did what she said and sat back down. Me: ok... P: now pull out my favorite candy stick! Me: why? P: open the book and you'll know! I opened the book with a raised eyebrow, and the first pic was sexy as shit I instantly got... oh that's why. Me: it's out. P: good boy, now flip through the pages and give my little man some attention. I did what she said and each page got more raunchy then the last until the last page where she was but naked spread eagle across two pages staring seductively back at me with that sexy ass baby bump. Me: when baby? I asked breathlessly ready to bust. P: two weeks ago, you like it? Me: I love it! P: good leave it at work in a safe place for when you get stressed out! I couldn't respond because I had to clean up my predicament. P: Happy Birthday baby! She said quietly and I could here the laugh in her throat. We hung up and I stared at the book again. End Phone... The rest of the day flew as I left and got ready for my annual birthday dinner. I dressed in a specially made suit just for my birthday and headed to The Pier with the guys. "You ready for this AG?" Chubbs asked and I smiled. "I've never been more ready!" I answered. We pulled up and got out. Porter had instructed my occasional driver to come get the guys and I from the house. She had a stylist and endless whiskey waiting for us at the house as well as my barber and a nice ass watch and cufflinks that she had engraved. My baby has been going all out all day. We went in and I was bomb rushed with Happy Birthday's and hugs from my friends and family. My mother stood back with Porter as everyone spoke to me before I made my way over to them. "Hi mama!" I said kissing her cheek and picking her up making her laugh. "Hi my Aubrey Happy Birthday sweetie!" I thanked her as I put her back down and put my attention on my gorgeous woman. "Hey baby!" She smiled as I pecked her lips. "Birthday man, it's been a good day for you but I plan to make it an even better night!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and we stared at each other. "How did you two even last so long apart... y'all are like one person!" Her mother joked coming to stand beside us. "It wasn't easy!!" I said honestly. "For her either, though she likes to play like she was good... she was a mess!" Mrs. P stated and I laughed. "Ma really!?" Porter said looking at her. I gently pulled Porter with me so we could sit and eat. I stood up and held up my glass. "I just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight to celebrate my dirty 30 with me! Each one of you means so much to me, and I can't thank God enough for y'all... but I want to give a special thanks to my rib! Porter you have made this day so special for me and I love you so much. I can't imagine this day or my life without you in it!!" I pecked her lips and we got a mixture of sighs and awws, as everyone drank. "I swear I thought you were going to propose!" Erin was the first to say and the women all nodded. My boys all smirked and I sat down quietly as the food came out. We ate and joked and enjoyed each other's company. I rubbed P's belly to calm Milo down when he became a little too rowdy for his mother. My mom gushed over the belly most of dinner not even trying to hide her excitement for her first grandchild. "Yo Emilio is going to be so spoiled!" Steez said from down the table and everyone laughed agreeing. "Say never spoiled just loved!" Porter spoke for him in her baby voice. "You guys are going to be great parents, I can feel it!" Her Grams said smiling at us. "Thanks Grams!!" Porter said with tears in her eyes and I quickly wiped them. E: oh my goodness Butta you are so attentive to her, I can't wait to see you with little Milo! You're already so good with Mani." I smiled at E and winked. The table was clear and P left coming back with my nice ass cake as everyone sang happy birthday. I said a prayer and blew out my candles. Porter fed me a piece and it was so good. "Yo who made this cake?" Mark asked stuffing his face. "Guilty!" P said feeding me another piece. "You know he can feed himself right P?" Steez asked and I stuck my tongue out at him. "You are correct Stephano he can, but my king isn't lifting a finger on his day!" I pecked her lips causing her to giggle. "Tell him baby!" I encouraged. "Y'all are so cute!!!" Celeste gushed. "So you're doing this for my birthday then?" Julian asked her and she looked him upside his head causing all of us to laugh. "Baby eat some cake I know little man will like it!" I said taking the spoon and feeding her some. We all finished cake and I took it as my cue. "So I asked Porter to put the pictures from our baby announcement back up in the gallery, I would love it if we could all look at them again." No one questioned me out loud at least as we all made our way back into the gallery. Celeste has not only been helping Porter today, but she's also been helping me. Mark came through earlier and helped her as well so we could pull this off. As Porter and everyone began to look at the pictures again, Mark got the lights and Celeste cued the overhead speaker. My voice alone came over explaining how I felt through meeting Porter and this pregnancy. P had seen all of the pictures except we added the sonogram, the picture from the gala, and the picture we took in my office from the Forbes shoot. When she turned around to me I was down on one knee. "Oh my God!" Was the collective response as Porter stood frozen. "Aubrey get up!" She said in disbelief. I chuckled and began speaking from my heart. "When Steez came to me asking for a favor to let his little sister work for me, something in my heart told me I was in trouble. And it was defiantly right because the moment I laid eyes on you when you first walked into my office I fell hard. You gave me a hard time at first always the professional, and you made me so jealous it was weird. But the moment you gave me your most precious gift of yourself, I knew no other man could have you because I would make you mine. I say things I've never said or felt before when it comes to you, and I do things I've never done for any other woman. I went through hell for months without you to watch you become an even more amazing woman from a distance. I continue to fall more deeply in love with you every day and now you're carrying a part of both of us and I'm excited to wake up every morning knowing that I get the pleasure of saying you're mine. So I am finally asking after so long of wanting to and having this ring since the day you left... Porter Sophia Pier will you marry me?" Her hand on her chest and tears streaming down her face she nodded and I finally let out the breath I was holding. "A million times yes!" She came to me and I slid the ring on her finger before kissing her with all the love in my heart. Everyone clapped and cheered and I feel like the women were crying a river. I placed my forehead on P's and kissed her tears away. "I love you so much BabyGirl!" I said to her. "My cup runneth over Papi!" She whispered back with a smirk. "Don't start woman!" We laughed and everyone came to congratulate us. "Chunk this ring is giving me soooo much life!" Remy said looking at it. "I had a feeling I just knew!!!" Erin said hugging me. "Take care of her like we said!" Steez hugged me after her. "Oh my god so the baby and then we have to get that body looking right for your dress, and we have to..." Bam started and we all laughed. "One thing at a time Bam!" Porter said. We took a picture of my hand on her stomach and her hand over mine showing off her ring as we kissed each other. Champagnepapi: Daddy, Mommy, and Milo forever... she said yes! Best birthday ever. ❤️🙌🏽👶🏽🎂 PG_13: Happy Birthday Baby I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!! 💍🎂😘 BamBam: Happy Birthday Big Head!! He liked it so much he put a ring on it y'all!! 😍🎂👑 StephanoEmilio: Happy Birthday Bro!! Take care of them! 👶🏽💍👊🏽👀 Ovomark: More life and blessings bro! We knew she was a keeper! ✊🏽👌🏽💍 #30 Chubbsview: Grown mans shit... The Grahams 💍👶🏽🎂 Ovo40: Family... Happy Bornday Brother! 💍👶🏽🎂 YouloveRemy: Sooooo Happy for y'all!! 😩💍 Happy Birthday Chunk 🙈 PrettEmama: Words can't not express right now. You two deserve so much happiness congrats! And Happy Birthday Butta!!! 😘❤️️💍🎂 AEgames: Take care of my Godsister champagnepapi, Happy Birthday ✊🏽🎂 Celestebaby: You deserve the world and I know he'll give it to you!! Happy Birthday Boss Man ✊🏽😍💍❤️️ It'sJu: Treat my best friend right my friend, Happy Birthday! #PrincessPgottheD 😂💍🎂👶🏽👀 We laughed at the posts everyone made before calling it at night. I got my baby, my fiancé, and my health. A happy birthday it was indeed... Only two more to go!! Leave me love ❤️
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